"Come here Scarlet, come here," a tall beautiful boy whispered in my ear. He kept softly stroking my arm and whispering to me these constantly foreign words.
He smiled at me meekly,"You're so close to finding me," as he softly played with the curls at the end of my brown hair.
"Finding what?" I whispered, "what are you talking about?"
This boy had soft dark hair swept messily to the side of his face. He had black eyes. Darker than the night sky. His skin looked as soft as a cuddly blanket, while cuddling up in it, watching you favorite movie. He was well built, I could feel it when he held me. But for some reason he was wearing a dark, black hood that seemed to swallow his lean body in whole.
"I need you to know that."
"Know what?" I aked hungrily.
He was silent for a while. "Know what!" I shouted getting upset at him. But he just smiled sadly at me in way that would make you want to cry.
"Scarlet! Scarlet!" someone shouted in the distance.
I looked up in the sky of darkness and lighting as I heard my name coming in forcefulness. When I looked back down the boy with the beautiful, yet treacherous eyes was gone. What? Where did he go, I thought.
"Scarlet, Scarlet!" I looked up into the eyes of my older sister Court, as I lyed in my covers.
"Finally!" she exasperated,"you take forever to get up! If you didn't wake up sooner I would of got some water and poured it on your head!"
"Gee, thanks!" I grumbled.
"Yeah whatever, just get up and get ready. You only got 20 minutes to get ready before I leave without you!"
Court walked away, sweeping her long blonde hair right of her petite shoulders.
"Ugh...," I grumbed. I walked out of my bed, and made it quickly, not caring about how it looked. I ran to the bathroom and gently inserted the contacts into my eyes blinking quickly as they slipped in so I could see. I washed my face with the acne clenser, not that I needed it, and took out my nasty saliva retainers out of my mouth.
"Tell me again why I can't look perfect every morning instead of looking like a complete slob."
I quickly threw on some makeup and tried to tame my freak curls. I had really bad curls in the morning. They were definately not the pretty kinds, they were the kinds you literally hated. I quickly ran a staightner through them like I usually did, but they came out as looking like beachy curls, not straight.
"Great," I whispered under my breath.
It's not that I didn't think I was ugly, because I knew I wasn't ugly. I just wasn't gorgeous, I thought. I'd much rather have that gorgeous straight blonde hair and turned, soft looking nose, white skin,and beautiful green iris eyes as Court did.
But not me, I had beachy looking curly hair paired with pouty lips and dark brown eyes with tan skin. Joy. Now some girls might want this, but I didn't, I'd much rather have what Court had.
I ran down to our new house we had just moved into two days ago. Mom's hair was brushed in blonde high ponytail, and her brown eyes were looking fixingly into the box of crap we still had from our old house.
"Morning woman", I teased.
"MOM," she said correctly.
I laughed, "Ok."
"Are you ready for school..Courts waiting outside in her car waiting for you."
"Yeah, I know."
"Well if you know, then maybe you should get your bag, and go in the car, you don't want to be late on your first day of school."
I was not happy about changing schools, after my mom got switched into a new area for work, I wasn't too happy about this, especially leaving my old friends. But I guess it was good for her in a way. Leaving that house was probably better for her after my so-called "father" left her for a 20 year old woman, which was creepy because she was just 3 years older than me. I mean when I was in 3rd grade she was in 6th grade. While she was worrying about how to get A's for mommy and daddy, my dad was going to work. My mom needed to move on and leave , but sadly Court and me had to tag along.
"I love you," I yelled out the door.
"Me too!" she exclaimed.
I entered Court's old red bug, and got in, moving my bag in my lap as I sat into the rattered seats.
"Ready for a another fresh day at highschool!" my sister exlcaimed happily. Unlike me, Court was rather excited about restarting the last semester of a new senior year. Me on the other hand, was not excited about staring the next semester of being a junior.
"Lighten up," she said nicely, as we slowly exited off of the bumpy drive through to a new highschool called Nowr.
As we went towards the free-way to make a turn, I looked down at the window, and thought I saw a flap of large, huge wings, as big as blanket, pass our car quite fast. wow, I thought, they must have big birds in Pensylvania compared to Missisipi.
Court slowly drove pulled into the parking lot of Nowr Highschool. The place could be literally described in 1 word, and that word would be "crap". The school building I could guess was first painted green with some yellow random streaks of bumble bee yellow. But now the green had some splashes of spray paint. Some even had some words, like one stupid spary painted graffiti crap, that said,"Get High or Die."
"Well isn't that nice," I whispered under my breath.
"Hm?" Court said.
But I ignored her, and got out of her red bug slapping the door louder than intended. I pulled my black fall boots up a little, and rezipped the zipper of my light denim beach shorts.
Court looked a me angrily and said,"Look I get that your upset and all, but don't take it out on Lady."
Lady was what Court called her red bug, probably because it was red ,and the seats were leathered black, like a ladybug i guessed. Well, ripped up leatherd black seats. She bought it from her old boyfriend in Missisipi, well not really bought more like bribed him with her fashionable Court "kissies", and got the car for FREE. But she'll stop at nothing, to get what she wants.
"Whatever, just go to your AP English and make loser friends, bye."
With a toss of her blonde hair glimmering in the sun, she ran to her class while her thigh cut off dress looked as if she was going to flash some one. Every guy, at least almost every guy, looked at her while she ran past them. Of course she got the look, she always did.
I looked in "Ladys" outer mirror and re-applyed my flavored gloss. As I started walking toward the bumble bee school, about two boys wolf whistled at me. I rolled my eyes annoyingly. Pigs.
As I opened the door a tall muscular boy with blonde spikey hair and a set of grey eyes, came out of no where and poked my stomache. I slapped him in the face as hard as I could.
"What is your problem?" I yelled.
All eyes looked toward me as I fixed my pair of not-so-happy eyes at him.
"Just messing around," he smiled in a playboy way. It looked as if this was a normal thing for him like I would act as if nothing bad happened because of that sexy,playful smirk. Ha, well sadly for him that never worked on a girl like me.
"Well go mess around with someone else, because honestly...I would never want to mess around wtih a moron like you."
A few teens started laughing hysterically like this was the funniest thing on earth, and a few other people just said their Oo's at him. His face turned into sudden shock, like not once a girl has ever turned him down. Then, his ears turned a vivid red. Crap.
"What makes you think your so special,princess."
"What makes you think that I am."
"Your fiesty," he smiled ,"I like that, princess." Then his face turned into a sudden smirk, and he walked away like he had won. Whatever.
All of the sudden a girl with long red hair pulled into a tight ponytail, and with green eyes just like Court, came over.
"Hi!, she squeeked,"my name is Danny."
"Oh..um hi Danny, my name is.."
"Scarlet, she had interupted," Scarlet Charlie."
"How did you..?"
"I work in the school's office, and heard about two new students joining us into Nowr Highschool!" she interupted again. "I just heard that you two moved from..."
"Missisipi,"I replied.
"Yep! Missisipi," she gushed. "I already saw your sister um Coort?"
"It's Court..."
"Haha yes Court, I meant to say...and she seems to already have friends! Pretty impressive."
"She's always been like that," I replied unevenly.
Court always made friends easily. She always had THE perfect boyfriend, and she always had perfect A's on her perfect report card. While I had a difficult time making friends, and as for boys. I got boys eyes, but I didn't want to date any normal guy right now. Ever since I've had that dream about the boy with the dark eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was so gorgeous, even though he was just a dream, he seemed so realistic.
"Well seeing the way you totally dropped Noal's ego, I would say you already have a best friend!" she chirped.
"Ok, friends it is," I replied. I didn't know Danny that very well, but she seemed like a cute nerdy friend, and I could tell she was pretty positive. Plus the friend thing didn't come natural to me like it did to Court, so I should keep the options on top.
"What class do you have right now?" said preppy Danny.
"Umm..." I checked my schedule on the paper index card they gave to me on Sunday. "AP English."
"Me too!" exclaimed Danny. "This is great! Already I can see the headlines! Scarlet and Danny walking to AP English!"
She dragged me into the classroom through the halls. There was one big desk, and in each desk two students were seated.
"Sadly we have assigned seating, so you'll have to go to Mr. Garret so you can be seated with someone," Danny said sadly. "But we have lunch together! So that's always good!"
I walked to the desk as all the students rushed to their assigned spots next to there I guess "English" partner. Mr. Garret was in a white shirt with his tie loose around his neck. His face was burried underneath piles of papers grading each one careful, altough his face was hidden.
"Excuse me, um Sir."
Slowly Mr. Garret pulled his face away from his papers. He was a handsome man, with blonde hair slicked back to his head, and pierced hazel eyes. He seemed to look in his young 20's which was strange.He suddenly smiled, but his smile wasn't kind. It was creepy smile, like a smile that said,"Hi, I don't know you, but can I rape you?"
"I'm new here, and I was wondering where I can sit," I replied shakily.
"Mmmm," he hummed, licking his lips, looking around the class room. He kept looking around the class, looking mostly at the empty seat by the "girl" than the "boy" in the corner.
"Right over there," he motioned by the only girl with an empty seat. But as I walked over there it was quickly filled with a brunette girl. The only seat left was by the boy with dark black hair, but I couldn't see his face.
Mr.Garret looked furious. He seemed mad that I had to be seated with this boy. It's like he had something against him...or any guy that I seemed to have to sit by.
"Take the seat by Mr. Jack," he pointed toward the boy in a disgraced, angry way. "No talking to him."
Was it just her..or was Mr.Garret jealous? He seemed creepy already, and he licked his lip while staring. No..he was a teacher..a 20 year old teacher that looked some what like Zac Efron. But yet, he frightend her.
As Scarlet made her way toward the boy, all eyes went toward her as she sat down next to him. All of the sudden she smelt mildew, rain ,and a hot sticky boy scent linger into the seat next to her. For some reason his scent was so overwhelming it made her feel...comfortable...like she's smelt this scent before.
As she put her leather bag on her desk, he looked at her. He was gorgeous. He had the black dark brown hair, he had the soft looking skin, an angular jaw line, and dark, oh so dark eyes. His dark eyes consumed her in one bit, and his nose lightly scattered with just the right freckles in the right spot, scrunched.
"Hi," he said in a seductive low voice,"I'm Darek."
"And I'm Scarlet," I said. I felt as if I was going to melt any second.
He nodded silently,snapping some cinnamon gum in his mouth,"Yeah, I know."
Right when I was about to ask him how he knew..Mr.Garret told us to open our English text books to page 215, and fill out our vocabulary. As class went on and on, I looked over at Darek a couple of time, sneaking a peak of what he was doing. He was writing, but not his 48 vocabulary words, he was writing what looked like a story or poem. I leaned over and saw it.
Her eyes dark tells a story
Maybe she'll come and tell me every morning
That she loves me enough to take away the scary
While we dance along to the midnight, while soaring
I watched him loop his cursive handwriting through and through, creating and designing more and more words. Jealous about who this girl was for some reason, as I watched him closely, Derek turned and looked at me.
"Someones a bit nosy huh?" he smirked as his eyes danced into a smirk, I could smell his wonderstruck cinnamon gum from here.
"Just curious about what you were writing," I said looking down at my desk. A habit when I was really nervous.
"Cute," he said,then he came so close to me, I could feel his hot breath cascading down my ear, "but you should know that I like to keep my things quiet."
I blushed really bad, and I could tell because he laughed and winked at me. What if he was just a player like Noel was when I met him. No..I thought, he seemed so much..out there. The teacher Mr. Garret looked at me and Darek a few times. Creeper,I thought. Even though Mr. Garret was good looking, he looked like nothing compared to Darek.
"Now class," said Mr. Garret annoyingly,"your table each has an assignment to complete. You and your table partner will construct a poem about how you feel about that person sitting next to you in class. This assignment must be at least 7 lines in depth, and is due next Wednesday. So good luck."
Oh great, I thought just tea in my cup. First I make a fool of myself at him, and now I'll have to do it in front of everyone! Great.
The bell noisly rang and as all the students grabbed their belongings, and ran out the door, Mr. Garret came up to Darek and I.
"If you two don't want to do the poem, I'd be glad to switch you to someone else," he said looking straight at me. "It really be no issue!" he exclaimed.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe if you feel more comfortable with someone else..." he went on.
"Thanks Mr. Garret," Darek had jumeped in, "but I think me and Scarlet will get along just fine."
Mr.Garret looked up. He looked mad at Darek. Almost furious. But Darek look really, really furious like he was protecting me almost, which almost seemed silly I guess, since I just barely met him an hour ago.
"Ok then," Mr. Garret said with a fake smile plastered on his face,"do well."
Right as I was about to ask him what was that about he replied," I'll come over to your house today around 4:15.."
"Um..ok, do you even know where I live?" I asked.
He just smiled that same smile that felt so familiar. As he walked out of the classroom silently looking back at me, and then leaving, I grabbed my things and slipped my bag on my shoulder. As I slipped my bag on my shoulder I saw a feather right where Darek had been just sitting. It was a crisp white feather stained in some black, like it was drenched in ink. I picked it up examing it, and stuffed it in my pocket of my bag. Two feathers in one day so far... Werid, I thought. I started walking fastly out of the classroom, feeling Mr. Garret's pierced eyes glued to the back of me.
After school Court and I went back into the car and drove off. I listened in the car annoyingly as she told me how many guys looked at her and asked her out. She even told me how many friends she made.
I only made friends with a perv, a dorky friend, and a strange handsome boy. For lunch I hardly sat by anybody! I was a total loner. I just walked around quietly around the lunch room getting glances at tons of kids. They were probably thinking, "what the heck is that chick doing?" Well, that girl is freaking confused. I didn't know where to sit, but for some reason, I just wanted to be myself!
"..And then he asked me out!" Court smiled, interuptng my thoughts.
"Will you ever pay any attention! Gosh! See this is why I never tell you anything! You never even listen."
"Sorry, kinda got bored of you talking about yourself," I mumbled.
"I was just saying what happened today at school. Maybe you should try it?"
"Okay, you want to know what happened at school today? I got talked to by a perv, I made a dorky friend..and oh? you wanna know what else? I have a CREEP teacher that assigned me a poem to a strange boy, and I have to write a poem about him..AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!"
By this time, I was all up in Court's face. Seriously upset at her.
"Okay, that's nice, she said unevenly.
Soon enough we rolled into the drive way. Court pulled her Guchi bag out of her car, and swung open the door, and slammed it. I looked up..such a drama queen. I slowly got out, and opened our "new" home door up.
Court was already bringing out some a box of oreos, and some milk. Her's and mine favorite snack of all time. I went by her and grabbed one too.
She slowly moved away and looked up,"I'm sorry, do you need something? Or are you gonna get all pissed at me again?"
"Look Court, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all ninja on you. I'm just all stressed with moving and school....and..dad.
"...Mmmm it's all right Scarlet, I know you didn't mean too," she smiled faintly, "let's just pretend that didn't actually happen."
"Fine with me," I smiled thankfully. Unlike me, Court forgave easily.
"Good. So when are you gonna work with this kid? You know..this project.."
"It's actually a poem..but his name is Darek. And I'm suppose to work with him on this poem, and we write what we think about this person..I don't even know him. So he's gonna come in and we are gonna...talk I guess."
"Is he cute?"
"Um..I guess," I smiled evenly.
"Oooh, you like him don't you?"
"I don't even know him!"
"Uh huh."
"Look..We just met and...." My voice trailed as the doorbell rang. OMG, he was here.
"I got it!" screamed Court racing to the door. "I bet he's probably ugly and he's not even that..." Her voice trailed off as she opened the door, and stared right into the eyes of a boy with dark wavy long hair. A tall muscular body, and those dark eyes.
"Hi," said Court flipping her hair into her eyes.
Oh no..this was bad. Court flipped her hair into her eyes. She's moving her body closer to his, and licking her lips constantly. She only ever did this when she wanted something. And I know exactly what she wanted. She wanted Darek..the boy in my dreams..my boy. This was a surprise. A bad surprise.
"ok well me and Darek are going to go ahead and work now on our poem," I said pointing out.
Court just looked at me annoyingly, then she looked back and Darek and said,"You know after you two are done with your poem you should go ahead and eat dinner with us." She smiled with a flirt. I HATE you, I thought.
"Well sure," Darek smiled softly his eyes smiling too, "as long as Scarlett or your mother don't mind?" He looked at me with a reasuring nod.
"I'm sure that..." Then of course Court interupted my thoughts, again.
"She won't mind," said Court smiling and touching his hand quickly and softly. That WHORE.
I smiled tightly. I felt that if I said anything I would end up screaming at here to GO AWAY.
Court smiled again, flipped her blonde hair, and walked with a hip bouncing back and forth. I thought of course he'd be checking her out by now. But he didn't, he was just looking at me and smiling down.
"Shall we begin?" Darek asked.
"Follow me." I lead him up our new winding up stairs into my bedroom. I kept the door opened because or a rule we had. No boys in the room unless the door is wide open. I opened up my room, a bit embarrased of all the boxes in my unattractive room. It had just unpainted walls and a twin bed with a shabby cloth laying as a blanket for me tonight.
He sits down on the twin sized bed, and as he does the bed squeaks. Ugh, I hate this noise. I clench my eyes, and he looks at me funny. Did I do something? It looked as if he was gonna say.
"Nothing just hate the noise."
"Awe," he says,"well first things first..we need to get to know how we do stuff, and what we do and basically just chemistry about each other."
Chemistry? Where the heck did this come in?
"I mean how we do things," he repeated, as he did so he blused a little bit and the freckles on his skin scrunched, as he turned up his cute nose.
I smiled at him laughingly, "OK babe" I joked, as I meant it. But when I said it, he just stared straight at me. No expression but a little laughter in his eyes. He came a bit closer to me, and sat right next to me. I could feel his jeans brushing my skin grazily. I felt something like a spark. I knew it sounded cheesy, but it was true. He smelt of vanilla and something heavingly that I couldn't put it together. Like cinnamon, darkness, heat,and bit of dark licorice.
"I like the sky, nature, dark colors like your hair," he gestured," I also like the smell of grass right when you wake up and how it blossoms right into your nose. When someone looks at me I feel like they think I am something completely different than who I really am in the inside. When I see a baby cry, it makes me think of how I got abandoned at the age of nine when my single father was murdered right before my eyes. Or how I was left to watch my little sister, Lilah, until something...terrible happened to the both of us."
I watched him silently as a tear flowered down his rose cheek. "I love how it feels to be up in the sky! And how it feels like everything you ever feared is down there, and nobody in the world can bother you."
I felt so sad for him. He just shared lot with me. He was really open for just meeting me, maybe he felt the comfortable presence with each of us, just as I did, But it interested me about what happened that night..and did he fly an airplane or helicopter? "So you like fly airplanes or helicopters," I asked.
"Not exactly.."Darek said. I was going to ask further questioning,but of course he gestured for me to say something. Maybe it was my turn for him to know about me.
"I like the smell of..."
"Coffee and gasoline," he finished for me.
"How did you..know that?" I whispered.
"You don't have to tell me stuff about you," he came up close to my ear.
He got up and looked at the clock, it read 6:45 PM. "Time for dinner..."
"It's only time for dinner when Court yells..." I pointed out. All of the sudden..another creepy thing happened. Court yelled that of course dinner was ready. How did the frick he know all these things! He started out of the room, and looked at me and asked,"You coming?"
He grabbed my hand, and pulled me with him to join dinner with my oh so wonderful "family". OMG, he was holding my hand. His hand was strong and held my tiny hand tightly. As we went down, he pulled the tiny wooden chair for me to sit in, in our tiny country dining room.
"Thank you," I smiled.
He smiled faintly and sat in the chair right next to me. My mom sat in front of me like usual, but instead of Court sitting next to Mom like usual, she sat on the left of Darek. She looked up and smiled. He smiled back lightly.
Mom looked up at him and said,"Why aren't you a very handsome man?"
"Mom!" I looked at her embarrassingly.
"Well he is!" she smiled. "Just remember the door is alway going to be.."
"Opened!" I said "I know."
"Good. So what's your name?" She smiled at Darek big.
"Darek...Ms. the food that you made is really delicious," Darek said, stuffing a bunch of mashed potatoes and Chicken into his mouth.
"Well thank you! You know Scarlett used to eat a bunch basically piling a ton on her plate, but after Court said she would get fat and ugly eating that much," Mom looked at Court annoyingly, "she has not been eating that much!"
"It's true if you eat too much though, Mom" Court said.
"I just eat smaller portions," I argued, "and I eat fine." This was so embarrassing by now of course Court would be getting him, he'd feel all awkward and too weirded out by me.
"I think you could never get fat," he said looking at me,"your too pretty."
Did he really just say that? I could feel excitement flying up in my stomache. I looked over at Court, she had a dark expression on her face as if she was ready to kill someone. Ouch, serves you right though.
After this Darek helped my mom with the dishes, and she kept pointing at him and whispering, that he was a keeper. I laughed, and he looked up at me and mom, and we just kept prentending nothing was happening.
Later that evening, Darek got his backpack out of my "room". I walked him out to the door.
"Is your ride here?" I asked. There was no car in sight.
"I lost my dad remember?"
"Don't you live with anyone?" He can't just not live by himself and be in highschool, and be able to pay for a backpack and stuff.
"Yes, I do." I was going to ask who, but I felt a little to nosy.
"So are you just gonna walk then?"
"What is with the "maybes" or "not exactlys"
He looked at me , smirked and quietly wondered into the streets. After 30 seconds of being stunned, I decided to go after him. I walked into the streets, but he wasn't there. How could he do that? It usually takes a guy or girl 7 minutes to walk out of this area because of how tight everything is. I decided to forget about it. As I walked out of the street, I all of the sudden had a flashback memory of a smirk that a certain boy gave me. I smirked back, and walked into our house. Locking the door, for no danger to come to us.
Everything from after he left my house was perfectly fine...until I came back to school the next lovely day. Court got stupid Darek's number, and I found this out when I got out of her car. I saw Darek and rushed to him, only to be blocked out of the picture when Court bumped her hips right toward Darek. Darek just smiled polietly and didn't even pay attention to me when he was flirting with her. So I did what any independent woman would do, I walked away confidently.
The next day, he still ignored me and now he was just sitting with Court at lunch. Every single frickin day he would seat with Court. When we went and anounced our poems, I went poured my poem to the class about him and sat down. I was patiently waiting to see what Darek would have written, but he never even got asked by Mr. Garret. Even after all the students had said what they thought about that person, Darek didn't even care to tell Mr. Garret he had forgotten about him. After that he just walked away and Court and him were talking again. She even poked his stomache and giggled about "how strong he was". Sure he was strong...cute...handsome...and so incredible sweet and geniune, but...I was just really pissed off!
It had been three weeks by now and I was really just done with Darek. Every day at lunch or in the hallways Court and him would be all cute with each other and I was sick of it! I was surprised he hadn't even come over with Court to her bedroom of "FUN".
I woke up this morning, and thought finally I had to be strong and confident and not always be so smoggled up with a guy. I would look really good today. I got dressed in some leather shorts sounded skanky, but if matched up in the right shirt and shoes did not! I slipped on a white low cut shirt and combat boots. Finally, I added a jean tight jacket ,and took a look in the mirror. Wow, I thought. I looked actually pretty good. I dialed Danny's number, no way would I go with Court to school any more with her acting like this with Darek, I rather go with my best friend Danny. Danny was always the sillest, nerdy girl ever, but I loved her.
Around 8 a.m., she was finally here. Gosh, that girl took forever.
"Good morning, babe! Sorry, my guinnea pig had extreme diarhea!" she joked from Jenna Marbles video's White Lies.
"HAHA!" I said sarcastically,"well make sure ur guinnea pig doesn't do it again."
"Sorry! Anyways... what's with you, hot mamma?" she gestured to my outfit.
"Is it too much?" I was starting to get insecure with this outfit.
"Too much for the boys" she winked," they'll be bonin' for yea!"
"Oh gosh! That is seriously disgusting! I am scarred for life."
"It's true!"
"Just drive please," I laughed.
We finally got to the school after listening to Never Shout Never. As I pulled up, we walked into the school, while idiots were playing with fire, and stoners and goths were spiking and smoking weed. I swear no one in this school gave a crap about what we did. They all started to look at me as I walked into the school gymnasium. I smiled, and they just smirked and winked their sunken eyes. As I walked in with Danny on my side, I saw Darek and Court flirting again.
"Just ignore them," Danny said.
I flipped my eyes in another direction, knowing that Darek hadn't even looked at me yet! Whatever.
"I know Scarlet, that you shouldn't do this but...maybe you should make Darek jealous? Go to Noel?"said Danny
"Noel?" I know Noel liked me, and he was really good looking and all, but nobody came down to hot with Mr. Garret or Darek in this school. Noel was flirting with a bunch of peppy freshman when I saw him. I really didn't want to go over there, but if it was too make Darek learn what he was missing. I wouldn't care. "Alright."
I walked over to Noel, he was just a foot from Darek...and Court.
"Hey Noel," I said innocently.
He instantly turned to me and looked at me. He smiled and came closer towards me, totally ignoring the freshman. The freshman looked at me rude, and walked away. Obviously, going to gossip about me as they walked away. "Hello, Princess," he smirked. He started to call me this ever since I'd met him.
"Hmm still like my nickname I see."
"Well, you are a princess aren't you? You sure look like one...no... more like a brunette version of Kate Upton, but less boob," he pointed.
"Hm, I don't know whether I should be happy or disturbed."
"Try both."
"Okay, anyways I need to ask you for a favor."
"Oh! I knew it was too good to be true. Princess, wouldn't just come up here and talk to me unless she wanted somthing," he said surrending his hands.
"Look I said, will you pretend to be my boyfriend or whatever..."
"Wow, wow, wow what? Boyfriend? I don't want to be anybody's boyfriend. I like being a man, and getting to choose what girl I want. One day I might want a brunette version of Kate Upton," he pointed at me," and the next day I might want a hot red head or a dumb blonde. You know what I mean?"
"Okay, look if you do this, I'll pay you in cash."
"As nice as that sounds...no, I already have a job, and getting money from a princess would be considered almost me as a thief."
I walked away, until he grabbed my arm. He looked at me and said," Unless...you tell me why you need to use me?"
I hesitated, but grabbed his arm. I pulled him into the janitor room, as I did Darek looked in my direction. Score.
"Because, Darek and I were reallly hitting it off, and now Court is getting in the way of that. She always is doing this to me ,and I need your help."
"Court? The hot blonde?"
"Yes." Great, already feeling worse.
"No competition. You are way better looking."
I smiled almost about to blush. Did he really just say that? No one had ever said that to me before. I mean I didn't want to sound like one of those friends that once someone says the girl compared to the girl that gets more guys is prettier and get all excited, but I couldn't help it.
"My opinion," he said "brunettes are always more attractive to me."
"Fine, but conditions..." he said smiling " I get to makeout with you anytime I want to unless you are sick, second I get to hold your hand, and third you have to cook me dinner every Friday at my house."
"Every Friday? I have plans! And makeout anytime you want? Wouldn't I get mono from you?"
"Well, for your information I don't have mono, and second of all I'm a great kisser! And the dinner is way better then what I was gonna say about how you would dress in my presence."
"Fine. This can start after we are out of this closet."
As we get out, all these students look at us, including Darek. He just stared at me. Noel looked just estatic.
"That was great babe thanks for that,"he looked at me and kissed my cheek.
I was about to slap him, but remembering our plan. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He looked surprised that I was already going in for this. Then he saw Darek, and kissed me back leaning into me hard and holding my lower back. Noel was a really good kisser, his lips were really soft and when I kissed him I felt like I was eating chocolate. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Oh gosh, I already started to like him a little.
As he grabbed my hand, I felt Darek staring straight at me. I glanced back, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking straight at Noel, really pissed off. But I didn't care.
"Kiss me, babe," I said to Noel. He obeyed gladly.
I was in English AP class later on after Noel and I had become "officially dating". Are plan was working out really well actually. Darek seemed to be really paying attention to the both of us, and looking at us meanly. The only problem was he seemed to get more into my sister, when I went all cutie with Noel.
We were working today in English about some dude named Arthur that made a famous English book that made something. Wasn't really sure, kept zoning out every two seconds. Only problem was that Darek and I were sitting by eachother...it was sorta awkward because he kept glancing at me. All of the sudden Mr. Garret looked at me with his pierced eyes.
"Scarlet, would you like to tell us something famous or exciting that has happened to you like it had to Mr. Arthur?"
What kind of question was that? Why would he want to know that? Also, why would he want me to even share this with the whole class? Ah, teachers.
"Uhhhh." Think Scarlet. Think. What the heck is something excititng that has happened to you? "Probably, when I made chocolate cookies, and they tasted really good." Really Scarlet?
The whole class started to giggle. Except Darek. "Well, that's nice, Scarlet..." said Mr. Garret," anyways go ahead and study for your pop quiz you have five minutes to work on it."
Pop quiz? Great, just another thing for me to worry about. I pulled out my book and started going over vocab words and things. Darek looked at me and I just stared at him. "Yes?" I said. He just looked at me and said nothing and went back to studying. Really, your such a douche, I thought. He looked at me as I thought that, and just sighed. Did he hear me say that? No, it's not like he could read minds I mean lets be serious this isn't Edward and Bella.
I finally just had enough of this, and was about to burst out of tears. I never had ever done this except when I found out my Dad was leaving my mom and us for a YOUNGER woman. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I said loudly to Mr. Garret.
Mr. Garret looked at me and other students heads turned toward mine own. "Can you wait til after the quiz?" he said nicely, but once he saw my eyes he looked at me interestingly and sighed okay.
I ran out of the room, not even caring about looking at Darek. I ran to the football field, and ran up to the bleachers and cried with my face in my knees. This actually felt really good to get out. I just kept pouring out my tears until I had no more to cry. You could just here me sobing lightly over and over again. I looked at my phone and realized I had been gone about 20 minutes. No one really takes that long unless they're taking a dump. I giggled lightly to myself and drunkly stumbilingly came down the bleachers tripping a few times.
I walked slowly across the field, and went to the bathroom. When I got there, I realized that most of my makeup was dripping. I got some toliet paper, and dried it up trying to look presentable. I realized my outfit was okay, and I shouldn't be so focused on my looks. It was ruining me. I looked down, and realized I had a huge bloody cut on my ankle that I hadn't noticed. Probably when I came down the bleachers. I tried to get some paper towels to clean it up, but it kept on bleeding. I grabbed a ton on paper towels, and just held onto it while walking back into Mr. Garrets classroom. I knew I should probably hurry, realizing I took half an hour.
I walked into Mr.Garrets classroom, all eyes on me as I weridly walked in. "I don't know where she is!" yelled Mr. Garret into the phone," she had to go to the bathroom and she's not back yet. Yes, yes it's been half and hour."
I didn't realize how embarrassing this was until I said, "Um, I'm right here, Sir." Mr. Garret looked over towards me quickly. His eyes looked very bulgy but settled after he glanced at me. He told the person on the phone he found me and hung up.
"Scarlet, why were you taking so long? I was scared. What happened to your ankle?" I looked down and realized the paper towels had again soakin down in blood. I must've looked crazy. "Oh um...I tripped."
"How did you trip that bad? Somebody must've hurt you?" he looked fiercely. "Who did this to you?"
"No one I swear, I just tripped. It's fine, really."
"I doubt it...okay, but if you feel like really telling me the actual truth I'm here," he said very generously "now go take your quiz with the other students."
I sat down next to Darek and took the pop quiz which was surprisingly easy, I thought. After I finished it, I handed it in, luckily not the last student to be done with the quiz. I sat back down with Darek. He looked at me, and kept looking at me.
"Are you okay?"he said to me finally saying something to me.
"Oh," I whispered,"so now you're going to talk to me."
"Well, it's kinda hard when you're all over Noel," he muttered.
"What about my sister? Huh? Don't act like your all innocent."
"I don't like your sister in that way, she's just a friend.
"Just a friend...complete bullcrap, you hardly even talk to me anymore and you always ignore me."
He sighed and said,"You wouldn't understand." The bell rang and he picked up his stuff, and started to walk away. I followed him close behind. I grabbed the back of his jacket, and said,"The only thing YOU don't understand is that I reallly actually sorta liked you, and now that your off being a complete jerk your not worth it. I don't even understand why I liked you or said any of those good things about you in the poem. Because honestly, you don't deserve those words, and I take them all back."
All sorts of students looked at us, as I walked away into the back of the school. I came outside, and all of the sudden Darek looked at me.
"I really do like you Scarlet, but you need to know that I can't be with you right now and they're are reasons why," he said as he looked off in Mr.Garret's direction. "If you want to know..."he murmerd softly," then meet me in the fileds tonight around 9."
He kissed me in that second, and it was even better than Noel. It had compassion and love, all the things I was yearning for. He lips were deathly soft, I smiled as we kissed. All the sudden he walked away, and disappeared, while I just stood stunned. Then I looked over and saw Mr.Garret staring death eyes at me..
Publication Date: 11-03-2012
All Rights Reserved
To a book that always had many pages to be read and many pages to be seen