
Chapter 1
Alice waved goodbye to her brother Gregory through the window as he rode away on his horse. The second to last O'connor boy was out of the house. Smiling she turned to her youngest brother Matthew. "Matthew its just us now..." she hugged him close. Matthew shrugged her off. "Alice you don't need to take care of me !!! I'm 17 and very capable of caring for myself. You need to get a job !!! Get married , have kids !!! don't wait for me or them ...think for yourself once...just once alice.." with the last agitated words said he slumbered out of the house silently closing the door. ~get a job? i don't need a job...yet..~ a voice clammered out from her thoughts.She was running out of money, all that was left was 300 erous that was enheritated with the estate, when she ran out of money the estate would have to be sold. Shaking her head she went to clean the bathrooms. The whole time she was wiping down the stalls and cleaning the mirrors she was repeating her brother's words. ~i'm fine...all alone i don't need anyone...~ She jumped at the sound of a door slamming. With her heart in her throat Alice crept to the front window on her knees, peering out she gasped at the sight of a man trying walking toward the main house...Right where she was...

Chapter 2

Scrambling to hide she ran and tripped. Alice turned her head to see what she had tripped over and groaned when she realized it was the skirt of her heavy dress that had sent her falling. Alice didn't have much time to think on that when two feet appeared in her eye sight. she slowly looked up until she was staring all the way up into dark menacing eyes. The Howlinger Gunman had found the one house that was not gaurded by military men. Alice supressed a shriek. He stepped on her hand and leaned down. In a husky voice that sent a a sliver of desire down Alice's spine the man spoke. "scream and i shall kill you now..." Alice froze even though she feared him she had never heard of the Howlinger Gunman killing anyone. He sounded to secductive to kill her. Alice still wasn't taking a chance, slowly rising, she stood, and made her back striaght as a arrow. and glared up at him from her short 5'2 in. he chuckled and then spun behind her and gagged her quickly. "what a good woman you kind and obiediant..." he slid a hand down her back and clasped both her hands as he tied them.


When he finished, he grabbed her around the arm and gentiliy tugged her toward the door. scrammbling to keep his long stride she tripped and stumbled. "mhm!! muhm!!" she growled out. He chuckled and kept walking. Alice tried to think of something. Anything she couldnt even see his face, since he had on a mask. silent tears rolled down her cheeks in big succesion as she thought of the mess her brother would see when he came home she choked on a sob. If he ever came home...She was slapped out of her thoughts. "Dammit woman !!! pay attention !!! " He threw her atop the front of his horse, then gracfully slid onto the horse behind her. He clutched her to his front as he clicked his tongue to the horse to gallop. She soon fell asleep to the rocking motion.

Chapter 3
Alice woke to find she was leaning agianst the strange man who had captured her. In the dark she studied him. He had a stubborn jaw, faded whiskey colored eyes, a arrow straight nose with a slight arrogant tilt to it, and he had hair falling into his eyes. Alice felt her fingers itch to move it out of the way. She tilted her head further back and blushed as she studied his lips and the arched cleft on his upper full lips. She could feel the sinewy, corded shoulder and chest muscles behind her. She let her hand slip to his thigh, which was also corded with muscle.Alice gasped when he grasped her hand in his atop his thigh. "tis' a great night to be riding..." he smoothed her hair out of her face and smirked. He had known the whole time that she had been staring. She blushed a deep crimson color. He started to slow the horse. When the horse came to a complete stop they were outside a little cottage. 'His home' Alice's mind shrieked. He slid off the horse then wrapping his arms around her waist he lifted her down. He carried her right into the cottage and slammed the door closed with the heel of his boot. He carried her to the room at the back wall and Alice panicked. When the door opened there she could see a big curtained four poster bed. He shifted her over his shoulder as he pulled down the covers. He laid her down and pulled the covers up to her midsection. "Do not leave...or it will cost you dearly..." he stroked her wet cheek before he stomped out. closing the door tightly behind him.

Chapter 4
Alice woke in the wee morning and it was still dark out she panicked when she turned onto her side and saw a sleeping lump next to her in the bed. she relaxed slighty when she realized who it was. Could she trust him ? would he hurt her? who was the man behind the mask? why did she have a desire to kiss a criminal ? was he who he was told to be? Leaning over him, Alice turned his face and felt her jaw drop...

Derick walker!!! The minister's son. Alice jumped back and fell off the edge of the bed. Derick jumped up a knife in his hand, his eyes scanned the room and settled haughtily on her. Moving with ease he was beside her. "Don't say anything...go back to bed and get some sleep. You have to be up early to make my breafast..." he climbed back into the bed and in minutes was snoring soundly.
Alice felt her thigh starting smart and bruise from her fall. scowling she slid under the covers and hugged the pillow to her chest as she clung to the edge of the bed. The middle was sagging and she wanted to be as faraway from derick as she could be.

Chapter 5

Alice felt like screaming at the hand that was shaking her awake. with a moan she rolled over and kicked at the hand. she heard a grunt and shot up in the bed. "You!!!" she threw the covers back and fell out of the bed as she tried to get away from derick."I know you !!!"
Derick slid off the bed his long johns low on his hips drawing her attention. she dragged her eyes back to his. "i'm up now! so get out and let me get dressed!" turning she waited till he was gone before changing into her work clothes. Once she was done she walked out and smoothed her dress. "well ? what do you want for breakfast Derick?" he cringed at her use of his name. "eggs...just eggs..." he went to sit and watch her as she cooked.
Alice could feel his eyes on her as she cooked his breakfast. She slammed the iron frying pan onto the open fireplace. As she cracked the eggs rather harshly she could feel his eyes trailing the curves of her body. she finally had enough with a hiss she turned and slapped him hard enough to make his head snap back. she felt fear wash over then anger come and replace it. "Don't you dare look at me like that! Or i'll take that frying pan to your head!" Alice smirked. guessing he got the message. but not even two minutes later his arms were twining around her waist...

Chapter 6
Alice gasped and tried to slip out of his embrace but he tightened his hold pulling her up against him. she cried out. "Let me go! Derick if you do-" she grabbed the frying pan behind her and without hestitation slammed it agianst the side of his head. When he crumbled to the floor. she panicked. "Derick?!?!" She scrambled to his side on the floor and placed his now swollen and bruised head in her lap and stroked his face. "Wake up! please don't die!" She felt a sliver of hope when he moaned. Standing she started to lift him with great difficulty agianst her back and half dragged and carried him to the bed. She gently lay his head on the pillow. Since she couldn't massage his head with out it hurting her arm she sat on his chest, not thinking about it and massaged his swollen head. her arms soon grew tired and numb but massage she did. until the swelling seemed to lessen. then she went and got ice from outside.

Perching up onto his chest agian she took the ice and ran it back and forth across his brow. She grew tired, and soon her eyes started to drift closed. putting the ice back in the bowl on the bedside table she lay her head underneath Derick's chin and let darkness overcome her.

Chapter 7
Alice felt someone hold her tighter and whisper in her ear. Warm lips were searching for hers when she made her eyes open and they widened when she was staring right into Derick's eyes and they were black and smoldering with desire. Desire? Desire for what? Alice became aware she was sitting on him and he was holding her very, very close. alice pushed agianst his chest for him to release her. His eyes filled with anger quickly replacing the desire. "What is wrong with you?!?!" he pushed her off of him and he jumped from the bed stiffly and slammed the door behind him as he left. Alice cringed as the door slammed closed and started to cry after the shock started to settle. What did i do wrong? Sighing a sob she turned and pulled the covers up over her shoulder. She could hear Derick pacing in the front room, and shivered as she remembered the look in his black eyes. She tried to remind herself his eyes looked like faded whiskey but she couldn't get his darkened eyes out of her mind. With a shudder she lay still when the door opened and closed softly. Derick climbed back into his side of the bed and lay stiffly not talking. She felt herself tear up agian and started to shake as she sobbed. Derick sat up and touched her shoulder. "Alice...I...i'm sorry..."
Alice pushed his hand off her shoulder and continued to sob. Soon she fell asleep, leaving Derick awake feeling guilty.

Chapter 8
Alice woke before Derick. Dressing as fast as possible, she hurried to get his breakfast ready. when he came out fully dressed and looking like he had not slept for days. She placed toast and eggs(sunny side up) on a plate for him. then walked to the window bench where she sat looking out the window. Derick ate in heavy silence. "Alice...please..." standing he walked over to her and knelt beside her. "please forgive me..." He choked the words out. Alice turned, her eyes red from tears. "why should I?" A lone tear slid from her eye and down her cheek. Without thinking Derick wiped it away. Their eyes locked and he huffed, before he leaned in and molded her plump lips to his. At first she was stiff(she had never been kissed before and was naive at it)but once he pulled her closer and groaned in her mouth she started to loosen up and kiss him back. he reached for the fastenings of her dress eagerly undoing them.

Chapter 9
Alice pushed him away. "No!!!" she fastened the dress back together. "no....i ..." She ran to the bedroom and locked herself in. she was frustrated she was new at this and he had experience...Alice smiled blearily. They were not married and she was defentiantly not a whore!! so he could just keep his hands to himself. She got off the bed and strode to the door, opening it she came out and picked up a basket. "i'm going to pick blue berries if you think you need to 'watch me' come along..." striding out of the house she listened for him. But all was quiet. Smiling wider she started to sing a song that her mother taught her when she was young. "let's run away where nothin stands between me and you...lets find a place a little closer to the truth and call it a home where there is no right and there is no wrong and we can be all alone ..i'll take off my halo if you take off your don't have to be invincible because i sure aint no saint you'll always be my angel no matter what you do..because you take me to heaven everytime just by being you...." she got to the blue berry bush and started to pick as she continued to sing.

Chapter 10

Alice pondered what Derick had said. She hurumphed then picked up her full basket. It was very late in the evening. The blueberries could be used for a cream. Alice smiled as she walked back to the cottage. Once there she set down the basket. She went searching for Derick. she checked the back room,there he was sleeping in his long johns. Alice rolled her eyes. Creeping quietly she climbed onto the bed beside him. she checked his tempature. Satisfied she crawled beneath the covers next to him and draped his arm over her waist in an attempt to snuggle closer and get warm in the frosty night. Alice smirked as she waited for sleep to become her. At least Derick was warm ...His arm tightened and pulled her even closer to him. Alice felt herself gurgle a scream. He whispered in her ear. " nice and warm..hve you come to me willingly finally"
Alice turned and placed her hands on his chest trying to push him away but jumped back scalded, he had no shirt on and a electric charge had passed between them he slid a hand down her hip and slid her closer to him. till they were touching hips. and her breasts were crushed against the wall of his chest. Alice gulped when she looked him in the eyes. a strange fluttering twirled around between her legs and she gasped when he cupped her breast.
Derick kneaded the soft underside flesh of her breast. then bent his head to the puckering nipple. he rubbed his tongue over it through her night gown. he pulled back and smiled at the nipple peaking against the wet spot on her night gown. he slid his arms around her and fit her mouth to his as he pulled her against him. he ground his erection into her mound. his tongue slid into her mouth.

Chapter 11

Alice gasped and moaned with all the new awing sensations. she cupped the back of his head as he took her nipple in his mouth again. she lifted her hips and stroked his back. the warmth of his satiny skin doing fireworks in her brain. Derick stroked her hip and he started to lift her gown, until it was up and over her head. Alice felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. she wrapped her arms about her breasts. derick growled and pulled her hands up over her head and stared at her. "let me look at you...All of you.." he stroked a nipple before his gaze slid lower. she shifted uneasily under his gaze. "Derick..." she moaned. He settled over her and kissed her. as he opened her legs and lifted her to his attention. he slid into her wet warmth. he stopped to let her get used to it. Alice cried out it hurt but he was waiting. she moved against him when the pain faded. Derrick clasped her hips as he drove into her again,. and again. The pressure building. he quickened the pace as he felt her start to tremble and quake under his expert touch. It struck derrick that she had been a virgin. a possessive wave crashed over him and she cried out her climax against his shoulder. he continued to pulse into her until his brain exploded into tiny sparks and he ground out her name amongst her curls as he spewed his seed in her warm womb. it hit him, what he had just done and the fact he had never released his seed in a woman. he had always been afriad of ending up a father. as he looked down at the serne calm sleeping alice he felt his heart clench. he wanted her to be the mother of their kids! he...l-o-v-e'd her...his eyes slowly closed and he slid out of her and pulle dher close to his side as he soon drifted into blissful dreams.

Chapter 12

Matthew pulled his horse to a stop at the cottage. he knocked on the door but go no response, so he walked in and headed to the back. he kicked teh door down to find his sister just waking up in the arms of his brothers' best friend,he stepped into the room his face red and he glared hatefully at Derick. "she is my sister you pig! " he started to run at Derick his fists raised. but was blocked when a wide eyed, wrapped in sheet sister of his stood in front of Derick. "stop Matthew!!!"


Publication Date: 10-16-2010

All Rights Reserved

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