Sabastian whats up? I have just recieved a letter from my Grandparents lawyer. My Grandfather died and left me his property in Chandler. Can you make the nessasary Arangements for me to travel down there please. Will do. His lawyer wants to meet me there in on the second which is two dayz away. Reanne unsaddled Co/Jack and went to leave the corral and looked up and noticed a dust cloud comming up the road which lead to the house. Sabastian had a sudden thought and all his old memories of Reanne came flooding back. It had to happen sooner or later he sighed. His heart ached every time he thought of Reanne over the last few years and it was a pain that was still raw at the surface.Reanne watched as the pickup and float pulled to a stop in the yard. Blaze jumped out of the pick up. Hi Blaze what brings you out this way? I have come to see if you are still up right and I have something to tell you, you might want to sit down. Okay lets go inside. I'm sitting down now what is it? I don't know how to tell you this, Come on Blaze out with it. Okay, Sabastian is comming home and with those words Reanne turned white and found it hard to breathe. Are you okay Reanne. Reanne didn't say a word and got up and walk to the dinning room window. She watched Co/Jack eatting in the corral while she plucked up the courage to ask Blaze why he was comming home. A few minutes later Reanne asked why. His Grandfather died three weeks ago and left his farm to him. You need to get out and socialize with people more often. They are starting to wonder if you are alive. Reanne just stared at Blaze. Blaze you know i hate being told what to do. I know but everyone is worried about you including me. I worry about you being out here on your own. Would you atleast get a someone out here to help you. Okay, Reanne just said it to shut Blaze Up. I never thought he would come back. He hurt me and i thought we were going to make a life for us. I lived a life of utter hell. Sabastian left, I lost his baby and now he's comming home could it get any worce? Reanne weather you like it or not I'm Staying with you for a few days and helping you out. You can argue with me later. I'm going to get Thunder out of the float and put him in the barn. Reanne opened the study and looked at all the newspaper articals the wall of Sabastian. Why now Sabastian. Reanne started to cry and painfull flash backs came flooding back. By the time Blaze came back inside Reanne managed to pull herself together, I didn't realize how much Sabastian ment to you. Sorry for the way I spoke to you Blaze. Thats okay, I understand, what type of friend would I be if I didn't understand. What are you gonna do if he wants to see you? I really don't know, but why hasn't he tried to get in contact before now. Maybe he is riddled with guilt. Are you trying to tell me something? He rung me a week ago to see how you were doing. He told me he didn't want to just turn up out of the blue and spring it on you. He told me that he still loves you with all his heart and lives with the torment every day. Reanne took a real deep breath and sighed. If you here from him again before he arrives please tell him that he can come and see me, I need closure. Reanne and Blaze walked out of the study to the verander and in silence they just sat in there. Do you want to come to the pub with me. Yeah why not. Reanne got up and finnished what she was doing before the moment of reflection and went inside while Blaze waited by the pickup truck. Reanne knew that everyone in town proberly knows about Sabastian comming home before she did. She brushed it aside and went outside and got in the pickup. Did you here about Tyler Munroe. He won state champion at Little Creek Rodeo. He drew the meanest bull and managed to stay on 8 seconds to win state champion. What was the name of the bul? If i remember correctly it was Spitfire. I Know of a couple of people that had there rodeo lives come to a screaming halt because of that bull. He's due home tommorrow and he's looking for work. I told him to come and see you. and he wants to cach up with you anyway. We are here. Remember what ever people say just ignore them, I don't want to have to bail you out of trouble again. Reanne looked at Blaze and said sarcastically Yes mum and they cracked up laughing as they walked threw the door. What will it be ladies. A whiskey for me, how about you Blaze. A beer will do, any type. They went over to a table and sat dowm. wow How did you manage to drag reanne out? Bugger off Jackson. Blaze your looking hot tonight. Go drag yourself behind a car. Blaze I will handle this. If I remember correctly May 25th 2004 you were caught By a Daily Times journalist running down a city street indecently exposed and then arrested. How did you fine out? It was in the paper. Has cat got your tounge. Stay away from me Jackson otherwise I wont be held responsibe for my actions. Did you here that boys, oh I'm shaking in my boots. Before Reanne could react, Blaze grabbed Reanne's arm and pulled her away from Jackson. Anyway where were we. Tommorrow I have to Get the cattle in from the north paddock. Casper is comming in to brand 300 head of cattle. I Will give you a hand. Thunder needs an exercise. Are you gonna answer you phone it's going off. Blaze grabed her phone and answer it. Hello, Hi Blaze its Sabastian, did you get a chane to talk to Reanne? She has agreeded to see you but don't expect to much from her. Blaze can you pick me up. Okay.See you tommorrow Blaze. Give me a call once the plane lands. I take it that was the love of your life. No it was yours. Sabastian will be flying in tommorrw. He said thank you for giving him another chance. He's asked me to pick him up tommorrow. I'm Scared Blaze. I have all these emotions of fear , anger and pain. Just remember the good times you had with him. Can I get you more drinks ladies. Can I please have a couple of glasses of whiskey the same as before, I wont have anything Ive got to drive her home. Blaze could tell what type of mood Reanne but didn't say a word. Reanne I know you had good times with Sabastian, I still have the postcards to prove it.You Kept those postcards all these years? Yes, I envyed you and Sabastian because you both seemed like a picture perfect couple and you were the hottist couple in School not to mention you had the respect of everyone. Blaze that's enough, we are here to have a good time not toake a trip down memory lane. Blaze was righ thou and Reanne knew she had to hold on to the good time because the good times out wayed the bad. Hay Blaze Can I talk to you over here? Whats up With Reanne she's usually the life of the party. Do you remember Sabastian Apia? Yes, well he's comming home tommorrow and when he left with saying anything it destroyed Reanne. Please dont say anything. You have my confidence. Thanks Billy. Billy gave Blaze a worried look, Billy thought of Reanne as a Granddaughter. What did Billy want. He wanted to Know about Tyler Munroe. Sabastian the plane is ready for you at anytime, thank you Blake. Excuse me sir for asking. Are you okay. No not really. I face my biggest test tommorrow and it out weighs any I've had before. May I ask what it is? No I just want to be left alone. Thank you anyway please go home to your wife and kids Blake. Show them that you love them. Blake looked at Sabastian worried but he did what he asked. See you when you get back. Hay Reanne lets get out of here there has been talk of reporters in town. Reanne finished her drink and her and Blaze walked out to the carpark. Excuse me are you Reanne Queen? Yes she is Who wants to know? I'm Caire Daines from the Daily Times. Sorry she doesnt want to talk to you. Blaze can you Drive me home. Reanne got into the truck and tears begun to full dowm here cheeks. Reanne stared out tthe window It was 4oclock in the morning when Blaze finally pulled up to the house. Reanne it's time to wake up we are home. Reanne stirred then she woke up. It took a few minutes for her to become fully aware of her surrounding. The two of them went inside in silence. Blaze I will hirer Tyler Munroe hes always been good to me. Does it make you happy Blaze. why yes it does. It will stop me from worring about you so much. Both them burst into fits of laughter and went and sat down on the couch. Do you remember Dylan Tait and how he use to be a wise ass. I bumped in to him in the city he owns his own business and he's totaly changed from when he was at high school. He told me to say hi and he's gonna try and get down here at some stage. He gave me this photo from when we were fifteen. Man thats a blast fron the past, yes I know. Im going to bed Reanne goodnite. Same to you. With the silence creeping into Reannes mind it started to wonder and tears begun to full down her cheeks. She went to the study and turned on the light. She looked at all the news paper clipping and sat down and grabbed the whiskey bottle and took a big swig out of it. Reanne are you up? Blaze noticed the study door opened and walked over and stuck her head in. Reanne what have you done. Blaze noticed the empty whiskey bottle on the desk and Reanne out like light at the desk. Hi Micheal its Sabastian can you come and see me I need to talk to you. Okay but would you mind telling me whats going on? I cant over the phone. I'm at my office. Dam you Father Sabastian looked up at the photo of Reanne and then he picked up it up and threw it against the wall. Sabastian grabed the bottle of burbon on his desk and went and lent against the wall. he slide down the wall and fear, emotion and flash backs took over. I'm really sorry Reaanne, please forgive me. Sabastian eventually got up and walked out of his offical and told his reseptionist to go home. Sabastian its Micheal Come in. What the hell happened here are you alright? I'm fine. I need you to run my business while Im away. I trust you and your not just a colleage your my oldest friend to. My Grandfather has died and i have to go and settal his affairs. Micheal walked over to thee broken glass and picked up the photo. He new when he looked at who was in the photo why he was so upset. I fly to Chandler tommorrow. Can you please make sure no one knows where im going I dont want any interuptions. Whats going on Sabastian. Micheal held up the the photo of Reanne in front of Sabastian. Its Reanne you are going back for isnt it. No. Ive known you long enough to tell when your lying to me. Man I feel sick dont worry Reanne I dont feel much better. Are you okay Reanne Your white as a ghost. Nothings wrong its just may stomache doing 360 degrees turns. I don't blame it. You polished off a hole bottle of Grants when you got home and fell asleep at your desk. I think we out did ourselves this time. I'm gonna stay behind when you go to pick up Sabastian. I need to give this place a spring clean since i have guests. Why dont you sit down Reanne and relax. I have to be honest with you I'm shit scared. Sabastian hasnt been home in 8yrs and my emotions are all over the place and worst of all how do I tell his baby died. Reanne calm down and take each day as it comes I better get ready he's going to call me when his plane lands. Blaze went up stairs to change here clothes. Hello is anybody home, i'm in the kitchen. Reanne turned and faced Tyler. Whats wrong?Tears were streaming down her He walked over and grabbed Reanne gently and gave her a heart felt hug. Its good to have you back Tyler. Sabastian is comming home. Your kidding me arnt you. He's want to see me and settal his grandfathers affairs, he died three weeks ago. All these emotions and fear are running threw my head. I'm not couping please dont tell Blaze she is like a mother hen. I promise you I won't. Reanne wiped the tears off her cheeks. Blaze ran down the stairs as the phone rung. Hello hi its Sabastian we have just landed. Okay I'm on my way. Do you have a horse Yes I do. Theres a stall in the barn for him and I will make room in the tac for your gear. Tyler moved close to Reanne. She felt his hand brush against hers, a strange feeling runed threw her body that she hadn't felt since she was with Sabastian. Reanne I have to go, his plane has just landed. See you when you get back.Okay. Sorry i didn't mean for my hand to brush up agains yours. Dont worry about it felt good to have that male contact again. I have plenty of work for you. I need you to start straight away Caspers comming in the arfternoon to brand the three hundred head of cattle in the north paddock. Would you mind getting them to the yard own your own . No thats okay. Blaze finally made it to the airport in record time and managed to find the gate. I'm here to pick up Sabastian Apia. ID please. Here you go. Would you please go threw that door and wait in the private lounge. He will be with you once he clears customs. Blaze went and sat down. Reanne can you come here and sit down.Both Tyler and Reanne sat down together.What going on Reanne? your not your usual self. A ghost from my past is about to show up thats all. I did some thinkig while I was away. I've fallen for you Reanne. You have taken my heart. Reanne was totally Stunned. Tyler moved closer to Reanne and She could feel the closeness of his body. He gentally kissed her soft Cheek and slowly made his way round to her lips. Reanne all of a sudden pulled away. Whats wrong? Tyler I havent been with any guy since Sabastian left me.- As Blaze went to sit down a striking man came threw the doors infront of her table and headed straight for the bar, while talking on his cellphone. Blaze got up off her seat and went up to the guy. Blaze went up to the man and said excuse me sir, he turned around. Is that you Blaze. Look I'm gonna have to call you back an old friend has just turned up and I want to catch up. Sabastian walked over to where Blaze was standing and gave her a hug. How are you Blaze Okay I guess. Whats wrong? I dont remember you eva being this handsome at school. I was expecting you to turn up in torn old faded jeans and a dehiem shirt not a business suit and a private jet, Sabastian wanted to ask about Reanne but decided not to. Blaze was in a hurry to get back to Reanne. We need to go I have to get back to Reanne I hope you don't mind. She isnt to well this morning she got carried away at the pub last night. No thats fine. How was your flight? It was the same as usual Boring. Pop your gear on the back. Please don't expect to much from Reanne, she is terrified of seeing you again. Some stuff has happened that has had a big impact on her life and it has changed her. Blaze I never meant to hurt her. My father sent me away to do the last year of school in the city because he hated her because she wasn't from a wealthy family like mine. I got sick of dad so I gave in. I wanted to say goodbye but he didn't even give me that. I had no other choice, he was going to disown me and as much as I hated him at the time i unconditionally still love him. Tyler got in from bringing the cattle in and saw reanne unconsious on the floor. We are here. Blaze got out of the pickup and started to walk towards the house Tyler heard the pickup and ran outside. Blaze it's Reanne she's unconsious on the floor. Sabastian I need your help. What happened? She didn't come with me to get the cattle in. I only got back a few minutes before you guys arrived and found her on the floor With this in her hand. Sabastian fought back the panick and picked up Reanne. Where's the shower. upstairs and second on the right. What have you done to yourself girl. Sabastian turned the shower on and got in to the shower with her. He craddled her in his arms, what have I done. Blaze went up stairs to check on Reanne. Tyler found another bottle in the Study. Blaze I never ment for any of this to happen. Tears streamed down his face. I know and I will be having words to your father. 10 mins later Reanne started to come around enough for her to realize that she was in the shower. Blaze can you help her get dressed and put her to bed. Yeah will do . Come Reanne lets get you into bed. Hi You must be Sabastian, Im Tyler. She told me that she wasn't couping and i didn't think much of it at the time. I'm so sorry that you had to come home to this. Don't be Im the only one responsible for this. Don't blame yourself. Blaze had just put Reanne to bed. Blaze is that you? Yes. I had a dream that Sabastian was craddling me in his arms in the Shower crying. Trust me get some sleep you are going to need it. Blaze stayed with Reanne untill she went to sleep. How is she? she's okay. I have something to tell you Blaze. After you left Reanne told me she wasn't couping and told me not to tell you. She was crying when i arrived too. Dont panick. Sabastian walked in on Tyler and Blaze talking. I'm the cause of whats happening to her at the moment. Blaze Im going to sit with Reanne then he walked off. . Sabastian went upstairs and paused at the door and looked at Reanne again and then he went and sat down. Reanne was sleeping. I'm so sorry for what happened. I love you with all my heart and I hate my father for what he did to us. Sabastian is that you. Im so sorry you had to see me like this, Im so sorry, Dont be Angel I did a simalar thing before I left This place. Reanne moved and craddled herself in Sabastians arms and lent her head against his chest like old times. She could hear his heart beat. Man my head hurts and so it should love you went threw 2 112.5's of alcohol straight with that she drifted off to sleep again. It hurt Sabastian to see Reanne like this, Blaze can I borrow the phone please. Yes sure it's over there on the counter. Hi Micheal its Sabastian I'm going to be a couple of weeks down here is that okay with you? Yes, whats going on? I turned up at Reannes place and she was unconsious on the floor. There were two empty bottles of whiskey. I feel responsible. Hay look take all the time you need. Everything is ticking over nicely here. If I have any problems I will call you. Thanks so much I owe you one. I will be sure to collect don't you worry bout that. Casper has just turned up to brand the cattle in the yard. Thanks Tyler I Will be out in a minute. Sabastian I want you to keep an eye on Reanne. Blaze walked out the door to meet Casper in the yard. Hi Casper. Hi, I think you better take alook at this Blaze and Billy is furious and he wants heads to roll but i managed to talk him down. Blaze looked at the paper. Are you and Tyler okay to do the branding on you own. yes i booked this job for 4 days. Two days work and two days partying, you should know me buy now. Blaze gave a big grin and went inside. Sabastian we have a problem. Read this. We got cornered last night by a Daily Times journilist. I said no comment. But She wrote this. As Sabastian read the artical he started to get angry. Do you have her card with the number on it. HI is a Claire Daines there please? yeah well I have alittle problem and it can get bigger if you want it to be, stay away from Reanne Queen. There will be a press conference soon I will let you know when. No Its not a threat. I'm trying to protect her thats all. Sabastian got off the phone and felt alittle releaved. Reanne woke up to find Sabastian by her bed. how long have you been there for? For most of the day. I thought you were a dream. HereS something to eat. Reanne plucked up the courage to ask the question that has haunted her for the last 8yrs. Way did you leave? I had no choice my father was going to disown me. He hated me with anyone who wasn't as wealthy as we were, I gave in to protect you from his nastyness my dad is no saint if you get where im going with it. There's a side to dad no one knows about and it aint pretty. Anyway I loved and still do love you. Please try and eat. Sabastian I have something to tell you. I fell pregnant just before you left and i didn't know untill after you left. With all the stress of you leaving I lost our baby. I'm so sorry. Sabastian look as white as a ghost. Reanne was scared of what might come next and Sabastian didn't know what to say. tears came rolling down his cheeks. he turned his back to Reanne and left the room. Sabastian went outside and went for a walk past the corral. Blaze called out to him but he was oblivious to anything but his own thoughts in his head. Sabastian made a call on his cell to micheal to cheak up on him. Micheal asked if something was wrong. He could tell something was wrong by the tone of Sabastians voice, but Sabastian shut him down by saying he didn't want to talk about. Micheal started to worry and said I'm comming down there if you don't tell me whats going on. Reanne was pregnant before i left Chandler she didn't find out until after i was gone. Because of the stress i put her under by leaving without saying a word she lost our baby. What can I do i cant help her heal the lose of a baby. Seeing her unconsious on the floor scared me to. I dont know what to say. Reanne tryed to get out of bed but her head throbbed at the sudden movement, she layed back down. Blaze I'm gonna go check on Reanne somethings happened judding by the way Sabastian was when he walked past. Okay. Sabastian kept walking and numbness took hold over his body. He knew he coudn't blame Reanne. Do you want me to come down for morale support it would be good to catch up with Reanne. I'm thinking of getting her away from here for a few days. I get the feelig she's locked up here ever since i left, I don't think i will be ever able to fix the damage I have done. Nock nock, Come in Tyler. Tyler I Know what you are gonna say and im sorry. I didn't mean for you to see me like this. I found it easy to drown myself in alcohol rather than ask for help. I saw asking for help as sign of weakness. Is Sabastian okay? I don't know. Blaze called out to him as he walked past but he didn't even look up. It looked like he was crying. With that she got up out of bed and got dressed. She didnt care that Tyler was in the room. I told Sabastian about losing our baby after he left. Oh! Reanne sat on the bed and begun to put on her boots. She felt a massive head spin comming on but she kept trying to put her boots on. Do you need any help putting your boots on. Here give me that. Tyler helped reanne with her boots and walked down stair with Reanne to make sure she didn't pass out on them. I DonT need en escort any further. Reanne went outside and took a large deep breath of fresh air and headed over to the corral.
Blaze looked up as the calf was getting branded. how your head? Its pulsating like a heart. I guess you wont be doing that again. When ever have I learnt from my mistake for the first time. Blaze replyed with a laugh. Have you seen Sabastian? He head in that direction, Blaze pointed towards the river. Reanne closed the gate and went towards the river. Sabastian she called out. Over here he replied. She could tell he had been crying. May I sit beside you. Be my guest. I didnt know any other way to tell you and its been eating me up inside. Sabastian looked up at her. Is that why You were found unconcious on the floor Reanne was speechless she didn't know how to answer the question. Sabastian waited for an answer. Reanne I still love you and always have. I wanted to call you but I thought it best to leave you alone because the hurt and pain I caused you would have been to fresh. Can i have the lawyer come here, I don't want to let you out of my sights. Okay but i dont need a babysiter. Whats going on with you and Tyler. Why do you ask. I want you to come away with me. hold on you have been here only five minutes and you are trying to win me over. Hold on a minute I wanted to spend time with you. I want to get to know you again. I thought you might want to also confront my dad, he's the one responsible for this mess. Look let take each day as it comes Sabastian, Im not couping. Sabastian got up and grab Reannes hand. When you were unconsious on the floor i was scared for you. Trust me it wasn't a good way to see someone for the first time in 8yrs. Tyler has fallen for you hasnt he? He has that same look as i did when we started going together. He has been a good friend and been there for me when Ive need help. If I organized a Press conference would you be there with me. What does that involve. Basically you dont have to answer any questions that you dont feel comfortable with and if you get into trouble I will deal with the vultures. Sabastian put his arms around her waist and hugged her and he felt Reannes body tence. Tyler have you seen Reanne or Sabastian. No they haven't come back yet. Blaze have you got any beers? Yes in the fridge have I ever let you down there. No you havent and I don't expect you ever will, Tyler said with a big grin on his face. I better get back to feeding the horses and cattle. Please bear with me I have all these emotions and fears. At night it gets hard to sleep. I spent two weeks in the hospital hating you. I was so bitter. Blaze told me to track you down but I woudnt have a bar of it. Your my angel. Perhaps this trip will do you some good. With that Reanne looked at him and then she walked off. Sabastian sat there stunned at her reaction. Reanne opened the gate to the coral and went inside. hello boy. Co/jack walked up to Reanne and nudged her hand with his nose. Do you want to go for a ride. Reanne went into the tack room and grabed the saddle and bridle and went outside in time to see Sabastian go inside the house. how did it go with Reanne? Don't ask. Have you seen her. No and with that Sabastian looked out the window just in time to see Reanne ride off. I will be in my room can you let me know when she gets back please. Reanne rode the ridge line to her favourite spot above the homested. Co/Jack what am I gonna do and can I really forgive Sabastian. Reanne sat down and closed her eyes. She lapped up the last of the sun in thought. a few minutes later she got up and waled with Co/jack down the ridge. Some time later she got back to the house and noticed there were no lights on. She took the saddle and bridle off Co/jack and turned him loose in the coral. she went quitely inside and up the stairs. Reanne is that you? Yes go back to sleep. Reanne heard movement in Sabastian room as she neared the door. His face meet hers as she neared his door. What happened today Reanne? I don't know I just freaked out I guess, I was scared. You have no reason to be scared of me . Sabastian wraped his arms around Reannes waist and pulled her close. I love you Reanne and I m neva gonna let you go again. Ive decided to take the trip with you but it on the grounds that if i feel uncomfortable for any reason I can leave. Okay. To be honnest Sabastian I dont know if i can forget you leaving me the way you did. Honey thats why I want you to confront my father. We dont owe him anything. Reanne embraced his arms around her. she felt safe and secure. Do you want a night cap Sabastian? They went down stairs hand in hand. Whats going on down here? Sorry if we woke you up. I couldnt sleep anyway.Blaze are you still okay to look after this place. Im gonna take Sabastian up on his offer. Are you sure? Yes Blaze, if i dont do this its gonna tear me up inside that i didnt try. Do you understand now? I guess i do but i wont make me worry about you any less. I know you have been a great friend to me, but i have to do this. I dont know why my heart is telling me to do it but it just is and nothing will change it. Please dont look at me like that. I'm sorry but i cant help but worry Reanne. Reanne eyed up the whiskey bottle and grabed it.She poured three glasses and made a toast to new beginings. Heres to new beginings for me and Sabastian not to mention Blaze heres to a life long friendship that will never die. Here Here. Sweet heart one glass is enough for you ok. Cant have you turning up at dads drunk. Sabastian gentally took the bottle out of Reannes hand.He could see fear written on her face. Reanne I will exercise Co/Jack for you and make sure tlyer doesnt get into trouble while you are away.Earth to Reanne did you hear anything I said. Oh sorry what did you say?Are you okay Reanne? yes I was deep in thought thats all.
Lets go Reanne we have to be at the airport 11am. Im ready. Reanne put the final touches to her make up and then went down stairs.I want to thank you for looking after the place. Your a good friend Blaze. I know, who else is there to keep you in line? Reanne just smile and walked out the door. Sabastian make sure you look after her otherwise the whole town will be on your ass got it. yes Blaze, i promise. Give a hug you big offe sabastian gave Blaze a hug then grabed the last of the gear and went put side to the pick up.Reanne whats wrong you have been silent ever since we left, Why does it feel like i said goodbye Sabastian?
It's not forever Reanne. I know. Its time to go you two. Micheal cant wait to see you
As they arrived at the airport they managed to dodge the media and get safely on board the plane. My emotion were running high and i begun to have doubt about the trip. Whats wrong Reanne? You want an honest answer. I'm terrified and i'm having doubt about this trip. Sabastain move to sit beside her. Is it the first time away from the the ranch? Yes and i dont like it one bit. You are gonna be okay Reanne let me pamper you like a princess deserves. Reanne looked into Sabastians eyes. Your eyes still have that same truthful sparkle that they did when i first met you. The smile on Sabastians face hearing those word was from ear to ear.He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. What ever happens over the next few days we will face it together. Before i new it Sabastian was gentally pushing me to wake up and that we were about to land. What time is it? 530pm. There is a limo waiting for us outside the terminal
Reanne felt dred wash over her as the plane took off. Confronting his dad seemed like a good thing over the years but now she was having second thoughts. She new Sabastian's dad was a powerful man but it still didn't make things easy, if not it made it worce. Reanne you have been really quite it's not like you whats up? Nothing I'm just tired that's all. Come here Sabastian wrapped his arm around Reannes shoulders as she put here head against his chest. Get some sleep its a long flight. I will wake you when we land. With those words Reanne begun to drift off. Hi Micheal we are in the air can you met us at the airport in 4 hrs please and make sure you have security with you. Okay. You sound alittle stressed Sabastian. Its Reanne that concerns me. She has been acting funny since we took off. Go easy on her Sabatian it cant be easy for her. I know, but I just get this bad feeling thats all. Reanne began to dream of confronting Mr Apia. You took my babies life by tearing me apart. The words echoed threw her mind to the point she bolted up right wide awake. Are you okay Reanne? She whisper the word he took my babies life. Tears began a steady flow down her face. You have me now Reanne thats all that matters now. i know it doesn't replace our first child but i want a family with you and i want to marry you. Stunned Reanne looked up at him and looked at him in the eyes. Really. I have lived with the pain of the past to but I couldn't let it show other wise my father would have disowned me and I wouldn't have been able to see my mother. It was never about the money it was about my mother. She spent many days trying to stop us fighting, trying to make us friends., but in the end what we did killed her. It aged her well beyond her years then caused her to die. I had to receive therapy for the nightmares I had bout the way i left you. Ask Micheal. Micheal stuck by me threw thick and thin when he should have headed for the hills and never looked back. Sir where are landing in five minute. It took awhile for Reanne to digest what he had told her. Part of her admired his honesty and part of her wanted to run and escape the pain that had once ripped threw her like razor blades and threatened to do so again. Reanne belted her seat belt up and turned to look out the window. I cant escape the pain Sabastian. it haunts me. the words chilled him to the bone but he said nothing to confort her he just held her hand tight. ass the plane landed sabastians phone went off. Hello, we have a problem, your dads here. Thanks for the heads up meet us in the private lounge. Whats wrong Sabastian? dont worry it was just bout the media thats all. Reanne could tell that he was lying but decided to let it go. are you ready to face the world attached to my arm? I guess im ready as i will ever be. They exited the plane and walked across the tarmac. Sabastian stopped suddenly. Reanne remember you aren't pressured to talk to the media at all just let me know if you feel uncomfortable okay. Okay but i can handel it. Reanne ran her hands down the side of her pants and took a deep breathe. Lets go they walked towards the security man. It seems like you two have caused quite a stir in the media. Would you follow me please. Are you ready for this Reanne once we go threw these doors the is no turning back. she smiled lets go. everything became a blur after that the camera flashes and the questions being fired at her. Micheal its good to see you. This is Reanne. Yes I remember her from school. Hi. You don't remember me do you Reanne? I was the one with my head always stuck in a book or always wheeling and dealing. Now I remember you. You always wore waist coats and dress pants. That's the one. I would like to address the media please. Okay. Sabastian looked at Micheal with a worried look. Reanne heard some one shout out. Whats it like to be back with your childhood sweetheart? Its the best thing to happen since I don't know when. Rumour has it you lost Sabastian child? Yes I was pregnant and I missed carried that s all I'm going to say on the matter. Sabastian walked up to Reanne. No more questions thank you, you will be informed when there is gonna be a press release. Sabastian ushered Reanne towards the private lounge door. Are you okay Reanne? Of cause Im ok. Can I have a whiskey on the rocks please. I have to get use to the media sooner or later otherwise how am I gonna go out in public with you. She let out a short laugh then grabbed the whiskey from the bar tender and down it in one gulp. Sabastian pulled Micheal aside. Where is my dad? he is waiting for you in the main lounge. Go tell him I will come and see him tomorrow okay. Okay be back in a minute. Whats going on Sabastian? Micheal is just going to check that the media is gonna he is worried bout you having to deal with them. To him they are like vultures scraping over a dead carcass. Mr Aipa Sabastian told me to tell you he will come and see you tomorrow. Is it important you see him? Yes but it can wait Micheal. Mr Apia stood up and went to shake Micheals hand. Oh tell him to come round to my office at nine otherwise i'm in meeting from twelve onwards Oh I have to ring blaze to let her know we arrive safely here use my cell phone. Reanne took the cell phone from Sabastian and dialed the number. The phone went threw to answerphone. Hi blaze its me, we have landed safely will talk to you tomorrow, oh by the way why aren't you using the sat phone lol miss you already bye. Can I have another whiskey same as b4. Sabastian gentaly grabbed her hand. She wont be needing it you have its on me Sabastian flicked the bar tender $10 thanks for the tip. That's okay Ryan I always make sure you are working when I plan a trip cause your boss is a uptight ass and i hate dealing with her. Thanks for the compilment. I can think of a few better words for her just between you and me. Lets go Micheal said to the others. By the time they arrive at Sabastians place Reanne was fast asleep Sabastian gentaly picked her up in his arms and walked up the path way. Hello Sabastain. Do you want me to set up a room for her? No she will be with me. Do you need me to do anything else Sabastian. Go home injoy a payed night off but i will need you here by 7am. okay boss she laughed. sabastian took Reanne up stairs and into his room. He pulled the blankets back and layed her gentaly down on the bed and pulled the blanket up. As Sabastian walked down the stairs Micheal walked in with a weird look on his face. i hate dealing with business after hours sorry bout that. all good whats the stroy with my father. He sounded almost desperate. He really wanted to talk to you. Did he say why? No but something is definately up. Can i stay here sabastian it is to late for me to go home Yes you know where your room is. lol yes that I do. im going to bed help yourself to food and drink. Sabastian went up stairs and stood at the end of his bed watching Reanne sleep. Something was wrong with you today Reanne I wish you would tell me the truth he whispered out loud sabastian went over to the desk and sat down to look at some paperwork. Sabastian is that you? Yes it is my love. he got up and went over and sat on the edge of the bed. Whats gonna happen when we confront your dad? To be honnest with you I really don't know and I haven't seen him in almost a year. Go back to sleep angel we will worry bout that tomorrow. I have some paperwork to look over. Reanne grabed his arm h and gentaly pull him to her. Come to bed worry bout that tomorrow after all your the boss. he took off his shirt and pants and layed down on the bed. You are Reanne definately my guardian angel.sometime later Reanne got up out of bed quietly and headed for the door. Hay sweetheart are you ok? Yes im going down stairs to watch some tv. Do you want me to join you? nah im okay. Reanne left the room and went down stairs. Pain and heartach tore threw her. The silent tears begun to free flow free and easy. She went to the kitchen to see if there was any alcohol. Micheal came down stairs to grab a drink he stopped in mid step and heard the sobbing. Reanne are you okay? just go away micheal it is nothing i will be fine. Micheal went upstairs and nocked on Sabastians door. Sabastian are you awake? i am now what is it Something is wrong with Reanne she is down stairs crying. She told me to go away. Okay i will sort it. Sabastian got up and put some pants on and walked out of the room and down the stairs. Reanne love why dont you come to bed? look im okay can you leave me alone please. No i cant i love you to much to do that. Sabastian walked over to where Reanne was sitting and noticed an unopened bottle of whiskey. What are you doing with that Reanne! what do you think? I have all night Reanne what is troubling you. Everything and nothing what do you care. Hay that was uncalled for, I know but that is how i feel at the moment Sabastian. I thought comming here with you would take the weight off my shoulder but it hasn't its only made things worce. I had a nightmare about the past sabastian and i cant shake the words out of my head its like they are haunting me.
Text: MELWOLF 011
Publication Date: 07-19-2011
All Rights Reserved
this for my girls Phoenix, Samantha and Kira may they be intouch with there creative sides