
Chapter 1: The New Home

My name is Valrike Jameson, I am eightteen-years-old. I am going to tell you a story about how I became what I am. I am a vampire.

It all started when my mom and I moved to Springfield, Ohio. My mom was a widow for 10 years. My father died when I was eight-years-old. Well grew up not knowing anything about my father James Jameson. So we decided to move to Ohio because i was about to start college i was in my senior year of high school.

"Valrike here is our new home" said my mother. We pulled into the drive and I looked out the window I saw a ledge that was above the Ohio River, I saw this house was old looking and was in the middle of woods. I stepped out of the car and i felt a starange feeling that we were being watched. "Valrike what do you think of the house?" I look at my mom and smiled and said " It will due for now." My mom shooke her head and said "you are very picky Valrike."

I went upstaries to the attic and looked around. I said to myself "This should due." I unpack all my stuff and i changed into a black mini skrit, and a long black shrit with a red skull on it with black tights, black boots and my trench coat. I go and look out my window i look towards the ledge and I see a person sitting on the edge looking down. " Who is that?" I say to myself. I turn and head downstaries to the kitchen. " Hey mom I am going to go look around this place I'll be back." "Ok dear but dinner will be done in a hour." "Okay mom Ill be back don't worry."

I head outside to the ledge..I look around and I dont see anybody. "Where did they go...I know I saw someone" "Are you looking for me Missy?" I turn around and i find myself looking into the eyes of a handsome young man, he has long black hair, Golden eyes, he was where all black and a trench coat like mine. "Hi...." I was speechless. The guy smiles and says softly "Did I Scare you missy?" I back up and push my hair back from my face. "Yes Sir you did, but I feel like I know you." He Sits down and smiles "You probley do....Valrike Jameson." "How do you know my name but I don't know you mister." "Valrike come sit down and I will tell you how I know you." I sit down beside him and pull my coat closer to my body. "Well Valrike its been 12 years since we last saw each other" I look at him "what do you mean?" He moves close to me. " When you and your parents lived in Miam FL, we went to school togather. Our dads knew each other since they were very young. We played outside in your tree house in the back yard. I was shorter then and I had shorter hair and it was blonde. I kissed you behind the football stadum under a apple tree." I closes my eyes and try to remember it flashed in my mind, I open my eyes "Draco Kingston?" He smiles " Yes babe" I tackle him and I start making out with him. I put my hand under his shrit and i feel he was very cold like he was....a Vampire. I jump back "Draco why are you so cold what happened to you?" He sits up and looks into her blue eyes...I was changed when I turned sixteen-years-old" I look at him "Why were you changed?" He stands up and takes his coat off, then takes his shrit off and I see a huge scare across his chest like he was cut bad. " because Val me and Jacob were in a crash and we both almosted died." "What happened to Jacob was he changed too?" "Yes Val he was but he became very evil after our father changed us." She looks down and remembers how sweet Jacob was "how could he become evil Draco?" " Val I don't know when people get changed they can become evil or good and my twin brother became evil, but I became good." " I am sorry for that Jacob." " There is somethings I can't tell you you have to ask your mother about it." " About what?" He looks down " Your father, and also Val there are a group of people who are coming after you...a group of vampires, because you are suppose to be changed and marry a vampire prince named Xavier Moon." "But I am only eightteen-years-old and human and I only want to marry one person and that is you Draco Kingston!!!!" " I know babe, it's getting late we need to get you home" He takes my hands and helps me up. "Come say hello to my mom she would be happy to see you Draco" "Since you asked Val I will." They head back to the house they get to the door and I open it. "Mother?" " Sweetheart dinner is done come on and eat...." She Comes around the corner and sees Draco and Droppeds the plates...Draco Catches them. "Draco I see you got changed into a vampire by your father" "Yes ma'am...but Jacob got changed to because we were in a bad car crash." "How is your twin and ways." "Well he went to the darkside..he is now working with Xavier Moon." I look at my mom and I see the look in her eyes when Draco said Xavier's name. She says softly "His he here?" "No he is not but, I know he will figure out that she is here" He looks at me. I walk over to them and takes the plates and sits them down on the table. " Lets eat guys" We sit down at the table, we eat when we finshed eating Draco and I helped clean up and walk to the front door. "I will come visit you later tonight..please stay safe." " I will, see you later Draco, night" He leans towards me and kisses me long, deep, and softly. I watch him take off into the woods and closes the door, I head up to my room which is in the attic and I lay down and look out the window until i feel my eyes closing.


Chapter 2: A Midnight Visit

I wake up to the noise of someone trying to clam through my window. I go to the window and open it and I see Draco. He clams through the window. "Is your mother asleep?" "Yes she is." He picks me up and carries me to my bed and lays me down. We lay there making out and the next thing I notice was all of our clothing on the floor and I feel an amazing feeling. He takes it so slow and softly. I feel myself losing controle the next thing. I feel his mouth on my neck, he looks into my eyes and says "Are you sure you want to do this Val?" I look up at him and smiles "If it means I am yours forever then yes" " Okay" he goes to bite and then pulls away..."I can't take your life so you can be mine forever, I just can't" I sit up and pulls the cover over me and he puts his face in his hands. I put my arms around his shoulders and pull him down on the the bed beside me. I look at him and smiles at him " I understand we have to figure out something Draco. It may take awhile but we will figure it out." I kisses him sofltly and I lay my head on his chest.

I wake up around 6:00am and look around I look on my nightstand and I see a ring box. I sit up and I see a note by the box. I open it up and this is what was writien

Dear My Princess,

Sorry i was able to stay with you all night. I am thinking about you all the time. I decided to get you this. It will tell you how much I love you and want to be with you. I am sorry my dear that i couldn't turn you but i know there will be a time where I will have to change you, but this is not the moment to do so.

Love You Truely,

Draco Kingston

P.S.  I hope you see how much I love you.

I put the note aside and open the box. What it was it a dimond engagment ring.

I smile and put it on. I stare at it then here was a knock on my door. "Valrike, are you awake?" "Yes mom come on in." She walks in and puts down a tray of food in front of me. "Happy nineteenth birthday Valrike Emma Jameson." I smile and gives her a hug. "Thanks mom" She saw the ring on my ring finger. " Is this a engagment rin Valrike?" " Yes Ma'am its from Draco." "I am glade he finely decided to purpose to you." "He came to visit me late last night." " Oh I known even though you thought i was asleep, I was awake." "So you heard everything" " Yes Valrike I heard everything..He will change you when the time is right..and i promise you it wont be much longer when he has to make a choose to change you or not" She looks down at my stomach.


Cahpter 3: Jeremy Xavier Moon

I was walking in the hallways of my new school. This is my last year in high school and it is almost over. I was looking down and I ran into a boy. " I am sorry" I went down on my kness and start picking up my books. The young man went down to help me pick up my books. "It's okay I didn't mean to run into you Miss." I look up and see a boy with green eyes and and blond hair. "My name is Valrike Emma Jameson" He smiles "my name is Jeremy Xavier Moon." He hands me back my books and runs off into the gym.

After school again I run into Jeremy. He smiled and said "how are you?" "I am fine? Are you following me around?"

Xavier looks at her and thinks to himself 'I am going to get her sooner or later and she will be mind' "No Valrike i am not my car is right by yours." He gets in his black corvet he tried to back up and was an inch from hitting me. He Speed off. "Damn he is crazy!" When I turn around and I end up looking right into the eyes of Draco. "DRACO!!!!!!" He picks me up and kisses me." How was your first day of school?" "It sucked and I almosted got ran over by a young man named Jeremy Xavier Moon!!! Is he Xavier Moon?" "Yes Val his first name is Jeremy but everyone calls him by Xavier Moon. He only goes by his human name when he is trying to act like a human." " So that is why i felt strange around him. I wish you could be a human so you can go to school until I finshes." He pulls out a student ID that says Jackson Draco Kings. " So you are going to start going to school with me again?" "If I have to do it to keep you and your mom save ofcourse. And your mom said I could move in with you guys." "YEAHHHHHH!!!!" I kisses him deep and long. " I am so happy you will be here for my last year of high school." "You mean our last year of high school Valrike Emma Jameson. "Yes, I love you" The nexy day we walk in to the school and Xavier walks up to us. "Hello Draco Kings how have you been?" " I have been great Xavier, yourself?" "I have been great also. Well see yawl around."


Chapter 4: A Surprise Pregnancy

Two years have passed since Valrike and Draco found each other again. They had meet a new friend names Alexander he is a wolf. Valrike and Draco got there own home, they let Alexander move in with them. Valrike has not been feeling well for the the past month. "Draco, I think I need to go to the doctor" "Are you still feeling sick?" "Yes I am." They get in the car and head to the doctors. Right when they get there she sings in and within five seconds they are called back.

Nurse " I need you to go pee in this cup, we are giving you a pregnancy test." She hands her the cup, She goes into the bathroom and pees in it. " Here you go ma'am" I hand her the cup and we go sit back down in the room. The nurse comes back and said you  are 2 1/2 pregnant lets go listen to the heart beat of the baby. Draco helps be up on the bed and she spreads the jelly on my stomach and we hear two heart beats. Nurse "Valrike, you are going to have twins." I look over at Draco and see the shock in his eyes. "We can tell you the sex of the babies in three months. Come back and see us in two weeks." "Okay, we will" I get off the table and head back to the car. I call my mom " Mom, I am 2 1/2 months pregnant and I am pregnant with twins. Hope to hear from you soon. I love you" I hung up the phone. " Valrike we are having twins whats the names you want?" " For a girl I was thinking about Nicole Sky Kingston or Reann Nicole Kinston and for a boy Shadow Lee Kingston or James Matthew Kingson named after my father." " I like those names."

We pull into our driveway and we see Jacob, and Alexander. " Why is your brother here doesn't he work for Xavier?" " Yes Val, he does I don't know why he is here. Don't let him know about the pregnancy." " I won't." We get out of the car and walk over to him. " Hi jacob, what are you doing here you are not welcome here." " Hi big brother, I was just coming to meet my new sister-in-law." He looks at me "Hi sexy Valrike!" He smiles his little smile. " Hi Jacob, you see me now leave" He walks towards me and Draco trys to get in front of me " Draco, I can handle him so don't worry" Draco backs up, Jacob gets very close. "you have not changed at all." " Of course and I know you are evil and you work for Xavier Moon" " I don't work for him we are partners." " No, Little Jake he isn't your partner he is you master!!!" " What you know about masters, I know alot about masters and my Cosine Xavier moon, Including that he is trying to get me for himself and not going to happen. So you go back and tell your Master he is a peice of crap and not worth my love. I loveJackson Draco Kingston." Jacob turns away "So, you know your dad is a vampire, and you know that Xavier Moon is the person that killed your dad?" "Yes, and I know the reason he did that to, because he was in love with my mother." "That is right but now he is wanting to take you from my twin brother. And by the way Draco you forgot I can see in the future, and I know Valrike is pregnat with twins and its a girl, and a boy by the way." He disappers and I fall into Draco's arms him and Alexander carry me to the room.

I was eight months pregnant, I stood up and I felt a burst of water hit the floor...I look down and saw a puddle of water, I felt a shot of pain in my stomach and I screamed out in pain. Draco and Alexander run in " Valrike????" "Draco, Alex my water broke and i need to get to the hospital NOW!!!!!" I grabbed my stomach. We get in the car, within five minutes we were at the hospital. Alexander ran ahead to let the nurse and doctor know I was in Labor. They laied me on a bed and wheeled me in a private room for away from everyone, I look up and see, my mom, Draco's dad who was the doctor, Draco's mom and Alexander.

Chapter 5: Draco's Choice

I was screaming in pain, i yelled "Get them out NOW!!!!" Dr. Kingston says " Draco she is going to die through the birth of the twins, you are going to have to make a choose to change her to save her our let her die, your pick" Dr. Kingston says to me, "Valrike you have to push to get them out, Valrike PUSH!!!!!!" I push and the boy comes out. "Whats his name?" I say softly "Zan Shadow Draco Kingston" I feel another contraction I push and Luna Sky Nicole Kingston out and I look at them and I start to die "Valrike!!!!!, Draco you have to make a choose or your going to lose her forever!!" He bends down and wispears in my ear, "Val, I love you and it is time for you to become one of us." I Feel a little shot of pain go through my neck, and I see all the memories of me and Draco every last one since we were very young.

I open my eyes and I look around I see Draco sitting in a chair. I sit up "Draco where are the twins?" He gets up and walks towards me "The twins are with our parents" "Are they okay?" "Yes they are." "Luna and Zan are doing great" My mom says walking into the room holding them. "But Zan is a little different he is half wearwolf like your cosine Missy is." I smile and my mom gives me Zan. "So you did decided to be like your Cosine Missy didn't you Zan?" Zan looks up and smiles and shakes his head yes. "were not sure what Luna is going to be because of right now she seems human." "mom, if she is human we will love her anyways." "True, that" Draco Says.


Chapter 6: Luna's Transformation

 A few years have passed and Luna is now Sixteen-years-old. Luna was walking down the hall she see a handsome young man with long reddish blonda hair and beautiful brown eyes. She dropped all of her books and the young man stopped in the middle of the hall and went down. "Hi Luna, let me help you pick up your books", they went for the same book their hands touch and there was a electricshock Luna jumped back and took her books "thank you sir." She started to backup he took her hand, " My name is Warren Espre." She looks into his and see's his whole lifetime. She gets scared and runs off, Warren trys to run after her but someone stepped in the way. Zan looks at Warren and say's "let my sister go she is going through some changes, I know you are a werewolf and you are my sisters mate but she doesn't know she is a warewolf with the gift. Let her figure it out herself." Warren looks at Zan and says "ok zan, see you around." Zan turns and walks off. Warren thinks to his-self I am a alph male and i hope my mate does come around soon. He walks back to his class.

Luna was sitting on her bed, then all of a sudden she stood up and she felt a lot of pain go through her body she cried out in pain and feel to the ground. Draco and Valrike and Zan ran to her room. "Draco she is about to change into her wolf form but we have to get her outside."  Zan ran over and picked his sister up and ran outside. When he got outside he saw Warren in his wolf form. " Warren back up, mom dad this is Warren this is Luna's mate Warren." He layed Luna down and they back up when she transforms into a golden yellow color Warren walks over to her and he thinks " Luna, its okay it me Warren. You transformed into your wolf form. Don't be scared" He walks closer to her she backs up. "Warren, so I am a wolf but why aren't my parents wolves?" " Because you had a gen in you like you great grandfather Jacob Kingston. Turn around and look at the color of your fur" Luna turns around and see's her wolf refelction in the river, she see she was a golden yellow. "Warren why is my fur golden yellow?" " Because Luna you are a very rare kind!" Warren walks over to the river and says Luna i know you are confushed but you can't be with any other wolf because we are mates. I am the alpha of a pack called Blackmoon light Pack. You will be the omaga wolf since you are my mate." " Would I have to move away from my family?" "No my pack house is here. Lets go huntin. Zan i'll keep Lunna safe I promise" " We know you will" They run off into the woods


Publication Date: 12-11-2014

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