

I flopped onto my girly four post bed. Exhausted from yet another fight with my father. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my dad but he can be seriously over protective. He doesn't want me to do anything at all.
Though I’m a princess, I have never been outside of this castle and my home, Tyranea, the capital of the Immortal World. My father keeps me locked away in the town, since I am the most gifted. That is why I’ve decided to go live with my cousin and his friends for a while on Bermuda Isle.
The door slammed, announcing the arrival of my brother, Allen. Allen is a foot taller than my five-foot-three height and at least twice as big muscle wise. His sandy blonde hair is cut short and styled to look like he just woke up from a very bad night of sleeping. His eyes are the only thing similar to mine. They are a deep scarlet, giving away our kind, vampires. A closer look at his eyes show that his pupils are jagged, indicating he’s hungry. His hunger, though, can wait for a while. My escape cannot.
He is one of my two favorite siblings, he’s one of two, not including myself, who isn’t a royal snob. I mean “royal” in the literal sense. I am a vampire princess of the Immortal World, he a prince, who wishes he could date more. He shoved the thick heavy deadbolt into place, locking the door to my room.
“Ready,” he asked me looking pointedly at my small sack on his bed.
“Just about,” I said shoving the charger to my untraceable laptop into my bag.
“Hurry, I don’t know how much longer I can keep them away without you getting caught,” Allen grunted in frustration.
All of us Hale siblings have a gift, and seeing as mine is the most broad and powerful, my dad is over protective. Allen can make duplicates of people he truely cares about, such as me. His job in my plan is to distract them.
“Fine, I’ll leave my violin behind,” I said throwing the small sack over my shoulder.
“Are you sure about this,” Allen asked me for the millionth time.
I set my jaw and nodded curtly. Pain flashed in his eyes for the shortest of seconds, but quickly faded away as he became emotionless. We, the Royal Family, are taught at an early age to never show emotion. I felt guilt rip through my gut as he fumbled with hiding his thoughts from me. Alex, my other favorite brother and the Royal Messenger, appeared in the room. He shut the drapes quickly and soundlessly.
Alex is the same height as Allen and same muscular build. He is the most cocky of all my brothers, or sisters for that matter. Alex’s hair is jet black, so black in fact, that it’s nearly purple. His skin is tanner than mine and rougher. Alex may be a prince but he is also the Messenger so he sees a lot of action.
I hugged Allen, tightly around the waist. Neither of us wanted to say good bye, fearing we’d never see each other again. I felt something wet drip into my hair. I pulled back, stunned, to see him crying. I have never seen him, nor anyone else in my family cry. To tell you the truth, it terrified me.
“Come with me,” I whispered to him.
“Christabella, you know in a heartbeat I would, but I can’t. It pains me deeply to see my baby sister go off on her own against the world,” Allen told me somberly.
“What am I, chopped liver? Nothing will happen to her. I will see to it,” Alex said fiercely.
“I love you both, but from this moment on I am no longer Christabella, The Vampire Princess. Now I am Mae, a simple vampire with an anger problem,” I told them hugging them both.
“I hate to cut this short but we really have to go, like, now,” Alex said as someone started pounding on the door.
I kissed Allen’s cheek quickly and grabbed Alex’s hand. In the next instant, we were in the hidden tunnels under the castle. The two of us ran at full speed through the Labyrinth of mayhem. We raced down the hall to our left at vampire speed. Both of us pushing ourselves to go faster. We froze at a fork in the tunnel.
“Which way,” I panted.
“This way,” he gasped pulling me behind him to the left tunnel.
I followed him quickly, trying not to trip and fall on my face. I could see the frustration in his face and hear it in his thoughts. I cried out in frustration as we came to a dead end. I punched the wall with all of my strength. Alex growled and grabbed my bloody hand. He wordlessly ripped a bit of fabric from his shirt and bound it tightly.
We back tracked to the fork and ran down the other tunnel and ran the other way. We could hear the sirens announcing my escape in the distance. With how much fuss there was you’d think I was a prisoner or something of that nature. Our breathing picked up as we pushed ourselves harder and harder.
We came out a mile from the air port and right next to the Royal Guard. I swore as one grabbed my wrist. No way was I gonna go down without a fight. I brought my foot up in a well executed round house. My foot connected with his gut. I heard the air rush out of his lungs as he let me go. I turned and ran at a human pace. I felt Alex take my hand as he caught up with me.
“They were expecting us,” I growled.
“I know, the question is who tipped them off,” he replied as the sirens began.
“I don’t care, but I can’t go back. Father will kill me,” I said as we ducked into a small abandoned café.
We darted into the back room, away from the windows and door. I flopped into the chair trying to catch my breath as the reality of what we were doing set in. I stared at Alex, wondering what I’d gotten him and Allen into. Alex slammed the door to the back room shut and pointed his hand palm out at the door. Alex turned to me as the door magically sealed. I nodded as he silently asked if they were coming. He swore both aloud and in his head. He knelt in front of me.
“Are you sure you want to make a break for it, Mae,” he asked me.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” I answered seriously.
“All right, when I say to, run for the Ferry Station and don’t look back or worry about me,” he told me with a nod.
I bit my lip but nodded. Growing up with ten older brothers and only two sisters made an impact on my manner. I know never to question my brothers when they got the serious tone in their voice. I also knew that my brothers can fight well, though not nearly as well as me.
Alex shocked me by giving me a tight hug. I hesitated for a second before hugging him back. He pulled away and his cockiness returned with a grin. I couldn’t help grinning back at him.
“Write often,” he told me as someone began pounding on the door.
I stood at the window as the pounding grew. Blood pounded in my ears as I checked to make sure my bag was secured tightly. I could hear shouts as the door complained at the hits.
“GO,” Alex shouted at me.
I gave him one final look before hopping onto the windowsill. I opened the window quietly and slipped out into the alley as the door burst open. I landed on the balls of my feet and took off running toward the Ferry station. Alex cried out making me freeze in my tracks. I turned to run back. His words echoed in my head. I closed my eyes debating on what to do. I took a deep breath and ran towards the Ferry station.
Forgive me brothers,

I thought.


"Fight! Fight! Fight," I heard the chanting slightly over the blood pounding in my ears as my fist connected with Logan's nose.
Logan wiped his bloody nose before trying to punch me again. That's the thing about warlocks, they're great at chants and spells but absolutely suck at fighting hand to hand.
Demons on the other hand, are trained to fight and not to lose. What do you know, I'm a demon and I'm winning the fight by a long shot. My fist connected with his gut as he narrowly missed me.
It wouldn't matter if he did hit me because he has no strength when it comes to fighting. His foot connected with my gut, winding me for a second as his second punch came.
Suddenly Ash was standing between us. Jake and Skye were holding me back as the principal walked out of the school. I didn't fight back as they dragged me away from the fight.
"Seth man, how stupid can you be," Ash asked as we all piled in his red mustange.
"He's had it coming a long time," I growled at the warlock in the driver seat.
"True, but now we're late picking my cousin up from the Ferry Station," Ash agreed.
"Oh yeah, guess I forgot," I replied.
"That's Seth for you, Master of memory," Jake joked.
"Shut up," I snapped turning around to deck the shapeshifter in the back seat.
"You could have gotten expelled," Skye said in his quiet way.
"How old's your cousin anyways," I asked ignoring Skye.
"Sixteen, and she's going to be staying with us up at the house for a while. She'll probably be wearing all black as usual," Ash said pulling into the parking lot to the Ferry station.
"Is she an Immortal," Jake asked.
"As far as I know she's as human as they come," Ash replied as we got out of his car and walked into the Ferry Station.
I cursed under my breath at the large group of people. How the hell are we supposed to find her with this group? At least some are pretty hot, I thought looking at a particular redhead wearing a tight black shirt and tight black jeans to match.
She looked up, startled as if she'd heard me. She dazzled me with a bright smile. She hurried over to where we were standing. Too bad this girl wasn't his cousin, I wouldn't mind a human in the house if she was the human.
"Ash," She said brightly hugging him.
"Mae," he replied returning the hug.
She stepped away from Ash, letting me get a good look at her. Her red hair looked alive as it gently waved to her waist. Her smile was flawless as was the rest of her. Her eyes were an odd shade of scarlet, almost Albino if she is human.
"And who might y'all," she asked with a thick southern accent.
"Seth," I said extending my hand.
"Pleasure ta meet ya, Seth. I'm Mae," she said shaking my hand with one of her cold hands.
"I'm Jake and this is Skye," Jake said shaking her hand.
She smiled brightly as she shook their hands. Ash took her bag for her as we led her to the car. Her eyes lit up like a little girl on christmas as she saw the car. She didn't speak the entire ride to the house.
I looked back at her curious as to why she was so quiet and smiled to myself as I saw her wide eyes taking in all of the town.
"So, Mae, excited to start school tomorrow," I asked her.
She jumped suddenly as if someone hit her. She looked over at me with wide scared eyes. I wasn't the only one who noticed either. Skye shot me a confused look.
"Yeah, I guess," she said in a shaky voice.
"Are you all right," Skye asked her turning to face her.
"Yeah, jumpy I guess," Mae said with a yawn.
"Or tired," I suggested.
She nodded with a sleepy smile and layed her head on the window. She shivered suddenly, startling me. I made a fireball in my hand to warm the car, not realizing what I was doing until I heard her gasp.
All eyes went to her. She looked pale suddenly. She moved closer to the door, her eyes darting panickedly from me to Jake to Skye to Ash then back again. Skye held up his hands in surrender.
"I knew it," she whispered confusing us.
"Knew what," Skye asked.
"Y'all aint human, are you," she asked forcing herself to calm down.
"What do you mean, we're..." I started before she cut in.
"Thank God," she said sounding relieved.
"Come again," Ash asked.
"It means we can all drop the pretense of humanity. I was worried about accidentally revealing myself as an Immortal but I dont need to worry any more. Unless y'all are looney and your thoughts are wrong or wishes," she said.
"Wait, hold up. Your not human and you know that none of us are human by our thoughts," Skye asked.
"Of course, I can hear your thoughts as if you were speaking them aloud. Ash is a warlock, Seth is a demon, Jake is a shapeshifter, and Skye is a werewolf. I am a vampire, in case you were wondering," she explained to us as we pulled into the garage of our house.
"Why don't we talk tomorrow and you get some sleep right now," Ash said leading her to her room, still carrying her bag.
She nodded, seeming completely drained of all emotion and energy.


I woke up early the next day and stared at the ceiling. I felt as if my entire stomach was made of jelly as I listened for noise of the boys waking up. I lay thinking of the demon, Seth. I was startled by a sharp knock at my door.
"Come in," I said sitting up.
Ash stood dressed in an ugly tan vest and matching pants with a blue undershirt. I bit my tongue against laughing but I could tell he knew I wanted to laugh.
"Your school uniform is on the chair in your bathroom right there. Hurry and get ready or we're going to be late," he said disappearing down the hall.
I thought I'd woken up early but apparently not. I hurried to the bathroom and nearly cried out in disgust. I had a blue shirt and a tan skirt. I never wear skirts, I hate them in fact.
I hurried down the stairs to the kitchen fuming about wearing a skirt. I walked right into Seth, who caught me before I could fall. It's amazing how he could pull off something this tragic.
"The uniform suits you," he said with a smile.
"No it don't, it's hideous," I said in disgust.
"Normally it is, but on you it looks real good," he told me.
I stuck my tongue out at him childishly and walked around him into Jake. The two guys laughed as I nearly fell again. I soon joined in the laughter as Ash walked in with Skye.
"Ready," Ash asked me.
I nodded as we set out to the school. I could feel my eyes widen with awe as we parked. The school looked like a fortress. We took a couple steps towards the building when a warlock walked over, he had his eyes set on me.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing with trash like them," he asked.
"Excuse me," I asked my eyes widening.
"Come hang with a real man," he said grabbing my arm roughly.
I'll admit it I lost my temper. I flipped my arm so I held his arm instead of the other way around. Surprise flickered across his face as I flipped him onto his back. I pressed my black high heeled boot on his chest.
"I thought real men couldn't be beaten by a girl," I said innocently as the guys laughed.
His face turned purple with anger. Two guys walked over to us in a hurry. The taller of the two slapped me across the face so hard I flew into Seth. The shorter of the two helped the third up and brush off.
"You son of a bitch, you think you're so tough hitting girls," Seth demanded.
"She hit Logan first," The taller said.
I stumbled to my feet wiping blood from the corner of my mouth as I glared at Logan. I started it? He's the one talking smack about my friends.
"Maybe he could have handled it if he wasn't such a wuss," I taunted.
"You little bitch," Logan growled stepping menacingly towards me.
"I'm sorry did I hurt yer feelings," I taunted ignoring the looks Ash, Seth, Skye, and Jake were sending me.
She's going to get herself hurt worse,

Jake thought.
I caught his eye and shook my head. I gave him a look of total confidence. Jake bit his lip not knowing whether or not I knew what I was doing.
"Look vampire bitch, I run this school so you best be not insulting me or my friends. I mean we're head hanchos here, and you're a skanky bitch who just started school here. The way I see it, you have two options. Beg me for my forgiveness and make it up to me," his voice trailed off as his eyes trailed me up and down hungrily. "Or be an outcast."
"Okay, I guess my choice is obvious," I said stepping towards him.
He smiled sinisterly at me. I could hear the disappointment in my friends thoughts as I stopped in front of him. I dropped onto my knees and kicked his feet out from underneath him.
"I choose my dignity and friends over a slimey bastard like you, Warlock," I snarled so feircly that his two goons fell on their butts trying to get away from me.
"Don't worry, hun, you will be mine. I love a challenge, ecpesially one as fiesty as you," he said before leaving with his goons.
"Nice, day one and I already make an enemy," I laughed.
I heard the guys laughing with me as we made our way to the school.
"That was amazing, Mae," Seth told me.
"Yeah, I thought you were gonna beg for forgiveness," Ash said.
"Ha, I don't beg. Ever," I laughed.
"You sure do make an impression," Skye told me.
I laughed and fallowed them into the archway just outside the main doors of the building. A million quetions buzzed through my head as I took in my surroundings. I jumped as Seth laughed. I looked up at him trying to figure out what's so funny.
"What's so funny," I demanded as the others joined in the laughter.
"You," Seth told me. "You look as if you've never been inside a school before."
I didn't reply, just stared at the rows of metal lockers on either side of the hall. Seth stopped laughing and studied my face carefully.
"You have been to a school before," he asked me.
"I was home schooled," I replied somberly.
Obviously, I was going to stand out here. I threw my defenses up as an adult wearing a uniform similar to Seth's walked over. I held my ground as he focused his beady eyes on me.
He looked to be about twenty something, with bad five o'clock shadow, though it was before noon. His brown hair was slicked back with a foul smelling gel. He wore a badge over his heart that identified him as Principal Murdock.
"Ah, you must be Miss. Katheder. Welcome to GHOST. It stands for Global Housing Of Stressful Teens. Every group of five students has a house on campus and are not permited to leave the Isle without written consent. I am Principal Murdock, I will also be avalible for any questions you have about the school or anything else here. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Here is your scheduel, it has at least one of these four young gentlemen in all of your classes, so don't hesitate to ask them for help. Have a nice first day," he said before walking away.
I stared after him, confused. He acted as if this was a jail house instead of a school. Seth gave me a reasuring smile before snatching my scheduel.
"Hey," I protested as he read through it.
"Your locker's by our lockers," Skye said as they lead me through the confusing tunnel-like hallways.


I found myself staring at the strange little vampire as I walked with her to her first class. We had Literature together and a few other classes. She completely baffles me. How can she be sweet one minute, a skilled fighter the next? Then brave and bold to joyful and bubbly?
"Excuse me, but I am not bubbly," she told me as we entered the classroom.
"Sorry, forgot about the mind reading thing," I whispered to her as we walked to the desk.
The teacher announced her name and set her in the seat next to mine so I could help her out with the Shakespeare play we were currently reading. Not that she seemed to need the help.
Without even glancing at the book once she read all of Cleopatra's lines when the teacher chose her to act it out as Cleopatra. She captured the class with her dramatic and musical voice. Everyone's eyes were on her as she spoke her lines perfectly without problem.
When we got to the final scene, I could actually see it. Mae gave me a devilish smile, as if to admit she did that. There was a loud gasp from most of the class as she read her last line.
Logan, portraying the Octavious Caesar, had barely finished his final line when the bell rang out, startling everyone in the room, who's eyes seemed to be glued to Mae. Either she's used to it or she doesn't notice the looks she's getting.
"Jealous," she asked me suddenly.
"You wish," I laughed.
"Wrong, you wish," she said mischiviously.
"Oh really," I said as we walked to Biology, which we also had together.
"Yep, you can't lie to a mind reader. It's pointless and on top of that it's like a slap in the face," she told me as we walked up to the teacher.


After two more class periods, I went to my locker to meet up with Mae and the others. I had lost her after Biology but she seemed to be getting the hang of it.
Before lunch the four of us were supposed to take Mae to meet Angel and Jacki. Both of them are not human either. Angel's an angel, kinda self explanitory. Jacki is a healer and empath, one who can read the emotions of those around her.
I stopped at the end of the hall when I saw the huge group of people around our lockers. I had a gut feeling that something was up.
"Come on, hon, be a nice little girl and come with me. You have no friends around to help you this time," I heard Logan say.
"I said no, now let go of me," I heard Mae snap.
Logan's laugh sent goose bumps all across my arms. Mae's cry of pain pushed me into action. I pushed through the crowd to where I could see Mae and Logan, but niether could see me.
Logan had his hand wrapped all the way around Mae's arm. Mae was trying to pull away from him, but was obviously weak for some reason.
"Looks like you don't talk tough when none of your friends are around," he hissed at her, his grip tightening.
"Let go," she all but yelled at him.
No one can blame me for losing my temper. I stepped through the crowd and pulled Logan, roughly, away from her. She fell back into the lockers, looking very pale.
"She told you to let go," I snarled as the crowd left when the bell sounded a second time.
"She wanted it," Logan snarled back.
Now I could lie and say I wasn't proud of what I did, but I was damned proud. He had it coming. I brought my fist back and let it go right in his face.
He staggered back, snarling swear words under his breath as Angel, Skye, Ash, and Jake came around the corner. Logan took one look at Angel then turned and left. I turned to Mae who looked on the verge of passing out.
"She's hungry," Angel said picking her up off the ground.
I scolded myself in my mind the entire walk to the library. Ash locked the door as Angel layed her down on the table. Jacki, who I hadn't noticed was in here, hurried to Mae's side holding a bag of blood.
I heard the others gag and turn away but I was too worried for her that I didn't look away. Within seconds the bag was empty and she had color in her cheeks again. I breathed a sigh of relief.


Oh my God, how stupid can I be? I should have fed before I left but no, I had to wait and nearly attack the entire school. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I turned to Seth and hit his arm.
"Ow, what was that for," he demanded trying not to smile.
"Blaming yourself. It's my fault I forgot to hunt before school not yours," I told him sitting up.
I looked at the woman who held the empty blood bag with clear confusion on my face. My eyes, as if of their own accord, drifted to the man who watched me carefully.
"Who are you," I asked lightly.
"I'm Angel and this is Jacki, we work here and we are members of the Immortal population like you. I'm an angel and Jacki is an empath and healer. Welcome to GHOST," the man named Angel told me in a deep voice.
I felt my eyes widen in surprise. I had never met so many of the Immortals in one place among humans. In Tyranea, there were very few humans, and those that were human were blinded by magic and then slaughtered as blood became low.
"I'm Mae," I said after I realized they were all watching me.
My eyes wandered around the library. I'd never seen such a strange library. There was a room to the side with all sorts of mideval weaponry. Including a bronze sword. Without thinking I hopped off the table and walked to it.
The handle was crafted in the late thirteenth century with a classic bronze finish over the hilt. The blade was dented, suggesting it had been used often. I ran my thumb across the blade and it broke the skin easily, telling me it had been sharpened recently.
"It's a Templar Knight's sword, am I right? From the late thirteenth century, hand crafted 44 inch blade, am I right," I asked examining the sword carefully.
"Why yes that is correct, you know not many people can recognize it. Do you know who it was crafted by," Angel asked me, thinking the Galic writting of his name.
"It was Thomas of Leighton, if I'm not mistaken and judging by your shock, I'm not," I said admiring the sword's beautiful carvings.
"You hold it as if you know how to use it," Skye said.
I spun around holding the sword tightly so as not to lose it when I swing, but gently so I can control it. I gave him my most mischevious smile.
"A little," I lied.
"Okay, let's see it," Ash said pulling another sword from the room behind me. "On gaurd."
"Wrong, first we bow," I said giving him a mockingly curtious bow.
He bowed then brought his sword up. I could tell by his thoughts he thought I was going to fail within seconds of starting. He thought about going easy on me.
"Oh and don't hold back," I told him with a mischevious wink.
"On guard, Cousin," he said bring his sword across to meet mine.
I perried and swung the blade above his head, barely missing. Sparks flew as I cut down and he cut up, our blades meeting. I spun, narrowly missing his blade whip in front of my face.
I spun around, my blade hiting his causing more sparks. The force of our blades hitting sent both of us staggering back. He recovered quicker than I did, bring his blade down towards me.
I closed my eyes and tapped into my sword fighting skils from the thirteenth century. I brought my sword up and blocked him, with my eyes still closed. I opened my eyes and struck up and across. He blocked. We both tried to strike down and across.
Sparks flew as everyone watching dove for cover. I could barely hear the swords clashing over my heavy breathing and heart pounding. I smiled at Ash and wiped sweat from my brow.
I sliced across one direction and he sliced the other direction, sending my sword clattering to the ground. Ash smiled thinking of a victory as the blade swund towards me. Without thinking about what I was doing I called out.
"Shadowslayer," I cried out.
My sword that was crafted speacial appeared in my hand and blocked Ash's. Ash's eyes widened in shock but niether of us paused. I weaved my blade as if I was using my hand instead of a sword.
I could hear Ash's breathing pick up as the fight went on. Sparks were flying more and more frequently. Shadowslayer knew his attacks and acted of it's own accord.
I cut across left, Ash cut across right. Our blades met and his shattered into a million peices. Ash fell onto his back from the impact of the blow. I gently put the tip of the blade on his chest.
"I win," I panted.
"I guess you do," he agreed panting twice as hard as I was.
I removed my sword from his throat and offered him a hand to help him up. He accepted my help with a grin as Angel and the others walked over to us. Angel's eyes widened as he saw the blade.
"Woah, you've obviously got a ton of power, girl," Jake joked.
"It wasn't my fault," I said my face reddening.
"You've got some serious moves," Seth told me.
My face reddened even more. I walked to the table and set Shadowslayer on the table gently. I grabbed a tissue from the box and began cleaning it.
"Where did this sword come from," Angel asked me.
"She called for it," Skye said before I could answer.
"Called for it," Angel asked confused.
"Yes, I have a bond with my sword that only a vampire can have. He's called Shadowslayer and he was forged for me at birth," I said without looking up.
Angel put the peices of the blade on the table with a sigh. I set Shadowslayer to the side and examined the damage we'd done. The hilt was fine but the blade was shattered into at least a hundred peices.
"I really liked that sword. It was a twelvth century original Rienisance sword," he started.
He might have said more if I hadn't laughed. Everyone stared at me as I laughed, stugggling to speak.
"Puh-lease, first off it's a fifteenth century sword at least. It's not original, it's a replica of Excaliber," I told Angel. "Whoever sold it to you, ripped you off."
"How do you know," Angel asked me.
"I know my swords especially my sword history," I said as modestly as I could.
I waved my hand over the blade. The blade shook violently and melded together onto the hilt. They all just gaped at me. At first I thought it was from what I did, but that was before I noticed a peice of the blade missing.
I looked down at my hand and drew in a sharp gasp. The peice that was missing was sticking straight through my hand. My eyes blurred as the pain started. Seth looked the most worried as I started to sway.
He carefully grabbed my hand and turned it this way and that. I bit my lip to keep from yanking my hand back. He pulled a pair of pliers out of the air. This time I did pull my hand back.
"It's nothing. A scratch," I said hiding my hand under the table.
"Mae, that needs to be removed," Skye said.
"No, I'm fine," I said jumping to my feet.
"Afraid, cousin," Ash asked.
"Me? Afraid? What? No! What," I rambled backing towards the door with my hand behind my back.
"Maybe afraid is too mild," Jake joked as I stumbled into him.
"I'm not afraid," I said with more force this time.
"Afraid or not, you need that removed," Jacki said.
I jumped, I'd forgotten she was even in here with us. I can't even read her thoughts, which is just plain weird. Jake grabbed my wrist, and instantly my instincts kicked in.
I flipped him over my shoulder, so that he landed with a loud thud on his back. My hand flew to my mouth as I gasped. I could feel my whole body shake as I struggled to apologize.
Jake took advantage of my shock and kicked my feet out from under me. I landed hard on my back, seeing stars. When my vision cleared I could see Seth sitting on me, one of his knees on either side of me. I tried to move my hand away but saw that Jake was holding one hand down, Skye the other.
I tried to kick out, but found out that Ash was sitting on my legs. I opened my mouth to yell at them, but Seth quickly covered my mouth.
"Mae, this isn't going to hurt at all," Seth soothed as if he was talking to a derranged animal.
Or a deranged vampire. I closed my eyes and relaxed completely. I felt a light pinch, then nothing. I opened my eyes to see that they'd let go of me.
"I say we get rid of the freaks all at once," I heard someone say in an office not to far.
"Patience. Logan, wants the girl so do her friends. We put the girl in danger with a hunter and they'll be stalled enough to pick off one by one," a voice answered.
I could tell no one else could hear them by how relaxed everyone looked. I sat up quickly and concentrated hard bringing a finger to my lips. No one made a sound.
"How do you know they will go after the girl," a third voice asked.
"Her friends will but I don't know about Logan," the first voice agreed.
I racked my brain for who those voices belonged to and strained to listen harder. I heard a slam like someone hitting a glass onto a table.
"What about Angel and that other one," the third demanded.
"They'll all go after the girl, if we make it seem like she was taken," the second said, believing his words more than anything.
"Shut up, someone's coming," the first snapped.
"Fuck," I swore.
Everyone stared at me as the reality of what I said hit me. I covered my mouth and turned bright red. I tried to choke out an apology but was stopped by everyone laughing.
"What's wrong," Skye asked me.
"Oh, it's just the principal telling my mom I've already lost my temper before school," I lied smoothly.
"Yikes," Ash said sympatheticly.
"My thoughts exactly," I said as the bell rang. "Come on, we have four more hours of school left."


Mae sure is one confusing person. She fights with such amazing skill, it's hard to believe by looking at her. She and I walked out of the library together. Her eyes were a brighter red now that she'd fed. My stomach growled at the thought of food. Mae waved a granola bar in front of my face.
"Thought you could use this," she told me with a sly smile.
"Thanks," I said accepting the granola bar as we stepped into our acting class.
She smiled and nodded, taking a seat next to me. She pulled out her copy of Romeo and Juliet. I bit back a smile at the thought of her being Juliet.
Mr. Walden announced that today I would be Romeo, and Mae my Juliet. Mae turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. I felt my face heat up as I realized I'd thought my Juliet.
"Act one, scene one," Mr. Walden said with a deep breath.
I waited with bated breath for Romeo and Juliet's first meeting in Act I scene IV. Mae kept looking over at me as I said my lines and when she said her own.
"If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss," I said as we reached the point I had waited for.
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' Kiss," she said.
The play went on and Mr. Walden looked pleased with how it was going. He hadn't stopped us once in the first four acts. Now we were in the final act, scene three.
"O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die," I read from my final line.
More words were said but I tuned tham out looking only at Mae, who I layed next to. She poked me and smiled. I stuck my tongue out back at her. She sat up with a gasp, startling everyone.
"O comfortable friar! where is my lord? I do remember well where I should be, And there I am. Where is my Romeo," she said with a passion that surprised me.
More lines were exchanged but I continued to tune them out. Mae said her lines as if she truely was Juliet.
"Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die," she said falling over me.
I had to stiffle a laugh as the play drew to a close. I could see her trying not to laugh the same, so I decided to pick on her.
How was the kiss,

I thought.
She hit me, none to gently and turned bright red. I smiled at her and stiffled a laugh. She glared at me with a smile.
You liked it and you know it,

I taunted.
She rolled her eyes knowingly. Mae looked so fragil, hard to believe how much of a punch she can pack. She stuck her tongue out at me.

I heard her think.
I jumped. How did I hear her thoughts? Was it something she could do along with everything else? She really is something out of this world. The bell rang, startling us.
"Love birds, time to go," Mr. Walden shouted at me and Mae.
"We ain't love birds," she drawled.
Her face was an interesting shade of red. She glared at me as if daring me to say something about it. I smirked smuggly at her, as if to tell her she had a lot worse teasing to come.
She looked at the clock above my head and I froze. In her eyes, I swore I saw something that looked like pain and betrayal. I leaned closer and could read people enough to see that Mae had thrown up a wall to block me out.
"Where to next," she asked me.
"Gym, lucky girl. You have it with the five of us and today we're playing baseball, I think," I told her opening the door for her as we headed out the door.
She laughed and rolled her eyes. She walked past me towards the gym. A scream tore across campus from the opposite direction. Mae froze for a second before turning on her heel and taking off the other way towards the scream.
I tore off after her, surprised at the speed she was running. It was a cross between human and vampire. Too fast to be human but too slow to be vampire. People were running the same direction, trying to figure out what had happened.
Our breathing came out in hurried puffs as we reached a crowd. The crowd all had pale faces and looked anexious. I saw Mae's scarlet hair disappear within the crowd before I could stop her.
Mae's terrified half shreik-half scream, caused me to push foreward faster. I broke through the crowd to see Mae trembling, and Logan with his arm around her. Jealousy ripped through my chest at that sight until I realized she was trying to move away from him.
I pulled her away from him, and into a tight hug as my eyes fell on the body. It took me a while to realize who the body belonged to but when I did I realized why she was so upset. The body belonged to Principal Murdock and was seperated from the head.
Mae shuddered as I realized the head was no where to be found. I felt Mae tense about a millisecond before she pulled from me and took off running. Startled, I took off behind her. She weaved through the crowd as if she was a needle going through fabric.
I was losing her in the crowd and fast. All I could see of her right now was a streak of her long scarlet hair as she dodged around people. I passed a confused Ash and Jake. They wasted no time they ran along side of me.
"We just saw Mae race by. What's going on," Ash asked me as he pushed himself to keep up with me.
"I don't know. Principal Murdock is dead and missing his head and then Mae took off running," I explained pushing myself faster.
When I turned the corner I found Skye restraining Mae from hurting Logan who sat craddeling a broken nose. Skye's face was white from the effort of trying to hold her back. Her face was contorted in pure rage. Skye looked torn about whether he was hurting her or not.
Ash, Jake and I slowed to a stop a few feet away. Logan glared up at Mae with a mixture of anger and amusement. Mae's eyes gleamed with pure anger and hatred. Her face was flushed with anger as she pulled against Skye's hold on her.
"Hun, I think you broke my nose," Logan said casually.
"Once Skye lets go of me, I'll do a whole hell of a lot worse," she growled.
"Mae, what's going on," I asked her walking over slowly.
"Ask him," she hissed.
I raised an eyebrow but turned to Logan none the less. He had an arogant smirk on his face that made me want to punch him.
"I have no clue, the little spitfire just attacked me for no reason," Logan said simply.
I didn't believe him for a second. Mae sounded like a banshee as she pulled from Skye and launched herself at Logan. Her fist connected with his gut as I rushed foreward and pulled her away.
"Mae, Mae, enough," I told her pulling her farther back.
I was surprised at how much strength she had. Her breath came out fast and ragged. My breathing soon matched her own. My heart thudded loudly as she dragged me closer to Logan.
I kicked her feet out from beneath her. We both fell foreward onto the ground. I put my knees on either side of her and pinned her arms behind her back. She cried out in frustration when she realized she couldn't break free.
She tried to pull away but I held tight. She cried out again, but this time in pain. I loosened my grip a tiny bit, but it was all she needed. She wrapped her legs around my waist and threw me off her.
Mae was on her feet within seconds. The way her eyes glinted when she looked at me tipped me off instantly that something wasn't right. Her movements were stiff and calculated.
She was in a trance, and I have a good guess who's, I thought glaring at Logan. Something flashed in Mae's eyes and suddenly her fist was in Logan's gut. He looked up at her shocked. She shook with pure hatred.
"You ever and I mean ever try another spell on me again and I'll rip your head off," she snarled at him.
I doubt there was any doubt in anyone's mind whether or not she would actually do it. I personally wouldn't put it past her, specifically if she's pissed off enough. I would probably help her in the process. She smiled breifly at me. Logan scrambled to his feet and hurried away.


Anger seered through me, nearly blinding me as I watched Logan hoble away. He knows something about this death, and all the other ones earlier in the year. I heard it in his mind and that was plenty good for me.
When he called me a psychopathic bitch, I snapped and my fist was suddenly embedded in his face. Adreniline coursed through me as I realized my friends were watching me and waiting for an explanation. Instead of bothering with one, I turned on my heel and marched in the direction of the gym.
"I need to hit something," I hissed punching a steel door as we passed it.
"Violence solves nothing," Seth told me.
Anger still coursed through me, though that is no excuse for what I did next. I whirled around, feeling my face contort with pure malice. Seth's eyes widened and his joking manner disappeared as the rest of our group stared at us.
"No one cares if it solves anything," I snarled seething angrily. "And no one needs your stupid fucking commentary."
Seth's jaw dropped and hurt flashed in his eyes. Everyone with in shouting distance stared open-mouthed at me as I turned and stalked away. Regret followed me all the way to my locker. I needed blood and I needed it now.
"Mae, we need to hurry to class," Skye said grabbing my arm.
"Seth, I didn't mean it. . .I was acting way out of line," I whispered to Seth.
"It's okay, a lot of stress caused you to snap," Seth said.
"More than you know," I muttered. "So, what are we doing for gym? More plays?"
I was greeted by blank stares and thoughts of is she kidding me. I guess they couldn't tell I was joking around judging by the blank stares I was way off as we entered a large room. Basketball hoops hung from the ceiling. This'll be fun, I thought as Logan sneered at me.
"Logan, Seth, choose your teams. We are playing dodge ball today," Coach said.
Picking went fast, seeing as there was only ten students in this class. My friends and I were team A and Logan and his goons were team B. A for Awesome and B for Bastards. This was going to kick butt. Coach blew the whistle and the game began.
Something about Coach's voice struck a cord, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Red rubber balls flew everywhere as I tried to place it. I don't know a lot of people on the Isle, so I wonder where I heard the voice. I gently probed his mind as I avoided every ball thrown at me.
How do I get her away from her friends,

he thought.
I froze thoroughly as a ball zoomed at me. He was one of them. Not the mastermind, but one of them. The red ball I'd forgotten about slammed into my chest with a crack. It threw me backwards into the wall I was standing by.
"I'll take her to the nurse. Keep playing," Coach snapped.
Coach blew his whistle and ran towards me. That blow hurt worse than it should've, but I was low on blood. I didn't struggled as Coach picked me up. I couldn't until we were out of the gym. His hand covered my mouth as I took a deep breath to scream.
"Quiet," he hissed as I thrashed violently against his tight hold.
I couldn't open my mouth to bite his hand and I was getting weaker by the minute. I couldn't breathe. My body was trying to revive itself from the broken bones I felt in my chest. I was slipping into sleep.
"How could you bring her now," a voice said.
"An opportunity arose and I couldn't turn it down," Coach answered.
"Use chloroform. We've got to keep her unconscious," the voice snapped.
SETH, I'm sorry,

I shouted through my mind as a chloroform scented napkin was place over my nose and mouth. I struggled as best I could but suddenly everything went black and I felt nothing.


I worried about Mae as Coach carried her out. Something made her freeze, and Coach was acting really weird. I couldn't get back in the spirit of dodge ball because of that. I sat on the bench worrying. No one was able to get back to the game it seemed, which was odd.
That's when I heard Mae's scream. It was only in my mind. Without thinking I leaped to my feet and ran. I knew Skye, Jake and Ash followed me. I froze seeing Coach with a wooden stake through his heart.
Shock was written on his face. All the signs there were signs of a Vampire Hunter. Apparently he or she had Mae. There was no ash so she wasn't dead yet. If she dies, no one who even looked at her wrong will be safe from my anger.
"We'll find her," Ash said, as if reading my thoughts.
"How," I demanded angrily.
"She left breadcrumbs," Skye said pointing to an earring on the ground.
"No, she wasn't wearing jewelry. It's a setup," I said thinking.
"Let's find the people who staged this. It reeks of lies," Angel said walking forward.
"Angel," I asked looking at him confused.
Angel looked angry, standing in front of us. In his hand was the empty blood bag that Jacqui had given Mae earlier. In the other he held a vial of something clear. He looked like he'd kill anyone in his way.
"What's up," I asked him.
"Jacqui is missing, and the impostor spiked Mae's blood," Angel snarled.
"What," I snarled.
A-a-angel, Seth, Skye, Ash, Jake,

we all heard in our minds.
"Mae," I asked.
C-c-can't talk long, s-so weak,

she sent. S-s-so far away. S-s-so tired. N-n-not enough b-blood. J-J-Jacqui is here.

Her voice was fading fast. She was so weak, so exhausted. I was worried about asking her anything. She seemed so distant and cold. Her words were slurred and chattered. I worried about how she was going to survive.
It's so cold. I'm so sleepy,

she thought faintly.
"Mae, please don't fall asleep. Tell us where you are," I whispered.
So much pain. So tired and hungry. So far away. Not safe,

she repeated.
"Where," I asked.
A scream of pure agony echoed in our thoughts. It seemed to break my heart literally. It pained all of us, and before I fully realized what I was doing, I was running. I have no clue where I was going, but that didn't matter I ran.
Angel, Ash, Skye, and Jake were following me and trying to speak to me, but I couldn't hear them over the pounding in my head. I easily was running faster than I should have been to be called a human, but at the moment I didn't care.
I was shaking with anger as I blasted into the warm air. I didn't care there was still school. I only cared about finding Mae. I walked into our house, not caring or even realizing I had run from one side of the Isle to the other.
I hurried to our lab-slash-basement. We were going to find her, and soon. Ash put on a white lab coat and hurried to our test tubes and potions. Skye hurried to the supercomputer with Angel. They were our best hackers and tracers. Jake went to weapon storage, we weren't going under ready.
I went to the chemical station, putting on a lab coat as well. I grabbed the vial of clear liquid and took a sniff. No odor other than the smell of water. Damn, that means its more than likely Holy Water.
I poured a drop onto my hand and bit back a curse as it burned my skin. I wiped it off quick before anyone could take notice of how I tested what it was. I had to hurry to make a cure for the poison of ingesting that liquid. We were officially on the case for the first time.


It was cold. And not the freezing mind numbing cold, otherwise Jacki would've been cold too. Jacki was looking at me often with worry. She'd warned me I was too weak to contact them, but I'd done it anyways.
I could barely keep my eyes open as I stared at Jacki while she paced. I bit my lip, trying to keep awake. I couldn't fall asleep. I had to stay awake and free us. I couldn't let the boys have all the fun.
I felt weak and drained and my head hurt badly. I was completely exhausted and very hungry. I could tell that Jacki could see that I was hungry, by the way that she kept herself far away from me. I got up and pounded on the bars.
"Shut up," the gaurd snarled at me.
"I have to pee," I told him.
"Hold it in," he snapped.
"Empty your pockets if your not going to let me go to the bathroom," I snarled.
"Why," he demanded.
"So I can piss in one and put my bloody tampon in the other," I snarled more visiously at him.
"Fine," he said opening the door to the cell.
He led me down the hall to where the bathroom was. He unbound my hands and shoved me into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. I went fast, thought I was kidding? Unfortunately I was not. One thing that people get wrong about Vampires is that we are indistructable but we still move forward in time.
"Hurry up," he snapped.
I quickly washed my hands and dug in the medicine cabinet. The surprise in there was that there was a knife, not that I needed it for what I was going to do, but I still sheathed it and put it in my pocket.
"Let's go," he said coming into the bathroom.
"Let's not," I snapped as all the strength I had left me in a swift motion.
"Can you move," he asked.
"No," I admitted.
His sudden change in face terrified me. He slowly shut the door and slid the dead bolt into place. His face showed exactly what I was fearing would happen as he stalked foreward. I weakly pushed myself backwards, trying desperately to get away from him.
"I've been waiting a long time for this," he sneered as he undid his pants.
"S-stay away from me," I whispered with very little strength.
"Don't be like that, honey. I'll be gentle," he told me as his pants hit the ground.
I whimpered, not having the strength to fight him as he laid me on the ground. His hands were rough as they tore at my clothes. I weakly tried to pull away. That is when he made the biggest mistake ever. He leaned close to whisper in my ear.
"I bet your a virgin," he whispered right before I sunk my fangs into his neck.
He moaned in pleasure. The reason I don't like to feed on females when I do feed from people, is because in the human's mind it is as good as sex, or so I'm told. I could feel something hard from between his legs press against my legs. I snarled angrily. I could kill him for what he was going to do.
Before I could decide, he thrust a cross into my side. I gasped in pain, jerking away from him. That's when I saw it, the mark of a Priest around his throat. I was too weak to do anything as he dragged me by my hair to the tub. The scent of Holy Water assulted my nose a second before he shoved my head under the tub full of Holy Water.
I opened my mouth to scream, instead my lungs and throat filled with the burning firey liquid. I opened my eyes to see that the Holy Water was slowly turning red with my blood. Pain like I've never felt before attacked me as my vision went spotty. I thrashed at the vise grip that held me under.
Let go of me,

I screamed mentally.
I couldn't hear, but I could tell he was laughing. He repositioned his grip so that one hand held me under and the other began to strip me. He finally let me go when I had no more strength to fight back. I knew I was dead dead. And this time nothing could save me. Everything went black.


We tracked them down to a huge warehouse. We also quickly found the cell that Mae was kept in with Jaqui, but she wasn't there. Only Jaqui was there. Something didn't smell right as I ripped open the bars to free Jaqui.
"Where is Mae," I asked Jaqui as Angel wrenched the handcuffs off her.
Angel and I were the only two who went in. The others wanted to but we have them hidden for back up in case things go seriously hideously wrong.
"Bathroom. She's been gone too long," Jaqui rasped. "I didn't like the feelings I felt from the gaurd or the look of satisfaction he had when she requested a bathroom. Something happened."
"Do you know where the bathroom is," I asked her.
"No, when I had to use the restroom they brought me a bucket," Jaqui shuddered.
Let go of me,

suddenly rang out in our minds.
"Mae," I gasped as I ran towards where the scream came from.
I ran very quickly and quietly with Angel and Jaqui hot on my tail. I almost ran right passed it. It was a wooden door with the word "Ladies" written on it in pen. I tried the door knob, but it was bolted shut. I could hear fabric tearing on the other side of the door.
Without thinking I rammed the door as hard as I could. The door flew open revealing a half naked unconcsious Mae and a Man without his pants on holding her down. Anger seered through me as I tore him off of her and threw him to Angel. I had no idea if he had raped her or not. My only thoughts were that she was bloody and very still.
I looked at the tub filled with blood mixed with clear liquid and could only guess it was Holy Water. Angel held the man in a head lock, not letting him move an inch. I dropped to my knees by Mae's head and gingerly moved her hair from her face.
"Mae," I whispered in a broken voice. "Please come back."
"She needs to feed," Angel said. "Let her feed on him."
I could only nod numbly as I looked at her unseeing red eyes. They didn't look nearly as pretty since the life seemed to be absent in her. I cut open his wrist and held it to her lips. The blood seemed to trickle uselessly down her face. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be. I couldn't lose her, not like this!


Cold. Like ice. Ice, what a fun word. Lot's of rhyming words. Mice. Lice. Thrice. Wise. Voice. Price. Device. Rice. Twice. Slice, thats an odd word too. I like that word. Sliced. Advice. Accomplice. Nice. Rejoice. Spice. Vice. Dice. Novice. Edice. Solstice. Alice. Malice. Palice. Palace. Sacrifice.
Pain fills my numb head at that word. I know I have three years until my contract is up and the Oracle comes for me. I shudder involuntarily. I look into the darkness. Where am I? I don't remember how I go here or where here is. What happened?
There is a burning white light. It hurts to look at it, but it's so pretty. I wonder where it goes. I try to follow it, but there is something around my waist. I look down to see a gold thread wrapped around my waist.
"You have a choice to make," a disembodied voice tells me.
"A choice," I croak.
"Follow the light or follow the thread," the voice says.
"Where do they lead," I ask.
"That is the right question. Choose," the voice hisses.
A pair of scissors float in the air. I pull them out of the air and look at the thread. I must be on a trip of some. Odd, I've never done Meth or anything like it. The word meth strikes a coard. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. Meth. I glare at the ashes on the ground. Ash? I look up to the sky looking for answers. Sky? Sky? I look at the leaves. Someone needs to rake. Rake? Rake?
It hit me like a ton of bricks! Seth! How could I ever forget him? And my cousing Ash, and Jake and Skye? But if I go to the light, they'll be safe from harm because of me. How could I decide ever? I line up the scissors to cut the thread.


"Seth," Angel said gently.
"What," I snarled still holding Mae.
We'd left the gaurd, drained and dead on the bathroom floor. I'd refused to leave Mae, there was no way in hell she was dead. No way in hell. I cradled her gently as we raced towards the exit.
"I think she's gone," Angel said softly.
"No," I snarled.
We made it out without any problems and the way back to the Manor was a blur. All I cared about was that we got her back and she was not dead. I laid her gently on the couch, kneeling beside her head.
"Seth," Ash said carefully after a while of silence.
I looked up at him and saw that he and Skye and Jake all had tears running down their faces. My numb brain couldn't think of a reason why they were crying. They had no reason to cry, Mae was going to be alright.
"She's gone," Ash whispered.
"No," my voice and heart breaking. "She's breathing."
We all turned and watched the labored shallow breathing that was getting weaker by the minute. We couldn't take her to the hospital, not with what she was. She had a faint vampire heart beat.
That's when we were attacked. The alarm system went off shrilly and soon we were surrounded. We weren't going down without a fight.


"Seems like you have a choice to make," a familiar voice said.
"C-coach," I stammered turning around to face him.
"This was never supposed to happen, kid," he apologized.
"Why are you here," I demanded.
"The big guy upstairs think you need help, and I need to pay for my crimes with community service, so I'm here to help kid," he said ashamedly.
"How can you help," I asked.
"Angel can heal you, but first you need to let go. Seth won't get the boost he needs unless you let go, kid," he told me.
Suddenly, it wasn't black anymore. I could see myself lying on the couch. I was lying there as my friends were attacked. They were getting their asses kicked! All because they were worried about me. I knew what I had to do.
"Why should I trust you," I demanded, already knowing my choice.
"No choice, kid," he told me.
"Forgive me Seth," I whispered.


We were getting our asses kicked, and Mae's breathing was growing shallower. I managed to kick the guy off of me and into the guy creeping towards Mae. She wasn't looking too good now, worse than when we brought her in.
"Fogive me, Seth," Mae whispered.
"No," I shouted as Mae's final breath left her in a sigh.
Anger blinded me as everything moved in slow motion. Suddenly a demonic fire ball was in my hand. Without a second thought I vaporized the attackers and kneeled before Mae. I pulled her into my arms, but she lay so limp.
"Mae," I called out.
She didn't move, not even a twitch. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, so cold and dead. How could I let her die? I was supposed to protect her. I was supposed to keep her safe and sound. How could I fail so soon? I looked up as a figure walked towards us out of the shadows in our home.
"Isn't this quaint," Coach sneered.
"You're supposed to be dead," Ash said moving protectively in front of us.
"The little idiot gave her life for mine thinking it would save you," he laughed.
"You tricked her," I demanded.
"Not very hard," he leered.
"You bastard," I snarled.


Text: Copyright for the text goes to M. M. J. Guzman. All text was from her imagination.
Publication Date: 11-25-2010

All Rights Reserved

Thanks to my best friends, if it wasn't for you none of this would exist.

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