
Chapter 1

There was a camp on the side of a beach, there are seven kids in all, five boys and two girls. The boys were wild and kind of mean and always are teasing the girls, one night the girls had enough of it and made a plan..... to kill the boys in their sleep. Two days later, the plan was ready, in the middle night, the two girls went to the food area and got not one but two big knives they planned to kill the youngest first. The girls walked to Neo's cabin, the youngest, he's five. As they sneaked into Neo's room, they stabbed them in the head three times, one girl held Neo's mouth shut, as tears and blood gushed out of there eyes. Screaming from the inside Neo was dead with their blood-filled tears finally going dr

'' One down four more to go,'' said one girl.

Then they threw Neo's lifeless body into a hole they pre-dug for five dead bodies. 

chapter 2

The next cabin they went to was the oldest boys named Conor and Nell, there usually nice, but all must die a pain full death. Conor was frist he was funny and mostly cool. With the rise of her blade she jabed the knife in his leg, Conor's eyes shot open, with the feeling of a needle...a knife...a butcher knife...a chain saw cutting and ripping at his legs then his arms, he believes his head is next. Tears rolling off his face even though the only pain he felt was cold and num, then pull! pull! rip!  Blood splated everywhere the walls, the bed, the girls, even Nell! That's when Nell started moving in his bed, he open his long eye lashes slowly

'' What is this stuff... b-b-blood...?'' Nell stuttered as he sat up straight, looking all around the room then seeing the girls holding Conor's blood dripping head also them covered with blood head to toe.

'' uhh..'' both girls said.

'' W-w-what  d-did you do...WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BOTHER!?!?'' shouted Nell

'' We killed him, duh!'' a girl said smiling at the other girl.

chapter 3

Nell tears were falling like waterfalls, he saw a knife being thrown at him, he passed out and the girls burned him to death. Then they lit the last cabin on fire. Screams could be heard from all around the world. The girls walked to the camp's big sign that said: Camp Away'' in bold letters. It started to rain, and the girls got in a car and drove all the way home. And they were never seen again!'' said Conor's head. The five ghosts told stories, sang songs, and explored. Then they did it again and again and again. Until Neo asked " why did we die I wanted to live!? Why were those girls so mean" sniffed Neo.

'' They didn't do anything..... but we did'' Conor said in a small voice, putting his head back on his neck from where it was ripped off.

'' Ya, we did do something.. we teased and were mean to the poor girls. But.. I still don't approve of they killing us like Neo said '' I wanted to live! Why are th-'' Nell tried to say.

''Hey! Don't copy what I said it's rude Nell!'' yelled Neo.

''Sorry, but I have an idea!'' said Nells ashed body.

chapter 4

 'We should find them and show them what they did to us'' Nell said in creepy voice. 

''Yeah, we should like find them then like umm do somthining... bad to them or somthing like that.'' said Ben and Ken together, the twins in the cabin that the girls burned down.

'' Oh, like we should take all of their stuff toys!'' Neo said, trying to be scary. 

''Haha! Yeah, Neo well take ALL of their toys'' Nell said trying to hold back from laughing.  

''wait who know's where they live?'' asked Coner.

''Good point, hasn't been like ten... or like maybe.... twelve years seens we saw them?!'' Yelled Ben and Ken.

''wow their like 25 now!'' Shouted Nell's ashed body.

''Well what are we waiting for? LETS GO GET THESE WHICHES!!!'' Screamed Nell.

''YEAH!!!'' Said all five of the ghost.

Chapter 5

As the five ghost packed up their dust covered outfits and suitcases, Coner was wearing a ''I Love Cake'' shirt, Nell was wearing a blue ninja shirt, Neo was wearing a unicorn shirt, and the twins were wearing same thing, a long sleve red striped shirt and a blue shirt on top.

'' Wait, we're dressing like we're going on a field trip!'' Coner said looking at his childish buddys, and then grabbing face paint and started putting it on their upper cheeks.

'' Now we can go!!!'' Coner yelled as they stared off on their journey to heave knows where. Then two weeks later,

'' Conor.... my toe's hurt...'' Neo mumbled.

''Neo!! You don't have toes!'' Coner said pulling Neo's arm to make him move faster.

'' AHHH! NO, STOP IT!!'' Neo said as he waved his arm's quick enough to smack Conor's head off, and then the gang stared at Neo wide eyed, but finally Nell's ashed body said,'' N-Neo on your a-arm..''

'' ..What..?'' As Neo looked down on his arm and saw Coner's detached arm on his.




NOTE: Coner's arms, legs, and head were choped off ( chapter 2)




Chapter 6

As the gang stared at Neo, Neo said, '' Wait.... wheres is Coner?'' 

'' Guys! I'm over here! In this random road that came out of no where!'' As Coner shouted that, they saw a car head lights and, then they all started to panic. The car got closer and Coner's head was about to be crushed, Nell finally jump in front of Coner's head and in front of the car, streched his burned arms out and closed his eyes. Before he new it the car stop so fast it almost hit Nell's chest, as the car door opened slowly a black figure step out and said, '' NELL!?''

As Nell eyes got use to the darkness and saw Lucy..... one of the girls that killed them. Lucy looked at the peaple she killed with a grossed out look, like she was about to puke, ''But.... but I killed you I..... I killed all of you...... WHY ARE STILL HERE!?'' Shuttered Lucy.

''Wow..... Lucy you look... so old, way older than 25!'' Ben and ken said together.

''Oh yeah.... she looks more like 60! No where near 25!'' Neo joined in.

 ''SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!'' Blushed Lucy.

Chapter 7

''Wait Lucy, have you ever thought about how you would look when you'er like... 80! You would look like you'er dead and have so many wrinkles, peaple will think your a loosly sewed human rag doll!'' Shouted Coner's head from the road. As the gang giggled at what Coner said, Lucy whispered to herself, '' And.... this is one of the many reason's I killed you guys, I wonder if you can kill somthing that is already dead..... or..... half dead? I also want to know if I can..?'' As she asked that to her self she bent down held her hand out and put it through Neo's face right where they got stabbed. That's when everyone stoped giggleing and stared at Lucy... started running in circle's and sceaming. Then Lucy heard Neo in pain, crying and saw them with their hand on their head, when she heard and saw that she quicky got her hand out of there.

'' Oh, I'm... ah.... so... so sorry..? Can you just stop crying... please..?''whipered Lucy, but she was to late, Neo was crying in Ben and Ken's arm's and the rest of them gave Lucy the death stare.

''Ok Lucy I know you don't ... like us, but do not hurt Neo their five! Even if they were still alive they would still be younger than you!'' Yelled Coner.

''But... I didn't try to... to hurt them!'' Lucy said trying to yell too.

'' Do you think Neo is crying just for fun, NO! This 25 year old lies more than a 5 year old!'' Add Nell in an mad tone of voice.


Chapter 8


'' ....'' The gang stared at Lucy.

'' T-thank you... ok here's what happened , I wondered what would happen if I stuff my hand into a ghost head I new It would go through but what after that and they cried, so... yeah...'' Lucy said with a weird smile.

'' Ok that's really dumb and why would you put your hand through the only one here that got stabbed in the head!'' Nell said as he grab all of Coner's body parts and put it back together again. The gang glared at Lucy as she said,'' So... yeah... I'll be going now, nice to see you alive, I mean... dead? Yeah.. b-bye?''

''WAIT!'' Shouted Ben and Ken.

''WHAT'' Lucy said scared.

 ''Do you know where Tina is!'' Yelled Ben and Ken.

Wait, who is Tina again?'' Asked Lucy.

'' You don't remember!?'' Gasped the gang.

'' I'm not even going to lie, I have know clue who this person is.'' Confessed Lucy.

'' W-well,  Tina is your friend who helped you kill us.'' Neo finally spoke up hiding behined Ben and Ken.

'' Oh! That Tina! Yeah, I have know idea where she is now, we havn't seen each other in like twelve years!'' Lucy said as she started walking back to her car.


Chapter 9

As Lucy got in the car, she saw the five ghosts were gone

'' So where are we going?'' Asked Coner in the passenger seat.

''AHHH!'' Screeched Lucy.

''Shhh! Please be quiet, Neo is trying to sleep.'' Said Ben in the back seat holding Neo in his lap.

''AHHH!'' Screeched Lucy again.

'' What did he just say?'' Whispered Ken sitting beside Ben.

''Geez, can you not follow simple rules?'' Nell rolled his eyes laying his head against the window in the last seat.

'' Why are you guys in my car?'' Whispered Lucy.

'' To find Tina, what else. '' Smiled Coner.

'' I already told you, I don't where she is!'' Cried Lucy.

''Eh, lets just drive around and see what we can find.'' shrugged Coner.

'' F-fine, but only for a little bit, not too long I want to go home i'm tired.'' Shook Lucy. After a few minutes Lucy was still as tense, Coner saw her and asked, " Hey you ok? You look kind of freaked out! "Coner chucked.

" I'm not flipping freaked out you phantom! " Lucy said leaning closer to the steering wheel.

 "Oh my god! Coner! There another human in this car!  And their in the trunk!" Ben and Ken said sticking their head through the back of the car.

Chapter 10

 "Get you're head out of my trunk!" Lucy said as she stopped the car in a flash.

 "Guys I think that is Tina in the trunk, and she's not moving!" Cried Neo also looking from the back of the car to the front.

 "Oh God, stop looking at it-" Lucy was saying until she realized that no one was in her car anymore. They were all at the back of the car somehow with the trunk open, the twins holding Neo's shoulders and Coner and Nell are trying to pick up the body they think is Tina. When they get closer they see it, in fact it is Tina, but she is tied up with ropes and chains and has more than ten gun shots and cuts on her whole body. As they saw this they all glared at Lucy, Lucy was not dealing with this so she got in her car and drove away with her trunk open wide. Coner laid Tina down on the ground to let her ghost rise. As they waited for Tina, they felt bad even if it what she deserve. With all heads down but Neo's, he was staring at Tina till she rose, it took a long time and Neo stared just as long. Her spirt started to lift, by the time was half way off the ground Neo already grabed her leg, '' Coner! Tina rose! Look up!''

As everyone looked up they also grabed Tina's leg, and brought her down to wake her up to tell them what really happened.  Tina finally told what happened,'' At first I didn't really hate you, I mean you where rude, but it was Lucy how hated your guts,  every single one of you. She talked about you and how you were like are retarded and selfish, that's when I really started disliking you..... and that's when we... killed.. you. She first said that it was a good thing... what we did to you, then she told me that we couldn't come back to the camp, EVER.'' Tina looked up at everyone.

'' Well! How did you get in the to freaking trunk?!'' Shook Nell.



Chapter 11

'' She hated this one boy, then she made me hate the boy too. We planned on... k-killing him. But I felt bad for him, so I was trying to help him get away from her... but she found us. She found us with an AK-47, she shot the little boy in the eyes killing him, then she walked up to me and shot me in the shoulder which didn't kill me but made me weak, so she drags me to the trunk.'' Tina looked up again showing the gun hole in her shoulder.

'' Well, you have more than one bullet mark on your body?'' Ben and Ken said.

'' I started to fight back so she shot me not to move but not to die. On the verge of death and locked in a trunk with no way of air to get in, with all of that happening Lucy took a super bumpy road, I ended up hitting my head on the trunk door killing me immediately.'' Tina started to tear up.

'' So you died by hitting your head!'' Pointed out Nell, Neo elbowed Nell in the balls.


''W-well basically... I... I... I guess did die by hitting my head.'' Tina ugly cried. Ben and Ken muttered to each other,'' Why are we doing story time when we just found out that Lucy is murder who will kill whoever she doesn't like..''

'' Guys! I just got an idea! We should kill Lucy!'' Neo beamed looking at everyone. No one seemed amused,

'' Ok, Neo I know you're not that smart, but that what we were trying to do, but all this happened, do you understand child?'' Grunted Coner.

'' Maybe we should  kill her before she gets to another kid. When she dies I will rise!'' Tina rejoiced.

Chapter 12

'' Well, do you even know where she's going? Did she like... tell you anything?'' Ken and Ben asked.

'' Well... yes but it's not good.. She's going to a school, hold a class hostage, kill the teacher and chop off all the students body parts then kill herself with the door of the classroom locked.'' Suttered Tina. They just stared at her, not believing what they just heard, '' How cruel can she be?'' Nell thought. 



Publication Date: 05-11-2018

All Rights Reserved

This book is for my oldest sister because she loves to write and I love to write. Love you sis!

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