By Ronnie Ron
Part 1: Discovery
It was in May of 2014, and in the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, all the kids were getting ready for the last 2 weeks of high school then summer break! There was one teen tho that didn't really care for summer break, and his name was Golden. 17 year old Golden whose real name was Gavin Sapp, was nicknamed Golden by his parents because he was their only child, and being that his mom Heather, had some miscarriages before Golden, Golden was pretty much treasured because he was a miracle baby.
Golden was on his way to another one of his classes which was creative writing, his favorite class. Golden was a straight A student and his stories were well received, but there was one boy who sat across the room and he was always looking at, his name was Emmanuel, AND HE WAS FUCKIN CUTE! But Golden could never muster up the strength to talk to Emmanuel, I mean he was cute and darkskin, tall as a muthafucka and he had these caramel brown eyes that had Golden in a trance sometimes! The teacher Ms. Hones then came in to talk to the class
"Ok class as you can tell it's the final 2 weeks so get everything missing together, and to be honest I'm goin to miss all of you but especially you Golden, you write some of the best stories I've ever read!" Said the teacher Ms. Hones with glee
"Thanks Ms. Hones!" Said Golden
"As you all know the school is partnering with Big Brother to take kids on a lil summer camp to Bald Mountain in Georgia and they need chaperones so they only have one slot left whose gonna deal with these 10 year olds for a week?"
"I'll do it I mean I don't have other plans,"
"Why thank you Golden, I'll give this to the counselor," said Ms. Hones
Then Golden started staring at Emmanuel again, he was so beautiful, and then when Emmanuel spoke his voice was so deep and sexy that shit made Golden wet and he didn't even have a pussy! But Golden didn't understand why he was falling for Emmanuel cause all his life he liked girls or so he thought, and even tho he never had a girlfriend he always thought that women were his main attraction. But Golden also had a history of boy crushes too, it was something about a cute boy that really worked his insides and he felt really....wrong.
After school got out that day Golden went home where he lived with his parents Heather and Gerald. Heather would work at the local department store where she was a sales clerk and Gerald was a union factory worker, this usually meant Golden was home alone at least until 5pm. But during that time Golden would get on the laptop and just write, and look up pictures of his boy crushes too, he loved darkskin boys just liked Emmanuel, and would admire the sexyness, once again he felt wrong but it felt good too! But Golden knew that if his parents found out about his sexuality that he be in HUGE trouble! For his parents were both very homophobic and condemned anything that wasn't heterosexual! Soon Golden heard the door open so he quickly deleted his history!
"Hey mom, how was your day?" Asked Golden
"Ugh it was terrible, we had so many customers and then two black guys stole like $500 in merchandise we had to hunt them down like I can't stand some of these niggers sometimes," said heather as she turned on the tv
Golden parents were also very racist, and golden tried not to let his parents negativity rub off on him but his mom and dad were very close minded,
"But mom do you have to say THAT?"
"Say what?"
"What you just said,"
"Alright fine sorry but I'm being honest I can't stand them, and don't bring a black girl home either," said Heather not knowing his son may be gay
"Well I'm going to chaperoning some kids at a summer camp and I just need you to sign this permission slip,"
"OOOOH sounds nice, get you out this city and away from these nig...I mean certain people,"
"Mom cmon don't be like that!"
"Golden I'm not in the mood, anyway where are you going?"
"Well I'm going to a mountain in Georgia, and it's for a week, looks good on a college app,"
"Well hey anything that'll get you a scholarship is alright with me," said heather
Then golden went to his room and looked at cute boys oh his iPhone, cuz his parents aren't nosy there, then he got a text from his friend Denise, who wanted to meet up with him at park. But while Golden was texting Heather decided to use the laptop and she saw one of the sexy boy sites that Golden was looking at,
"Yeah mom?"
"What's what the hell is that?"
"Oh that was a pop-up I tried to get rid of it," said Golden
"Ok, you know we don't allow this gay filth in this house you understand!"
"Yes mam, uh Denise texted me can I go meet up with her?"
"Sure go ahead, but be back before 11," said Heather
Then Golden left and his dad came back, he was pissed after a long day at work and saw Heather at the laptop,
"Hey honey how was your day?"
"Ugh it was something else, I don't wanna talk about it, how about you?"
"A fuckin mess..."
"Watch your mouth!"
"Sorry, it's just that we were putting down sheet metal and then the Mexican workers started complaining and told the union boss and now we off work until they figure it out like Heather some people just don't care,"
"Tell me about it I had 2 black guys steal 4 handbags worth $500 and they actually thought nobody was watching like can you believe that,"
"Well I got a lil money saved up to take that trip to Palm Beach we been talking about forever, and Golden a big boy now so why not,"
"I'll think about it," said a stressed out Heather
Meanwhile at the park down the street, Golden met up with Denise and Lisa who were his friends for many years. They go to school with him and they couldn't wait for summer break!
"Hey guys,"
"Hey Golden how you doin?" Asked Lisa
"I'm fine, how bout you guys?"
"Well I'm goin to California this summer with my grandparents," said Denise
"And I'm just gettin a job, nothing exciting, what about you Golden?"
"Well I'm going to this summer camp I'm a volunteer,"
"Uh oh gotta deal with lil badass kids you betta than me cuz I couldn't do it....."
But as Denise was talking a sexy ass man who was jogging was running past the three and he caught Golden's eye! He was buff and had a pound cake, and a lil beard too, all sweaty and abs all wet! Golden just stared and Lisa and Denise noticed
"Golden, what are you looking at?" Asked Lisa
"Oh I'm sorry, Um you guys I need to tell you something,"
"What you're gay?" asked Denise
"Yeah we already knew that," said Lisa
"Oh and you don't have an issue with that?" Asked golden
"No we love gay boys," said Denise
"Besides I think it's like really cute an kinda sexy," said Lisa
"Yeah baby don't feel bad," said Denise
"Well you see theres this boy in my writing glass his name is Emmanuel and he is so fuckin cute!"
"OOOOH you mean the sexy
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Publication Date: 08-27-2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-7084-3
All Rights Reserved