Just like any other year,I was the same quiet girl who people thought was weird.I was the same girl who got bullied but didn't fight back.Expecting the worse,I didn't know all was about to change.My name is Serena Ruiz and this is my love story."Watch where your going, freak!" kevin hissed.I was always careful to watch out for kevin,He's the school's most dangerous person.I didn't know how he had so many girlfriends.Yes, "girlfriends"as in plural.I entered "Langston academy" Three years ago,but mostly everyone's been here all their life.This was the only school in this town that went from 4th-9th grade."Class settle down"Mr.Henry said quietly." We have a returning student".Kevin immediatly backed away.I couldn't see who it was,but kevin definetly seemed scared.I tilted my head,and there I saw the most handsome boy I've seemed in my entire life.Girls ran to him and crowded around him,while boys just gave bear hugs and handshakes.I stayed in my seat with awkwardness flying up,and down my body.I felt someone looking my way.Half nervous,and anxious I lifted my head.And at that same moment our eyes greeted eachother.I snapped back into my book immediatly."Class please return to your seats"Mr Henry said in a half yell."Helios,You may sit where ever you like".He nodded and set his eyes at me. "Why is he staring at me"I thought.He started to walk. Past the first row!Past second!Past third!With every step my heart slowed down a beat.I felt a gush of wind landed softly on my cheek.He laid his head down and stared at me deeply.I hesitated to turn and look back him.He lifted his head up,and stared at me. "What's your name"he finally said.His voice seemed so manly and mature. "S-Serena"I said in a almost whisper."Why are you sitting all by yourself". "Because I...." I stopped myself.He scooted close to me. "Are you scared".I pushed the tears down."If so,then let me be your personal security guard"He whispered softly in my ear."Your so Naive,I bet you haven't had your first kiss".I hated his sarcasism but he was right.The bell rang and it was time for lunch."Hey Serena"My friend Dekayla waved.She and Natalie were the only people I had.The three of us always stood in line together,and ate lunch together.I was on my way to the table when kevin poured ketchup on my shirt. "Oops looks like your period went up a spot"He laughed.At that same moment helios punched him in the face sending him falling to the ground.He dropped his tray on kevin's head. "Here you can have it I'm not hungry"Helios told kevin.He took off his jacket revealing his muscles. "Here".He winked at me and ran back to his table.I stood there Shocked,Enable to move not a muscle in my body.Girls from all sections ran up to me. "How did you do it,Are you carrying a boy magnet"They squealed. "Scram"Natalie yelled. "Omg the school's most handsome,and dangerous boy is flirting with you"Natalie squealed."What do you mean by dangerous". "He's in a gang". "A gangster,and a pro at being a ladie's men is flirting with me?Na,he's probally just being nice".This sentence kept running through my mind,and I was unable to stop it.I think the girls hated me now.First, our team lost because my hair band popped sending my hair bouncing everywhere.If that's not it then it's boys whistling at me.I needed a rubberband quick."Will you go out with me"Jeremy asked. "No"Someone said behind me.I turned around.and before I could say something helios crashed his lips into mine.This feeling I couldn't describe.This warm,heart pumping,breath taking feeling.Everytime i would catch my breath it would leave again.Helios released his lips from mine. "She's mine"He smirked. "Mine, he can't be talking about me"I thought.I stood there awkwardly trying to find something to say. "Um your jacket "I said quietly. "Keep it"He whispered. "Your now my new girlfriend".Yep this happened four and a half months ago,I'm now fast forwarding to now."Selena,Sit at our table".Dekayla,Natalie,and me are now the most popular girls in school,just from one name "Helios,my boyfriend".I ran to helios and jumped on his back like a little kid.He laughed and swung me onto a chair. "You guys are coming to my house right"? "Of course". "I know you are Serena,I'm talking to the others".Today i was happy because it's helios birthday.I curled my hair.And put on the necklace he bought me on our first date.When I finally got to the party it was packed to the limit.I called helios into his room for his present.His eyes seemed to laugh at me.I pulled out a box.He opened it and pulled me into a hug."Thank you so much".He sat down and patted the bed.I sat down on his lap,and he begin to kiss me.With every moment becoming more passionate.He grabbed my arms slowly.And I began kissing his neck.I could feel him breathing hardly.Then he slammed me down."Man,serena control yourself". I didn't know he was serious till I found the courage to look at him."you just Violated me".I felt embarrased,I before i knew it ,I ran out the room. ran out the house and all the way home.I've never in my life felt so humilliated.My phone begin to ring."Oh no,he's calling what do I say". "H-hello"I stuttered. "Why did you leave"He asked. "I-I gotta go,bye"I rushed.I pressed end and fell asleep.When I got to school,I couldn't bring myself to walk towards him,I felt so embarrassed.As I was on my way to my locker,he grabbed my wrist. "Hey,you've been avoiding me all day". "What me,I just forgot my purse".In one movement he slammed me into the locker. "Serena you don't want me to make you tell me".With his eyes focused on mine I couldn't help but forget how breath."It's nothing"."I'll kiss you in public". "Nooooooooo"I screeched."Hey helios,come here for a bit"."Your so lucky"He said kissing my ear.I tried so much to avoid him,Like even running twice as fast in gym. "Um,Serena after lunch I accidently told helios why you were avoiding him"."Dekayla,I told you not to tell him"I screeched.Helios grabbed my arm. "Come to my house"He whispered. "I'm gonna kill you,what do I do"I whined to dekayla. "If you really love him,you would go".With that I went.Since helios already gave me a key,that gave me one less thing to worry about.I bit my lip and twisted the door open.When I entered his room he was dripping wet with a tile wrapped around his lower body. "Put on some clothes you perv"I yelled. "Coming from the girl who came way too early"."My mom was inviting her boyfriend over for a date"I pouted.His head flew back and he laughed."Or were you pasing back and forth thinking what your gonna say to me"He smirked.One thing I hated about helios is that he could see right through me,even when I tried to hide." Why were you avoiding me".He came out with a fresh pair of clothes on,then sat on his bed staring straight at me.I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak.This concentrated gaze he was giving me was taking my breath away."Your my girl,why hide anything.If you suffering,I'm suffering with you".Still sitting on the bed he grabbed my hand. "I-I was embarrassed because what I did on your birthday....
"I didn't mean to I just couldn't keep it back,I felt trapped so i let it out"."I didn't mean to aviod you,I just felt humilliated".Still holding my hand,he pulled towards him. "Serena I'm already restraining myself from even fantiscing about you,I want you to stay pure till your at least 18".I cut him off."But you make it so hard,Why?". "I you want to feel me,can you just not restrain yourself"I begged.He dropped my hand,and shook his head.Before I knew what I was doing I took his hand,and put it on my chest.I took off my shirt.As I began to let my hair down I could see lust Filling up in his eyes. "Serena,I asked you not to......" "Helios let it all out"I whispered in his ear.He slowly took every piece of clothing.He cupped my breast and kissed it.With every moment making me be enable to breath. Taking a dive into my body several times.Then finally a clenching of the cover.He brushed his fingers across my cheek,and kissed my neck.I closed my eyes and fell fastly asleep. "Beep!Beep!"I woke,but soon realized this wasn't my bed,and I was naked.I tried to reach for the alarm clock without uncovering anything. "Don't know why your so scared,I saw every last part". "Shutup"I said throwing a pillow at his head.he chuckled silently. "I cant where the same clothes"I whispered."While you were sleep I bought you some". "Aw"I said pinching his cheeks. "Hey,stop that"He yelled.We got dressed and went to school. "Hey,is it me or did you become more beautiful"Natalie said squinting her eyes. "Yep,yesterday night serena became a woman"Helios winked and walked off. Before they could ask any questions I walked off.When I was on my way home,when out of no where helios pulled me into the storage room.He kissed me intensively. "What are.."."This is my next step,Its called making you moan". "Come on serena moan for me". "Na-ah". Don't Be stubborn,Moan for me".He grabbed my chest,and gosh he made me moan.I covered my mouth quickly.He ordered me to give him a dark red hicky on his neck,and sadly I did.The next morning helios gave me bad news.He told me that he starting back in his gang on tuesday,and he would not be able to spend as much time that he wanted,the good news is my mother let me live with him.I moved in yesterday.When I entered helios wasn't there,I found a note on the table that read:
Dear serena,
Im out with the gang I'll be back around 10 or nine.
If you could cook that chicken you made for me last time I would love that.Love you.
your only lover,who you will not cheat on ever in your life.
I chuckled silently at the note,how could he be so hilariouss,yet mysterious.As Two hours went by,I couldn't help but wish for him to be with me.It was only seven o'clock,and I was already spacing out.At 8:00 I couldn't take it anymore,I was so spoiled by him.I picked up the phone,and called him. "Hello"He answered. "Um"I stuttered. "What's wrong baby"He asked. Just hearing his voice gave me a mini heart attack. "Um,where did you put the chicken powder"I stuttered. "On the counter"He laughed. "THat's not what you really wanted is it". "Don't worry,I wanted to hear your beautiful voice,sounds like melodies to me". "Ok,please stop my complexion"I coughed. "Get off your phone,while you smooching we'll be dieing"A girl yelled."Who's that"I asked. "A gang member"."Oh"."I'll be there in a hour,I gotta go"He rushed ."Bye".No "Bye" back,this isn't good not one bit.I paced and forth,minute to minute.At 9:58 I heard the garage open.I literally jumped out my seat.I told myself to be calm,and laid down on the couch.I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleep.Suddenly I felt lips on mine.Helios tongue took a wild ride with mine.When he finally pulled away he sent redness to my cheek immediatly."I know you weren't sleep".He pulled me over his back quickly.When He finally got to the room he laid me on the bed softly. "I'll be back I'm gonna take a shower".I decided to clean-up the room.As I was finishing up cleaning the room,I found something interesting.As I was hanging up helios clothes,A book fell out.A weird sign showed on the cover.As I opened the book the words frightened me.When Helios suddenly hugged me from the back,and I jumped. "Don't read that"He whispered in my ear.He slowly kissed my neck."Do you ever get scared at night from that book"I asked.He placed his finger on my mouth as though he was saying "Shhh"."I'm a man,man don't get scared"He shrugged. "Nonsense,If I were to get shot by A gun you'de be scared"I pouted. "No I would die with you". These words sunk deep in,and I couldn't fight the urge of tears. "What are you crying for"He asked. "THat was so sweet"I cried.He puffed and pulled me into his arms. "I love you"I whispered. he looked down at me with instant.Then softly kissed me. "I love you to".I covered my mouth,He laughed loudly.I course everything doesn't stay all goody-goody.Me and helios start to get in arguments,and fights.We would even sometimes walk out on eachother,but come back.I definitly knew this wasn't a good sign at all. "Slam!" Helios entered the kitchen he grabbed a glass and added water.Without saying a word he walked away. "Wait,Can you at least eat something"I said in a almost whisper.He stopped instantly.He turned around and squinted. "I already ate"He said looking away. I felt a small tear roll down my cheek freely,soon followed by more.I covered my face. "Do you hate me that much".He didn't answer. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight".After that being said he turned on his heels and walked the house.In the middle of the night I got up and couldn't go to sleep.I begin to cry,letting everything out.I tried to hush myself,but ended up crying even harder.I had to leave him.I packed some bags.As I was on the way out,helios grabbed my wrist."Where you going"He asked."Leave me alone,I hate you"I screamed.With tears streaming down my face.I snatched away.He blocked the way.I fell to the ground crying hard.I couldn't stop myself."fine leave"He shouted."Now".I picked up my bags and ran down the stairs slamming the door behind me.I stayed at dekayla's house.When I went to school the next morning,I heard mummers and whispers."WHen did you guys breakup"Natile asked."Helios told all the girls in the whole school he was single"."he never told me it was over"I thought.I was filled with anger,and also debating on if I should punch him,or slap him.As I was walking by,A boy who was sitting on a table decided to talk stuff about me."So how does it feel to be a loser"He laughed.I flipped over the table letting it land on him."How does it feel to be a gay faggot"I yelled.A silent hush fell over the cafeteria,and every head turned my way."Whore"he yelled back.I ran out the cafeteria before the tears slid down.Dekayla,and Natalie ran after followed by other girls.THey comforted me and told me everything was going to be okay.when I was on my way upstairs I bumped into someone.As I was picking up my stuff,I looked to see that helios was the one helping me.I ran away leaving my purse behind.I didn't care I just didn't want to see his face ever again.I skipped lunch and stayed in my classroom.The lunch bell rang and students past me to get to their seats.My stomach ached for food but I couldn't show I was weak.I had a few cookies in my locker,that might help.Someone behind me placed my bag of cookies on my desk.I spun around to see helios,he tilted his head as if he were to say "Eat it,Now!"I jumped a little.He lifted up his head and raised his eyebrows. "Eat it"he said angrily.I shooked my head angrily.He stomped over to me and opened my bag of cookies.He took one out carefully. "Open your mouth". "No". "Don't make me do it the hard way"He murmered."I can feed myself"I said snatching the cookie out of his hand.He sighed softly. "your so mean to me"."Coming from the guy who broke up with me for nothing"I murmered.He snapped at me immediatly. "I never broke up with you". "Carrie told me you told the whole school,that we broke up". "Carrie,let's have a little talk"Helios said angrily.Carrie began to panic she raced out the classroom imediatly."About yesterday"."Shhh"he said putting his hand over my mouth and walked away.Today I'm going to secretly follow helios when he goes with his gang.I'm risking my life for something stupid,but it's worth it.The school bell rang and my heart raced I went to Natalie's house and she and dekayla agreed to spy with me.We slowly left out the house and spotted helios gang imediatly.They went by a old abandon building and sat on the sidewalk.We quickly ran into a alley.Helios looked happy,joyous,goofy,and most of all handsome.His laugh was just right and his eyes sparkled with laughter like a little kid.Suddenly a black car pulled up. I jumped and grabbed a glass but soon calmed when I saw a smile on Helios face meaning it was someone he knew.Before I could see who came out my phone vibrated with the glass still in my hand i ran to the side and answered my phone."Hello serena dear"my mom squeaked."Ssh your to loud I..."."Oh no this isn't good"I heard Natalie.I slowly walked over to see what her eyes where seeing.I was shocked to see Helios kissing.... A blond girl.My heart squeezed tightly.I dropped the glass and their heads snapped towards me.My eyes watered from trying to find the urge of crying. "Serena I can...". Natalie pulled me away fastly.I yanked away from her arm and ran.I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to go somewhere where there was peace.
Publication Date: 01-21-2012
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