

The Master sets his dolls down on the shelf. Each doll looked like a hedgehog. The Master smiled, sitting on his bed and staring at his dolls. He scans the shelf, looking at his five favourite dolls.


The first doll was an ivory coloured one. It had long, spiky quills, and amber buttoned eyes. It had a bit of fur on its chest. The Master calls this doll "Silver."


The second doll was a grassy green coloured hedgehog. Its eyes were sky blue buttons and it had shades on its head. It also had a black jacket with flames on the sides. "Scourge" was its name.


The third doll was a pink hedgehog girl. It had a red dress with white trim. Its eyes were emerald green, and beautiful. It wielded a hammer in its right hand. The Master chose the name "Amy" for this doll.


The fourth doll, now, was a blonde hedgehog girl with a blue dress. It had beautiful baby blue eyes and a cute smile. The doll's name is "Maria."


And finally, the fifth doll was the Master's favourite ; it was an azure blue hedgehog. It had red shoes with white stripes, emerald green eyes and a cocky smile. Now, this doll was special to the Master, so he calls this one "Sonic."



Silver sighed as he watched the snow fall from the throne room window. His foster family has been gone for at least two weeks. His mum said they would be back today, but there was no sign of them. Silver laid down on his mum's throne, staring at the chandelier that hung above his head. The castle was dim and cool, adding a mysterious feel to it.


Ever since his best friend, Blaze's sacrifice, Silver hasn't left the castle. That was two years ago, Silver thought. Two years ago, on this day, Blaze sacrificed herself to save the future. . . And me. Silver couldn't get over that thought.


He hopped off the throne and stretched. He shivered, as it was wintertime in Möbius. Silver walked out of the throne room and into the hallway.



It was much darker in here than it was in the throne room. A painting of Silver's foster mother hung above two wooden doors, while the other paintings were abstract or just portraits of people.


Silver walked up the spiral staircase. He opened a door that had a KEEP OUT sign on it. He closed the door and locked it tight.


He walked to the window and opened the soft, silky white curtains. He gazed through the window, as if it was a beautiful world he wished he was in.


The snow continuously fell from the sky. Each snowflake fell onto the windowsill, one by one. Silver watched as more fell down.


Winter was very cold, but beautiful here. Silver remembered Blaze playing in the snow with him. He remembered having snowball fights with his friends. He remembered curling up near the fire with Blaze during snowstorms.


Silver missed the warmth of Blaze. He missed her amber eyes, her beautiful smile. . . If only there was a way to change the past.


Wait! Silver thought, his ears perking up. Maybe there IS a way to change the past! He smiled and clapped at his own thought.


"I'll just ask the Master to help!" He said out loud. He flew out of the castle and down the road. He entered the dark woods, and ran through them. There, in the middle of the woods stood a small shed made of wood. The windows were cracked and on the windowsill were a few dolls. Silver shuddered and walked inside. "M-Master?" Silver called nervously. "Yes?" A mysterious voice answered. An ebony hedgehog was sitting on his armchair, surrounded by dolls of all kinds.


"I require your assistance," Silver muttered. "And what would that be, little boy?" The Master replied. "I want to see Blaze again." Silver said. The Master smirked, "Ah. So you would like to die?"


"No! What I mean is I wish Blaze was alive!" Silver cried anxiously. The Master chuckled and held up a doll. It had purple fur, beautiful eyes and a long robe.


"Blaze!!" Silver yelled. "You. . . You turned her into a doll!"


"Yes," replied the Master. "If you wish to see Blaze again, you must be part of my collection. I need more friends to play with."


Silver remained silent. "If you want to see your friend, your wish shall be granted. As long as you become a doll."


Silver thought for a moment. Then he nods, "Okay."


"However," the Master said. "Once you're turned into one, you will not be able to live anymore. And you will not see, breathe, eat, play or do anything. The only activity you will be permitted to do is sit on my shelf, staring at nothing but pitch black. Understood?"


"Y-Yes sir. Just let me see Blaze!" Silver cried. "Very well," the Master said. He used his magic to hypnotize Silver. Silver felt dizzy, and then really cold.


Suddenly, the world turned black.


Little doll,

Little doll,
A new friend for my collection.



Publication Date: 08-26-2015

All Rights Reserved

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