
Chapter 1 (Get Ready!)

Oh crap coach is going to kill me for being late again!

I thought as I was flying past the lockers to the boys locker room! Yes you read that right, Amy Sweet, is heading towards the boys locker room. Why? You might as well know, is because after school my name is Daniel Carter, the new boy on the football team! I walk into the girls bathroom thats closest to the locker room and look under the stalls to make sure i'm alone, then lock the door. First, I wash my face to remove any make-up. Second, I put my hair up and put it in the wig. (It's the same hair color but it's a guys hair-cut instead.) Then last, I take my shirt and bra off and wrap my chest in a bandage to flaten it as much as posible, then I put on a dudes shirt. I look into the miror and I don't see Amy Sweet any more, I see Daniel Carter, the mysterious new football player at Clackamas High. Wereing girl shorts and shoes! I better hurry practice already started and I still have to get into my gear!!

I slowly enter the boys locker room to make sure I was alone, then I run to my locker. I put on all the padding and the pants. With all the extra space inside my gym I decide to put my backpack and guitar inside. I make sure my wig is in place grab my helmet and run to the feild to practice.

Chapter 2 (Secrets Out!!)

I came in the locker room after practice to see all the guys handing around my guitar and trying to play. I came in the rest of the way really quiet and stood behind the guy with my guitar.
" What the Hell do you think your doing with the guitar?" I asked. All the guys looked startled and turned to look at me. Then, Andrew, one of my team mates, looked me in the eye and asked the quetiton I was dreading to hear.
" Hey Daniel, who's Amy?? Her name is carved on the eadge of the guitar. Why is that?"
I looked him in the eye and said " Amy is my girlfriend and thats her guitar. She's letting me borrow it until I can get my own." They all looked at me with eyes that look like they're going to pop out of their socets. Then all started speaking at once. There were a lot of "No way"'s and " Your what"'s! I was red faced, so I quickly looked down. What did I just do that for?

I thought. There was a really loud whisle and everyone shut up. I looked up to see, Anik Fink, star quarter back, student body president and a known player walking my way!! He had a sly grin on his lips. He came up to me and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders. He looks at me then the rest of the team then says.
"Our little boy is growing up!!" Then the rest of the team barks out with laughter. Then he pushed me onto one of the benches and sat across from me. Then started aasking quetitons while the rest of the guys gathered around.
"How old is she?" Anik starts.
How long have you been dating?"
"3 1/2 years"
"When and were did you two meet?"
"We've known each other since pre-school. You know, childhood friends, and then we started liking each other and dating."
"When's her birthday?"
"July 27, 1993."
" Most importantly, Do you have any pics of her?"
"Ya tons. Why do you want to know?" I asked weairly afraid of the answer, but already knowing it.
" Can we see them?"
I knew it! I sighed and took out my phone and look through my photo's. There are a lot of Amy's and friends. I show then the best pic I could find which was me in bathing suit 2 mounths ago. The bathing suit was a two piece, deep caribean blue with black and silver swirls all over it. You could only see the top of it since I decited to pull on a pair of booty shorts. My long dark brow hair pulled into a messy bun on top of my head, I was also smiling. I watched as they all took turns looking at it. When someone was done they would hand the phone to someone else and stare at me with yet again bulging eyes. When the picture finally got to Anik, the look on his face made me want to hind, I was so freaked out. He was grining a wolfs grin with his toung sticking out and looking back and forth from the picture and me. Then he said something I never expected him to say.
"DAMN she is fine!!" That got the rest of the team to tet out whoops and congrats while plafully punching me and slapping me on the back. I was sure I was beet red in the facce so I looked down quickly. But then everything changed when Andrew slapped me on the head instead of the back, as I watched in slow mothin my wig fall to the ground and my long dark brown curls fell around my shoulders.

Aniks POV

When I heard he was dating Amy. I was heart broken. I couldn't believe Amy would go for a guy like Daniel Carter. I mean I have liked her for a couple years. I thought she would notice by now, but I geuss not. I'm known as the bigest player cuz I don't want to do anything to hurt Amy. Like corner her and rape her or some shit. When we passed the picture around I was nervous. When I got the phone he had a sexy picture of her in that bikini! She looked so innocent! She was beutiful but I just can't get enough of her personalety. From what I can tell is she is funny, is alwys there to listen, smart and can't live wothout music. She always has a smile on her face! Just seeing her look happy has saved me from many fight, or when I see her in my mind at a football game and make a touchdown, just for her. The girl that stole my heart. The guys were all congragulating him. Whem all of a sudden Andrew smaked him on the head, and something I guess was a wig fell to the floor. I looked up just in time to see the shock on a girls face, her dark brown hair fell around her shoulder, and I saw a pair of deep green eyes. I was hesitent, then I put 2 and 2 together and relize. Amy Sweet the girl of my dreams was Daniel Careter!!

Chapter 3 (Still On The Team!)

Oh. SHIT!!! I stared at my wig in horror as it lay flat on the cement in the locker room. There were gasps all around the locker room. I looked around. Why is it that their eyes always buldge at something?

I thought. I chuckeled at the thought and looked around and saw the coach standing in the door way looking as pissed as hell! I looked him in the eye and nodded. The guys looked up and followed my gaze. They saw the coach and they all started yelling at once about me being a girl and bla bla bla. Me and the cocach looked at each other again and started dieing. I was on the floor holding my sides and tears rolling off my cheeks while tring to breath. The coach was tring to not fall on the floor beside me. The whole team stared at me and the coach in shock.

"I geuss the secrets out huh, Amy?" the coach asked.

"Before you start pointing fingures at people I should have you know... Andrew did it!! If he didn't slap me upside the head instead of the back no one would know! I would still have my wig on and the guys would think that 'Amy' is my girlfriend and not me!" I said putting air quotes around my name.

" Oh and thancks for thinkin' i'm fine." I said laughing at the guys.

The guys all look away blushing at the thought of the girl they thought was hot had hered them say it out loud. I looked back at the coach smilling. But the look on his face wiped off. He looked ready to cry and i have a pretty good idea why.

"Well coach it was aawsome while it lasted but it didn't last nearly as much as I would've liked. I'm going to go pack up my stuff." I said with a small sad smile, and started walking to my locker.

" Oh hell to the no! Coach your not about to just let her leave, are you? Since she showed up, the team has been better and we're not getting in fights or arguments anymore. She's the key." I herd someone whisper to the coach.

"It's her choise. She said she could play. She loves this game. But our deal was that if you guys find out then she gets out. Even though I like it better with Amy here I can't stop her." the coach sounded like he was ready to cry.

I couldn't take it anymore I turned around and looked the coach in teh eye and said,

" Ay coach, who said I didn't want to stay. I love football!And I love this team. No way in hell would I leave weather any of you liked it or not. But, hey your the coach. Your team, your chose."

That put a smile on his face real quick and put a light in his eyes. I smiled at the sight. He looked like a little boy on Chistmas morning. He looked around the room.

" Well boys, why don't we have a vote? If you want Amy to stay raise your hand." Mr.Cadge said.

I looked down not wanting to see how meny didn't raise their hand.

" Alright the vote is complete. Amy don't you dare pack up your stuff, your stayin here!"

I looked up in amazment. My eyes buldging most likley.

"Alright, cool! Thanks for letting me stay. So now that you know my dirty little secret there are going to be some rules.
1)You will not go though my bag(s) or locker weather i'm here or not unless I say otherwise.
2)NO teasing or letting your towel fall in front of me 'cuz that is just plain wrong, on more ethen 1 level. Cuz I don't want to see your junk.
3)Don't tell anybody about this. Not your mom, dad, baby sister or brother that can't talk. NO. ONE.
4) And just cuz you know i'm a girl that is not an excuse to take it esay on me on the field. If you do I will cut your balls off and feed them to you. Get it, got it, good. Oh and can someone go shopping with me one day to get dude clothing?? Cuz i really don't have any and I have a feeling i'll need them."

They looked at me then each other then bsck again. Then Anik, Andrew, Cam, and Shay said

"Sure ya, and we can take you shopping right now if you want to."

I nodded my head. I was opening my mouth to say something when I hear the bangging on the locker room door. Then I head it. The voice that I really didn't want to hear.

" Oh Daniel Carter, I know your in there come out so we can talk." said the devil herself in a huskey vaice.

Chapter 4 (Nice Guys And The Transformation)

I looked tword the door and mouned not wanting to talk to 'it'. I looked around the room with a pleading look. They understood and they all went into action. Some of the guys went out to distract her and her clones that were giggling like friggin hyinas,while everyone else was looking in their lockers for clothing that I could borrow untill we got out of the school. I ran and grabed my wig along with a comb, hair tie. I put my hair in a quick bun, put on the head sock to keep my puffy hair away from any escape. Then I put the wig on and sat down waiting for the clothing to come.

"Here Amy you can borrow these boxers, there new so don't worry." I heard someone whisper from the otherside of the room with a laugh.

"You can borrow my jeans, i'll wear my shorts." I heard Shay say before I felt a heavy fabric land on my head. I couldn't help it I laughed.

"Good aim." I said while pulling the boxers over my underwere. Then I slipped on the jeans buckeling them.

"Use my belt I don't need it." Andrew said. I slipped the belt in the loops and buckeled them as tight as possible.

"Here is one of my extra shirts and a hoodie." I heard Anik say. I looked up to meet his eyes and gave him a relived smile. I walked over and took my shirt off, revealing the bandage underneath. The whole team gasped including the coach that chose that time to come out of his office. I laughed and put the shirt and hoodie on zipping it 3/4 the way up. I looked around the room and saw that all the guys were blushing. I laughed at the sight.

" HAHAHA! You guys are so weird. But, ummm, dose anyone have an extra pair of shoes?" I asked looking around the room chuckling to myself as I saw everyone go to there locker.

"Here are a pair of shoes that are to small for me and a beanie." said Cam. I take the offering and put the shoes on and tied them tight. A little big but close enough. Then I put the hat on and looked in the mirror. I didn't see Amy anymore, I saw Daniel my other half. The secret side of me that no one knows about. Well now some people do. Just then Luka burst through the room.

" You guys they aren't going to wait any longer. They said daniel comes out or they come in!" he said with wide eyes. I grab my stuff.

" Alright what i'm about to do will make my day. Who want to come along?" I ask. Shay, Anik, Cam, Andrew, and Luka all grabbed their stuff and stood beside me. I looked to the reast of the guys and said in my girl voice,

"See you around boys!" I waved and winked then I stepped out of the locker room to my doom but the thought only made me laugh and smile.

Chapter 5 (Stupid Bitches)

I walked out the locker room looking down at my shoes. The guys around me were laughing saying this was gonna be funny. I smiled, but the next voice that I heard wiped it off.

"Why hello there hot stuff." said Haily. The schools witch and personal slut. I looked up, she was in my way so I walked around her then continued down the hallway. The guys were tring not to laugh, but the look on their face failed.

"UUMMMMM, do you not know who I am? I'm Haily, the girl of your dreams." she said in a huskey voice. I looked up at her and started laughing so hard i was holding my sides, the boys were holding me up laughing to. I finally stopped and looked up.

"Sorry slut, but go to hell. I have a girlfriend, compared to her your the ugliest thing on earth." I ssaid with a smirk. Anik was tring not to laugh but failing oh so much, with his red face. The other guys didn't even try to hide it, they were on the floor holding their sides, tears rolling down their face laughing like a bunch of hyenas. I heard a lot of gasps, the lodested coming from Haily herself.

"Now go back to the street corner were you belong, hooker." I said while picking up the boys off the floor and laughing at the look on her face. I started walking away and the boys followed me out, ignoring the threats that they sent my way. We finally made it to the car and got in. Anik in the drivers seat, me in the passanger, Shay, Luca, Cam and Andrew crammed in the backseat.

" We are going to my place fist, I have to shower and get some stuff." I said. The boys all groned.

"I'll order some pizza and you can watcha movie in the theater room until i'm done." I offered.

"Whitch way do we go?" asked all the guys in unison. I gave my the directions to my house to Anik. We stopped in front of my house and we all got out. Before I could get to the door I heard to high pitched voices screaming the name Daniel. I looked around, my eyes landed on two brown haired, green eyed twins Lilly and Leon.

Chapter 6 (Little Angels)

I crouched down and opened up my arms. The flew into my arms I enveloped them in a hug, then picked them up and spun in circles a couple times loving hearing their squeels of laughter. I put them down and looked at them with loving eyes. I bay-sit them whenever I get the chance. Their like a baby brother and sister to me, I would do anything to protect them, secret dude or not!

"Daniel!! When are you or Amy baby-sitting us again?!?!" They asked. They knew my secret so did their parents and they didn't tell a soul. I looked back at the guys and they all laughed.

"They know guys. Leon and Lilly, these are some friends of mine from the football team and don't worry they know, too." I said. The kids screamed and tackeled Anik and Luka to the floor! For two 6 year olds they are super strong! I laughed like there was no tomorrow! I was on the floor with the rest of the team! I got up and got the kids off Anik and Luka.

"Come on guys get off the floor we have to get the future football players home!" I said with a smirk.

"Cuz you see Lilly already called dibs on my wig! She loves the game almost as much as I do." I said looking at the guys with a small smile.

"NU-AH!!! I love it more then you!" screamed Lilly.

"Ok Ok so she loves it even more!" I said with a wink at the guys and they all blushed and that made me laugh. We countinued down the street until we came to a nice big house. I knocked on the door. No awndser. I knocked again but this time I timed it to a beat. Finelly the door burst open to reveal a middle aged woman with black hair and green eyes that looked just like the twins.

"Oh, Daniel! It's so good to see you! Come in. I was about to go see if you were home. Would you and your geusts like to stay for diner?" Crystal asked eyeing the eye candy behind me.

"No we were just doing a dilivery run! Did you order a pair of adorable brown haired, green eyed angels?" I asked with wide eyes. This made her laugh as the twins jumped from behind me and ran to their mother and hugged her legs as if their life depended on in. We laughed in our secret joke. The guys behind me with confussed looks on their faces from our laughter. We said good-bye and promised to send my scheduel and tell her when I could baby-sit. We walked back to my house in total silence. Then when we got close to my house I took out my phone and looked for the pizza number to order.

Chapter 7 (Pizza)

"What kind of pizza do you guys like?" I asked.




"Wait, wait, wait.. What kind of football player likes cheese pizza?!?! Are you crazy? You know what forget it Cheese and what else?" I asked. Eveyone laughted but said nothing more about pizza. I dieled...

"Hello, Dominoz Pizza what can I get you?" asked a guy on the other end.

"I would like three large supreem, tree large pepperoni, two large cheese and four large bacon and mushroom pizzas. With four cheese breadsticks and three 2 litter pepsis." I said.

(A/N: I could live on bacon and mushroom pizzas!!!)

"Will that be all?" guy asked.

"You guys want anything else?" I ask the guys. Silence was the anwdser. We were at the door I unlocked it and walked in and motioned for the guys to follow me, they did.

"No." I said.

"Cash or credit?" dude asked.

"Cash." I said.

"Address?" he asked.

I rattled it off and hung up.

"Said it would take 45 minitutes." I said looking up. All the guys were looking at me with dropped jaws and wide eyes. I sighed and took off my wig and shook out my hair. taking off the oversized shoes, and taking the hoodie and T-shirt off so I was only in the jeans and the bandage wrapped around my chest.

"Now you have a reason to stare! HAHA! Come on i'll show you the theater room." I laughed as they all looked away and blushed. They followed me up the stairs to the big freanch doors at the end of the hall way. I opend it and let them gawk at the huge screen on the wall and the plasma screen in the other wall we use to play video games.

"Why did you order 4 bacon and mushroom pizzas?" Shay finally asked.

"Because, when I eat bacon and mushroom pizza their is no telling how much I will eat, girl or boy form. Don't matter!" I said with wide eyes and a smirk. I turned on the tv showed them all the diffrent remotes and took a shower. The hot water felt good on my tence musels. I washed my hair and got out. I dried off and went to my room. I put on a pair of panties and old boxers that used t be my brothers before he moved out, I stole them from his dresser. HEHE!! I put on my bra and a tight tank top. I then grabed my cell and the monney for the pizza and went to the theater. When I walked in all the guys turned and stared at me like I was a popsicle they wouldn't care being caught eating while they had a sore throught. I was about to sit on the floor when the door bell rang. I went to look out the window. It was the pizza and not Haily being a staker!! YAY!! I ran down stairs. I opend the door and saw one of the guys from the team on the otherside of the door. I looked up at his facce and laughed.

"Guys come down here for a sec!" I yelled up the stairs. He handed me the pizzas, bread, and put the pepsi down next to the door. I gave him all the money.

"Keep the change man." I said and walked into the kitchen. I took out some paper plates, napkins and plastic cups. I snuck passed the guys and up the stairs making the 'SHHHHH' sigh when I was at the top. I went to the theater I hid all but one of my boxxes with bacon and mushroom and sat down. With the box in my lap I started eating the pepsi still downstairs. I heard yelling and 'get the pepsi' then the thumping of the boys making their way up the staris.

"Took you guys long enough!! I finnished half of my first pizza. and 1 box of breadsticks the rest are yours. Can you start the movie??" I asked looking at the now frozen screen. The guys all went to their seats except Anik. Anik stoot in front of me.

"May I help you?" I asked taking a large bite of pizza while looking him in his big icy blue eyes. God, why is he soo hot?

"Get out of my seat!" Anik said.

"No." I said simply. He shrugged picked me up sat down and set me on his lap. I looked at him with an arched brow. He shrugged again and atarted eating what was on his plate. I shrugged to. I closed the now empty bot stood up and walked to one of my hiding places. I took out the pizza box, walked over to Anik and sat back on his lap. Ignoring their amazed looks and watched the movie.

Anick's POV

I came upstairs to see Amy in my seat. MY


seat. I walked over to her she was just sitting their with a pizza box on her lap with 6 slices gone, she was now working on her 7th, and an empty box that was suposted to contain bradsticks empty. DAYMMMMNNN!! This girl can eat!!

I thought.

"May I help you?" she asked taking a huge bite of pizza looking me in the eye. I looked back evenly, enjoying the view of her big doe-like eyes such a deep and dark green they could put the forest to shame.

"Get out of my seat!" I said. She was beutifull and I don't tell girls their beutiful, I say their hot or cute never beutiful.

"No." she said so simply. I just shrugged and picked her up feeling a slight tingle in my arms. I sat down and put her on top of me. I loved the feeling of her body against mine. She looked at me with an arched brow. I shugged and so did she. I went back to eating and watching the movie. Around 10 minites later she got up put the box on the floor and went behind the couch. She came back with another box. No way could this girl eat this much!


I thought. She came and sat back down on my lap, she shifted on me a little. That caused junior to get exited. I could feel him become hard. If she knew that it gave me a boner she wouldn't sit on me anymore and that would cause me to be sad.

Chapter 8 (First Kiss!!)

Amy's POV

I was really into the movie. I was on my third box and full I tossed the box aside and mouned. I leaned back into Anick and curled my legs under me. I put my head on his shoulder and relaxed. I then felt Anik put his arms around my waist. I snuggled a little closer. That was when I felt it. I felt a little poke in my ass. What the hell!! Did I give him a boner or something?!?


I thought. I sat up and got up. I looked down the tent in his basketball shorts were huge and very visable. The movie was paused and I just stared at Anik and his baby maker and back again. The guys all looked and started laughing. Anik was red with embaressment. I didn't laugh though. I looked him in the eye and held out my hand he took it. We walked out of the theater and the movie started again. We walked to my room, he sat on the bed with his head in his hands. I walked over to the bed and sat next to him.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked. I was really worried, was he that embarressed? He looked up at me. His eyes searching I kept looking at him in consern.

"Not really but I will be." he said and started leaning in. His hand rode to the back of my neck and he pulled me closer. When our lips met I felt a tingle all over my body. He bit my bottom lip gentally asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and he stuck his tounge in. My tounge slipped in his mouth. Then our toungs met in the middle and there were fireworks lit in our mouths. One hand up my shirt tracing my well toned 4 pack and the other in my hair. Both of my hands were in his dark brown hair. It was the best kiss I have ever had. I was also my first! I pulled back and bit his bottom lip causing him to moun. I smiled.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

Anik's POV

She stuck her hand out to me. She just noticed my boner. So embaresing! I've liked her for 2 years and now my chance is gone! She must think I'm a perv or somethin'!


I thought I took it and we walked out of the room and into her room. Her room was plain, the walls bare exept the one poster that says "I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!!" With his picture on it. With black sharpie Amy put a gotee, a mustach and horns on him. To make it funnier she colored in a tooth so it looked like it was missing. and in red sharpie she put an X over LOVE and above wrote HATE in nice penmenship.

(A/N:I hate JB! Sorry if you love him!)

I sat down and put my head in my hands. I heard Amy close the door, she walked over and sat next to me. I could feel her big green eyes on me.

"Hey, you ok?" she asked. She sounded like she relly was worried. I looked up and searcher her eyes. Sure enough, consurn was there. But hidden behind then was something that I couldn't quite see. She hid it well, whatever it was.

"Not really. But I will be." I said and started leaning in. I didn't want to be rejected my her. That would kill me. I kissed her. Man that was the best kiss ever! She even kissed me back! My hand slipped up her shirt and felt that she had a 4 pack! That is just daymn sexy. I never looked at her stomach when she took her shirt was off. That is just plain wrong! But anyway how many guys has she kissed that she's so good? She pulled back and bit my lip gentaly causing me to moun.

"Feeling better?" she asked. I nodded and got up we both walked out of her room hand in hand.

Chapter 9 (Shit!!!)

Amy's POV

We entered the theater room to see the guys arguing.

"What the hell are you morons fighting about now?!?" me and Anik asked at the same time. The guys laughed but me and Anik didn't, when they noticed they shut up.

"We made a bet 2 years ago when we figured out that Anik liked a girl named Amy Sweet on how long it will take for him to ask her out or kiss her or something to involve her..." Shay started but never got to finnish. There was a knock at the front door. I ran to the window and looked outside. There in my drive way was my friends car!!

"Oh Shit! Guys you are here cuz you need tutoring and I was recomended! My friend is here and she dosn't know about this!" I said while hiding the empty pizza boxses and putting a little music on and turned off the DVD player. The music was coming from the tv so I was safe. They all nodded. They grabbed their backpacks.

"Whats your best subject?" asked Cam.

"English!" I said running to my room getting my books and putting on basket ball shorts and hiding all my dude stuff. I ran to the theater to put my books down. I was about to run to the door when Anik stopped me. He spun me around and kissed me hard on the lips, I kissed him back pulled away and ran to the door. I pulled back and could hear the wolf whistles from the guys. I would have to ask about the bet later.

"Hey, whats up Stacie?" I asked as I opened the door. Then I saw she had tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and closed the door.

"Whats wrong?? Babe, what happend? Did someone touch you? I'll kill 'em!" I said. Trying to lighten the mood. I heard her laugh a little. It worked.

"He cheated on me!" she started crying again, I picked her up and carried her to the theater. She has a crush on Luca, has for about 2 years. Maybe seeing him will make her feel better.

"Babe, stop cring he is so not worth your tears! I swear if he tries to talk to you I will rip off his balls and feed them to him. Then I will put the basturd 100 fuckin feet under!"I said. We were back in the theater the boys all holding their balls and Stacie started laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing at me? You have 5 guys holding their nuts and all your doing is hiding your face in my neck like a 2 year old!!" I scream with wide eyes. Causing them all to laugh. She looks up, sees the boys and burst into tears again! I will kill that fag i swear on my life! I started singing a song I wrote for her a little while ago for heart breaks. I knew she wold laugh. And laughter was the best medicen.

(A/N: I really did write this song it was somthing quick funny and off the top of my head so enjoy!!)


JUST DUMP HIS ASS LIKE ROTTEN EGGS AND DANCE ALONG AWAY AND STAY AWAY FROM THE BASTURD!" I sang the whole song with a weastern accent and sorta line dancing.

I ended my song with a smile as I heard Stacie's laughter followed by the boys.

"Can you turn on the DVD player?" I asked. I started looking for her favve movie, Dispicable Me! I put it in and started the movie I put her down.

"Stacie this is Anik, Cam, Shay, Andrew and Luka I was helping them with homework." I said. She smiled at everyone, but gave her biggest smile to Luka. All he did was blush. She sat on the floor near him. I was about to sit next to her but Anik pulled me off the floor, carried me to the couch and set me onto his lap.

"Amy! When were you planning on telling me you were dating Anik? FYI the guy who you've been in LOVE with the last 3 fuckin' years!" Stacie demanded narrowing her eyes playfully at me. I blushed and hid my face in Anik's well build chest. Everyone was laughing. We pressed play and started watching, we laughed a lot. we were maybe 25 minutes into the movie Anik paused it. I looked at him.

"3 years!?! And you didn't tell me this before?" Anik asked.

"Not now." was all I said. We continued the movie. But I couldn't help it. I turned around and started kissing Anik. He kissed me back. Next thing I knew I was hearing a lot of whooo's that were not coming from the tv. I pulled back to see every one staring.

Chapter 10 (Crushes and Shopping)

I paused the movie. we were about halfway through.

"Hey Stacie I need to tell you something, but I wanna tell the girls to can you call them up? You know the ones that like Cam, Shay and Andrew! Then I'll explain somethings." I said. She got up and nodded. She left the room.

"Before you say anything, I have a good reason. Me and my friends have a close relationship. We are like sisters and I can't lie to them. I can trust all of them and so can you. Then we can all go get what we need from the mall. I was suppose to go with Stacie in the first place anyway." I said. They all nodded in understandment.

"Plus all the girls that you called all like us so its a good thing, right?" asked Shay.

"Unless you don't like them." I mummbled. Stacie came in with all the girls. I said i'll be right back. Me and Anik left and all the guys introduced themselves blushing. Anik closed the door behind him. I pulled on my wig. I took off my shirt and bra facing the wall, away from Anik. I heard a sharp intake of breath. I wraped the bandage around my bare chest and pulled on Aniks T-shirt.I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

"Were did you get those scars from?" he asked. My back was covers in scars for a reason. A couple years ago me and my dad got in an accident. He died instently from the inpack on his side, while I got out alive with a broken leg a dislocated knee and a load of cuts. When the car hit I curled into a tight ball prtecting my face but exposing my back.

"From the car accedint that killed my dad. I messed up my legs pretty badly the docters said I wouldn't be able to walk again. But here I am playing football. I don't wanna talk about it though so please don't ask anything about it. I'll tell you one day, just not today." I said quietly with a small sad smile. He nodded his head with a pity look on his face.

"No pity wanted so please keep it." Then we walked out of the room and into the theater.

Anik's POV

When I saw her back I was shocked. I couldn't believe she went through all of that. All the scars on her back. As I looked at them I couldn't help feeling pity for her. She put on my shirt and I was out of my trance. I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist.

"Where did you get those scars from?" I asked. I couldnt help it. I needed to know what happend. But instently regretted it when she turned in my arms and said

"From the accident that killed my dad. I messed up my legs pretty badly, the docters said I wouldn't be able to walk again. But here I am playing football. I don't want to talk about it though,so please son't ask anything about it. I'll tell you one day, just not today." all with a small sad smile. I looked into her eyes showing my pity.

"No pity wanted so please keep it." She said, then I followed her out to the theater room.

Chapter 11 ( Secrets Out Again)

We walk in and the first thing I heard was a bunch of gasps. I looked at my friends.

"Hey, so you guys are here because I have to tell you a secret. I have only kept it from you for a week or 2. No more. I am Daniel Carter from the football team. When I said that I was getting tutored I was really at football practice. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but the guys figured out today, too." I gave Andrew a pointed look.
"So I though you guys should know as well. I was going to wait until I got use to this but I don't want anything to happen to our friendship." I said the last part taking my wig off and shaking out my hair. The girls eyes widend then filled with tears. Anik stepped away from me. All the girls got up and ran over to hug me.

"Thanks for telling us we won't tell anyone we swear!" Said Ashely. All the girls nodded with agreement.

"Okay with that out the way, we all have to go to the mall like now. I need guy cloths cuz Daniel will make some apirenses, I need the guys for that. And I need a new bathing suit cuz we have a little b-day party for Nicole!! So I wanna get ready I be a dude first then later I will go girl on everyone get the bathing suit, then I need to go to school to pick up my car." I said and walked out the room. I canged and went to the car. I kissed Anik full on the lips. I pulled away.

"You know that it's really weird to kiss you then open my eyes to see a guy, right?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head as me headed over to Clackamas Mall.

Chapter 12 (Fun With Cloths)

I was in the car with rest of the guys while the girls all took their own car to the mall. We parked and met them at the enterence of Macey's. We all went to the guys section. I got a couple of hats a few t-shirs, jeans and a couple of hoodies. I went to the register tosee a girl behind the counter that looked around our age, then she did something that I will, sadly, forget. She shamlessly checked me out and smiled. Everyone saw this and started laughing. The girl only looked confused while i looked like a tomato. We paid and went and made our way to the food court where I could change in the bathroom.

Anik's POV

OH MI FUCKIN GOSH!!! Are my eyes messed up or what I just saw was real?!?! I thought. That is messed up. I was standing next to Amy who was in Daniel mode when I saw the cashier person, who looked the same age as us, shamelessly check 'him' out!!! Everyone saw this and started laughing. We were all holding onto someone or something so we wouldn't fall. I looked up to see a confused cashier and a cherry faced Amy/Daniel. This only made me laugh harder. 'He' paid and we went to the restroom in the food court.

Amy's POV

That was so embaricing! But i'm just gonna ignore it. The girls went to make sure no one was in the restroom. The guys formed a half circle around the door with the girls standing next to their new boyfriends. While Anik stood all alone akwardly. I walked in and started the prosess of Daniel to Amy. I took off the guy clothing and the bandage around my chest. I put on my bra and a royal blue tight tank top. I pulled on my low slung jeans and pulled on a pair of royal blue vans. I folded my discise and put it with the rest of my things in the Macey's bag. I put on my mascara and eye liner and walked out the bathroom. When I came out I was attaced my a pair of lips. My eyes widend, then I saw it was Anik and started to kiss him back. So far everything was going great!

"Hey, go back into the bathroom if you guys are gonna countinue that. Then Anik woun't be able to see Amy in a bathing suit." said Stacie. Anik broke the kiss and put an arm around my shoulder.

"What are we waiting for? Lets go see you girls try on some bathing suits!!" Anik and all the guys said at the same time. Each looking at their own girlfriend. Me and the girls all laughed and started making our way to any store that we saw had cute bathing suits.

"Wait, since it's just gonna be us why don't we invite them to? It's a big pool! No skinny dipping though, so buy a pair or steal a pair from your old man!!" said Nicole. We all laughed and agreed that that would be a good idea.

Me and the girls walked into a store, we entered and all spit. The guys went to check out the shoes, while we all went to the girl section and started lookin' at the bikini's. I started lookin' for something crimson. Crimson and Roysl Blue are the colors I look really good in. I was still searching when all the girls started running tords me. I backed up into the wall while they pushed a bikini in my arm and into the dressing room. I looked at it. This bikini was absolutly amazing! It was a crimson bikini with royal blue trim and a royal blue lilly on the right chest pecie. I put it on and couldn't belive how good i looked with it on.

"Amy you done?" asked Nicole I responded my opening the dressing room door wide. When they saw me they all gasped.

"Your buying that bikini!" they all said at once. I nodded and went back in to change. I came out and went to pay for it. I put the bikini on the counter and looked for my wallet. I looked up, wallet in hand to see the guy behind the counter checkin me out instead of the bikini. I cleared my throught. He looked up at me and smiled and started scaning the bikini. That smile was sooo creepy! He has CREEPER STAUTS!! I handed him the money and was bought to turn around when he grabbed my hand, pulled me towred the counter and started kissing me! He held my face in place. I tried to get him off me but he wouldn't let go! Next thing I knew someone had grabbed me and pushed me away, then i heard a crunch. I looked up and saw Anik pissed as hell! He had the guy by the collor, cashier dude had blood coming out of his nose whitch lookes messed up!

"You ever touch, think, or look at my girlfriend again, I will remove you from the planet permenatly!" He let go of the dude, picked up my stuff, including me(bridal style) and brought us out of the store. He countinued to carry me for about 5 minutes with everyone really quite. He finelly set me down and looked me in the eye.

Anick's POV

The guys and I wer outside waiting for the girls to come out. Then I heard something fall. I turn around to see what it was. But instead my eyes land on Amy who was kissing the cashier!! No, wait she isn't kissing him, she's trying to get him off of her! I'll just interveen for a moment. I thought. Next thing I know the guy has a bloody nose and im holding him by the collor! I just got her! No way in hell am I gonna lose her! I let go of the guy, grabed the bags that Amy dropped, and picked up Amy bridal style and walked out of the store. After a while of total silence and we were far from the store i put Amy down. I made sure she didn't sway then I put my hands on her sholders and looked her in those big beutiful green eyes. In them I saw no fear or anger, only love and thanks! WAIT! I see LOVE in her eyes!! Dose that mean shes gonna tell me? She suddenly stood on her toes and kissed me! Long and hard! I wrapped my arms round her waist and hers went up and around my neck. She pulled me closser and the kiss got heated! Before it could get aany better someone cleared their througt. We pulled away smiling! I didnt care, I was happy she wasnt mad at me for getting jelous.

(A/N: Hey people!!! I am sooo sorry for not updating sooner!! I have had writers block latley and didn't know what else to add!! Adding to that was the fact that I couldn't think with school ending at 4:30, all the damn homework, and the rehursles for The Singing Christmas Tree!! I am finelly able to relax and think! Hope you enjoy it and please countinue to give me feedback! Just dont bug me about spelling!! XOXO)

I Love My Baby

Amy's POV

We left the mall and started making our way to Clackamas High to go pick up my car! We pulled up into the parking lot and there was only one car left in the parking lot, and that was my baby! My white Lamborgine shined in the moon light. The guys all gaped when they saw that the car was mine. I kissed Anik on the lips and was getting out the car. I was about to get in the car when something wraooed around my waist and pulled me agensit a wall! I looked back and saw it was Anik.

"Can I go home with you?" I heard Anik ask mummbling agenst my neck. I slightly nodded my head and got in the car. Turns out i was having a sleep over and didn't even know it till I got home and there were 2 cars behinde me. I smiled and went inside hearing footsteps behind me so i knew they were following. At the door I took off my shoes everyone else followed prosute. Then I went to the theater room and put in White Chicks!!! (A/N: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!) I turned around and saw everyone was already sitting somewhere. 'When the hell did everyone get so quiet? It's freakin' me out!!'

I thought. I was about to sit on the floor but once again I was being carried to the couch and dropped on a lap. -.- I looked back and see Anik. Big shocker there!! NOT! I sighed and leaned agenst him mumbling. I felt him kiss my neck, and he as he did i silently mouned. What? It feels good!! I felt him smile agenst my neck then he left me alone. My eye lids started to get heavey, then I was consumed by the darkness. I woke up a little time later to fell im being carried. Someone placed me on my bed I turned so I was laying on my back, moved the pillows closer to the middle then spread out like a starfish!! I smiled and sighed in happiness. Then fell back into the darkness. Buut not before I heard someone say
"You've got to be kidding me!!" I knew that smooth voice. It was Anik.

Anik's POV

I carried Amy back to her room and put her on the bed. Her bed wasn't made so I out her on top of the two pillows pilled left side of the bed. I went to the other door that was the bathroom. Only one problem though, there were only 2 sinks and a whole bunch of girl crap!! I looked to the side there were 2 doors. One on each side of me. I went to the one on the right i opened it and it led right back to the hall way. I closed that door and went to the other one. In there I saw a shower and wait for it... A TOLIT!! O.o 'Victory is MINE!!!'

I thought. I unzipped and went to work on letting my river flow off the waterfall. If you get it yaya! If not to bad! I flushed and washed my hands. (A/N:If you dont wash your hand after taking a waz guys...I will cut you!! Girls you too!!) I came back into the room to hear a sigh I look up to see Amy close to the middle of the bed spread out like a starfish smilling!!
"You've got to be kidding me!!" I say. I sigh and shake my head smilling. I go and turn off the lights then I take off my shirt and pull down my jeans, then..... I pushed Amy back to the left side of the bed and got in quickly. What? You really thought I would do something like take advantage of her?? Way to trust me! She started whining and kicking. Her back was to me so I wrapped my arms around her tring to calm her. After a minute she calmed and turned around. She cuddled closer to me and I kissed her forehead. Then I saw her open her eyes slowly. 'Lord help me that looks sexy!!'

I thought. She looked up at me and blushed. I smiled down at her since she was cuddled to my chest. She smiled back a beautiful smile, closed her eyes, and cuddled even closer (if thats possible) and fell asleep. I closed my eyes too and fell into a never ending forest green....

Football and Pool Parties

Amy's POV

I woke up to the sound of laughter. I tried to get up but something was wrapped around my waist. i looked down and saw an arm. That arm lead to a fine ass body and thatt fine ass body lead to a face. It was Anik's face, his eyes were closed and he was snoring softly. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I was finally able to get out from his grasp and I walked out the room and into the theater. Everyone was laughing at something.

"Morning guys, hey wat time is it?? Wait, shit don't we have practice today!?!" I asked.

all the guys looked at eachother then got up and ran and grabbed their crap. Me I ran out to my room and started throwing on my guy clothing. Then I remembered Anik.

"ANIK GET YOUR FUCKIN ASS UP AND IN GEAR!! WE HAVE PRACTICE..LIKE RIGHT NOW!! COUCH IS GONNA KILL US!!" I said with wide eyes. At the word coach he got up and started throwing on cloths on. I said i would meet him at school, I gave him the spare house key to lock up. I grabbed my call and the keys to my bike. I ran down to the garage and opened the door. Inside i saw my baby girl, Midnight, my black Ninja!! I got on but my helmet on and reved the engine! I closed the garage and got out of there as quickly as possible. I was the last one to leave so i pushed my bike to go faster and faster. I hit 120 mph and i could see Anik's car. I pushed my bike faster and did the ilegal and went to the left side of the road. I was now driving next the Anik. He looked to the side and did a double take. I brought tthe sheild that was covering my face up and smiled! I pushed it back down and pushed Midnight even faster. When I was in front of Anik i didn't bother slowing down. I got to the school parking lot got off my bike and made my way to the guys locker room to change. What a bad idea that was!! I walked in to see all the guys in nothing but a pair of boxers and socks!

"REALLY!?! What the hell!? Didn't practice already start??" I ask making my way to my locker ignoring all the stares. The rest of the guys came in panting. I laaughed at them! Anik came up to me and got all up in my face.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOIN?!?! HUH? ARE YOU FUCKIN NUTS??" he asked. I looked into his eyes doing the puppy face. The big eyes, quivering lip, and even some glassy eye work and fake tears. I slowly saw him start to melt. His hard expretion sofend and he gave me a tight hug.

"I'm sorry babe. It's just i dont want you gettign hurt! You could of died if you bike slipped, and I just got you! I don't plan or want to have you out of my life." he said agenst my neck. I hugged him back. My chin on his shoulder. I gave everyone a smile and a thumbs up!! They all started laughing. We got ready and went outside and practiced our football. After Practice we all went our seperate ways. the girls all came to my house and all the guys went to theirs. We got what we needed for the party and left.

3 hours later...

We had finelly gotten done decorating Nicoles house for the party. We all went to change. I put on my bikini then pulled on a pair of jean booty shorts. I had my hair in a ponytail and flip-flops on my feet. We turned the music up. The doorbell rang, I got a cup of punch and made my way to the door. I opened the door and there I saw Anik, Luka, Shay, Cam, and Andrew. They all came in and Anik gave me a hard kiss on the way in. I laughed and lead them outside to the pool. When I opend the sliding glass doors all you could hear was techno music!! I was so happy I ran towrds the girls ignoring the guy compleatly. They came after me, and when they found me I was busy giving CeCe a big hug!! She's the DJ in the group so I know she put it on. She laughed hugged me back and said

"I knew you would love it!" We partied the rest the day. We went into the pool, ate, danced, had a chuging contest, and danced somemore!! (I WON THE CHUGING CONTEST!!) The guys all left me and the girls stayed behind and helped clean up. Did I mention that Anik stayed behind and just sat on the couch and watched me the whole time!! Stalker stauts!! I was about to go to give Anik a big kiss but then my phone rang. I listend to the ringtone and instently got exited! I ran passed Anik and to my cell.

"Heyloo!?!?!" I asked with wide eyes.

"Well arn't you exited? What happened?" I heard a girls voice say. I was about to cry I was so happy!

"Why am I exited? You're fuckin calling me thats why!!" I said back with a laugh. This got everyones attention. They surrounded me, whitch i didn't notice i was to exited.

"AWWW!! Did you miss me that much? It's been only 2 weeks! How's the team? Any hot guys? Oh any Boyfriend??" She asked.

"Melody Rose!! 2 weeks is like forever to me!! The teams awsome!! We kick ass! Yes there are hot guys everywhere I look!..." at that I get a look from Anik. "And I have the most amazing boyfriend on the planet!!" I got a look full of love from Anik now and I heard a bunch of awwwww's coming from the girls.

"HAHA! Amy! Look I was wondering... you know u love me! So im going to be in America tomorrow and it's only me... so i was wondering.... Can I move in with you??" Melody asked.

"Melody Rose!! Why did you ever think you could ask me that?!? Of course you can!!! When dose your plain land? I wanna pick you up!!!" I said.

"My plain lands at 1 pm tommorow! Will you be able to make it?" She asked.

"Yes I can!! I will see you there!! I love you!" I said. We said our good byes and hung up. Everyone wanted to know what was going on so I explained. When I was done explaining that Rosie (Melody Rose's nickname) was going to be moving in with me and that she's an old friend they didn't ask anymore. They were all just exited to meet her. I sat on Anik's lap and gave him a big kiss. The kiss got heated his hands roamed over my body. I swear he was ready to pull off my shirt when someone cleared their throught. I looked up to see Nicole with her hands on her hips.

"Look I know ya'll are all lovey dovey and stuff but you are NOT making the couch rock!! Oh Hell Nah!!" She said. I looked at her and laughed. I got up and said bye to everyone. I gave Anik another quick kiss and went to Midnight. When I got home I went and showerd and went to sleep thinking of how good it will be to be reunited with my best friend.

Rosie's Finally Home!!

I was waiting at the airport holding hands with Anik. He had asked if he could come along. He didn't want to go to school so I said he could. I was looking every where when I finally saw a familiar face. I saw Rosie before she saw me. She is half Asian and half American. Her long black hair that looks blue in certain light ended right above her ass. Rosie's shocking blue eyes were outlined in black eyeliner and her lashes coated in mascara. Her slim long legs were covered in black skinny jeans and black high heeled boots that come up under her knees. She had an emerald green tank on and a small leather jacket on along with a long silver chain. She finally noticed me and came running. I let go of Aniks hand and ran towrds her too. We crashed together laughing.

"OMG!! Sing Song?" Rosie asked. I looked at her and smiled. Then nodded so fast im surprised i didn't get windsplash.

(A/N: I did this song in diffrent parts!! I hope u like this last second put together song! It's supose to be funny but what happends next....)








We ended the song with a tight hug and laughing. All of a sudden there was clapping and whisling. We let go and looked around up to see we had the whole airports attention. Me and Rosie looked at eachother and shrugged, then we bowed and I led Rosie to were Anik stood looking shocked.

Anik's POV

I was looking at Amy and Rosie in shock! I had never known that Amy could sing like that!!! Let alone Rosie! They came walking tword me. I looked at Amy and just looked at her. She has long dark brown almost black curly hair that went all the way down to her waist. Not crazy curly but beautiful curly. She had big doe like eyes that were a dark yet still bright green. She had full pink lips that were just so tempting. She had a fit build from all the weights she dose for football. She had curves in all the right places too. Her legs were long and sexy you can tell even through her jeans. Today she was wearing white shorts that contrast with her tanned skin. A crimson tank top and red vans. She had decided to let her hair down today. She was smiling getting closer to me walking towrd me hand in hand with her best friend Rosie. Some sun came in through the window and shined on her. She looked like an angel.

Amy's POV

We had finally reached Anik. He was looking at me with love and a smile on his face. I smiled back and got down to introducing.

"Rosie, this is my boyfriend, Anik!! Anik, this is my best friend in the whole universe, Rosie!" I said all exited and happy to see her again. They shook hands. We went to get her bags and put them in the trunk of Anils Jeep. When we got in Rosie decided to brake the comfetuble silence that had consumed us.

"Amy, my bike is gonna be deliverd to your house tommorow morning before school. Do you have everything set up?" She asked. I nodded my head and smiled. Anik leaned in and kissed me. Then he took my hand and interwinded our fingers together. All of a sudden I heard an AWWWWW come from the back seat. I turn around to see Rosie looking at us with wide pleading eyes as she whinned.

"I want a hot guy to kiss!!" I just laughed and turned around and we stayed silent the rest of the way to my house.

First Day of School As Daniel

When we got to my house me, Anik, and Rosie all carried something into the house and upstairs to the geust room. She started unpacking. I asked her if she wanted halp and she said no thnax. Me and Anik went to the theater room. We put in a movie and i sat down while he put his head in my lap. I started to play with his hair. We were in the middle of the movie when Anik fell asleep. I looked him over. He had jet black straight hair that sometimes covered his carebeean blue eyes, that when he was mad looked like ice and when sad or embarecced were a grey looking color. As if a storm of tears were ready to come out of them. He had and 8 pack and a good amount of muslce and was 6ft9. Whitch was giant compared to my 5ft8. I then fell asleep.

Melody's POV (Rosie)

As I was unpacking my stuff into the connected bathroom and closets I kept thinking about Anik. He had muslcle and he was hot but i don't know what he was like. He must be sweet and sencitive cuz Ams usally gose for that type. I haven't seen Amy this happy since her dad died 4 years ago. She wouldn't do anything after she got out of the hospital. She was put into this sad coma. She would act as if nothing was wrong. She smiled and laughed but it was all fake. She never ate but she slowly started to recover. Thats when I had to move away. I was heart broken that I had to leave her in the state she was in. But I can tell she still has the nightmares of that night. The night when this stupid truck driver rammed into her dads car on her dads side. She says all that she got was 2 messed up legs and tons of scars on her back. But shw also got torn apart. She and her dad were so close. Her dad wanted a son but he got a baby girl instead. My favorite memory of him was when Amy went to the kicken and he said "I am happy I was blessed with a baby girl instead of a son. Eaither one would be fine but i don't know what I would do without my little Angel." While I was thinking I had finnished uppacking and fell asleep on my new bed in my new home thinking of the sad old days. I'm just happy she has learned to live with the loss and that she didn't let that stop her live her life. Just like i had since he was just like a dad to me. With that last thought I was consumced into the darkness.

Amy's POV

I slowly started to wake up to the sound of a fan and silent snoring. I opend my eyes and looked down to see a sleeping Anik and the projector was still on. I turned off the teater system things. I looked at my phone and saw it was 7! School started in 1 hour, so I started waking Anik up my shaking his soulder. He grumbbled and shuffted slightly then fell back asleep. He was now laing on his back. So I leaned down and started kissing him. His eyes snapped opend and when he saw it was me he closed his eyes and pulled me closer to him. I broke the kiss and pushed him off the couch.

"OUCH!! What was that for babe?!" He asked rubbing the bad of his head.

"I gotta wake up Rosie and I gotta change and turn into Daniel!" I said with wide eyes and ran to Rosie's room. I jumped on her bed then started tickaling her! She is the most tickalish person ever.

"Rosie! Wake up! Schools starting and I gotta tell you something!" I yelled. By now she was wide eyed and waiting for me to countinue.

"Ok so you know how im on the football team right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Well I'm going as Daniel, the football player, and I need someone to protect me from sluts! So will you be Daniels girlfriend?" I asked hopefully. Knowing that we had all the same classes together. Just me, Daniel, and Rosie. And maybe some guys from the team! She looked at my puppy dog face and started melting.

"FINE!! But I get a secret boyfriend that knows bout this!" she said. Rosie got up and walked into the bathroom and got ready. I got up and went into my room to see Anik standing looking around upset.

"Whats wrong baby?" I asked and I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I can't find a towel I need a shower!!" He whinned. I just laughed and let go. I walked into the bathroom and looked under one of the sinks and pulled out a towel. I threw it at his head still laughing a little. He smiled and walked into the bathroom, but on his way there he stopped for a detour and kissed me real quick. He countinued walking to the bathroom and I smacked his ass. I heard the shower start and decided to get ready. I pulled all the guy cloths I got from the mall. I put on undies AND boxers. (boxers are too drafty) then pulled on the jeans. I strung a belt through the loops and tightened it. (I had cut some extra holes.) I took off my shirt and grabbed the bandege off my desk and started tightly wrapping it around my chest. I then pulled on a t-shirt, and put on a jaket and zipped it up a little bit. I heard the shower turn off, not even 3 minutes later Anik came out in nothing but a towel around his waist. I stared at his AMAZING 8 pack. I swear i'm drooling! I looked up at his face to see he had a smirk on it! I just rolled my eyes.

"Boy you better not let that towel drop!" I heard someone yell from the door way. I looked and saw Rosie standing there hands on hips with the 'do it i will kill you' look. I just laughed while Anik grabbed his stuff off the bed and went back to the bathroom. The door bell rang and Rosie turned from serious to giddy.

"My babys here!!" she yelled and ran downstairs to get her baby. I was about to put my shoes on when Anik came out the bathroom and kissed the side of my neck. I moaned sowtly and swatted at his head. It was 7:38 and I still needed to get my stuff! I laughed when I saw Anik pout.

"What was that for?" he whinned.

"I have to finnish getting ready then i'll kiss you." I said. That perked him right up. He went back to the bathroom to grab his stuff. I put on my shoes and put my hair in the wig. I went up to Anik and gave him a long and hard kiss.

"Since you won't be getting anything at school." I whispeered in his ear with a smirk. I grabbed my backpack and keys to my other bike. This one was black and yellow. Anik got in his car and left to school a minute ago. It was just me and Rosie. She got on her black and red bike and I got on Bei. (black and yellow) We closed the house door and I gave Rosie the spare key. And made our way to school.

We came into the parking lot together and parked next to each other. People were staring when I saw Anik and guys from the team come our way. I got off my bike and took out the keys and took off my helmet. I heard gasps, I looked to Rosie and nodded. She got off too and took off her helmet and shook out her hair, people were staring but I just shrugged it off. Anik and the guys came and we all nodded at each other and fist bumbed. My girls came but went to their boyfriends. I winked at the girls and they winked at me. I looked at Rosie who was smiling and grabbed her hand. We started making our way to the front doors. All of a sudden we were surronded by the school sluts! They were giving every girl with us dirty looks, even Rosie! You don't give Melody Rose a dirty look! Thats the worst thing you can do. All the guys tightend their grip on their girls waist. Me I squeesed Rosies hand, pretty much saying im the boss you be back up. But she squeesed mine back harder. Never mind Rosie boss me back up! Hailey came up to Anik and hugged him and started whispering in his ear. I masked my face emotionless. I looked at Anik's face and saw him looking at me in horror and shame. He then mouthed 'HELP'. I sighed mouthed back 'I can't i'm a guy right now'. He understood and pushed her away. Then one of her clowns came up to me. She forced me to let go of Rosies hand then pulled me to her.

"You shouldn't have done that." I whispered in her ear. She pulled back and gave me a clulouis look. Then all of a sudden she was gone. I heard a yelp and looked to see Rosie holding the girl by her hair and looked pissed as hell! She punched her in the nose and smiled.

"I love to hear when I break plastic! This is a warning bitch! Stay away from my man or you'll be needing a plastic face instead of a plasic nose! K? K!" she said in a honey sweet voice and a smile on her face. Rosie dropped the girl, grabbed my hand and we all started making our way to the office as a group. The secretery looked at me and Rosie and laughed! She knew yes, all the teachers and staff know my secret. She gave us our Scheduels and it was exactally the same as mine but I have to act like a student that didn't know much. We all walked our seperate ways except me and Rosie of course. We got to our first class Photography with Mrs. Shil. We sat down next to each other and started talking.

"Thank you for saving me earlier." I said to Rosie.

"No prob babe! You know I love you and I don't like it when your scared or sad!! I will not allow it! You know why?"she asked

"Because life is to short to not be happy." We said at the same time. We both laughed. Then the bell rang and the teacher came in. She saw I was there and smiled and shook her head.

"Okay everyone! Settle down we have two new students. Sorta." I heard her mumble the last part under her breath. I laughed.

"Okay you two come up hear and introduce yourselves." she said pointing at us. I grabbed Rosies hand and we walked to the front of the room.

"Hey, I'm Daniel Carter. I'm origanaly home schooled but decided to give public school a chance so every once in a while ill be comeing. I'm also the new person on the football team." I introduced myself(Daniel) to the class with a smile on my face.

"Hello, my name is Melody Rose. You can call me Rosie though. I just moved back here from China. I am half Chineese and half American. Please take care of me." She said. At the last part she let go of my hand and bowwed. I smiled at her. I had missed her so much. Then I heard wolf whistels.

"Hey baby I can take care of you real good! Wanna come to my place after school?" My smile gone I look up to see Ryan. He's on the football team too. He has skater hair that is blound, something like a navy blue eyes and a slammin body. With him being 6ft4 and having an 8 pack hes hot but a pain in the ass and a player too.

"Ryan back the hell off and whatch yourself before I beat your ass!" I yelled. I had deepend my voice so I sounded like a guy. Ryan knew I could do it so he backed off. Then me and Rosie went back to our desks. The day went on perfect then lunch came.

We were all sitting at the popular table. When a slut came up to us.

"Daniel? Are you and this bitch dating?" she asked me while snearing at Rosie.

"Ya why?" I asked.

"Because all you 2 do is hold hands! You guys don't kiss or anyhting!!" she said with wide eyes.
"I want to see some proof!" She demanded.

"Ya we all wanna see proof!" said some other sluts that came out of no where. Well maybe they came out of Marrisa's(the first slut here) ass!

"Fine you guys want some proof? Here's some proof." I said. I leaned foward tord Rosie and put my lips on hers. I plunged my tounge in her mouth without asking. We had a 2 minute make-out session then seperated. I looked at everyone at the table and they looked at me shocked. I looked at Rosie she looked creeped out but coverd it up. I looked at the sluts and they just glared at Rosie and walked away.

"What the hell was that?" everyone asked.

"They needed proof so I gave them some. Now they will leave us alone. I am 100% straight by the way. And dose anyone have some mouthwash??" I asked. They all shoock their heads. I looked at Rosie.

"Sorry that was really gross!" I said. But we had our own little secrets. We burst out laughing. Everyone at the table looked at us like we were crazy. We finaly sobbered up and looked at everyone.

"Whats so fuckin' funny?" They all asked at once. We looked at each other and nodded.

"After school there is cheerleading try-outs. Rosie is gonna try out and most likely make it then we all meet at my house and we will explain." I said. They all nodded in agreement. The rest of the day went by perfectly. After cheerleading practice no surprise I saw Rosie comeing with a uniform. She ran up tome and I picked her up and spun her around. We started laughing and I put her down. She put the uniform in her backpack and we walked to the parking lot together. We saw everyone waiting in their cars. Me and Rosie both got on our bikes and decided to lead the way to our house. When we got there we all got out of our cars me and Rosie off our bikes. I opend the door and Anik led the way to the living room. We all got comfrterble on the couches and the floor since there wasnt enough chairs.

"Ok so I am going to explain what happend at lunch." I said taking off my wig and sitting on the floor next to Rosie.

"Ok so 5 years ago when we were 12 me, Rosie and some of our friends were playing truth or dare. We were impossible to seperate we were like sisters. We still are. But anyway one of our friends, Tasha, dared Rosie to kiss me for 5 minutes toung and all!! We thought she was crazy but we didn't think much of it." I said tring not to laugh. This is where Rosie came in to fnnish.

"We ended up going for 10 minutes instead. So Amy and I agreed if we ever did something as stupid as this or got in some kind of trouble and we needed the other to act as the oppisite gender we would do it without hesitation." She finnished. We looked around the room at all the shocked faces and we burst out laughing.

"Wait is this a joke" asked Ryan.

"Nope!" we yelled at the same time.

"That is so fuckin' hot knowing your both girls and you did that!" and "OMG! I think i'm getting a boner." I heard coming from all around the room from the guys. The girls FYI my friends just looked grossed out.

"I'm staight I swear." Me and Rosie yelled at the same time. After hours of hangen out and laughing it was just me Rosie and Anik. Anik kissed me on the lips and said he'd see me tommorow.

The Brother and Rosie

It was now Saturday and Anik had invited me and Rosie over for the day. They had a pool so he said to bring our bathing suits and that Shay, Cam, Andrew, and Luca were coming over too. Rosie and the girls quickly became friends. No one but my friends and the football team know that me and Anik are dating. Me and Rosie put on our bathing suits. Rosies was a hot pink two peice and mine was a neon green two peice. I pulled on my booty shorts and a t-shirt that i ripped a long time ago so it ended a couple inches above my belly botten and a pair of flip flops. I had a bag with a change of cloths and a towel. Rosie had on a a white sundress over her bikini and sandels. We both got in my car and went to Aniks house.

We both got out the car and knocked on the door. Anik came to the door and huged me as soon as he saw me. She kissed me with so much love I was breath taking. I kissed him back and we didn't seperate until Rosie cleared her throught. I pulled back and blushed a little. I was so into the kiss I didn't even relize Anik had picked me up! He put me down then led me to the backyard where everyone was. Me and Rosie took our clothes off and jumped into the pool. Anik pulled me underwater. We looked at each other then kissed. We kissed under the frickin' water!! We came up for air and looked into each others eyes.

"I love you." he blurted. Then he looked away but I forced him to look at me.

"I Love you, too." I said. He smiled at me and hugged me. There was cherring and whisles. We were all having so much that we didn't notice someone come outside.

"Since when can anyone have a party without me?" a voice asked. I looked up to see a guy that was 6ft4, he had a good muscular build, light green eyes but at sertain angels in the sun they were tinted gold, he had black hair he was tan.

"Noah!" I heard Anik yell and got out the pool, pulling me with him, and let go of my arm and hugged the stanger. Anik let go of the stranger and looked to us.

"Guys, this is my brother Noah, he gose to a collage in California, and surfs. I didn't know you were coming home! Why are you back?" He ased his brother. I looked at Rosie I saw she was staring at him and he was staring at her as he answered Anik.

"Hey guys come out the pool and let's introduce ourselves!" I said with a smirk. Rosie's head snaped my way but all I did was raise an eyebrow.

Rosie's POV

I looked up and my eyes locked on a pair of green ones. I froze when I looked at the rest of him. He had a slamin' ass!! I just wanted to smack it! He was tan with black hair, through his shirt I could tell he had an 8 pack, he was about 6ft4. He moved a little and the way the sun his his eyes they looked slightly golden! I saw people talking but I couldn't hear anything. It was like it was just me and him. I saw him smile and my heart stopped. I heard the name Noah and knew that was the hot strangerd name. Noah. It suits him.

"Hey guys come out the pool and let's introduce ourselves!" I heard Amy yell. My eyes snapped to her and saw she had a smirk on her face and then she raised an eyebrow. We all got out of the pool. Then we all said our names with a slight wave.

"Hey i'm Amy, Aniks girlfriend."

"I'm Nicole, Shay's girl."

"I'm Stacie, Luca's girl."

"I'm Ashely, Andrew's G apperently." We all laughed.

"I'm Alli, Cam's... Well you get the point." She said.

"I'm Melody Rose, you can call me Rosie though." I said smiling.

Noah's POV

Beautiful. Thats the first word that came to my mind when I looked in the pool and saw a beautiful girl in a hot pink bikini. She looked half Asian and half American, with long blue black hair in a messy bun, and shocking blue eyes. She had sun kissed skin and she was perfect. With her long slim sexy legs and the flat stomach. I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to take her there and then, to rip off her top and bottums and just make love. I wanted to feel her naked body agenst mine. Then everyone came out the pool and introdued themselves. Well the girls did anyway. Me and the guys just nodded each other.

"Hey i'm Amy, Aniks girlfriend." said a girl in a neon green 2 peice bikini. She had dark brown hair that was in a bun, with forest green eyes, and a 6 pack.

"I'm Nicole, Shay's girl." Said a blonde girl with green eyes wearing a bikini that was sky blue.

"I'm Staice, Luca's girl." Stacie had honey brown hair and grey eyes and a purple bikini.

"I'm Ashely, Andrew's G apparently." said a red head with green eyes with a red bikini said. We all laughed at her comment.

"I'm Allie, Cam's... Well you get the point."She said. Allie had light brown hair with dark brown eyes that almost looked black. She had on a white bikini.

"I'm Melody Rose, You can call me Rosie though." She said. Her voice was like music to my ears. Funny considering her name is Melody. Rosie. She smells like roses,too!! Thats crazy cool. I was so tempted to go to her and make her mine.

Amy's POV

We all went into the living room and sat were there was room. Iwanted to make sure there was enough room so I sat on Aniks lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I saw Noah ask Rosie something,she nodded then they stood up and walked out the room and up the stairs. I wonder what their doing...

Rosie's POV

I was sittingon the couch when Noah came over and whispered in my ear.

"You want me as much as I want you?" Noah asked. I nodded then we got up and walked upstairs hand in hand. He led me up to his room. We sat on the bed and he looked into my eyes.

"Rosie, I wanted to ask you something. I know I just met you. But I was woundering if you would come with me to dinner tonight?" Noah asked. I looked at him shocked, then I slowley started to smile. I nodded.

"I would love to!" I said. He smiled and we hugged each other. We pulled back and loocked at each other. He started to lean foward. Our lips touched, he lightly kissed me so I could pull away if I wanted to. But I only closed my eyes and pressed myself closer. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We broke apart and looked in each others eyes. We smiled and got up, we walked hand in hand downstairs. When we got down there Amy gave me the you-better-explain-later look. Me and Amy decided to leave later. Noah had givin me his number and said he would call me before he came to our house and said he would pick me up at 8. When we got home it was 5. Me and Amy sat in the living room in total silence.

"So whats going on between you and Noah, huh??" Amy asked smiling and wagging her eyebrows.

"He asked me out and we're going to diner tonight and I really really like him!!" I bluted out quickly. Then I gasped and covered my mouth with wide eyes. Amy stared at me in shock then she tackeled me in a giant hug.

"I don't care who you date, as long as they make you happy and they don't hurt my best friend in the universe I don't care. Noah seems like a sweet guy. But if he hurts you I will not hesitate to kill him." she said with a face all too serious. But that's why I love Amy, she cares more about the people she loves more then herself. I geuss she just can't stand the idea of bad things happening to the ones she loves. That's why I love her so much.

"OK, will you help me get ready?" I asked.

"Yes! I will make you look smokin' babe!!" She said grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs. I smiled to myself. She really has changed since the last time I saw her. I thought.

Noah's POV

I think I love her. I've never felt like this before. My palms are sweating. God why do I have to be so nervous? What are we gonna talk about? What if we end up together? What would we do then? Would she have a long distance relationship with me? She could drive to see me anytime since the collage isn't that far from the border of Oregon and California. She could even come with Anik and his girlfriend Amy, they seem pretty close, shit they even live together! We could double date. I kept on coming up with questions and some good ideas while I was getting ready and making sure to put on a load of deoderent. No way in hell am I leaving this house with BO!

Amy's POV

If Noah hurts her i'll cut off this dick! They tape it to his forehead and super glue his balls to his tounge.

I though.

Rosie's POV

I came out of the shower and dryed off. I put on panties and a bra. Amy was looking through her closet like a mad ma...woman. She squeeled with delight as she pulled out a pair of black heels and a dress that was sadly covered. She sat me down on a chair and began to fix my makeup. The bitch wouldn't even let me see when she was done.

"No! I want to see the look on your face when your wearing the dress!" She had said. She started curlying my hair then put it up in a high pony tail. Leaving out a couple peices to frame my face. She helped me into the dress that I couldn't see since she put a bind fold on me! Yep, you read that right!! The bitch blind folded me!! Then she helped me into my heals and placed me in front of the mirror and tugged off the blind fold careful to not ruin my hair or makeup. When I opend my eyes I gasped! I had on light green eye shadow on and slightly pink cheeks. My hair with the long loose ringlets flowed from the ponytail to mid back. My bangs were swept to the side. But the dress is what made my heart stop. It was a beautiful green that had gold glitter on it. Sorta like Noah's eyes in the sun. It was spigetti strap and ended mid thigh, and around my waist was a thin black ribbon tied in the back. I turned to Amy and hugged her so tight that she couldn't breath but she didn't care. She just cared that I was happy, but I wasn't happy, I was beyond it!

I oppened the door to see Noah. Damn he was looking fine!! He was wearing loose fadded jeans and a powder blue button up shirt. He was holding a buquet of red tiger lilles!

"Hey!" I said with a small shy smile. Seeing him brought my confedence down a bit, I don't know why but I just get shy around him.

"Hi! You look beautiful, Rosie!" he said with a big smile. But he was looking me in the eye. His eyes haven't left my face since I opened the door. He handed me the flowers then out of nowhere there was a flash. I blinked a couple times and turned to see Amy with a camera. What the hell is up with this girl?

"Noah get your ass in here and Rosie give me the flowers." She demanded with one of her hands held out. I placed the flowwers in her hand. She gentally placed them on the stairs and turned back to me and Noah who was now in the house.

"Picture time!!!" She yelled. Noah came over and put his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind. Then the camera started flashing and after 2 minutes I got tiered of it and grabbed Noah's hand and ran out the door.

"Don't wait up Amy!!! I love you!" I yelled and ran dragging a laughing Noah close behind.

Noah's POV

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!! That was funny! I swear Amy is like an exited mother! We got to the car and I opened Rosie's door for her.

"Thank You." She said. God her voice is beautiful! Wow! I sound gay!! I can't be gay!!! I like girls!! Rosie to be exact! She's everything, funny, beautiful, kind, and just so perfect!!

"No problem!" I said with a smile. My face hurts.

Rosie's POV

God that was embaricing!! That's not even funny it was so embarecing.... okay maybe it was funny! She was acting like my mom would... But worse! HAHA! I can't blame her though her mom was always working after her fathers death. I felt something grab my hand I looked at Noah who was smiling while looking foward, at the road. I looked back out the window and smiled! I felt my face heat up.

"We're here." Noah said. I blinked, I didn't even realize that we stoped. I looked outside and I saw sand. I looked back at Noah and smiled. He didn't do what I think he did!


Noah's POV

I looked at Rosie and bit my lip. I hope she likes it. It took me and Alec 3 hours to set this up. Rosie looked at me and smiles, I got out the car and went to open her door annd held my hand out to help her down. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so gorgous, oh my... I think someone is getting a bit too exited... If you know what I mean...

Rosie's POV

He set up a dinner on a beach! It's beautiful here, and the moon is full the candles all around the sand. He did so much!

"You didn't have to go through so much troble for me, Noah." I said turning away fromt eh beautiful seane in front of me to face him.

"I know, but it was worth it Rosie." He then took my hand and led me to the dinner table. He is too sweet! I wonder what Amy is doing now.

Authors Note!! VERY IMPORTANT!!

Hey everyone!!! I'm Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I have finally decided I want to move my books to another site. The site is wattpad. So if you want to continue to read any of my books please go to! I'm putting this notice in all my books. I'm sorry you you have been waiting long for me to update. after i get all my books set up on the wattpad, I will continue updating until they are done. I wiil also try to update once a week starting next week after all my performances are done!! ;3 I might even update each book a little as soon as I set them up! :D If you don't want to continue reading that's perfectly fine, im not the most interesting with book ideas. But if you keep reading.. THANK YOU!!!

xoxoxo Leomi :3


Publication Date: 07-29-2011

All Rights Reserved

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