
*Camilla's P.O.V.*
I've been treated like royalty at the Dursley's while Harry was treated like complete and utter crap. I didn't like it; I didn't like it at all. I was a doorstep child I was not related to anyone in the Dursley house, but Vernon and Petunia Dursley insisted I called them mummy and daddy. I was sitting with Harry in his cupboard talking with him. I heard Dudley stomping on the stairs as loud as he could, and this enraged me. 'Why the hell does he do this to his cousin?' I asked myself as I stalked out of the cupboard, and Harry followed close behind so he could control me. "WOULD YOU STOP IT?! I'M TRYING TO HAVE A CHAT WITH HIM, AND YOU'RE UP HERE MAKING A RACKET THAT COULD WAKE UP VAN GOGH!" I roared. "AND HE'S DEAD, AND MISSING AN EAR!!" Then Mr. and Mrs. Dursley proceeded to run into the room. "What happened? Are you okay Cami? Did either of the boys hurt you?" Mrs. Dursley kept barreling Camilla with questions. "I was talking to Harry in his room mummy, and Dudley kept making it impossible for me to hear h-him. M-mummy D-Dudley h-hit m-me," I burst into tears, and Mr. Dursley dragged Dudley out of the room by the ear as Mrs. Dursley hugged me. "Today's Saturday, right mummy?" I asked sniffling. "Yes darling and I do believe it's your birthday tomorrow," Mrs. Dursley stated smiling. "Okay mummy," I smiled back, and turned walking away with an annoyed look on my face. 'Tomorrow is Harry's birthday too, but they never remember. Yeah it's only flesh and blood they're shunning, but they feel the need to treat a doorstep baby like royalty,' I thought sourly. I went to bed with a heavy heart, and agitated thoughts in my head. I woke up with wild mass of tangled, black curls on the top of my head. I sighed, and made my way to Mr. and Mrs. Dursley's room. "Mummy? Can you please fix this? I've been trying too but it hurts when I try getting it untangled," I asked in a small voice. "Of course dear," she smiled warmly at me, and then fixed the rats nest on my head. "I'm going to be taking Dudley, Peirs, you, and since Mrs. Figg can't take Harry I'll have to take him to. I'm bringing daddy too so Dudley won't hurt you," Mrs. Dursley murmured. This is a beforehand note for you people I have episodes were I'll have 80's slang mix with my words or I'll actually sound American. "Cami, Darling hurry up get dressed we are leaving soon," Mrs. Dursley called as I was looking at my face in the mirror. "Okay mummy," I called back, and pulled out my outfit for the day. I was wearing a low-cut, black, long sleeve shirt, my white skinny jeans, and then my black on black converse. I pulled them on, and ran down the stairs. I practically jumped Harry, and we went tumbling. I landed on my back with Harry holding my head up so it didn't hit the floor. "S-s-sorry Harry," I murmured looking down with a blush burning at my cheeks. "Its fine Milly," he smiled at me, and I smiled back helping him up. "C'mon Harry Mrs. Dursley's taking me, you, Dudley, and Peirs to the zoo!" I exclaimed excitedly pulling him with me. The car ride to the zoo was uncomfortable there was only room for three children in the back, and the three boys had had already taken up those seats. So Mr. and Mrs. Dursley had me sit on Peirs' lap, and he was enjoying it. "Mummy I didn't enjoy sitting in Peirs' lap," I muttered looking at the ground. "It's okay darling," Mrs. Dursley cooed. "You can sit on Harry's lap on the way home. You don't mind that, do you?" she asked looking at me concerned. "I wouldn't mind that Harry won't be as touchy feely as Peirs," I smiled, and walked with Harry to look at the animals. Harry and I came across a Brazilian Boa Constrictor I looked at him in fascination, and smiled when it tilted its head as if it was acknowledging me. "I guess it's no fun getting goggled at all day is it?" I asked it not expecting an answered from it. "Ci Amiga," came a husky, Hispanic male’s voice, and my eyes widened. "Was that you?" I asked, and my voice sounded kind of hissy. The snake bobbed its head up and down, and if snakes could smirk I think this one would be smirking now. I pulled on Harry's sleeve, and looked at him wide eyed. "Ha-harry, I think the snake talked," I whispered looking horrified. "No hay razón para tener miedo de mi amiga," the husky, hispanic voice soothed. "Hago ningún daño familiares," It continued. "You hear it right Harry?" I asked looking at the snake shocked. "Yeah," Harry murmured. Dudley stormed over to us, and he leaned over the railing expecting the glass to keep him from falling. He fell into the enclosure, and the snake slithered out, and wrapped itself around my body. Resting its head on my shoulder, and let out a laughing hiss. "Quiero ir a casa con usted, chica," the Boa nuzzled the crook of my neck. "¿Cuál es tu nombre señor?" I asked freezing in my spot. "Mi nombre es Hunter," He answered squeezing slightly, and then loosening a snake version of a hug. "Ya sé su nombre señorita, es Camilla," the snake hissed lightly. 'How long does it take the damn zoo keepers to get here?!' I thought getting frustrated. I looked over at the enclosure, and they were all working on getting Dudley out of the grip of another Boa Constrictor. "¿Es que tu chica?" I asked quietly. "Ci Amiga. Ella es Hermosa ¿verdad?" he asked looking at me, and smiling widely. "Ci," was all I answered. "No van a dejar que me tome, ¿verdad?" he asked looking glum. "No," I answered, and he uncoiled from me. He made his way back to the enclosure, and got his girl off of Dudley. I was suddenly engulfed into a warm hug, and Harry was being dragged back to the car. So, I only assumed it was Mrs. Dursley. She picked me up, and placed in the back on Harry's lap. When we arrived home I was yanked off Harry's lap roughly, and then Harry was yanked from the car. He landed on his hands and knees on the ground, and I heard the inaudible whimper that left his mouth. I went to my knees next to him, and wrapped my arms around him. I was beyond enraged, and my left eye began twitching. "If you harm Harry again Vernon I will be the one personally responsible for your death," I hissed, and my eyes narrowed to slits. Vernon brought an open hand across my face, and my head snapped to the side. I gasped in pain, my vision turned red, and the car and house windows shattered. "You're a freak just like him!" Vernon hissed, and my left eye began twitching again. "I'm not a freak Vernon. I'm protective of my friends, and you have no damn right to harm Harry," I whispered with tears streaming down my face. "Vernon! Why the hell would you lay a hand on my little girl?!" Mrs. Dursley yelled collecting me in her arms. "She's a freak like Potter, Petunia!" Vernon yelled looking at me with such disdain that the glare actually caused physical pain. I looked at the ground as I walked to the door of the house, and picked up the mail. It had a letter for each me and Harry both looking identical on the outside. I placed the letters into my pocket to hide them from Vernon, and gave the rest of the mail to Mrs. Dursley. Once in the house Harry was shoved into his cupboard, and I slipped his letter under the door as soon as Vernon was out of sight. I ran to my room to open my letter, and locked the door.
HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) Dear Camilla,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September (or when you happen to register). We await your owl after registration.
Uniform First year students will require: Three sets of plain work robes (black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please not that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags
Set Books All students should have a copy of each of the following: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Other Equipment
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring and owl, cat or toad
Albus Dumbledore
I looked at the letter in awe, and then quickly took out my lap top. I typed up a quick reply, and then scrutinized it looking for minor flaws.
Dear Albus Dumbledore,
My 'door step parents' as I call them treat Harry very harshly because he is as you put it a wizard. They treat me better than him, their own flesh and blood shunned because of what he is. I'm not sure of what they would do if I showed them this letter I have received from you. If you could so kindly send someone to get us without my 'door step parents' bothering to find us? If by any chance you can. I would be thanking you a million times over for taking me and Harry from this wretched place.
Thank You,
I printed out the letter and an owl was tapping on my window. I opened my window, and the grey owl fluttered into the room. I added to the back of my letter P.S. May I bring a snake instead of a cat, owl, or toad. I'm just fascinated by them. I folded the letter up, and tied it to the old owl feeling stupid for even trying this. I opened my window, and told the bird to take the letter to Dumbledore. To my astonishment the bird flew off without a second glance. I lay back in bed with the letters shoved under my mattress, and sighed when someone knocked on my door. "C'mon in," I smiled as Harry walked in, and it dropped when I saw he was hurt. "C'mere Harry," I whispered watching him limp over to the bed, and plop down on it. "What happened to you?" I demanded looking over his injuries. "Err, uncle Vernon beat me," he mumbled. "That bloody git! I told him not to harm you! But no he's too high on his own bloody horse to listen to an eleven year old little girl! Oh, I almost forgot," I ran to my closet, and pulled out two brightly colored packages. "Your birthday presents," I handed them to him, and then plopped down next to him. "Uncle Vernon took the letter from me before I could read it," he mumbled. "That old man just loves pissing me off," I uttered. Sighing I wrapped my arms around him and hugged gently. His head was buried in the crook of my neck, and he whimpered. My arms instinctively tightened around him, and his grip on my top tightened also. "CAMI! WE NEED YOU TO PACK! WE'RE LEAVING THIS WRETCHED HOME!" Petunia hollered from down stairs. I sighed inwardly, and left my spot next to Harry so I could pack. He could so easily distract me without even trying, and he wouldn't even know it. I clicked my suitcase closed, and returned to my spot next to Harry. I leaned my head against his shoulder, and his arm wrapped around me. Harry and I were stuffed into the car, and we drove till what seemed like forever. We finally arrived at a rickety old house, and Vernon had Harry carry me because I was asleep. I woke up when Harry stumbled going up the steps, and worry plastered itself onto my face. "Let me down Harry," I whispered, and hugged him to me tight. "C'mon let’s get in the house already. It looks like its gunna storm," I noted, and pulled him up the stairs. I pulled him up the stairs. "Vernon where will Harry and I be sleeping?" I asked once I had entered the house with Harry in tow. "You two filthy vermin will be sleeping in the floor," he hissed. "Fine by me. Beats sleeping with you. I can clearly see why mummy only did it once," I smirk as his face turned dark reddish purple. He was in front of me faster than I thought he was able, and smacked me unbearably hard. I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry or shout out in pain. So I blinked away the tears, and bit my tongue to keep from shouting. Harry pulled us to the corner, and we huddled together to stay warm. We didn't even get a blanket, and that annoyed the bloody hell out of me. Sometime in the middle of the night the door banged open, and two men walked into the house. I snuggled closer to Harry and whimpered softly. "We are here for Miss Camilla, and a Mr. Harry Potter," I cold voice growled, and I yelped burying my head into Harry's chest. He stood with me in his arms, and took in the men’s' appearance. "You have the wrong house!" Vernon shouted, and snapped his shot gun. "Vernon! Put the bloody gun away!" I shouted, and he turned it on me. My eyes widened, and then the gun was out of Vernon's hands. "Come with us children," A cold snipped voice came. I coward into Harry and then the bigger of the two men scooped us both up. I let out a yelp, and tried to squirm from his grip. "Its alrigh' I'm not gunna 'urt yah," came a gruff voice. "You can let us down. She'd be more comfortable with me at the moment," Harry tried to reason. "Alrigh' but stay close to me 'nd perfesser Snape 'ere," the rough voice warned, and set me and Harry down. I rushed over to Harry's side and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "C'mon Milly, we need to follow those men," Harry murmured. We stayed close and held each other as we followed the scary men. "Thank you," I uttered to the two men. "Why is tha' Miss 'amilla?" the taller of the men asked. "You saved us both from hell, and for that I'm grateful," I whispered, and looked up at both of the men’s shocked faces as we passed under a street light. "She looks jus' like 'er Snape," the tall man uttered looking horrified. "I know Hagrid, but she is of no danger she's been living at that muggle house for as long as young Mr. Potter here," Snape said in a cold snipped voice. "What are you two talking about?" I asked looking at them both determined. "Nothing for you to worry about Miss Camilla," Snape growled. "It's about me so I will worry about it!" I narrowed my eyes, and I clutched onto Harry tighter. "No! You will not! Now drop it!" Snape snapped shaking slightly with an emotionless mask on his face. "I will not drop the bloody subject because I know you're talking about me. It's rude to not tell a person what you are talking about when they in fact are the subject," I murmured, and then laid my head on Harry's shoulder. "You look a lot like a wanted death ea'r," Hagrid mumbled looking at his feet. "'Er name was 'ellatrix lestrange, 'ery dang'rous if yah ask me," Hagrid answered for a fuming Snape. "Snape yah go back ter the school 'nd tell Dumbledore I 'ave the kids," Hagrid told Snape, and with a loud crack he was gone. "'Old on ter me children, don' let go 'nd close yer eyes," Hagrid instructed. Harry and I clung to each other, and Hagrid grabbed us both. We landed on the cold ground, and I held Harry up as he emptied his stomach. Hagrid stood there watching us until we got up, and he pulled us to an alley way. When we reached the end he tapped a pattern on the wall, and the wall disappeared. Hagrid handed me an old ebony colored key, and told me to keep it with me at all times. He did the same to Harry except Harry's key was a shiny bronze. We walked to a gigantic, white building with Gringotts Wizarding Bank written on a gold plaque above the door. "How may we service you sir?" An ugly little creature asked Hagrid, and eyed us suspicious as to why we were here. "Mr. 'arry and Miss 'amilla wish ter withdraw some money," Hagrid stated looking over at us. "Key please Madame," the ugly creature demanded politely. I handed him my old, black key, and he nodded his head as if to say thank you. "Follow me please," the thing ordered. Hagrid, Harry, and I all trailed behind the creature, and sat in a train looking thing when it ordered us to. We came to a big silver vault, and the creature unlocked it with my big, old, black, key. He handed me a pouch, and stood back. "Get as much as yah want 'amilla," Hagrid told me, and I entered the vault. I saw a green and silver necklace with a snake pendant, and an identical ring. I picked them both up, and put them in the pouch, and grabbed three handfuls of coins in the pouch also. I sealed my pouch, and closed the vault on the way out. The creature locked the vault back up, and handed me the key. Harry handed it his key, and we repeated the process. "Dumbledore 'as granted yah permission to get a snake 'nstead of the normal pets," Hagrid stated smiling at me. "We're goin' ter get yer books, 'en yer uniforms, 'nd 'en yer pets," Hagrid stated in his broken English. We bought two of each of the books on the supply list-The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling, A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander, and The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. We bought two cauldrons, two set glass or crystal phials, two telescopes, and two set brass scales. We bought six sets of plain, black work robes, two pointed, black hats, two pairs of protective, dragon hide gloves, and two black winter cloaks with silver fastenings. We walked into a shop called Magical Menagerie, and I instantly spotted a ball python that intrigued me. "Ello there, little one," I said in a hushed hiss. "Hello young wizard," the snake voiced back. "Would you be okay with me buying you?" I asked smiling at it. "Not at all. I'd actually appreciate it if you did. I'd rather have a Parseltongue to talk to then have no one," the snake answered. "Hagrid, I want this one," I stated smiling at the snake. "Okay 'amilla," Hargid smiled at me, and Harry smiled at the snake I picked out. I looked at Harry's hand that was gripping a cage with a snow white owl in it hooting quietly. "How may I help you missy?" a lady with heavy black spectacles asked me smiling. "I'd like to buy this ball python," I smiled back at the lady, and pointed at the cage that was holding the snake I was talking to. "Ahh yes, here you can hold him while I get the rest of the supplies for him," the sales women told me as she placed the python around my neck. "You can't eat the other kids' pets, okay. Oh, what is your name? I don't wanna keep calling you ball python," I smiled slyly. "My name is Alaric," he answered slithering to wrap around my arm. "And if I heard Mr. Hagrid correctly your name is Camilla, right?" he asked. "Yes you are correct," I answered. "Here you are my dear, and that'll be five Knuts, two Sickles, and one Galleon," the lady answered, and I handed her the money. "'Come on children," Hagrid stated carrying the bags the lady had handed me along with the other bags. "Today yer goin' to the train station to go to school. Go to platform nine and three quarters, and run through the pillar 'en no one's lookin'," Hagrid directed, and we apperated to the train station. Hagrid dropped us off in front of platform nine and three quarters, and then left us. "Um, how do we do this Harry?" I asked turning to him with my suitcase along with Harry's on the cart. "Come along Ron, Fred, George. You don't wanna be late now do you?" asked a red headed lady with three boys. The two that looked identical looked at each other, and smiled. "Well..." they both answered in unison.”Run along now!" the lady snapped glaring at the twins. "You need help there?" asked one of the twins as they walked up. "Yeah, um, how do you get to platform nine and three quarters?" I asked looking at the ground biting my bottom lip. "Watch, and you'll see," the other twin answered smiling. They ran straight at the pillar, and I let out a little yelp of surprise. They went through the wall like pillar, and my eyes widened. "Run through kiddies you don't want to be late," the lady smiled at me and Harry. "Okay Ma'am," I nodded, and ran straight at the pillar with Harry. We walked through the train looking for an empty compartment, and Harry ran ahead to see if he saw one. I continued walking at my pace looking inside the compartments to see if any were open. I bumped into someone, and gasped holding out my hand to help them up. "I'm so sorry," I apologized. The boy I bumped into looked me over, and smirked. "It's fine, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," he held out his hand for me to shake. "Hi, I'm Camilla," I smiled, and shook his hand. "Why don't you sit with me, and my friends?" Draco offered. "Thank you Draco, but I'm sitting with my friend Harry. I hope we can be friends," I smiled again hugged him, and started off looking for Harry again.
*Draco's P.O.V.*
"I'm so sorry," came a worried voice, and I looked up she had a hand held out to help me up. I grabbed onto her hand, and let her pull me up. I looked her over, and smirked thinking 'she's so slytherin,’ "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," I stated, and held out my hand for her to shake. "Hi, I'm Camilla," she answered back smiling. "Why don't you sit with me and my friends?" I asked my smirk growing into a genuine smile. Her smile fell, but then a fake one soon plastered onto her face. "Thank you Draco, but I'm sitting with my friend Harry. I hope we can be friends," she answered, and hugged me before walking away. I stood there dumbstruck for a few minutes, but then I slowly made my way back to the compartment my friends were in. "What took you so long Drakie?" Pansy whined the question. "I ran into someone," I muttered. "Well do I get to meet him?" She asked. "It's a her, and I know for a fact she's getting slytherin so yes," I stated. "Is she pretty?" Pansy asked looking at me from the corner of her eye. "Yes, she's very pretty Pansy now please be quiet I have a head ach," I growled, and saw a flash of hurt cross her face.

*Camilla's P.O.V.*

I sat down in the empty compartment while Harry put our bags in the luggage hold. He sat next to me, and we sat in a comfortable silence until it was broken by the door being opened. "Do you mind if we stay in here?" a matter-o-fact voice asked. "Not at all," I smiled at the girl and red-head that walked in. "You're Ron!" I smiled at the boy, and pulled Harry closer so the two could have a seat. Ron sat next to Harry, and the girl sat across from me. "I'm Hermione Granger," the girl introduced herself, and held her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Camilla," I smiled back, but didn't shake her hand. 'Something’s off about her,' I thought to myself as I looked at the door with my eyebrows drawn together. "What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked. "Nothing Mione," I said absentmindedly. "It seems like you're thinking about something Milly," she stated smartly I turned to her with a glare and let out a little hiss. "Only Harry calls me Milly," I growled, and stalked out of the compartment with my robes in hand. I was looking for a place to change. I walked right into someone, but this time arms wrapped around me to keep me from falling. "We have to stop meeting like this," Draco said smiling at me. "Oh, sorry again Draco," I smiled back, and looked down as blush heated up my cheeks. "It's fine really. Where were you going?" He asked taking in my balled up robes. "Oh I was looking for somewhere to change," I answered sheepishly. "Follow me I'll show you where the bathrooms on here are," Draco stated smiling at me. I followed close behind him, and smiled at him as I past to get into the bathroom he pointed out. I had changed into my robes, and the look on Draco's face made my breathing go ragged. He was staring at the floor in horror, and then pointed out my Alaric coiled up in the corner next to the bathroom door. "How did you get out of your cage?" I pondered quietly as I scooped him up. "What's wrong Draco?" I asked, and stepped forward to comfort him. He stepped back, and I couldn't stop the splash of hurt to play across my face. "I'm sorry Cami. It's just snakes and I don't mix too many bad experiences," Draco mumbled. "Well Alaric here won't hurt you," I smiled a patted the snakes head. "You won't hurt him right?" I asked under my breath. "Not unless commanded Camilla," Alaric answered. "Are you completely and utterly sure?" Draco asked eyeing the snake. "Yes," I smiled at him, and held Alaric out for him to hold. Draco took him from my hold, and the snake wrapped around his arm. "Drakie!" came a whinny voice. Draco let out a groan, and mouthed 'help me'. I giggled, and hugged him, and Alaric slithered onto my arm. "Please help me," he whispered. "How?" I whispered back. "I don't know. Wait, kiss me when she walks in," he whispered frantically. "O-o-okay," I stuttered. A girl with longish dark hair walked in and I pulled Draco’s lips to mine. 'This is going to be my first kiss?' I thought disgusted with myself. 'Wait my first kiss was when I was five,' I giggled at the thought, and then Draco was ripped from me. The girl that pulled him away swung her arm to smack me, and I caught her wrist right before it hit my face. "Don't ever try and hit me again!" I slipped and used parseltongue instead of talking normally. I threw her wrist back at her, and made my way back to my compartment. "Talk to yah later... Drakie," I smiled, and opened the compartment door. "Hi Harry," I chirped, and sat next to him giving him a big hug. "Hey, um, do any of you know what a mud-blood is?" I asked looking around the room. "It's an insult to a wizard or witch about being muggle born or the only magical one in the family," Hermione answered looking down. "I'm... a mud-blood," she whispered the last part. "Well if anyone calls you that Mione its cause they're jealous. They aren't unique like you," I smiled at her. She gave me a blank look, and looked out the window of the train. "Only my friends call me Mione," she whispered, and I recoiled in shock. "I'll talk to you later Harry okay," I stated keeping my face neutral. I grabbed my bags from the luggage storage, and walked out of the compartment giving Ron and Harry a hug. I got to the middle of the aisle when the train stopped. I walked off the train, and was greeted by the sight of Hagrid. "Hagrid!" I squealed, and ran up to hug him. He chuckled, and ushered me back into the sea of kids. I bumped into Draco again, and he grabbed my elbow to steady me. "That's the third time today," I mused looking thoughtful. "Hey, Cami you can sit in a boat with me Crabbe, and Goyle," Draco offered looking hopeful. "Sure," I smiled. "I have to go tell Harry I'll be right back," I stated, and ran off only to bump into Harry a few feet away. "I'm going to ride in a boat with a new friend I wanna get to know him better," I stated, and I saw a flash of something cross his face. "Okay, but why don't you sit with me Ron and Hermione instead?" Harry asked looking a bit defeated. "Because Hermione's gunna be there," I stated simply. "Okay, but be careful," Harry said as I walked away. I climbed into the boat with Draco and a pair of similar looking boys, and sat next to Draco. The boat ride was short, and we were on our way to the Great Hall where we would be sorted, and we were waiting anxiously to figure out what house we would be in. "Miss Camilla can I speak with you for a moment?" Professor McGonagall asked, but I knew it was an order. "Yes Professor?" I asked when I walked up. "We've got your last name, would you like to know it?" She asked with slight venom in her tone. "Yes ma'am," I stated smiling at her. "It's Slytherin. You are a direct decent of Salazar Slytherin," she hissed, and I was taken aback by the tone she used. I walked back to the group of students, and explained it all to Harry. "The great hall is ready for you," Professor McGonagall stated, and the doors opened. I tuned out then until Draco was called up, and before the hat even touched his head it shouted Slytherin. I heard Harry's name being called I waited for what seemed like hours before the hat yelled Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall called out my name first and last, and the great hall got deathly quiet as I made my way to the stood. Professor barely had the hat on my head before it shouted Slytherin, and the table farthest from Harry's cheered. I walked over, and sat next to Draco all the Slytherins smirking at me. "Why are they staring Draco?" I asked looking at the other Slytherins flatly. "You're the direct descendent to Salazar Slytherin, and you're asking why they are staring," Draco stated. I nodded my head giving him a cheeky smile. I kept looking at all the faces at the table. "That's Adrian Pucey, Terence Higgs, and Marcus Flint. They're all third years. Those two that are coming over are Lucian Bole and Peregrine Derrick, and they are seventh years," Draco explained. "Hello there little first year we were wondering if we heard your name right?" Lucian asked looking me over. "Yes you heard my name correctly its Camilla Slytherin," I stated giving them a flat look. Lucian and Peregrine looked at each other, smiled, and then Lucian picked me up while Peregrine picked Draco up. "You will be sitting with us at the head of the table with your little boyfriend here," Lucian stated fixing me in his arms so his were wrapped around my middle. "That's Theodore Prince. You can call him Theo. That's Michael Carmichael, but you can call him Mikey. She's Rowena Dearborn, but she likes being called row. That’s Catriona Porpington, but call her Kitty or Cat. That last bloke over there is Kieran Omen, and goes by his first name. I'm pretty sure he'd go by any nickname you gave him though," Lucian pointed everyone out. "Okay, let's see. I've come up with codenames for everyone already we just need one more person," I stated smiling. "Terence! Come over here mate!" Lucian shouted across the table. "Little, Miss Slytherin Princess here has codenames for everyone, but she's one person short. Would you be able to fill that spot for her?" Lucian asked smiling wickedly. "Sure," Terence shrugged, and sat down on the other side of me. "Okay, Kieran, you're Jules, Rowena you're Selene, Cat you're Nicole, Mikey you're Ghoul, Draco you're Damon, Theo you're Alucard, Lucian you're Penanggalan, Peregrine you're Aurora, Terence you're Dante, and I'm Ophelia," I stated smiling. "Aren't those the first five dragons to ever to walk the earth?" Cat asked, and I nodded with a sly smirk. "I also was able to snag a scale of each of the dragons," I smiled sweetly. "All I need to do is find the ingredients for the animagus potion, and then those dragons could be our animagus forms," they all stared at me in shock. "What?" I asked my brows furrowed. "How in Merlin's name do you know that?" Lucian asked. "I read up about it I was bored," I shrugged, and got up to leave. "The potion should be done by tomorrow night," I stated before leaving. Harry stood at the end of the corridor facing away from me, and didn't notice me entering the hall way. I let out a silent giggle, and ran top speed jumping up on his back. "Harry!" you squealed snuggling your head in the crook of his neck. "Get. Off. Me." he separated each word. "What's wrong Harry?" I asked quietly. "You're. A. Slytherin," he stressed each word. "So I'm still the same girl as before I was sorted," I stated tightening my hold on him so I didn't slide off. "I still can't be your friend anymore though," he sighed looking at the ground. "Why?" I asked near tears, and slid off his back. "Your house would harm me and my house would harm you. Hermione thought it would be for the best," Harry said looking up with a blank expression on his face. "Harry I've lived with you at the Dursley's for ten hellishly long years. I hated all of them because I had to watch them treat you like rubbish, but I loved them because I got close to you. You were my only friend in that nightmare, I know you better than anyone, and you should know me enough to know Vernon paled to chalk white whenever he had me barking mad," I whispered. "I know your birthdays on the same day as mine; I know your ring finger on your right hand twitches when you're nervous or lying. I know that when you have that expressionless mask on you're trying to hide pain, and I know you don't want to do this Harry," I stated tears streaming down my face. "Oi! Potter why's the slytherin princess crying?!" Lucian shouted. "Levicorpus!" Lucian shouted again, and Harry was up in the air upside down. "See what I mean Camilla?" Harry said in a smug tone. "Fine. Forget the first ten years of your life, forget every moment you had with me, and forget I was ever your best friend," I stated calmly my face calm, and a void of all emotion. I turned on my heel, and started to leave. "Milly! Aren't you gunna tell him to drop me?" Harry yelled, and I turned to look him square in the face. "Don't call me Milly anymore. You could, but that was when you were my best friend. I don't think I will either. I mean I really can't control his actions, but Lucian. If I hear you killed, or maimed him, it's your ass," I stated in a monotone, and left looking for the Slytherin common room. I bumped into a tall figure, and looked at his robes. 'Gryffindor,' I thought sourly. "If you see a girl with big, bushy, light brown hair in the Gryffindor room, tell her she'd better watch her back. I have a good reason to," I said my face still blank. "And what-" one voice said. "Would that-" another voice said. "Be?" they said at the same time. "Well, you know Harry Potter right?" I asked. "Who wouldn't?" The red head to the right asked. "Well, he was my best friend I lived with him at the Dursley's, me and him only had each other, and she ruined my bloody friendship with him," I sounded deathly calm, and had my head down. "We were friends for eleven years if you count our birthdays that just passed," I whispered looking up at the twins. "Ah, we see," they sympathized. "Cami! Are those blood traitors bothering you?" Draco asked running up. My eyebrows came together, and I cocked my head to the side. "No these boys are not bothering me, and what's a blood traitor?" I asked thoroughly confused. "A blood traitor is someone that is friendly with muggles, or mudbloods. They're a disgrace to pure-bloods such as Slytherin, and I suggest you don't hang out with them or you'll get ridiculed by your own house. Being the Slytherin princess or not," Draco tsked pulling me away from the twins who looked astonished. "What were you doing with them?" he asked looking me over. "I bumped into them after an incident with Harry and told them to tell Hermine or whatever her name is she'd better watch her back," I answered truthfully. "Mudblood granger?" he asked, and I nodded. "Why does the ever gentle Slytherin princess want revenge on Mudblood granger?" he asked smirking, and it kind of distracted me. To the point I almost didn't answer his question. "She ruined my friendship with Potter," I growled his last name, and the torch lighting the area around us, and I yelped in surprise. "Lumos," I whispered quietly. "Um, why are you mad about something like that?" Draco asked looking at my wand. "I lived with Harry at the muggle house, and I was treated like royalty he was my best and only friend. Granger just told him he'd be better off unharmed if he wasn't my friend anymore," I was stony faced again. "It's not like you should care, I mean he's in Gryffindor," Draco snorted. I gave him a death glare, and had him pinned to a wall in a second. "How would you feel-" I was cut off by a loud voice. "Drakie!" it was Pansy, and Draco's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "Go with it," I whispered, and spun us around so he was pinning me. I let out a girly giggle. "Oh, Draco," I sighed, and let out another girly giggle. Draco caught on, and then kissed me. Pansy walked in to the hallway to see the scene, and left with an angered squeal. "Now I know why you're in Slytherin," Draco stated smiling. I ignored his comment, and mused over how Pansy looked. "I'm calling her Pug-face for the rest of the years here," I stated, and walked with Draco to the Slytherin common room. 

-2 Years later-
*Draco's P.O.V.*
"Come on Milly let's make Potty regret letting you go," I smiled sadistically. "Okay Drakie," she agreed in a sing song voice. 'Merline, I love her voice,' I thought as I walked behind her. "Come on Draco, we have to hurry before he leaves the Great Hall," she called, and I ran after her laughing. She let out a wild giggle, and started to slow her running so I could catch her. "Boo," I whispered in her ear as my arms wrapped around her middle, and lifted her up. I carried her into the Great Hall while she let out a trill of giggles. Harry looked over, and looked shocked to see her laughing again. He followed my arms that were wrapped around her waist, saw me, and his mouth dropped open. His face was a picture of shock, and this made me smirk. I walked to go sit down. I sat down in between Terence and Theodore with Camilla on my lap. "You're very light Milly. Have you been eating?" I asked feeling worried I could feel none of her weight on my lap. She gave me a flat look like I was stupid. "Yes I've been eating, you've watched me eat before," she stated smugly. "Fast metabolism Hun, at its finest," she giggled again. "Just to let you know my parents wanted to meet you, and said you're welcome to visit for the holidays and summers," I smirked at her surprised face, and she turned around on my lap to hug me. "Thank you; I'd like that so much. I get away from Potter, and get to stay with you. A double bonus," she smiled, and placed a small kiss on my lips. She slipped off my lap and into the spot next to me so we could eat. "I just know how much you hate being in that muggle house. You deserve better. You should talk to Dumbledore about getting you adopted to a wizard family. Pure-bloods would be richer than those muggles, and you'd be treated like royalty," I stated looking at her pretty sure I had adoration painted plain on my face. "I'll do it if you go with me," she stated with a sly smirk. 'Oh how I love her being in Slytherin,' I thought giving her a grin. "I'll go, but you have to be a good girl," I warned her with a wag of my finger. "And if I'm not?" She asked looking up at me through her lashes. "I just might have to punish you," I stated smirking lazily.

*Harry's P.O.V.*
'I hate him, I hate Draco Malfoy,' I thought stabbing at my lunch with the fork. "What's bothering you Harry?" Hermione asked, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hate towards her as well. "Nothing," I stated roughly. "Harry, I know something's wrong," Hermione warned. "How do you know?" I asked glaring at her. "It's easy for anyone to figure you're mad Harry you look like you're molesting your chicken," she stated in a matter of fact voice. "Cami could have seen I was mad before I started 'molesting my chicken' as you put it! She could tell you anything about me! That even you wouldn't know! She's the only one that knows me inside and out! She knows me more than she's ever known anybody, but now thanks to you I had to push her away! You know it was the worst thing I've done!" I yelled and the whole great hall was silent, and quite frankly I didn't care. "You know the worst part? Go ahead and guess! When I told her what you said I should she cried! Then Lucian was demanding why! He levitated me upside down because I made her cry! She didn't stop him! Vernon wouldn't beat me because she would stop him! Even if we were fighting, and her doing that shattered me Hermione! Cause I knew I broke her heart!" I yelled, and looked over at the Slytherin table to see their princess stiffen up. "I'm sorry Harry, but it really was for the best," Hermione whispered. "For who in this blasted situation?!" I yelled. "C'mon Draco," I heard her soft voice crack as she pulled Draco out of the great hall. "I think that was a bit harsh mate," Ron commented looking at a blubbering Hermione. "I really don't care right now Ron!" I snapped, and left to go sit at black lake. Malfoy and Milly were sitting by the tree, and talking. I took the invisibility cloak from inside my robes, and snuck up behind the tree they were sitting against. "I really cared about him Draco, and then he takes Grangers advice over me. I hope I didn't sound conceited when I said that," she mumbled. "No! Milly, you're the least conceited person I know," my blood boiled at Malfoy using my nickname for her. She started laughing uncontrollably, and rustling around. I walked around the tree to see what was going on, and she was lying on the ground with Malfoy on her tickling her with no mercy. 'That use to be me,' I thought sadly, and sat so nothing graphic happened.

*Camilla's P.O.V.*
Draco was on me his fingers tickling my sides with no mercy. "Draco... stop.... please!" I cried out in between giggles. He stopped, and fished something out of his pocket placing it on my stomach. "My parents were close with yours, and they told me this was a family heirloom," he stated, and I lifted up the silver necklace. It had a silver snake with diamond studs going along the body. "Thanks Drakie," I smiled at him, and he clipped it around my neck. "And this is from me," he murmured in my ear, and placed a velvet case on my lap. I looked at him warily, and opened the little ring box. It was silver, and had two snakes coiled around a jade facing opposite directions. "It's beautiful Drakie," I cooed, and slipped it onto my middle finger on my right hand. "An early birthday gift," he stated with a shrug. "Lucian and Peregrine are visiting for your birthday then staying the weekend," he smiled thinking he knew what my reaction would be. My eyes widened, and I flung myself at him giving him a giant bear hug. I don't think he was expecting a hug because he tumbled back, and I was laying on top him in my death grip hug. I was about to get off him when I saw Harry. 'I wonder when he's gunna figure out I can see past the invisibility cloak,' I thought, and the laid back down on Draco. "Go with it," I whispered in his ear. My lips travelled from his cheek to his neck, and he let out a low groan. 'Wonder how far we could go till Harry showed himself,' I thought, and found Draco's sweet spot. He let out a moan, and flipped so I was under him. His lips crashed to mine, and I let out a gasp as his icy hands touched my stomach.

*Draco's P.O.V.*
her lips were so sweet tasting and full that I wish I could do this forever. I slipped my hands up her top, and she let out a gasp as my fingers made contact with her skin. I pushed my tongue in her mouth, and I was in complete bliss till Potter's voice broke through the silence. "Get off her!" He demanded. "I was wondering how far we'd get before you interrupted," Camilla let out a trill of laughter. "Catch me if you can!" She yelled and took off running for the castle. I took off sprinting to catch her, and I heard another giggle burst from her. Harry was closer behind her, but I don't see how. It's like she's flying when she runs her feet looking almost like they don't touch the floor. Harry grabs her elbow roughly, and she turns around snarling. She calls her snake Alaric in Parseltongue, and he coils around her feet. "Come on Draco. We have lessons tomorrow, and I'd like to be on time for potions," she stated eyeing Harry. His grip loosened, and she ripped her arm from his grip. “Don’t touch me please,” she said quietly, and I knew she was hurting. Apparently so did Potter, and he crushed her in a hug. "Get. Off. Me," she stated seperating each word.

*Harry's P.O.V.*
"Get. Off. Me," she seperated each word. "You were right Harry, Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix. It was a good thing you listened to your mudblood girlfriend," she pulled a smirk worthy of a Slytherin, and ripped herself from my grasp. "If you hadn't listened to her I'd never met Draco and the gang, and the gang is like family to me now," she sounded like she was far off in her mind. She turned on her heel, and left a cloud of dust behind. "You hurt her a lot you know that right Potty?" Malfoy asked sounding tired. "I know," I sighed. "I want her to stay happy, and she's happy how she is Harry. Don't try and patch things up with her. It'll only hurt her more," I was surprised. Draco Malfoy, the foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach said my first name instead of my last, and actually sounded like he was in love when he talked about her. 'Draco Malfoy loves her, and I'm one hundered percent sure she loves him back,' I thought, and left Malfoy with my head hanging.


Text: I own none of this except Camilla, Catriona, Theodore, Michael, Kieran, or Rowena. Other then that J.K. Rowling owns this. Just a fanfic
Publication Date: 08-27-2011

All Rights Reserved

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