
Chapter 1: Kidnapped

It was a dark time in Spain. Their only hope was to win the war that had fallen upon them. The war against Germany had been going on for more then 20 years now. King Alahandro had two choices. He could give up and lose everything, or he could use the more drastic approach. It was risky but he decided on the second option. They would kidnap the princess of Germany.
Princess Lillianna was the one and only princess in all of Germany. She lost her parents when she was only two years old. Her only friend was a rat that she found in the cellar. His name was Salinski. Her stepmother, Queen Alexandria would absolutely freak if she new about him. Salinski was a very special rat in many ways. But the best thing about him was his ability to talk. He would listen to Lillianna’s problems and help her sort them out.
She on the other hand was just as special as Salinski. She had a magic necklace that would take her spirit to the spirit world to see her parents. But it would only take her for an hour. The necklace was a small blue snowflake necklace, made of lapis lazuli stone.
“Salinski what are you doing!” screamed Lillianna.
“I was writing a story about you and me when you just messed me up!”
“Sorry!” said an irritated Salinski.
“Uh, Salinski did you see something move outside the window just now?” asked Lillianna. Then suddenly a shadowy figure leapt through the window, gagged Lillianna, and threw her in a large wheat smelling straw bag. Then he leapt back out, but not before saying,
“This kingdom shall now bear the wrath of Herome the Spy. “Bwahahaha!”

“All clear, all clear. We’re free to land in Spain.” shouted Herome to the captain. That was all Lillianna had heard since they left Germany five hours ago. Now they were making their descent into Spain. As they descended Lillianna could barely here the fresh, new sounds of the city below.
“Your time has come my little princessa!” said Herome.
“I bet Salinski will rescue me!” screamed Lillianna.
Then she gasped, she had never told anyone about Salinski before.
“And who might Salinski be my dear princessa?” asked Herome in a sinister tone.
“You’ll never know!” hissed Lillianna.
“Well anyway, you’ll soon have no memory of Salinski or anything else at all!” laughed Herome.
“What do you mean by no memory?” questioned Lillianna.
“The royal scientist Professor Strania made us a brainwashing machine.” answered Herome. “And you are our first experiment!” After this all was quiet.
They reached the palace ten minutes later. They then untied her and took her into a lighted domed room. Inside was a large machine.
“That must be the brainwashing device!” thought Lillianna.
“Sit, little princessa.” said Herome sinisterly.
“What are you going to do to me?” questioned
“I think you already know.” answered Herome. At that moment a helmet was thrust upon her head, the machine whirred alive, and everything went black.
Lillianna woke in the middle of an old, abandoned looking store. There were rustic things all around her.
“Where am I?” she asked aloud. “And more importantly who am I?” Suddenly a loud voice came down from upstairs.
“Why you are in my store.” answered the voice.
“Who are you?” questioned Lillianna.
“My name is Lea Havens.” answered Lea. “With me is my servant Nina and my daughters Shana and Shira.”
“Hi!” Shana and Shira yelled.
“Your name is Janie Rey.” said Lea. “And you are my new servant.”
It had been 3 days since she had started working in the lonely shop. She had scrubbed pans, cleaned floors, and organized stuff on the old, dusty shelves. Her only friend was Nina, the other servant. One day a strange package arrived in the mail.
“Who’s it for mommy?” screamed Shana and Shira. “Who’s it for?”
“Why it’s for our own little Janie!” exclaimed Lea. “Here you are dear.” Inside the package were a necklace and a note. The necklace was made with a beautiful blue snowflake pendant, threaded through purple and silver string. The note was put on fancy paper. It read.
Dear Princess Lillianna,
I’m sorry about what they did to you. I wrote this letter to help you get back to your homeland. I only need to tell you two things. One, don’t listen to anything that Lea says. She was bribed to raise you as a servant until the Spanish won the war. Two, this necklace was given to you by your mother and father. I’ve have figured out that if you take the snowflake and hold it for one minute that you should get all your memory back. Also if you ever come back to Spain searching for a job I will always be happy to take you in as an apprentice.
With love,
Professor Strania
Lillianna found the letter very cryptic. But she decided to do what it said anyway. So she took the necklace and held onto the pendant for one minute.
All of the sudden a bright white light past through her eyes. Lillianna screamed and fainted, entering a world of her own. She then remembered everything that had happened since her parents had died. But soon the hour was up. She then was back in the present. There were a lot of people standing around her.
“Are you all right Janie?” asked Lea.
“I’m fine.” answered Lillianna. “But my name is not Janie, its Lillianna! And I’m the princess of Germany!” Shana, Shira, and Nina gasped. They were shocked by what had just occurred.
“I think that I shall be leaving now.” said Lillianna. Then she walked out the door and went on her search for Herome, for she wanted revenge.
Meanwhile Lea was staring in awe. Then she walked up to a guard and whispered into the guard’s ear.
“Seriously, only one diamond for all the trouble she caused! You people should really pay more for this kind of work!” then she left him, standing awestruck at attention.
Lillianna traveled all around Spain searching for the headquarters of the SSA. (Spanish Spy Agency) At last she found them. She then crawled into an air duct on the far side of the building. She then found what she was looking for. The boys sleeping quarters! She leapt from the vent with a bounding leap. Then she searched around until she found Herome’s bed. She then sat and waited for Herome to come and receive his revenge!
All was silent until eight o’clock pm. The spies had just come in. Herome screamed when he saw Lillianna.
“You!” he yelled. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to get my revenge on a certain spy that caused me to be brainwashed!” said Lillianna. Then she grabbed a dagger and sprang at Herome. They fought and fought throughout the night. But by morning Herome had his dagger at Lillianna’s throat.
“Any last words little princessa?” said Herome sinisterly.
“Just let me go!” screamed Lillianna. Then Herome ran the dagger strait at Lillianna’s heart. But instead of killing her he cut of Lillianna’s necklace. Everyone watching gasped, then suddenly the necklace started glowing with an eerie blue light. The crowd just stared in awe.
Then suddenly it shot out a beam of light strait at Lillianna. Then all the color drained out of her body and into the necklace. She then fell back into Herome’s arms, her hands over her heart.
“Is she dead?” one of the spies asked. Herome checked her pulse then looked up, his face grim.
“Yes, she’s dead.” Everyone gasped. Then they took her life less body back to Germany to be buried. But no one noticed that right before she murdered herself that a small wisp of smoke came out of Lillianna and into her necklace. But they still buried her and her necklace in the shadowed wake of her castle. From then on the Queen ruled the castle alone.

Chapter 2: Possession

It had been seven years since the death of Lillianna. Hardly anyone talked about her anymore. What no one new was that their princess was still alive! Her spirit was trapped inside her necklace. The only way that she could be freed was if someone put the necklace on. She would then posses that person, remaking them into a version of her former self. She still thought of plans of vengeance against the spy Herome.
Rania was a normal peasant girl that lived of the outskirts of the castle. She had dark burgundy hair and bright blue eyes. From the stories she had heard she looked just like the former princess! One day while she was digging in her back yard she found a necklace. Its pendant was a bright blue snowflake that had a strange blue glow about it. She quickly put it on. Instantly her mind was filled with strange memories. Of a rat named Salinski, a spy named Herome, and many other strange things. Then she had a sudden realization. She was not Rania anymore. She was Princess Lillianna!
She just couldn’t come out and say she’d been possessed. Everyone would think she was crazy! She would have to tell them soon though. She couldn’t keep this secret forever.
“Rania dear, it’s time to go inside!” yelled Rania’s mother.
“Coming mother!” yelled Lillianna. He then went inside and shut the door.
“Mom, can we go to the castle tonight?” asked Lillianna.
“Sure honey, whatever you want.” answered Rania’s Mom.
“Excellent.” said Lillianna slyly.
The castle was exactly as she remembered it. The tapestries and lamps were all the same. The only difference was a picture of her by the former princesses’ gallery in the main corridor. They were being led around by a girl named Mandria.
“And over here we have the princess’s old room!” said Mandria.
When they stepped inside to Lillianna it was like stepping into a dream. Everything was exactly as it was before she had been kidnapped! Well, except for a cage in the far corner.
“Excuse me, but why is there a cage in the corner of the bedroom?” asked Lillianna.
“We were just getting to that part Rania.” said Mandria. “This was Lillianna’s pet rat. Who ever can guess his name and get him to talk to you will get to keep him forevermore!”
“I know what his name is!” screamed Lillianna at the top of her lungs.
“Well then what is it Rania?” asked Mandria.
“His name is Salinski.” said Lillianna. “And I know that because I’m not Rania at all. I’m Princess Lillianna!” The entire crowd gasped in horror. How could their princess be alive? While this was happening things started to happen to Lillianna.
She was suddenly lifted into the air by an unseen force. Her torso then stretched several feet. Her hair grew longer and her ragged clothes turned into a bright blue dress. She looked just like she did before Herome killed her!
“Lillianna!” Salinski suddenly screamed.
“Oh Salinski, I’ve missed you so much!” said Lillianna. The crowd was staring in awe at the scene unfolding before them. Then someone screamed.
“Get her!” Suddenly the entire group ran after her.
“Hurry, hide quick!” screamed Salinski.
They soon found a small ledge under a bridge. Lillianna and Salinski decided to make this their new home. Lillianna made Salinski a small room on a shelf and a place to put her belongings. The only thing that protected her from the creatures of the night was her necklace. It seemed to make a protective bubble around her wherever she went. It also gave of warmth, which was good because of the coldness under the bridge. She never showed the necklace to anyone, in order that she would not be recognized by the media.
After a week of living under the bridge she finally decided that it was time to seek revenge on the one who killed her. Her plan was to wipe Herome’s memory with the machine in the castle, then train him to be her personal assistant. She laughed deviously at the thought of it.
“He will rue the day he kidnapped me!” she said to herself. “Rue it!”
Her trip to Spain took almost a month, along with days of long treks over the hilly land of Germany. When she finally found the barracks in which Herome lived she sat down on his bed and waited. When Herome came in he was shocked.
“Princessa!” he gasped. “I thought you were dead!” “Think again princess killer!” screamed Lillianna.
Then she picked up a knife and lunged at Herome. He then parried the blow and went on against Lillianna. They fought all through the night, neither of them seeming to grow weary. By day break the battle was over. Lillianna had Herome pinned down on the bed, a knife at his throat. Then before Herome could say anything she knocked him out and took him to the castle.
There she strapped him onto the machine and started turning it on. At that moment Herome woke up.
“Princessa, is that you?” he asked.
“Yes it is Herome!” she laughed. “Now, prepare to meet the same fate that you brought upon me!” Then before he could say any more she flipped the switch. Herome silently screamed as he fell into the dark bowels of his mind.
When Herome awoke he was dressed in a fancy servants outfit.
“Where am I?” he wondered aloud. Suddenly a voice came from upstairs.
“Why hello little servant!” said Lillianna as she walked down the flight of stairs. “Aren’t you supposed to be tending the garden?” The moment that he had heard her voice something had clicked inside his head. He now remembered everything that he had lost to the brain-washing device. But he now had a plan.
“I was just getting ready to do that just now.” He said.
“Excellent!” Lillianna said. Then she walked back up to her room. That night Herome crept up to Lillianna’s room, wielding a rusty frying pan from the kitchen. When he got up there though, he saw his dagger on a table.
“This will do better!” he thought. Then he grabbed the dagger and set the pan down softly next to him. He tiptoed his way across the room and readied to plunge the dagger strait into Lillianna’s heart.
Then suddenly her hand shot up and grabbed hold of Herome’s wrist.
“You will never kill me Herome, so don’t even try!” she hissed.
“And you will never kill me!” said Herome. “In fact, I’ll be the one that get’s you in the end.”
“Never!” she screamed. Then grabbing the frying pan of the ground she swung at Herome. They fought for hours, no one giving in. Finally by morning Herome had Lillianna pinned to the ground. He quickly called the SSA and told them to send reinforcements.
“At last I’ve caught you princessa!” he said triumphantly.
“I will get my revenge if it’s the last thing I do!” Lillianna screamed. Then the SSA pulled her into a barred cage. As Herome watched her he felt an odd twang in his heart. It was a mixture of triumph and joy. But there was something else. Something he couldn’t explain. Because what he was feeling was the feeling of love!

Chapter 3: Love

By the time Lillianna had spent seven years in prison she was twenty-one. Herome often came to see her during her time there. When he visited he would tell her stories. Most were of his childhood, or at least all that he remembered. They usually went something like this,
“I was the son of a castle knight by the name of Jerome, and his wife Henrietta. We were very poor, barely making a living by the crops that we grew. I worked most mornings and sometimes played with my friends in the afternoon. When I was 7 my parents sent me to an army training course. There I stayed until I was 14. Then my coach sent me of to the SSA. Now I’ve been here for 14 years.” Herome told Lillianna.
“Wow Herome!” gasped Lillianna. “That story was so, so riveting!”
“And just what’s so riveting about it?” asked Herome.
“Well….” said Lillianna shyly.
“Well what?” questioned Herome.
“I’ve never thought of you as a farm hand before!” she said quickly.
“That was only for the first seven years of my life okay!” Herome said, embarrassed. Then he quickly swiped a look at his watch.
“I think it’s about time for me to go.” He said firmly.
“Goodbye princessa.”
“Goodbye Herome.” said Lillianna. Then, with a small bow he left the dungeon. Salinski wandered in and out of the crevices hidden within the walls of the SSA. He had to find Lillianna before it was too late! Finally he found her asleep inside her cell.
“Lillianna!” Salinski screamed. “It’s Salinski. I’ve come to rescue you!”
“Salinski?” said Lillianna drowsily.
“Yes. We need to hurry.” said Salinski urgently.
“Well why didn’t you say so!” said Lillianna. “Let’s go!”
“I’ve got the keys right here!” he said. Then he quickly unlocked the cell door.
“Thanks!” Lillianna said hastily. Then they slipped of into the night.
When Herome noticed that the prisoner had escaped he was furious.
“Why did I ever think that I might, just might be able too trust her!” he mumbled to himself. He then sounded the alarm, which resounded all through the building.
“The princess has escaped, I repeat, the princess has escaped!” he said hastily into his watch. All the spies then rushed quickly out of the room.
“We must get her back!” he screamed. “The entirety of Spain depends on it!” Then quietly he added to himself. “And my heart does too.”
Lillianna and Salinski tore through the streets of Spain, trying to find a place to spend the night. They soon found an old shack off the outskirts of the city. There they stayed for a fortnight. Every night Lillianna would think of Herome, longing to tell him that she loved him. Herome also thought this way about Lillianna, wanting to find her with all his heart. He was longing to tell her the exact same thing.
Sometimes Lillianna would read stories out of the little book that Herome had given her. She read by the light of her necklace, which seemed to be glowing brighter now. The stories were all of Herome’s adventures on the farm. They were with his friend Della, a girl from a farm that lived down the street. Often Lillianna thought of herself as Della, going on amazing adventures with Herome.
On the fifth night of their stay in the shack Lillianna decided to finally make her move. She snuck out in the dead of night, going to the SSA headquarters. When she got there Herome was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. Her heart skipped a beat. He looked even more handsome then before, his dark black hair in exactly the right position, his uniform gleaming with patches.
Suddenly Herome grabbed Lillianna’s wrist and pulled her down.
“What are you doing here!” he said in surprise.
“I wanted to see you.” said Lillianna. “I also wanted to do this.” Then she bent down, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. They stayed this way until the spies came in.
The spies stood amazed at the door. Then taking leadership, one screamed,
“Arrest the traitor and the girl!” So the spies went up and tied Lillianna and Herome’s hands behind their backs. Then they took them down to the dungeons, where they cast each one into a separate cell. Right away Herome started asking questions.
“How did you get here? Why did you kiss me?”
“The answer to the second is simple.” Lillianna said a strange gleam in her eyes. “It was my way of showing that I love you.”
“You do!” said Herome, surprised. “I sent out all the spies looking for you to tell you the exact same thing!”
“We really shouldn’t be talking about this right now!” Lillianna said deviously. “We should be thinking of a way to escape!”
When Salinski heard of Lillianna’s capture he was furious.
“Why did she leave?” he questioned himself. “What could she want?” He had to find her before it was too late!
Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Lillianna and Herome were asleep, dreaming of one another. Later on Salinski came barging into the cell.
“Lillianna, wake up!” he screamed. Lillianna woke with a jolt.
“Salinski!” she said, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to rescue you!” Salinski answered.
“Well then you might as well rescue Herome too!” Lillianna complied.
“Why do you want me to rescue him?” asked Salinski. “He tried to kill you.
“I know, but things have changed.” replied Lillianna. Then she relayed to him all that had happened the last few weeks.
“Fine!” said Salinski. “I’ll rescue him too!” Then he went to work picking the locks. When he was done Herome woke up.
“What’s going on?” he said fiercely.
“Don’t worry Herome!” said Lillianna hastily. “It’s just me and Salinski.”
“By the way I just thought of a way to escape!” gasped Salinski. “Come on guys, mimic what I do!” Then Salinski started digging. Lillianna and Herome both shrugged and started helping. After two hours of digging they climbed out a hole on the other side of the SSA boundary wall.
“Well, now what are we going to do?” asked Herome.
“I was thinking we could go ask Professor Strania for help.” said Lillianna. “Maybe she could whip something up for us!”
“You know what, that’s not such a bad idea.” said Herome. So Lillianna, Herome, and Salinski strode off towards the castle, a plan inside their heads.
They arrived at the castle the next morning. When Lillianna walked inside she was surprised to see that many things had changed. The most surprising thing was that Strania had become Queen of Spain! During the years that Lillianna had been gone she had gotten married to King Alahandro! They found her in the throne room with her two servants, Dahlia and Theresa.
“Who are those people?” Dahlia asked her sister.
“I don’t know, but I think the queen knows them!”
“Who are you and what do you want?” the Queen asked.
“Don’t you recognize me Professor? It’s me Lillianna!” she answered. “We met a long time ago!”
Then she told Strania all that had happened in the last fourteen years.
“Wow! I can’t believe that you two became friends!” Queen Strania said. “I thought you were sworn enemies!”
“We need you to help us hide from the King and the SSA.” said Lillianna. “Will you do it?”
“Of course!” said Strania. Then she walked into the back room.
“I think she has a plan!” Herome said, excited.

Chapter 4: Betrayal

Herome and Lillianna followed Queen Strania down to the cellar, making sure to hide from palace guards in the process. When they finished their journey Queen Strania walked quickly over to a wine basin and turned the keg. Lillianna gasped in astonishment when the entire front of the basin swung out, revealing a small room with two cots and a small dresser.
“This is where you will stay by night.” Strania explained. “By day you will pretend to be my servants, doing only meager work of course. Now, get some rest.” Then she left. Soon after this Lillianna and Herome fell asleep, and Lillianna had a dream she would never forget.
That night Lillianna dreamt that she was in an old building. To her surprise old women was standing inside, looking at a screen on the wall. The woman then suddenly turned around and looked strait at Lillianna.
“I will get you Lillianna St. Clair!” she yelled manically. Lillianna then woke up, screaming.
Soon after her nightmare Lillianna was awoken by Herome shoving her, trying to get her to wake up.
“Get up princessa!” said Herome. “We need to get upstairs.” They quickly got dressed and hurried up to the second floor, leaving Salinski to his own devices.
When they reached the second floor they were given mops and buckets, and were told to start mopping the floors. Everyone was in a big rush for there was a grand ball coming up that weekend.
“Herome!” Lillianna said when the working day was done. “What if we went to the ball too? It’s a masquerade so no one will recognize us!”
“That is a very fine idea princessa!” exclaimed Herome. “I’ll get all my stuff put together.” In the hour before the ball was to start Lillianna and Herome were getting dressed. Suddenly Lillianna gasped.
“Oh no!” she said, a worried look in her eyes. “My only dress I have is my blue dress! People will definitely recognize me in this!”
“I have that taken care of!” said Herome. He then pulled a parcel from behind his back. Inside was a beautiful white dress with lacing on the cuffs and torso.
“Wow, it’s beautiful Herome!” Lillianna exclaimed. She quickly put it and her mask on, soon after kissing Herome on the cheek.
“Thank you!” said Lillianna.
“Anything for my princessa.” Herome replied. That night at the ball they danced and danced to their hearts content. Then at the moment the clock struck twelve the room went dark. There was a stifled scream, and when the lights came back on Lillianna was gone.
“I must find her!” Herome thought. Then he set off to find the love of his life.
Meanwhile Lillianna was being held captive inside a small abandoned prison on the outskirts of the castle. When they had reached there some one undid the blindfold around her eyes. When Lillianna looked up she almost gasped. She was looking at herself.
“Who are you?” Lillianna asked, suspicious.
“Why I’m your cousin, Annabel St.Clair.” Annabel answered.
“What do you want with me?” Lillianna asked next.
“I am going to impersonate you and have your little Herome all to myself!” Annabel replied.
As soon as she said this she knocked Lillianna out and switched clothes with her. But she forgot one important detail. Lillianna’s necklace was still around her neck! As soon as Annabel was dressed she sat Lillianna up in a chair and locked herself in the cell. Then she waited.
Herome barged into the tiny prison hours after the big switch. He then saw Annabel in the corner.
“Oh princessa what have they done to you?” he said hastily.
“My evil cousin Annabel locked me in this cell and locked me up!” said Annabel. “She also rigged the lighting at the ball. You should go finish her off right away!”
“Well then honey that’s exactly what I’ll do.” Said Herome. Then he readied to strike. Suddenly Lillianna woke up.
“What’s going on!” she screamed. Then she saw Herome. “Oh hi honey, I thought we were done with this whole fighting thing.” she said.
“Die Annabel!” Herome screamed.
“But it’s me Lillianna!” Lillianna replied.
“Then who is she?” asked Herome, pointing at Annabel.
“That’s my evil cousin Annabel!” answered Lillianna.
“No I’m Lillianna!” screamed Annabel.
“I’m Lillianna!” They both screamed.
Suddenly Herome through his dagger strait through Annabel’s heart. As she crumpled to the floor she said.
“How did you know?” Then she died.
“It was your necklace.” Said Herome. “It was the one thing that Annabel forgot.” They then quietly buried Annabel’s remains and headed back towards the castle.
When they got back to the castle they were surprised to see Queen Strania at the door.
“And just where do you think your going!” she asked coldly.
“I thought we were coming back to the ball!” answered Lillianna.
“Actually you two will be spending the rest of your time in the SSA prison!” she said. Then she clapped and down around Herome and Lillianna leapt several guards. One grabbed Lillianna and another Herome. Then they were carried of to the prison cells.
“Why did she betray us?” Lillianna asked Herome.
“She probably found out that we were fugitives and had a price on our heads.” He answered.
“Well we should start thinking of ways too escape.” Lillianna suggested. Then they started to think of ways to escape the dreaded prison. Suddenly Lillianna had an idea.
“Herome!” yelled Lillianna.
“What if we take those bed sheets and mend them into clothes! Then we can die our hair so no one will recognize us!”
“Great idea princessa, I’ll sneak out tonight and get the supplies. By the next night they were ready. Lillianna and Herome both looked like spies and had both died their hair blonde. Lillianna took on the name Sarafina Blake and Herome the name Randolph Blake. They were posing as brother and sister.
Just before they left Lillianna pulled Herome over to a corner.
“I have something I need to give you before we depart.” She said. Then she clasped a necklace around Herome’s neck. Its pendant was in the shape of a dagger.
“Thank you princessa.” Herome said. Then he slowly kissed Lillianna. Suddenly the room was flooded in blue and red light. Then it all flashed red, and for an instant so did their eyes. Soon after this they parted, saying goodbye to each other until they saw one another again.

Chapter 5: Separation

Lillianna was very sad. She did not want to leave Herome for so long. She then went on to the dormitories, memories of Herome still floating about inside her head. When she made it to the dorms she was surprised to find a girl of about her age sitting on a bunk.
“Uh, hello?” she said carefully. “My name’s Sarafina Blake, what’s yours?”
“Hi, my name’s Bianca.” she said softly. “You must be the new girl.” Suddenly a loud alarm rang throughout the building.
“It’s time for lunch.” Bianca said. “Follow me, I’ll show you where to go!” They both then went and ate lunch together. Soon Lillianna and Bianca were best friends, doing a lot of activities with each other.
She excelled in almost everything, remembering things from her many fights with Herome. The teachers told her that she could probably be a fine SSA agent someday.
“If only they new my secret she thought to herself. At night she would sneak of to a secret room only known to Herome and herself. There they would talk about things that were happening.
One night when Lillianna was about to creep out Bianca woke up.
“I new it!” she whispered to herself. Then she crept out to follow Lillianna, though she did not know where she was going. They soon arrived at the meeting place. Bianca then quietly slipped in along the outer edge, hidden in the shadows. Suddenly a figure appeared on the other side of the room. It was Randolph Blake!
“What is he doing here?” Bianca thought to herself.
Both Sarafina and Randolph then started talking.
“Oh I have been longing for night to come!” Randolph said.
“I too have been longing, my dearest Herome.” Sarafina replied. Then suddenly Bianca knew.
“Why hello Sarafina and Randolph Blake, or should I say Lillianna St.Clair and Herome St.Marshal!” she said triumphantly.
Lillianna and Herome stared at Bianca in surprise.
“Who is she?” Herome asked Lillianna.
“This is my friend Bianca.” answered Lillianna.
“I knew there was something mysterious about you two!” Bianca continued.
“Bianca, you can’t tell our secret to anyone, understand!” Lillianna said quickly.
“I promise, if you won’t tell my secret!”
“And what exactly is your secret?” Herome asked.
“I’m actually Princess Bianca Farrell, second in line to the throne of Italy. Me and my brother, Damien Farrell ran away from home to escape the wrath of our horrible mother Queen Libra. Then we after many daring escapes from the Italian Armada we wound up here!”
“Wow.” said Lillianna. “You’ve sure had a lot of adventures with your brother.”
“I did, that is until we got here.” Bianca said. “I haven’t seen him since.” Herome then swiped a look at his watch.
“It’s time for me to go. Bye princessa!”
“Bye Herome!” Lillianna called after him.
“Bye the way why does he call you princessa all the time?” Bianca asked Lillianna.
“Simple, because he’s Spanish so he calls me the Spanish word for princess.” Lillianna answered.
When Herome got back to his barracks Damien was waiting on his bed.
“What do you want Damien?” he asked.
“I know who you are, Herome St.Marshal.” he said.
“How did you find out?” Herome gasped.
“Who else would carry this around everywhere?” he said while holding up Herome’s dagger and necklace. “And who would Herome go and see but the love of his life Lillianna?”
“I know that you have some secrets too Damien Farrell! I met your sister Bianca and she told me everything!” Herome said.
“You know my sister Bianca!” Damien screamed.
“Yes, and I also know that you and Bianca are the prince and princess of Italy!” As soon as he said that alarms started blaring.
“Hurry Herome, we have to get out of here!” Damien screamed. Then they tore the window off of its frame, and leapt out onto the ground, running far away from the building.
Thirty minutes before the alarms went of Bianca and Lillianna were in their room preparing for dinner. There was a feeling of dread in the air.
“Lillianna, what if they catch us?” Bianca asked.
“You’ll just have to trust me Bianca.” Lillianna answered sternly. After that they walked to the kitchens.
When they got there they started making their dinner.
“Lillianna, your hair is on fire!” Bianca suddenly screamed. Then there was a low beeping sound and the sprinklers came on. They drenched the fire but washed the hair die out of Lillianna’s hair. Then their roommate Abigail Nikiski walked in, and instantly her eyes opened wide in surprise.
“You’re not Sarafina Blake! You’re Lillianna St.Clair. Number one on the SSA wanted list!” she screamed.
Then she quickly pressed a large red button on the wall. Alarms started ringing throughout the building.
“Quickly, through the window!” Lillianna screamed to Bianca. Then as quickly as they could muster, they leapt out the window and into the night.
As the two groups wandered away many thoughts were going through the minds of the travelers. From Lillianna, mixed feeling for Herome. From Bianca, a sense of weariness about the adventures to come. From Herome, a hope of finding his true heritage. And from Damien, a vast strange feeling of danger. These feelings and more would lead them to an answer. The answer to the true intentions of the four adventurers.

Chapter 6: Haunted

Ever since she and Herome had split up Lillianna had began to feel lonelier and lonelier. Even with the companionship of Bianca she still felt emptiness in her heart.
“So where are we going now?” Lillianna asked Bianca.
“I don’t know.” answered Bianca. “My main priority is to find the boys.”
They wandered for many strenuous nights, sleeping by day. After their fourth night of traveling they came across a large forest filled with many different kinds of animals. This was not your normal kind of forest though. This was the Forest of Wickedness. It was an evil place filled with many horrible creatures to gruesome to even describe. Most people called it haunted, but it was much more than that. For in that forest lived none other then the dreaded Emerelda, the vilest witch in all of Germany. Lillianna stopped suddenly when she saw the forest.
“Bianca, do you really think that we should go in there?” she asked Bianca.
“At least it could serve as shelter.” answered Bianca. “And I think I feel a storm brewing.”
“Storm! What storm?” Lillianna screamed.
“Oh, don’t tell me!” accused Bianca. “You’re scared of storms aren’t you?”
“Maybe a little.” Lillianna confessed.
“Oh this is just great.” Bianca said. “The brave princess Lillianna is scared of storms!”
“I wish Herome was here.” Lillianna sighed. Then they quietly walked into the forest. Soon they found a large oak tree, which they used for shelter. They quickly pulled leafy branches down from it and used that as bedding.
“There, all done.” Bianca said, admiring her work. Lillianna scrambled under the hut as soon as it was finished.
“Keep it away!” she screamed.
“Lillianna calm down!” urged Bianca. “You’ll wake the animals!”
“Uh, Bianca, I think they just woke up!” Lillianna yelled, terrified. Bianca turned around and gasped in surprise. Staring at them were several pairs of large yellow eyes.
“Ahhhhh!” they both screamed. They ran far away from the glowing eyes.
“Lillianna you have got to get over your fear! You almost got us killed back there!”
“I don’t think I can!” said Lillianna nervously.
“Don’t worry.” replied Bianca. “I am an expert in psychology!”
“What in the world is psychology?” quizzed Lillianna.
“It’s the study of fears and how resolve them.” answered Bianca.
“Thank you Bianca.” replied Lillianna gratefully.
“We will start classes’ tomorrow morning.” proclaimed Bianca.
“Then and there you will learn to control your fears!”
After the episode of last night, the two girls fell into their beds made of fern and oak leaves. The next morning Lillianna was awakened by a loud shout.
“Lillianna, wake up!” screamed Bianca straight into Lillianna’s ear. “Your training starts now!”
“But Bianca, it’s almost two in the morning!” complained Lillianna.
“Yes, and there’s a storm brewing, so get up!” yelled Bianca. Then she pulled off Lillianna’s covers and dragged her out of bed.
“Come on Bianca, this is insanity!” Lillianna screamed.
“I’m not stopping till you’re completely cured of your fear of storms!” proclaimed Bianca. “You will be cured if it’s the last thing I do!”
“And I won’t let you if it’s the last thing I do!” yelled Lillianna, her hands raking the floor as Bianca tried to pull her outside. The girls fought and fought to the break of dawn, during which the storm passed, leaving the girls soaked.
“Now look what you did!” accused Bianca. “And I was just trying to help you!”
“So what if I did not need any help!” screamed Lillianna. Bianca pondered over this, and then felt sorry for what she did.
“I’m sorry for trying to help with problems that weren’t my concern.” She said softly.
“I’m sorry for refusing your help.” Confessed Lillianna. Then they hugged and made up.
“Now how about we go and find Herome and Damien!” exclaimed Bianca. “Are you with me Lillianna?”
“You bet, Bianca!” answered Lillianna. Then they skipped off into the forest, arms interlocked.
The two girls walked for several hours, and then hunger overtook them.
“Lillianna, when will we get something to eat?” groaned Bianca.
“Just bear through it, Bianca.” answered Lillianna, mildly agitated by Bianca’s rantings.
“Well get food soon, I’m starving!” complained Bianca. Then she screamed. “Look Lillianna, it’s a house!”
“In the middle of the woods?” questioned Lillianna.
“Maybe we can get some food there!” exclaimed Bianca, ignoring Lillianna’s suspicions.
“Oh, fine!” sighed Lillianna, the thought of a decent meal overwhelming her. They hurried to the front door and rapped slightly on it. They were surprised when a girl of about 14 answered.
“Oh, come in weary travelers!” she said, seemingly delighted to see them. “My name’s Emery!” Lillianna suddenly felt suspicious, though she didn’t know why.
“There’s something strangely familiar about that girl.” She whispered to Bianca, who didn’t seem to hear her. She went in, but stayed alert for anything mysterious.
They soon were sitting around a large black table, covered in food. Lillianna was cautious about what she ate, afraid that it might be poisoned. She made sure that she only ate the food that Emery ate first, knowing that if she planned to kill them she wouldn’t poison herself. Their meal was actually very good. There were hundreds of different things to choose from, ranging from roasted pig to treacle tart. After they were finished Emery led them to their sleeping quarters. Inside the rooms were gigantic four-poster beds draped with green, blue, and purple silk, two small cherry wood tables, and a large wardrobe. Bianca ran in and instantly fell asleep on one of the beds. Lillianna then sighed, and fell asleep on the other.
When they awoke they found that they were trapped in large cages suspended from the ceiling. These were hanging over a dark abyss that depth seemed to have no limits. Over on a ledge Emery was mumbling to herself, messing with a few of the many vials the laid upon the desk.
“Emery, help!” screamed Bianca.
“Well, Bianca, I can’t help you.” Replied Emery sweetly.
“Why not?” Lillianna yelled.
“Because, I put you in there in the first place!” confessed Emery.
“What!” Lillianna and Bianca gasped.
“You see, I’m not Emery at all.” She chortled. “I’m actually Emerelda, the witch of the forest of wickedness!”
“I knew there was something strange about her!” said Lillianna, who then was distracted by a soft green glow that surrounded Emery. As they watched in amazement, Emery grew several inches in height. Her clothes changed into a dark black gown, and her hair grew longer and turned a dirty grey.
“Now you see my real form!” she cackled. “As the dreaded witch, Emerelda!”
“What are you going to do to us?” whimpered Bianca.
“You’ll find out in a minute or two, peasant!” Emerelda hissed back.
“Who are you calling a peasant, you old hag!” shouted Bianca in answer. “You shouldn’t talk like that to the princess of Italy!”
“Ah, a princess, and I assume that your companion is a princess too.” Emerelda inquired. Before Lillianna could reply, Bianca answered for her.
“Yes, this is Lillianna St. Clair, princess of Germany.” Bianca said.
“Ah, a pair of princesses!” said Emerelda. “This will be more exciting then I thought!” Then she quieted down and mumbled a few more words. These words resonated through Lillianna’s mind, causing an incredible pain in her head. Bianca looked the same, clutching her head in her hands. Emerelda continued to speak, this time while stirring up a dark colored broth. She then poured it into two beakers and forced in down the two girls throats. Instantly they fell asleep, drifting off into a world of dreams.
While the two girls were sleeping, Emerelda worked hard throughout the night, mixing potions and keeping tabs on Lillianna and Bianca. Later that night she had a new potion ready. With this in hand, she walked over to the western wall of her lab. There, she quickly dabbed one drop of the potion onto each corner of the screen. Instantly, there was a bright flash that made Emerelda blink fiercely. The screen now displayed two pictures. Lillianna’s on the right and Bianca’s on the left. A couple of minutes later, the pictures turned into videos of the two girls lives. The videos stopped about two hours later. Lillianna and Bianca then awoke.
“Bianca, we need to get out of here now!” whisper Lillianna desperately.
“Ok, I’ve got a plan, but it’s going to take some time.” assured Bianca. She then started whittling at the bars with a nail file hidden in her boot. When she finished, the two girls quietly escaped.
When Emerelda found out she was furious. “I’ll get you two princesses from what you love most,” she yelled into the night. “Your dear Damien and Herome!” Then she started scheming, her head filled with thoughts of revenge!

Chapter 7: Discoveries

While all this happened to Bianca and Lillianna, Herome and Damien were elsewhere. When they split up, while fleeing the SSA, Herome and Damien went the opposite direction of their companions. They were headed for Germany, hoping to find Lillianna and Bianca there. Right now they were on a road covered in potholes, wearing only their clothes from the SSA. These in fact, happened to be holey and grimy from all the dust on the road.
“Herome, when are we going to stop, because if we don’t stop soon we will die from dehydration?” questioned Damien.
“No we are not stopping and we’re not going to die from dehydration, Damien.” answered Herome. “We have plenty of water right here.” Then Herome marched over and opened his duffle bag, in which was a various array of items. But the water bottles were not there; though Herome was sure he remembered to pack them at the SSA.
“What happened to our water!” gasped Herome, his face a mask of shock.
“I might have drunk it all before you woke up.” confessed Damien shyly.
“Damien that was our only supply of water!” yelled Herome.
“Sorry!” said Damien hastily. “Now Herome, please calm down!” A couple minutes later Herome settled down, though his face was still red as a beet. He looked towards the north and, to his surprise, he saw a shack. It was a small black building with a sign that said:
Emery’s Rest Stop
For Weary Travelers

“Come on Herome, let’s go!” beckoned Damien. So they stepped inside, not knowing of the dangers that lurked there. The inside of the shack was made up of a lot of rooms, most filled with beds and tables. Suddenly a young girl stepped out from behind the door of the first one.
“You may stay in which ever room you want, travelers!” she said with a strange glint in her eyes. “By the way, my name’s Emery. I’m the owner of this establishment.” She greeted them each with a firm handshake.
“Could we have something to eat or drink first?” asked Damien wearily.
“Why of course! Follow me” replied Emery. Then she walked over to the fridge and served them a liquid called Crystal Tea. The boys soon ate their fill, and fell sound asleep on the beds.
While the two were asleep, Emerelda, who was disguised as Emery, chained them up and put them in cages. She force fed them a potion, then dabbed a drop of it on each corner of large screen on the far left wall. Soon, videos started rolling of Damien and Herome’s lives. Halfway through, Emerelda became puzzled.
“Where are Herome’s childhood memories?” she asked herself. Then suddenly she knew.
“I must be ready for the events soon to come!” she gasped. Then she unchained the captives, gathered her things, put on her special cloak that shimmered like the night sky, and left. Hours after Emerelda left, Herome and Damien awoke dazed. Then they left, traveling the rest of the way to Germany.
When they crossed the border they arrived in the small, peaceful town of Arrington. The people surprised them though. Wherever they went people just stared at them and whisper to one another. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old woman grabbed Herome’s arm.
“Please, Prince Herome, go and see Queen Fiona at once!” urged Vienna, for that was her name. “She has been waiting all these years for you to come!”
“Wait a minute, how do you know my name and why did you call me a prince?” asked Herome.
“The Queen will explain everything.” answered Vienna. “Now come, my prince.” She then walked down the street, Herome and Damien following close behind. She led them up several flights of stairs, soon coming to a door covered in strange markings. “Vienna looked behind her, and then rapped three times sharply on the door.
“Come in!” said a tired voice from the other side. Vienna then opened the door. Sitting on a bed in the far corner was a girl of 29, with jet black hair and a crystal tiara on her head. When she saw Herome she smiled. Then she gestured at the chair by her side.
“Sit Herome,” she then said. “For I am your sister, Fiona St. Marshal.”
“What?” Damien screamed. “Herome, I didn’t know you had a sister.”
“I don’t.” replied Herome sourly. “This must be a hoax.”
“It is no hoax, brother!” contradicted Fiona. “You and I were separated!”
“How would you know?” asked Herome accusingly. “I don’t even remember half of my childhood!”
“Well I do!” said Fiona as calmly as she could. “You were only one year old at the time. I was two so I remember it more clearly.”
“If you really are my sister you are going to have to prove it!” challenged Herome.
“There’s only one way I know of.” replied Fiona. Then she walked hastily over to Herome, grabbed his right sleeve, and pulled down very hard. The sleeve came off with a satisfying rip. On the inside of Herome’s arm was a weird crest. Underneath it was an inscription. It read: Herome St. Marshal, Prince of Arrington.

“Mine reads almost the same thing, except it has my name and calls me a princess.” Fiona replied.
“Wow, I have a sister!” cried Herome. Then he hugged Fiona.
“Hey Fiona, do you happen to know Lillianna St. Clair?” asked Damien.
“Yes, what about her?” answered Fiona.
“Tell her Herome!” urged Damien. Then Herome told Fiona everything that had happened over the last fourteen years, starting with the kidnapping. At the end, he blushed, and then said something that surprised Fiona.
“I also was planning of proposing to her, I mean, after all we’ve been through, and it just seems like the right thing to do.” he said.
“No, no, you can’t do that!” Fiona exclaimed.
“Why can’t I?” Herome asked suspiciously.
“Because, you were engaged at birth to Princess Victoria Charleston!” said Fiona. “I should have told you sooner. Now, let’s start preparing!”
Preparing for what?” asked Herome.
“Why your wedding of course!” said Fiona excitedly.
“But I don’t want to get married to Victoria!” exclaimed Herome. “I want to get married to Lillianna!”
“If you refuse, we will have no choice but to throw you into jail!” said Fiona coldly.
“You know I’ve already experienced that, Fiona” replied Herome. Fiona then remembered Herome’s stories. “Wow, you have gone through a lot with Lillianna, haven’t you.” she said. “I can see why you want to find her and propose to her!”
“So can we forget about Victoria now, please?” pleaded Herome.
“I’m sorry Herome, but I abide by our laws and customs.” answered Fiona. “You are entitled to marry Victoria.”
“Can’t you overrule that or something.” replied Herome. “Come on sis, show me some sisterly love!”
“I’m sorry Herome, but that won’t work on me.” replied Fiona. “By the way, if you try to escape, my guards will get you. I will have them escort you to your room. Guards, come in here please!” Instantly, seven armed guards marched into the room.
“Take these gentlemen to room 106, and make sure that they don’t leave.” she instructed. Then she waved them away and lied back down on her bed. Soon, Herome and Damien were led to a large room that was very finely decorated. The walls were deep red, covered in pictures of people Herome barely recognized. His parents, Aunt Henrietta and Uncle Jerome. He had forgotten a lot over the past few years. Soon he let sleep overtake him. and he fell asleep on a feather stuffed mattress.
When he woke two hours later, he saw Damien whittling at something on the wall. Then Herome noticed the screws on the floor.
“Damien, you are a genius!” he whispered. Then he walked silently over and started helping his friend. They finished soon after, leaping out the window onto the soft earth below. When Fiona awoke to them gone she was furious.
“I knew I couldn’t trust him!” she yelled. Then she had an idea. “Guards, get in here!” she called. Then she started scheming and told the guards her plan. The next morning, there were wanted posters of Herome and Damien all over the country.

Chapter 8: Vengeance

Soon after their escape from Emerelda, Lillianna and Bianca began traveling to Italy, hoping that Herome and Damien would be there. They traveled for many days, hiding at the merest sound, whether it was horses clopping down the path or the sound of metal boots marching across the ground. Once the guards almost caught them, but they had fled just in time. Lillianna began to see a pattern. She looked strangely at Bianca.
“Bianca,” she asked. “Why is the Italian Armada following us and trying to get us captured?” Bianca looked up with a slightly mortified expression on her face.
“Damien and I didn’t exactly escape from the castle legally.” she replied. “We broke a couple of rules.”
“What kind of rules, exactly?” asked Lillianna suspiciously.
“Oh, the normal stuff, like do not disobey the queen, and don’t try to steal a chariot from the stables as a means of escape.” said Bianca, almost sarcastically. Lillianna knew she was telling the truth though.
“Wow, in Italy, rules must be very specific.” she exclaimed.
“Actually, most of the rules apply to things that Damien and I would try to do.” Bianca exclaimed. Then suddenly a large group of armed soldiers came up behind them and tried to capture them. Lillianna sensed this and immediately scurried towards the woods. Bianca quickly followed her, and soon they lost the guards, leaving them stumbling around in chaos. Lillianna laughed softly in triumph, and then gasped as she saw the signs hanging around her. Lillianna quickly tapped Bianca on the shoulder.
“Bianca, look.” she told her friend hastily. Bianca turned around and came face to face with a picture of her. As she realized what it was she gasped.
“See Bianca, Queen Libra has put up a reward for your capture.” said Lillianna.
“This time she has gone way too far!” yelled Bianca angrily.
“Bianca calm down, you’ll alert the guards!” warned Lillianna.
“Your right, I shouldn’t have yelled.” said Bianca. Then the two girls ran off, leaving the posters there, branding them as outcasts.
The girls soon found a place of shelter and decided to settle down for the night. The guards however, not having given up in their search, found where the two were camping and set up a stakeout. In the morning when Lillianna and Bianca got up, ready to start a new day, the guards were ready for them. They sprung at the two and, catching them by surprise, soon overpowered them and took them to the castle dungeons. They were each put into separate cells. Both only held ratty cots and termite filled drawers.
“Oh Lillianna, what do we do now?” moaned Bianca. But surprisingly, the answer came not from Lillianna, but from a person walking down the stairs, a person that Bianca recognized.
“On the contrary Bianca, you and Lillianna will be properly interrogated.” said Queen Libra. “You will also stay in your cells for the rest of the day.” Then she walked back up the stairs and left the girls to their own devices. They soon fell asleep, and though they slept well, their dreams differed greatly.
Lillianna stirred in her sleep, her mind elsewhere. She was in a long hallway, lined with pictures of past German Queens and Kings. Lillianna found herself walking down the hallway, though not knowing why.
“Am I dreaming or is this a weird nightmare.” she asked aloud.
“Oh you’re dreaming alright,” said a familiar voice.
“Annabel, is that you?” Lillianna questioned.
“Yes, I’ve come to warn you!” answered Annabel in haste.
“Warn me about what?” asked Lillianna, slightly intrigued by her sister’s appearance.
“You must find Herome fast and never take your eyes off him.” she said. “If you don’t evil shall prevail and all you love will be lost!” Then Annabel took out a small necklace, on which was a sapphire raindrop. She quickly slipped it over Lillianna’s head. When the raindrop touched the snowflake, the two shimmered for a second, then slowly faded, becoming just a snowflake once more. The charm glowed blue in the low light of the hall.
“Wow Annabel, thanks!” Lillianna exclaimed as she looked down at her necklace.
“Anything for my favorite cousin.” Annabel replied, and then she melded into the mist. Then Lillianna woke up.
Meanwhile, Bianca was having a dream that, like Lillianna’s, was very realistic. She was walking down a dark hallway that she immediately realized was one of the castle corridors. She soon found herself walking into a room with a plaque that said laboratory on the door. As she scurried in, she could see containers and vials that laid on dusty shelves. Her mother was also in there, muttering to herself while stirring a big bubbling cauldron filled with a musky substance.
“I will soon have my dear child in my power!” she cackled, seemingly not noticing that Bianca was watching. She then threw some leaves and herbs into the brew and started chanting again. Bianca tried to walk out of the room, but when she reached the door Queen Libra said something that sent a chill down her spine.
“I’ll get you Bianca, I know you can here me, you’re standing right by the door.” she said maliciously. Then she took out a mahogany wand and shot a green bolt of magic straight at Bianca. Just before it hit her though, she awoke with a jolt.
The next morning the two girls relayed their dreams to each other. Later on a guard came in and opened the cell door.
“Princess Bianca, you are to come with me.” he commanded, his voice low and gravely. “Lillianna, you are to stay here until my mistress calls for you.” Then Bianca was led away and Lillianna was left alone.
The guard and Bianca walked down several halls until they came to the door that Bianca had seen in her dream. The inside looked exactly the same, possibly even more evil than it had before. Queen Libra was sitting in a corner, holding a heavily gilded pocket watch. Her eyes were dark and cold, boring straight into Bianca’s heart.
“Come here daughter!” commanded Queen Libra, her voice very stern. Bianca hurriedly took two paces forward. Queen Libra then started swinging the watch back and forth like a pendulum. Bianca was instantly entranced by its graceful movements and intricate design.
“Now Bianca, your eyes are getting heavy and you’re falling into a deep sleep.” Queen Libra instructed. Instantly Bianca’s head drooped down and her eyes closed. “Now you are to act like me and assume your rightful place on the throne. You are not to be friends with Lillianna any longer. You will do as I command. Now awaken!” Bianca’s head shot up as she woke and she looked down at herself.
“Servant, get me into proper attire this instant!” she screeched. As soon as she was dressed she walked down to the throne room, head held high. Queen Libra quickly followed a sly smile on her face.
Lillianna waited desperately for Bianca to return, but she did not. On the fifth night of Bianca’s disappearance, Lillianna decided that the subject had been ignored for too long.
“I need to escape and find out what Libra has done to Bianca!” she decreed. Then she picked the lock with a rusty old hair pin she found lying on the ground. She then crept down to the closet of one of the servants, where she put on different clothes. Then she walked down the hall to the throne room, where she could hear voices.
She opened the door a little and saw Bianca sitting on a throne beside her mother. She was dressed in fancy attire that didn’t suit her rambunctious nature at all. She was wearing a long, pink, puffy dress with lace adorning the sleeves. Her hair was all done up in curls and it lied upon her shoulders. She was also wearing much gold finery, including hot pink high heels.
“Servant!” she yelled at Lillianna. “Bring me some my drink this instant!” All the actual servants rushed to fill the request, but Lillianna stayed put, staring at Bianca in awe.
“Bianca, what has she done to you?” Lillianna gasped.
“Who is this filthy peasant?” asked Bianca aloud. “Get her out of my sight!” The guards tried to pull Lillianna back, but their efforts were in vain.
“But Bianca, it’s me, Lillianna!” screamed Lillianna, trying to defend herself in the process.
“Ah, so I see.” muttered Bianca.
“I’m Princess Lillianna St. Clair of Maringa, Germany.” continued Lillianna. “Bianca, try to remember. We’ve been friends since we met at the SSA!”
“Mom, what should we do with her?” Bianca asked her mother.
“Throw her in the dungeon, for she is wanted in Spain for her many crimes!” cackled Queen Libra. “And call the SSA. Tell them we have their most wanted!” As the guards struggled to hold her Lillianna yelled.
“Bianca, what is wrong with you?” she asked desperately. Then Lillianna broke from the guard’s grasp, ran over, and grabbed a bucket of water from the floor.
“Wake up!” she yelled. Then she threw the bucket’s contents on top of Bianca. She shrieked in rage, as did Queen Libra. Suddenly, Bianca’s eyes began glowing with a golden light that filled the whole room. A few seconds later, Bianca was sprawled across the floor, her questioning eyes looking up at Lillianna in shock.
“What’s going on?” she asked her. “And why am I sopping wet?”
“I explain it all when we get out of Italy!” said Lillianna as she grabbed Bianca’s hand and dragged her out of the castle. A hoard of guards followed after them in haste. Queen Libra stood up and walked towards the door.
“I have some scheming to do.” she told herself. Then aloud she screamed.
“I’ll get you my daughter and your little friends too!” She walked out the door soon after, slamming it shut behind her.

Chapter 9: Reunion

As Herome and Damien ran far away from Arrington, they began to feel lonely. Herome missed Lillianna above all else and Damien missed Bianca. They walked for a ways before finally stopping at an old run-down tavern.
Meanwhile, Lillianna and Bianca had made their way back to Germany and had in fact, settled down in the exact same tavern that Herome and Damien had found. Both pairs were in disguise. Lillianna and Bianca were disguised as a foreign princess and her waiting maid, while Herome and Damien were disguised as local peasants.
As Herome and Damien walked into the tavern, they saw a beautiful young maiden and her maid sitting in the corner. As Herome walked over, he took up the maiden’s hand.
“And what might your name be, my pretty?” he asked in the most charming voice he could muster. Lillianna then looked at the man, and noticing that it was Herome, stood up angrily and slapped him across the face.
“You better not go doing that around me, Herome St. Marshal!” she ranted.
“Lillianna, is that you?” Herome asked, clutching his cheek.
“You bet it is!” screamed Lillianna. “Now let go of Bianca this instant!”
“That’s Bianca!” gasped Damien, who then ran over and hugged his sister.
“I’ve missed you too, Damien.” replied Bianca. “But there is something you must know. I met our mother.”
“You did what!” yelled Damien.
“I said Lillianna and I met our mother, Queen Libra, while in Italy searching for you.” Bianca said. “She hypnotized me and tried to persuade me to sell Lillianna out to the SSA.”
“Well I have something even more important to tell you!” exclaimed Damien. “Herome is a prince!”
“No way!” said Lillianna. “Herome, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I was afraid it would upset you.” answered Herome.
“Why would it upset me?” questioned Lillianna.
“I have to marry Princess Victoria Charleston.” said Herome reluctantly.
“Oh, you mean Vikki? Why would you want to marry her?” asked Lillianna.
“I’m required to marry her and I can’t hide forever.” admitted Herome.
“Well, be sure not to invite me to the wedding!” cried Lillianna, tears streaming down her face. She then got up and rushed out the door.
“Oh what have I done!” exclaimed Herome.
Herome, Damien, and Bianca wandered through the streets of Enova, Germany, making way to the castle on the far side of the lush city. Meanwhile, Emerelda was just finishing tying Victoria up.
“Now for the finishing touch!” she declared mendaciously. Then she plucked a few of Victoria’s hairs off her head and placed them in a large beaker filled with murky green goo.
“Now watch, my dear Victoria, as I show you how I shall claim your kingdom!” Emerelda cackled. Then she drank the potion. Instantly her hair turned a coppery brown. Her eyes changed into a deep chocolate color.
“Greetings from Victoria Charleston!” she said in Victoria’s voice. “At last, I will get my revenge on Lillianna St. Clair and her fiendish friends!” She then walked away to the throne room, waiting for Herome to come.
As Herome walked into the castle, he opened his eyes in amazement. Everywhere he looked was beautifully arrayed. Drapes and pictures lined the walls, and many gilded tables and chairs sat on the marble tiled floor. It looked very similar to Queen Strania’s castle on the night of the ball.
“The night of the ball, the night we danced.” Herome said as he remembered that night. The cold touch of Lillianna’s hands on his waist. He missed her so much. His musings were interrupted by Damien nudging him on the shoulder.
“What’s wrong Herome.” he asked.
“I was just thinking of the time Lillianna and I went to the ball at Queen Strania’s palace.” replied Herome. “It made me miss Lillianna more.”
“Just let it go Herome, it will be alright.” assured Damien. “I’m sure your fiancée will be at least as good as Lillianna.” Then he patted Herome on the back and the trio walked towards the throne room. When they reached the door, a guard stood at attention beside it. When he saw Herome he saluted him with mock acknowledgement.
“Ah, Sir Herome, my queen has been waiting for you!” he exclaimed as he gestured towards the door. “Please, come in!” As they walked into the room it surprised Herome even more. the walls were covered in silver guild and the floors were gleaming white linoleum. The throne in the center was made of a glossy gold. On it sat a young girl of about twenty-one. Her hair was braided in gold and her warm brown eyes starred at Herome fondly.
“Welcome, Herome St. Marshal.” she said sweetly. “Have you come to meet your new wife?”
“Yes, Princess Victoria.” Herome said as he gave a low bow. “You are even more beautiful than in your picture!”
“Yes, my dearest. Now we must be getting ready for the wedding.” said Victoria. “Tailor, fit Herome for a suit immediately!”
“Yes, my lady.” yelled the tailor as he rushed through the door. “Come with me, Sir Herome!” As he dragged Herome off, Victoria yelled at her two maids.
“Constance, Cathedra, please take Damien and Bianca to their quarters and help them prepare themselves.” she ordered. A few minutes later two blonde girls rushed through the door and grabbed Damien and Bianca’s arms.
“Come with us!” they said as they dragged them off to their rooms. As soon as they were out of the room, Victoria pushed a button on her throne. It descended into a large laboratory, much like her one at home. There, she started to brew a potion. It bubbled and hissed, as if it was alive. When it was done, she bottled it up and went to bed. Just before she went to sleep, she muttered a short phrase to herself.
“It’s so fun being Victoria.” she snickered, a grin flashing across her face.
The next morning, Victoria held a huge banquet for Herome’s arrival. There was chicken, duck, lettuce, cream of mushroom soup, and many other entrées. While Herome wasn’t looking, Victoria poured some of her potion into Herome’s cup. Then at the end she proposed a toast.
“To Herome’s marriage to me, and many happy occasions to come!” she proposed. Then they all drank, Victoria grinning in satisfaction when Herome finished his off.
That night as Herome was readying to go to bed, he began thinking about Lillianna and her rich red hair and her sparkling blue eyes. He just couldn’t stop thinking about her. He knew it was his duty to marry Victoria and help build up his kingdom. He knew his sister, Fiona, was right. Lillianna was still on his mind day and night though, no matter what Damien said. He just couldn’t help himself.
Meanwhile, Emerelda was watching Herome’s memories as they flashed across the screen.
“Ah, so he can’t stop thinking about his precious Lillianna. Well, it won’t matter soon!” she cackled. “Soon, he will be mine!”
As all this was happening to Herome, Lillianna was running away from the tavern, crying all the way. She ran to a place that she had not been to in a long while, her alcove under the bridge. When she reached it, she was surprised to find it almost as clean as it was when she had left. Besides that, there were lots of cobwebs, but only in the high places. Just then, a small form darted into the room.
“Salinski, is that you!” Lillianna gasped.
“Lillianna, what are you doing here?” asked Salinski, very confused. But then he shrugged his shoulders, walked over to Lillianna, and gave her a long hug. They stayed this way for several seconds, and then started telling each other their tales. Lillianna told her pet all about her adventures with Herome and his breaking of her heart at the tavern.
Salinski told Lillianna about his keeping the alcove clean, and his meeting of Diane, a black talking rat.
“You mean to tell me that you haven’t even written!” yelled Salinski.
“I just haven’t had the time!” protested Lillianna. “You’ve heard of all the trials I’ve been through!”
“I’m just glad your okay.” sighed Salinski. That night, Lillianna dreamed of Emerelda, or at least what seemed like her, down in her lab. She was messing around with a little crystal bottle.
“That Herome will never know what hit him!” she cackled. Then the dream faded. The next morning, Lillianna and Salinski set off to warn Herome about the danger he was in. When they reached Enova, they found Herome in a suit in his room.
“Princessa!” he gasped. “What are you doing here?”
“Herome, you are in grave danger here!” Lillianna cried. “We need to go now!”
“I’m sorry princessa, but I can’t go with you.” sighed Herome.
“Why not?” asked Lillianna slightly puzzled.
“Because I know what you’re up to!” replied Herome. “You’re trying to make me not marry Victoria!”
“That’s not entirely true, Herome!” Lillianna explained.
“I know what you are trying to do, but it’s not working!” yelled Herome. “Just give up and go princessa. I know my duty lies here.” And with a slight flick of his wrist he gestured towards the door. Then Lillianna walked out of the castle, sat on the steps, and sang. Her beautiful voice rang out throughout the entire town, drawing a large crowd towards her. When she finished they clapped in praise. Lillianna, however, thought it was a trap and ran far away, to the church in which the wedding was to be held. There she sat, waiting for day to arrive.
As she waited, Emerelda crept up behind her and trapped her inside a tan sack. She was released when they reached an ancient shack. From here she was led to a chair in the middle of a pack of German Shepherds. As she sat down, they started to circle around her, like wolves stalking prey. Then Emerelda loomed out from the shadows.
“Now you will not interfere with my plans, Lillianna St. Clair!” she laughed. “Have fun with my little pets!” After this she left, and in doing so leaving Lillianna to the dogs. That night, Lillianna started pondering her fate. Suddenly she had an idea. She broke off the right arm of the chair and beckoned the dogs with it.
“Come on doggies, go fetch the stick!” she yelled. Then she threw the stick as far as she could. The Shepherds raced after the stick in haste. Lillianna then untied herself and ran off into the night. Before she went to sleep, she got her stuff and retained her position at the church.
“Tomorrow is going to be a long day.” she sighed to herself. Then she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 10: Wedding

The sun had risen on the day of the wedding. All of the town of Enova was there. This included Bianca and Damien, who were dressed in the finest attire that they could muster. Lillianna stayed hidden behind the massive drapes that hung all around the cathedral.
Soon, organ music started to play. To Lillianna, it made her feel like she was at a funeral. Then Victoria started walking down the isle, her skirt billowing out behind her like waves on an ocean. As Lillianna watched Herome’s expression, she smiled.
“He wishes it was me under that veil, doesn’t he.” she whispered to herself. Victoria then stood on the platform next to Herome.
“Well, it will soon be the start of our new lives together, Herome.” she said.
“Yes honey, our new lives.” sighed Herome. Then the preacher started to speak.
“All rise for the saying of the vows.” he commanded. The entire congregation then rose on command. The preacher then turned to Victoria.
“Do you, Victoria Charleston, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for now and forever, until death do you part?” questioned the preacher.
“I do!” answered Victoria immediately. Then the preacher turned to Herome.
“And do you, Herome St. Marshal, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for now and forever, until death do you part.” he asked.
“I do.” answered Herome firmly, though Lillianna could see a hint of doubt in his eyes. The preacher now turned to the crowd.
“If anyone objects to this marriage they should speak now or forever hold your peace.” he said. There was a silence. Then Lillianna jumped out from her hiding place, her knife slashing through the air.
“I object!” she yelled.
“On what terms?” asked the preacher. Lillianna stopped in midair and fell crashing to the floor.
“Ouch.” she cringed. Bianca stood up, her eyes open wide.
“Lillianna, are you okay?” she asked urgently. Without answering the question, Lillianna quickly got up and dusted herself off.
“I object on the terms of that girl not being Princess Victoria!” she declared. The crowd gasped in astonishment.
“Is this true, uh, Victoria?” asked Herome.
“Yes.” Victoria said slyly. Then her figure grew distorted, becoming bent and fragile. Her hair grew longer and turned a dark shade of gray. She turned around and starred straight into the eyes of the fear stricken crowd.
“I’m actually Emerelda, the witch of the Forest of Wickedness!” she cackled. The crowd ran around in chaos.
“I told you I was telling the truth!” Lillianna screamed at Herome.
“We don’t have time for this, princessa.” Herome yelled back. “We need to figure out how to defeat Emerelda!”
“Don’t worry Herome.” called Lillianna. “I’ve got a plan!” Suddenly Emerelda swooped down, grabbed Lillianna by the collar, and lifted her up.
“I will get Herome soon,” she hissed. “But I will take care of our little nuisance first!” Then she tried to trap Lillianna’s spirit inside the small glass bottle she had reserved for Herome.
“No!” Herome screamed. He then quickly picked up Lillianna’s knife and ran it through the small of Emerelda’s back. The witch gasped, then smiled. She turned around and stared at Herome with cold, dark eyes.
“I will get you and your precious Lillianna someday!” she yelled. Then, in a brilliant flash of white light, she was gone. All that was left of her was a tiny strip of fabric torn from her robes. When the crowd noticed this they all cheered loudly. Lillianna walked over to Herome, put her hands on his shoulders, and smiled.
“I knew you could do it.” she said softly.
“So did I.” said Herome. Then they folded their hands into each others, and stared at each other fondly. Then the preacher, seeing what was going on, politely cleared his throat, and started to speak.
“Do you, Lillianna St. Clair, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for now and forever, until death do you part?”
“I do.” Lillianna answered.
“And do you, Herome St. Marshal, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for now and forever, until death do you part?”
“I do.” replied Herome.
“Does anyone object?” the preacher asked hastily, looking cautiously at the curtains. Lillianna and Herome laughed slightly at this.
“Then I pronounce you man and wife.” the preacher said. “You may kiss the bride.” When Lillianna and Herome kissed applause resounded throughout the building.
“I have a surprise for you.” Lillianna told Herome. Then she whistled shrilly. Two Clydesdale horses trotted up to the podium.
“Well, come on!” Lillianna beckoned. Then the two mounted and road off into the sunset, ready to start a whole new life of adventures.


After Lillianna and Herome had left the church, they went to their new home. It was an old, rundown farmhouse on the outskirts of Maringa, Germany. As soon as they got there they cleaned it all up and readied for the big party they were to through that night. Herome polished his dagger until it gleamed. Lillianna polished her necklace till the sun’s glimmer bounced off it and made the gem shimmer magically.
All their friends were going to meat them at the party. Bianca and Damien showed up first. They waved at the newly-weds and smiled knowingly. Next, Fiona and her maid-servants walked in. She glared at her brother and held her head high, though she was secretly happy for the two. Soon, everyone had shown up.
They crowded around the dinner table, waiting for the delicious meal to begin. Herome raised his hand, and everyone quieted instantly. They knew not to cross the former spy. He still had a few tricks up his sleeve. Herome cleared his throat, and stood.
“I would like to thank you all for coming to our home.” he said, his voice filled with pleasure. “I would like to propose a toast to someone very special.” Everyone looked at him and smiled. They all knew what was coming. “To my beautiful wife, Lillianna St. Marshal!” Herome shouted, raising his glass. The crowd raised their glasses too, and repeated what Herome had said. Then they ate a hearty dinner.
Afterword, Herome and Lillianna told their company about their adventures. Bianca and Damien filled in the parts that they forgot. Everyone was amazed at all the tragedies that Herome and Lillianna went through.
While all this was happening, no one noticed a young girl of twelve standing in the corner. She had a strange glint in her eyes, as if she had just found something amazing.
“This is an amazing story.” she told herself. “Why don’t I introduce it to the world?” She whipped out her notepad and started writing.
“I happen to know exactly what to call this story.” she whispered. Then she held the notepad away from her and admired her work. On the first page were written eight simple words…

The Tale of Princess Lillianna

By Robi Crusoe

The End, or is it?

The Appendix
Lea’s Diamonds: A Short Story

A few days after Lillianna had escaped her clutches; Lea Havens sat in her shop surrounded by piles of jewels. She admired them immensely. Shira, her daughter, however, did not. She felt that they were taking away her mother from her. She also knew that her mother did not rightfully deserve the award. They had only kept Lillianna in their custody for a few days!
One night, while Shira was lying in her bed, she came up with an idea that would rid her mother of diamonds for good. She hurried off to the guard station where her friend, Captain Charles, stood at guard.
“Hey Shira, what’s up!” he called to her as she raced down the path. She quickly ran over and explained her plan to him.
“I’ll see what I can do.” he assured her slyly. The next day, a doorbell rang at Lea’s house. Shira was no where in sight, so Lea got up and answered the door. Outside the door stood a young guard with short, blonde hair, peering in. She quickly glanced at Lea and handed her a warrant. Lea gasped as she read what it said.
“You… you can’t take them all away!” she stammered. “You just can’t take away my babies!”
“Yes we can, Lea.” said a voice. Captain Charles rounded the corner and stood in Lea’s doorway. “It’s a new law. All diamonds are custody of the king now.” And with that Captain Charles walked in, gathered up the diamonds, and walked away with the other guard. As they walked, they could here Lea ranting behind them, yelling curses and other things.
As they reached the guard house, the young guard took off her uniform and smiled at Captain Charles.
“Thanks!” yelled Shira. Then she ran back home and calmed her mother down. From then on the Havens lived in peace, and Shana and Shira made sure never to mention diamonds in front of their mom ever again.


Publication Date: 01-16-2012

All Rights Reserved

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