Smoke and darkness
Flames licking my body
One scream
One word
One life
Gone forever
One family torn apart
By one child
Changing everything
One sacrifice
One prophecy
One death
Gone forever
'Leave. Take her.'
'No mother. I can´t'
The boy turned around and took the child.
'Take her. Take her away and keep her safe.'
Slowly he faced his mother and nodded wrily.
'Promise me!', she screamed.
Again, he nodded.
She kissed the toddler´s forehead and ran towards the burning house.
'No!', the boy bellowed, but it was too late.
And he watched hopelessly as his mother ran into the flames. Then the child in his arms started to cry. 'Shh... Shh... I´m going to keep you safe, I promise, sister.', he whispered and ran into the woods.
"Emily! Wake up already!", someone shouted and jumped on my bed. I groaned in response and went back to sleep. Suddenly I heard a splash and was soaked with water. "What the hell, Jenna!", I yelled and sat up. My little sister Jenna sat on my bed, crying from laughter. "Stop laughing, you pest.", I snapped. "Your fault. You should have woken up on time.", she said and stomped out of my room. I sighed and got up. "It has no point going back to sleep while that little pest is around.", I muttered and went in the bathroom.
After I got ready I went downstairs and into the kitchen. My mom was making scrambled eggs and Jenna was sitting at the table, eating a slice of bread. "Eggs, mi niña?", madre asked me gently, but I shook my head. "No, gracias, madre." My mom was spanish, that was why we partly spoke spanisn at home. madre
means mom
in spanish.
Publication Date: 03-29-2012
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