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The speed of light is, of course, how fast light travels. But exactly how fast does light travel? To be exact, about 186,282 miles per second! In one second, light can travel across the entire United States! More specifically, it travels 1 meter per 0.000000003335640952 seconds. 1 meter is about the length of the bottom of your refrigerator. Light travels 1 foot in less than a second! Light travels really fast, but is that all they know about the speed of light? Speed of light is also sometimes referred to as SOL. Light is made up of several different colors (rays of light which represent different frequencies). You can see this with Newton's Prism or on a Pink Floyd album cover! Newton's prism is basically just a glass triangular prism. You put this prism in front of the light, and you will see all the rays of light come to action by separating from white light into separate frequency bands representing different colors. You will see all of the colors of light.

Light is a very interesting thing. Yet, there is so much we don't know about it..........



E = MC^2 is a famous equation developed by Albert Einstein. Einstein supposedly thought of this while he was riding a bike. But what exactly does this equation mean? It means Energy = Mass x Speed Of Light squared. This means that Energy is the same as mass times the speed of light. Einstein also made guesses had ideas like the universe is static (which was proven wrong by Edwin Hubble), and other guesses ideas that weren't always proven false. Einstein is mainly famous for his equation E=MC^2. 


Gravity is the force that pulls you to the ground. It is very strong. It is usually hard for something to defy gravity and there are only a few things that do like balloons, feathers, etc. Light things, like a feather, float because of air current holding it up, but it won't float forever because there might not be enough air current to carry it and then it will fall to the ground because nothing can escape the pull of gravity. Then things like balloons float because they have Helium inside it, which is lighter than air. Anything lighter than air can float. 


Alexander Friedmann was a mathematician that came up with two predictions:

#1. The universe looks identical from every direction.

#2. The universe is not static.

Later, Edwin Hubble figured out that the universe really is not static, meaning that the universe doesn't stay the same and is always changing, which proves Friedmann's prediction true! His prediction that the universe looks identical from every direction is false. If the universe was static, every viewpoint in the sky would be a star, making the sky as bright as the sun!

Many people think that the universe started with The Big Bang and is going to get bigger and bigger, then smaller and smaller until a process called The Big Crunch. Astronomers also say the Sun is expanding.

Astronomers think the Sun is going to get bigger and bigger and make its own zone called the Future Zone and the Earth won't be in this zone immediately because it is not near it. But eventually, our Earth is going to get in The Future Zone and everyone will die, but that's way off in the future.

Sir Isaac Newton discovered 3 useful laws of motion.

#1. If a ball is at rest, it will stay at rest. If a force is applied to it, it will start moving and stay moving unless a different force puts it to rest.

#2. If a ball is at rest, when a force is applied to it, it will tend to move in the direction of the force. The smaller the ball, the less force is needed to be applied to it.

#3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The 3rd one is the most famous: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." For example, if you are bouncing a ball the drop, is the action, the fall is the equal reaction and the bounce is the opposite reaction. These Newtonian details can help understand science a lot. There is something called a Newton's Cradle. There are balls and if you make an action with the outermost ball it will transfer energy through all the balls until it hits the other side. It will go back and forth until there is not enough energy to transfer. The equation for this law is: F = ma = mdv/dt 


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 04-17-2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4910-8

All Rights Reserved

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