
Chapter 1

"Zara, door", my foster mom, Samantha yelled after the doorbell rang.

I ran to the door and jumped in Westens arms yelling and smiling, I couldn't believe my bestfriend was the sexiest boy at the school, and the Quarter back.

"Woah, your happy today", he said in his deep tone.

"Yeah I am, summers over and school is started, I missed going to school everyday".

"Your such a nerd".

"Your such a Jock", I said laughing loudly.

People hate my laugh because it's kinda annoying, but who cares anyway. Today, I wore my hair in curls, my yellow pokemon shirt with a pear of blue skinney jeans, my red converses and my glasses.

"Who's at the door", Samantha said as the walked from the back room.

"It's just Wes, were about to head to school".

"Ok, well have fun". I ran over to her and kissed her on the check. "I love you Samantha", I said as I walked out the door. Whenever I said stuff like that it made her happy, she couldn't have children of her own so I was all she had, but I really do love her.

"So, Zara, you look cute today", Wes said as he was driving us to school.

"Ugh, why do you do that, you know I hate that. Maybe my clothes are cute, but not my face".

"Yeah, your right", he smiled.

"I hate you with a passion", I said as he pulled up in the school parking lot for sophmores.

He looked at me, "You ready to walk through hell".

"I was born ready", I said as I opened the car door.

When I tried to get out my seatbelt pulled me back, "Hahaha", Wes laughed at me.

"Shutup Wes, it's not funny".

He held up his hands smiling, he was so cute. Me and Wes walked through the school doors together, all eyes were on us, well on Wes, girls pushed me out the way and walked with him. One girl girl pushed so hard I fell on the floor, shit, I said picking up my stuff.

"Hey, you ok", some cute guy with black hair and blue eyes asked me.

"If ok means being pushed on the floor with your stuff every where then I'm super", I said sarcastically.

"Your funny, so whats your name", he said as he helped me pick up my things.


"Ugh, Xander, why are you talking to her, she's a nerd", she interupted me.

"Nice seeing you to Deidra", I said to her.

"Xander, honey, you clearly don't know the people to hang with, she's not the one you want to hang with", Deidra said smiling at me as she walked away with Xander.

I made an disgusted face at her behind her back. I made my way to my first period class, Algebra, I was the first in the class.

"Hello, Mr. Rodge", I said smiling at the teacher.

"Hello", he said paying no attention to me.

When the bell rang everyone rushed in trying not to be late, and guess who's in thhis class with me, Deidra.I sighed very loudly. When she saw me she made a look at me as if I disgusted her.

Some guy came and sat next to me, he laughed and looked at Deidra, she laughed to.

"Whats so funny", I faked a smile at him.

"Your face is funny, your very ugly, you should try plastic surgery", he said as he got up out the seat laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

I looked down at my desk, that really lowered my self-esteem, a tear feel down my face as I thought about what he said. No one sat next to me in the class cause everyone kept saying I had a contageous disease, which I didn't.

"Ok class, can anyone tell me what this is". he said pointing at the board. (9y+2x=23x and y equal what?)I was the only person to raise my hand, everyone looked at me.

"Y eqauls (23 - 2x)/9 and X eqauls x = (23 - 9y)/2".

Mr. Rodges looked at me impressed. "Nice job Zara".

After class I walked to lunch, alone of course, Westen was no where to be found. When I walked in the cafeteria people looked at me laughing, and whispering about me. I even heard someone say eww to me when I walked past them. What did I ever do.

"Hey, Zara", Wes yelled from a table full of guys from his team. I smiled and walked towards the table, until some people threw milk and food at me, and some guy pushed me on the floor. Deidra walked up towards me.

"Haha, the milk and food on your face make you look better, but don't get to happy, your still an ugly bitch".

I got up and ran out of the cafeteria, Wes chased after me. "Zara, Zara", he yelled.

I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out. Don't listen to Deidra, she's just a bully", he said as he sat next to me and comforted me.

"I don't even know why she does this to me, she's been doing it since I was a Freshmen".

"She's just mean, forget about her".

After School Wes drove me home. "So you gonna go watch me and my team practice tomorrow after school", he asked.

"If you want me to I can, I have nothing else better to do with my life", I smiled at him.

When he pulled up in my driveway I hugged him goodbye and went in the house.

"Hey, Zara, how was school", Samantha asked me as she hugged me.

"It was great", I lied to her with a smile on my face.

I went to my room, locked my door, and layed on my bed.

"I really hope tomorrow isn't like this", I said to myself.

Chapter 2

"Zara, Westen's here, you guys are gonna be late for school so hurry", Samantha yelled from the other side of my bedroom door.

"What", I said as I rubbed my eyes still lying in bed, I quickly jumped out of bed to get dressed.

"Zara, whats taking you so long", Wes said as he burst in my bedroom.

"Ahh!", I hugged myself. I didn't have on a bra.

"Oh, uh, s-sorry", he said with wide eyes and walked out the room. This is so embarassing, my bestfriend just saw me without clothes on.When I finished getting dressed I ran down the hall to where Wes and Samantha were waiting on me.

"What took you so long", Samantha said.

"I overslept, sorry".

"Lets just go", Wes said quickly walking to his car.

The ride to school right now is very weird, I mean after what happened a few minutes ago.

"So, no bra huh", Wes said smiling.

"Ugh, I shouldv'e known you'd make some dumb joke about it", I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm very immature", he said laughing.

"Ya think", I said rolling my eyes again.

When we walked in the school, once again I got pushed around by the girls because of Wes.

"Hey", someone called from behind me. I slowly turned around hoping it wasn't someone Deidra sent to make fun of me. It was her boyfriend, I rolled my eyes and turned back around and walked.

"Hey, why are you walking away", he asked running beside me.

"Didn't your girlfriend send you over here to humiliate me".

"She's not my girlfriend anymore, we broke up", he said as if he didn't care.

"Why", I asked with curiosity.

"After I heard what she did to you, I broke up with her". I just looked around and kept walking.

"So, I never got your name yesterday".

"My names Zara", I said looking at him.

"Weird name, but it's cute", he said smiling. I smiled back, I couldn't help myself.

"So, is that guy your boyfriend", he asked pointing at Wes talking to the girls.

"No, he's just my friend".

"Why does he ignore you when those girls push you around", he said confused.

"Hmm, I don't know", I said thinking about that question.

"Well, gotta go, see you at lunch", he said as he walked backward smiling at me. He was so sweet, and here I thought he was like Deidra.

I walked in class and there was a sub. All I thought was great, now everyone will get away with everything in here. As people came in the class people got happy because we had a sub. All through class he didn't say anything.

"Deidra, your bestfriend over there is lonely", some guy said pointing at me.

"Her, hell no, she's not my friend. My friends aren't goody-goody's like her. She has never got in trouble once", she laughed.

"I'll show her", I whispered to myself.

When lunch came around I sat with Xander, he had a pretty nice conversation until Deidra came over.

"Xander, why are you with her", she said looking at me.

"She's my friend", he spat at her.

"Haha, thats funny, at least she has one", she said walking away.

I just looked at my food and played in it.

"Don't listen to her, she's just a stuck up bitch who gets what she wants", he said rubbing my back. I just faked a smile at him.

After school I sat and watched Wes and his team practice, it was super boring. When they finished I guess Wes forgot I was coming. He left me stranded here so I had to walk home. I walked a while until I got to my street, It was hot and I was tired. When I finally got home Samantha said she was worried.

"Wes forgot about me at school today", I said angrily.

"I'm gonna kill him", she said mad.

"It's fine Samantha".

I walked to my room and took out my phone.

Wes, did you forget something today. I texted l, and never got a respond. I just laid in bed mad, I couldn't believe him.

"Everyone thinks that they can do whatever they want to me", I thought to myself.

"Well, we'll see about that", I told myself.



Part 1 of Chapter 3

"It's Saturday, Saturdays are always so boring for me. I decided to text Wes.

Hey Wes, wanna hang out at the mall today.

Sure, but you have to let me bring Jessica :D

Who's Jessica, another one of your sluts from school.

She's not a slut, she's a friend.

Ok ok, you can bring her, when will you be here.

In about five minutes, be ready when I get there.

Ok, bye.

I quickly changed into my pink sun dress and my white flats. Since I had some time left I flat ironed my hair a little, then waited for Wes. Samantha wasn't here, she has to work Saturdays. Minutes later someone beeped their horn outside, it was Wes. When I got into the car Jessica looked at me weirdly, I just ignored it.

"Wes, lets go inside of that store, its some nice stuff in ther", I said to him.


"No, that store has some ugly stuff in it, only ugly people like it", Jessica said before we could even take one step through the door.

"Well, theres more stores Zara, lets find a new one", he said walking away with miss perfect.

I just let them walk away, Wes didn't even notice I was gone. I walked backwards shaking my head, when I turned around I bumoed into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry", I said as I looked up to see Xander.

"Zara, hey", he said smiling.

"Hey", I said shyly, he was so cute I felt like I was melting.

"What are you doing here by yourself".

"I was here with someone but they found a better option and just left me, Again", I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh, well you could always walk with me if you want, I was just going to get some ice cream".

I walked beside him, it was a long walk to get to the ice cream, this is a big mall.

"So, who were you with", Xander asked starting a converstaion.

"A friend", I said looking at him.

"Let me guess... Westen", he said like he already knew before.


"Whats with him always leaving you or never helping you when you get pushed around because of him".

Xander asked me a good question, I really didn't know the answer, but I didn't want to think about it.

"Look, theres the ice cream stand", I said ignoring the question he asked.

"Miss, that'll be $2.00", the man said holding out his hand impatiently.

I pulled out my wallet.

"No, No, I'll pay", Xander said giving the man the money.

"you didn't have to pay, I could've done it".

"It's fine, I wanted to pay".

He is like a package with everything in it, he's sweet, knows how to treat a friend, sexy as hell, and a perfect smile.

"So, what are you doing tonight", he asked with curiosity.

"Nothing, probably just gonna go home and do nothing like every other lame Saturday", I said dully.

"Or, you could go on a date with me tonight", he smiled at me.

"Me, a date, with you", I asked surprised.

"Oh, uh, if you don't want-.

"No, No, I want, trust me, I want", I said interrupting him. I covered up my mouth.

"Sorry, my thought kinda just slipped out", I smiled.

"It's fine", he laughed to.


Part 2 of Chapter 3

I got a date tonight

I texted to Wes after I left the mall

I don't give a shit!!

Why are you being mean

You left me at the mall today, me and Jessica were looking for you

No, actually, you left me, so I started hanging out with Xander

Wait, Xander Fields?

Yeah, and were going out tonight

Doesn't he go out with Deidra

No, they broke up. But I need to go, I'm gonna go pick out what I'm wearing tonigh for my date Yay!!!

I walked to my closet and looked inside of it, I had nothing pretty to wear. Right now I really wished I had a Girlfriend to let me borrow something. So I went to Samantha's closet, she was still at work. I saw this really pretty black dress, it was very short but I loved it. It was strapless and tight around my waist (good thing I'm skinny),and  It went above my knees. When I went to the bathroom I saw Samantha's makeup kit, so I tried on some makeup. I put on some black eyeliner and some maskara, then some thick red lipstick. I looked a little different, but I liked the look. After that I curled my hair and made it so it went to one side of my head. and wore some black heals. About an hour later the doorbell rang.

"Who is it", I yelled from the inside the house.

"Xander", he yelled back.

When I opened the door it looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his face.

"Wow, you look great".


We got into his truck, it smelled very nice to.

"So, where are we going", I asked curiously.

"Well, we were gonna go out to eat and then to a party. But we can't go to the restaurant because they closed early today so were just gonna go to the party".

"Ok", I said as If I wanted to even though I really don't do parties.

We pulled up in a parking lot of a house that was beautiful, it was three stories, and it was packed with people from school and people I've never seen before.

"Whose house is this", I asked looking at it as if I've never seen a house like it before.

"It's Jason Mazaratti's house, do you know him, he's on the football team with Wes".

"Nope, I don't hang out with the team, just Wes".

We walked in together, and all eyes were on us, not just Xander but me to. Usually people paid no attention to me, but I kinda like the attention.

"Want something to drink", Xander yelled over the music.

"Sure", I yelled back.

I started walking toward the couch until someone touched me.

"Zara, is that you", Wes asked looking at me up and down.

"Naw, it's some random girl who happens to look exactly like me and have the same name as me", I said sarcastically.

"I thought you were going on a date".

"I am on a date", I said to him just as Xander returned with a drink.

"Whats up man", Wes said to Xander.

"Sup", Xander said back with a slight smile on his face.

"Wes, Wes", some slutty girl said as she walked over and sat on Wes's lap. She had blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was really pretty.

"Hey Xander", she smiled at him.

"Hey. So you wanna dance Zara", he said cutting her off and asking me a question.

"Sure, I guess, but let me warn you I'm not a very good dancer".

"I'm not either, but I wouldn't mind looking stupid with you", he said grabbing my hand.

When we started dancing some guy came up to us and got infront of Xander.

"Hey, Zara", he said dancing infront of Xander.

"Hey guy I don't know", I said moving back to Xander.

"I'm that guy from your first block, you know, I called you ugly", he got back infront of Xander.

"Oh, you".

"Well I take that back, you look hot, better that Deidra", he said scoping me.

"Hey were on a date and your ruining it, can you go", Xander said cutting in, he looks sexy when he's annoyed.

"Oh, sorry man didn't see you ther", he said dancing away.

"Haha, you looked very annoyed", I said to Xander laughing.

"Yeah, I didn't like the fact that he was on the girl that I really like".

I just smiled at him, he was so sweet. Its been about an hour since we been here, I'm kinda tired.

"Hey, it's getting late", I yelled to Xander over the music.

"Yeah, you want me to drive you home".

"Yeah, If you don't mind".

Me and Xander walked out of the doors of the big house, when we got to the car he opened up the car door for me.

"So, did you have fun", he asked curiously.

"Yeah, lots", I said smiling.

"So, your dancing was, interesting", Xander said being funny.

"Haha, oh shut up. If I dance bad and your worse than me, what does that tell you".

 "Ohh, my moves were good", he said as we both laughed.

"Haha whatever you say Xander".

As he pulled up my driveway Samantha walked out ther door and watched us.

"Is that your mom".

"Not my real mom, she's my foster mom".

He got out of his car snd walked around to the passenger side. He opened up the door for me.

"Thank you", I said politely getting out of his car. When I stood up I was right infront of him, he leaned in a little and so did I.

"Zara, come in the house", Samantha yelled.

I smiled at here interruption. 

"Bye Xander". I walked towards the house looking back at him.



Chapter 4

"Wheres Wes", Samantha asked me getting ready to leave for work.

"I don't know, but school starts in ten and he's not here".

"Did you try calling him".

"Yes, he won't answer his phone", I said annoyed.

"Well, I can't take you, I have work. Is there anyone else you can call".

"I think so, let me see. You just go to work, I'll get a ride".

"Bye", Samantha said walking out ther door.

I scrolled down my contacts list searching for someone who could give me a ride.

"Dan, he lives to far. Eliza, She hates me. Ian, doesn't even have a car. Maggie, annoying. Xander, yes", I said to myself.

ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ, "Hello", Xander said answering the phone with his deep voice.

"Hey, it's Zara".

"Yeah, I know, you alright".

"I kinda need a ride to school, my ride didn't show".

"Of course, be there in a minute".

"Thanks", I said hanging up.

It was about two minutes until her got here.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much for picking me up", I said as I hugged him.

"You can call me for whatever".

"Thank you".

We both quickly got into the car to head to school. If you didn't get there on time they wouldn't let you in.

"How many minutes do we have", He asked me stopping at a red light.

"One minute, were not gonna make it. Its takes about five minutes to there from here", I said paniking.

"It's fine, we could just hang out all day", he said making my day sound better.

"Tempting, but what about school", I asked.

"Like you said, were not gonna make it so whats the point of driving up there".

"Ok. So what are we gonna do first".

"Well, we can go back to my place and chill, then later we can go to the mall or something".

I smiled, "Sounds like a plan".

Once we got back to his place we sat on his couch watching dumb scary movies. I was lying down with my feet on his lap and he was sitting up.

"I hate scary movies", I said staring at the screen.

"What, why", he said looking at me.

"I mean all they do is have sex and then die. It's all the same to me".

"I think scary movies are great".

"Exactly, dumb people like dumb movies", I laughed.

"What you tryna say", he said laughing.

"Nothing", I said still laughing.

Out of no where he started tickling me.

"Ahhh hahaha, stop stop please", I yelled and laughed at the same time. I managed to get away from him, I ran down the hallway into a room. I tried to close the door but he was right behind me. 

"No no, I'm sorry", I said laughing.

"You better be", he said walking away.

"I'm sorry that your dumb", I whispered and laughed.

"I heard that, it's on now". He closed the door behind him and locked it.

He walked towards me slowly, I tried to run past him put he caught me and he fell on me.

"Apologize", he yelled and laughed at me.

"I'm sorry".


He stopped tickling me. I layed on the floor with him in between my legs.

"Haha", I laughed as I turned my head away from him. He was so cute.

I turned my head back around, his smile faded and my laughing stopped.

He brought his head down towards mine. When his lips touched mine I didn't know what to do, its my first kiss. I just went along with what was going on, he was so gentle. I started getting the hang of it. He bit my bottom lip making me moan a little, he slipped him tongue into my mouth. He explored the inside of my mouth. I pulled myself up closer to him. He made me moan and I think it turned him on a little. I felt a nudge from his pants. I stopped kissing him and looked down.

"Down boy", I said getting off the floor.

I walked back to his living room and sat on his couch. I started thinking about that kiss, it was the greatest first kiss ever. Minutes later he walked back in the living room.

"So, you ready to go to the mall", he said smiling at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready".

We got into the car and headed to the mall.

"Do you have any money", he asked me.


"Well you don't need it, I'm gonna pay for everything you get".

"No no no, I can pay myself, I don't wanna waste your money", I said shaking my head.

"It's not a waste if I'm using it on you".

I smiled at him and didn't say anything else.

When we got there we walked around a bit.

"Hey", someone yelled behind us. We both turned around.

"Your that girl from that party last weekend, what happened to you, you looked different at the party", some girl said to me as she stood next to another girl.

"Yeah, I kinda dressed up a little for that party".

"You looked great", they said complimenting me.


"So uh, do you wanna shop with us, we could find you some better clothes that what your wearing".

I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts with converses.

"Sure, I guess", I said looking at Xander.

We shopped all day, Xander bought me alot of clothes and me and the girls became good friends. I kept trying to buy stuff myself but Xander wouldn't let me. Tomorrow is gonna be great, because I got a whole new style of clothes and makeup.

Me and Xander left the mall.

"Sorry, I was trying on clothes and makeup the whole time", I said apologizing.

"What do you mean sorry, I had fun with you".

He dropped me off at home at 3:00 pm so that Samantha would think I went to school. We sat in his car in my driveway.

"Bye Xander".

"Bye". I started getting out of the car.

"Wait, one more thing", he said pulling me towards him.

He kissed me.

"Now bye", he said smiling.

"Bye". I walked inide of my house and closed the door, I stood behind it and smiled.

Today was the best day ever.

Chapter 5

"What are we doing today", I asked Xander as we walked to his car from school.

"Well, it's Friday, and theres a party".

"Ooo, another party. I'm in", I said as we got into the car.

"I was hoping you'd say that".

When we pulled up in my driveway I got out of the car and went inside.

"Samantha, I'm home!", I yelled out. I didn't get and answer.

"Hmm, she must not be home yet", I said to myself.

I walked to my bedroom and shut the door and took as nap.

(  "Your ugly". "Your a goody-goody". "You can't get a man". "Have you even kissed anyone besides your mom". "Hahahaha".) 

I jumped up from my bed, once I noticed it was a dream I was angry. I'm so tired of being called names and people thinking I can't do this and that, thats gonna change tonight.  It's 7:00, the party starts soon. I put on a my tight, short red dress (It pushed up my breasts and made them look bigger). I straighted my hair and wore red lipstick with thick eyeliner and mascara.


"I'll get it Zara", Samantha yelled from her bedroom. I walked out of my room into the living room ready for the party.

"Wow Zara, you look sexy", Samantha said to me.

"Haha, whatever Samantha".

I walked out the door with Xander, he kept looking at me during the ride to the party.

"Why do you keep looking at me", I laughed at him.

"Because your beautiful".

"It's the dress", I said looking at my dress.

"You would still look beautiful without the dress", he smiled at me.

"Thank you". The smile on my face was so big.

We pulled up in a parking lot to a house, it wasn't that big but there were a lot of people. The music was loud. We walked in and Xander grabbed my hand, I guess so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. People were dancing everywhere. Xander grabbed my hand, I guess so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Minutes later Xander started talking to his friends, so I walked to a back room, there were two guys in there so I went in there. One of the guys had black shaggy hair with some hazel eyes and the other guy had blonde hair wirth green eyes. They were smoking something.

"Hey, want some", the guy with the blonde hair asked.

"No thanks".

"Dude, she goes to my school, she's a good girl", the guy with the shaggy hair said.

"I'm not a good girl, I just don't want any of that".

"C'mon, its good", the guy with the blonde hair said coming towards me with it.

"What is that anyways".

"It's weed, good stuff".

He put it in my face waiting on me to take it.

"No, I really don't wan-".

"Just take it", the blonde guy said interrupting me.

I grabbed it out of his hand and smoked it like they did. I blew out the smoke and was surprised on how much I liked it.

"How was it", the blonde hair boy asked trying to take it back. I snatched my hand back so he couldn't get it. I walked and sat against the wall with the black haired boy. I just smoked and smoked.

"Here's a beer, it goes good with the weed", he said handing me a drink. I took the drink and drank it.

"Your really, hot you know that right", one of the guys said sliding his hand up my dress. The other guy came and sat on the other side of me. Everything was blurry and I didn't know what was going on.

"Stop", I said hitting one of the guys lightly on the head, but thinking I hit him hard. One of them kept sliding their hand up my dress. They both started kissing my neck and my face.

"Stop", I said drunkenly still with everything blurry. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up but didn't open my eyes, I rubbed my forehead and moaned because of all of the pain.

"Zara", someone said.

"Ahh", I fell off the bed.

"Zara, what the hell were you thinking".

I turned sround to see Xander as I got up off the floor.

"What are you talking about".

"You got drunk out of your mind last night, and did some stupid stuff with some guys".

"What guys, what stuff, what did I do", I said paniking.

"You almost, you know, with them. But I came and rescued you", he said smiling.

"Oh gosh!, Samantha is going to be pissed cause I stayed out all night".

"Don't worry about that, I rescued from that problem to".

"Thank you so much Xander", I said looking down. I saw that I was wearing a long T-shirt.

"Whose shirt am I wearing", I said looking up at him.


"How'd it get one me", I said squinting my eyes at him.

"I didn't look at you when I put it on you, you had some beer all over your other clothes."

"Mhmm", I said rolling my eyes.

"I didn't, unless you wanted me to look at you", he said smiling.

I walked up to him.

"Now why would I want you to look at me without any clothes on", I said smiling back.

"I don't know you tell me". 

He started kissing me, and boy was it good. Then we started making out, he massaged my tongue with his and I did the same, I was getting good at kissing. I snaked my arms around his neck and he picked me up to where my legs were around his waist. Next thing you know he had me on his bed in between my legs. He kissed my neck, that I recently found out was my weak spot, and he made me moan. But then he stopped. 

"Just showing you how it would be when your ready for me", he said getting off of me smiling.

I sighed and got off of the bed to. I started thinking to myself about how I really wanted to do it just then. Here's some sweat pants you can put on, I'm about to take you home", he said getting his car keys. I put on the pants and got into his car. Once I got home I went in the house.

"Finally your boyfriend dropped you off", Samantha said eating while watching some soap opera on tv.

"He's not my boyfriend".

"You guys act like you date", she said confused.

"Hmm, I don't know", I said walking to my room.

I laid in bed thinking some more, I haven't talked to Wes in a while. I decided to text him.

Hey Wes Wes!!


Where've you been lately, haven't tlked 2 u in a while.

I haven't been no where, I have to go, I'm busy, bye Zara.

I just rolled my eyes thinking he wasn't busy. Oh well, I'm still happy.

Chapter 6

Are you still coming to pick me up for school Wes?

Yeah, I'm up the street come out.

I texted Wes to ask him that cause he's been distanat lately. I quickly ran out the door and into his car.

"Hey Wes", I said to him as I closed the car door behind me.

"Sup". He pulled out of my driveway and we headed to school.

"So, you've been very distant, and you barely talk to me anymore".

"I've been distant", he chuckled, "Your the one whose been hanging out with Xander and not even thinking about me, remember I'm your best friend", he said getting all defensive.

"Well now you see how I feel".

"What are you talking about Zara?".

"Everyday when we get to school, I get pushed down because of all the girls coming for you, and you never ever look my way and ask me am I ok. Also, the day you asked me would I watch you practice football. Well I stayed and watched and you just totally forgot about me that day. Oh and remem-".

"Ok, ok", he said cutting me off, "I'm sorry, I never noticed any of that", he said apologetic. I didn't say anything back to him. Once his car was in the parking lot of the school I jumped out of the car and quickly walked away.

"Hey, where are you going", he yelled at me. I turned around and looked at him, "I can't walk in with you cause I'll just get knocked over". I turned back around and kept walking to the doors. Once I opened the doors and headed towards my locker I heard someone behind me.

"Well look who it is", some boy with black shaggy hair said as he walked next to me.

"Excuse me, do I know you?", I asked confused but knew he looked sorta familiar.

"I'm King, you know, from the party the other night", He said he said smiling at me.

"Sorry, the party is still a blurr to me, I can barely remember anything". I stopped at my locker and opened it.

"You know, me and my friend gave you some weed and a little bit of pleasure to".

I looked up from my locker to him, "So your the guy who got me all drunk and tried to have sex with me", I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Whoa whoa calm down cheetah, you kow you enjoyed the party all because of me", he said pointing to himself as if he was what his name is.

"Whatever". I slammed my locker closed and started walking away from him, but he only followed talking about nothing.

"So, I got some more weed if you ever want some, heres my card", he said as he put it down my shirt into my bra. "Just call me up if you need anything at all, anything". He winked at me and turned around to walk the opposite way as me.

 "Class, Class, calm down please, I have an announcement", the teacher yelled over all the rude students ignoring her. "I will be gone all next week, so all of you will need to go to the Junior science class. The teachers name is Mr. Garner, he knows you all are coming so please behave yourselves when you go there next week". 

No one is listening to the teacher right now, they are gonna be so lost next week.

"Hey, whats this", some guy said coming up to me pulling that card out of my bra.

"None of your business, now give it back", I said snatching it from his hands putting it in my pocket.

Finally lunch is here. I walked towards the cafeteria, until I saw Wes and Deidra in a classroom talking. I was kinda confused, he doesn't even like her, why would he be talking to her.

"When are you going to tell her", Deidra wispered to Wes.

"Soon, I promise."

"I hope your not starting to like her as a real friend", she said getting a little louder walking towards Wes. What girl are they talking about, and what are they gonna tell her.

"No I'm not starting to like her, you know that, its just hard to do this", Wes said loudly.

"Well hurry and tell her, I wanna see her hurt", Deidra said turning to walk towards the door.

I quickly ran to the next door I saw and went inside. What were they talking about, who were they talking about.



Publication Date: 03-16-2013

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