
Introductory "Pain"(poem) & A Personal Message From The Author: Briana Pass


Pain -
As the pain run deep in my flesh

I begin to feel weak

Not wanting to settle for less

Puts me in a awkward position

I’m helpless almost good for nothing,

Who are you? What do you want from me?

Why you’re so needy?

And wanting to take from me?

I cry in my head,

But throw up in my mouth

I’m disgusted there’s no way out.


Facebook - @brianapassthewriter

Instagram - @therealbigbabie 


Personal message from the Author - Hello to you all and thanks for purchasing my work.

These poems were written through my depression and mental illness

that I'd been battling in different stages of my life. So I write to ease my mind, to "write it off" is to "fight it off." That means each poem i've written has helped me defeat my demons. I want to use my experiences in life to help bring awareness of Mental Health. Its okay to ask for help, you're not crazy, you're not broken, you just need a little extra love and patience. Anybody who is reading this right now please help me fix the world by being aware of people who are suffering from depression. Sometimes a simple shoulder to lean on or a ear to listen can help save so many lives. Thank you and may God bless you all. 


Briana Pass 



I want you to get lost in my eyes and visualize my pretty brown eyes like if it was pride that has you infatuated in me rubbing your fingers through my curls thinking about buying me some pearls to match withcha necklace not loving the way how we down size and down grade a women first name disrespecting the color of my skin when a black women creates all colors from within. You envy me. I’m so unique you wanna peak or just be able to kiss me on my cheek uh. I don’t know. The problem is YOU. Don’t have a clue if we all was stuck like glue they could never kill us. How old was YOU. When your heart was innocent? Black didn’t mean nun until society cared. At a young


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Briana Pass
Images: Briana Pass
Cover: Briana Pass
Editing: Briana Pass
Translation: Briana Pass
Layout: Briana Pass
Publication Date: 11-19-2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8831-7

All Rights Reserved

Where I started at @Poets_playground_ Also to my brother De'Andre Pass

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