Sam knew there was trouble coming, as soon as Mrs Thomas closed the door. There was no teacher in the room just Sam, Katie and a gang of bullies. Katie was Sams only friend. She had told Sam before he told the teachers they were bullying him, “Don’t it’ll only make it worse”. But Sam didn’t listen to her, no one really knew who Sam and Katie were. One of the bullies told Sam “You’re gunna pay, Sam, you shouldn’t of told Mrs. You just made the biggest mistake of your life. We WILL get you for this!” Then the bell went for the end of the lesson. Sam knew he had to do something, he knew he wasn’t going to go back to the teacher, not after that, but he didn’t know what to do.
He went to his next lesson wondering what to do, how could he be prepared for what they were going to do. He knew the only reason he told was because he didn’t want to see Katie get hurt, this was because he liked her. He couldn’t concentrate on his work, he was to worried of what he was going to do. It wasn’t long til the end of the lesson, but Sam could see that they were already outside the classroom he was in, Sam was hoping they weren’t waiting for him. 5 minutes had passed, and they bell went for dinner. He pit his head down, and started working – the thing he should of done in the lesson – it wasn’t that he wanted to do it, he just didn’t want to leave the classroom. The teacher suggested to Sam he should have fighting lessons, so he had at least a little to help him when they hit him. ‘That was it!’ Sam thought, the thing he needed. He walked our of the classroom, thinking one day, he’ll be able to fight back, and maytbe (just maybe)they would stop beating him up.
But as soom as he walked out of the classroom, they pounched on him, like a cheater would to get it’s pray. He didn’t go staight home after school that night, instead he went to a ‘fighting club’, he was there all night, he even skipped school the next day, just so he would have a bit of knowlodge on how to fight, he never thought he would do this, just to beat some bullies. He had a couple of practise fights at the gym with people who went there. Eventually he thought he could actually beat these bullies. As it started getting dark, he went home, but didn’t dare tell his parent what he had done instead of going to school. But as soon as he walked though the door, his dad was stood there and said “I know what you’ve been doing son, I hope you show them bullies a lesson”.
The next day at school, he wasn’t scared about them coming up to him, but on the other hand Katie was terrified. They went from lesson to lesson without seeing them then Katie asked Sam. “Where were you yesterday Sam?” Sam replied “No where, it doesn’t matter.” There were no sign of the bullies until dinner time, they started to beat Sam up, but Sam supprised them by hitting them back, within a couple of minutes there was a crowd of people around them, and a teacher had some and split the fight up. Then after that fight people started to talk to Sam and Katie more, and more then the gang of bullies told Sam “ We will get you again!”
Sam went back to the gym that night to practise some more, he won serveral fights again that night, and went home. The next morning the bullies were waiting outside the school. People were starting to doubt Sam and told him ‘he would never win the fight’. Then the bullies started hitting and kicking Sam, so he started to hit them back. Without any teachers around the fight went on, and on, and on. Then Sam supprised everyone again including Katie and the bullies by winning the fight, but as the last couple of punches were thrown, the teachers caught Sam fighting.
After the fight, Sam got took to the headmasters office, he got into a lot of trouble for fighting, 2 days in a rown he had been caught in a fight with the same people, Sam’s parents were called, so he would be in trouble when he got in, Although he was proud of himself for beating the bullies. When he left the headmasters office, more and more people spoke to him, they’d never spoke to him before, but everyone knew who Sam was now. More and more people hung around with Sam and Katie, although katie was still not as popular as Sam, when Sam got home he was shocked that his parents didn’t have a go at him, they were just glad he was okay.
Within a couple of days Sam finally told Katie how much he liked her and eventually asked her out, and of course Kataie said ‘YES!’ and people also knew who Katie was after that, and was as popular as Sam.and ‘the bullies’ had no friends, well only each other, and now no one was scared of them, infact ‘the bullies’ were petrified of Sam.
Publication Date: 10-05-2010
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