As the hammer fell into place on the Desert Eagle .50 at the end of my arm the man infront of me fell. With that fatal move my old life ended and the life that was my job began. I was 18 that was 7 years ago. My name is Abbygail West and seven years ago I became the deadliest person on the planet.
Chapter 1
Home At Last
“Abby!” I heard Alex shout from down the hall. I paused but did not turn around. When he caught up I started to walk again.
“What is up with you Abbsies?” That made me snap I whiped around caught him by the throat and brought him to the ground in a choke hold then put a knife to his throat
“Dont call me That.”
“Abby you are covered in blood are you ok?”
I released him and started walking towards the conference room I had been headed for. I guess I can not blame him for creating a nick-name for me because who wants to call their fiance 'Viper'?
I whirled around and kissed him and as I did so I began to cry. He held me then asked.
“Who does that blood belong to Abby?”
“The general of the Truman army”
“What happened love?”
“I was found out and when he went to call for help I used him as a human shield. Then I killed his personal guard detail.”
“Why did you need him as a human shield? We are bullet proof.”
“I know but I just did”
“Love get to your debriefing and meet me at the shooting range later”
“Ok goodbye”
With that I turned into the conference room.
“Hello Agent Viper”
“Hello General Gris” I said to the fat balding man on the conference call screen
“Agent I hear we had some trouble taking down the general of the Truman army.”
“You have then heard wrong general. I not only took down the General but I also took down his brother who runs his protection detail and is the more dangerous of the two.”
“Really. What other news do you have for us?” The screen scrolled out and I saw the whole board of directors.
“Their sister Tanya Truman is not the innocent little girl that we have been told about.” I paused to let that sit. “The girl we have been shown” the picture taken for us was put up on their screen. “is Tanya Truman's daughter. She is 4.”
“How is this possible? What does that make the sister and what news do you have on their father?”
“This is their father.” The picture I had taken of the fathers gravestone flashed onto their screen.
“What! Then who runs the operations?” said a woman in a thick french accent.
“Meet the Ghost. AKA Tanya Truman.” The picture I took of her flashed onto the screen. “Tanya is married to this man. Andre Ramirez. He is the father of her child and her weapons supplier.”
“Agent Viper where is the picture?”
“Before I show you the picture I want to warn you we all know who he is but not who he has become.”
The picture flashed onto the screen. I heard gasps and one scream. The man on the screen was an agent who had been sent deep undercover and went rouge and became his cover identity. It was General Gris' son. Matt Gris.
“My apologies General. I understand that this must be hard for you.”
“Thank you agent Viper that will be all for now”
I turned to leave and before I could the General said, “You and your team need to meet back here for a mission brief in one hour. Thank you again Agent Viper.”
With that the screen went black and I felt sorry for the man 1000 miles away. I walked out of the meeting room and down the hall till I got to the shooting range / workout room. I walked in and fell into the rythem brought about by the thrum of the guns and the grunts of my team. Ara a 5 foot 4 bombshell with blond hair and blue eyes, my best friend and second in command, codename Tigress, was at the shooting range with her fiance; Brendon 6 foot 2 his black hair cut in a perfect crew cut, the Tech guy, codename Hacker, was sitting reloading his gun; Ana 5 foot 3 with blond hair and jade green eyes, Weapons specialist and Twin to Ara, codename Whiplash, was on the wrestling mat with her boyfriend; Nathan, 6 foot 3 with dusty brown hair cut short and spiked, our sharpshooter, codename Sniper, was being held in a chokehold by Ana; and Alex 6 foot 4 with perfect black short spiked hair and green eyes that were just perfect, my fiance and our brawn, codename Python, was hitting the punching bag.
“Hey Viper,” Nathan choked out
“VIPER!!” the twins shouted in unison
“Oh hey viper,” mumbled Brendon not looking up from his gun.
I was kissed then, “Hello love welcome home.”
“Hello every one. We have a brief in an hour.”
“Cool I was getting tired of kicking Nathan's ass anyway.”
“How many times has she beat you?”
“Nine out of ten boss,” Nathan wheezed.
“Again this time I will help Nathan,” I said taking my jacket off.
I heard a chuckle from behind me.
“Oh and Alex you and I fight next.”
There were ooos from the rest of the team.
I took up my position behind Nathan and grabbed his wrists.
“Whiplash go all out”
“What?!?!?!” Nathan yelled
“I am going to be the one fighting not you just watch what I do,” I whispered.
Whiplash jumped forward and I sprang into action making Sniper dodge and hit. Within a few minutes I started to loosen my grip on Snipers wrists. Within another few minutes I let go all together. I had put him in a rythem and he was following it. In a few more minutes Sniper had Whiplash in a headlock.
“Holy cow how did you do that?”
“I did not.”
“Yeah you did Viper is over there.”
“Viper you let go?”
“Yeah about...” I looked at my watch “four minutes ago. This end was all you. And Nathan your girlfriend would like to breathe now.”
“OH MY GOD,” He dropped to his knees by Ana. “I am sorry. I have something for you.”
“C'mon.” They walked out of the room. Everyone else looked at me for an explanation.
“He is going to propose guys.”
“Finally!” said Hacker “I thought I would be the last but then I proposed and he and Ana were still just dating.”
“Ok at ease soldiers,” I said.
“Brendon c'mon we are not done on the range.” whispered Ara
“Oh Alex,” I chimed as he tried to sneak away. “I need to go change and shower but when I am done you and I will fight.”
“Ok love.”
With that I left. I entered the room that belonged to me and my fiance. I walked to the bathroom and stripped I threw my bloody clothes down the shoot to the incinerator. I started to run the hot shower. I had not heard the door but just then Alex's arms and perfect body pressed up against my back and around my waist he kissed my neck dodgeing the blood. I pulled away and stepped into the water. He followed right behind me helping me to wash off all the blood of a not so innocent man.
“God love I missed you so much” he moaned into my neck.
My arms were twisted around his neck and his around my waist. I leaned into him for support as the fatigue that I had been holding back hit me.
“Woaa Love are you ok?” he said holding me up so he could see my face.
“Yeah just hold me and promise you will never let go because if you ever do I believe I will fall apart due to grief from the inside out.”
“Love, I will never let you go not till the ends of the earth take us and even then I will fight to never let go.” he whispered in my ear.
His lips found mine and planted a kiss so gentle I thought I would die from happiness. He pulled back and washed my hair for me every so often he would plant a kiss on my neck, face, or shoulder.
When he finished with my hair I looked at the clock.
“Crap how long have we been here our brief is in 10 minutes.”
“What? Crap!”
We got out of the shower and quickly dried and dressed. We did not worry about our team asking questions about why we were both wet because I know for a fact that they shower in couples all the time. We suited up and headed for the conference room. We entered and a second later the conference call started.
“Viper nice job on the Truman assignment” Commented General Gris.
“Thank you General and with all due respect next time you send me on a long mission like that give me fair warning about a week in advance.”
“Of course Viper you are one of the best and if that is what you need then I will see that you and the rest of your team are given that courtesy. Now Scorpions, we recently received this information”
I looked down and sure enough there was the folder plain as day on the table infront of me.
“What is it?” I asked looking at the monitor.
“Your next assignment all of you will be leaving for Lithuania in three hours. Read the file and Godspeed.”
We all looked up at the screen and said in unison
“Scorpions Out.”
I turned to my team. They looked back expectantly.
“Get all the rest you can I have a feeling this is going to be a long one.”
“Yeah.” they replied in their own time.
I walked to the hall and leaned against the wall. My team walked out and joined me.
“Tigress and Whiplash follow me.”
They turned and said goodbye to their respective men then followed me. I walked down the hall to the woman’s wing. I plugged in the combination and walked through the door. The common room was large and homey. There were a number of couches, a large tv, an automatic coffee pot that started when the combination was plugged in, and the best part was the open bar in the corner. I walked over and poured myself a double bourbon. I looked at the sisters that made up the rest of my team well the female half anyway.
“How is your birthday present Abbs?” Tigress asked.
“What?” I responded
“The bourbon is a gift for your birthday from the general.” Whiplash responded.
I looked down at the bourbon and back up at my team and they had multiplied.
“My birthday is not for another 6 months”
I could not stand I fell over and just before the tremors started to shake my body I said “Sound the alarm”. Then I was overtaken by tremors.
Chapter 2
The Betrayal
I looked at the guys left in the hall with me and motioned for them to follow. We walked to the mens wing. I punched in the code and we entered. I liked to call this place the lair because it kind of reminded me of the bat cave. We sat at our respective stations and I opened the mission report the item on top was a letter addressed to me in a woman's fancy handwriting. I looked over and the rest of my team had been given the same letter. I opened it and read the letter in the perfect handwriting.
Agent Python,
I regret to inform you that your organization has been compromised and
transferred to my command. General Gris has been selling high priority information
to his son some of which may have compromised your fiance on her mission.
General Gris still thinks that you are under his command and going to fall into his
trap in Lithuania. Not if I have something to say about it. Your mission and base have
been changed the new base is an exact replica of the original but unlike the original
it is more advanced. It is fit to your standards and you things will be retrieved
later what you need to do now is go to the docking bay I will be there waiting for you.
Good luck and God speed
Agent Sapphire
I had heard of Agent Sapphire before but I never thought I would get to meet her. Just then the alarm sounded.
“So that is what she meant by good luck.” Sniper said
“Shit” Hacker yelled “the alarm was triggered in the Female wing I will try to get visual really quick.”
The scene flashed to the screen and I started to run Abby was on the floor and she was shaking with tremors. I got to the door and broke it in. I had a gun in my face until Ana realized it was me. She dropped the gun to her side and ran to Abby.
“Help we have to get to the docking bay.”
“Yeah I know” I said I lifted Abby as if she were a doll she was so light. The celing and walls started to crack and chunks fell everywhere. Abby started to shake in my arms. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the docking bay all the way her hip length black hair hit my side and her crystal clear blue eyes barely opened she was shaking so hard. There was an unidentified submarine there I ran towards it. Behind me I heard Tigress hit the floor. Hacker ran out of the submarine and to her side she started to shake with tremors and I could not see whiplash anywhere.
“Sniper!! Do you have your fiance?” I shouted
“No she was with you”
“Shit” I gave Abby to Sniper
I ran back towards the hallway but before I could get there I saw her she had been attacked by tremors and she was in the water sinking fast. I jumped into the water after her. I got to her and pulled her close I swam to the surface and from there I swam to the submarine. As I climbed inside Whiplash started to shake violently.
“Are you all here?” A silky voice asked from the cockpit.
“Yes go!!” I shouted.
The Submarine closed and started to move we were speeding away from the base we had called home for so long and as we did so the self destruct went off and the entire thing went up in a ball of blue flame.
“Oh and how are you supposed to get all of my work from fried computer hard drives?” Hacker yelled
“We already have it we told you we would get it later and the later when I wrote those was 3 hours ago.” said the silky voice in the cockpit.
“Injuries detected Agent Sapphire.” The voice did not have a source it was as if the ship itself was talking and it did say detected.
“Take care of it AVA.” the person I assumed was Agent Sapphire said.
Mechanical arms came down and grabbed the girls and lifted them to three beds.
“If I may ask Agent Python what happened?” I looked up and on the screen was a face built of images.
“Ummm. I dont know the only people in that room were the girls.”
“Abby drank the bourbon that she got for her birthday from the General...” Tigress strained to say but she was overtaken by tremors before she could finish.
“Then the room filled with a smoke that left as soon as it came...” Whiplash finished before her body was over taken with tremors.
“Alex... I love You...more itself...” Abby said between tremors. Then her body seized and shook harder than before. Then she lay still.
“I am only detecting 6 heart beats. What has happened Agent Python?”
“NO NO NO!” I screamed and ran to her side I lifted her to me and she lay limp in my arms.
“I am sorry I let you go love” I cried into her neck.
“Agent Python my systems are very confused. She is breathing but she has no heart beat.”
“The Nanobots...they are healing her but to do that they have to make the virus think that she is dead.”
Just then Tigress and Whiplash seized and then lay still and the screen showed two more heart beats lost. Sniper and Hacker walked over to the beds and sat down next to them. They were crying and so was I if they were not okay I could see in the faces of my team that we would tear the General apart limb from limb. Just then I was aware of a body standing in the doorway.
“I am sorry I could not have told you sooner.” said the silky voice in the door way.
I looked up and was amazed by the woman standing there. She had long blond hair that came to the small of her back. And her familiar crystal clear blue eyes looked back at me. She walked to the end of the bed that Abby lay on and looked at her. She started crying and then she shocked me.
“I am sorry sister” she whispered and then just like that she left.
Publication Date: 07-12-2011
All Rights Reserved
To my sister who always gives me the courage to go on. Thank You Sydney