Oh no! Flora what am i going to where? I don't know! says Flora. Well i have to where something! Sky is going to be there and i have to look beautiful not ugly! says Bloom. Well i could make you a blue sapphire dress if you want? says Flora. Umm hmmm ok! says Bloom. So how do i look? says Bloom. Amazing Sky will love you! says Flora. Well its all thanx to you! says Bloom. Aww dont mention it! says Flora. Well we better go wheres Stella,Techna, and Musa? says Bloom. They are already there. says Flora. Oh ok. lets go! says Bloom. They enter the room. People stare in aw's. Wow Bloom nice dress! says Stella. Thanks but realy Flora made it for me since i couldn't find anything to wair. Bloom says. You look beautiful Bloom. says Sky. Thanks Sky. says Bloom.
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Publication Date: 11-11-2011
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This book is dedicated to all winx club lovers!