

I do not own the characters in this book. This is based on the books by Stephanie Myer, with a little twist from me. Enjoy!

It has been two years since Bella and Edwards wedding. I can still remember how unbelievably beautiful she looked coming down the isle, I can still smell the freesia and roses, but the thing I can remember the most is the Cullens extended family....I can not get them out of my head...I didn't think anything of the way the Cullens moved or the way they looked, I just thought it was them, but their family is the exact same... There is something up with all of them the Cullens included.
The graveside service for Bella and Edward was today...It was a beautiful service. I spoke at the podium...It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. When the news came that Edward and Bella were killed in a head on collision with a drunk driver in South America, I was floored, utterly speechless... I don't understand. Why? Why them? Why now? They just got married. They were only 19, just starting their isn't isn't fair.
At the service, some things were off, little things that I think only I noticed. I was at the podium doing my part, when Bella's father Charlie, stood up and went over to Bella's mother Renee, to help her husband Phil console her. The act itself didn't catch my attention, it was his face... He wasn't crying, which was really strange... I chalked it up to shock and continued my speech. I was coming to a close when I noticed that none of the Cullens were crying either....they just sat in their seats stony faced.... Then another face jumped out at me... the face of Jacob Black. He wasn't crying either... What was going on!?! Renee was crying hysterically, the rest of Forks was in tears.... Why weren't they crying or at least visibly upset? Were they just heartless? Did they just not care? Their son and his wife were dead!
I finished my speech and walked back to my seat with my mind going in answer less circles. As I walked back to my seat, I walked by the Cullens, Jasper glanced up at me and locked on my eyes, his expression went from expressionless to confusion. I dropped my eyes and hurried along to my seat. I glanced back over at the Cullens and saw that Alice was leaned into Jasper speaking to him and Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle seemed to be listening as well but not leaned towards them, so they could not possibly hear whatever it was that Alice was saying but it looked as if they could.
As I lay in bed falling asleep, I thought of everything that I had noticed at the graveside service. Right before sleep took me, a thought drifted across my mind, they faked their deaths.


I put the answer less questions out of my mind and went on about my life. It was summer break and I decided that instead of spending the break on campus, I would instead spend it at home in Forks with my family.
I went into town and bought some roses. I drove out to the cemetery to put them on Edwards and Bella's grave. I bent down to place half of the roses on Edwards grave. then I walked the few steps to Bella's and knelt down and placed the other half on hers. I stayed for a little while and just thought and cried a little. I felt eyes on my back, the sensation was a little unnerving. I looked around me to find the source of my unease, but didn't see anyone... so I wrapped up my visit and walked back to my car.
As I drove down the dirt road the feeling of being watched continued. When I got back to my house I decided that I would write everything that I noticed at the graveside service a week ago and what had happened today in my diary. Maybe that would get it out of my head.
I was watching ‘Remember Me’ on HBO and thinking of ordering a pizza for me and my baby brothers when there was a knock at my front door. I rushed to answer it before it woke my brothers from their nap.
"Hello, I am looking for Angela Weber." The man said.
"I am her..." I replied with confusion.
He was an older man slightly balding, and he wore a suit that had seen better days.
"Hello Miss Weber, my name is Mr.Huckly."He introduced himself as he shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Huckly. What can I do for you?" I asked.
"Miss Weber, I am here to read you the last will and testament of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen. Can I come inside?" He questioned.
"…yeah come on in, the uh dining room table is free if thats ok.." I stammered in shock.
What is in Bella and Edwards will? Why did they have a will when they were so young? Why would the will be read to me?
"The Last Will and Testament of Isabella Marie Cullen and Edward Anthony Cullen...." Mr.Huckly read.
My mind was blank with shock, I couldn't hear what he was reading much less comprehend it. I don't understand this at all. This doesn't make any sense, I was just their friend. I wasn't family why would they leave me anything in a will they shouldn't have because they shouldn't be in the ground because they aren't really dead...whoa! Where did that thought come from. Of course they were dead...I saw them in their coffins. I saw them put in the ground, but I couldn't stop the thought from crossing my mind.
Mr.Huckly interrupted my turmoil.
"Did you hear what I said Miss Weber?" He asked.
"I'm truly sorry Mr.Huckly, their death is still a shock to me and now with this it's even more of a shock." I replied.
"That's perfectly understandable Miss Weber.." Mr. Huckly stated.
"Angela please, Mr.Huckly." I said.
"Alright Angela, I was saying that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen left you a amount of money, a cd of classical music by an unknown composer, a letter and a key." Mr.Huckly repeated.
"I'm sorry, a key to what? And what about a amount of money?" I demanded. I didn't want money from them weather they were alive or not.
"It doesn't say how much money they have left you only that they have, also it does not say what the key is too. I have to be going, but here are the items mentioned, I am truly sorry for the loss of your friends, good day to you Angela." Mr.Huckly handed me the items and walked to the door. I saw him out mumbled a thank you waved a goodbye and shut the door.
I walked back to the dining room table in a daze. I picked up the letter and instantly realized that the handwriting on the envelope was Bella's. I rushed to open it and read...
Dear Angela,
If your reading this then that means mine and Edwards graveside service has happened and that we are gone. Everything in a Last Will and Testament is gone over so I can't say much. But go back to where we first met and look around.
With love,
Bella and Edward
Well that is strange....maybe there is something more to everything that is going on.

Forks High School

There was something off about the letter Bella had wrote me...I thought about it all night.The next day I decided that I would go to where Bella and I first met. As I arrived at Forks High School, it hit me. The thing that was off about the letter... In the letter Bella wrote 'we are gone' not 'we have died' or 'we are dead'. and the second strange thing about the letter is she needed to tell me something but couldn't tell me in the letter because it was something she didn't want anyone else to know. What would she want or need me to know that no one else could know about? I parked in the parking lot and got out of my car, then realized, its summer break there were no teachers here…how am I supposed to get inside the school? I am pretty sure that Bella meant the exact place we first met not the general place which would be Forks High. No, I’m positive she meant the exact place which would be the cafeteria on our way to Biology class. The only trick now is how to get into the building… I stood next to my car and thought about it.
As I stood there thinking about it, I felt the same unnerving feeling that someone was watching me. The feeling sent chills down my spine. As I did before, I looked around to find the source of my unease, but found nothing. The lot was empty. I tried to turn my mind back to the complication of how to get into the building, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of someone having their eyes on me.
Then something changed, well everything looked the same, but it felt like something changed as if someone had walked by without me seeing them. I was beginning to get seriously freaked out. I gave in to the need of turning around and leaving. I turned around to my car and saw something sitting on the roof of my car, something that reflected the barely there sunlight. I reached and picked it up. I turned it over in my hand and saw that it was a key…ok Angela something very strange and possibly paranormal is going on here. I know I left this key at home on my desk because I didn’t know what it went to. Maybe it wasn’t the same key that Bella had left me in her will… But deep down I knew that it was the same one…
“Ok, regardless of how it came to be here instead of at home on my desk where I left it, maybe Bella knew that I would need a way to get into Forks High.” I spoke out loud to try to get rid of the creepiness.
Time to try it I thought to myself. I walked towards the school constantly looking over my shoulder. I felt like a burglar. What is wrong with you? This is SO not your normal personality! My brain screamed at me. You have never been the one to break the rules. You have always been the one to talk people out of things that were morally wrong or legally wrong, now you are going to enter a building that you know to be closed! Bella needs me to do this! I argued with myself.
I made it to the side door as I was too scared to try the front door. I took a deep breath and looked around me one last time and then stuck the key in the door, I turned the key and the lock clicked. I wasn’t expecting it so when it clicked the sound shot through me like a gunshot. I got my heart back to a healthy rhythm and opened the door.
It had been two and a half years since I had been inside Forks High School. Everything was so different, I don’t think anything was changed but it still seemed different to me as I walked through building two towards the cafeteria.
I kept my eyes peeled for anything that I thought Bella might mean for me to find. I didn’t have a clue as to what to look for. So I just looked at everything. About half way to the cafeteria, I noticed the corkboard that students normally use to put flyers up of things they lost or events and what not. They take everything off of it at the end of the school year. As I neared it I saw that there was a folded slip of paper tacked to it.
I reached up to pull it off, and then shined the light from my phone onto it so I could read it.
I read out loud. I put the note in my pocket and continued to the cafeteria. I kept my mind busy with thoughts of what could Bella have hid here for me to find. By ‘he’ she obviously meant Edward. I entered the cafeteria a headed straight for the table we sat at two and a half years ago. It was still in the same spot! I figured they would have rearranged the tables or done something different. I knew it was the same table because when our group sat there, Mike had scratched a heart on the table with M+B in it then when him and Jessica started going together he had scratched a line through the B and put a J… At the time I told him that he was so fourth grade.
I gave a little giggle at the memory, and then continued to look in all the chairs for another slip of paper from Bella. When I found nothing in the chairs I looked under the table, there was nothing on the floor. I started to straighten up from my crouched position, when I noticed another slip of paper dangling from the underside of the table. I snatched it and straightened up. Shined the light from my phone again and read,
Well I guess she isn’t really dead…how else would she know that I was suspicious?


A month after my visit to Forks High School, I planned to go hiking. I needed to get out of the house, I was constantly in thought and it was starting to drive me insane. My mother and father were also starting to get a little worried.
So I planned a trip to get me out of the house. It was a Saturday and the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in sight. I drove down one-oh-one north. Then I turned right on the one-ten. After that I drove till the pavement ended. Bella had told me about going hiking with Edward and she gave me these directions then she had said that she and Edward had hiked not on the trail but opposite the trail. I wanted to feel as if I was close to her so I planned to follow these directions.
I pulled over at the little makeshift parking lot where the pavement ended. I stepped out of my car and looked around. I viewed the trail then looked across the makeshift lot and walked towards it. I came to the tree line and stood there for a minute… Do I really want to do this? I asked myself. Then I thought of how clumsy Bella was and smiled at the memory, if Bella could go off trail then so could I. It was unbelievable how much I missed her!
While I hiked through the forest, I occupied my mind with memories of her and Edward. I started at the beginning. The beginning was before Bella came to Forks High. It was the first day of our sophomore year, Jessica, Tyler, Mike, and I were sitting at our table during lunch, as Jessica was telling anyone who would listen about her summer. She told a tale of romance between her and Edward Cullen. It was out of cowardice that I didn’t call bullshit on her story. Edward Cullen didn’t look at anyone here with interest much less her.
“He said that he didn’t want to say anything to me while we were at school because he didn’t want people to start rumors and try to break us up.” Jessica babbled. Lauren had wandered over to listen to Jessica.
“How true that is!” Lauren exclaimed, “If people here at school found out they would say nasty thing about you to try to get Edward to favor them over you.”
Yeah, and she would be the first in line to do it to. I thought to myself.
“So anyways we went to a movie in Port Angels, and I was going to sit in the middle of the theater but Edward told me no and pulled me a seat that was towards the back. And all through the movie he held my hand and kissed me! We didn’t even watch any of the movie.” She said with a giggle.
I just rolled my eyes and looked away. I looked at the table next to us which was the Cullen table, and found that Edward was staring at Jessica with a look of utter disgust on his face. I resisted the overwhelming urge to laugh aloud. I wondered if Jessica noticed that the Cullen table was right next to ours, within easy hearing range even if she was talking at an indoor volume. And as she was speaking loudly enough for people to hear her five tables away, Edward and the rest of his family had heard her tall tale romance as well. As I watched in amusement Edward leaned over to Rosalie and whispered something to her and she turned and whispered something to Emmett. Emmett then turned and whispered obviously the same thing to Alice and Jasper the five of them smirked and rose from their table in unison. Emmett winked at me and then turned towards Edward and said, “So Edward, I never got a chance to ask you how your summer went while Rosalie and I were in France.”
“Oh, it was ok I guess…” Edward replied passively.
“It was just ok? From what I hear it was more than ok.” Emmett said with a smirk. “Where did you hear that?” Edward asked. “Oh, you know it’s around…” Emmett stated.
“It’s around where?” Edward asked outraged. I suspected fake outrage by the little smirk I could see tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Well the way we hear it, you found yourself a little summer romance.” Rosalie smirked.
“I most certainly did not! The closest thing to a summer romance I did was to watch ‘The Last Song’ with Miley Cyrus.” Edward replied with a smile. By now everyone at our table was completely silent staring at Jessica. Jessica, whose face was inflamed with color, had her eyes on the table.
“Well we heard that you all but did the horizontal shuffle with that girl Jessica Stanley.” Emmett responded, as he waggled his eyebrows at the suggestion.
“Jessica Stanley? Who is that I don’t believe I know her.” Edward asked his family.
“Edward. She is sitting at the table next to us.” Alice stated with a head nod in out direction.
“Which one is she?” Jasper asked.
“The one looking down at the table that everyone at the table is staring at.” Emmett stage whispered. At that Jessica snapped her head up to glare at everyone at our table till they looked away.
“Oh, her.” Jasper replied.
They started to gather their things to leave. As they walked away from the table Edward took one last look at Jessica and turned back to his family and said to all of them, “As if.”
That effectively ended Jessica’s story and her obsession with Edward Cullen.
I laughed aloud at that memory the sound of my laughter bounced of the trees around me. I saw a thinning in the trees ahead of me and stepped up my pace to reach it faster. I saw something flash pass me it was glittering like diamonds but it only lasted a second. By the time I raised my hand to shield my eyes from it, it was gone. I stood there stunned into stillness. What was that!?! I forced myself to move towards the thinning in the trees. I stepped through the trees into a clearing. It was beautiful! There were flowers everywhere and the trees created a perfect circle around the clearing.
I walked towards the middle of the clearing; there was a light breeze that stirred the grass enough to make it look like a river. I saw something white roll across the grass in the breeze. I changed direction at walked towards it. I bent down and picked it up and read…
Oh my gosh! That flash was Bella and Edward? I don’t believe it! Whatever that was; was moving over one hundred miles an hour, it couldn’t have been them! But then I suddenly wondered if it could’ve been.


Ok, after my little outing in the forest I need to get my thoughts together…I know what I’ll do! I will make a list of everything that seems strange and unexplainable! It had been three days since the hiking trip and I was sitting at my desk with a pad of paper and a pen.
 Charlie, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, and Jacob weren’t crying or visibly upset.
 The feeling of someone watching me at Bella and Edwards’ grave as I placed roses.
 Bella saying ‘we are gone’ and ‘everything is gone over so I can’t say much’ in hers and Edwards will.
 The feeling of being watched at Forks High.
 The key showing up on my car when I know I left it here on my desk when I left to go to Forks High.
 The notes at Forks High.
 The flash of light shining off diamonds in the forest.
 The note in the clearing.
All of this added up to what the hell was going on. What really happened to Edward and Bella? Obviously they were still alive. But since they were still alive then why did they fake their own death?
I had too many unanswerable questions that I couldn’t keep from thinking of over and over again. I snuck into my moms’ liquor cabinet and took a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey out. I hardly ever drink but college life rubbed off on me a little. When I’m stressed over a big test at school, it helps to calm my mind enough to concentrate if I have a glass or two. I have never gotten drunk though.
I poured me a glass on the rocks, and went into my bedroom. I lie across my bed and put on the cd Edward and Bella had left me of classical music by an unknown composer. As I listened to the melody, hoping that maybe I could figure out the composer, I thought of what the last note had said. I pulled it out and read it again.
Well reading it a second time didn’t help at all. Then I made up my mind. The only way I was going to get answers was to go talk to one of the other Cullen’s. I always got along with Edward the best but next to him it was Alice. They were the only two that I felt comfortable around. I stood up to get my shoes when I heard a car pull up. I went downstairs to the living room window and peered out.
To call the automobile sitting next to my old, used slightly beat up Lexus, a car was a vast understatement. It looked like it could literally get off the ground and fly. It was a piece of heaven painted high gloss sunflower yellow. Who do I know that drives a Porsche? I thought to myself. I don’t know anyone who drives a car like that, so who could it possibly be?
I didn’t see anyone get out of the car so I was startled when I heard a knock at the door. I went to the front door and pulled it open. It was Alice Cullen!
“I was just getting ready to come over to talk to you!”I told her.
“Yeah I know. But I thought it would be best for me to come here.” Alice replied.
“Wait, what? How did you know that?” I demanded.
“Oh, well is just that I saw that you looked really confused at the graveside service, and I have been meaning to come by and talk to you, but I have just been busy and hoped that you would just come talk to me.” Alice said.
“Did you wonder why I was so confused?” I questioned.
“Yes but I figured when you were ready to talk about it then you would find me.” Alice replied.
“Hmmmm. That’s very interesting.” I stated.
“How so?” she asked.
“Well I seem to be hearing that a lot.” I replied. Then I told her everything from the graveside service all the way to the final note in the clearing. When I was done she was eyeing me with a speculative look in her eyes.
“What? Do you think I’m making it up?”I demanded.
“No I know your not making it up Angela,” She said soothingly. “I am just wondering what conclusion all of this has made you come up with.”
“I think that you and your extended family are something ‘Other’.” I said before I could loose my nerve.
“Something ‘other’.” She repeated.
“Yes, I always thought that the way all of you moved and the way all of you looked was just ya’ll, but then at Bella and Edwards wedding, I noticed that your extended family is the exact same way.” I explained.
“I see, so you have had this opinion ever since the wedding, two years ago.” Alice clarified.
“Yes, but you are the first person that I am talking to about it to.” I told her.
“Oh, ok. Well that’s good, people would probably think you were crazy if you told them that you believed in the paranormal much less the you think the Cullen’s are something paranormal.” She said
“Yeah I don’t want to repeat what happened at school this year.” I said with my eyes down.
“What do you mean?” Alice asked sharply.
So I told her that I was switching universities next school year because I get harassed at school for talking about how if I close my eyes and concentrate on something that I have lost then something just kind of guides me to it while my eyes are closed. When I finished, I glanced up at Alice’s face afraid that she would condemn me or laugh at me.
But just as she opened her mouth to say something she spun around to the window with a growl ripping through her, and her body sinking into a crouched position in front of me. She was facing the backdoor. I heard a chuckle just before the door opened.

What Happens Now?

I stood frozen as the door opened. Whoever it was seemed to like dramatic entrances, they took forever to come through the door. A short girl came through the door. I was utterly riveted to the spot as some kind of alarm went off inside me; it said RUN for your life Angela! But as Alice had me backed against the wall, I couldn’t go anywhere…
“Straighten up Alice.” An angelic voice ordered.
I started to relax, whoever it was knew Alice so that was a good thing right?
“I didn’t expect to see you here Jane.” Alice said as she straightened up from her crouched position.
“I assure you, I didn’t expect to have to come here. It seems the Cullen’s can’t keep their mouths shut.” Jane sneered.
“What are you talking about? Who are you?” I questioned.
“Don’t speak, let me handle this Angela.” Alice whispered.
“No, no, do let her speak Alice. It is really interesting that you would tell her what we are but not who the Volturi are.” Jane stated.
“What you are? Alice hasn’t told me anything at all. I have no idea who or what you are, much less why you are here.” I told her.
This on top of all my other unanswerable questions was pushing me over the edge of sanity. My head was aching and whirling. I felt as if I was in a twelve foot deep hole and a bomb was about to explode next to me.
Alice spun around to face me and put her hands on either side of my face rubbing soothing circles on my temples.
“Just calm down Angela, breathe slowly. Sit down and put your head between your legs.” Alice said to me.
“Don’t bother Angela. We know that you already know, but if you want to deny it then we have a few ways to prove that you know.”Jane stated.
“NO!” Alice screamed.
She tried to put herself between me and Jane but just as I saw her taking the step everything was blocked out by a white hot pain slicing through my entire being. The pain was more then just in my body, it radiated through my soul. Just as I thought it was going to consume me, something changed. The pain didn’t lessen but I found that I could reflect it away from myself; I imagined holding a mirror up and facing it towards the source of the pain.
Then just as fast as the pain came it was gone and I found myself on the floor. As I picked myself up off the ground I heard Jane scream in agony and collapse. She lie on her back writhing in pain. It startled me so much so that I looked away from her to Alice as if to ask if this was her normal behavior.
When I looked away Jane’s screaming stopped and she was suddenly on her feet looking at me with death in her eyes.
“You little….”Jane screamed at me as she lunged.
“Jane dear, stop now.” A male voice said, soft but full of authority.
Jane stopped her lunge at once, but didn’t halt her glare.
“I will determine if the child knows anything.” The same male voice stated.
Annoyed I turned to Alice, “Who in the hell is that?”
“I am Aro little one. I am one of three leaders of the Volturi.” Aro explained.
“And what…”I started.
“I want to see for myself exactly what you know before any questions are asked please Angela; Aro interrupted me, “please take my hand.”
I shot Alice a questioning look. She nodded slightly. So I stood a little straighter refusing to be intimidated by the man called Aro. I took a step towards him and held out my hand not understanding how him holding my hand would tell him anything of what I knew. Aro’s hand closed around mine and he bowed his head.
Aro was silent for a few minutes. When he lifted his head he had a thoughtful look on his face.
“The child has had thoughts of what we are. What we are has crossed her mind many times but she hasn’t centered on it yet.” Aro said calmly to Jane.
“But she still has seen too much to be left alive.” Jane said.
As she was speaking another male entered the house. He looked like Jane but male. What was my house becoming a gathering place for strangers? He was a stranger yes, but he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my entire life. And that is saying something since I have saw all the Cullen’s, but none of them had anything on this man.
“Hello sister.” The man said as he kissed Jane on the cheek.
“Hello, Alec how nice of you to join us.” Aro smiled at Alec.
“Ok, I don’t mean to be mean, but can someone please tell me what is going on? And what is Jane talking about killing me for?” I was amazingly calm for Jane basically saying they were going to kill me.
As soon as I spoke Alec’s eyes snapped to mine and shock slid across his face. He started towards me, and the backdoor burst open as Edward and Bella shot into the room.


I was the only one who was shocked to see Bella and Edward. Yes I know they weren’t really dead, but it was still a complete shock to see them burst through my back door considering that the last time I saw them was in their coffins.
I stood with my back against the wall stunned. Bella looked at my face and walked over to stand beside me.
“Oh Angela, I am so sorry.” Bella said sympathetically taking my hand.
She grasped my hand and my fingers almost instantly started to go numb. Man! She was like ice! Edward and Alice both placed their selves in front of Bella and I.
“Step aside Cullen’s!” Alec snarled.
“No.”Edward said simply.
“She’s mine.” Alec stated.
Edward jerked out of his crouched position; as did Alice and both of them relaxed. Personally I thought they were crazy. What? They were just going to let him kill me just because he said I was his? Just as I opened my mouth to say what I was thinking, Alice shot me a look that said keep quiet.
“Come here Alec.”Aro spoke.
Alec changed direction and placed his hand in Aro’s.
“Hahahaha! How wonderful this is.” Aro exclaimed.
“What is going on Bella?” I spoke up ignoring Alice’s warning glance.
“I’m one of her best friends; it should be me that explains everything to her.”Bella stated.
“La tua cantante. It will be I that explains it to her if it is to be done.”Alec said; he then turned to look expectantly at Aro.
“I would deny no one their la tua cantante. The child will also have amazing abilities when she is your wife Alec; did you see how she turned Jane’s gift against her?” Absolutely amazing!
“Whoa! Wait just a damn minute! I protested. I didn’t care how gorgeous Alec was, I wasn’t going to marry him. I had no idea who he was.
“Alice, how will it turn out if Alec is the one to explain everything to Angela?” Bella asked nervously.
“As long as you and Edward are near her for support, it will be fine.” Alice replied.
Aro nodded his consent. Alec walked up to me, took both my hands and said, “la tua cantante, you’re my blood singer. We are soul mates.”
After everything was explained, everything made since.
I didn’t agree with Alec when he had said I had to be changed, that is my decision to make and only I will make it. Alice talked to me about her gift and she said as of right now she doesn’t see me becoming a vampire, but if I make the decision to become one then she will see it. One thing I did make sure I made very clear to Alec, was that if I do decide to become what he is then there would be no hunting humans. I also told him that I don’t care if we are soul mates or not if he hopes to have any kind of relationship with me then he has to stop hunting humans. Aro wasn’t very happy with Alec when Alec then turned to Aro and requested to leave the Volturi. I don’t know what will happen now, but time will tell.

Locator and Reflector

It has been three weeks since I met Aro, Alec and his horrid sister Jane. I asked Alec too give me some time to digest everything I was told that day. He reluctantly agreed to give me a month. During which time not only would I be trying to digest everything I had been told, but he would be working out his leaving the Volturi. Every minute since he, Aro and Jane had left, I have been with the Cullens. Bella had filled in all the little blanks that Alec had left out due to the fact that he had always hunted humans. Edward and Carlilse had requested that I show them my finding thing skill. So today was the day I would be doing just that.
" Ok Angela," Carlilse began." Do your thing." A little self consciously I looked around at everyone's faces.
"Angela, you don't have to do it. I have seen how you do it in your thoughts." Edward said.
"Edward is right Angela, if you don't want to do this with everyone watching you then just tell us." Bella added soothingly.
"No it's fine really, it's just that i have never done this in front of anyone before." I said. "Just give me a minute to concentrate on the object."
The object I would be finding was a locket that my Grandmother had given me for my 5th birthday. I had lost it when i was 14. I didn't know if I would be able to find since it has been lost for 9 years. I had only ever tried to find things i had lost recently. Edward and Bella had watched me find a shoe this morning when I couldn't remember where I had taken it off last night. Now They wanted to know if how long ago the object was lost affected whether or not I could find it. Then they wanted me to try and see if I could find objects that weren't mine and I hadn't lost.
I closed my eyes and pictured the locket in detail. I felt a coolness come over me that was focusing in my right side, I turned in that direction and started to walk. The coolness would guide me around walls and furniture. I got to the middle of my backyard when the coolness moved to the top of my head.
"well, that's never happened before." I said. I opened my eyes and looked up.
"There used to be a tree house that I played in here when I was little." I told them.
" Maybe you should try climbing the tree..." Bella trailed off when the rest of the Cullen's and I looked at her.
"Bella love, this tree is very unstable and very dangerous. How about I climb up and take a look." Edward suggested.
"That would be good," I said relieved that I would not be climbing the tree." I feel out of it when I about 14, that's when I lost the locket."
"Well I will take a look." Edward stated then leaped up int the tree with so much speed he was just a blur. He was back in half a second my locket dangling from his fist.
"Oh my gosh! My locket! I can't believe it!" I exclaimed taking it from Edwards hand.
"Impressive." Carlilse stated.
" Ok, next thing now that we know time isn't an issue." Alice said. " I saw where that locket was and saw that Angela would find it, so would it be ok if I just let everyone know that she will also succeed in finding another person's object that she didn't loose?"
"Alice why didn't you just tell us that from the beginning so we didn't put her through the embarrassment of doing this in front of everyone?" Bella asked.
Before Alice could answer Carlilse spoke up, "So Angela is a Locator and a Reflector."
"A what and a what?" I asked.
"A Locator and a Reflector, but as our kind never looses anything due to our never forgetting things, I wonder what your skills are going to transform into once you are one of us.....I...I mean if you become one of us." Carlilse stated.

The Return

It was three thirty-four in the morning and I woke with a start. At first I didn't knot what had woken me so suddenly. As I looked around the bedroom I was in I gave a little laugh. I had forgotten that I wasn't in my bedroom but a guest bedroom at the Cullen's house that was fast becoming my room. I lay back on the pillows and tried to remember what I'd been dreaming about. Well, besides Alec who was the star of my dreams since that day a month ago. As I was trying to remember the dream, another thought popped into my brain. It was Saturday! More importantly, today was the day Alec would be coming back! I felt as if I had been doused in gasoline then set aflame. My skin tingled, my heart raced, my breath came in short gasps. Good gosh! What had come over me? I couldn't figure out if I was excited to the point of hyperventilation, or terrified to the point of collapse.
"Your both," Came a voice from just outside the bedroom door. I nearly came out of my skin.
"Ahhhhhhh!OMG!!!" I screamed. I sank back into the pillows as my heart hammered in my ears. My door opened and revealed Jasper, Edward, and Alice standing in the hall right outside my door.
"Don't do that to me!" I demanded, when I had somewhat pushed my pounding heart back into my chest cavity.
"I'm very sorry I scared you," Edward said."But I heard you wake up and thought you might want to talk about..."
"About what on earth you are going to wear today since Alec will be here!" Alice cut in.
"Alice!" Said Edward." I hardly think she is worried about what to wear...Well I stand corrected she is now, thank you so much for giving Angela something else to worry about Alice."
"Umm, Alice, can you 'see' when Alec will be here, and if everything will turn out okay?"I asked timidly. Now that she had brought up what I was going to wear my whole wardrobe was flashing across my mind.
"He will be here in four hours and twenty-three minutes, and as far as I can see things will be a little tense at first but everything will turn out fine in the end." Alice assured me.
"Okay Jasper, time for us to leave."Edward said.
"Very well. Alice could I have a word please?"Jasper asked.
"Point taken Jaz. Don't worry, Angela will be beautiful but appropriate." Alice assured him.
Three hours and forty-five minutes later I was pacing the Cullen's living room. Alice had told me everything I needed to do. Which bath oils to use, along with which shampoo and conditioner. She had insisted on a pedicure and manicure also, so now both my toenails and fingernails were a matching high-gloss red. She had also done my hair and make-up, I was worried over that because I never do anything elaborate with my hair and hardly ever wear make-up, I was afraid that I wouldn't look like myself. But she did a wonderful job she had tamed my normally wildly wavy hair so that it softly glinted and had only a slight wave to it. It didn't feel like I was wearing any cosmetics at all, even though I know for a fact that Alice had spent a solid forty-five minutes on my face alone.She had shaded my eyelids with a light cream colored eye shadow, brushed the crease of my lids with a soft almond color and painted my lips with a pale pink lip gloss called Roseglow. The gloss gave my lips the look of wanting to be kissed, it looked great, but I wasn't sure if I wanted any kissing to happen....
It was seven fifty and all but two of the Cullen's stood as still as a statue. Alice and Emmett being the exceptions. Alice sat on the couch with a look of I-wish-he-would-hurry-up on her face. Emmett was just looking at everyone with amusement plastered all over his face.
"Eight minutes. Man could time drag any slower?"I said in an agitated voice.
Esme walked over to where I was standing and put her arm around me for support as did Bella.
"Angela, everything will be okay. If you feel like things are going getting too deep and you get scared, all you have to do is say one word and I will come personally and remove Alec. We will all be close." Bella stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
Seven fifty-eight in the dot and every head turned towards the front door...knock knock knock. Rosalie, being the closest pulled it open. I started with his shoes and worked my way up. He was dressed casually which made me feel a little over dressed. I continued my gaze until I made it to his eyes. Our gazes locked and I was lost. Falling into a sea of red-gold.


Alec wasted no time walking right up to me, stopping to stand only three inches from me. I still felt the falling sensation and tried to pull out of it. It helped to look away from his eyes. Esme had told me that when a vampire hunted humans, that their eyes would be the color of freshly spilled blood, as was Alec's the first time that I saw him. But when a vampire hunted animals, their eyes would be like the Cullen's a butterscotch. The red-gold of Alec's eyes assured me that he had already begun to hunt animals. I tore my eyes away from his and my gaze settled on his mouth. A tidal wave of desire to touch those perfectly sculpted lips crashed over me pulling me under. I wanted to thread my fingers through his hair to see if it was as soft as it looked. I wanted to trace his strong jaw-line, throw myself into his big masculine arms. I'm not a virgin, but I have never felt pure need, savage want, insane lust like this! I was shocked at myself. A smile tugged at the corner of that beautiful mouth.
"Hello again Angela." He spoke, and just like that my heart began to sing.
"Hi Alec, it's good to see you again."I said shyly.
"It's good to see you also, and I comfort myself with the fact that I will never have to be away from you again unless you wish me to be." He said.
Alec looked over my head and around at he others standing around the room. He said his hello's to everyone then turned to speak to me once more, " Angela, I want us to have a chance to be alone and talk, but I was wondering if first I might have a word with Edward alone if that's okay with both of you."
I looked over to Edward and he gave a slight nod so I turned back to Alec and said, "Yes, of course."
"Edward, how did you control yourself when you first gave up trying to stay away from Bella? How were you able to be close to her and not let the beast rise to the surface?" Alec asked bluntly?
"It wasn't without difficulty. Mostly I would keep her talking and I would get caught up in her facial expressions and in what she was saying and it overruled my thirst. The only advise I can give you is to desensitize yourself in steps." Edward replied.
"Will you and Jasper help me if it becomes too much? Will you stay close enough to hear my thoughts to make sure I stay in control? Please Edward, I don't ever want to hurt her." Alec pleaded.
"Of course Alec. Angela is very close to Bella and myself, and Alice is quite fond of her as well. We will do everything in our power to ensure her safety." Edward replied simply.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.... Well actually do." Alec said with a chuckle.
"Shall we return to the others?" Edward asked gesturing towards the door.
"Certainly. Lead the way." Alec replied.
Alec and Edward sauntered back into the living room where the Cullen's and I waited.
"So I take it you have sorted out the...uh...issues?"Alice asked.
"Yes, most of them." Alec answered.
Issues? What issues? A flash of insecurity swept over me. Was the issues something to do with me? Did Alec think there was something wrong with me? If he did then why would he talk to Edward about it instead of me?
"It's nothing to do with something being wrong with you." Edward said gently.
"What!?! Of course there is nothing wrong with you Angela." Bella exclaimed." Isn't that right Alec?"
Bella gave Alec a cold glare that said you had better not been saying anything was wrong with her.
" Angela, of course there is nothing wrong with you...the issues that I wanted to talk to Edward about were about me."Alec said reassuringly. "Now would you care to go some place where we can talk alone?"
"Yes, that would be great."I responded.


Text: Photo a copyright of Christian Serratos.
Publication Date: 09-09-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my sister Bethany who always like to hear me make up stories before we went to sleep

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