It surrounds me. My eyes strain for something. Anything. But there is nothing. Nothing at all in this vast wasteland of what was once full of hopes, dreams, and love. Now all there is, is everlasting darkness and desolation...dust and debris...death and decay. This place was once prosperous, as places all were. The key word is were.
Since the third world war, I have been alone in this world. I have searched far and wide for other beings who had not been altered by radiation, but have found none.
I am not sure how long it has been since it happened. When everything became deformed from the radiation, when I lost my family in the confusion and panic that suffocated the cities, when the sky turned gray with dust and the world was turned dark.
All I know is that my loved ones are no longer with me. I cannot let their absence drive me to madness. I must keep a clear head. I must continue my journey to find others. Others like me. Who am I, you ask? I am Alia. A survivor among the dead.
Publication Date: 05-09-2013
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