

The ally was lit by the dim flicker of stars. They seemed to smile down at me, looking warm against the deep, dark blue of the sky. The city seemed strangly silent and dark. You couldn't usually see the stars. I thought I heard something behind me, but looking around, I saw nothing in the darkness, so glanced at the stars again. I was startled by the hand on my shoulder, that spun me around very suddenly. When saw it was my brother Andy, I wasn't just scared, I was terrified. I knew I should of stayed inside.

"What the hell are you doing out here! I told you to stay inside!" Andy screeched out. Anger bubbled out of him like water over a waterfall.

"I wanted to see the stars, you almost never see them in the city." I said quietly. I hoped if I didn't provoke him more, I would avoid getting beat up as badly.

"You're such a fucking faggot, Alex! Get back in the apartment before I kick your ass!" Andy roared. You could almost see the anger pulsing from him in angry red waves.

"Fuck you!"

The moment the words slipped out of my lips, I knew he was in trouble. Big trouble. My brothers eyes where black, angery pits that sparked with hatred, and a vein on his neck pulsed with rage. Andy raised his arm, hand clenched into a fist. I tried my best to relax my muscles before the blow hit, to lessen the impact, but it only helped a little. Andy's fist connected with my face. The blow sent me staggering back a few steps, and tears prickled at my eyes. Another blow pushed me into the wall, and the tears stared falling.

"I'm sorry Andy," I sobbed. "I didn't mean it."

The next blow sent me to the ground. I didn't even have time to put my hand out to stop my fall, and my face smashed in to ground, breaking my nose. My head swam, purple and black spots clouding his vision. Andy jumped on me, rolling me over to face the sky, and continued to smash at my face, my stomach, my everywhere. I whimpered when I heard my arm crack, and the pain was to much. I had one last fleeting thought before the world went dark.

The stars are waiting for me.


I was floating through a giant blanket of black and dark, and felt strangely warm. It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact, it was the most pleasant feeling in the world. I had been floating for some time when I realized I couldn't see.


Text: Copyright © 2012 by Natalie Wood. All right reserved. This book, or parts of thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the author. The distribution of this book via any means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law.
Images: Copyright © 2012 by Natalie Wood.
Publication Date: 08-21-2012

All Rights Reserved

To my fifth and sixth grade teacher, whom without the help of, I would never of discovered my love of reading and writting.

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