
Meet Me and My I Don't Care


“Newsflash I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks of me. I am me deal with it. It’s not my fault you can’t stand me or how I dress, look, talk, act, etc. You are just too, stubborn to realize that not everyone wants to be a Barbie bitch like you!” I yelled then turned on my heel and walked away. Yeah, this is how I talk to the normal plastic bitches of my world. That was Charissa, number one bimbo, and let’s just say her and I don’t get along too well.

“Yeah, you better run.” She calls after me acting like she won, Oh hell no I think I turned around and stormed back.

“You really need to think before you speak.” I said then slammed my fist into her fake-ass face. Solves that problem, huh, I guess I’ll have detention again, Oh well. She runs off crying and whining, something about her daddy. Ha-Ha.

Well anyways I’m Shaniqua (sha-nee-qua) I am a werewolf and I live with my best friend and her brother. Their parents died when she was three and he was four, in a car accident, and my parents don’t give a crap what I do. I haven’t lived with them for six months and I am better off now than I was with them. So here’s a little but about me: I am seventeen years old, I am five foot eight and have dark tan skin. I have long straight red/brown hair and bright green eyes. I am in tip top shape and have an attitude like no other.

It almost the end of my junior year at this hell-hole of a school and I am so hyped for next year because it will be my last. Then I am going to go to college for cosmetology, because I love beauty and so I have designer clothes (my parents are filthy rich and I have a job as well) and always do my hair and makeup in awesome and outrageous ways. People think I am a freak, but I, as you may have noticed, don’t care.

I headed out to my car and hopped in I had just started the vehicle when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pull it out and answer it, it’s my brother Jordan. He still lives with our parents because he’s fifteen though almost sixteen.

“Hey little bro, what’s up?” I say happy that he called. He and I are really close; as we were growing our parents were never around, so I took care of him.

“Hey Shani (sha-nee)” he’s the only one who calls me that. “Do you think it’d be okay if I spent the night at Casey’s house? Dad and mom are fighting and blaming it all on me.” He sounded so upset, I was so pissed. “I mean can you ask her for me?” I knew she would say yes he was like a little brother to her.

“Don’t worry I be right there to pick you up. You just hang tight and pack all your things. You’ll be staying with us from now on.” I said buckling my seatbelt I could hear our parents screaming in the background.

“What about Casey though, I don’t want her to be upset, what if…”
“Save it, you know you’re like the little brother she never had. She’ll be fine and if she’s not I’ll take care of it.” I said cutting him off, he worries too much. “Now I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, pack your things. Bye I love you little bro.”

“Okay Shani, love you too, bye” He said then hung up. I had wondered why he hadn’t been at school today. He’s a freshman this year so I always knew when he was there or not. It bothered me when he wasn’t here because that usually meant that our dad or mom had beaten him. I pulled out of the lot, still in deep thought. Our family wasn’t like a normal family when it came to abuse. It wasn’t like where the drunken dad beats up the wife and kids. No here they both did. When I was there they didn’t beat him, just me, but know that I wasn’t there I guess they started taking out their damn aggressions on him.

I felt terrible that I left him like that, but I had always thought that they loved him. He was a straight A student who never got into any trouble, I was an A-B student who was always getting in fights and stuff like that. I didn’t really care about anything, but my brother and my friend. Plus everyone in my pack, I was alpha female of the Moonblood Pack and thirteen people in it besides me and my brother, so fifteen total. They all lived with us in Casey’s house in case I hadn’t mentioned that before. Casey was my beta, and then there was Erin (guy), Stephanie, Alexander (Stephanie’s twin bro), Peter, Alexia, Xavier, Jennie, Ashlyn, Jake, Corey (guy), Destiny, and Braydyn. The only ones mated were Jake to Ashlyn and Corey to Destiny.

Here’s a little bit of a description so you can get an idea of what they look like. Casey: 5’8’, long straight chocolate brown hair with reddish highlights, light blue eyes, pale skin. Erin: 5’10’, short spiky light blonde hair, dark brown eyes, dark skin. Stephanie: 5’4’, shoulder length dark brown straight hair with blonde highlights, green eyes, tan skin. Alexander: 5’11’, long brown shaggy hair, green eyes, tan skin. Peter: 5’11’, long shaggy dirty blond hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Alexia: 5’6’, long straight blonde hair with darker streaks, gray-blue eyes, light skin. Xavier: 6’1’, black buzz-cut hair, bright green eyes, very dark skin. Jennie: 5’3’, mid-back black frizzy-curly hair, dark bluish eyes, deep tan skin. Ashlyn: 5’2’, shoulder length black straight hair, brown eyes, very pale skin. Jake: 6’0’, reddish brown short hair, hazel eyes, light skin. Corey: 5’9’, shaggy black semi-long hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Destiny: 5’6’, long black wavy hair pink highlights, light brown eyes, dark skin. Braydyn: 6’4’, short light brown hair, silver-blue eyes, tan skin. Everyone in our pack, being werewolves as we are, is in top notch shape, and very athletic. But at least now you kind of know what we all look like.

The thing is they are not our real parents, as babies we were both given to a family to care for us when our parents were captured by the demons. When we were young they were so loving and kind. Then as I got to be about eleven the changed little by little, now they are monsters. I still call them dad and mom though I really don’t know why. Habit I guess, but we still to this day don’t know anything about our real parents. We don’t even know if they are alive. Anyway, the only reason we went to the same family is because we are in the same pack. It’s different for things like angels, they don’t have packs so siblings may be split up eternally. One of those times I am glad I am a werewolf.

By this time I was at my parents house and as I got out of my car I heard yelling and then the clashing of things being thrown around. I ran up to the door and right into the house. I followed the loud banging up the stairs and into my parents bedroom. I slammed the door open and both of them jumped, as they turned to face me I saw Jordan on the floor and my dad crouched over him. I was immediately fueled by anger and ‘pounced’ on him, I pinned him to the ground. He stared up at me in shock for a minute before he realized what had happened. Then my mother tried to pull me off of him and I shoved her down all the while glaring at my dad.

“Jordan, grab your things and take them out to my car, just toss them in the trunk and get in. I’ll be there in a minute” He got up slowly and then spitting blood on the carpet ran out of the room. I got up and pulled my father up with me staring at him in disgust. I pushed him backwards and he stumbled and landed on the bed.

“What kind of bitches are you? What the hell do you think you are doing?” I spit at them “My mom lunged at me, big error there. I stepped out of the way and grabbed her arm as she fell. I dragged her up so my face was right in hers I could see her shaking in fear and anger. I pushed her onto the bed with him and then stepped back.

“I wouldn’t do that again if I were you.” I stared at them as they glared back at me.

“How dare you come in here, I told you never to come back here you disrespectful little bitch.” My dad sneered “Who gave you permission to come around here and then think you can take my son.” I internally laughed at that.

“Son? My ass you jerk. You treat him like a punching bag. You are the biggest freaking coward I have ever seen. I am taking him with me, and since you don’t know where I live, Bye Bye. You’ll never see either one of us again. I wouldn’t even try if I were you though.” I turned around and walked out of the house. I got in the car and reached into my purse and pulled out some tissues. I handed them to Jordan so he could clean himself up.

“What did you do to them?” He asked me quietly as we pulled out of the driveway.
“I just scared the shit out of ‘em I think that’s about it, but they won’t ever touch you again.” I leaned over and gave him a hug, then we headed home.

I am Oh So Happy!


I was so glad that my sister came to get me out of that hellish place. Those people have no right to even be around me or her ever again. It was hard after she left, I felt so alone, except when I got to see her at school. I used to try and defend her when they’d beat her, even though was pretty powerful, but that never ended well, she just got into more trouble. Now that she wasn’t there I had no one. It wasn’t bad at first; they didn’t start beating me until about two months after she left. I didn’t want to tell Shaniqua about it, because I knew she had a lot on her mind with being pack Alpha female and all. I guess she eventually figured it out, because now I’m going to be living with the pack.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Shani asked me. I guess I had been thinking for a while now, because I hadn’t even realized that we were at the pack house.

“Huh, oh nothing, I was just thinking.” Though I knew she wouldn’t fall for it, she and I both say ‘Huh, oh nothing’ when we lie about something or don’t feel like talking.

“Yeah, right like you can fool me.” She smiled weakly, but she didn’t get to ask anymore questions because six people came out of the house and were bounding over to the car. Then Casey practically pulled me out and gave me a huge hug.

“Hey little J” she yelled, that’s a nickname that she gave me when I was six, and she still uses it to this day. “Oh I’m so glad you’re gonna be livin’ here now! Here let’s get your things up to your room, we all decided that you can have the room next to Nia’s, just in case. So awesome Bray (Braydyn) here moved his things into another room.” Nia is what she calls Shani.

“Thanks man” I said to Braydyn shaking his hand then he pulled me into a hug. He was the closest guy to me, like a big brother. He got me out of trouble at school, and when kids picked fights with me, he stood up for me.

“Yeah, no prob.” He smiled at me. Then we all walked inside, and they helped me get situated. When I was finished I went downstairs into the living room, where everyone was at.

“Okay everyone, now that we officially have the entire pack together, I say we need to celebrate!” Shani yelled. I just smiled, she throws the best parties and celebrations ever, this was going to be fun.


“Okay everyone, now that we officially have the entire pack together, I say we need to celebrate!” I yelled. I was so happy that we were all together that I decided to have a little fun. I went over and sat down by Jordan. “Hey, how goes it little bro?” I asked him.

“Pretty good, I’m glad to be here instead of hell.” I smirked I guess it could be considered hell. I knew that is what it felt like to me.

“Yeah, well you didn’t think I was gonna leave you there forever did ya?” I scowled playfully at him. “What kind of sister do you think I am?”

“The bestest big sistah.” He laughed using baby talk that always made me smile. I leaned over and gave him a hug.

“I want chocolate!” I sang “Peter! You should go to the store and buy me some chocolate.” I grinned pleadingly at him

“Wow, not random at all” Alexander said rolling his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at him, I am the most random person you’ll meet. Also in case you haven’t noticed the people in this house were really all I cared about. So I was being myself, and not such a bitch, which is my other self. I have multiple personalities. Are you like that ever? No, maybe it’s just me then. Ha-ha.

“Why? You have a car, two legs, and cash, go buy some yourself.” He said trying not to look at me while I gave him my puppy dog look.

“I don’t want to go to the store and get some. Why do you think I asked you? Duh.” I said rolling my eyes. I knew he’d give in eventually. He’s such a softie.

“You need to go get the party stuff anyway. I don’t know what you want for the party. Besides you’re the awesome party planner.” He said

“Pete, now we know flattery won’t get you anywhere.” I grinned as I walked over to him; he stood up ready to run for it. “Anyways, we’re not getting the stuff till after school tomorrow, its Wednesday fool, I ain’t having no party tonight.” We have four day school weeks at my school; the days are just a little longer though. I was ready to pounce on him, when he bolted. The look on his face was priceless; he was running like a scared bunny rabbit. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even chase him. Everyone else just watched in amusement.

“Oooh, I want a bunny rabbit!” I yelled. Just watching Pete run made me start thinking about a cute little bunny.

“Again, totally not random” Said Alex (Alexander) sarcastically.

“Yeah so what, it’s not my fault I’m awesome” I said to him.

“Awesome, ha, my ass” He dared, so I ran and jumped onto his lap pinching and poking him on his stomach and in his ribs. Then I remembered he was ticklish and began tickling him making him and everyone else burst out laughing.

“St-tt-o-o-o-pppp!” He sputtered trying to catch his breath. I began laughing too.

“Never! You must first admit that I am awesome.” I said struggling to stay on top of him, he was damn strong. He flipped us over and reversed it so that he was tickling me.

“Oh really, must I now? I seems as though you’ve lost your bargaining chip.” He grinned evilly. Ah Shit, I thought to my self.

“Aexia! Stephanie! Help Meeeeeee! He’s attacking me. Jordan please help meh!” I was still trying to tickle him back, but every time I’d lift my arms he’d tickle under my arms.

“I’ll help you” said Jordan he jumped on Alex’s back and was trying to pull his arms back; it gave me enough room to wiggle out from under him.

“Run Jordan!” I screamed running down the hallway and into my room. I hope he got away.

“Imma get you J” I heard Alex yell. Oh well that answers that. I plopped down on my bed, then realized I still wanted y chocolate. Oh well. I heard a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I asked

“It’s me” said Alex “Can I come in?”

“Only if you’re not going to tickle me anymore.” I said and he opened the door.

“I promise.” He smirked, I patted the bed next to me and he sat down next to me. I pulled him down so he was lying next to me. We had lain like this a hundred times before, but this time it was different. I mean I always knew that I liked Alex, but never could tell if he felt the same way for me. Or if he felt more like friends, or even more like my brother. But now lying next to him, I realized that I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to know.

“Alex?” I said quietly

“Hmmm?” He replied and began to run his fingers through my hair. My heart began beating hard against my chest.

“Well, I have a question for you. Promise to answer truthfully? It’s really important.” I asked rolling over to face him, and propping myself up on my elbow. “Do you like me?” I asked in a rush. His eyes got big and he opened his mouth to speak, but didn’t say anything. “I mean it. I have always liked you, but wasn’t ever sure if you like me back. I didn’t know how else to find out. I know this seems a little forward, and I’m sorry, but I just can’t take it any more. I have to know the truth, and if you don’t I wish you’d tell me now. I’ve been trying to figure it out, but even when I thought you did, I needed to know for sure straight from you” I said still waiting for a response.


“Do you like me?” she asked so fast I thought maybe I was imagining it. I opened my mouth to tell her how much I really did care for her, but I couldn’t get the words out. “I mean it. I have always liked you, but wasn’t ever sure if you like me back. I didn’t know how else to find out. I know this seems a little forward, and I’m sorry, but I just can’t take it any more. I have to know the truth, and if you don’t I wish you’d tell me now. I’ve been trying to figure it out, but even when I thought you did, I needed to know for sure straight from you” she said, she talks a lot when she’s nervous. I still didn’t know what to say. My wolf growled at me.

“Say something you idiot or she’ll leave you!”

It growled angrily.

I still had nothing to say, so instead I just leaned in to kiss her. When I did electric bolts shot through me. I pressed my lips to hers then she reaponded hungrily. I tangled my hands in her hair and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Then I pulled back and just looked at her with a huge shit-eatin grin on my face. Oh My God I was so happy.

“So I take that as a yes then?” She grinned then snuggled into me then we fell asleep.


He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine and sparks went through my body. I responded hungrily, I just couldn’t get enough, he was an amazing kisser. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer while he tangled his hands in my hair. Then he pulled back, and I grinned at him, he had a huge grin on his face. I love him so much.

“So I take that as a yes then?” I smiled at him then snuggled up into him and fell asleep happily.

Can't Have a Normal Day


I woke up with Alex’s arms around me, at first I was confused, but then the memories from the night before, came flooding back to me. I smiled happily and snuggled into him. I was really a big lovable person when it came to the pack, so you may have been shocked at me going from, I hate you, you stupid bitch earlier that day to I love you so much and didn’t know how to tell you, shy, and caring last night. You’ll notice that a lot with me, just so you know.
I propped myself up on my elbow to look over Alex and check my clock, shit, it was only five in the morning. So I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t, I wasn’t tired enough. Then I sat up and stretched then slipped out of the covers and over to my dresser. I grabbed a towel and some underwear and a bra, and then I went into my bathroom to take a shower. I stood in the shower for about fifteen minutes, letting the water wake me up fully. I finally got out and dried off, then put on my things and went to get clothes. As I stepped out of the bathroom I checked to make sure Alex was still sleeping so I could get dressed. I went over to my closet and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black cami, a red crop top that said “Love is What You Make It” in bright blue, and my knee high fur lined beige leather boots and matching bag. I slipped on my clothes, brushed out my hair added some mousse, did my makeup. Then grabbed my bag and shoes and went downstairs.
I decided to be extra nice this morning and make breakfast, which I never really do on school mornings. I pulled out the pancake stuff, and made ones with bananas, ones with blueberries, ones with chocolate chips, ones with honey and ones with peach. Then I made bacon, and some fruit salad. I set the table which was huge and put out all the food. I then proceeded to make some scrambled eggs with meat, cheese, onions, bell peppers, and the like. While I was making that Alex came down, and stood in the kitchen doorway rubbing his eyes.
“Hey Alex, you’re up kind of early. It’s only six, fifteen.” I said smiling at his bed head. His hair was everywhere.
“Hmmm, I know, but this smells really good” he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. Then kissed my head. “You smell really nice too.” I smiled
“Well someone seems happy this morning.” I said turning around and kissing his mouth. He picked me up and set me on the counter, never breaking the kiss. I leaned into him and he ran his tongue across my bottom lip I just opened my mouth, when I heard someone coughing.
“Uh-hem. Not really something I want to wake up to.” Stephanie said “My brother and you making out on the counter while the food burns on the stove.” I smirked at her.
“Yeah, well there’s plenty of other food on the table, go dig in.” I said leaning back to Alex.
“Hey when did you two get together anyway, and why was I not told.” She said feigning hurt. “I’m your sister what do you have to say for yourself?” She said smacking the back of his head. She was pretending to be angry well two can play this game.
“Hey, one hands off my man.” I said pretending to be angry as well. “Two we “got together” last bight when you were already in bed.” I said and the look on her face was priceless.
“Ewwwww, I didn’t need to know that much information.” She squealed breaking her fake anger.
“You asked, and I didn’t mean it like that.” I said cracking up. Alex just smied and shook his head. “You, mister, should be getting ready to go, ‘cause when I go I am going. And we all know that I don’t wait for anyone.”
“Awww, you wouldn’t wait for me?” He said pretending to be hurt.
“Well there won’t be any reason if you are already ready to go, now will there?” I kissed his quickly then took the eggs out to the table. I went over to the stairs and yelled. “Time to eat!” I heard the rush of people coming downstairs, “Hey god morning everyone!” I said. There came a chorus of mumbled mornin’s and heys. “What a bunch of grouches you all are” I smirked.
“Ugh it’s sooooo early.” Alexia whined “I’m tired.”
“You get this early every morning. What’s so bad about today? We are havin’ a party tonight remember?” Alex said from behind me as he put his arms around my waist, causing me to jump. “Well someone is jumpy aren’t they?” He whispered in my ear.
“I didn’t know you’d be ready so fast.” I whispered back “Why are we whispering?”
“Because not everyone knows about us yet.”
“You think that maybe you arm around my waist might be a dead give away? Maybe just a little hint at least” I smiled still whispering.
“Well, I guess you got me there, but no one’s said anything yet. However I bet J will be the first.”
“Hey what are you doing with your arm around my sister’s waist there Alex?” Jordan said smiling yet, with a quizzical look on his face.
“Well speak of the devil.” Alex mumbled “Well last time I checked I didn’t need your approval to date her.” He said staring at Jordan evenly, Jordan stared back at him. However neither of them can keep a straight face worth a shit when they aint’ actually mad, so that didn’t last long, and they burst out laughing.
“Hey man I was kidding,” Jordan said laughing then added seriously, “but you better not hurt her. I’m dead serious on that.”
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that little J” Casey said walking in.
“Oh eavesdropping I see?” I clicked my tongue “I really though you were better than that.”
“It’s not eaves dropping if I was still sitting at the table and Steph just happened to mention that you were together, and I just happened to kick up my senses a bit.” I shook my head. “By the way those pancakes were awesome, but headin’ off to school now.” She walked back into the dining room. “Who’s riding with me” she yelled.
“Well I guess we should get gong huh?” I said to Alex, he nodded. “Jordan you comin’ with me?”
“Yeah!” He yelled. “Just no smooching in front of me please, I don’t want to throw up that de-lish food.”
“I can’t make any promises.” I said then pulled Alex to me and crashed my lips to his as I heard Jordan groan and walk past us. I pulled out of Alex’s embrace and grabbed his hand, then headed to his car.
“We should make him gross out more often.” He laughed, then we got in his car and went to school.


When we got to school, I got out and grabbed Shaniqua’s hand, and then we headed in. We were walking to our first class, when Charrisa a.k.a, school slut, walked up to us. She had a large bandage on her face covering her nose. Funny she didn’t have that yesterday, wonder what happened I thought to myself looking at Shaniqua.
“Hey bitch!” she sneered at Shaniqua who smiled at her so nicely she looked evil. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I know what I meant.
“Oh, hey bimbo. How ya doin’? How’s your nose, it looks really bad, what happened?” she asked innocently meaning she did it so I was right.
“Oh you wanna play that way do you? Well prepare for hell, meet me after school in the woods behind the Blood Creek Park. We are going to settle this once and for all.” Then she turned and stormed away, I looked at Shaniqua and she smiled.
“What?” she asked me as we walked into our Advanced Algebra class.
“What did you do? And why?” I asked her seriously, but she thought it was hilarious and proceeded to laugh all the way to our seats then she made an attempt to settle down.
“She pissed me off; by saying I was a whore who didn’t know how to dress. And that the reason I have no friends is because I don’t know how to act. I then proceeded to tell her that she was right; because I don’t act I live. Then told her that the reason she can’t keep a man is because she does act.”
“Just a second; she says you have no friends? She does realize that you are alpha female of the MoonBlood Pack the most powerful pack right? Also that you have more friends than any other person in this school as well as the most awesome boyfriend as of last night?” I asked her.
“Yeah sure, that’s why she’s the Bimbo that she is. Oh and nice touch of ego boosting there at the end.” I grinned at her
“So you broke her nose?” I asked my smile getting bigger.
“Yep” she said popping the p. “I really enjoyed myself too.” Then the teacher walked in and class began.


Shaniqua told us about the little tiff with Charrisa and what’s going on after school during lunch today. I hope she knows what she could be getting us into right now. Only the mystics know about other mystics, we know this through our senses. So Charrisa knows that we are mystics and we know that she is. However she doesn’t know what we are, in the fact we are werewolves. Because of my power to sense powers, I know that she is a witch daughter of the second most powerful witch Evesa (E-ve-sah). So of course if I know something like that I tell everyone else, so we’ve known for a while that she a witch in more ways than one. Her family will probably start a “fued” with us if this goes down wrong. The thing is witches and vampires are at war with the rest of the mystics, so little tiffs like this with witches and/or vamps can start big shiz.
Luckily for us Shaniqua and Jordan are more than werewolves, they also have: shifter, angel, dragon, healer, and witch. So they are very powerful, but that’s not all we have going for us. Casey can sense an enemy up to two miles away, this works only in the sense that this person is known as an enemy to the pack, if it’s a random person we won’t know yet. Alex has a little vampire in him so he has extra speed on top of being a wolf, plus he has the ability to become invisible. Pete has a night vision sense, and a super strong nose he can determine if a person is carrying a weapon or any dangerous object. Corey can read minds, Steph can control animals. Things like that, you know we all have something extra.


It’s after school and we’re heading to the park for this whole battle thing with Charrisa. I’m really not looking forward to this, not because I don’t think Shani can win, but I would kill someone if she got hurt. I’m itching to shift right now. I’m going to go insane if I don’t shift soon.
“Shani can I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure bro what’s up?” she said walking towards me after motioning the others ahead only Alex waited back, but he stood off to the side, for which I was grateful.
“Do you think it’d be alright if I just shift and fly there?” she looked at me shocked, but then smiled.
“Awww, you’re worried about me? I hope not” she said quietly in an understanding tone. “Yeah I guess that’d be fine if you can do it somewhere you know you won’t get caught.”
“Thanks Shani.” I gave her a hug then headed the other way.


“We should get going I’m itching to get this over with.” I said to Alex after explaining why Jordan was going the other direction.
“Yeah, let’s go I wanna see you kick some butt.” I laughed and kissed him. We got in my car a headed to the Park. For some reason I had a bad feeling about this. I don’t know why exactly it’s not like I had to worry about getting beat we all knew that wasn’t going to happen, but there was still something.

Battles, Backstabbers, and Bitches


When we got to the woods I headed for the clearing that was about a mile in, with Alex trailing me quietly. I came to the clearing and saw that all my pack was already there. I walked into the middle of the clearing and Charissa came out to face me inches away from me. She was trying to hard to look intimidating when it was so obvious that she was a little more than worried about not winning.

“Ok how do you want to do this?” I said in a bored tone, fake yawning and rolling my eyes. I smirked at her, “short and sweet?”

She glared at me; “No how about…….hmmmm….no holds bar, no rules me vs. you, anything goes?” I grinned this was going to be fun. I planned to use my powers, but not all of them. I didn’t want my mysteriousness to be blown. All in all I figured I’d be fine and she’d be cowering away from me. I don’t want to hurt her too seriously, and I’d never try to kill someone unless they tried to kill me first.

“Alrighty then anything goes, no holding back last man standing, but not to the death. I’ll try not to hurt you too bad.” I grinned “We wouldn’t want that pretty little face to be ruined now would we? No we wouldn’t. Oh but what am I saying pretty, psh-ha, I think I’ll improve upon it.” I stepped back and stared at her evenly, she stared right back. First move, I made my eyes flare red and she looked away. Point one me, yeah it’s small but I have to find humor somewhere.

I took a step forward and shifted into my wolf, man I can’t say how good that felt. I was a reddish brown wolf with whitish streaks, and super bright green eyes that don’t even look real. I snarled as she shifted too. She was a blonde wolf with gray/white eyes I wondered if she was more then what we had thought, but then shook it off, it’s not like she’ll be more powerful than me anyway. Then she lunged at me, which I easily dodged.

I turned and bit her in the leg as she went past me and she yelped. Then turned and jumped on top of me, I sank my teeth into her foreleg, and then she jumped back and snarled at me. She shifted again, wait I thought she was werewolf witch, now she’s a shifter. I looked at Alexia her eyes got big; she never misses the scent of a power. I wondered just what else she was, but amidst my wonderings she pounced I saw that she was a jaguar. So that’s how she’s wants to play well then okay. She slashed my neck and this time it was me who yelped. I used my legs to push her off. Then trotted to the edge of the ring where everyone was watching and shifted as quickly as I could since I was injured it hurt and I gritted my teeth to keep from yelping.

I changed into a tiger and immediately pounced and dug my teeth into her side. Then she swiped me with her paw right in the side of my face. I roared in pain as she sank her paws in deep and pulled downwards; causing me to let go of her. Then suddenly she was on top of me I bit her neck I pulled, flipped us over and we kept fighting. She was pulling away then tried using the same tactic and digging in her paws, but I refused to let go this time. I tried to shift, but my body was too weak from fighting and I was injured badly. Alex called for me, obviously worried when she bit into my face, damn that bitch.

“Shaquira!” I saw him out of the corner of my eye being held back by Peter, Jake, and Xavier.

“No Alexander, you can’t if you interfere this place will be a bloodbath. Charissa’s pack will attack and with Shani already being injured she could die.” I could hear Jordan saying as he stood in front of Alex. Alex looked at me defeated Jordan was right. We had agreed to this being a one on one fight between me and Charissa. I still had the upper hand; my wolf was urging me on not willing to be beaten by her. She was growling at me,

“You can’t lose to this witch. Fight! Get back up! Don’t quit!” Yeah she was being a huge help.

“Give up” I growled at Charissa as I pounced on her yet again and swiped her with my paw.

“Never” she barely whimpered out. She was growing weak I could feel it, I won’t kill her. I can’t I thought I don’t want to kill her.
“You have to, there’s no other way, and she won’t give up.” My wolf again “DO IT!” She ordered she was growing impatient. Then suddenly I felt myself flying through the air. I had been thrown off of her. I turned ready to jump on the person who did it.
NO it can’t be I’m not seeing straight, it couldn’t be. Everyone stood there shocked as Alex picked her up of the ground. Alex had done this to me, he was a traitor. I should’ve known he was part vampire; they are on the witch’s side. I just couldn’t bring myself to think it could be true. Then suddenly my wolf and I were furious.
I ran at full speed at him and leaped into the air. I landed on top if him and slashed at him taking out all my anger. As soon as I rushed him the rest of the scene instantly became alive. Everyone was attacking someone else form the opposite side. Jordan was at my side in an instant. He nudged me off of Alex and I knew that he was just as mad as I was. I reluctantly moved and let him have his turn. I jumped on another vamp from that bitch’s group. Things were moving so fast I couldn’t tell who was winning. Then suddenly time seemed to stop as I heard Jordan yell out in pain.
“No, No, No. You evil witch!” I yelled out as I jumped on Charissa who had just impaled a dagger into my brother’s side. He was on the ground writhing in pain, losing a lot of blood.
“Jake! Get Jordan out of here!” Then I knocked out Charissa by shoving her into a tree then smashing the side of her head with my paw. I shifted to human form and ran to Alexia who down as well. Most of the other group was down and some had fled. Time began again as the last of them left. Several were dead as far as I could see.
I chanted a quick spell that would take everyone I the pack home no one was in any condition to drive let alone walk. Just before I said it I looked back at Alex who was staring like a zombie at the dead person at his feet. How could I have been so foolish, he was playing me? I couldn’t bring myself to believe it; I shook my head I had to stop thinking about it.
Once home I ran to Jordan’s room, I had to make sure he was alright, I was so stupid, I let him fight. I’m supposed to protest him, what was I thinking. See this is what happens when I let my pride get in the way. I was so worried about Charrisa thinking she’s better than me that I let my own brother get hurt, and my pack wounded. If another pack was to attack right now we’d practically be defenseless. I walked up to his door and tapped on it softly.
“Come in” Jake said. I waked in quietly to see Jordan laid out on his bed with blood seeping through rags on his side. I nearly fainted, not because of the blood, but because it made me think again how foolish of a decision I had made. Jake was tending to the gash on his side with alcohol, rags, and then wrapping it with gauze. I sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh.
“It’s not your fault. It was supposed to a one on one battle. Till that asshole Al….” He didn’t say anymore, obviously worrying it would upset me. I just lay there next to Jordan.
“No, I let my pride let in the way and I never should have agreed to it. Or at least not had everyone there. I should’ve known this was gonna happen.” I sniffed as tears began running down my cheeks.
“Well, he alright now he lost some blood and he’ll be weak for few days. However I doubt he’ll let that bother him much when he wakes up.” He grinned weakly.
“Yeah, he’s gonna be pissed at that traitor. Probably want to get up, find, and kill him. Some of you guys will have to pin him down or knock him out.” I tried smiling back to keep the mood light now that I knew Jordan was safe.
“Well we should go check on the others.” He said then helped me up. He put his arm around my shoulder and I winced. “Never mind young lady” He smied grimly at me “You’re getting taken care of first. I didn’t realize how beat up and bloody you were. Gosh that’s bad.” He said pointing to the bite mark on my face. “Well no school for a while.” With that he took me to my room and laid me down on the bed. I passed out while he was cleaning my wounds.


“Shaniqua! Shaniqua!” someone was calling my name. “Wake up Princess” I faintly recognized it, but could not tell who it was. It seemed so comforting and inviting almost like I was being wrapped in a hug. I struggled to open my eyes and realized I was being hugged. I looked up to see a man with brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes looking down at me.
I stepped back out of his embrace and gasped, he looked like…… no it couldn’t be. I looked to the woman standing next to him. She was smiling also, she has the same bright green eyes, but with bright scarlet hair and fair skin. It was it had to be.
“Mom? Dad?” I asked not sure if it was.
“Yes baby it’s us.” The woman said with tears flowing down her cheeks.
“Is this real?” I asked I didn’t know what to believe anymore, but I hoped it was.
“Not exactly, we are n your dream. Other than this there is only one other way for us to communicate with you and your brother. As a matter of fact we are also in his dream right now.” My dad said.
“Yes dear the only other way for us to communicate is through your mind, but we didn’t want to frighten you so we decided to appear to you first. We have important news.”
“Why can’t you come to me? Are you dead?” I asked quietly, fearing the worst.
“Yes, Princess we are, we are in heaven, but we are allowed to guide you through your mind.” My dad said pulling me into a hug.
“Okay what’s the important news?”
“Well we saw what happened today, and we want to tell you that Alex,” I shuddered at the mention of his name “isn’t bad, he didn’t betray you.”
“What?” I asked my eyes growing wide.
“He was under the control of a Nymph, one of Charrisa’s pack. He didn’t even know what was going on and now he’s a captive in the Vampric Kingdom. He is being tortured into being one of his own because he is part vampire. He is waiting for you now, he loves you very much.”
“I love him too.” Tears starting to fall as I realized that he was still mine.
“Oh and baby, one more thing, he’s your mate. You didn’t know this because your not yet eighteen, but you will know now and he will to.”
“I love you dad. I love you too mom” I whispered “Talk to you soon.”
“Bye now baby girl.” I hugged them each once more.

______________________________End of Dream______________________________

I woke up and jumped out of bed and into Jordan’s room just as he woke up.
“Shani? I just had the weirdest dream. You’re not going to believe this” He said as he sat up weakly.
“I know I saw them too.” He looked at me like I was on crack.
“Really? You saw them too, they were really there.” I nodded then broke down, I missed them so much, even though I never knew them. He just hugged me and ran his fingers through my hair.
“It’s OK Shani. It’s OK.” He whispered.

I just couldn't believe it, I couldn't sit and think that everything was fine I mean my parents can communicate with me and I don't find out till now. I think my boyfriend is a traitor then, WAM, pull the carpet out from underneath me again. Now he's not. What am i supposed to think anymore, who to believe. I took a deep breath and exhaled, just have to focus.

"Jordan" I whispered "You don't have to kill Alex now." It felt so nice to say his name and not have to think that he tried to have me killed. Jordan sat me up and looked at me.

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Did you hit your head? Do we need to call a pack meeting so we can all remind you that he betrayed us?!" His voice getting louder and louder as he spoke. He stood up an I fell backwards.

"But Jor....."

"NO! You can plead all you want I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" He interrupted me.

"Jordan would you lis...."

"Shani you can't think about it. The more you think about it your heart is going to tell you to let him off. Then he'll come back for us all." He was shaking his head.

"No you don't understand. It's not his..." he covered my mouth.

"Yes I do and I'm going to protect you. You were always there for me when i needed you. Now I'm going to defend you. That's all there is to it."

"I'M PREGNANT!!!!" He stumbled back onto the bed looking shocked.

"Wh.....wh.." He tried to talk but was apperantly to stunned.

"God you can be soooo annoying" I i continued using his shock to blurt it out before he really went crazy and i didnt' get a chance to explain. "Inmydreamdadandmomtoldmethathe'snotbad." I blurted out in a rush then took a deep breath if i kept talking that way i was gonna keel over with lack of oxygen. "He's was under control of a Nymph, one of Charrissa's cronies. I kept trying to tell you. I couldn't believe it either, but as long as dad and mom were really in our dreams then it's true. They said he's in the Vampiric Kingdom right now being tortured into switching to their side. They chose him becaus ehe's part vampire." I looked at him waiting for a response.

"You're pregnant????!!!!" All of that and that'd be the one thing he heard.

"No you dolt. I said that so you'd shut up. I ain't pregnant." I shook my head. "Jeez I only spent one night with him. Didn't you hear what I said?"

He nodded feebly and looking relived. "Yeah, but who's to say one of Charrissa's cronies ain't toying with our dreams?"

"There's no gaurentee, but I have to trust my instincts on this one."

"OK then we'll call a pack meeting I hope to God you're right. Otherwise we'll be in some deep shiz." I jumped up and gave him a hug.

"I love you, thank you for this chance too." Then ran out of the room to call everone together.

Plan Revenge


"Ok everyone You are probabaly still all little beaten down and weary. However, I have some good news to cheer you all up. Especially me and Alex's sis. but as always with good news there is bad news. First good news so moral gets up. Alex wasn't bad or at least that's what my parents told me." Heads went up at that.

"What'd ya mean your parents?" Jennie asked quizzically.

"Well that's part of the bad news. when I went to sleep I had a dream that my parents were in. They came to me and explained what had happened. It wasn't Alex it was one of Chrissana's crew that were using mind control on him. HE didn't mean to do those things. The bad news is he's in the vampric Kingdom right now. He's held hostage, and we don't know if he's still under the powers or not. Even worse news, we are gonna have to get him, but I'm not exactly sure how yet." I waited for reactions, but everyone seemed too stunned to speak.

"Another problem we have is we don't know if it's a trap." Jordan said "We all know that if Chrissana's group has power to control a mind that is awake then she has the power to control the mind while it's asleep. Because the mind would be weaker as it's not being controlled by the human."

"So in other words it could be a trap that is used to lure us all to the castle?" Peter asked.

"Yeah possibly, but we have to take the risk, we don't have a choice." I started to say, but i couldn't choke back the tears. It hurt me so much to think that he was trapped and I couldn't tell him how much I loved him.

"It's Ok Shaniqua." Stephanie said and pulled me into a hug. "I know how you feel, well sort of."

"Yeah I know too. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to lose Corey." Destiny said. "I think I'd die."

"It's not your fault. We'll find a way through this." Xavier whispered. He didn't sound too sure but I knew what he meant. I think he didn't want to unsettle me.

"Why don't we ask the Silverfang Pack they are third strongest. Plus they don't completely hate us. Like the...."

"DON'T say their name!" I cut off Jennie. She was talking about the second strogest, but i didn't want to hear about it.

"I'll do that it's almost our only option." Braydyn grimaced he hated asking for help.

"So it's a plan then...." I said already cheering up.

Are You In or Out?


When I got a hold of the SilverFang Pack leader he seemed hesitant to help. I was worried he was going to say no, when he agreed. HE said they'd meet us outside the park they took Alex from to meet up. no surprise it was right between our territories. I'd be suspicious if I were him too. We all are it's how we survive, but this time I had to take chances. My mate could be killed any second and without a mate life wasn't worth living.

"So it's settled then?" asked Casey "We're meeting up with them tonight?"

"Yeah, we have to do it tonight I can't wait any longer." I sighed I hope this worked.

"It'll be fine" said Jordan coming up behind me. I didn't know what to do anymore i felt as though my world was falling apart so i sat down and burst into tears. I knew I had to have my breakdown now before the battle, there could be no second anything everything had to be perfect.

"Hey Shani, I don't think this is such a good idea" said Stephanie.

"What!! It's your brother we are talking about her and you think this isn't a good idea? Are you crazy?"

"I just think this is suicide can't we draw them out or something?"

"Listen" I snarled "ARE YOU IN OR ARE YOU OUT?!!! That's it no changing your mind decide now!!" I was so pissed I stormed out of the room. HE was her flesh and blood how could she think that? I don;t care if I had to go in alone I was getting Alexander back.

IT's Settled Then

I rushed down the hallway to my room and threw myself on the bed heaving a sigh and forcing myself not to cry. Was it really that hard to understand how I felt about Alex? Why did everyone think I was nuts? I know it’s dangerous, but he is worth the risk. It was almost seven and I knew that I still had to be leader, so I told myself to stop the pity party and go downstairs to make sure we all ate and were ready to do this. It was absolutely necessary that we were all in fighting condition; no one knew how bad this could get. I walked into my bathroom and cleaned up, then forced myself to buck up and walked out to the kitchen.

Everyone was already in there when I got there; I noticed that Alexia had made burgers for supper. She’s the best cook in this house and there’s nothing that can stand between any of us and a good burger. Part of that has to do with needing so much protein in our diets so we can have the energy to shift and such. I sat down at the table and grabbed a burger; it was painfully quiet with everyone eating.

“I’m sorry Shaniqua.” Stephanie whispered, breaking the silence. I chewed my burger thoughtfully enjoying the wonderful taste that only a burger can give.

“It’s ok Steph. I just didn’t understand how you could be so calm when it’s your brother. He means just as much to you as he does to me.” I shook my head and took a drink of my energy drink. “Maybe I was just over-reacting. I’m just stressed out right now. Being leader isn’t always easy, especially when you know that you can’t trust everyone. Then you don’t know who to trust, and then…” I waved my hand in a general motion as if summing it up, “this happens and it’s all the worse.”

“We know I’m just worried about the rest of the pack. We don’t know for sure if this isn’t a trick. There’s no way to know because Charrisa’s got some pretty powerful people on her side. I know you know this and I’m not trying to stress you out, but we have to think of a plan at least. Someway to ensure everyone’s safety, it shouldn’t all ride on you.”

“I know you’re trying to help, but sometimes when things get too particular then it’s more dangerous. I’m beginning to think that it might be best in a few person stealth act, instead of everyone going gangbusters. Too many people can and most likely will cause commotion, then we’ll really have hell on our hands.” I was standing up now trying to think of the best way to go about this when we were supposed to meet up with the other pack in a few short hours. “I mean they most likely already know we’re coming. They’ll know if they are the ones who really did control him. OR they’ll know if they put the trick on me either way we’re not going down without a fight.”

“Don’t worry right now.” Corey says comfortingly “Right now you need to be getting ready for the fight. You know it’s not going to be easy, even with help.”

“Yes, yes. I know that, but it’s was going to happen one way or another. There’s was no way to avoid it. Even if we find out later that it was a lie, the dream I mean, then we can take of it then. Honestly though a battle between us and them has been impending for years. Ever since I became leader of the pack this has been waiting to happen. We’ve driven them back countless times, but there was going to be a time eventually that we’d have to take care of it once and for all.” I took a deep breath working out my frustration; I had to snap into shape before tonight.

“Well, we won’t let you down. We do know it’s been bound to happen. Especially me, since I’ve known you the longest and I’ve been there through it all. I’ve seen you push them back time and again before we even knew what “they” were. I know that no one here will let you down and we will overtake them. I would do the same for you as would anyone from this group would for anyone else.” Casey pulled me into a hug.

“I know Case, I understand that’s how it works and that’s what would happen. However, if it was one of us then we wouldn’t have to worry about it possibly being a traitor. Alex is the newest member for one and part vamp for two. Even his twin, Stephanie was here longer. I love him more than anything, but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect as much as I would like to think it was.”

“Well, we know what we want and wish but now it’s time to face what is.” Braydyn stated bluntly, he never was one for beating around the bush. “We have to get out of this mushy, lovey-dovey thing and get ready for the clash.” I just smiled, he was rearing to go and I didn’t blame him, most of the guys were really awkward and shy when it came to this kind of crap. They had been quietly watching the scene unfold and finally had enough.

“Alright, alright. I know, there’s no need to gripe. I’m ready and once Destiny gets the last of whatever she’s got to grab, then we’ll head out. With any luck they’ll be there early and we can get out of there early. The sooner the better in this case.” I took a deep breath and stood up.

“Ok people let’s go!” I said heading for the door. “Destiny hurry it up!” I yelled up the stairs as I passed. I headed out the door to Casey’s Suburban and jumped in the driver side. I was ready to go and needed to go now before I hurt someone.

I swear that girl is crazy; she’s not thinking straight right now. Not about anything but Alex, which I’m not getting down on her for, but he’s not the only thing that’s important. She needs to think about her own safety; I would say the safety of the pack, but being her beta means that I’ll naturally just fall into that category of protection. I can’t make her stress out, but I am very worried about her. She takes things into her mind and doesn’t always stop and think what’s best. I’m surprised she didn’t bring up the KnifeLight Pack herself. They are the second strongest pack, second only to us. However they were once the strongest, in numbers anyway and when there was a feud that they should be top pack instead of us things got bloody. When Shaniqua’s grandfather was head of the Moonblood pack they beat out the KnifeLight pack and ever since then we’ve been feuding with them, over territory and leadership. Anything that has to do with either pack comes down to a battle of sorts.

One say it got so bad that they attacked us with the help of the vampires, though no one really knows why the vampires helped them, because vamps don’t get along with werewolves. It was a bloodbath, but we beat them out by far, they lost half of their pack. Though they’ve built it back up some it will never be the same, for many years to come. This put them even farther behind because they can’t really attack us when they are so short on members. Now we three generations later and we are still fighting them, waiting for a time when they join the vampires again or some other ally steps in. In other words we have more reasons than one to hate them all so much. I’m glad to see that not all of her sense is gone, when she wouldn’t let Jennie say there name out loud. This is how much we hate them. It’s like the Montague’s and Capulet’s, but there will be no joining point when Romeo and Juliet die. It will never come to a point where we will get along again.

I head out to the vehicle thinking all of this to myself, but I know that can’t let anyone else know my fears and doubts. There is no way I can bring all their spirits down just before the biggest battle we’ve had in ages. This time it was for real, life and death stop or go, the final battle. I took a deep breath and got in the passenger side.

“You sure we are going to make it there alive?” I asked Shaniqua. Her driving was as crazy as her thoughts more often than not. I was worried that she’d kill us before hand.
“Ha-ha Case. I’m just bubbling over with laughter right now. You think this is funny?” She growled, but I could see a smile playing on the corners of her mouth.

“I’m just saying be careful.” I smiled shakily.

Now We Meet


I pulled out of the driveway like a bat out of hell. I didn’t bother to see is anyone else was even in their vehicles yet. I didn’t have time to think about such trivial things, I had to save Alex that was the only thing on my mind.

“Shaniqua!” Casey snapped interrupting my thoughts.

“What?!” I snarled I wasn’t happy about sudden disruption it freaked me out. “Are you trying to get us in an accident?”

“No, but I’m not so sure about you. I’ve said your name four times and you didn’t even hear me. Your mind isn’t here, you’re driving over eighty-five miles an hour and that’s going to get us pulled over. If we get pulled over then it’ll be even longer till we get to the park, if it takes too long the SilverFang pack will get impatient and leave then hate us for ditching them. We will then have no help and it’ll be even longer till get to Alex, plus we’ll have another pack that hates us.” She took a deep breath. “So slow the fuck down or let me drive.” It made sense what she was saying, I wasn’t really paying attention to anything, and my mind was on Alex. I was probably going to kill someone driving the way I was, and that’s the last thing I needed right now.

“Your right” I sighed “maybe it’d be best if you drove.” I pulled over on the shoulder and got out. She slid over the seat and I climbed in, then she placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. Then began driving, much less recklessly than I did that’s for sure. However, we were getting there in plenty of time; I didn’t even know if the other pack would be around yet, I guess all the worrying was for nothing.

“We are almost there.” Casey said calmly, but I could tell she was hyper. Nervous I guess is the better way to put it, I felt the same way. It was driving me crazy not to know what was going on with my mate. Was he being tortured? Was still being influenced? Did they already finish him off? Well the last one didn’t make sense; they’d use him as bait or a tool at least. They wouldn’t just ditch him, he was too valuable.

“Your psyching yourself out again Shaniqua. You need to calm down or you aren’t going to help anyone.” I jumped I had forgotten that Destiny was even in the vehicle. I looked back and saw that Alexia, Braydyn, Xavier, and Corey were also in here.

“I know, but it’s reallllllly hard not to wonder. I mean what are they doing to him? I don’t know and I can’t help it.” I sighed frustrated. “You guys would be acting the same way if you were in my shoes. You can’t deny that fact, so you’ll just have to be patient with me.”

“Your right, we can’t deny that we’d be acting the same. However, on the flip side you’d be telling us to calm down and focus just as much as we are to you.” Xavier said.

I nodded weakly he was right, and I didn’t feel like arguing anymore. The emotional strain was way too high for me to handle. Me! The impenetrable rock, the wall of steel that doesn’t break down in front of anyone, the one who’s only visible emotions to the outside world, are pissed or ecstatic. Just then we pulled into the parking lot at the gas station near the park. We all got out and suddenly all feelings besides rage were gone. I was ready to go and nothing was going to stop me.

“Let’s go” I ordered, no one would ask questions or anything now, I was in fight mode and no one messed with me in fight mode. I was letting my wolf senses take over now, I could smell the traces of the battle, Jordan’s blood on the ground, and then it hit me like a brick wall. The scent of the SilverFang pack was overpowering, at least to my nose which was supersensitive anyway, and the fact that other packs don’t ever come on our turf, it’s hard to miss them when they do.

“They’re here.” I said inhaling deeply my senses alive. We headed towards the clearing just as the others showed up. However, since I didn’t want to hear them complain about me ditching and crap, I hurried faster towards the clearing. As I stepped into the clearing I saw two pairs of green eyes looking at me through the trees and undergrowth. They were in wolf form meaning, they hadn’t known what to expect, a possible ambush I assumed. I didn’t blame them at all, it’s the precaution I would’ve taken had tables been turned.

“It’s all clear, don’t worry we’re not going to hurt you.” I called to them

“Call the rest of your pack to the clearing. Then we’ll make our appearance to you. I’m not taking any chances.” A male voice called back, it sounded deep and gruff, must be the alpha. “Where’s your Alpha Male I wish to speak with him.”

I called the rest of the pack in close to me then answered him, “Well first off, I’m Alpha and second off my mate who would be Alpha Male is the one we are going after.” He stepped out hesitantly into the clearing and I saw that he shifted into human form. He was the type of person who I’d assume to have a deep gruff voice. He had to be close to six feet tall with a full beard that was a dark brown, his hair matched and was long a brushed back. He had deep dark skin and a scar across his left cheek. Had I not been the person that I am, being Alpha and all, I would’ve turned tail (hahaha) and run. But I’m the leader I don’t get to and honestly my wolf is strong enough that very little affects it. However my wolf was missing its mate so much that I don’t think the gang of scariest, biggest, maddest guys around would’ve scared it away. It was ready to fight, it wanted its other half back, that’s how I knew he really was my mate, and nothing was stopping me and my wolf now. So I took a step forward to him and sized him up.

“So you must be Alpha male?” I asked him casually, smiling I kind of had to play kiss-ass; I hated it, but choked back the rebuttals. I couldn’t blow this now, I needed them.

He nodded then spoke, “Yes I am. I have to say I am surprised that there is no alpha male to this pack, or at least not presently. And yet you found it alright to contact another pack to help on this mission. I impressed that you’d have the gall to do that.” He nodded his head and the short blond girl behind him laughed.

“Yeah it’s not every day that a neighboring territory pack will contact you and ask for help.” She smiled brightly, her voice was clear and bright, like a bell “But I guess if the strongest pack in the world is asking for our help then it must be pretty important….and dangerous.” She added with an evil grin.

“I supposed that’s true. It’s very important, but of course where we are going s very dangerous, and if there’s anyone who you’re afraid might get hurt then they should stay.” I replied not affected by her bright cheery charming nature. I glanced at Alexia she seemed confused, which heightened my senses of alertness. I was immediately taking count of their pack, checking where they were, how many, what they looked like.
This is something I do naturally anyway, but I couldn’t risk anything right now. I noticed that one male, and tall dark haired boy with a scar across his face was slowly moving out of the clearing. Not enough for most people to notice, but I could see him barley moving, I only assumed to make his move. All this done in a matter of seconds, the man was replying to my earlier statement.

“Well we already took the liberty of leaving some of our pack behind. My mate for example, she with child and there’s no way that’s happening.” He joked as though we were old friends, I smiled hesitantly back at him. Then he stepped forward and reached his hand out, obviously for a hand shake, but I was so worked up that I jumped back automatically. He seemed startled, but then grinned,

“Whoa now, just wanted to properly introduce myself.” He held out his hand again “My name’s Markus.” I shook his hand, embarrassed that I let my emotions take over like that.

“Shaniqua” I said as we nearly crushed my hand with his large ones. “Nice to meet you.”

“I suppose you’ll want to know the rest of my pack.” He began pointing “Tarisha, McKayla, Geoffrey, Steven, Amber, Summer, Daniels, Alan.” Pointing to the ones on his right, then to his left, “Devry, James, Misty, Dustin, Jessa, and Tanner.” I made mental note of who was who, but couldn’t help but notice that when he pointed to where James was supposed to be no one was there. However, I also noticed that Mr. Scar was gone, 2 and 2 equal James.

I stepped back than began listing off my gang. “Well here we have, Casey my beta, then Jordan my little bro, then Alexia, Braydyn, Destiny, Peter, Erin, Jennie, Ashlyn, Xavier, Stephanie, Corey, and Jake. Then my mate Alex is the one we are going after.”
“So what’s the plan, I mean how do you plan on taking this place down? I’ve never had to deal with the vamps that much. A few tiffs now and then but that’s abo…..”

Suddenly there was a loud screeching snarl sound and out of nowhere a big black animal pounced on Jake. I was stunned, but for barley a second, the whole scene flew into action. I raced to him and side swiped the thing it lost its balance and stumbled, Braydyn pulled Jake to his feet, luckily he was not harmed too badly. But Markus seemed even madder than I was; he came to attack the thing next. It was somewhat like a panther, but about three times as big with a red stripe down its back. It had wings tucked into its sides; it reminded me of some mythical creature. I made sure Ashlyn was taking care of Jake as I heard some of the guys shifting, this was no one wolf job. I saw what I assumed to be Markus in wolf form on the creature’s back. The blond that had been standing behind him, Summer, was crouched on the ground with her eyes closed muttering something with her hands outstretched towards the thing. I was already in form, but decided something bigger than a wolf would be needed here and it was tiger again, a little more ferocious.

I leaped towards the animal and knocked it down on impact. It was surprised, which let me have just a few seconds of time extra, I used them to sink my teeth deep into its neck. It stood, quivered and then fell to the ground with a thud. I saw a black smoke surround it and then I saw that it had shifted, I gasped, though I shouldn’t have been surprised. There, lying on the ground, with blood seeping from gashes in his neck, was James, gasping for breath. I stumbled back after shifting, gasping for breath. Shifting twice in the matter of minutes takes it out of you, plus finding out that one of my own was attacked by this freak-a-dink ass, that’ll top off anyone. I went into a super pissed off rage real quick.

“What the hell is this?” I practically roared. Everyone in the clearing including Markus, flinched when I yelled in my alpha voice.

“I’m so sorry. This wasn’t m-m-m-y doing I swear; we didn’t mean to b-bet-r-ray you. This was James, I swear it, and s-s-something must’ve set him off. You have to b-b-believe me, Shaniqua. I would n-n-never try to overthrow the MoonBlood Pack.” He was actually trembling; it was obvious this guy was freaked out at the thought of pissing me off. So part of me wanted to believe him, but then part of me said that I wanted an explanation. So I’d give him one chance and that was it, if I found it satisfactory he’d be fine. Otherwise he and his pack would pay for the prank he just tried to pull on me.
“Alright, there’s a part of me telling me to believe you.” He visibly relaxed, but was still tense. “However, I want an explanation and it better be good. Otherwise….” I grinned evilly and he gulped and his pack’s breathing I do believe actually stopped. “So it’s up to you, start talking.”

He's a What?!

“Ok” he took a deep breath “James is a little different form the rest of us. He’s not technically one of the pack, we sort of adopted him.” I nodded waiting for him to go on, he looked scared as shit. “He came to us, three years ago. Said his pack was killed, and seemed pretty honest, so me and my mate took him in. He was alright for a while, did what he was told, was a little down and depressed, but we assumed it was because his parents and family were killed. It was about two weeks before he would tell us in detail what really happened.” He glanced at James. “He told us that his pack had been attacked by faery witches They fought and won as the fact, their pack was short of their hunters, from the feed. They had held him and his pack captive and since he was the next in line used him as bait for the hunters, as well as a motive to make his parents do their bidding.”

“They were there four days before the hunters gathered anyone to help attack the faeries, they were extremly powerful at that time. The Silvernight vampires agreed to help in exchange for them to help them gain back their territory that had been taken from them by the faeries. Once the agreement was made, they planned the attack. However wolves never did like vampires and never will, same viseversa. So the vampires planned to backstab them from the beginning. During the battle the vampires turned and attacked on the faeries’ side.”

“his father came to his rescue, but was killed soon after in the battle, and to add salt to the wound, it was a vamp that killed him. His mother was never found, and in the end only him and two other from his pack survived. He held a personal grudge against all vamps from that point on.”

“Well, that’s quite a story, but I have a question… how did he know Jake was part vampire? Can you answer me that one?” I glanced over at the guys holding him down. Then to Jake who looked pale, but pissed. I knew he’d get his revenge eventually.

“He is not full wolf, only half. He is also part demon shifter, meaning that creature you saw him in. It’s the only other thing he can shift into, and when he’s in that state he is allowing his mind to be taken over by a demon. Meaning his human self doesn’t remember anything after, the last thing it remembers is the searing pain of the demon entering his mind and soul. Once he’s been taken over, it takes a severe amount of pain to drive it out. Meaning when you sank your teeth into his neck.” He was starting to give valuable info, so I let him go and he stood up.

“So what else is he?” I needed to know everything there was to know about him if he was going to get off with this one. Otherwise I’d just let the guys (Jake) have at him. No one attacks my pack and gets away with it scot free.

“ His other part is Sanguine Venator.” I looked at him quizzically.

“Explain please, because I’m pretty damn sure none of us know what the fuck a Sanguine Venator is.” I was a very impatient person when I was angry, I didn’t think that I should have to tell him to explain.

“It just means they are vampire hunters. They have a natural instinct to hunt them. They can be trained out of it as he was being part wolf; his parents didn’t want him hunting vampires. However, the hate he acquired for them brought back all of his natural instincts. He can’t help himself, when he smells the distinct odor of vampire blood; his “other half” takes over. He snaps and attacks whatever has the smell, no matter how miniscule.” He took a deep breath. “At the age he is now, there would be no way to train him out of it now. He was he has become and there is no changing it. We just control him the best we can. I just didn’t think was anyway a wolf could have vampire blood.
Otherwise I would have asked before if there would be any threat or worry.”


Text: Cheyenne
Editing: Cheyenne
Publication Date: 04-13-2012

All Rights Reserved

To all those who don't care what people think of them. You Rock! Also, to all those who inspired the characters. One being my boyfriend, another my bro, and another my best friend. Love ya

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