i woke up a hour or two later,in a dark room. as i went to move my arms and legs i relised i could not, i must be bound i throught to myself.
"well, well, look who's awake," a man's voice boomed who my only guess was my father.
"let me go, you can not keep me here for ever," i yelled back trying to hold back my tears.
"trust me i can, but i think it would be funner for me to send you back to and make you tell him that you can not be with him,"
"what makes you think that i will do that,"
"trust me i can make you do that,"
"how there is nothing you can do to me that you have not done before," i said starting to panic
"that may be true but i can always hurt him, his pack and that chick stella that goes to your school," he said grining, "i will hear you plan at the end of the hoildays, pick wisely"
And he left,only getting food every 2-3 and water from the dripping pipe over my head. i knew what i had to do, i might love him but to go with him ment not only puting him at risk but stella and my mothers pack. he would get over me, right? he would some one else other than me.
i knew what i had to do, i had to end it.
At the end of the two weeks my father came in and let me go.
"have you made you choise," he said
"yes, i will break it of with him but you have to leave him and the others if i do this," i begged
"you have my word,now that's over your bus will be here in a hour, so go get changed and get ready,"
"yes father," and with that i left
after i was untied and went to the bus. the trip felt short compared to all the others, many because i sleeped of it after two week of sleeplesness.
the bus came to a stop just inside the school, as the mad rush to get off was happening i just sat here, knowing this would be the hardest moment of my life. when i finally got off he was there, wating for me. i grabed my bag that had been tosed on the grown and started to walk to my dorm, hoping he had not seen be, but that was not to be.
"Ava, wate," he yelled
i stopped dead in my tracks, i will just tell him and get it over with, i throught to myself.
"what's wrong," he asked
"look Tristan, i talked to my father and," was all i got out before he cut me off.
"before we get to that, you mother want me to tell you that she is glad me and you are together and she let me get you this," and with that he pulled out a small braclet with two charmes on it, a horse and a wolf. "to show both sides of you" he said
"look i am sorry but we can not be together, "i spat out before i brock down, "my father will not let me and, and"
"what do you mean," he looked puzzled and upset
"we can not be together," and with that i brock, and turn and ran.
i don't remember much of that other than the fact that i cryed myself to sleep.
"beep, beep, beep" was my alarm at 6am, i got up are got ready for my morring ran, i left my dorm but before i could leave the building my lest favirot person came,Emily.
"so i hear you and tristan brock up, did he finally relise what a piece of shit you are," she said in her usal smug voice
"not, i ended it, now can you just fuck off and leave me alone," i snaped
"you what, thats funny, why would you end it with the hottest guy in school,"
"i just did,"i turned and pushed the door that lead out of the building, not even bothering to hear her answer.
i ran all the way to the opening and into the scrub,i just let my body take control, not even caring what i changed into, i just need to get out of this form, to just get rid of my human form. i stopped only when i got to the school boundry, i could jump it and this would all be over but that would mean leaving the others at risk of my fathers rath. i finaly got the courage to see what i was, i knew i was no wolf i was to tall for that. when i when to turn my neck like i normaly would i could only see horse, well this was new, the first time i had gorn full horse.
i turn and ran back to the road and changed back. when i got to my dorm there was a note on the bed,
Ava, i am sorry to hear about you and tristan, if you want to talk come see me
i missed stella as a friend, and this note just reminded me of how much i need her to be safe. i place the note in the dress i was about to put on. once i was dressed of school i headed to the dinning room. i pushed the croweds that where on the path, once i was there i walked strate in and got my name marked off and grabed so toast. i scaned the room looking for a place to sit and when i picked one, i made sure it was as far way from him as possable.
i sat down at the emtpy table, on the side of the dinning room that nobody ate at hoping he had not seen me come in and i could eat in peice. i was finshed by the time he saw me, as i stod up to place my plate on the trolly he was havlf way across the dinning room and getting closter. i turn to the door hoping i could get out in time but the dinning room was chol-a-block and no way to get out in time. i pushed through the crowed hoping to get throw, but that was not my luck.
"Ava," a person said from be hind me while they place there hand on my sholder, "please just talk to me,"
i turned around, the crowed had moved out to the sides to make a circle around us, probly think that eather me or tristan would bash them if they got in are way.
"look Tristan, it's over, get over your self and just leave me be," i said as strong as i could with starting to cry.
"oowww," half the dinning room yelled out.
"shut up, leave us alone or are your lives so bad that you have to watch other live there to feel important," Tristan boomed out throw the room, i have never seen a crowed leave so quickly, they where all gorn in about a minute or less.
"look i don't want to talk about, you know why we are over, can you just leave me be,it's just as hard of me as it is for you," i yelled
"that's just the thing, i don't get why we are over, all you told me was it was your fathers choise," he yelled back
"well that all i can tell you, just trust me it's hard on me and you," i still yelled
"just tell me why we can not be together and how it's your fathers chosie," he yelled at the top of his lungs
"look just fuck off and leave me be, i can't tell you any more then i have," and with that i left.
after i left the dinning room i ran to my phone and went to call my father.
"ring, ring, ring," was the first noise i heard
"Ava, what do you want," my fathers voice boomed over the phone
"cut the crap dad, i brock up with him like you asked, now you have keep you side of the bargain," i yelled
"well that's good to hear and don't worry i am a man of my word i promiss that i will leave you friends alone,"
"thank you, just please leave them be,"
"well that must be a first, you thanking me"
"well there must be a first for every thing," after i utted those word i hung up and headed up dorms.
because i got up so early in the morning i had already made my bed and packed my school bag, so when i went up dorms i had nothing to do. then i saw stella's dorm and that's when i descide, i had to tell her about me and hopefully she would understand. i walked to her room and opened the door.
"hey, is stella in her," i said into the room
"yes, just in my area come on in Ava," she said gladly back
"hey this avro can you come for a walk with me i need to talk to you,"
"yeah, yeah sure why don't we just talk now,"
"umm it's just i need to talk to you and show you this away from some people in are year,"
"ok, all good"
and with that i turned and left,i went to my dorm grabed my bag and headed to school.
the school day went well, getting weired looks from everybody and trying to not get seen by tristan was all i had to do but of couse that could not go to plan by fourth period i was going ok, but than the english teached had to fuck that up din't they.
"ok class, to day you will be getting you progets and you parteners that you have been asigned are the following
stella and emily
jonh and will
cammoran and jack
and last of all tristan and ava"
"what what," me and emily yelled out at the same time
"like i said girls these are the groups, and there will be no if buts or mabys these are you group," the teacher boomed, "now go see your partener and talk about it,"
i turned and looked over to tristan, he was staring back at me, i stayed in my set, if i had to be in his group well damn it he can move over to me.
"hi," he said quitly after he walked over to me,
"look tristain just because we are in the same group dose not me i want this, why don't you do half the work than i do the other. that means we don't have to see each other till the end." i said as strong as i can
"Ava, i am not going to do that, i am going to work with you just like i would with any other person. i will book au in to the libery tonight and we can work up there in one of the rooms ok," he said in his normal voice
"that dosen't sound like a good idea," then i droped my voice making sure that only he could heir me," if my father finds out, there will be cosecences,"
"well maby if you told me what he thretened you with i could help you, in sted of you being a selfish bitch who tell nobody anything," he growled just loud enought that the whole class hered
"i can't for the last time can you just trust me and know that i can not tell you, now back down," i growled back, placeing all the alpha power i had on the last words hopeing that it was enough that he would have to.
the whole class was slient, eyes on us. with his eyes on the grownd he walked over to me and not even looking up at me, he wisped in my ear, "yes alpha, sorry for any disrpect," and with that i new it was over, i had pulled rank, the was no going back, he had summited.
"well, now that is over we can get back to work, chop,chop there's no time to wasted," are ever charming english teachers said.
we spent the rest of the class on oppesite sides of the room, i was working on te frist bit and he on the second.once class was finshed i went to lunch, grabing a ranbom sandwitch of the bench of the dinning room i turned and left to eat my lunch on the grass outside. after lunch i had dubble math and just crambed the whole time, thinking about how i would tell stella about me. once class was finshed i headed up dorms and changed, let the fun comes
after i was dress i headed to stella's dorm
"knock,knock,knock, is any body in hear"
"yeah just come on in Ava, i nearly ready to go,"
"ok cool," i said as i gentely pushed the door open
after about five mintes we left, we started to walk down the road and where at the turn of for the scrub
"follow me, we just have to jump this fence and go into the scrub," i said starting to worry if this was a bad idea
"ok i don't see why we can't just keep going up the road," she said
"just trust me please, i need to do this here," and with that we kept going jumping the fence and walking into the scrub
we got into the scrub it wasnt hard to tell that she was uncoftabe with being here, maybe this was a bad idea but there is no going back now.
"look stella im about to show you something that i have never shown anyone and if you dont want to be my friend after but i am asking that you dont tell anyone," i said trying to put as much power in my words as i could
"ummm ok look ava you are kinda scaring me but ok i wont tell anyone just if it is something really bad you dont have to show me," she said worriedly
"im not human, i know you probly think i am nuts right now but i am a werewolf hybreed, im the only one like myself out there that i know about," after saying this i changed into my wolf, then into a horse and finaly back to human.
"what the f*** are you, o god you are a freak get away from me," stella screamed
just after she said that i saw the bush move behind her, s*** i throught to myself if someone eles say me i could be in so much trouble.
"stella get behind me now," i wispered just loud enough that i knew that she would hear but hopefully not the person behind here would
"what the f*** i am not getting behind you, you thing" she snapped back as the bush behind here started to move more and more
"stella get behind me now," i snapped now not caring if i scared her
after i snapped she quickly scurred behind me and wispered "why do i have to get behind you"
just after she move behind me a wolf jumped out of the bush but not any wolf a tan wolf that made my body tingle and my mind just scream out MATE!!, but this wasnt any tan wolf it was tristan. he changed out of his wolf form and back to human
"alpha, not meaning afence but why did you tell her you know that you could be punished for this," tristan said after doing a quick bow
"tristan its ok and please dont call me alpha you know you can call me ava," i said hurt that this is what it has come to
"ok this is just getting stranger, tristan you are a werewolf as well are you at least a normal one unlike this freak of nature," stella studdered
"dont insult my alpha like that human," tristan growled," and no alpha you made it clear that this is not going to be anything more then pack polictics, i am your protecter nothing else."
my wolf wimpered inside i have never be hurt so much even after all the beltings and flogings my father has given me this is the worst pain that i have ever had, i knew my eyes betrayed my feelings and that he knew he had hurt me so i did all i could think,
"tristan take stella back to school and make sure she dosnt tell anyone," after i said the i turned into a wolf and ran.
"Alpha stop...... ava," was all i heared as i ran letting my wolf take over and not caring where i ended up.
i kept running for what felt like hours i knew that i left school grounds ages ago with no granty i would find my way back
Text: jessica
Editing: me
Translation: me
Publication Date: 05-30-2017
All Rights Reserved