At the juice net 12 o'clock
Kyoko pov
"So Cleo is it true you get to be the dolfin trainer?" I asked. "Yeah but I can't take it then I'd be the main attraction. Not ronny " Cleo said sadly. "To bad by the way didn't you get a new job kyoko?" Asked bella. "Yeah that's what I wanted to talk to you about," I told them. "I'm moving to America," I told them. "What!?!" They shouted. "It's in America," I told them. "When are you leaving?" Rikki. Asked. "A week," I told them. "Lets go for a swim to mako," Emma told us. We nodded. We walked to the beach. We came tordes. The water I stepped into the water and felt my tail forming. We dived in and started using our mermaid speed. We went threw the entrance of the cave we surfaced. "So what are we going to do?" I asked flicking my tail. "I think you should take the chance you did say it was the best inn the world," Emma said. "But we aren't going to be Abel. To brake you out if someone finds out," Rikki retorted. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone I'm not that supid by the way where's bella?" I asked. Then I saw bella came through the entrance. "Hey bells," I said. "Bella I'm moving," I told her. She looked at me like she was about to cry.
A week later...
I was on the plane I opened the window there was the full moon out the window oops I staired at the moon then every thing went black...
Moon struck pov
Kyoko looked at the person next to her,"we must swim to mako island," she giggled."I want my tail," I told him. I walked into the bathroom and ran my hand under the fosit and then sat down. My tail formed and I clapped. Then I fell asleep.
Kyoko's pov
I woke up in an air plane bathroom. I walked back to my seat when the plane. I went to NCIS head quarters I walked in and saw an old man, "hello can you tell me where abby is" I asked. "Down the hall to the right,"? He said. I walked into cabby's
office. "Hello are you kyoko I'll help you. Find your team," she said. She led me to my team. "Hello. My names Mcgee," a man told me. We went out to catch the guy. There I saw him he started throwing punches at me Wichita I blocked he didn't have a gun so ii put my hand behind my back and make lightning strike then the most horrrible thing happened it started raining I punched the guy unconches I then fell to the ground my tail getting scratched. The whole team gasped. "How?" He asked. "I turned into a mermaid because of a cave," I told them. "I can't believe it," Mcgee gasped. "Don't tell," told them. He got out his cellphone. "Ducky and abby we got something for you," he told the person on the phone. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto this stretcher thing they put restraints on me. "Let me go!" I shouted at them. They put me into the car I dried and my legs came back then he poured a bucket of water on me. We arrived at the hq. They took me into a small room I regognized as abby's lab. "Let me go!" I shouted. Abby took off my restrants I rolled of the stretcher and landed on the ground. Ducky came tords. Me. "How?" He asked. "I turn into a mermaid when I get wet will you hand me a towel?" I asked. "No," he told me then grabbed me around the waist and put me on this table thing. Then I got dry and my legs were back. "Abby get the darts," ducky said to abby. They grabbed a farthing I felt a pain in my arm and every thing went dark.
Dr. Denmornts pov
I was doing my work when I got a phone call, "hey we have something to give you we'll be there ASAP," he told me. "Ok,". "By the way you'll need a big tank," he told me. "Ok," I told him as I hung up. In ten minutes there was a knock on my lab door I opened it. There was a girl on a stretcher. He pushed the stretcher into the room. "Why did you bring me a girl," I asked. "Just watch," he said as he took out a cup and poured it on her ten seconds later she had a long gold tail. "Wow," I gasped. She started to stir. "Who are you,'" she asked sleepily. " doctor denmord," I told her. "Please don't hurt me," she said. "You sleek English?" I asked. "Yeah I'm a mermaid not a Alain," she told me."I'm sorry," I told her."what can you do?" I asked. "It depends how well you treat me," she told me. "Cu's if you don't I could boil your blood, burn you alive, or strike you with lightning," she told me. "Uh ok I promise not to be mean unless you won't do what I say,:" I told. Her. "And If you try to use your powers on me I'll tie your hands, and fingers toghether," I told her. "Gp figure," she sighed. I took off one of her scales and she whimpered. I looked at it under the micro scope suddenly her legs came back and the scale turned into skin. "This is against human rights," she spat at me,"
. "Well you aren't. Human now are you," I told her. "I am right now dumbo look," she told me pointing to her legs.
Kyokos pov
Come on Madison," she told me. "Don't. Call me that my name is kyoko," I spat. She stuck her tinge out. "real mature," I said sarcastically. Then she threw me into this tank thing. I formed a tail. I might as well surprise her I swam at full speed threw the water. She wrote something down on her clip board. "How fast was that?" She asked amazed. I surfaced. "About ninth miles per hour," I told her. She wrote it down. "Can you show me your powers," she asked. "Sure," but we might want to get outside first," I told her. She agreed. We walked outside. I made lightning strike then made a tree catch on fire. She wrote on her clipboard. "Do all of you have beautiful singing," she asked. "No what kind of idiot said that," I asked. She wrote some more. "Hey?" I asked. "Yes?" She asked. "What if we make a deal you will let me go but I come back at 11 every day and leave at 4," o told. Her. "Sounds fair," she said.
Kyoko pov
I woke up with a sore arm. I called Cleo,
Hello?", she asked.
'Meet me at mako," I told her. "K bye," she said.
I went to the beach and dove into the water and swam to mako supriseingly it only took ten minutes. I surfaced in the moon pool. "Hey I have some rally bad news," I told her. "What?" She asked. "The secrets out," I told her. She gasped. "Tell me happened?" She begged. I told her the whole story. "Your so dumb kyoko," she snapped. "What ever I gotta go," I told her. I swam out of the cave and swam back to America. I went to the lab. "I see you kept your end of the deal," the doctor said smiling. "What are we going to do today?" I asked. "Well I was thinking we could get an x-ray then i'de like to just talk," she said. "Sounds ok," I told her. "No I mean in mermaid form," she told me. "I know," I told her. She put me on a stretcher then poured some water on me then took the x-rays. Then we went back to her lab. "So what do you want to know?" I asked. "How you became a mermaid," she told me. "Ok Dr.denmord," I said. "Please call me beth," she said. "Ok beth well I found a cave and I got in it dering. A full moon and the next thing I know I'm a fish," I laughed. "Hmm ". "Where is it?" She asked. "Well there one in Australia on an island called mako, and there's one in ierlend," I said. "Does the full moon effect you?" She asked. "Yeah a lot you can see the next full moon is tonight," I told her. "Cool," she said excitedly. "I'll. Stay until then. After the sun went down...
Hey look I.said then I opened the curtains revealing a full moon...
Moonstruck pov
"I like the moon," I giggled. "I want my tail," I giggled. I climbed out the window. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Come on we must go to mako island," I giggled pulling her into the water. "Grab my fin," I said. She did. I swam to the moon pool. I got out then she started to get out. " don't get out now it's the best part,' I giggled. She looked up and saw the moon above her she emdiatly got out. "It's too late I laughed. I splashed beth and she grew a pale blue tail. I giggled.
Beth's pov
Omg I just got turned I was looking down at my tail touched it it felt.slimy. m
Next morning...
Kyokos. Pov
I woke up on the moon pool floor. I looked at beth who smiled at me. "I didn't. Do soling stupid did I?" I asked. "Yes you did," she told me. "What?" I asked. "You turned me into a mermaid," she laughed. I gulped. "Oops sorry I told you the moon makes me whacky," I said. "Wait I think I've heard of this moon didn't you notice it was a luner. Eclipse lazar night it makes a Special mermaid it lets you touCH water without loping a tail I think you have to be in water completely," I said."oh good," she sighed. "Well. We are going to keep doing the meetings," she told me. "Ok," I said. "Hey I gotta go to work," I told her. "Ok." We swam back. I went to to NCIS head quarters. "Hey I'm sorry I helped him," she said. '"It's. Ok no harm done,' I said. '"What's our case?" I asked. "Male 18 stabbed to death," she said. "Ok," I said walking to my team. "Hey I'm back," I told the. "Ok and we think you could be useful kyoko," he said. "How so?" I asked. "Your powers," he said. I smiled. "Ok". ")eta go," Mcgee said. "Ok,". We headed to the man when he saw us he ran I made the wind pick up so it as gard to run then made lighrtning strike him he fell to the ground. "Good job kyoko," he said. "Does Gibbs. Know about the whole fish thing?" I asked. "Don't worry he's tottaly. Fine with it," Mcgee said. "Good," I said. "Oh and he wants to see your tail," Mcgee laughed. "Fine," glared. We headed back. I walked into Gibbses office. "I'm here,"I said. "I want to see your tail," he said. "Ok," I said. I spit on my arm and popped a tail. "Wow," he gasped. "I thought Mcgee was just needing with me," he said shocked. "I gotta go," I told him. Then I made a fist and dried my tail. He staired at me as if I had three heads. I then left. I swam to mako then I saw 4 tails. I surfaced. "Hey guys people at my job seam to really exept. Me as a mermaid," I said smiling. "We'rei"we're happy for you," they said.
One weak later...
"So beth how is the research going?" I asked. "Really good actually," she said. "How good?" I asked. "Like ready to go public good," she said. "Uh I'll have to think about it," I said. She pouted. "Fine," I said. "I'll do it slowly," I said. "What does that mean?" She asked. "I mean I'm not going to go in front of the whole state at once and say hey look at this," I told her. She nodded. I'll tell my parents tonight," I said.. that night I swam to Australia. I. Knocked on my perants door. Dad came to the door he hugged me when he saw me. "Hi baby," he said. "Dad get mom and Jake and Fred, and John," I told him. They came down. "Guys I have something to tell you," I told them. "What they all asked. "I'm a mermaid look," I said as I spat on my arm and I popped my tail. "They all gasped. "I left for Australia. Nine minutes ago," I said they gasped. "I gotta go," I told them. I swam back home. Then the next day I went to a a school a nd taught about mermaid. "Hey lady this is science not mythalagy," a girl said. "Oh really watch," I said I took the glass and polluted it on my self. I popped a tail. The crowd gasped. "Not such a myth now huh," I joked. "Take all the pictures you want," I told them then they got out cameras. "Dude if the whole school is taking pics turn the flash off it's annoying," I told them. They agreed. I clenched my fist steam came from my scales and then I had my legs back. "Do you have powers?" A small girl asked. "Yes I' you," I told them we went out side. I made lightning strike then I sent a Bush on fire. They gasaid." Ok class dismissed," I said. I walked home while on my way home a boy from the class came and sprayed. Me. I sat down emdetaitly then I popped a tail. "Quit it dud," I told him. "Sorry ma'am," he said. "Fine but do that again I'll tell your teacher to give you detention," I told him clencking my fist and getting my legs back. I thought to myself, I can just see it now: I will not spray the mermaid. I giggled. I walked home. I went on facebook and it was covered with pictures of my tail. I sighed. And went to bed.
The next morning...
I woke to a knock on my door. I opened it and there were about twenty people at my door step. "What?" I asked. Then there was every buddy shouting questions. "One at a time!" I shouted. "You in the pink," I called. "Can I see your tail?" The girl asked. "Fine be right back," I told them. I came back out with a glass of water and sat down then poured it on my arm. I grew my long golden tail that I loved. They gasped. "You with the blue hat," I said. "Do you have powers?" He asked. "Yes but I'll only tell you one wich. Is heating," I told them. "Yes you with the hair bow," I said. "How do you become a mermaid or merman," she asked. "I plead the fifth," I said. "Before you ask me another question no I'm not the only mermaid but I won't say who's who," I told them. "Now I wanted to tell you I will except interviews and pictures and I'll let the scientists see me," I told them. I dried myself with my fist and got my legs. Then I went to work. I arrived at head quarters then I walked to my team. "So what am I doing today?" I asked. "You'll be working with abby today," Gibbs said. I went to abby's lab. "What's up abby?" I asked. "Nothing mutch by the way I think it's so cool your a mermaid," she said. "So what are we doing?" I asked. "I was sundering if. Ducky could take a look at you?" She said. "Sure," I told her. She walked me to duckys. "Hello miss clearwater clearwater," he said. "Do what ever you want," I told him. He smiled and nodded. I hopped up on the table. He "i kind of need to put you asleep for this," he said. "Sure," I said. He poured a bucket of water on me then stuck a needle in my arm I felt a shooting pain then every thing went black...
Ducky's. Pov
I put her to sleep then did an internal eggsam then when I was done I stitched her up and then she drieb I took her to the x-ray rooming took one of her in human dorm then I set it to take x-rays every second. I started it then poured some water on heritage took the x-rays then I I carried her back to the room and lied her on a soft bed her mouth then shut and she opened her eyes and I said. "Are you all right?" Yeah. "Yeeah but I gotta got to duckys," she said. "Your already here," I told her. "That was fast," she giggled. Then abby walked in, "hows she doing?" Abby asked. "She fine she's just really loopy," I told abby. She began to say."is it the second tosday of last month?" She asked dazeded. "Make that very very loopy," I said.
Kyokos pov
I awoke and sat up I felt a sharp pain from waist to my toes I gasped. "Why am I so sore?" I asked. "We did an egzam on you," he said. "And took x-rays of your transformation wanna see?" Abby asked. I nodded. It looked so cool as my bones conjoined. To one. I" I might not faze if I were you for a couple of days," he told me. I nodded. I walked home that night I got a knock on my door I opened it and there was a reporter there. "Hello can I have an interview?" He asked. "Sure," I said. I sat down on the couch. "So how long have you been a mermaid?" He asked. "Five years," I told him. "Are there other mermaids?" He asked. "Yes I know four," I told him. "So how do you become a mer-person?" He asked. "A cave called a moon pool," I told him. "Does the moon effect you?" He asked. "Yes it does," I said. "Do you have powers?" He asked. "Yes I can heat things, make lightning, and set things on fire," I told him. "How fast can you swim?" He asked. "156 mph Max," I said. "Can I see your tail?" He asked. "Fine," I said. I poured a glass of water on myself. Ipopped a tail I almost let out a scream because my tail hurt so bad. "Wow, can I touch it?" He asked. "Yes but be gentle I just got an internal egzam," I said. He ran his hand over my tail lightly. "So can I see you heat your tail away or what ever?" He asked. I shrugged then made a fist and got my legs back. "Cool!" He exclaimed. Al"wait can I have a picture of your tail?" He asked. "No I don't think so because I literally just got an eggsam so it hurts to faze right now sorry," I told him. He just shrugged. "Look I should be going," he said. "See you," I said. I went to sleep...
The next morning
I woke up and headed to the store people started murdering as I walked by. I saw a new guy he came up to me and said "are you the kyoko they've. Been talking about?" He asked. "Yep that's me," I said. He smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you," he said. "So are you new?" I asked. "Yeah just moved in," he said. "So is it true about the rummors?" He asked. "Yep," I said. "Hey I didn't get your name?" I said. "Oh right its Alex," he said. "Hello Alex," I said. "See you later," I said. Then when I was done at the store I went to the beach when I was walking tords the water I saw Alex. " hey Alex want to go swimming although I'll probably beat you because of my tail," I said. "Sure I'd like to see your tail," he said. He got in the water this time the my tail didn't hurt as much I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. He came up for air. "Want to see something?" I asked him he nodded. We sldove back under and grabbed hands again I swam at tull speed to mako I surface then he surfaced but then I saw four faces. "Hey guys," I said. "Who's your friend?" Rikki asked. "Ok this is Alex,
Alex this is Cleo,Rikki,Emma's,and bella," I told him. "Guess what every one found out about mermaids and I got dissected," I said.
"Yo didn't tell about us did you?""Cleo asked nervisly.
"They don't know about us do they?" Emma worried. "No I didn't tell them about you," I told them
Kyok's point of view
I was woke up by the door again I got up and answered it there was a young looking reporter. "May I help you?" I asked. "Yes can I have an interview?" She asked. "Sure," I told her. "Sorry for being in my pjs," I told her. "So first of all can I have a photo?" She asked. I nodded and went to get a glass of water I sat down and poured it on myself. She took a couple pictures. "Do you mind if we film the interview?" Ishe asked. "I don't care," I told her. "So how did you become a mermaid?" She asked. "Well I found a cave and I was in the water under the full moon," I told her. "So do mermaids really get moonstruck?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes it has effects on us usually just makes us act drunk," I told her. "Or something like that," I mummbled. "Is there a under water language," she asked. "No we only speak English," I said. "Do you have under water cities," she asked. "Not that I know of," I told her honestly. "Can I feel your tail?" She asked. "Sure," I said. She ran her hand over my tail. "Ew slimy," she said. "Yep well it is a fish tail," I giggled. "Can you show me your powers?" She asked. I just nodded. I clenched my fist and got my legs back. "Come on outside," I told her. We walked into my yard where I made a tree catch on fire then made lightning strike the reporter gasped. "I kind. Have to go," I told the reporter nodded. I walked down to the beach where. I saw four girls that I knew and loved cleo,Rikki,Emma,and bella.I to them. "Guys what are you doing here?" I asked. "We were bored and wanted a sleep over so here we are," Rikki smiled. "Thanks will you you guys help me take up the card board to the windows?" I asked. "Oh it's a full moon here?" They asked. "Yeah tonight," I told them "fine we'll help moon proof your house," Cleo giggled. "So hows Australia guys?" I asked. "Oh really good guess what there's a new care," Cleo said. "What happened it rikki's?" I asked. "It went out of business," Rikki said sadly. "Why?" I exclaimed. "Not anough money," she said. We walked back to my house and moon proofed it. Then the sun went down. "Hey Cleo I wrote a song want to here it," I asked. She nodded.
It's ok the be who you are
Just remember where your from
Don't let the world push you around
And remember to look up when your down
They clapped. "Hey I gotta go to the bathroom," I told them. They said ok. I walked into the bathroom I started to wan away but then I saw the moons reflection. And every thing went black...
Moonstruck kyoko's pov
I giggled I started to run the bath water then Emma walked in "what are you doing?" She asked. "I want my tail," I sighed.and before she could stop me I stuck my hand in the water. Then I pulled down the card board and then she saw the moon she giggled."want to get in?" I asked giggling.
Publication Date: 02-18-2012
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