"Shall we leave?"
"Hmm..." came the sluggish answer.
A soft chuckle was heard and the two of them started walking along a long white corridor, passing huge white doors every now and then. The monotone order interrupted by a few paintings of flowers or plain sceneries. Their footsteps barely audible on the polished linoleum floors.
We walked side by side in silence. I stole a glance at my mentor and friend to my right and instantly felt my nervousness subsiding.
"You nervous kiddo?“ his deep and calming voice inquired. "Oh come on, Gin. Didn't I tell you not to call me a ‘kiddo‘? You’re just a few years older than me" I mumbled.
I didn't have to look at him to know his grin spread from ear to ear.
"A few years, hm? Well, considering that you‘re a 26-year-old, stunning chick, I do feel pretty old here" he sighed.
"Gin, whether you like it or not. You‘re still quite the hunk", I winked.
And to be honest, I wasn't joking there. Him being around 6ft tall with a trained statue, the dirty-blonde shoulder-length, straight hair, mostly tied into a half ponytail, framing his slightly tanned face with those gentle jade eyes. His 41-year old well-trained body, the deep and soothing voice melting away all the worries carried around... Well, to make it short, he is a damn good catch.
We halted in front of a white door.
"You ready, Doctor Noakes? “ Gin asked squeezing my shoulder gently, before knocking firmly on the door.
The only response I could offer him was inhaling deeply and letting the entire air out at once, before nodding curtly.
“Yes, please” a muffled voice came from the other side of the door. I gripped the device in my hands even tighter, while Gin slowly pushed the door handle down and swung the massive white door open.
“Doctor Thompson!” a stern voice greeted Gin.
“Well, Mr. Benz” my mentor returned the greeting, holding out his huge tanned hand with manicured fingers. “It’s good to see you again. How are you doing?”
“I’m fine, thank you” he nodded once. He didn’t even bother inquiring any further. Instead, his eyes settled on me.
“Oh, I’m sorry for not introducing you earlier” Gin reprimanded. “This, Mr. Benz,” he waved his hand into my direction, “is Doctor Noakes. She is the one who developed the very device we are planning on implanting into your brother’s brain.” Gin smiled reassuringly at me before carrying on with the introduction.
“Doctor Noakes, this is Mr. Benz, our patient’s brother. He is the one who is to decide whether we proceed with the operation.”
Said Benz held out his hand towards me. Feeling somewhat uneasy I extended mine and was surprised by his firm grip. Although, thinking about it, the amount of pressure he applied to the handshake, the intense gaze lying upon me… it all seemed to be in the right place. He looked around the same age as me, but at the same time much wiser and more mature. His jet-black hair framing his stoic, but beautiful face, the muscular body beneath the crisp-white shirt with the rolled up sleeves and simple blue jeans and black sneakers. But the most amazing were his bright-blue orbs. By every second passing they absorbed me even further into them.
“Sebastian Benz” his firm voice shot through my thoughts, “nice to meet you, Doctor Noakes.” “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Benz” I smiled while pulling myself together. “As Doctor Thompson already introduced, I’m Kaitlynn Noakes.”
“Well, now that all the introductions have been settled-“ PEEP-PEEP-PEEP
Gin’s pager set off interrupting what he was about to say. He inspected it for a few seconds and converted his attention back to Sebastian Benz and me.
“I need to excuse myself. There’s an emergency I need to take care of immediately. Kate? I want you to explain the entire process to Mr. Benz in detail. And Mr. Benz, please feel free to ask her any questions. After all she is the inventor of the BNG-29. Please, excuse me.”
After sending me a reassuring smile and nodding towards Mr. Benz, Gin left the room quickly. Now it was all up to me, I guess. I mustered up everything I had and turned to Mr. Sebastian Benz with the best professional smile I could put on.
“Well, Mr. Benz. Let me pick up where Doctor Thompson let off.”
I walked over to the foot of the bed taking a look at the medical file. I had read it at least a hundred times before, actually learning everything by heart.
“The device that is supposed to be implanted into Mr. Ian Benz’s brain is this.”
I held out the tiny black device I had slipped into my lab coat after entering this very room.
“I believe, Doctor Thompson has already given you an overview on how it works?” I asked looking him directly into the eyes. A curt nod was his answer.
“That’s good. So to –“
“Doctor Noakes?” he interrupted me. “I don’t need to hear all that medical stuff again. There’s one question I want you to answer.”
His clear blue eyes bore into mine. I blinked once to focus back onto the subject.
“Please” I motioned for him to proceed.
“Will he be okay after the operation?” he asked gazing lovingly upon his brother’s face.
I felt my heart skip a beat. This was the first time seeing such an emotion, or rather any emotion on his face. I bit my lip before answering the questions.
“Mr. Benz” I walked around the bed and stood opposite Sebastian Benz looking down at his brother, seeing him for the first time up close. He was as beautiful as Sebastian, but his features were softer and gentler. I couldn’t be sure whether it only looked that way because he had fallen into a coma. His hair was as black as the night, but considerably longer than his brother’s. His face could only be described as pale.
This man lying on the bed was lifeless. No other words would come to my mind.
“Doctor Thompson has already told you, hasn’t he? The BNG-29 has only been tested on mice up until now. It –“
“No, that’s not what I asked” he interrupted again. His eyes were sharp when he looked back at me. Don’t flinch, Kate!
“I want to know YOUR opinion, Doctor Noakes. Would you allow anybody to fiddle with your brother’s brain and implant some black button-thing that has only been tested on mice until now? What would YOU do, if you were in my shoes?” he spat out the words.
His face contorted in pain and despair was written all over. I shut my eyes for a few seconds and exhaled slowly allowing Sebastian Benz to find his composure. I just had a feeling he needed to cool down before I could answer his question. After a brief silence I gave him my answer:
“Mr. Benz, you are set on hearing my opinion on implanting a button-thing, as you called it, into your dying brother’s brain. A device I myself have developed while setting the goal of helping people, whose neurons in the brain were damaged or destroyed, by regenerating and producing new ones. You want to know whether I would want such a device to be implanted, although it was never tested on humans before. Before giving you my final answer, may I ask you something?”
Not once did I allow my eyes to leave his bright orbs. As he didn’t answer, I went on:
“Do you have any other options? Have you been offered any other way out of this desperate situation?”
His eyes grew wide in surprise for a second, before he shut them close and a ghost of a smile played around his lips. This reaction was enough for me.
“Yeah, I thought so, Mr. Benz” I, too smiled faintly. “If I were in your shoes right now, this would have been the same way I would’ve handled it. Although I should be the one trying to convince you to go through with the operation, I mean, after all this button-thingy is something I invented. I can’t guarantee you a thing, absolutely nothing, which is really pathetic. But, I would go for it, Mr. Benz. Your brother’s vitals are going to fail sooner or later, if kept in this state. He is going to die like this. So, even if there is the slightest chance of seeing him alive, I would go for that damn operation.”
I exhaled audibly and to my surprise saw the young Benz crack a real smile.
“Pathetic, huh?” I heard him mumble.
“Well, don’t you think it is?” I inquired shrugging once and focusing my gaze onto the lifeless body on the bed.
Suddenly a soft knock was heard on the door. My eyes darted towards the sound and then to the stern voice. I felt a slight tingling sensation.
“Yes, please?” he asked the person in.
The door swung open and Gin entered the room with a rather grim expression. Out of habit I tilted my head to the side and questioningly looked at him. Instead of an answer Gin put on his best fake smile and addressed Mr. Benz:
“So, how have things been going here? I hope Doctor Noakes was able to answer your questions and help you make your decision?”
I swallowed hard, as I was pretty sure I had actually achieved the exact opposite with my rather pitiable answer to his question.
“You bet she did” he informed my mentor. “When are you planning to operate?”
My head shot up in utter disbelief. No way he wants to proceed with the operation?
“That’s great!” I heard Gin cheerfully exclaim. “The faster the better. So I believe by 2pm tomorrow all our preparations will have been made. I’ll get to work right away then and inform the medical board, as well as get the remaining paperwork ready.”
Right at this moment the great surgeon Gin Thompson looked like a little boy given a treat.
“Good work, Doctor Noakes. I’ll be back with the remaining papers later this afternoon, Mr. Benz.”
With this he left the room as swift as ever. Just like the first time both, Sebastian Benz and I stood there in silence. But contrary to the first time I giggled after a few moments, not able to contain myself anymore, especially after seeing the dumbfounded look on the young man’s face. I can’t say how long we stood like that, but after some time, I was able to pull myself together and slowly made my way around the bed. I walked up to Sebastian Benz and held out my hand:
“Mr. Benz? I should be leaving, too.”
He gripped it as firm as the first time and nodded. We both let go and I strolled towards the door, opening it. Before I could let myself out I turned around catching the younger Benz brother by surprise:
“Oh, and Mr. Benz? You asked me whether I would allow anybody to mess with my brother’s brain. Well, no, I wouldn’t let just anybody fiddle with his brain. But, if it were to be Doctor Gin Thompson, there’s no way I would hesitate.”
With this I stepped outside and before fully shutting the door I heard a faint “Hn” from inside.
I strolled along the long white corridor, passing huge white doors every now and then. The monotone order interrupted by a few paintings of flowers or plain sceneries. The difference this time was that a huge grin was plastered on my face.
“Good morning, Kaity!” a shrill voice greeted me right after entering the hospital.
I made my way to the reception and smiled widely at the lady sitting across me.
“Good morning, Nala. You’re back from your vacation” I winked before hugging her tightly.
Nala Macera, a stunning blonde receptionist with beautiful deep greenish-blue eyes and a bubbly personality. She was one of the first people I befriended after moving.
“I heard the great news, Kaity!” she squealed. “The Benz family has decided on going through with the implant, right? I’m so happy for you! Your hard work is paying off! And of course I’m happy for Ian, too” she kept rambling on.
“Calm down, Nala” a serious voice reprimanded.
The blonde receptionist rolled her eyes in annoyance at the voice, but as she was facing away from it, I was the only one to see her.
“Oh c’mon, Liz! Let me be happy for my friend here” she hissed.
Well, Liz is rather calm and level-headed. With her dark brown hair and eyes, as well as a labret piercing she isn’t just personality-wise, but appearance-wise the polar opposite to my friend Nala.
“It is fine, Nala” I tried calming her down while smiling at Liz.
The calm receptionist acknowledged me with a curt nod and went back to work. Nala snorted disapprovingly and sat back down.
“Doctor Noakes?”
I turned around at the familiar voice, only to be met by a pair of electrifying blue orbs.
“Good morning, Mr. Benz” I greeted him happily.
“Good morning” he replied.
“Sebastian!” the blonde receptionist behind me called out.
“Nala?” he asked surprised.
But he wasn’t the only one surprised. My eyes darted from the man known to me as my patient’s younger brother, Sebastian Benz to my closest friend here, Nala Macera.
“Oh my God, how long has it been?” she asked squealing out every word.
The otherwise so collected Benz was lost for words. I’m way too nice to people. Seeing him feeling awkward I stepped in by asking something way too obvious: “You know each other?”
Nala beamed her brightest smile at me: “Well, of course! We went to the same high school, right Sebastian?”
“Hn” he answered.
“Anyways, Sebastian. When did you return? I myself returned yesterday night from a three weeks’ vacation…”
I knew she wouldn’t stop questioning the poor guy so easily. But hey, they did visit the same high school and it seems they haven’t seen each other in a long time. That’s my cue to get going.
I smiled at them, turned around and walked towards my office.
Entering the tiny room my good mood fell abruptly upon seeing the stacked papers on my desk. I sighed and closed the door behind me. Guess I should have known from the start that life in such a renowned hospital wouldn’t all be lab research and chatting with way to good looking patient’s brothers. I stopped myself right there. What the heck am I even thinking? I need a coffee. Now.
Stepping onto the teeny tiny lobby adjoining five other offices I made my way over to the cafeteria while fiddling with my pager, trying to pin it to the belt loop of my blue jeans. Before even finishing this plane task my pager went off. It was a message from Gin. I turned right on my heel and headed towards a familiar corridor to room number 1024. Reaching my destination I lightly knocked on the door. Instead of a response it was yanked open by my smiling friend and mentor, Gin Thompson.
“Hi” he greeted grinning widely.
“Hi?” I cautiously replied, sensing something going on.
“Doctor Noakes” a deep and stern voice called out. There was no doubt who it belonged to.
I stepped into the room I had first entered yesterday. I was expecting Sebastian Benz’s beautiful face to gaze upon me and a lifeless Ian Benz lying on the bed, but to my surprise the face I first locked my eyes on did not look familiar. Instead, a beautiful lady stood before me. There was no need for me to ponder about this stranger’s identity. She was as stunning and vibrant as her sons.
“Doctor Noakes?” Sebastian Benz pulled me out of my daze. “This is my mother, Madeleine.”
She smiled brightly and extended her hand towards me. Without any hesitation I shook her hand and couldn’t stop myself from returning her warm smile.
“I’m Kaitlynn Noakes. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Benz.”
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Doctor Noakes. My son told me you are the one who developed the device to be implanted into Ian’s brain?” she inquired.
I nodded once not knowing how to respond otherwise.
“My, aren’t you a young one, though? And so pretty as well” she added delighted.
I could feel my cheeks heating from the compliment. Fortunately, Gin came to my rescue, as I stood there blushing.
“Isn’t she?” he asked Madeleine Benz, smiling like a proud father.
And here I thought he would come to my rescue.
“Please excuse me, Doctor Noakes” she excused herself. “I need to talk to Doctor Thompson about a few things. It was nice meeting you and I hope we see each other soon.”
“I hope so, too, Mrs. Benz” I smiled.
With this Gin and Madeleine Benz left the room. So now it was just the Benz Brothers and me. My eyes wandered across the room finding the vibrant blue orbs I had initially intended to meet. Had he been standing there the entire time? Sebastian Benz was casually leaning against the window, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Well” we both started at the same time.
“You go first” he demanded.
“Actually, I only wanted to say that your mom is a real beauty” was all I could blurt out. His sight made me forget what I intended to say.
“Hn” he commented.
“You know, this is actually your cue to speak up.”
“There’s a reason I asked Doctor Thompson to call you here” he started.
I had forgotten all about that. Gosh, what was happening to my calm self? I nodded for him to go on.
“I want you to be there during the implantation.”
This confused me slightly: “I’m not quite sure I understand what you stated right now.”
He stuffed his hands into his jeans’ pockets without shifting his gaze from me.
“I said I want you to be there in the operating room, overlooking the entire transplant” he explained.
My eyes widened in disbelief.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Benz. But I think you are mistaken here. I’m not a practicing doctor. I’m a mere biologist with a Doctor title. That means I can’t just enter any –“
“I know that” I was once again interrupted. “I did talk to Doctor Thompson about you. He said he could make an exception in this case as you are the developer of the device.”
I couldn’t believe his words. My eyes felt like they would pop out of their sockets. I had expected to follow the operation either via video broadcast or in the evening on tape.
“Take care of Ian in there” the younger Benz softly pleaded.
This was the second time today morning I was lost for words. I nodded first and then managed to choke out: “I will.”
This day was just unbelievable! I couldn’t believe I was actually present as the BNG-29 was implanted into Ian Benz’s brain. The operation proceeded without any complications and the older Benz brother was brought to the intensive care for observation. He would remain there for at least one week. If everything went as per plan he would then be transferred to the ward after awakening from his coma.
It was five thirty now and the offices slowly emptied. After being told to attend the transplant I had returned to my office to get some paperwork done. But as I had expected, I was way too excited to get anything ready. But at least I was able to sort out urgent work onto a new pile, well that’s what I thought. Looking at that pile now it had been an absolute waste of time. It was as huge as the pile before. I was also supposed to prep a few things for a new research, as my colleagues had asked me to. Well, there’s no sense in crying about spilt milk, I guess. But before I start, I better get myself an early dinner and then pull an all-nighter.
After having a light supper and buying two cups of coffee, a bottle of Coke and a few sweets, I locked myself up in my office for the rest of the day and most of the next morning. Finishing the most urgent paperwork I needed to submit by 5pm, I made my way to the laboratory, taking care of the preparations for the new research. It was 4am when I led myself out of the hospital doors greeting some staff. I had barely four and a half hours before I needed to resume back to work.
I entered the hospital feeling rather energetic, although I had only slept for three hours. As usual Nala greeted me. We chatted for a short time and I made my way towards my office holding a cup of coffee in my hand. Today was all about finishing the paperwork and then meeting an old Professor of mine for dinner. I was able to finish quite a lot of work through the morning and early afternoon. Around two I decided it was time for my light lunch and made my way to the canteen.
“Doctor Noakes?” I heard someone call for me.
Recognizing the voice I turned around to look at the man who had enabled me to take part in the operation yesterday.
“Mr. Benz” I greeted him, smiling.
I was slightly taken aback at him eyeing me from head to toe.
“I guess you’re just not wearing your lab coat” he mumbled more to himself.
I chuckled and nodded: “Yeah, I’m not wearing it. Today is, I guess you could call it my office day.”
He arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Instead of an explanation I just waved him off.
“I’m having the time of my life cramped in that office” I sarcastically stated. “Where are you heading, anyways?”
“On my way to get some food” he dryly answered.
“Me, too. Want to grab a bight together?”
My heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked with mine. “Yeah.”
We walked down the corridor together getting in line to order something to eat. It felt all so natural sitting there with him, talking about all kind of random stuff, laughing together about really funny stories from his past, learning that Nala was some crazy fan-girl…
Time flew by quickly. Without even realizing, we had spent nearly two hours talking.
Suddenly his mobile started vibrating. He fished it out his pocket and checked the ID, frowning slightly. I questioningly raised an eyebrow while tilting my head to the side. He sighed and explained: “Ian’s wife.”
My eyes widened in surprise. Before I could ask any further, he gestured in dismissal. He told me to hold on for a bit as he had to get the call. In contrary to my expectation he didn’t leave his seat to take the call.
“Yes?” He was irritated. “… Hmm. Yes… Of course…”
By every minute he got angrier. Out of reflex I reached over the table and laid my hand on his arm. He first looked at my hand resting on his arm and then fixated my eyes. There’s not much I heard or even caught from the surroundings. I felt his flexed arm relax beneath my touch, as well as his tightened jaw. His voice sounded controlled and deep. I knew if I kept on looking into those eyes I would liquefy any moment.
Fortunately, or rather unfortunately I felt someone grabbing my shoulder. Letting go of the young Benz’s arm I turned around to face a grim looking Renee. Just my luck!
“What are you doing sitting here and flirting around?” he acidly asked.
Cool it, Kaite, just don’t let this ass get to you.
“My, Renee. It’s nice to see you, too. How may I help you on this beautiful day?” I smiled, which pissed him off even more.
“Don’t ‘my Renee’ me, damn brat. Where have you been the entire day? Don’t you know that Professor Octavio has been waiting for your report?” I sighed irritated: “The report is due at 5pm, isn’t it? I’ve completed everything and will drop it off right away.” “Whatever” he hissed and stomped off.
I rolled my eyes shaking my head in pure agony.
“Who was that creep?” the Benz’s low voice inquired.
I sat back and sighed again.
“That creep is just a sour co-worker sucking up to my boss” I explained. “There are a few more of that sort. Talking about sour, what’s up with you and your brother’s wife?”
The irritated look on his face reappeared.
“Don’t remind me” he huffed. ”She annoys the shit out of me. That woman hasn’t visited her husband even once since he has been transferred to this hospital.”
Sebastian venomously spat out the words her husband. “And now she demands I come and pick her up to visit him. She has a driver’s license and her own car.”
“She does seem to be quite nasty” I cautiously formulated.
“Hn, nasty is an understatement.”
“Excuse me” I mumbled searching for my pager. Quickly glancing at it I hooked it back to the belt loop of my short tight navy blue skirt.
“I’m sorry, Sebastian” I apologized. “I need to get going. That somebody reported back to my boss.”
Both of us stood up slightly annoyed and walked together towards the entrance of the canteen.
“I need to head this way, then” I pointed to my left.
He nodded once: “I’ll take this one.”
“See you around” I waved good-bye.
“Yeah, I guess” he briskly replied before walking into the opposite direction.
I swiftly made my way to the office, collecting the papers I needed to hand my boss and headed straight to his office.
A shudder ran down my spine before I knocked on the door leading to my superior’s office. I always got the creeps seeing that guy.
“Come in” a low voice cooed.
Gulping once I opened the door and tried putting on a cheerful smile.
“Ah, Kaitlynn Noakes!” he hissed like a snake. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
My cheerful smile disappeared right away. My gut clenched and my instincts screamed for me to run. Run as fast as I could and as far as possible. No! Pull yourself together, Kaite. Pull yourself together, damn. He might act like some creepy snake, but he is human too, right?
His waist-length black hair was the only human trait as it seemed. His extremely pale skin, those pronounced cheekbones, the brownish-black eyes… Damn.
“Pro… Professor Octavio” I managed somehow.
“Now, now, child. Please take a seat and don’t be so formal” he smiled sending tremors up my spine. I nodded and cautiously walked over to the chair in front of his desk.
“Tea, coffee or something else?” he asked before pressing the intercom, waiting expectantly for my answer.
“Um, just water, please” I replied.
His smile growing even wider he spoke: “Then water it is! Kasper? Get us a water and my usual! So Kaitlynn. I heard the great news. The BNG-29 was implanted successfully.”
“Yes, Sir” I affirmed.
A soft knock echoed through the room.
“Enter” Octavio demanded.
“Sir,” his personal assistant Kasper started, “I bring the water and your herbal tea.”
The way this Kasper guy talked and behaved made me wonder. He treated Octavio like some great Lord. But he wasn’t the only one. Renee and his friends addressed him in the same manner.
“You can leave now, Kasper” Octavio commanded.
Before leaving my sight Kasper shot me a sharp glance. Good Lord, what’s wrong with these guys?
“May I ask you something?” I felt quite courageous at this moment.
He arched an eyebrow before smiling in his own macabre way.
“I’ve been wondering for quite some time, why some of the people act so weird around you.”
Right after blurting out my thoughts I bit my tongue. I dared glancing over at the department’s chief.
“I’m sorry for…”
“Please don’t be, child” he cut me off. “You’re truly an observant one, aren’t you?”
My uneasiness grew. Suddenly a whole-hearted laughter resounded through the room.
“I’m thoroughly intrigued by you, Doctor Kaitlynn Noakes! I already had a feeling you would turn out to be a good catch. Specially, when you turned up at my office door with the idea of developing the very device that was operated into Ian Benz’s brain, yesterday. The profound research and precise developmental work… it’s pleasurable to me.”
I had to force myself to not let my jaw fall agape. There was no way I could hide my surprise, though.
His hearty laughter echoed throughout the office.
“Don’t be so surprised. I’m just stating the facts here. Did you really think I would miss out on something like this? Although that brainless surgeon played the mentor figure, did you really think I wouldn’t keep tabs on you? I mean you are after all my best worker at the moment.”
My jaw dropped to the floor, which made my opposite laugh even harder.
“Do you really mean this, Doc?” I asked incredulously.
He lifted his cup containing the herbal tea to his lips. Before sipping it, he cautiously blew the clear greenish-brown liquid.
“As usual, he didn’t allow the leaves to soak long enough” he grumbled, while setting down the cup. “Anyways, Doctor Noakes. I-“
“Please just call me Kaitlynn. It doesn’t sound right for you to address me so formally” I interrupted him smiling widely. All my anxiety had flown away. I felt pretty comfortable, in fact.
“As you wish, Kaitlynn. Then do feel free to drop all titles and formalities while addressing me” he returned my smile, while leaning back in his seat. “I believe you came here to drop off your report?”
“Oh, yes” I handed him the file with the entire report on the research and development of the BNG-29. “It’s all in there.”
He nodded laying the file aside. “I’ll go through it later. But first, tell me, what are you planning to do next?”
I was taken by surprise, as I hadn’t anticipated him asking me something like this. Although, thinking about it, it was a legitimate question.
“First of all, I need to finish the stacks of paperwork lying in my office” I tried to win some time.
He nodded understanding.
“To be honest, Octavio” I started after pondering and coming to the conclusion that the truth would ultimately be the best answer. “I haven’t thought about any new project, yet. Everything went so fast… I mean the research took less time than expected and the development was so much fun... I didn’t have the time to wrap my mind around anything new, yet.”
He smiled: “Good answer, Kaitlynn. You’re not just a good worker, but and honest one, as well. Don’t worry about finding anything new right away. Revel in the glory of your great achievement.”
This guy was forcing me to actually like him.
“Thank you.”
There was a brief silence for a moment before I decided that it was time for me to get back to work.
“I need to get back” I told him while standing up.
He chuckled once. Before I could walk out the door Octavio called after me: “Keep up the good work, Doctor Kaitlynn Noakes.”
I smiled to myself, walking past a grumpy looking Kasper.
Before returning to my office I dropped by the intensive care heading straight to the room Ian was stationed in. Without really thinking I slowly opened the door to his room to be surprised by Sebastian sleeping on a visitor’s chair. He looked tired, but peaceful. I quietly made my way over to Ian’s report file, flipping through it, checking for any abnormalities. But to my relief there was nothing unusual. In fact, his results seemed way better than I had expected. I tried my best to slip the file back as softly as possible. Content with my achievement I turned around and headed for the door. Before leaving, though, I covered up the sleeping Benz on the chair with a spare blanket, making sure not to wake him up.
I cautiously opened and shut the door, walking through the corridor and to my office to work some more before heading for dinner with an old friend and former professor.
One week had passed by in a frenzy after implanting the BNG-29 into Ian’s brain.I constantly kept on meeting up with Sebastian, sometimes having meals in the canteen or some coffee. We had exchanged numbers as we were growing closer day by day, becoming really good friends. We talked for long periods about everything and nothing.
It had become a habit for me to either buy two cups of coffee when going to visit Ian or receive coffee from the younger Benz when he came to hang out in my office, as other family members and friends visited his brother.
It was quarter to four. A meeting had been scheduled at 4pm this afternoon, as contrary to expectations, Ian had not woken up. It had become a habit for me to swing by every day and check his data. Never once were the results negative in any way. I sighed heavily while changing out of my laboratory attire and into my casual wear, as my shift would end at five o’clock, anyways. I slipped my mobile into the breast pocket of my blouse and made my way to the conference room. The door was open wide and a lot of voices spoke in total chaos. I had attended a few conferences and was sure that this one would go by pretty much the same way the others did. Taking a seat at the back I allowed my eyes to wander around the spacious room. There were doctors from various departments, some I knew, and others I had never seen. I greeted a few colleagues by nodding or smiling. A couple of minutes before the conference was supposed to start my vibrant friend and splendid surgeon Gin Thompson entered the room. He flashed his brightest smile and strolled over to where I was seated.
“Kaite” he greeted while crushing rather than hugging me.
“Hi Gin” I managed to return.
“It’s great to see you here. I actually didn’t expect you” Gin informed scratching the back of his neck.
I chuckled and shook my head: “I would have given any conference a wide berth, if it wasn’t about the BNG-29.”
My chuckle had died down and I sighed in defeat.
“Also, I’m worried about Ian” I admitted.
He nodded once and caringly stroked my hair.
“Thought so. But don’t worry,” he tried cheering me up, “we will find some way to wake that guy up. After all, just check out all these wonderful people with way too much free time on their hands, gathered here to discuss about matters they couldn’t actually care about.”
“Gin? Are you ready?” an elderly man, who was a surgeon himself, inquired.
“Sure” the addressed man answered. He stood up after shooting me a reassuring smile and walked over to the podium. Gin, as the leading doctor in this case, was supposed to hold the conference. He started off by giving an overview on the case and what exactly had been done during the operation, as there were quite a few people, who knew head-no-tail about Ian and the BGN-29. Gin paused for a short moment before asking the dreaded question: “Are there any questions up until now?”
Hands shot up right away and I could see my otherwise cheerful friend’s face fall drastically. He sighed before answering all the unnecessary and sometimes really idiotic questions.
The next and actually most important part of the conference was to find a first attempt to wake Ian up from his slumber.
Some of the people attending mistook this as an opportunity to blurt out their opinion on the entire case and how wrong or right they weighed the process.
Shaking my head I sighed heavily and decided on taking my leave. This wouldn’t lead anywhere. I slipped out of the room and leaned my head against the cold wall of the empty corridor. Well, I should have known this would be a total waste of time. But what can be done to wake Ian up? I checked my wrist watch. It was five-thirty. I shut my eyes and sighed again. I don’t know how long I stood there in the same position, but I suddenly snapped open my eyes and had decided. Pushing myself off the wall I headed straight to my superior’s office. My heels clicked with every step I took. Reaching the office, I briskly knocked, not really awaiting the answer, but bursting into the front room, shocking a surprised looking Kasper.
“Doctor Noakes!” he exclaimed indignantly, while shooting up from his chair.
I shoved my hand up his face: “Hold it right there. I neither have the time nor the energy to waist on your speech considering manners and blah blah.”
I walked straight up to the opposite door knocking once and then entering. Kasper followed at my heel calling behind me and apologizing to his boss. Octavio was surely surprised at my bursting in without any prior notice.
“Oh, Kaitlynn” he wondered.
“I’m sorry, Sir” Kasper ran pass me. “I tried to stop-“
“Please,” Octavio cut him off, “close the door behind you, Kasper.”
I saw said PA’s head turn as red as a tomato. He seemed more than just pissed. But there was something like disappointment plastered there, too. Well, too bad. But I didn’t have the time to waste on thinking about him and his jealousy or whatever it was.
“Go on, take a seat” the chief of the department motioned to the chair opposite him.
“Thanks, Octavio.”
“What can I do for you? The way you stormed in there’s no doubting it” he asked leaning forward in his chair and resting his chin on his propped up arms.
I nodded confirming: “Yes, and I’m sorry about bursting in like that.”
He waved me off, gesturing for me to forget it and go on with my actual matter.
“I assume you already know, that Ian hasn’t awoken, yet” I inquired.
He nodded curtly. “Yes, I do.”
“I want to do something about it! I want to help him!”
He smiled his signature creepy smile I had gotten used to and leaned back in his chair bringing up his fingertips to touch each other.
“You want to do something you say? Then why don’t you?”
He laughed, as I seemed to be looking like some lost puppy, at least that’s what he said.
“So you need help?” Octavio asked directly.
I eagerly nodded making him laugh even harder.
“Have you thought about anything so far?”
My cheeks grew hot and were tinted red. “I… actually without even thinking…-“
“You attended that useless conference, left it before it could end, realizing just now that the device YOU had developed wasn’t showing the results you had hoped for and decided you had to do something. And as a result you burst through my doors and are sitting here now without wasting a second thought on how you could achieve your goal” he expertly deduced hitting the bull’s eye.
Realization dawned upon me just at this moment. I smacked my forehead shaking my head.
“I can’t believe it” I sighed. “How could I let myself be driven by my emotions to this extent?”
My superior chuckled: “And there I praised you just the other day.”
“I’m sorry, Octavio” I apologized in total embarrassment.
He stood up from his chair and walked around his huge oak desk leaning against it and patting my shoulder.
“So, have you calmed down?” he asked.
I nodded once and looked up at him.
“Good. Let’s think about something together, then” the snake-like man suggested.
“You know you are spoiling me here?” I smiled weakly. “Not just that, your assistant on the other side of the door must be fuming right now.”
Instead of an answer he grinned widely. Octavio walked back to his seat and pulled out a notepad. “Let’s start brainstorming, shall we?”
We sat there for at least one and a half hours talking and discussing over methods and errors.
It was seven-thirty when I left Octavio’s office clutching the notepad tightly. Kasper had left. I wondered when the department chief would head home. Did he ever leave?
I decided on stopping by Ian’s room before heading to the laboratory. Knocking once, I entered expecting either Sebastian or nobody to be in the room. Instead, I was greeted by a furious looking red-head and an irritated and frowning Sebastian.
He looked up and shut his eyes. That was surely no reaction I had expected.
“Who the heck are you?” the vicious red-headed glasses woman demanded.
I shut the door behind me and walked up to where Ian was lying. Holding out my hand I introduced myself: “Good evening. I’m Doctor Noakes.”
Instead of extending her hand she snorted: “So you’re that fake doctor?”
“Excuse me?” I inquired.
This was the first time Sebastian spoke up: “Shut up, Karin. You’re in a hospital.”
Karin? So this is Ian’s wife.
“But Sebastin” she started. Her venomous voice had turned sweet.
I arched an eyebrow at her brother-in-law questioningly. He sighed heavily and defeated.
“Karin, this is-“
“I know who she is” she snarled facing me. “It’s your damn fault he isn’t waking up. I can’t believe Sebastian allowed something developed by some biologist to be implanted into Ian’s brain. But it surely isn’t his fault.”
The way she spit out the word biologist made my blood boil. And what does all that eye batting towards Sebastian mean? Isn’t she Ian’s wife? I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself.
Putting on my professional smile I looked directly at that annoying bitch: “Mrs. Benz, nice to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I paused for a short time. “You’re right when you say it isn’t Mr. Benz’s fault. May I ask where the patient’s spouse when the time to decide gad come?”
Karin’s facial color changed drastically to a deep crimson.
“The reason I actually came over was to inform you, Mr. Benz that the chief of department and I have already started searching for the reason, why your brother hasn’t been able to wake up until now. I ask you to please be patient. I can assure you that we will work something out and will be able to dismiss any errors.”
I curtly nodded and headed for the door. Before leaving though, I turned around and addressed Ian’s wife: “Mrs. Benz? It’s past the visiting hours. Unauthorized people should leave the hospital right away.”
With this I left the room walking straight to the lab rooms.
This would be a tiring process. I unlocked my office door and shut it behind me, leaning my head against the wood. I could feel the looming headache… This will be one hell of a project, I knew that much. Taking a deep breath I pushed myself off the door and headed to the tiny adjacent room, grabbing the clothes I usually wore while working in the lab. Before heading to the lab I walked over to the nearest coffee machine getting the largest and strongest serving. I gulped the hot liquid while munching on a chocolate-corn bar. Freshly energized I locked myself in the laboratory and started my work.
I suddenly jolted up at 5am the next morning. My mobile had been vibrating. I rubbed out the sleep from my eyes and checked the phone. There were six new messages and three missed calls. I scrolled through the messages registering four new ones from Sebastian, one from Nala and the other from Gin, but didn’t care to read any. I had slept for around two hours after working through the night. Man, my sofa in the office wasn’t as comfortable as it looked. Yawning, I pulled myself to the small bathroom containing a toilet and sink. As I had spent one or two nights in the office after starting to work on the BNG-29 before, my toothpaste and brush were lying in some container in the bottom drawer of my desk.
After washing up I decided, or rather my rumbling stomach decided it was time to have a good breakfast. I walked past deserted offices and corridors greeting a nurse or two. Getting myself a freshly baked bread with a slice of cheese and ham and a cup of hot milk tea I sat at a table right in front of the huge window walls overlooking a river and singular city lights.
I had been able to find something like an approach, at least I hoped it to be. Octavio had told me he would resume work at seven, as he had some lab research to do himself. There was nothing else for me to do, other than go through all my notes and eradicate any possible sources of error. Sighing exhaustedly I got up and carried my tray over to the machine for cleaning. I slouched out of the canteen. Suddenly I felt someone catch hold of my wrist. Why now? I exhaled soundly and turned around to only gaze into the most beautiful blue orbs I had ever seen.
“Sebastian” I stated with a small smile.
He looked tired and worried, but there was something else there, too. Is that anger?
“Where have you been, Kaitlynn?” his voice was hoarse.
Whenever he called out my name a pleasant shudder ran down my spine. Our eyes never wandered off, not even once.
“I texted and called you, but you neither replied to any of the messages nor once picked up the phone.”
“Oh, you did?” I asked.
“What do you mean? Didn’t you check your phone?” Sebastian inquired surprised.
I shook my head.
“I’m sorry, Sebastian. I was in the lab, so I hadn’t taken my mobile with me” I lied, while I felt a pang of guilt wash over me. I could and surely would not tell him that I was pissed and hurt about the things that red-headed shithead had blurted out.
“You worked after…” he broke off.
“After your brother’s wife yelled at me for being just a lowly biologist?” I finished his question.
His face fell and I bit my tongue. Guess, that was slightly harsh. It wasn’t his fault after all.
“I’m sorry” I apologized laying my free hand on his, which was still holding on to my wrist.
Sebastian shook his head and said: “No, Kaitlynn. I’m the one who should apologize. The things she said were-“
“No biggie” I interrupted smiling widely at him. “I’m able to defend myself and know how to handle people like her.”
He didn’t seem to believe me.
“Listen, Sebastian” I got serious, “I’m not going to lie here. I can’t stand that woman.”
My opposite cracked a faint smile, one of those rare ones, and nodded: “I hate her guts, too. Don’t ask me why he married her.”
I genuinely smiled at the young Benz who partially returned it.
“You look tired, Benz.”
“Hm, guess whose fault it is I couldn’t actually sleep” he challenged.
“Karin’s?” I guessed.
Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation. “Oh, please don’t mention that name.”
I chuckled feeling all the negative feelings evaporate.
“Hey, aren’t you wearing the same clothes from yesterday?” he suddenly asked.
Sheepishly scratching the back of my head I nodded: “Quite observant.”
His beautiful eyes grew wide as realization dawned upon him: “Don’t tell me you spent the night working?”
I shrugged not wanting to admit what I had been up to.
“Is it because of what Karin said?” his voice and expression grew angry.
“Are you insane?” I laughed. “You think somebody like your sister-in-law would be able to force me into doing something like working through the night? Need to disappoint you, but I’m doing this for a complete different reason.”
He arched a perfectly shaped brow at me.
“Long story. I’ll bore you some other time. You should head home, Sebastian. If I may say, you look like shit.”
He couldn’t comprehend what he had heard just now. “Did you just say that I look like shit?”
I smiled innocently nodding: “I did. I’ll stay by Ian, if you’re worried about that. I just need to get my notes.”
He seemed to ponder before sighing deeply. Before actually giving me an answer Mr. Sebastian Benz yanked me along the long white corridor leading to my office.
“I guess, that means you’re going to leave?” I inquired rather amused.
His signature answer was thrown onto me: “Hn.”
Reaching my office I fished for the keys and Sebastian pushed open the door after unlocking it. I expectantly waited for him to let go of my wrist, but there was no sign anyhow. Wondering what this man with the stoic expression was thinking I shook my head gathering all the papers using my free hand. Although it took some time, he didn’t seem to mind, or even think about letting go of my wrist. After finishing the task at last I smiled widely at him. The beautiful Benz just looked at me before leading me out of the small room. He stopped and motioned towards the mobile I had left on my sofa. At first, I looked dumbfounded until I understood him wanting me to carry the phone with me. I nodded once and he picked it up for me, as I carried the stack of papers in my only free hand. Sebastian was also the one to lock the door and lead me to Ian’s room. Finally arriving at our destination I put down the papers and stretched out, as he had let go. I walked over to the comatose brother’s bed checking his newest results before walking over to my notes.
“Here” Sebastian handed me the keys and mobile he had been carrying.
I held out my hand and he laid them onto my palm, not pulling back right away, though. His eyes bore into me and my heart beat quickened.
“You better answer your phone the next time” he warned.
My mouth went dry and my voice seemed to have disappeared. I simply nodded, not taking my eyes off him. What is happening here? Why am I suddenly feeling hot? Why is my pulse rate so damn high? I couldn’t take my eyes off him. His face inched closer. I could only register the motion, but felt myself taped to the ground. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t do anything but stare into those deep blue eyes.
“Good girl” he whispered. His face barely an inch apart from mine.
I could feel his breath on me. Sebastian suddenly pulled away sighing and walking over to the door. “I’ll be back in no time. I’m just going to take a quick shower and grab something to eat” he informed and left the room not waiting for my answer. Only then did I realize I was holding my breath. I took a few deep breaths calming my racing heart down and concentrating at the task at hand. There was no time for me to think about anything but waking Ian up. I could only succeed by concentrating 100%. Taking one last deep breath I sat on the visitor’s chair, notes in hand.
Two weeks had passed since Octavio and I had been working together nonstop on modifying the BNG-29 and awakening Ian from his coma. Unexpectedly, working with my superior turned out to be pleasant and helpful. Whenever he came to the lab the snake-man would lend a helping hand with no matter how small and boring the job. Whenever I believed to be hitting a dead-end Octavio would offer me encouraging words and sit down with me pondering together and offering help in anyway. Within no time this once so terrifying chief of department had turned into a great mentor to me. I knew I could confide in him at any time. Who would have thought it would turn out to be this way? But, the better my relationship with Octavio developed, the worse it turned out to get with Kasper, Renee and a few others. I didn’t actually give a rat’s ass.
After spending countless nights in the laboratory there finally seemed to be a breakthrough. I had been able to awaken one of my mice by pure coincidence from a coma similar to Ian’s circumstances. Wasting no time, I ran out of the lab, skipping a few stairs down to Octavio’s office. Before bursting in though, I knocked on the door, waiting for Kasper to grant me entrée. Getting impatient by every passing second I decided to open the door anyway. Screw you, stupid Kasper. I regretted it right away.
“Holy…” I just wasn’t able to finish my sentence. My eyes grew enormous and my hands automatically covered my mouth.
“It’s not as it looks” the personal assistant tried to explain.
Yeah… surely not that way. Kasper’s shirt was lying on the floor, his trousers pulled half way up, glasses on the desk and his hair a total mess.
“I told you it wasn’t a good idea!” an embarrassed brown-haired guy exclaimed. He wasn’t anybody I knew.
“Sorry” I tried to say something. “I guess Octavio isn’t in his office?”
Kasper’s face turned fifty shades redder as he shook his head. “He isn’t.”
“Um… then, sorry for interrupting. Excuse me” I turned around and left the room as fast as possible.
“Excuse me,” the stranger’s voice called after me before I could reach the corridor.
“Please don’t say anything to anybody” he pleaded.
I faced him directly: “This is not my problem or concern. You are free to do whatever you want with whoever and whenever. But let me offer you a piece of advice. If you don’t want people to find out about” I waved my hand towards Kasper and the entire room, “this, you better do those things some other, safer place. As I said, I don’t care and ultimately don’t have any desire to share whatever I saw just now with anybody, but I believe there are enough people who won’t keep their mouth shut.” I shot Kasper a glance and sighed. “I promise the both of you, my lips are sealed. But you guys should really think about what you are doing and especially where.”
The brown-haired stranger let his head hang down knowing exactly what I was implying. Before leaving I looked directly at Kasper and what I saw this time blew me away. A single tear ran down his cheek while he lovingly stared at the other man’s back. He realized me staring and turned around fishing for his shirt.
“I’ll leave then” I announced while heading out.
Wow! I shook my head trying to forget what I had just witnessed. I need to find Octavio. I pulled out my phone scrolling for his number. He picked up at the second ring.
“Yes?” he asked.
“Where are you, Octavio?” I couldn’t wait to meet him and tell him about my newest discovery. “Right now in room number 1024” he informed.
Room 1024? That’s Ian’s room! He had been transferred back to his old room as there was no visible change to his condition.
“Is it urgent?” the snake-like man wanted to know.
“Um… I think I found a solution.”
It was silent before he ordered: “I’ll be right at the lab. Wait there for me.” The line went dead. I turned back immediately and hurried back to where I had come from. Just a few seconds after I reached, my superior entered, clearly out of breath.
“So?” he asked not losing any time.
I pointed towards the cage with a mouse wide awake making efforts to stand up. Octavio’s eyes grew wide and his lips slowly formed his signature macabre smile.
“You did it” he exclaimed joyfully. He turned around to face me arching his eyebrow questioningly: “Why are you crying?”
I hadn’t realized that tears were running down my face. It seemed like all the weight and stress from the past were lifted after he had confirmed that I had found a way for Ian to wake up. My mentor walked over and hugged me.
“It’s fine, child. You deserve to cry to your heart’s content” he softly consoled me. He didn’t have to tell me that twice. I let go and wetted Octavio’s shirt. After some time I had drained out the last tears and felt reborn. “Thank you and sorry” I apologized seeing his wet shirt.
He just laughed and petted my head.
“What do you think about informing the family? They must’ve been waiting for news like this. But of course, please tidy up that face of yours” he joked warmly.
Nodding, I made my way to the nearest washroom and looked at the face staring back from the mirror. My eyes were swollen and red, but I didn’t really care. I washed my face. The chief of department had been waiting just outside, my research file in hand. He handed it over to me and smiled: “I informed that brainless surgeon you call friend. He’ll meet us outside the room.”
I smiled so wide my face pained. We headed straight for Ian’s room passing countless white doors and a few paintings.
As Octavio had said my friend and the best surgeon in this renowned hospital stood there impatiently. He grinned widely upon seeing us and closed the distance. Before saying anything he hugged me tightly. I was sure he was crushing my ribs. But I welcomed it gratefully.
“You did it, Kaite!” he excitedly exclaimed. “You are the best, BEST!”
“We shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves” I warned him.
“Right there” Octavio concurred. “Let’s go in.”
Not wasting any more time he opened the door after knocking curtly.
“Doctor Octavio” Madeleine’s voice greeted him. “Oh, and Doctor Thompson, too?”
“Kaitlynn?” Sebastian spotted me behind the two tall men.
“What’s going on?” a stern and serious voice inquired.
“Mr. Benz” Octavio started. “We have good news. But first, let me introduce you Doctor Noakes.”
Sebastian’s and Ian’s father!
“Doctor Noakes, this is Frederick Benz, our patient’s father.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Benz” I was nervous.
Nodding he returned the pleasantries. His eyes were sharp and made me feel slightly uncomfortable, but I needed to keep my calm. After all, we have come to convey good news, right?
“Hmm” I spotted a certain red-head I hadn’t met after our first and last encounter. “What is she doing here?” she bellowed.
Both, Frederick and Sebastian shot her a deadly look making the annoying woman flinch.
“What is the news?” Sebastian directed his question to me.
Gin nudged me from the side. I glanced over at Octavio who nodded, giving me the sign to go on.
“We might’ve found something that will awaken Ian Benz” I stated making sure to address each of them.
Madeleine’s eyes grew wide and teary at the same time, while Frederick’s facial expression didn’t change one bit. So that’s where he gets it from. Karin’s jaw had dropped. Lastly, my eyes rested on Sebastian. It was unbelievable how many emotions crossed his face within a split second.
“You found something?” his voice shook.
While I nodded my superior took over: “Yes, she did. We can’t guarantee it will work on the human brain, but I trust in Doctor Noakes’ work. I’ve been able to observe her and know how thoroughly and precise she has worked.”
“So what needs to be done?” Frederick inquired. His facial expression might not have changed, but his voice sounded softer.
“Your son will need to undergo another surgery. We will be modifying the inbuilt BNG-29 slightly while it is still situated at the same place” Octavio glanced over at Gin Thompson, confirming with him.
“What is the chance of the whole thing going wrong?” the head of the family inquired.
It was silent for a while. I inhaled deeply answering his question: “The probability of him waking up is 8%.”
I heard Madeleine gasp and Karin mutter something incomprehensible. Frederick’s eyes focused on me. He seemed to be in deep though for a while. After some time he nodded.
“Sebastian!” he called. “You should decide this, as well.”
He turned his gaze to his younger son awaiting a decision. Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair glancing at me. This reminded me of the first time we met. From the corner of my eye I saw their worried mother grip her husband’s shoulder tightly.
“Doctor Thompson, what is your opinion?” the younger Benz brother questioned.
Gin looked him straight in the eye and answered: “I’ve operated on patients with a 0.3% chance of survival. So 8% doesn’t sound that bad to me. To sum it up, it’s the best option.”
Sebastian acknowledged the surgeon’s speech by nodding.
“And what do you think, Doctor Octavio?”
“As chief of the Neurological Research Department and my former consent, Mr. Benz, I trust in Doctor Noakes and her work. I agree with Doctor Thompson, it is not just the best, but most promising option.”
I could feel tears welling up, but suppressed them right away. Finally Sebastian Benz looked and addressed me: “Doctor Noakes.” He paused intently studying me. “Somebody once told me that, although nothing could be guaranteed, to grab my only option. Would you agree with that?”
“Whoever that person was” I stated, “she had never expected to actually convince you at that time. But I’m sure if you had to ask that person today, she would tell you this: Save your brother, Benz.”
The corners of Sebastian’s mouth slowly curled upwards forming a rare and most beautiful smile.
“Father, mother and you too, Karin” he turned around, “I trust in them. Let’s get Ian back.”
His mother smiled weakly while his father nodded approvingly. Karin was unexpectedly quiet.
“Mrs. Karin Benz?” I asked.
Her head shot up at my calling her name.
“Yes?” she sounded confused.
“Do we have your approval, as well?” I didn’t want to leave her out. No matter what kind of person she was, Karin was Ian’s wife. I wouldn’t want my husband to be sent for some operation without agreeing upon. The red-headed woman hesitated before asking: “Can you promise to bring him back alive and well?”
Karin’s expression was pure agony, sadness and most of all fear.
“No, Mrs. Benz. I can’t promise you anything like that” I truthfully replied. “The only thing I, no all of us can promise you is that we are going to do anything and everything humanly possible to succeed in returning a healthy husband,” I paused shifting my attention to Ian’s parents, “a healthy son and a healthy brother to all of you” I ended while resting my eyes on Sebastian once again.
“Karin?” Sebastian asked.
The red-head finally nodded in agreement.
“Then it’s decided” Gin summed up. “I’ll get everything ready! Please excuse me.”
“Please excuse me, too” Octavio excused himself. “I need to get some work ready, as well.”
Both my mentors left the room swiftly. I knew they would sort out all the paperwork and convince the medical board to operate Ian by tomorrow. They would take care of each and every detail in the background. I was quite sure that Octavio would go through every word in my notes at least another ten times to make sure nothing had been forgotten.
“I’m going to take my leave, too. Please feel free to ask me anything. Mr. Benz has my number. So whatever it might be, please contact me, no matter what time.”
I smiled and turned around heading out the door and straight for my office. There was still a lot to do and barely any time. I fished out my phone quickly dialing Gin’s number.
“Gin, please get the team ready by six today evening … Yes, don’t worry about it, I’ll get the print-outs ready and will set up everything else necessary … You’re a worrywart, you know that? I told you I’ll be fine. I’ll pump myself up with a good strong coffee and energy bars … Yes, please … oh and Gin? Thank you!” I hung up on Gin and pressed the speed dial connecting to Octavio.
“… yes, it’s me … okay then, I’ll call you later.”
The chief of department was on his way to the medical board and had promised to call me right after talking to them.
It was quarter to twelve. I had six hours to get everything ready for the briefing and had practically nothing ready. Shaking off this depressing thought I headed for the canteen to get something to keep me going for the next couple of hours. Buying four coffee cups, a packed salad and some pastries, I sighed and kicked off right away after locking myself up in the tiny office.
At quarter to six I collected all the copies and notes I had made and headed for the small conference room we were supposed to meet and discuss about various things.
We concluded the meeting at eight o’clock. I contently fell back on my seat while Octavio finished the protocol to my right and Gin tidied up the room.
“Hey, you two” I asked for their attention. “I can’t express how grateful I am to have the both of you at my side. So, thank you. If I can pay you back in any way, please tell me.”
I looked up from my hands to see both of them smiling widely in their own ways.
“After all this I want you to take me out for a splendid dinner and some great music with lots and lots of drinking” Gin declared.
I smiled happily: “No problem at all. What about you, Octavio?”
He huffed in response: “I’m fine with you delivering me a good report and then bringing my department further prosperity.”
“I’ll do my best. But if there is anything else, tell me, both of you.”
Gin ruffled my hair grinning: “It’s fine, kiddo.”
“One of the rare moments I agree, child” Octavio agreed patting my shoulder.
“Let’s get some sleep before the big day” the surgeon suggested.
“Oh, did any of you inform the Uchihas?” I wondered out loud.
Both the men looked at each other: “Wouldn’t be bad if they knew, right?”
I grinned and volunteered to do it. Before saying our goodbyes we agreed on meeting at seven tomorrow to go over everything one last time.
I hurriedly changed out of my working attire and into my casual clothes which was a green summer dress reaching just above my knees, with a deep V-neck at the back and nude heels.
My every step echoed in the long empty corridors before I stood in front of room 1024. I knocked and heard a familiar voice say: “Yes, please.”
I opened it smiling brightly: “Hi.”
Bright blue orbs greeted me slightly surprised: “Hi.”
I shut the door behind me and walked over to Ian’s bed checking the results.
“Nice dress” I heard the young Benz comment from where he was sitting. Heat shot up in my cheeks.
“Thanks” I muttered.
“Specially the back” he mused.
I turned around feeling my skin color change slightly. At least the room isn’t lit too brightly.
“Um… The operation has been set for tomorrow morning at ten o’clock” I tried changing the subject feeling shy.
“Tomorrow at ten then” he repeated.
There was something deep and longing in his eyes that gazed upon me. I felt hot all of a sudden. Sebastian hadn’t moved from his seat by the window, but I felt a tingling sensation on my bare arms and open back. I swallowed hard and fiddled with my empty hands.
“I’ll get going then. I need to get up early and…“ I stammered. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sebastiane.”
I need to get out of here.
“Hey, Doc” he spoke after some time, “you convinced me the first time and today, too.”
I smiled shaking my head: “Then you are way too easily wrapped around.”
I laughed while heading out.
“Who knows” he mumbled.
“Good night, Sebastian” was the last thing I said.
Before Gin Thompson could patch up Ian’s head I left the operating room, threw off my scrubs and plastic suit, washed my hands and headed for the waiting room. The entire Benz family had gathered.
“What are the news, Doctor Noakes?” Madeleine Benz came up and inquired.
I sighed once, but my brightest smile followed: “It’s done!”
Sebastian and Karin jumped up running over. Even Frederick, the head of the family came close.
“It took some time and there were some difficulties, but Doctor Thompson and his team were able to successfully modify the BNG-29 and are sewing Ian up at the very moment” I conveyed the good news.
Madeleine hugged her husband happily while Karin cried out relieved. Sebastian relaxed visibly and smiled a genuine smile.
“Sorry, but I need to do this right now” he told me.
I arched an eyebrow not understanding what he meant at first. But when his arms wrapped around my shoulders and his head rested on mine it hit me. I was more than surprised. Well if that wasn’t the understatement of the year. But however awkward I thought it to be, it felt warm and right. His strong arms held me tightly, while his entire body relaxed. I was happy, actually.
“Doctor Noakes?” a voice asked for me. “Oh... Sorry for disturbing.”
I somehow managed to squish myself out of Sebastian’s embrace, waving off the misunderstanding. My cheeks felt like they were on fire and I could only guess how red they had turned.
“No need to apologize” I offered.
“Well, Doctor Thompson was looking for you” the nurse explained.
My facial expression grew worried.
“Oh no, don’t worry. He said something about going out for lunch with the team” she reassured.
I relaxed and conjured my brightest smile. “Tell him to count me in.”
She smiled and went off. I turned back to look at the happy Benz family. Karin was on her phone, spreading the message, I guessed. Madeleine was conversing animatedly with a quiet Frederick. My heart skipped a beat seeing their youngest son leaning against the window, phone in hand and eyes firmly focused on me.
“Doctor Noakes” the head of the family called. “When will he wake up?”
I walked over to shorten the distance.
“You need to give him at least two days” I told him. “I need to leave now. You’ll be able to see him soon and will get a closer explanation on what the next steps are.”
“Thank you so very much” Madeleine hugged me tightly.
I smiled and returned her embrace: “I’ll swing by later on.”
With a final wave I left the room.
Two days had passed since Ian had been operated the second time. I had just entered the hospital and headed straight for the Benz’s room. Knocking lightly I heard agitated murmurs. Not able to wait anymore I opened the door. My eyes wandered straight to Madeleine tightly hugging her son. Sebastian stood opposite his mother a lone tear rolling down his cheek. I stepped in, my eyes growing wide and my bag slipping from my hand. Oh. My. God! Ian’s eyes were open and he smiled weakly. The younger Benz took notice of me standing by the door with eyes as huge as oranges and cracked a half smile walking over to where I was standing. Taking me by my hand he led me to the bed where his brother was being crushed by his mother’s embrace, as I was frozen in place, not able to believe the spectacle unfolding before me. Sebastian gently pulled his crying mother away from Ian. Madeleine cried while her youngest son tightly held her. Her elder son made an effort to say something, but the only sound leaving his mouth was an incomprehensible croak. I blinked once regaining my senses and rushed over to his side tenderly pushing him back onto his pillow.
“You should take it easy” I smiled softly. “I’ll get Doctor Thompson right away, so don’t move and don’t try to speak.”
I impatiently pulled out my mobile calling and waiting for my friend to pick up: “Gin! Room 1024! Now!”
Hanging up I checked the monitors and Ian’s values. Everything was normal. The door flew open and Gin Thompson ran in.
He looked up and the corners of his mouth curled up: “No way!”
Madeleine seemed to have calmed down slightly and wiped her eyes gazing upon her son, Ian.
“When…“ the great surgeon was lost for words. He glanced over to me just to receive my shaking head.
“He opened his eyes just before Kaitlynn could enter the room” Sebastian explained.
Gin looked back at me.
“Approximately six minutes ago” I told him.
Doctor Thompson nodded once and took my place whipping out a torch from his lab coat, testing the patient’s ability to react to light. He slowly turned around the Benz’s head checking for any fresh blood or anything abnormal. Laying him back down Gin smiled satisfied.
“At first glance, everything seems to be fine. I’ll get a nurse and we will do an overall check-up to confirm” the surgeon explained the procedure to Madeleine and Sebastian.
I exhaled audibly drawing Ian’s attention. His eyes wandered to me, questioningly. I smiled and noticed tears trickling down my eyes. I quickly wiped them away hoping nobody would see them, or at least no-one but the elder Benz.
I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder. When looking up Sebastian stood behind me. He cracked that beautiful smile and my heart thumped.
“No need to cry, Doctor Noakes” he teased, while wrapping his strong arms around me. At that moment I didn’t care if Gin or Madeleine saw us like this. Sebastian carefully caressed my hair whispering every now and then “It’s fine” and “Thank you”.
“Feeling better” he finally inquired after a few minutes.
I nodded and unladylike wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my trench coat.
“I’m sorry” I apologized feeling embarrassed.
Sebastian pinched my cheek and smirked, something I had never seen before.
“You better be. After all this isn’t the time to be crying around, but to celebrate.”
The younger brother spun me around so that I was facing a smiling Ian.
“Ian, may I introduce you to your lifesaver?” he asked. “This is Kaitlynn Noakes. You owe her your life, so remember her name.”
I playfully slapped Sebastian’s arm shaking my head.
“Hi Ian” I finally was able to greet him. “Welcome back!"
Ian’s smile grew wider and he tried nodding, as I had told him not to speak, yet.
Just then did I realize Gin’s and Madeleine’s absence.
“Doctor Thompson said he needed one of us to accompany him, as there were still a few papers that needed a signature” the young Benz wised me up.
“Shit!” he exclaimed all of a sudden.
I arched a brow questioningly.
“Karin” was all he needed to say.
I chuckled and even his brother shut his eyes, his smile never leaving his face.
Sebastian called her: “Listen Karin… that’s irrelevant… the point is, Ian is awake! Head over right away.”
He hung up without another word and dialed the next number right away: “Ian’s awoken, father… around ten minutes ago… I understand… of course.”
The young Benz scowled for a split-second before putting on a cheerful face.
Ian had awoken two weeks ago and was making great progress in rehabilitating. It was late afternoon when I decided on stopping by his room. Before reaching there though, I heard a loud child’s voice.
“Come on, come on!” a little girl’s voice shrilled through the hall.
“Mia, slow down” a familiar voice called out after the little girl.
I popped out my head behind Sebastian’s broad back: “Hi!”
Since Ian had awoken his brother had resumed working. It wasn’t the first time seeing him in his usual attire, but no matter how often he wore a perfectly fitting suit I couldn’t get enough. Today it was a dark blue suit with a wrinkle-free light-blue button up shirt and not to forget the matching tie and polished brown shoes.
Sebastian actually caught me staring at him a couple of times, which then led to him teasing me to his heart’s content.
“Oh gosh” he exclaimed. “Don’t just appear from behind and ‘hi’ me.”
The little girl with tiny black locks and clear grey eyes tugged at his arm while a small boy with flaming red hair clutched Sebastian tightly and buried his face in the crook of said man’s neck.
I smiled amused: “Let me just reaffirm. These two cutie-pies are not yours, right?”
He rolled his eyes exasperatedly: “Isn’t it obvious?”
“C’mon, Uncle-Seb!” Mia impatiently tugged.
Uncle-Seb? I chuckled crouching down to her level: “Hi, there. I’m Kaitlynn.”
She turned shy and hid behind her uncle’s leg, peeking over.
“Hey Mia, say hi to Kaitlynn” Sebastian told her.
Mia slowly let go of his leg and cautiously walked up to me. From the corner of my eye I saw the little red-haired boy stare at his sister and then me. She slowly extended her arm.
“Hallo, Ms. Kaitlynn. I am Mia Benz and four years old. How old are you?”
So adorable! I clasped her hand and answered: “Hi Mia. I’m 26-years-old.”
“Wow! Mama is sooooo much older” she informed me excitedly.
I giggled. Just the imagination of Karin hearing something like this irked me. I held out my hand: “Should I accompany you to meet your daddy?”
She nodded enthusiastically and gripped my hand tightly.
“That was fast” Sebastian commented surprised. “Hey Damien. Don’t you want to say hi, too?”
Uncle-Seb turned the little boy around who in return covered up his face with his tiny hands right away.
“It’s fine, Damien” I carefully stroked his eye-catching red hair.
The four of us walked to Ian’s room and Mia tried with all her might to open the door. As she wasn’t tall enough to reach the handle I helped out. The next second she ran in joyfully exclaiming: “Daddy!”
She jumped onto his bead throwing herself around his neck. Ian was clearly surprised. Little Damien let go of his beloved uncle who set him down on the bed. He crawled up onto his father’s lap. “Hi you two” Ian tightly hugged them.
Sebastian came over to where I was standing.
“You’re quite the uncle, there” I mused.
“Hn” was his reply.
I chuckled and sighed looking at how cute the two children were. Mia animatedly took out two paintings she and her brother had drawn for their hospitalized father explaining exactly what they had depicted.
“It’s great to have little children in the family” I smiled.
“Yeah” he confirmed. “You have a younger brother, right?”
“I do. I always wished for an older brother, though” I confessed.
“Guess, that’s not possible” Sebastian absentmindedly commented. “But it’s possible to have an older brother-in-law.”
“Excuse me?” I asked incredulously.
“Hm?” he asked. “Did you say something?”
Did I just imagine that?
Eleven weeks, Ian had spent eleven weeks in the hospital and was supposed to be discharged by next week. By now he was able to do most of the things by himself. He had adapted well to all the changes and had grown dear to me. There was no doubt here, Ian was a great guy, so I wondered why he ended marrying Karin. Oh well, he should have his reasons. I had just returned from Octavio’s office carrying even more papers I had to revise. My office door swung open and there stood somebody I would have least expected.
“Hadn’t I locked the office?” I inquired dumping the papers on my desk, turning around and leaning onto it.
“Maybe” came the arrogant answer while he shut the door.
“So, Mr. Benz” I mused. “What may I help you with?”
He made his way over to me and took me by surprise. Without any warning he leaned forward, close enough for me to feel his breath on my skin, but still too far for our faces to actually touch. He braced both his arms on either side of my body leaning against the desk, blocking any way to escape, as he captured my legs between his in addition. Not that I would have thought of escaping. I folded my hands on my lap and returned his gaze. His electrifying blue eyes bore deep into me. No matter how calm I looked on the outside, I was melting internally. Unintentionally I licked my lips. His eyes wandered to my lips for a short moment before returning back to my dark grey orbs. I bit my lip as I was itching to run my fingers through his hair, to caress his face and ultimately just grab his shirt and… He suddenly smirked.
“What are you thinking right now?” he whispered into my ear.
His warm breath and that deep voice sent chills down my spine. Not the creepy ones, though. Two can play this game. I grinned leaning closer so my lips lightly caressed his ear.
“Do you really want to know what I’m thinking?” I sweetly asked.
He didn’t answer, but I saw him gripping the edge of the table tighter. A sweet fragrance touched my nose. Nice aftershave. By every passing second my body temperature rose and a clenching sensation formed in my lower body. My breath hitched as he whispered a simple ‘yes’ into my ear. I moved my head back and looked him directly into his eyes. I lifted my hand and pinched his cheek.
“Why did you break into my office?”
“Ugh” he sighed and rested his forehead on my shoulder. “You surely are something.”
I chuckled nervously. My heartbeat had not yet normalized.
“What? You think I would squeal like those fan girls you were surrounded by in school?”
I felt the corners of his mouth curl upwards.
“It was worth a try” his moving lips tickled my shoulder.
“So, Uncle-Seb,” I teasingly called him, “what’d you actually come here for?”
He sighed once more before lifting his head: “This Friday. You and I are going to celebrate Ian’s discharge.”
“You know?” I considered. “The person being discharged should be the one celebrating.”
He shook his head: “Sorry, Doc. Not the answer I’m going to accept.”
It was my turn to sigh in defeat: “Friday it is then.”
He stroked my cheek smirking: “Good girl. You’ll be finishing at five, right? I’ll pick you up at six-thirty at your place.”
Sebastian waited for me to confirm. I shrugged and smiled.
“Nothing to complain here. But do you even know where I live?” I inquired.
“Yes” he answered confidently.
I tilted my head and arched a brow.
“You’re going to text me your address by Friday, after all” the young Benz enlightened me while taking a few steps towards the door.
“Were you always this cocky?” I pursed my lips.
“Who knows” he smirked triumphantly.
“Hey Benz,” I called before pushing myself off the table, striding the few steps over to him and grabbing his bronze tie, bringing his face dangerously close to mine. “Don’t make me wait.”
I abruptly let go and Sebastian was taken aback.
I smiled sheepishly: “So, better pick me up on time.”
His eyebrows furrowed: “Tsck.”
He left my office while I contently waved him goodbye.
“Bye, Nala!” I shouted before skidding out the entrance of the hospital. It was already quarter to six and Sebastian was supposed to pick me up at six-thirty. I somehow managed to reach home within 20 minutes. Dropping my clothes on the ground I jumped inside the shower letting the warm water run down my body after a long day. I hurried out of the bathroom swiftly walking through my bedroom into my walk-in closet. What do I wear? He hadn’t specifically mentioned where we were going, so I decided on playing it safe: a straight black dress reaching down midway to my thighs and three-quarter sleeves. Suddenly my doorbell rang. I stumbled out of my closet and bedroom pulling the dress over my head and hit the intercom: “Yes?”
I saw Sebastian’s face in the camera.
“Would you mind coming up for a second?” I asked, as I hadn’t even dried my long, wavy chestnut hair.
“Fine” he briskly answered while opening the main door.
“Okay, take the elevator to floor 10.”
I ran back into my bathroom searching for my hairbrush. Of course I couldn’t find it, although it was lying right in front of me. My apartment bell rang announcing my guest’s arrival. Speeding back to my door I yanked it open to see the stoic face of the man who was able to drive me nuts sometimes. I stepped aside to allow him to enter. While shutting the door I heard him whistle. I turned around asking: “What?”
He smirked: “Nice place you’ve got here.”
“And quite the nice bra as well.”
My face turned crimson as I realized I had forgotten to pull the zipper on my back. I hurriedly tried to reach it, but just as I wasn’t able to find the hairbrush, I had difficulties fulfilling this task. The entire time I tried my level best to pull that stubborn zipper up Sebastian leaned against the wall watching amused.
“Need help?” he finally offered.
I sighed and tried calming down.
“Whatever” I turned around and pulled my hair to one side clearing my back.
I felt cold fingers trail along my bare skin.
“It’s stuck” I could feel him grin, while continuing with his torture.
Why did this arrogant guy have such an effect on me, although he was just pulling up my zipper? I heard a zipping noise and the dress tightened around my body.
“Done” hs deep voice announced, tickling my bare neck. He was standing right behind me.
I could feel the warmth of his body emanate. He suddenly took hold of the wet hair I was still holding and let it down.
“You should dry it” he told me while resting his hands on my shoulders.
I nodded, swallowing hard and swiftly turned around heading to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me breathing heavily. Pull it together! I splashed water on my face and saw the red tint slowly disappearing. Good! Suddenly I remembered I had left the young Benz by the door. I opened the door, hairdryer in hand and called out to him: “Sebastian?”
“Yes?” he surprised me as his voice came from my living room.
I walked over seeing him on the large leather sofa typing some message on his phone. He looked up smirking: “You want me to dry your hair, too?”
“Shut up!” I turned away embarrassed. “I remembered I had left you at my door.”
“Don’t worry. I found my way around.”
“Want to have a drink?” I asked.
He waved me away: “Go and get ready.”
I rolled my eyes and scooted off to dry my hair, apply some light rouge and my favorite red lipstick. Rummaging through the back part of my closet I pulled out champagne-colored pumps, my black clutch and made my way back to the living room. Putting my shoes down and slipping into them, I saw Sebastian eyeing some of my family photos. He looked as good as ever in his tailored black trousers and coat with a bright white shirt underneath, the last two buttons kept open. I walked up to him and explained: “The one in green is my mom. The man to her right is my dad and that to her left my brother.”
“I figured that out myself” the young Benz nodded. “Your brother looks exactly like your dad.”
He glimpsed over at me.
“You on the other hand” he paused.
“You sure, you were not adopted?” he grinned frivolously.
I pinched his cheek: “Shut up.”
Sebastian took my hand and his lips lightly caressed my knuckles. “I’m just joking.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go!”
Hand in hand we walked out of my apartment and to where he had parked his car. This time it was my turn to whistle. He cheekily smirked.
“Like it?” he asked while leading me to the passenger seat and pushing the door open.
I grinned while climbing in.
“Like is not quite the word” I told him.
He shut the door and walked over to his driver’s seat. Sebastian maneuvered out of the parking lot expertly and onto the streets. He switched on the radio allowing Beethoven’s masterpiece, the Ninth Symphony resound in the background. I pursed my lips.
“What?” he asked seeing my gesture.
“Who would have thought that a guy like you would listen to Beethoven” I pondered.
He glanced over for a split second before returning his attention back to the road: “A guy like me?”
I chuckled.
“Explain” he demanded staring straight ahead.
“Nope, don’t feel like” I teased him like a stubborn five-year-old.
He sighed shaking his head: “You know? You’re the only person who is able to drive me nuts.”
“Is that a compliment or-”
“No way in hell it is” he interrupted.
“So, where are we going?” I changed the subject looking out the window.
“You’ll see” was all he said.
After driving for about twenty-five minutes and some useless conversation he pulled into a long driveway, stopping at a beautiful antique looking entrance, a valet already waiting for the restaurant’s guests to hand over their car keys, smiled at us, or rather at the car he would be parking shortly.
Sebastian got out of the car while I gathered my bag and fumbled with the seatbelt. Again, he gentlemanly opened the door holding out his hand for me to take. I happily accepted his help and we both walked in through the huge doors after my companion tossed the car keys over to the waiting valet.
Upon entering the perfectly lit restaurant Sebastian headed over to a tiny desk and an equally tiny man in a flawlessly fitted black suit.
“Ah, Mr. Benz!” the greeted us, or rather just Sebastian. “It has been quite some time. How have you been?”
The young Benz nodded once, while curtly answering: “Good. Is our table ready?”
“Of course, Mr. Benz” the little guy hurriedly affirmed. “Table seven has especially been reserved for you, sir.”
Sebastian gently pulled me by the little desk and to the only free table, as it seemed. Stepping into the vast dining area soft music echoed from a quartette sitting on the other end while the guest talked among themselves at their tables. I spotted quite a few waiters clothed in the same suits as the tiny receptionist. My companion abruptly stopped walking which caused me to bump into his broad back. I peeked around his tall and well-toned body. The only thing I could see were a few tables with mostly couples or larger groups seated around. Looking up at Sebastian I followed the path his eyes were directed towards and saw a man with light brown hair and a distinctive chin seated across a gorgeous woman with short and shining blonde hair. They lovingly held hands and seemed deeply in conversation. The young Benz’s hand tightened his grip around mine before he resumed his stride towards our table. We passed the lovebirds he had fervently stared at. I glanced back at them feeling uneasy noticing the blonde beauty’s face contort as she looked up and spotted me. It seemed like we had reached our designated place and sat down. Sebastian grabbed the menu card as soon as he took his place and stared at it. His eyebrows wrinkled and he seemed totally out of it.
“Sebastian?” I finally asked.
“Good evening” a waiter greeted us. “Have you already decided?”
“Would you mind giving us some more time to choose?” I inquired as my opposite remained silent.
“Of course, madam” he smiled before walking away.
I leaned forward cautiously leaning my rather warm hand against Sebastian’s cheek.
“Hey” I delicately called for his attention, which he offered me. “What’s wrong? You look like you have seen some ghost.”
Sebastian Benz stared at me before blinking and shaking his head.
“What? Sorry, I…” he faltered.
“Sebastian” a delicate voice resonated.
Both our heads shot up and to my surprise the stunning blonde from before stood there. Her gaze followed my extended arm and then landed on me. The look she gave me was indescribable. What was that? Disgust? Hurt? Sadness? Anger?
“You’re back?” she asked, her eyes firmly locked on my opposite now.
He didn’t answer for a while but nodded, eventually: “Yes.”
“It’s nice to see you again” her eyes softened.
Are those tears?
“Sylvia!” a firm voice called.
“I need to leave, Sebastian” she smiled sadly.
“Yeah, bye” was said man’s response, never once looking at her.
The beautiful blonde longingly looked at him one last time before turning around and leaving with the man with that outstanding chin. I turned back to the young Benz who seemed to have relaxed now. He smirked all of a sudden while pulling down my hand from his cheek, taking it into his hand and entwining his fingers with mine.
“Should we order?” he seemed to have regained his usual composure.
“Um, are you-?”
Before I could say anything further he waved over the waiter ordering some wine for starters. He started talking as if nothing had happened just a short while ago. Why do I feel so uneasy about this entire situation? Who was she? I didn’t ask him any of those questions, although I was dying to know. Maybe Nala knows something? Her name was Sylvia…
Our dinner went by and we conversed as usual. With no word did he mention anything about the couple we had encountered and I didn’t dare asking, not wanting to ruin the mood.
After an overly delicious meal Sebastian drove me home. He insisted on walking me to the building’s main entrance.
“Hey, Kaitlynn” we had reached the glass doors.
“You want to come up and join me for a tea?” I asked, as it had gotten really chilly this late in the night.
The cheeky Benz just grinned: ”Well, it depends whether you actually mean drinking tea or…”
He didn’t end his sentence, but grabbed my wrist and pulled me against his broad and muscular chest. His arms slung tightly around my waist.
“Or…” his hand slid up my back and he buried it in my hair, while pulling me even closer with his other arm.
“Or what?” I could hardly breathe.
My heart beat so fast, my cheeks were burning and the trail his hand had traced tickled. My eyes were captured by his and there was no escaping what so ever.
“Or…” he lightly tugged at my hair tilting my head back.
Sebastian bent down and the next thing I know or rather felt are his lips on mine. In that moment the world stopped spinning around me. I didn’t see anything, I didn’t hear anything I didn’t smell anything, I didn’t feel anything, but Sebastian and his soft and warm lips. He slowly pulled away leaving me wanting more. Seeing the look on my face he smirked.
“What? You’re not satisfied?” he knowingly tortured me.
I bit my lip and tried to calm down not wanting him to believe I would be at his mercy. But it didn’t seem to have worked as my eyes wondered to his perfectly shaped mouth recalling what I had just felt. He chuckled before pulling my head back harder this time and crushing his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He took me by surprise as the arm holding me close just now snaked its way down to my butt, squeezing it harshly, making me moan involuntarily and granting his tongue access to slip through. The way he worked with his tongue was out of this world. He made me feel things in that moment I hadn’t been able to experience to such an extent. By now I had lost any self-awareness I ever possessed. He drove me crazy and I neither had the strength nor the will to stop him. He could’ve done anything with me.
We both pulled away gasping for air. Neither of us said a word but breathed heavily. Sebastian leaned his forehead against mine wrapping me in a loving embrace. My hands traced down his muscular chest unto the point I felt his heart pound wildly against my palm.
“And I thought the great Mr. Benz was used to such things” I joked referring to his breathlessness and hammering heart.
“I thought so, too” he replied smiling.
“You shouldn’t be saying things like that when holding some girl, idiot” I reprimanded playfully.
“When holding other girls I don’t have such conversations” his sharp tongue replied.
“And you shouldn’t talk about other girls, either” I pursed my lips.
“Then you shouldn’t talk about some girl, Doc” he bit my lower lip.
“Outch… Whatever you say” I felt drained all of a sudden.
“Kaity?” I heard him call me. “You should head up now. I need to-“
“Yeah, I know” I interrupted feeling slightly disappointed. “When are you leaving tomorrow?”
“Six in the morning” he played with my hair.
“You’ll be gone for one week, right?”
Since when did I sound so pitiful? Stupid Benz!
“Hn” came his signature answer.
“Then you better leave, Benz.”
“Hey, Doctor Noakes” he tipped my chin back planting a soft kiss on my now sensitive lips. “See you in a week’s time.”
I hurriedly walked through the automatic doors of the hospital as it had started raining cats and dogs.
"Wow, someone looks beat" my close friend Nala greeted me from the reception.
"A good morning to you, too, Nala" I yawned lazily.
"So?" she scooted closer to her desk behind the counter and leaned in as soon as I had reached.
"So what?" I asked checking some files.
"Oh, come on, Kaite" she exasperatedly exclaimed. "How was your date with Sebastian?"
My hand covered her mouth the second she blurted out his name while I blushed deeply.
"Shut up, Nala!" I warned her. "I need to get going."
With this I swiftly walked to the elevator hearing the bubbly receptionist call after me: "Hey, Kaite. That's so not fair!"
I got into the elevator and leaned my head against the cold metal walls after pressing the button for the floor Ian's room was located. Two full days had passed since that night with Sasuke. He had left right after I had entered the building and was now on a one week business trip. Although we talked on the phone every day I felt lonely. Sure, at first I thought it would be awkward between us after that mind-blowing kiss, but after exchanging a few words we were able to converse just like any other time. I felt as comfortable as always and any uneasiness had flown away. The doors opened and I made my way to Ian's room, who was supposed to leave the hospital today. I knocked lightly and was granted entrance right away.
"Good morning, Doctor Noakes" he greeted me with a wide smile, while putting away the book he had been reading.
"Morning Ian" I walked over to the visitor's chair across the room by the window. "Didn't I tell you to call me by my first name?"
He chuckled: "But it suits you better."
I rolled my eyes at him. Ian and I had become great friends and to me he felt like the big brother I had wished for.
"How are you feeling?" I inquired.
"Great" he told me. "I'm able to go home, at last!"
I nodded happily.
"So, how was your date with my little brother?" Ian suddenly asked.
My eyes grew wide and heat rushed to my head. My opposite chuckled amused.
"Oh, c'mon" he ruffled my hair. "After all, you went to celebrate my discharge, right?"
He mocked me while having way too much fun.
"Sebastian... he told you then?" I stuttered.
"Whose idea do you think it was in the first place?" he grinned devilishly. "Well, at least the part with taking you out for dinner. I wonder what happened after that."
I felt my cheeks flush even deeper. It was just unbelievable what these Benz brothers did with and to me. Both of them enjoyed themselves on my accord.
"So?" Ian poked my cheek.
I hesitated feeling all embarrassed before staring at the ground and mumbling: "We kissed."
"What? I couldn't hear you" he teased me.
Suddenly I remembered something.
"Oh, Ian?" I looked up at him.
He wiped the tears from his eyes after laughing too hard. "Yes, Kaitlynn?"
"Do you know any Sylvia?" I asked.
He froze and his face turned serious. My heart clenched.
"How do you know her?" the older Benz cautiously inquired.
"Um, we met her in the restaurant on Friday" I explained. "She came over to our table and talked to Sebastian. Well, but he on the other hand seemed quite uncomfortable."
I had learnt that Ian was even better in masking his facial expressions then Sebastian. Something he was doing right now.
"Has Sebastian told you anything about her?"
I shook my head feeling the uneasiness rise in my pit.
"Kaitlynn?" he addressed me without any trace of warmth in his voice, "you should talk to him about this. I don't have any right to do so."
I swallowed hard before nodding and putting on a fake smile.
"Well, then I'm going to do that. Thanks Ian!"
Said man did not answer my smile but looked intently at me. A soft knock interrupted his stare allowing me to breath easily again. The door opened and Madeleine entered smiling widely.
"Ian! Oh, and Doctor Noakes!" her warm and happy voice addressed us.
"Mom" her son returned her smile.
She hugged him tightly before extending her hand towards me.
"How are you feeling, darling?" Ian's mother asked him.
"I feel great, especially whenever my favorite doctor visits" he winked.
"Ian!" Madeleine suddenly called her son excitedly.
He in reply arched an eyebrow.
"Sebastian told me he has a date for the ball."
She was so jumpy and happy. A date for a ball? Ian glimpsed over to me before asking his mother: "Who is his date, then?"
Her face fell: "He didn't tell me that, although I asked him so many times."
"Well, don't worry, mother" her son calmed her down. "You'll learn this date's identity latest on the day of the charity event."
Madeleine pouted making her look so cute!
"Oh, before I forget" she rummaged through her designer bag and pulled out an envelope. "Doctor Noakes, I formally would like to invite you to our yearly charity event."
She handed me the cream envelope with my name inscribed in gold on the front. I was surprised and moved.
"Both my sons weren't able to stop praising and talking about you, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to thank you for everything you have done, Doctor Noakes. Will you come?"
I looked up from the heavy envelope
"Mother," Ian sighed, "just give her some time to decide."
He smiled at me.
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Benz. I will let you know right after I check my schedule" I assured her.
She excitedly nodded: "It would be great, if you could come. Oh, and please feel free to bring anybody along."
Sebastian had been away for a week and was supposed to return early morning tomorrow. I had informed him about his mother's invitation. He had laughed and told me to decline. When asked why, he answered with the counter question, whether I was able to multiply. At first I didn't quite understand, so he explained, that he had already planned on taking me as his date. When I asked the young Benz what to reply his mother he sighed and told me to confirm while casually mentioning who my date was supposed to be. I called Madeleine three days ago. At first she was silent as I had done what Sebastian had asked me to. But she suddenly squealed in delight and was overly pleased, not just because I had confirmed, but and, I believe especially because she had at last found out who her son was bringing. She asked whether I had any dress to wear and if not, she would love to go on a shopping spree with me. I accepted her offer gratefully, as I knew I wouldn't find anything in my closet grand enough for such an event. Sebastian had explained that his mother hosted this charity ball every year in the Benz Company's name. The entire family, including all their extensions, friends and business partners were invited. I had swallowed hard thinking about the dimension of the entire event. My date had also informed me that it was held in a mansion on one of the Benz's private properties one hour away from here.
My doorbell resounded suddenly. I checked the time on my phone: it was 11:30 pm. Who is it at this time? I wrapped my bathrobe tighter around as I had just been wearing scarce shorts and a loosely fitting nightshirt. Pressing the intercom my jaw dropped. I simply opened the main door and stood there, while resting my hand on the doorknob. As soon as I heard a soft, but firm knock I swung my apartment door wide open catching sight of a bewildered Sebastian in mid-action. We stood there in silence before the raven-haired god entered my home, shutting the door behind him. It all seemed to take place in slow motion. He finally faced me cracking one of his signature smirks. The young Benz eyed me from head to toe and nodded.
"I surely approve of this getup" he mused waving his hand in front of me.
Not sure how to response to this I shook my head: "What are you doing here?"
"Wow," he pursed his lips, "and I thought you would be happy to see me."
"No, I don't mean it like that" I tried to rearrange my words. "What I meant is, weren't you supposed to return tomorrow morning?"
He shrugged once walking off to my living room.
"I wrapped up the deal earlier" Sebastian said while sitting himself down.
Was it my imagination, or did that guy turn even more attractive over this past week? He looked around the room lifting the book I had been reading before. I stood in the doorway for a while, devouring his beautiful sight. He had been wearing blue sneakers, a tight blue jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket to top it all. It's surely the leather jacket that's making him look so... so what? I tried thinking about a fitting word.
"Are you planning on standing there forever?" his stern voice asked, pulling me out of my daze.
"Well, I was just wondering..." I didn't finish my sentence.
"About?" he persisted.
"Forget it" I shook my head.
He frowned for a second before sighing: "Where's the tea you offered me the last time?"
My cheeks turned red at his question, which amused him. I turned on my heel heading for the kitchen. Putting on the water kettle I prepared two cups, the sugar and milk, different tealeaves and two teaspoons. I carried the tray and the hot water to the living room onto the low coffee table in front of my guest, making sure my loose nightshirt didn't slip out of position.
"Rose tea?" I asked kneeling down opposite him preparing the tea.
Sebastian's intense gaze focused thoroughly on me: "Sure."
"Two spoons."
"Hm" I looked up.
"Does it taste better with or without milk?" his voice turned smooth and as sweet as honey.
Unintentionally, I licked my lips: "I... I prefer it... without... without milk."
I felt this sensation all over again deep in my lower body, while my lips went dry. His devilish smile didn't make it any better.
"Then, no milk for me" his silky voice decided.
I nodded with a pouncing heart. Before preparing my own share I handed him his cup. Our hands brushed lightly. But even this was enough to send sparks through my entire body. Shit, this isn't good. Why did I act like some teenager driven by her hormones? I picked my cup from the table and went over to the sofa Sebastian was sitting, taking a seat next to him, turning around, so I could face him and pulling my knees to my chest, while resting the hot cup on my kneecap. My opposite faced me by tucking one leg under the other and resting his arm along the backrest, playing with my hair. I took the hot tea in both my hands, warming them.
"Sebastian?" I finally broke the silence.
His eyes locked onto mine.
"Can I ask you something?" my voice was low, as I averted my eyes and started picking imaginary fluffs from my bare legs.
"Spit it out" the Benz demanded while cautiously sipping the steaming hot tea.
"Um... there's this one thing... or rather someone" I stuttered not knowing how to phrase my sentence.
"Someone?" he arched a brow when I swiftly glanced at him.
"Well, on Friday" I started, "when you took me out for dinner. There was this couple. And that woman..."
The hand playing with my hair froze in its motion and his flirty and easy expression turned into stone. I swallowed hard. Acting as if I hadn't noticed the change in his body language I went on: "Sylvia was her name... You guys seemed to know each other."
The clear surface of my tea looked way more interesting at this second, I couldn't take my eyes off it. Seconds and minutes ticked by, the silence making me feel more and more nervous.
"You don't need to... to explain, I mean" I couldn't bare it.
"I know her since primary school" Sebastian's monotone and lifeless voice suddenly stated. "She and Neil were my best friends. We did everything together through to high school."
He paused and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the cup tighter. I noted the 'were my best friends'. So something happened.
"What happened in high school?" I whispered.
"I started dating her" he coldly exclaimed.
My eyes widened. Of course, both of us were old enough to have had previous relationships. I did as well. The young Benz's eyes seemed far away. I wasn't sure whether he would keep going on.
"Things seemed to be going well" his voice was ice cold. "At least at that time. Even when in university we remained together. During my fifth semester I decided on studying abroad for six months."
His brows furrowed.
"After returning everything seemed the way it used to be. She was still my girlfriend, Neil still my best friend. Things went smoothly and after graduation I proposed to her."
Wow! I hadn't expected this! Anger crossed Sebastian's face.
"Did she... reject your proposal?" I inquired carefully.
He shook his head: "No, of course not. We officially announced our engagement before I left for some special training, as I could only join the Benz Company after finishing it. I returned home two days earlier without informing her, planning on making it a surprise. Well, guess what. Rather than me surprising her, I was blown off my feet."
He ground his teeth and his eyes snapped from their daze. They were filled with hatred as he starred right at me. The hot tea didn't feel warm anymore.
"What happened?" I dared to ask quietly.
"She sat on top of Neil. Naked. Riding him thoroughly and exchanging whatever liquids possible!"
Ouch! This explains why Ian wouldn't say anything. He let go of my hair and pressed his index finger and thumb against his closed eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sebastian" I apologized feeling guilty. "I shouldn't have brought it up."
He sighed before turning away and resting his head against the backrest. I put my cup back down on the coffee table and closed the distance between us. Sebastian slung his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat.
"Sebastian?" I muttered, dreading the next question I wanted to ask. But it was something I had to know before it was too late. I had realized by now, what feelings I was harboring.
As he didn't answer I took that as my cue: "Do you still love her?"
After a seemingly eternal silence he replied: "No, I don't."
I breathed in deeply as I was holding my breath.
"Are you sure?" I just had to affirm.
The Benz's entire body moved as he set the cup on the coffee table before grabbing my chin and ultimately forcing me to look into his now warm and deep eyes.
"Yes, I'm sure" his voice was soft.
He shut his eyes and planted a loving kiss on my lips.
"After all, I found someone. Someone, I felt like trusting from the first instant I saw."
I turned red and heat rushed to my face. Sebastian shot one of his Benz smirks before pulling me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me and planting an even more mind-blowing kiss than the last time.
I snatched my phone trying to turn off my alarm, while still in a half-sleep. Before I was able to press any button though, the annoying beeping quieted down. I turned around and cuddled up close to a warm and firm body. Strong arms wrapped around me while I was showered with light kisses trailing down my temple.
"Mmmh Sebastian," I relished every single lip contact, "you need to get up."
"Hn" was his reply, while he kept going on.
"C'mon, Benz" I groaned, trying to put a minimal distance between us, but giving up right away, as I was no match to his strength.
Without a warning he suddenly crouched on top of me smirking devilishly.
"What were you saying, Doc?" he asked insolently.
Sebastian's face inched closer, his signature grin never leaving his beautiful face.
I slung my arms around his neck and pressed my lips onto his.
"I was saying you need to move your arse out of my bed and then get ready for work, Mr. Benz" I explained smiling widely.
He sighed shaking his head, kissed me once and abruptly climbed off me, making his way to the shower. I wound around settling my eyes on Sebastian's bare back, plain black boxer shorts hugging his hips. Oh gosh, that body! By no means was this the first time seeing him like this, after all, the younger Benz brother had spent most of his nights at my place, as we were not able to meet each other during the day anymore. There were a few occasions on which I had stayed over at his spacious penthouse. But no matter how often I saw his well-toned and fair stature, a clenching sensation would form in my lower body.
"Kaity" Sebastian called from the shower.
"Hmm?" I groaned."When are you meeting mom?" he asked.
"Twelve" was my sluggish response, as I actually never was a morning person.
"You're going to have lunch first and then shop for a dress?"
"Mmmh" I idled around, my eyes feeling heavy.
"Hey, you lazy bum" something cold and wet tickled my cheek. "I'll be late today."
Wrapped in a towel around his hips, he walked over to the walk-in closet taking out his grey business suit and a light blue shirt. I had learnt that Sebastian would meticulously choose his wardrobe and keep everything ready for the next day. Dressed in his trousers and buttoning up his shirt he came back to the bedroom and sat on the bed next to me, stroking away some loose strands from my face. I wriggled around and finally decided on facing him, opening my eyes.
"You're lucky," he smiled, "what would I give to stay at home."
"Too bad you're the CEO's son and next in line to receive that title" I stroked his hand and admired his long fingers.
"Yeah, if Ian hadn't launched his own company he would be in my position and I could live happily as chief of the finance department" he sighed.
Sebastian had explained that his older brother decided on starting his own company right after marrying Karin, ultimately dumping this position onto the younger brother. Of course, he didn't blame Ian or any of that sort. It only took a toll on the young Benz sometimes, as his father expected way more from him after his older son, the known prodigy had left.
"You shouldn't put on such a face" I ran my fingers over his frowning brows.
He took hold of my hand and planted a kiss on my palm.
"I need to leave" the corners of his mouth fell slightly.
This past week had been especially hard on him, as he needed to finish the usual workload, plus all the work he had missed due to his stay in the hospital.
I sat up and took his face in my hands: "Take care of yourself and don't overdo it, understood?"
He smiled: "Yes, Doc."
He kissed my lips before walking out of the bedroom and out my apartment. I fell back into the bed and checked the time: it was quarter to seven. Sighing loudly I decided on calling my parents back in my hometown.
At exactly twelve o'clock Madeleine got out of a slick and expensive car, making her way over to where I was waiting. She hugged me tightly, a wide smile plastered on her face.
"Kaitlynn!" her warm voice greeted me, all excited.
"Madeleine, how are you?" whenever I saw her, she made me feel happy.
"Oh, I'm great! Wow, you look wonderful, darling" she complimented me.
I blushed before returning the compliment sincerely. We walked into the restaurant I stood in front of. Our waiter escorted us to the table Madeleine had reserved well in advance. The food we were presented did not just look exquisite, but tasted even better.
"I've already thought about the perfect dress" she squealed in delight.
I laughed somewhat embarrassed: "At least one of us has. To be honest, I was so relieved when you told me you would help me pick one."
"Don't worry, darling" she reassured. "I never had the chance to go shopping like this."
"Like this?" I inquired.
"What I mean is, as I have two sons and no daughter, I was never able to pick out any dresses or have the chance to talk girl-to-girl like this."
"Wow, Madeleine. I feel so honored" this was the truth. Whenever I met her, she always treated me kindly, especially after I started dating her younger son.
"But what about Karin?" I asked truly interested.
My opposite rolled her eyes: "She is, how do I put it... she is quite peculiar."
I chuckled at her choice of words.
"I really don't mean to gossip or talk bad about my son's wife, but I really don't know how to handle such a person" she confessed.
So even the gentle and caring Madeleine has her own problems concerning the red-head.
"It's not that I didn't try, but whenever I went out with her it ended in me returning home with a despicable headache after half an hour. It amazes me how Ian gets along with her" she shook her head.
"I understand what you're saying" I assured her. "But, I guess, there's a side to her only he knows."
I shrugged and my opposite nodded.
"Yes, well, who knows?"
We finished up our food and I insisted on paying.
"No, Madeleine. This is my treat" I vehemently insisted. "After all, you are going to help me pick out a dress. And whenever Sebastian takes me out, there's no chance for me to even pull out my purse."
After going back and forth, I got my way and paid for our meal. We then left and headed straight for an exclusive looking shop. Right after entering, we were greeted by two shop assistants who recognized Mrs. Benz.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Benz. How may we help you today?" the tall girl with short brown hair asked.
"Hello," the addressee greeted formally, "actually, I'm not here to find anything for me today." She motioned towards me, explaining: "This young lady needs a dress as gorgeous as herself."
Both of the salesgirls eyed me. The same one who had greeted Madeleine nodded.
"Of course. We surely will find something. Luna, take our valued customers to the back and show them our newest collection" she ordered her partner with long blonde hair, tied into a strict bun.
We were brought to the back of the shop. My eyes grew wide as I saw rows and rows of dresses.
"Ms.-" the shop assistant called Luna addressed me.
"Her name is Kaitlynn Noakes" Madeleine explained, as fascination overtook me.
Luna nodded in appreciation and diverted her attention back to me: "Ms. Noakes, do you have any specific concept, as in how the dress should be cut, or the color?"
"Uhm..." I stood there dumbfounded.
"I was thinking about a long, backless evening gown. Tight on the top and from the waist down in a flowing pattern" my companion expertly explained.
"I understand" the saleswoman nodded. "I presume you are a XS, max. an S?"
"Depending on the dress, yes" I was amazed at her ability to guess my size by just glancing at me, although I had been wearing my trench coat on top of my short white dress.
"Please, take a seat. I'll be right back with a few dresses" Luna motioned to a few luxurious armchairs.
Madeleine and I did as we were told and were asked whether we would like to have a drink. Both of us ordered a black tea and conversed casually until Luna returned with quite a few dresses.
"I think we'll find something suiting you, Ms. Noakes" she smiled. "Please follow me."
I left my bag and coat on the armchair I had been sipping my tea on just a minute ago and followed the shop assistant to the changing area. Huge is definitely an understatement! She hung up several dresses before picking the first one for me to try on. It was a beautiful emerald satin dress with a neck holder and a little silver ornament on the chest. Of course it was backless, just as Madeleine had asked for. Luna helped me put it on and eyed me. She doesn't look happy.
"Hmm, we will have to alter all the dresses at the bottom, although I already picked out the shorter ones" she murmured more to herself.
"Yeah, well, I surely am not the tallest" I sighed, knowing that my height had always been an issue when buying clothes. That's the reason I wear heels.
"How high will your shoes be?" Luna asked getting a few pins from an adjacent drawer.
"I don't know, yet" I confessed. "I guess it depends on the dress. But I don't wear heels below 4.7inch."
She nodded in appreciation: "I'll pin up the dress for now. But you will need to return with the shoes you plan on wearing."
I slipped into my grey-blue-black pumps and allowed the shop assistant to provisionally shorten the dress.
"This looks better" she exclaimed. "What do you think?"
I stared at my reflection in the mirror: "It's not bad."
"You don't like it?" Luna asked.
"Hmm, the dress is beautiful, no doubt, but... it doesn't really suit me, does it?" I looked over at her.
She contemplated for a while and nodded in agreement: "You're right. Do you still want to show it to Mrs. Benz?"
"Yes, please."I walked out of the enormous dressing room and to where Madeleine was sitting. She spotted me and her brows wrinkled: "You like it?"
Seeing her expression and hearing the skepticism in her voice made me chuckle: "This reaction is proof enough we are on the same page."
She smiled understanding and waved me off: "Next, please."
I scooted back to my changing room where Luna had rearranged a few dresses. I shook my head signaling that this wasn't the dress I wanted.
"Let's move on to the next dress. I took the liberty of sorting out a few of them" she explained motioning to a wall.
"I'm ready for the next one" I smiled, relieved that I didn't need to try on all those evening gowns anymore.
"Then, this one is next."She offered me an elegant black chiffon dress with an one shoulder strap. Simple, but elegant. Just the way I like it. I slipped in and waited for Luna to pin it up. I liked what I saw in the mirror. This one too, hugged my torso tightly and got wider from my waist down.
"A hundred times better!" she laughed for the very first time.
I nodded in agreement: "Oh, yes. I like it!"She opened the door for me to show it to Madeleine who smiled the very moment she saw me.
"Wow!" she exclaimed in amazement. "This one is way better. You look stunning, darling."
"Thanks, Madeleine."
She circled around me and examined the dress in detail.
"I like it" was her simple conclusion. "What about you?"
"Me, too. But I would still like to try out the other dress Luna has kept ready."
"Oh yes, please do that" she happily went back to her seat.
I returned to where Luna had been waiting for me with the last dress.
"So?" she inquired.
"We share the same opinion on this one" I reassured her.
"That's a relief. You still want to try this one?"I nodded eagerly in response. Again, the shop assistant who seemed friendlier by every minute, helped me take off the black dress and wear the last one in store. This time it was a navy blue chiffon dress, with a layered skirt, two straps reaching down to my lower back and a rather deeply cut neckline.
"Amazing" I heard Luna call out astonished.
I looked into the mirror. Wow!
"You have to show this one to Mrs. Benz" the saleswoman called out.
She led me to Madeleine who in response jumped up from her seat.
"Oh my gosh! You look mind-blowing, darling" she exclaimed excitedly.
"It's great" the brown-haired shop assistant who had greeted us, complimented me moderately.
"We are reserving this dress" Madeleine let everyone know.
Both the saleswomen smiled contently.
"That will be no problem."
"You really look fantastic, Kaitlynn" the present Benz hugged me.
After reserving this dress, Madeleine insisted on taking me to another shop before buying it. I changed back into my clothes and we left the shop. My companion linked her arm with mine and we walked through the streets smiling and talking about the dress. I suddenly stopped at a window, my eyes growing wide. Madeleine followed my line of vision, her eyes widening as well. She hurriedly pulled me into the little boutique and stomped directly to a young man in an expensive looking suit.
"How may I help you, madam?" he asked rather surprised at our suddenness.
"This beautiful young lady would love to try on that dress in your shop window" she explained in one breath.
"Of... of course" he stammered before pulling himself together and glancing at me.
"Would a S-size do?" he directed his question to me.
I nodded and he swiftly disappeared to get the dress. A few moments later he returned with the desired object.
"Please follow me, madam. I'll lead you to the changing rooms" he led me.
In comparison to the first shop this dressing room was tiny, but cozy. The young man left after pulling the curtain. Cautiously, I stepped into the dress and zipped it at the side. I walked out of the room and to where Madeleine was chatting with the salesman. She stopped mid-sentence and gasped, pulling her hands up to her mouth: "Beautiful."
"Truly beautiful, madam" the young salesman complimented me smiling widely.
"What do you say, Kaitlynn" Madeleine asked.I was speechless and overwhelmed, so all my opposites received was a curt nod."It's perfect" I finally breathed.
"Yes, it is!" she agreed.
"We'll be buying it."
"Thank you very much, madam" the salesman was grateful.
I returned to the little cabin and looked at my reflection once more. The dress was really as Madeleine had said, beautiful. The top part was creased, tight and backless, the neckline was shaped into a heart form and followed up to the navel. From there onwards the light cloth fell to the ground elegantly. To round up the dress a slit was visible on the right side reaching from my mid-thigh all the way to the bottom. This cut combined with the deep and rich red color didn't just make the dress look simple and elegant, but provided it with a nuance of sexiness.Unable to believe I had found my perfect dress, Madeleine and I moved on to search for matching shoes, which didn't take long. I bought a pair of nude 5.9inch peep-toes.After finishing all the shopping, we settled down in a café having something light. Madeleine asked me a lot of questions concerning my relationship with her son and no matter how embarrassing some of her questions were, I answered each and every one. This just showed me how much I trusted and liked her. She was so easy to get along with and such a sweet and kind person. I felt safe.I bid her good-bye and thanked her for everything she had done for me. By the time I reached home it was past seven. Sebastian had told me he would be late today which meant he wouldn't return before nine or ten. I decided on taking a bath after hanging my dress in my closet happily and relax on my first day off of work.
Sebastian and I had been driving for around an hour. He had turned into and endless driveway with pettily trimmed cherry-blossom and maple trees. It was barely eight o'clock in the morning, but Madeleine had insisted on us arriving early enough to have breakfast with the family, as we couldn't make it a day earlier for dinner. Sebastian needed to wrap up the last paperwork and stayed in late in the company."So when your mom says family, what does she mean by that?" I asked my companion who drove past the idyllic scenery."I hope she only means herself and father, Ian and Karin, Mia and Daimen. But I believe Sheldon is going to grace us with his presence as well" he grimaced when mentioning his cousin's name.I chuckled remembering my first meeting with the overly motivated Benz, when he had been visiting Ian in the hospital. After knocking on Ian's room door, I had been surprised by a loud voice telling me to enter. Upon stepping into the room I was overrun by a gleeful Sheldon."Damn, who is this babe?" he had asked grinning from ear to ear."Just leave Kaitlynn alone, will you?" Ian had scolded the other Benz."Oh my gosh, is this THE Kaitlynn? I mean THE Doctor Kaitlynn Noakes?" he had gotten more excited by every ticking second.Ian had only sighed and nodded introducing us casually: "I'm sorry about this, Kaitlynn. But let me introduce you to my cousin Sheldon Benz. He's the jumpy type."Said Benz had strode towards me and hugged me tightly without any warning: "It feels so awesome to meet you at last! I've heard so much about you and feared I would never have the chance to cross paths with you!"He had crushed my body."It's nice to meet you, too, Mr. Benz" I had tried replying as he was squishing me to death."Call me by my first name!""Sheldon" I muttered.At last he had let go of me and I gasped for some air."I'm really so unbelievably happy. If it weren't for you, I would have lost my cousin and best friend, no Ian is more like a brother to me, right?" he had turned to face the very person he was talking about.The older Benz brother had smiled and nodded, making me chuckle in return, seeing the close bond they shared."Say, Kaite-babe" Sheldon had diverted his attention back to me. "Do you have a boyfriend? If not, would you like to go out with me?"His questions had caught me off-guard making me choke on my own saliva."Excuse me?" I had inquired, coughing."Well, whether you are still out there on the market, you know" he winked once."Sheldon" Ian had sighed exasperatedly."C'mon, look at her! She's not just the doctor that saved your life, but a smoking-hot babe!" he had explained motioning towards me.My face had turned a deep crimson at this comment."Didn't Aunty Maddy tell me to date a respectable and great girl? Well, here is one" he went on. "Oh, c'mon Ian. If you weren't married to that red-haired, not hot chili, you would have made a pass at her, wouldn't you?""Um, may I intervene?" I had finally gotten a grip on myself.Both the men had looked at me expectantly."Thank you for all the compliments, Mr. Be... Sheldon. Although I'm not dating anyone right now, I can't take you up on your offer, I'm sorry" I had apologized. "Damn it" the addressee had scratched the back of his head. "But, I won't give up."This had all happened a few weeks before Sebastian decided on taking me out for dinner."What are you giggling about?" Sebastian asked, bringing me back to the present.I shook my head: "Nothing. Just remembered something."Gazing out the window I saw a huge mansion with a massive red wooden door. My eyes widened at the sight of a white marble fountain in the center of the estate. White pebbles were strewn all over the place. The grass was freshly mown. There was a cute porch attached to the beautiful villa. It was surely an old residence, but it was taken care of well. The entire setting fitted perfectly. The long driveway with the trees, the freshly and evenly cut lawn, the luxurious fountain. I was well aware of the Benz's being quite wealthy, but this? Wow! "And this is just one of your own properties?" I wondered aloud meekly.Sebastian laughed aloud: "You like it?"I sat in silence not able to process this overwhelming sight. We drove down a path leading into the underground parking facility and pulled up in one of the spots."We've reached" the young Benz's voice announced, while he stroked my cheek.I nodded and took a hold of the door handle before he stopped me mid-action. Looking his way I saw him leaning in."We don't need to be in such a hurry, right?" he asked taking my face into his hands and pulling me closer to his lips.He kissed me lightly not letting go of my face."What's wrong?" I wanted to know, seeing that something was on his mind."I won't be having you all to myself" he finally confessed, making me smile.My hands wandered along his strong arms and to his collar. I gripped it roughly, pulling him towards me and pressing my lips onto his. His tongue expertly slipped through my mouth while his hands ran down my shoulders and sides. One hand stopped at my waist, holding me in place, while the other moved further down my thigh halting at the hem of my skirt."Sebastian" I breathed as his hand moved back slowly, only this time under my loosely draped skirt.Suddenly I heard his phone vibrate on the dashboard."Your phone" I called to his attention pulling away slightly and trying to calm down my racing heart.Sebastian sighed in irritation, letting go of my waist and picking up his mobile. His hand under my skirt didn't budge even a little. I fell back in my seat and listened to the fragments of conversation."Damn... yes, that's my car... we'll be right there... that's none of your business, is it?" he snarled before cutting the call.The younger Benz brother leaned back in his seat shaking his head: "Unbelievable.""Ian?" I tried guessing."Who else?" he hissed."Then we should get going" putting on a happy expression I tried cheering up the beautiful man beside me, who it seems didn't plan on pulling his hand out from under my skirt. "But before that" I motioned towards his hand.He sighed one last time before pressing a rough kiss on my lips and opening his door and then the trunk to take out our luggage. Sebastian took my hand into his and we walked to the elevator leading us directly into the mansion."Don't worry" I squeezed his hand lightly while waiting for the lift to reach, "you'll be having me all to yourself. At least during the night."The doors opened and we were greeted by Madeleine, her eldest son, Ian and an overly cute Daimen clinging to his father. From the corner of my eye I saw Sebastian smirking at my last statement. I smiled returning their mother's warm embrace. The older Benz brother pursed his lips before hugging me, while grinning widely."Well, weren't you guys taking long" he mused while I stroked his son's two-year-old body."Shut up, Ian" his brother growled from behind me.A hearty laughter escaped Ian's mouth while I turned red, understanding what he had been implying.We walked through the vast hall with opulent and pricey furniture and decoration. It was an excellent mix of modern and antique furnishing. A high-pitched child's voice was audible as Madeleine explained where everything was located. A giggling Mia ran towards us."Grandma!" she squealed and jumped into her waiting arms.She turned to face me and her smile widened: "You are the lady who showed me where daddy's room was."I chuckled and nodded: "That's me.""Uncle-Seb" she called all excited and reached out for her beloved uncle, who in return picked her from his mother.She smooched his cheek and hugged him tightly with her short arms."Mia was waiting for her uncle" Madeleine explained smiling happily.Both the Benz brothers carried one of the children and followed their mother.I looked around and was amazed by the high cream-colored walls and the white granite flooring. But the most mind-blowing thing in this huge mansion were the two white granite staircases on either side of the room, leading to the next floor where all the bedrooms were situated. This entire place looked like a castle from a fairytale. We walked past the granite steps to a room with a long solid wood dining table and quite a few chairs. Frederick had been sitting at the head of the table scanning a newspaper. A few seats further down sat Karin with wide eyes, not believing what she was seeing."You..." she started, but was cut off by a hyper Sheldon."No way!" he exclaimed laying his eyes on me before jumping off his chair and striding over to where I was standing.Without further ado he wrapped his arms around me, crushing me just like the first time."How can this be? Don't tell me you changed your mind on going out with me?" he asked excited."What did you just say?" Sebastian incredulously inquired.Sheldon shook his head hugging me even tighter.He at last let go of me, but slung his arm around my shoulders right away pulling me towards hid uncle."Uncle Frederick" he called after the head of the family. "What do you say? Isn't she the perfect match for me?"Frederick eyed me making me feel nervous. I whirled out of Sheldon's clutch and formally greeted his uncle."Good morning, Mr. Benz. Please excuse the intrusion.""Good morning, Doctor Noakes" he replied with his stern voice.Sebastian strode over to my side: "Good morning, father.""Sebastian" he greeted his son."Father," his youngest son started, "I want to officially introduce you to Kaitlynn, my girlfriend."I heard Karin gasp in utter shock. Frederick's eyes inspected me for a while before nodding."So, you are the rumored date" he declared. "My wife hasn't been able to stop talking about you.""Oh, come on, Fred. Don't tell her that stuff" Madeleine playfully reprimanded her husband putting her hands on my shoulder. "You guys have a seat. I'll inform our attendants to start serving us breakfast.""No way" Karin's shrill voice rang through the room. "YOU of all people are dating Sebastian?""Tune it down, Karin" Ian warned her."But...""I said to hold your horses" he shot her a dreadful glance keeping her quiet."I can't believe it" Sheldon exclaimed disappointedly. "Sebastian, what did you do to get her?"My boyfriend's eye twitched in irritation: "Apropos can't believe. Keep your hand off her."Their cousin seemed to recover in light speed. Wanting to tease Sebastian a little more he slung his arm around me once again."Now, why would I do something like that? Just look at her" he pursed his lips smiling devilishly, ignoring the death glare he was getting."Tell me, Kate-babe" he led me to a chair two seats away from Frederick. "What do you actually like about that guy?"Sheldon settled to my left while Sebastian sat to my right slapping away his cousin's hand from my shoulder."That's none of your business" the younger Benz brother hissed.Ian sat to his father's right. Daimen, Mia and Karin seated themselves next to him. The empty chair belonged to Madeleine, placed to her husband's left.Everyone conversed in some form or the other. Sheldon kept on teasing Sebastian with me in the middle. Daimen and Mia animatedly talked about their favorite superheroes, while Ian and Frederick held a moderate conversation. Karin did not utter a single word during the entire time. Madeleine returned with an attendant and two cooks who served us the best breakfast I had ever tasted. This is going to be a long and exciting day.
"You ready?" Sebastian asked eying me in my new red dress. He had been leaning against the doorframe of our bedroom looking way too good. His tuxedo was altered especially to his measurements and fitted exactly. The black bow was tied and positioned perfectly under the collar of his crisp white shirt. His shoes were polished and shone in the bright ceiling light. Smoking hot. I applied my red lipstick matching my gorgeous dress and rechecked my reflection in the mirror. Madeleine had helped me style my long hair. Bright sparkling diamonds garnished my ears, chest, wrist and fingers. I turned around to that godly looking specimen of man and smiled.
"I am" I walked over to where he was standing with his arms crossed.
"Are you planning on seducing someone or why did you choose this dress?" his hand drew up along my bare leg, along the long slit, while the other rested on my waist.
"Who knows" I pursed my lips smiling sheepishly.
"Remember one thing" he whispered into my ear before boring his fingers into my naked thigh. "The moment we enter this room today night I'll tear that dress down and do things, you won't be able to imagine, even in your wildest fantasies."
I giggled while I felt deep desire pull in my lower body: "I expect no less from you, Mr. Benz."
"You won't be this cocky later" he warned placing a light kiss on my cheek and walking me out of the room and down the grand granite stairs, linking my arm with his.
A few guest had already arrived and mingled in the vast hall on the ground floor which had been turned into a beautiful ball room with round tables, a small stage where a live band entertained the guests and a huge open space allowing everyone to dance. Madeleine had explained to me that she had picked green and cream to be this year's theme colors. And as per her choosing the hall was decorated in exactly those shades. The program had been set by her as well. As per plan the Benz's would be greeting their guests first, then snacks and appetizers were supposed to be served, followed by the main course. A few speeches were scheduled for after dinner and ensued by desserts. The dance floor was open at all times, save for when people recited their speeches.
Sebastian had never left my sight when greeting the new guests and had always introduced me, no matter whether to family members, friends or even business partners.
"Aunt Maddy" a loud voice exclaimed after one long hour of greeting guest.
Sebastian's hand on my back tensed at this voice. I turned my head towards the main entrance and saw a blonde goofy-looking guy around my boyfriend's age with dark brown eyes. He was accompanied by a beautiful young lady with light-brown hair and fair skin. Her eyes were a bright grey, matching her evening gown.
"I heard he has returned" the blonde man hollered through the entire room.
My eyes shifted to Sebastian who grit his teeth.
"Hey," I tried pulling his attention away from the loud-mouth, "What's wrong?"
"Where is he?" the newcomer called loudly.
"We need to greet them" my companion hissed under his breath leading me to the new guests.
"Sebastian!" he hyperactively and loudly greeted.
"Neil" my boyfriend moderately replied while realization dawned upon me.
He was Sebastian's best friend. The one who slept with his fiancée, ex-fiancée.
"No way in hell did I expect you back, man" Neil lightly patted his former best friend's back.
"Helen" Sebastian went on, not responding to the earlier comment.
"G... good eve... evening, S... Sebastian" she stuttered shyly.
Aww, she's cute!
Neil sappily and suddenly addressed me: "Wow, and who are you?"
"This is Kaitlynn Noakes, my girlfriend" the young Benz introduced me. "And this is Neil Grunt and-"
Sebastian was interrupted by his guest: "And this is my fiancée and soon-to-be wife Helen Chace."
"Nice to meet both of you" I smiled.
"Oh my gosh!" suddenly a stunning woman with blazing blonde hair called.
I heard Madeleine squeal beside her younger son: "Constance!"
Both the women hugged tightly. They looked like teenage girls.
"Well, if that isn't mini Benz" a man with hair similar to Neil's smiled towards Sebastian.
"He surely is not a mini Benz anymore, Manuel" the woman named Constance chuckled.
"That's right, he has grown quite a bit" Madeleine agreed.
"Uncle Manuel, Aunty Constance, it's nice to see you after so long" my boyfriend greeted them relaxing just a bit.
"Oh, you have always been so straight-faced" the gorgeous lady slung her arms around Sebastian's neck and hugged him.
"Ok, mom. That's enough" Neil pulled his mother away who in return scowled at her son.
Those are his parents?
"Oh, Constance" Madeleine excitedly called for her friend. "Let me introduce you to this beauty over here."
She walked over to me and pulled me towards Neil's parents.
"This is Kaitlynn. She is the doctor who saved Ian's life" my boyfriend's mother proudly explained.
Constance's eyes grew wide in delight before she came closer and embraced me tightly.
"Wow, so you are that wonder-doctor Maddy told me about?" she asked in pure delight. "You are so great and beautiful and wow! I'm just so happy to meet you."
Neil looked at his mother, me and then at Sebastian alternately.
"Wait, but isn't she your girlfriend?" he wanted to know dumfounded.
Upon hearing this Constance got even jitterier.
"You're not just an awesome doctor, but little Sebastian's girlfriend, too? If that isn't a catch."
"Why don't we proceed to our seats?" Manuel suggested.
Everyone agreed upon doing so and walked over to their designated places.
Soon after the food was served, the dance floor filled up.
As the evening slowly turned into night, one of the benefactors held a lengthy speech. Glancing around our table I noticed Karin's absence.
"Where is Karin?" I finally asked Ian.
He looked around in search of his wife. Not being able to spot her anywhere he shrugged: "She wanted to get some fresh air, as far as I know."
I nodded in understanding feeling somewhat uneasy. After listening for a few more minutes to the opulent man reciting his harangue, I decided on stepping out. Squeezing Sebastian's arm I got up from my seat and excused myself.
"Are you fine?" he was surely concerned.
I answered his question with a reassuring smile and left through the back entrance. Stepping onto a vast garden aligned by benches every now and then and dimly lit lanterns, I walked down the pebbled road. It had gotten quite chilly by now. I wondered whether I should turn around and make my way back or keep going for a little more. Suddenly I caught sight of bright red hair in the sparse light. Without saying a word I sat at the far end of the same bench and inhaled the fresh and cool air deeply.
"Of all the people who could've come out, it had to be you" Karin sarcastically remarked.
I didn't care to comment.
"I still can't believe why it always has to be you!" she spat out. "Why is it always you? Tell me!"
I looked at her not quite grasping what she meant.
"Everyone has only been going on and on about you! What is so damn great about you?"
She directed every nuance of hatred towards me. I tried keeping my cool and allowed her to express herself without interrupting.
"From the time Ian woke up, he has only been talking about you and nothing else. I don't want to start on Sebastian. Even Madeleine and Frederick! I mean the cold and distant FREDERICK! He has never spoken to me in such an open and caring way. And the worst of all... After Mia returned the other day she told me how great and beautiful you were. She wanted to be just like YOU. A cool doctor is what she wants to become now!" Karin breathed heavily after her outburst.
"So to sum up what you said, you are jealous" I finally spoke.
She diverted her hate-filled eyes towards me: "Well aren't you a smart one? Why wouldn't I or anyone else be jealous of you? You have everything I want and that without even trying. But, that was to be expected, wasn't it? You must be anyways wondering why Ian married me. Hn... you want to know?"
I wasn't given the opportunity to answer her question as she went on right away: "The only reason he married me was to not bring shame to the great Benz name."
I raised a brow in surprise not expecting anything like this.
"We were both drunk and he knocked me up. After finding out I was pregnant, he decided on making me his wife. Pathetic" she scoffed.
Her hatred was slowly subsiding, replaced by sadness and sorrow.
"So now you can go on mocking me" her voice had grown hoarse and I wasn't sure whether tears were forming in her eyes.
"Are you done?" I asked while gazing upon the clear sky filled with little twinkling stars.
There was no response from her, so I went on: "Listen, Karin. I'm only going to say these things once, 'coz I hate repeating myself. I never intended or am intending on taking over your place in the Benz family."
"Let me finish" I sharply cut her off. "I am in no position whatsoever to judge the reason you married Ian. Maybe it was based on some shallow ground, but I have spent a lot of time with your husband when he was in hospital. And I would give that man the shirt off my back knowing that he loves you from the depth of his heart. I could never replace you as his wife, Karin, if that's what you're thinking. YOU are the one he chose to marry and love. The same way I could never take your place as Madeleine's and Frederick's daughter-in-law who bestowed two wonderful grandchildren upon them. No matter how you guys interact, I will never be able to fill that place with my presence, Karin. You will always be Sebastian's sister-in-law. The very fact that he did not object to your marriage shows that he considers you an important member of the family and the person supposed to stand by his brother's side, the very brother he adores and loves. And concerning what Mia said, let me explain it to you in this way: doesn't Mia have that one doll she treasures and holds dear the most? So whenever you buy her a new doll, doesn't she toss the older one aside, although it means the world to her? After playing for a short time with that new and thrilling doll, she just throws it out of her way returning to that important one. Now why don't you guess, which would be the doll depicting you?"
Karin's eyes had grown wide and tears trickled down her face.
"You are Karin Benz, Ian's wife, Mia's and Daimen's beloved mother, Sebastian's sister-in-law and Madeleine's and Frederick's first and oldest daughter-in-law. Nobody, and I really mean what I say, no one in this entire world could take away all this from you, get it?" I exhaled loudly and leaned back.
The otherwise so loud red-head cried in the dim light at the other end of the bench. A cool breeze blew making me shiver slightly.
"I'm going to return now. And I really hope that guy finished his speech" I announced while getting up.
I turned around and walked a few steps before stopping: "Hey Karin, one more thing. That dress suits you."
I smiled to myself resuming my walk.
"Don't try to humor me and stop being such a cheeky know-it-all" I heard her call out.
"Don't worry," I waved, "just because we chatted for a while doesn't mean I actually like you or any of that sort. And that cockiness, I guess it rubbed off from a certain Benz."
"Hmm" she snorted in reply while her heels clicked with every step she took. "We can agree on that."
Karin caught up to me and we walked side by side in silence. Upon entering the vast hall a worried Sebastian and restless Ian met us.
"Are you ok?" my boyfriend inquired confused.
His brother's eyes wandered between Karin and me: "What exactly happened?"
I grinned broadly: "Just a talk between two women."
"Woman and brat" she interjected with a tiny smile on her face.
"You should excuse us," I pushed my way past the Benz brothers pulling Karin behind me, "we are in need of the lady's room."
"What the heck?" was the last I heard from the younger brother before we left them standing there by themselves.
Finding the toilets, Karin refreshed her make-up and calmed down while I leaned against the black marble basin.
"You're feeling better?" I asked playing with a loose strand of my hair.
"How could I feel better after crying in front of YOU?" she asked sarcastically.
I shrugged in nonchalance.
"This time you better listen to what I have to say because even I'm not going to repeat myself, ever. Thank you" the red-head suddenly muttered surprising me.
"Did you just than-"
"I'm not done, yet" she stopped me in mid-sentence. "I haven't been fair-minded, I guess. It just made my blood boil hearing everyone praise you. I know that you have done something great, I can't deny it, but... I don't know, you just got on my nerves. I am sorry, especially for insulting you at our first meeting."
She powdered her nose leaning closer to the mirror. I chuckled shaking my head.
"What?" she barked.
"Nothing" I replied turning around and looking at my reflection. "Our first meeting was a total disaster, wasn't it? But I think I need to apologize, too. I wasn't that friendly, either."
"Right" she confirmed drawing her lipstick over her lips.
"Tell me one thing, though" I ran my fingers through my hair. "Why the heck do you act so flirty and possessive when Sebastian is around? I mean you have Ian and you guys are in love."
For the first time I heard her laugh out loud: "The same way Sebastian's cockiness has rubbed off on you, Ian's overprotectiveness has on me. Why, are you jealous?"
I remained silent feeling heat rush to my cheeks.
"You know how much Ian cares about his brother" her tone had turned more serious. "None of us want him to go through the same thing as the last time he fell in love. You know the story, don't you? That is the main reason, I guess."
I nodded.
"Sure, Sebastian is cute and so on, but I've surely grown out of that age. There's no way I would think about him in such a way" the mood lightened up a bit. "Don't presume that I give you guys my blessing or anything. I haven't accepted you. But you are less annoying."
"Coming from your mouth that sounds like a love confession" I amusedly told her.
"Just shut up" she hissed.
"Yeah, whatever" I saw her smile genuinely from the corner of my eye. "Let's head back."
We walked over to our seats, returning back to either ignoring each other or throwing rude comments at one and other.
As the ball slowly reached its end, Sebastian and I danced to a slow song.
"You and Karin," he started, "what happened?"
"You are dying to know, aren't you?" his brows furrowed. "I need to disappoint you, Benz, but that's a secret."
"You are one litt-"
I interrupted him by pressing my lips onto his.
"You are playing dirty, Doc" he smirked after passionately returning my kiss.
"You wouldn't complain now, would you?" I mused playfully.
Sebastian suddenly stopped moving to the music and pulled me off the dance floor. Before passing by his parents, he excused us. Madeleine giggled and winked over at me. I could only imagine how red my face had turned, seeing Frederick smirk in my direction.
"Sebastian" I called after him, as he rushed out of the hall and towards the mind-blowing granite staircase.
"Don't complain now" his deep voice reprimanded. "It's your fault I can't wait anymore."
I swallowed understanding what was happening and about to happen before long.
"Didn't I warn you before leaving the room?" he reminded me. "I'm going to screw you over and over. Even if you beg, I won't care."
We reached our destination and it didn't even take him a minute to unlock the door and push me in. We did not even make it to the bed. His hands and tongue were my utter undoing.
There was no doubt, this man would keep his every word.
Sebastian pulled me through the door shutting it with one swift move and pinning me right against the massive wooden door. He pressed his body against me, his legs parting mine and pushing himself in between, while one hand cupped my red cheek and the other trailed up along my bare thigh.
“Sebastian” I moaned as his sensual and cold touch inched further upwards heading definitely to my behind.
The Benz’s lips came crashing down onto my mouth kissing me with such a force and need, making my insides jolt in pleasure. There was no need for his tongue to ask for entrance as I voluntarily parted my lips and welcomed him all too greedily. His tongue stroked my lower lip and then my own tongue, making my heated body reflexively press against him.
“Did I already tell you that this dress is quite practical and therefore very much to my liking?” Sebastian whispered against my lips.
His cold hand which had been cupping my cheek skimmed down slowly, leaving a burning trail along my neck and chest. The young Benz’s index finger traced the outline of my neckline first before hooking the same finger into my cleavage and making me moan in response. His tongue mirrored the same action, first licking my lips and then roughly taking over my mouth.
“Mmmh” he mused, “no bra.”
“Oh… God” I threw my head back as his finger brushed against my already hardened nipple, “Sebastian…”
„Mmmh“ his lips left mine and trailed feathery kisses along my jaw line up to my left ear and then to the right.
At the same time he pulled down the top part of my dress minimally, exposing one of my breasts while tugging with just the right amount of strength. Sebastian’s mouth followed the same trail his finger had left back sucking, biting and kissing. My hands clung tightly onto his muscular arms to steady myself at his pleasurable assault as his lips found my other breast and he purposefully licked and tugged at the other nipple. The Benz’s other hand had made its way to my behind stroking my buttock.
“I especially approve of your choice of underwear today” I could feel him grin against my breast. “I can feel a skimpy piece of lace giving me free access to your glorious ass, Doctor Noakes.”
“That skimpy piece of clothing is called a thong Mr. Ben… ahhh” Sebastian cut me off by tugging roughly at my nipple and squeezing my behind.
“If you are still so eloquent that means I can still push some buttons” he brought his face up and to my surprise stepped back leaving me hanging and wanting.
The raven-haired god crossed his arms in front of him while examining me with his bright blue eyes, a mischievous smirk playing around his mouth making me feel even more exposed and leaving me panting. Sebastian took off his tuxedo in slow-motion making my breath hitch. He was able to turn this simple gesture into something so voluptuous. WOW! I needed to press me thighs together as he slowly undid his bow.
“Do you want to stay by the door?” he arched his brow.
I shook my head, but remained leaning against the door, still panting and not daring to move as that deep pull between my legs had still not subsided.
“Then come here” Sebastian held out his hand. I licked my lips and pushed myself off the door tentatively checking my steadiness.
“You are taking too long” my boyfriend shook his head while walking towards me.
Without a warning Sebastian scooped me into his strong arms and carried me to the king-sized bed, setting me down gently.
“Is something wrong?” he asked slightly worried.
Again, I shook my head and simply starred into those endless orbs. His hand brushed my red cheeks. I slung both my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, closing my eyes and meeting his lips. We sunk down onto the bed kissing intimately and deeply. After some time we both pulled away to breath, our foreheads leaning against each other.
“I love you” I whispered, my eyes still closed.
In response I felt Sebastian lips pressing against mine again: “And I love you.”
With this enough was said. The Benz showered me with kisses along my jaw, down my neck, across my shoulder and collarbone. My hands searched for the buttons of his shirt before undoing each and every one in the dark before meeting his bare chest. I ran my fingers up and down his firm body reaching his pants. Sebastian nibbled along my skin allowing me to unbuckle his belt and then stroke his fly, making me feel that way too familiar bulge beneath my touch. I opened the button of his trousers before pulling down the zip. Once again I stroked along his impressive length feeling the wetness between my thighs rise. Sebastian straightened up, pulling me with him. He positioned me in front of him and sat back on the bed, taking off his shoes and socks.
“Turn around” he instructed me.
I did as I was told and faced away from him feeling his cold fingers run across my back and find the tiny zipper of the dress. My beautiful dress pooled at my feet as the Benz undid my zipper leaving me only in my red thongs and high heels. I felt both his hand on either side of my waist as he was standing behind me now. His lips pressed feather-light kisses across my back and up my nape before both of Sebastian’s hand cupped my breast.
“I want you Kaitlynn” he grazed my earlobe with his teeth.
I let myself fall back onto his naked body and relished the skin-to-skin contact. My boyfriend hooked his index fingers into the last piece of clothing I had on either side and yanked down my thongs in one swift movement.
“Take off your shoes” he whispered hoarsely while taking my hand and helping me step out of my underwear and heels.
Sebastian pushed me gently onto the bed. He towered over me still wearing his undone trousers and trunk briefs. I watched him like a hawk as he slipped out of his pants first and then freed himself from his briefs. My breathing hitchhiked infinitesimally seeing him gloriously naked. I parted my legs as my opposite kneeled on the edge of the bed. His hands caressed my thighs before he trailed kisses along the inside and up to my navel.
“You smell divine Kaity” he murmured while kissing his way up between both my breast and reaching my lips. “Let’s see whether you are ready.”
With this he inserted first one then two finger into me making me moan in pure desire.
“You are so ready” he smiled against my lips.
“Please… Sebastian” I pleaded not able to wait anymore.
“As you wish, Doc” he kissed me. “Move up a bit.”
I did as instructed in light speed making my boyfriend laugh at my eagerness. Sebastian positioned himself between my legs guiding first only the tip of his erection slightly into me, before gliding his entire length inside, making me cry out and filling me entirely. He held a steady and deliciously slow rhythm allowing me to savor every single bit. I wrapped both my arms around his neck while my legs curled around his waist and with every stroke Sebastian picked up his pouncing. I felt my orgasm build up with every welcome thump and slowly reach my limit.
“Sebastian” I breathed heavily.
“Not yet” he greeted through his teeth.
I bore my nails into his shoulder blades.
“I can’t hold it anymore.”
“Come!” the Benz growled after three more hard strokes.
At his command I shattered completely beneath him, crying out his name. At the same time I felt his warm liquid shoot out inside me before Sebastian slumped on top of me. Out breathing was ragged as our sweaty bodies clung to each other.
“I love you” I heard him whisper into my ear.
Catching my breath I replied: “I love you, Sebastian.”
"Sir? The seats need to be kept upright when taking off and landing. Is your companion's seat belt fastened?"
"I'll wake her up right away."
I felt something or rather someone pinch me lightly in my cheek.
"Mmmh" I yawned opening my eyes slowly.
"We are about to land, lazy bum" my boyfriend's voice reached my ears.
I rubbed off the remaining sleep from my eyes and sat up straight.
"What? We have already reached?" my drowsiness was slowly vanishing, while the former excitement took over.
"Surprised?" he mockingly asked.
"You bet" I replied equally cheeky.
"Fasten your seat belt or that flight attendant is going to despair" Sebastian told me.
The young Benz and I were seated in the business class of our overseas flight heading to my hometown for Christmas. I hadn't seen my parents in nearly a year and therefor decided on spending my Christmas vacation back home. Of course, the very fact that Sebastian and I had been dating now for around six months meant that I wanted him to accompany me and meet my family. To my amusement, this had made the otherwise so overly calm, stoic and cocky Benz nervous. I chuckled recalling his surprised and terrified face while the air hostess went by our seats, checking whether I had buckled my belt at last.
"What's so funny?" he asked frowning.
"I am just so excited to see all of them again" I smiled.
"Hn" the young Benz settled back to scowling at the seat in front of him.
I took his comparatively large hand into mine and squeezed it, smiling reassuringly: "No need to be nervous."
"Who said I am nervous?" Sebastian asked dryly.
"Fine, then just relax" I leaned back in my seat looking out the window and seeing tiny houses passing by us, while I absentmindedly played with my boyfriend's hand.
Nostalgia arose in me.
"Did you miss all of this?" he asked gently.
I nodded once: "Yeah, I did."
My dad had moved here before I was born, believing to have a well-paid job in prospect. Mom and I joined him when I turned four. Times had been hard on the entire family, as matters concerning money had been tight, especially after my brother was born two years later. But somehow my parents were able to keep us above water, never denying their children anything. I eventually started different part-time jobs, including giving tuitions, waitressing and helping in laboratories as temporary worker. I always had one goal in life: I would make something out of myself and repay my parents, no matter what it took. Till today I can't explain whether it had been luck or fate, but during university I met a professor in my field who came to like my work. He was the professor who supported and promoted my research over the entire time and who had convinced the faculty in the very hospital I now worked for to employ me.The aircraft landed, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Dear passengers, we thank you for choosing..." nobody actually listened to the announcement, but rather got ready to head out of the plane.
"Shall we?" Sebastian held out his hand as he was already standing in the aisle.
I smiled and thankfully took it. Yes, nobody can tell me whether it was luck or fate that led me to exactly that hospital where Ian was transferred. The very hospital I met this man, who cherishes and loves me without any doubt. Who would have thought? We walked to the conveyor belt wanting to claim our luggage.
"That's mine!" I squealed pointing at the grey hard-cover suitcase.
The Benz dragged it off the rotating belt.
"I can see yours!"
Sebastian smirked shaking his head: "Sometimes you can be worse than a five-year old, you know that?"
While saying that he drew his suitcase off the belt. Taking my hand in his and his suitcase in the other, Sebastian led us out of the restricted area, while I somehow managed to pull my luggage behind me. We walked through the automatic glass doors just to be greeted by a wave of people waiting for their loved ones. My eyes wondered through the crowd before spotting a tall man with wavy dark brown hair, highlighted by a few grey streaks here and there. His greenish-grey eyes found me making him flash his brightest smile.
"Let's go, Sebastian" I excitedly dragged my boyfriend.
We hurriedly walked past a few people before I let go of my companion's hand and instead spread my hands awaiting a slender and short woman with cropped dark brown hair run into me.
"Kaite" she called while rapping her arms around me tightly.
"Mom!" I exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh!" she let go to inspect every inch of my face, while cupping it gently. "Child, you look poorly."
I rolled my eyes at my mother, expecting something like this: "Really mom? We meet after one year and that's all you say?"
Her dark brown eyes shone as brightly as the smile she presented. She let go of me and made way for my father, who had watched silently grinning.
"You haven't grown, babes" he commented while hugging me.
"As observant as ever, dad" I chuckled.
"Oh, mom, dad?"I turned around pulling Sebastian to my side, seeing my parents standing next to each other happily and contently from the corner of my eye.
"Mom, dad, this is Sebastian Benz" I introduced peeking from around his back. "And these are my parents, Mariam and Stefan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Noakes" the young Benz formally greeted my parents.
"Oh please, Sebastian" my mother waved him off smiling widely, "no need to be so formal."
"Get used to it, mom" I laughed, "that's how the Benz roll."
"Really?" she asked seriously making my father and me grin even wider.
"Let's move this conversation to a more comfortable place" dad suggested pulling my suitcase behind him.
"Oh, and Sebastian?" he turned to face my boyfriend. "Welcome and nice to meet you."
This was the first time the Benz smiled after leaving the plane: "Thank you."
We walked to where dad had parked the car and loaded our luggage into the trunk before driving off to my old home.
After reaching the house Sebastian and I had first unpacked in my old room and showered. My mom had already prepared dinner before coming to pick us up and only needed to warm everything. I enjoyed my bath after the tiring eleven-hour flight and joined my dad and boyfriend who were already sipping a red wine while talking about sports in the living room. A huge Christmas tree was put up in the far corner of the room. It hadn't been decorated, yet. They simultaneously looked in my direction as I entered the room, towel in hand and hair dripping wet.
"How often-"
"Babes, your-" they both started.
I giggled at their synchronicity: "Who would have thought a glass of wine and my bad habit of not drying my hair was enough to bond the both of you."
Dad laughed wholeheartedly while Sebastian smiled shaking his head.
"But seriously, babes. You need to wipe that hair of yours" my father reprimanded.
"Come here" my boyfriend called. "Sit down there and hand me your towel."
Chuckling I did as I was told. The young Benz was used to drying my hair, as I never cared doing so myself.
"Food is ready!" we heard my mom shout from the kitchen.
I stood up in a split second leaving the two men in surprise and walked to where my mother was: "Need help, mom?"
She nodded: "Get the plates and silverware and lay the table. After finishing that take the food out."
Her ordering me around reminded me of all the old days we spent in the same manner while I set the table in our dining room.
"Do your boyfriend and father need an extra invitation?" she wanted to know rather irritated from the kitchen.
"Coming" I heard my dad call. "Get used to this, Sebastian. She always gets all bossy when in the kitchen."
"Right, but just observe her mood change when she brings in the food" both, my dad and I expectantly waited for her to enter.
Sebastian took his seat opposite me and followed our line of gaze. My mother entered with a scowl on her beautiful face while carrying the last two dishes in. This expression changed in a split second though, right after she put down the food and sat across my father. Her eyes brightened up and the corners of her lips lifted. Dad and I couldn't hold back our laughter and Sebastian eventually joined in. Mom sat there not quite understanding what was going on.
"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.
"Nothing, nothing" my father appeased, trying to pull himself together. "Let's eat!"
Dinner went by peacefully. Both my parents got along well with Sebastian and vice versa. Of course, my mom decided on getting out old photo albums showing my boyfriend embarrassing shots from my childhood. Only now did I understand how the young Benz felt when his mother had done the same thing.
"When's Kane reaching?" I finally asked, trying to distract the three from the photos of my really agonizing puberty.
"He said he would arrive by eight tomorrow morning" dad informed me while my dear mother and boyfriend were engrossed in my old memoirs.
Kane Noakes is my four-year younger brother who decided on visiting a technical university abroad. The only way he was able to afford to stay in a foreign country was through a scholarship.
"He wants us to meet his new girlfriend" mom looked up from the album.
"New?" I arched a brow. "Isn't it still Kia?"
"Not anymore" my mother shook her head.
I sighed: "Can't blame him, though. She was quite arrogant."
"Well, it's his own fault for going out with such a person" mother exasperatedly exclaimed.
"Well, my brother has some history concerning girls" I explained to Sebastian.
"Let's see what he reeled in this time" mom sighed.
"What's the plan for tomorrow, anyways?" I changed the subject.
"Stefan and I are going to drive to the airport first thing in the morning. I think I'll need to do some grocery shopping, too" she said after giving it a thought.
"I'll accompany you shopping, mom" I offered. "Sebastian, dad, Kane and Ms. new girlfriend can start decorating the Christmas tree and put up the other buntings."
I checked with the two males who only nodded and smiled. It had turned ten-thirty when the Benz involuntarily yawned.
"You two must be tired" my father assumed.
"Why don't we retire for today?"None of us objected.I switched off my room light after Sebastian turned on my bedside lamp and jumped into our bed.
"So?" I finally asked.
"So what?" my boyfriend mumbled while pulling me towards him.
"Oh, c'mon. You know what I mean" I was getting impatient.
"You know," he started, burying his face in my nape, "you really are an elementary school kid, sometimes."
I rolled my eyes, turning around to face him: "That's not what I want to hear."
His eyes shut slowly, but that shameless smirk did not leave his beautiful face.
"I like your parents, shorty" he teased me. "Your mom and dad are great. Both of them are so warm-hearted and open. Just one glance is enough to see how much they love you."
I pecked his lips lightly smiling: "Thank you, Sebastian."
"What for?" he asked.
"For everything. You went along with all the stuff and-"
"Shut up" I was cut off by his kiss.
"No, I really mean it" I continued when our lips parted. "I'm sorry. After all, I do know how important it is for you to spend these special occasions with your family and-"
"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" he sighed opening his deep and overwhelming eyes. "You are right, my family is important. But there's something or rather someone else who means the world to me."
I tried averting my eyes, but he gruffly gripped my chin forcing me to look into his blue orbs.
"Let me make this clear to you: I love you. What is important to you, is important to me. I can only imagine how much you missed your parents and brother, even your hometown. There is no reason for you to thank me or apologize, you get that? I love you and want to see you happy. Get that through your thick skull, Doc."
My eyes had grown wide by every word Sebastian had said.
"Don't look at me like that, shorty" he smiled.
"I'm... I'm" I stuttered. "I don't know, what to say."
He caressed my cheek: "What about telling me you love me, too?"
I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling his face close to mine: "I love you, Sebastian. I really love you."
With this I gently pressed my lips onto his, while a lone tear trickled down my face.
-DING DONG- the doorbell rang. I walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron, as I was getting the breakfast ready.
-DING DONG- it rang again.
"Gosh, I'm coming" I shouted through the hallway leading to the main entrance.
Upon opening the door, my dear brother, grinning widely spread his long arms, ready to crush me. My mentor and friend Gin reminded me so much of Kane!
"Did you shrink even more, short stuff?" he greeted me as usual.
"That's how you greet you older sister?" I playfully asked while hugging him tightly.
I guess, he did grow.
"Now that you mention old, you have become and old hag" he laughed.
I pinched his cheek forcefully: "Shut up!"
Sebastian stood behind me observing our word exchange amused.
"Kane, this is Sebastian Benz" I introduced, still standing at the doorstep. "And this, Sebastian, is my good-for-nothing brother, Kane."
The Benz approached us extending his hand towards my brother: "Nice to meet you, Kane."
"Same here, man. So you two are..." he waved his hand between Sebastian and me.
My beloved boyfriend smirked and waited for Kane to finish his sentence, enjoying my brother's lack of words.
"Yes, we are" he finally redeemed Kane from his awkwardness, making him grin goofily.
"Good catch, sis" he tackily let me know. "Let me introduce you guys to my girl! This is Tessa, the love of my life."
"Kane!" she reprimanded, slapping his arm playfully.
"What? I'm just stating the facts here" my brother defended himself, rubbing the very spot she had hit.
"Hi, Tessa" I smiled towards her. "Don't mind that idiot. Come in."
"Thank you" she followed the invitation.
I shook my head: "He didn't even introduce us properly. Let me take over, then. I'm that moron's sister, Kaitlynn and this is Sebastian, my boyfriend."
"Hi!" she shook both our hands. "Kane told me so much about you! I'm so excited to spend Christmas with all of you."
I chuckled. She surely is a nice girl.
"Kane and Sebastian?" I called both of them. "Get the luggage from the car and bring it up. Mom and dad, wash your hands and sit down for breakfast. And Tessa, would you want to freshen up before having breakfast?"
"Um, would it be okay, if I used your wash room?" my brother's girlfriend timidly asked.
"Sure" I nodded.
My father laughed out loud: "Just returned and already taking over the house."
"Wasn't she always a little dwarf ordering everyone around?" brother remarked.
I punched him in the side: "Move it. You too, Sebastian!"
"Man, I'm sorry she is such a mean shorty" Kane whispered to the Benz.
He on the other hand simply smirked and replied: "Don't worry, she's not always like this."
Both of them chuckled and went to get the luggage.Ten minutes later everyone settled in their seats and enjoyed the breakfast.
"That's way too much, mom!" I tried stopping my mother from buying the entire supermarket.
As I had suggested yesterday, the three men and Tessa had stayed at home, planning on decorating the Christmas tree.
"But are you sure it's going to be enough?" mom skeptically asked.
I pulled the third pineapple from her hand and put it back: "Trust me, it's more than enough."
Somehow I was able to usher her out with four shopping bags. The supermarket was about five minutes away from our house, so mom had insisted on walking. I had bought both of us a Popsicle for the way and so we decided to stop by a small playground. We each sat on a vacant swing.
"These Popsicles haven't changed" my mother stated happily.
"Mmmh" I was too busy licking mine.
"I'm happy, Kaite" she gazed at the blue sky. "I am really happy for you."
"What's wrong, mom?" I asked concerned, noticing a note of sadness swinging by.
"Neither Stefan nor I imagined to see you this happy again. To see your genuine smile again around a man."
I stopped sucking on my Popsicle, sensing where this was going.
"Sebastian is a good person and he is able to make you happy. I can see how much he adores, respects and loves you. Every parent wishes for someone like him to stand by their child's side. Especially, after what you have gone through."
"Mom" I murmured starring at the sand under my feet.
"We were never able to take away that pain of losing someone from you, Kaite. But Sebastian has, hasn't he?"
I couldn't respond, but kept on looking at every grain of sand.
"I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted it any other way, but for you to be happy. After all, Kiran was such a person."
It remained silent for a while.
"You should visit his grave" my mother said, smiling sadly. "He surely misses you."
"I will" I inhaled deeply.
"Are you planning on taking Sebastian, too?" my mother inquired.
I took a while to answer: "Yes."
"Then we should head back now."
We walked home, while my mother kept on talking the entire time. I could feel a tight knot in my chest.
One day before Christmas Eve I finally came to the conclusion that the time had come. Sebastian had the right to learn about my past and what I had done.
After breakfast I requested: "Sebastian? Would you accompany me today? I want you to meet someone."
He rose a brow questioningly: "Sure. Who are we going to meet?"
"You'll see" was all I answered before we both dressed up and left the house.
Thick and dark clouds covered the sky completely on this day. The temperature had quickly fallen to around 40°F. My boyfriend followed me silently as we walked to the closest bus stop.
"The bus?" he asked.
I nodded in reply before getting on the vehicle.
"The fourth stop is ours" I informed him while gazing out the window, trying to avoid his eyes.
"Kaity?" my boyfriend addressed me noticing my quiet demeanor. "What's going on? You've been on edge for a while now."
"Don't worry" I simply shook my head.
The Benz held my hand concerned, but decided on not questioning me any further. After a twenty-minute drive our bus stop arrived.
"Where are we?" my companion wondered.
We got off the bus and stood in front of a high stonewall covered by moose every now and then. Tall trees jutted out from behind the wall.
"Is this-?" before Sebastian could ask any further I pulled his hand, signaling him to follow me.
We walked for a bit before stopping in front of a massive black iron gate. A lone raven ominously crowed nearby. I pushed the wrought iron gate slightly making it creak heavily. Before us lay endless rows of inscribed gravestones. Some were decorated with fresh flowers, while others weren't being maintained. I determinedly headed for a marble gravestone at the very end of the cemetery, Sebastian following my every step wordlessly. I finally halted at the engraved inscription on the rich stone which read:
Kiran Hall
Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and never forget
"Sebastian?" I finally spoke after a long time. "This is the person I want you to meet."
I crouched in front of the grave.
"Hi Kiran. I brought along a special person today... Kiran was my next-door neighbor" I felt a lump slowly rise in my throat, as I explained. "When I first moved here, he was the first one to befriend me. Our fathers knew each other from work."
Sebastian listened quietly.
"I was quite the crybaby at that time" I smiled sadly recalling my old memories. "He would always come over to our place and cheer me up, though. I remember returning all muddy and with little cuts and bruises from kindergarten one day. Kiran had hurried over and wanted to know what had happened to me. While choking on my own tears I had explained that some boy had pushed me off the swing, calling me all kinds of names. On the next day he had accompanied me to the kindergarten and scolded that same boy. Kiran had forced him to apologize to me."
I felt a strong hand on my shoulder as tears ran down my face.
"Kiran would always come to my rescue, no matter when, where or why. He was someone I could always rely on. And that is exactly why he died."
The birds sang an unmelodious song in the background.
"He died because he came to rescue me. He died because I was such a crybaby, because I wasn't able to take care of myself. If it weren't for me, he would've still been alive" I bitterly exclaimed clasping my hands in front of my face as I couldn't stop my tears from flowing down.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly.
"He died because of me, Sebastian. The first and best friend I had, died because of ME!"
The Benz held me, his eyes never leaving the gravestone.
"What exactly happened?" he finally asked with a monotone voice.
All the feelings I had locked away this entire time rushed back, while I thought back about that painful day eleven years ago.
"Tell me what happened" Sebastian faintly whispered.
It took me some time to sort out my thoughts and feelings. I had never spoken to anyone about this. While waiting for me to speak the young Benz gently caressed my hair. "You don't need to be afraid, Kaity. Whatever it is, I will stay right here by your side and listen."
I looked at his beautiful face incredulously, shaking my head: "Don't say that. I don't deserve those words, Sebastian."
His brows furrowed in disdain.
"Kiran died eleven years ago" I started feeling my tears run down my face all over again. "I had a petty fight with my mother and ran out of the house. I was furious because she wouldn't allow me to accompany a friend to some party."
I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see those images of that dreadful day.
"I precipitately left the house in the evening and took off to the riverbank, cursing and crying angrily. Without even realizing, it had turned night. The entire town was painted pitch black, a sparse bulb offering a glimpse of light here and there."
My throat felt dry with every word I spoke, recalling all my old memories.
"I somehow made it to the main road when I suddenly heard Kiran's voice call my name from across the street. I felt so relieved to hear and faintly see him, I ran towards his voice not caring to check for cars or any of that sort."
I paused feeling my breath quicken.
"Only after reaching halfway across the broad road did I notice someone honking vigorously. I froze right in place seeing two bright flashlights from the side filling my vision. It all happened so fast."
I retraced the sides of the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger, while my eyes remained shut.
"It was too late for the driver to break. I wasn't able to react at all. The only thing I could think of at that time was that the truck would hit me. It would hit me hard and I would dye. I closed my eyes anticipating what would happen."
I caught the sight of Sebastian's eyes growing wide as he listened.
"I was hit and fell to the ground. I was hit, no doubt, but to my surprise it felt nothing like what I had imagined. There was no pain what so ever. I thought that maybe I had died so fast, that's why I didn't feel anything, but a slight push. Just then did realization dawn upon me and I snapped my eyes open. And there he was lying, his lower body under the truck. Only his head was looking out from under the heavy vehicle. Although it had been so dark the entire time, I could see clearly now. A dark red liquid was spreading out under Kiran's head."
"Kaity, you don't need to go on" he stroked my face.
"Kiran didn't dye there, Sebastian" I feebly choked out lifting my lead-like eyelids.
"He didn't?" he was obviously surprised.
"The truck driver called for an ambulance and Kiran was brought to the hospital. They operated right away. It took the doctors nearly six hours to finally get him out of the red. My parents had arrived at the hospital, as Kiran's father had died two years ago. Days upon days passed, but he didn't awaken. Months flew by, but not even once did Kiran return. The doctors gave up on him after half a year. His brain surgeon declared him brain-dead after eight months. He said, that the neurons in Kiran's brain were slowly dying and not able to regenerate or uphold any of the organ's functions."
The young Benz's eyes grew huge, as he understood: "Ian... the doctor had diagnosed the same for Ian."
"I wanted to repent for my sins, Sebastian. I wanted to be able to save someone at least once. I wasn't able to do anything for Kiran and I had sworn to myself I would atone for my uselessness in the past. I know that I will never be forgiven for causing his death, but I am ready to face whatever hardship may be thrown towards me. That is always going to be my priority, Sebastian."
I looked him directly in the eyes for the first time in a while.
"Can you still confidently say that you will remain by my side, Sebastian? After hearing this and understanding what kind of a person I actually am, are you still able to firmly assure me, that you can or even want to stay beside me?"
The Benz's glance didn't falter even once, instead grew darker.
"Are you done?" he finally asked, a dangerous undertone swinging by, making me swallow. "Even if you aren't, I don't care, 'cause whatever you might utter now is nothing but trash, anyways."
My eyes grew large at his words.
"I want you to listen to me now. You think you can simply tell me that you love me one day and suddenly spring me with such nonsense the other day? You think I'm going to accept your crappy assessment of this situation and about yourself, just because you told me to? You think that I'm that kind of person to simply change my mind? Well, sorry to disappoint you Kaitlynn, but you cannot and are not allowed to push me away from you. If you really wanted to get rid of me, you should've done so before making me fall deeply in love with you."
I had envisioned many outcomes, but nothing like this.
"I have said this before, but let me repeat it once more. I love you, damn it. You might be a great and brilliant scientist, but right now you are acting like a total moron!" Sebastian's voice had grown louder and angrier. "How can you even dare to claim, you killed Kiran? Are you an idiot? That guy saved you, goddamn! Do you think this is how he would've wanted you to spend your life after he gave HIS life to save you? Kaity, I can't believe you're making me say this, but he LOVED you!"
To say that I was surprised would be an utter understatement.
"Kiran knew what would happen when he pushed you out of the way" he continued while focusing his eyes on the gravestone. "But still he chose to save you. He was well aware that he could dye. Nevertheless he chose to save your life and enable YOU to live on. And is this how you want to thank him? By blaming yourself and by giving every source of happiness a wide berth, is that how you plan on making him happy?"
There was nothing left of the gentle, but stoic Sebastian. His beautiful blue eyes were filled with despise. "Tell me, Kaitlynn, did you really know and understand him that well?"
I was taken aback: "What... what do you mean by that."
The young Benz kneeled in front of me, gripping my chin roughly.
"You claim, he was your best friend, that you guys were family. But did you know that he loved you, that he wanted nothing but YOUR happiness?"
He let go and stood up, pacing around Kiran's grave. Kiran loved me?
"He was my best friend, so in that sense I loved him, too" I looked at the inscribed words.
"Tsk" he briskly spat back. "That guy was an idiot for loving and saving you."
I felt hot tears well up in my eyes, but tried suppressing them, before standing up confidently and stepping in Sebastian's path.
"Love, love, LOVE! What the hell are you blabbering about?" he had angered me. "You have been going on and on about Kiran loving me, but haven't even answered my question, yet."
My opposite looked at me firmly for a short moment.
"I don't get you" he sighed. "Why don't you just openly say that you... that... you..."
"That I what?" I was losing my cool and patience. "Why aren't YOU just openly telling me that you don't want to stay by my side anymore? That would be the only right thing!"
He raised a brow questioningly: "You want me to leave you? And why would that be the only right thing to do?"
Totally flabbergasted I couldn't believe what I just heard: "Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even listen to when I poured my heart out to you? Didn't I tell you that I KILLED someone? Didn't I just say that my first priority will always be to atone for my sins?"
Contrary to any expectations and common sense Sebastian closed the distance between us, roughly grabbing my hand and yanking me towards him. His soft lips forcefully pressed onto mine. There was no way for me to break free. He held my wrist so tight, it hurt, while his free hand held my head in place.
"Listen," he abruptly broke the kiss, "YOU did NOT kill Kiran. Kiran would've never saved you, if he didn't want you to live a happy life. A life without regrets, without atonement. You think that you are being selfish and ruthless, that you are only thinking about yourself and setting your priorities for your sake, but that's not what you are doing. You are the exact opposite. The Kaitlynn I have come to know and love is selfless and considerate, she thinks about everyone else first. She puts everyone before herself. This is the Kaitlynn Noakes who spent hours and hours, so many sleepless nights and took a load of shit from others to save Ian's life. The Kaitlynn I know cried when her patient awakened from his coma, never giving up on him, although all the others did. Do you call this egoistic?"
Sebastian's forehead leaned against mine. His eyes were closed.
"But, Sebastian" I whispered.
"No," he forcefully stopped me, "I'm not done. Karin told me what you did for her, Kaity. Why don't you allow me to repay you for all your kindness? Why won't you allow the people around you to be there for you and take care of you? Only now do I understand why your parents thanked me the other day. You are not the monster you describe yourself as, but the gentle, loving, caring and kind Kaitlynn. I am not going to leave your side and want you to stay by mine, as well."
He let go of my wrist and both his hands wandered to either side of my face. His loving gaze had reappeared.
"I didn't want to do this in such a manner, but right now it doesn't matter" he murmured. "Kaity? Will you stay by my side?"
He waited for my answer patiently, wiping away the tiny droplets running down from the corners of my eyes.
"You really want ME? You won't simply disappear on me like Kiran did?" I managed to choke out somehow.
Sebastian kissed my forehead and nodded: "Yes, I want you and no, I won't ever disappear from your side."
I slung my arms around his neck: "Sebastian."
"I love you, Kaity" he whispered into my ear. "Marry me."
Publication Date: 10-20-2014
All Rights Reserved