
CHAPTER 1: Meeting someone new

Crystal's P.O.V

*ring ring*

The alarm on my phone goes off early in the morning at 6:30. I wasn’t up for college this year, even though I had a great time with people, my heart still felt empty and sorrow. Being the most popular and bright girl in the school I had to face the eyes of many girls, which made it hard for me to make friends. I didn't have a choice as I forced myself into the shower. The water felt really good on my skin and I didn’t feel like getting out.


Minutes later I was standing in the wardrobe room in my room which was huge. It had everything of every style and colour, starting at dresses, shoes, bags, makeup, phone cases and jewellery. I picked out a black crop top with a check designed black mini skirt. Then I dried my brown hair which went past my ass and hanged it on my head, curling the edges. I applied my makeup, doing a black eye winged with light red lip gloss and concealer. I jumped into white sneakers and chose a black backpack and phone case.


I was getting late for college so I grabbed a piece of toast on the table that was prepared by my maid, Alissa. She was really sweet and was my caretaker. She was like my second mum, very close to my heart. I kissed her goodbye and drove myself to college. I had all eyes on me whilst I walked down the hall and stood at my locker. I knew it was all the thirst for my body. I couldn’t trust any guy with my heart after my relationship with my ex, Salmon.


I heard my best friend calling my name from down the hall. The excitement in me raced and hugged her. She had just came back from Australia from a family trip. She was so hyped and happy and so was I to see her. We headed to the office to collect our new timetables when we noticed a guy that we hadn’t seen around. He had lime green hypnotising eyes with blonde straight hair and smooth pale red lips. I guess I wasn't just staring at him he was staring at me too. I got interrupted by the receptionist.


"Crystal, there seems to be a problem with the printer can you please take a seat next to Ivan and I’ll be with you shortly," she informed.

"Sure, take your time," I replied.

"You want me to stay with you Crissy," Alina asked me as her phone rang. It was her boyfriend, James.

"I’ll be fine. I'll see you during the day but thanks," I insisted.

"Take care, luv ya," Alina said as she left.


I sat next to Ivan waiting for the receptionist. I could feel his burning eyes towards me. I turned round to see Ivan and he was staring at me with a huge smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and turned away looking disgusted. Finally, the receptionist gave me my timetable. I was about to leave when I was stopped by the receptionist again.


"Crystal hold on. This is Ivan, he's new here. If you don't mind, can you please show him around," she asked.


I wanted to say no but instead "sure," is what I said. I could see he was happy because of that big smile on his face. I wasn't sure of his intentions, but I knew they weren't good.


I took a look at his timetable and told him "we're in the same classes for...." as I still compared the timetables, "EVERYTHING!," I yelled in disbelief.


"Oh, that's great I won't have any trouble finding my classes," Ivan said as he leaned forward staring into my eyes.


I couldn’t help but get captured. The bell rang for first period. "Let's go," he instructed me. I'm confused who's the new student him or ME?!



Ivan's P.O.V

It was my first day out in this outside world and I had met the most beautiful girl. Her gaze had captured my heart at first sight but I could tell that my first impression on her was not great. Crystal told me that we were in all the same classes and I was happy about that. I'm really looking forward to making her my friend. She seems nice and cool. We entered the class, me standing at the front clueless of what to do. Crystal went and sat in her seat. The girls were left drooling by my entrance and the guys gave me the evil stares.


 "Good morning class. For those who are new my name is Ms Alice," she started.


"Good Morning Ma'am," everyone stood up and greeted as they sat down.


"This is Ivan, our new classmate. Please make him feel welcomed," she continued.


All the girls in the class were drooling over me. "Ivan is a teen model, son of a world famous designer," she said leaving the class in shock. Crystal sat there not surprised. Does she really not know about me?


"Alina, can you please move next to Samantha for this term," Ms Alice commanded Alina. "Ivan take a seat next to Crystal," she told me.


Crystal didn't like it. She stood up and complained "but Ms I’ve always sat next to Alina, can't you put Ivan with Samantha?"


"Crystal you're class representative please welcome Ivan. He won't bite you," Ms Alice said back looking annoyed. The class laughed. Crystal frowned as I sat next to her.


Crystal's P.O.V

I was so pissed because of this Ivan guy. Like for real, he's getting on my nerves and worst, this lesson felt like forever. The bell was music to my ears. I quickly packed my bag when I realised I had dropped my car keys. I started searching the room when I heard someone waving something that sounded like keys. It was Ivan! I snatched the keys out of his hands, “stop messing with me,” I frowned with anger.


“but what did I do?” he asked.


“look Ivan guy, I don’t care whoever you are, whatever you are, it doesn’t affect me. You’re a guy, and all you guys can do is trap a girl, use her and then throw her. I don’t want anything to do with you!” I blasted. His face changed.


“I’m sorry,” he apologised as he left the room. I stood there thinking of what just happened. There’s so much poison in me I don’t know for how long I’d be able to keep it. I grabbed my bag and headed to the cafeteria for lunch when I spotted Alina sitting with James and my ex-boyfriend Salmon! Great, this day couldn’t get any better!


“Crsytal, I got you a tray,” Alina called as I was walking up to go past her. I ignored and continued walking when a grip held my wrist and pulled me back. It was Salmon. I was sitting on top of him feeling uncomfortable and disgusted. Salmon is the guy I hate boys. He was only with me for my body and when he didn’t get it he raped me. Those flashbacks still haunts me, and I can not tell anyone.

CHAPTER 2: Friends?

There was no gap between our faces. I tried getting away but he was too strong. "I'm sorry," Salmon whispered. He started sliding his right hand under my top reaching for my left boob and the other around my waist pushing me forward so he could kiss me. 


I was so disgusted I pushed him off me and yelled "I hate you and don't fuckin touch me again!"


"Baby, I'm sorry for the past but I really love you," he said trying to convince me.


"Don’t call me baby. I don't even want to see your face!" I shot back. We caught everyone’s attention. Everyone in the whole school was looking at us. I left the cafeteria and headed to the oval for fresh air. I wanted to cry loudly but I told myself I was fine. It's what I had been doing all my life. I left the cafeteria and headed out ot my peace spot in the college to get some fresh air.



Ivan's P.O.V

I couldn't help but think about Crystal. I wish things had gone better with her but I didn’t understand her negative viewpoint about guys. It really pissed me off. I was starting to question my father’s decision about me staying home and living in isolation. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise when Crystal came and sat next to me.


“You found my peace place,” she commented. There was a long silence as we both stared into the blue sky.


“I don’t know much about you Crystal. It’s my first time getting out in this world, and I’ve never had friends before. I know you might not be comfortable enough, but I really want to know why you have a negative viewpoint about us guys,” I confronted. She sat there in silence thinking of her answer.


“I really loved this guy,” she started. “I gave him everything, but he used me and threw me out like I was nothing to him. My father left my mother for another woman too. I cant control it anymore,” she explained.


“It’s really not cool to judge people without getting to know them. Not everyone is the same,” I said.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I was misunderstood about you. I shouldn't have judged you before getting to know you properly," Crystal apologised. We were both facing each other.


"We can still be friends," Crystal offered with her hand for a handshake. "It's an honour to be your friend," I said as I shook her hand. I could see she was having second thoughts but I guess I had to work on this friendship.


Soon we started sitting next to each other and hanging out more during lunchtimes. We got to know each other better and she finally was comfortable with me. I had made my first friend and it felt really great. She had a goofy side which was so adorable and irresistible. I had joined the schools football team too and made some other friends.


Crystal’s POV:


I was having second thoughts about trusting people. I could just act like a friend with Ivan but not trust him since I wasn’t up for more damage. I stayed at school late discussing some things with my teacher. I was placing my stuff in my locker when a hard grip grabbed my wrist and threw me into the janitors closet, not far from my locker and locked the room.


'WTF! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!'" I yelled. No one answered. I heard footsteps getting louder as they came towards me. I got up to search for the door since the lights were closed. Instead, I got pushed into the wall and my hands were pinned above my head by one hand. The other hand was running down from my forehead to my breast. "Get off me!" I screamed. 'Let me go you bastard!" He didn't stop. As the hand got up to my left boob, they squished it so hard that tears started falling out of my eyes. "HELP! HELP!" I screamed but no one was there. I used my legs to kick them and ran into the door. I unlocked it as fast as I could and ran away to my car without even bothering to look at who the culprit was. 


I sat in my car and started crying. I wanted to cry louder but I told myself I was okay and that it wasn't a big deal when it was. I drove home and ran into my bathroom turning on the cold shower to let the touch get off my body.  I sat in the shower for 2 hours, sobbing and telling myself that I would be fine when I clearly wasn't. "I'm a disaster," I kept saying to myself. I hopped out of the shower after a while and laid on my bed with my towel wrapped around from my breast to just above my knees. I fell asleep and woke up early the next morning. 


I woke up at 3:45AM since I slept early yesterday. I checked my phone and saw many notifications but couldn't be bothered to check them. I got up and took a quick 15 minute shower, not ready for the day. I dressed myself in a navy blue silk dress which had straps and was just above my knees and hugged my hips. I matched it navy blue heels and nails. I applied my makeup, blue eyeshadow with pink lip gloss. I put on star shaped studs that were navy blue and left my hair open.


I grabbed my phone and drove to school as I decided to report the incident. I felt more relieved after reporting the incident. I went to my maths class and put my air pods in as I waited for the class to be filled. It was a pretty long day but as time went, I started to realise that Ivan was different from the other guys. I started putting my trust into him, even though I was scared at first. I really hope I don’t end up making stupid decisions again.

CHAPTER 3: Cute conversations

Ivan's P.O.V


I fell asleep whilst I was waiting for Crystal's reply. I turned and fell off my bed early in the morning. I quickly grabbed my phone to check if she had replied but she hadn't. I quickly took a shower and got ready to head to college. I drove to school fast still eyeing on my phone for Crystal's text but I didn't get any. I walked to my maths class and saw Crystal sleeping on the desk. I sneaked up to her and scared her.


"BOO!" "AARRGHH!," she screamed as she got up. I stood there laughing.


"Ivan that's not funny," she whined, still half asleep. I took a seat next to her and looked at her sleepy face. She looked really adorable but tired at the same time.


Me: Crystal you okay? Didn't you sleep last night?


Crystal: I did but I’m still feeling very tired.


Me: Why didn't you answer my texts?


Crystal: OH, I forgot my phone in the car yesterday and didn’t realise till morning.


Me: It's ok, as long as you’re okay. 


Crystal: Hmm, I am. thanks for asking.


Me: Your hair is so pretty and long.


Crystal: *giggles* thanks


The class slowly started filling up and the lesson started. The teacher moved me to the front away from Crystal which pissed me. Crystal sat there laughing because she knew I wasn't pleased. We were halfway through the lesson when my phone started ringing.


"Ivan put your phone on silent," the teacher told me in anger.


I checked to see who the call was from. It was Crystal. I turned back and signed her to stop whilst she sat there and enjoyed getting me in trouble. After a few minutes later she called again.


"Ivan I will have to confiscate your phone after this. I don't want it interrupting my class!" the teacher shouted.


I put my phone on silent and turned back to Crystal who was giggling. I gave her the evil look, but she still didn't stop. She continued to constantly call me and made my phone vibrate like hell. It tickled me so much. I couldn't wait to kill her after this lesson. When the lesson ended, she ran with her backpack. I was going to run after her when the teacher stopped and started giving me a lecture on having my phone turned off. Crystal stood outside enjoying me get into trouble. Just before the teacher finished scolding me she ran away and I had football practice so no time to run after her.

CHAPTER 4: Unwanted guests

 *1 month later* SATURDAY


I woke up around 12pm, tired and worn out. My schedule was so packed that I needed a long rest. My stomach started rumbling and I was tempted to get u for the sake of my hunger. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I got out to find Crystal sitting on my bed. She was wearing a white off shoulder top with black jeans and white sneakers. Her eyes gazed at my naked chest, analysing it in detail.



Crystal’s POV


I had decided to spend the day with Ivan so I headed to his house. When I arrived he was taking a shower so I sat on his bed and waited for him whilst I scrolled through my Instagram feed. He took forever to come out but when he came out my eyes couldn’t resist his hot body. He gave a smirk and started coming towards me. Once he was in front of me he started getting closer to me and I leaned back more onto his bed lying on it now. He cornered me with his arms.


He moved to my right ear and whispered, "my phone" and got off me waving his phone in the air saying "was on my bed." I was relieved but he stood there laughing. “What did you think," he asked in a doubtful way. "What do you mean. I didn't think of anything," I replied trying to make it convincing. "Yeah, it's so obvious," he said as he walked towards his cupboard to pick out his clothes. He chose black sweatpants with a white shirt. Oooo, it matched my outfit.


Ivan was getting a call from his dad which he rushed to pick up. “Hey dad,” he greeted. I watched his face change from happy to unexcited in 5 seconds. It was a long call but all Ivan was saying was “yes father,” like a servant. I wonder what was up. He hung up with a disappointed face.


“What’s up crackhead?” I asked.


“One of our family friends are coming to stay over and I have to take care of them,” he complained. I stared at him.


“is your dad okay? Like how can he say such a thing? You cant even take care of yourself how will you take care of them” I teased.


“I know righ-“ he agreed with the are you serious face.


“Haha, very funny,” he sarcastically said as he sat on his bed. This guy is seriously a handful. Looks like I’ll have to help him out. I decided to sit on the wheely chair in his room and spin around to see if he’d realise.


“Crys it’s not the time to joke around this is serious,” he panicked.


“Crys?” I repeated. Ivan froze and turned red. We call each other many weird names but this one was new. Whatever it was, it lightened my heart.


“Relax crackhead, I’ll help you take care of them,” I offered. Ivan got up with excitement and ran up to me.


“Really? You will?” he unbelievably asked with a really cute face.


“yes,” I smiled. He picked me up with excitement and spun me.


“Thankyou thankyou thankyou so muchhhh! You’re the best,” he appreciated.


“I know I am,” I showed off. He made a weird face which meant he sarcastically agreed with me.


“So are you going to put me down or what?” I giggled.


“Oops, I’m sorry,” he apologised as he put me down. Honestly, it was the first time I had felt safe and wanted around a guy. Even Salmon didn’t make me feel like this. Ivan made me feel different, but in a good way.


“Crystal, why don’t you get your stuff from your house so you can stay at mine till the guests are gone,” Ivan insisted. Sounded like he was really afraid to face those people.


“Haha, sure. I’ll head over after I talk to your workers about setting the room and the food,” I said.


“already?” Ivan sighed.


“They’re going to come pretty soon Ivan,” I reminded.


“Oooh yes,” he remembered. It was a funny situation.


I called Alissa and told her to pack my suitcases of things needed for a month. Then I walked over to the kitchen and informed the chef of what to make for the special guests and then explained the setting of the rooms to the other workers. Ivan was really nervous, and I wouldn’t want anything to go wrong. After everything was sorted at Ivan’s place, I quickly headed back to mine and grabbed my things and told Alissa that she doesn’t have to work until I’m back home.


I quickly drove back to Ivan’s place. His workers were taking my things up to my room which was right next to Ivan’s. He was sitting in the living, “I thought we agreed on a month, not that you stay for life,” he teased watching the amount of suitcases.


"Shut up. I need all my things. You know I'm a mix and match," I told him.


We had a small laugh until someone else knocked on the door. We turned to see who it was. There was this Chinese lady and man with a young girl. Ivan walked up to them and greeted them. “Good evening Mr and Mrs Chen. I hope you guys had a comfortable flight. Please come in." They walked in and sat on the couches.


"Harry! Please bring in all the luggage of Mr and Mrs Chen's Family," I instructed. The lady just stared at me. "Good evening Mrs Chen. I am Crystal, Ivan's best friend. I will be helping him assist you guys during your visit. Please make yourselves comfortable and let us know if you need anything," I said.


"Good evening young lady. It is impressive to see you welcome us warmly. I hope our trip goes excellent," Mrs Chen said. "I'll give it my 100% and hope you guys do not have any complaints," I continued. The girl just stared at me as if she wanted to kill me. 


"You've a lot of confidence. Let's see your skills," Mr Chen said. I giggled.


I walked up to the girl and greeted her "Hey, I'm Crystal. What's your name?" "I'm Michelle," she said. "I've read all of the schedule for you guys, and I'll assist Michelle with her schooling whilst arrange the correct ride for your meetings and trips," I said.


"She's too good," Mr Chen said to Mrs Chen. Ivan just stood there like a statue. "Ma'am dinner is ready," Harry informed me. "Thanks," I said. "Mr and Mrs Chen, you can freshen up yourselves and come for dinner," I said. They smiled at me and walked to their rooms. Michelle kept on giving me the evil stares. What's up with that attitude girl? I went to the dinning area and set up the plates and food.


I pulled out the chair for Mrs Chen. "So generous of you," she commented. "It's my pleasure," I said. 

CHAPTER 5: Doubts on the Dinner Table

Mrs Chen: So Crystal...

Me: Yes ma'am

Mrs Chen: What is the status of your schooling?

Ivan: Mrs Chen Crystal is a top student for everything. Not just academically but also in physical and leadership activities too.

Me: *giggled* Yes ma'am 

Mrs Chen: Impressive

Mr Chen: What about your family status. Your class?

Me: Sir, I am the daughter of Maria Gates.

Mr Chen: Maria Gates? The world’s top billionaire?

Me: yes sir

Mr Chen: You've got to be joking... right?

Ivan: No sir she isn't joking.


Everyone was shocked. There were a few minutes of silence.


Michelle: What else do you do?

Me: I cook and do the house chores.

Michelle: Mum, dad she's lying. If her mum was Maria Gates, she wouldn't have to do all those chores.

Mrs Chen: Young lady are you lying to me.

Ivan: Ma'am she has no reason to lie.

Mr Chen: We want proof.


Ivan got pissed at Michelle. I video called my mum.


Me: Hey mum, how are you?

My Mum: I'm good honey, what about you?

Me: I'm good too mum. 

My Mum: Hey Ivan how are you?

Ivan: I'm great Mrs Gates, what about you?

My Mum: OOH, I'm just doing great just caught up with alot of work.

Me: Mum I’ll be staying at Ivan's place for a few weeks because he needs help assisting his guests *as I turn the camera towards Mr and Mrs Chen*

My Mum: I'm proud of you. 

Me: *Blushed* Thanks mum I love you.

My Mum: Alright I have to go I'll talk to you guys later and enjoy.

Me and Ivan: Bye 

My Mum: Bye

Mr Chen: Sorry for doubting you Crystal but why would you bother learning all the chores if you are a daughter of a billionaire?

Me: Sir, I believe that all humans are the same. Money shouldn't make a difference in anything. My true happiness is with helping people out and actually living like a normal human. We should always put ourselves in the place of a slave or person who is poor. They go through a lot.

Mrs Chen: Crystal... I have never met a girl more talented and softer hearted than you. Keep the work up your mother is lucky to have you.

Me: Thankyou ma'am.

CHAPTER 6: Ivan’s Past

I turned to look at Ivan who was looking at me. I smiled and stared back. Whenever me and Ivan stared at each other for so long it was like we were talking to each other without words and signs. Just our eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever until Michelle had choked on her food. I turned to get up to give her water when Ivan pulled me back making me sit back down. "Harry, please give Michelle some water," Ivan ordered. I didn't understand why he stopped me but I knew he was going to tell me sooner or later. 



Ivan’s POV:

After dinner finished Crystal and I headed to my room for a talk. She pushed me over to get inside first and started jumping on my bed like a little kid. Some acts of her just make her look so cute. I grabbed the wheely chair and sat the opposite way on it.


"Crystal! sit down and listen to me," I said but she didn't listen to me.


She started making funny faces. I repeated myself a few times, but she wasn't listening. I got out and climbed up onto my bed trying to grab her. She was now running around in circles on my bed with me chasing her. She tripped over my blanket and fell with me tripping over her and falling on top of her. She was trying to move the hair on her face back with blowing it with her mouth. I moved my hands towards her face and moved her hair back to behind her ear. She took a gulp as she stared at me. She is so beautiful. Crystal pushed me off her putting a cheeky smile on her face. I was red. I sat back on the chair and told her to listen to me.


"Be careful around Michelle. She doesn't seem like what she is," I warned.


"Oh come on, just relax she was choking on her food. She could've died," Crystal exclaimed.


"She was faking it," I told her.


"How do you know," Crystal questioned.


"and why are so against her," she asked.


"She's a player, a slut and a BITCH. She was the only friend I had and we were so close," I started.


"Then what happened?" Crystal asked.


"She was dating a guy and was cheating on him. When he found out that she was cheating on him by sending nudes to other guys and having sex with many she turned me in saying that I blackmailed her. He believed her and we got into a fight with him ending up in hospital. Since then I have hated Michelle," I finished. I could see Crystal raging with anger. Her fist was clutched, and her eyebrows deeply pushed towards the middle.


"How dare she!" Crystal yelled. "I'M GONNA KILL THAT MOTHER FUCKER. WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!" Crystal shouted. She had completely lost it. She was heading towards the door when I received a text from Michelle.


"Crystal I got a text from Michelle," I said making her rush back. She snatched my phone and opened her message. I could tell that whatever she had seen was bad. She was even angrier.


"RIGHT! SHE WENT TOO FAR THIS TIME,” Crystal told. I took my phone back from her and looked at what seemed like a naked picture of Michelle. Oh-oh. Crystal was already out of the room. I ran after her trying to stop her, but she didn't listen. I had no other choice, so I picked her up and took her back to my room.


"Ivan where did you go? Why am I going backwards?” Crystal said as we were going back up. This girl can’t be serious, even when she’s angry. "OOOWWW," she wined. She tried to go again but I threw her back on the bed locking her with my arms.


"Ivan let me go." I told her no but she didn't listen. I put my index finger on top of her lips "SHHH!" I said. She was quiet.


"But she's a bitch," she whispered.


I pulled her towards my chest making her boobs press against my chest. My cock was getting hard, and Crystal felt that. She blinked her eyes slowly. I moved my eyes from her face down to her shoulder. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so I pulled her top up covering her shoulder. She let a breath of relieve out.


"You're welcome," she giggled.


"Really," I said in a cocky way.  Her smile turned into a worry. She removed the eye contact. I did not understand why. Suddenly the door opened. It was Michelle.


"Ivan why aren't you answering my messages," she said as she froze. I could see the jealousy in her eyes. I wish I could expose her, but I did not want to hurt her parents. They were nice. I turned back to Crystal who was starting to get angry.

CHAPTER 7: Another Attack

 Crystal’s P.O.V


I pushed Ivan off me and walked up to Michelle.


"Stay away from him, otherwise it won’t be good for you," I threatened to Michelle.


"And who are you to tell me what to do," she shot back. "My girlfriend and my best friend," Ivan interrupted.


 "What do you see in this piece of shit," Michelle insulted.


"I don't see a bitch, a whore, a slut and a player," Ivan shot back.


"I am way better than you and if your pride matters to you don't you dare come near my boyfriend," I threatened.


"I will take him away from you. I will make him hate you so much that you will beg for death, but you won't get it," Michelle said. "We will see about that," I said back. Michelle left the room. 


"What's up with the dating aye," I asked.


"If we're dating, we have more people to support us," he said. I didn't quite understand but then he explained everything to me. My brain was still exploding so I left for my room and fell dead asleep. I didn’t want to see Michelle around Ivan.


*Next day at college*


Ivan was at his football practice and I was heading to my car since I had nothing else to do. The parking lot was empty. I unlocked my car when someone from behind covered my mouth and dragged me to his car. It was Salmon!  “LEAVE ME!” I yelled helplessly. He put me in the back of his car which had child lock. I tried getting to the front but he got in before me and locked all doors.


“Salmon what the fuck do you think you’re doing!” I screamed.


“Shut up!” he ordered. He was driving really fast.


“Salmon let me go right now or I’m going to call the police!” I threatened. He fiercely stopped the car making my phone fall out of my hand. He got out and dragged me out too. We were in a quiet place. There was only grass, no trees. I took a step to run away but he dragged me and threw me onto the grass.


“You’re really dating Ivan huh?” he said. I was confused. Then I realised it must have been Michelle who told him.


“It doesn’t matter who I date, it’s none of your business,” I scolded trying to get away again but failed. Salmon got a hold of my shoulders.


“Did you forget that night huh?” he reminded. My heart started beating fast.


“Do you need another reminder?” he asked as he checked me out.


“S-Salmon, please let me go! It wont be good for you,” I threatened.


“Wont be good for me huh! WHAT IS IVAN GOING TO DO HUH! HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW YOU’RE HERE RIGHT NOW. HAHAHA,” Salmon cackled. He turned into that beast again. My brain started hurting, those flashbacks. I couldn’t get a hold of myself.


Salmon flipped my skirt up and started taking my panties off. “NOOO!” I screamed as I helplessly tried getting out of under him, but he was too strong. He unzipped his pants and covered my mouth with one of his hands. I could feel his dick going into me. He thrusted viciously like a beast in me. I didn’t know what to do. His body was heavy on mine. I pulled his hair which made him angrier but he pulled out.


“This is the only thing you’re good for!” he yelled as he cuffed my face and squeezed it. He got up and put his dick in his shorts and drove off leaving me helpless in that silent area. I closed my legs as I pressed onto my paining vigina. My head started feeling very lightheaded and before anything else could happen I needed to get out of here and get home before Ivan did.


I wandered out of that place and found a taxi. The person was kind and offered me water as they drove me home. I really hope Ivan wasn’t home and gladly there was still time before his training finished. One of Ivan’s houseworkers saw me struggling on my way up to my room.


“Ma’am are you okay,” she said as she grabbed onto me.


“I’m fine,” I said as she supported my up to my room. I took a seat on my bed as my legs were still paining.


“Ma’am… did something happen?” she generously asked.


“Please don’t tell Ivan anything,” I begged. She looked at me with care.


“Don’t worry ma’am,” she assured as she left the room.


I walked into the shower and quickly cleaned myself. His touch haunted me. I wondered when I will be free from him. He was a devil, and I was so dumb to think he ever loved me for me. I chose to wear a grey sweat set and lay down in my bed. I tried falling asleep, but it did not work. I had no option but to take out my sleeping pills which I had been avoiding since I moved in with Ivan.


My body was burning warm, and I could feel the hands of Salmon crawling upon my body. I just could not take it and overdosed myself on the sleeping tablets, soon falling into a deep sleep.


*the next morning*


The alarm on my phone was going off which disturbed my peaceful sleep. It was 6am and breakfast was about to be in an hour. Today I just wanted to escape out of this city with my ripped soul. I had to cover up this pain. I took a quick shower and chose a dress that was just above my knees. It had a white strapless body with a red skirt filled with flare. I matched it with white short length heels and accessories. I applied some light red lip gloss and created a French braid bandanna in my hair, curling the rest.


I stared at myself in the mirror as I practiced smiling. Inside I felt my heart ripping apart into many pieces as my eyes started to water up. I pushed the water back in and took deep breathes. It was breakfast time, so I headed out downstairs. My heart pounded harder as I took those steps down to face people.

CHAPTER 8: Weakness trembles over her

Ivan’s POV:


I had been woken up by my phone vibrating consistently. I checked my phone to see who was desperate to talk to me and it was Michelle. It wasn't a good way to start my morning. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I dressed myself in a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and an open black shirt. I gelled my hair and wore my white joggers. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs for breakfast. Crystal and Mrs Chen were already there. She was looking stunning. I could not get my eyes off her, in fact anyone at school would not. I could feel my heart starting to race. This wasn’t right. She’s my best friend. I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to a seat.


"Good morning," I greeted as I sat down next to Mrs Chen.


"Good morning Ivan," greeted Mrs Chen.


Crystal just gave me a smile. Then Michelle came and sat on the opposite side of me. She stared at crystal and rolled her eyes which bugged me. That girl seriously needs to get a brain.


"Michelle you should fix your routine. Learn from Crystal, she's been up really early preparing our breakfast," Mrs Chen scolded. I giggled quietly. Michelle is nothing compared to CRYSTAL. 


Crystal was going to the kitchen to get some juice when I noticed her stumbling on her steps. I quickly got up and caught her before she hit the ground. I helped her to a chair and gave her some water to drink.


"Crystal! are you ok," I asked in a big worry.


"I'm fine. It was just a little dizzy spell," she said. She got up again but stumbled. I caught her and sat her back on the chair.


"Nah, you are not going to college," I commanded.


"Ivan's right Crystal, "Mrs Chen said.


"Yeaaahh, you should rest," Michelle said happily.


"It's....Michelle's," Crystal told as she was taking heavy breaths.


"I'll be fine with Ivan Crystal. You should take rest," Michelle said with the biggest grin on her face.


"She's right Crystal. Ivan take her up to her room," Mrs Chen said.


Crystal mumbled and squeezed my shirt as I took her up to her room. It was like she was stressed about something. I placed her on her bed and gave her quilt on her. I did not want to leave her. I closed the door and walked downstairs.


"Let's gooo," Michelle said with joy as she grabbed my arm.


I roughly took my arm away from her and walked to the car. Michelle sat in the passenger seat. I quickly started the car and drove us to college barely standing her. As I was driving, she moved her hand to my dick trying to touch it. I gave the car a rough turn which made her head hit the window. We got to school in no time. I quickly got out and walked away from Michelle.

"Babyy, listen. Take me with you," Michelle said.


"I'm not your boyfriend so don’t u dare call me BABY!" I yelled.


Everyone was looking at us now. I walked away from her and into my roll class. Thank God she wasn't in any of my classes today. The first 2 periods went by slowly. I missed Crystal a lot. She makes the lessons become fun. I was hanging out with my football team at the oval when Michelle came and started calling me baby, AGAIN!


"Baby, talk to me. I love you so much," she said.


"I never knew you had a girlfriend," one of my friends said.


"She's not my girlfriend," I told them.


"Stop lying baby," Michelle said.






"Baby I’m sorry," Michelle continued.


"Ivan is that your girlfriend?" another friend asked. I got really annoyed.


"No I’m his girlfriend and this bitch just wants to be his girlfriend," a voice from behind me said. I turned around and it was Crystal. I was happy to see her.


“CRYSTAL!” they all shouted in disbelief with their mouth open.


"Wow! you've got the hottest and cutest girl in the whole school," one of my friends said.


I giggled, "Yes I do."


"Ivan's not much less aye," Crystal added.


"That girl isn't even your type. For one second, I thought u had lost your brain," my friend said.


Crystal laughed. Michelle's eyes were starting to fill up with tears and she ran out of the basketball court. Crystal was going to go after her but I stopped her.


"Don't," was all I said.


She stopped and all my friends went up to her. They started asking her questions like how long we had been dating for and how did it all happen. It was heaven. Crystal had saved my day. We all chatted until the break finished.

CHAPTER 9: In love with my best friend

The bell had rung, and we were heading to our classes. Me and Crystal were walking behind my friends when I pulled her to the side.


"Why did you come to college? You were so sick," I asked.


"Erm, I think it's class time and I’m going to get late," she said as she changed the topic trying to get away, but I trapped her by putting my arms on both sides of her.


"W-what are you doing," Crystal asked.


I went to her ear and whispered, "you should've stayed home and rested." It made her jump. I looked back at her face.


"Uhm, I think we have a class to attend," she said as she pulled me away from her.


Something was odd, she’s been acting weird since morning. We were making our way to the class when Crystal’s steps were not with mine. She was slowing down and within seconds she fell to the floor. I rushed her to the nurse’s office with so many questions in my head. Nothing like this had happened before to her.


The nurse was doing all the tests whilst I was impatiently waiting to find out what was wrong with her. I cant loose her I love her so much! Wait… I can’t believe I just said that to myself. I looked at her face, all our past memories and the times we spent together came across my face. She made my heart lighten since day 1. My storm of feelings were broken when the nurse came back.


"What's the matter with her? Why did she faint?" I asked impatiently.


"Sorry, but I cannot disclose her information to her friends. Only family and relatives," the nurse said. I got annoyed. I sat on the couch waiting for Crystal to wake up but had fallen asleep myself.


Crystal's P.O.V


I woke up to be in the nurses office. I looked at the time and OMG! I had been here for nearly 3 hours. College was about to end in 30 minutes. I saw Ivan asleep on the chair very uncomfortably. His head was falling to the floor. I got up and tried to get some water, but I was too weak. The nurse was walking by when she saw that I had woken up. She handed me some water and had told me about my reports. She said that I was not eating well and was over working myself. She advised me to rest and eat properly.


"Did you tell my friend this information?" I asked.


"No, it's against our policy," she said as she walked out.


After the nurse had left, I put my heels on and tried walking. I was alright for a few steps until I lost conscious and fell on Ivan who was now awake.

Ivan's P.O.V


I was awakened by Crystal’s head smashing onto my chest.


“Crystal… Crystal…” I shrugged her, trying to wake her up.


College was about to end so I picked her up and took her to my car, placing her in the passenger seat.


"Crystal, wake up. What is wrong tell me?" I asked trying to wake her up, but she didn’t respond.


I was putting the seatbelt on her scent captured my nose. It was sweet strawberry and smelt amazing. I closed the door and sat in the driver’s seat waiting for Michelle to arrive so we can leave. She happened to come fast.


"Why is she sitting here?" she asked as she opened the door.


"Sit at the back or I’ll leave you," I threatened. She rolled her eyes and sat in the back seat. As soon as we got home, she rushed out of the car and into her room. I picked up Crystal and took her in.


"Afternoon Mrs Chen," I greeted.


"Aaahh, I see you've found Crystal," She said.


I giggled. "Yeah," I said. 


I had carried Crystal up to my room and laid her on my bed. Crystal's temperature was high, so I grabbed a piece of cloth and dipped it in cold water to put on her head. I kept on changing the cloths as I waited for her to wake up. As her temperature was decreasing and getting back to normal, she had started to move. She had one hand on her stomach and one on my hand, holding it tight. Her head was nodding side to side, and she turned towards me.


"Ivan," she called in a low voice. She was in pain.


"I’m with you, don’t worry,” I assured. She held onto her stomach harder until she couldn’t take it anymore and ran to the bathroom, vomiting. I ran after her and rubbed her back. 


"Are you ok Crystal?" I panicked.


"I'm fine," she said as she got up to wash her face. Her hands were on the basin, but she fell to the floor. I picked her up and decided to take her to the hospital. I grabbed my car keys and raced downstairs. I remembered that I had guests to attend. SHIT!


"Harry! please make sure Mr and Mrs Chen get their dinner on time," I yelled.


Mrs Chen came from behind. "Ivan is everything okay? Where are you going?" she asked.


"Crystal isn't well, I’m just taking her to the hospital," I said.


"She has been working really hard today. She just would not rest,” Mrs Chen said. I was confused. “She organised everything for me and my day was just the best and sorted," Mrs Chen continued.

"Really?" I asked.


"Yeah, even though she was very sick she went through the effort to care for me and my husband. Her mother is really blessed to have such an independent and wonderful daughter," Mrs Chen commented.

CHAPTER 10: Trip to the hospital

"Thankyou Mrs Chen, I'll let her know but right now I need to go," I said.


"Sure and call us if you need anything," Mrs Chen said.


"Thank you, bye," I said as I rushed out of the house.


I drove to the hospital as fast as I could. I rushed her into the ward and waited patiently for another great time.  The doctor came out and informed me that Crystal hadn't been eating properly and was over working with her body. I went and sat next to Crystal and stared at her blank face, trying to read it. Today I realised that I was afraid of losing her. I was dying to see her cheeky smile and her childish behaviour.


She woke up soon. I helped her sit up comfortably. "What is wrong with you? Why have not you been eating? You could've got sicker and something worser could have happened to you. Are you out of your mind like how could you? I was so panicked to see you like this!" I shouted.


"I'm fine, relax," she said.


"You're not fine," I said.


"Do you have any chocolates?" she said.


"Are you serious?" I asked.


She gave a cute giggle. "Chocolate," she said again.


"Be serious for once please," I begged.


"Chocolate," she said again.


I just stared at her in shock, with a serious face that she would take seriously. But instead, she gave a cute smile which was totally irresistible. The doctor had come in to talk to Crystal personally. I was told to leave so I sat outside.


Crystal's P.O.V


"Miss Crystal, I have informed your friend about your condition. However, there is one thing he does not know about. You have been taking a lot of medication without eating. If your friend had not brought you to the hospital you could have gotten worser," she said.


"Don't tell him about that and I have my own reasons for taking them which I don't want to explain to anyone," I said.


"I understand but please take care of yourself," she said.


"Thank you," I said as she got up and left.


Ivan came in after a few minutes telling me that I was discharged.


"I want to eat some McDonald’s," I requested politely.


"Why not," Ivan said.


"YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY," I yelled nearly about to fall off the bed.

I put on my heels and walked to the car with Ivan. I fixed my makeup on the way to the drive thru. Luckily Ivan had forgotten to take my backpack out. I even brushed my hair.


"What do you want to eat?” Ivan asked.


"I want large fries and a frozen coke," I said.


"Hey, can I please have 1 large fries, 1 Mc'Chicken burger and 2 large frozen cokes," he ordered. I opened up a a game in my phone to keep me company whilst we waited for the food. Ivan was paying when he grabbed my phone off me.


"HEEEEEYYYYYYYY, I was about to win!" I screamed.


"You’re really cute," the guy at the window complimented.


"Awwwhhh, thankyouuu," I said.


"She's my girlfriend," Ivan said in a jealous way. The guy kept on asking me questions and Ivan got annoyed. He quickly drove to the next window to collect the order. I took my fries out and started eating them.


"You didn't have to talk with him," Ivan said.


"do I smell something burning?" I said as I looked at him.


He turned my face the other way saying, "as if."


"Ivan I want to go to the city," I begged.


"No, you need rest and it's way too late," Ivan rejected. I begged him so much. I annoyed him whilst he was driving we nearly crashed but none of that worked.  So I started fake crying.


"okay okay, I'll take you," He agreed.


The city was so beautiful at night. There was also a great view of the Eiffel Tower. I had a really bad day; I hope it ends well at least. After drinking all that sugar, I had a sudden energy supply in me which was begging to be let out. I started taking funny selfies of myself and Ivan whilst he was driving. He stared at me and laughed.


"WOOOTTT, want to fight?" I asked.


"AARRRGHH, I got scared," he said sarcastically.


He took out his burger and ate it in 2 minutes. I looked at the empty box and then to my not finished fries. I'm so slow at eating. I finished my fries and drink by the time we got there. Ivan still hadn't drank his drink so I hijacked it. He parked the car and we walked around. The view was stunning. The Eiffel Tower was lit. I decided to run around like a maniac and annoy Ivan which he decided to record. He chased me after and grabbed me by wrapping one of his arms around my belly whilst recording. Then we took hilarious selfies. I was enjoying myself.

CHAPTER 11: Worst Day Ever

During the walk around we bumped into the ice-cream van.


"I want iceeee creaaaammmmm," I wined.


"Okay okay," Ivan said as he told me to keep it down.


OOOPPS! I was too loud. There were some boys standing beside us and started looking at me. I gave them a big smile without thinking once. I got 5 scoops of chocolate ice cream (I’m in heaven) and Ivan got 2 scoops. One of blackberry and the other of choc chip. That guy is so ridiculous. I smacked my head showing some disappointment.


"I don't want to get fat like you," he teased and ran away.


"I will kill you!" I yelled.


"Why don't you kill us," a boy from around us said.


He gave a smirk and checked me out. I quickly walked away and caught up with Ivan, didn't bother telling him but the boys were following us. After we had finished our ice creams we went and sat in front of the Eiffel Tower for a while and stared at the view. Ivan had gone to the bathroom after a while leaving me alone. The boys started making comments again. One of them came and sat next to me.


"Why don't you hang out with us. It will be a lot of FUN," he said as he started touching my face.


I stood up and walked a few steps away, facing my back to the Eiffel Tower. The boy took steps towards me, and I took steps backwards and not soon enough bumped into a hard chest. I looked around to see who it was. It was Ivan.


"Get the fuck away from her or I will break you into pieces," Ivan threatened.


"What are you going to do?" challenged the boy. I tried stopping him from fighting but Ivan punched him in the face, making his nose bleed. The other 3 boys jumped on Ivan which scared me. The boy walked up to me from behind and grabbed hold of me by trapping me in his arms. He tried to suck on my neck.


"HEELP!" I screamed. Ivan heard me and tried to come but the other boys were stopping him. He kept on fighting.


"HAHAHA, what are you going to do now!" yelled the boy. It was a bit late, so no one was around to help us. I tried getting him off me but failed. My heart broke as I saw Ivan fighting the boys. I wanted him to be safe. His hand was now going down to the skirt part of my dress. He was pulling it up to get to my vigina. I tried getting him off my by loosening myself to fall on the ground but it didn’t work.


"Ivan!" I cried. The boy did not stop. He was making his way up my thighs.


"I'm coming," Ivan said. I had tears running down my cheeks. His hand was at my vigina and he started playing with it.


"Stop," I cried. The 3 boys were bruised on the ground. Ivan was taking steps forward towards us. He was really red and pissed.


"Leave.... her... right... now!" He yelled, taking deep breaths. We heard sirens at that moment. That boy pushed me to the floor and ran away. The police caught the 3 boys lying and chased after the 4th one. Ivan took his jacket off and put it on me. I was crying a lot.


"Crystal, I’m so sorry," he apologised.


"Don't ever leave me again," I cried.


"I'm so sorry," he said as he hugged me tight. I could not stop crying. My heart was shouting to tell him all my fears but I couldn’t. I was afraid of losing this one real person in my life.



Ivan's P.O.V


It was all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. She is really sensitive and gets hurt easily but the problem is she won't tell anyone. I tried talking to her in the car.


" want some ice cream," I said. She didn't respond.


"Let's take a selfie," I said as I grabbed my phone and positioned it to both our faces. She was just staring out the window. Tears started dropping from her eyes.


"No, no, don't cry. Everything will be ok," I assured as I grabbed her hand. She fell asleep on the way. I took her up to my room and placed her on my bed whilst I slept on the couch myself. I couldn't bare to leave her alone. I was going to find that cunt and kill him. How dare he touch my Crystal! 


I couldn't sleep. I was so worried about her. If only I didn't leave her. It was all my fault. I am such a bad friend. I felt so bad that the thought started suffering me. I decided to go for a walk in the lawn. I was heading downstairs when I heard the television. It was past midnight, and I was confused. Who could be up this late? I went to the living room to see who it was. It was Mr and Mrs Chen. They were watching a movie.


"Oh, dear you aren't asleep yet?" Mrs Chen asked.


"I was feeling a little unwell, so I was going for a walk. I heard the telly and got worried, so I decided to see who was in," I said.


"How's Crystal?" Mr Chen asked.


"We must say your best friend is actually a real Crystal. She knows how to care for guests. She's making it feel like it's our home," Mrs Chen commented.


"I know she cares about other people more than herself," I said.


"Did you guys have your dinner?" I asked.


"Yes and it was the best," Mr Chen said. I was confused.


"Crystal had organised a couple day out for us. She had organised lunch and dinner both outside with some site seeing. Honestly, we hadn't spent much time together in ages. She's really perfect," Mrs Chen said.

CHAPTER 12: Not Okay

"I can't believe her. She was ill and still took the issue of making our day perfect. I really wish our daughter would be like her one day," Mr Chen said.


"Wow, I really had no idea. She didn't tell me anything," I exclaimed.


"I'll make sure to let her know about your compliments," I said. 


"Yeah, please do so. We're really having the best time here," Mr Chen told.


"I'll see you guys tomorrow, have a great time," I said.


"You too," Mr and Mrs Chen said.


I then walked out into the lawn. There was a strong breeze but it felt really calm. The view was really stunning. I still couldn't get my mind off Crystal. I sat outside for 30 minutes and then realised what if Crystal woke up. I quickly headed back upstairs to check on her. I ran into the room to see sitting on her bed. It was like she was ready to cry an ocean of her pain. I went and sat next to her.


"Are you okay?" I asked. She sat there quiet.


"Do you want anything?" I asked. She sat there quiet.


She was starting to get up to go but I quickly grabbed both her wrists. She tried letting go, breathing heavily still not saying a word.


"I'm not going to let you go," I commanded.


She tried to free herself but I tightened my grip on her wrists.


"Ivan let go of me," she said in a soft voice.


"No, I'm not going to let go," I told her. She was trying so hard to free herself, but she was really weak. She finally gave up and rested her head on my chest.


"I'm with you," I reassured her. She didn't say anything. I loosened my grip from her wrists. She tried escaping again but I tightened my grip not knowing her head flew backwards and hit the corner of the bed so hard. I pulled her head into my lap rubbing it with one hand and holding on of her hand with my other hand. She tried even harder to escape.


"Leave me," she said in a sobbing voice.


"No I’m not going to leave you because if I do you're going to hurt yourself like this," I exclaimed.


"Leave me," she said as she started crying.


"Don't cry Crystal," I begged.

Chapter 19: Is she really ok?


I put her head up to my chest still holding onto one of her hand. She used her other hand to try take off my arm which held her close to my chest but failed. Then she dug her nails into my arm and squeezed my hand with her other.


"Ok do as you want, use all your strength and hurt me but please talk to me," I begged.


She started crying even more but still did not utter a word out of her mouth. She stopped squeezing my hands and stopped digging her nails into my arm. She had left her head into my chest relaxing herself. I patted her and told her that she was safe and didn't need to be stressed. It burned me to see her like this. She was crying so hard. Time passed and she fell asleep in my arms.



Crystal's P.O.V


I woke up in Ivan's chest. I moved his arm over my back so I could get out without waking him up. I grabbed a dark purple strapless top and a white skirt that just went above my knees. I hopped into the shower and quickly changed inside since Ivan was sleeping. I grabbed my purple and white block heels and wore them. I plugged in my hair dryer and started drying my hair.


"CRYSTAAAAAAAAAALLL! Turn it off," Ivan yelled.


"Get up we need to go to college," I yelled back.


"UGH!" he yelled as he was annoyed.


He put his pillow over his ear. I quickly dried my hair and started curling it from the bottom. I made 2 rolls on the top of my hair and pinned it to the back. I applied my makeup on and grabbed a matching backpack and phone case.


"Ivan wake up," I yelled as I packed my bag. He got up and sat on the bed crossing his legs. "Are you sure you want to go to college?" he asked.


"Yeah, why?" I asked as I giggled.


"Well, nothing," Ivan hesitated. But I knew what he meant. I didn’t want to remember yesterday. I started eating chocolate.


"So healthy," Ivan commented.


"I know right," I said back with a small giggle.

CHAPTER 13: Trying to hide the pain

Ivan finally decided to get out of bed.


"Finally the prince realises that there is something called college and we have to go there," I commented. He gave me the savage look. He walked to me and just stared at my eyes then suddenly pulled my cheeks so hard.


"OOOOUUUUUCCCHHHHHH! Leave my cheeks!" I yelled. Ivan just laughed.


"Finally someone realises that they have cheeks," he said. I was confused.


"What? that makes no sense," I said.


"It does but you don't have a brain that's why you only understand nonsense," he roasted me as he walked into the bathroom. I was still confused and was trying to figure out the meaning when I FOUND OUT.....


"Ivan you're the one who doesn't have a brain. I'm smarter than your dumb ass," I yelled back.


"HAHAHA! you figured out after 10 years," he yelled out.


"Hurry up and take a shower we're getting late you idiot," I yelled.


I went down to the kitchen to set up the breakfast table. I helped the maid make the pancakes and fruit salad. I put them on the table once they were ready and then grabbed the chocolate syrup and honey for the pancakes. I set up the plates and then made mango milkshake for everyone.



Ivan's P.O.V:

I had quickly dressed myself in a green shirt with black shorts and black shoes. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I saw Crystal setting up the table. This girl is unbelievable. She needs to rest! I pulled out a chair for her and made her sit down.


"Ivaaan," she winged.


"Shh!" I said. I place an apple, a few pancakes with honey and a glass of mango milkshake for her.


"Ivan, that's too much," she complained.


"Nope, eat it all," I commanded. She kept on arguing so I had put a piece of pancake in her mouth.


"Good morning" Michelle greeted.


"It's about time you came," Mrs Chen scolded. Mr and Mrs Chen started scolding her again and compared her to Crystal. Michelle was in a bad mood and had stormed out of the house without any breakfast. I could see the disappointment on Mr and Mrs Chen.


"She'll learn as time goes," I told.


"I wish she was like you, more responsible and organised," Mr Chen said. I smiled.


"Everyone is different, she just needs someone to guide her," Crystal said.


"Crys, finish up your breakfast," I scolded.


"I am full," I winged. She turned back to Mr Chen.


"All I would say is that I cannot understand your pain. If I had a father, I would've understood," Crystal said sadly.


"Crys is right, you should not focus on it too much," I agreed as I picked up her half glass of milkshake and handed it to her. She drank a little bit and placed the glass on the table.


"Crys, finish it all!" I yelled. "My stomach will explode," she complained. I grabbed the glass and put it to her lips making her drink all of it.


"Do yous love each other?" Mrs Chen asked. 


"No, we're just best friends," we both said at the same time. Mr and Mrs Chen giggled.


"Erm, I think we should get going. We don't want to be late for school," I said. Crystal grabbed her backpack and ran quickly.


"You didn't finish your pancakes!" I yelled. I grabbed my backpack and ran after her as I said goodbye to Mr and Mrs Chen. I saw crystal in the driver’s seat. She had locked the door.


"Crystal get out!" I yelled.


"No, I am driving today," she laughed.


"No, get out. You're not well," I said.


"Do you want me to leave you?" she giggled. I gave up and sat in the passenger seat.


"You're ridiculous," I complained. She poked her tongue at me and made a face as she laughed.


"I have something for you," I said to her as I took out a huge Lindt chocolate box. She gasped.


"THESE ARE MY FAV!" she screamed. She opened the box as fast as she could and ate one chocolate. This girl is unbelievable. She’d do anything for chocolate.


Crystal's P.O.V:

As we arrived to school, I saw Michelle with SALMON! I couldn’t afford to let my brain mess with me, Ivan was already very suspicious about me. I decided to ignore then walk to my role class with Ivan. These mixed emotions were messing me up, so I ate a few more chocolates. They worked pretty well on me, and I felt really happy with a lot of energy. Ivan was finishing off his math homework and I was really bored. I decided to annoy him by blowing in his ear.


"Crys, stop I have to finish this," he complained.


Then I started tapping on the table. Ivan was still not giving me attention. I grabbed a pencil and tickled him on his back. he turned to me and gave me a STOP smile. I gave him a naughty smile. He turned back to his work. I decided to put my face on his book.


"I am taller than youuuuuu!" I screamed.


"Shh, Crystal you're too loud," Ivan said. There was no one in the room.


"Sit up," Ivan scolded.


I sat up and saw the class fill itself. The bell had finally rung, and the teacher came in. She had been going through the names. I looked around to see where Michelle was, and she was sitting next to Salmon. I had to focus so I ate another chocolate.


"Crystal," the teacher called out. "Heeeeyyyy Mssss," I yelled hyperactively. Everyone started giggling.


"Are you okay?" the teacher asked me.


"Yeesss Msss," I exaggerated again.


"Crystal, calm down," Ivan said.


The teacher continued marking the role and I decided to eat more chocolate, since I was bored, and no one was giving me attention. Ivan had decided to snatch the chocolate box out of my hand.


"You're going to get sick," he said.


"Give it back," I growled.


"Wooah, calm down," Ivan exclaimed.


"It's not calm down. It's clam down," I said making a childish face. Ivan had turned my chair around and trapped me with both of his arms as he leaned forward towards me.



Ivan's P.O.V:

"Really?" I smirked as her lips caught my eyes.


"Ahan," she mumbled in a cute voice. At this point I was really tempted to just kiss her but I just stared at her. She gave a cute smile. Crystal started playing with my hair.


"Ooo, it's softy," she squealed.


I put my right hand on Crystal's waist. She gasped but was still playing with my hair. I was rubbing my thumb on her waist which increased my temptation. I got closer to Crystal, and again she smiled as she looked into my eyes.


"Awee, yous so cute," the classed sung.


I got of Crystal quickly who was playing with her own hair, unaware of the surrounding. I packed my stuff for next class and the bell had rung. I grabbed Crystal and left the class.


"I am so adorableeeee.... I am the oneeee...," she sung.


"Let's go," I said as I pulled her. Crystal was greeting everyone in the hallway. She seemed so elevated.


"Look at this hot stuff," a guy smirked as he checked her out. I got really annoyed by the other comments that were made by the guys.


"Crystal, What are you doing?" I asked Crystal.


"What do you mean what am I doing? I am flyingggggggg," she yelled as she ran across, with everyone looking at her.


I quickly ran after her. She had gone into class and was greeting everyone individually. I sat down at my desk and watched her. She was herself again, the happy soul. Her actions were really cute. She was really cute. She had finally finished greeting everyone and had come sit down next to me. The teacher had also arrived. It was Martial Arts class.


"Good morning everyone. Today we will be practicing the waltz," she said.


"Yaaayyy, waltz," Crystal whispered. I giggled.


"First you will be practicing it with the partners I will assign you and then with the partners you have chosen for yourself," the teacher said.


WHAT! Crystal, dancing with another guy. This day couldn't get any better. I didn't want to see her dancing with another guy. The teacher started reading the duets. I was assigned with Alina and Crystal was assigned with Salmon. Crystal grabbed onto my arm and her head was leaning on my shoulder with her face facing towards me.


"I don't want to be with Salmon," she softly complained with a sad face.


"Don’t worry you'll be fine," I said. She held on tighter and complained that she didn't want to go. I tried convincing her but it was no use.


"Alright everyone, get with your partners please," the teacher instructed.

CHAPTER 14: Crystal’s Past

Crystal got up and walked over to Salmon and I walked over to Alina. We got into our positions and followed according to the video Ms had displayed.


"So, do you like Crystal?" Alina asked.


"No, no she's just my best friend," I said.


"It doesn't look like it," Alina smirked.


Crystal and Salmon were nearby us and my whole attention was towards Crystal. I had noticed Crystal was going pale and she was feeling uncomfortable. Salmon was getting really touchy with her and it was getting annoying.


"Ouch!" Alina shouted.


"What happened?" I asked.


"You stepped on my feet and squeezed my hand," Alina told.


"I'm really sorry. I didn't notice it," I apologised.


She looked over at Crystal and Salmon. "OOOH, I see" she said.


"What?" I asked.


"Salmon is Crystals ex-boyfriend," Alina said.


"What!" I shouted in a whispering voice.


"Crystal didn't tell me about him," I complained.


"It ended so suddenly, without any explanation. There were many rumours that blamed Crystal but more blamed Salmon. But Crystal was the one to end it. She didn’t even tell me the reason. She showed as if it didn't affect her, but it did. She’s not a natural happy anymore, its always like she’s forcing herself to be happy,” Alina explained.


I was so surprised and shocked. Poor Crystal.


"She feels as if she cannot trust anyone anymore," Alina finished.


"That's Salmon's loss. Crys is such a great girl," I said.


"Crys?" Alina asked with a suspicious smile.


"It's a nickname for her," I smiled. 


"Alright class, let's get to our chosen partners," the teacher had announced. Crystal had come over to me and was stumbling on the way. I had cached her before she had fallen.


"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Y-yes, I am fine," she relieved. 


She felt better doing the lesson. The whole day went by fast. We had left college early to collect some goodbye gifts for Mr Chen and his family, since they were leaving tomorrow. Crystal had picked up a unique diamond statue of a lion. It was a small house decoration piece. She got a travel safe card with a bouquet of white flowers.


"Ivan, don't you have football practice?" she asked.


"I do but I’m skipping it because I am not leaving you alone," I said.


"I've got plans with Alina so it's fine," she informed. I thought twice about this but it would be good if Crystal had some enjoyment time. I dropped her back home and headed back to college for my practice. 



Crystal's POV:


I was getting ready for my evening out with Alina. I chose to wear a peachy strap crop top that said 'baby' with a black pleated mini skirt. I wore giant black heals and peach jewellery. I grabbed a peach purse and a peach phone case. I did the Mikey mouse hairstyle and applied peach lip-gloss with normal face makeup. Just as I had finished, Alina texted that she was waiting outside for me.


"Damn girl," she commented as I walked out. I twirled around.


"My best friend so pretttyyy," she giggled.


"Let's go," I said.


We had spent so much time on shopping, then played in the game centre and took photos in a photo booth. It was 8pm and we were at a Korean restaurant. We had ordered bulgogi (beef barbecue) and Ddukbokki (spicy rice cake) with 2 soda bottles.


"So Crystal, do you like Ivan?" Alina asked whilst we waiting for the food.


"No he's just a good friend to me," I giggled.


"I see," Alina commented. When the food arrived me both put a selfie of us with the food on our Instagram stories. By 10pm I was back at Ivan's house.

CHAPTER 15: His anger

I walked up to my room and found Ivan sitting on my bed in a bad mood. 


"Do you have any idea what time it is?!" he yelled.


"Duh, it's 10pm," I giggled. He walked towards me with anger. At first I thought he was messing around but then he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.


"Can you be serious!" he yelled as his grip on my arms got harder.


"I-Ivan, let go. It's hurting," I said. He let go of me and took a deep breath. I walked away from him to my bed and sat down, taking my heels off. What had gotten into him?


'Why didn't you tell me about Salmon?" he asked as he turned around.


"Salmon?" I repeated.


Ivan was coming towards me, and anxiety had crashed into my head. I quickly got up to escape from Ivan as I rushed towards the bathroom. Ivan had managed to grab me and pulled me towards him. My back was against his chest and his arm were around my waist as he held me tightly to himself. My heart was beating fast.


"I only want to protect you. You have no idea how much you mean to me," Ivan explained. I stood there quiet in his arms until I realised that I liked it there but I couldn't be there.


"I can take care of myself!" I yelled as I freed myself from his arms. My brain started hurting and I didn't want anyone near me. I started pushing Ivan towards the door so he could get out.


"Crystal, listen to me," he said. But I didn't listen to him.


"You have to trust me," he begged. I pushed him out the room and locked the door. I sat down against the door and held my paining head as I started crying.


"Crystal, let me in," Ivan banged. I got up and overdosed myself on sleeping pills and lay down on my bed. I was desperately wanting to run away from my past.



-Crystal’s Dream-

She was home alone with Salmon, watching a movie. They were sitting on the couch with the popcorn when Salmon pulled Crystal’s face and started kissing her.


“Babe I love you so much,” he said.


 “I love you too babe,” Crystal said.


Salmon grabbed Crystal by the hips and placed her on his lap with his arms around her waist. He placed his head on her shoulder and Crystal started brushing her hand through his hair. Salmon’s hand was making its way underneath her shirt which made Crystal uncomfortable. She got off Salmon.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she said as she headed to her room. Minutes later Salmon went to her room and found Crystal lying on her bed. He locked the door and went and lay next to her, hugging her from the back.


“Salmon?” Crystal called.


“Yes babe, I’m here,” he said. For a few minutes they lay there peacefully until Salmon’s hunger for Crystal body couldn’t take it anymore. Salmon decided to put his hand in Crystal’s underwear which made Crystal react.


“Salmon stop!,” she yelled. Anger started to rush into Salmon. He turned Crystal and jumped on top of her.


“What is your problem. We’ve been together for 1 year and you still won’t let me touch you,” He exclaimed.


“I don’t want sex,” Crystal told as she tried getting out. Salmon pushed her back on the bed.


“But I want it and you will give it!” he yelled.


“No I won’t,” Crystal rejected. Salmon was getting really pissed. He forcefully tied Crystal’s arms and legs to the bed.


“I was being nice all this time but today I will get what I want,” he pleaded.


“You jerk, is this what you were with me for?” Crystal questioned.


“Yes!,” he exposed.


Exposed his really face. Crystal was left in disbelief. Salmon took out a scissors and started cutting Crystal’s shirt and then her underwear and bra. Crystal was lying there crying, begging him to let her go but that monster didn’t listen. He dug his face into her boobs and ate them like a beast. Making his way down her waist he started eating her pussy. Crystal laid there helplessly, crying. Salmon took his dick out and thrusted it into Crystal, making her scream in terror.



My eyes had opened wide. I felt so restless and my heart was thumping, trying to get out of my chest. My eye’s started raining as I saw that dreadful night again. My body felt paralysed. These pills were no good I really had to find a way to get away from those memories. I was so confused that I wondered out of my room and ended up outside the house. I sat at the stairs in front of the front door.


The breeze felt good as it dissolved in the heat of my body. It was still dark outside. My mind felt some peace. "leaves move* I got scared but it must have just been a bird. *leaves move hardly again* I got up to see what it was and as I walked down two steps a saw a shadow. I turned back quickly to run inside as I bumped into someone.


"There's someone there. please don't leave me," I begged as I hugged them tightly.


"Crys, I am here, don't worry," Ivan convinced. 

CHAPTER 16: The Farewell

Ivan's POV:


Crystal was so scared and wasn’t letting go of me. I Picked her up and took her to my room. She was still mumbling "don't leave me," with her eyes closed as she cried. My whole shirt had been soaked in her tears. I sat her down on my bed and gave her a glass of water. I removed her hair out of my face. She had heavy breathing and was shaking.


"Crystal, I'm here. Calm down," I assured but she kept on crying.


"What are you scared of?" I asked as I held onto her hands.


"S-Salmon," she cried.


"Why Crys?" I asked. She just cried.


"Crystal, tell me," I begged as I shook her.


"That night..." she cried with heavy breathes. She started losing conscious.


"Crys, tell me," I encouraged.


"My room" she said as she fell on the bed.


"Crystal, Crystal!" I shook her, trying to wake her up.


I had never seen Crystal like this before. I was worried. I put the blanket on her and sat on the sofa. I could see the restlessness on Crystal's face as she kept on moving side to side on the bed. Mr Chen and his family were leaving at 11 today. It was 7am and I didn't decide to wake Crystal Up. I went downstairs and asked the maid to prepare breakfast for the family. I apologised on Crystal's behalf as she was not well.


"It's fine. She must be really worn out," they understood.


After the breakfast preparations I walked up to my room and got ready. Crystal was still sleeping. I chose to wear a white Nike hoddie with white sweatpants and white Nike joggers. I took a shower and changed.



Crystal's POV:


I woke up and stretched my arms realising that I was in Ivan's room. He was sitting on the couch on his phone.


"Good morning," I greeted with a huge smile. He got up and hugged me. My eyes were still full of sleep, but his hug felt so good.


"You're awake?" he giggled.


"No, I'm still sleeping?" I giggled. Ivan was going to break the hug but I held on. I wanted to enjoy this.


“Crys?” Ivan called.


“Mhm,” I mumbled. He said nothing afterwards.


I looked at the clock and it was 10:45. Mr Chen and his family were leaving in 15 MINUTES!!


"Ivaaaannn-" I yelled as he cut me off saying "I prepared their breakfast and all we have to do is see them off."


I wasn't even ready and I didn't have time to get ready. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I washed my face and applied some makeup on. I brushed my hair leaving it open. I didn’t have time to change so I grabbed their gift and headed downstairs with Ivan to see them off. They were sitting on the couch waiting for us.


"I am so sorry, I didn't realise the time," I apologised.


"It's fine Crystal. We want to thank you for a lovely trip. We do hope you feel better soon and may God bless you. You're a bright child," Mrs Chen appreciated.


"Thankyou so much, We had a lovely time with you," I commented. 


I wished Mr Chen and his family a safe flight with the bouquet of flowers and their gift. As I handed them over, Mrs Chen pulled me over for a hug.


“Crystal, we are so appreciative of your effort. We have never experienced a lovely holiday. You made us feel like family. God bless you" she said again.


"I am glad I made it memorable. I hope to see yous soon," I wished. Michelle just stood there on her phone with her attitude. I felt really sad. I felt like my parents had been with me. I stood their sadly as they walked out. It was such a great time. 

Ivan's P.O.V


I could see that Crystal was sad. I nudged her shoulder and whinged "I am so hungry". She turned to me as I looked at her and kept blinking.


She giggled "let's go". I followed her to the dining table where there was so much variety of delicious food. I picked up a glass of juice and toast. I just remembered that I wanted Crystal to meet my best friend Hunter, who had also been returning from overseas.


"Crystal, my best friend is coming back. I want you to meet him. We will be going out to a coffee shop to meet him at 2pm".


"Oooo, you have friends too," she giggled.


"Of course I do," I said.


"Oh yes, Ivan, I will be going back to my house tonight," Crystal said. My expressions changed.


"W-what.. but why," I questioned.


"I don't need to be here anymore, the guests are gone," she said. I really didn't want her to leave. I was having such a great time with her.


"Don't worry, we'll still see each other lol," she said.


She walked up to her room to pack her stuff. I wanted to get her a gift so I told her I was going out for a while. But before that I took a visit to the doctors. I sat down with my family doctor and explained whatever I had seen happen with Crystal. I even told him about her blank out times, where she’s remembering something but passes out and acts like nothing happened after. The doctor couldn’t come to any conclusion since he doesn’t know her medical records but suggested that I take her in sometime to makes sure everything is well.


After I was finished at the doctors I drove to the city which had the best gift shops. I picked up a few teddy bears, chocolate bars and a few decoration pieces which she liked. Took me a whole 2 hours to gather all the things but I knew she would like it. I wanted to spend some time with her before she left but the traffic was so severe. I knew I wouldn't be home by another hour. 


Crystal's P.O.V


I was in the room finishing packing, so I could get ready to meet Ivan's best friend. I chose a silver thin strapped, slip dress that fell 30cm below my waist with silver medium length heels. I curled my hair and wore a diamond jewellery set. I put on a light pink lip gloss and silver eye shadow with normal face makeup. I grabbed a silver, glittery purse and changed my phone case to a transparent one which had a silver rose in the middle.


*door bell rings* 


It must be Ivan. I went down and opened the door. A guy with dark brown curly hair with tanned skin, muscley body was standing there in a vanilla shirt, black pants and black shoes.

CHAPTER 17: Crystal was going home

"Hey, I'm Hunter," he said as he checked me out from head to toe. Then he put his hand forward for a handshake.


"I'm .. Crystal," I said as I put my hand forward for a handshake.


"Nice to meet you Crystal," Hunter said with a smirk.


He wasn't letting go of my hand. I was feeling so scared and uncomfortable. The only thing I wanted was Ivan. I didn't feel protected without Ivan. He was rubbing his thumb on my skin eye raping me. I pulled my hand away. He started walking towards me with a dirty smirk. I walked backwards until I bumped into the table and fell to the floor. My heart was thumping, and I was breathing heavily. Hunter knelt down. His hand was coming towards my face which made me flinch. My eyeballs were facing the floor because I was terrified.


"Crystal," someone called out from the door. It was Ivan. I quickly got up and ran to hug him.


"Is she okay?" Hunter asked. Ivan’s hand held my head slowly.


"Hunter... when did you come?" Ivan asked.


"Just then. I saw this beautiful girl on the floor and the door was open," Hunter lied.


Why did he lie? Should I tell Ivan the truth? I didn't want to ruin it for Ivan. He was meeting with his best friend after so long. I pulled away from Ivan.


"I am fine. I was just a bit scared since no one was home," I assured Ivan. Ivan grabbed onto my hand.


"I am so sorry Crys, I will never leave you alone," he said. 


After the meet and greet we all headed to the cafe and spent the whole afternoon there. Hunter’s eye’s were on me and I had to hide my uncomfortableness. Hunter had dropped us back home.


Ivan's P.O.V:


*at home*


Me and Crystal were in her room finalising all her packing. I did not want her to leave. I knew she wasn’t going to take care of herself. Crystal got up to get her charger and I followed her. She turned around but fell back onto the wall because of the limited space.


"Ivan, move. I need to finish packing," she exclaimed. I smiled mischievously. She tries to escape from the left, but I stop her by putting my arm up. She tried from the right and I put the right arm up. She smiles. I move my right hand towards her hair, brushing it slowly, playing with it.


"Did anyone tell you how beautiful you are looking today?" I whispered.


"Uff, yeah a million other people," she giggled. Yup there goes a whole mood in the dump.


"Whatever," I said.


She pushed me away and I leant against the wall. She knelt to put her charger in her bag. Her dress slid up her thighs. I felt a large gulp go down my throat as I felt myself getting a boner.


"See you downstairs Crys,"I said as I rushed out her room to mine. 


I quickly hopped into a cold shower and relaxed myself. I quickly changed and went to the car to drive her home. We were playing I spy on the way to her house. Crystal has a child in herself. She makes everything glow. I am so lucky to have her. As she was taking her stuff out, I grabbed her gifts.


"Crystal," I called out.


She turned around and gasped with happiness covering her mouth. I smiled so big. She ran to me and jumped around.


'Are these for me!" she yelled.


"Yes," I giggled. She was so happy. She hugged me and said "Thankyouuuu," she exaggerated.


"I love you," I said.


"I love you too best friend!" she said. She walked back in to her house and waved me goodbye with the most prettiest smile I had ever seen.


“I love you more than a best friend,” I said as she entered her house. After a few moments I got back into my car and drove home. I already started missing her :(


Crystal's POV:


I could not be bothered to unpack my things. I changed into my pyjamas and lay down on my bed on my phone, scrolling through tiktok and texting Ivan. I had college tomorrow so after a while I went to sleep.



I heard noises downstairs which woke me up. I got out of bed to see what was going on. It was dark. I was going to the switches to turn the light on when someone has pulled me and pinned me against the wall.


I struggled as I yelled "who the fuck are you? Let me go!"


They had pinned my hands above my head my head with one of their hands and crashed their lips on mine, shutting me up. They hungerly kissed and kissed. Their other hand was going up my legs and under my shirt. He bit my lower lip for entrance but I didn’t let him get in. He bit my lip harder as he squished my left boob which made my lips open in pain. I knocked him in the head with my forehead and they fell to the floor. I ran to flick the light on as they pulled me to the floor. My hand had managed to flick the light on.


It was.. HUNTER!. "Hunter... what are you doing!" I yelled. I was on the floor and he got down and came near me. His hands came towards my face, but I moved back.

CHAPTER 18: The Seductive Eye

"You look even sexier in your pyjamas," he grinned. I was getting up when he got on top of me and pinned my arms to the floor.


"Come on Crystal, don't make things complicated," he said.


"Let me go you asshole!" I screamed.


"Heellppp!" I yelled.


He covered my mouth and told me to be quiet. I wasn't scared of him. I slapped him with my free hand which made him get really angry and rip my shirt. I slid out under him and got up to run to my room. He tried grabbing me but grabbed onto my shirt and had taken it off. I had managed to get up to my room but I couldn't lock the door in time. I quickly grabbed my phone as Hunter snatched it out of my hand.


"Oh, a message from Ivan," he exclaimed.


"Give my phone back to me," I yelled. He put the phone up on the highest shelf where I couldn't reach it. He locked the door as he came towards me.


"Hunter, Ivan will kill you when he finds out," I warned.


"Who will tell Ivan? Ivan will believe me over you. I'll just say that you manipulated me," he said as he grabbed my wrist.


"Let go of me," I pleaded. He threw me onto my bed and turned me around as he got on me. He pinned my arms to my back.


"Hunter fucking let go of me," I shouted. He took my pants and underwear off as he opened my bra too. I started crying. I was so helpless.


He turned me around started kissing my neck. I tried to push him off with my free arms, but he was too strong. I slapped him on his face, and he slapped me back harder on mine. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. He started sucking on my nipple like a hungry creature.


"Stop!" I cried but he didn't listen.


He made his way down to my pussy and sucked it viciously. I pulled his hair trying to get him to stop, but he did not. He slapped me again.  He took off his pants and got his cock out. I tried moving out of under him to escape this torture. He pinned my arms with one hand on my belly and put his cock inside me. I moved restlessly. He moved towards my lips and started kissing me as he thrusted back and forth. It was really painful. He was going faster and faster. The pain was unbearable.


“Oww, you're hurting me," I cried as I turned my face to the other side.


"This is nothing," he groaned as he went faster.


He covered my mouth so no one could her me scream. He enjoyed it. He took his meat out and I was relieved until he turned me over and put it in my ass. He went harder and harder every time. My face was squashed on my bed with my ass in the air. He was getting more and more on me. I couldn't take his weight. My body was aching so much. He turned me around again and started sucking on my neck as he made a trial down my belly.


"Hunter.. please stop," I cried in a weak voice. He had finally stopped and looked at me. 


"You're so good Crystal. I need more of you," he said. He kissed my lips roughly as he got off me and put his clothes back on.


"I will come back tomorrow baby, don't worry," he informed.


I grabbed the blanket and covered my naked body as he took my phone and threw it to me. It was 4am. I was really weak and felt so much pain in my body that I couldn't get up to into the shower. I cried and cried for hours. I didn't know how to tell Ivan. What if I lost Ivan? What if Ivan actually thought I manipulated Hunter? My brain started hurting. I received a message on my phone and it was Ivan. He was going to pick me up for college in an hour. I had got up and went to the shower. I scrubbed my body so hard as I fell into tears. I couldn't take it. I felt really yucky from inside. I couldn't let anyone know what had happened with me, Not even Ivan.


I stared myself in the mirror and saw the hickeys on my body. I needed to hide them. I chose a purple sweat shirt and sweat pants. I left my hair open, did my make up and wore studs with white Nike sneakers, white backpack and white phone case. I tried smiling so much but I could only feel the tears in my eyes trying to get out. Ivan had texted saying he was downstairs. I got out of the house without eating anything and sat in the car.


"Hey," Ivan greeted as he smiled.


"Hii," I smiled back. He started the car and we drove off to college. I was quiet the whole time. I laid my head back on the seat facing away from Ivan and to the window. 


Ivan's POV:


Crystal was sitting in the quietly, which was really unusual. We ended our day on a great note yesterday. Her hands were in her lap and her face was towards the window. Maybe she was tired and didn't sleep properly, or she missed Mrs Chen and her family. I parked outside college and got out to open Crystal's door. I realised she had fallen asleep. I held her hand as I called her name out.


"Crys, wake up. We're here," I whispered. Hey eyeballs were moving under her closed eyes. Her grip onto my hand got tight.


I shook her with my other hand, "Crystal." She got up with so much fear as she looked around in fear.


"Crystal, are you okay?" I asked with worry.


"Yeah, yeah I am fine," she said. But she started sweating. I gave her some water. I noticed Crystal was walking really slow with a tired face.


"Ivaan," Hunter called form behind. 

CHAPTER 19: Constant Torture

Crystal's POV:


I saw Hunter coming towards us.


"Ivan I need to go to the bathroom," I said as I walked off.


I didn't want to see Hunter. I was in the bathroom until the bell rang for class. I couldn't stop getting flashbacks from last night. I walked out of the bathroom to see Hunter standing in front of me. I looked away as I walked in the opposite direction. He put his arm forward to stop me. I looked up at him. He got closer to me and whispered, "see you tonight" and slapped my ass. I gasped. He walked off with a dirty smirk. He was with us the whole day and I could feel his eyes raping me the whole time. I wanted to burst into tears, but I couldn't. As soon as I got home I locked all the doors and windows. I was terrified to sleep. 



I had fell asleep on the couch. the lights were on. I was dreaming of last night. I suddenly woke up with a hard heartbeat. I felt as if someone was behind me. I turned around and saw Hunter.


"How did you get in?!" I yelled.


"I have my ways," he grinned. He grabbed me and took me upstairs to my room. He locked the door and started taking his clothes off.


"Hunter please stop," I cried. "This is not good."


He came after me and I was running around in the room, trying to get away from him. I was so terrified but I couldn't get away from him no matter how much I tried. He had got a hold of me and forced himself on me. No matter how much I begged and cried for him to stop he didn't listen.


 *2 Weeks later*

Hunter had raped me for the 16th time last night. My body had become really weak. My thighs were hurting so much. I had bruises all over my body as I always got injured either trying to get away from Hunter or from Hunter who had hit me each time I didn't listen. I chose to wear a brown turtleneck with black jeans and black joggers. I had put my hair up in a ponytail and put some makeup on. I quickly matched my bag and phone case as Ivan was waiting for me downstairs. I barely got down the stairs. My legs had been paining so much.


I had sat down in the car when Ivan scolded "I am noticing that you're getting weaker and weaker." I didn't have the energy to listen as he went on.


"Are you even listening to me?!" he said as he was annoyed. I was silent. He sighed and drove off to college.


Ivan's POV:


*Science class*

Ms was demonstrating an experimental practical when I noticed Crystal was holding onto the bench with one hand for support and the other on her thighs. Maybe she was on her periods.


"Crys, are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked as my arms were around her shoulders.

Before she said anything she lost her conscious and had fell to the floor in my arms.


"Crystal!" I yelled. Everyone had come over. The teacher tried waking up Crystal, but she wouldn't wake up.


"Ivan take her to the nurse," she instructed me.


I picked her up and ran to the nurse's office. The nurse was with her for a whole 2 hours and like usual, she didn't tell me anything. I was outside walking back and forth in a worry. That's it I am not letting her take her decisions.. I decided to go to her house to get some of her clothes. I saw that two of her suitcases were unpacked, her room was really messy. I was puzzled. Crystal was so organised. I grabbed those suitcases and put them in the car as I drove back to school. I went back into the nurse's office where I was allowed to see Crystal.


"That's it Crystal. You're staying in front of my eyes until you get better."


"No Ivan, I'm fine," she said softly in a weak voice.


"Have you looked at yourself Crystal!" I yelled.


She didn't say anything. I was really bothered now. The nurse came in and said I could take Crystal home. I walked her to the car with support and drove her to my house. She had fell asleep in the car so I took her to my room. I went downstairs and took out the suitcases and took them up to her room as I told the maids to prepare lunch. I sat down next to Crystal whilst she was asleep.


*doorbell rings* 

I went down to see who it was. Hunter had came in with a worried face asking what had happened and why we left college early. I explained the whole situation to him with a very stressful face.


"Don't worry bro. I am here if you need anything," he cared as he hugged me. We sat down in the living and chatted for a while.


"Sir, the food has been prepared," the maid informed. It was 6pm and Crystal was still asleep. I got up to wake her up when Hunter insisted that I prepare the table and he gets Crystal.


Crystal's POV:


I was again getting flashbacks of Hunter. I could feel the restlessness in my body. I woke up and found Hunter coming towards me. I sat up as I hugged the blanket to my chest. I was getting really sweaty, and my heart was pounding fast. "Ivaa-" I yelled as he grabbed onto me and whispered "don't you dare."


Hunter turned me around with my back against his chest and pinned my arms with his chest. He covered my mouth with one hand and with the other hand he started going into my pants.


"Noo," I mumbled. "Oh you don't want to turn me on with that," he said. His hand was now on top of my underwear as he moved his finger up and down between my pussy. He bit my ear as he was going back up into my underwear.


"Hunter!" Ivan interrupted from downstairs. "Ugh, always the wrong time," Hunter complained. He took his hand out of my pants and set me free. He walked out and I heard him say "we'll be down in a few minutes!" 

CHAPTER 20: Ivan finds out

He came back in and put his hand on my neck as he pulled me for a kiss.


"Be ready for tonight," he laughed as he walked out of the room.


My eyes started tearing up. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I went downstairs after I had got a hold of myself. Ivan pulled out the chair for me as I sat down. He sat next to me and I really didn't feel like eating anything. Ivan scooped some rice and fed me. I was there quiet.


"I'm full Ivan," I said after the 3rd spoon.


"No Crystal, you have to finish it all," he commanded.


Hunter was just looking at us. He got up and informed "Ivan, I shall get going. I've got something really important tonight," as he looked at me.


"Alright bro, see you," Ivan said. Hunter left and I was feeling a bit easy. My body was feeling really warm and I needed air. I left the dining table because I felt suffocated. Ivan called after me but I ignored. 


I had opened the suitcases Ivan had brought from my house and changed into a longline pink bra with black mini shorts. I covered my bruises and hickeys with makeup in case someone came in. I needed air in my body. I went and sat next to the window where I felt the breeze touch my body. My eyes were burning. I hadn't slept properly in ages. Ivan had came in after a while and sat next to me.


He felt the breeze and commented "it feels so nice." He looked towards me and down to my body. His eyes, his look didn't make me feel uncomfortable because I knew he is my protection and safety. I wonder if he would still be my safety and protection after he found out about Hunter. 


Ivan's POV:

I walked into Crystal’s room and saw her sitting next to the window. I moved my hands towards her face but she flinched. She had never flinched towards me. I didn't want to trigger anything so I suggested that she takes rest. She walked towards her bed, and I tucked her in.


"Good night beautiful," I said, kissing her forehead. I sat down on the couch keep an eye on her.



I had been awakened by the sound of a car. I got up to see who it was at this hour and realised Crystal wasn't in bed. I knocked on the bathroom door and called her name, but the bathroom was empty. I heard her phone buzz. I walked over to check who it was. It was an unknown number. They had texted her that if she didn't come tonight they would harm me. WHAT THE FUCK! I scrolled up to see previous messages and found out she was going to her house. I quickly ran downstairs to my car, but it was out of fuel.


I was so worried about her. What if she was in danger? I will never forgive myself if anything happens to her. I decided to run to her house where I saw Hunter's car. I quietly walked into her house where I heard her screaming and crying. I walked up stairs as fast as I could and kicked the door open. I could not believe what I saw. Hunter was forcing himself on Crystal.

"Ivan," Crystal cried.


Hunter got off Crystal. “I can explain Iva-“ Hunter started.


"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!" I yelled as I repeatedly punched him on his face.


Hunter grabbed onto my collar and exclaimed "how couldn't I. Haven't you seen her body!" I punched him again.


"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, how could you even think about talking about her in such a way?" I howled. Hunter had pushed me off him and against the wall, starting to punch my stomach.


"That hoe must have been sleeping around. I won't make any difference to her list," he insulted. I grabbed hunter and threw him to the floor kicking him.


"YOU PIECE OF SHIT. HOW DARE YOU CALL CRYS A HOE," I roared. Hunter managed to get up and push me out of the room as he locked the door.


"Watch what I do to your Crys now!" he threatened. I tried breaking the door, but it wouldn't break. I could hear Crystal screaming in pain.


"Ivaaan, help." I heard the bed moving viciously. Hunted had gone into her and she couldn't take it. I grabbed a hammer and broke the lock. I pushed him off the bed to the floor. I gave the blanket on Crystal and got on Hunter, punching his face. Anger rushed through my vanes. I was so mad.


"You were my best friend. How could you do such a thing to the girl I love," I yelled.


"The girl you love is a whore," he abused. I got angrier. Moments later the police came in and yelled "hands up." I got pulled off Hunter by an officer since I wasn't getting off Hunter. The other grabbed onto Hunter. Someone in the neighbourhood had informed the officers about the noises.


"He raped my best friend, I am going to kill him," I yelled as I tried getting forward to hit Hunter but the officer pulled me back.


"Sir, please calm down," The officer said. He looked at Hunter and handcuffed him.


"Further investigation will occur when the victim is awake, until then the accused is in custody," the officers said as they left. I ran to Crystal who was lying on the bed unconscious. I wrapped her up and rushed her to the hospital. 


They took her in and told me to wait outside. The doctor came out and told me to get some clothes for her that covered her private parts only. Her body had been injured and they needed to treat it. I quickly drove home and grabbed a green crop top with black mini shorts. I quickly drove back to the hospital and gave the clothes to the doctor. I had been waiting for hours and at last they let me see her. I went into her private ward and stood there in shock. Her whole body had bruises and hickeys.


"She has been involved in regular intercourse and has been injured severely all over her body. There's chances that she has PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) because she was acting up during our processes," the doctor informed. I was so hurt to see her like that.


"It's preferred that she sees a psycatrist for her mental health. Other than that we have to cancel her medications because her body is really weak,” he continued.


“Medications? What medications?” I asked. I wasn’t in knowledge of any such thing.


“She's been taking heavy doses of sleeping pills and other iron tablets without proper dietary," the doctor continued. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


"We will try our best to heal her but please convince her to see a psycatrist," he urged.


"I will," I agreed. The doctor left the room and I sat on the stool next to Crystal as I waited for her to wake up.


*the next day*

Crystal was still unconscious. I wanted to hear her voice. I sat there staring at her. Tears started falling out of my eyes. I couldn't lose her. I had finally found someone who was with me. Loneliness ate me. I couldn't afford losing Crystal.


"Please... don't... hurt... Ivan," she started mumbling as she slowly opened her eyes. I moved her head towards me and saw me. She tried getting up but couldn't.


"Ivan are you okay? Hunter was.." she gasped as she looked around with fear. I grabbed onto her hand and she started panicking.


"Don't touch me!" she yelled as she ran off the bed into a corner of the ward. I followed her and tried to calm her down. She had her hands to her head and eyes closed.


"Stop it," she cried.


"Crystal, it's me, Ivan," I told but she didn't listen. I pulled her to my chest and hugged her tightly as she slowly calm down.


"Ivan," I said. She looked up to my face and hugged me.


"You're finally here. Please don't leave me," she cried.


"I promise that I will never leave you," I promised. I picked her up and sat her on the bed. I grabbed the stool and sat in front of her.

Chapter 21: The truth

 "Crystal, look here," I said. "You have to tell me everything," I begged but she kept on crying.


"He lied to you. The day he came, he made me feel uncomfortable and looked at me with dirty eyes. He wouldn't let go of my hand," she started. "When I got home, I heard noises during the night. I went downstairs to see who it was and it was Hunter," she cried. She had started breathing heavier and shaking. I got up and sat on the bed next to her as I hugged her.


"I tried to get away from him but he still got to me. He forced himself on me that night. I begged so much but he didn't listen. That wasn't even enough for him. He came every night and tortured me. If I didn't listen he would hit me," she cried.


I pulled her away and asked, "why didn't you tell me the first time?"


"He said that you wouldn't listen to me. You would think I was the one who manipulated him," she sobbed.


"Oh Crystal, I would never think that. I know how you are," I said as I pulled her back to my chest. She kept on crying. "Shhh, calm down. Everything is fine now. He's in jail and he'll be getting his punishment soon," I informed. "I will always be with you. But you have to listen to me," I ordered.


"I'll do everything you say, just don't leave me please," she solicited.


"You have to see a psycatrist," I said. She got out of my arms and looked at me. I cupped her face with my hands and wiped her tears.


"You want to get rid of the memories. You don't want them to haunt you anymore right?" I manipulated. She nodded her head as she started crying again and hugged me.


"I want them to go Ivan. My head hurts so much when I think of Hunter.” She got out of my arms and started rubbing her hands on her body as she cried "his touch.. I feel it all the time. My body feels gross. I want his touch to go." I could not see Crystal like that. I gave her a glass of water as she calmed down.


"Hunter will be punished and I will make sure he doesn't get out alive out of jail," I swore to Crystal as I looked into her eyes. There was so much pain in them.


"Now you have to eat something. You haven't eaten properly in ages. I am going to go to the cafeteria and get us food," I said as I got up.


"No Ivan, don't leave please," Crystal requested. She was terrified.


"Lock the door whilst I am gone and when I come back I will say 'chocolate' 3 times then you open the door," I suggested.


“No! I said don’t fucking leave me,” she screamed as her eyes started tearing up. She hugged me tight so I wouldn’t leave.

“Okay, okay, I’m here with you,” I said. I texted Alina and told her that I was in the hospital with Crystal. She rushed to the hospital. It had been a very long time and Crystal had fell asleep in my arms. I tried moving but her sense grabbed on tighter. Alina walked in the ward calling out Crystal’s name.


“Shhh,” I whispered.


“Sorry,” she apologised. She stared at her bruised body in shock. “How did this happen?” she asked.


“Long story but right now she won’t let me go but she needs to eat something. Her body is really weak,” I told.


“I’ll go down to the cafeteria and get you both food,” Alina whispered. She came back with 2 plates of chicken rice and juice poppers. The doctor entered the room as Alina was setting up the food.


“I’m sorry Ivan but one of you have to leave, visiting hours are over. Since Crystal’s condition is not stable I’ve got permission for only one person to stay,” he informed.


“I’ll leave,” Alina said. “Crystal needs you Ivan,” she said as she held my shoulder. She left the ward with the doctor. I woke up Crystal and walked her to the couch for the food. She relaxed her arms on the couch as she stared at the food. She couldn’t lift them. I grabbed Crystal’s plate of food and started feeding her.


“Ivan it’s fine I’ll eat myself. You must have not ate either. You eat yours,” she insisted.


“Crystal, I know your body is paining and I will not let you go away from me now. As soon as you get better, you’re moving to my house and that’s final. I have talked to your mum and she has no problem. In fact she is really worried and upset that all this has happened to you. So now, you’re going to listen to me. You know why? Because I love you, since the day we met you stole my heart. You solved all my problems, you became my everything. I can’t stop thinking about you. The fear of loosing you petrifies me,” I lectured.


Crystal sat there and listened. There was a big silence before she spoke. “I love you too Ivan,” she started. My neck turned around to face her really fast. My heart filled with excitement.


“I’ve never felt comfortable in any guy’s arms the way I feel in yours. I was so scared of loosing you, but my life is so fucked up. I didn’t want my life to interfere with yours but it is. I want to see you happy even if that meant I had to separate myself from you,” she expressed.


“We can fix this Crystal. The doctor said you can get better. You have to see a physiatrist to get better. Your brain is really disturbed. We will fix this together. I promise. Just agree to see a physiatrist with me please,” I said. She looked at me with a no face and she rejected. She wanted isolation, her heart was done for good. I convinced her to my best and she finally agreed.

Chapter 22: Discharged from the hospital

 When she finished eating she laid back on the bed and grabbed my hand.


"I feel so much better after telling you everything Ivan," she appreciated.


"You don't have to be scared of anything Crystal. I won't judge you. You are very dear to me," I convinced. "Good night Crys,” I wished as I kissed her forehead.


She smiled back and started blushing. My heart had felt butterflies of that reaction. After she had fallen asleep I left for the police station. I walked in to discuss the consequences for Hunter. They informed that there have been other rape reports against Hunter by many girls. There will be a court hearing tomorrow. The evidence gathered by the police authorities were the security camera footage of Crystal's house where it was evident that he had raped Crystal many times. 


"I can not attend the hearing, but please make sure he gets the worse punishment," I yelled.


I did not want to spare Hunter. What he did to Crystal was unforgivable. I walked out of the station and headed back to the hospital. I could see the peace on Crystal's face. I went and laid down on the couch and fell asleep.


*the next morning*

The doctor came in to check on Crystal. He said that she had been doing better and would be discharged in a few weeks. He also talked to Crystal about the psycatrist and she agreed to see one. I was receiving a call from the police station. I went outside to receive it and they informed me that Hunter is sentenced to life imprisonment for one rape. He'll be receiving many more for the other rape reports. He deserved death. My only goal from today is to protect Crystal from any harm. 


*3 weeks later*

I had decorated Crystal's room with red and white balloons. I brought her red roses and a few boxes of chocolate. I left for the hospital after I finished decorating her room. She was so happy to go home I could tell from her face. Her body had finally recovered from all the bruises and pain. Her skin was clear like before and she was so happy about it. There was no stain on her body left to remind her of Hunter. She was the old Crystal. She was messing around in the car with me and created a good time. 


Crystal’s POV:


*at home*

I had opened the door to my room and wow! The room was decorated with beautiful roses and balloons. But as soon as I saw the chocolate, I ran to it. Ivan did not let me eat any chocolate or ice cream since I had gone to the hospital. I needed the sweet.


"This is so beautiful," I squealed.


"Not more than you," Ivan rejected as he stared at me. I could feel my cheeks blushing. I loved it when Ivan looked at me with loving eyes. I loved Ivan. I had finally found someone who loved me for me and was willing to accept me with all my flaws.


"Your appointment with the psycatrist is in 3 hours so get ready," Ivan informed.


"But I need to get some clothes from home," I said.


"No need," Ivan smiled as he opened the third door in my room which led to another room.


I walked in behind him and OH MY GOD! It was a whole queen wardrobe. All types of clothing, jewellery, makeup, bags, shoes and phone cases of all colours. I turned to Ivan.


"You didn't have to do all this," I insisted.


"But I did it anyways," he laughed.


"I'll see you downstairs okay," he said as he left the room.


I spent time looking around the wardrobe. It was a dream. I picked out a jumpsuit that had an off shoulder white crinkle body and a baby blue wide trouser. I picked out white medium length heels with white pearl jewellery, white glittery purse and white phone case. I took a shower and changed. I sat in front of the mirror and straightened my hair. I then rolled up the front of my hair into two rolls and pinned then back. I wore a hot pink shiny lip gloss with blue eyeshadow and normal face makeup. I walked downstairs to look for Ivan. I couldn't see him anywhere in the house.


"Ma'am, Sir is outside in the car waiting for you," his maid informed me.


"Oh, thankyou," I smiled as I walked out. I was walked out and saw Ivan cleaning the boot.


"Finally you've decided to come ouuutt," he said as his voice slowed down at the end. "Owww!" he yelled as he bumped into the door as he was taking his head out and staring at me at the same time. I giggled. I walked down to him.


"You idiot," I laughed.


"No you cutie," he commented as he checked me out. I looked away because I felt my cheeks blushing. he pulled me towards him locking his hands around my back.


"You're looking gorgeous Crys," he commented. I put my arms around his neck and started playing with his hair.


"You look good too Ivan," I giggled. He took a deep breath and gulped.


"Why do you do that to me?" he smirked. I knew what he meant.


"We should get going for the appointment," I teased. The whole mood changed.


"Mood wrecker" he whispered to himself. I laughed. I went and sat in the passenger seat, he handed me a lunchbox with food. “Finish it on the way we go there,” he commanded. I was really nervous when we got there. 


"You have to do this for yourself Crystal," Ivan encouraged.


I had to do it for myself. I didn't want my past to haunt me for my life. I needed to cope with it and get over it. Soon the psycatrist called me in. She was really lovely. I told her everything. Salmon and Hunter. She gave me coping strategies and ways to relieve stress. It was a whole 1-hour session. I walked out feeling light. I walked to Ivan and smiled. He could tell that I was feeling better. We went and scheduled my next appointment. Ivan decided to take me out for ice cream as a reward and we also went to the game centre. 


We got home at 6 and Ivan had planned a movie night for us. We both went into our rooms and changed. I chose to wear a light pink night dress and Ivan wore grey sweat pants and a shirt. We both sat down on the couch in the living room and started the movie. The movie was so funny and cute. I was watching this scene where the guy proposes his girlfriend but ends up proposing the wrong girl and his girlfriend was behind him.


"Ivan. oh my god, look he proposed the wrong girl," I laughed.


"Yeah," Ivan said breathing out.


I looked at him and he was looking at me. I could not help but feel butterflies in my stomach. But I didn't want to get into a relationship with Ivan before my mental health wasn't sorted. I cuddled with him so the butterflies could stop. But they didn’t. As time passed we both had fallen asleep.

Chapter 23: First Night together



Crystal's POV:


I was a Alina's birthday party I wanted to rush home to Ivan. But then again, I didn't know if he was home because he was at a pool party with his friends. I decided to go over and grab some drinks. I drank too much since I had no attention. Alina came over after a while when she saw me lying around like an idiot with the alcohol bottle. Her and her sister tried taking it off me, but I didn’t give it. That baby tasted great. She got her sister to drop me off at Ivan's house.


I had stumbled my way in and up to Ivan's room with the alcohol bottle to see if he was here, but he wasn't. I opened up Ivan's cupboard and took a white shirt of his. I went into the bathroom and changed into it. His shirt fell just below my ass and fell off my right shoulder. I had only buttoned it up hallway up to my boobs. Me and Ivan had got close over the past year. He knew I liked him, and he liked me back but we still hadn't been official. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on Ivan's bed drinking the rest of the bottle as I desperately waited for him. I will confess today. That dumbo is too shy. I will be the man. I told myself. 


Ivan's POV:


I had been at a pool party with my friends for the whole evening. I was planning a proposal for Crystal tomorrow so I couldn't be late when I got home. I had left the party at 10 and reached home at 11. I was in my shorts that had dried on the way home. All the lights were closed except my rooms. I went up to see who was in my room and I found Crystal sitting on my bed with a bottle of alcohol.


"Ivaaaaannnn!" she screamed nearly falling off the bed if I hadn't run and caught her in time. She looked at me with her drunk eyes and smile. I sat down on the bed next to her.


“Looks like someone has had too much of a drink,” I said.


"Woooahhh," she exclaimed as she looked at my abs. She started tracing them with her finger as she bragged "I can count."


"Really?" I sarcastically giggled.


"yes yes yes," she repeated as she nodded her head up and down. She was in my shirt and was looking so sexy.


She got up and jumped into my lap as she winged "Ivan why did you come so late?" She wrapped her legs around me with her head falling off my shoulder as she drew with her fingers softly on my back.


"Did you miss me that much?" I giggled.


"Yes," she moaned. It turned me on. My hand started rubbing her back. She moved her head and moved more closer to me, now with her naked pussy on my cock and her boobs pressing against my nude chest. 


I could feel my cock getting hard. Crystal adjusted herself as she felt it and started teasing it.


"Crys don’t do that," I warned. But she didn’t listen, instead she teased me more. I crushed her on my bed, now on top of her. She raised her finger to my lips and started feeling them.


"I spy with my little eyeee, something beginning with L," she sung in her cute drunk voice.


"hmm, lips," I smiled.


"Correct! Your lips are so softy softy," she complimented as she flicked my bottom lip.


"Do you want to try them?" I smirked.


"Yes," she smiled as her eyes squinted.


I crashed my lips onto her and kissed them softly. Crystals hands slid into my hair and brushed through them. I unbuttoned her shirt and took it off her as I kissed her down from her lips to her neck. I sucked on her collar bone, and she gave out a little moan. I trailed down to her boobs and sucked each of her nipples which made her moan louder. I locked my fingers into hers as I sucked harder onto them. The hunger in me grew more and more. I rolled down to her pussy and rushed my tongue in her clit slowly as I ate her wet pussy. She gasped but liked it.


I kissed back up to Crystal neck and whispered "I am going to go in."


I took my boxers off and rubbed the head of my cock between her vagina. She breathed heavily and scrunched the pillow. I slowly put my cock into her to limit the pain she feel. I locked my fingers in her hers again as I started to thrust slowly.


"Ivaaann," she moaned.


"Babe are you okay?" I asked. She moaned and moaned. Her moans got me more intense in her. They got louder and louder as I went faster.


"Ivan don't stop," she gasped, enjoyed it.


I crashed my lips onto hers again and kissed her viciously. I bit her lower lips for entrance, and she let me in. I explored her tongue whilst she moaned in pleasure. I pushed harder and harder into her whilst her moaning stopped. I looked up to see and she had fallen unconscious. The alcohol did its job. I pulled out of her and put my boxers back. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and put it on Crystal as I laid down beside her. She turned in to cuddle me, "you're so good Ivan," she murmured. 


We had fallen asleep after all the tiring work. I was finally convinced that she's mine. She’s all that I wanted. 

Chapter 24: Rewind

 Crystal’s POV:

I woke up in Ivan’s arms with an extreme headache and sore body. I realised that Ivan was SHIRTLESS! And I was dressed in one of his white shirts. Ivan was looking so cute with his messy hair and sleepy face. But how did I get in his room? I was at Alina’s house.


“Ivan, wake up,” I shook him. But no response. “Ivan,” I called again but he didn’t respond. “Ivan wake up,” I shook him harder.


“Mmm, Crystal go back to sleep,” he said in his sleepy voice with his eyes closed. I got up and sat on his legs as I placed my hands on his chest.


“Ivan,’ I called again lightly punching his chest. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. He rubbed his eyes for a clearer version and placed his hands behind his head.


“Morning beautiful,” he said.


“My head is about to blast bro. And my body is paining as hell,” I started complaining as I knocked on my head. “Wasn’t I at Alina’s house –“ I said.


“Don’t you remember last night?” he cut me off. LAST NIGHT! WHAT- IN THE WORLD IS THIS GUY TALKING ABOUT. His face appeared with a seductive grin as he stared at my half naked boobs.


“No way!” I exclaimed as I covered my boobs with the shirt.


“No silly,” he assured as he laughed. Thank god. This guy was just messing with me. He laid there staring at me. I was confused.


“So what happened then?” I asked as I leaned forward, placing my arms on his chest again. He just laughed and annoyed the fuck out of me. “Ivan, tell me,” I begged.


“We hooked up,” he said. My eye’s widened like an owl as my hands smacked my face with my mouth opened like a crow.


“Whaatt!,” I exclaimed. “No we didn’t,” I told. He laughed as he saw me trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. “I was supposed to remember if it happened, it’s what I’ve wanted,” I winged. WHAT! Did I just say that? I am so embarrassed.


“Ooo, you wanted it,” Ivan repeated with his naughty smile. I turned away not making contact with him. He sat up with me still on his legs. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck. I turned to him and he was smiling.


“H-how did it even happen?’ I asked with an angry face.


“You were drunk, on my bed. I can and sat next to you and you exposed your self,” he said.


“Exposed myself?” I asked. “How?” I asked.


“Exactly how you are right now,” he said. I realised that I was not wearing any panties or bra, and I was sitting on Ivan’s legs. I turned red out of embarrassment. Ivan grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. “Then you moved closer,” he added. Ivan started playing with my hair as I was still traumatised.


“Actual’s man, we did it?” I asked, still in disbelief.


“Yes we did,” he said.


“But how?” I asked. How did it even happen? Even though I was embarrassed I wanted to know everything. Ivan pulled me even closer to him and I let out a small moan. I was on his hard cock which was touching my vigina through his shorts. We deeply stared into each other’s eyes with great intensity.


“This is how,” he giggled.


“It’s not funny Ivan,” I squealed. But he looked at me with his cheeky smile. His hand was grooming on my thigh softly as it was making its way up to my ass.


“Crystal…” Ivan started. “I’ve loved you for a long time. I can’t help but fall more and more. Will you be my girlfriend?” I proposed. I COULDN’T EBELIEVE IT. HE FINALLY ASKED ME OUT.

“Yes, YES I WILL,” I agreed with excitement. He cupped my face and pulled my lips onto his and slowly started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed it. It was the best moment of my life. I could feel Ivan’s cock getting harder. He started unbuttoning my shirt, still kissing me. He was getting into the mood. I decided to tease him by moving around on him.


“You do not want to do that,” he warned as he broke the kiss.


“Awe, your little Ivan might get upset,” I Laughed.


“LITTLE?” he exclaimed. I nodded yes as I continued laughing.


“I’ll show you little,” he grinned as he picked me up to take his shorts off. He put me back down, with his cock now being between us. I looked down at it and gasped. It was long and thick. HOW DID I EVEN TAKE THAT IN? I looked back at Ivan hoping he’s spare me for teasing him but he didn’t. He grabbed me by my ass and pulled me above his cock.


“HHHH,” I gasped as it went in me. He used his hands underneath my thighs to guide me up and down. I moaned in pleasure which pleased Ivan. He made me go faster and faster every time, making me moan harder. My hands brushed through his hair as my boobs jumped on his chest.


Ivan took me off his cock and turned me over. My head smashed into the bed and my ass was sticking in the air. He put his cock inside my ass and thrusted hard. I felt him get deeper in me every time he thrusted. He was so good.


“Faster Ivan,” I begged. But he pulled out which annoyed me. He turned me over again and got on me. He started kissing me with his hunger as he caressed my nipple. His lips made their way down to my neck and sucked on my collar bone. Soon enough he had made his way down to my left nipple and sucked on it even harder. He played with it using his teeth, biting it which hurt but felt good. He did the same to the other one and kissed down my stomach.


Ivan grabbed his cock and rubbed the head through my clit making me moan. “Do it, Do it,” I begged, wanting him to go in me once again. But he didn’t listen. He pulled his cock away from my vigina which broke my patience. “STOP DOING THA-“ I yelled as he suddenly thrusted himself in me. I moaned viciously. Ivan locked his fingers in mine and started kissing me as he thrusted back and forth. Every moan of mine entered his and made his hunger for me increase.


“Don’t stop,” I moaned with pleasure, getting exhausted. I was gasping for air. Ivan pulled out after a bit and laid beside me gasping for air. “You’re so good,” I commented, still gasping for air. Ivan smirked as he stared at me.


“I love you,” he said looking at me.


“I love you too,” I said as I rolled into his arms. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine.


*a few hours later*

I had woken up by the maid in the house. She was knocking on our door. I got up and put on Ivan’s shirt. I opened the door and peeked out with my sleepy eyes.


“Ma’am, you and sir haven’t been out since morning. Is everything okay?” she asked.


“Yeah, yeah everything is fine,” I said still half asleep.


“Congratulations,” she said.


“Huh, what,” I said opening my eyes widely. My hickeys were on my neck were exposed. I was so embarrassed.


“Thankyou,” was what came out of my mouth. She smiled and left. Ivan was still sleeping peacefully, I didn’t want to wake him up but I knew the guy would be hungry when he woke up.


I left his room and walked into mine to get ready. I was tired but hungry at the same time. I took a quick shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I was mesmerised by the love marks Ivan left on me. Marks of pure love. I walked out and into my wardrobe to get dressed.


I picked out a bright yellow short dress which hugged my waist and was tight. I matched it with pearl ear rings and yellow small length heels. I did my makeup and straightened my hair. Then I decided to call my mum and tell her that me and Ivan were together now. It was like my mum had been waiting for it to happen. She was so happy that we were together.


Then she gave me some bad news. She could not be here for my birthday which fucked my whole mood to be honest. My mum was never there for my special occasions. It’s the least I asked for. But as usual, I smiled and told her it was fine. I hung up and walked downstairs to cook something for myself. My stomach was rumbling. I opened the top cupboards not being able to see what was in them. I walked back and got a better view of some 2 minute noodle packets.


I walked back to the bench and tried grabbing them but couldn’t. Out of nowhere someone from behind had come and grabbed them out. “Need some help shortie,” he giggled. It was Ivan.


“I was managing just fine,” I said, turning around. Ivan put his hands on the bench with me being trapped in between. He checked me out from head to toe.


“You can’t do that to me,” he winged.


“Hehehe, I just did,” I teased as I made a funny face. He leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. It gave me tremendous butterflies. My heart started racing and I loved it.


“Ivan, get ready I’ll make us food,” I said.


“But I’m not hungry yet,” he said staring at me. Next minute his stomach rumbled. “You didn’t have to go off right now,” Ivan said to his stomach. I stood there giggling. I got out of his arms and pushed him out of the kitchen making him go and get ready. He walked backwards staring at me and tripped at the stairs. I couldn’t help but laugh and he did too.


“I’ll see you down quickly,” he said as he ran upstairs to his room. This guy was perfect. If it wasn’t for him I would’ve stopped living.

Chapter 25: Joke taken too far

 Ivan’s POV:

I quickly took a shower and got changed. I decided to match my outfit with Crystal’s. I chose a yellow shirt with white shorts and white joggers. I left my hair messy and rushed downstairs. I didn’t want to spend another second without Crystal. She was setting the table up with the noodles she cooked. They smelt really good.


I took my seat beside her. “Finally you’re here,” she exclaimed. We both picked up out forks and started eating the noodles. The swooping of noodles was the only sound that was heard. It was really quiet. “So. What’s the plan?” she asked.


“What plan?” I asked confused. She looked at me in a WTF ARE WE GOING TO SIT HERE AND DO-NOTHING face. I smiled wide revealing my teeth to avoid any roast.


“Umm, I was planning to visit Joshua, I mean Joshy you know. I miss him so much,” she sarcastically smiled. JOSHY! Joshua was the guy I hated since forever. We just never got along and he always had his eyes on Crystal. Anger was starting to rush through my blood.


“Aishhh,” I yelled as I smashed the table with my fists. Crystal’s face changed as she was shocked. I got up and left for my room so nothing else happens.


“Ivan, it was a joke,” she called from the back but I ignored. I couldn’t stand my Crystal with any other guy. I was really possessive but I needed to protect her. She wasn’t weak but she was really sensitive and emotional. I shut my door as it made a loud thud and took my shirt off for some air. I grabbed my controller and sat on the game with my friends to get my mind off whatever happened.


But I could feel my brain still stuck in that hideous moment. Hours past and Crystal hadn’t come in. I felt hurt but a bit better because the guys figured out I had a little argument with her. They made things better. I didn’t know what I would’ve done without these crackheads. They were the best.


*a few moments later*


My rooms door started opening and a head peaked through. It was Crystal. “May I come in?” she asked politely.


“Sorry this isn’t Joshua’s room,” I aggressively said. The guys heard me say that and laughed. “Bro don’t tell me she used Joshua to make you jealous?” they asked. “Whatever bro,” I said I focused back on my game. Crystal entered the room in a black short robe and slowly closed the door. I couldn’t get my eyes off her. Her creamy thighs that looked so smooth. Her hair was messy and she wore red lipstick.


FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Not the red lipstick. She knew that was my weakness and at this moment I wanted to snatch her lips and eat them. “Ivan, IVAN!” Nathan called from the game which broke my mesmerisation. “Yeah, yeah I’m here,” I said as I took my eyes off Crystal and focused back on the game.


She came and sat next to me. She hugged my arm as she placed her head on my shoulder but I nudged, rejecting her. She looked at me with anger and tried again but I nudged. She stood up in front of me with a cute pout. But I focused on my game. She went to the trolley ang grabbed the tissue box, throwing it in front of me. She walked to the tissue box and picked up as she stuffed her ass in my face.


Fuck sake! The warmth in my body increased and I was getting hard. I turned the other way to resist her even though I didn’t want to. The more I resisted the more she tried harder. After a few more tries to get my attention she gave up and that’s when I let my guard down. She was walking away when I pulled her arm back harshly and made her sit on my lap.


“Guys I’ll be off now,” I said, closing the game and throwing the controller. Crystal was now mad at me. We stared at each other as the intensity grew. I crashed my lips on hers roughly kissing them. Her lipstick smudges all over her lips and onto mine too. She viciously kissed back as if she was starving for it. I broke the kiss to tease her which worked. Her eyebrows were cornered and she leaned back in for a kiss. “I’m not Joshua,” I said as I threw her off me.


“Ivan I’m sorry,” she said as she stomped like a kid. I grabbed my blanket and settled myself into my bed with my hands behind my head. The switches turned off making the room dark. Crystal turned the lamp on as she stood in front of me, stripping her robe off her. Underneath it was a red lingerie bra and underwear which outlined her luxurious body.


She got on me and started kissing my lips as she rolled her hips on mine making my cock get harder. She bit my lower lip for entrance which was granted. She took her time to explore my mouth and ate it like a beast. She trolled down to my neck and sucked on my collar bone which made me groan. I unlocked her bra and it fell off her chest and onto mine. I grabbed it and threw it on the floor. She started making her way down my chest to my cock.


She took my shorts off and rubbed my cock between her boobs before she used her hands to massage it. God she was good at it. She licked the head of my cock and teased it for a bit. “Take it in,” I moaned but she rejected. “I said take it in,’ I groaned again but she denied. I grabbed her head and made her take all of it in her mouth. I guided her head as she was pleasuring me. I couldn’t help but moan with pleasure. Her hand had taken my hand off her head and took my cock out of her mouth.


She crawled up to my ear and whispered, “Joshua is slightly better,” to tease me. THAT’S IT! My brain had raged into anger. I grabbed Crystal by the arms as she was getting off me to go and smashed her on the bed. “JOSHUA IS BETTER HUH!” I yelled, now being on top of her.

Chapter 26: The beast inside him

 Crystal’s POV

“No I was joking,” I said trying to spare myself. But Ivan was mad. He aggressively took my underwear off and said, “I’ll show you who’s better.” Oh no this wasn’t good. I felt his dick going inside me really fast. “I-Ivan no-,” I rejected but he didn’t listen. “You’re going to regret this,” he threatened as he started fucking me. I tried using my arms to get him off me but he grabbed them by his strong grip. He dove into my neck and sucked there as he thrusted inside me.


He was thrusting like a wild animal and my hips started hurting. “I-Iva-“ I called as I gasped for air. Before I could say anything else he put three of his fingers inside my mouth, leaving me helpless. Ivan was really mad now. He wasn’t listening to me but I had to stop this. It was too much to take. It felt like my pussy was going to get ripped. He thrusted harder and harder every time as his anger increased.


My whole body was paralysed with pain. I was lying there helpless under him. What had I done? Was this really Ivan? Tears started running down my check and my face was burning. Ivan bit harder on my collar bone on one side but wasn’t satisfied. He moved to my other side and did the same. Someone please save me from this hell. It was too much to take.


He took his fingers out of my mouth and raged down to my left nipple, still thrusting in me. He squeezed them with his tight grip which made me scream in pain. My tears had finally reached his face and he stopped. “It’s hurting. Please stop,” I cried. His head pulled out of my neck and his face looked at mine. His thumb wiped my tears as they were still falling.


Ivan had gone blank. He dug his head back into my neck and wrapped his hands around me, hugging me tightly. We laid there silently for a while. Ivan moved himself after a while for comfort which made me realise that he was still in me as my hips pained. “Ivan,” I called. Nothing said. “Babe,” I called out again. I took my hands to his hair as I slowly scratched his scalp.


“Ivan?” I tried waking him up but he didn’t. Gladly I wasn’t having trouble breathing. My mind was messed up after whatever just happened. I had never seen Ivan like this. I know he’s scared of loosing me but he took it too far. I laid there staring at the ceiling, still in pain. I couldn’t get out of under him because he had fallen asleep on me.


*next morning*


I was awaken by this really sharp pain my stomach which was unbearable. Ivan was still on top of me. “Ivan!” I yelled trying to wake him up. It was too much to handle. I gripped onto his arms as I tried moving him from on top of my body but he was too heavy. “Ivan please wake up,” I begged in a cracky voice, nearly about to cry. “Ivan!” I yelled in his ear. “Crystal! What is it?” he groaned as he moved up and down, making his dick thrust in me. I let out a moan which surprised him. He dug his head out of my neck and looked at my face. My eyes were tearing up as the pain grew.


“Get out of me,” I gasped. His face had a painful expression as he slowly pulled out. It was so painful. I gasped with relief but the pain in my body increased. I clutched to my stomach and I started whimpering. “Crystal are you okay?” he asked as he held my arm. I nodded negatively as I couldn’t talk. Tears started falling out of my eyes as I rolled myself in towards my chest. I gasped heavily and Ivan panicked. He got up and wore his shorts with his shirt and grabbed a shit out of his closet to cover me with. He picked me up bridal style and took me downstairs to his car. The pain was not getting any better. “Hurry,” I cried. “We’re getting there,” Ivan panicked.


He took me out of the car and took me into the clinic to the doctor. He placed me on the white bed as she put the curtains around us. Ivan sat outside on the chair.


Ivan’s POV:

I impatiently waited for the doctor and Crystal to come out. I can’t believe what I had done. I had raped her last night! God I was so disgusted with myself. The doctor removed the curtains as Crystal was still lying on the bed. “Are you her significant other?” she asked. “Yes I am,” I replied. “Your partner has been engaged in a lot of intercourse and her body has become weak. Practically due to harsh intercourse,” she said. I looked at Crystal who laid here in pain. What had I done? I hurt the girl I love the most.


“I am giving you a cream that she has to apply on her vagina twice a day so she can heal,” she said as she signed the prescription. “Thankyou so much,” I said as I stuffed the prescription in my pocket and picked Crystal up. I walked to the car with her in my arms, not knowing how to face her. I placed her in the passenger seat and she looked away from my face. I was feeling so guilty. What I had done was unforgivable. I brought the medicine and started the car. “Crystal,” I called out in a low voice. “Don’t fucking talk to me!” she yelled. “I’m sorry,” I apologised with my head down. “Sorry? Ivan do you have any idea what you have done! You literally raped me!,” she told. “I know. I am so ashamed of myself. I am really sorry,” I said as my voice cracked and my eyes tearing up. She looked the other way still upset.


I drove us home and took her upstairs towards my room. “No! take me to my room,” she instructed. “Okay,” I said disappointed. I placed her on her bed and gave her the blanket. She didn’t even look at me. I stood there for a while hoping she’d look but she didn’t. I pecked her neck and left to my room. Anger was rushing through my head. I locked my door and threw everything off my dressing table to the floor. I walked into my bathroom and stared at my ugly self in the mirror. “How could you!” I yelled at my reflection. I punched the mirror and blood started dripping through my knuckles. Harry had managed to open my door by the duplicate keys and rushed in to the bathroom. “Sir!” he yelled as he grabbed my hand.


Pulling me out of the bathroom, he sat me on my bed and grabbed the first aid box quickly. I took my hand back as the anger still rushed through my head. “Give it to me sir,” he ordered, grabbing my hand back. He cleaned it up quickly so it wouldn’t get infected. “You know sir, she can’t be mad at you for long. Yous are made for each other,” he said as he bandaged my hand. I couldn’t imagine loosing Crystal. I can’t believe I had hurt her. I was always a victim of my anger but that was no excuse.

Chapter 27: Forgiven

 *hours later*

I laid on my bed restlessly as I thought about the pain Crystal was put through because of me. I never wanted to hurt her and my mind was so messed up. It was the first time in all those years me and Crystal had fallen into a serious argument. And it was the first time one of us ever hurt the other. This situation was not pleasing at all. I wish I could turn back time and fix this mistake. I couldn’t bare Crystal’s upset attitude towards myself. Nothing would happen if I lied there staring at the wall. I got up and decided to check on Crystal. She hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday and it was nearly 2pm.


She laid there sleeping peacefully on her bed. I sat down next to her as I placed my hand on her face. My thumb started rubbing her check softly. She was so beautiful. How did I get so lucky? I brushed her hair to the back of her ear. “mhm,” she mumbled as she turned her head and laid it on my hand. Harry knocked on the door asking if we were coming down for food. Crystal seemed to be at peace so I didn’t wake her up and I couldn’t eat without her. I sent him back down and gave the blanket properly on Crystal’s body. I walked out as she pulled my soul back but I didn’t want to face her upset face. I laid back into my bed and soon I drifted off to sleep.



I woke up from my restless sleep as I heard someone sobbing. I quickly got out of bed and rushed to Crystal’s room. I opened the door and found her crying into her pillow. She put her arm out and clenched her fist, signing me to come over fast and so I did. She sat up and dug her head in my chest as I sat next to her. “Crys, is it hurting a lot?” I asked with pain. “Yes,” she cried. “I am so sorry. This is all my fault babe,” I said as I hugged her tightly. “I triggered your temper, please forgive me. It wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t make that stupid joke,” she apologised. I held her close to my chest and texted Harry to bring up a plate of food. He came within minutes and handed me the plate of food. Crystal was still in my arms. “Babe, you haven’t eaten anything. Let’s eat,” I said. But she nodded no. I slowly pulled her apart and her eyes were swollen red.


I scooped some rice and took it to her mouth. She ate 4 spoons without complain and dodged the rest. Her mood was really off and she kept rejecting the food. I called Harry back and told him to take the plate down. I laid down next to her, putting the blanket on both of us. I help her hand with one hand and patted her head with the other until she fell asleep. Not realising I had also fallen asleep.


Crystal’s POV:


*Next morning*

I woke up to find Ivan lying beside me, his hand in mine. The sun shone on his silky eyelashes and his messy hair. I moved my head onto his shoulder and laid my other hand on his left side of the chest. I could feel his heartbeat which travelled through my palm into my heart. I didn’t know how to react to our situation, but I know that it was a mistake and Ivan would never hurt me on purpose. Moments later the maid came knocking on the door which woke Ivan up. “Crys, you’re awake,” he said lifting left side of the shoulder. I grabbed tighter to his arm making him lye back down. “No,” I huffed. His free hand went to my face and started rubbing beneath my eye. “Are you feeling better princess?” he asked. “Ahan, way better with you,” I said. I felt Ivan’s warm breath travelling on my face. “Forget whatever happened,” I said. “I’m sorry,” he still apologised. The maid knocked on the door again. “We’ll be down soon,” Ivan called. I was too comfortable in this position and didn’t want to let go.


“Babe, let’s eat some food. You didn’t eat anything since yesterday,” he said. Ugh! I took my head off his shoulder and sat up and looked at him with an angry pout. He got up and put his shoes on. I felt my legs still numb. I knew I wouldn’t be bale to balance. Ivan put his hand out to support me. His hand was covered in a bandage! “What did you do!” I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and looked at it. “Uh, don’t worry let’s go,” he said as he grabbed my waist and took me to the bathroom. “No tell me,” I insisted on the way, but he ignored. He gently placed me down in front of the mirror. I had support by his wrapped hand around my waist.


I saw his struggle to put the toothpaste on the toothbrush with one hand. But it was the first time I had seen myself and Ivan together after we had become official. I stared at his reflection in the mirror in great awe. “I know I am hot,” he chuckled as he gave me my toothbrush. I saw my cheeks turn red and my face looked like a tomato. We quickly brushed out teeth and washed put faces. Ivan picked me up bridal style and took me downstairs to the dining table.


He placed me on the chair and put some butter on the toast as he handed it to me. “Eat it,” he said, making himself one. He sat next to me and watched me as I gulped every bite. I didn’t have much of an appetite. “Should I give you some chocolate,” he sarcastically asked. “Why do you even have to ask?” I said with bright eyes. “Finish this,” he instructed. His eyes didn’t leave my face. He handed me the glass of juice to drink. I quickly gulped it because I knew there was no way to escape it. I relaxed my body on the chair feeling a bit of energy. I grabbed Ivan’s hand and help it as I closed my eyes, relacing myself. I could feel his arm moving as he got up to grab some things to eat off the dining table. It was so quiet and peaceful.


I felt soft lips on mine. His other hand had cuffed my left side as he kissed me softly. It was such a beautiful feeling. He pulled apart and stood up. “Why?’” I asked. “Because you need rest,” he said as he picked me up again and took me to my room. He handed me the ointments which I applied. They stung my womanhood in the beginning but settled after.


*1 week later*

My injury had finally recovered and I tell you not. This guy has pampered me like I was 2 year old baby. I haven’t took a shower for a whole week either. It was early morning and Ivan was still sleeping. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, scrolling through tiktok on the lowest volume. Moments later I felt Ivan’s hand snake through my stomach up to my boob and hold it. “You’re awake,” I giggled. “Yeah,” he said in his sleepy voice. He put his other arm underneath my head and hanged his head over my shoulder. We both laid there watching tiktok for an hour and had a giggle.


Harry came up to inform us that breakfast was ready. “Let’s go take a shower,” Ivan said getting up. The sun shone perfectly on his light brown chest. I sat up and smiled waiting for him to take me in bridal style like he was doing for the past 9 days. He giggled and picked me up, taking me into the shower. He took his sweatpants off, leaving him in his boxers and I took his shirt off, leaving myself in a bra and panties. Ivan opened my hair and turned on the warm water. We mucked under the shower for 10 minutes before we grabbed the shampoo and applied it on each others heads. His arms snaked around my waist as he stared into my eyes. Leaning forward he crashed his lips on mine.


I turned the shower to ice cold water which hit his body and freaked him out. He hated cold water. I stood there laughing. He snacked the hose out of my hand and placed it on me, making me freak out. I turned the water to warm and he placed the hose back. We wrapped our towels and headed to Ivan’s closet. Ivan chose out grey sweatpants and a white shirt. I chose to wear his grey sweat shirt which covered up to my thighs. “oh my, you look so cute,” he commented as I twirled around. We headed down for breakfast and ate the home made pizza that had been cooked. It was so delicious. The cook here is so good.

Chapter 28: Unexpected Craving

 *2 weeks later*

Me and Ivan were laying in bed, cuddling. It was my birthday in 2 hours. I couldn’t wait I was turning 19. I stared at the clock as I desperately waited for the middle and long hand to hit the 12. Which it did after a very long wait. I turned around to Ivan who had fallen asleep without wishing me. Wow! This guy. I want to slap him. But what if he forgot my birthday is today? Nah he wouldn’t. Maybe he would. I grabbed the blanket and clenched it in my chest angrily. What kind of a boyfriend does that to their girlfriend? I hadn’t received any notifications from my friends either. Nor my mum. Did everyone forget? I closed my eyes, trying to forget how bad of a day had happened.


I had just fallen asleep when I woke up to my chest burning. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, vomiting my kidneys out. I have had many dizzy spells and vomits in the past few days. I didn’t understand why. I was eating well and taking care of myself. I gaggled my mouth and laid back down on the bed. Suddenly, I started craving ice cream and I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t get it. I rolled around for half an hour before I gave up. I sat up and shook Ivan. “Babe wake up,” I said. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked, still sleeping. “Babbeeee,” I wined as I shook him harder. He opened his eyes and grabbed his phone to check the time. “Crys it’s 2am,” he exclaimed. “I know but I really want to eat ice cream,” I sighed. “We’ll get some in the morning,” he said as laid me next to him and closed his eyes.


But I really wanted ice cream. Ivan’s face was next to mine. I turned a bit and stared at his cute sleepy face. I poked his face multiple times trying to annoy him. He grabbed my hand and took it down to his chest. “Babe, I said in the morning. Sleep,” he said. But I wanted it now. I blew in his nose which tickled him. He let me go and I sat back again. “Babe,” I wined. The craving was getting intense and I needed ice cream. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to see if there was any ice cream in the kitchen. Sadly, there was none. I walked back up to the room and splashed water on Ivan. “Crys, wtf!” he yelled as his eyes opened wide. “Ivan the craving is really bad, I need ice cream now,” I told. “Craving? You’ve never craved food at night,” he complained. “I don’t know, but we have to get ice cream,” I said. “Alright,” he sighed getting out of bed. He put on his shirt and grabbed his keys.


“Yaaayyy, ice cream. Ice cream!” I sung as we headed to the car. “Careful babe,” he giggled. We drove to the nearest petrol station. I ran inside to see so many options. Ivan walked in slowly behind me. I looked at all the choices and couldn’t decide on which one to get. “Babe, hurry up and choose. I want to sleep,” he winged. “There’s so many. I don’t know which one to get,” I said, looking at him with a sad face. “Which one’s do you want?” he asked. “I want the choc chip, chocolate, vanilla, cookie dough and mint,” I said. He grabbed a box of each and took it to the counter. The guy at the counter quickly scanned them and put them into a plastic bag which was handed to Ivan. I took it out of his hand as we walked back to the car. “Wooaahh, 1, 2, 3 and 4,” I counted. “Four ice cream boxed babe,” is squealed as I held up 4 fingers.


“Happy now?” he giggled. “Yes, yes. Very happy. I love youuuu,” I said smiling wide. Ivan grabbed my neck and pulled it in for a light kiss. “I love you too,” he said, breaking the kiss. I ate the choc chip one in the car and was full. I stored the rest of the ice cream in the freezer and went upstairs back to Ivan. He had fallen asleep very fast. This guy! I laid there feeling a bit nauseous. I got my phone and searched on google, ‘why do I keep feeling nauseous?’. OH MY GOD! The results came up as ‘signs of pregnancy’. I thought of it for a while until I realised that me and Ivan had been having unprotected sex frequently. I turned my phone off and decided to get a pregnancy test early in the morning before Ivan woke up.

Chapter 29: I’m Pregnant

 Ivan’s POV:



I had woken up to an empty bed. “Crystal!” I called out but there was no response. I got out of bed and checked the bathroom. But she wasn’t there. I walked into her wardrobe and searched for a whole great 10 minutes between her large closet, calling her name. But there was no response. I walked downstairs and saw her coming from the front door. “Babe, where did you go?” I asked as I hugged her. “I went to get you a rose,” she said as she pulled it from behind her. I giggled. “Seriously, you scared me,” I said, kissing her lips. She gave out a little giggle. “Anyways, today, we’re going out for dinner and I have brought you a dress,” I said. “A dress?” she repeated. “Yeah.” “Where, show me,” she impatiently jumped. “You have to cover your eyes,” I said as I put my hands to her eyes.


I slowly walked her up the stairs to my room and took out a hidden box form my closet. “Can I open them now?” she impatiently asked. “Yes you can,” I said as I opened the lid of the box. She walked forward and stared at the red dress. She took it out and held it to her eyes, staring at it with excitement. “It’s so beautiful!” she exclaimed jumping on me. She kissed my lips and hugged the dress. “We’re leaving at 5pm okay,” I said, staring at her in awe. “Okay,” she smiled, still having all her eyes on the dress. “Babe, I have to go see a friend of mine so I don’t know when I’ll be back. Make sure you eat breakfast and take care of yourself,” I instructed. “Aren’t you going to eat with me?” she asked, as her face dropped. “I wish I could but it’s kind of urgent,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “eh, it’s fine,” she said. She placed the dress back into the box and took it to her wardrobe. I quickly took a shower and got dressed to head out.


“Babe, I’m leaving,” I called out. She ran out and hugged me. “Take care bby,” she said, kissing my cheek. “You too,” I said kissing her back. I quickly got into my car and drove to Crystal’s birthday party venue. Alina and her other friends were also there. We were planning to throw a surprise birthday party. I walked in to check on the decorations and they were looking splendid. Little did she know that I was going to propose her today too. “Ivan, it looks so great,” Alina exclaimed. “I know right. I hope she likes it,” I said nervously. “She’s going to love it,” she exclaimed. My phone started ringing. It was my dad. “Hey dad,” I said picking up the phone. “Ivan me and Ms Gates are waiting at the airport,” he said. “Oh shoot, I’m on the way dad,” I said, remembering that I had to pick them up. Crystal was dying to see her mum. It was going to be the best birthday she had celebrated.


Crystal’s POV:

Ivan had left for his friend’s house around 11am. It was the perfect time to take the pregnancy test. I went to the bathroom and pissed in a cup. Dipping the pregnancy test, I placed it on the table and waited for the results. I was so nervous. I picked the pregnancy test and it was positive. Oh good grief. How was Ivan going to react? What if he didn’t want the baby? I started shaking out of fear. I told myself that everything was going to be fine as I took deep breaths. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom.


I put the pregnancy test in my wardrobe and came back staring at myself in the mirror. I grabbed into my stomach and felt a bit happy. There was a kid inside a kid. I loved babies but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to raise one myself. “So my little one also loves ice cream?” I said patting my stomach. “Alright let’s feed you some food,” I said as I walked down to the kitchen.


There was a plate of pasta with a glass of orange juice. Next to it was a note that said, “eat well babe, I love you. Ivan.” I smiled and took the plate and glass to the table. It was so quiet. I missed the presence of Ivan. I slowly ate the food but finished the plate. Imagining Ivan’s scolding voice in my head. I even drank the whole glass of juice. God I was missing him so much. I went up to my room and laid on the bed. There was nothing to do. I closed my eyes and soon I had fallen asleep.

Chapter 30: Surprise birthday party


“babe, wake up,” I heard someone saying as the patted my face. I slowly opened my eyes and found Ivan. I was so happy to see him that I quickly sat up and hugged him. “I missed you so much!” I yelled, squeezing him. “I missed you too and before you break my neck please let it go,” he giggled. I freed him as I crossed my legs. He held my hand with one and as the other cuffed my face. “Aww, my baby looks so sleepy,” he said. I nodded my head yes like a baby. I could see Ivan trying to hide his admiration smile but it came out. “Good job for finishing the food,” he said. “I could hear your scolding in my head,” I giggled. “Come on let’s get ready for the dinner,” he said as he got up from the floor, walking towards his wardrobe. Oh yes the dinner I totally forgot. “I haven’t even matched anything with the dress yet,” I wined. Ivan turned back and looked at me in awe. “What has my princess been doing all day,” he asked in a cute babyish voice. “Sleep,” I grinned.


“You seem to be very tired. Is everything okay babe?” he asked as he came and sat next to me. He put his hand on my head to check my temperature. “Your temperature seems fine,” he said. “Yeah I am okay. I was just extra tired,” I said. He kissed my lips to comfort me, even though I was feeling a bit nauseous. “Come on lets get ready,” he insisted. “I’m going into the shower first,” I raced as I locked the bathroom door. “Babe, let’s save water. We should shower together,” Ivan suggested. “I think I’d like to waste water today,” I giggled. “Come on Crys,” he insisted. “Nope,” I rejected. I stripped myself and quickly took a shower since I hadn’t matched anything with my dress. Within 15 minutes I was done. Wrapping a towel around my body, I opened the door and headed to my wardrobe. Ivan was downstairs, I think. 


I picked out red medium length heels, a red velvet purse and a red phone case which had roses on them. I matched a silver bracelet and silver ear rings. I put the pregnancy test in my purse and changed in the changing room in my wardrobe and walked back into my room to do my makeup. I sat on the couch and curled my hair first. Then I applied my base with foundation and blended it. adding alight red eye shadow with a red lip gloss. “Crys are you read-“ Ivan said as he walked up the stairs and into the room. Forgetting to complete his sentence as he looked at me from head to toe, drying his hair with his towel. He wore a white shirt with black pants and black formal shoes. On top of that he wore a red velvet coat. My guy was also looking very hot and stunning. His towel dropped out of his hand as he walked towards me.


Ivan’s POV:


I walked in to find the lady of my dreams standing in front of me.

Looking like a beautiful queen. I walked up to her as I was mesmerised in the view. I felt a large gulp down my throat. She stood there smiling like an angel. An angel that had stepped down from heaven. “Ah, you look…. You look so beautiful,” I said, still staring at her and processing the view. She played with a front piece of her hair as she blushed shyly. “You’re looking handsome too my prince,” she giggled. My heart was racing. It’s like I had fallen in love with her again. “Turn around,” I said. “Huh-,” she said confused. “Turn around,” I repeated. She turned around to the mirror. I took out a box from the side drawer and opened it. it was necklace with a small circle. “This is no ordinary necklace babe,” I said as I took the circle to her eye. She looked into it and gasped. “It says I love you in 100 languages,” I explained. Crystal stood there nearly about to tear up. I placed the necklace on her neck and it looked so beautiful.


She turned around and gave me a light kiss on the lips. “It’s beautiful,” she said. I smiled as I gave her my arm. She put her arm in mine and we walked down to the car. I opened the door for her as she smiled and took her seat. I got into the driver’s seat and started the car. “Do you want to eat anything on the way babe? The venue is far away,” I asked. “Umm, I don’t know. Maybe a frozen drink,” she said. “Alright,” I said. We pulled up on a fast food driveway and I got both of us a frozen drink. I also texted Alina that we’d be there in an hour so she could prepare everything. On the way to the venue Crystal was so hyped and excited. She was kind of acting like a child but it was cute. She used the hilarious snapchat filter on both of us and posted it on her Instagram story.


We had finally arrived to our destination. I got out and opened the door for Crystal. She could see the entrance and stared at it in awe.


“Woah, it’s so pretty,” Crystal exclaimed as she stared at it. I put my arm around her shoulder as we walked in through the gate. The lights for the room were closed. “Why is it so dark?” Crystal questioned. I left her arm and turned the switch on. “SURPRISE,” everyone yelled from underneath their tables. Her mum, my dad, Alina and her other friends. “Mum!” Crystal yelled as she ran to hug her. “How is my darling?” Ms Gates asked. “I’m so happy to see you mum,” Crystal exclaimed. “Me too my dear,” Ms gates said. Both mother and daughter stood their hugging for a long time. It was very emotional moment for Crystal. Tears were coming out of her eyes.

Chapter 31: Surprise Proposal

 “This was Ivan’s idea,” Ms Gates said. Crystal turned to look at me with love. Her look pleased me. “Happy birthday babe,” I said. She walked towards me and hugged me. “I couldn’t have been more luckier. I love you Ivan,” she said. “I love me too,” I teased. She took her head out of my chest and looked up at me. “I love you too,” I smiled. “You ruined my makeup!” she wined. I looked at her and laughed. I walked Crystal over to my dad. “Dad, this is Crystal. Crystal, this is my dad,” I introduced. “Nice to meet you sir,” Crystal said. “No darling, you can call me dad. After all Ivan is your future,” Mr Noir said. Crystal started to blush uncontrollably. Her mother and my dad laughed as we saw her.


I wrapped my hand around her should. “he has a point,” I teased and she blushed more. She walked around meeting her friends and other guests at the party whilst I met some. Most of the times she was with me since we were known as the famous couple. This girl is my biggest dream. Alina had announced through the speakers, “time for our dance. Ivan and Crystal please make you way to the middle of the hall,” she instructed. I walked her down to the middle. Holding her hand up with one of my hands, whilst the other on her waist. The lights became dim and the music started. Staring into her beautiful hazel eyes. We stepped side to side. I let her waist go and spun her around with the hand that was in hers. I pulled her back and her arms were around my neck now and mine were on her waist.


Teasing her nose with mine, she let out a giggle. Our hands joined again and we moving back and forward as the whole crowd watched us with awe. The music was coming to an end and the lights were starting to turn back on. I let got of her hands and slowly knelt down on one knee as I took the ring box out of my coat. I opened it and her face grew in shock and so did everyone else’s.


“Crystal Gates, I have loved you since the day we met. I can not think of a life without you. You have made my life so beautiful by just being in it. Will you marry me?” I proposed. Her lips grew into a smile. “Yes,” she accepted. Everyone started cheering. I got up on my feet and put the ring on her. Pulling her by the waist, I kissed her lips softly, but enjoyed them. Tears were falling out of her eyes. I had never seen her this happy before. We got off the stage and everyone came to congratulate us. “Well done son, you have chosen the right woman,” my father said. “Indeed I have,” I said as I stared at her laughing with her mum.


This girl was my dream since day one. And today I had finally accomplished that dream. Nothing could make me even happier. After dinner the guests were starting to slowly leave. I was looking at the cleaning arrangements when I saw Crystal from a distant tearing up. I quickly rushed over to her. “What wrong?” I asked as I grabbed her into my arms. “Mum’s leaving,” she sadly said. “Aww baby, they have to go. But they will come back soon,” I assured her. Crys looked up to me and broke the hug. She hugged her mum tightly saying, “I will wait for you mum.” “I will come back soon honey,” Ms Gates said. Dad and Ms Gates left the hall with the driver.


Crystal stood their in sadness. “Hey, don’t be sad,” I said. “Thankyou for such an amazing day,” she appreciated. “Ugh, I just am amazing,” I over expressed. She smacked my arm. “Ouuucchh, what was that for,” I wined. “You didn’t wish me at 12, I thought you forgot it was my birthday,” she said. I let out a sigh. “How can I forget your birthday,” I said, kissing her forehead. “Guys it’s getting late, yous should head home. Me and James will take care of this,” Alina offered. She’s the best. “Thanks bestie,” Crystal said giving Alina a long hug. “Anything for a girl like you,” Alina commented. “Hey she’s mine,” I said as I hugged Crystal. We all had a little giggle.


Crystal’s POV:


*at home*

I had changed into one of Ivan’s sweat shirts and removed my makeup. I had to tell Ivan that I was pregnant. Butterflies tingled in my stomach, making me nervous. But before I could do anything else I had to eat ice cream. This little one was craving for it. I sat down at the table and opened the mint flavoured box. “Crystal,” Ivan called as he came down the stairs. “There you are,” he laughed, taking a seat opposite of me. I let out a small smile as I ate my ice cream. “Another craving?” Ivan asked. I nodded yes. Ivan made a cute pout saying, “you look really exhausted.” “I’m not,” I laughed. He sat there and smiled at me. “I have a surprise for you,” I told. “For me?” he repeated. “Ahm,” I mumbled between my ice cream. “What is it?” he asked he stared at me eating the ice cream.


“I will show you when we go upstairs,” I smiled. Ivan rested his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand. His eyes full of love stared at me. “Stop it,” I said, starting to get red. “Stop what?” he asked. “Stop what you’re doing,” I said. “Nah I can’t do that. It’s a very difficult thing to not do,” he teased. I finished off my ice cream and walked up to our room with him. Ivan sat on the sitting area attached to the window where we could see the beautiful sky. The moon shining with the stars. “I’ll be right back,” I said as I left the room to get my purse from my wardrobe. I opened it and took the pregnancy test out. Hiding it behind the back I skipped back to Ivan who was staring at the night sky.


“You’re back,” he giggled. “yes I am,” I laughed. “What are you hiding behind your back?” he asked. “Your surprise,” I said. “Can I see it?” he asked in a playful way. “Can you?” I questioned. “Well I had been feeling nauseous lately-“ I started as Ivan cut me off. “What! Why? Is everything okay? Come lets go to the doctors,” Ivan panicked as he got up. “No silly,” I said as I grabbed his arm and sat him back down.  I took out the pregnancy test and gave it to him. A smile I had never seen before had plastered across his face. “ha- is it true?” he asked in disbelief. I nodded yes firmly as I smiled a little. He got up and stepped back and forth with excitement. “You’re pregnant!” he said kneeling down to me. “Yes,” I said. “I am going to be a dad!” he exclaimed.


“Yes babe,” I said, cuffing his face. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. “This is the happiest day of my life,” he expressed. He touched my stomach and looked at me. I nodded yes. “No wonder why you got that random craving last night,” he remembered. “Yes,” I giggled. Ivan picked me up and spun me out of happiness. “Baby showers, baby clothes, pregnancy photoshoots, sonographies,” Ivan exclaimed. “Yes babe all of that,” I laughed. “Oh my god, now you’re going to have to take extra care of yourself babe,” he instructed. He put me down and kissed me all over my face. “Calm down,” I said. All this excitement hypered him.

Chapter 32: Mood swings

 He walked me to the bed and sat me down. He looked to the floor then back at my face. “We have to get married. Fast!” he laughed. I smiled as I looked at his happy soul. I nodded my head yes. He started to settle down as he looked at me. Stared at me. I cuffed his face and rubbed his cheeks with my thumb. I am so blessed. “We should sleep now. I am really tired,” I said, ruining the mood. He got up from the floor quickly and laid me down. “Of course babe. Now you have to take extra care and rest. I shuffled over, making space for him on the bed. He got on and put the blanket on both on us. “Happy birthday once again,” he said kissing my forehead. “Thanks,” I chuckled. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


*1 month later*


Ivan had brought me out to choose my wedding dress. We were getting married in a week and I was so excited. We walked into the store, full of white luxurious dresses. There were many other girls there too. It was such a happy place to be at. A lady came and took us to look around. Ivan had his hand behind my back, keeping me close. We walked around and picked out a few dresses for me to try on. The lady took me to the changing room and I tried the first dress on.

I didn’t like the tail part of it so I tried on the second one.


This one was better but I didn’t get the feel. I tried on multiple other wedding dresses but I couldn’t seem to find one I liked. I walked out in my shirt and Ivan’s shorts, telling him that I didn’t like any of them. My whole mood was ruined. “Let me pick one out for you,” he said as he walked away towards the dresses. He came back with a creamy colour dress. I walked into the dressing room and tried it on.


It was so beautiful. the off shoulder body and embroidred flowers matched my taste. I took it off and gave it to the lady to pack. “I can’t wait to see you in that dress on our wedding,” Ivan said. I was tired. I gave out a smile too him which changed his mood. “Can we quickly go home please,” I said, nearly about to cry. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Ivan asked as he grabbed my chin and pulled it up. I nodded nothing as I held onto his arm. We walked to the counter and paid for the dress. I could see Ivan was worried. He held my hand with one of his hands as he drove with the other. I laid back trying to relax myself but I just wanted to cry. As soon as we reached home I walked up the stairs and sat on the bed with my legs crossed.


I could feel my face starting to burn. Ivan came up behind me and sat next to me. “What wrong baby?’ he asked pulling my face up. Tears ran down from my eyes and fell off my jawline. “No, no. Don’t cry,” Ivan said pulling me to his chest. “Tell me what’s happeneing,” Ivan said. “I don’t know Ivan. Since this whole pregnancy has started I feel my mood change at random times and it fucks me up so much,” I cried. “Babe, this is part of pregnancy. You will get through this and it’s fine. Its something you can not control. I will always be here to support you,” Ivan assured. I pulled apart as he wiped my tears, feeling a bit better. “Don’t upset mommy,” Ivan said as he touched my stomach. I let out a giggle. “Always stay happy,” Ivan said.


“Come let’s go see the bump,” Ivan said getting off the bed. He took his shirt off, leaving him in his shorts. I walked to the bathroom with him to the big mirror. I took my short off, leaving myself in shorts and a bra. The bump had grown. My back was against Ivan’s chest as his hands held my bump. “It’s so cute,” I smiled looking up to Ivan. “It is indeed,” he said. Moving his hands around the bump. I garbbed my phone and took a mirror photo of us. Ivan joined our heads as he let out a chuckle. His teeth went to my earlobe and bit it as he moved down to my neck and lightly kissed it. My hand snaked up to his head, brushing it through his hair. He picked me up by the hips and placed me on the bench, digging his lips back into my neck. He sucked on my neck as his hands ran on my naked hips.


I let out small moans encouraging him to keep going and he did. My hands crawled onto his back as he kept on sucking my collar bone. My body was feeling the peace he injected in my neck. It was so hard being pregnant.

Chapter 33: Baby bump


We were having the moment when my phone started ringing. Ivan dug out of my neck and picked up my phone. “Hey mother in law,” Ivan greeted. It was a video call. Ivan helped me get down the bench as he handed me his shirt. I quickly wore it and jumped on call with them. Ivan handed me the phone as he wrapped his hands around my waist, with my back against his check. “You guys look so lovely,” my mum commented. “Your daughter hasn’t been having a great time lately,” Ivan informed as he looked at me.


“Why what’s wrong?” my mum asked. We hadn’t broke the news to anyone that we were pregnant. “We have a good news for you,” Ivan started. “What is it?” my mum asked. “There was a silence between us. Ivan looked at me for my approval. “Tell me honey. Is everything okay?” mum asked again. “Yes mum everything is fine,” I said. Ivan pulled my shirt up as he took the phone down to my little baby bump. “We’re pregnant!” he exclaimed with happiness. “What! Oh my god! Congratulations darling,” mum said with happiness. Tears were starting to fill her eyes. “Muumm!” I wined. “My baby girl has grown up. I am so happy for yous,” she cried. Ivan chuckled. “I will be coming in a few days for your wedding,” she continued. I smiled lightly. “Take care of yourself honey,” mum said as she ended the call.


“Ivan I’m hungry,” I said looking at his face. “Aww my little baby,” he teased. “What do you want to eat?” he asked. “I want to eat fried chicken,” I said, still processing my hunger. “I’ll go downstairs and tell the cook to cook some for you,” he said. “Meanwhile, let’s finalise our wedding venue and honeymoon place,” he suggested. We walked out the bathroom and sat on the couch. Ivan took his laptop out and opened some wedding venues. We looked at many indoor and outdoor venues. But the most ones that caught my attention were indoor ones. For the honeymoon we searched places like Switzerland, Australia, Japan and so on. Paris was a beautiful place so I wanted to see a country that was different. We finalised on Japan after a long conversation. Just in time, Harry brought the food up. The smell of the fried chicken amazed me. I couldn’t wait to eat it.


I quickly set my plate up and started eating. Ugh! It was so good. “Slowly Crys. Take smaller bites,” Ivan scolded. “But it’s so good,” I mummbled. He handed me the glass of water in between my meal which I drank. After we finished eaiting we sat down on our bed for a movie. The movie was about babies. He put it on to help me better understand of what I needed to take care of during my pregnancy and after I gave birth. It was kind of really bring since there was only talking. I could feel my eyelids shutting on my eyes.


Ivan’s POV:

We were watching an informative guide on pregnancy. I didn’t want anything to happen to the baby and worser to Crystal. They both were important parts of my life. I carefully listened because I knew Crystal would need help. She’s been pretty nervous and low since she’s got pregnant. She fears a lot. I felt her head bump into my shoulder. I turned my head to see and she had fallen asleep. Poor thing. I closed the tv and gently pulled her head off my shoulder. Moving her down, I softly placed her on the bed. I gave the blanket on her body and brushed her hair out of her face.


I headed downstairs with the dishes that needed to be washed and made a few calls to book the wedding venue. Then I brought our honeymoon tickets online. Leaning back on the bed I felt relieved. All the work was done. Now we just had to get married.

Chapter 34: Eternety Vows

 *a few days later*

Today was the day. The day where Crystal’s and my soul would be one. Forever. I had waited for this moment impatiently. Alina took Crystal to her house whilst my friends helped me get ready at my house. Many of them teased me aorund with excitement. I was dressed in a black formal suit with a white shirt underneath. The guys kept on changing my hair styles. In the end my hair was gelled back. I put on my black wedding shoes and garbbed my phone. “Just a few more moments bro,” my friend said. The others laughed. God that was embarassing. “Let’s go,” I wined. But my friends wouldn’t move. I begged them until they got up and drove me to the venue.


It was so beautiful. Decorated with white flowers and musk coloured ribbons. The hall was filled with guests. I walked down to the fornt as I waited for my bride to enter. It was a long wait. I stared at the enterance as I saw a glance of Crystal. The dress fell off her shoulders and to her feet. Her viel not covering her beautiful face. Her hands holding a boquet of red roses as she waked down the aisle with my dad. My ears were starting to tear up. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She reached to me and stood face to face with me. I grabbed her hands as I looked into her eyes. Tears started falling out. “You look so beautiful,” I said. She plastered a nervous smile on her face trying to hold her tears back.


Everyone quietened down as the priest began reading the wedding vow. “In the name of God, I, Ivan Noir, take you, Crystal Gates, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow,” I said. “In the name of God, I, Crystal Gates, take you, Ivan Noir, to be my Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow,” She vowed. “Ivan Noir, do you take Crystal Gates as your lawfully wedded wife?” the priest asked. “I do,” I said. “Crystal Gates, do you take Ivan Noir as your lawfully wedded husband?” the priest asked. “I do,” she said. “I now pronounce you, husband and wife,” the priest finished. I grabbed her waist and kissed her lips. Not wanting to let go.


She was mine. Finally. Everyone congratulated us. Crystal grabbed the microphone as she pulled me with her. “We have an important announcement to make,” she started. The hall quietened down as they patiently waited for the news. “We’re pregnant,” she announced. The whole crowd ran up to us one by one with excitement and questions about the baby. It was the best day of my life. Soon we moved towards our wedding photoshoot which took place near the Eiffle tower. It was Crystal’s favourite place.


*at home*

All the guests had finally gone. I could have some time with my wife alone now. I walked up to my room and saw her sitting on the bed with her wedding gown around her. I leaned on the door as it closed and locked it. “Finally,” Crystal gasped under her breath. I sat on the bed next to her as I stared at her beauty. “You’re finally mine,” I said. “And you’re mine,” she said. I took out her gift from the pocket of my jacket. She opened it and her mouth dropped. “It’s gorgeous,” she exclaimed. “Not more than you,” I rejected. She placed the gift on the side table and cuffed my face. She brought her lips to mine and kissed then viciously, like she had been hungry for them.


“You need to rest now,” I said breaking the kiss. It had been a tiring day. Her hands played with my hair as she complained that she wasn’t tired. “Come on babe, you and my little baby needs rest,” I insisted. “Ivan,” she wined as I got up to go and change. She carried her gown after me and snatched the hsirt I had chosen to change into out of my hands. “Hey that’s mine,” I argued. “Mine now,” she said as she locked the bathroom door. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and changed in my wardrobe. I came out ot find Crystal still in the bathroom. “Babe is everything okay?” I asked with curiosity. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a few minutes,” she replied. I laid on the bed as I heard her struggle out of the gown. I couldn’t help but giggle. She came out and laid into my arms. I stared at her beautiful face with her eyes closed. “I know i’m beautiful,” she said. “Aren’t you asleep yet?” I asked. “Your warm breath is spraying across my face,” she complained. “Ugh! Okay,” I said turning my head. She grabbed me by the neck and turned it back to her face. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” she smiled. I kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes again.


We were leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow morning and had not had any bags packed yet. I waited for Crystal to fall asleep so I could do the packing. We wre going to leave in our private jet to Tokyo. Harry and the female maid stayed over as they helped me pack the essentials for Crystal and the baby. I needed to make sure she had a comfortable flight with the baby. I packed cold and warm clothes with a few sneakers for each of us. The packing took hours worth of time but it was all done by morning. I woke Crystal up at 5am after preparing breakfast.

Chapter 35: Honeymoon

 *in the plane*

I was really exhausted and Crsytal was tired too. We spent half the time sleeping on the plane. We had out own cabin. I was sleeping peacefully until Crystal woke me up. “Babe,” she whispered. I slowly opened my eyes to her face below mine staring at me. “What’s wrong babe?” I asked in a worry. Her blank face plastered with a smile as she said  “I love you.” I giggled and said I love you back. She placed her head on my chest as she threw her arm around me like a seat belt. I closed my eyes again.


I felt her fingers crawl up to my left nipple as she caressed it and played with it. I let out a small giggle to let her know I was still awake. “I’m hungry,” she sighed. Oh no. Please tell me this isn’t a craving. I got up and asked her what she wanted to eat. She sat there blank for a while as I waited for her answer but she couldn’t decide.


I pressed the bell to call one of the workers. They came in and I told them to bring a few plates of different food. They came back with spaghetti, pasta, toasties and fries. Crystal chose the plate of toasties. They left the room as I layed back again, wanting to sleep. Normally I would hear Crystal munching and gulping her food but it was silent. I saw her fidling with food as she stared at it blank. “Babe is the trip too uncomfortable?” I asked. “No,” she said. “Then what’s wrong? Why aren’t you eating?” I asked.


“You haven’t ate anything either,” she said looking at me. God this girl. “I picked up a toastie and fed it to her as she fed me one too. “Happy?” I asked. “Yes,” she said. The flight was going to land in an hour and Crystal couldn’t sleep. Nor did she want to watch something on the computer. I smacked my thighs as I looked at her. She put her hand on my thigh but I threw it back. I smacked it again and she knew what I meant.


She got up and sat in my lap as I snaked my arms around our baby. My head placed on her shoulder as her hands held mine. “Better now?” I asked. “Yes,” she said. I turned on some music as I leant back on my seat and Crystal leant on me. The rest of the flight was spent in relaxation.


*at the hotel*


We drove through the large buildings of tokyo, seeing people crowded everywhere. The city lights shone bright during the night and Crystal adored it. The hotel we booked in had given us a honeymoon room. Our suitcases were delivered to our room. Me and Crystal walked into the bathroom for a bath. The bath was heart shaped filled with bubbles. “This is so beautiful,” Crystal squealed. We stripped ourselves and sat inside the warm water. I pulled crystal towards myself and kissed her wet neck softly. She pulled apart trying to get me begging for her. I pulled her back roughly and placed her back against my chest.


My hands slithered up to her boobs and played with them. I flicked her nipples as they went hard. “That’s right. Don’t tease me again,” I laughed. “Yeah?” she sarcastically said as her hands went in the water and down to my cock that was sitting between her thighs against her vagina. She rubbed the tip of it as I groaned and held her boobs tighter. “That’s right,” she repeated as she let it go, getting off me. “You can’t do that as I crawled back to her in the water. She splashed some on my face as she giggled. “You, my guy, need to sleep,” she said.


“Well, you also need to sleep,” I started as I slowly gave her the mood stare. “And since we’re married, we should sleep together right now,” I said pulling her forward. She pushed me back and said  “you’re right, me and the baby are tired.” She got out of the bath and walked to the shower to rinse herself. I walked out too and followed her under the shower. Placing my hands on the bump I complained to the baby. “Your mummy is being mean to me. Should we punish her?” I said as I looked at her.


Crystal’s eyes widened with a cheeky smile. She placed her hands on the bump too and said, “Your daddy needs to sleep. Should I whack him to bed with my new heels.” I took my hands off and stepped away. How did I forget this woman was also my crazy girlfriend. I grabbed the towel and wrapped myself as I walked out the room to change. I wore black sweatpants and laid in bed with my hands behind my head, waiting for Crystal.


Crystal’s POV:

I walked out to find Ivan already asleep on the bed. I knew he had been tired and he needed rest. Since I told him I was pregnant he became my mother. I never knew I’d find somone like this. He was perfect. I changed into my pyjamas and laid next to him and floated to sleep as I watched his face.


*next morning*


I woke up to find Ivan getting dressed. He wore a cream shirt with black pants. “You’re up,” he said buttoning his shirt. I watched his muscles attach to his shirt as it was a pleasing view. “I know I’m hot,” he interrupted again. I giggled as I streched myself out. HHH, I didn’t feel like getting out of bed today. But I was hungry. I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes. “Babe come on, we need to eat,” Ivan called. “Mhm, I’m so lazy to get up,” I complained. My stomach rumbled really loud. Ivan came and sat next to me as he held my bump. “My baby is hungry,” he said patting it. “No, not really,” I said staring into thin air.


“Not you Crys,” he teased. I took my glance to his face. “This baby,” he continued. I sat up and crossed my arms. “So I’m not your baby anymore?” I wined. Ivan smiled as he adored my reaction. “Well, I can reconsider if you get ready and come down for breakfast. Your child and husband are hungry,” he smiled. I quicky got out of bed and got ready. I bruhsed my teeth and washed my face. Then I opened a suitcase and chose this white off should short dress with ear rings. I put my hair into a low bin and left strings out as I applied red lipstick.


“Done,” I said walking out of the bathroom. Ivan turned around and couldn’t get his eyes off me. I walked towards him and grabbed him arm as I stared at his face. “Shall we go down for the food. I’m hungry,” I smiled.

Chapter 36: Lust

“You’re so beautiful,” he gulped. I gave out a small giggle. “Let’s go,” I said, guiding him to the door. We walked downstairs and had our breakfast. Then we explored the hotel. It was really beautiful. There was a really nice swimming pool and gardens full of flowers. The scenery was epic. We entered into one of their couple photograohy places. Flowers hung on strings from the top as we walked on the soft grass. It was like a park.


There was this huge swing wrapped in flowers. “Ivan I-“ I started. “No,” he cut me off. He knew I was wanting to go on the swing. “Please,” I begged with the puppy eyes. “No, you’re going to fall,” he complained. I dug my puppy eyes more and stared at him. “No, and stop it with those eyes,” he warned. “Your daddy is mean,” I pouted to the baby. Ivan let out a chuckle.


I crossed my arms and pouted turning my face away. “Crys,” Ivan called. “No don’t talk to me,” I sobbed. “Get on it,” he smiled. “What really?” I asked in disbelief. “Yes,” he smiled. I kissed his nose and I bounced my legs to the swing. I sat on it and held tight as Ivan swang me.


The cold freeze felt so great on my face. The shivers ran down my legs but I craved more. “More Ivan,” I asked. He swung me faster and I went high up in the air. It was really fun. After a while Ivan sat down at the bench as the swing slowed down. “I’m … tired,” he huffed. Eh, we were staying here for days and there is no way I will not come here everyday.


Ivan’s POV:

Crystal was skipping and jumping around on the grass bare feet with her arms out. “I’m an aeroplane,” she ran, “Weeeeee,” she sounded. God she’s cute. I sat there and stared at her childish self, finally enjoying after a long time. She continued and didn’t seem to get tired. Then she sat on the grass and pulled then out. “One, two, three,” she counted. I sat on the floor with her and grabbed her hands. “Hey, I am counting,” she shouted. “Come let’s go back,” I said. She’s going to be really worn out later. “No eye eye Ivan,” she rejected. I picked her up by the waist and walked her to the room. Her complaining caught the attention of many people in the hotel. She layed flat on the bed as all her energy ran out. “Tired huh?” I chuckled. “Mhm,” she said closing her eyes. She moved her legs around making her dress come up her thighs.


Her perfect tanned thighs called for me. I sat next to her as I started racing my fingers sofly on her thigh. She gave out a little giggle. “Ivan stop it’s ticklish,” she mummbled. I laid next to her as I snuck my hand up to her bood and held it. It was so soft and comfy. We both fell asleep and woke up after a small nap. It was 6pm and the sun was going down. We decided to go to the dinner hall to eat first since we both were starving. That’s when Crystal found some chocolate. “Oh no,” I said smacking my head. She smiled happily and ate it. “Ivan, let’s go to the top floor and see the view,” she begged. We headed to the top floor and she walked to the balcony with her arms spread like a princess. “It’s so beautiful,” she yelled. I snaked around her as we both felt the breeze hit our faces.


“Haha,” Crystal giggled. “What’s wrong?” I asked with a confused face. “Your breath is tickling me,” she giggled. She was jumping up and down as she looked around, still in my arms. Her ass rubbing against my cock as I felt it get hard. “Babe, stop,” I wined. She giggled and continued to tease me. “Wait till we get to our room,” I threatened. She turned around to look at me with her cheeky eyes. “Race you there,” she said as she ran out. I raced behind her and took the stairs since she took the elevator. I opened the door and found her sitting on the bed with a bug grin. Grin of victory.


“See, told you,” she chuckled. I leaned on the door closing it as I locked it. I walked towards her and kissed her on the lips. “You’ll always win baby,” I said staring into her eyes. She untied her hair and it fell to the bed. “I love you Ivan,” she said as her lips crashed on mine. Her hands ran up to my hair and scratched through my head. I unzipped her dress as it fell to her waist. Without breaking the kiss, I laid her on the bed and ran my hand on her naked boobs.


Her fingers were unbuttoning my shirt and taking my belt off. I broke the kiss as I screeched her dress onto the floor and took all my clothing off. Spreading her legs, I placed my hips between them as I kissed her soft lips. Her hands ran through my hair, pleasing me. I trailed down her neck and to her womanhood. I snaked out my tongue into her clit as I moved it up and down. She gasped and let out moans. I trailed back up with my tounge to her lips and started kissing her. One of my hands held her boob as I squished it with pleasure. Her moans travelled through the kiss and into my brain. I felt so much heat rushing through my body at the moment. My temptation picked my hand and held my penis to her vagina as it put it in her.


Crystal’s nailed dug into the back of my chest as she felt it go in. Her legs hung over my neck as I slowly started thrusting. My lips broke the kiss as they travelled down to her nipples and sucked on him one by one. Crystal hands clenched onto the pillow as she moaned louder. “Ivan,” she moaned. “Faster please.” My hips erupted with speed as they took myself deep in her. She pushed my hips apart from hers, turning me over. My hips between her legs as she dove into my neck and started sucking my soft spot.


My hands reached for her chubby ass cheeks and squeezed them before I grabbed my cock again and put it in her through her butt cheeks. She came out of my neck moaning as she placed her hands on my chest. She rose up and down on me, trailing her hands all over my chest. I viciously moved my hips in her making her boobs clap and my nuts his her butt cheeks. I huffed in hunger for her moans. They travelled through my ears like a seductive music. I turned her to the bed went back in her pussy and thrusted at a greater speed.


Her arms snaking up to my neck as her fingertips searched my hair. My lips made their way to hers again. I bit her lower lip and was granted enetrance. Searching her mouth, I ran my tongue around hers and pulled her waist closer to mine. Slowing my hips down, I cuffed her neck with one hand and searched through her mouth with greater focus. Her hands still ran through my hair and down my back. Breaking the kiss, I pulled out and lay next to her. Both of us gasping for air. “After… such… a… long time,” she huffed. “You’re.. so .. good,” I huffed back. I grabbed the blanket a hoved it over our warm bodies. She rolled into my arms and dug her neck into mine. “Goodnight baby,” I said. Her face replied with a small smile.


Chapter 37: The delivery

*7 months later*

“Ivan drive faster!” she panicked in pain. I was driving as fast as I could to the hospital. “Hold it babe, we’re nearly there,” I assured. Our baby was finally coming. I put her onto a wheel chair as the doctors took her into the delivery room. They gave me a hospital green coat to wear with a mad and hair cap. I grabbed her hand as she huffed and puff. “Ivaan!” she screamed. “You can do it, I encouraged. The head was coming out, “Push harder,” the doctor said.


She huffed and screamed as she pushed harder. “You’re doing great. Just push a little bit more,” I urged. Her grip on my hand was really tight. “We’re not having another child,” she yelped as the baby finally came out, crying. “Congratulations. It’s a girl,” the doctor said handing me the baby. My hands could feel the happiness. I took the small body to Crystal showing it to her. “Babe, look. This is our child,” I said showing her. She nodded laying there, still huffing.


It was the best moment of my life. The moment I had been waiting for. “I want to name her Kate. Kate Noir,” I said looking at my daughter. “She’s just like you. Really beautiful.” I exclaimed. Soon my eyes were full of tears. My life blessed with two women. I couldn’t be more thankful. “I love you Crystal,” I said kissing her forehead. “I love you too Ivan,” she said laying there a bit more relaxed.


Hey guys,

This was my first story, I know it’s a bit dodgy but I really hope yous like it.

I am planning to do a mafia story next feel free to give me suggestions.

I am also on tiktok and wattpad @bbyxlve

Tell me if I should have an instagram account so I could interact with you guys more <3



Publication Date: 10-28-2019

All Rights Reserved

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