
Chapter 1
Corrine POV

As I put on my school uniform, I sang along to my favorite music channel-Capital FM.
A bang thumped through the floor boards, telling me that I had woken up my older brother Billy Porter.
Without thinking, I turned the volume on the radio down.
“Corrine” my mother called from down stairs “hurry up or you will be late for school.”
“Hang on” I shouted, brushing my curly blonde hair.
When I got down stairs, Billy was in the kitchen, eating his breakfast.
“Can you please not drink so much” I asked him “mother worries when you come home at early hours of the morning.”
Billy ruffled my hair with his big hands “you worry to much sis, and your nearly eighteen years old, so shouldn’t you be enjoying your last years as a teenager?”
I folded my arms “I do enjoy myself, just yesterday I went to the cinema with Sharon and Claudia.”
Billy rolled his eyes “when I was your age, I was out partying hard all the time.”
You still are” I reminded, putting a grin on his face.
Just then our mother walked into , wearing her favorite designer suit.
“I’m going to work now?” se said, as she put her golden hair into a tight bun “do you want a lift to school Corrine?”
“yeah, please” I told her, taking one more look in my sparkly compact to make sure my mascara hadn’t smudged around my large amber eyes.
Putting my compact into my Dior handbag, I gave Billy a quick hug, and chased after my mother.

Chapter 2
Callum POV

The beep if my mate Daniel’s car made me rush to get ready for school.
I wasn’t interested much in school, but I didn’t want my gang waiting for me, I already owed them for stopping a guy from a night club we went to the night before stabbing me with a razor sharp knife.
Rushing outside, I saw Daniel park his stolen car.
I got into the back of the car, and sat with Kyle Graham, a tall bloke with curly black hair, And with a drug dealer Billy Porter.
“What took you so long?” Ed asked from the front seats.
“I woke up late” I admitted “and my mother was complaining bout the face that we haven’t got any food in the house.”
“At least yours wasn’t as worse as mine” Billy said, lighting a cigarette “I had Corrine moaning down my ear hole about me coming home late.”
The mention of Corrine put a smile on my face.
I had only met Corrine four times before, and some how she got hotter every time.
For some reason or another she seemed oblivious to her moth watering body of hers.
“She’s really annoying” Billy continued when no one spoke “ I wished she would just loosen up once and a while.
That gave me and idea, which left me grinning ear to ear.
“How about I help you out?” I said “of you let me, I could loosen he up.”
Daniel laughed from the driving seat “yeah, and I’m Santa.”
I ignored Daniels sarcasms, and turned back to Billy while had a curios expression on his face.
“How about we make this interesting” he grinned “if you fail I get to date your sister.”
A bet, I thought. This could get interesting.
“And what if I win?” I asked.
“You wont” Billy said confidently “nut t if you do, you get my drug profits for a month.”
Daniel whistled “now that is a lot of money”
I grinned “deal!”

Chapter 3
Corrine POV

My best friend Lucy was waiting for me at the school gates, her fiery red hair dancing like flames with the wind.
“You will not believe what just happened.” Lucy said, giving me a hug “James just asked me out!”
“For real” I asked excitedly, knowing that Lucy had had a crush on James for almost thee and half years.
Lucy nodded enthusiastically “its true Corrine, he asked me if I was single, then asked me out. I couldn’t even speak Corrine, all I was able to do was smile at him! It was so scary that I nearly fainted.”
I nearly laughed at my friends ramble, I had never known of her to talk so much, especially not for a boy, Lucy was usually one of the shy girls, which only spoke when she desperately needed to speak, and I didn’t even think any of the teachers knew what her voice even sounded like.
As we walked towards the school, Lucy did nothing but talk about James. It got annoying after a whole, why would I want to know so much about her love life, when mine was so non existent.
My last boyfriend Aaron had left my when he found someone else with more to offer, apparently I was to child like with a small-nearly flat chest.
The worst part was that it was my nemesis Julie Charles that he has dumped me for-did I mention by text? It had been the most embarrassing thon in the world that had ever happened to me!
It only took a few minutes to get to lesson, thank god! So Lucy had to stop walking so she wouldn’t get in to trouble with the teacher Mrs. Small.
“This year is going to be different in my class room” Mrs. Small told the student “first of all I will not stand for bad behavior.”
That brought back the memories of some of the boys in the class like Callum Cain and Daniel Ryan running a riot.
“Secondly” Mrs. Small continued “the will be a new sitting arrangement, so no one gets to choose where, or who they will be sitting next to.”
The whole class groaned with annoyance, well all hated to be seated next to some one we didn’t like.
Everyone sat in boredom, waiting for their name to be called out.
“ Corrine” Mrs Small said “you shall sit here” she pointed to an empty table at the back of the room.
Getting up with a bored sigh, I walked slowly to my new empty table.
After looking around for a few moments Mrs. Small lay her eyes on Callum, and smiled brightly.
“Mr. Cain” she said happily “I am sick and tied of your rebellion behavior in my classroom, so I have decided to sit you next to Miss Corrine Porter until further notice.”
To my surprise, a grin appeared in Callum’s face.
I wondered why on earth he would be so happy to be sitting next to me, probably because he was one of my brother’s friends.
There was one thing I did know though, I was so not looking forward to having to site next to that great oof!


Publication Date: 06-21-2011

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