
Chapter 1: The Connection

"I know you don’t want to do this, but let’s just try it? Please? If it hurts, I promise we will stop.” Andy says looking at me pleadingly.
“Who even told you about this? Was it Ronnie?” I ask know that I am probably right, because Ronnie gives Andy all his ideas.
“Yes, he said that it would make us closer, and we don’t have to physically do anything, we won’t even have to talk out loud, and I can protect you at school when were in different classes.” He sounds really excited about this, because recently, I have been getting attacked by more and more of his king’s henchmen.
“I guess we can try it, if you really think we need it.” I say leaning my head back, and waiting to feel his fangs sink into my neck.
We have exchanged blood before, Andy taking just a little, because he is scared of hurting me, me taking some of his blood to replenish my strength, but not enough to turn me into a vampire like him, but what he wanted to do this time, was join our minds together, so that we can be with each other twenty-four, seven.
The bite is different this time, I feel as if Andy is giving me a part of himself, and I am in turn giving a peice of myself back to him. The bloodletting feels the same, like pure joy running through me.
When Andy is done, I feel different, but at the same time elated, and a little high from the endorphins in his bite.
"Are you okay? I didn't take to much this time did I?" Andy asks as if reading my mi... It worked! The connection really worked!
"Your right! I can hear what your thinking as if you were saying it out loud!"
I hug Andy feeling great about our new discovery, when I hear the front door of my house close, and my mom yell up the stairs to tell me she's home.
I look up at Andy with fear in my eyes, afraid that my mother may come up the stairs to check on me, but Andy shakes his head to tell me that she's already opening her bottle of wine, and pouring a glass to drink.
"I'm going to go, but I'll be back later at the normal time. Love you." He says giving me a quick kiss, and jumping out the window.
I go downstairs to tell my mother how my day was. As I pass my fathers office, he looks up and waves at me. I walk in to give him a quick hug.
"Is your mother drinking already?" He asks already knowing the answer. I just nod and he shakes his head in his hands.
I walk out leaving my dad to his work, and go downstairs to talk to mother just as I always do, because she expects it.
When I walk in the room, I can tell something's wrong, because my mom isn't just drinking wine today, but Jack Daniels. She sips from the glass as I walk into the kitchen.
"Well aren't we just going to be late and skip out on our duties today?" She says when she looks up from her drink. She looks me over twice, and the second time she stops at my neck.
"What did you do to your neck?" She practically screams at me standing up and rushing over to me to move my hair.
"What do you mean mom?" I ask not thinking about what happened earlier in my room.
"The shit on your neck that looks like a hicky, that's what I mean!" She screams in my face.
"Oh! That,'s"
"It is a hicky! Who gave this to you? Was it that boy you brought over Monday?"
"No mom, that was Ben, who I was studing with for a chemistry test." I say hoping my dad heard her screaming and will come down here and calm her, since he is the only one she will listen to lately.
"Well then who gave it to you? Do you have a boyfriend I don't know about?" She screams, and a little spittle flys out of her mouth and hits me on the cheek, but I don't have the courage to move and wipe it off.
"Mom you know about him, so does Daddy. I brought him over two months ago, you said you liked him because he was so nice and respectful." I say barely above a whisper.
"Becoming a smart-mouth are we?" She asks with venom in her voice, and before I can blink, she rasies her hand and slaps me across the face so hard, that I stumble backwards, then she comes at me again and makes me fall, but she comes with me, and starts beating me untill she is lifted off of me, by my dad who must have heard me fall. I can taste the blood in my mouth.
"Schylar are you okay? Where does it hurt the worst?" My dad asks after getting my mom to go watch the television.
"My face." I just barely get out over my swollen lip.
"Come on were going to the hospital, I think Lillian's ring cut into your head." He says picking me up and carying me to the car.
It turned out that my mothers ring had cut into my head, and I needed 17 stitches, which itched the whole way home. When we pulled up the driveway, and the car was turned off, my father turned to me.
"When you go inside, I want you to run up to your room, don't even look at your mother, and I want you to stay in your room today, if you want to leave, just text me but otherwise, I'll bring you some dinner in about two hours." I nod, get out of the car, and practially sprint up to my room, closing the door and locking it. I grab my phone and instantly call Andy to tell him what happened and see if he can come get me, but when I walk to my dresser to get my phone off the charger, Andy is standing right beside it with my window open.
He rushes over to me and just holds me while I cry. Once I had stopped crying, he started inspecting my face.
"Come on pack your bags, your leaving, I can't let you keep living like this, tell your dad your going to stay at my house for a few days. Please, I hate seeing you like this, and this is worse than the last time she beat you. Please, don't make me beg just pack your bags." He looks at me pleadingly.
I walk over to my bed, and pull my suitcase out from under it. Andy's face lights up. I start cleaning out my closet, and putting all my clothes into my bags, then I get some of my books, my school bag, my jewlery box from Andy. Then I throw my phone charger into my bag, zip it all up and call my dad.
"Hey baby are you feeling better? Do you need something?" He asks genuinlly worried about me.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better, No I don't need anything, I was just going to tell you that I'm going to go to Andy's for a while okay? I just need to get out of here for a while. I love you."
I say hanging up before he can ask me how long I'll be gone.

Andy grabs my bags, and jumps out of the window, then comes back for me. We get in his car, and leave. He speeds just enough for me to worry, but not enough to call any attention to us. He glances at me, and I can tell he's worried, and I don't need the connection to tell me that.

"Damn it! I should have been there to stop it! I shouldn't have to stand by and watch you get beat like this! I can stop her!" Andy says angrily hitting the stearing wheel.

"Look at me! Andy look at me! This needed to happen, so that I would have the guts to leave, and you know it. We can finally be together without you having to leave because of her." I look at him, knowing that the promise of us being together might calm him down enough to talk through everything with me.

"Are you sure that your okay? Do you need any pain pills?" He asks gently running his index finger over my stitches. He leans his head on mine, and just looks at me knowing that I'm right about this giving me the courage to leave and never look back.

"I'm fine, lets just go to your house and hang out, okay?" I say hoping it will just be the two of us.

"Um... Well it won't just be the two of us, because Ronnie got kicked out of his house, and has been staying with me for a while... I'm really sorry, I know you don't like him, but it will only be for a few days, I promise! Oh, and it's our house now, not just mine." He says, trying to change the subject.

"It's fine, I don't care that he's over at the house, and I like him just fine, I just don't always like his ideas, or the way he treats girls. I'll be nice I promise." Just when I finish that sentence, a HUGE wolf jumps into the middle of the road, causing Andy to swerve, so as not to hit it. He loses control for just a second, then gets the control back, and stops the car. We are facing away from the wolf, and that is not a good thing.

Andy gets out of the car, and walks to my side opening my door, and helping me out. He holds me behind him, and walks about a foot away from the wolf, then the wolf begins to change, and turn human again.

"What do you want?" Andy asks with no paitence in his voice, speaking like a true vampire, and letting the wolf know that Andy is the one in charge here. Andy is the prince after all.

"I want what every other creature of the Dark World wants. Her." He says pointing towards me. Andy growls, pulling me closer to him.

"Wait, what do you mean all the creatures want me? Why would they want ME, I'm just a lowly human in your eyes!" I say sensing through the bond that Andy is hiding something from me.

"He hasn't told you yet? You haven't told her yet?" The wolf says looking first at me then at Andy.

"Don't you dare tell her something that you and all your little friends have made up you mutt!" Andy screams at the wolf, calling him something that only the prince could walk away from.

I push my way around Andy, walk halfway between him and the worlf, and look straight into the wolfs eyes. "What are you talking about, what is Andy not telling me, and why does every creature of the Dark want me?" I ask knowing Andy will be mad at me, but not caring.

"You're the only one left. The only born vampire left in the world, you just have to be awakened, then you can take your rightful place as queen. And the king, Andy's father, wants you so that he can wake you and train you to take his place, so that the reign of vampires will never end. Most of the creatures want you, so they can kill you, and have the alternating reigns continue as they are today, the others, like me, want you to go to the king, because we hunger for the old days when we ruled the world, and the humans knew about us, and we know that once you are awake, and have your old memories again, you will take us back to those days." He finishes as if knowing I will do this. I hear Andy move behind me, and feel his hand take mine and pull me away.

We are at the house before I am done fully processing everything. "Was he telling me the truth?" I ask looking at the dashboard, avoiding looking at Andy as long as possible.

"Yes." That one word chills me to the bone.

"Wouldn't that mean that my parents are vampires? I mean, there is NO WAY my parents are vampires, even if my mom does have a killer right hook." I say, already getting the feeling that they aren't my real parents.

"That feeling is right. They aren't your real parents, and they both knew about you being a vampire. That is why your mother beat you, because she just couldn't except that things like us could exist, she thought she could beat the different part of you out basically. I was going to tell you. I really was, I was just waiting for the right time." He says looking at me with nothing but love and understanding in his eyes.

"I believe you. I know you would have told me. I just, I just wish I knew who my parents were now,and why they gave me up. I say, finally looking at Andy knowing that I wasn't mad at him, that I never could be.

"Now that you know, I guess we should go see my father, but you must know that he isn't what you would expect knowing me, he doesn't act like me at all. He kills without mercy, and doesn't care who he hurts in the process. He will not stop untill he is the ruler of everything, I want you to be careful when you are around him, if I am not with you, okay." He says not really as a question. He goes inside leaving me in the car, to get his things, and take me to see his father.

We drive downtown, going to the biggest apartment building in town. As we walk in, everybody we see starts bowing, and asking us if we need anything. When we reach the elevator, Andy turns to me and says: "This isn't going to be what you expect. Are you sure you're ready for this? What am I talking about? Of course you're not ready for this! I can sense how nervous you are. Lets just GO!" As Andy says the last word, his voice raises into a shout, and shakes the whole building.

"Son! I thought I felt your shouts. And who is this? Who are you hiding from me?" I didn't even realize that Andy had moved infront of me when his father showed up. Andys father walks around him, trying to look at me, but everytime he moves, Andy circles around always blocking me from his father's view.

"Now, now son. You know it is not nice to hide your guests from me! I can smell her, and if she is as beautiful to the eyes as she is to the nose, I already know who she is." Andy stops, and steps away from me. When Andys father sees me, the look in his eyes isn't amazement, like I expected, but pure, uncontrolable hunger.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I step forward three steps, until I am standing directly infront of Andy's father. I lean my head to the right, and raise my chin slightly so that when he bites me, my chin won't be in the way. His fangs are on my neck, just enough to send endorphins straight to my veins. Before he can bite me, he is flying away from me, and though a wall, but he doesn't stop there, he goes through four more walls before he finally stops flying, lands on the floor, crumpled.

Andy grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the door. A few people, no creatures, try to stop us, but Andy powers through them. Just as we reach the door, something grabs my ankle, and I fall, my hand ripped from Andys. I'm dragged backwards, I feel my shirt and jeans being ripped to shreds, falling off of me, and because of the endorphins going through me, I can do nothing about it, because all of my reflexes are to slow to really even realize that the vampire draging me away is also biting his wrist and shoving it on top of my mouth, forcing his blood down my throat. I open my mouth trying to breath, but only get another mouthfull of blood. I swallow, trying to move my head to the side to get some air before I suffocate, when it happens. The fairie walks up, through the path made by the others. In his hand is something shining. I look closer just as he raises it, and shoves it through my ribs, and into my heart. The last thing I see is creatures flying everywhere, and Andy falling to his knees pulling my head into his lap and crying.

Chapter 2: Awake

When I open my eyes, all I see is darkness. I try to roll over, but I hit a wall. I roll onto my side, and put my hands against one of the walls. I push on it, and it gives way just a little. I move onto my side just a little better, put my feet and hands on the wall. I push, and hear the wall, no it sounds more like wood, breaking and snapping. When it falls, it takes me with it. I hit the ground hard. I hit so hard that the breath is knocked out of me. When I try to get my breath back, my lungs won't hold any amount of air. I try to breath again, but it feels as if my body is rejecting all of the air I'm trying to hold. Finally I stop trying, and I feel the pressure of not breathing leave my chest. My lungs don't enflate like they should if I was breathing, but the pressure of not breathing has left, and I'm comfortable again.

I stand up and look around. I turn around and look at what I fell out of, and what I see makes me take a step back away from the thing... the coffin. I feel something swish around my legs. I look down and see a beautiful pale pink formal dress, and instantly remeber the sensation of my clothes being ripped off, and then, everything about yesterday rushes through my mind. Then a million other things flood my mind. Things I've never seen before, but that I am envlolved in. I see ancient Egypt, see myself as a queen there, England bowing before me as I'm crowned. Every memory I see is of my being crowned queen, or people, men and women alike, standing in front of me, dripping blood from their necks, asking if I would take more from them. I see the creatures of the Dark World calling me their queen, and saying if anything ever happened to me, that the humans would take their world back, driving us into the dark. Then everything stops, and I'm screaming in the real world while all around me, 5,000 coffin lids fly open, and every vampire sleeping in them, stares at me. Andy rushes up to me and takes me out of the room, to a room that had been abandoned for a while.

"What's wrong? Why are you awake? What happened?" Thanks to the connection that we established before this happened, he instantly knows what happened and why I'm upset, because my emotions were running so wild, that I couldn't block anything from him. He just reaches out towards me, and holds me to him while I cry.

"Come on, we need to go get you some food while I explain whats happening... or what has happened really." Andy pulls me out of the room, and through a series of hallways that I would never remeber, until finally we reach a set of white double doors that look as if they belong in a hospital. We walk through them and I sit down at the first table I see, while Andy goes up to a drink despenser and gets two large cups of what looks like... no, it can't be. I don't drink blood. Only when Andy drinks some of mine. Both of the cups must be for him. In the blink of an eye he is sitting in front of me, but something is wrong. Instead of him just being a blur like normal, I could see him perfectly while he was walking over here. He sits the cups down, then pushes one towards me, and I just stare at him. He has swallowed over half of his cup before he realizes that mine still sits infront of me, untouched.

"You need to drink that to get your strength up, and to help your memories come back at a faster rate, but without the pain and confusion. That will unlock everything, and keep you alive forever. As long as you don't try to go rouge and only drink animal blood like in that stupid book series. Animal blood will kill you, and so will sunlight, because as you know vampires don't sparkle in the sun." I just look at him, my eyes blank taking in what he said, but only the back of my mind realizes what he's saying, the rest of my mind is to captivated by the way he looks. Everytime he moves a particle of dust will fall off of him, and my eyes will train to that, or when he moves his eyes into the light, I see that his eyes are more violet than the black that I always thought they were.

"Andy, don't take this the wrong way, but you're... you're BEAUTIFUL." Realizing what I said, I look down, feeling my cheeks... There should be heat in my cheeks, causing me to blush. What's wrong why am I not blushing. I look up at Andy holding my cheeks, then I look down at the drink he put infront of me. "I'm a vampire now. Aren't I?" Andy just nods his head.

I pick up the drink. "This will help me get rid of the weird feeling in my stomach?" I ask, just now noticing that my stomach is sending a sharp pain through my body making me feel as if I haven't eaten in a few days. Andy just nods his head, so I take a sip of the drink, and the second it hits my stomach, I lean my head back, and down the whole cup, licking the sides of the cup to get all of the sweet liquid I can. I put the cup down, and look at Andy who is laughing at me. He hands me what is left of his cup, and I down that to. I put the cup down, and feeling blood all over my lips, I lick my lips, then smile, sheepishly, looking up at Andy through my eye lashes.

"So, what happened?" I ask while Andy goes to get more blood, wether for me or him I'm not sure yet. "What did I see back there?" I ask after he sits down sliding one of the blood cups towards me.

"What do you remeber from yesterday?"

"Nothing, or not much anyway." I say remembering my clothes being ripped off as I was drug through the lobby.

"Well, we came to see my father, and he tried to bite you to turn you. He almost did, because he cheated and used compulsion on you. We were supposed to let you choose wether you wanted this or not. But after he tried to bite you, I threw him through a few walls, and we started racing out of here. He had just barely nipped your neck though, just enough to give you enough endorphins to make you clumsy and slow. We were almost to the door when I felt your hand slip out of mine. I turned around, and all the creatures had formed a circle around you and another vampire who had his teeth sunk into your leg, by the time I got halfway through the group, he was already making you drink, and I got to you just as the fairie stabbed you. I picked you up, and took you to the coffin room. I got your bag out of the car to change your clothes, because the ones you were wearing were all ripped to shreds, but by the time I got back, one of my fathers maids had you dressed in that. I put you in my coffin, and borrowed anothers. I didn't know you would wake up during the day, and go through this alone, otherwise I would have stayed with you to help you through it. I really am sorry. I wish I could re-do yesterday and stop this from happening."

"Andy, it's not your fault. You should have known that I would choose this so that I could always be with you, forever." I say, looking deep into his eyes, trying to show him all the love I held for him.

"Schy, you don't know what this means. You're queen, of ALL the creatures of the dark. Even the ones that live out of state and country. You have power over everyone and everything." Andy says this like it's a bad thing, but the way I see it, it's one of the best things ever, because I will finally be noticed by others instead of being pushed to the side.

"Wait a minute! My parents, theirr not my real parents, I remeber you and the wolf telling me about it. So if my real parents are vampires, where are they? Can you show me? I want to see them. I want to ask them..." I stop when I see Andys face.

"Come with me, we need to go see my father." Andy starts running so fast that even to my new vampire senses, he is just a blur. I follow him, or try to anyway. He starts to get so far ahead of me at one point that I just stopped in the middle of a hallway, waiting and hoping he would come back, when I smell him. I follow his sent to a pair of huge double doors made of what looked like a red-wood tree. One of the doors is cracked open, so I walk into what must be the throne room. I don't see Andy or his father, or anybody for that matter. What I do see though, sends me into a memory again. The dark, cob-webbed throne room around be disappears, and I see the same throne room, but in color, and hundreds of people are there watching me. A man, that I have seen somewhere before, steps infront of me with something in his hand. I see the beautiful crown made of delicate silver with diamonds dripping off of it, being placed on my head, the curve at the bottom laying over my brow line, almost onto my nose. I feel the sensation of being thrown out of the memory, and I'm back in the throne room. I reach forward, and pick the crown up, at just that time, a door on the far left right side of the throne room bursts open, and I almost drop the crown. I carefully sit it back on the pedestal, then not wanting anyone to know I was touching things, I duck behind the pedestal.

"No Andrew! She is to young to know the truth yet. She can't know that her parents were killed by the humans that raised her for sixteen years. She isn't ready to know that, and she won't be ready until she has full control of her memory's, and is queen and has brought us back to our original power over the humans."

"But father! Let me at least show her a picture of them, or let me show her the crown, maybe it will bring more memory's, and the more memorys she sees, the more control she has over them."

"Which crown, hers or her mothers?" He stops, and I hear what sounds like somebody sniffing the air. "You had her hide in here to hear what we said?" I hear his father say, and I peek around the pedestal to see him looking straight at me. I move out from behind the pedestal and look at Andy. I see the surprise in his eyes, and I open my mouth to explain, but before I can Andy's father reaches out and slaps Andy across the face, knocking him down. I walk towards Andy's father, I feel the anger building in me.

"Andy didn't tell me to hide in here. I didn't know I was supposed to wait outside. It's my fault. The only reason I hid, was because I didn't know if I was going to get in trouble for touching that crown back there." I gesture with my arm, not taking my eyes off of Andy's father.

"Oh honey. Look at what he's done to you. He is making you lie to me, your king, well for now anyway until you take over, but this just won't do. I shall have him killed to make sure you are no longer manipulated." Before I can talk myself out of it, I walk up to him and slap him. Hard. He falls to his knees and looks up at me. I reach down and grab his hair, pulling his head back, and in a second I fall apon his neck, and I see myself a million different times, I also see Andy, and his father at my crowning, then Andy and I getting married, then I see what I've been looking for. My parents. My real parents. My father and mother are looking at Andy and I with smiles in their eyes, telling us that they would love for us to get married. Then I see my father fighting somebody, he is thrown down, and a hand is flying towards him with something in his hand, it's a stake. The stake slices through the air and into my father, and then the same stake is put into my mothers heart. In her last seconds, I look into her eyes, and see Andy's father. I am thrown out of his head, and see him laying on the floor. I feel somebody's hands on my shoulders. I look up and Andy is looking at me knowing exactly what I saw in his fathers mind.

"Andy, I'm ready. I can take the throne now. I will take us back to the way we were before your father killed my parents. I know how." I stand, and walk to my crown. I put it on my head and feel as if it has always belonged there. I look back at Andy and he is bowed on one knee with his right hand across his chest in the formal vampire greeting.

"What are your wishes my queen?" He stands.

"When the sun sets in-" I cock my head to the side. "About thirty minutes, wake everyone up, and bring them into the throne room. I would like all of them to know what is going to happen from here on out." He bows again, turns and leaves the room. An hour later the room has rows and rows of chairs, everyone of them filled with all the vampires, witches, warlock fairies, and werewolves of the Dark World, from every corner of the humans world, from New York to Istanbul.

"I know it it early for some of you, for others it is late, but soon, everything will belong to us again, and you will be able to walk the streets without fear of being hurt, or worse. We WILL take back what was once ours. Our past king was not capable of filling the role my parents left. So he has passed this on to me, the person it was originally ment for. I was not ready for a long time, but I am now. This will be the best of times that I have had power. The past times I have held the throne, I was not in full control of my memories, or of myself. But that has changed, and I promise you here and now, we will have this world again, and we will have the humans bowing at our feet!" At this, there are cheers from everyone, and nobody is left sitting in their seats. After everybody calms down I continue. "Now, I need to know where everybody stands in our courts." I walk down from the platform, and up the the Alpha of the werewolve pack. I put my right hand over my heart, and bow to him. I see him bow back, so I come out of the bow.

"Who do you and your pack stand with in the court? Will you continue to be the vampires day time protectors? And will you except a seat on the council?"

"My pack and I stand with you my queen. We will always be the vampires daytime protectors. And it would be a disgrace to you if I were to turn down a seat on the council. But may my son take my seat on the council as he is more learned in the ways of the court?" As the Alpha says this his Beta, and son, steps forward, and bows to me with his hand over his heart.

"Thank you for your commitment to the vampires. And the council would be honored to have your son as your representative." We bow one more time, and I move on to the witches.

"Who do you and your coven stand with in the court? Will you continue to work with the warlocks, in protecting the Council and all within it? And will you except a seat on the council?"

"My coven and I follow you, your majesty. We will work with the warlocks, as long as they will work with us. And yes I will except a seat on the council." We bow, and I walk away to the warlocks.

"Who do you and your coven stand with in the court? Will you continue to work with the witches, in protecting the Counicil and those within? Will you except a seat on the council?" The warlock leader awnsers just the same as the others have so far. I walk to the fairie queen, and bow. She doesn't bow back, but I stand anyway.

"Who do you and your fairies stand with in the court? Will you continue to be our healers, and our spies? Will you except a seat on the council?" I wait for an awnser, but it seems as if the Fairie Queen, she insists on being called that even though I'm the real queen, will never awnser.

"We might stand for you my queen, if you can prove that your full vampire side has awoken. Tamlian! Come up here!" The fairies start splitting apart to let one of them through. A male fairie breaks through the ranks, and stands in front of the Fairie Queen, and turns his back to me, which is something he should not have done. It is one of the worst disrespects one can do to a person of royalty or of the council. The second he does this, all of the vampires start to hiss, and come closer, while I hear a few of the werewolves shift, and the warlocks and witches start weaving spells. I put my hand up to silence all of their worry. Something about this boy smells... familliar. He turns, and I see why. Before I realize what might happen because of it, I am on the boy, drinking, tasting his memorys.

I am walking through a crowd, towards what will give me my wings. I see a vampire on top of a girl, the girl I will kill, and forcing his blood down her throat. He pulls away, looks up at me and nods. I walk up to her, raise my knife, and as I do she looks up at me, pleading with her eyes, but before I can think to much about it, I bring the blade down, and rush it into her chest. As I do, the prince pushes through the crowd screaming her name.

I pull myself of the boy, and back into my own mind. I look at him laying on the floor passed out from all the blood I took, then I see the queen looking at me an smiling. "The Fairie court stands with you my queen. We would be delighted to be envolved in the doings of the court, so yes we will except a seat on the council, and we will also continue to work with the witches and warlocks." She bows, and all the other fairies follow her lead. I walk away, leaving them in their positions, which is rude, but at this moment I don't care. I walk up to Andy, he bows with his right hand crossed over his chest. I nod and he rises. I take his hand,we hear the murmurs, as this is never done until one is married, and we walk up the stairs to our seats. Still holding his hand, we turn and face the court. We sit in our seats, and watch as each of the representatives of the covens, and packs walk forward and take their seats beside us. On the left beside me are the witches rep, then the warlocks rep, and on Andys side, the wolves rep, and the fairies rep beside him. After everybody is seated, the court bows to us, and that is when the doors bust open, and a guard runs through the room, up to my seat and whispers in my ear, "There are humans in the lobby. They want to stay here. What do I do?"

I look at him with bewilderment in my eyes. "Have you never had a human try to stay here before?" He shakes his head. "Show me where." We walk out of the throne room, down a few hallways, and to the lobby where I was turned.

"Hello. How may I help you?" The humans jump, not having heard us walk in. The man turns and looks at me, and I almost have a heart attack. That is I would have if my heart was still beating. Standing in front of me is my father, or step father I mean.

"Schylar? Is, Is that you?"

"Yes sir, it's me." He smiles, with tears in his eyes, and rushes at me. He hugs me tightly, holding me to him as if he hasn't seen me in years.

"Oh honey. I was so worried when you didn't come home after a few weeks, and you would never answer your cell. I thought you were dead." It's then that he starts to notice a few differences in me. "Schy, why are you so cold? You're skin is freazing! Are you sick what's wrong with you? Your skin is so-"

"Daddy I need you to listen to me. Do you remember what those people who gave me to you told you and mom about me?" He nods so I continue. "They were telling the truth. I'm a vampire." He takes a step back and looks at me. I mean really looks at me.

"It's not possible. They were just jerking our legs around. You're not really a vampire. Vampires are something of myth and, and legend. You can't be one you're my daughter." It's then that the women, who I had assumed to be my mother, walks to us and I see her face. She's not my mother, but my best friend.

"What is going on Dad? Why are you here with Blaine?" He looks at the ground, then up at me, then the ground again, and then at Blaine.

"Blaine and I have been, well, we've had, been-"

"What your Dad is trying to say is that he and I have been having a relationship since we were in eighth grade." Blaine just out right says it, not even sounding like she's worried about how I'm going to take this.

"Dad, I understand you not wanting to be with mom, and wanting to cheat on her, but why with my best friend? Why Blaine?" He doesn't look at me, just keeps his eyes trained on the ground. I turn to the vampire at my right. "Get them rooms. Seperate rooms. Far apart. I don't want them anywhere near each other." I turn to walk back into the council room to finish up there.

"Who the hell are you to tell me when I can and can't see my boyfriend?" Blaine says after me. I turn to look at her, then walk away again. She rushes after me. "Hey bitch, I'm talking to you! Why are you just walking away? Stop and talk to me!" I stop, turn and look at her.

"Listen and listen closely. I have been around for millions of years, all the vampires have, and we will have power again. You are nothing in our eyes. You will do as I say, or the second I snap my fingers your head will no longer be attached to your body. Understand?" She just looks at me, so I turn and walk away. She makes a noise in the back of her throat, but is otherwise silent. A few seconds later, I am back in the council room, and everybody stops their talking, and watches me walk up to my seat and sit down.

"Everything is handled up front. Is there anything anyone wishes to say? Anything I should be told?" A few of the wolves start murmurring. "Yes? Bring forward whatever you wish to speak of." Two wolves holding, almost dragging, and boy step forward, and bow at my feet. "Stand please. What can I help you with?"

"Well ma'am, this boy, he is bound to change in a month, but we discoverd that he has been giving information to the human president about us. Normally the wolves would have him killed, but what do you wish?"

"Continue in the way you would have yesterday." The wolves nod and carry the boy away, and out of the room. "To the court I will say this, If you have past transgressions to take care of, take care of them in the way you would have before I was queen. Any new transgressions though, must be brought before the Council and I. Unless there is more business to take care of, you are all dismissed."

Everybody gets up and shuffles out of the room, talking amongst themselves. I turn to Andy, and he smiles at me. I hug him, laying my head on his sholder, until somebody behind us clears his throat. I pull away from Andy, but he hangs onto my hand. I see the boy who works the front office.

"Yes?" I say seeing that he isn't going to talk first.

"Their settled into their rooms. Your father is in room 2 on the first floor, and she is in room 13 on the third floor. She's screaming and breaking things, but we have guards infront of their doors to make sure they don't escape."

"Good. I want them out of here by morning. I don't want Blair anywhere around while we are trying to sleep. I don't trust her."


Publication Date: 11-05-2011

All Rights Reserved

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