In my classroom, we were writing random stories and this is what mine said, "I ate a sandwich and I went outside to go kill my friend because she's a big brat, so I killed her and buried her body after that I killed myself. The End.
"I got kicked out of another high school, " said Kane
"Kane this is the 8th school you got kicked out of, what is it this time you set the bathroom on fire again oh, or did you hit a teacher on the head with a book 'cause you got an F on a test?" said dad.
" I don't need to tell you anything old man!" yelled Kane.
Without thinking Kane ran out of the house to her best bud's house. Then she knocked on the door. Knock! Knock!
"Coming!" yelled Sam, Kane's friend.
"TOO LATE!!" said Kane.
" Well that Kane for you," Sam said to himself after Kane knocked the door down and said sorry for it. Sam, can we take a walk.... in the woods?" asked Kane.
"The woods? Eh, not like I have anything better to do, let's go!" Sam said as they went down the block to the park and into the forest.
" Sam stay there for a sec, i'll be right back. " said Kane. As Kane left, Sam got a chill up his spine then, he turned around and got a knife to the chest he fell to the ground. When he open his eyes and saw Kane with a smile on her face then she stabbed him again and again and again until he bled out to death.
" It's your fault to follow a crazy kid into the woods you slave!" yelled Kane as she steped on Sam, then kane skipped to Rains house, her other friend. She saw Rain in his frontyard playing with a ball.
" RAIN, GET YOUR FAT BUTT OVER HERE!" shouted Kane as she waved her arms madly. Rain jumped as Kane screamed he ran to her and said
''oh, hey Kane! Sorry I didn't see you there.'' said Rain as he rushed over to where Kane was standing.
'' Rain, I have a gift for you, so close your eyes!'' Kane said as she looked in her bag to find the knife that she stabed Sam with, and she quickly slipped the knife in Rains pocket with out him knowing, then she put some gum in Rains hand and ran away.
'' What the... gum... I already have a lot of gum,but thanks anyway!'' Rain yelled after Kane who was charging down the street. As Rain went inside his houes, the knife the Kane hid in his pocket shined cause of the sun then Rain's mother asked,
'' Hey Rain, what's in your pocket?'' said Rains mom pointing to his right pants leg pocket. When Rain finally looked down, he pulled out an icey cold, silver lined, blood soked knife.
After little bit of yelling, banging, and tears the police started rolling in. They broke the door down into tiny bits, and saw Rain with the bloody knife in his hand banging on the door yelling, ''MOM OPEN THE DOOR I JUST WANT TO TALK!''
The polices man ran in picked up Rain by the arm pit and tazed him till he passed out, then the poilce man said,'' Ma'am you can come out now.''
''A-are you sure he p-passed out...?'' Asked Rain's mom.
'' Yes ma'am, we're taking him...AHHH!!!'' Screamed the police man as the knife that Rain's numb body was still holding with a tight grip, jabbed him in the side, making the police man fall to his knee's and droping Rain's lifeless body to his mom's feet. As she looked at her son laying on the floor she slowly made her way to the front door, got in the car and drove away as fast as she could. As the police men stuffed Rain in their cop car's trunk they went to a mental house. Kane was running back to her house with a big grin on her face, when she made it home ran up stairs yelling at her dad,'' I'M HOME, DON'T COME UP STAIRS!'' As she locked her bedroom door Kane grab a stool from the corner, opened a small patch in the wall and grabed a photo book. As Kane felt around in her pocket, she pulled out a photo of Sam's blood stained body and slipped it into one of the space's next to Leo, one out of a hundred other dead bodies in Kane's book. Quicky she close her disturbing book stuffed it in the wall hole put the patch back up right.
As Kane's dad walk in, Kane picked up the first book she could fine and opened it.
'' Ummm? Kane we are you reading a math book.... also why is it upside down...?''
'' What? EW! Algabra!'' Hissed Kane.
''Ok? Well I need you to come down stairs, people are here to see you.'' Said Dad.
''W-who'' Shook Kane.
''Oh, just some police men. Wait why do you look so pale? You didn't do anything did you!'' Yelled Dad.
''Umm... no... I didn't do anything...'' Kane said as she thought,'' Why is this happaning, all thoes other times I killed peaple I got away with it but why is this diffrent?'' But that's when Kane found out what happened, it was Rain, she never killed Rain. ''He could tell the police that I kill Sam! That means I'm going to jail, the big house, the slamer! I don't want to go to jail!''
''Kane go down stairs, peaple are waiting for you! Geez!'' yelled Dad again.
As Kane slowly made her way downstairs, she peeked around the corner she saw two policemen sitting on her sofa talking to each other. Then Kane's dad push her down the rest of the stairs, which was only two but still made Kane fell on her face and made her legs go up and then hit the stairs hard to make a loud BANG! the two policemen stared at her, then got up to help her.
'' Hey are you ok kid?'' Said one of the policeman.
'' Yeah... yeah... I'm ok...'' Kane said as she held her hand to her nose.
'' Kid your hand!'' Said the other police man. As Kane looked down, she took her hand off her nose and saw blood on it. Kane got up, went to the kitchen and put two paper towels is her each nose hole, and washed the blood off her hands.
'' Wow kid, how were you so calm? Any normal kid would have passed out by now!'' Said, one policeman.
'' Well, I see blood a lot so...'' Kane paused and started to sweat, she wasn't thinking about what she was saying, she wasn't thinking at all, he just saw the police men faces go from worry to confused.
''' Oh, I mean... umm...'' Kane said as she looked everywhere but the policemen's eyes, sweating like crazy.
''' What do you mean?'' The policeman scowled.
"It's a.... a..... a girl thing! Yes a girl thing, you know, puberty..... puberty, and stuff? " Kane explained letting her voice crack.
"Yea.... weirdo... Anyways you need to come with us. You are going to a mental hospital to see your friend. Pain was his name right?"
"Actually it's Rain... well that's his middle name, his real name is Taylor, but he thinks it's too girly," Kane said as the policeman tugged on her arm to get in the car. He shut the car door right in her face, got in the front seat and started driving to the mental hospital. As the policemen were singing in the song " Rude, by Magic " Kane was forming an escape plan, " If I want to escape while driving I'll have to, unbuckle my seat belt which makes a loud noise, then I have to open the door which also makes a loud noise, after the easy parts are done I have to jump out of a moving car into traffic and survive. If I do it when we get there all I have to do is run, for a long time, but just run.
But before she had time to plan more they were already opening the door for Kane to get out. When Kane looked up and saw a huge hospital that you would see in one of those horror movies. The policeman pulled Kane forward and started pushing her to the hospital, into Rain's room.
'' Oh.... hi Rain, h-how's it been..?'' Kane said sweating.
'' How's it been? Hmm... HOW HAS IT'S BEEN!?'' Rain said jiggling in his straight-jacket.
" Oh... I don't know how that happened! Why are you here again? " Kane asked with a small sinister grin. Rain screamed out of anger, knowing he can't do anything to her, he just screamed louder and more powerful than before even trying to break free from the straight-jacket. As policemen held Rain down, Kane was holding back her happiness and smiles by fake crying and saying, '' AHH! He is crazy! Please take him away! I didn't even do anything to him!''
Because before she said that she had her hand covering her smile, but now she's covering her eyes being ''sad'', one policeman saw the most bone-chilling smile he has ever seen.
'' LOOK AT HER! LOOK AT HER FACE! SHE THE ONE WHO KILLED SAM, NOT ME!'' As Rain yelled that he remembered the time he went to Kane's house without her knowing, he walked in on her on a stool, putting maybe a book in her wall. She pushed him so hard that he flew down the stairs and woke up in an infirmary two weeks later.
'' THE PATCH! LOOK AT THE PATCH, SHE'LL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP WHAT EVER IS IN THERE SAFE!'' Cried Rain. The policemen looked at Kane to see her holding her hand over Rain's mouth, glaring at him.
" Oh God... hey kid I think you need to leave now. Guys we need to get this girl a room, so she won't harass the patient anymore, he seems really stressed and than he might do something crazy! " Shook one of the police man looking at Kane. Two police man grabbed Kane by her armpits and dragged Kane into a room far away from Rain's room, not even on the same floor she was out in a dorm like room who she shared with one person because they would be in there for miner thing.
" What the..... HECK! Why would you put me in here, I didn't even do anything! " Protested Kane angrily.
"Shut up and where is your freaking roommate! Oh, come on not again!" Whined the police officers shutting the door and stomping down the hall, yelling at someone, than running after them. Hours, it felt like, than Kane heared, " Let go of me, you .... you... you butthole! Yeah I went there! " Yelled a kids voice. Kane was very confused by hearing a kid's voice, was that her roommate? Was her roommate a freaking kid, Kane hated kids more than she hates the devil. Now the kid was screaming curse words at the policeman, she thought the policeman was also mad because he was cursing right back at the kid. As the door open the kid yelled,'' You know what, i'm going to escape right after you close the door! What are you going to about that you litte-'' The door slammed loud so she couldn't hear what the kid, who was a litte boy in the end, said.
'' Dumb ugly guy.... huh? Oh um... hi dude! My name is... Alex? Yes, Alex! What's your name?'' Asked Alex. Alex was clearly not his name, but Kane went along with it.
'' Hi Alex? Is that how you say your name, Alex? Well name is Kane. Yes it's my real name.''
'' Kane... Pffff! Like Raising Kanes? Like... like chicken tenders! HAHAHA! I'll call you tenders!'' Alex broke out laugh.
Kane was mad that Alex said that, so mad that she started to strangle Alex with both hands upon the wall, his legs were dangling and he was scratching her hands with the little power he had, then he started laughing then passed out. That freaked Kane out so, she brought Alex to the metal bed and shoved his head through the bars and left him looking dead on the floor, she got on the other bed and took a nap happy with herself. A few hours later Kane started hearing screams in her dreams, it was normal but these screams were muffled and weak... it was more like a whine than a scream. Kane turned in her bed until she finally woke up and seeing Alex whining with tears in his eyes.
'' Uhg! Why are you crying?'' Asked Kane.
'' My heads stuck... a-and... I have to use the bathroom...'' Sniffed Alex.
''EW! Don't pee your self that will stink up the whole room, and you should have your head stuck you fake brat.'' Kane said. Alex twisted his legs tighter,'' Please! I-I will do anything! I. NEED. TO. PEE.''
'' Oh my God. Fine, but stop talking, it's making me madder than I should be. Kane pulled Alex's shoulders so hard she heard something.
''AHHH...HAHAHA!'' Alex cried. Kane jumped back, she didn't understand what happened to him, she inched to him and poked his back and nothing.
'' What the heck? Hey, Alex.. you still alive?'' Kane felt his pulse, and it was no surprise that he was dead, she violently broke his neck. Kane pulled Alex's head all the way through the bars.
After Kane broke Alex's neck, she saw a window near the ceiling and used his body step stool to the window. She climbed through the window and started to run when she started hearing sirens. Kane turned around to see three policemen running after her, she ran out of the parking lot on to the high way. Not being dumb Kane ran on the side of the high way, she got a head start because the policemen had to get in their car. The policemen got closer to her, so she could only do one thing, jump in the middle of the road, stop traffic, and start running again but faster.
Publication Date: 05-05-2018
All Rights Reserved
For my big sisters I'm part of both of them I'm arty and I love writing stories love ya bunches you guys