
JOHNS POV- i sat there staring at her beauty i knew she would try to resist me so i had to do desperate measures. I had to have her, i had to feel those perfect lips of hers on mine. press her body against mine. you see i am a very speacial guy. i was born into the family that we could do speacial things, like make potions or pills that can turn you into somthing or make somone fall in love with you. i am going to use a speasial little thing for her. she WILL fall for me.i stood up and went into the bathroom and said the words i needed 2. now when shes near me she wont be able to resist me.

lisa's pov- john was watching me again. he scared me in ways i could not explain. i didnt want anything to do with him. every girl was attracted to him but i wasnt. well i kinda was he was good lookin but i wasnt gonna fall for it. a second later, he got up and went to the bathroom.i relaxed. judy,my friend came up to me."hey we have an order for two sprites". she said."kay". "hey when is class over again? cause i got a date with a guy but he goes to another school." "ummmm like three i think." i replied. "okay thanks." just that second john came out of the bathroom. I soon relized that he was coming towards me with a michevious glint in his eye. "How are you doing lisa?"he asked. i was about to come up with a snappy remark when somthing happened.all of a sudden i forgot how much i hated him. and i relized how i never noticed how velvity his voice was. I was weak kneed and i almost fell over. but he reached over the counter and caut me befor i fell. -hes so strong- i thought. then blushed. "uh um thank you"i said. -how could i hav not noticed how handsome he was before?- he smiled. it was nothing id love to help you anytime. he said. i blushed again. then i remembered to ask him what he wanted to eat. so can i take your order? i asked peeking at him from under my eyelashes and twirling a piece of my hair. "uh ya id just like a hamburger and fries with a coke pleas". he said. "coming right up!" i smiled. some part was nagging at me when i walked away from him and when i was far enough away i suddenly remembered. "oh my gosh!!" what the hells wrong with me!?! why did i freaken flirt with john! i hate him! i stomped back over to him to tell him he got the wrong idea when i flirted and that i was possesed by a pod person or an alean but when i got closer i forgot again. but this time i half remembered what was going on and i was fighting myself for watever was happening to me. thats when i felt a sting in my head and i passed out.

johns pov- i saw that she was fighting against it and i knew if she did that her brain might explode cause it was in overdrive with her memories. i said some words under my breath to help her then she passed out. i got up and went to her with all the other people around her i didnt want them to touch her. she was mine so i told everyone i was her brother and i picked her up and took her to my car.

lisa pov- i woke up not remembering a thing except his face. john i marveled in my mind at how velvety his voice was and i yearned to hear it again. and my wishes were granted. "are you ok now?" i fluttered my eyelashes at him. yes im fine i dont remember anything but you though. i said. "well thats because im all youve got" he replied grabbing my hand. for some reason that sent shivers of hate down my back and a feeling of loving warmth spread across my arm. weired i thought.


Publication Date: 04-24-2011

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