
Chapter 1

I sit at the lunch table resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "Asher is so hot", I say to Leah staring at him still in the same position. Asher had the perfect dirty blonde hair and the bluest eyes.


"Stop gazing at him before he sees you", Leah said to me. Leah was very pretty. She was slim with all the curves in the right places. She had pretty short brown hair that stopped at her neck.


"I'm not gazing at him". I looked away from Asher and looked at Leah. "What are you doing after school today. I want to go shopping", she said with her mouth full of a cheeseburger.


"I have to study for the exams after school". She looked at me with her 'Are you kidding me' look. "The exams don't start until two months from now", she said still chewing on her burger.


"I know, but thats not a long time from now and I want to be ready for it", I said grabbing my untouched tray of food and walking towards the trash cans. Leah walked behind me with her tray.


"Livvie (Olivia), You never go anywhere with me. It's always stay home and study for you", she said sadly. She was trying to make me feel bad, and it was working.


"Fine, I'll go, but only for a little while", I say right before the bell rings for our last class. Leah looks at me with a big smile and walks away. I walked out of the cafeteria and towards my last class. I walked down the hall quietly trying not to bump into anyone. People here get mad if you even take a glimpse at them. I slipped into my class to see only the teacher lying down on her desk. Wow, what a great teacher I have.




"What about this shirt, it's a pretty shade of pink don't you think", Leah asked me while I studied the flashcards I brought with me. "Livvie!", she yelled at me.


"What, Im paying attention", I yelled as she walked quickly out of the store. I grabbed my bag and began turning the corner out of the store, until I fell from bumping into something hard. I stood up looking at the floor while rubbing my butt. I heard some chuckling and looked at who it was coming from.


"You ok", he said smirking at me. I opened my eyes wide. 


"Uh-I-I". I couldn't speak and look at him at the same time. He had dark brown hair and big green eyes that just made you want to melt. He was wearing some jeans that fit just right to his body and a grey v-neck shirt that showed his abs through it. 


"How do I look", he asked still having that tempting smirk on his face. I quickly looked up, "What", I asked a little confiused on what he was talking about. "I can see you checking me out", he said walking a little bit closer to me. Way to close for my liking.


"I wasn't checking you out", I said raising my eyes brows at him and stepping back a few inches.


"Are you sure about that Sunshine?". He once again stepped to close for my liking. I felt his warm breathe down on me.


"My name isn't Sunshine." I stepped back again until my back was up against a wall behind me. Damn wall 

"Well what is your name Sunshine?". Once again he stepped to me, but closer than he was the last two times. His eyes were even greener up close. I couldn't take my hazel eyes off of his green ones.


"You don't need to know my name", I said pushing his chest so that I could walk away and all this could be over, but he was like a freakin' brick wall, he didn't move one bit when I pushed him. My eyes stayed glues to his.


"Livvie, what the heckles are you doing, I was looking for you". I turned my head around to see Leah standing, looking at me with her arms crossed. I looked back at the guy standing in front of me. I noticed I still had my hands on his chest, I quickly put them down. 


"Can you please move now", I asked politely so I could go off with Leah. He stepped back and I quickly walked to Leah, we started walking down the mall halls. "Bye Sunshine", I heard him say. I didn't turn around to look at him cause I was scared that I would get caught up in his eyes. 


Chapter 2

I run downstairs to the kitchen grabbing a peice of toast and sitting at the table. My moms making breakfast probably for my brother Michael, he had to come home from college for making a prank with some friends. I don't understand why she makes him breakfast, he sleeps in all day and stays up drinking all night.


"Oh, we must be getting new neighbors today", my mom said happily as she looked out the window. "No one has lived in that house for years". My mom loved meeting new people in the neighborhood. She always invited them over for dinner and I had to wear a dress, a dress, I hate dresses. She'd take me shopping to the girliest stores with all this pink. It was disgusting.


"We have to invite them over for dinner tonight, they'd love my Spinach Artichoke pasta", she said smiling so wide I thought her cheeks were gonna hit me in the face. My mom was Italalian, she loved pasta and we always had big meals.


"Ma, please don't invite them over. You do this everytime we have new neighbors", I said finishing off my toast and walking up to her using my puppy dog face, but she didn't even look at my face, she immerdiately walked out the kitchen to the front door. Now I have to wear a dress.

 I look at the time and see that I need to head to school. I grab my bag and start walking to school, I don't live to far from it so I can walk. About half way there I see a boy walk out infront of me, he turned around then kept walking forward. I stopped and widened my eyes, that was Asher! He is so sexy, but a girl like me will never get him. Plus, he has a girlfriend and I try to stay out of her way. I kept on walking silently behind him.


"Your name is Olivia right", I heard him say still walking forward, not looking at me. I didn't mind, he was still good looking from behind.


"Uh, yeah". Omg, he freakin' knows my name. I gotta play it cool. After that he didn't say anything else to me, we just kept walking. Once we got to the front of the school he walked off to wherever he went and I walked inside to my locker.

I opened up my locker pulling out the book I need for class. I turned around to see Leah, thank god.


"Hey, I need you to come to my house for dinner. My mom is inviting our new neighbors over tonight", I said walking up to her.


"Sorry. I can't tonight but save me a plate. Your mom is the best cook in the world and I want some of whatever she's cooking", she said smiling in my face. Now I have to be in this alone. I rolled my eyes and headed to class.

I decided to stay after school for a while to study for my exams. 




 "Mom, I'm home", I yelled as I closed the door behind me. I saw that she was sitting at the dining room table with a man, and woman and some boy. I couldn't see his face because he wasn't facing me.


"Olivia, where have you been", my mom said acting as if I've ruined her dinner. She always overreacts about dumb stuff like this.


"I was busy at school, sorry". I sat my bags down and sat at the table with everyone else. I sat next the the man, he looked a little familiar. The table was quiet and boring, I never looked up from my plate.


"So, Olivia, what grade are you in", the lady asked me with a sweet voice. I bet she didn't talk like that at home.


"Uh, I'm a Junior". I smiled at her then looked next to her. Oh no, green eyes! Green eyes!


"My son Dean is in the same grade as you, he'll be starting tomorrow", she said placing her hand on her sons shoulder smiling at him. Her son is Green eyes guy. The guy from that store the other day.


" Honey, do you remember Dr. Earnings", my mom said pointing at the man next to me, he smiled at me. Now I know where I know him from, he works with my mom sometimes. I haven't seen him since I was in middle school.


"Yeah, I remember him". I smiled at him and took a bite out of my pasta.


"You've grown since last time I saw you, your a beautiful young girl". He put his hand on my leg and rubbed it. I paused and had a weird look on my face, I looked down at my leg then looked back up. I put my fork down and stood up quickly.


"Well, this was a great night but I'm a little tired", I said trying to get away. I was tired of playing happy.


"Yeah, me too. Me and Olivia are gonna go for some ice cream", green eyes said standing up from the table. His name is Dean, not green eyes. He grabbed my arm and we walked out the front door.


"I don't want ice cream". I yanked my hand away. "Good, cause were not getting ice cream sunshine", he said getting on a motorcycle. "Hop on". He threw a helmet at me. I caught the helmet.


"Where are we going if were not getting ice cream", I said putting one hand on my hip. I couldn't talk without looking at his eyes, they were just so green.


"It's a surprise sunshine, just get on". I huffed and then got on the back of his motorcycle. He grabbed my hands and placed it around his stomach.


"Hold on tight sunshine". I did as he said and off we went to wherever the hell he was taking me.

Chapter 3

Here I am holding on to Dean for dear life with my eyes closed shut, motorcycles are scary. "You can let go of me now. I know I'm sexy but we've been sitting in this parking lot of five minutes." Dean is laughing at me. I quickly opened my eyes and loosed my arms from around him, I hopped off his motorcycle. 


"I wasn't holding on to you cause your good looking", I said putting my hands on my hips and looking at my surrounding. This place doesn't look familiar to me, theres small buildings but most of them have busted windows and some are covered with graffiti. I turned and looked at Dean, he wasn't sitting on the motorcyce anymore. He was giving me a look as if he was checking me out. He brought his eyes up towards my breasts. I quickly put my arms around them. He looked very amused.


"What are you doing nerd", he said smirking at me as if he was enjoying looking at me this way. He began laughing at me. "Your not covering anything if you don't have anything", he said laughing even harder.


"Whatever. So what exactly are we doing here, where ever we are", I said looking around one last time. This place kinda creeped me out a little. It was dark outside and there were lots of ally ways. Also, there we no cars or people anywhere around here. It's like a ghost town.


"Were going to go hang with some people I know". He just stood there, it's sorta creepy. I looked around once more. 


"Where are these people cause I'm not seeing anyone", I said staring at him cause I'm scared just a little, ok alot. He tilted his head at me and gave me a sexy smirk. He started walking up to me slowly.


"Are you afraid to be alone with me, in the dark, at night", he said it staring into my eyes with his deep sexy voice. I think I'm about to faint right in front of him. Dean is a sex god. He was now right in front of my face. He was looking down at me and I was looking right up at him. I'm gonna die. I started hyperventilating from how sexy he was. He started laughing so hard I don't think he could breathe. He stopped after a while.


"Ok, lets go". He grabbed my arm and we walked through several ally ways.


"Ok, if you wanted to kill me the last ally way was way bigger", I said cause I was scared. I didn't know where we were going. He stopped and knocked on a big wooden creepy door. Some tan guy with long dreads opened it. He was very hoppy and loud. Dean let go of my arm and I followed him inside of the building, it smelled funny. 


"Dean, whatsup man", said some guy as he stood up and gave Dean a hug  . He had short black hair and he was wearing a loose orange shirt and some Khaki pants. Behind him was another guy who had long hair and a girl sitting in his lap. She was giving me a weird look.


"So, who's this", the guy with the black hair said staring at me with a smile on his face. 


"Her name is Olivia, she's a big nerd", Dean said trying to be funny, or is he serious. He didn't have to tell them I'm a nerd, that is very mean. Just cause I like studying and reading doesn't mean I'm a nerd, it just means I'm a very smart girl.


"She's kinda hot dude" Dreads (Dread head guy) said walking up to very close to me . I felt my cheeks warm up up a little. I'm not good with compliments from guys, unless it were a family member. Dean looked at me. Everytime he looks at me I can't help but look into those green eyes. I'll never get used to them.

Everyone is just sitting down and talking. Dreads and the black haired guy are smoking something probably illegal, and I'm just sitting here doing nothing.  


"Dean, when are you taking me home. It's ten o'clock and my mom is probably worried", I said looking at Dean interrupting his conversation with everyone. I was ready to go home, this is not my scene and I don't really like it here.


"We'll leave soon". He looked away from me and kept talking to his friends. I stood up and sighed, I guess I will be walking home then. I walked out of the big wooden door and closed it behind me. I didn't remember if we came from the left or the right of this ally. I decided to take a left. 


"Hey, sunshine! Do you even know where your going!", Dean yelled at me from the door. I turned around to look at him. He began walking towards me. 


"Yes, I know exactly where I'm going", I lied. He was now in front of me. 


"No you don't, the motorcycles that way". He pointed in the opposite direction I was walking. He smirked at me, man I hate that smirk.


"I knew that, I was just trying to see if you did", I said lying again and began walking the other way. I could hear him following behind me.


"You know, for a nerd your really stupid", he said laughing at me. I didn't really find that to amusing. He thinks he is just so much better. I didn't say anything back to him. Once the motorcycle came into view we got on it and left. I held on, very tight. 

I feel myself being carried but I'm so sleepy I can't open my eyes. I feel them lay me down on a nice comfortable soft bed. I curl up under the covers they put on me and fall into a deep sleep. 



Chapter 4

Today I'm wearing a black T-shirt and some skinny jeans, I always wear plain clothes cause I never feel the need to get all fancy for school, or anything. I brushed my hair and then grabbed my backpack. 


"Hey mom", I said walking up to her and kissing her cheek. "Is Michael taking me to school today". Michael is my older brother, he parties all night and sleeps all day. He got kicked out of college for never going to class and pulling pranks on teachers. Him and my mom aren't on good terms right now but she still let him stay in the house.


"Yes he is", she said with her eyebrows raised and looking behind me towards the foyer. I turned around to see michael looking tired. Michael never really talks to me like he used to, he's always out with someone.


"Come one Liv, I'm tired and need to sleep". He said rushing me and sounding very annoyed. 


"Maybe if you didn't stay out all night then you wouldn't be so tired, you need to try and get a job while your here". My mom always has something to say to him whenever he sees him. They always argue. Michael just looks at her and walks away.

I get into Michaels car and he gets in on the other side and starts the car. "So, who was that guy that you were with last night?", Michael asked me. For a minute I was confused on what he was talking about. Then I remembered Dean.


"He moved in next door". My brother was always overprotective of me. He always chased off boys that just wanted to talk to me. He pulled up to the front of the schoo and stopped.


"Whats his name?", he asked being nosy. I looked at him and jumped out of the car, "It's none of your business". I closed the car door and walked up to the door of the school.

Once I walk through the doors the first thing I see is people surrounding something, or someone. I didn't really care about whatever it is. I kept walking down the hall towards my locker. Once I opened the locker a folder peice of paper fell out on the floor. I bent down and picked it up and opened it.

                              Olivia, you are have been invited to my Party.
                                                    Hampton Circle
                                             This Saturday at 8:00pm
                                                     Chandler Lance


I just stared at the invitation, I don't even know who Chandler Lance is. I took my books out of my locker and walked to my class. I threw the invitation away in the classroom. Other people started coming into the classroom and taking their seats.




"You never eat at lunch, are you like starving yourself or something", Leah said to me as we sat at our lunch table with some other random people we don't know. 


"I'm not hungry, and I don't like cafeteria food". It's not like I'm gonna die or something, she always overreacts. She was still talking but I stopped and looked over to where Asher sits, he was over there eating and talking to his friends. 


"Hey, I think you dropped this". A guy with back short hair guy had a peice of folded paper in my face. I looked at the paper.


"I think you have the wrong person", I said looking up at him. I've never seen him before, but I'm pretty sure he's not a new student.


"No, your the right person. I put this in your locker today", he said with a soft tone as he smiled at me. He seems like a really nice guy. Theres not alot of those around these days.


"Oh, well thanks for bringing it to me". I was about to grab the paper but Leah snatched it before I could get it. He smiled at walked away towards Ashers table, maybe they're friends.


"Were going to the party", Leah said to me plainly. 


"Uh, maybe you are but not me. I have things to do that night". I really didn't have anything else to do, I just don't want to go to thisd party. If he sits at Ashers table that means all the 'Popular' kids are going to be there and I'm just not going to fit in.


"Like what, studying. Your going".








"What did I say", she said as she gave me a look that I didn't like so much. She's a great friend, but I hate when she tells me what to do. The only reason she doesn't care about going to the party is because she fits in and a lot of guys like her.


"You need to learn how to-". Leah started to say something but stopped and widened her eyes. What is she looking at. I turned around and looked behind me. Dean was walking to Ashers table. How was he able to be in that group in half a day.


"He's sexy", Leah said with he mouth in a O position. She's acting like it's her first time seeing him, doesn't she remember the mall. I rolled my eyes and picked up my tray and walked to the trash cans. I walked past Ashers table trying to be unnoticeable to Dean. 

Made it. "Sunshine". I heard someone say behind me. Man, I spoke to soon. I turned around on my heels slowly and fake smiled at Dean. "Thats. not. my. name", I said slowly enough for him to understand.


"What is your name". That didn't come from Dean. I looked over at the table and saw Asher looking at me, I looked behind me just to make sure he wasn't looking at a girl behind me.


"W-What", I stuttered. 


"Your name, what is it", he asked me showing off his famous smile. I think I was frozen in this spot cause I couldn't move, and I don't think I've blinked since I started taking to him.


"O-Olivia", Once again I said stuttering. He probably thinks something wrong with me. He just turned around and started talking to Chandler and some other guys at the table.


"Dean!", Some preppy girl from the cheerleading team ran and jumped up on Dean. Wow, he has fans already.


"Whos this girl", she said staring at me in disgust. 


"Olivia", He said to her with a smirk on his face.


"Do you like Dean or something", she said still giving me the same look, she said it with some attitude.. Whats this chicks problem with me.


"Hahaha. No. Any girl that likes or even hooks up with him probably is a very stupid person", I said smiling in his face. She gave me a mean look now.


"So your saying I'm stupid". I stood there and didn't say anything. I noticed everyone in the cafeteria was watching us. Leah ran up to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cafeteria. My life is probably about to be over soon cause I've just caused the whole cheerleading team and everyone else who envys them to hate me. Thats basically the whole school, I'm dead.




Chapter 5

Right as I walk into the school door I get stared down by the people who now hate me for apparently calling the head cheerleader stupid. I don't even know her name. I walk to my locker and open it to get my books. I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Chandler standing there smiling.


"Hey Olivia", he says as he puts his hand on the locker next to mine so that his arm was on one side of my head.


"Oh, hey Chandler", I say giving him a friendly smile. 


"Did you ever make up your mind about my party, I really want you to come". He licked his lip while staring down at me from him being taller than me. He was a little cute but I don't like him in that way. 


"Well, I don't know if i'm coming, I'm not really a party person. I've never even been to a party before", I say giving him my 'I'm sorry' look. He moved his hand from the locker.


"You'll be with me so it'll be fun. Just please, give it a chance", he says to me sad like. I start feeling bad for rejecting his part invite.


"I guess I could make an appearance, but I can't stay for to long". A smile instantly came to his face. I feel like a good person now.


"Ok then, I'll see you there", he says before he walks away. The bell rings and I walk to my first class. When I walk into my class I see a lot of new faces and my classmates. I walk up to Mr. Sales.


"Mr. Sales, who are all of these other students", I say standing next to him as he writes some stuff on the board.


" One of the teachers down the hall couldn't make it in to school today and the principal couldn't find a sub since it was last minute. I told the principle that the class could stay in here", he says not looking at me and still writing on the board. I shrug my shoulders and go to my usual seat. When I'm at my seat I sit down and look to my right and see Dean sitting there. I quicly turn my head so that he doesn't notice me, he probably hates me to for calling his girlfriend stupid.


"Olivia, I can see you sitting there. Your not hiding", I hear him say. I turn back to the front of my desk and look over at him to see him looking at me. 


"Uh, hey Dean", I say scared of what he's going to say, probably something mean. As soon as he gets ready to say something to me someone else walks up to me and interrupts.


"Your that ugly girl who called Macy stupid". Some boy says to me. Wow, what he said really hurt my feelings. I look up at him and see him smiling to one of his friends across the class. What is the teacher doing, everyone is just talking and doing whatever. "Macy isn't stupid. Your probably stupid", he says getting a little more serious with me. I look away from his and down at my desk.


"Hey bitch, look at me when i'm talking to you", he says grabbng my arm. Thats when Dean stands up and walks infront of the guy.


"Shut the fuck up dude before I shut you up. And don't ever put your hands on her again, show some fucking respect.", Dean says with a scowl on his face, which tells me he doesn't like this guy to much. The guy smiles and puts his hands up and backs away from Dean. Dean walks back to his seat and sits down.


"Thanks", I say still looking at my desk. 


Finally, when it's lunch time I walk in line next to Leah.


"So, I've decided that we're going to go to Chandler's party. He says that he really wants me to come", I say to her as I put an orange on my try.


"Oooo, sounds like he likes you". She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I burst into laughter from the way she said that.


"I highly doubt he likes me, he probably just wants a new friends. Plus, I like Asher", I say looking over to Chandler's table to see Asher laughing at something someone said at the table. 


"Asher probably doesn't want you. He's a player, I don't know why you haven't seen his ways yet", she says as we sit down at our lunch table we always sit at. I roll my eyes at her calling him a player.


"Asher is no player. He's sweet, cute, and he is probably a commited guy who takes great care of his girlfrends", I say smiling thinking about the day me and him get married.


"Yeah, he takes care of his girls with sex, then dumps them afterwards, I'm telling you Livvie, he only wants one thing". She bites into her chicken nugget. I turn and look at Asher, and he looks nothing like she says he is. Then I see Dean, but he's not sitting next to Asher like yesterday. He's standing up against a wall by himself. He looks up and looks at me. I just smile and turn around towards Leah.




After school I go home and go up to my room. I open up my curtains to let some sunlight into my room, but the first thing I see is Dean standing in the room right by mine because of how close the windows are. He has his shirt off and he's about to put on another one. I open my mouth to an 'O' shape because of his body. He has an eight pack and it is a great sight to see. I must be staring hard because I didn't notice him looking and smirking at me fron his room. I quickly jump down from embarressment. Now he knows that I like his perfect body.

Chapter 6



I still sit there quietly in front of my window after being caught staring at Dean. I slowly rise up and take a peek and I see Deans face right there at my window smirking at me. I scream and jump back as he climbs through my window.


"Dean, how did you get in my window", I say shocked looking at him. He doesn't answer my question, he just avoids it and asks me a question of his own.


"So, I heard your going to Chandler's party tomorrow night". 


"Yeah, so", I say to him crossing my arms and looking up at his tall self. Those eyes still get to me.


"I don't think you should go to the party. Something might happen to you and I don't want anyone touching you". I give him a confused look. 


"Uh, you don't own me Dean. You can't tell me where and where I can't go", I say getting a small attitude at him. He's acting like he owns me and I don't like it. 


"I just don't want you to get hurt. Chandler isn't really a good person when it come to girls", he says smirking a little at me.


"I'm just going to have fun with Leah, thats it", I say making it clear to him that I'm not interested in doing anything with Chandler or anyone at that. 


"Well then I'm going too, I'm going to take you to the party". I look at Dean shaking my head a little. He's cute and everything but why is he being so protective.


"Ok, whatever. If it helps you sleep better at night, then you can take me to the party". Thats when I phone began to ring. I look on the caller ID and see Leah, I quicly answer.


"Hey", I say happily. I'm always happy to talk to my best friend.


"Hey, I need you to meet me at the mall so we can get some sexy dresses for Chandler's party tomorrow night, I'm on my way to the mall right now. I just need you to meet me there".


"Ugh, I don't feel like it today", I say huffing over the phone.


"Your coming, so find a ride, and meet me here".








"What did I say?" Just, come on it's only going to take about half and hour", she says to me. I roll my eyes and say ok. She then hangs up. I think about my options for a ride, moms not home and Michael most definitely wont take me. I then smile when I think of Dean. I slowly turn around and walk up to him.


"Would you pretty please give me a ride to the mall", I say smiling hopefully at him. He does this cute facial expression where one of his eyebrows is higher than the other and his eyes are sparkling. I do my puppy dog face at him. He just laughs at me.


"Fine, I'll take you. Only because you made that cute face", he says smirking at me. Did he just call my face cute, I think he did. Me and him walk to his house next door. I see he has a black convertible and its so pretty with the hood down. He walks to the passenger side and opens the door.


"Get in", he says to me smirking, eyes still sparkling. I smile at him.


"Well aren't you a gentlemen", I say getting into the car, he closes the door once I'm in. Then he runs to the drivers side and gets in. He starts up the engine and we take off to the mall.

I look over at Dean and when he gets ready to look back my way I turn and look out the window. Then when he turns back around I look over at him again. He is so cute, I remember the day we first met in the mall. 


"Why are you staring at me and smiling nerd", he says smiling at me as he stops at a red light. Was I staring and smiling.


"I wasn't, I don't think I was. And my name is Olivia, not nerd, and just because I do work in school doesn't mean I'm a nerd. It means I'm a very smart intelligent person who loves studying and doing school work". He just looks at me through all of my rambling.


"Your weird you no that", he says smiling and showing his teeth. He has the cutest teeth ever, their so white and straight. The light turned green and he started driving again. I then turn on the radio and One Direction is playing, I instantly begin singing with them.


"If every time we touch, you get this kinda rush, then baby say Yeah Yeah Yeah!, Yeah Yeah Yeah! If you don't wanna take it slow, and you just wanna take me home then baby say Yeah Yeah Yeah!, Yeah Yeah Yeah!". I sing loudly and with my hands in the air and looking at Dean and shaking my head. He would just occasionally look at me and laugh. When we pull up at the mall I turn down the music and we got out of the car and walk to the entrance.


"I have a new nickname for you", I say smiling at Dean. I laugh a little because I know he won't like the name I came up with.




"I'm going to call you carebear from now on". I smirks at me.


"Don't call me that nerd".


"It's only fair I call you carebear since you call me nerd". He rolls his eyes at me. As we enter the mall I see Leah talking to some random person. When she sees me she looks at Dean then me and walks over.


"Hey, why is he here", she says pointing at Dean, or carebear. 


"He was my ride here and also he's taking me to the party tomorrow night", I say to her. 


"Oh ok". We then begin walking until we find a store we want to go inside we search for a few minutes before Leah starts saying my name.


"Olivia, this dress you look so cute on you", she says holding up a small gray strapless dress. I widen my eyes and look at it weirdly. I never wear stuff like that.


"I'm not wearing that", I quickly say looking at her like she's insane. Next thing you know I'm in a dressing room trying on the dress. Once I get it on I look in a mirror and widen my eyes. I never noticed how skinny I was and how big my butt looked. Oh God, I look like a hooker. Usually I look like a twelve year old but now I look older. 


"Olivia, com out", I here Leah say from the other side of the door.


"No, I can't", I say biting my bottom lip.


"Just come out, we wanna see it. Please please please", she begs me. I then agree to come out. I slowly open the door and step out. I'm still biting my bottom lip.


"Girl, you look so sexy", Leah says smiling at me. "Now all we have to do is put makeup on you before we go to the party tomorrow". I look over at Dean and he looks very surprised and he's just staring at me. I walk back in the dressing room and try taking off the dress, but when I try to pull down the zipper it's stuck.


"Leah, my zipper is stuck", I say but I hear no response. "Leah".


"She left to find her a dress", I here Dean say from the other side. I huff.


"Well, uhm, my zipper is stuck. Do you mind helping me right quick", I say to him. The door then opens and I see him come in and shut it behind him. I point to where the zipper is on the dress. He then tries unzipping it but it won't budge.


"So uh, you looked really nice in your dress", he says to me still trying to get the zipper. I'm just standing there.


"It was just the dress, it's very pretty and-" I don't get to finish my sentence because I get interrupted.


"It wasn't the dress, you still would've looked great without the dress on", he says. That sounded weird. "That didn't come out the way I meant for it, but you know wha I mean", he says smirking. The zipper finally came down.


"Thanks carebear", I say smiling at him.


"Anytime nerd", he says walking out of the dressing room. When I finsih getting my clothes back on we pay for the dresses that me and Leah bought. Then we go our separate ways.




When Dean pulls up into my driveway I look at him. "Well, thanks for the ride carebear, you are just so sweet", I say pinching his cheek. He snatches my hand from his face and does the eyebrow thing again. 


"Don't ever do that again" he says smirking. I laugh at him.


"Or what carebear, your going to go all bad boy on me". Messing with Dean is pretty fun. Now he sees how I feel when he calls me nerd and messes with me. 


"The things I'll do you'll enjoy", he says winking at me and smiling at me. I laugh at him for being so negative minded.


"whatever, bye carebear. I actually had fun with you today", I say getting out of his car. He waves bye and drives to his house next door. I smile as I walk through my front door.

Chapter 7

Here I am still lying in bed on an early Saturday morning not wanting to get up, but when I hear light knocking sounds on my window I have to get up to see what it is.  The thing I see when I get to my window is just crazy, Dean is on a ladder, that he probably put there, and hanging there smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him and open my window. 


"Dean, what are you doing, and how'd that ladder get there", I ask smiling amusingly at him. The things he does is crazy but he looks cute doing those crazy things. He climbs inside my window.


"I put the ladder there", he says still showing off his famous smirk. Today he's wearing a dark plaid buttoned up shirt and dark blue jeans. Dang Dean, why do you have to look so good everyday.


"Do you like exercising?", he randomly asks me. I think about his random question. Do I, I don't know. I never really exercise. I want to know where this question is leading.


"Yeah, I exercise all the time", I lie to him. I just really want to know where the question leads.


"Good, I need a partner at the gym today". Oh just the gym, I guess I could go. Exercising can't be to hard.


"Sure. Now I need to shower and when I finish I can just go to your house and knock on your door", I say smiling and pushing him towards my window. 


"Can't I leave from the front door", he asks me. 


"Nope, you came from the window, you leave from the window", I say still smiling. I smile a lot more when I'm around him. When he gets on the ground I wave at him.


"Bye Carebear, see you soon". He rolls his eyes at me smirking.


"Thats not my name nerd", he says still walking. I just laugh and close my window.

I walk to my bathroom and take me a nice, hot shower. Once I finish I put on some jogging pants and a tank top, then I put on tennis shoes. I walk to my mirror and pull my hair up in a tight ponytail and I put on a little lip gloss. I walk down to the living room and see no one here. I look outside and see my moms care gone. I then walk to Michaels room and open the door. 


"Michael", I loudly whisper. I hear him groan as he slightly opens his eyes at me.


"What", he says as he's irritated.


"I'm going out, if mom comes home and I'm not here tell her I'm with Dean". He then raises up more and opens his eyes wider.


"Where are you and this Dean guy going", he asks nosily. here we go with the brotherly questions.


"Were going to a gym, to exercise".


"And you wearing that", he says pointing at my outfit. I look down then look back at him.


"Bye Michael", I say shutting his bedroom door. I hear him scream for me to come back but I just keep walking towards the front door and knowing Michael, he's not getting up.

I walk to Dean's door and knock. When the door opens it's Dean, he walks out of the house smirking at me. I see his motorcycle sitting next to his convertible. In my head I'm praying we get in the convertible. So when I see him unlock the convertible doors I get happy. I get in on the passenger side. When he starts the car we take off to the gym.


"So what are you going to do first when we get to the gym", he asks me looking at the road with one hand on the wheel. I don't really know the names of exercise equipment.


"uh, you know, the simple stuff", I say smiling just a little while nodding my head slowly. He glances at me and smirks.

When we get to the gym we walk through the doors and I see a few people exercising. I see Dean walk away and I'm standing there trying to figure out what I'm going to use. I see someone using a machine to walk, that looks pretty easy. I walk up next to them and stand on it. I click the button that sya power and the machine comes on, but from there I don't know what to do. I tap the guy next to me.


"Excuse me, do you know how to work this thing", I ask. Well duh he know how to work it Olivia, he's using one now. He clicks a button on my thing and it starts moving, I start walking. After a while this machine gets boring so I get off to find Dean. When I walk to a section with lots of weights I see Dean, shirtless, muscles popped out and he's lifting weight. Oh gosh. Breathe, Breathe Olivia. I walk next to him where I see hand weights and I look at them. I turn and see Dean look at me, I smile and put my thumbs up to make it look like I know what I'm doing. I use both of my hands to slide a 50 pound hand weight off the cart. When it gets off the cart it's so heavy it instantly pulls me down to the floor. I see Dean stop what he's doing and he comes to me.


"Are you ok", he says holding his hand out to pull me up. 


"Yeah, I'm super", I say smiling at him taking his hand and getting up. He easily grabs the hand weight from off the floor and puts in back on the cart.


"You should be careful, you could've got hurt", I just nod and look behind him. I see the weight lifting machine behind him. I look at him.


"Can I try that", I say pointing at it. He looks back then turns to look back at me. he makes an amused face.


"You wanna lift weights", he asks me with a 'Really' face. I nod.


"Yeah, It doesn't look to hard". We walk to the machine.


"Ok, lay on that and put your feet on both sides", he says telling me how to do it. I do as he says and he stands over the bar. He begins to take the weights off but I stop him.


"I can lift those", I say smiling at him. He looks at me funny and smirks.


"Ok then, start lifting", still standing over the bar. I put my hands on the bar and I try to lift it but it's super heavy.I try again and I still can't get it. I get up and look at Dean, he's smirking at me. 


"I-I wasn't ready to lift today", I say to him. He just rolls his eyes at me. I looks at his watch and then puts his arms back down.


"You wanna get some lunch nerd", he says still smirking at me. I slap my hand on my chest and look at him like I'm grateful.


"I'd love to Carebear". He puts on his shirt on and we walk out of the gym. 




Once we get to a small cafe we walk inside and we sit at a table in the middle of the cafe. A women come to the table and puts menus down on the table. She looks over at Dean and smiles at him. He just looks at me while I'm looking at her and she's looking at him. She then walks away and we look through our menu.


"I think I want a burger", I say looking up at Dean. He looks up at me.


"I'm just gonna get fries". He saya. "So, are you ready for that party tonight", he asks me. The sound of the party gives me cold feet. I've never been to a party unless it was a kiddie birthday party or a family get together. 


"Yeah, I guess I'm ready for it. I'm kinda scared cause see, in the movies theres always someone getting killed", I say resting my arms on the table.


"I think you just watch to many movies". Before I could respond the women came back. This time her shirt was unbuttoned more than last time. Wow, she must really want Deans attention. 


"Are you two ready to order", she says pulling out a notepad and pen. She looks at me with a dull look on her face, but when she looks at Dean she smiles really big. In my opinion I think she's desperate for some attention from a guy. 


"She wants a burger and a coke and I want fries and a sprite", he says nicely to the women. She walks away with our orders. After waiting for a while an old couple stops in front of us. 


"Oh honey look, don't you remember our teenage years when we first fell in love", she says looking at her husband. She then looks at me. "Our first date was right her in this booth where your sitting. His parents owned the cafe and we did everything in this booth, we kissed, and made love right here" she smiled at us. Her husband widened his eyes and pulled her away. I looked up at Dean and made a funny face. Thats when the women came back with our food. We ended up taking our food and eating in in Deans car. 

When Dean took me home I went in my house and saw my mother sitting in the living room eating popcorn and watching TV. 


"Hey mom", I say to her. She quickly looks up at me and smiles. 


"Hey honey, how was your day with Dean".


"It was good, we went to the gym then we went out to eat". She then nods and I walk to my room to rest a little bit. I lay on my bed and close my eyes for a small nap.

Chapter 8


"Hmm, Leah, I'm not sure about this dress, it's so tight in me", I say looking at myself in the mirror. 


"Livvie the dress looks hot on you, trust me. The guys are gonna be all over you". Guys, I don't want guys 'All over me'. Ooo what if Asher's there.


"Hey, do you think Asher will be there", I say smiling. I really hope he will. Maybe he'll talk to me. I see Leah roll her eyes at me.


"Can you please stop talking about Asher. That all you talk about, Asher this Asher that just shut up", she say angrily. Why does she get so mad about me talking about him. I just stop talking about him.


"So, are you doing my hair and makeup", I ask her. She smiles at me.


"Duh I am". She then gets up from doing her own hair and makeup and she walks over to me. She begins putting stuff on my face, when she finishes she moves to my hair. She uses a curling iron to straighten it. When she finishes she pushes me to a mirror and I look at myself.


"Wow", I say widening my eyes. "I look...older". I see that she put red lipstick on my lips, it doesn't look to bad.


"Well do you like it", she asks me jumping up and down waitng for my answer. I look into the mirror some more smiling. 


"I love it, thanks Leah", Is say walking to my closet to find some shoes to wear, but Leah stops me.


"No, I got you some heels that look great with that dress". She pulls out a pair of heels from a bag. When I see them I open my mouth so wide a car could fit in there. The heels are black with small spikes on the heels, these shoes are sexy. I put the heels on and they aren't very hard to walk in even though this is the first time of me wearing heels this big. 


"here put these on too". Leah hands me some black hoop earrings. She's just handing me all this stuff to wear, I'm starting to feel like a hooker with these clothes. I take the earrings and slip them in my ears. When me and Leah are both done dressing we walk to the mirror together and look at ourselves.


"Girl, we look fine", she says smiling at me. Pshh, I bet Asher still won't notice me though, I didn’t say that out loud because Leah would've just gotten mad. I the hear knocking on my window, we all know who that is. I walk to the window and open it for Dean to come in. When he's in the room and standing he stands completely still. He's staring at something. I turn my head and look behind me to be sure he wasn't just staring at a large killer animal or something. I then turn and look back at him.


"Wow nerd, you look hot", he says smirking at me. He the looks at Leah.


"Hey", he says to her nicely. He doesn't really know her much. She gives him a weird look.


"Is it a daily basis for you to come through her window", she asks him still with the weird look on her face. He laughs at her. 


"Yeah, she likes it when I come straight for the bedroom", he says winking at her. Oh Gosh, he just had to say something dirty. She just shakes her head and we all head out, Dean goes out the window like always, while me and Leah go to the front door. 


"I'm riding in my car, you and Dean can ride together. I have to pick up someone else anyways", she says to me getting in her car. Before she drives away she waves at me. Dean pulls up in my driveway and I get in his car. 


"Ready", he says to me. I know he knows that I'm scared a little, but you know, I think I can do it. I mean how scary could it be. He pulls out of the driveway and he starts driving. 


"So, if Chandler touches you I want you to tell me", he says to me. I look over at him and he looks back at me. I scrunch my eyebrows at him.


"I wouldn't let him touch me anyways. Whats up with this Chandler thing with you anyways", I ask him out of curiosity. He turns and looks at the road, he shakes his head.


"It's nothing", he says. I shrug my shoulders and turn back around at look straight. When we pull up at the party there bodies everywhere, cups everywhere, music blasting, people dancing, it's the whole deal. It's worse than the movies.


"Wow, Chandler must be popular", I say looking all around. Dean doesn't say anything. We both get out of the car and walk into the house. Everyones dancing, some people are drunk on the floor and others are making out. 


"So, before all the guys come and take you away, would you like to dance with me nerd", Dean says in my ear. I look at him and smile.


"Sure", I say to him. He pulls me to the middle of everyone and he goes behind me, I stand there not knowing what to do. I feel him put his hands on my waists, he then begins to sway my hips to the beat of the song playing. I start doing it on my own, I feel his body get closer to mine, I just keep swaying my hips to the beat. I then get the hang of it and I turn around to face him as I keep swaying my hips. He puts his hands back on my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck as we keep dancing. I then feel a tap on my shoulder, i stop dancing and I turn around to see Chandler.


"Hey Olivia", he says smiling at me. Dean then walks away and I frown a little, he must not like Chandler to much.


"So, do you and my cousin go out or something", Chandler asks me. At first I'm confused, the I think about Dean. Dean and Chandler are cousins


"Oh, no, we were just dancing", I say smiling at Chandler. He smiles back at me the grbs my wrist and pulls me out of the crowd. 


"Would you like a drink", he asks me smiling. You should never trust people to make your drink.


"No, I'm fine right now". He just nods his head at me. He then grabs my wrist again and pulls me back into the crowd. Wow he's rude


"Dance with me", he says to me. I just start moving a little bit. He then grabs me closer to him and presses me against himself. He rubs his hands roughly down my body. I push him.


"Your doing to much Chandler", I say to him. He just pulls me back up on him and he grabs my butt, I push him away again.


"Stop, I'm not appreciating the way your treating me". He looks at me and frowns, he grabs my wrist and pulls me from the crowd and he pulls me in a hallway. He opens one of the doors and pulls me in. I roll my eyes.


"Chandler, what are you doing. Why'd you bring me in here". I get ready to leave the room but he grabs my wrist.


"C'mon Olivia". He pushes me on the bed and he tries to get on top of me, I push him and he falls to the floor.


"Why you being such a bitch Olivia", he says standing to his feet. I get up and storm out the room to find Dean so I can go home. When I don't see him anywhere I walk back to the hallway and I open each door to see if he's in one of the rooms. When I open the first door I see two people raise their heads. Neither of them are Dean so I close the door. I then open another room door, this time the light is on and I see Asher on top of my best friend. I open my mouth wide and close the door slowly before they see me. I let out a hard breath and tears start to form a little in my eyes. I then walk back to where everyone is dancing and I then see Dean. I walk up to him.


"I'm ready to leave", I say as I feel the tears fall freely down my face. I just can't believe my own best friend would do something like this to me, she knew I liked Asher. Me and Dean walk out of the house and we get into his car.


"What happened", He says pulling out of the lot of the house. "Was it Chandler, what'd he do". I roll my eyes and Dean. I still don't say anything to him, I just cry and look out the window. When Dean gets to my house I get out of his car and run into my house and in my bedroom. 


I've been laying in my bed for a while now. I look at my cell phone and see that it's now 11:00 at night. I then get a text from Dean.


Your light is still on, are you ok


I'm fine, just cant sleep :(


I then feel my phone vibrate and I see that Dean is calling me.


"You alright", he says on his end of the phone.


"Yeah", I say with a little sob in my voice.


"I'm coming over, open your window", he says to me. He hangs up before I can say another word. I get up and open my window so that he'll be able to come in. I then sit on my bed, when he comes through the window he closes it behind him then he turns off my light and lays in my bed. I don't say anything, I just lay down too.


"So, are you going to tell me why your so upset, or are you gonna keep it a secret", he says lying on his back with his face turned towards me. Him saying something makes me think about it more, I then begin crying more. 


"Can you just, be here for me", I say to him. "I just really need a friend". He pulls me closer to him.


"I'll always be here for you, you don't have to tell me what happened until your ready to tell me". I nod my head and just lay on his chest. I feel his heart beat pumping slowly in his chest. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I'm glad I have Dean here with me right now.

Chapter 9

The next day I wake up lying on Deans chest with his arm wrapped around my back. The first thing I think about is moving but he's so warm and cozy that I decide to just lye here. He's still asleep and he looks so cute and sweet when he's sleeping. I turn my head a little more to get a better look at his face. I smile thinking about what a good person he's turned out to be, I mean, when I first met him I thought he was a bad guy, but I was wrong.


"Why are you staring at me nerd", I hear Dean say as I felt his chest vibrate against my head. I thought he was sleep. I see that his eyes are still closed.


"I wasn't staring at you, I took a glimpse at you". Dean then opens his eyes and looks down at me. He smirks at me and I smile at him.  We just lay here like we are, me on his chest, and you know, it doesn't even feel weird, it feels normal. 


"So, did you want to know what happened last night", I ask Dean, but I'm pretty sure he does want to know. 


"Yeah I do, but you don't have to tell me", he says back to me. I move from off of his chest and I sit up.


"So-". I begin to tell him but get interrupted with my bedroom door opening and my mother coming into the room to say something to me. Before she can say what she wants she looks up to see Dean lying in my bed, Dean instantly sits up. 


"Olivia, what is this, and Dean why are you in my daughters bed", she asks shocked.


"Mom it's not what you think, I asked him to come over", I say to her getting out of the bed and walking towards her. I don't want her to try to get angry with Dean.


"No, no, I came over here by myself", he syas to my mom as he gets out of my bed and walks up next to me. He doesn't look scared, he looks very confident. My mom sighs and looks at me and Dean.


"It's ok", she finally says. I look at her weirdly, she's not mad. She's not mad! "I understand that your both teenagers, and your hormones get in the way and you just crave sexual activity". I widen my eyes at my mother. She thinks I had sex with him.

 Mom, no, we didn't do anything but sleep", I scream out to my mom so she can stop talking about this. She stops talking and she looks at me, then she looks at Dean.


"Oh. Well that's good", she says looking kind of disappointed. "Well why don't you go home Dean, your mom is probably worried about where you are". Dean says bye and he walks out of the front door, for the first time. 

"Olivia, I'm taking you somewhere, it's a surprise so get ready". She then walks out of my bedroom door and closes it behind her. I wonder where she's taking me. I walk to my en-suite and turn on my shower I close the bathroom door and strip off my clothes and then get in the shower. When I finish my shower I wrap a towel around my body and walk back into my room to get dressed. I put on a red tank top and some black pants with a black leather jacket over the tank top. With that I wear my converse. I then put my hair up in a pony tail and out on lip gloss as my finishing touch. I walk to my bed an I see a Iphone 5 sitting on my bed, it's not mine so it must be Deans. When I see theres no lock on the phone I go to the camera and take a picture of myself then I set it as his wallpaper. I put the phone in my pocket so I can walk it over to his house. 


"Mom, Dean left his phone so I'm going to take over right quick", I tell my mom as I walk past her in the living room. 


"Ok, when you come back I'll be waiting for you so that we can go". I nod and a proceed to walk out of the front door. When I get to Dean's door I knock on it. When it opens I see a little girl smiling up at me, she looks about the age of four.


"Well hi there", I say smiling at her as I kneel down to be the height she is. "What's your name", i say still smiling at her. 


"Victoria", she says shyly. She has the same green eyes as Dean and her hair is a light brown with darker streaks in it. 


"My name is Olivia, I was wondering if Dean was here", I say to her still smiling. She smiles at me then she calls for Dean, but she doesn't call him Dean she calls him Bubba. I guess thats her nickname for him. When he walks out he stops and smirks at me. I get up and wait for him to come to the door.


"Sorry for stopping by, you left your phone at my house", I say to him. Victoria is smiling up at Dean and her eyes are sparkling.


"Well thanks for bringing it", he says to me. He looks so cute. I smile and wave and walk away next door back to my house. Whe I walk back next door to my house I see a car that I don't recognize. When I get in the house I see that guy my mom intruduced me to, what's his name, oh Dr. Earnings.


"Hey honey, do you remember Dr. Earnings", my mom say smiling at me. I nod my head slowly with a slight smile on my face. 


"Wow Olivia, everytime I see you it's like you get more beautiful", he says smiling at me. I just smile back.


"Thank you". I then walk into the kitchen to fix myself something to drink, but my phone starts vibrating and I see the caller ID says Leah. I quickly go up to my room and close the door then I answer the phone.


"Hey Livvie", I hear Leah say from the other end of the phone. Anger quickly rushes through my body as I hear her say my name as if she's the best friend ever. 


"Hey", i say dully. I hate her, I hate her so much.


"So, did you have fun at that party last night, did you find someone to lose your V-card to", She says to me. I know she's joking around but I'm not in the best mood to play around.


"Oh, no Leah, I'm not like you, I don't go around screwing everything that walks and talks", I say nicely to her even though I'm extra mad right now.


"W-What are you talking about Livvie".


"You know what I'm talking about. I saw you and Asher last night", I say angrily at her.


"You must've seen someone else", she says trying to save herself. Does she seriously think that lying to me is a good idea.


"I saw you!", I scream in the phone. "Don't lie to me Leah ok, because I saw you. You know how I felt about him, and you acted as if you hated his guts. Your a liar, a whore, and your a backstabber", I say still screaming.


"Oh, I'm the whore Livvie. Chandler's going around giving details on how you and his night went last night", she says sounding angry with me. 


"I didn't do anything with Chandler, he tried to do something with me but I pushed him away".

Leah laughs. "Whatever Olivia, I didn't believe him before but now I do, you slut", she says. When she says that it makes me burst out into tears.


"J-Just d-don't t-talk to m-me ag-gain". I'm sobbing so hard I can't even talk anymore. I then hand up the phone and throw it across the room. I can't believe Chandler is telling people that I hooked up with him. Now everyone at school is going to think I did something with him.




"Olivia, you've been up in your room all day. I'm about to leave and get some food so when I get back I want you down here and out of your room", I hear my mother yell from downstairs. I don't even listen to her, I just sit her on my bed thinking about everything, Asher not noticing me, Leah for backsyabbing me and Chandler for lying about me. My life really sucks, and it's like it gets worse everyday. I snap out of my thoughts when my bedroom door opens and I see Mr. Earnings come in and shut the door behind him.


"Hey Olivia, why do you look so sad", he asks me as he sit next to me. He sits super close to me. "Your to sexy to be looking so sad", he says rubbing down my leg. I freeze in place and feel as if I can't move. I't like I'm paralyzed and the only thing I can move is my eyeballs. 


"You know, I really like you Olivia, you seem like the kind who won't scream or who won't be afraid. The one who will just take it. Your not like the others", he says still rubbing my legs. I'm hoping he's not talkinga about what it sound like, because if he is I'm scared, and he said others. I feel a tear roll down my face. I'm still in shock from all of the words that just came from his mouth. 


"Leave me alone", I say shakily. He's really scaring me and I don't like him very much. He grabs my chin and makes me look his way.


"You don't talk to me that way", he says. He then lets go of me and gets up and walks out oof my bedroom. I let out a loud sigh. What is wrong with my life.

When my mom gets back home i walk downstairs and I sit at the dining room table with her and Dr. Earnings.


"So, Olivia, me and Martin (Dr. Earning) have something to tell you", she says smiling at him. I look at her with wide eyes. "He's moving in with us, me and him really like eachother and I asked him to move in. What do you think?", she asks me. I look at her and I quickly get up from my chair and run back to my room. WHat have I done to deserve all of this stuff being put on me.


Chapter 10

The next morning I wake up already dreding how my day is going to be like. I no longer have my best friend, theres a rumor about me going around, and Martin is moving in. I get out of bed and take a quick shower, I then dress myself in a T-shirt with a heart on it with a pair of blue jeans. I brush my hair and put on lip gloss. Before I get a chance to walk out of my room Dean knocks on my window. I open it to let him in.


"Hey nerd", he says smirking at me. I slightly smile back at him as he walks towards me. His smirk disappears and he changes it to a look of worry on his face. "What's wrong", he says to me. 


"Nothing, I was just thinking about something". I saw smiling as if I'm happy, even though I'm obviuously not. He give me a weird look. 


"Well, do you need a ride to school. I'm pretty sure you do because I just saw yoyr brother leaving your house". I look at him funny. Michael never gets up this early in the morning, he usually sleeps all day. 


"Yeah, I need a ride", I say to him. He climbs out of my window and I walk downstairs so I can leave for school. When I get out of the front door I see Dean on his motorcycle. Oh no, not the mototcycle, he knows I hate that thing. I stand next to the motorcycle looking at him, he looks back at me and smirks.


"What", he finally says to me. I raise my eyebrows at him.


"You know I hate motorcycles Carebear", I say smiling at him. How does he do that, he makes me smile even when I'm in the worst moods, and he doesn't even mean to do it. 


"Just get on, and stop calling me carebear", he says handing me his helmet. I get on and put the helmet on. 


"Where your helmet?", I ask noticing theres not another helmet. He starts up the motorcycle. 


"Your wearing it. If something were to happen I wouldn't want you to get hurt", he says getting ready to drive off until I talk again. 


"But what about you?", I say asking another question. Hey, I'm just worrying about his safety here. 


"I wouldn't mind getting hurt if your being protected", he says as we drive away. I smile at what he just said. Wow, he is so sweet

When we get to the school me and Dean walk in together. I notice that people are whispering and looking at me. Some people are laughing at making weird face at me. I just walk down the hall towards my locker, and Dean still follows me. 


"So uhm, do you know what's going on here because I don't", he syas to me as we stop in front of my locker. Girls are looking at him because he's still hanging out with me. Most of the girls are just jealous because he doesn't give them the time of day.


"Well uh, Chandler kind of told everyone me and him hooked up". Deans face darkened a little bit. "But we didn't hook up, he tried to get me to do "it" with him but I wouldn't", I say to Dean. He nods his head a little looking a little bit angry. 


"I'm gonna go find him", Dean says angriy, but before he can walk away I pull him back. 


"Dean, no. I don't care about his lies, they can believe what they want". Dean just looks down at me then he walks away. I don't think he heard a word I just said to him. The bell rings for my first class. When I walk in the class I see that one guy who said mean things about me because he thought I called Macy stupid. I see him look at me and laugh with some other guys he's sitting with. Life must love me




When it's lunch time I walk to the cafeteria and sit at the first table I see, I would sit at my usual table but Leah is sitting over there. When Dean sits by me I'm surprised because he usually stands over on the wall.


"Sup nerd", he says smirking my way. I smile at him.


"Hey Carebear", I say still smiling. He look into his green eyes and see that sparkle that I always see in them. I just love his eyes. 


"Why are you sitting alone?"he asks me as he still smirks at me. That smirk is just so cute. 


"Maybe I want to sit alone, a girl needs her space". He then smiles. He scoots closer to me.


"A beautiful girl should never sit alone". he then winks at me. Dean just called me beautiful. I look at him in his face and smile. I think I'm falling for this boy. Before I can say something back to Dean Leah sits down across from us. 


"Hey Dean", she says smiling at him. Her breasts are poked out and she's leaning forward probably so he can look at them.


"So, what are you doing over here alone. Theres nothing over here", she says to him, then she looks at me.


"You should come sit with me", she says tounghing his arm. I jump up and walk out of the cafeteria. I just got angry seeing Leah touch him like that, I don't know why I got angry about that but I did. He's not even my boyfriend. But I wish he was 


"Olivia", I hear Dean say as I walk down the hall. He never calls me by my name. I turn and look at him. "Why did you leave", he asks me. 


"I just really don't like Leah anymore, she takes everything I want away from me. I thought she was my friend but I was wrong about her", I say looking up at him due to his tallness. He looks at me confusingly.


"What has she taken from you?". I look down at the floor. The I look up back at him.


"She had sex with a guy I had a crush on at that party, she prenteded as if she hated him but seeing her with him tells me she didn't really hate him. Now she's trying to take you from me, your all I got left, and I really like you. I don't want to lose you to her", I say to him, and I think I just admitted to him that I liked him. Now I'm afraid of what he's going to say.


"Trust me, you would never lose me to her out of all people, because I like you to and I promise you won't lose me", he says back to me. I look up at him and smile.


"Well well, looks who it is, the sluts trying to get with my guy", me and Dean turn to see Macy standing there with some of her friends who are laughing behind her. "Dean, babe, please get away from this slut because I really don't want you catching a disease from her". Macy then laughs at me as if I'm some big joke.


"Stop being a fucking bitch Macy, no one has time for your stupid ass jokes", Dean says to her. He cusses a lot when he gets angry with people. He's still hot though, Olivia, this isnot the time to be thinking about how hot he looks when he's angry


"You weren't calling me a bitch when you stayed at my place Dean", Macy says to him smiling. I guess she was just trying to get under my skin, it kinda worked too. I can't believe he slept with her yuck!


"Thats because I was only taking advantage of you. I don't like you. I never did", he says to her with no emotion on his face. Macy walks away down the hall mumbling stuff to her friends. I look up at Dean. The bell rings for classes to end and I walk back to my class so does Dean.

When school ends me and Dean get on his motorcycle and we drive to my house, he stops in my parking lot and I get off the motorcycle. 


"So, do you wanna come in for a minute" I ask him. He looks at me for a minute then he gets of the bike. Me and him walk through the door together and we go to my room. Luckily my mom isn't home yet or else she probably would have made us stay downstairs. I shut my bedroom door and I sit on my bed, Dean sits beside me. 


"I just-I really have soemthing on my mind right now", I say to him. He doesn't talk her just listens. "So earlier, you told Macy you were taking advantage of her and-", He interrupts me.


"You think I'm taking advantage of you", he says staring down at me. "Well I'm not, I don't really know why but I care about you, and I would never take advantage of you", he says to me. I can see truth in his eyes and I believe him. 


"Good, because then I would have to kill you Carebear", I say trying to lighten the mood. 


"You couldn't kill me even if you tried nerd". I look at him and smile, I then jump on him and act like I'm going to choke him, before I can put my hands around his neck he turns over so that he's on top of me. He begins tickling me and I can't stop laughing.


"See, I told you you couldn't kill me even if you tried", he says as he stops tickling me but he's still on top of me. I see him bending down towards my face, he's about to kiss me. I've only ever madeout with one guy, and that was in middle school. Maybe I can remember. When his lips are on mine I close my eyes. He kisses me softly and gently as if I'm the most fragile thing in the world. I feel electricity throught my whole body. I then feel his tongue across my lip and I grant him access. His tongue gently explores my mouth as my tongue does the same thing. I snake my arms around his neck as I try to pull myself closer to him. I feel his hands hoding onto my waists. As I pull his body more down to mine I pull mine up to his as I rub myself on him. 


"Don't do that", he says in between kisses. 


"Do what", I say in between kisses to. I feel like if I stop kissing him the I will die. He pulls away from me and gets off of me. 


"Why'd you stop", I ask all out of breath. he smirks at me. 


"I'm a guy, and your rubbing up against me. That makes me want more of you and we're not doing that", he says still smirking. I look away and blush a little. Was I really rubbing myself up against him, I really didn't even notice. 


"Sorry", I say apologetic. He just looks at me and smiles. I begin to yawn and I cover my mouth. 


"You tired", he asks me. I just nod a little at him, I feel him pull me closer to him as he cuddles with me. He really does a good job at making me feel better and he doesn't even try. As I fall asleep I think about the kiss me and him just shared. It was great, no it was awesome. But I wonder where this leaves me and him now, what are we.


Publication Date: 06-27-2013

All Rights Reserved

My best friend who begged me to wright a book like this.

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