
Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The beginning


"Hurry up Bella or I'm going to be late for work", my mom says to me as I rush across my room to pick up my backpack. Waking up late on the first day of school really sucks.


"Ok ok I'm ready. This is why you need to get me my own car, then we wouldn't have this problem", I say to her as I follow her out of the front door of the house.


"Just get in the car so I can take you to school".


My mom and I both get into the car and she instantly pulls out of the driveway. We sit in comfortable silence as she drives. When we arrive at my new school she stops in the parking lot and I hop out of the car. I then walk inside of the school to see people standing around talking to one another. I see a sign that says Office so I walk in there to get a schedule to my classes.


"What do you need", some old lady with to much makeup says to me rudely.


"I need a schedule to my classes", I say to her. She never even looks up at me, she keeps her focus on her computer screen.


"Why didn't you get it at open house two weeks ago like everyone else", she says typing. Why is this lady so rude, she doesn't even know me.


"Well I-". I begin to say something before being interrupted by a deep voice next to me.


"She's new", the guy says to the lady as he looks at me. I at him and see him now smirking, He has dark hair, dark eyes, and he's tall and handsome. I quickly look away from him and look back at the rude lady in front of the desk.


"Oh your new, why didn't you just say so. What's your name?", she asks still not looking at me. This lady must not like looking at people.


"Arabella Graf", I respond to her. I notice that the guy next to me is still standing here. I look over at him to see that he's still looking down at me with a curious look on his face.


"Stop looking at me", I say rudely to him. He just stands there with a smirk on his face.


"What, is it against the law to look at pretty girls now?", he says to me. Is he really trying to flirt with me right now.


"Hard to get Arabella, hard to get", I say to myself in my head as I look at the cute guy in front of me.


"Here' your schedule". The lady hands me my schedule and I grab it. I lake one look at the guy and then I turn and walk away.


"Hey, what' your first class?", he says following behind me. I roll my eyes and keep walking hoping he'll get the message. I then feel my paper get snatched from my hand .


"Hey", I say trying to snatch it back but he holds it up in the air. I then roll my eyes and give him a mean look. He then brings the paper down as he looks at me.


"Well aren't I in luck, your in my first class Angel", he says smirking as he hands me my paper back. I snatch it from his hands.


"My name isn't Angel, got it", I say before turning away to walk down the hall but instead I bump into something, or someone.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry", the girl says with a sorry look on her face.


"It's ok, it was my fault", I say smiling at her. She smiles back at me.


"Yeah, it really was your fault", the guy behind me says. I slowly turn around and look at him.


"Leave. me. alone", I say to him with a death glare on my face. I puts in hands up in surrender as he walks backwards with a smirk on his face. I turn back around and look at the girl in front of me. She's skinny with red hair.


"You talk to Liam West", she asks me with a surprised look on her face. I give her a confusing look.


"Who? Oh, that guy that just left. No I don't talk to him, I actually just met him, I'm new at this school", I say.


"Oh, so your the new girl I hear people talking about", she says smiling as she grabs my arm and loops hers around mine.


"People are talking about me?", I ask. I hope they aren't saying bad stuff about me because I only just got here.


"Well, it's mostly the guys talking about you, or talking about getting with you", she says laughing.


"Ugh, I'm not dating any guys this school year. Guys suck", I say to her. She looks at me and laughs and I laugh with her. I then hear a bell sound and I see everyone begin to scurry off to their classes.


"See ya later, oh an my name is Sara by the way", she says before running off to her class. I didn't even get a chance to tell her my name. I look at my schedule and I walk to the class it says. When I get in the class people look at me. I walk to the first empty seat I see in the middle of the class and I sit down.


"Simmer down class, simmer down", the teacher says as he walks into the classroom shutting the door behind him. "For those of you who don't know, I'm Mr. Wiles also known as Coach Wiles", he says standing in front of the class. "Today you all will be doing your first partner project", he says smiling.


"Uhhhhhh!!", I hear everyone in the class sigh loudly.


"C'mon students, it's the first day back. Just be glad I'm not giving you a packet to work on", he says smiling. "So for the project I will partner you up with someone, and I want you to take a scene from Romeo and Juliet and act it out at the end of the week. Now, you'll have to do some of the practicing outside of school because we won't work on it everyday in here".


The teacher began calling out the names of everyone's partner. When I heard my name I waited until her said my partners name. "Arabella and Liam". My eyes widened, I hope there's another Liam in this class. People started getting with their partners.


"So we meet again Angel", Liam says as he sits down next to me. I roll my eyes at the fact that he calls me Angel.


"Ok, so what scene are we gonna act out?", I ask him. He leans back in his chair and puts his hands on the back of his head.


"I wanna do the sex scene", he says smirking. I choke on my spit and widen my eyes.


"What, no", I say still in shock of him saying that. "I am most definitely not doing that scene with you". He smirks at me.


"Aww, is my Angel shy", he says to me.


"For the last time, my name is not Angel and I'm not shy I just don't want to do that", I say back to him. He really makes me angry whenever he says something,


"Your very feisty, but that's ok because I like it when girls are feisty", he says still smirking at me. I put my face in my hands and grunt loudly. "Can we please just pick a scene".


"I did pick one Angel". I look at him with cold eyes. No one has ever made me so angry in one day, every sentence he says to me makes me angry.


"How about we do the ending, when Romeo and Juliet die for one another", I say pulling my binder from my backpack.


"But I really anted to do the sex scene Angel". I sigh loudly and look at him.


"What, so were just going to rip each others clothes off in front of the whole class and do it on the teachers desk", I say. He raises his eyebrows at me.


"I mean, if that's how you like it", he says smirking.


"No that's not how I-, lets get back to work. So we need to start practicing after school today", I say to him.


"We can practice at my place", he says sitting up a little in his chair. I squint my eyes at him a little and look at him.


"Ok, where do you live?", I ask him pulling out a pen so I can wright it down.


"You don't need to wright it down, you'll be riding with me after school". I raise my eyebrows at him.


"I don't want to ride with you, I can get a ride", I say crossing my arms at him. He chuckles at me and I sit with a straight face.


"Your gonna ride with me", he says. As creepy as that sounds he looked cute saying it.

 No, no, he didn't look cute Arabelle. Don't say he looked cute. Your playing hard to get

When the lunch bell rang I followed everybody to the cafeteria. Right when I walked in Sara saw me and I sat with her.


"Hey Baby cakes", she said smiling as she hugged me.


"Baby cakes?", I ask her with a slight smile on my face.


"Yeah, I give all my friends nicknames, and I decided to call you Baby cakes", she says. "But, I want you to meet the rest of my friends. This is Hector, he's very sexy and very gay", she says pointing to a cute guy sitting across from me. I slightly smiled and waved at him.


"And the guy sitting over here by me is my boyfriend James. And the girl sitting next to Hector is Sabrina". Sabrina was a big girl, but she was very pretty. She looked very shy to.


"Well Hey everyone, I'm Arabella". Right when I said that everyone at the table says "We know". I looked at them all strangely.


"Everyone's been talking about you, since your new and all", Hector says to me showing off his pearly white straight teeth. "And if I wasn't so into men, I'd definitely get with you". I just laughed at him. I liked these people, they seem really cool.

I turn around my head and see a table full of football players and cheerleaders. All of them are looking at me and talking.


"Oh, those are the 'Jocks' and their slutty cheerleaders. Lets just say, they don't like us that much Baby cakes", Sara says to me. She doesn't seem mad that they don't like her. I then feel someone sit next to me.


"Hey Angel". I close my eyes tightly. Ugh, please don't let this be who I think it is. I slowly turn to see Liam smiling in my face.


"What do you want", I ask him in a mean tone. I think that rude lady brushed off on me this morning, because I'm not usually this mean to anyone. But then I might just be because of this annoying sexy guy sitting next to me.


"There are a lot of things I want Angel. Including you", he says smirking. I really hate him, with his dark hair and his brown eyes, and his tight V-neck shirt that shows off his abs through it.

No no no Bella, don't think about those things


"Whatever", I say rolling my eyes and looking at the girl waling this way. She's wearing a cheerleading outfit and she's kinda tall, she's skinny and she has long blonde hair with a few brown streaks. When she stops in front of the table she looks at me, then she shifts her gaze to Liam.


"Liam, what are you doing over here, with these people", she says with her jaws clenched. I just looks at her. What does she mean by "These People".


"It's none of your business Marina", her says looking up at her angrily. Ok, he looks very scary when he looks angry.


"It's a lot of my business, since I'm your girlfriend. I don't like you talking to other girls, especially this kind", she says looking at me with disgust.

What's the matter with this girl, I haven't done anything to her.


"Don't worry Baby cakes, she's always this mean", Sara whispers in my ear as I see Hector nodding his head at me.


"Ok, well I'm going to leave now", I saw awkwardly as I stand up. "Bye guys", I say waving at my friends.


The rest of the classes went by quickly. When the last bell of school rang I walked outside to the parking lot to call my mom. Before I even got a chance to dial her number I got thrown over someone's shoulder as they put me in a car. I quickly turned to see who was next to me, and seeing that made me want to die.


"What is wrong with you, are you crazy or something!", I yell at the smirking idiot next to me. I would rather have a unknown person kidnap me than him.


"Yeah, I might be a little crazy", he says laughing. "But I told you that you would be riding with me, and I always keep my word". I don't respond to him, I just sit there with my arms crossed.


When the car stops I look out the front of the window to see a huge house with super green grass and pretty flowers. My eyes widen and my mouth opens.


"Wow, is this where you live", I say as he opens up his door.


"Yeah, come on, lets go inside", he says grabbing my arm and pulling me to his side of the car so we can get out. I've never seen a house like this in real life. I only see houses like this in magazines or in movies.

When we get inside of the house it looks even better than outside. I just look around at all the nice and expensive things in this house.


"You wanna see my bedroom Angel, I think you'll love my bed", I hear Liam say from beside me. I look at him with a dull look.


"No, I don't want to see your bedroom. I would never go into your bedroom", I say crossing my arms and leaning my weight on one foot.


"Why Angel, do you not trust yourself alone with me in my bedroom". I fake smile at him and walk closer until I right in front of him.


"Oh Liam", I say rubbing my hands down his chest, "Its not that I don't trust myself, I just don't trust you", I say pushing him back. "Now can we please get to work", I say walking until I go into a living room and I sit down. Liam sits across the room in a chair.


"So were not going to act yet, were just going to talk about what were going to do", I say to him pulling one leg on top of the other looking at him. He doesn't say anything, he just sits there looking at me.


"What are you looking at, is there something on my face", I ask wiping my face off.


"You don't have anything on your face Angel, I was just admiring your beauty", he says smirking. I just nod slowly. Things are very awkward right now. I shift my gaze to the floor to see a huge spider crawling towards me. I instantly scream and pull my feet up on the couch.


"Oh my gosh kill it KILL IT!!", I yell at Liam as he laughs at me. Is he really laughing at me right now.


"Please Kill it", I say looking at him with a scared look. He then smirks at me.


"I will kill it, only if you change your mind to do the sex scene", he says smiling at me. I widen my eyes at him and I freeze.


"Are you serious, no, just please kill the spider", I beg him. He stands up and comes closer to me and the spider.


"Oh look, the spider's coming closer to you", he says smirking at me.


"Fine, I'll do that scene with you. Just kill the spider please", I say still standing up on the couch. He walked up to the spider and stepped on it. I put my hand over my chest where my heart is letting out a big sigh.


"Now, lets start practicing the sex scene", he says grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. I begin hitting his back.


"Liam, put me down", I say as I see us walking up a set of stairs. When I finally get put down I'm not a big soft bed in a dark cozy room.


"Is there something wrong with your brain", I ask him sitting up on my knees on his bed. Before he can answer the question his phone rings. When he looks at his caller ID his face changes to a mean look.




"I don't know"


"Whatever, don't call me again".


He then hangs up his phone and he looks at me. "It's time for you to leave now", he says with a scowl on his face.


"Are you going to drive me home", I ask as I get up from his bed. He just looks at me with a scowl still on his face.


"You can walk home, I don't have time to take you home". I look up at him with an angry face.


"Are you serious. I don't even know my way around this place I just moved here", I say throwing my hands around.


"Well figure it out, just leave already", he says with a louder tone. I just storm out of his room and down the stairs. I open his front door and slam it on my way out.


I hate this guy so much. If he wasn't going to take me home why did he make me ride with him in the first place.


I walk down the street angrily thinking of ways to kill him. I look at the time and see that its about to be five o'clock and my mom doesn't get off of work until six thirty. After a while of walking I see a car pull up beside me and when I look inside I see Liam.


"Get in", he says not even looking at me. I run around to the passenger side of the car and hop in.


"Where do you live", he asks me dully. I cross my arms while sitting in the seat.


"I live in Emery Circle", I say to him as he drives. When he arrives at my house I quickly get out and walk into my home. I thought I might've heard him say my name as I got out of the car but I didn't turn around I just kept walking. Later that night when my mother got home she made spaghetti and asked me about my first day of school.


"It was ok, I met a few people", I say putting a fork full of spaghetti in my mouth.


"Did you meet some cute boys", she says smiling at me. She always asks me about boys as if she wants me to have a boyfriend or something.


"I met one boy, but he's a total jerk. I don't want to talk about him I'm actually kind of tired, so I'm going to go to bed now", I say getting up from my chair. She says goodnight to me and I say it back.


Before drifting off into a deep sleep I thought about all the people I met today. I'm dreading school tomorrow, especially because I have to see Liam. Hopefully tomorrow will go by as fast as today.







Publication Date: 01-05-2014

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