
Chapter One


 “We all get used. It’s the reality in this world. What choice do women have? Men rule it with an iron fist and that is never going to change. You should be happy you don’t have to think and a man does it for you. It’s your duty to supply an heir. We all must at some point. Like cattle we are and we must enjoy it. I am lucky my first born is a son. If I hadn’t I would be dead. Bella you have spoiled far too much by your parents. You are useless, nothing but a waste, Cairo shouldn’t bother with you, and no less should end you.”

“I have done nothing but do as I requested.” She cast her eyes down to ground. Hoping this unserviceable conservation that was hate driven would end. Bella’s comments always fall upon death ears as the woman continued on.

“Women are property and their owners are men. It is how it should be and will be. You need to be beaten for a change. I wish Cairo would do so and every day. Bella I dream of your screams.”

“I understand.”

“If I had a daughter I’d tell to quit her whining and except her fate. Do you think I wanted to be married? It was the last thing on my mind. I was young and it had been arranged as did all of my friends.  Our husbands had been chosen for us. Women are unfit to make wise decisions. There is no need for our opinions. Cairo fixed me and made me understand. I learned quickly and it’s something I have tried to get him to teach you. He is your blood and it is his job to do so as the man who rules over you.”

“He is not my husband.  The man is my uncle and he will not harm me,” Bella said as she eyed the woman carefully. Not displaying her own feelings towards her that she fought hard to keep hidden.

“Oh Bella you are unwise and you know it to be true. Thus you have no choice but to agree with your dear aunt. You know I speak only of the truth. You toss him sweet smiles to distract him with those crooked teeth of yours. They should be pulled. It’ that smile makes him have pity for you.”

“Yes,” Bella nodded her head in agreement. 

“We should have married off Mary instead. There are men that prefer young girls like her and she is a looker compared to you.”

Bella’s teeth grinded together as she stood till as a statue as her aunt sat there rocking her own child to sleep. Bella’s cousin Edmond. He was four and old enough to go to sleep on his own.  Yet he was the one truly spoiled and done so heavily.

“It’s a shame you aren’t pretty enough. We could have found you another husband farther away and equally dumb as your late husband.”

Bella took every word thrown her way without reacting in tears as she had done in the past.

“Not dumb enough. He figured it all out, your, and my uncles. Soon others will know,” Bella said as she reminded her aunt of the husband that was now dead.  The man was old and rich but he figured it out before he bedded Bella. His death was swift and the marriage was a done deal. It didn’t matter if he came to Bella or not.

“They will not. Unless you speak of it then I shall know who to come to and I will show no mercy. Here give Edmond to his nurse. I need to take me a nap.”

Bella had no one to tell and if she did she wouldn’t utter a word.

“No, rock me so more,” Edmond said as he started to cry when his mother roughly yanked him out of her lap and pushed him to Bella. She was angry on just Bella’s words. Most of it was sparked by her jealousy she had towards the young woman, it fueled everything hateful she said to Bella.

“Later.” She said softly to her son. He wiped away tears that had started to fall immediately.

“Come Edmond, I will play with you if you want.”

“All right,” Edmond said as he stuck his thumb in his mouth.

“You will give the boy to his damned nurse as I told you to.”

“Yes I will.”

Bella hurried her cousin out of the chamber before aunt started with more of her rants. Never would she do this in the presence of her own husband. It was clear to anyone who could see she hated Bella. It was obvious the woman disliked the beautiful Bella. Beauty that she didn’t have but money and tons of it before it was gone. Cairo no less lost half it before they were married for a good two years the rest spent in his endless schemes.

“When will I get to play with Mary again,” Edmond asked. Bella looked down him at him and smiled weakly.

“I don’t know. That is for your father to decide. Come on,” Bella said as she led him to the kitchen where Edmonds nurse was waiting for him.

“I am hungry,” Edmond said as he eyed food that was already awaiting him. He had eaten only one hour before and was now getting food he didn’t need. It wouldn’t be long before he started to gain weight.

“Aw good there you are Bella. Come at once.”

Bella said good bye to Edmond and followed her uncle.

“I am in need of you to do something for me.”

Bella was made to lean in to hear words that he whispered to her and she frowned as she tried to catch every word.

“I don’t understand,” Bella said as she looked at him confused.

“It’s the one thing I actually agree with that your aunt has ever said to me,” Cairo said as he came closer to Bella.

“I don’t understand.”

“People might question his death. You are not with child. I need you to be. I will not lose what I have now all over something as silly as this,” Cairo said as he ran a hair through his hair. Frustration was written over his face as he started to pace.

“Why? I don’t understand.”

“My wife has made me proud for a second time in our time together. I have been working out a plan and it is perfect. He will be like my own son. You will have one no less. Do not worry; you are not like your mother who produced nothing but girls. You come from my line we are known for our sons.”

“Uncle please this plan of yours can it be forgotten. You have endless wealth now and you can give me Mary. We have compiled with all of your demands.”

“I have more that need to be fulfilled. Come now we need to get this over and done.”

Cairo didn’t give her time to stop and think it over as he jerked her along. She didn’t have the slightest clue about his meaning and didn’t get it at all. He explained as he walked what he had in store for Bella. It had to be done to ensure this would forever be his and only his. His plan to raise her child as his own and Cairo have intentions to be the voice his ear to be another one of his pawns.

“His name will be whatever I choose. You will give birth to my salvation,” Cairo said as they come to a stop and he opened a door that led into a room that was half lit.

 "No, uncle Cairo I will not do this, “Bella said as she backed away. She shook her head from side to side. Bella was sick of being a pawn in his game for power.

"Do you forget about little Mary so quickly? I can have her on the block by dawn.  You will do this,” Cairo seemed to use her sister at every corner.  It was all he needed to say to get Bella to do as he requested.  He never meant a word but if it came down to it he’d do it. In his mind it was another killing at the hands of someone else and not his. His only connection would be his word and the order for it to be done after that his hands were clean.

“Yes I will,” Bella said in defeat. Cairo took Bella by her arm and took her into the room.

“He will not be able to hurt you. I saw to it.”

The tears where begging to be released. She didn’t let one drop fall as she nodded her head. She had plans of her own.

“It won’t take long, it never does.”


"Enough with the blushing, your aunt filled you on about this bit as I told her too,” Cairo said as cast his eyes to the floor. Uncomfortable with discussing the ways of love making in front of a girl he’d watch grow. A girl he felt guilt about using but he wanted things and couldn’t stop now from getting what he desired. He considered Bella his own and she would have been if his brother hadn’t wooed her mother. Cairo felt cheated by this. He’d set his sights on Bella’s mother first and vowed to make her his wife.  Cairo felt nothing when he ended their lives to get control of the family’s asset when the will of their father was produced after his death. He’d waited a long time after the will was given and struck at a time when it was right. A time when no one would question the death of Bella and Mary’s parents but many guessed.  Yet they weren’t for certain.


"Yes she told me,” Bella lied. Her aunt didn’t tell her thing other than it would hurt and always would every time she bedded any man. Those words were said a long time ago to Bella. She had no idea what it was her aunt was supposed to tell her but she figured it was about this.

“She knows it well and I am glad the woman did as she was told.”

“Why must I do this?” Bella said in rage. She had done anything he requested but this was more than anything she ever had to do.

"I told you why. Be damned with all your questions and get to it,” Cairo displayed his own anger. His wife knew it all too well this side of her husband.

"What do I do?" Bella said in a panic.

"Your aunt explained. You know what needs to be done," Cairo said quickly to her before exiting the room and slamming the door shut.


"All for Mary," Bella repeated to herself as a mantra. She stopped when the sudden noise of chains moving broke her concentration. It couldn’t be that hard of a task. Cairo said it wouldn’t take long. Bella took a step towards the bed. She'd jumped back as the door flew open and turned around in terror.

“Your uncle remaindered me of something I was to tell you as much as I wanted you to figure it out on your own. I remembered a warning he gave me if you failed.”

She heard the fear in her voice before it was quickly masked.

Bella’s eyes widened in shock at the words coming out of her aunt’s mouth and she looked bewildered back to the bed when she finally got a piece of knowledge. Something she wished could be removed from her brain at the moment. 

“If you dare tell him I only told you at this moment and not sooner I will make you pay.”

“I said you told me,” Bella stuttered out as she stood her ground.

“Excellent. Now get undressed. You can’t have clothes on while you do it.”

Bella watched as he aunt hurried out of the room. Happy that Bella had told her husband a lie. A lie that would keep her away from his rage or his hand for once and Bella knew it. She had gotten used to telling lies for her aunt. Bella stormed over to the bed with a determination to get it over with quickly. He was awake and had been silent the whole time. Blue eyes full of nothing but surprise stared at her as was she by this handsome man that was in the bed. Odd that a man such as he would be in this predicament. Yet she was happy he wasn't ugly looking and old.  She couldn't help but admire this man before her. He was pure male. This man’s shoulders, neck, and chest were thickly muscled. His skin tanned from the sun. Her eyes drifted lower and she blushed. The tasks at hand came back into focus. She cleared her throat. She started to undress and tried not to think about it.

"I am sorry for this. I wish this upon no one. To be taken against their will. This must be done. I must be with child. It is what has been requested of me and I plan to deliver.”  Bella’s cheeks were heated red as she said this. His chains rattled and he spoke against the gag in his mouth. She wanted this over and done with quickly. Without farther delay she made a climb onto the bed. For Mary she repeated in her head and her freedom. A growl came from the man. She didn't let that stop her for Bella had her sister to save. She would not have her sister’s death on her hands. She was only eight. The only real family she had left.

"I must do it. I will be quick. You needn't worry. This isn't your burden to bear. I must do this. Pretend I am someone else if that pleases you,” Bella said as she finally got on top of him.

Bella took a deep breath and stared at the wall.

"I will have a child. I must. Lives depend on it sir. I can't bear to live with myself if someone’s blood was on my hands. If this doesn't happen that blood will be flowing at his command," Bella said as she straddled him better. She lay down on his chest.


"Damn him to hell and back. What I would give to be a boy instead of a woman." Bella had thought and spoken aloud. Her fingers found him, cheeks flaming hot as she did. Bella closed her eyes as she placed him near the warmth between her legs. She was deeply concentrating on how to do this. She didn't get this at all. She attempted this over and over to get him inside of her.  Bella started tremble as she went to do what exactly what her aunt told to do. How she wanted to slip through the floorboards. He was fighting hard not to stand at attention. Sweat was beading on his forehead and the rest of his body. He would not give this woman what she wanted. Although he was tempted more than ever, he couldn't. It wasn't right a woman taking a man against his will. He was raging mad. He wanted to wring her little neck and pound the men that captured him as he was leaving the company of a female friend. He growled at her and mumbled endlessly to get her attention. Bella stayed zoned out as she stimulated him ever so gently causing him to clamp down on the gag in his mouth.


"It's weird that it does that,” Bella said as she looked down at his hardened member. She tried not to laugh. Her aunt said it would be as such if she did exactly what she told her. Releasing him she lifted her shaft off of her body. That was his undoing as he become harder. Curse his damn manhood he thought to himself. His eyes fall about to look over her frame. She was small but well formed. His eyes strayed at those wonderful breasts of hers. Bella put him in the right direction and lowered herself. She whimpered at the pain. Bella couldn't do it almost gave up when she heard her uncles voice at the door. He told her to think of Mary. She took deep breaths as she thought of sister. Taking her time she slowly inched down. She moved clumsily against him she hurried to get over with this horrible ordeal. She sobbed at the pain. How she hated her uncle and her dead parents. For allowing this to be her fate, to be forced into an unwanted marriage and now this insensible crime to bear a child. Bella prayed for miracle that someone would walk in and stop this nonsense. The tightest of her had him at the edge sooner then he wanted. Damn her! He attempted to unseat her one. Bella leaned down and held onto him. Her tears soaking his chest as she continued to move and he couldn't resist anymore and succumbed to the primal instinct he knew so well. He would get her for this. He would make this woman pay.

“Are you done,” Cairo asked at the door.

“I don’t know,” Bella said as she sniffed. She heard the sound of laughter underneath her and fought the urge to pinch the man laughing at her unawareness.


Chapter Two


Bella walked back and forth in her chambers. Biting her nails nervously. They were late and there wasn’t much time to waste. Every horrible thought passed through her mind. As soon as her door opened a cry of relief passed her lips. She ran towards her little sister.

“I missed you so much little one,” Bella said as she hugged her sister tightly.

“Not as much as I missed you. Now we can be together forever,” Mary bellowed as she increased her grip around Bella’s neck. Bella felt queasy and released her sister.

“I must be truthful. This will be the last time you see me. I don’t know when the next you shall see me.”

“Why?” Mary screeched as she went to throw her arms back arms back around her sister. Bella held Mary back at arm’s length. It had to be this way.

“Hush Mary, you must be strong.”

“Why can’t we be together?”

“I need you to not be afraid. Linda here will keep you safe.”

Bella looked at the woman who’d been a loyal friend to her deceased mother. She nodded to Bella not speaking any words. Linda didn’t need to and Bella nodded back.

“I have arranged for you escape. I would rather die than to see uncle Cairo use you as he has done me.”

Bella swallowed the lump in her throat away as her aunts words ran through her mind. There was a plan to have Mary in an arranged marriage it was to be done when Mary turned thirteen.

“I don’t care as long as I am with you.”

“Enough you must go now. I promise I will come to you. It may be long before I can but I will.”

“Come with me now,” Mary said low in a whisper. Bella tried not to cry at the desperation in Mary’s voice.

“I cannot. Please go. Here take this. It was our mothers. Father gave it to her on their wedding night.”

Bella went for the necklace around her neck.

“You keep it and bring it to me. I expect you to,” Mary said as she wiped away her tears.

“And so I shall,” Bella said as her bottom lip trembled.

“Take her now Linda you have all you shall need for your journey.”

“Yes Bella I do. Don’t worry I will keep her safe. I hope to see you there soon,” Linda said as she grabbed Mary’s hand.

“I love you Bella. Join me soon.”

“I will try. Now go. Time is passing. Hurry I can’t have Cairo finding you before you have had a chance to escape.”

“Come Mary,” Linda sad as she directed Mary to the door. Mary looked back and waved goodbye with tears in her eyes.

“Be strong,” Bella said to her before the door closed.

Cairo was going to be mad when he returned. To find Mary not locked away in her room but far away. In fact on her current path to India and by then it would be too late. Mary would be safely abroad a ship already at sea.

Bella went to change into a servant’s uniform. She had a long way to travel. Bella had just one more act of deviance against her uncle. After she was done Bella guided her to the stables without detection. The young stable boy was given a few pieced for his silence. She rode fast and hard to the place she had heard of and hoped it could be done.

By the time Bella reached the small cottage hidden deep in the woods it was dusk. It was a haunting sight. The way the vines overran it to the point it was hard to make out that there was even anything there. Before Bella could dismount the door to the cottage was opened was opened .An elderly woman stepped out.

“I have come to-“  Bella began but the woman interrupted her.

“I know why you have come to see me. It doesn’t need to be said. Come inside and we shall begin.”

Bella tied her horse to the post and hurried inside.

“My payment,” the old woman said as she held out her hand.

“Will it work,” Bella said as she quickly handed over the small sack of money.

“First you need to drink this.” The woman handed over a foul smelling drank to Bella. The smell alone had Bella gagging.

“Down it all it you want this to work.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“You want the babe or not. I don’t return payments once I have received it.”

Bella held her nose and drunk as fast as she could. Its taste was almost like the smell, it was so disgusting but Bella kept drinking until it was gone. She would not have this baby that Cairo wanted. Bella whipped her mouth and handed the cup back to the woman.

“Now undress and lay down flat on the cot.” The woman said as she removed a pot of heated water from the fire she had going. Bella saw the cot over in the cover. It looked so depressing. She wondered how many other woman had done this before.  Bella none the less started to get undressed. Cairo didn’t know she was already with child. She knew the moment her bleeding didn’t start two days ago as it was supposed to. One week of attempting to bed that stranger and this was the result. Cairo and her aunt acted as if there was nothing wrong and didn’t waste any time to make sure she was doing as she was told. They knew that she would do what they told her to do. Bella had the man released without anyone’s knowledge but Linda’s. The woman agreed it was time for Bella and Mary to start a new life far away from the madness, for the two of them to finally live a life of happiness, and prevent Mary from becoming a young bride. Cairo might kill Bella as soon as he found out.

“Bite down on this.” Bella frowned as the woman stuffed something hard into her mouth. Bella was scared and really didn’t want to do this. It was either this or sit back and watch while her child be raised by her aunt and uncle. If she was to die for this crime she was committing then so be it. Bella’s legs were pulled upwards and spread apart.

“It is crucial that you remain still. There will be pain M’lady.”

“I am not a lady,” Bella said as she took the piece of hard material out of her mouth so she could reply.

“You don’t fool me and you wouldn’t be the first to visit me here,” The woman said firmly with a knowing look in her eyes.

“Just do it and be done,” Bella said as she tried to relax.


It was done. It was the most excruciating pain she had ever felt. Bella couldn’t help but feel as if a piece of her had died.  She had no choice but to stay at the cottage until morning. Despite not having much strength, as soon as it was morning Bella headed back. Her stomach ached with painful cramps. After a while riding the horse was a no go. The motion and being up so high suddenly made her dizzy. She had to stop several times to throw up along the way. Bella walked the rest of the way leading the horse behind her to make it back to see a small raging battle and mad hysteria all around.

She caught her pudgy aunt running in the direction of a carriage, her close maids behind her with jewels in their hands, and Edmonds nurse carrying him along to join his mother. Fate was a funny thing and worked in strange ways. Bella couldn’t help but laugh.

“M’lady we have been looking all over for you. Rosehaven as you can see is under attack and have killed the lord,” A serving maid said as she ran towards Bella.

“What do you speak of,” Bella said as she stopped to give her attention to the maid.

“Your husband was killed in his chambers. You aunt and uncle said so.”

“You were told a lie. Your master was long dead before then,” Bella said before walking away, leaving the servant looking at her mouth agape. There had been rumors he might have been but no one was going to question such a thing aloud.

The pain in Bella’s stomach was getting worse. It felt as if a thousand knifes were being stuck at her abdomen at the same time. She fought the urge to lay down on the ground and curl up into a ball. There was nothing here for her anymore. She needed find a ship and follow right behind Mary.

“I have been looking all over for you,” A harsh voice said from the left of her. She looked there to see a giant of a man in make his way towards her. Bella was too far gone in her pain to feel any fear. The man took of his head gear as he stopped in front of Bella. She looked up into those eyes she’d come to know so well, he was the father of the child that was no more. His eyes were filled with so much hate.

“I ask that you kill me swiftly and not drag your feet about it.”

“I won’t kill you yet when you carry my child,” He said in rage as he roughly grabbed her by the arm. Her face went pale from the pain and fear combined.

“There is no child,” Bella said in a whisper as she was led away from the chaos.

Chapter Three

Bella was left in the care of a guard as her now enemy returned to finish and take his rage out elsewhere. She tried to seek information from the man tasked with the order to guard her but he only ignored her questions.

Bella’s clothing became soaked from her sweat. She couldn’t bare much more of the pain she was feeling. It seemed to amplify with each passing minute. Clenching her teeth together and breathing evenly didn’t help. It started to feel as if she was truly dying.

“You don’t look so good,” The guard said as he caught her from falling to the ground.

“I’m dying,” Bella said as she bended over and threw up.

“You’d better have a sit. I don’t think you are dying just a little sick is all.”


“I’m dying,” Bella repeated again before passing out. 

Bella woke up disoriented to the sound of voices above her. One belonged to a man and the other to a woman. She wanted them to hush because of the pounding headache she had. She only mumbled her request.

She dosed off again but not before she heard the woman speak yet again.

"There is no longer a babe M'lord."


Bella drifted in and out of consciousness. She would always be met by someone forcing her to drink and eat. Which she would just vomit back up. She would always feel someone wetting her face with a cool rag in a soothing manner.

One the fourth day Bella awoke to the sound of a woman humming a lullaby beside her. Her eyes flew open.

"Mama,"she said as she sat up in the bed. Realization hit her hard that her mother was dead. She sagged into the mattress as she laid back down.

"Aw,you are awake?"The woman who had been humming said as she got up from her seat by the window seal.

Bella looked over at the woman and sat back up. She overlooked the woman's appearance; she didn't look like a maid and wasn't dressed like one. Bella placed the woman in her forties.

"Where am I?Bella said as she sat back up.

"You are in Brookshire."

"How did I get here?"

"You were brought here by my brother. Lay down you need your strength."

"Thank you but I must be on my way. I have my sister-"

"Rest. You have been consumed by a fever for almost a week now."

"I was."Bella said as she tried to remember what happened before then.

"Yes," The woman said as she pulled the blanket back up.

"Thank you Lady-

"Victoria,"she said with a smile. Bella weakly smiled back. She couldn't help but notice that Victoria resembled somebody she knew. For the life of her she couldn't think of who that was.

"Have me met before?"

"No. This is your first time meeting me and the same for me. I am sorry but we have not met before," Victoria said as she patted Bella on the arm.

"You just remind me of someone."

"Rest now. I will get one of the maids to send you up some porridge." Victoria said before leaving.

"Thank you."Bella said before the door closed behind her. Bella frowned when she heard the sound of voices shouting. She heard Victoria yelling 'leave the poor girl alone,' along with the sound of feet pounding down the hallway. That didn't sound good at all to her.


Bella sat up and threw the blanket off of her. She'd swung her legs over was about to place her feet firmly on the ground when the door flew open.

"Godric enough. Allow the lady to regain her strength."Victoria said from behind her brother.

"Victoria I am master here and will do as I choose."Godric said before shutting the door in his sisters face. Victoria hiked up her skirts and left with a huff.

Bella couldn't see him but she knew that voice. If he was Victoria's brother then he was the lord. Bella cursed her uncle. Of all the men his man had to capture this one.

She was trembling in fear as he made his way to her in the poorly lit room. She wouldn't look up when he stopped in front her. She fought the urge to.


"I should kill you but that would only anger my sister and mother."

"What kind of lord worries what a woman thinks of him?"Bella bite her lip at what she'd said. She expected him to reply back in some violent way.

"What kind of woman allows herself to miscarry a child?" Godric said in heated anger." You should have been resting. Not indulging yourself in a exertion behavior."

Bella closed her eyes and groaned. She couldn't let this man think that she'd lost the babe through natural causes.

"That is not how I lost the child."Bella said in utter fear.

"I don't care. You lost it none the less. I could choke you to death for what you have done to go about it to get one from me. That is the most vilest thing a woman could do. A woman shouldn't even- ..... ...its not in their nature. You must be the devil in the flesh."Godric said as he paced back and forth in front of her.


"I only did it because I had no choice. As I told you before lives depended it."

"Damn their lives. What of mine? You weren't taken in the middle of the night. Going about your business. To be knocked unconscious. Chained not knowing your fate at the end of it all. Weather you would live or day the next day."

"You should have a understanding then. Doing things and being used against your will."Bella spat at him in anger as she folded her arms. This was not her fault. She wasn't the one to go and kidnap him." I didn't want to come to you and do those things. It was forced upon me. A lady does not engage in such a manner but when threats upon your life come into play things change. If that weren't the case I would have never done it. With you are any man."

"Boo hoo. If you want pity wench forget it. You wont be getting any from me."Godric shouted as he stalked over to her. Bella closed her eyes and licked her lips.

"Don't do that."Godric growled. Bella opened her eyes and dared to look up.

"What?"she asked.

"Lick your lips like the vixen you are."

"I not a vixen nor a wench sir and wont allow for you to continue to call me such names."

"I will call you what ever name I please. And you shall not object."

"Well then if you have no means to kill me and since I no longer carry your babe I would like to be on my way." Bella said as she stood up, head held high, and her chest poked out."M'lord,"she added.


"Aye you aren't carrying my babe but now I can have my revenge."

"Then as I said to you before do so quickly and swiftly."

"No I won't kill you."Godric said with an evil smirk on his face. He sniffed the air in the room." It smells quite awful in here. You need a bath wench. Take one,make yourself ready and present yourself to me in my chambers. I shall tell you of my revenge."


Bella's face was flaming red.

"And if I don't,"Bella said as she worked to mask her anger.


"I guess we shall cross that bridge when we get there. Be advised that would be unwise. Don't keep me waiting." Godric said before making his exit.

Bella rolled her eyes. She needed to think of a way to escape this mess. So she could finally be with Mary.

"I was sent to help."a short lady said as she hurried into the room.

"Aye,it would appear so." Bella said. A hand went up to the necklace around her throat. She gasped when she didn't feel it.

"My necklace." she said as she looked at the bed feeling around."

"Wot 'as that M'lady."the servant asked.

"My necklace is missing. Help me find it."

"That 'ould be currently around Melissa's neck."

"Who is this Melissa. She has stolen from me. Call her here at once."

"That I can't do. It was the master who has given it to her. She 'anted it so he gave it."

Bella's eyes were wide with rage. How dare he?

"Take me to his chambers." Bella deman


Publication Date: 07-24-2013

All Rights Reserved

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