I could feel it. Feel my cheek once again and the hand shaped bruise that was appearing on my cheek. Finger by finger. The hatred burned through me, as well as anger and my stupidity. Had I really just given into her again? Had I really allowed her to hurt me once again? I had repeatedly promised myself that I would never back down to her again but as I felt the sting of pain as the hand emerged on my cheek, I knew that she would never give in and I would always have my mum to hurt me. She would treat me like pieces of dirt on her always perfect face.
My mum had once again slapped me straight across my face and she had left me bleeding and bruising. I was once more sat in the corner of the filthy basement situated deep below my house. However, I knew what my mother was and would always be, and thus unfortunately knew what I would soon become. I knew it would happen to me sooner or later.
My mother just could not help herself. Because of her condition. She just had to see and smell it everyday of her perfect life and I knew she would absolutely anything to get what she wanted. Including hurting me – her only child.
“It's not her fault,” he would never stop saying when he saw the bruises and the blood. “It's our heritage.” He would say, explaining repeatedly how the condition worked, how it would change the lives of the bearers and how it would impact on my life.
“The gene runs in that family,” he would say, always defending and never fearing my safety. “You need to be prepared for what is to come.” But what had I done to my parents to make them want to have a child? What had possessed them to create me one evening when they could have stopped the gene once and for all. And what had I ever done to my mother to focus her anger and hatred on me?
The third generation would always be special they told me and it had to be me. The third and only one of me.
I know I cannot change the unbreakable past however I can try to change it. I can try and correct the anomaly’s in the life plan but I know that I will never manage it.
The day would come, and they knew it. He would come to me in a place I could call home and change my life by doing unimaginable things to me. Taking me away from everything and everyone. But I know what was coming. I had read the journals that my great grandfather had created and I knew what the pain would feel like.
Just like my mother hitting me all these years.
I would always dread this day to come in the now near future and the books had said that I would leave and I couldn't bare to leave my school and my friends. My family would be easy to leave but not him. The person I thought I would love for the rest of my human life.
When Lucy got up that morning she had no idea of what could and would happen in that day to come. She had just gotten out of her bedroom and went into the bathroom to start smearing her face with foundation and concealer when her mother entered much to Lucy’s surprise.
“Sorry darling” her mother said then walked out the room. Lucy was in a state of shock and she nearly dropped the huge pot of foundation on the floor to run all over the carpet. She caught herself just in time to bend and grab the pot before it hit the floor.
That was the first time her mother had said sorry to Lucy in her life. That had seriously freaked Lucy out just like the first time her dad had mentioned her mother’s condition and what would happen to her in couple of years time. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Her mother apologizing, that just wasn’t right.
She kept on thinking these things while she finished putting the foundation on her face and got dressed to go to school. She had just finished when her dad came into her room and sat on Lucy’s bed. “What do you want dad?” Lucy couldn’t stop herself from saying. She clapped her hands over her mouth and looked apologetically at her dad but still waiting for an answer. He didn’t answer. “Dad?” He still didn’t answer and Lucy was starting to get really worried. He looked up at her, looked around her room, looked at her again and then stood up and walked out.
Lucy was getting seriously worried about her family. As she went to get her bag up from the floor, she noticed a piece of paper on her bed where her dad was only seconds before. She picked it up and unfolded it. It was a picture, a picture of a boy.
He looked like he was in his late teens, maybe twenty. He had blonde hair that was flicked over his face. It looked like he was a rock star. “Why is my dad leaving pictures of rock stars on my bed?” Lucy thought with intent but then she studied the picture more carefully. His skin was too pale and it looked like he was wearing make-up because she could see markings on his skin showing through the foundation.
She didn’t understand it then but when she looked back on it she knew her dad must have been trying to tell her something that morning.
She picked up the picture and stuffed it into her blazer pocket and ran out of her room with her back on her shoulder. She ran down the stairs to try and catch her dad before he went to work but by the time she got down the stairs, he was already zooming off in his car to the office. Her mother was sat in the kitchen with a mate of hers. She was staring at me with such intent in her eyes that it was disturbing. Lucy had to look away it was so freaky.
As she got to the front door and opened it her mother shouted to her. “I’m really sorry darling. Love you!” Now that was disturbing. She actually said that she loved me and once again, she had never said that to me in her life before. Lucy ran out the door before things could get any weirder.
As Lucy arrived at school her friends all came to her laughing and giggling. She didn’t want to know what they were laughing about but she thought that they told her anyway but she didn’t care. All Lucy wanted was to see Tom and tell him everything that had happened this morning. But she couldn’t because she was trapped between all of her friends. She could see him and he could see her but she couldn’t focus on him cause of the person standing next to him.
It was the boy in the picture that her dad had left her. As she looked at him she saw a bracelet glimmering on his wrist in the sunlight. Lucy knew that there was writing on it but she could read any of it apart from a big letter “T”. And that was when she knew. Today was the sacred day in her life when she was going to be turned. She knew that that boy was the Turner. She knew that her mother and father had seen it coming. That’s why her mother was being so nice to Lucy that morning.
“No. Please no. Not today.” She said. Her friends dispatched themselves from her and thinned out into the playground around them. The Turner started to walk towards her slowly giving her opportunity to run but she knew it wouldn’t help. She knew she just had to face up to facts and today was the day.
As the Turner reached her Tom stepped out from his friends and walked toward her oblivious of knowledge of what to do. “No! Please no. Not today. Please.” Lucy shouted even though she knew it wouldn’t help her cause. The whole playground stopped what they were doing to look at the cause of the shouting,
“You know what today is. Yes?” The Turner said in a calm voice. Everyone flicked their attention from him to Lucy. Staring at like she was a madman. “I know what today is. Yes.” Lucy replied trying to stay calm. She failed miserably though because as soon as she said it she burst into tears. As soon as she started to cry Tom was behind her pulling her into his embrace.
“Can’t you see your upsetting her? I don’t know who you are but get away from my girl.” Tom shouted at the Turner. The Turner looked from Lucy to Tom and then replied in calm and collected voice.
“Yes I know I’m upsetting her but I can’t get away from “your” girl. I have to turn her and she knows that.” The Turner looked straight into the eyes of Lucy before anyone could protest or protect her. Pain seared through her head as she dropped out of Tom’s embrace and onto the floor. She could tell that everyone was trying to get away from her but she didn’t care, she just wanted the pain to stop.
Lucy could feel Tom holding her upright seeing if she had hurt herself. He was talking to her trying to get to her talk but she knew she couldn’t. She heard a thump and Tom’s hands slipping away from mine. She also her a loud crack on the floor like a body falling onto concrete. Just then the pain subsided. She opened her eyes to see the Turner looking straight at her. He bent down and touched her face.
Just as suddenly as the pain had stopped, the pain started again but this time she couldn’t stop herself. She screamed in agony and started crying again. Someone picked her up and she knew it wasn’t Tom because his hands were bigger than the ones carrying her. She tried to move out of their firm grip but every time she tried to move, the pain got worse. Eventually she stopped struggling and the pain got a bit better.
She was getting put down on the floor. A cold stone floor and then she knew she was in the school hall. She heard a lock click and then a thumping on it. She knew that it was Tom trying to get to her. She wanted him and he was the only one she wanted with her right now. She wanted to hold his hand and have him take her away from the Turner and away from anyone. But she knew that was impossible.
“How are you feeling?” The Turner asked calmly. How did he think she was feeling? Fine and dandy after all that pain he had just inflicted on her? She didn’t think so.
“How do you think I’m feeling after all that pain?” Lucy tried to shout but came out as a whisper.
“You know how this is going to go right? Your dad told you about me yeah?” The Turner said but before I could answer he put his hand over my mouth and took off his Turner bracelet and put it on her cheek. As she suspected, it was excruciatingly painful. The bracelet was white hot and she could feel her cheek melting against the silver bracelet. Then the pain all increased and got way worse. She realized that the silver bracelet was back on the Turners wrist but her cheek was still a mess. She worked out that it was sewing itself back together.
The pain weakened and Lucy sat up and opened her eyes. By now she had stopped screaming but the thumping on the door had increased. She could hear Tom screaming her name and she knew she must have been screaming really loudly to let it through the otherwise sound proof door. As she looked up to try and see the Turner a mirror was shoved in front of her face. She tried not to look but she couldn’t stop herself.
As Lucy looked in the mirror and looked at her cheek the Turner looked away from her as if looking at her was painful. She looked closely at the cheek the Turner had put the bracelet. She expected to see a mush of flesh, blood and skin but she was nicely surprised. There was a pitch black and shiny white tattoo on her cheek. The design was amazing. It had lots of swirls, dots and a bit of Latin writing entwined in each other making an intricate and beautiful design. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It changed her face completely. It looked pale against the black but bright against the white. All of her bruises from where her mother had hit her where completely gone.
“Are you in any pain Lucy?” the Turner said like he was genuinely worried about her and he hadn’t just inflicted near death pain on her.
“All the pain has gone. What have you done to me?” Lucy replied in awe of what she now looked like.
“I have changed you. You are now a Vampire Lucy.”
The Turner tried to act as if nothing had happened but he couldn’t stop looking at Lucy. He knew from that moment he knew he had done the right thing and he knew that he loved her.
“No! That’s not true. Please say it’s not true,” Lucy screamed at the top of her voice. “Why today? Why at all? Please say it’s not true.” She started sobbing and scratching at her cheek trying to get the tattoo off. Now she knew what it meant, what it symbolized, she didn’t think it was beautiful. She thought it was disgusting and horrible. How could she ever have thought it was beautiful?
While she was sobbing on the floor Tom had been let in and ran over to her. He pulled her into a warm embrace and then pulled away. Kissing her he whispered “I thought you were dead. What did he do to you?” He hadn’t noticed the tattoo which meant she could still be with him. She just had to cover it up. Like a bruise on her face so no-one would know.
As soon as he stopped kissing her she grabbed some of her black, long hair and flung it over her cheek. Tom, thankfully, had looked away from her and stared straight at the Turner who was still staring in awe at Lucy.
“What did you do to my girl? What did you do to Lucy?” Tom shouted at him wanting an answer.
“I helped her in ways you would not understand human.” The Turner sneered back at him not wanting to shout at the person he loved cared about.
“What does that mean?” Tom said back to him looking from Lucy to the Turner. He did a double take and looked back to Lucy. “What’s that on your cheek Lucy?” genuinely worried.
“Nothing.” Lucy said slapping her hand to her cheek so that Tom wouldn’t see it. But she was too late. He was already striding over to her and inspecting her cheek.
“She’s a Vampire now, “the Turner said, still looking at Lucy. “I helped her to be a Vampire. She doesn’t need you any more”
“No. I’m not one of those things.” Shouting at the Turner then turning to Tom. “Can you help me up?”
He helped her up off the stone cold floor and into his arms. As soon as she was into his embrace she started kissing him. He kissed her back and she felt loving, caring and worry in his kiss and pulled back from him. Pulled him into her embrace and held his hand.
“I’m not dead. I’m fine. I just need a lie down. Will you help me home?” She tried to say as calmly as possible in her condition. He nodded silently and put his arm around her and began to walk out of the room.
“You know I’m right Lucy. There is no turning back now. You’ll know where to go soon enough.” The Turner said dryly as he started losing the love of his life.
Both Lucy and Tom ignored the Turner and walked straight out of the school hall. Lucy realized that her tattoo was on full display and flicked her hair back over it.
As Tom and Lucy got back to her house, her mother was waiting for her outside. She ran up to her and took over from Tom. He still followed Lucy though because he wanted to know the truth about what had happened in the school hall. The person Lucy was with said she was a Vampire but he couldn’t believe that would happen to his girl and even if she a Vampire, he would still love her.
By the time Tom had got back to his senses, they were all in Lucy’s bedroom and her mother was lying Lucy down on her bed. She left the room straight away and left Tom and Lucy alone.
“What happened in there? Why were you screaming? What did he do to you?” Tom asked as soon as her mother was out the door. “Come on Lucy. Tell me what happened.”
“OK I’ll tell you but you’re going to freak Tom. You won’t love me any more I know you won’t.” Lucy said nearly bursting into tears but just holding herself back.
“That boy. He is called the Turner. He is a Vampire. When he looked straight into my eyes, the process started and so did the pain. He took me away from everyone so no-one would see the pain I was going through and what he was doing to me. His silver bracelet. He took it off and rested on my cheek. My skin melted against the silver. That’s why I was screaming. After my cheek was burnt through, he took the silver off my cheek and this is what I found.” She moved her hair and showed Tom her tattoo. He just sat in silence while she explained and couldn’t stop staring at her cheek. He thought it was beautiful and he thought it suited Lucy down to the ground.
“I’m a Vampire Tom. I can smell your blood. I want to bite you.” Lucy started moving towards Tom expecting him to flinch but he didn’t. He pulled Lucy into his chest and held her there. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently but lovingly.
“I don’t care what you are Lucy. I don’t care you want to suck my blood. All I care about is you. You and me together. I’ll love you whatever you do or are.” He said and lowered his neck to her mouth. As he did she opened her mouth and surprised herself by biting his neck. As soon as she did it she knew it was wrong but she couldn’t stop herself.
The taste of blood was like nothing she had ever tasted before and she had been all over Europe. It was sweet on her tongue and it was hot in her mouth nearly burning her throat as it went down. Tom moaned. She didn’t know whether he was in pain so she forced herself to stop remembering who she was sucking blood from.
“I’m sorry Tom. Are you al right? Did I hurt you?” she asked looking at the bite marks in his neck. She looked around for a tissue to cover up the blood seeping from his neck but a voice made her stop. Her mother was standing in the door way of Lucy’s bedroom looking worried but pleased at the same time.
“Rub your finger over it and it will heal over.” Her mother said directly at her not looking ashamed or embarrassed or any of the things Lucy was feeling. She looked happy for the first time Lucy had ever known. And that’s when she realized that she must have known all along what she was going to turn into. She had hurt her all these years to prepare her for the pain of going through with the Turn.
“Thanks Mum.” Lucy said as she did what her mother had instructed. Tom gasped again as Lucy pressed her index finger on the wound and rubbed. As she did this, Lucy couldn’t stop staring at what was happening. The wound was healing right in front of her. Just sealing over like nothing had happened. She grabbed Tom by the waist and pulled him into a strong and loving embrace.
“Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to.” She whispered into his ear so her mother wouldn’t hear her.
“That was awesome. You didn’t hurt me at all. I love you.” He whispered back just loud enough for her to hear.
After that she relaxed into him and she felt him hold her close. She also heard her mother leave the room and shut the door behind her so she and Tom could have a bit of privacy. When Lucy squirmed out of Tom’s embrace, she looked into his eyes and saw his tasty green eyes staring back at her. When he went into kiss her, they sparkled and Lucy had always loved that but before their lips could meet her brain nearly exploded in pain.
“Holy Shit!” Tom said when I had collapsed on the bed, head in my hands, curled into a little ball, trying to get away from the pain. My brain was shouting at me. Shouting so loud it was a wonder why Tom couldn’t hear it. It was shouting for one thing.
My brain was shouting for blood and as soon as I realised what I needed, I was up off the bed and making my way to Tom before I could stop myself. “Lucy? Are you alight?” Tom said freaked out about what was going on. “What do you want? What do you need from me? I know those eyes Lucy, what do you need?”
Tom knew me so well that he knew that I needed something and I needed it right that moment. Before the realization hit him, I bent low to get him out of the chair he had collapsed into. He stood up and looked down into my eyes with a worried look across his face.
I had no idea what I must have looked like to him; a crazy teenager with a tattoo on her cheek and wanting blood. While I was thinking this, he had worked out what I needed and bent his neck down to me and before I could reason with him and myself, I bit him again and sucked more of his blood.
The more I had, the better I felt and as the blood started burning the inside of my throat I knew that was it. My life as a human was over and I was a true vampire. At that thought I had to stop even though my brain wanted more. I couldn’t be doing this to Tom or anyone. I just couldn’t be a vampire no matter how much blood I had,
“Why are you stopping babe?” Tom said to me as I started to pull back from his neck. His voice was low and sexy and was drawing me back to him and his blood.
“I can’t do this. I can’t be this. Why me?” I said to him over my shoulder as I walked away from him. I collapsed on my bed again and started crying and clawing at my cheek trying to get the tattoo off. I didn’t care that I drew blood and I didn’t care that I was in excruciating pain. I just didn’t want to have it any more
“Lucy. Lucy stop, you're going to hurt yourself real bad. Please stop Lucy.” Tom said gripping my hands and pulling them away from my face. He started rubbing one of my fingers across the bite mark in his neck and I knew that that bite would leave a mark on his neck and he would be marked for life at my hand.
He got a tissue out of my drawer and pressed it against my cheek to stop the blood flow. He then picked up one of my fingers and rubbed it against my cheek to heal the wounds I had made with my extra sharp fingernails. He did this as I continued crying.
He kept on saying words of comfort that I didn’t want. I didn’t want sympathy or empathy; I just wanted to be human and normal again. I wanted to go to school like normal and be hit every day by my mother. I didn’t want to be a vampire and I would do everything in my power to become human again.
I didn’t get hit by my mother that night. I missed getting hit in the basement corner by my mother. I asked her to hit me and that’s how desperate I was to go back normal. I begged her and pleaded with her to hit me on the same cheek over and over again but she refused and said it would ruin my new mark.
Tom came over after school, which I didn’t have to attend any more. He was still very concerned for me because he could probably see the scars on my arms and my face. I had been clawing at my cheek again after he had gone and didn’t bother to heal them. I just left them to heal on their own. I’d done the same things to my arms and legs but I was clever enough to wear trousers that day.
“You need to stop scratching your face, Lucy. You’ll ruin it and it’s even more beautiful now you have that mark on your cheek. Please. I know you don’t want it there but you have to stop. There is nothing you can do about it.” Tom said as soon as we entered my bedroom. I could see in his body language that he wanted to ask me something that I wouldn’t like.
“I can do what I like to my face Tom and when did you get all expert on vampires?” I nearly shouted back at him. I could do what I wanted with my life and nothing anyone says is going to change that.
“The Turner. He came to school today. He said he wanted to talk to you. I didn’t know what to do so I asked him some questions and he gave me answers. He really wanted to talk to you and I said I would ask you. I don’t know why I said that, I hate him.” Tom said to answer my question. I could tell that wasn’t what he had come to ask.
“What do you want to ask me Tom? I know your body language, you want to ask me something but you’re not sure whether I’ll answer. Just ask me Tom.” I said, looking straight into his eyes so he knew I meant it. He looked away from me and said something that I was so shocked about that I had to sit on my bed.
“Will you have more of my blood?”
I couldn’t believe that he had said the words that I was dreading him say. As I was sitting on the bed, he came over to me and showed me the mark I had given him the day before. It was red and looked very sore. He then looked into my eyes and sat down next to me, never taking his eyes off mine.
He leaned into me and kissed my mark and then kissed down my neck to my shoulder. I shivered at the sensation it gave me. We had never been so intimate and in love before, but it felt amazing. He worked his way back up my neck and onto my mark again. He drew back and lingered for a moment. Thinking. He leaned into my ear so he could whisper something to me.
“I can help you Lucy. Together we can get through this. Let me help by giving you my blood. Let me help you.” Tom said in a whisper. He then drew back from me and took out his phone. He scrolled a list and then he turned the screen towards me. He was on his Phone book and he had selected ‘The Turner’ and his number was on the screen.
“Let me help you by calling The Turner. He will help you with all this new stuff and I will never leave your side. I love you but you need him to help. He said new vamps don’t survive the first three days without him. I don’t want you to die.” He then pressed send on his phone and before I could do anything about it, the message was gone and he had entrusted me to The Turner.
After Tom had sent the message I shouted and screamed at him. I didn’t want to see any vampires, especially the one that had turned me in the first place. Tom tried to calm me down but after about five minutes he gave up and just hugged me while I resumed my crying. He then started kissing up and down my neck again and that calmed me down. I loved the sensation that that gave me.
“You never answered my babe. Will you have more my blood?” he said after pulling back from me. I couldn’t answer that question out loud so I just nodded. He smiled a wide smile and then leaned back on my bed so his head was on my pillow. I stayed still where I was not believing what I was about to do.
I started to climb over my bed and over Tom but he sat up and grabbed my waist and before I knew it, I was on top of him with my face looking down at his. He let go of my waist and cupped my cheeks in his hands. His hands were warm against my cheeks and I could instantly hear his heart beating. I pressed my ear against his chest to make the sound louder.
I wriggled my way back up to Tom and looked down into his eyes. His hands cupping my face. He slowly lowered it down to his lips giving me time to back out if I wanted. We had been together for the past three years but things had not been normal since he found out about my mum’s condition and what she was doing to me. This was probably the first time we had kissed properly for months and months.
As my lips touched his, it was like nothing had changed. My mother wasn’t hitting me, I wasn’t a vampire and Tom was the love of my life. Our bodies fitted together perfectly and as I kissed Tom back we both felt a sensation neither of us had experienced before. We both shivered at the same time as something cold had just gone down our backs. I tried to pull away from him but he had moved his hands from my face to my waist without me knowing and he was pressing me against him and I knew that he wouldn’t let go until he got what he wanted.
“Bite me.” Tom said in that low and husky voice. After the twinge of the kiss it didn’t feel wrong to be doing this. It felt normal to biting my boyfriend. I leaned into his neck and kissed it where I had marked him. He shuddered under me but didn’t tell me to stop so I didn’t.
I bit him, hard on the neck. He gasped as I began to suck his blood and the unimaginable taste, once again, exploded in my mouth. The more I had, the more it healed me. Tom was gasping and moaning underneath me and he leaned into my ear and whispered.
“I love you. Stop please.” He whispered trying not to moan in my ear. After he said that, I pulled away from his neck and began to rub my finger over the bite. After the wound had healed, I bent over him and kissed him. He hadn’t seen this coming but once he had got over the surprise, he relaxed against me and got into a good rhythm with his tongue.
After we concluded our snogging, we realized that Tom’s phone was going off and we both knew it was The Turner. He had said he would be here in 10 minutes and he had not disappointed. Precisely 10 minutes after he had sent the text there was a knock on the door.
My mum had answered it and recognised the man because otherwise she would never have let him in and let him upstairs into my room. She knocked on the door of my room and opened it slightly so we could hear her.
“Someone’s here to see you darling. I know you will recognise him.” My mother said in her sweet voice. She opened the door and in came The Turner. He was staring straight at me and I could hear him even though he wasn’t talking.
Hi Lucy. If you can hear this, don’t be alarmed and don’t say anything to Tom. I will help you once he has gone. Ask him to leave for a couple of minutes when I say so and I will explain.
“Thank you for coming. I did what you asked me to do. Please help her.” Tom said to The Turner walking up to me and holding my hand. Even though he talked about me like I wasn’t there, he knew I was and through that one movement, I knew that he loved me.
“It is a thing that has to be done. Procedure, that’s all. Usually, newly turned vampires don’t storm out like that.” When he said that last bit he shifted his attention from Tom to me and stared straight into my eyes.
“How are you going to be able to help me? What are you going to do to me?” I asked him looking straight back at him. He had longing in his eyes and he was showing that want to me. It took me a moment to understand that longing but as soon as I did it disappeared and he was staring at me with cold and hard eyes.
“I’m going to teach you the vampire way. I’m to help you learn your strengths and weaknesses and what to and what not to do in everyday life.” He said back to me as if he had done this so many times before then he turned his gaze away from me and onto Tom who had been interestingly listening to our conversation. “Would you leave for a couple of minutes please Tom? Lucy and I have a lot to discuss and some things will be unpleasant for a human to hear. Thank you.”
Before Tom could protest I turned on him and kissed him lightly on the cheek and whispered to him.
“Do what he says. Do it for me. Please? I will shout for you if I need you.” I whispered to him. He seemed satisfied with that and walked out the door mouthing the words ‘I love you’ as he shut the door. I was now alone with the vampire that had turned me, something I never wanted to do but now had to.
“Sit down Lucy. Most of this will freak you out and I don’t want you fainting on me.” He said to me as soon as Tom was out the door. He then walked over to my bed and asked wordlessly whether he could sit down. I nodded and he sat. I walked over to the bed and sat near him but not close enough for him to touch me.
“I am the Turner, as you may have worked out, but my real name is Samuel, but you can call me Sam.” I nodded. “I am telepathic. Could you hear me talking to you through your mind?” I nodded again. “That means you are also telepathic. Once you have learned, you will be able to control people’s minds, talk to other telepaths and read everyone’s minds. To learn all of this, you will have to have lessons three times a week with a telepath. I have said to the Head, the Head of all vampires, that I will teach you because I am your Turner and now Mentor. Any questions on that?”
“What is a mentor?” I managed to say. Sam was absolutely right about me sitting down.
“A mentor is the person that a student can go to if they need any problems solved. So if you need anything, anything at all, you come to me. To summon me, you have to cut an ‘M’ into your left palm.” I instantly looked at my left hand and saw that, though my cuts were completely random, there was an ‘M’ made of the scars. He looked down into my palm. “You doing that caused me much discomfort. Now that I have turned you, I can feel your pain and your discomfort. I suffered the same amount when I turned you.”
“What did you tell Tom to do? He said he had done what you said to do.” I asked tentatively.
“I told him to give you blood. You need blood of a vampire to survive the first week but since there was no chance of me getting to sooner, I had to make him give you blood. You will need to feed regularly on a vampire’s blood. I have also told the Head that it will be my responsibility to give you that.” He started holding out his wrist to me. “Drink from me. Order not request.”
I knew determination when I see it and as I glanced at his wrist then back into his eyes, the want and longing was there again. I opened my mouth to ask him what was up with that when he shoved his wrist near enough into my mouth and forced me to bite.
Sam’s blood was different from Tom’s. It was cool and it was more pleasurable to drink because it didn’t burn the inside of my mouth. I had one mouthful then pulled back. I had had enough blood for one day. As I rubbed my fingers of the cuts I had made, Sam was looking at me with intent and love.
“Why do you keep on staring at me like that?”
I love you
I love you
“Prove it?!”
I have never had sex. I would never willingly have sex with anyone but my love. I would willingly have sex with you any day.
Then before I could stop him he leaned over to me and cut my arm and put his mouth to the cut and began sucking. Intense pleasure overwhelmed my and before I could stop myself, I had his wrist in my mouth again and was sucking his blood. I wanted this to never end. It was so amazing and it was so new to both of us.
I defiantly believed that he loved me now. As he pulled away, I pulled away and pulled our hands back from each other’s grasps. He pulled his hand away from mine so easily but when I tried to, I couldn’t. He still had a hold of it. He bent down again and sucked once more like he couldn’t get enough.
Once we had both been healed, him healing me and himself, he started speaking to me again but not in the same voice. His voice wasn’t sweet any more; it was low and even sexier then Tom’s.
“Do you believe me now?” I couldn’t speak so I just nodded. “Good. Do you want Tom to come back in?” I shook my head. “Good. He would be most distraught if he saw me do this.”
He leaned over to me and kissed my lips softly, then when I didn’t object, hardly. It wasn’t as good as the blood sucking but Sam was defiantly better then Tom. He kissed softly and gentle and then hard and rough. Before I knew it I was laid back on my bed with Sam on top of me, still kissing me. When he started to undo the buttons on my dress, I knew I was going too far and the second I thought it, Sam pulled back from me. He evidently was listening to my thoughts so I didn’t have to say anything.
“This is the address of the school you will be attending. Have someone drive you there as soon as possible with clothing and other essentials. I will escort you to your room and then work out your schedule. You will have to attend other classes as well as my telepathy classes but on most days you will be able to school and visit family and friends. However, there are rules and regulations about outside school activity. I will explain this when you get to school.”
With all the excitement, I could hardly speak but I managed a nod and realised the buttons on my dress where still undone. I started to do them up hastily as Sam called for Tom to come back in. Tom came near enough running back in as I was doing the last button up. He didn’t know anything was up as I had wisely sat up on my bed. I took the piece of paper from Sam and put it on my bed side table.
“Thank you for calling Sam Tom. He has been a great help. I will be at school as soon as possible Sam.” With that Sam looked into my eyes once more and then walked out of my bedroom leaving me and Tom together.
“All your scars are gone from your cheek and hands. What did he do to you?” Tom asked me in a genuinely scared voice.
“He didn’t do anything to me. He just explained some things. He also gave me the address to my new school. It’s a boarding school so I have to pack.” I got up off my bed and rummaged about under my bed for my suitcase. Once I found it, I folded and packed all my clothes into the main section. Tom just sat and watched, evidently thinking.
After the clothes, I packed my toothbrush, toothpaste and all my hair products and straighteners and curlers. After I finish all my packing, I carried my suitcase down the stairs to see me mum and my dad sat on the couch together. I had to turn away from the sight because my eyes started tearing up.
I glanced at the table next to the mirror to see mum’s car keys with a note on top of them. The note said:
Have fun darling. You can come and visit whenever you like.
Love Mum and Dad x
My eyes welled up again and I picked up the note and put it in my pocket, neatly folded. I went out the front door and put my suitcase in the boot of the car. I put the keys in my seat and then entered the house again. I paused at the front room door to see mum and dad in mid hug. I walked past them and up the stairs and into my bedroom.
Tom wasn’t there any more and I rushed into the room. The window was wide open and wind was sweeping around the room. I ran over to the window and looked out of it. There was no sign of a bloody mess or anything. Nothing at all. Just then someone ran up behind her and grabbed her into his embrace.
Tom’s hands covered her eyes and her mouth as she tried to scream. She got turned around to face him and then he took his hands away from her eyes and mouth. As soon as he could, Tom kissed Lucy with all the passion in the world. His hands started to explore her body making her shiver all over. He placed Lucy’s hands on his chest and began exploring again.
When he pulled away he grabbed my hands and sat me down on the bed. Then he started unbuttoning the buttons of my dress. I reached out to him and grabbed his hands to stop him. He glanced up at me with a frown on his face. I smiled at him and then started to undo the buttons on his shirt. When he realised what I was doing, he smiled at leant over the top of me to roll me onto the bed on my back.
We got under the sheets and we got each other undressed. I was still a virgin and so was he. This was completely new to both of us and neither of us knew what to expect. He started to kiss me again and explore my body again. That’s when there was a loud knock on the front door. We stopped momentarily and waited to hear who it was.
It was Sam.
“Shit.” I said to myself. “Tom. Get dressed. He wants to talk to me and I am not going to talk to him like this. We can finish this later. Please Tom.” I said to him quickly and quietly scrambling out of the bed and shoving my clothes on.
I had just finished shoving my clothes on when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I looked around, finding Tom, seeing that he was fully dressed and sat on my bed, looking like nothing had just happened. I walked over to the door and opened it. Not to my surprise, Sam was standing there next to my mother looking slightly depressed and angry.
“Could you step outside for a moment please Lucy?” Sam said to me in calm and collected voice. He didn’t look at me; he just looked at the floor and at his shoes.
“Sure. Did you want to go to another room rather than the hallway?” I said to him in my own calm voice although I was worried and intrigued inside. He didn’t answer; he just nodded so I led him through to the spare bedroom two doors down from my bedroom.
“What did you want Sam?” I said in the calmest voice I could muster.
“I just wanted to let you know that now that I have had your blood and you have had mine, I can feel your pleasure and gratefulness as well as your pain and disturbance. I just wanted you to know this because I could feel everything you just felt with Tom and I know that wasn’t love. Kiss me and find out what love is.” As he was saying this, he gazed up into my eyes with the want and longing in them.
I just wanted to look into those eyes forever and ever and never look away. I wanted to fall into the deep depth of blue and sparkle like they did in the light. I wanted to touch his smooth skin and kiss his intricate design on his cheek. I wanted to have more of his blood and drown in the cool, lush goodness.
“That’s what love is. What you’re thinking. That’s what love is Lucy.” He said still staring into my eyes and me staring into his. He then walked over to me and kissed my mark on my cheek. He then pulled me into an embrace and started kissing each point of my mark. He then worked his way up to my ear and started nibbling on my ear lobe.
You sure you still love Tom now?
He thought this while he was working his way down from ear lobe back to my cheek and then down to the base of my neck. He did little teasing nibbles on my neck just like he had on my ear lobe. No, I thought. No I don’t think I love Tom any more
But do you love me Lucy?
I pulled back from him at that.
I don’t know. This is all new to me. Me being a telepathic, me being a vampire. I don’t know Sam. At least let me get to this new school that I have to go to before I get involved in something like this.
As soon as I had finished thinking that, he glanced back up at my eyes and nodded one small nod. “Are you going back to this school?” He nodded. “Can I follow you back there? I have no idea where I am going.” He nodded again. “I’m just going to say goodbye to Tom then and I’ll be back.” He nodded again. My thoughts had wounded him and I needed to sort this mess out. But first I needed to actually get to this vamp school.
As I walked back into my room Tom got up and moved over to me. “I have to leave now Tom. Sam is going to guide me to my school. Thank you for everything you have done over the past couple of days.” I said to him in my kindest voice ever. He nodded and pulled me into a strong embrace. “We are going to finish what we started aren’t we?” he whispered so quietly I had to strain my hearing to hear him. “Definitely. I will call you and text you and arrange sometime for me to come and visit you.” I said back to him with confidence in my voice and relaxed into his arms.
After a few seconds of hugging, I pulled back from Tom. I walked over to the window and closed it and locked it. I then walked out of my room and into the one two doors down from mine. As I walked in Sam stood and smiled at me. After a couple of seconds of smiling at each other, I walked out of the room and Sam followed me. Down the stairs and out the front door. We walked to our separate cars and got in.
As Sam reversed out of the drive a realisation hit me. I would be starting a new life at a new school with a new man and a new mind.
As I arrived at my new school I noted the castle like buildings and the old and decrepit statues. I got out of my mum’s bright red car after parking where Sam had instructed me through his mind. I was parked next to a black car that had a personalised number plate. I opened the boot of the car and started getting my suitcase out when someone came up behind me and took it out of my hands. When I looked around it was Sam. He had taken the case out of the boot of the car and was talking in to a set of doors. He pressed some buttons, placed the case in a little, compact place then closed the door and then my bag zoomed off out of sight.
“You will be staying in a room on my block because I am your mentor. I must warn you before we go up to your room that I haven’t taken on a student as young as yourself for a long time. I usually take on more experienced vampires so everyone you meet in my block will be much older than both of us. However they will give you respect since you are my newest and they will include you in their circles and gossip.”
“Thank you for the warning Sam.”
After that we headed up to a new set of doors. Sam pressed a code which I didn’t quite catch and the doors opened. Sam stepped in then beckoned me to stand in front of him. The space was very confined so I had to come very close to him. He seemed to enjoy this, I could tell through his mind. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and joined his hands together in front of me. And for that moment, I forgot where I was and what was going on around me. I just felt truly relaxed and loved in Sam’s arms.
At that moment my mind started to have a battle with itself.
I think I love Sam. But what about Tom? He loves me. But I don’t love him and Sam loves me. You’ve been with him for three years. But we weren’t intimate with each other until I got turned and blood came into the matter. But Sam didn’t find you until he turned you.
I couldn’t. Sam butted in. I had forgotten he could hear everything I was thinking and talk to me through the mind. Vampires aren’t allowed to date humans. I’ve been following you for years, watching you go in and out of love, watching you get hit by your mother and your dad making excuses for her and not telling you the proper reason. I know more about you then Tom could ever know. You’ve never had sex either and tonight was the first time you’ve ever been close like tonight was the first time I have ever been close. All this time he had his arms around me in a comforting grip but sturdy enough to catch me if I decided to faint. You love me you just don’t know it yet. The reason that I turned you was not because I was told to; it was because I choose to. I gained the trust of your parents and I gained their permission when you were very young. I also have the gift of seeing the future and I saw the moment you admit you love me. Once I saw that moment, I went searching for you. I near enough had looked into the future of all the children in this area when I found you. When you were a baby I came to your house and saw the same future as mine when I looked into your future. The same day I convinced your mother to act out of line whenever you were alone and to prepare for the pain so it would be as easy as possible for me to harm you. I gave your mother and father a story to tell you so you would not suspect a thing of me when I came to turn you. I visited your house the night before I turned you to tell your mother and father. They gave subtle hints that morning though I specifically told them to keep you at your home so I could turn you with no witnesses. I am so sorry of the pain I have conflicted onto you and I understand if you do not want to talk to me for a while.
All that time, we had been in the lift. Sam with his arms around me and me with my hands wrapped around his back. While he was talking to me through his mind, he had moved me into a hug and started stroking my long black hair. When the lift came to a halt, the doors opened and we pulled away from each other and walked out into a peach hallway.
Sam lead me to a door which had a piece of paper nailed to the front. Nothing was written on it unlike the twenty other doors in the block. They all had writing on their paper nailed to the door. All had names on them with decorations around them and they were all written in the same neat handwriting. Sam opened the door for me and stood back to let me enter.
My suitcase was placed just inside the door on the left. As I walked further into the room, I saw it was one big open plan room. There was a double bed on left which symbolized the bedroom. There was a door leading off from the bedroom and that was the only other door in the room so that must be the bathroom. On my right there was a couch and a television with a coffee table between the two. That must be the living room. Behind the couch, there was a kitchen diner with a dining table placed in the middle of all the cupboards and cooking equipment. There was plenty of space for all my cloths and my make-up and hair utensils.
I started to move my suitcase onto my bed and look around the closets to make a system when Sam made a noise outside the door. I walked over to him and stepped outside my new room. He had been writing and decorating my paper on the door.
He had drawn my name in the coolest bubble writing I had ever seen. He had also decorated my name with beautiful red hearts and delicate swirls in purples and pinks. Mine was the only one with colour on it. All the rest we written in black. It was absolutely beautiful combination of black, pink, purple and red. I had just opened my mouth to thank Sam for it but he spoke first.
“No problem. I was getting tiered of the black in my block. I’m sure you will add some colour to it.” Sam said and stepped into my room. He walked around it and sat on the couch while I continued to unpack my things. Every now and again I would catch some of his thoughts wonder over to me and they were all about me and how it was in this very room that I admitted my love for him. That slightly freaked me out so I walked over to Sam and asked him a question.
“Is there a way of blocking out certain people’s thoughts?” I asked him in a serious manner but he just laughed at me and told me in due time. I walked back to my bedroom and started hanging clothes up. “Can I contact my parents here?” I asked him wondering what the answer would be. “Of course you can Lucy. Your phone is on the cabinet by your bed. You left it in that hall we were in when I turned you. I picked it up and it has been there ever since. Your schedule is underneath it.”
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Classes at night time? Obviously, vampire’s and night go well together. Hang on. If classes were at night, I could go to normal school during the day and come back for night school here. That way I would get my A-levels and become a good vampire.
I smiled to myself and turned on my phone. I text Tom my plan and he said it was great and he would come and pick me up every morning if he had to. He seriously loves me and I have to tell him soon that I don’t love him. I sat on my bed at that thought and leaned back to see Sam standing over the top of me. He moved the empty suitcase off the bed and put it under the double bed. While he was doing that, I sat up against the soft and cushiony head board.
He came out from under the bed and crawled up the bed to me. He came so close to me, I thought he was going to start kissing me but he pulled away and sat cross legged opposite to me so he could stare into my beautiful, pure green eyes. I got that from his mind. He really wanted to kiss me there and then and not care who came in. He didn’t actually care about who came in, all he cared about was me and making sure I didn’t get damaged and that meant one thing. I knew what was coming before he even opened his mouth.
I held out my hand palm up and he put his left hand into it. He then put his hand out palm up but I didn’t but my hand into his. Instead, I kissed his cheek and then bit into his wrist again. Once again the cool taste was amazing in my mouth. I much preferred vampire’s blood to humans. Human was too hot and it burned the inside of your mouth where vampires was cool but with the amazing taste.
As I pulled away from Sam’s wrist and healed it, I looked up to his face. He had his free hand on his cheek. The one I kissed. He loved the tender way I had kissed him but wished I could have kissed his lips for a long time. I looked at my phone and realised that I needed to get ready for vampire school. I asked Sam what I should wear to class because I had never been before and he was my mentor.
He looked through my wardrobe and picked out a black dress and a pink cardigan. He had great taste in clothes! I slipped in to the bathroom to get dressed. I didn’t feel comfortable with Sam watching me. I also put my hair back into a slick ponytail with hanging out fringe and slapped on some make-up I expected Sam to have left by the time I came out of the bathroom but he was sat on my bed exactly where I was sat before going into the bathroom.
“I am going to escort you to and from your classes for the next couple of days so you can get used to your schedule and classes. I will also be dropping in here so you can have your blood. That will probably last for the first couple of weeks so you can get used to a routine. Are you ready?” I nodded even though I was thinking a blatant NO! In my head. “Remember, I can feel what you’re feeling and I can read your mind like a book. Now, are you ready?” This time I shook my head. He smiled and walked over to me and hugged me.
He also caught hold of my wrist and bit into it. First there was pain then there was intense pleasure. I moaned with the feeling filling me up.
I defiantly love him
At that thought he pulled away from me and rubbed his fingers over my wrist healing it instantly. When he looked up to me, he had a huge smile on his face. “What?” I shot at him. He started laughing and shook his head.
It was only later that I remembered that he could listen to my mind and see the future.
Sam escorted me to my first lesson in silence but I couldn’t help but notice everyone staring at me. I knew I was new but I didn’t draw that much attention. All the girls were wearing dresses that were black with some detail but no colour. And as I walked through the next hallway I saw the boys. They were also dressed in black; Black trousers or jeans and a black shirt and or jumper. Now I knew why I stood out. I was wearing pink and colours didn’t seem to happen in this school.
As I walked into the next hallway, I quickly took off my cardigan and put it in my bag which I had hurriedly packed with anything that Sam said to put in. I had my schedule, some textbooks and some pens and pencils. Sensibly, my pack was black so that wasn’t a problem.
After stuffing my cardigan into my bag, people carried on looking at me all the way to my first lesson. I figured out it must be because I was new so people wanted a good look at me to judge me before they knew me. Sam and I carried on walking and it seemed like forever before we finally stopped. We had stopped outside a brown door with ‘Professor Reeves’ written in another style of neat handwriting.
“This is your first lesson. Combat for Beginners. Today this lesson will be theory work so you will be working from textbooks. The desks are named so just look for name on the desk. It will be easy to find, I made sure of that.” Sam said to me in a comforting yet stern voice. I nodded once and he looked at my now naked arms. “I would put your cardigan back on Lucy. You don’t want to get cold. It takes a while to get used to the cold in the school.” He removed my cardigan from my bag and handed it to me. I put it on hastily and nodded again to Sam. He kissed my mark and then my lips lightly. He then looked away from me and knocked on the door to the classroom and opened it.
“I have Lucy Daniels for you Professor. I am sorry she is late but she had a hard time getting her here.” Sam said to the listening classroom. He then beckoned me to him and stood back to let me into the classroom. He lightly brushed my arm with his finger as I went past him and into the classroom.
“Have your seat Lucy. Thank you Professor Jahd for bringing Lucy.” Professor Reeves had a loud and low voice that made me wince. I looked around the classroom and on finding my seat I walked towards it. Sam was right. It was hard to miss. It was in the same colours as the name on my door and it was written in the same beautiful handwriting. My name was squarely in the middle with intricate designs and swirls surrounding it in many bright colours.
As I sat down and placed my ‘Combat for Beginners – Theory’ book on the table and got a pen out of my bag, I glanced around at everyone else’s desks. Their names were once again, all black with the same designs around them. I concentrated back on Professor Reeves as he launched into a lecture about how these moves were invented, who by and why. It was an interesting lecture and it was the weirdest I’ve ever had. Neither the less, I enjoyed it and took down notes like the other students.
The lessons were two hours long in this school but they went by so quickly and before I knew it I was packing up my text book and my pens and standing at the front of the classroom where Professor Reeves had beckoned me.
“I hear Samuel is your mentor.” I nodded. “He turned you himself.” I nodded. “You understand how unusual this is for Samuel?” I nodded again. “You are telepathic like him?” I nodded. “You are one of the only people who have had permission from parents or guardians to be turned. You must be mighty special to Samuel to be chosen by him. I hope he has explained this to you.” I nodded again and there was a knock on the door that I knew came from Sam. Professor Reeves nodded and I turned to the door. Walked over to it and saw Sam waiting outside for me. He seemed agitated and uncomfortable but he explained through his mind again about being able to feel my feelings. I must have been feeling mighty uncomfortable to shake Sam.
Sam escorted me back to my room and told me that I was excused from the rest of my lesson that day apart from his Mental Activity lesson. I didn’t protest but lay on my bed and only then did I feel exhausted. Sam came into my room and closed the door behind him. He walked over to my bed and sat on it next to me. When he sat down I got up and went into the bathroom, removed my make-up and took my hair down.
When I came out of the bathroom, Sam was still on my bed waiting for me. He patted the bed space next to him in a motion for me to sit there. I sat next to him cross legged. He turned to face me and started to speak through his mind to me.
Earlier, when you were feeding, you thought you loved me.
Did you mean it?
He held out both of his hands. One palm up and one clenched into a fist. I put my wrist into palm up hand and gripped his wrist in my other hand. He bit into my wrist first and intense pleasure filled me. I bit into his wrist and sucked. His blood filled me up with a cool and sweet taste.
Your blood is hot and delicious.
Yours is cool and sweet.
I love you.
I love you too.
He pulled back from my wrist and rubbed the wound until it was healed and I did the same for him. He then leaned over to me and kissed me lightly on my lips. He pulled back slightly and at the nod of my head he came back to me and kissed me long and hard and I kissed him back. I leaned back on the bed so he was on top of me.
He started to undo the buttons on my cardigan when there was a knock on the door. I moved off the bed and let Sam lie there will I went to get the door. His shirt buttons were undone so you could see his chest. I held up my finger signalling for 1 minute and he seemed to get it because he nodded but was frustrated.
I walked over to the door and purposely stood so you could not see the bed if you looked in. I opened the door to find a teacher. She looked very displeased and I could understand why. Tom was with her. Sam must have sensed my discomfort at Tom being here because he was fully dressed and at my side before I could open my mouth.
“Ah. Hello Tom. Hello Professor Williams. Tom is all right to enter is he not Lucy.” Looking at each person then at me. I nodded and let Tom enter my room. He looked around the room and I could see his eyes linger on the double bed and I remembered that we had been so close to sex when I was at my house. I could see that he remembered that as well because he glanced from the bed to me back to the bed. I shook my head slightly so he could see but so no one else could.
“What did you want Tom?” motioning towards the couch so he could sit down. He sat and I sat opposite him with Sam by my side. “Shouldn’t you be at home? It’s rather late for you.” I said to him in a reasonable voice but Sam and I knew that it was because I wanted to get back to kissing my love. As I thought this I could see Sam smile beside me.
“I wanted to see you to finish what we started and as I said, I am going to help you through this. Everyone’s asking for you at school and everyone misses you and wants you to come back. When are you going to come back babe?” I saw Sam wince when Tom called me babe and I caught his thought.
You have to tell him now. Otherwise he’s going to be in your life forever. Do you really want that?
I looked at Sam and shook my head. Then I turned to face Tom. “Tom. I know you love me but you have to know that I don’t love you. We can’t finish what we started because that would be wrong. I am sorry for leading you on. I am not coming back to your school because this is my home now. I’m sorry.” I said this to Tom in my nicest and gentlest voice I could possibly use. I looked up at him and saw tears fill his eyes. He genuinely thought I loved him even though I had never said it. He looked at me and blinked back the tears. He then got up came over to me and kneeled on the floor in front of me. He lent into my ear and whispered. “I’m never going to forget you and I don’t believe you don’t love me. The vampires have used the same thing they used on me to make me like The Turner. Come to my house on Friday and let me prove it to you.” He got up and so did I. I lead him to the door and he stepped out. He beckoned me to come out and I did.
He shut the door behind me and then practically pushed me against the wall next to my door. He had his hands on my waist and he forced my hands up to his chest just like when we were in my bedroom at home. He leaned into me and kissed me straight on the lips. I couldn’t pull away because I was up against the wall. That’s why he pushed me to the wall, so I couldn’t refuse him. He was just inserting his tongue into my mouth when he stopped.
Sam was behind him and had pulled him off me. “We do not allow forced romance in this school. You had no right to spring on Lucy like that. You are evidently not her boyfriend any more so you leave and never come back.” Sam really loved me to do that for me. No one would have ever tried to force Tom off me in my old school.
“Remember what I said Lucy.” Tom said and then walked down the hallway to the staircase. “Let’s get you back inside you room. People are staring.” Sam whispered to me and walked over to my door and opened it for me. I walked past him aware of all the gawking students. Sam came in and shut the door behind him. I was shaking so he helped me over to my bed and lay me down. “Get some sleep so you are ready for my Mental Activity lesson. I will be here with you so no one can interrupt you.” To prove what he just said, he came over to the bed and sat on the edge of it while I got under the sheets. I must have dropped off pretty fast because the next thing I could remember was Sam shaking me to get up for the Mental Activity lesson.
“It’s time to wake for your lesson of Mental Activity darling.” Sam said softly into my ear trying to wake me gently. “Come out of your dream world and come to me instead.” Once Lucy heard these words she felt wide awake and ready for anything. The words were like magic that Sam had used on her. “Wonderful. You’re wide awake and ready for the lesson. You look beautiful Lucy; stop fussing with your hair.” He said this last bit grabbing my hands and pulling them away from my hair which was completely messed up.
“What will this lesson involve?” Lucy asked Sam tentatively, not knowing whether she actually wanted the answer. “We will go easy today and just work out what you know how to do first and then work from there. Today’s lesson will just be asking you questions to find out what you know so there is no need to get out of bed if you don’t want to.” Sam told her in a professional voice like the past couple of hours hadn’t just happened. Lucy just nodded to Sam so he started asking his questions.
There were about 50 questions that Sam asked me and by the end I was feeling much worn out and tired even though I hadn’t moved from the spot that I had fallen asleep at. At the end of his questioning he surprised me.
I was looking down at the bed thinking how colourful the floral bedspread was when he said my name very softly. Like he was afraid I would break if he said it any louder. I looked up into his eyes and they were very near. He kissed her lightly on the lips and then deepened the kiss. I was caught by surprise but I instinctively kissed Sam back.
When he pulled away, I was so very tired and worn out. He sensed this, or heard my thoughts of it, and lifted his wrist up to her. Lucy started to refuse the offer of blood but Sam pushed her back on the bed so he was on top of her and forcing her legs still with his legs. In the process of pinning her to the bed, Sam had trapped both hands underneath her back and they were struggling to be set free. He then made a cut in his wrist with his nail and then forced it into Lucy’s mouth and squeezed at the cut to make blood ooze out of it into Lucy’s mouth.
At the first gulp of Sam’s blood, there was no stopping Lucy until she was forced back off of Sam’s hand. Until then, she was filled with the cool goodness of his blood which made her feel less tired and more awake like the words of magic had made her feel.
When she was forced to back off of Sam’s wrist, she instantly felt ashamed of herself. She had promised to herself ‘no more blood’ but when the taste hit her, there was no stopping her. It was then that she realized that she had to be prized off of Sam to stop her drinking him dry. As soon as she thought that, she slipped off her bed and into the bathroom. Locking the door behind her so Sam was sure to know not to enter. He could probably break the door down with a slight push but hopefully he would respect my privacy and leave me alone for two minutes to cry my eyes out.
“I understand what you’re going through Lucy. I was there once, having to be forced off of my mentors wrists and neck. Let me help you Lucy. I can help you control your blood lust.” Sam said through the door, obviously ignoring my thoughts of being alone.
Even though Sam knew what she was going through, he probably could not help her. What she wanted more than the world was to go home and be a normal family again. With her mother and her father and her ex-boyfriend, going to a normal school with her old friends and getting the A-Levels she secretly desired. Sam could not help her with any of those requests.
I just want to be normal again.
Let me help you Lucy. I didn’t want this done to me either so I do know exactly what you want and what you’re going through. You can go and visit your parents whenever you like but I would advise not going to your old school again. You have too much to lose there. Just come out and let me hold you and comfort you. Come out of your dreamland and come to me instead.
His lasts thoughts were the words I could not ignore. They had some kind of magical effect on me that I didn’t understand because I didn’t remember opening the bathroom door or lying down on the bed, but the next thing I knew, I was on the bed and leaning into Sam’s arms which were comforting and warm.
“What did you say to me to make me do that? I would never have opened the door to anyone, least likely you.” Lucy said to Sam trying to remember what had just happened to her. “Needn’t you worry of that right now,” Sam said back to me. “Just remember that everyone has been through this and it is only natural to be doing and feeling this.” Sam continued. “I am your mentor, which means you must confide in me and you must trust me even if you don’t want to. “
Sam was pained to say these words because he wanted her to trust him and love him but it was obvious that that would never happen. He could create and illusion when he wasn’t around her and before this but now, the illusion was gone and no-one but Lucy could give him what he wanted. The truth hurt but it had to be said and he was sure after using the magic words of a prince on her, she would never trust him again.
“I do trust you but I just want to know what you did to me. I can’t remember anything or what you said. Help me Sam. What did you do?”Lucy replied to Sam and then burst into tears. Sam could do nothing apart from give her a long and meaningful hug. This made Lucy cry even more. Sam couldn’t bare this, his presence made her cry more.
“Don’t leave me Sam.” Lucy shouted as Sam retreated from her room. After he left and closed the door, she rolled over in her bed and screamed into her pillow, muffling the sound so no-one would get disturbed but seconds later, there was a knock on the door and a female voice. I shouted to say I was sorry for the noise and it wouldn’t happen again when there was pressure on my bed.
I looked around and saw a girl. She looked slightly older than me, maybe nineteen. She had bleached blond hair which was flowing around her shoulders in long curls. She was wearing a short black skirt and skimpy black top. She also had tones of make-up on and dark brown eyes. I started to wonder why she was here when she interrupted my thoughts.
“I am Angel Amanda Skott, but people call me Angela or Amanda, I don’t mind. I saw the commotion with your ex, I am guessing, and didn’t recognise you. I went to see Sam and he told me all about you. I said he could call whenever you needed cheering up so here I am.” Angel Amanda said to me in a calm and sweet voice.
I knew instantly from the way she held herself and talked that she would be good as a friend and she would be a good start at this weird school. I didn’t want to speak just yet so I just nodded at her and sat up and whipped my tears away from my eyes.
“So what elective you taking? I’m more into performing then becoming a genius, I thought you would like the same thing by the look of your name tags! They are amazing! Who knew Sam could draw like that?!” Angela said to me, trying to cheer me up.
“I’m not the academic type either but I hadn’t really thought yet. I only came here yesterday and it has been shit so far. I have a run in with my ex, he tries to have sex with me, I have people staring at me all through my first ever lesson here and then I addicted to blood and have to be prized off of Sam to be stopped. How shit is that for a first two days?” I said back to Angel. She laughed and her blonde hair moved around her shoulders lushly.
“That is pretty shit!” Angel said to me then reached out an arm to me. She made sure she wouldn’t hurt me then grabbed my wrist. She pulled me off of my bed and led me into my bathroom. She looked around and spotted my make-up and make-up remover and got to work. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You look ridiculous and you’re not going to get a date looking like that!”
Angel started to look through my cabinets and as she closed the doors, she saw my face in one of the mirrors. She thought I looked hot but slightly confused. She snapped her fingers and then turned towards me.
“There’s a dance. It happens every year and you, you just happen to come the night before it. Perfect timing huh?” Angel was smiling a broad and toothy smile that showed off her perfect teeth. White and straight. “You’ve got to come. Word on the block is that your Sam’s new favourite and that is something to show off! Sam never takes on pupils younger than nineteen years old. You’re real lucky to have him. He helped me all through my rough stages in this school and he’s been like a mate ever since.” Angel said to me to straighten out my confusion. I started to shake my head to the offer of coming but Angel cut me off.
“Everyone goes, even newbies.” She grabbed my arm again and pulled me into my bedroom and led me over to my wardrobes. She started to go through the dresses I had in there when she gasped and pulled out a black dress with sparkly sequins sewn into the material. It fitted me perfectly and I had matching purse to go with it. I had only ever worn it once and that evening didn’t turn out well. I nearly didn’t bring it with me but Tom had put it in for me when I wasn’t there.
“I will tell Sam that I told you and when you next see him, which will probably be first thing tomorrow, he will tell you the details. Also, you will need to get a date. I saw one of the boys in your Combat class look at you from the instant you walked in to the moment he left the room! His name is Josh. I’ll introduce you to him.” This was all too much so I just nodded my head.
Angel must have sensed I was tired because she hung the dress on the front of the wardrobe and said goodnight. I had one question to ask her but I didn’t want to ask her out loud.
Are you telepathic?
After that, she looked back for a split second then walked out the door and shut it behind her.
As she woke, she felt someone next to her. She tentatively rolled over to find Sam staring back at her. He had been stroking her hair but when she awoke, he had stopped. Lucy sat up and Sam rolled off the bed to stand next to her. He pointed to the side table and Lucy noticed there was a glass of blood that was obviously meant for her to drink. Looking at it from this angle, it looked like pure raspberry juice and for a moment I thought it was.
I only had to look at Sam for him to know what was on my mind. No way was I drinking that as my breakfast. Sam immediately walked round to the drink and picked it up. He knew he was going to have to force me to drink it especially after what had happened the last time he fed me blood.
I avoided it for as long as I could before he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me over to a chair from the dining table. He then pulled my hair backwards and shoved the blood into my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow and as soon as I did, the taste exploded in my mouth. I loved it at the time but regretted it as soon as it was over.
“Am I going to have to force feed you every time you need blood or are you just going to accept it?” Sam said genuinely out of breath. I shook my head to let him know I would never accept that I needed blood to survive. I had managed to accept the fact that I was a vampire but the blood was just unnecessary. I knew that Sam could read my mind so there was no need to explain what I meant by the shake of my head. I picked out an outfit for school that day and went into the bathroom. Sam shouted through to me about the dance that night.
“The dance begins at midnight tonight. You are required to bring a date. You are also required to wear something formal for the occasion. I am glad to see Angela has picked something out for you. You will look beautiful in it.” Not that you don’t always look beautiful.
“I heard that Sam.
“Sorry. If you want to go you will have to get a date today during lessons or not go. We will need to meet up here before you go, if you go, to give you your blood for the evening and then you can proceed to the dance with your date. And before you ask, yes you will be having the same amount of blood as you had yesterday if not more. If I have to force feed you the blood, I will.”
“Angela said that she saw someone called Josh in my Combat class looking at me yesterday. She said she would ask him about it. Do you know anything about him?”
By this time I had finished getting ready and had come out of the bathroom to find Sam sat on my bed and looking at me. He shook his head and then gestured towards the door. I nodded then he escorted me to my first lesson of the day.
Combat was the same as the day before apart from the different topic of concentration. This time, I looked for the Josh that Angela was talking about. I found him right at the back of the class to my right. He had dark brown hair and dark green eyes. He was wearing the standard male uniform of black trousers or jeans and a black top or jumper. And Angela was right; he was staring straight at me when I turned around for the first time in the lesson.
After the lesson, I calmly walked out to find Sam outside waiting to escort me to my Elective hour. I had told him that morning that I wanted to do Performing Arts with Professor Strigiyo and he told me to pack tracksuit bottoms if I had them. I stuffed some into my bag and I was really nervous about doing dance and drama and music for the first time since primary school.
When we got there I saw Angela and went over to her. She wasn’t surprised to see me and she asked about Combat and Josh. I told her what I saw and she told me what she had done.
“I told him about you and I told him what room you were in. He asked some stuff about you and I told him what I knew. He seemed pretty interested in you!”
“Thanks for doing that for me. Now what the hell am I doing?!”
After dance was a break and I was dreading every break during that day and everyday because I knew what came when I had to enter the hall.
Just as I expected. As I entered the hall, Sam called me to one side and showed me into this square room. He locked the door so I couldn’t get out and held out his wrist. I noticed there weren’t any windows while I was exploring the room, looking at everything apart from Sam and his wrist. There was a cupboard which was closed and had a key in the lock. I started to walk towards the cupboard but Sam stopped me in my tracks.
“Are you still refusing blood from me?” I nodded my head in his direction and swerved around him to find out what was in the cupboard. I had my hand on the key to twist it before Sam yanked the door open and shoved me in. He locked the door behind him and we were thrown into complete darkness.
I got pushed into a wooden chair and straps were tied to my wrists and ankles to tie me to the chair. The instant I realised what was going on, I began to struggle and try and get free. The ropes were too strong for me to break through. I stopped trying to struggle when I knew this and the light flicked on.
Sam was standing with his back against the wall and he was puffed. I must have put up one hell of a fight because he had a bruise on his arm and his face was bleeding. He was panting and was evidently out of breath. He had put up a hell of a fight against me.
“Stop... struggling and... just drink... from me.” Sam said to me, breathing heavily and extending his wrist towards my mouth. I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head. Sam sighed and dropped his head and his wrist. “You really don’t give up do you?” He snarled at me. “You have to drink to survive here. If you do not drink my blood, you will die and I don’t want to lose you. I would rather kill then lose you.” After he said what he truly felt about me, he burst into tears and slopped into the corner behind me.
“I’ll stop struggling.”
I couldn’t bring myself to say the word again so I just nodded my head towards him. He sprang up off the floor and wiped his tears from him eyes. He came over to me, gave me a quick kiss on the lips and began untying the ropes that bound me to the chair. After I was unbound from the chair, Sam stood me up and led me from the room.
After we had left the room, he turned and locked the door behind him. He then he turned to face me. He then held up his hand and pressed his fingers up to his bleeding cheek. It stopped bleeding instantly and then he held his wrist out to me to bite. I didn’t want to but I had said I would and I had never broken my word to this day. I bit into his wrist and waited for the warm pleasure to fill me.
After many minutes of drinking, Sam pulled me off of him and healed his wrist. He then looked up to me and smiled. I didn’t smile back but he continued smiling. “Well done Lucy. I know you do not like drinking from me but that is the way it must be.” Sam said while unlocking the door and leading me out. The hustle and bustle of the hall engulfed me and Sam as we walked over to an empty table.
After a couple of minutes of awkward silence between us, Angela came over to join us. She whispered something to Sam and he nodded at her. I tried to get eye contact with him and give him a ‘What the hell’ face but I was tapped on the shoulder by the brown haired, green eyed Josh. He must have noticed me come out of that square room and come over.
“Hi Lucy.” Josh said awkwardly and I heard Angela snigger behind me. I turned to her and gave her a ‘Shut Up’ look, and she defiantly got it. I turned back to Josh to see that he was blushing; a slight red that clashed with his hair and his eyes. “Um, I was just wondering whether you had a date yet for the dance tonight. I know you’re new but I figured that Sam or Angela told you about it.” Josh said to me in a friendly voice. I could obviously see that this was his first time asking out a girl and I didn’t want to put him down at the first hurdle.
“No. I’m not going with anyone to the dance. Why would you like to know? “I said back to him a neutral voice so he could not tell what I was thinking. “Um, I was hoping if, um, you weren’t going, um, with anyone whether you, um, would come with me?” Josh said back to me with a nervous smile. “Sure. I would love to go to the dance with you.” I said to him. As I said it, his face lit up and his smile widened. This time when he spoke, he spoke enthusiastically. “I know you’ll have to you know, “pointing at his wrist and then a mimed a bite. “So I will come by your room in just enough time to get there and not be late.” I nodded my head and turned away from him as he was walking away back to his table.
“That was totally sweet! He’s really into you by the way. He told me earlier when I talked to him.” Angela said as soon as Josh was out of ear shot. I looked at Sam and he didn’t seem too happy but that was to be expected if the one you love goes off with another man.
Why does she have to be so beautiful? Why does she have to ignore me and the passion I have for her? Why does she never admit out loud that she loves me? She knows she loves me but she has never said it out loud. I am just going to have to sit back and take it. I’m going to have to stand and watch her tonight at the dance, dancing with Josh instead of me. Why won’t she just say it?
Anyone that ended up with you had to be beautiful and she does not ignore your passion, she just doesn’t appreciate and cherish it. She will say the words one day soon and you don’t have to come to the dance tonight if you can’t take it. She won’t say it because she hasn’t acknowledged it yet. Give her time and she will come through. Your just going to have to be patient Sam.
I have been waiting seventeen years for her to come to this school and to tell her that I love her. I don’t think I can wait any longer and even if I don’t come to the dance, I will be able to feel her pleasure and happiness through her blood. I have had her blood which lets me feel her feelings. Just help me get her to admit it Angel. Help me get through to her.
I will help you. I will do everything that I can to help you after everything that you did to help me.
I couldn’t believe it. They were having a conversation about me, in front of me but in their minds. They must have completely forgotten I am also telepathic.
You do know I can hear you guys yeah?
Both Sam and Angela turned to face me, their cheeks blushing. Angela started to fiddle with her watch and suddenly said that she needed to be going, leaving Sam and me on our own at the table. “How do you get to Spells and Witchcraft?” I said dryly to Sam and got up from the table. Sam got up and took stride just in front of me to lead me to where I needed to be.
When I got to Spells and Witchcraft class Sam didn’t look at me, he just looked down at his palms and started playing with his Turner bracelet. I looked down at my watch and realised that there was at least ten minutes until lesson started and I had loads of questions to ask Sam about the turning process.
“So how does that thing work then?” I asked in an interested voice. He glanced up to me and he looked at me confused. I glanced down to the bracelet and he looked down at it then back up at me. He shook his head and told me I didn’t want to know through his head. I could read that he didn’t want to talk to me after being discovered like that.
I wanted him to talk to me so I did one of the only things that I could to get him to talk. I looked around the hallway to check no-one was watching or coming. Seeing that no-one was, I moved closer to Sam, took his hand and then kissed him lightly on his lips. He was pleasantly surprised and when I went to take my hand out of his, he squeezed my hand and wouldn’t let it go.
I looked down at my hand and then into his eyes. He was smiling since he knew that I had forgiven him and when he saw my face lit up with a smile, he came over to me and kissed me very lightly on the lips as well. That sweet transaction was more romantic then anything that had ever happened to me. It made me shiver and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Sam squeezed my hand again then lifted it up to his eyes. He looked at my watch and then let my hand drop. He then pulled me along with him to the end of the corridor and to another black door. He unlocked it and pulled me in with him. He locked the door behind him and then turned to look at me. Our hands where still clasped together and he used that very wisely.
He pulled me into him and he gave me a long hug, like he had been away for years not for minutes. When he finally pulled away, he kissed the different points of my mark and then worked his way down to my neck. By him doing this, it reminded me of my house, my family, my friends and everything that I was missing about home. It reminded me of what my life used to be like before I had become a vampire and what I had done on the day after I had been turned.
As he started working his way back up to my cheek, I started crying into Sam’s shoulder. He pulled away from me and wiped the tears from my eyes. He pulled me into him again and comforted me by stroking my hair and muttering the words of a lullaby in my ear.
When I had finished and forgotten, he leaned me against the wall. “What was that all about?” He asked me sitting down cross legged on the floor. I sat down next to him and leant my head on his shoulder and told him all about home and my parents and my friends. He listened to me talk about everything and by the time I had finished, Spells and Witchcraft had finished. I had been sat with Sam just talking for two hours!! I can’t believe that he actually listened to me rant on.
When we were on our way to my Survival class, I asked Sam about this. “Teachers know that you’re new and I have reassured them that if you miss any lessons, I will fill you in on all of them in the extra tutoring sessions or I will ask them to come to you and fill you in.” Sam said to me just as we got to my Survival class. Other students were outside and they turned to look at me and Sam. They looked for a moment and then turned back to their conversations. Everyone apart from Josh.
Josh was openly admiring me. He was staring straight into my eyes with his big green eyes. I nudge Sam next to me and ask him whether Josh is telepathic and he shakes his head. I start to probe into his thoughts will he gaze is locked on mine.
She is so beautiful. Imagine what it would be like to kiss those beautiful, smooth lips. It would be amazing. I wonder if she knows how I feel about her. She lives on Sam’s block and most people there are telepathic. She must be so special to have Sam as a mentor. Sam never takes on newbies
I had heard enough by then to know what he felt about me. I said to Sam that I would be al right from here and walked over to Josh who was standing up against the wall, staring at me. When I walked over to him, his face expressed a smile and he stood up straight instead of slopped.
“Hi Lucy. I’m really looking forward tonight.” He said to me as soon as I got to him. “I’ve been telling my friends how beautiful you are.” He nodded to a group of people who were all huddled together and kept on giving me glances.
“I’m looking forward to tonight as well. How long have you been here Josh?” I asked him to find out more about him apart from what he was thinking.
“I’ve been here for three months and this is the third dance I’ve been to. I’ll have to explain stuff that happens in the dance to you beforehand. Would you tell Sam that I’m going to be slightly earlier then I said and he should also be earlier in you know.” He mimed biting into his wrist. I nodded at him.
The bell rang and the door to our classroom was open. I didn’t know what to expect in a survival class; desks or weapons and mats. It was a mixture of both. There were desks in the corner facing into the big open space in the middle. This had mats and weapons and equipment scattered over the mats. There were also lockers with our names unscripted on them in the same design as the desks. I was still studying the room when Josh grabbed my hand and led me over to my locker which was next to his.
“I was right here,” pointing to a spot on the floor below him. “When your name appeared on the locker. That’s when Sam must have put your name on the door to your room. They magically appear on all your lockers, desks and cupboards when your mentor writes it on your door. I was so surprised by the colour that I had to know you.” She has really soft and lovely hands. I had inkling that she was beautiful as soon as I saw the locker door. “Your combination is three four six but you can change it when you open it once. You work with the person next to you so you will be working with me. You can choose whatever sports you like each lesson as long as you learn all of them to the same standard. What would you like to do?”
“Is there boxing? I did boxing in my old school so I am used to it.” I said nervously. What if this school didn’t do boxing or any of the sports I know how to play?
“Yeah there is boxing. I love boxing as well so we should be good fighting each other!” Josh said enthusiastically. He reached over my shoulder to type in my locker code then opened the door. He pointed to the top shelf and I saw some boxing gloves, safety equipment, shorts and a vest top. I got them all out and turned towards him. He pointed to a door at the back of the room and I went to it. It turned out to be a changing room. I got changed and went out to meet Josh on one of the mats.
I tied my long hair up into a slick ponytail so it would not get in the way and then put my boxing gloves on. I put the first one on but struggled with second. Josh removed the pads from his hands and then fastened my other glove for me. I nodded to him in thanks and then he put the pads back on.
He re-taught me the basic moves and made me practice on the pads. Once I got back into the swing, it was easy to pick up again. Within ten minutes of starting the lesson, I was giving Josh punches that he had to struggle to keep his arms in place. When he removed his pads and called time I noticed the teacher staring at me. I hadn’t even realised that there was a teacher in the room until then and as soon as I noticed he was there, he walked over to me.
I took off my gloves and put them on the floor while he was talking to me. “Hello Lucy. I am Professor Buttercup and I teach all sports here. I would like you to come to some training sessions for various sports after extra tutoring everyday starting next week. You were giving Josh quite a challenge today and he is very strong indeed. Obviously, this will be very energy consuming which means you will have to stop refusing to drink blood from your mentor. You need to keep your strength up and we can’t have you dying just after you got here. Especially now I know what you mean to Sam.” He said this last bit in a whisper so only I could hear it. He obviously knew Sam very well to know this piece of information.
“Sure. I’ll come to some sessions here. What kind of sports do you do here?” I asked interestingly.
“We do all kind of sports here. We will talk more when you come next week. I will send Josh to come and get you so he can help you get through these sessions. In this class, we have the best boxer in your year. You look good enough to fight her. Would you like to have a go?” I nodded my head tentatively and jerkily but Professor Buttercup seemed pleased and she led me over to the only other girl boxing in the room.
I walked over to her and put on my gloves while Professor Buttercup explained what was going on to the other boxer. She looked over at me and nodded slowly. Josh tapped me on the shoulder and asked what was going on. When I said that I was going to fight against someone, he clapped his hands.
“Zorina is pretty good but I know you can beat her. Maybe not today but you’ll strive to beat her soon.” Josh said to me, holding my hands in his and kissing my cheek. I turned to face Zorina blushing, and she was ready to fight.
“I want this to be a fair fight guys. Lucy is new Zorina and you’ve been here for six months, be careful. Lucy, be careful and try not to get hurt. You may begin.” Professor Buttercup said and the fight began.
I did my basic moves and then progressed into some harder ones that knocked Josh back when I’d practised. Zorina looked like she was backing down so I got a bit over my head. I started doing fancy moves around the mat. I got distracted and Zorina hit me, square on the cheek where my mother used to hit me. I feel to the floor at the force behind the blow and fell unconscious.
The next thing I knew, I was in my room with Sam, Josh and Professor Buttercup sitting around my bed, with a pain in my cheek.
I tried to sit up but I got pushed back down and got told to rest by a stern voice. I rubbed my eyes and then felt my cheek for damage. When I touched it, the pain increased and I winced and so did Sam though he covered it up very well. I tried to sit up again and didn’t get pushed down this time.
I moved the pillow on my bed so I could rest my head against it. I opened my eyes after moving and saw everyone looking at me with worry in their eyes. “What happened?” I ask anyone who will answer. Josh ended up telling me what had happened.
“When you hit the floor, Professor made sure anything wasn’t broken then called Sam. He came straight away and said what you needed was blood and rest for a couple of hours then you would be fine. He carried you into here and then let you rest before we woke you.” He said looking anywhere but at me until the very end.
I read his thoughts and he was very worried about you especially since he urged you on in the fight. Tell me about that later.
“You need to drink now, otherwise you won’t be able to attend the dance this evening and you will leave Josh very upset.” Sam said and I looked from Josh to Sam. I nodded and Josh got up off my bed and went into the lounge where I could drink with a bit of privacy. I could read that he didn’t want to see me drink from anybody but that was just a part of my life for a couple of weeks then he would never have to see it again.
Sam held out his wrist and I bit into it and began sucking. This time the blood was hot and was burning the inside of my mouth instead of its normal cool taste but I kept on drinking because I could feel my cheek repairing itself. It was painful but necessary. I could see Sam wincing at my pain because he could feel it through my blood.
When I felt my cheek regain its normal feeling, I stopped sucking and healed the bite I had made in Sam’s wrist. He then left me and asked Josh whether he could take me through the rituals and things that I must do tonight. I heard a door shut and then Josh returned, on his own, into my bedroom.
“How are you doing Lucy?” He asked me looking me up and down, looking for cuts and bruises. “I’m fine now. Thank you for looking after me when Zorina knocked me down. What happens at this dance then, presuming you still want to come with me?” I said to him wondering what the answer would be. I would probably never get asked on a date again after the display of toughness I showed today.
“I defiantly still want to go with you. If you still want to go with me?” I nodded. “Right then, at the beginning of the dance, everyone must dance with their partner in a slow dance. That’s tradition. Then about halfway through the dance, we light a candle each and put it in a place around the room. The candles are magical and if your candle gets blown out during the evening, something horrible is going to happen in your life soon. We have only had one candle blow out since I’ve been here and she died, but that won’t happen to you. At the end of the dance, we have to go and stand behind our candles and pray to the Vampire Princes and the Head. That’s then the end of the dance and people are allowed to do what they like. You got everything?” I nod and that seems to satisfy Josh who gets off my bed and goes back to his own room to get ready.
I start to get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom to see what I look like. When I got there, I looked into the mirror to find my cheek is fine but I have bruises up and down on my right arm. Thank god I brought my concealer to this school. I walk out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom where I find my dress hung up on the outside of my wardrobe. I pull it on and then go into the bathroom to slap on some make up on my arm.
By the time I had finished my hair and make up, Josh was in my room and sat on my bed, waiting for me. He was wearing a black suit with a blue funky tie. When I walked out the bathroom, he stood up and held out his arm. I linked my arm in and we walked to the door, down the hall and into the dance hall.
When Josh and I reached the dance, people were already entering and taking their places on the dance floor for the traditional slow dance. Josh and I entered and took a place on the dance floor and began to dance with the slow, rhythmic music. When the music stopped, everyone cheered and vacated the dance floor.
Josh led me over to a group of people and introduced me to them. They were obviously Josh’s friends and he wanted me to meet them. There was five of them; Luke, Brad, Adam, Conner and Callum. They were all really nice to me and I stayed with Josh and his friends most of the evening.
When the dance was half over, the music came to a standstill. It was time for the candles to be lit. Me and Josh walked over to the table and picked up a white candle; White for first year, blue for second year, green for third year and black for fourth year, and went to the circle of white candles. We placed our candles next to our initials that were carved into the floor and lit them with the magical lighters. When everyone’s candles had been lit, everyone cheered again and went back to doing whatever.
I went with Josh and his mates and they talked about girls and stuff; typical boys! I pretended to listen to them but I was probing inside their heads.
If Josh wasn’t with her, I would ditch my girl and get off with her.
She is as beautiful as Josh says she is. I wonder if she knows what he really feels for her. He’s been on about her since the second she walked into this school.
When Josh is finished with her I’m having her.
She’s a weakling. You can see the scars on her legs and the bruises on her arms. She’s probably wacko. I’m not going to help Josh when she finishes with him. I’ve heard all about her human boyfriend and what he did to her.
She’s nice.
Most of the things they were thinking were really nice but when Conner thought about Tom and what he did to me, it made me want to cry.
“Where’s the rest room?” I asked Josh trying to suppress my tears. He could sense something was up because he trailed me to the toilet. “What’s wrong? Are you al right? Are you hurting from earlier?”I shook my head and tried to blink back the tears but they came spilling out anyway.
Josh took hold of my hand and pulled me out of the hall where he pulled me into his embrace and muttered words of comfort to me. I hugged him back and listened to his thoughts.
Don’t worry Lucy. I know your telepathic. You were listening to my friend’s thoughts. What did you hear that upset you?
“Conner. He was talking about my ex-boyfriend. I suppose you know what he did to me on the first day I was here.” Josh nodded and wiped tears away from eyes with a tissue he had produced from his pocket and then gave one to me. He pulled me in for another hug and I hugged him back again. He pulled back, kissed me on the cheek and then led me back into the dance.
He didn’t led me to his friends again but over to the candles where the teachers were gathered, inspecting the candles. Josh found Professor Buttercup and asked him to come to me. He did and then he explained what had happened to Zorina.
“As you can see, she is not here. She has been banned from all social events until the end of this month. She gave you quite a punch even thought I asked her to go easy on you. Are you al right though? I left your room when Sam left, I didn’t want to intrude any longer then I had to.” He said. I nodded in answer and opened my mouth to say something when a teacher in the white circle gasped.
Professor Buttercup turned around and ran over to white circle. Teachers had crowded round it in a circle so none of the pupils could see what was going on. Professor Buttercup dropped to his knees then got up again. He walked out of the circle and came over to me and Josh.
“Come with me Lucy. You can come to Josh if you wish.” He said and then walked back to the circle. I glanced at Josh and his face was petrified. I had no choice but to follow Professor Buttercup, past the pupils, the teachers and into the centre of the white circle.
As soon as I walked into the circle, I noticed warmth and heat on my face, arms and legs. Josh felt it too and let out a sigh. He closes his eyes. As I look around the circle, trying to find something wrong, I spot a gap in the light and warmth. I stare at it and start walking over to it. Josh opens his eyes and follows my gaze to the same spot. He lets out a gasp and walks up beside me as I squat.
I look at the candle that hasn’t got a flame flaring, dread filling me. I wonder why the teachers have asked me and Josh to do this instead of the persons it is. Josh squats beside me and holds my hand. I reach out my other hand to pick the candle to see whose it is when the candle next to it flicks out. Josh groans and now I understand why I’m here.
I pick up the second candle that has gone out and find Josh’s initials underneath it. I groan as the truth hits me.
I turn back to the first candle and pick it up. Sure enough my initials are underneath the candle.
Sam came running to my side and pulled me up. Josh’s mentor did the same with him and both of us got escorted out of the room and into the hallway.
“You both know what this means, yes?” Sam asked us both when we had got out in the hallway. Sam had let go of me and I had sunk to the floor against the wall. Josh had done the same and now he was holding my hand with a firm grip. When Sam asked us, we both nodded. I still had the candle in my hand and I couldn’t stop staring at it. Even when Sam removed it from my grip, I followed it with my eyes. Thinking and wondering.
Someone clicked in front of my face but I couldn’t keep my eyes off the white candle. Someone else clapped their hands in front of me, but again, I didn’t stop looking at the candle. Eventually, Sam put the candle back into my hands and lifted me up by my shoulders.
After I was guided back to my room and Josh back to his, Sam removed the candle from my hand again and placed it on my bed side cabinet. My eyes follow it and continued staring it while Sam placed me onto my bed. Sam sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and for the first time, diverted my eyes away from the candle. As he pulled away from me, I started crying.
“Don’t worry. My candle went out tonight as well.” Sam said. I stopped crying and looked at Sam. His candle had gone out as well as Josh’s. He was looking at me with the eyes he had when he turned me. Want and longing. I knew what he wanted but I couldn’t give it to him. I couldn’t stand to look at him any longer so I looked away at the candle on the bed side table.
I didn’t want to look at that either so I got up, walked around Sam who was watching my every move, around to the table and shoved the candle in a drawer. I then back tracked and went into the bathroom where I removed my make up, jewellery and slipped into my dressing gown after removing my dress.
Sam was still there looking at me expectantly but after a shake of my head, he got up and walked out the door. I fell onto the bed and cried myself to sleep.
When I woke up, no one was in my room, thank god. It gave me time to remember what Tom had said no less than two nights ago.
Come to my house on Friday and let me prove it to you.
Today was Friday. Should I go and see what he has to say or just ignore him. I make a quick and vital decision and got out my phone.
Come and pick me up after school has finished (your school). I will talk to you.
I text Tom not knowing right from wrong any more He text back saying he will take me to his house and then we can talk. I think that is reasonable so I agree. I look at my clock and see it is half past one in the afternoon. He will finish school at half past three so I had two hours until he comes to pick me up.
I find my Mental Activity, Spells and Witchcraft and Survival books and lay them on the dining table. I get a pen and paper and get to work.
After an hour of work from text books, I go down to the survival room where the sports are played. Professor Buttercup said I could go down there whenever I wanted to practice. When I got there, I went straight to my locker and got out some boxing gloves, some shorts and a vest top. I put them on and then went over to a punch bag. I started to punch it and get my anger out.
I thought about Callum and what he thought about me. I thought about my candle going out and predicting something horrible for me. I thought about Zorina and how she knocked me out. I thought about Tom and what he did to me just outside my room. I thought about Sam and how he had locked me a room, tied to a chair.
At the last thought I stopped. I could see someone out of the corner of my eye. It was Sam. No wonder he had turned up. He could feel my anger and he looked angry enough to kill someone. He walked over to me and put he hands on my shoulders, telling me to calm down.
I couldn’t calm down so I ended up shrugging him off me and starting to punch the bag again.
I want to be on my own Sam.
He turned around and left. He was thinking that I was slightly off today. Any other day I would have calmed down and given him a hug but not today. I looked at my watch and realised what time it was. I got my normal clothes back on, packed away what I had used and then ran to the front of the school.
Tom’s car was parked next to mine. I walked over to it, trying to calm down and cool down. As I got to the back of the car Tom pocked his head out of the driver’s seat and motioned for me to sit in the passenger’s seat. I walked to that side of the car, opened the door and sat down.
Tom drove off out of the school and back to his house. When we got there, he got out his key and went in leaving the door open for me to close. As I walked up to the door, I scanned the driveway for his parent’s cars but, evidently, they were at work.
Tom was waiting for me just inside the door and as I shut the door he sprung on me. He pushed me up against the wall again and locked the door over my shoulder so I could see what he was doing. He then grabbed my hands and put them on his chest. I tried to resist but I couldn’t. He was stronger than me. Damn, I’ve got to get stronger!
He then put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back onto the wall where I could not escape. He then pressed his lips onto mine and moved his hands away from my shoulders and starts exploring my body.
I hated it but it reminded me of home and what we had done in my bedroom before Sam had come intruding. I took slight enjoyment out of remembering and momentarily forgetting what was actually happening, I kissed Tom back and pulled him further towards me.
He started stroking my hair and that reminded me of Sam. How much he loved me and how I loved him but wouldn’t admit it. School. Josh. Being a vampire. I shouldn’t be doing this.
I push Tom back and try to get away but when I push him, he grabs my hand and yanks me towards the stairs. I can’t do anything about him pulling me so I go into his thoughts instead.
She is going to love me after this. After I prove myself to her. Even if she resists, I’m too strong for her. She won’t be able to get me off of her even if she tries.
I couldn’t believe what he was planning to. I started to panic and resist him. We were at the door of his room when I started to struggle and he was confident he would have exactly what he wanted.
“I thought we were going to talk not you try to rape me.” I shouted at him as he was dragging me through his door. He just laughed and pulled me through with ease. I couldn’t think of anything else to do to stop him so I went along with it but this time with my rules.
I walked towards him and kissed him. A wave of relief went through him but it was only temporary. I pushed him against the wall while still kissing him. He went along with it and started kissing my neck and then up to my cheek and down again. I was feeling disgusted, angry and worried but I had to go along with it because I would tip Tom off.
I increased my fear of Tom and increased my worry while I was unbuttoning his shirt and him unbuttoning my dress. He dragged me over to his bed and I lay down on it. He started kissing me again and was so distracted by me that he didn’t hear the car, but then again, he wasn’t listening for it.
When I heard the car, I started to struggle again. I tried to move out from under him but I couldn’t. He was right. He is too strong for me. I turned and tried a different approach but nothing seemed to work.
I was so glad to see Sam come in and even better for him to see me struggling against Tom. Tom didn’t realise Sam was there so he continued to pull my dress off. Sam sneaked around behind Tom and pulled him off me. I had to act surprised as well but I’m internally grateful.
I watch Sam punch Tom in the gut and fall to the floor. Sam then looks over at me and he is fuming. I put my dress straight and start doing up the buttons. Sam helps me then grabs my hand and runs out of the room. He pulls me into his car and then drives off.
“What the hell did you think you were doing? Coming here of all places on your own. You haven’t even had your blood today. What the hell were you thinking?” Sam practically shouting at me as we went into the school parking lot. He grabbed my arm and half walked half dragged me into the lift that would take me back up to me room.
“I’m sorry Sam. He said he wanted to talk. I didn’t think he would try anything like that. I’m so sorry.” I said to him looking down rather then up at him.
“I am going to have to lock you in your room.” He said to me as we entered the lift. The last time I had been in this, it was romantic between me and Sam but this time it was just awkward until Sam made the first move.
He laughed as I saw realisation cross his face. I turned to face him and he was shaking his head. When he saw me looking at him, he pulled me into a hug and started laughing again.
“I’m not mad at you Lucy. This was meant to happen. This was your ‘horrible’ thing to happen to you. When you get back to your room, check your candle. It should have re-lit.” He said answering the question in my head.
Sure enough, when I opened my bed side table draw, the candle was alight and burning strongly.
As Sam escorted me down to Combat, he kept giving me looks. I couldn’t read them so I stopped trying after a while. I had stopped probing in people’s minds after the last time I did it and got upset about it. I only do it when I have to which is only in Mental Activity lessons with Sam.
When we got to corridor, he let me go to door without him. And as I turned the corner, I saw Josh. He looked pleased to see me because his face lit up with a smile. I walked up to him and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled at him when he pulled away from me.
“What happened to you this morning? I heard rumours of you running away. I went searching for you but couldn’t find you anywhere.” Josh said to me as soon as he pulled away from me. “I didn’t run away, I just needed some time out. Especially with the candle incident.” I said to him because there were many people listening. I leaned into his ear. “I’ll tell you the truth later.” I whispered into his ear so no-one could hear. He nodded and then pulled me into another hug.
The bell went and we went into the classroom to see Professor Reeves sat behind his desk with a pile of papers on his desk. All the older pupils groaned. “That means its homework day. Professor Reeves always sets really long winded and really hard homework’s.” Josh whispered when I looked confused. I nodded and then went to my desk.
While Professor Reeves gave out the homework’s from last time, I sat in silence and watched people’s faces light up or go into a frown. Most people gave a frown but about five people gave a smile including Josh. After he got his paper back from Professor Reeves he looked up and caught me looking at him. I blushed and smiled at him and he smiled back.
Josh was right about the homework that Professor Reeves would set. It would take me hours to write it and I would need some serious help to actually know what to do. I spent the rest of the lesson reading books into the essay about The Era’s of Combat. I made lots of notes on the subject and stuffed them into my bag when the bell went after two hours of lesson.
As I walked out of the lesson Sam came to meet me and take me to Performing Arts. I said goodbye to Josh and he agreed he would meet me at break. Sam didn’t look too happy about that but I didn’t care. He hugged me goodbye then went with his mates to Academic Arts.
Once again Sam kept on giving me glares but he didn’t speak to me. He did the same thing; leaving me at the corridor before my classroom. I walked past him and to Angela who was talking to her friends but stopped as soon as she saw me. She turned towards me and opened her mouth to ask me the same question but I answered the question in thought.
I’ll tell you later
She closed her mouth and nodded as the bell went and we all went into the classroom. Today we were doing drama today so there wasn’t any need to get changed. We all sat in a circle while Professor Strigiyo explained what to do. We were doing melodrama which was quite easy for me. I’m used to over reacting to everything. Me and Angela were paired up and improvised for the rest of the lesson.
When the bell went for break I picked up my bag and walked out the door. As usual, Sam was waiting for me. I walked over to him and we set off the hall. When we got there he led me straight into the square room. He didn’t bother to lock the door because he knew I wouldn’t struggle against him.
When I had finished drinking and Sam had healed his wrist, I walked across to Josh and Angela who were sat at a table together. Sam walked over to a table with some Professors on it. Josh looked over at me when I came over and smiled. I smiled back at him and he looked down. I sat down next to him and he looked up again.
“So you both want to know what happened, yes?” Both nodded. “Right. Neither of you are going to like this. I snuck out to meet my ex-boyfriend. He wanted to talk so I agreed to talk with him. We went to his house. He tried to, you know, and Sam got there just in time to stop him.” I looked down, ashamed of what I had done and how I had trusted Tom.
Josh put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. Me and Josh had really been hitting it off ever since the dance and the slow dance. He had helped me through loads of lessons and helped me through Zorina knocking me out and the candle incident.
When the bell went for third lesson, Sam came over to our table and tapped me on the shoulder. I got up and sent a mental message to Sam.
Josh has the same lessons as me until second break. Why don’t you meet me after fourth instead of escorting me to each lesson? I’ll be with Josh; nothing is going to happen to me.
Sam nodded but looked upset and angry. He walked away from me and didn’t look back. I turned to face Josh who was smiling. Angela had to go in a different direction to us so she dashed off, leaving me Josh to go to Spells and Witchcraft.
When we got to the classroom, people were already walking in. We hurried into the classroom and sat down just before Professor Heyla walked in. She gave me a text book and told me to read chapters one to seven to catch up while everyone else did chapter seven practical.
The lesson was boring after I had finished chapter seven. I’m a quick reader so I spent the rest of the lesson either looking at Josh or pretending to read and by the time the bell went I could recap chapter seven without the book. Next lesson everyone would be reading chapter eight and doing eight practical so I would actually be required to do something.
When the bell went, I put my textbook into my bag and got up. Josh came over to me and led me out of the classroom. “Boring lesson huh?” He said to me as we left the classroom. I nodded. “You’ll get to do more next lesson now you are up to speed. At least you can enjoy yourself in Survival.” He said to me as we turned the corner and to the Survival classroom door.
We went in and decided to do boxing again to keep to common ground. I did some basic steps and then went to the punch bag to give Josh a break. After the punch bag, I went back to the pads on Josh again and I spent the rest of the lesson doing that. When the bell went, I and Josh decided to change sports next lesson. We eventually decided on basketball to work on precision, attention to detail and agility.
When we walked out together, I saw Sam waiting for me. He was angry and I could tell by the look on his face. He led me to the hall and then into the square room. “Why are you angry with me? What have I done to upset you?” I asked him, wanting to know. “Nothing, nothing. Just bite me and get it over with, I have to prepare for our lesson.” Sam said holding out his wrist. I did what he asked and got it over with.
I walked out of the room without Sam and went over to Josh and Angela. I sat next to Josh who smiled at me. All through second break we talked about normal things like school work, homework, whose dating who, although when I brought it up, Angela and Josh went rather quiet. I knew something was up. I had to seriously restrain myself from probing then because I knew something was up but I didn’t know what. I would have just asked them straight up but I wasn’t sure whether they would take offence at it. Instead I asked both of them whether they had noticed anything up with Sam but they both shook their heads.
After we had gotten off the subject of dating, they were fine. We talked about the dance yesterday and what had happened after me and Josh had left.
Everything went back to normal, says Angela. She danced with her date and so did everyone else. No-one else’s candles went out and all the teachers prayed for me and Josh and hoped the horrible things weren’t going to be too horrible. Mine was but at least it is over and done with. Josh checked his candle and it was re-lit. He didn’t know why his went out in the first place but he was just happy it was back on again.
When the bell went for extra tuition, Josh took me up to my room even though I and Angela live next to each other. Evidently, Josh and Angela had been talking before I came to sit with them to organise this because Angela took a different way to her room.
When we got to my room, I thanked Josh for bringing me up. I hugged him and then turned to open my door but Josh caught my arm. I turned back to him puzzled. He looked really nervous and worried.
“Do you like me?” Josh asked me.
“Of course I like you. I hardly think that you thought I hate you or something.” I replied, laughing slightly.
“That’s not what I meant. Would you like to know as more than a friend?” Josh asked seriously, looking into my eyes. When Josh looks into my eyes I get shivers because they are the same pure green of mine.
“What do you mean Josh?” I ask him, not knowing what he means or wants from me.
“I am asking you to be my girlfriend.” He said back to me looking down at his hands and then back up at me into my eyes.
“Is this why you asked Angela to go a different way back to her room?” Josh nodded. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” I said to him grasping his hands in mine. A smile broadened on his face and a smile appeared on mine as well. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek. “You’ve got to be going. Don’t want to make Sam wait, especially in the mood he’s in!” Josh said then walked away, down the corridor.
I turned around, opened the door to find Sam sitting on the dining table with a note pad and a pen in front of him.
Where have you been? Your ten minutes late.
“Sorry, Josh wanted to ask me something.”
Let’s get started then.
Sam didn’t speak to me properly all lesson. He always spoke through his mind and I had to answer through mine. If I spoke he cut my wrist with his nail. I spoke about ten times before it started to really hurt. I didn’t speak just to wind Sam up; I really didn’t like speaking to people through my mind or probing into people’s thoughts and finding out what they think of me. When Sam cut me, he winced but he also cut me when I tried to heal the previous cuts. I would probably have to wear a bandage all up my right arm because of Sam and his teaching techniques.
When the lesson was finished Sam got up and left without one word or thought. I then got up and went down to the survival classroom and started boxing. I punched away my annoyance at Sam and I punched away my pain and I kept on punching until I was happy. I then went back up to my room to find a note under my door. It was from Sam.
I have decided that you don’t need me to escort you around any more You should know your way to and from classrooms by now, especially now you have Josh and Angela to help you. Of course I will still be giving you your dosages of blood so at the same times as normal, come into the feeding room and I will be there.
Finally, Sam’s giving me some freedom in this school. Yes I am new but I’ve been round the school many times and I can get there on my own. I pick up the note and put it on my fridge with a magnet then get a bottle of water, open it and start to drink it.
I walk over to me bed, put my night clothes on and then get into bed. I’m out within minutes.
My alarm clock wakes me up with half an hour to get ready and get to Combat. I look down at my right arm. It is now covered in cuts and bruises. Make up isn’t going to cover up both of them so I wind a bandage around it and then put on a black jumper with long sleeves on. The bandage is going to show in survival but everyone will be concentrating on what they’re doing rather than me. I put on some black trousers and slap on some make up I tie my hair in a pony tail and I’m good to go.
When I get down to Combat, Josh is waiting outside in his normal place, surprised to see me without Sam. I walk over to him and give him a hug. He hugs me back and then kisses my cheek.
“Hey. Where’s Sam gone?” He asked me.
“He’s given me freedom.” I reply a little too enthusiastically. Josh tries to hold my hand but can’t because I am gripping the sleeves of my jumper into balls in my hands. Josh notices this and takes me aside of the crowd of students. He pulls my sleeve until I let go of it and he uncovers the bandage.
“What have you done now?” He asks me with a sigh. He starts to undo the bandage to reveal the long slashes and the big bruises on my arm.
“I haven’t done anything. Zorina gave me the bruises and Sam gave me the cuts.” I said back to him, the bit about Sam quickly. He had finished taking off the bandage and was counting the cuts.
“Seventeen cuts. And Sam did this to you.” He asked, concluding his counting and studying of my arm. I grabbed the bandage from him and started to wind it round my arm again.
“It was part of his teaching technique. No biggie.” I said quickly as the bell went. After I had wound the bandage back around my arm, Josh grasped my hand and led me into Combat.
Combat lesson went smoothly; I took more notes for the homework along with the more sensible people in the group; which included Josh. Josh kept on glancing in my direction though that was only because he was worried about me.
The lesson finished quite quickly and I was pleasantly surprised when the bell went on me starting my seventh page of notes. I packed my notes away with my text book and got up. Josh was already next me when I got up and he grasped my hand and led me out of the Combat room. We hugged and departed our separate ways for our electives.
When I got to the Performing Arts corridor, Angela ran up to me.
“So...” She said obviously wanting to know whether Josh had asked me and what I had said.
“So... Why didn’t you tell me he was going to do something like that? I thought we were mates?” I ask her loving the expression she makes with her face.
“So what happened then? Did he ask you? What did you say? Please, please tell me.” She said, jumping up and down on the spot.
“So he asked me.” Angela squeals and makes a carry on motion with her hands. “And I said yes.” Angela claps here hands and hugs me. “And even better, Sam left me a note saying he won’t escort me to lessons any more as long as I see him in breaks for you know.” I mime biting into my wrist. Angela nods thoughtfully at that. I remember that Sam and Angela were scheming to get me to admit that I loved Sam.
As I was thinking that, the bell went and we all entered the classroom. We were doing melodrama again today so me and Angela practised our improvised scene again and did so for the whole hour.
When the bell went, me and Angela jumped and then laughed at each other. We got our stuff then went out the door any into the hall where everyone else was situated. I told Angela that I would join her in a minute and went into the feeding room where Sam was.
As I came in, he didn’t look up from what he was doing so I coughed. He jumped and closed up his note pad and put down his pencil. I wanted to know what was in the note pad that he didn’t want me to see but I didn’t want to probe or read his mind so I ignored it and pretended it wasn’t there.
He held out his wrist and I bit into it. While I was drinking, he was inspecting my right arm. He had pulled up my sleeve and was starting to undo the bandages. I pulled away from him and slapped at his hand. He stopped undoing the bandages and put his hands up in surrender then held out his wrist again. I started sucking again and when I had had enough, healed the bite and walked out and sat with Josh and Angela.
I sat next to Josh and he held my hand when I sat down. I smiled at him and then joined in the conversation they were having. Angela was talking about how good I and Josh looked together. We both blushed at that and looked down. Angela also made Josh go through exactly how he asked me which was also embarrassing for both of us. At first Josh refused to tell Angela but she coaxed it out of him in the end.
Josh had just finished what he had done when the bell went. Josh let go of my hand to reach down and get his bag. I did the same thing and then we held hands again. As we walked out of the hall, I saw Sam looking at me with those eyes that want and long for me. I ignored him and walked along, hand in hand with Josh.
As we reach Spells and Witchcraft lots of people ask us if we are together and we both nod and smile. Lots of people agree with Angela and say we look good together. Lots of people say that I will be good for Josh but I don’t see how people can say that when they don’t actually know me.
The bell goes and we all go into the classroom and get our text books out. Now that I have caught up with the reading, I don’t feel odd reading while everyone else is doing practical. Everybody has the instruction to read chapter eight and then do the practical at the end.
Chapter eight is all about moving objects without touching them. Like elevating them then putting them in a different place or summoning them to you. I read through the chapter several times till I’m one of the last reading. I flip to the back of the chapter to find out the practical. The practical was to move five objects; a pen, a book, a chair, a table and a person. Professor Heyla didn’t think any of us could do all five. She stated that at the beginning of the lesson but everyone was trying to prove her wrong.
I got out my pen and laid it on my desk. I did what the book told me to do. Think about the pen balancing on air and make an air block which the pen is balancing on in your mind. Point your finger and show the pen where to go. Everyone either had their eyes closed or was concentrating really hard on the pen. I relaxed and imagined the pen balancing.
I opened my eyes and pointed at the pen. I pulled my finger upwards towards the imaginary block and to my amazement, the pen lifted with my finger. I couldn’t lose my concentration so I held out my other hand palm up. I directed my finger to my hand and the pen floated into my hand. I dropped my finger and my pen dropped into my hand.
I looked around and saw Josh looking at me with his mouth wide open in awe. I smiled at him and shrugged. He got up and came over to my desk. He put a book onto it and nodded towards it.
I put my pen down on the desk and started to imagine. I pointed my finger at the book and lifted my finger. Once again the book lifted with my finger. This time I kept it going until it was balancing on top of Josh’s head. I retracted my finger and the book fell of his head. He laughed out loud and everyone turned around to face him. He looked at me then pointed towards the chair which he had vacated.
I did the same for the chair. I lifted it up and then placed it on top of the table next to it. I lifted a table and placed it on top of another table. Everybody clapped including Professor Heyla. She walked over to me and whispered in my ear.
“If you would like to stop there, I am sure your spectators won’t mind.”
“I don’t mind trying.”
I turned towards Josh. I lifted my eyebrows and he understood and nodded his head. I imagined him standing on an invisible chair and then pointed my finger at him. I began to lift it up and heard gasps.
I opened my eyes to see Josh suspended in the air with a smile on his face. I moved him forward and stood him up on Professors desk. She clapped when I took away my finger. I was breathing heavily and I was feeling very tired. Professor Heyla sent someone to go and get Sam at my approval and Josh jumped off the desk and came over to me.
“That was amazing Lucy. How did you do that?” He asked me and I shrugged. I reached into my bag and grabbed my bottled water. I started sipping it when Sam came in and came over to me and Josh.
“What did she do?” Sam asked Josh referring to me.
“She was doing magic. Levitation and movement of objects.” Josh replied sounding matter of fact.
“What did she levitate and move?” Sam asked urgently,
“A pen, a book, a chair, a table and me.” Josh replied. Sam gasped and shook his head.
“Is there a way of taking the class somewhere else or taking Lucy somewhere else Professor. This isn’t something they will want to be seeing.” Referring to the rest of the students.
“Take her into my office and draw the blinds across. I will make sure nobody takes one look at my office.” Professor Heyla said and unlocked her office door. Sam lifted me up and walked into the office, Professor Heyla closing it behind us. He places a pillow down on the floor and then lays me on the floor with my head on the pillow. He then moves to close the blinds. I see Josh’s face just before my vision goes blurry and I pass out.
When I come round, Sam is bending over me with his wrist over my mouth. I start sucking and start to regain my strength. When I try to pull away, Sam forced his wrist against my mouth. He does this every time I pull away until he is satisfied that I am healthy again.
“If you’re planning to use substantial energy all at once like that, you need a bottle of blood from your fridge. They get restocked weekly so don’t worry about running out. I would recommend you bring one to every Spells and Witchcraft lesson you have just to be sure.” Sam said while I sat up and looked at the time. I still had about ten minutes of Spells and Witchcraft lesson and I wanted to get back to it so I could anticipate what I was going to be doing the next lesson.
“Thanks for the advice Sam.” I said standing up, balancing myself on a chair. He got up and came over to me.
“We need to test you for magical ability. I will organise a test on the weekend so you have time to recover from classes before we have to test you.” Sam said opening the door to the office.
I walked out the best I could but before I could fall over, Sam was steadying me and leading me over to my chair. As I got to it, I sat down in it and propped my elbow against the desk. Josh came over to me from his seat and asked if I was al right I nodded but Sam answered in more detail for me.
“She just needs some rest. I recommend you don’t do survival Lucy. That will just wear you out even more. I will go there now and explain why you are not taking part today.” Sam says to me and Josh. Somehow he has found out about me and Josh though I didn’t tell him. That’s why he’s agitated. Because I am with Josh!
Sam leaves the room to do what he said he would do and Professor Heyla resumes the end of the class. She and Josh keep on giving me nervous glances.
When the bell goes, I try to stand up. I prop myself up on the table the first time but the second time, I am fine and I can walk as well. Josh comes over to me and holds my hand so if I fall, he can easily pull me back up. We got about halfway there until I needed to stop to get my breath back. Josh stayed with me and helped me the remainder of the journey.
When we got there, the lesson was in full swing and I and Josh were late. I pulled up a chair and sat down at the end of the hall while Josh went to get changed into some basketball gear. When he came out, he began to do some shots getting further and further away from the net. He missed most of them but at least he was trying.
I was so engrossed with watching Josh that I didn’t realise Sam was behind me until he coughed and I turned around to face him. He had pulled up another chair next to me and he wanted to talk to me.
“I don’t mind you being with Josh, by the way. I’m angry because you didn’t think you could tell me about him. I’m your mentor and it’s my job to listen even if I don’t like it. Don’t come to the feeding room at second break. I’ll give you more blood in Mental Activity lesson later. Remember, you can tell me anything.” Sam said, then moved his chair back and left the room.
“What did Sam want?” Josh said when he came over seconds after Sam had left the room.
“He just wanted to say that I could tell him anything and that he approves of us being together.” I said and Josh bent down and hugged me. “I got to get back to playing. See you in a bit.” Josh said and then ran off towards the basketball net. I spent the rest of the lesson admiring Josh and watching his every move.
When the bell went, Josh got changed then helped me up and into the hall where he helped me sit down beside him. I had told him on the way that Sam didn’t need me now and Josh seemed glad about that. He didn’t like the idea of me biting Sam. I gripped Josh’s hand under the table again and watched out for Angela.
She spotted us before we spotted her and came over to us. She sat down opposite me and ducked under the table, spotted we were holding hands then came back up. “What happened to you in S and W class? Someone told me that you were doing magic then passed out of something. What happened? “Angela asked me sounding worried.
“I was elevating things. Professor asked me to do a person to see whether I could do it. I did it but I came out of it out of breath and really tired. Professor sent someone for Sam. He came, took me into the teachers office and then I passed out.” I said back to her. “The next thing I remember was feeling fine, sitting on the floor of Professor Heyla’s office. “
Josh squeezed my hand under the table in thanks. He obviously knew what actually happened in the office and he didn’t want to be told about it. I squeezed his hand back and he smiled at me.
The rest of second break, we talked about normal stuff and me and Josh made a study date for the next day to help each other with their Combat essay. I told Angela about what Sam said in survival and she immediately got up and walked out of the hall. Josh seemed confused at that but I knew that Angela was going to find Sam and try and get him back to the plan that they had made together.
Josh and I sat for the rest of second break and talked about music, people, teachers, who’s dating who. This time when I brought up the subject he didn’t become quiet and edgy, he just joined in and pointed out people who were together, who just broke up or who are hitting on whom.
When the bell went me and Josh got up and linked hands on the way to my room. Josh had to pass my room to get to his so he walked me back.
When we got back to my room, there was a girl stood outside it. She had purple dyed hair and brown eyes. When she saw me and Josh round the corner she came over to Josh.
“I figured you’d be with her.” Nodding her head in my direction. “Mum called, she wants to speak to you about her. She heard about today by Mat. I know about today and I’m not happy about it. Why her Josh?” She said to Josh, nodding in my direction and looking at our hands linked whenever she said ‘her’.
“Lucy. This is my half sister Annie and Mat is my half brother. He was in Spells and Witchcraft with us today. Annie is a year ahead of me.” Josh said to me then turned to Annie. “Is mum on the phone now?” She nodded. “Tell her I will be on the phone in a bit. And tell Mat that I want to see him.”
Annie walked away down the hall and round the corner. She gave me a dirty look just before turning the corner and then turned and went. Josh squeezed my hand and I looked up at him.
“She’s not that scary when she gets to know you. She is just freaked out by the magic thing. I’ve got to go and see what my mum wants. She never calls and when she does, she means business. I’ll come by after your Mental Activity lesson.” Josh said to me when we got to my door. I hugged him and he kissed me on the cheek and then went.
As I walked into my room, Sam was in the same place as yesterday with another note pad and pen. I walked over to him and sat in the same place as yesterday. He held out his hand palm up and I put my right arm into it. He undid the bandages and placed my arm on the table in front of him. I hadn’t dared try to heal the cuts that Sam had made the day before so they were scabbing over. Sam put his fingers over each cut one at a time and they started to heal. It was quite painful but I think that was the lesson.
We did the same thing as yesterday apart from the cutting thing. Sam didn’t talk at all apart from in his mind which I had to pick up. It was easy because I had done all of it before now.
When the lesson finished, Sam picked up his notebook and his pen and put them in a bag which I hadn’t noticed under the table. He then held out his wrist to me. I bit into it and drunk what I needed then pulled away from him. He healed the cuts and then walked over to the door. Opened it to find Josh outside about to knock.
I went over to Josh and gave him a hug. Sam smiled at me then walked out of the door and shut it behind him. Josh hugged me back and then pulled away. He took hold of my hand and led me over to my couch. We both sat down next to each other. He took both of my hands in his and looked down.
“My mum and my step-dad would like to meet you. I know we haven’t been together long but they like to meet all of girlfriends and boyfriends. They are coming to visit on Sunday and would like to meet you. Do you mind doing that?” Josh said to me looking up into my eyes.
“Sure. I would love to meet your parents. Maybe next weekend you can meet mine.” I said back to him.
He nodded and then smiled at me. He moved his hand away from mine and lifted my chin up so I could properly look into his eyes. He leant towards me, slowly so I could pull out if I wanted. I leant towards him and met him halfway.
Our lips touched and we had our first kiss.
Josh’s kiss was soft and sweet. When I kissed him back, it was like a wash of relief went through him. He relaxed into me and held me tight to his chest. I could hear his heart beating against my ear. I loved listening to his heart beat; I could stay here all night and just listen and listen.
Josh pulled back his chest from me ear lifted my chin again so I could stare into his eyes. He bent to kiss me again and this time it was long and hot. He pressed hard then lightly then hard again. I went along with it and enjoyed it. It was the best thing that had happened to me since Sam proved he loved me exchanging blood.
We continued kissing until god knows when but when I pulled away, the sun was rising. Josh got up and closed the curtains in my bedroom and then came back to the couch where I was sitting.
“That was amazing. I’ll come here tomorrow for studying. Maybe we can go to the survival classroom and do the basketball that you missed out on yesterday afterwards. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said to me and then kissed me again. I got up and hugged him and then led him to the door. He opened it, turned around, kissed my cheek then walked out of my room.
I grabbed a bottle of water and take it back to bed. I slipped into my bed clothes and slipped into bed. My lips were still moist from Josh’s kissing. I ran my finger over my bottom lip and then sipped my water. Two minutes after laying my head on my pillow, I was out cold.
My alarm woke me up the next evening. It was set to go off thirty minutes before Josh was supposed to come and it had gone off right on time. I scrambled out of bed to turn it off and knocked over my white candle in the process. It didn’t burn the bed side table so I just picked it up and placed it back on the table.
I went over to my wardrobe and picked out a pair of cute jeans and a cool tee-shirt and out them on. I went into the bathroom and did my hair and make up I came out of the bathroom and found my bag with my textbooks in and got the combat textbook and the notes I had made the two previous lessons. I got some more paper and a pen. I had just finished this when there was a knock on my door.
I looked at my watch and saw that Josh was perfectly on time. I went over to the door and opened to find Josh. He walked in and gave me a hug and then a long kiss. His lips were so soft and lush. I kissed him back and then pulled back.
“I thought we were going to be studying combat not each other.” I said to him jokingly as he draped his arms over my shoulders and holding my hand in front of me.
“I’d much rather study you than combat eras.” He said playfully, kissing the bottom of my neck and sliding the sleeve of my tee-shirt down a bit so he could see my bra strap. He started to move his hands down to my waist but I jerked away from him. He looked confused to start with then he remembered what Tom had done to me only a day before.
“I’m sorry. I completely forgot.” Josh said to me looking down at his hands.
“Don’t worry about it. Shall we get on with this combat thing then we can go down to survival and do some basketball like you said.” I said to him, kissing him on the cheek then taking his hand. I took him over to my dining table and to the books and paper I had put out.
He sat down and began to explain what to do. I sat and looked at his mark. His was dark green with lots of complicated swirls and symbols. I couldn’t help but notice when I first went into a classroom that everyone’s mark was a different colour. None were black and white like mine. They were all one colour but different colours for different people. They were all unique and I couldn’t find two that looked remotely the same.
The teachers had them as well but theirs were moved by magic when they became a professor to the back of their neck. Sam told me this in a Mental Activity lesson when I had asked him. His hadn’t moved yet because he wasn’t a proper teacher yet. He hadn’t qualified yet. Sam had a bright red mark on his cheek that looked like a spider with a heart as a head made out of delicate and thin lines. No-one could replicate that.
While I had been thinking about people’s marks, I had been absent minded been drawing on the paper I had in front of me. Now that I back listening to Josh, I looked down on the piece of paper to see what I had drawn. I had drawn an exact copy of Josh’s mark. I looked from the paper to his cheek over and over again but couldn’t find a difference in the two copies.
I had just realised this when Josh looked over from his writing to see what I was doing. I quickly folded the paper and tried to put it in my bag which was under the table but Josh plucked it out of my hand when I bent to put it in my bag. He unfolded it and then didn’t speak for two minutes. He was just staring at the paper and the drawing of his mark.
“Wow. How did you do that? No-one’s ever been able to draw another’s mark.” He asked me after about three minutes of staring and wondering.
“I have no idea. I was just thinking about your mark and then I started scribbling and it happened.” I said pointing at the paper.
“You said that Sam is going to test you for magic today yeah.” Josh said and I nodded. “Take this with you and show him and see what he says about it.”I nodded again and then Josh handed me the paper. I put it into my bag then looked up at Josh again.
He was also looking at me and he had come slightly closer to me. I stood up and walked over to him. I put one of my hands on his hands and the other on his chin, pushing it up to meet my eyes. “Don’t tell anyone about this Josh. People already think I’m a freak, I don’t want to be any more of a freak than I already am.” I said to him staring into his eyes. He nodded and then leaned towards me. He defiantly hadn’t forgotten about Tom and what he had done, he just wanted an innocent kiss from me.
I leaned into him quicker than he was to me and kissed him softly. It felt like our first kiss all over again. Josh was tentative after what he had forgotten but wanted this to happen just like I did.
As I pulled away, I wished that everything was normal. Not having to take magic tests or accidentally drawing people’s marks. I just wanted to be with Josh and be normal vampire couples like the rest of them. But then I wasn’t normal; I wasn’t found, I was chosen, I was telepathic, and I might have crazy magical powers and now this.
My watch beeped and I looked down to it. It was time to go to my magic test. Josh looked at the watch then up to me. He kissed me again and this time a long kiss that said good luck and hope you come back. I got that from his mind but his kiss said it as well.
When he pulled away, I gripped his hand, picked up my bag and then left the room with both. I shut the door behind me turned to go down the corridor. I saw Annie walk in the other direction, obviously not in a great mood with me. Her purple hair swaying behind her.
When we got to the Spells and Witchcraft classroom, Sam was waiting for me. He didn’t seem surprised to see Josh and smiled a warm smile at both of us.
When we reached him he began to talk about the test straight away. “When you enter the room, the test begins straight away. You must make your way to your seat and sit on it to complete the test. Since you brought Josh, he will be allowed to come into the room with you but he will not be allowed to use magic, therefore, becoming a hindrance not help. Please enter.” He said and opened the door.
As I stepped in, the classroom was a tip; tables were upside down with chairs, pens and books delicately balanced on top of the legs. There was also one person that looked like they were glued to the floor, standing directly in front of my chair and table. The items had been placed all around my chair and table, requiring me to move things in order to get there.
Sam handed me a book which looked like a dictionary but it was a spell book. “You must use one spell from each page on every page in this book. We all know that you possess the magic but this test will see how strong it is and will determine what we need to do with you.”
I flipped through the spell book and it was over five hundred pages long. This was going to be a very long test and very draining. I would probably have to feed before the end but that was the test. How long would I last without blood?
I flipped to the first page in the book and studied each spell and what it would do. I chose a spell that would show me hidden words. I thought that the words could give me an advantage; however, nothing happened apart from Sam clapping. I had evidently done the spell but just couldn’t see a difference.
The next page was where the levitation spell was. “Do I have to do the pages in order?” I asked Sam and he smiled and shook his head. I skipped that page and went on the next page where I found exactly what I wanted. It was a melting spell. I directed it at the glue on the person’s feet. He gasped at the heat of the spell but other than that, remained silent. I then flipped back to the levitation spell and lifted the person to next to Sam. He clapped again as I continued working.
I used the levitation spell for as long as I could; lifting all the books off the upturned tables and placing them in a neat pile on the floor next to the person. I then did the chairs and made neat stacks next to the books. By this time I was feeling the toll of magic hitting. I was tired and irritable and had to smack myself hard in the face to keep myself from collapsing. I stopped the levitation spell and flipped on two pages.
I did the rest of the pages in order up until page 249. I noticed a spell that would blast everything out of the way of your path that was able to move. I remembered that page number and then carried on doing pointless spells that wouldn’t make a difference for good or bad of the test.
Every now and again, I glanced over to Sam, Josh and the person I had levitated. They were all smiling at me and I had no idea why. I wanted to ask but then I would lose concentration.
When I got to page 500, I was absolutely exhausted. I did the second last spell and then sat on the floor. Josh started to walk over to me but I stopped him.
“No... Josh stop. Just...one more...spells yes?” I asked Sam who had been making notes on a piece of paper every time I had done a spell. I was breathing heavily but Sam seemed to understand what I said because he nodded. I got a bit of my breath back then stood up. I flipped back to page 249 and looked for the spell I had been saving until last.
I found it about halfway down the page. I held out my empty hand out, palm forward pointing it at one of tables in my way. I muttered the spell and the table blasted away from me at extreme speed. I sighed with relief and pointed my hand at all the tables apart from my own. I was careful to lower my hand slightly whenever I had to pass it.
When all the tables were out the way, Sam and Josh started clapping and I made my way over to my seat. My vision was blurring and I couldn’t see properly but I urged myself over to my chair.
I staggered over to it, sat down and passed out.
“Lucy. Lucy, you need to wake up now.” Josh was saying over and over again. He was gently shaking me. I was in my bed in my room. I tried to sit up but Sam and Josh pushed me back down. “You need blood. You did amazing in there without any blood. Do you want me to leave while you, you know?” Josh said to me holding my hand. I nodded to the question. He kissed my hand and then let go and walked into my living room.
Sam came to my side and held out his wrist. I bit into it and saw Josh wince at the sound I made. I tried not to moan as Sam’s cool goodness filled me and restored me to health. I tried to pull away multiple times put Sam forced his wrist into my mouth until he was satisfied and trying to suppress his moans as well.
He pulled his wrist away from my mouth and rubbed his fingers over the huge bite mark I had made. As soon as Sam left my bed side, Josh came over and sat next to me on my bed. I sat up and no one tried to stop me this time. “You did amazing in there. Sam said you have great will power to go that far in the condition you where in. I was so worried for you.” He said to me gripping my hand.
Sam came back in and sat on the other side of my bad. “I called Professor Heyla and she wants to see you. Is that okay with you? She wants to explain what were going to do with you next.” He said to me when he sat down. I looked at Josh. He looked at me and shrugged. I looked back at Sam and nodded. He nodded at the door and Professor Heyla came in. Sam left and I heard my door shut softly.
Professor Heyla sat on a chair that had been pulled up next to my bed. She turned to Josh first. “Josh. Question, what magical abilities does Lucy have?” I looked at Josh who held out his hand. I gripped it and began talking.
“She’s a telepath who can read, control and change minds. She is a top level magic user. She has the ability to drink a vamp dry. She loves human blood. She can re-draw people’s marks...“Professor Heyla was counting them off on her fingers. Josh quickly let go of my hand and looked away from me. That hurt me more than anything that had happened today.
Josh looked at Professor Heyla and she nodded. She was smiling and was looking at me. “Josh can ability read. If you have ability’s, Josh knows about it. You need to be put in some new classes. They will alter your timetable a bit and you will have less time to yourself and less thoughts and feelings to yourself but that is the substitute you must make. You will find it here tomorrow and you will have to start the new classes on Monday.” Professor got up and left.
When I heard the door close I looked up at Josh who wasn’t looking at me. I tried to grip his hand but he pulled away from me. What had I done to upset him? I had to know so I probed into his mind.
How am I meant to know that she isn’t going to control my mind or mess around with it? She needs to prove it to me somehow but how? Do I love her enough to risk it?
I got out of my bed and sat next to him. I pulled him into an embrace and whispered into his ear. “I will never read your mind again. I will never control your mind and I will never change your mind. Even if you are asking me to do it I won’t.” He pulled away from me and held my hands in his. I smiled and he grinned back.
“You still able to meet my parents tomorrow?” He asked me and I nodded. He leaned over and kissed me long and hard, driving me back to a lying position on my bed. He was laying next me propped up on his elbow so he could see me. I was smiling so he put one of his hands on my waist. When I didn’t object to that, he leaned over and started kissing my neck, putting his other hand on my shoulder. I leaned into him and we just stayed there for the rest of the night.
When day was emerging, Josh sat up and pulled me up with him. He walked over to the door and opened it. There were still some students out but Josh didn’t care. He gave me a long goodnight kiss and said he would come and get me when his parents were here. He kissed me on the check then left, waving to Angela who was watching us intently.
When Josh had turned the corner Angela came over to me with a smile on her face.
“When did you two start making out in corridors?” she asked me sarcastically with a wide smile.
“Yesterday when he kissed me.” I said with a smile on my face. Angela clapped her hands and jumped up and down saying she knew we would work out. I made an excuse to leave her, turned away from her and entered my room. I went straight to me bed and collapsed on it. I thought about Josh’s parents and what they would think of me with my weird mark and special abilities.
I got changed into my night clothes and set out some clothes for the next day, collapsed on my bed again and slept.
I woke up to the sound of a knocking on my door. I call out to see who it is and Josh replied. I shout for him to come in while I get dressed in the bathroom. I put my make up on and let my hair down into long waves.
When I emerge from the bathroom Josh is sat on my bed wearing his normal casual clothes. I’m also wearing smart casual clothing so I let out a sigh of relief that I won’t feel out of place. When Josh sees me, he stands up and kisses me on the cheek. I grip his hand and he leads me out of the room.
We walk hand in hand to Josh’s room. I’ve never been in Josh’s room so I was pleasantly surprised when I entered. I saw his purple haired sister sat next to his mother and saw a black haired, blue eyed boy about Josh’s age sat next to Josh’s dad. That must be Mat because I recognised him from Spells and Witchcraft class.
You could tell by the tense silence when I walked in that they all knew about my magic and they didn’t know what I could do to them. Josh’s parents broke the silence and introduced themselves to me. Their names were Silvia and John. After they had introduced themselves I introduced myself with a squeeze of the hand by Josh.
They studied me carefully especially Silvia. She started asking embarrassing questions like how we meet, how long I had been a vampire, who had turned me. I answered all of them honestly until the end of the questioning. They asked me what abilities I had. I looked at Josh and he pressed into my hand with four fingers. Therefore, I told them the first four abilities I had and reassured them that I would never dream of using any of them to harm Josh.
After I had reassured them they were happy and cheerier with me. They had a laugh about how I and Josh met and many other things. When the evening was nearly over, Josh made his excuses and took me out of the room. He led me back to my room hand in hand and when we got to my corridor he paused then carried on like nothing had happened.
When we rounded the corner, there were some students hanging about but not as many as last night. Angela was one of them obviously looking in on us to make sure we were okay. I waved at her and subtly did a thumb up at here. Josh had evidently told Angela about me meeting his parents because she sighed and then went back to talking with her friends.
Josh paused outside my door but I practically dragged him in with me. I looked at him with a confused expression but he shook his head and followed me into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I still had my questioning look on my face so instead of answering he started kissing me.
I kissed him back and forgot about everything that had happened in the past two days. They way he held me was so sensitive and soft on my skin. The way he kissed me was with relief and delight like he was afraid I would stop liking him. When he touched my skin I shivered and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
He pulled away smiling at me. I was smiling too. I always smile around Josh even in the stickiest situations and at the worst moments, He squeezed my hand, said goodnight and he would see me tomorrow, kissed me again and walked out the door.
I walked over to the fridge and found many bottles that I didn’t recognise. I got one out and took a sip. It was the blood that Sam was talking about. I took one out and placed it on the counter in my kitchen and went to bed.
I woke up at the sound of my alarm and turned it off. There was a piece of paper underneath it and it had my new schedule on it. My lessons were the same but I had some extra lessons before my Mental Activity lesson with Sam. I had Magic Control, Blood lust Control, Thought Control and Drawing and Art. Each was an hour long which meant I had ten hours of school to fit into my day which left me practically no time with Josh. If a teacher says its right, I have to do it. I slipped the bottle of blood into my bag as I went by the kitchen making increasingly heavier then Friday.
I got through Combat, Performing Arts, Spells and Witchcraft and Survival with no problem. I didn’t dare do any magic in Spells and Witchcraft because everyone saw what happened the lesson before and were watching me. Professor Heyla wasn’t surprised when I went up to the front of the class and asked not to do magic. Josh came with me and held onto my shoulder for support. He didn’t seem surprised either but did ask my advice for one of the spells he was trying to do.
After Survival, Sam came to take me to Magic Control. I was quite surprised to see him but evidently Josh wasn’t. He said a cheery hi to Sam then kissed me goodbye and said good luck to me. Sam winced when Josh kissed me and that showed that even though he said he was al right with me and Josh, he wasn’t.
When we reached the Magic Control room, there were two other people waiting outside and they were both boys of the year above me. They looked surprised when they saw me. It was widely known that not many girls or women were blessed with the power of magic and those who were we very powerful and mostly feared rather than loved.
Sam introduced them to me and me to them. They were called Daksha and Abbas Arkov. They were identical twins with red hair and brown eyes. The only way you could determine which was which was by their earrings. Daksha had a red earring and Abbas had a blue earring. They studied me intently probably wondering why a few days old Vampire was coming to an extreme class like this.
They found out when they saw me in action.
The bell went and we entered. We all sat in one line with Daksha in the middle and me on the left. We had a female teacher called Professor Slakovitch. She handed me a textbook and I slipped it into my ever filling bag. I made a mental note to ask my parent to bring some more of my things when they came that weekend.
Professor Slakovitch talked about simple spell control like chapter one and two spells. She did practical with us. I enjoyed using magic as long as it wasn’t destructive. I enjoyed using it for good things like healing things and to quicken tasks but the twin’s preferred destructive magic. It was obvious that they wanted to become warriors when they completed vamp school.
I did exceedingly well with the entire practicals and Daksha and Abbas didn’t like that. They kept on giving me glares when I completed a spell. They obviously thought I was too young to be in this class but they had probably heard about my magic out break last Friday.
About five minutes till the hour was up, professor Slakovitch sat the three of us down and told us to cool down will she asked me some questions about myself so she could teach me accordingly. It was things that were simple to answer until the last question.
All of us had taken the magic test on Saturday and she wanted to know our results. She asked Abbas first. He did 142. He sounded pretty proud of that and sat proudly when he said it. Daksha was next. He did 209. He also sounded proud of that but made Abbas feel uneasy. It must be hard for him having a more accomplished brother to compete with. He obviously did his best but his brother always out shone him.
When Professor Slakovitch called my name, both looked at me and laughed. They probably expected me to say a really low number. I said 500 really quietly and Professor Slakovitch wiggled her ear with her finger say that she couldn’t hear. I said 500 louder and it was loud enough for the twin’s to hear. They both gasped and looked at me with completely different looks. Abbas looked at me as though I had just threatened to kill him. He, like most people, was scared of me. Daksha looked at me in awe. He looked me up and down and concluded that I was one of great power and a friend to try and make and hang onto.
When the bell went, I picked up my bag and made towards the door but Daksha stopped me.
“You are one of the most extraordinary people I know. Was that your first magic test?” I nodded. “That’s even better. Did you have blood before?” I shook my head. He gasped in awe and then smiled. “I’m Daksha by the way. Abbas and I are taking another magic test next week. Could you possibly help us with it? If you can do it at your age, me and Abbas should be able to do it no problem.” He said.
“Are you trying to say she’s weak or strong Daksha? You’ve kind of contradicted yourself there.” Sam said from behind Daksha. He jumped and winced at the same time at Sam’s words.
“I’m saying she is powerful and I didn’t contradict myself, I merely was commenting on our age differences and the power she has. Excuse me.” He said to Sam in a proud and cold voice. He then darted around Sam and out the door. Sam didn’t say anything more as he led me to my next class; Blood lust Control. I didn’t have a clue on what to expect in this class and didn’t want to be the odd one out.
When we rounded the corner to the classroom, I saw about three girls and seven or eight boys. They were older than I was maybe two or three years and all staring at me. I would defiantly be the odd one out. Obviously, all had something to say about me but Sam shook his head and they bit back their questions. Evidently, Sam had had a word with them and told them to be nice to me but what he hadn’t said was how young I was to them.
The bell went and we all entered the classroom. My seat was on the far left in the middle row in between three boys; one in front, one behind and one beside. I glanced at them uncomfortably and smiled at them. They smiled back but only one was a nice warm smile. The rest were evil and menacing.
I glanced at the one to my right again. He had blonde hair with brown highlights and had weirdly orange eyes. His eyes were weird but he looked friendly. He held out his hand. I took it and shook. He had ‘STAR’ tattooed on his knuckles. He noticed me looking at them and explained.
“My name’s Starla McEl. Star for short. Ignore Dave and Lar. They’re just trying to mess with you.” He said to me. I let go of his hand and nodded. Professor Raymond handed me a textbook and I flipped to the chapter that we were doing today.
For the whole hour, we just talked about methods of control and ways of letting go when feeding. Just talking about blood made me thirsty. I reached into my bag and grabbed my bottled water. I made a big decision not to go for the blood and my hand did linger over it but I moved it quickly over to the water. I didn’t want to be seen drinking blood in a blood lust control class. However Star saw me and laughed softly and smiled.
When the bell went, Star waved goodbye to me and left the classroom. When I left, Sam was waiting for me to take me to the next class. On the way, I drank some of the blood that I had in the bottle. Sam seemed to approve and nodded at me. He obviously thought I was getting into a routine of drinking blood every two hours and to be honest, I was. That day I had drunk from my bottle every two hours and Sam didn’t need to feed me at either breaks. He seemed pretty impressed with me and I felt pride sizzle off of him.
I was the only girl in my next class. The rest of the class was twenty boys. Once again they had to bite back their questions at a shake of Sam’s head. I spotted no one who was familiar and worked out that I was the only one taking all ten hours worth of lessons.
In Thought Control, anyone who thought out of turn, the teacher was evidently a telepathic, got a cut on the arm like Sam did to me in his Mental Activity lessons. It was hard to control my thoughts throughout the hour. Professor Alcove had us concentrating on a picture on the board that she had drawn. We had to think about what it meant to us. It meant nothing to me so I started mentally wondering around the classroom and every time I got distracted; Professor Alcove would come over and cut my right arm. In the end, she got a seat and pulled it up next to me so when my mind wandered she didn’t have to waste her breath walking from her desk down to me. Once I got distracted by her being there and probed into her mind. For that she gave me seven cuts, the sacred seven, and spelled out the word ‘NO’ with them. That got my attention and I tried hard the rest of the hour to concentrate on the drawing. By the end of the lesson, she had moved around onto my left arm and had done at least five cuts on that side as well as littering my right arm with cuts with about half a centre meter in between each cut. I would never wear a sleeveless top to that lesson again.
When the bell went, I let out a sigh of relief and looked away from the board. I looked at everyone else who only had one or two cuts on their arms. I moved my fingers to heal the cuts but Professor Alcove cut my two out stretched fingers to stop me.
When I walked over to Sam he had bandages in his hands. He had obviously thought I would do badly in that lesson. He bandaged both arms up to where the cuts then examined the word on my right arm. He shook his head and then put the bandage over it. He handed me one of my black jumpers and I slid it on to cover the bandaged cuts.
He then led me to Drawing and Art which I thought I would enjoy. I’ve always liked art but never thought to take a class in it. Again, there was no one I recognised but that just proved my theory. I walked in and took my seat on the far left at the back. Professor Blake said we could draw what we wanted and then we would have to present them at the end.
Every one started drawing apart from me. All the girls were drawing things like Gothic rock chicks and the boys were all drawing complicated cars or vehicles. I stared at Professor Blake and started to think of his mark. It was a bright purple and was the most complicated I’ve seen, second only to Sam’s. It has lots of thin and straggly lines that connect to bigger and bolder lines. They all join to create a basic mixture of a saint and an angel.
Some one coughs and I come back to the lesson and I look at my paper. I have a perfect replica of Professor Blake’s mark bang in the centre of my page. I turn to the girl next to me who is quietly drawing away. She looks up and smiles when she sees me looking at her. I smile back but stare at her mark when she’s focused on her own drawing again. I think about her bright blue mark. It has stars in a complicated design. They are all different sizes and have different amounts of points. I think about how good that would look on Starla.
Some one taps their pencil on their desk loudly and it brings me back into the lesson. I look at the page again and next to Professor Blake’s mark is a perfect replica of the girls next to me. They are almost overlapping each other so I put jagged but stylish lines around each mark. I can’t see anyone else’s mark but I can see the time. It had only been ten minutes of the lesson which meant I could do eight or nine more drawings allowing time to pack up and show to the class. I raise my hand and Professor Blake comes over to me. I turn over my paper so he can’t see but he nods when I ask him whether I can sit at the front look at my class mates.
I silently move my chair to the front of the class and bring my sketch pad and my pen with me. A couple of people notice what I’m doing but Professor Blake goes over to them and says something in their ear and they go back to work.
Where I am sat I could see everyone’s marks and began to concentrate on them closer to me then moving back. Each time I have finished a drawing something brings me back to the lesson and I start a new person.
By the end of the lesson I had twelve perfect replicas of chosen classmate’s marks. They ranged from simple to medium to hard and then to really complicated. I accidentally made a swirl with the hardest in the middle and the easiest on the outer of the page. I made jagged lines around each one so you could distinguish which was which. I moved my seat back to my desk and sat staring at my work.
One by one, Professor Blake asked students up to show their art work give us a name and tell us what it is. When it comes to me I get up nervously. I picked up my sketch pad and made it to the front of the class where everyone was looking at me expectantly.
When I flipped over the top of the sketch pad, the people who I had drawn marks from gasped. The sketch pad was quickly plucked from my fingers by Professor Blake and examined by him. He asked me to point out whose marks I had drawn and then asked them to come to the front desk never taking his eyes of the drawing of his own mark.
I worked from the outside in and pointed out each person. They came up and the pad was placed next to their mark at various angles. When the eleven students I had drawn had come up and been examined Professor Blake looked up at me.
“Exact copies.” He said in awe. He began to shake his head. I went to my bag and took out the drawing of Josh’s mark I had done two days before and gave it to Professor Blake. This time he nodded and smiled and looked up at me. He crocked his finger in an order to go to him. As I do, the bell goes and people hurry out of the classroom.
“I want you to do something for me.”
“What does he want you to do?” Sam asked me on our way up to my room.
“He wants me to draw a portrait of everyone’s mark in the dining hall and every time a new pupil comes I draw it on. People’s names will be underneath their marks and teachers will also be on it. It will be a lot of work but I think I can do it with the two spare hours I have a day and the weekends and the Drawing and Art lessons I have.” I said to Sam excitedly.
“I’m not sure about it. You won’t have any time to spend with Josh or Angela. You will be going into lessons and then coming out of ten hours of education into drawing a portrait in the hall. You’ll be up a lot of the day and be tired all the time. This is only your second week. I think you should take it steady.” He said back as we entered my room.
Josh was on my sofa as we came in and he stood up and hugged me as I came in. He noticed I was wearing a jumper when I hadn’t been that morning. He took one look at it and then pulled up the right sleeve his suspicions confirmed. I mouthed to him I would tell him later and he nodded.
“What do you think she should go steady with Sam?” He asked Sam gripping my hand.
“She has been asked to do a portrait in the dining hall of everyone’s marks, adding to the portrait each time a new pupil or teacher enters the school. Professor Blake has asked her to give up the two remaining hours of her night left and her Drawing and Art lessons and her weekends to do this. I think she should do it but give up a whole Saturday or Sunday to do it instead of a bit every day. What do you think Josh?” Sam answered Josh.
“I think the same as you.” He answered squeezing my hand.
“I’ll do it every Saturday. How’s that?” I asked the both of them but Sam answered.
“Brilliant. I will talk to Professor Blake after our lesson. Josh you are welcome to stay and observe if you so wish.” Sam said to me and then to Josh. He nodded and glanced towards me. I nodded as well and then the lesson began.
Sam undid the bandages on my left arm, the better of the two and began to work. He did all of his talking through his mind to mine. Today he tried to send powerful amounts of many emotions through mind to mind.
The first was happiness and I smiled at the feeling. The next was sadness and I started crying. He cut my arm once and tried again. I held back the tears but only just and Sam cut me again to ensure I had no reaction. The next was anxious. I started fiddling with my necklace and my earrings and kept on tapping my feet. I got cut every time I moved to fiddle with something until I thought against the feeling. He did many emotions then he did many at the same time. Every time I moved or made a sound, Sam cut my arm.
When the half hour was up I looked down at my arm and saw that there were as many cuts as the other arm and multiple cuts on my fingers. Josh moved over to me and when Sam’s back was turned healed one of the cuts. For that, his hand got slapped and Sam cut again only this time, deeper and harder. I yelped at the pain but slapped my cheek to stop myself otherwise Sam would cut again.
He smiled at the attempt I made to silence myself and then left the room. I did the bandages up again on my left arm and went over to Josh who had retreated to the sofa when he got slapped. I sat down next to him and rubbed the cheek where he got slapped. He unwrapped the bandages on my right arm to look at the damage. His gaze froze when he saw the ‘NO’ made out of seven cuts. He looked up at me wanting an explanation so I gave him one.
“In Thought Control the Professor draws a picture on the board. You have to concentrate on it for an hour and think about it and what it means to you. It didn’t mean anything to me so I mentally wondered and once I had started I couldn’t concentrate on the picture. That’s how many times I didn’t concentrate on the picture.” Pointing up and down my arm then up to ‘NO’. “I kind of probed into the Professors head and that’s what she did to stop me.” I looked down at my hands. “I have really bad thought control and she’s going to do the same until there is no where left to cut. Then what will she do?”
Josh pulled me into him and I rested my head on his shoulder while he muttered words of comfort to me. When he pulled away from me, I felt a lot better and was smiling. I didn’t know what Josh had said to make me feel happy but he just makes me feel happy.
I went into my bag and got out the bottle of blood. I had some left and drunk it. In that little time, Josh had moved from the sofa to my bed and he was sat on it with his legs crossed. I came and sat opposite him with my legs crossed. He started asking questions about my parents and I answered them. We sat there all night long.
Combat class went as normal the next day. I made some more notes about Era’s and sat with Josh while he helped me with it. Performing arts went as normal. We had switched to music and it was a lot more fun than dance or drama. I had loads of fun and had an hour without dreading the Thought Control class I knew was coming.
I did a bit of magic in Spells and Witchcraft after attending Magic Control the day before. A couple of times I got over my head and tried some really hard spells but Josh always came over and helped me relax out of the temptation. Survival was painful because of my cuts. I didn’t dare try to heal them with magic because I knew they were there to teach me and Professor Alcove would be mighty displeased with me if she saw that the cuts were gone.
Magic control was fun. Daksha asked me to help him after I had finished all of my classes the next day and I accepted. He gave me his room number and said that Abbas would be there as well. I nodded and went to my next lesson which was Blood lust control. The lesson was just about the same and I had to be careful not to pick up the blood filled bottle instead of the normal water filled bottle I had also put into my bag that morning.
As I walked into Thought control, Professor Alcove was already placed behind my desk. She told me to take off my cardigan and remove my bandages so she could check that I hadn’t healed the cuts. When she saw Sam’s extra cuts she didn’t seem surprised. That day I had worn dress that zipped up at the back and as I sat down, Professor Alcove unzipped the dress so she had access to me back and whenever I got distracted from the new drawing on the board, she would cut my back in long and thin lines. I winced every time she did this but she carried on.
She caught me just as many times as the lesson before, maybe even more. I didn’t dare probe into her mind but I accidentally probed into the persons next to me and for that, I got a thick and long cut from my neck right down to the small of my back – even going under my bra strap. That really hurt because it went through cuts she had previously made.
After the lesson, she called Sam in who told me to hold still while he bandaged by back. I winced at the pain but Sam didn’t stop and I was nearly in tears by the time he had finished. I re-bandaged my arms on the way to Drawing and Art class and was relieved to be able to sit down and just draw.
As the bell went, I rose from my seat and left the room. Sam took me up to my room where, once again, Josh was waiting. As he got up to hug me I held up a finger, indicating one minute. I went into my bed room and got out a camisole and some trousers. I slid them on after removing my dress and then entered the living room where Sam was talking to Josh.
Evidently, he had told Josh what was up so when Josh came over to hug me, he had to wrap his arms around my back real careful and he felt kind of awkward about it and was wishing he could just heal the cuts for me. He kissed me on the cheek and then on my neck down to my shoulder. Sam coughed behind us and Josh winced. He let go of me and turned to face Sam who had moved from the sofa to the dining table, ready to do my Mental Activity lesson.
I went over and assumed my normal position next to him with my arm held out. He moved it out the way and concentrated. We were doing the same thing as the day before but this time he gave me stronger doses of anger, hatred and frustration. He increased the amount each time he did it and each time I flinched or winced or gave into the emotion, he cut my cheek. The cheek with the mark on it. Josh winced every time Sam cut me and came over and held my hand under the table.
When the half hour was over, I had cuts all over my mark; so many, my mark wasn’t even visible. When Sam left Josh kissed my cheek and moved me over to the sofa and got me a bottle of blood. I had been drinking blood every two hours but the cuts were finally taking their toll. He checked over my arms and my back, gasping at the cuts on my back.
When he had finished inspecting my injuries he kissed me long and hard. I responded and he lay back so I was on top of him. He seemed engrossed in the moment and forgot about my back. He lowered his hands from my shoulders down to the small of my back and started moving his fingers in a circling motion. I gasped in the pain of it and he stopped kissing me. Realisation hit him and leaned forward, bringing me with him. He was apologising with his head down.
I asked him to look at my back again to check if they were bleeding and most of them were bleeding steadily into the bandages. He changed them and carried me over to my bed where he laid me and watched me until the pain subsided and I fell into a sleep.
Somehow, people had found out about my cuts on my arms and back and check by the next day and were avoiding me. They thought I was weak and an idiot for taking Thought Control if I couldn’t handle it. What most people didn’t know that I hadn’t been given the option? I concentrated through all my lessons and not talking to anyone but Josh and the Professors. I nearly cancelled the studying with Daksha and Abbas but then I would feel guilty about cancelling on them.
When Thought Control came along, I undid my bandages on my arms to expose my cuts for Professor Alcove to see. She also undid my bandages on my back to inspect the cuts. After she had looked at my cuts, I concentrated on the picture on the board with all my might. Today it was of something that interested me. It was a drawing of a person like a prince and another person looking like a princess. They were vampires because they were sucking each other’s blood at the neck. They both had minimal clothing and it looked like tattoos were appearing on their bodies. I was so interested in it that I leant forward in my seat and probably ripped the cuts on my back open but I didn’t care and I didn’t even wince when they broke open.
In my head I was going over theories of what the drawing could mean and what the characters could be and who they could be. When the bell went I asked Professor Alcove whether she could draw another copy of it for me and she was happy to abide since I hadn’t got cut once that lesson. Sam was pleasantly surprised when I came out of the lesson with not a cut more than the day before and was real happy when he took me to Drawing and Art class.
I studied the picture during the lesson and tried out drawing scenes like it. I succeeded in most of them. I ended up with a couple dancing in the moonlight, a couple sitting on a bench in the rain, a lone vampire crying as another walked away from her and a women sat on the kitchen table while a man was pulling on her sleeveless dress. Each was done on a separate piece of paper and I had an odd feeling that I would put up each one on my bedroom wall.
When I got up to my room, the first thing I noticed was a packed of pins lying on my kitchen table. I smiled at the sight and then hugged Josh. He still seemed awkward hugging me but I leant into him and rested my head on his shoulder. He acknowledged that I didn’t have any extra bandages and hugged me tighter.
I handed him my pictures and went over to the dining table to have my Mental Activity lesson with Sam. He did the same things over and over again trying to get me to have a reaction but nothing worked. I didn’t wince or react once to what Sam was doing and therefore, didn’t get a single cut from Sam.
He was smiling and Josh was clapping. I turned around and smiled at Josh who came over to me. I stood up and he hugged me and picked me up and spun me around in the air. When he put me down, Sam had gone. I untangled myself from Josh and grabbed my bag. I put two bottles of blood in it and my Spells and Witchcraft textbook and my Magic Control textbook in it and turned to face Josh. I went over to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door, shutting it behind him.
Josh lived next to Daksha so he took me there. I knocked on the door and Daksha opened it. I kissed Josh goodbye and told him I would some and see him afterwards, then entered Daksha’s room. There was a kitchen to my right and a living room to my left. Abbas was perched on the pitch black couch in the living room sipping a bottle of blood. Daksha lead me over to couch and motioned me to sit down.
I stayed with them for an hour and helped them master some more complicated spells that they couldn’t do well. By the end of the hour, they knew more spells to practice, they had gotten through a bottle of blood each and I had gotten through both my bottles. Magic was a draining skill. I said my goodbyes to Daksha and Abbas and left them to recuperate.
I knocked on Josh’s door and it was opened seconds later by him. He took hold of my hand and pulled me into his room. I followed him. He pulled me over to his bed and we both sat on it. He started kissing me with urgency and want plastered in his mind. He leaned back onto the bed and I lay on top of him. My back gave a stab of pain and I gasped. Josh pulled away from me and sat me up again.
He hugged me as delicately as he could but the pain and the tiredness combined drained me and as Josh picked me up, I fainted.
When I woke, someone was forcing me into the bed and shoving their wrist in my mouth. When I began to struggle against these people, a familiar hand slapped my face. Another familiar voice started protesting but before I could work out who it was, I was out.
I woke up in my bed feeling refreshed and wide awake. I recognised the symptoms of fresh blood and sat bolt upright.
“Who’s given me blood?” I asked though there was no-one in my room. I looked around and noticed my drawings had been pinned up in a neat row along the top of the ceiling. I looked at my clock and saw that if I didn’t get a move on, I was going to be late to Combat. I put on a pair of black trousers and a black short sleeved blouse. The cuts on my arms were finally starting to fade so I didn’t bother with my bandages but I did redo the bandages on my back with great difficulty. I slapped on some make up and let my hair down into long curls around my shoulders. I stuffed everything I needed into my and rushed off to Combat.
I got there just as the bell was ringing so I slipped in and sat down. Josh looked surprised when I hurried past him. He looked up when he saw me and looked apologetic. I didn’t smile at him; I just hurried past and sat down at my seat. I got out my textbook and started taking some notes. I didn’t glance up at him when he came over to my desk and sat down; I just carried on writing my notes. When he acknowledged that I had registered him being there, he took hold of the hand I was writing with and removed the pen out of it.
He got my attention then and I looked up at him.
“What’s wrong,” He whispered into the silence. “Why won’t you talk to me?”
“What happened yesterday? After I passed out. What happened, exactly what happened, Josh?” I whispered back in my angriest voice. He seemed taken aback by the question and winced.
“Fine. You want to know what happened?” He said in a whisper and I nodded. “Ask Sam when you next see him. He’s the one that gave you blood, not me. I protested against it and I said to him that you didn’t like to drink fresh blood, like you said. But he wouldn’t have any of it. He made me force you still when you started moving while he was feeding you. You don’t know how horrible it is. Having to watch that.” With that, he got up and walked away.
I looked down at my pen and picked it up and started writing notes quicker than ever. I kept on thinking about Josh and kept on looking at him. He was doing the same thing and once or twice, our gaze caught each others. When this happened, Josh looked down straight away.
About half way through the lesson, Professor Reeves went over to Josh and said something in his ear. Josh stood up and walked out of the room. I started to stand up to follow him but Professor Reeves was behind me. He told me to sit down in a stern voice. I did as he said but couldn’t concentrate on my work and by the time the bell went, I was full of anxiety and worry. Josh came back into the classroom to collect his work and his bag but he avoided my gaze and ignored me.
Angela was waiting outside the classroom with a concerned but happy look on her face. This was a perfect opportunity to brag and be funny.
“Trouble in paradise Lucy?” She said sniggering at me. I ignored her and went to Performing Arts class. She followed and went in behind me. “I didn’t mean it babe. It’s just that you two usually come out together all lovey dovey and you didn’t today. I’m sorry.” She said giving me a hug and to my surprise, I burst into tears. Angela didn’t seem surprised because she got a tissue out of her pocket and led me out of public viewing.
I sat on the bench with Angela for the best part of ten minutes until I was cried out. I dabbed at my make up with the tissue then re-entered the classroom. Everybody was in full swing music when I came in and Angela and I joined up with another group and carried on with the lesson.
When the end of the lesson came, Angela came out with me and led me to Sam. She said to him that I wanted a word with him and he came to me instantly.
“What did you do to me yesterday?” I asked as soon as Angela walked towards Josh who sat on our usual table on his own.
“I helped you. I felt your emotions collapse so I came straight to you. Josh was carrying you into your room when I got there. You were starting to move so I made Josh hold you down while I gave you blood. He put up quite a fight against me but I forced him to do it. You started to struggle so I had to do something. I slapped you and punched you until you fainted, which wasn’t too hard with your tiredness, pain and your blood reduction. Josh sat with you for most of the rest of night but when I finally persuaded him to go and get some rest, I pinned up you pictures. I thought you might like that.” He said to me gripping my hand in his.
I yanked free my hand of his grip and then leant into his ear. “You know I hate fresh blood and to make Josh force me down is just idiotic. You’ve practically broken us up because of that.” I said to him in a whisper but an angry whisper.
“Good. I want you two to split up. I still love you no matter what you do or say.” He whispered in my ear and then walked away.
Angela came over and gave me a hug when she saw how angry I was. I could see over her shoulder that Josh was staring at me with those huge green eyes of his. At that moment they were filled with want and need. Mine were too and he sensed that. I got free of Angela and went over to Josh. He stood up and gave me a huge hug. I’d forgotten how warm he was and how comforting he is to hug. He gave me a kiss on the check and pulled me down to sit next to him. I snuggled into him. “I’m sorry about what I said.” I said to him while my head was resting on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about how I reacted.” He said to me, gripping my hand on top of the table.
Angela sat opposite to us and mimed being sick. I and Josh laughed at that. I saw Sam sitting with some other Professors. He was looking straight at me, trying to get me to look into his eyes. I wasn’t falling for it so I lifted my head and kissed Josh on his neck.
When the bell went, we walked hand in hand to our next lesson and from there; most of the day went normally. Survival, Magic Control and Blood lust Control were the same as normal and when I got to Thought Control, the board all ready had its picture. Today it had five pictures on it and all of them completely different. None of them interested me and Professor Alcove had to take her place next to me again. She reinstated all of the cuts on my right arm and some of them on my left arm. She also did one from ear to ear around the back of my neck.
That was because I had noticed the picture in the centre of the board. I was a child, in a basement, getting slapped. I remembered all those times when my mother had hit me and not giving me a reason why. My hand instantly rose to my cheek and I started sobbing silently. That’s when Professor Alcove cut my neck.
I was so relieved when the bell went; I got up, picked up my bag and left the classroom. I got a tissue out of my bag and started dabbing the cuts on my arms and neck. I refused the bandaging from Sam and told him I could handle it myself. By the time I got to Drawing and Art, I had a make shift bandage out of tissue and masking tape on both arms and the same across my neck. Thankfully, my hair covered it up.
I drew some more scenes like the ones I drew the day before but this time, my life. I drew one of me fantasising over Tom at school, one of the rape scene that Tom had put upon me, one of my mother taking my hand and dragging me into school, one of me lying in my old school hall with Sam leaning over me and one with Josh fantasising over me in my first class. I made them all so they were different faces rather then get in trouble for using my co’s faces in my drawings.
When the bell went, I gathered up my drawings and walked out of the room. When I got up to my room, Josh was sitting on my sofa like he always does, waiting for me. I put my new drawings on the dining table and threw my arms around Josh. He kissed me gently then hard and strong. He had evidently missed me too.
There was a cough in the background and when we pulled away from each other, Sam was standing by the door. I disentangled myself from Josh and walked over to the dining table while Josh went into my bedroom. I sat next to Sam and the instant I sat down he grabbed my left arm and nearly cut it to shreds.
I tried not to wince when the pain hit but I knew what he was doing. He was showing me intense pain to get across what it actually felt like. When my left arm had no where left to cut I felt slightly relieved but Sam must have felt this because he ducked under the table, pulled up both legs of my trousers and cut both of my legs to shreds as well.
By the end I was whipping tears from my face but trying to keep a straight face. I knew it was over when Sam suddenly stopped and put some bandages on the table. He then left. I quickly wound the bandages onto my legs and onto my arms and pulled my trouser legs down.
I got up and went into my bedroom where Josh had been studying the drawings I had done that day. He had pinned them up nearer the middle of the wall in chronological order. I didn’t know how he knew the order but he just did. I sat on the bed next to him and said my thanks. He turned towards me and looked at me with those green eyes.
“Is your back any better?” He asked.
“Yeah. Loads better. Why?”
“Because.” And then he was on top of me. He has his hands on my waist and mine were on his chest. He was kissing me and he was going at a good rhythm with his tongue. While he was still kissing me, he started undoing the buttons of my blouse. He started kissing me up and down my neck and down my chest where my blouse had been.
Did I really want to do this? I’d never had sex before and I wanted to be sure that the first time I did it with someone was because of love not because of a spur-of-the-moment thing.
“Please stop Josh. I’m not ready for this yet.” I said to him grabbing his hands to get his attention. He looked up at me and then nodded. He pulled away from me and helped me to sit up. I did the buttons of my blouse up and looked at Josh. He was defiantly ready!
“Thanks for understanding.” I said to Josh getting up from the bed. I went into the bathroom to get my make up off and when I came out, Josh was lying on my bed with his head facing the bathroom door. I lay down next to him and ended up going to sleep, holding his hand and snuggled into him.
Today was a completely normal day and I got more cuts through Thought Control and Mental Activity. I didn’t think they would find anywhere else to cut but they did and that place was my belly. Professor Alcove did vertical cuts and Sam cut through them horizontally. Sam made me take off my shirt so he could get an easier way to cut me.
After Sam had left, I and Josh talked about the next day. I would have to do some of the school portrait that day and my parents would be coming to visit for two days. I would have hardly any time with Josh in the morning because Professor Blake was making me get up so early so I could complete all the teachers that day.
I started to tidy my room with Josh admiring me. When I got to the bedroom he helped a bit but that was only to pick up my bras and knickers from the floor and in and around my wardrobe. He examined them extensively before handing them to me.
When my room was tidy, I packed up some art things for the next day and started listening to Josh’s thoughts.
If her parents like me, maybe she will have sex with me. She is so beautiful when she is just doing everyday things. She has some sexy looking underwear. Wish I could see them on her rather then have to imagine them. I wonder what all of the pictures mean that she has been drawing. The order I put them in was right I’m guessing since she hasn’t moved them. The girl always looks like her. I wonder if they are scenes from her life.
I couldn’t stand listening to him any more so I shut off my mind like Sam had shown me and then collapsed on my bed. Josh came over to me bed and slid in next to me. I snuggled into him. He kissed me on the neck and then I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I whacked it to shut it up and got out of bed. Josh had gone but left me a note. It read:
You look gorgeous when you sleep. Wish I could have stayed forever.
Josh xxx
I smiled at it then hurriedly put on some clothes and some make up I picked up the bag I had packed the night before, slipped two bottles of blood into it and then set off to the Drawing and Art room to meet Professor Blake and other teachers.
When I got there, there was a crowd of people in the room. They were all teachers because they had no marks on their cheeks but on their necks. One by one, they got sat down in front of me and I drew their mark. I told Professor Blake to keep an eye on my drawings and then tap me on the shoulder or cough when it was done.
When the teachers were milling around, I noticed Sam, sat in the corner of the room looking at me. I wondered what he was doing here, since he isn’t a qualified teacher yet but then in dawned on me. He was here to make sure I didn’t get tired and pass out. He probably didn’t know that I had it under control and that every ten drawings I did, I had some blood. This kept me going for the whole of the morning. I must have drawn hundreds of drawings that morning by the look of the pile on Professor Blake’s desk.
After some discussion, between me, Sam and Professor Blake, we decided that we would do one quarter of the year 4 students and then we would quit for that day since I would probably get tired more easily.
Once again, the students were sat in front of me and I drew. This time I had to drink after every five students. I managed one quarter but I would have preferred less for my first day at the job but the Professors thought my amount was reasonable and if I carried on like this, I would get it done in no more than two months. I was delighted by that prospect and downed the rest of my blood.
On the walk back up to my room, I staggered once and I had to sit down and regain control of myself. When I did get up to my room, Josh was sat on my sofa. He got up and walked towards me wanting a hug but I held up my finger. I walked over to the fridge and got out another bottle of blood. I took huge gulps of it and had nearly finished it when I felt much better.
I went over to Josh and hugged him and kissed him. I was just looking at my watch and thinking my mum was never late when there was a knock on my door. I untangled myself from Josh and opened the door. My mum was standing with her brown eyes staring at the name on the front of the door. She was obviously in awe at the colour and at the designs compared to the rest of them. My dad was just behind my mum and he had a smile on his face.
I had expected to just see the two of them together. I came out of my room and gave my mum a huge hug. She smelled like home. I let go of mum and went over to my dad. I gave him a huge hug but released him when I saw who was behind him. Tom was standing awkwardly against the wall opposite to my door. Angela was keeping an eye on him from down the hall and so was Sam who rounded the corner and stood with Angela. He whispered something into her ear and she nodded, never taking her eyes off Tom.
I pulled away from my dad and turned to my mum. “Why did you bring him with you? I thought it was just going to be you guys.” I said nodding to Tom. “I told you what he did to me. I don’t want to see him.” I said looking between my mum and my dad. Josh was at the door of my room and was staring at Tom daring him to do anything. Tom was staring straight back doing the same.
I walked over to Josh and rubbed his arm trying to calm him down. It seemed to work because he glanced down in time to see me shaking my head, looking up at him. I jerked my head towards my door and mum, dad and Tom walked in behind me. I shut the door behind me after leaning out and shaking my head at Sam and Angela who looked angry but calm enough.
I sat everyone down on the sofa and passed around drinks. Tea for mum, dad and Tom and I chucked Josh a bottle of blood while taking a sip out of one myself. “Wouldn’t you prefer it straight from the source?” Tom said to me mockingly, pointing at his neck where my bite mark was still showing. Josh winced while I muttered a spell under my breath. Tom’s arms caught on fire and he started screaming. I clicked my fingers and the flames went out. He looked from his arms to me with astonishment. “Any more comment Tom?” I asked him sarcastically. He shook his head vigorously and looked away from me.
Josh walked over to me. “Calm down. Calm down Lucy. Magic Control isn’t working for you.” He said clicking his fingers to get my attention then gripping my hand. “Calm yourself. You want to be good with your parents around don’t you?” He said squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek. When he turned so I could see my parents, both had their mouths wide open and staring at me. My mum was crying uncontrollably. I got a tissue out of my pocket and gave it to her. She dabbed her eyes while I calmed down.
“What happened to you arms? You turned emo or something?” Tom said to me when my back was turned. I whirled around, anger getting the better of me. “Yes Tom. I have turned emo. And I will show you the extent of my obsession shall I? I think I will” I walked over to where he was cowering in his seat. I lifted up my shirt to show him my stomach. I lifted up my trouser legs and undid the bandages and showed him what Sam had done to my legs. I then turned my back to him and lifted my blouse up at the back so he could see my cut back. I ripped off the bandages and put them on the floor the put my shirt back down and turned to meet his gaze. “You really don’t know me do you Tom. I would never ever do something like this. My teachers did this to me. It’s part of this school. If you have a problem with it, you take it up with Professor Alcove and Sam and see what they do to you.” By this time I was crying because of the pain in my back and legs and because of the anger running through me.
Tom was really scared of me and so was mum and dad and so was Josh. I turned to face each of them in turn, all of them looking astonished at what I had done. I turned to my mum and started to walk towards her. “Why did you bring him mum? You knew he would upset me but you did it anyway. Why mum, why?” I began muttering a spell under my breath so Josh couldn’t see what I was doing. I was just finishing the spell when Sam burst into the room. I turned to meet his gaze and remembered he could feel my emotions. He must have felt my rage and come straight here.
He came towards me with a fast run and gripped my wrist and dug his nails in. My wrist began bleeding but he didn’t care. He dragged me into my bedroom and then into the bathroom and locked the door. “What do you think you are doing? Magic Control isn’t working for you at all. Calm down.” He said letting go of my wrist. He had made huge indents into my skin. He tried to heal them but they wouldn’t go completely.
That’s going to leave a scar behind.
Like the one you gave Tom?
You saw that?
I made him give blood to you in the first place. I healed it as much as I could after you had ago. You have a serious temper on you, you know.
Always have, always will.
He gripped my hand and unlocked the bathroom door. Josh was sitting on my bed waiting for me. He got up and walked over to me tentatively. I looked up at him and looked down again. He threw his arms around me and held me tight. “I’m so sorry Josh. I’m so sorry.” He muttered comforting words while Sam went into to speak to my parents and Tom. Josh started turning me to face him but I couldn’t look into his eyes after what I just did. He put his fingers under my chin and made me. He lowered his mouth to mine and got into a good rhythm with his tongue.
It seemed to take ages for one of us to pull away and when we did; my mum was standing in the doorway looking at us, smiling. I probed into her thoughts and was surprised with what /I heard.
She seems to have really settled in here with Josh. Why do I have to spoil her fun? Callum’s the one who is responsible. He should tell him about Tom being his son, being Lucy’s brother. Why me?
I ripped free of the grip Josh had on me. “What? You can’t be serious.” I said to mum following her into my living room where everyone was staring. “You have got to be joking with me. Please say you’re joking.” Now everyone knew what I was talking about but they didn’t know how I knew. “Lucy’s telepathic.” Josh explained. “That is why she knows what you were going to saying to her.”
“Honey.” My mum said. “We had to tell you sooner or later and after recent events, we thought the sooner the better. Tom is your half brother. Callum is his ‘long lost’ father.
“Are you telling me that my own brother tried to rape me last week?” I said in astonishment. I collapsed on the floor next to the T.V. with Josh sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me. Sam came and sat next to me and held my hands. He was doing this so I couldn’t do any magic on them or harm to them.
My mum nodded and looked disapprovingly at Tom. Did they expect me to love him? Did they expect me to even like him after what he put me through? I just wanted to forget the whole evening and I knew just the spell to do that. I would have to put up with it until Sam, my parents and Tom had gone and then I could do the spell. I could make myself forget Tom and forget what he did and what we did together. I can just forget about him. I sighed and mentally shook myself. I got up and sat next to my mother who looked surprised to see me so calm.
I held her hand and pulled her up and into my bed room. I showed her my drawings and she looked at them in awe. She obviously loved them and wanted to see me do one right there. I got out my art things from under my bed and sat on the bed, my mother next to me.
I drew the scene that had just happened between me, Josh and Sam. I changed the faces so people wouldn’t be suspicious and finished it within ten minutes. I handed it to my mother and she studied it intently. When she finished looking at it, she put it on the bed and clapped. I got a pin and pinned it up next to the fictional drawings.
“You must be getting tired mum and dad. How about you go back to your room and then I will show you around the school tomorrow with Josh.” I said walking back into the living room. Josh and Sam still sat where I left them and they were talking to each other quickly and quietly.
Mum, dad and Tom left and then I was alone with Josh and Sam. I didn’t know how to get rid of Sam so I sat on the sofa and inspected my legs. They were bleeding into the insides of my trousers and my trousers were sticking. I ripped them off and then wound the bandage back around them. Halfway up my right leg, a familiar pair of hands took them from me and continued for me. They were Sam’s hands and just as I was wondering where Josh was, he appeared with a bottle of blood from the fridge and handed it to me.
With in five minutes all my bandages were back on and all my blood had gone and so had Sam. I walked slowly over to my bed with assistance from Josh and then collapsed onto it. Josh sat next to me while I remembered the words to the spell I was going to use. I started muttering the spell and thinking about Tom and what I wanted to forget. I wanted to forget his existence so to me, he wasn’t there. Josh gripped my hand and squeezed so hard I had to abandon the spell. “You can’t forget about him Lucy. You won’t be able to. He was your first love, it’s not possible.” Josh said then kissed me.
I was already on my back so all Josh had to do was roll on top of me which he did with ease. He got into a fast rhythm with his tongue and was exploring my body with his hands going up and down. I got shivers with the way he was touching me He was touching me like I was glass that could break any second.
I kissed him back but only for a minute before I pulled away from him. “I have to try and forget. He can’t have been my first love. You are.” I kissed him on his cheek and then started to mutter my spells again. He moved off of me and got out his phone. I was concentrating on the spell so much I missed him text Sam.
Quick as a shot Sam was up in my room again and trying everything he could to shut me up. He cut me more times than I could imagine, he told Josh to kiss me again but I murmured the words whatever pain I was in. He was lucky it was a long spell because otherwise he wouldn’t have thought of getting Professor Slakovitch up into my room to perform a complex spell to stop me from speaking and thinking.
I was going into the final stages of the spell when my mind blanked. A sea of nothingness filled me. I couldn’t speak and I could think of anything. There was nothing. I couldn’t move either. I would be stuck there until Professor Slakovitch reversed the spell but I knew it would have lasting effects when he did. The sooner the better but my parents and Tom needed to leave before I had a chance of coming back to life.
Josh had stayed with me the whole night and the next day explaining what was going on. He held my hand but I couldn’t hold his hand back. “Your parents are being told that because of the anger and rage you had for them, you tried to kill yourself and got paralysed in the process. They will be told to leave and never come back and that includes Tom. You’ll never have to see him again unless you chose to. I know you can’t hear me but I thought I’d explain anyway.” He didn’t know I was listening to him. That’s the only thing I could do; listen. Every two hours, I had to be given an injection to get the nutrients I get from the blood into my body. I couldn’t feel the pain so that was okay I guess.
I had to spend a whole day like this while Sam and other teachers got rid of my parents and Tom and I was getting rather bored with Josh’s commentary. Finally, Professor Slakovitch came back and started muttering words and gradually, I came round but before I came round, Josh leaned into my ear, which he thought was disabled, and whispered. “I love you.” He whispered and then I started to move and flex my fingers and toes.
When I came round, I sat up and leaned against my head board. I looked around at all the smiling faces around me. I didn’t recognise any of them. There were three complete strangers in my bedroom. Where was I? Who am I? I didn’t like being alone with three complete strangers and I felt real shy and timid to say anything or do anything. Instead of saying anything I pulled the sheets of my bed up to cover my whole body apart from my face. Everybody looked at me with confusion on their faces.
“Who am I?” I said in a squeaky high pitched voice. “Where am I? Who are you?” I said looking around me at the people.
“She has amnesia. I don’t know how long it will last but her characteristics aren’t going to be the same again.” The tall one said. He had no tattoo on his cheek and he had a wand tucked into his belt of his trousers. He also had a distinct accent.
“Which is worse Sam; her forgetting about Tom or forgetting her personality? Which would you prefer?” The guy sat on my left chirped in. He had luscious green eyes. They were so pure and round. They were beautiful.
“This is defiantly worse. I didn’t think the spell would have such a profound effect on her.” The one on my right said. He had light blue eyes and blonde hair. “Is there any way we can get the old Lucy back?” He asked the one in the middle.
“Is my name Lucy? What do you mean the old me? Who are you?” I asked again but no one answered me. The person on my left got up and left the room and I could hear him sobbing in the next room.
“We can remind her of what her life used to be like. Get some of her doodles out and her pictures out. Did she have a diary or anything like that that could remind her of her life?” The person in the middle said. The blonde boy got up and walked out of the room. I was on my own with a really weird person and a sobbing boy who had beautiful eyes.
I tried to think of a name for the boy with the green eyes. I thought I knew it but I wasn’t sure. “Josh?” I said out loud. The sobbing stopped abruptly and the boy appeared again. “You’re Josh aren’t you?” The boy nodded. “You have beautiful eyes.” I said quite quietly but he must have heard because he came closer to me. He kept on edging closer until he was almost as close to kiss me. “I have an idea.” He said and sat on the bed. He plucked the sheets out of my hands and folded them on my lap neatly. He leaned towards me and I instantly leaned towards like it was the right thing to do.
He kissed me like out first kiss was; sweet and gentle. He kissed each point of my mark like Sam did when he kissed me and then he moved his hands around my body like Tom did when he tried to rape me. Knowledge flooded my mind. I remembered everything about my life apart from my personality. That was just a blank space but I knew who people were and what Josh had said before the amnesia kicked in. “You said you loved me.” I said to him in a quiet whisper. He nodded and then pulled away. Sam came in the room and sighed a sigh of relief when he saw I was near enough back to normal.
Josh came and got me for school the next day. He told me when I gripped his hand that everyone knew about the amnesia and the different me and to just ignore anyone doing anything wrong and either him or Sam would be with me in lessons. “Don’t worry. No one’s going to bother you.” Josh said as we came to Combat.
Everyone started to stare to see if there was anything visibly wrong with me. I felt really shy when everyone did that and hid behind Josh to stop people from staring at me. Josh turned to face me still holding my hand. “Why do they stare like that? It’s really intimidating.”
“Well. The guys stare because you are the hottest girl in the school and the girls stare because they wish they were you. Don’t feel intimidated by them. It’s their normal behaviour around you.” Josh said back and turned me to face everyone with him. I gripped onto his hand so tightly when we went in and I had to sit on my own. I can’t believe he didn’t complain about it.
When Professor Reeves explained what we had to do, Josh moved over to sit with me. He said he always did but I’m not sure. No one bothered me that lesson and no one said a word about me that I could hear. Josh had to help me all through the lesson because I couldn’t remember what I had to do. I couldn’t remember anything of what I was meant to do.
When the bell rang everyone got up and packed away. I packed my things neatly in my bag and picked it up. Josh had to pack my bag that morning because I didn’t remember what lessons I had or what I needed. Josh gripped my hand and led me out of the classroom. People were still staring at me as I came out of the classroom. I tried to hide behind Josh again but he wouldn’t let me.
When we came to my next classroom – Josh told me it was Performing Arts – Sam was waiting outside the door for me. “People in this class won’t bother you either. I told Professor that you would prefer to sit and watch and see if you can gain any more memory back.” Sam said as we approached him. Josh squeezed my hand and then hugged me. He said he would see me at break and left me with Sam. He squeezed my shoulder which made me wince. Everybody was watching that and stared at me in disbelief. What was their problem? How did I normally act around Sam? How was I supposed to know?
Some one came out of the crowd and walked towards me. I remembered her face but nothing about her. I sunk back against the wall trying to get as far away as possible from this girl. Sam turned to me mirroring the girl’s astonished look. “Lucy. Don’t you remember Angela?” I shook my head and Sam grabbed my hand and led me over to Angela. She threw her arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re al right When I heard what had happened to you I was so worried and I wanted to come and see you but Sam and Josh stopped me. You do remember them don’t you?” I nodded and as I smelled her hair, I remembered her and everything that she had done for me. I pulled away from her. “Sorry I didn’t remember you.” I said to Angela and then walked back to Sam and shuffled up beside him. He was smiling at me, happy that I remembered Angela?
The bell went and I walked into the classroom and sat next to Sam. I watched the class intently trying to remember anything and everything. Nothing came to my mind through the whole lesson and when the bell went, I got up and Sam led me to the hall. I found Josh sat on a table with Angela and he rushed over to me and gripped my hand. He led me over to the table and sat down next to me. People were stealing glances at me when I thought they weren’t looking. I got really nervous and self-conscious. When I said this to Josh he just laughed. “They are looking at how incredibly beautiful you are. Don’t be self-conscious about it.” He said to me kissing me on my cheek.
When the bell went for next lesson, Josh stood up and gripped my hand and pulled me up. He leant into me and then kissed me on my lips. He was sweet and gentle to start then hard for a bit before there was a cough behind us. He pulled away from me and we both turned to see Angela looking at us like a teacher. She tutted and then walked ahead of us. Josh squeezed my hand and pulled me along to my next class.
The day went on like that. Josh sitting with me in the lessons he had with me and Sam with me the rest. I didn’t talk in any of my lessons and I didn’t do anything either. I just sat and stared at other people to see what they were doing. Sam and Josh made me drink blood every hour to make sure I kept my strength up. Sam even tried to get me to bite him but I remembered enough of my life to know I didn’t do that.
When I got back to my room, Josh was sat on my sofa. I jumped when I saw him but he seemed to be expecting things like this for a while. As he got up I noticed a pile of papers sitting on my coffee table. I asked what they were and Josh smiled. “You’re going to be back to normal in no time after I’ve finished with you.” He said into my ear as he hugged me. He pulled away and gripped my hand and turned to Sam. “I can take her from here. I’ll give her blood and look after her.” Much to my surprise Sam just walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.
Josh pulled me over to the sofa and sat me down. He then spread out the papers in a circle behind me. He then made a circle of white candles around the papers. There was a gap in the middle big enough for two people to sit cross legged. Once he had finished, he came back to me and pulled me up and led me over to the circle, careful not to move any of the papers or candles. We both sat cross legged in the centre of the circle. Josh pulled out a piece of paper and a knife. He handed me the paper and then picked up the knife. “You say the words and then drink blood from me. That’s the only way to get you back to your normal self.” I nodded and looked down at the paper.
As I started to read the words of a complicated spell, Josh pulled the knife back and slit his wrist. I could smell the blood but forced myself to carry on with the spell. When I finished the spell, I leant into Josh and put my mouth on his wrist. I started sucking and pain and pleasure filled me to bursting point. I wanted to stop but I couldn’t. I continued sucking Josh’s cool and sweet blood while knowledge overpowered the pain and the pleasure. I remembered everything of my life’ my childhood, school, becoming a vamp, everything.
As I remembered, I was able to pull away from Josh and stop his bleeding. I rubbed my fingers over his cuts and he moaned with the pain. I got up and tried to pull Josh up with me but he had passed out because of the blood loss. I cast a levitation spell on him and made him float over to the sofa and lay him there. I ran over to him and cut my neck with the knife he used and pressed it against his mouth. I squeezed the cut so blood would ooze out and into Josh’s mouth. As the first drops went into his mouth, he swallowed and sucked. The pleasure was intense and refreshing and memorial. It reminded me of Sam and how he did this to my wrist and I did it to him. At that moment I decided I would drink fresh blood again.
Josh suddenly jerked under me and stopped sucking. He pulled away and licked his lips and looked up at me. I gripped his hand in mine and he nodded to me. I smiled to him and kissed him long and hard. Everything would work out now and everything could go back to normal.
I woke up the next morning with Josh lying next to me and Sam sitting in the chair next to my bed. I jerked awake when I saw Sam and got out of bed to sit with him. “What do you want? Why are sitting here watching me sleep?” I said in my most irritable and annoying whisper. When I looked up at his face, he was surprised. Evidently, he didn’t know that I was back to normal or what Josh had done for me last night; which means I would have to explain or wake up Josh and ask him to explain to Sam what he did.
“I felt your pain then your pleasure then pain again. I couldn’t ignore it any longer than I did but by the time I got up here I could smell magic and smoke and you two where in here. I stayed to make sure you were al right. What happened here last night? You’re back to your normal self.” He said to me, looking me up and down to check for any damage. My cuts on my legs, arms, back and neck were still there but they were fading. “I’ll tell you exactly what happened – or what I can remember of it – but can I have some blood first?” I said to him. He nodded and got up. “Wait.” He turned around to see what I wanted. “Fresh blood. I want fresh blood from you.” He looked startled by what I had said but sat back down next to me.
He put his wrist out and looked at me expectantly. I bit into his wrist and sucked. His delicious warm blood came into my mouth and I realised what I had been missing out on. I sucked and sucked until I got reminded of why I didn’t drink fresh blood. Sam had to pull my head back off of his wrist to stop me from sucking and he quickly healed the wound on his wrist before I could come back for more. “What’s that mark on your neck? I haven’t seen it before.” He said to me in a hoarse voice.
Now that he wanted to know that I had to explain the whole thing and by the time I had finished Josh was stirring. I got up and sat next to him. “Your blood was delicious babe.” He said when he opened his eyes and saw me staring back at him. I leaned over him and kissed him heavily on his lips. I completely forgot Sam was there and got going with some good action with Josh. He grabbed my arms and pulled me back into bed on top of him. We continued kissing and rolling about on the bed. Josh started kissing down my neck until he got to the place where I had slit my neck to help him. He kissed all along the gleaming red line then back up to my lips. I tried to pull away from him and tell him that Sam was standing in the corner but when I looked round, Sam wasn’t there. He had disappeared.
Thank god for that. I thought while kissing Josh. He probably thought the same. He didn’t want anyone to know what he thought of blood even if the only person who does know is the only other person to have sucked my blood; he still wouldn’t want people to know.
While I was thinking this, Josh’s teeth nipped the inside of my mouth and he began sucking. He clearly enjoyed my blood more than he let on. I was underneath him so I couldn’t pull away from him so all I could do was moan at the pleasure running through me. He was feeling pleasure as well because he moaned at the pleasure.
Eventually when he pulled away, he looked full of colour not the pale person he was minutes ago. I was still under him so he had full control of me and what he did to me. He started kissing me again this time up and down my neck grazing his teeth along my neck, sometimes making little cuts as he did so. He ignored these cuts and continued going up and down my neck on both sides. When he had done this for what seemed hours, he stopped at the base of my neck. His tongue darted out and licked my neck. After two strokes with his tongue he kissed it. He pulled away and kissed me on my cheek. “Sorry for this.” He said in a whisper and before I register his words or think about what they could mean, he bit deep into my neck and started sucking.
I swore loudly at the pain and tried pushing him off me. He wouldn’t budge and every attempt at magic I did, I couldn’t do because I was rapidly losing blood. I was also losing consciousness rapidly. If he wasn’t sucking my blood and kissing me instead, this would have been oddly romantic.
“Josh.” I whispered with my last breath and then I lost consciousness and closed my eyes on the horrifying ordeal.
It was all a dream. I told myself. It was all a dream and I would wake up with Josh holding my hand and telling me to calm down, telling me it was all a dream.
But no. When I woke up I was in a hospital with Sam by my bedside. “She’s awake.” He shouted to a nurse as soon as I fluttered open my eyes. A nurse hurried over and checked me over. She asked me some questions but before I could answer them, Sam intervened. “Don’t you think you should let her get some rest? She’s been through enough today without your questions. With the way I found her, I can answer those questions.” I turned to meet Sam’s eyes but my neck gave a stab pain and I yelped. The nurse came back to me and examined my neck. It was bandaged up and that only means only one thing.
The wound is too bad to heal with magic.
I couldn’t remember what happened the morning before so I listened intently when Sam explained to me. “I wondered where you where for your lessons so I went up to your room to find you. I found you, in your room with Josh on top of you. I thought I shouldn’t interrupt when I saw you weren’t moving and Josh’s mouth was on your neck. I went in and got Josh off you. I noticed the cut on your lip and all the cuts on your neck. And then I saw the huge bloody hole in your neck. It was bleeding freely after I got Josh off you and I put pressure on it. I thought you were dead and a couple more minutes and you would have been. I got you down here as quick as possible and stayed until now. I’m sorry.” He looked down at his hands when he said the last bit. It wasn’t his fault; it was my fault for giving him fresh blood not refrigerated blood. I should be sorry for putting Sam through all of this.
There was a knock on the door of my cubical and the nurse went over to it. She opened it a crack to see who it was and then turned to me. “A certain Josh Crawford is here to see you. He would like to ‘talk’” She did quotation marks with her fingers around ‘talk’. I looked at Sam and he gave a slight nod of his head and gripped my hand and squeezed it. I turned to the nurse and nodded to her. She opened the door and Josh came in.
He had bruises and cuts all over him and I could see that Sam had to go to some effort to get him off me. He saw that Sam was with me and winced. He’d hoped to speak to me alone and he would get his opportunity. “Sam. Could you wait outside with the nurse? I will scream if he tries anything.” I said to Sam. He paused for a second then nodded and got up and left the room with the nurse and shut the door behind them. Josh walked over to my bed and sat on it. He reached out to my hand but I pulled it away from him and lifted it to my neck and automatically put it on the bandage to cover the deep hole in my neck that he had made. He sighed and looked up at me.
“I’m so sorry Lucy. For what I did to you I mean. I didn’t mean to. It’s just, your blood. It’s amazing and I just wanted so much of it. I wanted so much of you. I still do. Please, Lucy. Please forgive me; you know what it’s like of all people. You know what blood lust is and I just gave in to it.” He said to me. He leant towards me and tried to grip my hand again. I tried to pull it away but he grabbed it mid-action and put it back down on the bed. “Help me Lucy. You can control it, I can’t. The only thing stopping me from biting you is that I don’t want to hurt you again. I’m in love with you Lucy and I don’t want to hurt you. Please help me.” He stared into my eyes with his pure green eyes, begging forgiveness. When he said the last sentence, he started to cry.
I sighed and squeezed his hand. He looked up at me and squeezed my hand back. I leant forward to him, careful not to move my neck much, and hugged him. He seemed surprised at my gesture but he hugged me back never the less. “I understand what’s happening to you and I can get you help but I don’t want to risk you doing this to me again. We need some time apart and when you’ve sorted yourself out, and then we can talk and see about us again but not at the moment. Concentrate on getting yourself sorted. Chances are you will be in the same class for Blood lust Control. We can help each other.”I said, pulling away from him. He looked at me then nodded. He got up and started to walk away. He turned around two steps away from the bed and came back to me. He gave me a long and hard and meaningful kiss on my lips and then sighed and left.
I rolled over onto my side, away from the chair Sam had sat and listened to the footsteps coming into the room. I heard the nurse talking to Sam about possible surgery on my neck to replace all the damages veins and muscle but she would need a better look at the hole. Sam must have agreed because seconds later, the nurse was giving me an injection and I fell asleep.
The nurse must have decided against surgery because when I came round the bandage was still on my neck and it ached. My back, arms and legs also ached because they hadn’t been healed. I wanted to get up and walk around the school and be with Josh and help him and be with my friends and make everything go back to normal. But I couldn’t. The best I could do was ask Sam – who was still by my bedside- to help me up and take me to a mirror.
I looked terrible. The big white bandage had medical tape around it to keep it in place and I had stitches in my lip. My hair had been drawn back into a ponytail and didn’t look too bad. My mark gleamed against my skin which was nearly white because of the blood loss. My arms had scars all down them and so did my legs. I felt terrible and asked Sam to help me back to my bed.
The nurse, who was called Destinie, said that I would be stuck here until the hole had sealed over and even then, I would have to come in for check ups every day. Angela came and visited me after school and Sam was at my side permanently. He helped me with everything that I need and he gave me blood like he used to. He would hold out his wrist and make a cut for me and I would suck it and he would gradually regain the power of knowing my feelings and thoughts. They had been lost when Josh had bit me. Because it was a near death experience, the feelings disappeared but gradually, they would return. Nobody else visited me which was good. It was good to have peace and quiet during the day. I sometimes got notes from Josh slid under the door, asking how I was or saying that everyone was missing me or asking me what he should tell people because they still thought we were together.
Finally the day came when I could go back after taking the bandage off. That was a painful process. I opted for awake instead of under aesthetic and that was the worst mistake I ever made. Destinie cut the tape and then eased it off my skin, trying not to open any remaining scabs. She then started cutting away the bandage itself. She eased it off layer by layer and when she could cut no more, she just had to rip it off and then stop the blood flow. Before doing this, she moved me into a different room. As soon as I was on the bed and slightly settled, she gripped the bandage between her index finger and her thumb and pulled. I screamed at the pain and then collapsed onto the bed while Destinie stopped the blood flow and then dabbing alcohol soaked towels on the hole. I was intrigued at what it actually looked like and asked Sam to get me a mirror. He did so and I looked into it.
My neck had a hole gouged into it. It had teeth marks around it and they were so clear you could count the teeth. There were ten teeth marks that I could count. It was red and bruises were erupting around it. That mark would never go away and every time I looked into a mirror from now on, I would be reminded of Josh and what he did to me. How could I live like that?
I started to cry. I put the mirror on the bed, picked up a pillow, put my head on the pillow underneath and put the pillow over my head where I openly sobbed for hours. I tried to press the pillow into my face and suffocate myself but Sam and Destinie always plucked the pillow out of my hands before I could.
When Destinie asked whether I wanted to go back to school, I nodded with enthusiasm but not so much to break the wound open again. I asked how long I had been in the hospital and I found out that I had been in there a week since the injury. So it was a Monday morning. I wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible so I got up out of bed and asked Sam to take me to my room so I could get changed and pack all the things I would need that day. He didn’t really want to but it was either him come with me to make sure I was al right or risk me dyeing on the way so when I asked, he came with me and steadied me when I needed to be steadied.
When we finally got up to my room it was a mess. I decided I would deal with it after school and went straight into my bedroom. There was blood on my pillows and my sheets. I looked at it and then chucked them into the washing machine and set it off. I then got a camisole shirt and a turtle neck sweater and threw them on. Of course, they were both black. I also got some black trousers and shoved them on. I let my hair fall loosely around my shoulders, disguising the cuts that weren’t covered by the neck on the sweater. I put all of the things I would need that day including blood and extra bandages and went into the living room where Sam was sitting on my sofa.
He stood up, checked me over, lingering at my neck and then took my hand and led me to first lesson, just like he did on my first day.
Josh wasn’t there when I walked in with Sam at my side. He had let go of my hand but I knew he was still there. Josh was gone and I was really looking forward to seeing him that morning to answer his questions on the notes he had sent. Everyone looked at me like I was a freak show but I ignored this and went straight to my seat and got out my work things. I got on with my work and ignored anyone and everyone apart from Professor Reeves but he didn’t bother me at all through the lesson.
I was so glad when the bell went and I put all of my things neatly in my bag then went to Sam. He led me out of the room and onto my next lesson where Angela was waiting for me. She ran over to me and gave a huge hug but gasped and pulled away when I yelped in pain. She glanced at my neck and I realised that she must have pulled the neck of my jumped down when she hugged me. Sam quickly pulled it up, quickly but carefully, and put some hair over the remainder of the scars and cuts and bruises. Angela got hold of both of my hands and started apologising. I shook my head and shushed her and went into class as the bell rang.
I had a fun lesson of dance with loads of different moves and different dances and steps. It was fun for most of the lesson apart from the beginning and the end. I had to get changed somehow without people seeing my neck. I ended up covering it up with a borrowed scarf while I got changed.
When the lesson ended I was relieved and got changed as quickly as I could without opening my wound. Sam was waiting for me and as he led me into the feeding room and locked the door. He beckoned me forwards and I went to him. He seemed surprised for me to come so willingly. As I got closer to him, I expected him to hold out his wrist but instead he gripped my wrist and pulled me into a hug.
I relaxed against him and he relaxed against me. “I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t of left you alone with him, he wouldn’t have done this to you. It’s my entire fault, he’s had girlfriends before who have gone missing and now we know why. He drained them dry of blood and if I hadn’t of left you alone, you wouldn’t have had to go through with all this. I’m so sorry. It’s my entire fault.” He said to me. He genuinely thought it was his fault. I couldn’t let him think that.
I pulled away from him. “It’s not your fault” I said to him and then kissed him. He seemed surprised by my action but after a few seconds, he relaxed and kissed me back. Vampire kissing was better than human kissing but Sam’s kissing was just extraordinary. He knew exactly when to give and when to yield and where to put his hands and his tongue. He was the master of kissing and I love it.
When he pulled away, we were both out of breath and gasping for air. “That...was amazing.” Sam said when he had slid his arms around my waist. “You are...amazing.” I said back to him and put my arms around his neck. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and let go of me. I let go of him and he held out his wrist. I held out mine and we both bit into each other. We gave a simultaneous moan of pleasure and started sucking.
I pulled away first and I let Sam continue sucking and when he did pull away he was smiling. “I can feel your feelings again.” He said in answer to my questioning look. I healed my wrist and he healed his. He slid he arms around my waist again and looked at me with the longing and want that was there when we had first met. I slid my arms around his neck and he leaned into me. We kissed again and again until the bell rung and we had to go to my next lesson.
He kissed me one last time and then led me out of the room. He let go of my hand when we got out the room but I didn’t mind. What just happened was amazing and both of us knew it. At that moment, both of us were reading the others mind. We both looked at each other and then smiled at each other. That was how it was going to be from now on with Sam. He would be able to read my mind and my feelings whenever he wanted. I would be able to do the same whenever I wanted with some help from him.
As we got to my next classroom, Josh was standing outside the door surrounded by his friends Luke, Brad, Adam, Conner and Callum. I had met them all at the dance and they obviously didn’t like me. They were staring me down and I just couldn’t stand the way Josh wasn’t doing anything.
I can’t believe what they’re doing to her, they know how I feel about her and there acting as if it was her fault we broke up. I told them as much as I could but not how I’m a murderer.
Josh was thinking. He noticed me looking at him.
I’m so sorry babe. I couldn’t tell them any more then I did. I want them as my friend who will protect me and that is what they are doing now. Protecting me, or they think they are protecting me. I need to see what I did to you and how much damage I’ve caused in your life like there wasn’t enough. You heard me didn’t you babe; I said that I loved you that night before you came round from your coma. I love you Lucy. I really love you.
“I can’t do this Sam.” I said turning towards him. I knew that he had heard what Josh had thought as well and he wasn’t happy about it. “I seriously can’t do this Sam. You just heard what he thought. I can’t do this on my own.”
“Don’t worry. I’m here and I always will be; to help you with magic, blood lust, mental activity. Anything. I will always be here for you Lucy. I love you. Always have and always will. You’re the reason I didn’t leave here when I was allowed to. You, Lucy, are everything to me. It breaks me to see you in so much pain and it killed me to see you and Josh or you and Tom together. I will protect your life with mine and protect your body with mine. Just don’t leave me. I can’t stand life without you now I have you. Please don’t leave me.” He said all this in a whisper into my ear so no one but me could hear him. I leant in towards him so I could whisper in his ear. “I’ll never leave you.” I whispered to him. He pulled away and walked me into the classroom because the bell had just gone.
I went in and sat in my normal place and Sam sat behind me at the back of the class. I did my usual magic and more. I had more strength then normal and Professor Heyla seemed to notice that my magical ability had increased. “Drinking the pure stuff?” She called across the room when everyone was trying to set things on fire. I, of course, could already do this and scared Professor Heyla when I had set her on fire. “Yes Professor.” I said back to her, slightly embarrassed that she was talking about my blood drinking habits across the classroom. I looked back at Sam, who winked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him then set his shoes on fire with a click of my fingers. He laughed while the fire spread up his leg and onto his chair. I clicked my fingers again and the fire burned out. He did thumbs up and I turned back to the class.
For the second half of the lesson, I had to work on getting liquids to move. I had five liquids each one more viscous then each other. I had to move them from one container to the next. Everyone had to do this but I completed it quite quickly so I started messing around with the water. I made it do spirals in the air and lots of different patterns. I made it hover over people’s heads without them knowing and letting one drop of the water drop onto their head. It was the best lesson ever.
As the bell rang, Sam stood up and pulled me behind him. He had seen the magic I had done that day and thought I was way over my head doing it all so freely. He hadn't warned me about the side effects of using magic too much. I was feeling drowsy once again and my sense of magnified smell caught a whiff of Sam's cool and bubbly blood. That sent me off guard and I got the attention of Sam when I turned to face him. Everyone in the room was gone apart from the two off us and Professor Heyla. He had cut his wrist and was beckoning me with it.
Professor Heyla was carefully watching us with intent to see what I would do Sam didn't want to have to feed me in the middle of the classroom with the Professor watching us but he had no choice. I was weak and I needed blood and Sam had no option of me breaking down in a corridor. He needed to do this now and we both knew it.
I looked over to him and my gaze met the blood on his wrist which was slowly moving towards me. “Don't do this Sam. I'm weak, I know but not here. Not in front of Professor Heyla. Please Sam. Don't do this. Not now.” I said this to him with no hope in my voice. He noticed this and shook his head. His wrist was almost straight in front of my mouth. I leaned forward, longing filled me. I wanted to have his blood. I needed his blood. But how would it affect me? I forgot about the wonder and put my mouth to his wrist and began sucking.
When I pulled away from Sam, Professor Heyla just stared at me in shock. She had obviously never seen a student as young as me drinking blood so dearly and lovingly. She didn't say anything as I healed Sam’s wrist and thought at him very deliberately.
This is not over. You shouldn't have done that and you know it. Next lesson I'm going to say yes to Josh because he genuinely is sorry and I want him to see how much damage he really did to me.
Sam flinched and looked down. I glanced at Professor Heyla and saw that she had gotten back to her paper work. I looked back at Sam who looked back at me. I walked over to him and held his hand. He held mine back and pulled me into a hug. He started to mutter words of apology and 'it was the only thing I could do' kind of thing but that didn't matter to me. I was in an embrace with the man I thought I loved and I just didn't care about anything or anyone else. Just me and Sam in this moment together mattered.
A cough made us jump out of our world and look around to see that Professor Heyla was waiting to let her next class in. We left without any further warning and Sam led me to my Survival class. Josh would be there but I was ready to kick anyone's ass today especially with my rage with Sam. He had pulled it out of me but my first lesson to actually kick Josh's ass into gear suddenly brought it back.
As we got to the classroom door, all my classmates were very quiet and didn't talk to me. Everyone knew what a destructive mood I was in and didn't want to get in the way of that. The bell went and everyone filed inside while Sam held me back. “Don't do anything to hurt yourself Lucy.” He warned. “I know you want to show Josh what you can really do but don't hurt yourself in there. Especially in your condition.” He said pointing at my neck. I instantly put my hand up to it and felt the tender spot where Josh's teeth had sunk into my skin. Remembering that made me want to be sick but I stood up tall, gave a nod and walked into the classroom.
I got changed and looked for Josh. He was surprisingly easy to find. He was in front of my locker when I came out of the changing rooms and I walked over to him in a casual and calm way. He looked away from me and I knew what he was thinking.
How stupid am I to bite my beautiful and amazing girlfriend like that? What was I thinking? Although, she did help me more than anyone else ever did. I wonder if she is going to let me see what I did to her? I had never been given the opportunity to look at the injuries, just the death.
“Yes.” I said abruptly. I looked at his puzzle face. “Yes I will let you see what you did to me. You know what time I get off school. Come to my room then and don't be surprised if Sam is there.” I turned around and started walking towards the gymnastics mats while Josh stood staring at me and Sam at Josh. I rolled my eyes at both of them and looked at wall for what to do.
By the end of the lesson I was doing many complex tumbles going corner to corner while people applauded me and gave me wide smiles; no one bringing up the topic of my neck. I did see some people eyeing the jumper I had opted to wear with suspicion but Sam always tapped them on the shoulder and made then jump and look away from my neck.
The bell rang and I quickly went into an empty changing room to get changed. I came out quickly and found Sam who was talking to Professor Buttercup. When he saw he finished the conversation he was having and came over to me. He squeezed my shoulder briefly and led me out of the room.
I was fine in Magic Control and Professor Slakovitch congratulated me on my full recovery and on Daksha’s and Abbas’s magic test results. They both improved by 100 but neither of them were close to my full marks 500. I smiled at them cheerfully and continued with my magic. Professor Slakovitch made me do all kinds of things and I was exhausted by the end. I had been drinking blood out of a bottle but it wasn’t doing anything for me.
Five minutes before the end of the lesson, Sam called me to Professor Slakovitch’s office. I came in and he signed for me close the door. I closed it and locked it with magic and slid down onto the floor just in front of the door. He stood up immediately and came and sat beside me. He took my wrist in his hand and bit into it. He began sucking and I began to feel intense pleasure. I took his wrist into my hand and bit into it and began to suck.
Pleasure filled us both as we sucked blood out of each other. I was glad I had locked the door now. Some things must have happened while we were both feeling intense and undying emotion for each other because when I pulled back – a great effort- I was on my back on the floor and he was on top of me with no shirt on. My jumper had been pulled on and my blouse was half undone.
When Sam pulled away from my room, he located my mouth and started kissing me with amazing passion. I did my best not to kiss him back because he had continued to undo the buttons on my blouse. I pushed on his shoulders but they wouldn’t budge. I tried everything to get him off me but nothing worked. I couldn’t pull my mouth away from his to speak to him and I couldn’t get him off me. I tried magic but I wasn’t trained so far as not to murmur words to create the magic. I thought of the only thing left to do and I did it.
I shouted to him through the mind and as my message hit him, he winced and lifted himself off of me. I scrambled out from underneath him and got to my feet. He rolled over and sat cross legged on the floor. I quickly started buttoning up my blouse. I located my jumper and pulled it over my head, ripping my neck in the process. I screamed in pain and then collapsed on the floor. I touch a hand to my neck and it was pouring out blood. I quickly took off my jumper again, screwed it into a ball then set it my neck.
Sam had come over to me and was trying to help me. He reached out his hand to grip mine but I pulled it away from him. “Don’t...touch me. Get...Destinie.” I said to him, gasping for air while trying not to scream in pain. He reached over to squeeze my shoulder but I jerked it out of the way. I screamed in pain at my sudden movement and collapsed on the floor.
Sam quickly went to the door and asked Professor Slakovitch to call Destinie and ask her to come straight away. He shut the door and came back over to him. I shook my head at him so he settled next to me moving strands of hair out of the broken wound and my soaking jumper.
Destinie came and ran straight over to me. She removed the jumper and winced at what she saw. She glanced at Sam and shook her head. She got out her first aid kit and got to work. I screamed and yelped at most of it but every time Sam tried to touch me, I growled at him and he withdrew. Every time I did this, Destinie looked at me and winced. She continued with my treatment until I had stopped bleeding. She helped me up and I thanked her. I agreed that I would come to her straight after my classes had finished and she left me and Sam in the office.
“What did you think you were thinking? A quick suck of blood and I would want to have sex with you?” I asked Sam as soon as she had left the room.
“I didn’t plan it. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. You made no attempt to stop me. You seemed to be enjoying it and you wanted to have sex with me. Just admit it; much as you don’t want to, you love me. You want me. I want you as I have just proved. You wanted me this morning. What’s changed?” He said to me lifting his head and staring at me.
“Yes I wanted you this morning. What has changed is that you decided this morning when I needed blood and you gave it to me in the middle of a classroom with a teacher watching. Anyone could have walked in and you didn’t give me a choice and I will probably always want that choice. And again now; you bit me and didn’t give me a choice. If that is how your blood makes me react, then I don’t any more of it. Surely you see that?” I was practically shouting now and it was a wander people in the classroom couldn’t hear me. Sam was staring at me with calm eyes. He acted like nothing had just happened and we were just old mates. “You’ve done it again Sam. If you want me to drink, you’ll have to use magic or brutal force and I can near enough beat both. Good luck with that.” I said and then opened the door and walked into the empty classroom.
I glanced at my watch and saw that it was nearly time for Thought Control. I growled with rage and then walked off in that direction. I stopped halfway to the door and took out my mirror. I looked at my neck and saw that it had a bright white bandage on it again. I made magic obey me and soon enough a turtle neck jumper was within my grasps outside the door to the classroom. I picked it up and put it on careful not to rip open my neck and proceeded out to my Thought Control classroom.
People were waiting outside the classroom. I joined them and walked in silently when the bell went. Professor Alcove sensed something was off with me and sat behind me again. Professor Alcove could read minds and he was defiantly reading mine. The pictures on the board interested me but I just couldn’t concentrate and by the end of the lesson, Professor Alcove probably knew most of my secrets, wishes and desires and she had reinforced the all of the cuts that were just fading away. I had them on both arms, both legs, down my back, across my stomach and on my mark. I was practically dripping blood by the end of the lesson. Professor Alcove gave me some bandages and some tape and I started to sort myself out.
Each bandage was as painful as the next but I didn’t flinch or show any emotion. I finished doing up the bandages and scurried off to Art and Drawing. I got there just in time and sat down in my seat at the back just when the bell had finished ringing. I thought back to my day and my life and the events that had happened over the years that I could draw. The more I thought, the more I could think of. I drew every idea until the end of the lesson and continued writing down ideas on my way back to my room.
When I got there, Sam was waiting patiently on my dining table with all of his equipment. I sat in the chair next to him like I always did and waited for the lesson to begin. He reached out to my hand but I pulled it away from him like before. He tried to get my eye contact but I kept avoiding his. He tried everything on me and nothing would make me meet his gaze.
He started to use his vampire speed and dart around the room to where I was looking. I would move my head away from his eyes but he just moved around and around trying to met my gaze. Eventually it worked and he met my gaze before I could jerk my head away and even if I had tried, both of us knew that it would open my neck again and neither of us wanted that.
Why won’t you let me touch you? Why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you let me look into your eyes?
He thought to me, slowly walking over to me, never taking his eyes off of me. I started to feel uncomfortable but I knew he wouldn’t stop until he got his answers. “You know all the answers to those questions.” I said to him trying to sound cold and horrible but failing miserably. “No, Lucy I don’t.” He was nearly touching me now. “What happened to you? You’re not who you were when I met you. I need that Lucy. The nice, gentle, slightly shy Lucy. Not the horrible, consumed and I think depressed Lucy that is here in front of me.” He said to me. He placed his hand on mine and when I didn’t pull away from him, he entwined his fingers around mine. It felt normal and right but wrong at the same time. “Take these.” He got out a box and placed them in front of me. “They will help with the depression. I can help you if you let me. Please Lucy, let me help you. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”
I looked from the box to Sam to our hands entwined. I gave a helpless nod and held Sam’s hand back. He squeezed and both of us jumped at the knock at my door.
Josh came into my room and sat on the sofa. Sam sat on the dining table and I hovered waiting one of them to do something. Sam cracked first. He got up and got a glass of water from the tap and handed it to me. I picked up the box of medicine and went into my bed room and took one. I then picked up the drawings I had done an hour before and handed them to Josh. He looked at the scenes I had drawn of him and me together and then to the one of him attacking me. I had cleverly left out any that involved Sam – there were many of them, this one another to add to the list. I quickly did that while Sam went over to Josh and studied the pictures as well.
When I got back into the room, Josh was looking at me expectantly and Sam was still looking at the drawings. I held my hand to Josh and he took it and stood up. I took his hand and placed it to my neck and to the bandage. He winced when I placed his hand there and sadness filled him. Because I was in his mind, I felt all of his sadness. I wobbled but Josh steadied me. I nodded at him and pulled back my hair away from my shoulder.
Josh gently eased my jumper neck down and flinched at the remaining bite marks around the bandage. Without him asking, I removed my jumper and threw it onto the couch. He started easing away the tape trying not to hurt me. He knew he was and I knew he would hurt me even more in a couple of minutes. I remained in his mind all through this process and I wish I hadn’t.
He finally got the tape off of my neck and to prevent my bandage coming off, he pressed his hand onto it. I bit the inside of my lip to stop me moaning in pain. He seemed to know I was in pain so as gently but quickly as possible he took off the bandage and looked at what he had done. He gave a sharp intake of breath when he saw it and shock, horror, worry and disgust filled him and since I was in his mind, filled me to.
Josh steadied me and then took me over to my sofa to sit down in. Sam got me some blood and gave it to me. I sipped it and covered my neck with the bandage. Sam had a word with Josh but he didn’t leave. He came over and sat next to me and looked into my eyes. Josh’s back was turned to Sam’s and I saw him take some medical equipment and a bottle into my bedroom.
“Has anyone told you about the Vampire Princes and the Vampire Princesses?” I shook my head. “Well, it’s about time someone did and I am that someone. The Vamp Princes are descendants from royal families and the Vamp Princesses are the same. They have really bad childhoods and don’t know what they are until their true love bites them on the neck. Magical and Ancient spells were once used on the Princes and Princesses and they still are. Some words are harmful but others are harmless. The Vampire Princesses always have all seven abilities and sometimes even more. The Vampire Princes abilities range, some have all seven and some only have one. You have more than seven abilities. That’s very rare unless you are a Vampire Princess. I thought I was your true love and I would reveal to you what you were but when they didn’t happen, blood lust took over and I wanted every drop of you. I’m sorry.” He got up and walked out of the room and into the hallway. He closed the door behind him and walked away.
Sam came back in the bottle full of blood and tossed it to me. I caught it and sipped it. It WAS Sam’s blood. I moaned at how it tasted and how I yearned for more. Sam smiled when he heard my moan and came and sat beside me. He replaced the bandage with ease and not hurting me. After that had been done, he cautiously put his hand on top of mine. I set the bottle – half full by now – on the coffee table and turned myself to look at Sam. He was biting his lip in worry. I leant over to him and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him.
We stayed there, snuggled into each other with no disturbances, for the rest of the evening until Sam moved out from under me. I moved off of him and looked to see what he was doing. He gripped my hand in his and pulled me up. He put my hands on his shoulders and his own on my waist. I knew what he wanted and I happily obliged. We both leaned into each other, meeting halfway.
Sam was a passionate kisser and he didn’t do things by half’s. We stood there kissing for at least ten minutes before I pulled away in need of air. We both were breathing heavily and looking at each other, knowing exactly what the other one was thinking. “You...are amazing. What....I wouldn’t do...to have you...right here...right now.” He said to me, intent and honesty filling his voice and his mind. “I think...you’re amazing too. But no. I can’t. I’m sorry.” I said to him looking down and starting to remove my hands from around his neck but he tilted my head back up with his hands and then placed my hands on his shoulders again. “Don’t worry. Now I have you I can wait for you.” He said then started kissing me again.
When he finally pulled away, he pulled me towards my bed. I followed him knowing that he wouldn’t try anything. He made me lie on my good side of neck so I did. He started stroking my hair and saying ancient poems in my ear until I fell asleep.
“Come out of your dreamland and come to me instead.”
The words were like bolts of lightning hitting me. I sat bolt upright in bed to find Sam watching me. He pointed to the clock on my bed side table and I looked at it. It was time to go to school again and do my magic. Every part of me was sore because of the cuts and I had smashing head ache. Sam had put a glass of water and a tablet next to it ready for me to take when I woke up. I took the pill in silence and Sam smiled when I had swallowed. He sat on the edge of my bed and squeezed my hand and pointed at the clock again.
I let go of his hand and got out bed. I picked some clothes and went into the bathroom. I put on my clothes, careful not to rip open any of my many cuts, put on my make up and sorted out my hair. I came out of the bathroom and saw Sam still sat on my bed. I went over to him and picked up my bag. He stood up and took my bag out of my hand and placed it on my bed. He pulled me towards me and pulled me into a long and loving kiss. I kissed him back and then pulled away from him. I linked my hand up with his and picked up my bag. I shook my head and smiled. “Not so early in the morning Sam.” I said sarcastically. “We’ll carry on later!” I said trailing my fingers up his chest to the top of his shirt. I gave him a peck on the lips then pulled him out of my bedroom. He followed behind me and trailed his fingers up my back and up to my hair. He twirled it round his finger loosely and then let it go. He pulled me into him and kissed my neck.
I leaned into him and breathed him in. He smelt my hair and then let me go. We walked out of my room to see Angela raising her eyebrows up and down at Sam. Sam smiled at Angela and gave her a mind message to speak to her later. I leaned over to him.
“You do realise that I’m still not going to drink from you. Not after how we both reacted to it. No way am I risking that again. Whatever you say, I will not drink from you again until I can control it. Not again.” I whispered to him. He looked around at me, his face full of shock and sadness. “You have to drink my blood and you know you do. I will have to force you again if I have to. It won’t be easy for me but you know as well as I do what will happen if you don’t. Now that I have you, I can’t let you go.” He said to me in a whisper trying not to sound angry. I looked back at him and shook my head. He took a deep breath the continued walking. I went after him and caught up with him. I squeezed his hand and then let it go as we got to Combat.
Combat, Performing Arts, Spells and Witchcraft, Survival, Magic Control and Blood lust Control went as normal. Josh was in Blood lust Control. He was sat in the place to my right. Starla was eyeing me nervously but I told him not to worry about me. Josh kept on eyeing me while we were talking about techniques but looked away when he saw Sam eyeing him. I brought bottled blood and drank it when I needed it and Sam didn’t have a problem with that until after thought control.
I didn’t get cut during the lesson because I was concentrating on the picture. Sam did the same so at the end of the lesson, I tried to sneak away from him. He caught up with me and held my shoulder. He turned me around and put his wrist to my mouth. I shook my head and got out my bottle of blood and had a sip. He sighed with anger and let me go. We walked to Art and Drawing and I got out my list that I had been making and started drawing.
Sam took each one off me when they were finished and studied them. By the end of the lesson, I had nearly finished the list and I was feeling real pleased with myself. The bell rang and I got up. I took my drawings back from Sam and slid them into my folder. I walked towards the door with Sam following behind.
I started walking up to my room and when we got there, I opened my door and let Sam shut it behind him. When I turned to face Sam he wasn’t there. I gave a light shrug and went into my bedroom to start pinning my drawings up. When I had just put the last one up, I heard the door shut. I went out of the room and came to face Angela. She gave me a huge hug and started pulling me back into my bedroom. She laid me on my bed and pinned my arms down. Sam came in and pinned my legs with his legs and ripped the skin on his wrist to make it bleed. He pressed it against my mouth and made me drink.
I tried turning my head to get him off me but either way I turned, I had a twinge of pain. I stopped trying to struggle but didn’t swallow anything. Gradually Angela got off of my arms and eased Sam off of me. When Sam had got off of my legs, I sat up and turned away from them.
“I told you thins would happen Sam. You can’t force her. If she wants to die and leave you, let her. If she decides to die, she didn’t love you.” Angela said to Sam before walking out and slamming the door behind her. Sam came round the bed and crouched in front of me. “Do you want to die Lucy?” I shook my head. “Drink from me willingly and prove it.” He said holding out his wrist. It still had blood on it and the blood was inviting me in. I gave a small nod of my head and bent to Sam’s wrist and started to suck.
The blood filled me with pleasure but I was able to push that away with my misery in having to do this. Sam seemed satisfied though because he put his free hand on my waist and lowered me onto the bed until he was on top of me with me still sucking his blood. I pulled away from him and turned away from him. I moved out from under him and moved away from him.
He sent me a huge wave of happiness through his mind and I nearly reacted but managed to stop myself in time. I carried on ignoring Sam until he kissed my cheek and left. I started crying as soon as the door clicked shut and ended up crying myself to sleep.
I woke up bright and early the next morning to find no one apart from me in my room. Alone at last. I snuggled into my bed and gave a sigh of relief. I looked at my clock and I had an hour before I was meant to get up. I sighed again then got out of bed. I got dressed for school then sat on the floor, cross legged, in the living room. I got out my art things and began to draw.
I drew last night’s scene with Angela on my arms and Sam on my legs. I looked at the drawing after I had finished it and began crying. I started to draw the other drawings on my list and finally stopped crying. I went into my bedroom and pinned them up.
When I had finished that I went into the kitchen and took my depression pill. I also had some blood and went back into my bedroom. I sat on my bed and stared at the drawings. I got another piece of paper and a quill. I opened a cut on my arm and dipped my quill into it. I winced at the pain but ignored it after that. I imagined Sam’s mark and began drawing it with my blood.
A gentle tap on my shoulder made me stop when I was finished. I put down the quill and set aside the paper on the bed. I blew on the cut until it was dried up and then had some more blood from the bottle. I pinned Sam’s mark on the wall, right in the middle, and then turned around to see who had tapped my shoulder.
It was Sam.
He was looking at the drawing in awe. He stared at it and went over to it. He inhaled the smell of my blood and smiled. He then looked up at the drawing of the night before. He winced and turned away from it. He came over to me and sat next to me.
“I’m sorry.” He said. “I had to. You know I had to. I’m sorry.” He gripped my hand in his and squeezed it; begging me to understand. I looked up at him and lent my head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I know you had to. I know you don’t want to leave me. I’m sorry.” I said to him. He kissed my forehead and pulled me into him.
I rested against his chest and listened to his heart beat. I sighed at the rhythm. It was a medium beat and it made me calm. I heard Sam sigh at the same time as I did and then chuckle.
He kissed my forehead again and held out his wrist. He looked at me thoughtfully and I nodded sadly. I bit into his wrist and sucked. The cool goodness hit me and filled me. When I pulled away, I was smiling but Sam was full of concentration. I went into his mind and he was trying to restrain himself from pushing me back on my bed and kissing me forever.
I gripped his hand and squeezed. He looked up at me and saw the smile on my face. He smiled and squeezed back. He healed his wrist and looked back at me. He leaned towards me questioningly, putting his hands on my waist. I tutted at him then slid my arms around his neck and pulled him down on to me. I was lying on my back on my bed and Sam slid on top of me. His mouth located mine and a long and passionate kiss developed. His tongue set off in a steady rhythm and mine followed. Our bodies fitted together so well it was amazing and his mouth fit mine in the same way. I was starting to believe that we really were meant for each other.
When I finally pulled away from Sam, it was time to be off for school unless I wanted to be late. We quickly got off the bed and out the door. Before we stepped out of the door, Sam pulled on my hand and pulled me into him. He kissed down my neck then on my mark. We then walked out of the door together; not holding hands. Angela saw us and I gave her a quick wave. And she smiled and waved back raising her eyebrows at Sam. He smiled to her and she smiled again.
We got to Combat and went in. Sam sat at the back while me in my normal position. I continued to scribble notes on Era’s of Combat and started my essay. I had written five pages of beautiful writing by the end of the lesson and felt real proud of myself. I vouched I would finish the essay later and hand it in the next day. I wrote this down to make sure I didn’t forget and then proceeded to Performing Arts with Sam.
When we got to Performing Arts Angela gave me a huge hug. I was getting used to her hugs but sometimes they surprised you. As I went back to Sam, Angela gave us both mental messages.
You two got together yet?
Well get on with it. Come on, you guys know you love each other. You might as well make something out of it.
We both nodded to Angela and then to each other. We would talk about that later. The bell rang and we went into Dance. I got changed and completely forgot about my neck. I was in such a good mood and I didn’t put a high neck shirt on so when I walked out of the changing room, Angela came running over to me and turned me around I heard a few gasps and whispers before she turned me around but ignored them. I thanked Angela and put a high neck t-shirt on from my bag.
Sam was waiting outside of the changing rooms. “You al right?” he asked me. “Fine. I can deal with them. No biggie” I said back and walking to join the warm up. After the warm up, we separated into groups. Everyone in my group apart from Angela asked what was up with my neck. I ignored them and carried on dancing but people kept on asking and by the end of the lesson I was sick of it.
The bell went and I got changed to meet Sam outside the changing rooms again. He checked my neck and nodded. He led me out of the dance hall and into one of the feeding rooms in the dining hall. He expected me to put up a fight but I didn’t. When he walked over to me cautiously with his wrist held out, I kissed it then bit and sucked. I caught Sam off guard but he soon relaxed and felt the pleasure of blood sucking. I also felt the pleasures and when I pulled away from Sam, I pulled him into me and gave him a long kiss on his lips.
When he pulled away from me, he had a surprised smile on his face. He hadn’t been expecting what had just happened at all. He had expected a struggle on my behalf and for me to hate him after I had fed. I kissed him again and then healed his wrist. “You’re drinking from me?” He asked me. I nodded my head. “Why?” He asked me. “Because you want me to.” I answered to his surprise. I kissed him again and that put me in a good mood. I kicked ass in Spells and Witchcraft, I was so energetic in Survival that I ran around the track more times than anyone could count, Magic Control was a piece of cake, Blood lust Control was easy as pie, Thought Control; didn’t get cut once and Drawing and Art, I drew a collage of a mixture of good and evil creatures of the day. And by the time I got up to my room, I was jumping for joy.
Sam was looking at me nervously as we entered my room. I skipped over to my room and pinned up my collage. Sam followed me and picked up my pills on the way and started examining the back of the box. He clicked his fingers then looked at me. He came over to me and took my hand. He put the box on my bed side table and got a better grip on both of my wrists. He pressed them against the bed. I started to giggle and then a huge wave of calm hit me. I embraced it and started to calm down. Another huge wave came into my mind and I embraced that as well. Sam let go of my wrists and straightened up. I sat up and shook myself. I eased out of my bed and stood up, bracing myself on the bed. I staggered into the living room then over to the dining table. I moved into the place I normal sat in for Mental Activity and got ready for the lesson. Sam joined me and sat where he always sat. He began the lesson and it shot away pretty quickly.
After the lesson, I asked Sam whether I could go down to the Survival classroom and do some sport. He said he would accompany me to make sure I didn’t hurt myself and we left. When we got down there, there was no one there so I went into the changing rooms and got changed. I didn’t bother with a high neck shirt because it was only Sam and he had already seen what Josh had done. I walked out and started doing some gymnastics. I did many tumbles going from corner to corner. I did as many as I could without stopping and got real tired and worn out. I walked – the best I could- to Sam and sat down next to him. He shook his head sarcastically and held out his wrist. I bit into it and sucked as energy came flooding back to me. I pulled away, healed his wrist and then started boxing.
I boxed for an hour before Sam said that we needed to leave and get some sleep. I nodded and went into the changing room. I slipped my normal school clothes back on and walked out. Sam was outside the room waiting for me. He took my hand and led me out of the classroom. We walked up to my room hand in hand but stopped when we saw my parents outside my room door.
“What are you doing here?” I asked my mother.
“We thought you were in a coma and we wanted to see you. You’re obviously not in a coma I see and what on earth happened to your neck?” She said back. A bomb of rage started to explode inside of me but before I could say anything Sam cut in. “Let’s go inside and discuss this all in a calm way.” He said and opened the door. My parents went in first and then me and Sam. They sat on the same sofa they did last time and stared at Sam and me.
My mother turned to face Sam. “What happened to her? I want to know everything from when we left. Tell me.” She asked Sam. He turned to me and I nodded. Sam started explaining while I got some blood from the fridge, some water from the tap and some painkiller for my neck. I gave a bottle of blood to Sam who gratefully sipped it in-between sentences. I went into my bedroom to draw; not wanting to hear what had happened to me.
I started to draw but then I got mega tried. The past two hours must have caught up with me. I put my drawings at the end of the bed then leaned onto my back and promptly fell asleep.
“Lucy. Wake up. I need to show you something.” Sam was shaking my shoulder urgently. I sat up in bed and saw Sam’s face. He was stone cold serious and I knew that this was urgent as hell. I got out of bed and walked behind Sam to the television. There was a news report playing.
“Last night, a couple were found at a car crash site on the outskirts of the forest. Their car had a head on collision with another car. The driver of the second car came away with cuts and bruises however the couple weren’t so lucky. They died at the scene. Any attempts medics made could not bring them back to life. The couple has been identified as Callum and Flora Daniels. They had a daughter who has recently gone to boarding school. We would like to ask anyone who has any information to come forward immediately.” The news reporter said.
My knees gave way and I collapsed on the sofa. Sam sat next to me and held my hand. I didn’t hold his back. Sam started speaking but I couldn’t hear anything apart from what the news reporter said. “Died at the scene. Callum and Flora Daniels.” I blocked everything out including Sam. I suddenly had a thought. I stood up abruptly and went back into my bedroom. I picked up my sketch pad and a pencil and started to draw. I thought about my mum and my dad and thought what they were like. I didn’t know what I drew because Sam took it out of my hands before I could ruin it. He placed it on the floor. Muttered something about going to get someone to talk to and then left.
I thought up a spell and said it and clicked my fingers. The door locked. I thought another and clicked. I couldn’t see or move. Just like my parents. Moments after I cast the spell, there were loud knocks at my door and shouting. It was Sam. He was worried I might kill myself or something stupid. I made enough energy to click my fingers twice to undo both spells. I grabbed a black pillow from my bed and snuggled it into my chest.
Sam came through and sat next to me. I stared at the picture of them I had drawn days ago. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to speak, and I didn’t want to listen. I didn’t want to do anything but hug my mum and call my dad daddy. One tear leaked out of my eye but I didn’t care. All I wanted was my mum and my dad. I murmured some words and clicked again. My mind was now unreadable. I murmured one more word and clicked. My mouth was sealed.
Sam tried to make me talk or do anything all day. I missed all my lessons and I didn’t even finish my Combat essay. I wouldn’t do anything except breath and blink until someone came to my room apart from Sam. I slowly sat up and clicked the door open with my fingers. Tom came in with Sam behind him. He looked at me and sighed out of relief. He must have thought I was dead.
Tom came over to me and sat next to me. He took one look at me then pulled me into him. I burst out crying, breaking the magic I had placed on myself. Sam sighed again and came into my bedroom and sat on a chair. Sam also brought me my depression pill and gave it to me. I took it with some water and felt slightly better.
I slowly got off of my bed and into the bathroom. I tied my hair into a ponytail and slipped the shorts and vest top I had on yesterday on and then came out. I explained to Sam that I was going to get my anger out by doing some boxing. He nodded and said he would come with me. He thanked Tom for coming then left with me.
I saw people that I knew from classes in the corridors as I walked down to Survival with Sam. They all said their apologies then carried on walking but I couldn’t help notice that they were all staring at my neck, which I had decided to get out in the open so people would stop asking questions. No one asked any questions on the way down to Survival but I knew that soon enough, they would.
We got down to Survival and I got my gloves on. I started punching the punch bag imagining it to be people; getting my anger and confusion out. I was punching hard enough to break bone and it was a miracle I didn’t break anything. When I started doing these punches Sam came over from where he was watching me and tried to calm me down. Sometimes it worked and I would be calm for a couple minutes but other times it didn’t work and I would be destructive and angry.
Three hours passed before I had got all my anger and confusion out. Sam had evidently been listening to my mind working because at the precise moment I stopped thinking about my parents and the crash, he pulled me away from the punch bag and took my gloves off. He set them in my locker then locked it. He then gripped my hand and took me back to my room.
Everything was silent when we got back. Tom had gone and my bed was more inviting than ever. I dropped onto the bed and lay back on it. Sam crawled up the bed and lay next to me. He kissed my neck then up to my cheek and down to my neck again. He put his hand on my waist and stroked my hair with the other hand. I put my hand over his and let him kiss me. I started to feel sleepy so I close my eyes and fell asleep with Sam kissing me and stroking my hair.
I woke up to find Sam next to me, his hand still on my waist and his other on my hair. When I stirred, so did he. I rolled over to face him. His hair was ruffled and he was partially undressed and I could see his muscles rippling when he moved. I brushed a finger teasingly down his chest and then crept it back up to his neck. I kissed his neck and then looked into his eyes. He kissed my cheek then pointed at the clock on my bedside table. I sighed and pulled the sheets back from us and got out of bed.
I got dressed, so did Sam, then put my make up on and forced my hair back into ponytail. I got all of my art things together and walked with Sam down to the Art and Drawings classroom. The rest of the years 4’s were waiting and each one was placed in front of me and turned so I could see their marks. I drew each one in turn and Sam distracted me when I was finished.
I finished the year 4’s within an hour and started on the year 3’s. The years 3’s were more excitable then the year 4’s because they had never heard of anything like what was going on. All of them asked to see the drawings to see whether the rumour was true. I showed them their drawings and each one of the gasped. Sam then took the drawing and put it in the pile to my right.
By the end of the morning, I had finished all of the year 3’s and I was feeling real tired and worn out. Sam told Professor Blake that I needed a break and took me off to the dining hall and into a feeding room. He sat me down and held out his wrist. I bit into it and drunk deeply as the cool goodness filled me and revived my energy.
I pulled away when I had had enough and healed his wrist for him. I started to kiss him but he pulled away from me and put his hand in his pocket. He fished out my depression tablets and took one out of the box and handed it to me. He also handed me a bottle of water. “You forgot to take this, this morning.” He said pointing to the pill in my hand. “I would have given it to you sooner but I didn’t think you would want people to know.” I nodded at him and took the pill. I drunk all the water and then put it on the table.
“Will you let me kiss you now?” I asked Sam, moving towards him.
“Do I really need to answer that?” He asked in return and pulled me to him. ‘He kissed me gently to start with then got faster and faster and faster. I kissed him back and went with it. I started to put my hands around his neck like I normally did but he moved them to his chest. He then slid his hands down my back to my ass. We carried on kissing like this for five minutes then Sam pulled away from me and led me out of the feeding room and back to the Art and Drawing classroom to continue drawing.
I worked for a further two hours before I was told I could go. I did most of the year 2’s in those two hours and I was even more tired and worn out by the time I was told to go and Sam had to help me to get back to my room. He was tempted to carry me but I wouldn’t let him.
I staggered into my room and fell onto the bed. Sam pulled me up and offered his wrist to me. I bit into it and sucked on it deeply. I sucked and sucked until Sam pulled away from me. He healed his wrist and then sat on the bed next to me. He squeezed my hand then pushed gently to get me to lie down. I followed his orders and lay on the bed. He then got up and left to go into the kitchen.
He got a bottle of blood, a bottle of water and put the box of pills on my bedside table. He kissed my forehead and left. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke, daylight was shining through my closed window. I sat up and rubbed my head where I had a headache. I took the pill Sam had left for me then drank some of the blood. I then got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I sorted out my hair and got dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt. I came out of the bathroom and set about tidying up.
I used magic to shrink the dining table to desk size and inserted drawers, file storage and compartments to put all of my lesson things. I cleaned the entire kitchen and hovered the floor. I cleaned all the chairs and sofas and moved things around with magic. The whole place looked completely different by the time I had finished. I picked up my spell book that Professor Slakovitch had given me and started to mess around with some of the spells.
I sat on the floor and started. I had done about 50 pages of magic when a knock came at the door. I placed my book on the floor and went over to the door. Starla was at the door. I said for him to come in and he peered around my room. I was glad I had tidied up now. I motioned for him to sit on the sofa while I put a bookmark in my spell book and put it in my new desk.
I sat next to him and turned to face him.”Who did that to you?” He said to me pointing at my neck which I hadn’t bothered doing anything with. “Why?” I asked him. He shrugged. “It’s just, Josh started Blood lust Control just after that happened so I was wondering whether he did it to you and that is why you two broke up.” He said quickly. He looked up at me.
“Yes Josh did this to me and yes that is why we broke up. Why do you want to know?” I said to him, trying to sound as normal as possible. “I just wanted to know why you’ve been off with Josh and everyone. I hope that doesn’t leave a mark. See you later.” He said quickly then left.
Sam came in the door as Starla was leaving. “What did he want?” He asked when he had closed the door. I pointed to my neck and that was all the explanation Sam needed. He nodded and came and sat next to me when I picked up my spell book and sat on the floor again. I continued doing spells and got up to page 100 before I put my book on the floor and got up to get some blood.
“Your teachers want me to give you extra lessons in Mental Activity on a Saturday and Sunday. What do you think about that?” Sam said when I had opened the fridge. I shrugged. “Okay then. They want me to start straight away so I’ll be back later to do your lesson with you. I’ll send you a mental message a couple of hours before I come so you can sleep for a bit. See you later.” He said as I sat down on my bed. He kissed my forehead then left.
I got my drawing things out of my draw and drew for ten minutes. I then went down to survival classroom and did some gymnastics for an hour. I went back up to my room, got changed and went next door to visit Angela.
I knocked on her door and a few seconds later, she came to the door and pulled it open. She gave me a welcoming hug and I followed her into her room. “So,” I said when we were sat on her couch. “What are you wearing to next week’s dance then?” I asked.
“I’ll show you.” She said, getting up and leading me to her wardrobes. She pulled out a beautiful red dress which had shorts sleeves. It was knee length and encrusted with silver sequins. I stared in awe at the dress and Angela smiled. “It’s amazing isn’t it?” She asked. I nodded.
“Where did you get it from?” I asked her.
“There’s a shop down the road from here who delivers here. I’ll give you the website. We can look on it together if you like.” She said and I nodded. She put the dress back and walked out into her living room. She gave me a piece of paper with a website on it. I put it into my pocket and thanked Angela. I started to say something but got a stabbing pain in my head. I put a hand to it and cursed.
“That’s Sam by the way. Did he say he would give you a mental message?” Angela said and I nodded. “Better do what he says otherwise that gets worse.” She said. I said my thanks again and left. I went into my room and got into bed like Sam had instructed and went straight to sleep.
When I woke, Sam was looking at the room curiously. I got out of bed and made the desk into the dining table again. Everything stayed in place and the table just enlarged. Sam shook his head and sat down in his normal position and I sat next to him.
Today he taught me how to control his mind. As long as the person is willing or doesn’t know what’s happening, it’s quite easy. It just requires a lot of concentration. I controlled Sam’s mind and made him walk into Angela’s room and just stare at her then walk back into my room. He did it and Angela followed Sam, genuinely worried about him. I released him and started laughing at Angela’s face. Sam just looked confused and Angela was in the middle of being worried and shocked. That made me laugh even more. I nearly doubled over in laughter before Sam gave me a wave of calm and I embrace it.
Angela walked out and back into her room and Sam sat down on his chair. He shook his head and wrote something in his notebook. I gave a weak laugh and looked down. Sam scribbled something else in his notebook then shut it. He stood up and moved away. I shrunk it back into its desk form and put things back into their places. Sam sat on the sofa and waited for me to come over.
“I guess you worked out about the dance?”
“Yes. Tuesday after next?”
“Yes. Who do you plan going with?”
“Dunno. I didn’t think about that.”
“Someone’s bound to ask you. You’re like the most popular girl in the school. You could even control someone’s mind and make them ask you.”
“No way, if someone’s going to ask me, it’s going to be because they want to not because I’ve made them.”
“Just giving you the option. Can I?” He said, inching his hands near to my waist. I nodded and he moved swiftly so we were next to each other; his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. He bent to kiss me and I rose to kiss him. He gave me a quick kiss then took my wrist and bit into it. He held out his wrist and I bit into it. We both sucked each other’s blood until both of us pulled away and healed each other’s wrists. He gave me another quick kiss then got up and left. I got up and went to bed.
The week passed quickly with nothing interesting happening; normal lessons and normal days. A few people got asked to go to the dance and that was the only thing the school talked about; the upcoming dance. I got asked by Josh’s friend Luke to go with him. I considered it and thought about all the times that he had been really nice to me and what he thought about me the first time we met. But then I remembered what he had thought when I broke up with Josh. I declined the offer with an apology and then carried on with my day. Later the same day, Starla asked me to go with him and I said I would without a second thought.
The next day was the night of the dance and everyone was excited. Everyone was talking about it. I and Starla had agreed a time to me up and things like that. We were both nervous because the last time I went to this dance, my candle blew out. That’s when Tom tried to rape me but Sam intervened.
Later that night, the dance began. Starla and I had met up and were walking in together. He had given me a nice compliment on my black dress with black sequins and I gave a compliment back to him about his outfit. The slow dance is first so Starla grips my waist with his hands and I grip his shoulders. We do a little dance and when the music comes off, we come off the dance floor and find to spare seats to sit and talk.
We talked a lot about classes, homework – generally school. At about half way through the dance, everyone got given their candles and they went to their initials. This was the most nerve racking part of the dance and I was worried sick. Starla gave me a quick hug and assured me everything would be al right Josh’s candle was next to mine again and he looked as worried as I did. We placed out candles and ceremonially lit the candles.
When every candle was a light, everyone cheered and clapped then fanned out onto the dance floor. Starla came over to me to get me but I asked to sit with my candle for a bit. Josh’s date did the same and he sat on the floor next to me and in front of his candle. I stared at my candle and did a spell to help me concentrate on it.
“What was the horrible thing that happened to you for last month then Josh?” I asked trying to make conversation. He looked at me blankly then looked away at his own candle.
“I lost you and hurt you. That was my horrible thing.” He said looking down. I reached across and gripped his hand and squeezed it then let go and took it back. We both sat with our candles for the rest of the night, making sure they didn’t burn out.
When the end of the evening came, we both let out sighs of relief and joined in with other students clapping and cheering. I went over to Starla. “Sorry about tonight but I just had to make sure it didn’t go out again. I’ll see you soon.” I kissed him on the cheek then went back up to my room.
I took off my dress and hung it on the door of my wardrobe. I washed off all of my make up and let my hair loose. I climbed into bed and switched off for the night.
I woke up in the middle of the night at the sound of Sam’s voice and the feel of his fingers on my skin. He was stroking my hair and saying ancient poems to me. “Come out of your dreamland and come to me instead.” Sam said and I was instantly awake.
Hey beautiful. It’s time for our lesson now. Sorry to wake you.
I rolled over onto my other side and saw him there. Sat on the bed right where he usually is. “Thanks for waking me Sam.” I said to him. I sat up in the bed and leaned against the head board. Sam laughed and said “Bed head!” I instantly felt my hair and it was all over the place. I grabbed a hair band and shoved my hair into a pony tail looking away from Sam. When I looked back at him he put his finger to his neck and tapped. I shook my head knowing what he meant.
He moved up the bed and sat next to me. He took my hands into his. His hands were soft but strong and gripped mine tightly making sure I couldn’t run if I wanted to. He looked up into my eyes. “You have to do this Lucy. You can’t survive on my wrist forever. You will need the nutrients of my neck to survive. I don’t want you to die after I have found you.” Sam said to me trying to reason with me but I kept on shaking my head.
After five minutes of Sam trying to reason with me he said “You know I love you, yeah?” I nodded. “Then just remember, I did this because I love you.” And before I could protest, he grabbed my mouth, opened it and closed it on his neck. My teeth penetrated his skin and his blood began to fill my mouth. I had to swallow the blood and it gave me a surprising scream of joy and relief. I wanted more of the joy and relief so I kept on drinking. This blood was hotter than it was in Sam’s wrist and now I understood that it defiantly had more nutrients for me in it.
Sam had to pull my head away from his neck to stop sucking his blood. Me having too much of his blood would resort in serious pain for him and I didn’t want that so I forced myself to stop feeding and heal the bite mark. “I’m sorry Sam.” Looking down into my lap and turning away from Sam. I got off the bed and went into my kitchen diner and sat at the table. I got out my Mental Activity Theory book and placed it on the table without looking at Sam.
When I looked up for the first time since feeding, Sam was on the other side of the table looking up and down at me. I didn’t look at him until he said “Look at me.” That’s when I looked at him but not his eyes. I looked at his neck and saw that there was no mark where I had bit him. He wasn’t trying to get me to look at his eyes because he was looking at my neck. His mouth was wide open surprise. He walked over to me, still staring at my neck and bent down so he was eye to neck with me. He lifted his finger and traced number of patterns on my neck which made me shivers.
“Wow. My name is imprinted on your neck.” He said in a scared but in awe voice. He then picked me up out of the chair and carried me over the bathroom. He opened the door and carried me in. He stood me up directly in front of the huge mirror and forced my head up and opened my eyes.
I was staring at myself in the mirror and I looked down at my neck. Sam was right and the word ‘Jahd’ was tattoo onto my neck with delicate and intricate designs disguising the letters. I turned towards Sam and looked into his eyes for the first time since I fed. “What does this mean?” pointing at my neck.
“It means you have my essence. You have a part of me in you and I will need it back to be able to live. You drink too much from my neck with mean I have to retrieve my essence through your neck. This means I have to feed from your neck to be able to live and we will have to feed off each other for life if we both want to survive.” Sam said back to me in a nearly calm voice. I stepped out of the bathroom and collapsed on to the bed. I was energised from Sam’s blood which meant I could survive being fed from.
Sam stepped out of the bathroom just after me and watched me fall onto the bed. I tapped the space next to me and he instantly came over and sat next to me. I sat up opposite him and lent into him. He expected me offer my neck to him but instead I kissed him. I pulled him down on top of me and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. He slid my cardigan off my shoulders and put it neatly on the floor. I slid his shirt off and put it on top my cardigan.
Sam’s chest was lovely and tanned and well built up. As I was admiring his chest, Sam was slipping my dress off. That went on top of Sam’s shirt as well as his trousers, pants and my underwear and bra. We continued kissing and when both of our minds had proclaimed us ready, Sam pulled back. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Sam said in his low and sexy voice. I nodded to him and pulled him into me. It was painful to start with but after a bit the pain became pleasurable.
We were both moaning and groaning when his mind reminded me of what he had to do. I nodded again. He leant into my neck and he bit. The amount of times I had been bitten by Sam it wasn’t painful any more It was just insane pleasure. Sam sucked and sucked and I wished he would never stop.
He had sucked about the same amount as I had sucked him; he pulled away and healed me. He then he rolled over so he was on his back next to me. He rolled onto his side and leant up on his elbow so he could look at me. He looked at my neck and I looked at his, both of us as surprised as the other.
Your tattoo hasn’t faded but increased.
You have got my name tattooed on your neck.
He put his pants on and got out of my bed and went into my bathroom. As he went in, I put my bra and underwear on. When he came out of the bathroom his face was a face of pleasure and just because Sam smiled, I smiled. He came back to my bed and lay next to me again. I rolled over so I could face him and as soon as I did, he kissed my neck, the side with his name on it, and then kissed my lips. I did the same to him and the rolled out of bed and put my dress back on.
“We have a lesson to finish do we not?” I said to him referring to the Mental Activity lesson that we were meant to be doing. He nodded and put his trousers back on but left his shirt where it was. We went back to the dining table and resumed our positions but this time with Sam a lot closer to me than before.
“Do you remember what Josh said about Vampire Princesses and Vampire Princes?” I nodded. “We are them. I am the Prince and you are the Princess. That means we are destined for a life together. That means that I am your true love and you are mine. Stuff the lesson, you need to get some rest after the night you have had. Go to bed, I will stay with you.” I nodded and got up and went back to bed, slipping my dress off.
Sam lay in the bed with me again and kissed my neck. He then whispered in my ear. “Cover up my name tomorrow with a scarf or make up I do not want anyone knowing about it if my theory is mistaken. I love you.” Sam said to me in a deeply serious voice. “I love you too Sam.”
Sam gasped. “You say it out loud. It actually happened! I didn’t think it would after today. I still have my ability.” He snuggled up against me and stayed with me the whole day long.
Publication Date: 06-27-2010
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