
Life can be difficult for a professional killer. You get into shootouts with mobs, you can't possibly keep in touch with friends or family, you can only have the one job, you can't trust anyone, and you might have a 99.9% chance of being caught by the cops. The other sad thing is that I'm only 22. I'm turning 23 in about 4 days. It's gonna be a living hell out there...In my world. To most people, the earth around them is just perfect. No harm, no danger anywhere near them. But in my world, danger is my middle name. Everywhere you look there's danger. If you're one of those people who think that the earth is fine, try living in my world. You won't last more than 5 minutes.

Day 1
"Put your hands up and surrender Alexandria Walker. We have you surrounded!" an officer yelled at me, standing beside his giant group of armed backup. Please. In all my years of what I do, they think that a little armed backup will scare me? Ha. Don't make me laugh.
"Just because you can catch me, doesn't mean that there's a point to it. I break out every time. You guys are pathetic!" I yelled back, with a slight grin on my face. I watched their every move, just in case they try to sneak something on me.
"If you don't come down, I'm going to have to send someone up!" I'm tired of this guy. But it's not time to kill him yet.
"Come on up then! You'll just have some cops' corpses all over the place up here!" I laughed at my own sentence. "It's up to you."
"Okay then. You made me do this, Ms. Walker." that annoying cop screeched up to me, again.
"Stop calling me Ms. Walker, Daddy! What are you ashamed of your own daughter?" I shouted. Let's just get this over with." Everybody gasped. They were very surprised. Then about 25 armed cops started darting up the stairs to get to me on the 5th floor.
"Ha ha ha" I laughed to myself. "Time to make it rain red." I grinned.
"There she is!" The leading cop said to the group behind her. "Get her!" I smiled as they all were coming at me at once. I pulled out my mini-machine guns from my bra. (These mini-machine guns are only made for me and some secret group of deadly assassins).
All I could hear was the sound of my guns, the cops' screams, and the pitter-patter of red rain. After about 3 minutes, there were bodies and blood everywhere.
"Ha ha ha, Daddy!" I laughed at my father's face. "Your team is pathetic too. Just like you." I'm so rude. I walked down the stairs with skills and ease because all that red rain was making its way down the stairs. When I got outside, there were guns pointed at me from every angle. I couldn't help but laugh. "So Daddy, you think you can just get some tougher cops to scare me? Ha. Neither you or your team can beat me. You might catch me but you can't beat me. I should kill all of you right now and go on with my dangerous life." I was teasing Daddy.
"Oh daughter of mine, you don't have to do that. All you have to do is surrender and we can send you to a mental institute or a rehab center to get you back to normal. Just throw us all of your weapons." My father is an idiot. And he noticed it way too late.
"Okay Daddy." I laughed and took out my boomerang.
This boomerang was as thin as paper and as sharp as a newly bought knife. I chucked it at the crowd of cops and in approximately 4 seconds, everyone was dead. Except for Daddy. I threw the boomerang in a way that slit Daddy's throat just a little, enough to stop him from talking. I walked over to him slowly. He was laying on the ground, helplessly losing blood.
"Oh Daddy. You were such a good cop, besides the fact that you couldn't even catch and successfully captivate your own daughter." I didn't know what I was saying after this. I was unstoppable and the power that came with it was a fantastic feeling. Overwhelming, no. Just fantastic. I finished off my daddy with a couple shots to the head. I walked down the street and hopped in my Jet Black Camaro to proceed with my mission. I just hope I'm not too late.

I'm finally here...UnderGround HQ. I get out of my car in a rush and run into their huge, five-story, glass building. It's like walking into a picture-perfect office place only more high-tech than usual. Every window, door and wall in this place was made out of glass and thick metal to hold everything together. "Um...excuse me," I asked in the most unsuspicious, professional way I could possibly do. I didn't want to get caught by someone I'm meeting for only the third time. (1. As little kids but then got separated 2. Re-met in high school and had a short relationship for about 3 weeks and never saw each other again 3. Now, right now, in 5 minutes.) "Where could find Jonathon Casco and speak with him privately?" I asked this girl, who was about two years younger than me but she looked older in some type of way. It was weird seeing a woman that looked two different ages at once, but it wasn't the first time I saw it. Maybe she was waiting for me to get here so she can try to kill me while I'm talking to Johnny.
"Sure," She sounded so polite and innocent, like she was forced to work here or hiding something...It creeped me out. I hate overly nice people. "Just take a left down that hallway over there and get in the elevator. Once you're in, push the button that says '-1'. There should be a door when you get off, I'll buzz you in from there. Go in and there will be drinks sitting on a table, take one and sit on either the couch or in a nice glass chair. Do all these steps backwards to get back up to the main level. Thank you for your time," She said with a smile. A creepy, fake smile. Ugh...stupid overly happy people. So I just went on with my business and followed her long list of directions. Time to talk to Johnny Casco, the most dangerous mobster you could ever know, and of course, I know him.
I'm, now, riding in the elevator down to Johnny's room, I guess. That girl upstairs never told me what the floors were. Probably because she didn't want me sneaking around down on the the lowest levels of this building, -3 and -4. They sound pretty top secret to me and I'm gonna find out what they are holding on those floors. Just not now. I gotta talk to Johnny first. Why is this elevator ride taking so long?
"Ding! Welcome to Level -1 of the UnderGround HeadQuarters Building. Enjoy your time in Johnny's room." This weird female robotic voice said over the intercom.
"Thanks, I guess," I was confused. I had so many questions for Johnny. How's it been since senior year? How'd you get so rich? Do you work for somebody? Do people work for you? (Obvious, yes.) What do you do now?
Finally, I get to the door with the buzzer. "Hey, Front Desk um...," I didn't know her name. It's her fault, she didn't tell me. Unless she didn't want me to know. "I'm here at the door, can you buzz me in?" I asked.
"..." I didn't here anything but static from the other side. I wonder if she's still up there.
"...Oh sorry!" She was loud as I don't know what. "I went to go use the little girls' room. I'll buzz you in," Finally, and stop being so loud and cheerful, it's annoying. "Buzz..." The door opened as it made the noise of a bumble bee. Wow, Johnny's room was amazing. Even without any windows, this room looked fantastic. Behind some curtains, he had big window-sized murals of the city above him.
"I guess I'm supposed to get a drink now," I said quietly to myself as I remembered the long list of instructions Front Desk gave me (that's what I call her now). As she said there were two drinks, a Pina Colada and a red Margarita on the Rocks with colorful salt all around the rim. I took the Margarita and the Pina Colada to scan them with a hand-held machine that checks things for poison or anything else that could cause someone's death. They were both clean so, I just grabbed the Margarita. I was a little thirsty and I needed a little drink to get the load off my shoulders from killing my daddy earlier. Then, out of nowhere, I heard some talking coming from the elevator. It was getting louder as the elevator, and whoever's in it, was getting closer.
"...I don't care if you want a day off, that's not gonna happen and you knew it wouldn't...Don't 'Please Johnny' me, I said no. Now leave alone I've got a special friend in my office and it would be rude to keep talking to you. Good-Bye." There he was, Johnny Casco. In the flesh. He still looks good after all these years.
"Welcome back, Mr. Casco. How was your day?" Front Desk asked from an intercom.
"Great, Front Desk. I'm happy to see that you let in our guest." Johnny told Front Desk. I guess I'm not the only one who calls her Front Desk, or maybe Johnny's too busy to care. "I'm good now, you can get back to your...front-desking."
"Yes, Mr. Casco" she said sweetly. She's really getting annoying with that.
"So, Alex, let's catch up a little," he grabbed his drink that I left him from the table. "How's it been since the end of senior year?" He was all sweet about it, like he cared. Did he?
"It's been hell kind of. You know, with all the shooting and killing." It was just like we were still in high school, only we're in separate chairs and we aren't cuddling and kissing like crazy (we were a very 'touchy' couple). "But other than that, it's been pretty good living." I don't know where this next part came from.
"I really missed you, Alex. Why'd we even break up 4 years ago?" Really, Johnny? Nice question.
"I don't know, Johnny." I said caring, but confused. "Hold that thought for a minute, we need to talk business"
"Okay, what did you wanna talk about that involves business?" Stop being so fuckin' sweet Johnny!
"Two things," I was talking straight business now. "One, I need you to take care of something for me; Two,I'm running low on weapons & ammo and my guy got shot two days ago."
"I got you on the weapons" Okay, now it sounds like straight business Johnny. "But what, or who, do you want me to take care of?"
"A guy named Robby Guardini and his crew." That name is gross. "He stole from me and he didn't pay me back."
"Okay, Alex" I love it when he calls me that. "But why can't you do yourself?"
"I'm gonna be busy with someone else" I replied.
"Oh," he said, not surprised. "I'll get Front Desk right on that"
"Thanks, Johnny."
"So back to our earlier conversation," Oh, no. i hate memory lane. "Why did we break up 4 years ago?"
"We were just teenagers, with a bad case of teen love." I was telling the truth.
"Well, we're 4 years older now, so we're way more mature than back then" It wasn't that long ago. Was he he trying to get us back together, even if i desperately wanted to? I wasn't going to tell him that.
"That's true, but do really still feel that way after 4 years?" I know I did.
"Yes, I do." Yup. We are getting back together. "I love you, Alex" Yeah, I was right.
"I love you too, Johnny" I had to leave, didn't I? "But I have to go." I went to give him a little kiss on the lips, but it turned intense in under 3 seconds. Once my lips touched his, I melted into his arms. Our bodies molded together like two pieces of a puzzle. After about 2 minutes, I noticed that I was sitting comfortably on his lap, with his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. Our lips finally parted when I broke the kiss to speak. "Now that's the Johnny I remember." I told him. He laughed a little.
"And that's the Alex I remember." he told me. I laughed too.
"Okay, now I really have to leave" I didn't want to go and Johnny didn't want me to. I wanted to stay and keep Johnny company.
"Alright" Johnny said while relentlessly loosening his grip on my waist. "I'll see you later, Alex" He was so good at being Johnny.
"Bye, Johnny."
I walked out of his room and back into the elevator, unwillingly. Ugh, I really want to go back in there, but I can't. Work. Interfering with my, untrusting, love life.
"Did you enjoy your time with Mr. Casco?" Front Desk asked with attitude.
"Um, it was pretty good," Front Desk is starting to piss me off.
"I heard you in there with him, Alex"
"Johnny...Mr. Casco is the only one who can call me Alex," Yeah, I'm way passed pissed now. "Why are you all up in our conversation? You creep"
"I'm not a creep. It's just that my policy is that if I can't have Mr. Casco for myself, then no one can," I see where she was going with this. "So now I have to terminate you"
Yup, saw that coming. "Goodbye, Bitch," I am going to kill her once I get out of this elevator, or just tell Johnny to fire her and then kill her. I don't know it's a hard choice. "Preparing to drop elevator." she was talking to the voice activated control panel. This bitch will not give up.
Now I'm feeling the way that you feel when you go down a big drop on a roller coaster. "Dammit!"
"Are you going to give up?" Front Desk asked in an ignorant tone.
"Hell no you dumb bitch! You must be fucking crazy!" I yelled into the intercom.
"I'm sorry that's not the right answer." She said that all robotic. I swear Front Desk is a fucking robot.
"Oh my god, Front Desk just joined my list." I just so happened to have a piece of paper and a pen in my back pocket (stole it from Front Desk's desk). I wrote down her 'name' right under this guy named Jesus DeMarco (that's another story). Then I saw that one of the tiles at the top of the elevator was loose. I decided to see if it led to the top of the elevator. Of course, it did. I climbed through the whole in the elevator roof and onto the top of it. I was falling majorly fast, and if I didn't get off this stupid thing, I would die. But I'm not gonna die yet. I got lots of stuff to do before I'm even 30.
With the extended amount of common sense I had because of my skill, I clung to the elevator ropes with my life. Well, my first attempt was a fail. I burned my hand really bad. It looked so bad, even in the terribly dim light I had in the elevator shaft. Once again I gripped the ropes and succeeded. I held onto it with dear life, while climbing up to see if anyone rang for the elevator and their door was still open.
"Bing!" Aha! I found one but it was like two floors down.
"Damn! Now I gotta go drop down two extra floors to get out of here!" But instead of complaining some more I just decided to slide down two floors. I carefully swung off the rope and landed on both my feet. There were three middle-aged guys, one with dirty blonde hair, one with brown hair and one with black hair. Plus an old woman waiting for that elevator that would never come back up.
"I advise all of you people to back away from this elevator shaft about 10 feet and hide behind something." I told them walking away calmly.
"Umm, Ms.? Can you help me? I'm trying to get to the top floor but this elevator isn't working. I keep on pushing the button but nothing is happening. Just the doors opening and closing but no elevator." That sweet old lady was a real dumb ass.
See now, by this time those three guys were smart and moved out of the way, maybe even chucked up a duece to the granny and ran. Just not little old granny. She had to have been deaf in the ear that was pointing my direction because if she wasn't this next thing wouldn't have happened to her.
"Excuse me, young la--?" That was the last we heard of granny. At that very moment the elevator hit the bottom floor, exploded and the explosion flew up the elevator shaft. Which just so happened to give granny a good third degree burn on every single inch of the front of her body. Granny was crispy. Everything in front of the elevator was burned crispy, like Granny. Moment silence, please. Okay, that's enough. I didn't even know the chick. She doesn't need that much of my time. Now to handle my new found business with Front Desk (it isn't really new but, before she tried to kill me, I didn't really have a problem with her).
I was making my way up the stairs to find Front Desk staring straight at me with a look on her that looked like she just saw a ghost.
"How the hell did you escape the elevator?! It was falling at 45 mph!" she was amazed and mad at the same time.
"I escaped through the tiles in the top. Grabbed onto the elevator's ropes, climbed up those, jumped onto the -1st floor, and just walked up here to handle my business with you. Oh and plus you damaged some of the -1st floor in front of the elevator and killed an old chick." I snapped back, telling her that happened in the last 30 minutes.
"Well, umm, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I did no such thing and there no business to be handled here." I could sense the fear crawling all over her. She didn't want to die. But she had to. That's what she gets for trying to kill a professional killer. Does that make any sense?
She tried leave. That was a dumb idea. I grabbed her gray cashmere sweater and couldn't go anywhere, and she knew that so she stopped trying. Then I turned her around.
"Umm, actually there is some business that needs to be handled. And yes, you actually did try to kill me in an elevator." I was so pissed right now. "But I gotta tell you a secret. Come here." She came closer.
"Umm, can I ask why?" she was so nervous.
"No, just come here." She leaned closer to me. "Closer." She leaned closer. "Closer." She leaned in enough that I could whisper that secret in her ear. I could feel her shaking way too hard.
"Umm, what were you going to tell me?" she had her words.
I whispered in her ear, "You are dead."
"Wha--" she had her last FULL words anyway.
BANG! I had a gun pointed at her head the whole time her head was right next to mine. I just didn't have it close enough to her that she couldn't feel it. I know what you're saying, "Damn! She's good!" I know I am you don't have to tell me twice.

Day 2
It's 3:30am. Just got back from talking to my buddy Eddie DeMarco (Jesus' brother), and his wife Marni. I was asking Eddie some more explosives. I was telling Marni about me and Johnny "catching up" again (it's in quotations because you know why). She was super excited to hear about it but then it started to get annoying. Eddie was taking an awful long time in the basement getting my explosives. I walked over to the basement door and opened it little bit. I heard something ticking and saw something counting down from 5 minutes. I ran to go get Marni and her big pregnant ass off the couch and into my car. "Come on Marni! Eddie set off one of his rubber time bombs!" I was so afraid I wasn't gonna get Marni and her unborn kid out of the house.
"Okay! But we can't leave Eddie! See if he's still in basement. This baby has to have a daddy!" She was screaming.
"Okay." I helped her outside and into the car with about 2 minutes left. I ran back into the house and downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, I saw someone in all black clothing with a black mask on and Eddie was on the floor with a knife jabbed into his shoulder. The strange person wasn't so strange anymore. I recognized her eyes. "Hi, Giulia"
"Hey, Alex. Long time, no see." Of course I haven't seen you. I don't fucking like you. "Well, I guess you came down here to get Eddie, right?" Hell yeah. What else is there? To see you? I don't think so.
"Hell yeah!" I snapped back.
"Well, to get out of here without dying and to save Eddie, you'll have to go through me." Like she was challenge.
"Okay Giulia. But just to let you know, I might just end up leaving you here to die in the explosion." I looked at the explosive. 56 seconds and counting. I thought fast, picked up the rubber explosive and threw it at Giulia, which landed in her mouth, just like planned. I quickly picked up Eddie and ran up the stairs and outside. I threw Eddie in backseat and hopped in driver's seat. I turned on the car in a flick of the wrist. I hit the gas and zoomed away from the house fast enough to not be effected by the explosion, but slow enough to not hurt the little unborn kid in Marni. We are nearly 2 miles from the dangerous house and me and Marni turn around to her house blow up in flames. Marni started to cry about where they were going to and I yanked out the knife that was sitting comfortably in Eddie's shoulder. Then for the worst reason, in the worst of times, in the best of cars, Marni stops crying and starts screaming like a psycho.
"The baby's coming!" Oh my god, Marni. Really?
"How do you know?!" I was freaking out about my car.
"My water broke!" Are you fucking serious, Marni?
"Dammit!" Now I have to drive all the way to the god damn hospital?! This night can't get any worse. But yet, it did. I see a grenade just rushing towards my car, a trail of smoke traveling behind it. "Oh my fucking god! Are you serious!?" I am way too cranky right now, and to add to that, this chick is pregnant & some dumbass is shooting sh*t at my car! All I wanted to do is go to fucking sleep! And now I got to deal with this sh*t, I can't deal this! I need some sleep!
"What's wrong Alex?" Marni panted.
"Umm, Marni" I tried to say this as nice as possible. "There is a grenade headed for my car." I kinda failed.
"What?! What about the baby?!" She was so scared. Yeah, I failed epically.
"Please calm down, Marni. You'll effect the baby with your panicking." I tried to calm her down as I reached in the back both to wake up Eddie, and to try to find something soft to comfort Marni and her kid. I don't want to be responsible for that little kid's death.
I swear Marni was going to push that kid out too early, with all her panting and failing attempt to not push that baby out.
"Alex, please don't into the hospital!" If she doesn't stop screaming like an idiot. She will kill that baby by herself, with just the screaming and stressing, without my help.
"Calm down goddammit!" I couldn't take her constant bullshit.
"Okay." Finally. "But we hurry, 'cause the baby's coming soon!" she didn't scream this time, thank god, but she was still alert and in pain.
"I know that, I'm not stupid." I was so tired...Finally. A pillow for Marni, and we are in the hospital parking lot; I should have enough time to get Marni into the place, wake Eddie up, and kill the mother fucker who tried to fuck with me this early. Okay, we're parked. "Alright Marni, let's go." I got out of the car and went to the passenger side to get her out. Surprisingly, I was able to carry her pregnant ass. I ran into the hospital as fast as I could with Marni and her pregnant self in my arms. Then I flew past a nurse that actually cared about why I was running with pregnant chick in my arms.
"Excuse me, Miss," she was some where in her mid-twenty's, tall, skinny, brunette, bright red lipstick, wide hips, big ass, and nice sized boobs. She was one of those nurses that would fuck some of the younger patients. Whore. Do these people even check who they hire? "Are you going you sign that woman in?"
"Yes, I just have to get her into a room. Are there any available?" Come on lady.
"Yes. Straight down the hall, and then take the second room on the left."
"Thanks, I'll be to sign her in." I told the slutty nurse then went on my way. Straight down the hall; second room, 1,2; on the left. Room M-13. I opened the door and put Marni on the blinding, white bed. "Alright Marni. Now I'm gonna go sign you in and go get Eddie, okay?"
"Okay, Alex. Thanks. See you later." Bye, Marni. You crazy, pregnant bitch. So I have to sign Marni in, and get Eddie out of the ca--" Eddie, your up? By yourself? "Your up? Finally. What took you so long Eddie?" I was just glad I didn't have to carry his ass out of the car too.
"I don't know, but that doesn't matter. Where's Marni?"
"She's in Room M-13. Sign her in first." 'Cause I know sure as hell I wasn't gonna do it. "I'm out so, bye Eddie. I hope Marni and the baby make it through the delivery."


Publication Date: 11-11-2010

All Rights Reserved

To My Future Self + Others Like Me, This Might Be You.

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