"Hurry up we are already late!" Yelled Renee at her best friend Cece. "Im coming! Damn where are we going anyway?" asked Cece."To the party remember the nigga you have a crush?" said Renee."Yeah..." said Cece.
"well he invited us to go sooooo we better hurry up and leave girl!..." said Renee pullin Cece to the car. When they got to the party Cece was nervous at first until she saw the boy she has a crush on... she walked right pass him and she caught his eye he followed her. "Hey shawty how you doin'?" Said the boy she has a crush on. "Im doin good thanks for asking..." said Cece
"No prob im Ray what's your name?" asked Ray
"My name is Cece" said Cece
"Hey Cece you wanna dance?" asked Ray
"Yeah" said Cece this was her chance to tell him how much she like him
They went to the dance floor and Ray whisper in Cece's ear. "You wanna go upstairs?" asked Ray,the reason why he asked that is cause he was getting hard and because Cece's butt was backing up on his dick while she was dancing and grinding."Uh why?" Asked Cece unsure if she should go. "I wanna show you something" He lied
"Ok let's go!" She said. When they got upstairs he locked the door..." Why did you lock the door Ray?" asked Cece kinda uncomfortable."Cause im afraid someone is going to come in without knocking and we don't want that to happen cause we gonna have fun!"He said in a horny way
"Ok what kind of fun do you mean..." She said
"Sex Fun Baby girl!" He said
Chapter 2
He kissed her on cheek then he slowly pushed her back and started rubbing her leg...Cece pushed him hard off her and she ran to the door then she remember that the door was locked, he stood up and said "Do you want this the hard way or the easy way Cece...it's your choice" said Ray taking his belt off coming toward Cece,Cece started crying. He pushed Cece on his bed real hard that it took a while for her to catch her breathe again... He unzipped his pants and took out his dick... Cece started crying more when she saw the size of it (12 inch)... "Please don't do this to me!" Cried Cece. "Are you a virgin?" He asked. "Yes i am,Please don't do this to me" she said crying really hard...
He ripped her pantie and and sticking his dick in her pussy really hard! She screamed in pain he ignored it,he went faster and harder...and he wasn't even wearing no condom,he came in her pussy and she was bleeding alot..." I use to have a crush on you but not nomore for what you did to me" Said Cece. "Wait what?! Why didn't you tell me before?!" Yelled Ray
"Can you please open the door!" Yelled Cece
Chapter 3
When Cece got home she went through her window that was open... The next morning she got up and ran to the bathroom she was throwing up alot and it was hard for her to eat anything when she went to school Renee asked her a question "Cece are you ok? You look sick what happen last night when ray took you to his room? And you better be honest with me or ima beat your ass lil girl" Said Renee
"He raped me! And i think im pregnant,cause he didn't use no condom." said cece
"Uh,uh aint no friend of mine gonna get raped by no fucking rapist and be carrying his child while he is out there fucking some otha girls. Imma have to do something really bad if i have to just protect my best friend you are not just my friend but my sister!" Said Renee. "I just love you Renee you the best friend i've ever had!Thank you so much for being there for me..." Said Cece hugging Renee
"Yeah girl im here for you now let's go and kick some ass...that's what i've wanting to do to all these dumb raping niggas!" Said Renee. She went after Ray and when she finally got him,she stopped him and he was with his friends so this was going to be a good show for everyone to see. "Hey! What did you do to my best friend last night cause she told me what you did and im really ready to kick ass if that's what it's worth!" His friends all said "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nigga she got you!" and Renee starting taking her earrings off like what most girl's do when they really to fight. "Renee you don't have to do this!" Yelled Cece. "DON'T HAVE TO DO WHAT CECE?! IM SICK AND TIRED OF LETTING BUMS LIKE HIM FUCK AROUND WITH YOU!" yelled Renee really mad. "Look i didn't know she liked me and plus she didn't do nun...Im sorry Cece i didn't mean to rape you i was just so horny and the otha girl's at the party was has not sexy has you...so i had to have you."said Ray."Well whatever you did i think you got me pregnant!" Yelled Cece and walked away. She was in class when Ray passed her a note
Ray:Hey im sorry for raping you i wasn't myself last night.
Cece: What the fuck do you want Ray you already got what you wanted and now im going to do a pregnancy test right after school to see really if im pregnant for what you did!
Ray:Im sorry and if it comes out positive i will be a good dad i promise.
Cece: how can you be a dad when im not going out with you!! You know what im done.
Ray:Wait,i wanna ask you a question!
Cece: What?!
Ray:Can you go out with me?
Cece: Yes!...
Ray:I love you Cece always had always will
Cece:Love you too
Chapter 4
Cece went for the pregnancy test and it came out positive she was worried about what her parents was going to do or say... when she got home her mom found the test results and asked her "What is a pregnancy test results doing in your room?" her mom asked
"Mom im pregnant and im going to keep my baby!" Said Cece
"Ok but you aint gonna have that baby in my house so you better go to the baby's daddy's house" yelled her mom. "Fine mom i will" she yelled back
When she got to Ray's house his parents was home and this was where she break the news to all of them and Ray's parents didn't say nothing they actually let her stay till she had the baby.It was a girl and her name is 'Renee'. "Dam she beautiful just like you Cece."Said Ray
Cece kept on getting pregnant and Ray kept fucking her the rough way. "Hey baby i wanna ask you something. "Will you marry me?" Ray asked pulling out a ring.He was still on top of her then she said."Yes i will be more happy to marry you Ray"
Publication Date: 07-06-2011
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