
Last Day

Today is last day before spring break and everyone in the room is about ready to burst out the door and go screw or get laid. Most of the blonde barbies that are here love their virginity to Jake the Devirginizer. He earned that name after he got 9 v-cards in the 1st week of school. Jake is dreamy and all but he's a total jerk. All the barbies go to him if they get lonely on holidays or just want someone to make them feel good. I would want my first time to be beautiful, and not just a quickie with the school jock.
"Hand your tests in towards the front and if you haven't finished then you will be graded on the answers you have written down." Mr.Todd was a nice English teacher, but if one of the barbies didn't like their score on a test he would fall for the okie-doke. I'm so much different from the girls here at Ashbury Academy, but all the guys here treat me like I am. They think of me as a brunette barbie that didn't hit her growth spurt yet.
"Hey Isabelle, what you plan on doing this winter break?" Renee was my best friend for 5 years since 6th grade.
"Oh, my dad is taking us on a vacation to a ski resort.Not that any of us know how to ski, but i guess there's a first for everything."
"You say that like its a bad thing?"
"It is."
"Because who wants to stay in a cold place, falling on cold snow, having to deal with the kind of brothers I've got?"
"Your brothers aren't so bad."
"Your only saying that because you like Jason."
Mr.Todd interrupts our conversation,"Isabelle and Renee please stop talking, or you'll serve detention!"
Sebastian stuck his nose where it not needed,"Man, Mista Tee quit buggin'! You know its the last day before winta break and you aint gonna do nutin to dem girlz!"
"Well, Sebastian your right. I'm not going to do anything to them. I am going to do something to you." He walked up to Sebastian and wrote a detention slip."Detention, this afternoon.And as for you girls-" the bell rung to stop him before he could give us some discipline.
"Saved by the bell ha, Renne!" I laughed
I walked into the hall to be greeted by the Devirginizer,"Watsup baby?" he had a sly smile on his face.
"The sky is up,baby"

He reaches into my back pocket and grabs my phone.
"What do you think your doing?" I pressed.
"Entering my number into your phone for if you ever get lonely."
"Yeah, like that would ever happen."
"You know why I like you Isabelle?"
"Because I'm the only girl who's not on your waiting list>"
"Very funny. The reason I like you is because your not one of those perfect wanna-bees."
"Well that's very nice but I must go, my brother is waiting for me!"
"I love you!" he shouted at me as I walked away.
"Yeah just like all the other girls that come into your bed!" I shouted right back.

Ski Trip

"Why do you take so long???" Jason said aggrivated.
"I got stuck with Jake the Devirginizer." I replied with the same amount of aggrivation.
"Don't fall for that guy! He just wants to get in your pants."
"You don't think I know that Jason! I'm not like those blonde bimbos who brag about getting their virginity stolen.Why would you even tell me that?"
Jason paused,"I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to be a Uncle."
He turned up the radio, and we started to dance to "Pay Phone" by Gotye.
I stopped dancing to make sure my absent minded brother knew the plan. I then turned down the radio, "Jason, did mom and dad tell you the plan?"
"What plan?"
Good thing I asked," Mom and dad are going to meet us at the resort. They have our tickets! Duhh!"
"Well, excuse me for tuning out our parents when they say something that sounds boring!"


Images: Google Ads
Editing: Priscilla Cook
Publication Date: 07-16-2012

All Rights Reserved

i dedicate this to my one and true love Christian Wattley

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