I'm sitting there on my bed with my laptop checking my e-mail. only just some junk mail abd ab e-mail from my mom telling me to skype her.
let me introduse myself, I am Isabella Mary Swan, But people just call me Bella. I'm nineteen and i still hate my ex-boyfriends guts, i know it seems normal but it's not, not in the least. Him and his family are vampires. So yeah... we were dating for about 6 months every thing was perfect until my birthday that is...
His family had thrown a big birthday for me, even though they knew i didn't like that sort of thing. Any way so yeah i got there and we ate cake, well i ate cake. then it was time to open presants.
I grabbed the first one, and went to open it but i got a paper cut, Causing Jasper to flip out and try to atack me. Which caused Edward to "Accidently" throw me into the glass coffee table while trying to protect me from Jasper, Then he started screaming at Jasper then went to sulk in the corner about how much he hated himself.
Then two weeks later just when i thought every things back to normal he breaks my heart by telling he doesn't love me, and that the whole family is moving, then to top it off he leaves me in the middle of the forest .
So yeah i was pissed. A chat invite from my mom pops up.
"Hello?" i asked.
"Hey baby girl," she smiled. her hair had grown about 6 inches.
"Hey mom," i smiled.
"How are you?" she asked.
"You know sitting reading, looking for jobs, and hating a bronze haired Jerk," i laughed.
"Oh sweety you need to get over him," she told me.
"I am i just hate him," i shrugged.
"Any way on the subject of jobs, would you like a job up where i live?" she asked.
"Depends on the job," I told her.
"Well let's just say it's very high paying," She told me.
"Mom just tell me," i told her.
"fine... would you like a job as an FBI agent?" she asked.
i burst out laughing, she looked shocked at my reaction.
"Wait you're serious?" i asked suprised.
"of course why would I lie?" she asked.
"But i need a degree to get that job," i told her.
"Nope, not if you know the right people... which you do," she giggled.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" i asked.
"Bella honey, Phil isn't a baseball player... he's the co-head of the FBI," she told me.
"Oh my god," i said suprised.
"Does that mean you are a FBI agent too?" i asked.
i just couldn't picture my mom with a gun.
"Yeah but i'm in the intellegence branch," she told me
taking out her wallet and flipping it open, there sat a golden FBI badge.
"Wow cool," i smiled.
"I know right," she enthused.
"so are you in or not?" she asked.
"Oh hell yeah!" I laughed.
"Bella!" She snapped.
"sorry," i smirked, "agent swan."
we burst out laughing.
"Any way i'll pick you up next week," she told me.
"K I'll tell charlie," i told her.
"K, i'll set up a case for you, love you bye," she smiled.
"Ok, love you," i said clicking off.
I walked downstairs. Dad was sitting in the chair watching foot ball.
"Hey dad," i smiled.
"Hey Bells," He said eating pop corn.
"Hey dad you know Phil?" i asked.
he set down his pop corn, "Yeah."
"Hmm... how should i say this, he's the Head of the FBI," i told him.
"What?" he asked suprised.
"Yeah i know right," i joked, "Any way Renee offered me the job."
"Are you going to take it?" he asked. I nodded.
"But don't worry I'm picking the intellegence branch," I told him.
"So, what's that got to do with any thing?" he asked.
"It means I won't be fighting with any one... if all goes well," i told him.
"What ever, I always knew you'd get to inforce the law in some way," he smiled proudly.
"I love you dad," i said hugging him.
"I love you too," He said hugging me...
the week passed quickly, i just told my friends i was going to move to gorgia. Mean while i purchased a bullet proof vest curtacy of my father.
any way it's now time to go.
i heard a knock on the front door.
I rushed to the door, and opened it. My mom smiled at me.
"Hey," i smiled.
"Hey yourself," she laughed.
"Any way want to come in?" i asked.
"No sorry we got to get going," she told me.
"Oh, ok i'll just grab my suit case and we can leave," i told her.
"sounds good," she smiled.
"Well any way i'll go get my stuff you call charlie," i told her. she nodded.
i went upstairs and grabbed my large blue suit case ang headed back down stairs.
"Ok let's go," i told her.
"Ok," she smiled we walked outside. and outside was the awesomest car ever, i think it was a ferrari.
"Wow sweet car," i enthused.
"Thanks Phil bought it for me," she laughed.
I simply gasped and got in the car. It had soft heated leather seats.
"Wow I love it," i told her.
"I know right," she laughed turning her seat heater on.
"So how has phoenix been?" I asked.
"Well the last time was there was about a month ago... but it's been good," she smiled.
"Cool Forks is... well Forks," I sniggered.
"Did you make any friends since you moved?" she asked me.
"Yeah there's this nice girl named Angela," i told her.
"That's nice," she said pulling out of the drive way.
"So how have you been?" i asked.
"Well I set up your case and I think you'll get a kick out of it," she giggled.
"And what is it excactly?" i asked.
"Well wait for it... you'll be investigating the cullens," she told me.
"What the heck!" i said confused. I knew their secret, and I didn't know if I wanted the govenment in on it.
"Well they are doing suspisious things, like taking out over 1,000,000 dollars at a time, as well as there have been records of them living in different places for over 60 years," she told me.
"idiots," i muttered under my breath.
"Ok I except," i told her.
"Good," she smiled.font>
The Plane ride was boring and long, But i was happy to see my mom, we spent most of the plane ride talking.
"I'm really sorry that happened," she told me.
"It's OK, now you understand why i hate him," I chuckled.
"Oh i do if i ever hear he hurt you more, I will blow his brains out," She huffed.
"Mom, come on isn't that a little harsh?" i asked. I knew that wasn't possible to blow a vampires brains out.
"No I don't he hurt my baby, and then left," she told me.
"OK you got a point there," I sighed thinking about how true that sentence was.
"I know i do," she laughed.
"Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Washington D.C. in just under 20 minutes, please fasten you seat belts," the caption belted.
"What ever!" i shouted back buckling my seat belt.
"So what's D.C. like?" i asked.
"It's nice it barley ever rains," she told me.
"Oh," i mused, "That'll be a change."
"I know," she laughed.
"Hey," i laughed starting to notice the discomfort in my ears.
I got out a piece of strawberry gum and started chewing it. it helped a little.
So after the plane ride, we arrived at the airport. We got picked up by one of those black vans like in the movies.
"Wow!" i exclaimed.
"I know it's cool," she smiled.
So me and my mom got in, and the seats were fabric for once, Only they felt like velvet.
"So where are going?" i asked.
"Head Quarters," She told me.
"Is Phil there?" i asked.
she nodded.
"Has he changed at all?" I asked.
"Well he dyed his hair his black but besides that nope," she told me.
so about five minutes later we came up to a building. Mom motioned for me to get out so i did. We walked in.
There was a man at the door, "I see you brought her."
"Yeah," she nodded.
"Right this way folks," he told us.
we nodded, he led us to an office and told us to wait.
At that moment Phil walked in, his hair was a little longer and was in fact black.
"Dad!" i said giving him a bear hug.
"Hey sweet pea!" He said smiling.
"So what branch are you on?" My dad asked.
"Investigation," i told him.
he chuckled, "so how do you like your mission?"
"I love it," i said hugging him.
"Any way Hun' should we get her the equipment?" Mom asked.
"Oh of course right this way Bella," he told me.
"K," i smiled.
they led me to what looked like a storage unit. Inside was everything from guns to Hidden camera's in the shape of pens.
"Wow!" i gasped.
"Cool i know," my Mom chuckled.
"Any way you'll need one of these," he said holding up a gun,
"other than that you only need spy equipment."
"OK, I'll take the spy pen, the Clock microphone, and a blue tooth sound amplifier," i told him.
"OK, I'll also need you to take these," he said handing me about 15 things.
"k," i sighed putting them in my back pack.
"OK, Hun' will you take her home now she needs rest," he asked.
Mom nodded, "sure, come on Bella," she told me.
i nodded and she brought me too a huge apartment and told me to choose my room, i choosed the smallest then went to bed.
so i spent another week at HQ training. It was cool, I have learned some things on persuasion, and intimidation, as well as how to use the equipment. Then they put me on a plane to Alaska which was where the Cullen's were living currently.
I arrived at the airport about ten o'clock. I paused putting my hair in a tight bun, so my scent didn't flow as much, yeah I did learn a thing or too from the Cullen's aka the blood suckers.
I grabbed my back pack which only contained my money, my equipment, and a couple pairs of clothes, and bought a small apartment, and looked up the Cullen's address.
It turns out they lives close to where I lived, So i thought I'd set up some basic spy Stuff.
I walked the block to their house. their cars weren't there, so i walked over and knocked on the door. There was no response so I took out my sound amplifier and held the microphone part to the door and put the ear piece in my ear and listened.
nothing, zero, zip.
I turned the knob, it was locked so I took out a bobby pin and picked the lock. I Put on my blue tooth sound amplifier on and slowly walked in. It was huge, and bright. Surprisingly they had a clock just like the hidden security camera (with audio of course).It took about 5 minutes to set up the camera, then i switched one of their pens with the audio recording pen then left.
now here comes the fun part, i deskize myself, so I walk five blocks to the hair place, and had my hair dyed red. And grabbed some blue contacts at the beauty store then went home and went to bed.
The next day I put my hair up in pony tail to hide my scent, and put on a red halter-top with a black mini skirt, with a pair of stiletto's. If I dressed like myself they'd recognize me right away so yeah.
Then I headed to the mall, to buy some more clothes like this. I scanned the store, my heart almost stopped there was Alice, shopping for shoes. I got out my tape recorder. I checked my watch. "day 1 11:20 A.M. target sighted," I said into the the thing and stopped recording.
I grabbed my camera, and snapped a picture. Then i entered the store. I walked up to the clerk, "Hey I'm new at the whole fashion thing so what do you think I'd look hot in?" I asked her. "Well I think you'd look good in red and other bold colors come on I'll help you," she told me.
she helped me for a few hours Then after the shopping trip I had encountered Alice, and bought a whole new wardrobe.
Then I Went home and installed a phone call recorder on my phone. Then went to the coffee shop and scooped out high-schoolers.
I found a friendly looking girl, that looked about 15.
"Hello I'm From the FBI I'd like you to answer some questions," I told her showing my badge.
"Of course miss..." she paused.
"What would you like to know?" she asked.
"do you know any thing about the Cullen's?" I asked.
"Yeah a little," she told me.
"Would you tell me a little bit about them?" i asked.
"Sure," And continued to tell their cover story.
"Their a family that moved here last year their names are Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper," she told me.
then she told me their whole cover story.
"Miss? have you noticed any thing out of the ordinary about the Cullen Family?" i asked taking out my notebook.
"Well their pale does that count?" she asked. I wrote down what she said.
"yeah thank you for your for your time miss and don't repeat our interview," I told her.
she nodded "OK."
threw the day I interviewed people, and the only person that was partly right was one that said their eyes change color.
It had been two days and I decided it was time to check the foot age. So I opened my laptop and cracked into the camera's out put. I checked the current recording. I clicked so it was playing what was happening right now. Carlisle was in the living room with Rosalie, Emmett,
and Alice.
"How was your day at school?" Carlisle asked.
"It was fine, you would've seen when I made Jasper use his power to make everyone cry, then made them make out with each other," Emmett said laughing.
"You idiot," Rosalie said whacking him on the head causing a thundering sound.
"Guys you should be more careful, we don't want to draw attention to our selves," Carlisle scolded.
"Now if you excuse me i'm going hunting," he told them walking out of the room.
Yep I was saving this on my computer for evidence.
"OK we're going to the book store," they said in a normal tone knowing Carlisle could here them
So I saved it to my evidence folder then got off to go to the book store.
There I searched the store with my eyes as usual. Rosalie was checking out a magazine with Alice. People to be exact. I took out a note pad then grabbed my blue tooth and put it in. "Do you think we should buy this?" Alice asked.
"Well It's OK...eh what the heck we have more money then we know what to do with so sure," Rosalie sighed.
I wrote down their dialog in my note-pad, Got my book then left.
I got home about five minutes later and changed into a pair of sweats. i grabbed my phone and called my mom.
"Hey sweetie hows it going?" she asked.
"Yeah they'res defiantly something up," I told her.
"Wow you think so all ready?" she asked.
"totally They're weird like I put a hidden camera in their house and Emmett did something stupid and Carlisle said and i quote "Guys you should be more careful, we don't want to draw attention to our selves" isn't that a little weird?" I asked.
"Hmm... that is interesting," She sighed.
"Then Carlisle said something about hunting."
"Hmm, strange," she sighed.
"I'll keep a closer eye on them mom," i told her.
"OK love you, bye," she told me hanging up.
I knew what they were but how to prove it? that was what I didn't know.
I woke up on a sunny Friday, that's right it was a sunny day.
I slipped out of bed and had a shower, then changed into a short black dress with a pair of pumps.
At that moment my phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Open the door," Someone whispered.
I hung up.
My phone rang again.
"Open the door," They said a little louder.
"I ain't going to open the door! who is this?" I asked hanging up.
My phone rang again.
I picked it up.
"It's Carlisle," He whispered then hung up.
So i put my gun in my boot just in case then opened the door.
Carlisle was standing there smiling and sparkling (Literally).
"Uh... hi," I stuttered. Oh crap they weren't supposed to know I was here.
"Bella!" He said hugging me. OK now i just felt bad.
"Hey Carlisle," I smiled,"Would you like to come in?"
"Sure," he smiled.
"So how have your family been?" I asked.
"There OK but their a little sad they had to leave you," He told me.
"Wait what? Edward said you guys wanted to move," I told him.
"Well that's a lie we miss you," He told me.
"Thanks but I don't know," I sighed. I knew it would brake his heart when he found out i was trying to expose them, hmm... maybe I'll leave him out.
"So how are you doing?" He asked.
"Oh I'm an FBI agent now," I told him
"But you're only nineteen," He said surprised.
"Well my father is a big part of it so he got me a job there," I told him.
"So what's your mission?" he asked.
"Well I'm not supposed to say," I sighed guilty.
"Oh, OK," He smiled.
"But how are you doing?" i asked turning on my blue tooth recorder.
"Oh good, pretty much the same," He told me.
"Oh, well that's nice," I smiled.
"Any way I gotta go," He smiled. I Almost cried.
"K, by the way would you not mention me too the family?" I asked.
"Sure but why?" He asked.
"Cause of the FBI thing," I told him semi-truthfully.
"Oh, OK," He smiled.
"Will you call me?" I asked trying to settle my guilt.
"Sure, any way I got to go," He told me.
"Ok later," I smiled.
"Later," He said walking out the door.
"Bye," I whispered knowing he could hear me.
I decided to check the out put from the Camera for evident's that i knew I'd find since it was sunny.
I Grabbed my laptop and opened the connection.
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper were sitting on the couch, windows open, so they were sparkling like diamonds. So I saved it to my evidence folder.
Then E-mailed my mom.
Rosalie's point of view
I Felt like we were being watched, but there was no scent, and no heart beat.
"Emmett, do you feel like someones watching you or is it just me?" i asked.
"Probably just you," Jasper snickered.
Emmett smacked him like I usually did. I burst out laughing.
"Ooohhh, would you like some ice for that burn," I laughed.
"Yes please," Emmett said playfully.
"Back to the original topic, I feel like I'm being watched don't you?" I asked.
"Maybe a little bit," Emmett shrugged, "But I'm used to it."
"Dude you idiot we're in the sun right now," I told him.
"Well then close the blinds," Jasper pointed out.
"What ever," I said closing the blinds then sitting back down at vampire speed.
"But seriously if someone decided, to stalk us would Alice be able to see?" Emmett asked.
"Yeah but still I just have this weird feeling," I sighed.
"It'll be ok babe," he said rubbing my hand.
"I know that, it's just weird, I can't put my finger on it," I sighed.
"It's probably nothing," Emmett told me.
Alice's point of view
I was sitting with jasper watching TV when suddenly I was over come by a vision.
We were being thrown into a jail cell.
"Please we didn't do anything!" Carlisle pleaded.
"just Shut it bear boy," The cop yelled.
"Hey there's nothing wrong with bears," Emmett defended.
Then Rosalie burst into dry sobs.
"Hey Rosie, It'll be alright," Emmett said hugging her.
"I told you we were being watched!" She screamed at him.
Oh my god are the volturi going to catch us? Is Emmett going to get us thrown in jail again? If he does i swear i'll pop his head like a grape.
Bella's point of view
"So Yeah, I was walking and i just tripped over my own feet at graduation it was so embarrassing," I told Carlisle over the phone
"Oh I'm sorry, any way I got to go," He told me.
"OK," I smiled and hung up.
I felt really bad about busting Carlisle and his family but hopefully he'll forgive me.
I Smile and sat down.
I noticed a single blonde hair on my black chair (I Know Their hair doesn't just fall out but bear with me) I recognized it as Carlisle's. I grabbed a test tube and but it in their and labeled it Carlisle, And put it in my mail box and mailed it to HQ.
It had been about six days after I sent the sample I finally got a reply it said:
Dear Agent swan,
It's like nothing we've ever seen before, His DNA is way different from Normal people, We fear that he's not human, Please tell us what ever you know
I grabbed at pen and wrote.
Dear Dad,
Yes I know what they are but you wouldn't believe me, I know things that normal People shouldn't but I can tell you this they are in fact not human
So after i finished writing it I put it in an envelope and sent it to him.
Alice's point of view
the visions have been becoming more clear, But I still didn't know who was trying to capture us, and why.
And Carlisle doesn't know either.
We've ruled out the volturi because we didn't do anything wrong that and their Carlisle's friend. so we really didn't know.
Bella's point of view
He had replied two days later
dear Bella,
Any thing is possible at this point, We found out the man had 25 chromosomes, something un-heard of.Please help us,
your dad
I sighed and wrote back
Dear Dad,
You won't believe this but they are vampires, But real vampires are quite different from holly wood vampires. First Garlic doesn't hurt them they can't eat at all, They don't burn in the sun they sparkle, Their eyes change colors when their "thirsty", But not all vampires feed on human blood some feed on animals like the Cullen's that's why their eyes are not red, and crosses do not hurt them, because Carlisle is a christian so yeah, Pleas don't hurt them to bad
I wrote the letter and put all the evidence on a flash drive then put the flash drive in the envelope and sealed it and sent it.
Alice's point of view
The Visions were so clear it hurt I didn't know what to do. Carlisle had no clue either, we ruled out the volturi because we did nothing wrong, as well as they are Carlisle's friends.
It's been two days since I sent the letter and I have been biting my nails non stop, Just hoping to get a reply.Finally I decided to check my mail.
Thankfully it was in there.
I took it out of the envelope and read it; it said:
Dear Bella,
I don't think you're crazy, Some of the stuff you say makes since
Like the sparkling, And the money, But tell me why would you want
me too go easy on them? I mean they are vampires, They don't have souls right?
reply ASAP,
I was fuming by the time the letter ended, I replied:
Dear Phil,
How dare you! they are my second family, and they have the most beautiful souls
I have ever come across, They hunt animals because they think hurting people
is morally wrong! I mean think about it Carlisle is a doctor because he wants to help
people not hurt them,
seriously dad that was a low blow!
from a person who's really mad at you,
Alice's point of view
I was really worried now, if my visions are correct it will be in about three days from now, the whole family is now panicking.
Carlisle figured out which vampire would want to hurt us, and that's Victoria the mate of James.
So we set out and killed her, but the visions didn't go away.
Every one was on edge now.
Phil's point of view
Maybe that was a low blow, I mean she was in love with Edward Cullen, And they do only drink animal blood but still are they safe?
That's what i didn't know. I would just have to trust Bella on this.
I Started up the privet Jet and got on.
The plane ride as stupid and long.
When I finally got off, It was two in the morning. I drove to Bella's apartment, and knocked on her door.
After a few seconds she opened it I noticed she had her gun in her boot, 'just like her mom' i thought to myself.
"Hey," I smiled.
"You better not hurt my family!" She exclaimed.
"OK, I get what you are saying but I need to take them back to HQ, any idea's?" i asked.
"They are stronger than humans by a long shot so maybe a diamond cage, but that's only if they don't co-opperate which they will" She mused.
"Good to know," I said hugging her.
"now I'll be back I better do my job, I promise I won't be mean," I said hugging her.
"K later," She sighed walking back into her apartment.
Carlisle's point of view
I was reading the newspaper when someone knocked on our door. I Walked over human pace and opened it. A tall strong looking guy in a black suit was standing there.
"How may I help you?" i asked politely.
The man flipped his wallet open inside was a FBI badge, "We know what you are."
"Uh I don't know what you're talking about," I said nervously.
"Don't worry we will not hurt you, we just want to talk to you," He told me.
"And how do I know you won't hurt me?" I asked.
"My daughter forbid it," He told me.
"Fine, GUYS!" I called.
they rushed down vampire speed, "What?"
"Oh my gosh!" The man gasped.
"Attention my family, this man has found out our secret and wants us to come with him," I told them.
"What!" They all screamed at the same time.
The man winced.
"Phil," He told me. The family and I gasped.
"Oh Bella told you about me?" He smiled.
"What do you want with us?" Asked a frightened Esme.
"We just want you to come with us to D.C.," He Told her.
"OK let's go," I told him.
"But dad!" Emmett boomed.
"Emmett please shut up now is not the time," I told him.
"Fine," He sighed running over to us, vampire speed must i add.
"OMG!" Said the guy surprised.
"Emmett really, you had to do that?" I smirked.
"Yeah, yeah I did," He laughed.
"I'm sorry about my son he's being a buffoon," I sighed.
"But my daughter told me vampire's couldn't have children," He told me.
"Well we changed them but we think of each-other as family," I told him.
"Oh Bella said something about that," He smiled.
"So are we leaving or are we going to talk til two in the morning?" Jasper sighed.
"My son is right let's go," I told him.
"OK," He smiled.
"Lead the way," I smiled.
He smiled and motioned for us to follow him, so we did.
he lead us to a black van with darkly tinted windows like in the movies.
So we got in.
and he drove us to the airport, I expected him to get tickets but he asked the secratary, "Will you fire up the jet?"
So that's when I knew he had a privet jet.
"Oh you have a privet jet too?" Emmett asked stupidly.
"Oh you have a jet of your own?" he asked me.
"Yeah we do have 3 hundred years worth of money," I told him.
His jaw dropped.
"That's how old you are?" he asked.
"I was changed in 1665, when I was twenty-three," I told him.
he just stared amazed.
so after about ten minutes we got on the plane. It was fairly large although smaller than ours.
"So how do you like it?" he asked me.
"It's very nice," I smiled politely.
"So where's the x-box?" Emmett and Jasper asked at the same time.
he laughed, "Sorry I don't have an x-box on the plane."
They groaned.
Esme's point of view
We arrived at a place at like 11 o'clock, It was huge and bland.
He led us in, the people had black suits and guns, not the type of people to annoy. He told us to follow a man with a cold expression.
so we did.
He leads us to this weird small room with a table and eight chairs with a mirror on one side.
I knew what it was it was the interrogation room.
"Uh, what is the meaning of this?" I asked.
"Oh this is the interrogation room," He told me.
"I know that but why are we in here we did nothing wrong?" I asked. did the dude think I was an Idiot I was from the 1920's I knew what this room was.
"Nothing we just want to know more about you," He told us.
"But why are we going to this room if we are not being interrogated?" I asked.
"Just... stay," He told us.
that's freaky," Uh... OK."
"The investigator will be in here in a moment," He told me in a cold voice.
"Why are you treating us as if we did something wrong?" I asked irritably.
"Honey calm down," Carlisle said grabbing my hand.
"I'm sorry ma'am everyone or your case every 'thing' is interrogated after arrival if suspected," He told me coldly. I hated how he called us things, and to top it off he spit out the word like it was venom on his tongue.
"How dare you!" Alice said hotly.
"Alice!" Carlisle said in a sharp tone.
"Sorry dad," She sighed.
just then a friendly looking man walked in, he was tall and he had brow hair, and blue eyes.
"Harry are you being unpleasant to our guests?" the man asked.
"I hardly call them guests," He spat at us.
"Harry just go!" said the man sharply. and so he did.
"Hello I'm sorry about him he hates fantasy," He sighed.
"We aren't fantasy we are just Descreite," I told him.
"Any way what are your names," He asked.
"I'm Jasper and this is my wife Alice," He said introducing them.
"I'm Emmett and this is my babe Rosalie," He smiled at her. And she smacked him.
"and this is my wife Esme, and I'm Carlisle, We are the leaders of the coven," He said and shook the mans hand.
"Oh and that's Edward their," Emmett smirked.
"Hey I'm not stupid!" Edward shot at Emmett.
"Uh I don't get it Emmett never said anything," The man said confused.
"Oh Edward can read minds," Carlisle told him.
"Wow, what other powers do you have?" He asked amazed. Emmett laughed.
"Well Alice can see the future, Edward can read minds, and Jasper can read and change emotions," We all said together.
"Wow," He smiled falsely.
So what do ya want to know?" Emmett asked bluntly.
"Do you actually drink human blood?" He asked.
"No actually me and my family restrain from human blood for it's wrong," Carlisle said politely.
"Then what do you drink?" He asked.
"Animals," Jasper told him.
"Can you really stake a vampire?" He asked.
"Sure but the vampire would just laugh when it shattered into pieces," Emmett said laughing.
"So vampire's have super strength?" He asked.
We nodded.
"As well as enhanced scence's, and super speed," Carlisle smiled.
" Then I'm guessing crosses don't hurt you," He smiled.
"I am religious," Carlisle reminded him.
"And I'm guessing coffins are you out," The man sighed.
"We don't sleep at all but that would be awesome!" Emmett exclaimed.
"He's the joker isn't he?" The man asked.
We all nodded.
"So can I see your speed?" He asked.
We nodded, and Emmett ran up to him vampire speed.
The man was baffled (I love that word).
"I got you," Emmett smiled.
We burst out laughing.
The man just shook his head.
"By the way we never got your name," Carlisle said politely.
"Oh. It's agent brown," He told us.
Text: I own only the story
Publication Date: 10-20-2012
All Rights Reserved