
Chapter 1- Try Outs

Paige's POV


I take a deep breath, letting out all my nerves. Relaxing my shoulders and cracking my back, I wave to Robbie who is in line behind me now. We're both trying out for the musical Hercules for drama club, it's based off the disney movie. I look down at my sign up paper, looking at the part I circled, I have one of the five goddess's circled. The way Mrs. Olver explained it was, these five girls will sit on a bench at the bottom of the stage through out the whole musical and sing when one of there songs comes on. Nothing to big, but nothing to small either. Peeking through the curtains I see that the girls before me, are just getting started so I'm going to be waiting a while. 


Glancing at Robbie again, I see him and his red hair and tall and skinny physique. He reminds me of a skateboarder dude, and I know that is total stereotyping of me. It's true though, even the way he dresses make me think skateboarder... and everyone knows to stay away from skateboarders. Robbie is different though. First he is my best friends. Second, he is in drama class and he can sing ans dance. Third, he plays baseball. Fourth he is well liked and doesn't really have people who don't like him. Fifth, and I'm being honest with myself here he is pretty good looking, but I myself have been put in the friends zone. I remember back in our sophomore year, I had a huge crush on him, but it never went anywhere. Now, I just think of him as my very good looking best friend. 


"Paige why are you staring at me? Do I have something on me?" He asks, and I mentally shake myself out of La La Land. I smie at him panicing about his audition, I remember him saying something about Pain or Panic the two workers for Hades, but I don't know if that is what he circled or not. 


"No, you're fine. Quiet worrying... it gives you wrinkles you know." I smirk at him, and narrows his eyes at me. Then his face softens, and a smile spreads across his lips.  "So.. what part ya trying out for?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. I figured out I'm really good at facial expressions, and being able to control my eyebrows. He chuckles, and hands over his paper, looking at it, I see he has Pain circled.  "You could do better then that. Like Phil... or Hercules even." I hand it back, and he scoffs. 


"Like you? Wanting to be one of the gospel singers.." He smiles triumphantly, I let out a breath he has a point. We sit a little longer and chat about who we think is going to get what parts. Talking about how Georgia is most likely to get Megera, she is Mrs. Olivers little teachers pet and she can sing but her acting could use some work. After another fifteen minutes, my name gets called. I stand up relaxing myself again. "Good luck, and break a leg." Robbie says behind me as I push through the curtains. 


"Hello, Mrs. Oliver!" I great handing her my paper, she smiles warmly and she starts in on her questions on what role I want to play and if I'm okay with a speaking part.  Once we have all of that done and sorted through, she plays the keys on the piano to one of the songs from the musical and I sing reading of the sheet music she gave me.  


"Great job!" She applauds,  as she plays the last note. "Thank you, Paige. We will have the final parts posted at the end of the week."  I nod, heading out as she calls Robbie in. I smiles at him giving him a thumbs up, he roles his eye and giggle grabbing my school, bag and heading back to study hall. This was the first audition time, and I'm happy to have gotten it out of the way!  Sliding back into my seat next to Carmen, another one of my friends, I inform her on how it went. She congradulates me, and then she skips back to before I left and continues explaining to me her theory on Wyatt and Anne's break-up. I barely keep up, not really caring either. She is of course taking about Wyatt Drewmoore and Anne Wilson. They we're together for a couple of months, but everyone knew that relationship was going knowwhere. Anne has a thing for Jake, Wyatts best friend, but he isn't interested in her. So to make Jake more interested in her she went out with Wyatt. 


Anne is the schools slut. Wyatt and Jake are the school players. Easy as that, they will never be in actually real relationships. I try to stay out of all of there drama, which is hard to do with Carmen who always some how knows whats going on. I could careless, I have school and college to think about. Hence why I'm boyfriendless! I'm proud of it though, for being a junior and not having  one relationship in high school.. or ever for that matter. I'm sure I've set some kind of record here! I've had crushes don't get me wrong, but I've never acted on them. 


Once the bell rings, I head to American History, it's my favorite class next to drama. I take my seat in the front row next to the window, and wait for Mr. Parker to come in. He is alwasy late for this class, because he has lunch break during the period before this. I look at the rest of the class counting how many are here today, and I realize it's not even a class. It's just me. There are only eight of us in here, yeah small class, and today it seems the other seven are all gone. It's happened before, it's mostly the other really smart kids like the chess club people and the mathlets.  Both those groups are gone today for bug tournements. When Mr. Parker does come back, he roles his eyes seeing how it's just me. The two of us go way back, he is my brothers friend. They meet in college, and have been friends since, including he did just get out of college last yeah. I'm partly sure he is only twenty-one, but I know Patrick is twenty-two. 


"Well, Paige what should we do today?" he asks, leaning against his desk glancing at the clock. He scratches the top of his head toulsing his brown slightly curly hair, he never remembers these plans so he never knows what to do when everyone is gone.


"Hangman." I stand up grabbing the market for the board. "It's your turn." I smile, and he smirks and starts making the lines for the saying. We have a little tournement like thing of our own going on, challenging each other with history topics in hangman.  "R"  I begin, and we get started.  I finish his puzzle, and I begin my puzzle as he check his email. We're in the middle of mine when the door opens, we both stop and look towards the door. 


"Mr. Parker... Ms. Easton." the Principle, Mr. Wilson... yes Anne's father. "I'm happy to know you to take class seriously. 


"She is my best student, and I'm not going to teach a full lesson with the whole class gone." Mr. Parker greets him.  I set the marker down seeing this might be a conversation that takes a while.  "Can I help you with something?" He asks, looking at the papers in Mr. Wilson's hands. 


"Not you, but Ms. Easton can." He indicates me. He holds out the papers to me, and I see they're papers. A students papers, and they're both F's. I look at the name, and I don't understand. Jake Lincoln? What do I have to do with his papers? "As you can see, history is not one of his strong subjects. I'm looking for a someone to tutor him. Mr. Parker was right when he said you were his best student."


"You want me to tutor Jake? Are you kidding he wont listen to me!" I laugh, handing the papers back to him. 


"Oh I bet he will. He has been told the stakes of what could happen if he doesn't get this grade up. He said he would prefer a tutor.. I didn't say who it would be either, I chose you. Of course you don't have to." Mr. Wilson begins with the guilt tripping. I close eyes, thinking long and hard about it. "You also will get the volunteer hours,  you're not doing it for free." Volunteer hours? I need those, and tutoring will looking good on an application for a teaching degree! 


"Fine, but I deicde what days and for how long." I agree. 


"Deal." He smiles, and hands me back the papers. He leaves without another word, and I look at Mr. Parker. 


"How bad is he?" I ask, setting down the papers. I walk back to the board grabbing the marker. 


"Second lowest in the class." He says, and that's the end of the conversation. We get back to our hangman tournement.  When the bell does ring, we say our goodbyes and he notes it that I'm now two points ahead of him. We were tied and now I'm in the lead. I take Jake's papers with me, glancing at his work I see potential. He knows what the information is he just has a hard time writing it down I guess. Stopping at my locker, I see Connie and she is packing her things?


"Hey... you leaving?" I ask, putting in my code for my own locker. Connie and I have lockers next to each other, since highschool start.  I stuff Jake's papers into my book bag, I'll look throw them more later. 


"Yeah, parents want me to go to some private school." She sighs, and I get confused. This is a private school. No uniforms, but we live on campous year round. Getting out for the big holidays and a month in the summer. That's how Anne's family is rich, her ancestors started the school. Although I do wonder where the smarts went because she got none of it.


"Oh.. that sucks." I sigh, it's not my place to ask anything more. We aren't very close, we really only know each other from having lockers next to each other. 


"Yeah, today is my last day. I'm actually leaving now." She says, and we say our goodbyes. I have a locker open next to me. This could be good, new kids are always fun. Grabbing all my stuff I head out the doors, going to my car, I drive back to my dorm. It's a big campous, like a 10 blocks walk from the actual school buildig to my dorm. There is a lot to do here though, equestrain training, mechanicals for vehicles, labs for multiple things, two big gymasiums, and three  weight rooms. Then including the two pools and football field and the field for track. There is also a dinner and a library from students to work at. I don't have a job, I don't really need one. My family pays for my schooling, but they said once College comes I'll have to help out which is understandable. 


Once I'm back at my dorm, I head straight up to my room the dorm cat Fiddle following me. I'm partly sure I'm the only one here who feeds him, and that's why I'm his favorite. Tossing my stuff to the floor, I pull my phone out of my pocket and grab Jake's papers. He is the normal stereotype, smoking hot,  rich family, fantastic sports player, and dumb as a box of rocks. 


I'm free on Wednesdays and Thursday for sure. Everyone once  in a while Robbie, Carmen, and I go off campous on Monday's and obviously Friday's are off limits who wants to waste time being tutored on a Friday? Shoving all of that aside I open my computer, and fire up my email. Sending Jake the idea of Wednesdays and Thursdays right after school, I close out of it reaching for my text book for French class. 

Chapter 2- Wednesday Already

Paige's POV


Carmen and Robbie are bickering like normal as the three of us make our way into the school. I've tried my hardest but the two of them just can't seem to get along, they don't really hangout unless they're both with me though so they hopefully don't spend to much time together. The dumb thing is tht they argue about whats for lunch and make it seem like it's World War III! Once we're actually in the buuilding where other students start watching, I elbow each other them in the gut. 


"You  can knock it off now." I say, "I have to stop at the office, so I'll see you guys later." I excuse myself from their madness. I do have to sto pat the office to get stuff for later. Later as in Jake's tutoring lesson, which I haven't figured out yet if I'm scared or worried or anything. It will be a new expirience I know for sure, the last time Jake even talked to me let own looked at me was back in middle school. We had to work together on a science project, in which he actually was nice to me and he did do the same ammount of work I did. I wonder what changed. Puberty. That's what happened. In middle school he was still Jake Lincoln the cute jock. But in the year between eighth grade and ninth, puberrty struck him and oh hot damn. Freshman year he wasn't known for being a player or a manwhore as I call it, but Sophmore year it started. Now it's the third quarter in our junior year and he just keeps on going.  Why I know all of this I don't know. It must be from Carmen. I'm not crushing on him, I'm one of th rare girls here who could careless.  I see him for who he is a manwhore.


Once I have everything from Mr. Wilson, I bring it all back to my locker and head to French class. I hate having foreign language first period, but it has its pluses. The teach, Mrs. Jack, pronounced shjock, understand we aren't fully ready to learn such hard things, so she goes slow and records the lessons to let us bring home if needed. The first bell rings indicating class is ready, so everyone that's hear quiets down and listens to the start of the lesson. Once she is done with the lesson she hands out homework and I get to work. I hate homework, I often times don't have any because I finish it in class or in study halls. Switching to second period when the bell goes off for it I stop by my locker to put away my french book, and grab my waterbottle for speech.  I tend to need a lot of water in this class even though I don't get nervous or anything. I just like being hydrated, it keeps me focused I guess. Sitting through, my other class mates speeches make me tired though. I not interested in public speaking, but it counts for a college credit so I though I should take it. 


Moving on through out the day, I get more and more anxious for the tutoring session. I guess I am worried. When the bell rings in my seventh period study hall I nearly fall out of my chair. I was really off into my thoughts. Running to my locker to grab my history book, I notice the locker next to me is already opened, and filled with a bunch of stuff. From the looks of it though it's not a new kid. I snoop for a second, trying to see if I can see a name anywhere. 


"Can I help you?" a boy asks behind me, I turn my face turning pink. Oh shit, gosh great start Paige. It's Jake. The pink fades and I turn white.  "You knew here or something?" he asks, looking me up and down the way his kind does. I shake off what just happened, and turn to my locker closing it. 


"No. I'm not new here, Jake." I speak, "Paige.. Easton.. we've gone to the same schools since middle school." I inform him, and he shakes his head as if I'm not ringing any bells. What ever at the moment I could care less, I'm late for class.  I walk off steaming with anger about the new locker situation. Why would they move his locker? That's dumb! Why did you have to move Connie? Sliding into my seat, a  minute late, Mr. Parker doesn't right me up. I've never been late before, so I'm happy he is letting this time slide. Class goes by way to fast, and when the bell rings I take my sweet time gathering my things. Maybe he didn't get my email, and that's why he didn't recognize my name at all. If he didn't get my email though then he might not show up. 


"Hey I told Jake to meet you in the library." Mr. Parker says, handing me over so more papers for him. 


"You said Paige and everything?" I ask, scratching my eyebrow, he gives me a weird look. "Well we kind f bumped into each other in the hall. He has no idea who I am..." 


"Well, no I didn't actually mention you. I just reminded him to be there." He sighs, and we walk out of his room together. "How about super?" He asks, as I start making my way to the library. "On me at the dinner." He adds. 


"If you're buying." I smile, and wave. We often times have super together, I feel bad for him. With school being an on campous thing he hasn't really been able to go out and meet people. He has friends, but I've noticed he doesn't have any girlfriends. It's not my place to say anything though, it's his life. He is Pat's friend though, so it's not weird for me to go out with him. Not date go out or anything but as friends. We are friends. I still remember when I first meet him. That would've been back in middle school too, I had a crush on most of Pat's friends. Austin AKA Mr. Parker, and Jason are the only two I really remember ever really liking though. I remember Ky and David though, and they were alright. I haven't seen and heard anything about Jason in a while though.  The last thing I remembering hearing about him was that his parents pulled him from college and sent him somewhere better. He came from a rich family I asssume. Jason also happens to be my first kiss, and I remember that night clear as day. I almost walk into the door to the librbary, and that tells me I need to drop the subject in my head.


I take my seat, and get everything ready. Checking my phone while waiting, I reply to Robbie telling him I'll have to rain check on the movie marathon tonight. I don't often times go out with Mr. Parker, but I can't not say yes when he asks. He is a lot of fun when he isn't teaching. He is still that party animal he was in college, but he has tamed it down a lot since, with being a teacher. 


"I'm sorry I'm late... I wanted to grab food fir- Paige?" Jake walks in fifteen minutes late. It seems he remembers me from an hour and half ago.  "You're my tutor?" He laughs, grabing a fry from his to go container from the dinner. 


"Why is that funny?" I sit back, stuffing my phone in my front jeans pocket. Me being his tutor caught him off guard, I can tell. He is trying to play with me though. I'm on his list of girls to screw. I wonder where I fall on his numbers though. 


"You're hot." He says flatly, "Hot girls aren't smart." He says leaning forward still checking me out. 


"That's a horrible stereotype." I yawn, opening up the history book. Flipping to the section in chapter 5 he needs to read, I slide the book to him. He is still munching his fries and watching me. "What?" I ask, not liking the whole starring thing. 


"Are you seriously my tutor? Cause I highly doubt it, don't you have like a boyfriend to be with or something?" He asks, and his eyes narrow. Is this him trying to pull me in? I can't tell, it's not working though. It's actually pissing me off. He shows up late, and he wont start his work. 


"No, no boyfriend." I admit, and he smirks. "Would you read please. I do have plans." I lean back, pulling out my phone again. I open up my kindle app,. 


"With a guy?" He keeps interogating me. I kick him under the table tired of him already. "She is fiesty too." I role my eyes, pulling my headphones from my bookbag. After a couple minutes, I peek up at him and he is looking down at the history book. I watch him, and I can see he is having a hard time focusing. He isn't jittery though, so it's not ADD or ADHD. "I'm not getting this." He sighs, pushing the book forward slightly.


"Are you not getting it or just not focusing enough?" I mumble, as he grabs a couple more fries. "Do I need to read it to you?" I joke around. He rubs his forehead. "Do you have a reading disorder of some kind or something?" I ask, wondering whats going on.


"No, I just don't like history." He smiles, "How about we blow this off and we go swimming or something." He brings out his smolder. 


"Do you really think skipping is a good idea?" I ask, pulling out his two papers and showing him I've seen them. I watch as his face drops, and he looks completely miserable.  "Besides, if I did skip I wouldn't skip with you."  I say.  "Now, are you going to do the work, or do I need to read it to you?" He is quiet, thinking about my question. 


"Could you play music or something? I hate reading in silence." He asks, pulling the book back in. I nod happily, pulling out my headphones and playing my playlist. After that the next thirty minutes pass swiftly as he reads. Then I go through a the worksheet with him, helping him but not giving him the answers. "Well, that was easier then I thought. I was just gonna throw it away." he smiles, at me. I stand up from the chair, I moved over closer to him to help. 


"Yeah, if you actually read it." I sigh, gathering my things. "Alright so... same time next week.. is that okay?" I say pulling my bag over my shoulder. 


"How about you give me your number?" He ask smiles, smolder rising again. "That way I can get ahold of you anytime." I role my eyes, knowing he would most likely call me to be his next booty call. 


"No, you should have my email." I say flatly, and he takes a breath. 


"Ah come on. You know you want to give it to me." He says walking next to me towards the door. 


"I don't Jake. I barely want you having my email." I inform him, as the door opens.  "Mr. Parker." I greet him.


"Hey guys... how'd it go?" He asks, looking from me to Jake. I shrug my shoulders, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either.  "You got todays assignment done though?" He asks, and Jake hands it over.  "Paige didn't just give you the answers did she?" he asks.


"No... I asked her to though." He sighs, and I nod. I told him no.. obviously. 


"Well good." He says, and now we're all standing outside the library. "Next week same time." He tells Jake, and he nods waving to us both.  "How did it really go?" He asks, as we walk slowly behind him. 


"Not horrible actually." I admit. "It was at first, including he showed up fifteen minutes late." I sigh, and we towards my car. I throw my stuff in the back. "What time are we going to the dinner?" I ask.


"Hmmm, I don't care. I don't have any grading to do tonight so anytime." He replies, and his eye wonder over to the track where the girls are having practice. I elbow him in the gut too, and he coughs clearing his througt looking away. 


"I saw that." I say, and he smiles slightly. 


"Just seeing how the team looks that's all." He laughs. 


"Yeah, okay!" I laugh, sitting in the drivers seat. "We both know why you choose to work at a highschool." I wink at him. I joke around with him about this all the time, how he is only here to check out girls. 


"I told you to keep quiet about that!" He laughs, and I join in. Then we say our goodbyes, and I head to the dorm. Going straight to my room again, I set my stuff down and slouch onto my bed. It feels nice to relax, I'm a little tense from the tutoring session, and it's only going to get worse or easier. I hope the latter of course. I turn on the T.V skipping through the channels waiting to hear from Mr. Parker.

Chapter 3- Trouble

Jake's POV


Sitting in my car, I look in the rear view mirror watching Paige and Mr. Parker. They look like they know each other, they obviously do know each other. It doesn't look like flirting, but I could be wrong. The last thing I need is to be brought into any teacher student relationship drama. Although just makes it more challenging, I'll have to move Paige up on my list. By next Wednesday we'll know each other all the way. I smile pulling out of the parking lot, I need to shower and get ready for tonight. There is party at my dorm tonight, hosted by Wyatt and I.  I park, walking in and seeing all the crap that's already set up. I laugh at this school, they know we throw the parties and don't do anything about it. They also know what goes down at the parties, and they still don't do anything about it. Meaning drinking, and probably drugs, but I couldn't be for sure on that. I don't do drugs, I have sports to worry about and apparently a big future working with my father in our family company. I'm not even completely sure what the company is, I think eletronics like appliances and eletricity. 


Once everything is set up, I call Logan. He is the manager at the dinner, and he supplies the alcohol. Yes, the dinner actually has alcohol. Teachers can go there and also it's a normal resturuant for people to come and it at. It's weird. When no one answers, I get up. No way can I throw a party with the drinks! Driving down to the dinner, I go in going straight up to Logan who is now behind the bar. I was just here ealier for food, and he said he had it all ready. 


"Jake." He greets, slipping a paper towards me. I look down and it has the price for the drinks, I stuff it in my back pocket without looking really. 


"Is it ready now?" I ask, looking around making sure there isn't any big supervisors in the building. I still have to be careful about it. I spot Paige and she isn't alone. Mr. Parker?  Maybe they are together, that's against school rules though. So if they were together they wouldn't be out in the open about it for people to see. "Hey, Logan." I say, caching his attention. "Do they come often?" I ask, looking in their direction. 


"Once a month they come here together. Apparently he is one of Paige's older brothers friends so they know each other." He asks then turns the question on me.


"No reason just wondering." I smirk, and he chuckles. "What?" I ask.


"Yeah that wont happen dude. She wont even give you her phone number."  He replies, wiping off the counter even though it looks clean to me. 


"I know that, I already asked." I admit. "Boyfriend or anything?"  


"Not that I know of. Maybe that Robbie guy who plays baseball.. you know red hair. They come in a lot and they're friendly very friendly at school."  He says, as we both look over at the two talking completely oblivious to us. She is hot though, long brown hair she is tall, but not like weird tall for girls. Smart obviously. Looking my at her body though, she has perfect curves, and isn't anerexic skinny.  I mentally move her up on my list.  Then something odd happens. She looks up, at she sees me. I smile waving, and she roles her eyes looking back to Mr. Parker


"Yes, she will be a challenge." I sigh, and Logan just laughs so more. Then we figure out everythng with the drinks, and say goodbye until later. Heading back, I take care of the drinks and it's time to let people know there is a party. I send out a mass text to all the numbers in my phone, and then I plop on the couch next to Wyatt and wait. 


The party is at full blast now, and I feel bad for the janitor who has to clean up after this. I walk through the kitchen to Jell.o shots in hand, I look for a target. I spot one, with black hair dancing in a group with her friends. I watch her a little longer still trying to see if I'm really interested or not. I see there is a couple brunnettes around her, and a blonde. I can't really see her face very well, with the lights and dancing. I see her pause in a perfect spot for my to see her face. She is alright, I let out a breath. So far all the girls tonight seem to only be okay. Nothing completely interesting. I'm comparing them to Paige, that's a very bad thing.  I still watch her though, as she smiles, and starts walking towards me, but she isn't looking at me. I look over, and I slip off the wall drinking both the shots myself.  It's Paige! I stay there as the two of them finally get to each other and I listen to there conversation.


"How was Austin?" the girls asks Paige. 


"Mr. Parker." She replies, "and Fine. How's the party?" She asks, looking out into the crowd. I scan real quick to wondering if there is someone here she came to be with. 


"Fun like usual. It's Jake and Wyatt, they made sure everything was ready even a bowl of condoms!"  The girl laughs. 


"I don't doubt it!" Paige laughs. "So have the hosts spotted there girls tonight yet?" She asks, and some guy walks up to them offering them both drinks. They accept them, and take the piece of paper he offers. Paige gives it to the girl. 


"Not that I know of, I haven't seen either of them yet." She opens the paper. "He was cute Paige, sure you don't want this." She offers it to her. 


"She doesn't need some number from a guy who just gave her a beer Carmen, she isn't stupid." Another guy joins them. Only I know this one, it's Robbie. I do play baseball with him. "Hey Paige!" He smiles at her, and they hug. I smile, no boyfriend, he is friendzoned. 


I walk away getting bored, and not wanting to get caught. I head back towards the kitchen wanting something else to drink. I run into Anne, and she is all over me either pretending to be drunk or actually is drunk. I pull her off of me, not wanting to have anything to do with her. She maybe be the schools slut and easiest girl be sure to get action from but She and Wyatt are Ex's. Even though neither of the mreally had feelings for each other it was more of a benefits thing, but they still told people theywere together. I'm surprised with Wyatt, he has been getting better lately. Actually trying to find a girl friend I think he is crazy. But now that he and Anne broke things off she is back to me. I'm on the top of her list, sadly.


Later on as people start leaving, because we start running low on drinks, I hang out and see what girls stuck around. I see Carmen Paige's friend, she and Wyatt are talking. I role my eyes, and head out the door searching for fresh air. No one tonight. It was a party even and I didn't find anyone. That's three weeks with out anyone. Tonight I'm sure I would've found someone if I wasn't being weird and thinking of Paige at the same time. Speaking of Paige.... though I see leaning against a tree, with her arms crossed. I walk down towards her, and she is a little tipsy. Maybe I can coax her. 


"Hey whatcha doing out here alone?" I ask leaning against the tree as well. She looks at me, as if she doesn't recognize me. I let her think about it a second, watching as her eyes size me up. It makes me laugh yet uncomfortable. Girls never need to check me out, they just take one glance and swoon but not her. 


"Jake." She says, without slurring or anything. Maybe she isn't drunk? "No girl tonight?" She smiles, and I still can't tell.


"Hmmm only if you say no." I smile at her and she just roles hers eyes again. Then closes them and lays her head against the tree. 


"Nope!" She smiles with her eyes closed still, and pops the P. "Your not my type anyways." She adds looking  behind her. 


"Waiting for someone?" I ask, trying to still coax her. 


"Yes." She replies, reaching up and picking  leave off the tree. She tears it apart, not saying anything else on the matter. 


"Well, you sure are somethign else." I tell her and her cheeks turn pink. 


"What is that supposed to mean?" She looks up at me, amused yet not. I chuckle seeing that the acohol she did consume as lower her inhibition level. 


"You're not swooning at the sight of me." I say looking down at her, and she scoffs pushing away from the tree. 


"I'm not interest... at all so there isnt a reason to swoon." She informs me, and I give her an oh really look. She just nods. "Oh.. well there is Robbie. See you next Wednesday." then she walks off, and I can see her relax. I made her tense. She was nervous. So I do have some effect of her. Well, Paige you'll being seeing me ealier then Wednesday next week.

Chapter 4- Breaking Status Quo

Paige's POV


Shoving my hair into a bun, I regret staying at the party for as long as I did. My head isn't as bad as last time, I didn't drink as much as last time. I remember all the events, including Jake who was trying to get me to go with him. What a jerk. All he wants from girls is sex. I leaving grabbing my school stuff, and I see Robbie is outside waiting for me. 


"I can drive myself you know." I slip into the passenger seat, and shrugs his shoulders, and he puts the car in drive.  "Thank you though." I add, handing him a piece of gum. 


"Awww thanks Paige!" He takes, and starts obnoctiously smacking it. I just laugh, as he parks his car. We walk towards the school together gossiping about what happened to Carmen. It's bad of me I know, but sometime she really gets on my nerves. She knows how Wyatt can be yet she still went with him. I'm not gonna be there to help put her together either, I will tell her that she new what was coming and she shouldn't have done anything.  


"You get emails about a part yet?" I ask, walking into the auditorium. Drama is before school, so we have to come in earlier. We take the two middle seats in the front row, and he pulls out a deck of cards.  


"No I haven't. Wanna play?" He asks, and I nod. He shuffles the deck, and I wonder why he carries a random pack of cards around with him.  As the room fills more we sit still chatting about classes and what to do over spring break, which is coming here not next week but the week after that. What will I do for a tutor session? I wont be here, and I'm assuming he wont either? Why am I thinking about that now?! Right now I don't even want to do next weeks lesson, espicialy if all he is gonna do is flirt with me and try and get me in his bed. "Paige it's your turn." 


"Oh.. sorry!" I say, looking back down at my hand of cards.  "Do you have any fives?" I ask, yes we're playing Go Fish. 


"Nope." He smiles, he is very good at this game and I am not. I think he set the deck or whatever it's called.  Mrs. Oliver waltz in she hands every one the sheet music to a chorus song in the play. She hasn't choosen any big parts yet, other then chorus people and Pegasus. The horse that doesn't ever talk but is atually a big part of the whole story. She sits at her piano and cracks her fingers, telling everyone to get ready. She starts playing a warm up for us to warm up our vocals, and the door to the auditorium swings open. 


"Ahhh Mr. Lincoln, I was wondering if you were going to show up. Welcome to drama, it's so nice to have another member." Mrs. Oliver, greets Jake as he stand in the doorway looking slightly miserable. What is he doing here? He can't be in drama now, no way. Why would he be? What up shop or even art class?!


"Ahh yeah I kinda have to be here now I'm in the club..." he says, walking down the isle between the rows of chairs. Girls in the room erupt into giggles and start whispering. I lay my arms on the piano, just wanting to get class over with now.  Robbie leans next to me, and knudges me  looking towards Georgia she is leading Jake towards the piano now, and sharing sheet music with him. 


"So much for a good musical." I whisper to him, and he shakes his head. 


"Mrs. Oliver will put him in his place." He replies looking up at him again. I know Robbie can't stand Jake either, and I know why. Robbie last year had a small thing with a girl they talked and went on a couple dates, and the next thing he knew Jake took her for on of his one night things. I nod Mrs. Oliver wont deal with his crap. She can barely stand for Marks crap, and she only keeps him around because he can act and sing. He is one of those people who is really good at being funny and being serious. Like he can have his face be dead pan while the audience is laughing there assees off from a joke that was just said. He is good. 


"Oh, Hey Paige!" Jake says and I look over towards him. He is smiling at me, and waving. Innocently but I can see what he is trying to do. God what is he doing? This isn't how thing are supposed to be! He is suppo sed to play the sports be the jock and jerk. Not the drama guy too! There is a status quo that needs followed, this isn't High School Musical! Besides wont this ruin his reputation?  I don't even reply to him I just flick my wirst in a small wave.  I look down at the sheet music in my hand, and ingore Robbie who is now looking at me as well. 


"Enough talking!" Mrs. Oliver quiets everyone. "Alright lets start the scales please." Then she plays the piano, and we all sing. I keep my eyes down and on the piano, feeling Robbie's look at the side of my face, and Jake's on my forehead. As class drags on and we start working on the actual songs from the musical. I relax and get used to Jake staring. But for some reason Robbie is being weird, and I'm not happy about it. What does he think is going on? When we finish practicing the song, Mrs. Oliver tells us all to take five before we go again. I pull Robbie aside, and confront him about what ever is going on. 


"What's your problem?" I ask, turning so we aren't facing Jake at all. That guy is getting on my nerves, horribly. 


"I don't have a problem." He says, not looking at me. 


"Oh really?" I say, crossing my arms. "Well, quiet being Mr. Jealous or what ever your being. Jake is trying to get under my skin that's all. You know I wouldn't go for him."


"You don't go for anyone, Paige." he reminds me, I nod. Exactly my point!  "What even got him talking to you?" He asks.


"Ahh, he spotted me at his party last night." I say not bringing up the toturing lessons. "I was supposed to be his girl for the night. I said no. I'm guessing he has decided to pursue me because of it." I tell him, and he shakes his head. 


"Ahhh my Paigey with her will power being strong!" He drapes an arm around my shoulders.  I giggle, getting out of it. " I really am proud of you though... don't let him get to you Paige, he isn't a good guy." He warns.


"Yeah, I know. Thanks for looking out for me." I say, and we do our little hand shake. Then we get called back in, and we practice the song more. As we finish the bell rings and I say goodbye to Robbie, and head towards my locker. I stop grabbing, my things for French class. 


"Okay.. so I think I've made the wrong impression on you." Jake says, and he opens his locker. I role my eyes, is this how it's gonna be now? Him trying his different techniqiues. I close my locker, and just walk away no way I'm going to fally for any of it.  "Wait... hold up!" He says, and then he is next to me. 


"I know all of you little tricks to hooking girls, Jake. I'm not gonna go for it so you might as well stop trying." I say and I open the door to the French room. 


"Paige." He says laying a hand on my shoulder, it makes me shiver. His hand is warm, like a sweaty nervous warm. Jake Lincoln nerrvous? I turn seeing what he wants, and I see him with a slight smile and his eyes soft yet intense. 


"No, not even that look is going to catch me." I say, pulling my shoulder away from his hand. I don't look back I just take my seat and open up my book. I can't believe he tried that on me, that's his last resort move. At least that's what Carmen said. Why I remember I don't know. I do remember though, Carmen said that he has a look he gives girls and they just fall into his arms. I think about it again. It was really cute. It wasn't his cocky player grin, it looked like a normal boy shy smile. On him it looked good. 




Mr. Parker is right in the middle of his his lesson when everyone gets called to the auditorium for an assembly. I watch as Mr. Parker roles his eyes, it's always his class that gets interupted. It's eighth period and no one else really has an actual important class other then this one, so the prinicple figured that since we're the smart kids it's okay to miss it. We all head to the auditorium like we were supposed to, and we're gonna be the last group to get there as well. Since his room is the farthest away... I hold the door open for everyone, including Mr. Parker. Then I go in myself, and I role my eyes seeing Jake standing there. I walk past him, but he comes to my side not saying anything.


I down and make sure there is a spot next to me because other wise he might make someone get up so he can sit by me. I look straight ahead, as does he. What is he doing?  I look around me, to see if anyone is looking, and no one is that I know of.


"No one is watching us don't worry." He whispers, and I look ahead again. Oh jeepers! Think of something snappy to say, Paige you can do it!


"No I just don't want to be seen with you." I sigh, playing it off cool. I also said what I feel, and that's a plus. 


"Ah come on. Don't you remember back in middle school and we worked on that project together?" He asks, and I turn my head looking at him. He is looking at me, smiling. I narrow my eyes, what is he getting at? How will that help him at all with what he is trying to accomplish?


"I don't think so..." I reply, looking forward again. Then Mr. Wilson comes out on the stage, and taps the microphone. Then the assembly begins.

Chapter 5- The Many Faces

Paige's POV


The bell rings signaling school is over, and I stand up scooching past Jake without a word. I get to my locker and I see Robbie already there with my locker open. I smile thanking him, and digging to grab my stuff. 


"Yeah, no problem." He lets out a breath, now what? I stand tossing my back around my shoulder, and pulling my locker door from his hand.  "Why were you and Jake sitting together?" he asks, as I walk away. Then he is  next to me, and keeping pace with me.  I role my eyes, as we make it towards his car. 


"Because, he waited for me." I say, telling the truth. "I don't know what his problem is Robbie, and I really don't want to talk about it." I say ending the conversation. I look back at the school, and I see Carmen walk out with Wyatt an Jake. I haven't really seen her at all today, my only class she is in is seventh period study hall and she wasn't there. I get into Robbie's car as does he.  


"I'm just wondering.." He informs me starting his car. ".. Wanna have that movie marathon  tonight?" He asks, pinching my side. I jump away as good as I can in the car and giggle. He knows I hate it when he does that! "What? What's so funny" he asks and he does it again. 


"I'm gonna pee!" I laugh trying to keep his hand away. He chuckles, and puts the car in drive. Then we leave the parking lot, he drops me of at my dorm and we talk about me going to his dorm so we can watch the scary movies. Taking things to my room, I head down to the kitchen and fill up Fiddle's water and food bowl. I grab a pop tart from the pantry as well.  I lean against the counter, and watch Fiddle dig into the food. He is a fat cat, but he is like a healthy fat cat. He is just bigger I guess. He can still run around like a tornado and do all that so he is fit!  


"So Paige." Anne walks in filing her nails, "I saw Jake and you sat together at the assembly." She says, looking up at me through he fake lashes. She must've just put them on right after school. I set down the pop tart, looking at the floor thinking of what to say? Of course she would see, she can't ever take her eyes off Jake. I look up at her, wishin that we had different dorms.  That's the only reason she knows my name I assume, is because she sees me oftne and live in the same dorm building as me. 


"Jake had a question about drama." I say, breaking a piece from my pop tart and munching down on it. 


"That better be all it is." She warns me, "It's bad enough he is in that stupid class anyway." She mumbles leaving the room. I role my eyes looking down at Fiddle who is looking after Anne who just left. Finishing my pop tart I skip up the stairs, and to my room grabbing my phone and keys. I'll just go to Robbie's now, I have nothing better to do. I send him a quick text letting him know I'm coming. I pull up and park, grabbing my phone, and leaving my keys in the car. 


I head in just going straight up the stairs to his room. Each dorm has four levels, and Robbie is on the third. Lots of stairs. It keeps me fit though, because my room is also on the thrid floor! I make it up without any problems, and I knock first like always, but I don't hear a reply. I check my phone to see if he opened the message which is somehting you can do with Iphones. He hasn't. I open the door slightly, and say his name. He doesn't reply, but I hear his shower running. That would be why. I go inside, knocking on the bathroom door. Then I go and look at the movies he's got. He peeks his head out from the bathroom, and I wave letting him know I'm here. He waves, and gets back his shower.  I pick out  a bunch of the chucky movies, and the Paranormal Activity movies. Robbies has a book shelf of movies, and most of them are scary movies. He also has the Star Wars and Harry Potter movies. He is something else.


When the bathroom door opens again five minutes later, he comes out with a towel wrapped around his bottom torso. Looking at his upper have, I see his arms and chest and stomach. Not bad looking. He is an shape as well. I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he grabs the clothes he has sitting out in his bed, then he goes back to the bathroom.  He comes back out dressed, and running his fingers through his hair trying to dry it. He plops on his bed next to me, and looks the moves I picked out. Then we chat about what snack to eat, when ever we have movie marathons we always run down to the kitchen and hoard all of one food in his room. Although he doesn't know what they have, so we decide to just go and check what they have.  We race down to the kitchen, and it's a pretty even race, but I get to the fridge first.


I grab out the fruit punch and Robbie gives me a thumbs up. I set it on the table, and grab two glasses. Then he pull two boxes of Cookie Crisp cereal. I grab the juice again and the two cups and head up stairs indicating that we have our snacks for the night. Once we're back in his room, he closes his blinds, and then turns to the light off. Then I press play and we snuggle under his comforter. 


Six Chucky movies later, I grab the boxes of cereal and the jug of juice. I whisper goodbye to Robbie, who fell asleep during the last movie, and I leave. I have stayed the night at his dorm before, but only on weekends. Tomorrow is Friday and we have school, probably not a good idea. I turn towards the kitchen once I'm down the stairs, to throw away the garbage. We drank all the juice and ate a box and half of cereal. Taking my time breaking the boxes down so they fit into the recycling bin easier, I lean against the counter peeling of the box tops from them too. 


"Yeah, dad I understand." I hear Jake's voice, I role my eyes turning so that my back is to the door hopefully he wont see me. I tottally forgot about Jake and Robbie being in the same dorms as well. What a small fucking world. "Mr. Wilson already assigned me a tutor anyways, so know need to freak out." He speaks again, I listen now, notcing his is talking about me. Or at least having a tutor.


"Well, I wont have my son failing classes. You're Jace was a straight A student, and Jayla is a straight A student." An obviously older guy replies, and he sounds sophisticated, and snobby. Jake's father, Mr. Lincoln. He is the owner of the company his family runs. 


"I have all A's but one."  Jake sighs, and I turn around looking towards the entrance. He has all A's, but in Mr. Parker's class? 


"And that one is an F!" Mr. Lincoln replies, not happy. "Next time I come for a visit, I expect that grade to be better."  Then I hear a door close, and everything is quiet. Wow, Jake's got a chip on his shoulder. I didn't realize that his parents or at least his dad was that ... whats the word I'm looking for stuck up maybe?


"Goodbye to you too, Dad." I hear Jake, he sounds disapointed. Gosh, it's 2:43 A.M what kind of visit was that? I feel bad for Jake, he really does need his grade up. I wonder what else was all said, Jake doesn't sound happy at all. THe whole night must've been bad. "What are you doing here this late?" Jake's voice floats into the kitchen. I look up, from the box of cereal checking his posture and his facial expression. He isn't looking at me. He is slouched against the wall, scratching back of his head looking at the floor. 


"Watched movies with Robbie." I reply, tossing the jug of juice in the bin. That's all I needed, now I can go. "Well.. I better get going.." I say and I walk past him. 


"Paige," he says, I stop looking back as I put my sweatshirt on. "I know you heard what he said." He says turning around and looking at me. 


"I wont say anything." I assure him, no way would I say anything about what I heard. Jake has his own family issues, and that's none of my business. 


"That's not where I was going," He says, "I just... I want you to know, I really do apreciate that you taking the time to tutor me." He  glances up at my face. I'm a little confused, and I think I'm blushing. Jake is being a good guy. Not a jerk manwhore. He isn't with a girl right now, he was with his father, and most likely getting in trouble. He is thanking me, and really meaning it. I smile happy to see he still has this side to him. I do remember the time we worked on the project in middle school.


"Yeah, no problem." I smile slightly, as does he. "By the way, I like this side of you. It's the side I remember from middle school, when we worked on that project."  I inform him, heading towards the door again.


"I just wish you weren't the only one.." I hear him before I close the door. I stand outside on the deck area, trying to figure out if I really hear that or if that was just me wishing he would say something like that. Good guy Jake. That Jake is cute. I shake my head, no no matter what Jake he is he isn't cute!


Jake's POV


I watch as she makes her way out of the school, with Robbie next to her. They talk for a second before they get in the car, and once they do get in they still talk. Wyatt is busy flirting with his new girl, apparently she is more then just a one night thing. I sigh looking back at Robbie's car. I see them laughing, and having a good time. I think I was wrong before, I was right about him being friendzoned, but I can see he is trying to break through it. I wonder why he doesn't just kiss her. I look away, realizing she wont break. She has a set mind, what ever it's set at she isnt vering off track. She hasn't even cracked once, other then being nervous around me, but that's almost everyone. I go out to my car, and drive to my dorm. No way do I want to hang out with Wyatt and Carmen. Robbie pulls up at the same time I do, but he is alone now. He must've dropped Paige off at her dorm. He walks right inside, like he normally does. What on Earth is so special about him? Why is he her best friend? I role my eyes.. Who cares Jake! I go into the dorm, and I see my Father. I panic, my grade! Oh god I'm in for it! 

Chapter 6- Friendzoned

Paige's POV


Walking into the auditorium, I yawn, snuggling into my blanket some more. I'm so tired, I was up all night thinking about multiple different things. For one the play parts are supposed to given out today, second was that the real Jake last night or just him trying to get me talking. Also did I imagine that little remark I heard him say? I shake my head, now isn't the time to dive into Jake drama. I've had only one tutoring session with him and there is already drama that isn't a good sign. I take the seat next to Robbie, and apologizes for falling asleep right away. 


"Nah it's fine, I barely was awake when I left." I smile, laying my head back. All I need is a pillow right now! "Have any parts been given out yet?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. I blink a couple times getting the rest of my tiredness out, and the door opens. Revealing Jake, and he is with Georgia. She is tottally sucked into his whole persona. I sit up, totally pissed off Everything from last night was fake. Just a play of his thought of. I fell for it there for a minute too, never again. 


"Nothing yet. Are you worried?" He asks, stealing some of my blanket. I lay my head on his shoulder, feeling like an idiot and not wanting to be here. I'm worried about the part yes, but right now I can't focus on anything but Jake. I must've imagined his comment, as I was walking out the door.  "You really that tired?" He asks. 


"No." I sigh "Pissed off." I admit.


"About?" He questions, and I feel him move. I take my head from his shoulder, and see he is looking at me. 


"Not with you!" I assure him, he nods agging me on. What do I say? I'm sure as hell not going to say Jake is on my nerves. That will bring up more and more questions. Georgia leads Jake to the stage, and they sit directingly in front of Robbie and I. Which is directly in the middle of the stage, it's Georgia's way of showing off. I role my eyes, looking away. "Just... school stuff." I reply, closing my eyes. 


"Alright everyone quiet down! Take a seat, off my stage." Mrs. Oliver waltz in like she normally does. Holding multiple play books in her hands.  Oh god, I sit on the edge my seat. Georgia pull Jake into the seat next to me, and she sits next to him. Once Mrs. Oliver is on stage, she shines with excitement. It's contageous. "Alright, everyone! Our gospel girls will be Michelle, Jannette, Georgia, Larissa, and Angelique." She pauses, and I lose my excitement. Damn, I didn't get any of them. Robbie pats my knee, trying to cheer me up. "Francis will be playing Pain, and Greg will play Panic." she says again. Everyone claps and I lean back. What the hell? Neither of us got the parts we wanted!  I lean back, no longer really listening. I thought I did good! She said I did good, I don't know about Robbie, but I know he can sing, maybe she wants him in a part that sings more?  "Phil will be playing Philoctetes." More claps. "Paige will be playing Megera!" She smiles at me, and I turn scarlet red. She is joking right? Robbie next to me smiles, clapping. I lean back, not happy at all. I got the main girl part! Not cool!


"Aww come on Paige, you know you deserve the part." Robbie whispers, and I don't reply. Even if I deserve it, I don't want it! I've never had a lead before, why didn't Georgia get it?


"Mark will be playing Hades!" Mrs. Olver goes on, more clapping. "Now... drum role please!" She says, getting ready to reveal Herecules. I panic. Oh god I have to kiss who ever it is! That's why I don't want leads, they do all the kissing and lovey dovey stuff. "Herecules, will be played by ...." She pauses for effect. "Robbie Shroeder!" She finally reveals, and I turn red again. Robbie. I have to kiss Robbie?! I bring my hands together clapping for him. Gosh it's going to be so awkward, we're just friends. Friends shouldn't kiss. She hands out play books then and highlighters.  I look at Robbie who hasn't said anything, and I shake his knee. 


"Hey you deserve it!" I say, it's true he does. 


"Yeah..." He sighs, opening the book. "We better get highlighting." He begins, and I look down at my book. He must realize we have to kiss. He isn't happy about his part at all! Gosh I should switch. "At least you're Meg though. Now it wont be so awkward doing some of the scenes." He says, and I turn pink. He knows he has to kiss me? .. And he is okay with it? 


"I guess so." I reply. We get to highlighting, and before I know it the bell rings indicating first period. "See ya later." I say to Robbie, getting up and grabbing my things. I leave the room, and go to my locker. I stuff the play book in, making sure not to crumple it.


"Congrates on the part. You're going to do great." Jake says next to me also opening his locker. 


"Thanks." I reply shortly, grabbing my things for French class. I walk away, not wanting to stand there and deal with him.


"Whoa!" He says, catching up. "What's with the third degree?" He asks, walking next to me. I refrain from roling my eyes, I've been doing that a lot thanks to him lately. 


"This is how I normaly treat you." I sigh. 


"Paige last night-" He begins. 


"Nothing happened." I stop looking at him, nothing happened. "I told you I wouldn't tell people you had daddy issues. And I wont. That's it." I begin walking again. 


"I'm not talking about that!" He grits through his teeth. His parents are a touchy subject I see. "I'm trying to be friends with you. Not trying to hook up with you." He mumbles. 


"Oh really?" I say, and he actually roles his eyes at me. "I'll see you later Jake." and I go into the French room. I l watch him through the door. He looks pissed, I'm still not falling for his tricks. I look down at my book, what if he really is trying to be my friend? I lay smack my head down on the desk. I'm crazy for even thinking that! Even he did want to be friends, I wouldn't want to be friends with him. Not with the way he treats girls. 


The day goes by fast, and the next thing I know it's studyhall in seventh period, and Carmen is telling me all about Wyatt. I nod and do the whole entire Mhhhmmm trick as if I'm listening.  she sighs, and she stops talking for a while, in aww from everything. From the bits I did hear though it sounds like Wyatt is treating her good, although everything seems slightly rushed. They're already getting to the nickname stage. It's been three days only. 


"Oh, I heard you and Robbie got the main parts for the play!" She says, and I look at her. She is giving me the boy look. 


"No Carmen." I shake my head. "Robbie and I are friends only. Nothing more." I say.


"Good, he isn't the right guy for you anyway." She smiles, and there is something slightly off about the way she says it. Jealousy maybe. I must really be crazy! Her jealous of Robbie and me? No way. The rest of studyhall goes by, and I happily go to eighth hour. We actually get class in today too. Once class is over though, I stay for a few minutes and chat with Mr. Parker. 


"So, Mrs. Oliver was talking about how excited she is for the musical." He brings it up. "She thinks that it's going to be one her best productions." 


"Really?" I ask, drawing on his white board. She has doen a lot of good work, I can't believe she thinks it's going to be her best.


"Yeah, she was talking about how Robbie and you are going to do perfect playing Meg and Herecules." He says glances at me, from the homework assignments he is checking. "She says you two are good at hiding your feelings towards each other." He smirks at me, and I shake my head.


"No, Robbie is a friend." I say, looking at him. I used to have a crush on him, but yeah it never went anywhere I got over it. "He is my best friend."  I add.


"Oh sure.." He says, and I chuck the marker at him, nailing him in the face. He laughs, and holds his hands up in defense.  "Robbie.. Schroeder right?" He says. I nod, walking over and grabbing the marker. I need something to draw with.


"Yes." I say, coloring in the flower I drew. 


"He is a nice kid." He sighs, and I turn looking at him. 


"Oh, is he?" I ask.


"Yeah, he is smart and behaved. Good sense of humor. I can picture you two." He looks up at me. I just shake me head. "He isn't terrible looking either." He says. 


"Are you telling me to go for it?" I ask, looking back at the board. This conversation has taken a turn towards awkward, he knows that when I was younger.. well when both of us were younger I had a crush on him to. It's gone now, but still slightly awkward since he is my teacher.


"No.. yes. I don't know." He says. " I do know you haven't had a a boyfriend.... I'm just wondering." He says. 


"I'm not lesbian if that's where you're going with this." I say, and he laughs. 


"No." He says calming down. "Just wondering if you're talking to someone... or even interested in someone." He says.  


"Hmm, no not really." I admit, and he changes the subject. Thank god. Although he choose a subject I wouldn't like to talk about still. Tutoring Jake.


"I'm really happy you're doing it you know." He says leaning back in his chair. He must be done grading papers. "Is he behaving correctly? I do know the type of kids he is." I put the marker down, thinking. Of course Jake has made a bunch of passes at me, but is that really something I should talk to him about? We already talked about Robbie, one talk about a boy is enough for me! 


"No, actually he is behaving. I think he knows he needs to get his grade up." I reply, thinking about what his father said to him. Gosh, he does need to get his grade up. He did do his worksheet Wednesday too. God, I was a total bitch to him this morning. What if he was telling the truth? Jake can't just be friends with girls though, there is always some benefits thing going on then. I think at least. I shouldn't have brought up his dad either that was crossing the line. Maybe he does have bad parent problems! Worse then what I heard last night.  "Hey, I gotta get going. I forgot I was a speech to do." I say, grabbing my things. 


"Okay. Later." He says, packing all of his stuff. He must be leaving too.  I sign my name on the board next to my flower I drew, and wave leaving.  I stop by my locker putting away my history book and grabbing my Speech notes. I do have a speech to write.  I drive to my dorm, and go inside in a rush trying to get all my things up to my room. Once I have everything on the ground I turn around heading to the kitchen. I have a stash of Hershey's Cookies-in-cream bars. I'm craving one at the moment. Stealing one, I rip open the package and break a piece off. I hear the creaking of the front door opening and closing in the distance. I get up, and stuff the boxes I have back into it's in a break in the cupboards, it's a spot I only know about apparently.



"What are you doing?" Jake's voice drifts into the kitchen. I jump up banging my head on the top of the counter. I hold my head, muttering swear words.  "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He adds. I mumble more sitting back down in the chair and breaking off more chocolate.  He stands across the table from me, just watching me. What is he doing here? Anne's room is right down the hall if that why he is here. 


"What?" I finally ask, breaking off another piece of chocolate and offering it to him. He takes it, and eats it before he replies. 


"Can we go somewhere more private maybe?" He asks, and I shiver. He wants to go somewhere private with me? That's not good. 


"Like outside... not my room." I say, and he smirks a second. 


"Well, where ever. Just private." He informs me. I stand up bringing my chocolate with, and I lead him outside to the back patio that none of us ever use. It's for bonfires, but we never need to have one because other dorms beat us to it.  "This is fine." He sits in one of the chairs, I sit in the one next to him. I lean back trying to not be so tense. 


"Well...?" I say, looking at the sky. It's quiet a second still, I look at him. He is looking at me. I sit up, clearing my throat. "Hey.. I'm sorry about this morning.. I shouldn't have said some of the stuff I did." I apologize. 


"Apology accepted." He replies, smiling. I give him another piece of chocolate. "I actually wanted to talk to you about the whole tutoring thing." He says. "I was wondering if next week we could have two sessions. I wont be around for spring break, and Mr. Parker said I need do something about it." 


"Depends what day." I say. "Wednesday and either  Monday or Thursday will work for me. I'm busy Tuesday and Friday." 


"Oh?" He says, giving me a questioning look. "Gotta date?" 


"No. Tuesday after school I have a dance thing, and Friday, I'm leaving to go home." I tell him, and he still gives me a confusing look.


"Dance thing?" He raises an eyebrow, and it makes me laugh. 


"Yes," I say, but he wants more information. "I've been in the dance club since I was little.. and now I'm not as interested in it.. I'm doing my farewell recital." I say, looking away. It's odd to be telling him this. No one at school knows about my dance career other then Robbie and Mr. Parker. I have no idea why I actually told him, I'm guessing it has something to do with me feeling bad for this morning.


"You can dance?" He laughs. 


"Ballet." I nod, crumpling up the wrap to my now finished chocolate bar. It's some what embarassing for me to talk about it. Everyone thinks ballet is dumb nowadays, it's all about hip hop and all that stuff. But I love it, I just have to much going on to keep it going, and I just do it for fun, so I can still just go to a studio when ever to just mess around. 


"Really?" He asks, his interest peeked. "You've been in it since you were young... and it sounds like you're gonna miss it so why quit?"


"I guess I'm just not as into as I was before, but yes I will miss it." I say, and I can't help but like the fact that we are having a normal conversation. "Anyways... Monday or Thursday.." I say changing the subject. 


"Oh! Right.." He says, "Hmmm Monday." He says. I nod. Monday it is.


"Is that all?" I ask, he nods. I stand up, roling shoulders. It's a beautiful spring day out side. I might just bring my speech stuff out here and do it! That's a good idea. I'm going to! I walk with him back to the front of the building, he has his hands in his pockets, and he is looking at his surroundings. I still can't help but wonder... we just had a a nice civil and normal conversation. He didn't hit on me or anything. Maybe he was telling the truth about the friend thing. "Hey... last night.. did you say something as I was leaving?" I ask, and I stop in front of the stairs, waiting for him to reply. 


"What?" He says caught of guard. The door opens and Rachel and Anne come out. 


"Jake!" Anne smiles, and I back away. I don't want to see any of this shit!


"I'm busy." He says to her, and she frowns, and I can feel her glare at me. I look him up and down trying to understand him. "I did." he says and pulls me back to his face. I make an O shap eiwht my mouth, now still feeling Anne's raging stare. 


"Well, I' guess.. I better get my speech done." I sigh, then say goodbye. I walk away before he can really reply. I run into the living room, and peek out the windows. I see Anne interogating him, and he looks tired. I close the curtains, and go to my room. Jake didn't look one bit into her at all. She got friendzoned!

Chapter 7- Soft

Jake's POV


She left before I could even say goodbye. I send Anne a glare, she is getting on my nerves. She has been all over me, and I don't like that in a girl. I like being all over the girl, not the other way around!


"What are you doing talking to her?" she snips at me, jealously. I smirk at her and she roles her eyes. "She woont go for it."


"I'm not in it for that." I say, "I had some questions about drama." I lie easily. She lets out a breathe and then she tries in her own weird way to look sexy. It doesn't work for me. I've never looked at her as good looking. Sluts aren't attractive.  


"Jake the only reason you ever talk to a girl is to get something arond that area from them." She smiles, and pulls her friend away with her. I stay there a minute, she is right. I never just want to be friends with girls. I can see why Paige is the way she is with me. I want to do her, no doubt about that. But the fact is she wont, and that's something I've never came across before. She is different with me. She tells me off, and she isn't afraid to be blunt with me. She is still nervous around me though, and I've seen her little blushes. I have an effect on her that's for sure. She is a new thing to me. I for some reason am fascinated with her.


I get in my car, I head back to my dorm. Wyatt is there, with out Carmen. 


"Sup dude! you been with a girl?" He smirks at me. 


"Yeah." I reply,  I've been talking to Paige. 


"That doesn't sound like the I just fucked Jake." He says, and I shak e my head. 


"Because I didn't have sex with her." I inform him and he actually spits out his water. Is it that hard to believe? 


"So you were with Anne?" He asks, not understanding. 


"No, I did see her though. I was with Paige." I say, and he smirks. I grap myself an apple from the fridge, and sit next to him in the kitchen. He is still smirking. 


"Paige..?" He says, "Carmen's friend?" he sits up. I nod that would be her.  "Oh come on dude why you even trying, you aren't going to get anywhere." I  take a bite of my apple. I know that.


" I know." I snap. He doesn't know about the tutoring stuff. No one but Mr. Parker, Paige, Mr. Wilson, and my parents know. " I had some questions about drama." I say trying to get him off my back. He laughs, about me being in drama and I wait for him to shut up. "How are things with Carmen?" I ask changing the subject. 


"Great, she talks about Paige.. and from the sounds of it Paige doesn't like either of us." He brings it back to her.  "So... why are you really talking to her?" He aks. I shake my head.  "You're not getting soft for her are you?" He asks, and he is smiling like a baboon. I toss the apple core in the garabage. Getting soft for Paige? I'm not am I? I've never really liked liked girls. If they're hot, I have sex with them and thats it.  "Is Jake going soft?!" He stands up laughing, and I send him a glare.


"No I'm not!" I tell him, "I've just gotta focus on grades for a second." I say. He studies me, and I let out a breath. Me going soft no way! I shake my head, and go to my room. For him even ask means I am going soft for her. Well, no more. I need a girl this weekend.




I pause, what just happened. I think about it. I don't need a girl. I just want one. I know who I want as well, but that so far doesn't sound like it's going to happen. 

Chapter 8- Slutty Brownies

Paige's POV


I finish tying my shoe, and stand up leaving the dorm and stretching out my arms. It's six in the morning on Sunday, no one else will be up so I will be able to run in piece. Every Sunday I actually get up at six and go for a run. It calms me, and gets me back into focus for school. Tomorrow I have to tutor Jake as well, I'm gonna need to be calm for that.  I jog from my dorm to the horse barn, which is a mile there and back. So two miles. I pass by all of the girl dorms, on my way towards the horses, and once I get to the barn  I stop and look out at all the horses. Some are grazing and others are doing nothing. When I decide to head, back I jog again. Three fourths of the way there my shoe comes on tied, so I stop, putting foot up against a tree to retie it.  I start up again at slower pace, I look over at the dorms, everything is so peaceful. No lights on, no loud noises. It sounds and looks like it was a calm night. I see the dorm next time mine, and I see the door open. I wonder who else is up there early? When Jake slips out, I stop jogging. He pulls his sweat shirt on and I  take a breath, turning up my ipod. God, of course it wasn't a calm night. Jake had to have a girl! I  slip over to the other side of the street, no way do I want him to see me. I continue running. I'm now mad, and no where close to calm. But why am I mad? 


I thought better of him. But why? It's not like he is going to change for me, why would he since we're aren't even really friends. I wonder who it was.. I know that's Carmen's dorm, I wonder who else is all in there. Then I see the door open again and Wyatt comes out. Oh god Carmen. I role my eyes, and cross the street again. I'm at my dorm, I go inside and shower getting ready for the day. What will I do? 


"Thanks for calling." I say to Robbie, as we leave the resturaunt. He called me around two o'clock asking if I would like to go out to eat with him and then practice play lines. 


"No problem, so... who's place?" he asks, and I shrug I could careless.  "Do you have your book even?" he asks. I nod, pulling it out. "Well, then.. how about mine."  I nod sounds good. He pulls in and we go up to his room together, we practice lines for a good two hours and then we lose focus. "Well that was a good practice while it lasted!" he sighs, tossing his book on his desk. I laugh agreeing with him. 


"How are you songs coming along?" I ask, wondering if he has practiced them at all. I know I haven't. I only have one song anyways, but I haven't even listened to the recording Mrs. Oliver emailed me.


" I've listened to the recordings, but that's about it. I have a private lessong with her, tomorrow after school so she can work on them with me. I nod that sounds like a good idea. "I love how you say that line introducing yourself to Herc! You do it perfectly." He says. 


"Megera, my friends call me Meg, at least they would if I had any friends. So did they give a name along with all those rippling pectorals?" I quote my line. Its the only I have memorized. 


"Perfect!" He sighs, and messes up my hair. I get up laughing and going to his bathroom to fix my hair. I come out checking the clock, it's nine now.  "What to do on a Sunday night.." He sighs, and I nod. Now what? "Oh I know! I have all the ingrediants for you two make those brownie things, you should make them for me!" He smiles. 


"Fine."I say and we head down to the kitchen. I seen this recipe called Slutty Brownies on the web a while ago and decided to make them. They are so good! All you do is take chocolate chip cookie dough, and put it in the bottom of the brownie pan, then put one layer of oreos on it,and then the brownie batter. Cook it for however long the brownie batter calls for and then it's done! 


As I spread out the cookiedough, which is the hardest part to do, I listen to Robbie practicing his line. His dorm is kind of dead tonight, everyones trying to get there homework done I'm guessing. I take the package of oreos away from him, scolding him for eating them, and I lay out the oeros one by one. Then I mix up the brownie mix. 


"Hey, so what time do I need to be there Tuesday?" He asks, dipping his finger in the batter. I take the bowl away then, I always let him have the bowl once I get most of the batter out anyways. I spread the batter, and then pop it in the oven. Robbie always pre heats it for me, I forget. "Hmm I'll be right back. Potty break!" 


"To much information." I reply, as he leaves the room. I set the bowl down on the table, and start cleaning up and putting things away. 


"Awww Paige cooking for me?" Jake's voice chuckles behind me. I turn and see him swipe his finger through the bowl. "I do love brownies." he adds, smirking at me. 


"Cooking yes. For you specifically no." I sigh, unsure if I should take the bowl away. Robbie wont be happy, but I guess he is just out of luck. Besides, he doesn't need to eat a bunch of sweets now. He needs to keep figure for the musical anyways. 


"Oh. You wound me!" he says placing a hand over his heart. I laugh, grabbing an oreo from the package before putting them away. I sit down across from Jake, who is now sitting, and I break it so I can lick the cream off first. "Oh my god what are you doing to that poor cookie?" He asks, setting the bowl down. 


"Eating it." I reply, and he shakes his head. "This is the correct way to eat an oreo, nutball." I  smile and so does he. 


"You don't look like you eating it though. More like...  trying to get into it's pants." He says, lookig down at his phone. 


"You're just jealous this cookie is getting more action from me then you are." I sigh, and he nods. 


"Yes, that's sadly true. I congradulate the cookie."  He smirks at me, my cheeks heat, and I look away. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try anything." He adds, and I stand checking the brownies in the oven. "So what are you making that needs oreos and brownie mix.


"Slutty  Brownies." I smile at him. Ironic. He should like this. "Ever had one?" He now narrows his eyes at me seeing I'm making a joke of him. 


"Nope. I'll gladly try one." He sits up and crosses his arms, in a business like way. 


"They're not done yet." I sigh. "You're gonna have to wait... something I'm sure you aren't used to." I say wiping of the counter, and I hear him scoff.  


"I'm a patient man when I want to be, Ms. Easton." he says, I turn meeting his eyes. We lock our gazes and my stomach clenches in a good way. He is giving me butterflies! Jake Lincoln giving me btterflies?! I turn away, and finish the counter, mentally yelling at myself. Don't show him any interest, or he'll get mixed signals.


"I highly doubt that." I reply clearing my throat. Although, what on Earth does he have to be patient for? If he asks for something I'm sure almost everyone around him will stop at nothing until he gets it.


"Well, maybe you should get know me better.. then you will know for yourself." He says quietly lossing his cocky edge. I take a drink from my water, totally confused. What's going on right now? Is this just playful banter, or are we actually flirting?


"I think I know you pretty good already." I say, still purposely not facing him. I remember this morning. He left the girls dorm.


"Oh?" he questions. "What exactly do you think you know?" He whispers, and it sends shivers up my spine. Now he is doing this on purpose. 


"I know, you come fom a rich family." I start. "And your one of the schools top athletes. I also happen to know you're fai-"


"What do you really no about me though." He whispers right behind me now. I take a deep breath. How did I not hear him move? I want to see exactly how close he is, I want to know what he is doing! Does he think he will break me like this? 


"I know you use girls, and don't ever consider there feelings." I reply, turning so I'm facing him. He is right there behind me. We are maybe two or three inches apart. He is looking down at me, his expression blank. We stand like this for what seems like years, staring at each other unmoving. 


"What if that isn't really me?" He asks, lifting a hand and tucking some of my hair behind me ear. I can't tell if he is serious or not! 


"Why are you asking." I reply, and the kitchen fills with tension and the smell of brownies. They're probably done now. I gain my confidence and brush past him, taking the brownies out. 


"Reasons." He whispers. At that moment Robbie walks in, and he looks from Jake to me. "Well, I'll get going.." Jake says, and leaves the kitchen. I can feel myself relax, god that was intense. 


"You let him lick the bowl.." Robbie takes notice to the bowl in the sink, "What did he want?" he asks. 


"Just some advice on drama." I sigh, "Here dig in." I hand him a small desert plate with a brownie on it. I sit thinking about Robbie's question. What did Jake want. I don't know for sure myself. I haven't figured out if I was flirting with him yet. I must've been. If I have to think about it,  must've. I scratch my forehead. I'm giving him total ixed signals. Well, no I'm not.  Because I assume he know I wont just sleep with him. So if he  ever wants to go there we'll have to date or something- DATE? Jake doesn't do the dating thing, hence why he uses girls! 


"You sure?" Robbie asks before he takes a bite. "You look pretty distracted." 


"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. "But I'm tired. See ya tomorrow?" He nods. I grab my things from his room, and go back to my dorm. Not wanting tomorrow. I don't understand anything that just happened. I need to sleep and get a clear mind about everything.

Chapter 9- Warning.

Jake's POV


I'm so screwed. That's all I got. I'm going soft and it's all her. I don't think about girls anymore it's just her. I don't want any girl now just her. I do however want to punch Robbie, multiple times. Paige and I were having some kind of moment, and he walked in and ruined it.  I'm so screwed. I'm jealous of her relatioship wth him, and I'm mad at myself for all of my shinanigans with girls. She is right, I do use girls, and I haven't ever even thought about there feelings. I just cared about my own pleasure. 


As I lay in my bed, replying what went down in the kitchen, I know I'm in for a bunch of shit. This morning, when I went to find Wyatt,  and tell him that I was going to go out and spend the day with my sisiter, he just laughed. I of course found him at his girlfriends dorm, and I woke them both up at 7:43 this morning. Jayla called me last night (Saturday night) and wanted to know if I would spend the day with her. I took her up on the offer, not wanting to sit in my room and sulk. I had a great day with her, and when I got back to school, it got even better. Cause when I walk in and I go the kitchen and see Paige it made me smile. Then we started talking. It was nice. Playful banter, and she kept with it, never once did she faulter. She wasn't scared to say any of it. Sleep I need sleep.


I wake up and do my normal morning routine, showering and all the works. Then I walk out the door grabbing a frozen Smuckers peanut butter and Jelly sandwhich things. I eat them frozen, I think they're better that way. Driving to the school, I get to drama just on time! As I walk in Mrs. Oliver tells everyone to get on stage where they need to be from the begining. They skip the songs this morning, and the practice continues going through the play up to the part where Paige comes in. They stop before she actually comes on.  I look for her, and I don't see her is she even here?


"Mr. Schroeder, where is Ms. Easton?" Mrs. Oliver asks, I lean back in my chair she isn't here. She didn't look sick last night, although she still could be sick. 


"She texted me saying something about seeing a te-"


"I'm so sorry Mrs. Oliver, I had Paige with me. We were discussing some stuff for class, I've kept her away from class this whole time." Mr. Parker opens a door from the back, and he and Paige appear. Paige's face is flushed, and her hair is slightly messed up. Mr. Parker is smiling and seems to be in a good mood. What happened? 


"Alright well, I need her now." she replies, and Mr. Parker salutes. Paige send him a quick glare and then walks down towards the stage. She hops up on the stage and the musical continues as if it hadn't stopped. Once Paige's scene is done she comes down and starts brushing through her hair with her fingers, trying to calm it down. I wonder what got it so wild to begin with. She eventually gives up, and puts it up into a messy bun.  


"Paige why were you late." Robbie asks, sitting next to her. I'm sitting three chairs down from them and I can hear everything they are saying. Mrs. Oliver is taking a quick break to talk to the five gospel godess girls about there songs. 


"Nothing important." She replies, pulling a pop tart from her bookbag. "What?" She asks. "Nothing bad, we just walked into each other when I got here, and he had to show me this model cannon he finished last night.  It blows a puff of air out and it's strong!"


"He couldn't have waited?" Robbie sighs. 


"I don't know Robbie." she sighs, and I see she is tired of his questions. I shake my head at him. He is pushing the friend boundaries. If he was her boyfriend then yeah his question would be okay, but he isn't.


"I'm sorry okay.. It's none of my business." He says, looking down at his play script. 


"It's fine.." She replies, and her eyes wonder around the auditorium. I look away, not wanting her to catch me looking. Once Mrs. Oliver starts up the practice again, it starts at the scene where Hades tell Meg to find Herecules weakness. Paige, is a good actress. Or maybe the part is just her. They both have good snappy comes backs thats for sure.  Mark the guy playing Hades, seems a bit out of it though, tired and sleepy. Paige is trying to get him more involved but, this is just not his morning apparently.  Once the bell rings for first period, I'm the first one out of the room. I'm just a light person and we don't have to do anything yet, so I just got to sit and watch. I stop at my locker and I decide to take my time I want to talk to Paige. Wyatt beats Paige here though, and he imediately jumps in a plan for a party tonight. 


"Besides dude... lets face it. You need to get a girl. What's in been now two three weeks?" He says, and I shurg somewhere around there. I used to always have at least one girl a week maybe two. But since I found out about my grade and tutor thing I haven't really thought about it. Well and since last Wednesday I haven't thought about any other girls other then Paige. 


"I don't know. I have a lot going on.." I sigh, closing my locker. 


"Jake, we can invite all your little play girls, that Georgia chick..." He says smirks. Paige.. she is in the play. "You just need to get Easton out of your head. You're going soft. That's not something you known for doing."


"I'm not going soft!" I say to him, and I see Paige out of the corner of my eye she is coming. I shouldn't even notice her walking this way! I close my eyes, think Jake think. "Okay fine, party at the dorm tonight!" I say, and Wyatt smirks. 


"I'll get everything set up, you just worry about a target." He says, walking away. I role my eyes. A target. I don't want a party tonight. I lean against my locker just as she gets to hers. She doesn't even say hi. 


"Okay... now what?" I sigh, what happened that made her not talk to me now. 


"Now what..?" she asks, and I look at her, she is  focusing on something in her locker. I peek around the door, and se she is trying to finish eating her food. 


"What happened yesterday?" I ask, wanting her opinion. I still haven't figured it out myself, I know things got serious, and I was feeling lust for her. The tension in the room was thick. I flirted. Something I rarely ever do and actually mean it. Normal it's just a decoy for me to get the girl. 


"I was thinking the same thing." She replies, then pops the last bit of pop tart into her mouth and rubs her hands together getting rid of the crumbs. "I don't know when you're serious and when you're not. And I don't know if I should believe you... ever." she looks up at me, grabbing her locker door. 


"I was serious last night. You should get to know me." I say, and what Wyatt has been saying rings in my head. I need to get her out of my head, but thinking about getting her out just makes me think about her more! 


"Yes, but in what way are you reffering to." She asks closing her locker and looking at me expectantly. 


"I'm not gonna lie I want you in that way too, but there is something about you... I don't know. You seem to be the only person who sees and likes me without all the rich guy crap. I like that." I say, revealing a little of what I feel towards her. 


"Because I don't see you as the guy who has money Jake." She replies. " I see you as a guy who is scared to be his real self." 


"Go out with me tonight." I blurt, standing in front of her.  No way can I let her get away now. I don't do dates, and I'm assuming she knows that. I did just ask her out on one, I'm going soft. 


"Huh?" She she almost laughs. 


"I'm serious. After our session... lets do something." I say. Then her phone buzzes and she pulls it out, she looks down at it and stuffs it back in her pocket. She sends me a cold look and turns walking towards her first class which is French. "What just happened?" I ask, walking next to her. Mood swings in girls man!


"Your version of doing something would be getting me drunk and having me in your bed tonight." she replies. "I'm not gonna go to your party with you." She says, "I know what you do at those parties, you choose a  girl as a target and you sleep with her. I'm not going to just be another knotch on your head board Jake." Then she is in the class room and ignorig me again! I growl in frustration, Wyatt must've sent out a mass text about the stupid party! I walk down the hall, know where close to happy. I head to my first period, which is history, and I slide into my seat. Wyatt is in the seat across from me, and he seems oddly happy. 


"What's up with you?" He asks. 


"I just need to let off some steam." I say, and he pats my back the way friends do. 


"You can do that tonight, man! Just think all the girls, you'll have a nice pick tonight!" He leans back in his chair as the bell rings. How can he talk like this when he has a girlfriend? It's not like he can  have a girl tonight other then Carmen. He makes no sense! The class goes quickly, and I stuff the homework asignment into my book bag, I actually worked on it and have half of it done. I just don't know if it's right. Paige will check it for me. Mr. Parker keeps me after class, and asks me about what I'm doing with spring break. I tell him Paige and I agreed to have it tonight. 


"I need to tell you something... somewhat off record for a minute." He says, and I nod what on Earth could it be. If a teacher wants to talk to you and it's off record or anything around those lines, you better listen. Multiple things could go down, in the next couple minutes. I'm not in trouble, at least I shouldn't be. I don't have anyidea what for if I am.  "Paige has a bightt future ahead of her Jake. And she has been distracted lately, and I hope you have nothing to do with it. So take it as a teacherly warning, leave her alone. She is your tutor nothing more." 


"How is it your business?" I ask standing up from my desk. Why do I get the feeling he is trying to claim his territory..?


"I'm just looking out for her best interest. Something you never do when it comes to girls. Her borther asked me too, and I told him I would. You aren't looking for whats in her best interest, but yours. Remember I can always give you a different tutor." He says. His is eyeing me like a hawk, and I get what he is saying. Paige has a path set for herself, I've known that. I don't want to ruin it either, but damn is it tempting. 


"I'm not trying to hurt her." I say, looking away. I look out the door, and see other people scurrying around trying to get to class.


"Just leave her alone Jake, and we wont have any problems." He says and then gestures for me to leave, which I do. Doesn't he know that when adults tell kids something is off limits it just makes them want it more? I want her. In everyway I can have her. It's going to happen, I'll make sure of it.

Chapter 10- Cliché

Paige's POV


 "Carmen... don't you think you're moving a bit fast with Wyatt?" I sigh, getting anoyed listen how happy they are. I'm happy she is happy, but still it all seems rushed to me. She quits talking a minute and looks at me, trying to figure out my mood. 


"I'm sorry I have a relatioship and you don't..." She sighs, and leans back in her chair indicating she is mad at me. I let out a breath, she can be such a drama queen sometimes! I get back to my homework, this is my only study hall I have, I hate wasting it. Which is what she does. Once I finish with everything I contemplate talking to her and trying to apologize. What she does bother me though. I'm not jealous she is in a relatinship. I'm just looking out for her best interest.  No I'm not going to apologize, she needs to apologize! When the bell rings, I gather me things and leave without even looking at her. I feel bad, but she needs to know I'm not going to kepp going through this shit with her. I slip into my desk in Mr. Parker's room, and I look down at my phone. Robbie sent me text earlier this morning, during first period.  Finally opening it now, I read his text.


Robbie: wanna run lines 2night? 8:58 A.M


I don't reply, I just find him when class is over. Mr. Parker comes in late, like usual, he tosses a subway wrapper in the trash and greets the class. After he takes role he gets to it, and the lesson is done and we have the last 5 minutes to start the worksheet. I don't bother with it, I'll just do it while I'm with Jake. Two birds one stone. Pulling out my  free  reading book, I open it up and read a quick chapter. When the bell does ring, I say goodbye to Mr. Parker after he hands me a couple things he wants me to go over with Jake. I run towards Robbie's locker and catch him just as he is closing it. 


"Hey!" I say, and he smiles. "I just now checked your text.. I can't  right now, but later I can." I offer. 


"Yeah that's cool!" He says, "See ya then!" He points at me with a smirk. I shake me head laughing at him, such a clown. I go back to my locker, and I realize I'm gonna be late if I don't book it! Sorting through everything I finally get all the papers I need, and I head to the library. I slip into the room, and I see he isn't even here yet. I relax sitting down. I look up, and see I'm even ten minutes late. Oh great where is he? I bet he doesn't want to see me. From this morning. He asked me out on a date though! I'm not stupid. He doesn't do dates, so obviously he had something planned. I wasn't going to fall for it. Including he was just going to bring me to his party! I shake my head don't get all mad and worked up, it's just going to make the session that much harder. 


I sit for another thirty minutes, and I know he isn't coming. At least I got my own work done waiting. Packing away all of my things, I leave the library. I can't believe he didn't even show up! He picked today out! Maybe he is done trying to pursue me. Although thinking of the party tonight, and how that's probably what he is doing is getting ready for that. I get in my car driving to my dorm, and throwing my stuff in my room. I'm buzzing with anger, he is such a jerk! Why did I even bother? I grab my phone, and leave for Robbie's place. I pull up, and I go inside seeing the preparation for one of these dumb parties. They put a lot of work into it I'll give them that. I go upthe stairs, and I find the elusive condom bowl, I role my eyes I didn't think they actually had one. I meet Carmen as I go up the second flight of stairs, she is coming down. We don't say a word. Just walk past each other like we've never talked before. 


The anger inside me just gets stronger, why is everyone around me at the moment acting like kids! Or am I the one acting like a kid? Should I really be mad at Carmen? What she said was a little out of line, but that's the way she is. She doesn't reall think before she speaks, and I don't have any idea where Jake and are at. We shouldn't be anywhere. I do need the service hours though.  Once I'm at Robbie's room, I knock and he opens it he is shirtless, with basketball shorts on and messy hair. 


"Did I wake you up or something?" I ask, looking back up at his face. The smirk on his face tells me he caught me checking him out. 


"No... just interupted me changing." He holds the door open to me. I come in, and make his bed real quick for him. He must've not done it this morning. Or maybe he was napping... now I feel like shit. He pulls a shirt on, and plops on his bed next to me. "What did you have to do after school anyways?" he says, tossing a baseball in the air. He is actually one of the main pitchers for the team. It's about time for him to start actual practices, and not just pitching in the gym on Sundays. He practices year round, and now that it's geting nice out again, he'll be able to go to the field. 


"Ahh, just extra work from Mr. Parker." I say, which isn't technically lying. "I help grade worksheets... for service hours." I try to make it sound more legit. 


"Oh. Do you know any of my scores?" He asks, sounding worried. 


"No, I don't check our classes... he doesn't trust me with our papers."  I say, hoping this sounds truthful. I feel bad for lying but, I'd rather him not know about the whole tutoring situation. "So we gonna run lines or what?" I sit up grabbing my book that I set on the floor. I would like to change the subject.


"Oh yeah!" he stands and grabs his book, and then we get down to the nitty gritty. After about two hours of running lines, the two of us stray off topic again loosing focus. We play his Playstation 3 for a while, I'm actually really bad at these dumb games but he likes making fun of me while we play. We have a fun time for a good hour playing each of his five different games. Once the music starts outside though, we stop playing. I forgot about the stupid party.  "No!" He panics standing up. "You're brownies are down there! I'm not gonna get any of them!"  The two of us leave his room, and make our way through the crowds to the kitchen. I stand outside the kitchen and wait for him to return, and I look at everything going on. Another great party, I close my eyes taking a deep breath. Jake is here somewhere. Finding his target. I run over to the cooler across from me grabbing a wine cooler, might as well. Then Robbie comes out carrying my pan of Sluttly Brownies. 


"You saved them!" I laugh, and he smiles nodding.  "Alright well.. now what?" I ask, opening my drink. He narrows his eyes at me, I shrug my shoulders. "It's here.. might as well." 


"I''m gonna go stash these in my room." He says, and I stay put again. He is gonna come back down, I don't know what we're going to do, but we'll do something. I pull out my phone, and send Carmen a quick text feeling slightly guilty for our little pow wow. I don't go into detail, I just say that I'm sorry for being rude earlier. Stuffing my phone back in my pocket, I look into the rec room that is in the room on the wall I'm leaning against. I turn peeking in, and seeing what's all happening in here. 


I see Carmen with Wyatt, they're in the middle of the dance floor doing what I'm sure they think is dancing. I role my eyes, she isn't thinking clearly. I wonder whay she was doing earlier? I don't think Wyatt's room on any of the upper floors. In fact I'm pretty sure that his is right down this hall. Weird. Looking around some more, I spot a couple more people I know. Rachel and Anne are talking with a couple guys, and I see Mark.. the guy playing Hades... he is the guy running the D.J system. After another minute passes Robbie shows up, and he takes me to the other rec room where the have Beer Pong set up. Robbie and I make a great team at this. With him being a spot on pitcher, and me just having good aim for some odd reason. After two games, which we won, I get bored. I'm not drunk yet, but a little more and I'll be getting there, so no more drinking! 


"Come on you have a whole cloud of girls to choose from. You need to get out of the bog your in." I hear Wyatt, and I know who he is talking to. "Where have you been anyways?" 


"I was busy." Jake answers. I glance at Robbie who is engrossed in a conversation with another friend of his. I keep listening.


"Busy..busy? or just busy?" Wyatt says, and they are both quiet for a second. I tell Robbie I'm going back up to his room. I don't want to here anymore, I knew I would eventually see him, I just don't know what to say to him. If he even speaks to me. He probably wont. 


"I'll let you decide." He replies, and I hear Wyatt laugh. I can litterally feel my face fall. I was hoping he wasn't doing anything like that. He missed the stupid session to fuck someone. I head up the stairs, after I grab a jello shot that was sitting a tray full of them. I drink it down, but I just toss  the jello in the trash up at the top of the stairs. I spot the condom bowl which is already half empty. God, all the guys here are horrible. Well not all of them, Robbie isn't. I also don't know enough guys here to really say that. Girls could've grabbed some too. "Paige." Jake's voice  startles me, as I'm going up to the third floor. I freeze, oh shit. I should've just kept going, pretended to not here him. I set my foot down on the stair, and turn to face him. He looks confused, and I can tell he is trying to think through something. 


"Yes?" I say, leaning against the railing. I'm still thinking straight, and he isn't holding drinks. Right now everything looks clear. Although I'm surprised there isn't anyone up here anymore. They must all be downstairs or in bedrooms. I don't know what he wants, but he walks up the stairs closer to me. I stay where I am, trying to not seem nervous, though I am. My anger with him at the moment now is a little stronger then my nervousness. 


"I'm sorry I wasn't there. Right after school, I wa-"


"No, Jake." I interupt. I heard him and Wyatt's conversation, I don't need to know what happened after school. "I heard you and Wyatt's conversation. I can guess where you were." I look at the ground, wishing I had more alcohol in me. This conversation might've been easier.


"With my parents." He finishs, and I turn my head to look at him again. Of course the first thing he says to me is a lie.


"Why didn't you say that to him?" I say, not believing him. He is feeding me lies. 


"Because I'm trying to get him off my back! He is the one who set up this whole party.." He says, trying to convince me. Is he telling the truth? "He thinks I'm going through some shit... and wants me to get over it. He thinks I need a girl to do that." 


"Are you going through something?" I ask him, and he shifts his eyes to mine. "What did you're parents want?"


"My mother wanted to talk to me about my grades... and some family supper that they planned over spring break." He leaves something out. Do I keep asking or just walk away? 


"And...?" I say, maybe he was with a girl, and his parents. He saw them first and then came back to the girl. I hate the anticipation going on right now! I'm already gripping the railing as tight as I can! 


"Nothing." He says, and I  know it's something. I let out a breath, and scratch my head. I'm not gonna sit here and let him try to manipulate me. "Paige I wasn't with anyone. You've got to believe me!" He says, following me up the stairs. "My parents want you to come to the dinner. They want to meet you... and thank you... all the works." He grabs my hand to stop me from walking away.  He is nervous, I can feel the sweat on his hand. 


"What? Why?" I ask, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln want to meet me? Holy shit, that's like a huge ass scary honor! 


"To thank you... for tutoring me." He lets go of my hand. I notice him wipe it on his jeans. 


"Are you serious?" I raise an eyebrow at him, I don't know what to think. "This isn't funny." I say "I just want the truth." 


"I'm telling you the truth!" He says, stepping away. He turns away from me, thinking again. He has to be telling the truth.. right?  He looks as of he is speechless. Like a kid who doesn't know how to plain something that happened. 


"I don't uderstand... we've only had one session. You're grade hasn't even went up yet." I say trying to wrap this around my brain. He doesn't say anything, and I take a deep breath. "I believe you... It's just.. it makes no sense." I say trying to get a better understanding.


 "I'm just as lost as you are! They insisted though." He says still facing the other way. What's he thinking about? Something else has to be going on, why wont he look at me? Yeah it's weird his parents want to meet me, but it's not because I'm a girlfriend or anything, so I guess it makes sense.. in a weird way. 


"I wont go...I mean I don't think that's quiet apro-" I say, shaking my head. 


"You have to go!" He turns, panic on his face. "I told them you would already." He informs me scratching the back of his neck. He looks everywhere but at me.


"Jake!" I say, trying to figure all of this out. Why would he tell them yes for me? It is really that important. Why would his parents want to meet me anyways. I haven't raised his grade at all, and I've only seen him once. "I'm not understanding..." I say.


"And you're supposed to be the smart one." He sighs. leaning against the wall, gaining his cocky bravodo back slightly.


"You're the one who needs a tutor!" I say, god I am so lost. "Okay.. fine.. I'll go to this stupid dinner. When is it?"


"I don't know for sure.. but I can just pick you up."  He replies. I'll be at home do I want him knowing where I live?  It's not like he could stalk me... I'll be back here with him anyways later. "Unless you don't want me to do that..." He adds.


"No. I'm sure that will be fine." I sigh, "Well... I guess then..." I say. Now what? Everything he wants to tell me about is sorted out, and I'm not in the mood to keep digging. Who knows if I'm even getting the truth. 


"To Robbie's room?" He asks. I feel heat come to my cheeks, why does that make me blush. I'm not doing anything. I actually came up to get away from him... and look where I am at now. "What are you two anyways?" He asks, looking me in the eyes. 


"Friends." I say, "Just really good friends... he is my best friend." I tell him, and he narrows his eyes at me. Unbelieving. Is this a symptom of jealousy? "Seriously... I couldn't ever imagine being more then friends with him." I admit, now it would just be weird. I still have a hard time thinking about the fact that I have to kiss him for the play.


"So.. you friendzoned him?" he asks wanting more information. There is an odd static buzzing between us now. I think it's just all the weird tension going away. Both of us are on alert around each other or something. 


"Hmmm..." I think back to when we first meet. Back in middle school, I did like him. He wasn't interested. "I guess you could see he friendzoned me.. back in middle school... Why does that matter to you?" 


"He is totally into you, that's why." He says studying my reaction. It matters to him that Robbie is really into me? I just laugh, Robbie isn't into me, if this is another one his tricks it wont work. "So... you're friendzoning him now. That's interesting."  Now he smiles, and leans back against the whole again. 


"We're friends... nothing more, there isn't a need to friendzone him." I say, unsure why this matters. He just keeps smiling, I role my eyes.  "Well.. I'm still gonna go.." I say, who knows what he'll ask if I stand here any longer.


"Paige... wait!"  He says grabing my hand again. It is still clammy, and I turn looking at his face. Yeah, he is nervous again. I don't know what he wants now, but our eyes are locked. I've never really noticed his eyes beofre until tonight. I mean I've known they were brown, but now actually looking into them I see beautiful bronze with gold flakes. I hate those moments in books where it says cheesey stuff like "Looking into his eye I see the real him" or "I can really see a little child behind his strong intense eyes", but whole shit is it true! His eyes look scared, and childish. As if he is trying to keep me here. Beg me to stay.  It's quiet a moment, both of us are still and taking in the moment. Moment?! Between Jake and I? No way. This isn't happening! But I don't want to ruin this, for some reason it feels forbidden and I know I'm seeing more and more of the real Jake. I like the feeling it's giving me. Butterflies and tingles, and seeing him scared like this is completely unimaginable. What's he scared of? 


"Yes?" I finally whisper, and he comes in closer. I don't register what's going to happen, until it does. His lips on mine light and gentle. He is kissing me?! Why? What does this mean. Why am I still letting him do this? One his hands hesitantly carresses the back of my neck, and his other goes to my back. Time seems frozen, I'm actually kissing Jake Lincoln. God this kiss is heavenly! It vaguely for some reason reminds me of my first kiss. With Jason my borthers friend from college... but Jake's is better. So much better! Jake I keep playing over and over.. I'm kissing Jake Lincoln! Holy shit! No wait... I'm kissing the manwhore of the school! I push on his chest getting away. I step back multiple feet. Oh my god, what did I just do?


 "I ahhh....I'll see you tomorrow." I say, and practically run to Robbie's room. I colaspe on the floor, breathing heavey. Holy shit, what am I going to do? We just kissed! We weren't on a date, and we barely know each other! That will never happen again, this is what I deserve. I opened up to much to him, and he thought he could make his move. It was a good move... a heavenly move in fact... I wont let it happen again.

Chapter 11- Speechless

Jake's POV


I need some fresh air. I stand there, still looking after her. She ran away. Like Cinderella up the stairs. She didn't leave me a shoe. She didn't leave anything. I want to go after her, but I know if I do nothing good will come from it. My lust for her is raging like a beast inside of me. Air. I need a quick breather. I don't understand anything that's happening to me. My body screamed for me to just grab her and do my normal things, but my mind didn't and still doesn't want to. That kiss was amazing. Light and easy. It was great while it lasted, and she kissed me. Then boom, she pushed me away. I go down the stairs, and duck my head, going for the door. I make it outside with out Wyatt seeing me. I goes around so I'm not standing in front, I lean against the wall trying to get things figured out. 


1. My parents want to meet her. I wasn't lying, I got pulled from eighth period and they talked to me all damn afternoon. My dad told my mom I had a tutor and she gushed on about how she wants to thank her. In other words if she didn't come, things might be bad. 


2. Paige doesn't trust me. I don't even know if she believed me tonight! 


3. I'm getting something for her. Me, Jake Lincoln, I'm going soft for a good girl. I could have anyone... but of course the one girl I really want to have doesn't want or care for me! She kissed me though, but she did push me away as well. What does that mean? 


4. I've still got Wyatt on my back about getting a girl. He probably has a sign up sheet for girls in there! Oh shit, I hope he doesn't. 


5. I have no idea where to go from here. I want to pursue her, I want her! I've been warned though, by Mr. Parker and Wyatt. I've never felt like this about anyone before though, what are these... are these actual deep feelings? Or is this just lust and hormones? If it was lust, I wouldn't have kissed her the way I did. God just thinking about that kiss makes me want more. Her lips where soft and holding lightly in my arms she almost seemed fragile. She isn't though, she's not fragile. She is strong, and has a strong mindset. In that moment she let her guard down, and I wish it would've last longer then it did. I have feelings for this girl! This smart, good, and nice girl. Me! The guy who never tries, and everyone likes for his money (other then her), and the good looks. 


I need to talk to her. I need her to believe me. I push off the wall, and go back inside. Heading for the stairs, I get pulling into the kitchen. 


"Jake just the guy I was looking for!" Anne purs and I grab her hand before it touches my face. "Oh come on, Wyatt told me about your situation...I want you to know I'm here to help when ever you want." She says, and I let go of her hand in disgust. Wyatt, he is telling people I have problems? Great. Where is he? I leave without a reply to her, I have nothing to say. I can't believe he told her! Their ex's, and he told her to come find me and fuck me. Zero sense, but I don't care I'm not doing it!


When I do finally find Wyatt, he is in the back playing beer pong, against Robbie and Henry. Paige is sitting up in his room alone? Hmmm, now isn't the time! I push away the thought of going up and talking to her. She probably snuck out or something anyways. I stand watching waiting for the game to be over, because our talk might take awhile. Robbie is good, although I guess it's expected, he is the main pitcher for the baseball team. I can see Wyatt getting frusterated, I just shake my head at the situation. Wyatt it the catcher, he has a good gloce. He can throw too, but his aim isn't anything compared to Robbie. Once the game is finished I pull Wyatt away, ignoring his protest. He might actually be a bit tipsy. 


"What the hell, man!" I say right away once we're somewhere private. "You told Anne to find me!"


"Dude loosen up!" He says, "What's the problem. She is there, she wants to. Just do it!" He laughs. I back away from him, I can't stand him sometimes. "What's got you so wound up?"


"I'm trying to stay focused here Wyatt! I have to get my grade up, and be tutored, and you're not helping!" I practically yell, and he sobers up real quick. Shit. 


"Tutor?" He asks. I let out a breath trying to calm down, I shouldn't be so mad. I nod, and he crosses his arms looking at  me. "You're failing a class?"


"History." I look out the window next to me. 


"You're parents...." He sighs, and I nod. He's got it figured out. "Sorry man. I didn't realize... I thought you were getting soft for the Easton girl." I close my eyes, and lean against the window. That's true too. "How'ed you even start tal- Oh, Jake." He stops, and I take a deep breath in I'm gonna get a lecture in three.. two... one.. "What the hell man? What's brought all of this on? How'ed you even start talking to her?"


"Nothing... it's all just nothing." I reply. 


"Oh bullshit!" He says, "What's going on!" He demands. 


"Nothing. That's the thing nothing." I snap, "She isn't intersted." We're both quiet, he is never going to put this down either. He'll tell everyone, and he'll tease Paige about it. I don't want that. I don't want her even knowing I like her. Right now she thinks I'm a jerk and she is right. I am, and she deserves better. 


"Dude, you're not giving up are you? Jake Lincoln never gives up, and he doesn't ever go soft either.. but if you really like this chick... then.. what are you waiting for?" He sighs. 


"You wouldn't understand." I say "Just keep your mouth shut, and leave it alone." I warn, and he roles his eyes. "I'm serious Wyatt, this one needs to be left alone." 


"What ever." He says, and turns ready to ealk away. "When Jake gets back.. will you tell him I want to talk to him?" Then he is gone. I head to the stairs, not wanting to have anything to do with the party. 


My room is on the fourth floor. All the way up. I don't mind though, it's easy to get away from everything during parties. Am I really that different? All that's changed is not wanting a girl... well my grade to but that's an easily fix. Why is he judging me? He is the one with a girl friend. What ever at the moment I don't care. I reach it to the third floor, and I pause seeing Robbie's name on the door directly to my left. I let out a breath, but I keep going straight for the stairs. 


"Jake?" She asks, and I can't help but smile. I  turn around and go down the couple stairs I went up. "What are you doing?"  she takes a bite from something that looks delicious. Her brownies that she was making, she is looking at me with confusion still waiting for an answer. 


"I told you I didn't want the party. I have homework to do.. math, history.. the works." I say, and she hmms' me. "What are you doing? In there all alone?" I ask, and she sighs leaning against the wall. She looks at the brownie thing in her hand, and break a piece off and holds it out to me. I take it of course, and she explains what's all in it. It sounds good. 


"I've been running through play lines..." She finally answer. "I was just gonna go find Robbie, tell him I'm going back to my place, but...." she trails off. 


"But what?"


"But... if you're gonna do your history homework I... could help you." I mean since you didn't make it to the lesson..." She stammers. " Or it can wait til Wednesday... yeah.. I don't know." She says, getting nervous. I smile, liking the idea that she offered to help me. 


"I would love your help." I admit, and she stops babbling and lets out a breath of relieve. 


"Well.. lets get to it." She says gesturing to the stairs. "Probably should do it up in your dorm... Robbie isn't to fond of you." 


"Well.. at least the feeling is mutual." I mutter leading her to my room. Thank god I cleaned it yesterday. Holy crap I'm taking her to my room! I've never had agirl in there and not done anything with them. I look down at her, and she is texting someone. I don't ask, even though I want to but isn't none of my business. Once we're there she pauses outside, and I can see she is thinking if it's a good idea. "I'm not gonna try anything. I swear." I say, holding out my hand for her to take. She accepts it lightly laying her hand in mine. I close the door, and she looks around. "What?" I ask. 


"It's clean!" She whispers, and I laugh. 


"I'm not a cave man." I inform her, and she sends me a small sharp look with the comment. 


"Just not what I expected... that's all." She sighs, and I dig out my history worksheet.  "Oh, I have other papers he wanted me to do with you... but they're back  in my room." She tells me. 


"We could do them tom- oh no you have that dance thing. What about Thursday?" I say looking over my shoulder at her. She is looking at the only photo I have in my room. I don't many personal personal things here,  I don't want people snooping. It's a picture, or me with my younger sister Jayla. Over the summer the two of us went on a road trip and went to Florida. She wanted to go to Sea World and Disneyland and all that before highschool, and our parents didn't have the time to take her, neither did Jason, so I took her. 


"You remembered I have a dance recital?" She says, and glances at me. I nod, looking at her body again. Ballerina, yeah she has the body for that. She just has a body. Hips and curves. "My face is up here." She clears her throat, and I imediately look away from her completely. Well, I just got caught. 


"Hmmm." I cough, "Of course I remembered." I say, relaxing and coming back to the problem at hand. Tutoring. 


"Thursday works, if you actually show up." she replies, not sounding mad. Although, she doesn't believe I'll be there. After everything that has happened she doesn't trust me.  "Sooo, am I gonna help you or not?" she questions. I  hold up the paper I have, and we settle on the floor and we get down to the nitty gritty. It only takes like ten minutes for us to do, it wasn't hard and I already started it. I actually paid attention in class too. Once it is finished though we both stya laying on the ground in silence. What now? All she said was she would help me and she did. 


"Thank you." I say, roling over to my back. I hold my arms up into the air stretching out. She lets a breath sounding tired and unsure. "What are you gonna do now?" I sigh, trying to make conversation. She flips over as well, onto her back, I look at her and she looks at the ceiling. Relaxed, she looks at ease. Not tense, or mad. I don't see her like this often. 


"I'm probably gonna just go back to the dorm... I'm sure Fiddle is out of food again..and he'll need his litter boz clea- What?" She says looking at me, I 'm smiling listening to her. "Someone has to change the litter box!" I mutters and I chuckle, and she giggles slightly. What a sound that is too. Everything she does, just her, she is perfect. 


"Well, better not keep him waiting. How on Earth can he tinkle without a clean litter box!" I gasp jokingly. I get up and hold a hand out to her. No hesitation, no frown. She smiles taking my offer. "I'll walk you out." I say, grabbing my jacket that's thrown over my desk chair. 


"You don't have to.. I have to stop at Robbie's room anyways." she says, turning around in front of the door. She doesn't want me to follow? Why? Where is she going? Was she planning on staying at Robbie's place?! What do I say to her? I don't want to seem pushy, but I don't want her staying with him either! They may only be friends, but still I'm not okay with it. Even though to her my opinion doesn't matter. 


"Well to bad!" I smirk, she ain't getting rid of me that easily. She frowns for a second, not even, and then she lets out a breath, and shrugs her shoulders. "So... what were you two doing anyways?" I ask, as we head down the first flight of stairs. 


"Running play lines." She replies, not seeming to mind that I'm asking. I wonder if that's a lie. She replied aufully  fast, so it's either to cover something up of that is what they were doing, and she just doesn't care that I know. Why am I thinking about this so hard? It's jealousy. Damn it's a bad thing to have, and a bad thing to be. "I'll be right back." she tells me, and goes in leaving the door open. Then she is back in a second, and holding a play book and two brownies. "Want it?" she holds one out to me.  


"How can I refuse." I say dramaticallly, and she smiles. If Mrs. Oliver would've heard me she would've applauded. 


"That was good!" She says, walking next to me down another flight of stairs. "Ever think about actually being in the musical?" She asks, breaking a piece off and eating it. I just take a bite out of it like a cookie, and I'm imediately in love with it. The piece she gave before was good, but my second taste is better.  "I'm glad you like it." She tittered. 


"No." I finally reply, after the brownie thing is gone. "I haven't thought about being in the production. Not my thing." I inform her, looking down at her. She is about half a foot shorter then me. She roles her eyes, and looks up at me through her long lashes.  "What?" I ask, wondering what she is thinking. 


"You've been doing a lot of things lately that don't seem to be your thing." she whispers looking away as color rushes to her cheeks. I look ahead as we come down to the bottom of the last stair case. She is right. Hanging out with her, walking her to her car. Being in drama class, although that wasn't really a choice. She has me figured out already.  What do I say to that? What should I say to that? 


"Yeah, I don't know exactly what's going on.. I think I'm going through something." I joke, and she laughs at my referennce. We make it out without interuptions, and she leads the way to her car. She stops outside the drivers door and looks up at me, I smile unsure what she wants or what she is doing.


"Hey, I just want to tell you. I do believe you, and I will go to that dinner. Just let me know when?" She says, opening the door. 


"Sounds like a plan." I say holding the door while she tosses her things into the passenger seat. 


"Not a date." She takes note, and I nod.


"No way." I say, I never ever bring dates to meet my parents! Well, none have ever lasted long enough. I've never really been in a relationship. She studies me a moment, and a smirk spreads across her face. "What?" I panic. What's she thinking?


"You've never brought a girl home have you?" She lays her hand on the door next to mine. My face heats, and I look down at my feet. "They know I'm just your tutor right?" She asks me, narrowing her eyes. 


"I emphasized it. Don't worry they know." I tell her, and she nods. "Alright well I'll let y-"


"Jake!" A couple guys yell from across the street. We both turn our attentions towards them. "Nice target, she's a beast man!"  Oh shit! No! I send them glares, and they get the hint. I look back at Paige, and she is sending me a look. 


"I'm not trying anything I swear, if I was I wouldn't be out here saying good bye!" I defend myself. 


"That's not the point Jake." She sighs. "You don't walk girls to there cars, you don't talk to girls unless you're flirting with them. You don't have friends who are girls." She finishes looking past me, I'm assuming at the dorm. Where is she going with this? What does she want? What do I want? "Jake.. I just don't understand, what do you want from me?" She asked. "You kissed me earlier.. well we kissed earlier, but you haven't said or done anything else. I don't know what you want from me." 


Everything. I want you. I can't tell her that, she wont believe me. I want her to be comfortable around me like she is around Robbie. I want her to trust me, and want to be around me! Want. I just want. Although, I need her in my life somehow, I know that for a fact. Whether is just as my tutor. I need her. So I don't just want, I need as well. Although it is a wanting type or need, I still need her. How do I tell her this? I can't just be like I need you, or I want you... that sounds weird and she wont believe me. 


"I'll see you at drama tomorrow." She says quietly. No! I can't leave things like this!


"Paige wait." I say walking around the door, so it's not between us. If I can see her body language, I can get a little on how she feels. I've known body language for a while now. "I don't ... I haven't... Ugh!" I'm speechless. What do I say to her? 


"I get it... you don't want me to ruin your reputation. No worries, just a tutor from now on." She murmurs. I can't say anything. I'm loosing my control here. She is about to leave dude do something! I grab her hand, in my moment of panic.  "Ja-" It's to late. I'm already kissing her. I cup her face in my hands, wanting more. I push into it more, wanting her to really kiss me like she did before. Instead she takes steps backwards but I keep up with her until her back hits the car. Her hands land on my chest, but they are tense and she is still holding back. No, I'm not going to just let her walk away.. technically drive away but whatever! How can I get her to stay! The only way I know is through sex. I don't want that with her. I do.. I really do, but not like this. Then it's over she pushes against me, and I move away. She doesn't say anything, she turns facing her car again. 


"Paige!" I blurt, and she stops. She doesn't look at me but she stops. 


"What?" She whispers, and she sounds obviously confused. I can see her shaking, I don't want to hurt her. But if I let her go I'll hurt myself! Why can't I just say this to her? I've never said anything like that to a girl. I've never even told a girl if I wanted them or not, they just assumed it. 


"I can't let you get in the car." I rasp finally saying something, she rubs her forhead.


"What does that mean?" She mumbles, tired. I'm wide awake, I'm trying to grasp onto anything that will help me right now. 


"You know what it means!" I whisper, and she lets out a small cry.  "Don't cry. Please.. I just.. I can't.." I'm speechless again. God way to go Jake she is crying! 


"You. It had to be you." She whispers wiping her face. I don't understand. What does she mean? What did I do? God, I just want her to stop crying! I was told to not hurt her, I was told to leave her alone period but to hell with that! I slowly come back in close, and I pull her away from the car slightly. I hold her. Just a nice embrace. Perfect. "Why are you doing this?" she pleas. 


"I want you." I whisper in her ear, and I can feel her tense up. "I want you to stay with me tonight... stay. Don't leave. Please." 


"For what?" She says in disgust. Tears leaving and anger replacing them.


"I don't want to say goodbye that's why. I feel like, I'm loosing you. As if I'll never see you again." I admit.


"I was never yours to have." She mumbles, and I squeeze her tighter. Why is she so complicated! Why am I being so possessive?


"I have you now." I say looking down at her. "I'm not letting you the car. Not tonight." I inform her.  "I won't pull anything, I just want you with me. One night. That's all I'm asking for." I beg her. Desperation loud and clear in my voice. 


"How can I trust you?" She whispers, and I take a breath. 


"You know you can. You're just scared to." I say. We're both quiet for what seems like eternity. "Please." I say one last time. I feel her nod against my chest. My heart rate quickens, and I almost jump like I just won a gold medal. Hell I did! She is staying with me! "Really?" I say, holding out at arms length. No way am I letting go now. "Come on you're tired." I say wrapping am arm around her waist. We walk back into the dorm, after she has her car door closed and her cell phone in her pocker. The party is dwindling down, and it's lost about have its numbers since we came out here. It's a school night, not suprizing. We walk back up the stairs to my room, and once we're their she pulls  my plush blanket off of the corner of my bed. Then she lays back in my recliner I have in my room. I look at her, she has her eyes closed, trying to sleep. 


"I can feel you looking." She says, "No, I'm fine over here.. away from the bed." She adds, and I sigh. 


"Good night." I say. Wishing she wasn't so stuborn, but I think that's something about her I like. 


"Yeah." She whispers already falling victum to sleep. I lay in my bed alone, but not. She is here that's a start. Whether she stays the whole night is what I'm wondering. 

Chapter 12- In the Night

Paige's POV


Okay, the ringing woke me up a minute ago. It's still going off. It's not my phone, it's Jake. Yes, I'm in Jake's dorm. Yes, I'm in his room. For some reason, deep down in my gut it feels right. Although the phone ringing is bugging me. Finally, after the person calls back twice, get up and answer the phone. 


"Hello?" I say, sounding groggier than I feel. I wipe my eyes and look at Jake who seems to be in a coma-like sleep. Mr. Sleeping Beauty. I smile, he looks so defenseless in his sleep. Not worried about anything. At peace. His blonde hair is falling into his eyes, and I almost reach out and brush it back. 


"Oh? Is this a girl?" a goy speaks on the other end of the line. I let out a breath, I should've looked to see who it was before answering.  By the surprise, in his voice, though I can tell girls answering Jake's phone isn't common. I roll my eyes, of course, it's not! Although him begging a girl to stay with him and not sleep with him isn't common either.. in fact, I'm partly sure it was a first for him. 


"Yes, and who calls this late at night?" I mumble sitting on the edge of the bed. I might as well let Jake sleep. I don't think I could wake him anyways. 


"His brother." the guy says easily into the phone. I grip the phone tighter, and I stop wiggling my feet. His brother? Oh god.. I shouldn't have answered the phone! Why would his brother call this late? This is going to give off the wrong impression! "Who might this be? If you don't my asking."   Well shit. Do I tell him? No, he is going to think we're together or something.  "Hmmm, you're just a fling aren't you... yeah figured. Where is Jake?" He asks after I don't reply.


"I'm not a fling!" I growl into the speaker. His brother just chuckles. 


"Sweetie they're all flings.. nothing more than a one-nighter." He sighs. I roll my eyes, yeah he doesn't understand. 


"Paige, what are you doing?" Jake mumbles behind me, and I turn tossing his phone on his bed. He picks it up eyeing me confused. I point at his phone and bring it to his ear. "Hello?" He lays back down. I sit back down on his bed, wondering what woke him up. Watching him intently, I wonder why his brother would call so late. I listen in. "What do you want?"  Jake sighs. There is a long pause, and Jake wipes his eyes.  I wish I could hear the other end. I want to know what's going on! Jake sits up looking at me real fast, mad. "No, off-limits! I'm serious Jace!" 


Off-limits? Why does he say that and look at me? Why does he sound mad?  I run over to the chai and grab the plush blanket, and cuddle into it I sit back down on his bed.  


"It's none of your business. Why are you calling?" Jake continues watching me, with curious eyes now. After another moment of silence, Jake lets out a yawn as do I. I turn over, laying my head down on the other pillow waiting until his phone conversation is done. I want to ask him about it, and stays sitting up and talking about things with his brother. I catch a couple of things like spring break and lunch. Another yawn hits me, and I close my eyes. What time is it even? It's obviously past midnight, oh well I guess, I'll just be tired tomorrow. 


The buzzing of an alarm slowly brings me to life, and I open my eyes, looking at the ceiling. One crazy-ass dream, staying in Jake's room with him! I look over wondering where the buzz is coming from, none of my alarms sound like that. But it's not my room, it's just like Jake's from my dream. Finally waking up and gaining my senses, I feel the arm wrapped around me and the body pressed against my back side. I turn my head, and right there is Jake's messy bed head covering his eyes, just like last night when I answered his phone.  I'm sleeping with Jake! I fell asleep last night! On his bed! Don't freak out, Paige. Be mature about this. I sit there ignoring the still buzzing alarm. I smile slightly, I've always wondered what this felt like. I've watched this in movies and T.V shows, and read about it in books, but it's different with the real thing. It's better. More special. Carefully turning so I'm facing him, I look at his features. Strong cheek bones, and straight nose. His lips lush and soft, although I only know that from the times they have kissed me, I smile at the small seeing the small gape between his lips. It's cute seeing him sleeping this close. His jaw is relaxed, and well set. My eyes drift back  to his mouth, wonder spikes my mind. I could kiss him.  My body shivers, why am I thinking about kissing him? Why am I still laying here with him?! 


Oh but was my mind right. He looks so vulnerable, and cute. He is good looking, I've always known and said that. But now, watching him sleep, like a stalker, I can see he is cute and he obviously wasn't joking last night when  he said he wouldn't pull anything. Because here I am in his bed, and we're both fully clothed still. What oes he think of me? Why did he want me to stay so bad last night. The desperation and the longing in his eyes last night stunned me. He was begging me to stay. Why?  What does that mean? I focus on his face again, his lips still parted and his eyes still lightly closed. My body is screaming at me to kiss him, but what if I wake him up? What would I say? He stirs in his sleep slightly, and I remember and hear the alarm buzzing in the distance. We have drama  club/class to get to. 




My body yells, as I think about getting up. We need to get up. I need to get up. My body chants, begging me now to kiss him. I'm turning into a ball of lust, and I look up at his eyes. Still closed. Just one innocent kiss. Just one? I sit up slowly being sure to not wake him. 


"Jake?" I whisper, and he doesn't respond. I move in a little closer, should I? No, I shouldn't. It's techinically sexual assualt. Oh god I can't do it! But I want to! Still leaning in, unsre now if it's my brain or body moving me.  "Jake?" I whisper one more time, and his eyes slowly open. Oh shit he is awake! He looks at me with tired eyes, although his face is confused. I touch our lips, and he reacts right away. As if he is wide awake, he kisses me desperately and his arm that is wrapped around me pulls me in tighter and closer. I lay a hand on his chest, to help balance myself. As I lean over him more, he movies his hands to my hips lifting me so I'm now sitting on him. He sits up lifting me, and his thumbs slip under the fabric of my shirt. Then both of his hands slip under.  I tense, oh god what's going to happen? Our kiss changes, to one of hunger and lust. His thumbs circling massaging my skin, as they inch up pulling my shirt with them. My stomach is showing, and my breathing gets quicker. I know where this goes, am I ready? I'm a virgin. Oh god, I'm a virgin! I don't know what to do, and he has been with countless girls.  This isn't right. It feels right, but it can't be can it? 


I pull away abruptly, and I jump from the bed. Pulling my shirt back down, I reach for my phone on the night stand. I can't stay here. I need to leave, and get to drama. Forget this happened. I need to forget. 


"Paige stop." He says, getting up. I can't I'm shaking so bad and I can't focus. All I can think about is if it's right or wrong. And the fact that I'm a virgin, and he isn't! "Hey, you can't keep denying this! You feel it too, I know you do. Other wise you wouldn't have kissed me. Why fight it?" He say closing the door as I open it. My back is to him, but I know he is right behind me. I can feel his eyes on the back of my head. 


"No." Is all I can manage. I do feel it the lust in the air around us, and the I feel the longing in my head and heart to continue, and not leave. But I have to. I shouldn't have kissed him, I knew it, yet I still did. I fight it because I don't want to be the  other girls. I don't want to be another one-nighters. Even his brother has no hope for him to be in a relationship! 


Jake's POV


"Don't do this." I whisper, and I take a deep breath. Desperation loud and clear in my voice again.  


"What do you want from me Jake? What do you want me to say .. or to do?" she whispers, trying to stay calm and collected. I flex my fingers, trying to stop myself from shaking.  "Just change my mind over night, and hop right into bed with you?" 


"I don't know what I all want from you." I admit keeping the door closed. We need to talk this out. I need to talk this out!


"But you know some things." she whispers, not sounding happy. I let out a breath. I do want to sleep with her. I want to see her body, touch her and hold her. "What else is there that you could want? All you ever want from girls is sex. The only thing that makes me different is I wont do it." She says, gaining her voice back. That's not true, there is more! She knows it. She doesn't want to believe! She is different on all levels. She is stuborn and a mystery. She isn't slutty in fact she is shy and she somewhat closed off. I like that she isn't an open book, and that she is guarded around me. She knows the type of guy I am, and she isn't trusting me because of it. How do I get her to see me without all of my bagage? Why do I want her to see me like that? Why do I notice all these things about her!


"You know some of them.. yes." I finally say, and she turns facing me. I put my other arm up on the door creating a cage around her. Now what do I say? I know what I want to do, the tension between is practically creating sparks! She wants me, and yet she still wont do anything!


"Jake... I'm not like you..." She whispers. "I don't have near as much experi-"


"I don't care!" I stop her, she is bringing up experience. "Whether you have 20 times more the experience then me, or if you have no experience, I don't care." Her face pales, but her cheeks are pink. She looks at the floor, turning away. "You have no experience." I whisper, and she doesn't move and doesn't reply. She is a virgin. I smile at the thought of no one else having her like that. I want her even more now. Her first time. I want that to be me, I want to be her first and her last. Why can't I just tell her that. I've never expressed feelings to a girl. To anyone actually, only my family, I've never even told Wyatt how much I appreciate him being my friend! 


"Yeah." She finally speaks. "I'm still a virgin." She lets out a breath, and I pull my arms from the door. I wrap her in my arms. "Jake what are you doing?" she asks. I move her hair, and lay my lips on her neck. I want to comfort her. She is practically limp in my arms, still tired and wanting my touch. She is breathing fast, and shaking. She doesn't protest, or flinch away. 


"I want you." I whisper in her ear, and she leans back into me more. "I know you want me, stop fighting it.." I say and she closes her eyes. Fighting what she is feeling. 


"We can't." She whispers, getting out of my grip. "I have to go." She whispers. "Good bye Jake." then she is gone. What? NO! She left. She said goodbye. Rejected I've been rejected. For the first time, me Jake Lincoln, have been rejected. My chest feels like it's being cut open and tore apart. 


"No." I whisper to myself. "I'm not giving up yet." I turn and turn off my damn alarm clock that's been buzzing the past twenty minutes. I go to my bathroom working through my plan to get Paige back. 

Chapter 13- Unhappily Ever After

Paige's POV


I wipe away tears, as I run through my dorm. I need to shower and get ready. I've got only fifteen minutes to go ready. I stay in the shower rubbing my face hoping to rid my face of evidence from tears. I don't have time to wash my hair, I'm just going to have to braid it back. Once I'm out and dry, and throw on a paife of jeans, and a Harry Potter t-shirt. Then I slip on my Roxy's, and grab my school things I head out the door with my hands phone, and make my way to the school. I come in, and I see I'm not late. Mrs. Oliver isn't here yet, that's perfect. I sit down next to Robbie, who is looking down at his play book.


"I was starting to think you weren't comin, what happened?" He asks right away. He holds out a brownie and I smile, I didn't get breakfast and this would do, besides I might not get anymore with the whole pan being in his room. 


"Oh.. I just over slept." I say quietly, scanning the room for Jake. He isn't here either. I let out a breath, I can't believe I just walked out on him like that. He was desperate for me, why I don't know, but the longing and sadness his voice had. It got to me. It's hard for me to believe he is faking it. Last night at my car too, he begged me to stay. He didn't pull anything either, I even ended up in his bed! That was my fault though. Which reminds me I didn't ask why his brother was calling so early. 


"Paige Easton over slept!?" Robbie gasps, and it pulls me back to the present. I let out a fake smile, trying to laugh at his joke. I never over sleep so I'm just going to let him make his jokes.  "Ahhh it's alright happens to the best of us." He knudges me lightly. I nod, and I try to sort all my things out. I realize I left my phone in my dorm... or did I? I don't think I had it at my place. Maybe it's in my car, I had it with me when I was leaving Jake's dorm. No I didn't. It's on his nightstand! I lay my face in the palms of my hand. God, I'm going to have to go back there for it! "You okay?" Robbie asks. 


"Alright, darlings! Let's get started!" Mrs. Oliver strolls in, and Jake is right behind her. I look ahead and eat my brownie trying to play off that I'm fine.  "Let's start at the beginning, and I want the songs included this time!" She says, and everyone scurries to get in place. We all go back behind the stage, I take a peek at Jake, who is talking to Mrs. Oliver. He looks fine, I think. I can't tell from this far away.  I take a seat on the ground, as I watch and run lines with Robbie while the five gospel goddesses sing their beginning song. He has the lines for the first act remembered along with his song Go the Distance, which I haven't heard yet, but will today. Jake comes through the curtain walking right past us without even a glance, and he heads towards the backroom. Wonder what he is going to do back there? 


"Wish me luck!" Robbie whispers, and then he also slips through the curtain. I look back towards the direction Jake went, and there he stands. In front of the door to the backroom, holding my phone. All the air in my lungs leaves, and I blink not understanding. When I finally do get to my feet, I take a deep breath every other step. I walk past him and into the room, I hear the door close and the tension is back fully charged between us. 


"Can I just have it back." I speak, not wanting to fight. Not wanting to get into a serious conversation. "Then you wont have to talk to me again... I'll tell Mr. Parker you want a new tutor. What ever, but I don't want problems." I say hoping this is what he wants to hear. He sets my phone down on a table and walks towards me. He looks miserable. Just like I do I'm guessing. He isn't tired but his eyes aren't bright like normal, they're dull and out. I don't move standing my ground, I can't keep breaking. 


"After I'm done." he whispers, and in a flash he lifts me and my back is against a wall. His mouth covering mine, and hunger is seeping through his touch. My stomach erupts into butterflies, and the tension between us explodes showering lust over the two of us. I'm craving his touch, and wanting more and more of him even though I shouldn't. I wrap my legs around his hips, and I grip the hair on the back of his head in both hands with my elbows on his shoulders. No holding back now, I kiss him full blast. People can't feel these sorts of attractions can they? It's odd, it feels fairy tale like, almost like soul mates. A shiver runs through me, and I gasp. He takes his change sliding his tungue in. Although my gasp was because the shiver, soul mates. No way. That stuff is only in fairy tales. Taking a couple seconds to evaluate what's happening, I know what he wants. No! Not here, not like this! Tugging on his hair, I pull his head back, but I don't pull to hard to make it hurt. 


"Why are you doing this?" I ask, looking him in the eyes. They already look better! He is breathing heavey, looking at me with thirst behind his eyes. 


"You said goodbye earlier." He whispers distraughtly, and confused. He is trying to understand this himself. "You can't. You have to stay." he begs, and his head ducks kissing my neck. "I yearn for you, craving your touch, wanting all of your attention. I can't explain it, I've never felt like this before." He says in a whispers disoriented. His hold me is keeping me in place, and I haven't moved myself yet either.  He feels like I do! Unexplainably attracted to me! Is it just lust? Or is this more? Jake doesn't do more though. 


"What are you trying to say?" I whisper, moving my hands and rubbing my thumbs under his eyes. They open wide, and the golden specks flicker. His breath coming out ragidly. 


"I... I don't..know." He mumbles as if losing all his energy. Closing his eyes he lays his forehead to mine. 


"Jake this really isn't like you. Why try so hard for one person." I mumble, unwrapping my legs, and standing up. His grips on my waist tightens he isn't letting me go. He isn't lying. I can see what happening to him right now. I have an effect on him. He has an effect on me. He probably doesn't know how to explain it. I don't even! 


"I don't want to lose you, that's why I'm trying so hard. I felt lost this mornig after you left. Like part of me disapeared." he says hoarsely, "I don't want to feel like that again."


"Me neither." I agree, remembering all my tears and the pain in my chest. Can two people, espicially teenagers really have these kinds of feelings?  Why are they all so sudden too? I've always disliked him, but now all of a sudden I like him. I know why. It's because I've seen the real Jake, and I  know the real Jake. Not thecocky popular jerk jock. I know him, the funnny, kind, semi bashful Jake, who has a hard time explaining his feelings.


"Don't leave then. Stay with me." He says. My heart is pounding, as I try to make sense of all this. Is he asking my to stay in this room with him? Cause, I don't want to do that. Or is he wanting to be a couple? That's ridiculous, I can't expect so much from him.


"What are you asking me to do, Jake? What kind of relationship are you asking for?" I say, trying to understand if he just wants my touch and body. Or if it's me, and my personallity. 


"Be with me." He whispers, lifting his forehead from mine. Locking our eyes, I take a deep breath. There are multiple ways that response goes. 


"We barely know each other." I comment, and he furrows his brow. Getting to know a girl isn't something he does. But it's true, we barely know each other!


"Where is your dance recital at tonight?" He asks, totally changing the subject. What does that have to do with anything? It takes me a minute to think of the place, I totally forgot about it until now! I guess I'm not free tonight.


"Dance on the Beach Dance academy... why?" I say, remembering the building that has two huge performing stages, and over thirty practice rooms. This place teaches all kinds of dance, and the one I chose was ballet. It hits my like a wrecking ball, and I regret telling him when I realize what his plans are. "No, Jake. Don't go, why would you go?" I say and he smirks, a little of his cocky side showing.


"It's you'r last performance. I'm going to go." He says, and by the look on his face I can there is no changing his mind. Great, well he will be there. My family will be there. Robbie will be there. That wont play over well if they all meet. Espicially Robbie and Jake. Oh god, if Jake and I were ever a couple what would my family think? Robbie? Carmen? I still don't even know for sure what he wants! Closing my eyes I think about what I should do now, at this moment. Probably leave the room for one. Tension is bubbling, and soon it will boil over again. Turning and looking at my phone down on the table I take quick breath. "Paige..." He grumbles, pulling me in again. Grabbing my chin and turning my face so I'm facing him, our lips collide. I let things happen for a minute, liking the more forceful version of him. Everything is going to blow soon, and I'm not ready. And I'm espicially not doing it in a back room!


"Jake, not here." I say, breaking free. He lets out a breath with a small nod. He backs away from me, and we're both breathing and trying to catch our breath. After a minute passes, I decide it's time we leave, we've ben here for to long already. "We should go." I say, grabbing my phone I put it in my back pocket. 


"Yeah." He  agrees, and he goes to the door. Opening it I slip out, as does he. "By the way I put my number in your phone. I also have your number too!" He smirks. I role my eyes with a smile. I wouldn't give him my phone number before scared he might stalk me, or call asking for sex. Of course he can still do both of those espicially the latter. God, I hope this isn't just him playing a game. I'm falling head first for it if it is.  "You should smile more often around me!" He whispers, and I feel heat come to my face. I look towards the curtains, so he can't see, and that's when I notice a the piano playing. It's a song ending, the vocals are done already. It's Go the Distance. Oh, shit it's Robbie's song! He comes through the curtains, ending the first Act. He peeks for me, but I'm not where he left me. I'm huddled in the back cornner by Jake.  Oh god what's he going to think. 


"We can't be seen together." I whisper in my moment of realization. 


"What?" Jake panics, looking down at me. 


"It's going to ruin your reputation. You being seen wih me. You even talking to me in the hall!" I say.


"Wyatt..." he sighs, scratching the back of his head.


"You have your friends and I have mine. We don't fit." Now I'm panicing, we aren't even together. What was I expecting? To come out as a couple? Well, no we didnt, and beside Jake doesn't do the whole couple thing.  "This wont work." I whisper. 


"No! No goodbyes." He whispers, moving in closer to me. Protectively looking at me and around to see if people are watching. No one is, Robbie hasn't even spotted us yet. He reaches to touch me, and I back away. I can't and wont be the girl who ruined him. He needs to be who he is. And that's the cocky jerk who sleeps with way to many people.  "Paige.. don't.." He whispers. I shake my head stepping away, I don't want to hurt him. But I need to. If I stay with him, I could ruin his reputation. He might lose his friends, and his popularity. I wont do that to him. 


"I'm sorry, but it's for the best." I breath out, slowly. I'm shaking so bad. I turn, and walk away. Me, Paige Easton, walk away from Jake Lincoln. I'm an idiot. No, I'm saving him from the embarassment. He will thank me in the future, even if it hurts both of us now. It will pan out in the long run.

Chapter 14- Dancing in the Darkness

Paige's POV


Once the bell signaling first period rings, I zoom out of the auditorium. I'm happy they ended up just going over the first act the whole time so I didn't have to go on at all. I stayed up front with Mrs. Oliver, while I have no idea where Jake went. I got to see Robbie's solo, and it was pretty amazing. The first act is complete, and now we have to move on to the second. Which is where I get brought into the whole mix.


Rushing to my locker, I grab my french book and scurry to French. No way do I want to meet Jake at our lockers. I slide into my seat, laying my head down. Gosh I'm getting naseous! Get over it, it was just lust! Once class begins, and my mind drifts further away from Jake, I feel better and better. By the time I'm in seventh period study hall all is forgotten. I'm doing my homework, and listening to music. Then my head phones get pulled out and Carmen comes into the picture.


"Ahhh Wyatt and I had the best night ever!" Carmen gushes, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her girly coffee drink. I let out a breath. I'm glad she had a nice night, bettter then mine. My stomach clenches. My night with Jake wasn't bad at all actually. It's just what happened this morning!  "After the party, we wen-"


"I don't care!" I blow up. All eyes turn to me, and Mr. Feldmen, shushes me. "Sorry." I whisper. Carmen is glaring at me, and I role my eyes. Gathering my things, I go and sign out to Mr. Parkers room. He is eating lunch right now, so he wont be there. No one will be there. I knock, on the door when I see he is sitting there. Grading papers. He gestures for me to come in, and I do. Setting my stuff down at my desk, and pull a chait across from his desk.  "Can I help?" I offer. "You should eat.." 


"I have cookies to snack on." He says, "No worries mother!"  he snickers, and I spit my tongue out at him. Holding out a stack of papers. I take them, and grab the other red pen laying on his desk. "Oreos, the vanilla kind!" He says, licking his lips.  I smile, at least he has some thing to eat.  Time flies, and the bell rings for eighth period to start. "Oh.. shit." he sighs, "The chess club is gone again." He rubs his face, closing his computer. I finish the last paper, and the couple other people in the this class slide into the room. Pulling the chair back to where I got it, I take my seat. Mr. Parker gives me a couple Oreo's and tell the other complaining class mates that I help him with stuff so I earned them. 


"No that makes no sense!" I say, we're a little off topic, and now we are talking about monkeys throwing poop. "I've never seen a monkey throw anything, let alone there own poop." 


"Oh come on you've seen a youtube video or something!" Mr. Parker says, and everyone else nods in agreement. 


"No. Never." I says, smiling. This is a great history lesson. "Now.. why don't we get back to slavery?" I offer. I get a couple pieces of crumpled paper thrown at me, and even Mr. Parker frowns. The rest of history goes like this, all of us debating topics like how they get cheese inside cheese hot dogs, and why only the queen bee has babies.  Once the bell rings, I let out a breath. My dance recital! 


"Hey come here!" Mr. Parker says before I walk past him. I come around to the other side of the desk, and I see he has youtube up. 


"Oh come on!" I laugh, and he grabs my arm.


"Nope. You're watching. You gotta watch it or I'm gonna fail you." He threatens jokingly. I kneel down, with a breath of agreement. He presses play, and the door to his room swing open in a blur. "Ahhh, Jake what can I help you with?" Mr. Parkers asks, pausing the video. I close my eyes looking at the floor. Great. I'm guessing he is here to get a new tutor. 


"I need to talk to her." His voice speaks, and he sounds tired. He wants to talk to me? What? Why?


"Are you feeling okay? You look like, you're coming down with something.." Mr. Parker asks, as I stand up. 


"Never better." Jake replies bitterly, "Now, I just need to talk to her." He sighs, I shake my head.


"I'm gonna be late." I mumble. "I watch is later."  I wave to Mr. Parker. "Not now Jake."  I say then I leave the room. I walk as slowly and normal looking as I can, to my locker, put everything away since I don't have any home work.  I close my locker, and Jake is right there. I let out a breath of surprise, and I shake it off walking away without a word. "We're not talking about this." I say, as we leave the building. I look for other kids, there aren't many. Oh god, what if he pulls something out here in the open? With people around? He wouldn't. He knows what's at stake.


"We are going to talk about this." I hear him, but I don't turn and look. I can't. I've pushed everything away and seeing him will just bring it back. God it's only been one day, it's only going to get worse from here. Tomorrow is Wednesday too, I'll have to tutor him! I sit in my car, mumble swear words to myself. After a minute of that, I drive to my dorm, and wait for my parents to come and get me. They want to drive me there and take me out to eat after, since it's some big celebration. I personally don't think it is, but I wont complain. Going to my room, I grab my slippers and my water. There is two performances tonight, one with the new kids, and mine. The new kids are doing princess and the pauper, and there story takes about an hour it's self, then mine will be just a quick twenty minute dance. Then my teach will tell everyone it's my last dance, and that I'm 'retiring' from ballet. 


Answering my phone an hour later,  I grab my bag and head down to my parents vehicle. I slide into the back, and I see my father in the drivers seat, mother in the passenger seat, Patrick in the window seat behind my mother, Robbie in the middle seat between the passenger in the driver in the back, and me right behind the driver. I wave greeting everyone, I get a bunch of we missed you's and oh it's such a sad happy night. I giggle quietly, and Robbie winks at me. I sigh looking out the window as we leave school grounds. I didn't realize we were giving Robbie a ride, but I'm okay with it. It will give me something other then school and my future to talk about at  dinner tonight. I tell everyone how school is going, and get all of the that stuff out of the way, then the questions about boyfriends comes up. 


I look out the window. No, I don't have a boyfriend, but it's still weird. Robbie doesn't take any of it seriously, in fact he tells my parents about who he thinks I'm crushing on. He is always at the top of list as a slight joke. Then when they all see I have no comment about the whole boy situation they move on. Robbie knudges me, giving me a questioning look. I give him back just a brief smile, hoping I just seem like I'm nervous. He makes a funny face, and I giggle knudging him back. He knows how to cheer me up, but it's not enough to get Jake off of my mind. He has said so many things that should make me want to cry. Stuff about me never leaving, and him wanting me and feeling things for me he has never felt before. He has even begged me, and I've heard the desperation in his voice. It's not important. He is just trying to get in my pants right?


"Paige hunny we're here." My mom says pulling me away from Jake and the feelings we have for each other. I nod, hoping out of the car. I go inside telling them I'll them after the show. I make my way to my practice room greeting my crying teacher. I smile as she says "Tears of joy darling, tears of joy!" She shoves me into a dressing room tossing over multiple costumes for me to try. I go through four, until finally I end up in a black swan remake, without the makeup and crown. She does do my make up next, and it's funny getting all the stage make-up put on since I don't really wear make up normally. Then She get's my hair up into one her tight perfect prima ballerina buns, and she shoves me off into the practice room to go over my dance with me one more time. The little kids started about twenty minutes ago, so once I finish my practice, I'll have to get all of my things lined up. I go through it once prefectly, and then I scurry down the hall getting my music set up and talking with the sound guy, along with checking in with the light people.  Then the crowd claps and whistles, and I know it's show time.


The curtain is closed, and I go take my place, out in stage right. Laying down in my little ball I have to start in, I hold up a thumb to my teacher, she wipes away a tear again, and que's the curtains, music, and lights. I take one last deep breath, and then begin. 


I take my bow breathing heavey, as the crowd erupts. I smile, tears coming to my eyes now. My last performance, it was perfect. I didn't screw up anywhere I made all of my jumps, and I landed everything perfectly. Roses fall at my feet, and I do cry. Happy tears! Mrs. Heyings, comes out next to me, and she smiles. I figure she must've told everyone, at least the parents of the younger kids that it was my last performance.  I hug Mrs. Heyings, waving goodbye to the crowd, as the curtains pull closed. 


"Beautiful, beautiful Paige."  She says letting go and rubbing my shoulders. "You have boyfriend waiting for you in dressing room. " She pushes me off stage, smiling. Boyfriend? Robbie? "Very nice looking boy he is, why haven't you introduced us before?" She scolds, and then I'm shoved into my dressing room, and the door behind me closed. Looking back trying to ask her what she is talking about, I let out a humph of air. Okay then. I go to my bag, in which I have my clothes. I pull out everything and grab my bra and underwear. I reach back to unzip my costume, but someone beats me to it. I gasp moving away. 


"Jake!?" I blink, how did he get back here? Why is he back here? Boyfriend. He told Mrs. Heyings he was my boyfriend?! "What in the hell is wrong with you!" I say harshly, grabbing my clothes and going behind the blind stand so he can't see me change. Gosh, and to think I was just about naked in front of him! God, he is here. He actually came! My heart is pounding now, and I'm sure I look like I stuck my face in red paint. Why did he go through all the trouble of getting back here? I can't believe I told him about my dancing, that was my mistake. 


"I told you I was going to come." He sighs. "Do you need help unzipping that?" He asks, I role my eyes. He can't even see me, but apparently he knows I'm struggling. I do need help yes... but I don't want it from him. Besides I dont and can't be that close to him again. "I'll only unzip it I swear. I haven't lied to you before." He sighs, and I come out keeping my head down.  I move my hair for him, and he pulls the zipper down. His hand lingers for a second, but he does as he promised. Changing behind the blind, it's quiet. Once I come back out dressed in my clothes for dinner now, he looks me up and down. 


"Why are you here, Jake." I ask loosing my brave face. I stay as far from him as I can, and busy myself with brushing my hair and  braiding it. "Earlier I sa-"


"I don't give a fuck what you said earlier." He interupts. "You're driving me nuts! In both good and bad ways!" He begins, but seems to not know what to say next.


"I don't know what you want from me." I say calmly. Well, I know one thing and that isn't happening. No matter how much he begs and pleads. Even if he got down on his knees, I would still say no. 


"I don't either!" He expresses, sitting down on the couch in the room. "I just know, you have to be in my life. Not as a tutor, not as someone I see in the hall every once in a while." Our eyes lock, and now tension and lust sparks between us. Why do I feel like this? Why is it that I've never really cared for him until now? It's because I know the real him. I've seen him his good and his bad. 


"Then as what?" I say trying to sound mad, but I just sound confused and tired, which I am. I'm not gonna be a one night stand. Never ever, will I be another one of his girls.  I look towards the door, gosh my parents will be back here soon! What if they walk in and see him? Looking back to the couch, I see he isn't there but directly in front of me. Oh shit. "I'm not a one night thing. You're not couple material. It's simple math... we don't fit."  I bring in school topics. Even though he apparently has an A in every class but  history. 


"We will then some how!" He whispers, reaching up to touch my face. I flinch away. "Paige, I'm not going to hurt you." He whispers, his eyes trembling. " I would never hurt you... not on purpose." He leans in touching our foreheads. 


"You're hurting me." I whisper. "We're bad for each other. I'm hurting you and you're hurting me. Don't you see?" What can I say that will make him understand. No matter what we feel, this wont work out. 


" I see you keep running away, and yeah it's killing me and you." He says grabbing my hands. He holds them tightly, intwining our fingers. 


"Don't you get it? If we are ever anything more then you wont be able to sleep with girls. You're friends might not like you having a girlfriend. And I like the real you, not the cocky jerk you are at school. I don't know what your friends think of the real you... if they've even seen it. 


"Then I wont be him. I'll be me! You help me be me! I can't be me with you, Paige." He whispers, "Don't say goodbye again, we'll figure something else out I know we will. Even if we have to keep it a secret at first." he says, and I open my eyes. He is offering a relationship! A secret one, but still a relatioship. Jake Lincoln is offering me, a chance to go out on dates and fall in love. But Jake Lincoln falling in love... I don't know about that.


"No other girls in the picture?" I ask, I can't believe I'm even thinking about this. My feelings are running amuck!  I know I have feelings for him. Both lust, and liking. 


"I only want you." He he breathes sounding shaky. 


"This is crazy you know that?" I reply and I can feel his nod. "


"But worth it." He chuckles, and I'm being lifted. Our lips touching, softly and passionately. "Oh, your dance was amazing. It was sad, but amazing!" He pulls away and inch, I giggle at his comment. Then pulling him back, I let my thoughts run wild not really paying attention. Then there is a knock at the door. We break appart imediately, and I look at the door horrified. My parents! 


"It's probably my parents! you have to go! Hide something!" I push him towards the bathroom. He opens the door, leaning out and kissing my forehead, something I never pictured Jake Lincoln doing, and smiles at me. "We'll talk later! I've got to go!" I close the door on him. Just as my family busts in, with Robbie behind them.  "Hey guys..." I say. 


"You did awesome!" Robbie compliments wrapping me in a hug. Patrick wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I shake my head slightly. He has always wanted Robbie and I together. He knows I used to have crush on him and he thinks I still do.  "That was so scary crap, but it was awesome." He continues. I laugh slightly. It was ment to be a sad story, it was a story suicide. I didn't make it myself, I couldn't have. I'm not good at making the story, just performing it.


"Thanks." I say, glancing at the bathroom. Jake's in there! "Well... how about we go eat? I'm starving!" I exagerate so I can get them out of the room." I walk with back to the door. "Oh, crap.. I'll might you in the car.. I've got a couple more things to get done here!" I turning back into the room from the hall. I got to the bathroom door and see Jake leaning against the wall talking on his phone.Thank god we didn't hear it ring.  I leave the door open, but go over to my things throwing everything back into my bag. It's not my business who he is talking to, or what they are talking about.


"Alright I'll tell her tomorrow at our session." He says coming out of the bathroom as well. That's right I have to tutor him tomorrow.  "Okay... yeah I'll let her know." He smiles at me, and I smile back. It must be his mom or dad. "I got it Mom..... oh tonight? I decided to go for a drive... oh no right now I'm at a gas station." He says. "Bye, yeah you too." Then he hangs up. I giggle at his conversation, they said I love you! He still tells his mother he loves her, that make him like three thousand more times adorable.  "My mother.." he say embarrassed. 


"She seems very nice." I imply, he nods. "I'm exactually excited to meet her. Your father though.. not so much." I admit.


"Ahh don't worry about my Dad. He just wants me to get life straightened out right now. You know choose a career, college, he thinks I'm slacking." He roles his eyes. "Anyways yeah, my whole family is excited to see you. Jayla mostly. She thinks that I'm secretly seeing you... I guess she is smart."  I feel a slight blush at the mention of us being a thing. It's still unbelievable, and I'll have to see how long it lasts. 


"So you know when the diner is?" I ask, pulling my back over my shoulder.


"Oh yeah, next week on Thursday." He says, and we walk towards the door together. I've probably taken to long as it is but I'll think of some kind of excuse for my family and Robbie.  I'll pick you up at..?" He questions as we walk down the hall. 


"I'll text you my adress." I say, remember he took care of the numbers problem. He smirks, as we leave the building. I hope my parents and Robbie don't see and recognize him. "My parents are watching.." I whisper, and he nods. 


"Later?" He asks, I nod. Then we go our seperate ways, I go to my car, and he goes to his I would assume.  I get in throwing my bag in the back. Everyone is looking at me. 


"What?" I ask, going from everyone face. Did I miss a spot when I was cleaning my face free of make-up?


"Who were you talking to?" My dad turns, sounding very fatherly. Oh jeez!


"He was just another dance student. He was practicing, and he was just telling me goodbye." I say, I look at Robbie seeing if he noticed, he is looking down at his phone and doesn't seems to notice the conversation at all.  "What?"


"He looked nice and good looking from here." My mother smiles at me. I shake my head. They want me to have a boyfriend, well now I guess I have something, but that is a secret for now. 


"No." Is all I say, as we leave the parking lot and head to a restuarant of Patrick's choice. The conversation is dropped right away, and they move on to how good my performance was. 

Chapter 15- Secret

Jake's POV


"Where have you been?" Wyatt asks as I walk into our dorm, I just got back from Paige's recital. I go into the kitchen behind him, wondering how mad at me he is. We haven't talked much since the party, and we diagreed. Although he was right, I'm not one to give up. I didn't give up either. I pursued her and look where we are now. Maybe together. 


"I had a thing." is I reply, and he stops what he is doing. I see he has cheese dip out and hamburger meat. He is making his chip dip. "Doctors appointment if you must know." I mumble. 


"Oh?" He turns, "finally come down with something?" he jokes, and I laugh at his joke. I've gotta play it as if nothing is different. Although I've got to start being me more around my friends. 


"Nahh... I'm good man." I stretch out my arms. He tosses a bag of chips at me, and then brings over a bowl of the dip.  


"So your appointment was for?" He ask, "Gotta make sure you're okay for baseball man. It's coing around the cornner. We kind of need a short stop!" 


"Just a check up, my mom insisted." I sigh, "So how are you and Carmen?" I ask,  trying to keep a normal conversation going between us, and keep the topic of girls off of me. 


"She is great man! She is funny and she isn't scared to tell me what to do. I like that. It's different then other girls." He says, and I know what he means. I've got Paige. "You know she talks about Paige all the time.." He sighs testing the subject. I look down at the floor a second. It's a secret so don't imply anything!


"And..?" I ask, taking some chips.


"She said that she has been very distracted lately... would that be you?" I shouldn't have brought up Carmen.


"Not that I know of." I say, although I'm pretty sure it's me. "Maybe it's the play.. and the extra work she is doing for Mr. Parker." I sigh. He narrows his eyes at me, and I let out a breath. "She is my tutor, that's how we even started talking."  He busts up laughing. 


"I though you met at drama practice!" He says, "Ahh that's priceless dude! You've got to get on that!" 


"I don't know dude. I think she and Robbie have a thing." I say even though I know that's false. I hope nothing is going on with them, she told me no but I don't think he realizes that. "Anyways, how about we play COD?" I stand, he stands ans we head upstairs to my room.  Video games... a nice distraction for all of the weird stuff going on in my life. I'm happy, in fact happier then I have been in a while! Although I don't know for sure where we stand exactly, but I know it's on the up side!  After playing for two hours, we both get bored and talk in my room about baseball coming up.  Wyatt is second base, so the two of us are both infield, along with Robbie the pitcher. Thinking back to last year and our home games, I try and remember ever seeing Paige. I can't recall, which is weird. I also scanned the crowd for girls, and if I would've seen her I know I would've tried to get with her. Although now I'm happy I didn't. I don't know, now isn't the time to think about it.  


"I'm hungry." Wyatt stands, and I follow him back down to the kitchen. He grabs some more of his chips and dip, and Coke from the fridge. 


"What happened to the whole entire healthy thing for baseball?" I ask, grabbing a Gatorade. He just scoffs, also opening the freezer and grabbing a sundae cone. He sits across from me at the table tearing into his ice cream, and purposely eating it like he is making out with it "Okay... save it for your girlfriend!" I say. Stealing some of his chips and dip. I want another one of Paige's brownie things. Oh my god those things are mouth watering.


"Have you eaten them all yet?" I hear her voice, as the door opens. I sit up, looking towards the door I can't see it or her but I will.  


"Are you kidding! I've eaten like three, I'm saving them fuckers!" Robbie laughs, and I role my eyes. "I guess that even though we did just eat, I can give you one." They both come into view, and Robbie slings his arm around her shoulders. She grabs his hand, and pulls it off her shoulders, but holds it for a second, then lets go. Then they disapear up the stairs.


"So they go out on diner dates?" Wyatt says, sitting up. "She took his arm off his shoulder...Hmmm..?" Wyatt starts thinking. Oh god, I wish he wouldn't.


"It doesn't mat-"


"What if they are like a benefits type thing?" He burst standing up, "Holy shit, that sly dog. Robbie's getting action from Easton and you aren't!" He is pacing now, and I'm just shaking my head. Not only is he worrying me with the things he is saying, he is saying it loud enough for China to hear him!  "Damn... that boy has something up his sleeve."


I stand up not wanting to keep listening. I have no idea what's going on between Robbie and Paige she says nothing but how will I know for sure?! I wont interupt them, that might be obvious.  


"I don't want to hear anymore." I say leaving the kitchen.


"Softie!" He yells, and then a couple seconds later, he is next to me on the stairs. "You can't give up man. You're way better the Shroeder, you just gotta show her that!" Then he leaves going to his room on the second floor. I keep going towards my room, and just as I get up there Paige and Robbie are leaving his each of them carrying a brownie.  


"Paige." I wink at her, and she roles her eyes with a small smile. I smirk and walk up the stairs, we should be okay.  I can hear Robbie ask her what it was about before I get to my room, and I hear part of Paige's reply of her just saying that I've been being trying to get with her lately. The truth, but not all the facts.  I get back to my room, and decide it's probably time for bed, since tomorrow is a school day.

Chapter 16- Teachers Order

Paige's POV


I'm sitting in my room, starring at the ceiling. Holy shit what a day! I danced my last dance recital, argued with Jake Lincoln, and got into a weird/good situation with Jake Lincoln. To much Jake for one day. Although I want more. I want to know more about him, and just talk to him the way we talk. Not fighting or anything, but talking and getting to know each other. Which is odd,  we barely know each other. Can we really feel the way we feel about each other? Or is it just him still trying to get with me? I'll never know I guess. He could be with a girl right now, and I wouldn't know, in fact that is probably whats going on. 


I sit up reaching for my phone. I did say we would talk later, but what if he is with a girl?  Then he wouldn't answer or he could just lie. It's easy to lie over a screen. I pull back, why am I already acting like this. Jealous and worried. I don't even know what we are! I think we're in the talking stage of a relationship, but I could be way off. I lay back down groaning about my life troubles. I'm never going to get any sleep tonight. Realizing that I get up looking for my school stuff, I don't have any. I didn't bring it home, since there was nothing to bring home. I'll go for a run. That might make me tired. Changing into sweat pants, and an old practice shirt for baseball, which is Robbie's I stole it. Then I tie my shoes once they are on my feet and I head out. Just as I'm walking out Anne and Rachel are walking in. 


"Now you have to keep it on the D.L okay!" Anne says to Rachel, but I don't know what she is talking about. "Jake doesn't want anyone knowing." She adds, and then they see me. "Although I guess people like her who would never catch his attention can know if they must." She smiles at me, and my stomach goes through multiple flips and turns. 


"I wouldn't want to be with him anyways." I say, and move around them. I go outside the cold night air feeling nice on my now heated face and angry tension. I knew it. Jake was with Anne! Of all the girls he could've been with he was with her. God, of course since I  wasn't giving him what he wanted he had to go somewhere else to get it. I start out just walking, not wanting to run right away. Now I'm wide wide awake, and there is no chance of sleep tonight. As I run by the girls dorms, I notice a boy, Robbie, leaving the dorm Carmen is in. It's past midnight, what's he doing there?  "Robbie?" I ask, and I stop my jog, he looks up at me, and he has the oh shit look. 


"Hey ... Paige." He smiles confused. "Whatcha doing out here running at night?" He asks, walking up the side walk to me.  I cross my arms, really he is asking me what I'm doing out here this late at night? Obviously I'm running, I guess he wants to know why. 


"I couldn't sleep... trying to make myself tired." I say, ending that part of the conversation. I'm happy I don't sound mad either, cause he would ask what's wrong in which I can't and wont tell him. "What are you doing?" I point towards the girl dorm behind him, he looks back at it and shrugs. 


"Carmen... running play lines." He sighs, holding up his play book. I look at him and the book, not comprehending. 


"So you were running play lines... at 1:42 A.M, with some one you don't even like?" I try to understand the logic behind this. 


"Couldn't sleep either. I would've got ahold of you if I knew you're still awake. I didn't want to wake you or bother you. Carmen asked me at school too, if I would run lines with her. She wanted to know the play. I don't know she is weird." He says, shivering from the cold.  "Do you want t ride to your dorm?" He asks me.


"No.. I'm gonna go to the barn and back." I sigh, rubbing my hands together. It is cold. "See you tomorrow?" He nods, and then we go our separate ways. I still don't understand why he would runs lines with her, and why she wanted to know the play, I'll have to ask Carmen tomorrow. Getting back into my jog/run thing I'm doing, I press play on my Ipod and turn up the volume. Back to my situation.


Jake and I have a session tomorrow. What does that mean? What will I say to him? I can't just say I know what you did last night, that's creepy. I can't just ignore him either, he'll end up making me talk. I know how persistant he can be, and I get the feeling that he will lock me in a bathroom or something just so he can get me to talk to him. I dismiss all my thoughts of Jake,  I'll deal with it when I get there. But I'll see him right away in the morning at practice! I stop realizing I ran a little  farther then the horse barn,  turning around I head back. I'll read through my line what else do I have to do? 


"Megera, my friends call me Meg, at least they would if I had any friends. So did they give a name along with all those rippling pectorals?" I quote my line,  on stage. I'm look at Herecules AKA Robbie who just saved my life. We only have five minutes left of practice, and Mrs. Oliver wants to see Robbie and I perform together to get our feel for each other. To see if we play our parts good enough, and if we have chemistry playing the two characters. We continue through this scene and then the bell rings signaling first period. 


"That was perfect!" Mrs. Oliver aplauds us. "Now just make sure the two of you keep your kisses nice and innocent, no making out on my stage!" She jokes, and I lose all color in my face. Great. I have to kiss Robbie. I forgot about that. "Your homework, practice your kissing!" She says serious, and then she flutters out of the room. I slump off stage grabbing my things. Gosh, does she think that we're a couple? We aren't. We're friends. Friends don't kiss!  


"Hey don't worry about it Paige, you and I can do it!" He smiles at me, and winks. I can't tell if he is trying to be funny or if he is serious. He thinks we can kiss and just ignore it? Well, maybe for the play we can. I'm sure we can get over it. "If you want we can even practice.... if you want!" He says, looking away as we walk towards my locker. He apparently doesn't need to go to his. 


"I have to get to class Robbie." I reply, after a couple minutes. I've wasted enough time trying to think of an answer to him. I can't tell how he feels about it. I just wave and go to French. Sliding into my desk, I lay my head down on the table. Life is so confusing. Boys are confusing. 


The day zips by, and it's all because I'm dreading my session with Jake. I saw him once at practice this morning, but I haven't since. Right now I'm sitting in history with Mr. Parker and finishing my homework. There is only about 10 minutes left in class, and his lesson is over. I finish the small worksheet with five minutes left, and he demands that I watch the damn poop throwing video. I go to the front of the room, and behind his desk and kneel again, so I can see his computer screen. The both of us let out hushed laughs, at the video of a monkey throwing it's poop. Then he tells me all of the things I should do with Jake today after school. I try and stay positive with him, and not let him know I'm nervous for it. I'm not that good of an actress though. 


"Are you okay? You seem on edge.." He says after a minute, of me looking down at the papers I have to go through with Jake. "Is he being innapropriate?" 


"Ahh... I can handle it." I say paper clipping it all together. "Besides, he probably wont even show up." I add, trying to help myself out. I have to face him. I have to ask about Anne, I need to know. He said he didn't want anyone else. He must be some compulsive liar. I shake my head, just wait and hear what he has to say. Once the bell goes, I leave the room with out another word to Mr. Parker. Going to my locker, I see Robbie is already there with it open and waiting for me.  "Thanks..." I say, grabbing my things. We haven't talked since this morning, and I left things kind of awkwardly. 


"No problem... so I was thinking maybe we could run lines, go out to eat." He offers. I role my shoulders, hoping I slouche. I'm all of a sudden self concious. 


"I'm sorry... I'm busy... right now. Rain check?" I propose instead. He narrows his eyes ready for asking me what I'm doing. "Stuff. Stuff that I'm gonna be late for soon. I'm sorry." I say and walk away. I look down at my watch, which I actually put on this morning. I actually did stay up all night, and memorized my lines, and actually showered washing my hair and blow drying it to style it. I'm tired as shit now it's finally time to see him. Of course that's how life works. Slipping into the library, I take a breath seeing he isn't here yet. I'm running five minutes late too. I set my things down, and decide I'll wait ten minutes and no more. He is probably messing with a girl again. 


I press play on my phone, and Now You See Me the movies with Jesse Eisenberg in it and I watch it from my phone. Ten minutes, that's all I'm giving him. 


"Paige? Hey... Paige?" I get shaken and I sit up abruptly. Looking around like a mad women, I focus my eyes. The bright lights hurt like hell, and it's very quiet. The library, I'm still in the library. What? "Have you been here since after school? He didn't show up did he?" Mr. Parkers, voice speaks again. I look down at my phone, the movie is almost over. They're performing the last trick. I look at my watch, it's been almost two hours! He didn't show up at all! Not a text or a call. 


"No..." I sigh trying to wake up fulling. "I mean yeah,  I've been here since school ended. And yeah he didn't show up apparently." I wipe my eyes, getting rid of sleepiness.


"Come on... I'll get super." He says. I nod, with a small yawn. Grabbing my things and shoving it all in my book bag, I follow him out the door. "He was picked up from class early, I wonder if he is still gone." Mr. Parker says as we walk out of the school. I role my eyes. He knew Jake might've not been at school?! I dismiss it oh well. It doesn't matter. We have little conversation, and we slide into a booth in the dinner.  "So, what are you thinking?" He asks, ordering Kitty coctails for us both.


"About?" I ask, setting my phone on the table. I would've hoped he call or text, but I guess not. I was right about him.


"The tutoring thing? You shouldn't keep wasting your time." He says thank Lindy for giving us our drinks. I sigh, he is right, but all of the things he said to me, make me want to give him another chance. Although how many chances can you give a guy like him? "I don't think I want you tutoring him anymore. I'll assign some one else." He decides, and I look up from my drink. 


"Why?" I ask, if I don't tutor him I'll never have the time to talk to him. Well other then musical practice, but I don't have much time to talk to him then.


"You've been distracted since you started. Obviously you have other things going on, and I don't want him being any bad influence on you." He says sounding very teacherly. "This is quoted from you're brother by the way... I was talking to him about you tutoring Jake Lincoln. He know's his older brother and told me to not let you."  


Even Patrick has heard of Jake? Well, yeah then I'm screwed. His rep, is unchangable. I let out a breath, nodding. I guess it's better to not tutor him anyways. We drop the conversation when Lindy comes back wanting our food order, I just order a salad and Mr. Parker gets an extra cheese and pickle burger with A Thousand Island on it. It's gross, but he likes it. He moves on asking me about how the musical is going and we eventually lose the tightness from the conversation about Jake.


"Yeah, but still it's not relevant for them." I laugh, we're back to argueing about dumb things that normal people wouldn't think of. "Think about it Mr. Parker, if horses had no hair they would be ugly or at least weird looking, and they would freese over the winter!" I say. Yes, we're argueing about horses having hair. It started with just talking about them have a tail or maine, but eventually got to no hair period.


" I really wish you would just call me Austin." He sighs trying to not laugh. 


"I can't... you're a teacher, unless you already forgot." I say taking a bite.


"Oh come on... you call me Austin of school grounds.. right now we aren't in school. It just sounds weird when you call me Mr. Parker, when we're friends." he shake himself. 


"Well, fine Austin... I'm still right about the horses." I look away, picking a cucumner out and eating it. I like cucumbers drenched in salad dressing but I don't like them mixed with the other parts of salad.


"Yeah.. okay.. I guess you're right about this one." He leans back munching on a fry. I steal one of his plate, and he makes a mean face at me while I eat it too. "How was your recital last night?" He ask, and I imediately think of after it in my practice room with Jake.  


"It was good. I danced really good." I say, ignoring the madness going on inside my head about Jake now. He even showed up there and snuck into my practice room to talk to me!  "Super afterwards was very good as well." I add, trying to push Jake away. 


"I don't care! While I'm here I'm going to meet her!" A girl says behind us. "It's the first girl, you've ever talked to me about!" 


"You don't normal tell little sisters about your crush." I hear him, and I squirm in my seat. I look down at my salad swearing to myself. It's Jake and his sister Jayla! 


"I'm just gonna take this...." Mr. Parker..Austin.. reaches across the table taking a cucumber! I react imediately slapping his hand lightly, and taking it back.


"No!" I say as if scolding a dog. He stares at me surprised, and he smirks, I smile and then we both laugh. Oh jeez, the things that happen when the two of us are together! 


"Hey.. no more tutoring okay?" He calms down, as do I. He noticed Jake as well. I let out a breath and nod. 


"No more tutoring." I reply. 


"What did he want to talk to you about yesterday anways?" He asks, and I notice his eye flicker over my shoulder. I'm assuming at Jake and his siter. I watch him as he waves, and gives a brief smile. Oh great. Now he is being a jerk. "Look who it is.." He says to me, and I assume Jake and Jayla are coming this way. Why is he doing this? 


"Mr. Parker," I hear Jake, "this is my little sister Jayla." He introduces her. 


"Hello." She holds out her hand. I glance at her seeing blonde hair like Jakes, and an average height girl, she is tiny weight wise. But she is healthy.  "Is this a date?" She asks bluntly. "Isn't that like... illegal? Student and teacher?" 


"We aren't together." I cut in. "I'm Paige.. Easton." I over my hand, her jaw drops, and she slides into the booth next to me. She is looking me up and down, sizing me up. What for? I glance at Jake, and he is looking everywhere but at me. 


"Wow, you're prettier then I thought you would be!" She says, moving back. "And you're smart! Ah, we'll get along just fine." She smiles. "Nice to meet you both. I'll be in the car, Jake." Then she is gone. I look blankly after her unsure what just happened.

Chapter 17- Rogue

Paige's POV


"Your sister is.... very..." Austin struggles with words.


"She can be blunt." Jake sighs, looking after her. "She is gonna be here next year... she is staying tonight here and hanging out with me tomorrow." He sighs, finally looking at me. I can see the pleading in his eyes for minute, he knows I'm mad. He could've texted. Real quick just a message saying parents or sister or something. I look away, going back to my salad. "Ah anyways I should probably get going.." He sighs. 


"Oh Jake tomorrow after school you need to come to my room. We need to discuss your new tutor and all." Mr. Parker says, and I close my eyes. Oh great! What is he doing? Is he trying to make him mad? He is making me mad! 


"Okay... what?" He slides into the booth next to me, I take another bite trying to make myself disapear. 


"We talked about it, and I have decided that it would be better if you had a tutor that wasn't a..." 


"A girl." Jake finishes not sounding to happy. I start fiddling with my hands in my lap, oh this isn't good. I look up out of the corner of my eye at him, trying to catch his eye. He needs to know I didn't really have a choice in the matter. Austin is practically forcing me, and Patrick my older brother is just looking out for me. 


"Ah yes." Austin replies, "It wont be so distracting for you to work either." He adds. 


"Why don't we just give this ne last try?" I speak finally. "I mean, he has been turning in his homework, and getting the old stuff in to. I'm not failing... if Jake is comfortable with me as his tutor why don't we just leave it at that?" I offer, and Austin sends me a look. A look of warning. What the fuck?! 


"We talked about this , Paige." He says not happy about my speaking up. 


"You're not my brother." I snap back, now the whole table is quiet. Oh great. Now he is mad mad at me!


"No. The answer is no." Mr. Parker says, ending the conversation. I look back down at my food, not very hungry anymore. Still fiddling my hands in my lap, I let out a breath. I wont argue with him. 


"What ever. I'll stop by." Jake sighs, as if nothing is wrong. Although I guess for him nothing might be wrong. I don't know! I see his arm out of the cornner of my eye, and he grabs my left hand the closest one to him. "After school right?" He ask, and I can feel the paper against my palm. He is passing me a note. That's cute, but in this situation, I don't know why or how. 


"Yes. Now if you don't mind I need to have a word with Paige alone." He emphasizes alone. Jake squeezes my hand, apparently Mr. Parker doesn't realize. Then he lets go and leaves grabbing the to go food on his way out. I glance down at my hand seeing the folded out piece of notebook paper. What could it say? "What just happened?" Mr. Parker demands. "We agreed, Paige."


"I know." I say, "I feel bad though. He isn't being innapropriete or anything I've just got a lot of other stuff going on. The play, and my last recital, and he is comfortable with me." I begin, trying to convince him.


"No." He says flatly. 


"God, why are you acting like my father or something!?" I groan, stirring my salad to give my hands something to do.


"Because I was asked to look after you. Now I am. Stay away from him Paige. He is bad news, you know that!" He leans back now trying to convince me.  "I mean it. I don't want to see you with him. Ever." Now he is threatening me. 


"Or what?" I test, raising an eyebrow. 


"Are trying to piss me off?" He asks, I don't reply. "Ugh.. Paige you know who is he. You'll just end up being another random girl to him. I'm trying to keep you out of that." 


"What if he changes? You're always saying people can change." I keep going, he sighs eating another french fry.  

"Guys like Jake Lincoln don't change. His older brother never did." Jake's older brother. He seems pretty famous for some reason. I wonder what got him on the top of the food chain. No, actually I don't. I'm pretty good at guessing. I let out a breath. Stuffing Jake's note in my pocket. I'll look at it later.  "Now... please.. can we just eat?" he asks. 


"Yeah." I say I'm not hungry but my salad is to good to not eat it. We eat in silence a couple minutes, an awkward silence, until Lindy comes back overing desert. Then things go back to semi normal, and Mr. Parker and I go back to debating weird subjects eating apple pie with icecream, whip cream, and caramel.  "I'm stuffed!" I sit back, swiping my finger acroos the plate get some caramel on my finger. 


"Same here." He yawns, looking at his watch. "Ahh I should probably get you back to your dorm." He sighs, and then we pay and leave a tip, and head out. He drops me off outside the dorm, and we say our good nights. Walking towards my dorm, I pull out Jake's note, It's signed by him even.  I pause after reading it a second, I turn looking into the parking lot. I see his car. Mr. Parker is gone already thank god. I stuff the note back in my pocket, I wonder where his sister is? Jake's in here! In my dorm. Whether he is in my room or not I don't know.  I go in peeking into the rec room and kitchen he isn't there. God he must be in my room! I run up the stairs, upsetting my stomach, and I pause outside catching my breath and fixing my hair. I go in as if nothing is wrong, and everything is normal. I see him laying on the floor looking through one of my scrapbooks. 


"Oh gosh, what are you doing?" I say horrified sitting down next to him. 


"I only got to see you dance once, I want to see some over your other ones too. Also I've learned a lot from these books." He says, gesturing to the other two I have he must've already looked through them. He seen my baby pictures! My pictures from when I was a little girl! My middle school photos!! Oh god no! "You were cute." He looks up at me smiling, and I shake my head feeling my cheeks heat up. "Oh yes you were!" he moves over the book he is looking at and grabs the first book. He open it to the way back, and flips to a page. Then he points at a picture of him and I, in front of our project. My parents demanded photos, and they got one.  "This one is my favorite." He says, I look at my outfit, my hair back in a ponytail, and I have a summer dress on. Him with his shaggy blond hair and nice jeans and a navy blue polo. Then he goes to the middle of the book flipping more pages. "Along with this one." He points to another one. It's just me, I'm standing on stage, wearing a blue gown and a my hair done up all fancy.  Robbie is standing next to me, in a knight's outfit. holding a sword. 


"I was Sleeping Beauty." I say recollecting the day. That was the day Robbie and really became friends. He was kind of shy, until I being the nice cheerful girl I was dragged him to Mrs. Olivers room and demanded the she give him a part in the play because I just knew he could sing. In the end he actually could sing, and we have been friends since. 


"You just seem so happy and care free." Jake says next to me. "You're always like that around him." he adds. Jealously. 


"Oh get over it. We're just friends." I push the book away. "So what do you want to talk about? Where is your sister?" I say roling to my side so I'm facing him. He watches me and we're quiet just somewhat looking at each other. 


"Jayla is in my room. Eating all my food I assume." He begins after a while, I giggle. "I wanted to talk to you aout a couple things. I'm sorry about today.. I know I missed.. but my family.."


"It's okay." I say, I figured that it was famil stuff since he has Jayla with him. "And?" I prompt.


"What did you and Mr. Parker talk about?" he asks sitting up. I let out a breath, alright long story short scenario.


"Well, my brother doesn't want me around you... apparently he knows your brother and thinks you're a bad influence on me. Mr. Parker is just the messanger boy, also telling me that I can't see you or be around you." 


"Ever." He adds, guessing. I nod. "Well, good thing we keep it secret." he says, and I nod. 


"Yeah... but it's sounding as if we will never be able to go public..." I say trying to figure out exactly what we are. 


"In time. Don't worry. Slowly and gradually." He turns to me. "I should probably go.. Jayla will eat all my food.. and go through all of my things." He sighs standing. I walk him to the door, and he hugs me. Not  kiss, but hugs me then we say our goodnights and he leaves. I close my door, leaning against it for support. I'm breaking multiple rules on multiple levels here! What if we get caught? How will we keep any of this a secret? Where will we meet? It can't be at each others dorms, that would look suspicious.  


"Not the time!" I mumble to myself going to my bathroom. I'm tired, I want to sleep. Sleep will help.

Chapter 18- Hades

Jake's POV


Sitting in the auditorium, I watch Robbie and Paige play Herecules and Meg. They look really good playing the parts. Robbie plays his part greatly, being as he is supposed to be madly in love with her at first site.  Which I think he does like her so it's easy for him to act. Paige is just that good, I like watching her play her part. It's like sheactually becomes the character. She becomes the sexy Megera, who sold herself to Hades to save her boyfriend. A loud banging from behind stage interupts the practice, and everyone stops what they are doing. 


"What on Earth?" Mrs. Oliver gets up and Paige and Robbie go to move the curtain. I stay put not really caring to much about what happened. It was probably just a prorp that fell. "Oh! Call for the nurse!" Mrs. Oliver voice rings, out and I slip out of the room towards the nurse. I'm not good with blood. So I'd rather not see any if there is some. I go back walking after the nurse went running, I slip back into the room Paige is in a heate conversation with Robbie, she seems mad. I've never really seen her mad at him before. I take the chance going in a little closer, so I can get a listen too.


"Why do you need to know! It's not like I'm having sex with him!" She say, and grabs what looks like her phone from him. "Why did you go through my phone in the first place?"


"Because I was going to set a reminder for you to remember running lines with me after school! It made me me o to your contacts to put my name in there and I see his name!" He says. "Is this why you've been distracted? Becuase of him?" he replies. Paige shakes her head.


"So what I have Jake's phone number, it doesn't mean anything! I'm sure you have Anne's phone number!"  She torts back. 


"No. I don't, you wanna check." He holds out his phone. "When you're ready to explain, Ill be here." He walks away after that. Paige looks down at her phone, and mumbles to herself I can't hear what though. I want to go ask her what happened and if she is okay, but I think that might defeat the purpose of secrecy. I feel horrible though, I did put my number in her phone. But what the hell it's a phone number! We haven't even ever texte each other, not even called! 


"Darlings everyone take a seat!" Mrs. Oliver returns, and we all sit down. She isn't happy, and even I'm scared of her when she isn't happy. "With Mark being injured with a broken foot, we now need to recast the part of Hades." She clears her throat. I sit back smiling slightly. This will be fun to watch. This is going to be a war.  I was right second later people erupt sayng they will take the part or saying this person or that person should do it. ractice continues like this for five minute before Mrs. Oliver shushs the crowd. 


"Do they know for sure his foot is broken? It's not just a sprain that will take two weeks?" Robbie asks, and Mrs. Oliver nods. 


"It's broken." She looks around the room, her eyes scnaning the crowd for a Hades. I look down at my phone. I'm still waiting to hear from Jayla. She didn't want to come to practice so I left her at the dorm. Wyatt's going to give her a ride. I don't even know for sure if she is up yet. I send her a quick text and slip my phone back in my pocket looking back up I see Mrs. Oliver  starring back at me. Slowly her arm come up and she points at me. This isn't good.  "You. Mr. Lincoln. You will play Hades."  She says. 


"Ah..."  I begin. "That's not... I'm good with the lights." I say unsure how to tell her no. No way in hell am I going to play Hades. I'm not an actor! I sure as hell can't sing!  Athelete. That's about it. 


"Yes, you! You'll be perfect. You're tall and you can be scary when you want to so yes. You will do it!" She scans the room again. "I'll have Ms. Easton help you out with lines and skills. She is very good at it. I'm okay with this. I let out a breath, scratching my forehead.


"If I have too." I breath. 


"Yes you do! Everyone get work cleaning up the mess in the back. Ms. Easton, you will help him with lines wont you."


"Do I have too?" She mumbles, giving her a pleading look.  Mrs. Oliver just smiles at her and she also lets out a sigh. "Where is Hades's book?" She asks holding out her hand. Mrs. Oliver tosses it down to her, and she mumbles more to herself flipping through it. 


"Chop chop!" Mrs. Oliver smiles at everyone. Paige stands up slowly turning around looking for me. She makes her way back by me, with a smirk on her. She sits down handing me the book, with a smile. 


"I told you that you could be in the play!" She says quietly, I smile that's right she told me a while ago that I could to it. 


"I can't sing." I inform her. 


"Good thing your part doesn't have to. Now we better get to work you've got three weeks to get this down." She says, and we get straight to work reading through the lines. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out.  "Jake.." 


"It's Jayla." I say laying the phone down so she can see the screen. I reply with just an okay, now that I know she is awake.  We go back to reading lines, and she tells me how I should be saying things and how to do good facial expression while saying it. She has to use her hands a couple of times moving my eyebrows from me cause apparently I can't do it.  "Let's see you do it!" I challenge and in less then a second she has one eyebrow up and the other down. 


"It takes a while to be able to do it as good as I can!" She smiles. 


"That's a bunch of bull." I say "It's got to be like heredity or something. I can't do it at all!" I try and I just go cross eyed. "Impossible." I breath out, and she giggles. Then the bell rings, and the two of us sit up from the floor. Which we started laying on a while ago when sitting up straight got uncomfortable. "Alright... so I'll work on this.. I say. "But.. I wanna do something tonight... see a movie go out to eat... something." I say. She stops walking, and looks at me. 


"Are you serious?" she asks, and I nod. Yeah, I want to spend more time with her! "Umm, okay yeah sure tonight." she says, then we go our separate ways, playing the parts we told each other to play. My day is going to be great. Take that Mr. Parker, she isn't staying away, kind of hard when Mrs. Oliver assigned her to help me with lines and other things. And I have a date with Paige tonight!

Chapter 19- Yellow Card

Paige's POV


I have a date with Jake tonight. What will we do? What do I wear? I've never actually been on a real date. I mean I've hung out with Robbie, and gone out with him, but they weren't dates. I need to shake it off, focus on school while I'm at school. Throwing my play book into the locker, I grab my things for French class and head that way. I also can't believe Jake is now in the play. Serves Mark right though, all he does is mess around. Now I'm also his tutor in drama! Well, I guess I'll have to be around Jake anyways without being his history tutor!


Class go very slow, and I'm only sitting in fifth period, which happens to be my lunch period, as I dig through my salad. I wish I had homework or something to do because I'm sitting here alone. I don't normally sit alone, I don't normally sit in here period. I normally go to the Home Ec room and eat in there secondary kitchen. But today, I actually wanted lunch since it's just a salad. Other wise I bring my own, or just make something from what's in the kitchen.  


"So you're actually in here today!" Robbie slides across the the bench sitting next to me. I look up at him from my tray. 


"You're talking to me now?" I ask, mixing around my food more. Earlier today he freaked out at me because he found Jake's phone number in my phone!  Talk about over reacting! He stormed off, and hasn't said a word to my since, and he is in two of my morning classes. 


"I figured you didn't want to sit here alone. I normally sit by the guys." He points towards a group of his baseball friends. Glancing over I see the all watching with smirks.  "They think you're my girlfriend." He sighs.


"You've told them I'm not I assume."  I say, looking away from the group of boys and to him. He turns a bit pink and scratches the back of his neck. "You didn't!?" I say, what's with him! Why would he let he friends think we were together? 


"I've tried telling them, but they have never listened to me before! I just stopped telling them no! I never said we were!" he defends himself. I set down my fork, not sure how to respond. I'm even more mad with him then I was earlier! "Don't be mad." He whispers. 


"Are you kidding? No I'm not mad. You act like a jealous ass boyfriend and let your friends think we're together, no.. I'm not mad at all!" I sit back crossing my arms. I hear snickers coming from the table of his other friends. I role my eyes, and glare at Robbie. He leans forwards wanting to say something, when the door to cafeteria swings open. We both look over, and I recognize her right away. It's Jake's sister Jayla. She walk in looking like your everyday Lincoln. Perfect in other words. Following behind her is Jake himself, and they also seem to be at odds with each other. 


"Paige! Seriously! You're starring now!" Robbie says waving a hand in front of my face. I look back at Robbie, he did just catch me starring but what do I say? This doesn't change my mind, I'm still mad. "What's going on with you two? I want the truth." he says. 


"Nothing is going on, Robbie. Quite worrying.. it's not like it's your business anyways." I lean away. Grabbing my fork again, I look down at my food. I need to not focus on Jake and Jalya. 


"It is my business, Paige! If he is messing with you or trying to get with you then it needs to be stopped." he demands, and I role my eyes. 


"He isn't messing with me!" I whisper harshly at him, and he now roles his eyes at me. "He is-"


"Paige, I need to talk to you." Jake leans over the table next to me, I jump pulling my hand up to smack him. "Whoa tiger!" He smiles at me. 


"Sorry! You scared me!" I say. "Reaction.." I say pulling my hand from his. He smirks, and I wave at his sister Jayla who is peeking out from behind him.  "Alright fine. I was done here anyways." I say gabbing my tray. I wave to Robbie but he is just glaring at me. Serves him right. Once Jake, Jayla and I make it out I turn demanding to know what he needs. For us trying to be secret here it isn't working. 


"Mr. Parker, that's what's wrong." He sighs, walking down the hall further away from the cafeteria. "Paige, he put my last homework assignment in as a fifteen percent. Even I know I got at least eighty percent on that!" He says. "He is mad. My grade isn't going to get better unless..."


"Unless we don't see each other." I say, I look away. This is shit that happens in movies, not real life!  Jealous best friend, over protectice teacher. 


"Wow, you two are so cute." Jayla buts in, " I hope you're just going to tell mom and dad you're together." She adds. She is like swooning ver the two of us. "It's so nice to see Jake have such a great girl... even a girl at all!"


"Jayla.. we talked about this." Jake sighs, giving her a stern look. So, that's what they were fighting about. 


"Oh yeah! Sorry!" she squeeks covering her mouth. Then she zips her lips and throws away the key. 


"I'll talk to him." I sigh, "in the mean time. No more contact.. how about that?" I ask, he nods. Then we go separate ways without a goodbye even.  I go straight to Austin's room, he is in for a mouthful. I peek inside, he is in the middle of class. Do I interupt? It's not like me, and he might just send me to the office if he is really that mad. I knock going of my anger towards him, and heads turn towards the door. I can tell by his facial expression that he knows I'm not happy with him. He says something to the class, and comes out into the hall by me. "What is wrong with you!?" I say, right away before the door is even closed. 


"Um, I'm teaching class." He says, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the now closed door. 


"You know what I mean! You gave Jake only fifteen percent on worksheet that I know is hundred? I graded it!" I say getting frusterated with me. He blanches back slightly, out my outburst. "We aren't going to see each other! We aren't seeing each other. The only time we do is at practice for the play, and when I tutored him. But since I'm no doing that anymore I only see him once a day." I take a breath, stepping away from him. We were a bit close, and we're whispering in a school hallway. That's something that happens in movie, but in the movie they're arguing about their relationship. 


"How would you know what grade I put in?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me. 


"I got pulled from lunch. By Jake, he thinks I purposely made him do bad on the assignment. He isn't happy with me at all." I cross my arms, making something up. That sounds like something he would do right? Be mad at me and think I purposely made him do bad. Well, it's something I'm sure he would've done, if we weren't in the situation we are in. 


"Did you eat?" He ask, changing the subject. I send him a glare, and he puts his hands up in defense. 


"Change the grade Austin!" I say, almost like a threat. Which he realizes. "Also no. I didn't really get to eat, so I'll be taking some of your oreos." I smirk, and he lets out a breath looking at the ground. I open the door for him, and myself. I go behind his desk taking the package of oreos, I wave sweetly at him, in which he narrows his eyes. I get the message at leave. We're going to have a talk later. I walk away with his oreos and back to the lunch room. I inside and I slip back into my seat next to Robbie. I look at the clock, I was only gone for ten minutes.  "Sorry about that..." I sigh, opening the oreos. I offer him one as a peace offering. He takes it, an apologizes for being an ass. 


"So... if you don't mind me asking what did he want? You don't seem very happy." He sighs, dipping it in his milk. I nod he is right. I not happy. Mostly with Mr. Parker, but also myself for ever getting tangled up in this big mess. 


"Jake isn't happy with playing Hades... He wants me to talk to Mrs. Oliver, and get him out of it." I make up another lie. I'm going to have to text him to let him no who's been told what. Robbie just nods, handing me a chicken nugget from his tray. He must've gotten chicken instead of salad. I take it swiping it through his barbaque.  "I told him it's not really my problem... and that he needs to just do it other wise Mr. Oliver is going to give him hell." 


"Yeah ain't that the truth." Robbie chuckles. We're quiet after that, me eating my oreos and Robbie eating his chicken and drinking his now white mild with chunks of oreos in it. Once the bell rings we say our see ya laters and I go sixth, P.E, and he goes to his sixth, I think it's history. After I'm changed into my spandex and gym shirt and in the gym I wait for the teach Mrs. Parker, no relation to Austin though, to tell us what we're playing.  After the first twenty minutes of playing tennis, yes tennis inside the schools gym floor, I get called to Mr. Parker's room. Now what? I get excused and run down the hall, to his room. I go in with out thinking about it.  I don't interupt class though, they're already been given there homework. 


Scanning the room, I spot Robbie, more like I spot his hair. He is focused on his work, good. I go over the desks again, seeing Jake, and he looking right at me. I frown at him, and he just shakes his head looking down. Okay, I guess he might have some idea whats going on. I go to Mr. Parker's closet which is where I assume he is. Opening the door, I see him trying putting one of his older moore expsinve globs back on the shelf. He looks over seeing me and acknowledging me, but we don't smile or say hi. We're mad at each other. He leaves the closet pushing the glob back, and then he goes to his computer and I follow. 


"The history trip.." he sighs. "It' juniors decision on where to go." he leans back, and I look closer at the screen.


"The Musuems in Washington D.C would be cool." I say, standing up. "Is that all?" I ask. Looking at the clock. I still have my gym clothes on which I'm now slightly embarassed to be in. Spandex and my torn gym shirt that shows my sides.  


"Paige... don't be mad with me." He whispers looking at his computer screen. "I'm only looking out fo-"


"Are we done here?" I ask again, a little louder then a whisper. "I have class right now, and I'd rather not miss it." I cross my arms. 


"We will talk about this later!" he whispers standing up, and we are close way to close. Only an inch apart. I give him a sneer and turn away. "I have done nothing wrong, you are being childish!" He says. 


"I'm being childish!?" I turn, I'm now on the oposite side of his desk. I want to laugh, but I don't  I keep my serious face on, and we going into a battle. Behind me I can hear murmurs running through the kids, well shit. Forgot they were there. I glance over my shoulder, looking at the kids in desks as he is. I land on Robbie who is now looking, watching the two of us with an intense look. "After school." I mumble hoping only Mr. Parker can here me. He nods his head, telling the class to get back to work.  I run back to gym, and get back with my partner for tennis. 

Chapter 20- Close

Paige's POV


It's now eighth period. I'm dreading history. He is wrong I'm not the childish one here! He is! Giving Jake F's on his A's homework assignments, I did grade his paper and it was a hundred percent! He is being like this to purposely make Jake and I mad at each other. It's not working, it's just making us closer. In fact it's actually splitting Mr. Parker and I up! 


Sitting down in my desk, class goes by as if nothing is wrong. I guess we're both good at pushing our feeling aside when we need to. Then the bell rings, and I get held back afer class. I stay in my seat, puttiing away all my papers and looking straight forward. He wants me here so he is going to be the one who speaks. I can't believe he told me I was being childish though. I'm one the most maturest people my parents have ever meet, and that what my parents told me! I'm not being childish am I? I'm just trying to fo the right thing for Jake, be his tutor. Also keep us together. I get up, if he isn't going to say anything then I'm ust going to leave.


"You're right." He says as I open the door. I close it turning around to look at him. He is siting in his chair, looking at the back of his room. "You're not being childish."


"I know that." I say, stayin where I am. 


"I'm just doing what's in your best interest Paige, how can you not see that. Jake is trouble, why would you want to be around him?" He asks, looking at me. Alright... make up a good answer time Paige!


"The first lesson we had, he didn't flirt with me or try to get with me." I lie, he did. "He just wanted to get his grade up. I told him, I would help and he seems comfortable with me helping. I don't know... it also gives me something to do after school on Wednesdays." I say leaning against the door now. 


"I don't want you hurt, you know how he can be." He sighs lookig at me, pleading with me to understand.


"I can protect myself, Austin. I haven't been hurt yet." I inform him. 


"It's only been what a week?" he torts back, and I nod. Yeah, Jake and I starting talking about a week ago. Jeepers didn't things move fast. "No more tutoring him. That's all I'm asking." he says.


"And I not tutoring him.. in history." I say. "Mrs. Oliver assigned me to help him with musical stuff... now that he is playing Hades."I say. He isn't happy about it, but there isn't anything he can do about it. 


"Seriously... just be careful. Hang out with Robbie more... he asked me today if you have a boyfriend or something. Which you don't... I assume." He narrows his eyes.


"Nope." I smile. "Still single... plan on keep it that way." I lie, and wave goodbye. He smiles, back and I run to my locker throwing my things in. No homework, and it's Thursday after school. Tomorrow is Friday, YES Spring break! No! I have to meet Jakes parents! Oh god! Life is getting complicated! I know I'm getting picked up in the morning, to go home. I'll be with my family, so I'll have to text Jake my adress. Should I go though? Right now with everything going on, including Patrick doesn't want me haning around Jake to begin with! Great, and my parents will wnat to see Jake, cause they wont just let me go with anyone. Oh god, Jake's going to meet my parents! No. Not happening.  They will get the wrong idea, even though they would be right, I wouldn't want them to think that. 


Once back at my dorm, I slip into my bed wanting to just sleep. The day was stressful! Good at times but stressful. I could almost fall asleep, but then I remember I have packing to do. Getting up I grab my little carry on like bag, throw my necesities into it. I have clothes at home already. Once I have everything packed and my teeth brushed and all that, I go back to my bed. It's calling my name! Laying out on it, I close my eyes, and then my phone starts ringing. 


"Jake?" I answer, wondering what he might be calling for. First time I've used my phone with him, it's weird that I'm even thinking that. 


"Hey... so you still wanna go out?" He asks, and I sit up from my bed. I forgot he asked me to do something tonight! I look at myself already in Pj's and ready for bed. I mean it's only 5 P.M but still I wanna get a good night sleep. I planned on just watching movies. "It's fine if you have other plans..." He says into the phone reminding me he is there. 


"Ahhh, wanna watch movies? At my place? I'll explain when you get here." I offer, he is quiet a second.


"Alright... when do you want me?" He agrees, and I let out a breath of relief. 


"Any time." I say, "So see ya soon?" 


"Yes." Then we hang up. I look around my room, and start tiddying it up. Putting away clothes, and  making my bed. Then I check my bathroom and my self in the mirror. Tossing my shoes into my closet, I smile sitting n my bed. Looks brand new. Well, not quite but close enough. Then there is a knock at the door. I look at my clock again and an hour and a half passed! Checking my hair one last time, even though it is just down falling naturally, I go to the door. Looking at the floor, semi embarassed. He chuckles, as I let him in. 


"Sorry... I tottaly forgot.. and I have to get up early in the morning... I packed and yada yada." I say trailing off. 


"It's okay.. I'm alright with a night in!"  he smiles, He also has changed though. He is in sweats maybe he is also in his Pj's.  "You're parents coming to get you ealiy I assume." He takes the cup of hot chocolate from me, I made hot chocolate a couple minutes before he showed up. 


"Yeah... I think it's Patrick." I sit next to him on my bed holding my mug. I love the smell of the marshmellows, I take a deep breath with cup under my chin. "So.. I have a bunch of movies, you can choose. I also have snacks, I hide then under my bed. I blush a little more pulling out a bag of barbaque chips.


"Oh my god these are my favorite!" He gushes taking the bag from me, "You don't mind do you?" he checks before opening them. I gesture for him to go ahead, and openings the bag slowly taking a deep breath in as the air from the bag comes out. I laugh at him, getting up and looking through my movies.  "Do you have any of the disney movies?" He asks, between mouth fulls of chips. 


"Like that classics?" I ask shocked he even knows what disney is. He nods, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Then he set down the chips and mug and looks at my movies with me. "You like disney movies?" I ask, not sure I believe him. 


"Ah who doesn't secretly enjoy a disney movie?" He asks total seriousness. I point at the couple I have hear. Only my favorites like Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and Dumbo. I have some of the newer ones though too, like Frozen and Tangled. 


"Okay either Beauty and the Beast or Tangled." He says standing. "Or both... if you're still awake." He smirks, and I nod, accepting his challenge. I'll stay awake.  We watch Tangled first, snuggling under my blankets together. Once we've gone through three disney movies which Jake has all choosen, I lay in closer to him, feeling a wave sleep coming. "You tired?" He asks quietly. I just nod. "You want me to go so you can sleep?"


"No." I say, laying my head down on his chest. Totally not something that shoud happen on the first date, but it is. He wraps an arm around me, and we talk until I fall asleep. I wake up two times in the night, both times from noise going on outside my room. It doesn't phase Jake at all, and everytime I do wake up I have to untangle our limbs. Our legs locked and turned and twists, we're practically the size of one person we're so close!  I kiss him the two times I do wake up, liking that I'm semi taking advantage of him. 


I try to sit up when there is a loud banging on my door, but I can't. Jake is practically laying on me, and holding me in his iron grip. I squirm as the knocking keep going. How can this not wake him up? Looking at my clock I see it' way  to earlier for it to be Patrick, so I just snuggle into Jake again hoppig it will go away. When it goets louder, I groan. 


"Paige? Did you leave already?" Robbie's voice speaks from the other side. My eyes open wide, and my stomach comes up to my throat. "I know you're in there! I can I hear you snoring." He says, and I realize finally that it's Jake he is hearing.  I squirm again, trying to wake Jake up now. When I finally get out from  under him, I hit the ground with a light thud. I semi fell off my bed. "Paige?" Robbie asks.


"I'm coming!" I reply, and Jake sits up. I point at the door, and he is confused. He is half asleep still! "Just give me a sec Robbie!" I say.


"Okay?" he says, and Jake's eye go wide. He gets up and I stuff him into my closet. The bathroom would've been better, but Robbie might've seen or heard him in there. I go the to the door, opening it to try and keep him out all together that would be easier. "You okay?" He asks, and I nods wipping my eyes. "I have food from the dinner for you.." He says, holding up a to go box. Pancakes. I smell it!  I let him in.


"I don't have long I have to get ready." I inform him, and he nods. "What do you want?" I ask. 


"Okay... so my dad wants to know if you'll go out on our boat with us Thursday afternoon." He says, getting straight to the point. 


"Thursday?" I say. Why do I feel like I have plans on Thursday? Oh, Jakes family diner thing! "I can't." I glance at my closet. Robbie sits on my bed narrowing his eyes at me. "I'm sorry... I have plans with some friends.." I say. 


"Carmen?" he asks? I shake my head. No, not her. 


"No... people you wouldn't know..." I say, looking at th clock now. I need to start getting ready, and eat something! I'm hungry. "What's that face for?" I ask, noticing Robbies sour expression.  


"Friend as in a g-"


"No." I say running into my bathroom and turning on th shower. "It's a group of girls... no guys." Wow I just keep lying to him. Let "Robbie I really have to get ready." I say. 


"Alright fine... oh I have some food for you. I figured you would want one of your fruit waffle things.." I peek out and he sets down the to go box on my desk. I smile, he is so nice to me!  "Be sure to tell your family I say hi!" he says, walking over to me. He gives me a hug, which normally wouldn't have been so awkward for me if Jake wasn't in my closet.  "Bye Paige." He whispers, also kissing my forehead. It sends a shiver down my spine. 


"By Robbie." I give him a quick squeeze and then lead him towards the door. Once he is gone, I lean agianst the door scratching my forehead. I go over to the closet and see Jake holding Fiddle. How did he get in there?  "What are you doing?" I ask, still lost with how the cat got in there. 


"He must've came in here last night when the door was open all night..." Jake sighs, setting him down on the bed.  "So, you remembered my parents dinner." 


"Yes." I say, opening my waffle. I haven't had one of these in so long! "Want some?" I ask, and he shakes his head.  "Okay.. well, I really do need to start getting ready. Patrick could be here in the next twenty minutes. So, I'll see you Thursday?" I ask. He nods. 


"I'm picking you up at..?" He asks, before he closes the door to leave.


"I'll text you the adress!" I wave, then he smiles and the door closes. I let out a breath and dig into my waffle, then I zoom through the shower and get ressed for the day.

Chapter 21- Passing Notes

Jake's POV


Slipping down the stairs with a smile on my face, I think I'm the happiest guy around. That's the best I've slept in while, and that sounds cliché but it's true. I alwasy tend to sleep better when some one is next to me, but I usually have sex first, so I'm tired anyways. Paige and I didn't do anything, we just cuddled. It was nice. Passing by the kitchen I take a glance spotting Anne but she isn't alone. Robbie is in the kitchen with her. I almost stop and listen but I decide it's best to not do that because if I get caught I'll have a hard time explaining. The door swings open before I get there and it's Rachel Anne's friend. What the hell? Anne never gets up early, or at least that's what Wyatt told me, yet here she is and her friend. 


"Oh, Jake!" She smiles at me. I smile back, I have no problem with Rachel. "Your slipping away from a girl  I assume."  She says jokingly. 


"Smack on the dot." I reply, and she laughs slightly. "Shush though. You didn't see m-"


"Rachel! There you a- Oh.. hey Jake." Anne purrs, and my shoulders shrug down, and I look at the floor. Great. "What are you doing sneaking away from a girl?"  I turn and she is looking at her nail as if she doesn't care. But her tone says otherwise. 


"What else would I be doing?" I sigh, and Robbie peeks around the corner.  He just gives me a quick glare, which I ignore, and goes back into the kitchen. "Well.. I should be going... have a nice break girls." 


"Speaking of break! I'm gonna be back here Friday night... if you're too maybe you could come by again." Anne smirks, puffing her chest to make her boobs look bigger. There is a clanking in the kitchen, and Anne peeks around. It was Robbie, but what is he doing in there anyways? This isn't his dorm, and he brought Paige breakfast... so why is he cooking here? 


"No, I have plans... and wont be back until Sunday afternoon anyways." I say, no regret or sympathy. I'm not going there. Ever. I've got Paige. "Now I really must be going." I say again, going for the door. It swings oepn again and now I'm getting frusterated. What is with this dorm and people being awake so early!?  Expecting to see a girl, I lean against the wall waiting. Nope not a girl. In fact the guy is older then I am. Brown red hair. Lean figure, and an oval/heart shaped face. 


"Are you new here?"  Anne is the first one to speak, and she is puffing her chest again. I smile laughing at what's happening. He is obviously older then me, and he looks at her as if she is an annoying house fly.  "I'm Anne.. Anne Wilson. My father is the principle." thats her way to get people to be nice to her. 


"I know, I've meet you both before." He replies, not into her at all. shoving his hand in his pockets he looks at all of us standing here. "So... this is a girl dorm right?" He ask looking at me. 


"Yes," Anne speaks, before me. "He is always here... or at some girl dorm." Anne snickers and now this is her trying to piss me off because I said no to her again. 


"Ahhh, you're Jake Lincoln aren't you?" He smiles at me, and I nod now lost.  " I know you're older brother... Patrick." He holds out his hand to me, and I shake it firmly. "How is Jason doing these days?" He asks.


"He is the same... I guess. We don't talk much, e have issues." I say, the same thing I say to everyone about him. It's true we do have problems. He is always flirting with girls my class, and the couple of time I have brought a girl home for a one nighter he goes after her once I'm done. He does it on purpose to to piss me off. Which is why I'm slightly worried about Paige. Paige... her brother's name is Patrick. Well, shit. 


"Hey! Robbie! My little dude how are you!" I hear Patrick and it snaps me back from my thoughts. "Hows my sister doing... you any closer?" Now I listen. 


"She has been... good." He flicks his eye to me for a brief second. "And no. She is still oblivious." He sighs, scratching the back of his head. 


"Dude you just gotta go for it, never gonna know unless you try." Patrick replies. Then Paige ascends the stairs, with a bag over her shoulder. She runs to her borther giving him a hug, and I decide it's probably my time to slip away. "Hey Paigey... how my baby sister?" He asks giving her a noogie. 


"Stop!" She laughs pushing away from him. She see me, and there is something in her eyes that tells me she needs to speak to me. I gesture to outside and she gives me a quick nod. I go out and around the corner to the side. I lean against the wall wondering what she could want, and wait. It's only a couple minutes though until she pops around the corner, with a smile on her face. She walks slowly towards me, and clear her throat. Is it a good thing when girls clear their throats? "I wanted to say goodbye.." She says. Inching in a little closer, and push of the wall ducking my head. Our lips touch what was supposed to be a quick goodbye kiss didn't go the way it was planned. At the same time our hands move mine go to her waist, and hers to my face. Wanting more, even though we don't have the time, I nibble her bottom lip. One of her hands slips off my cheek, and then it's putting something in the pocket in my pants. 


"Paige?" I hear her brother yell, we break apart both of us breathing heavey. She waves goodbye, and the runs back around to her brother I hear car doors open and close and then the car drives bye. I pull of a piece of paper which she shoved in my pocket. It's her adress. I smile, wanting Thursday to come in a hurry.

Chapter 22- The Family Struggle

Paige's POV


Break is going by so fast! It's already Wednesday night, and I haven't told my parents that Jake will be picking me up to go to his house for the diner thing. We're sitting at the diner table now wating tator tot casserole with mashed potatoes, and chatting about going out with Robbie's family Friday. Yes, our parents are friends as well. Once the conversation dies, I let everyone take there time to eat. I set down my silverware, and takea drink of my apple juice. Now or never, Paige!


"So... I have plans.. tomorrow night." I begin. Everyone stops eating, and looks at me. I look down at my plate, I should have phrased that differently. "I can't get out of them, either." I add, making sure they know I have to go. I look up at my mom she would more likely understand.


"Like date plans?" My brother is first to ask, taking a sip from his glass of milk. I role my eyes, it's the fathers job to be all protective like that.


"No, it's not a date." I clearify, and the tension in the room disipates. "But it's is with the Lincoln family." Patrick coughs up his milk, and spits it back into his cup. My father loudly set his silverware down again. Apparently they know exactly who I am talking about.


"Hun wh-" My mother begins, thinking I must be going for sex.


"It's not anything like that! I'm tutoring Jake for service hours, and his parents invited me over to thank me." I say in a rush. The room is quiet again, and they all think about it.  "I didn't want to seem rude and turn down an offer from Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln." I add.


"Fine." My dad says. "But if he tries anyth-"


"Are you kidding? He is a Lincoln! It's bound to happen." Patrick laughs, and I role my eyes. Even though yes it semi has happened already.  "She can't go." He adds, and I sit up.


"I already promised him I would be there." I sigh, leaning back. Pushing my hair over my shoulder and crossing my arms. I hate argueing with Patrick, besides it's not his descision anyways!


"You see, she is already getting pulled in!" He gesture at me. I look at mom again, I need to go to this diner. Jake will kill me if I don't go.  "Has he already gotten to you? I thought you were stronger then that." Patrick says, and I toss a bun at him.


"I'm not some slut!" I yell, standing "The Lincoln's do give out a scholarship, that would be nice to have, and I'm also getting service hours you ass hole!"


"Enough." My dad says, I sit back down pulling my chair back up to the table.  "You can go to this diner, but you need to be home by ten. If you have any problems you call. Don't fall for pressure..." He leaps into a sex talk. I look at my plate picking at my food not listening to the sex talk for the thousanth time.


The rest of diner went by fast, and quietly. I finished first and cleared my plate going to my room. I hate that we're fighting on break, but it's Patrick's fault. He should've just kept his mouth closed. I guess Jake's older brother Jace or  what ever was also in his class, and he had a reputation. What ever. I'm going, Dad said I could. Just what to wear now is my problem.  going through my closet I pick out three outfits, and I decide I'll sleep on it. I go the bathroom showering and going through all the hygiene stuff, then I join my mom in the living room watching Daddy's Little Girls. I turn the brightness on my phone down, and the volume as well. I'm playing games, because I've already watched this movie. It's good, very good actually, but I've watched it multiple times with Robbie so I know the whole story line already.


In the middle of a run on Fruit Ninja a message blinks across the screen. I ignore it, and continue my chopping, my high score is like five hundred and thirty-eight, which is a lot for me. I used to only be able to get like two hundred some, but I'm getting better. I die and four hundred and fifty-nine, and I close out of the game and check the message. It's Robbie.


Robbie:  we hangin fri :) 9:21 P.M


Paige: Yes we are 9:26 P.M


Robbie: hows break goin? mine boring :/ 9:27 P.M


Paige: good family just got into a fight so we are kinda giving each other space 9:29 P.M


Robbie: bout? P.M


Paige: I have plans tomorow Pat doesn't want me goin. 9:30 P.M


Robbie: Date? 9:30 P.M


Paige: No. End of convo. G2g 9:31 P.M


I set my phone down, watching the movie. It's about half way through now. Later my dad bring out bowls of icecream to the two of us, and he sits next to my mom and the cuddle. I smile, it's cute yet weird seeing them like that. I'm happy they're happy but, yeah it's weird. I dig out the the banana slices first, and make sure there is sprinkels on them too. My ada makes weird banana split things that are delicious. I'm afraid I've gained like ten pounds because I've one everynight this week 


My phone screen lights up and I don't answer it, it's probably just Robbie apoligizing for being nosey again. I also don't know what to say. I mean I told my family it wasn't a date. So that's what I would tell him too, but he would never be okay with it being Jake.  I don't need his aproval though. I grab, deciding to just tell him. I look at the screen confused seeing it is Jake's contact that comes up. Unlocking my phone I read his message.


Jake: 2morrow @ 5? 9:57 P.M


Paige: Great. Parents said i hav to be back by 10. 10:12 P.M


Jake: No problem. C U then 10:14 P.M


I set my phone down, and my stomach grows butterflies. It's happening. I'm meeting Jake's family. I've already met Jayla, and I hope is whole family isn't like that! I turn in a little while after that, wanting a good nights sleep. I turn on the tv in my room and fall asleep to Law and Order SVU.

Chapter 23- Surprise Surprise

Paige's POV


I sit up, yawning and starving. Taking a whiff I smell the french toast already being made, I fly out of my room wanting to be the first person to get some. I grab my fork and plate and hang out with my dad in the ikitchen while he just lays down the first couple slices on the skillet. I watch in aw as the bread goes from a gross looking yellowish blob to a nice soft golden brown with cinamon! I take the three slices grabbing the container of powdered sugar and mapple syrup. I sprinkle  the sugar over the toast, and then cut it... I hate cutting pancakes and french toast twhen they're drowned in syrup for some reason.. so they have to be cut first. Once I have it all cut I drizzle on the syrup, I let it sit for a minute getting a cup of orange juice and my dad refill on his coffee. Then I finally sit down at the island, and dig into my plate. Biscuits and gravy is my favorite breakfast of all time, but next to that is the fruit pancake from the dinner at school and my dads french toast. I don't know what he does to eat, but he has a secret ingredient know one knows about. One of my life goals is to figure out what is it. I think it might be like brown sugar or or maybe even powdered sugar, but I don't know for sure. 


Patrck stumbles in a little whil later, half sleeping. He grabs a plastic juice cup and pours coffee in it, and sits next to me. I take his cup from him and put it in a mug and I grab his special caramel butterscotch creamer and givethat to him. He just smiles at me, and I know that's all I'm going to get. He probably doesn't know for sure if I'm mom or not. He is not a morning person... at all! For school, they always gave him first period study hall so he could skip it and just come when second period began. I guess it doesn't help that he is up until four in the morning ruining his eyes playing all his video games.  Dad give him a plate of french toast and he grabs the syrup and drains half the bottle on it. I don't understand how he isn't bursting at the seems, he eats a lot and he doesn't play sports now that he is out of highschool, and for all I know he doesn't exercise at all really either. Other then walking around daily and say if he and his friends go swimming or something. 


Once I finish my plate I drop it in the sink, and turn on the T.V, in the mood for some Law and Order. I shouldn't have watched it last night, it's going to be all I think about now. Well accept for the diner with the Lincolns tonight. I'm shaking already and it's like a day away yet. It's now only eight in the morning, so what will I do for the next bunch of hours? 


"Hey kiddos. Your mom and I have plans tonight, we're going to go out with the Schroder's and have our own night." My dads says leaning against the counter taking zip from his coffee. "They'll be stopping here shortly, actually... Robbie will be coming, he thought it woul be more fun to hang with you two then to be alone." 


Well that's what I'll be doing today. Hanging out with Robbie. I guess he'll be here when Jake comes to get me, so cats out of the bag anyways tonight. I let out a breath thinking of how to explain it to him. I'm guessing he wont understand at all, and leaving him here with Patrick wont help. Patrick is completely against it, so I'm guessing the two of them will be bitching about it the whole time. I role my eyes, getting worked up and mad, I second Patrick a look wondering if I should say something beofore Robbie gets here. 


"Sounds great dad. It'll give me something to do while Paige is on her one nighter." Patraick says, totally serious, he doesn't even look up from his phone! I throw the throw pillow beisde me at him, and leave the room. Yeah, I'm going to have a lot of shit to deal with this afternoon. I'm now also mad at my dad though. He never said anything back to Patrick! What he said isn't true and it was way out of line!


I st in my room, wondering if I should just go back to sleep, lock the door and everything. I look at my three outfits again and decide on a simple yet nice dress that I picked out for going to church with my black flats. I don't want to seem to dressed up, but I don't want to be completely casual either.  I've only worn it once, because the only time our family goes to church is around Easter and sometimes Christmas. Unless it is like a fancy fancy diner! It is the Lincolns I'm thinking about here. Grabbing my phone I shoot Jake a text asking about clothing. I sit in my room scrolling through pinterest looking up cute things to do with my hair, since I've got so much time to waster, I avoid leaving my room not wanting to see Patrick. Although I do leave to use the bathroom and grab a reese's peanut butter egg. 


I check my phone about thirty minutes later, and he responded saying anything. I role my asking if a church attire would work, then I go and try on the dress to make sure it fits. Like I was thinking last night, I feel and 20 pounds heavier. It slips right on still as if fitted perfectly to me, and I look at my reflection. It's not to low cut, and it's not to short either. It seems nice enough, not sluttly but not to modest either. Modest?.. I am meeting his parents, so I gues I do want to seem modest. Including Jake has never has a girlfriend... although I'm not going as his girlfriend. I'm sure they have sen him with a girl too, but I hope I'm better then them. With everything that's happened in the past two weeks, I don't want to be the person to ruin what ever is going on.  Checking my phone again, Jake gives me a thumbs up. I slide out of my dress putting it back on the hanger, and then the door bell rings. I hear Robbie and his family saying there hellos as the come in, I sit on my bed contemplating if I should lock the door and pretend to sleep.


 There is a knock at my door and the then it's squeeking open. I'm to late anyways. Robbie peeks his head in with a small apologetic smile. His eyes go to the dress that is still in my hands, but now on a hanger. He gives me a funny look opening the door more and standing in the door way. 


"So.. you have a date.." He says gesturing at the dress in my lap, I stand up going to my closet and hanging the dress back up. "Why are you mad at me? I'm just looking out for you like a friend should!" He says closing the door to my room as I emerge from the closet. 


"I know.. and I apreciate that you are doing that, but don't you think it's a bit much? You're not my boyfriend." I  reply trying to stay calm with him. For some reason, I've just about had it with him and his jealousy problems. They'be never bothered me so much before though... he has never been this jealous before though, since I've never had another boy in my life. 


"I'm not trying to be your boyfriend." He says quietly sitting on my bed. I sit next to him, wishing I knew what to do in this kind of situation. "You're right. I'm being to crowding." He lays back, and then his stomach grumbles. 


"No breakfast?" I laugh at him, and he laughs sarcastically. "Come on... Dad made french toast." is all I say and h beats me out of my room. I meet him out in the kitchen, he already has his silverware and the syrup out. I can't help but smile, I grab him the last three slices and pop them into the microwave. Then I put a pinch of powdered sugar, and serve him the plate. 


"Thank you Mom and Dad for creating me, so I can't Mr. Easton's french toast!" he places his palms together as if praying. 


"You forgot the best part!" I complain. He smiles. 


"Who ever eats the fastest, gets the mostest! Amen!" Then he digs into his plate.  Both of us are religious, and we are in no way shape or form making fun of any religion. It's something that my father used to say, back when I was in middle school. Robbie picked up on it, and it's stuck with him ever since. I love the way he says it because he sounds sophisticated yet really dorky and crazy. 


We chat while he eats, and we play a couple rounds of Go Fish and Checkers. I realized after a while that Patrick isn't here, and I'm thankful for that. With him being gone it will make telling Robbie easier then with him here. I'm actually surprised though, because Robbie hasn't brought it back up at all and he doesn't seem mad. It's nice, I just wish and hope he will understand. Technicallly it's not a date, but I don't think it's going to be just a thank you diner. Jake and I aren't even really together, but there is something which I can't explain. 


It's already one o'clock and I'm hungry, along with Robbie. Patrick is still gone, and there hasn't been any word from him about when he'll be back. I hope Robbie isn't left here alone. That wont help, if he is here alone after Jake picks me up, he might just sit here and mope around or be all weird. I put pizza into the oven after Robbie choose the pepperoni, and then he digs through our board games searching for the game Sorry. When we were little, we played that every time he came over. For us it's like World War III! 


"Sorry!" he snickers pciking up my last yellow piece and putting it back at start, and mumble a swear word and he laughs at me. I was about to win of course, I just needed six more spaces, and I would've been in the safe area! "Oh shoot. I'll be right back I think my phone is in your room. He hops up from the licing room floor, which where we have been playing, and walks back to my room. I sit not picking up the top card, I'll have to wait for him other wise he'll think I'm cheating.  "Hey Paige! You're phoe is ri- Jake? Jake is calling you?" He yells, I hop up running back but it's to late. He already answered the phone. 


"Well we're a bit busy..." Robbie says, and the way he says implies something I don't like. "I can sure give her a message instead.... yeah here she is." He holds out my phone all laughter and funny business gone from his expression. 


"Jake?" I grab the phone, not worried about Robbie at the moment. 


"Did I... interupt something?" he hesitates. I role my eyes, Robbie is going to get a mouthful. Of course I'm sure I am too. 


"A freaking board game." I send Robbie a quick glare, and look away again. "Nothing important at all. What's up?" I ask, looking down at my carpeted floor. I love scrunching my toes into it. 


"I was wondering it I could pick you up early then five. It turns out I'm going to be going practically right by your house at around four. Jayla and I went to visit our grandma.." He asks, and I let out a breath of air. Okay good he doesn't sound mad and he wants to know if he can pick me up earlier. 


"Yeah that's fine. I'll be ready." I say, and then we both say goodbye. Tossing my phone on the bed, and finally look at Robbie with my arms cross, and anger radiating off of me. 


"He is your date!?" He fires right away. 


"No! I'm his tutor. His family, more like his parents, want to meet me and thank me." I fire right back, "This is why I didn't tell you because you wouldn't have understood." 


"It's Jake, Paige! You know exactly whats going to happen!" He says throwing up his arms. "How long have you been tutoring him? Have you already cracked?" 


"It's been two weeks." I sigh, pissed off beyond a scale now. He really thinks that I would just crack like that? Like a chocolate bar being broken to bite off of!? I cross my arms, looking at the time. It's 1:30 now and I'm gonna have to start getting ready soon.  I want to shower again, so I can wash my face really good. I hate using sinks to wash my face, I make a mess that way. 


"He the reason you've been busy after school? So distracted..." Robbie says, with an angry smile. I look at him remembering he is in here, I went of to space there for a minute. "Well you should probably start getting ready." He adds, and then leaves my room. I grab my pillow and toss it back on the bed to let out anger, then I go to my bathroom and start getting ready. 


I finish putting on the concealer, I only used a little, I normally don't use any but this is a special occasion. Then I add a little eye liner and mascara, and a squirt of perfume and I'm ready. It's 3:50 too so just on time. I look at my reflection, and I think I look nice. My hair is curled slightly and I have my nails actually painted because I need to give my curler time to to heat. I grab my little shawl like thing, just in case it gets chilly tonight. Then I grab my phone and purse, I leave my room hoping Patrick has taken Robbie to his room. I'm happy when I don't see them, in the living room or kitchen. I peek outside, making surethey weren't hiding out there either. The coast is clear though, they must be downstairs in Pat's room. I take a glass and drink a cup of juice, my nervous are starting to get to me. I look from the ceiling to the floor wondering how the night is going to go, good I hope. I mean it's Jake's parents. I have to impress them! Including I have no idea if this is a date or not... you don't normally meet the parents on a first date though. Even if this is a date his parents wont know it, we agreed to just keep what ever we have down low right now. 


When the door bell rings, I take my time getting the door. I smooth down my dress, checkmy curls and wipe juice off my lips. I open the door, trying to play it off like I'm not nervous.  He smiles, as his eyes travel my outfit, and just me in general. He looks pretty nice himself. His normal semi uncontrolable blond hair, nice kahki pants with a navy blue pollo. 


"You in a dress... never though I live to see the day." He smiles holding out his hand. For some reason his comment makes me blush, and I take his hand.  "You look great." He whispers, as I close the door to my house. I didn't say goodbye... oh well. 


"You look pretty good yourself... kahki's even." I reply, shaking away my heated cheeks. He smirks, opening th passenger door for me. I spot Jayla sitting in the back. She is watching the two of us, in aw. 


"Yes, my mother has a very traditional style." He sighs looking down at his pants and brown leather shoes. 


"Well you look good." I say, checking him out again. Yes, he does look mighty fine. 


"So you're brother... he is watching us from the basement window.." I hear Jake whisper, I peek over there a second and sure enough Patrick pull away his curtain, and I see him standing there watching us. Robbie too. "They don't like me." 


"I don't know what there problem is." I let out a breath, then slip into the car. Jake closes the door, and walks to the drivers side, as if nothing is wrong. Well nothing is wrong it's just my family and Robbie being idiots. I can't believe Jake caught that though. I can't believe they're watching! They must really think I'm some kind of push over, that some what hurts. They know I'm strong, and that I'm very determined. Why is it now that Jake is the guy, it's all of sudden a problem? It's because his reputation. Which is apparently a lot bigger then I thought it was. My brother is even in school anymore, and he knows about Jake... although that might be because of his older brother. 


Shaking the sadenning thoughts away I focus on the positive I'm here with Jake, on my way to his house to meet his family. What could go wrong?

Chapter 24- Jynxed

Paige's POV


"Don't worry, just be yourself my parents will love you." He says, putting the car in park. We're at his house now, and the car ride here wasn't long or boring. Jake and I had plenty to talk about. Now that I am here though, I'm scared shitless. I step out of the car before Jake can open the door for me, I don't want to seem helpless. "Seriously calm down. You've already meet Jayla and I we're the worst two." He says clsing the door for me. My mind wonders about his older brother, but I don't ask, maybe he just wont be here. 


"I'm fine." I say taking in a deep breath. I give him a small smile, and look back up at the house. Holy shit. I thought we had a nice house. This is like a small version of the white house! Back in a private part of the woods, with a huge fence and a gate to get in. A huge porch, with two swinging benches. In the yard, circular gardens and one of them has a marble fountain. "I feel like I'm meeting the president." I whisper as he leads me up the couple stairs.  He chuckles, reaching now for the handle to the front door. Then he stops, and he looks towards the garage area. I can physically see his body untense, and he roles his shoulders. He moves in close a minute kissing my cheek. I look at him with confusion, and then he winks and swings the door open. 


"What the hell took you two so long?" Jayla is the first thing I see looking inside. She road with us up here, and she got out of the car so fast you'd have thought it was on fire. She is already changed, into a light pink skirt with a rippled  black top. "You weren't doing to dir-"


"No." Jake interupts, sending her a look. "Remember mouth shut." he reminds her, and she roles her eyes, opening the door wider and gesturing inside. I step in taking in my surroundings. Yeah, this has to be a replica of the white house. Although I've never seen the white house... I imagine it looks like this. Beautiful entrance, with a grand stair case to the left and a little sit in room that might be the living room to your right. "Welcome to Lincoln Manor Paige." He sighs, putting his hands in his front pockets. I'm sure my mouth is touching the ground, but wow this is just the entrance to his house! 


"You're giving me a tour right?" I ask, without even looking at him. Now moving on the art on the walls, and the one marble statue by the stair case. I'm tempted to ask how much  this place cost to built, but I'm pretty sure that's not something I should ask. 


"If you want one." Jake answers. "We'll stop by the kitchen.. let my mom know we're here." He says. I nod, looking towards him finally. We talked about no holding hands in the car, so that is already figured out. I gesture for him to lead the way, and he waves to Jayla who goes the oposite way then us. I follow Jake as he tells me what rooms are what, and I look in awe. Still wondering about the price of all of this, but more importantly how long it all took to build! He stops in a arched entrance, and I can already smell the food. I take deep breath, his mother is in here! "Hi Mom!" Jake greets. 


"Ah Jake!" I her her voice, and I can't help but smile. She sounds like one of those stay at home moms who are the best people in the world. "It's nice to see you baby, how was grandma's?" 


"It was good." He replies, and my smile grows. She called him baby and he didn't say anything. "We picked up a straggler." he replies.


"Oh..?" She sounds confused. "Oh!" She says, and I hear noises come from the kitchen. I take another deep breath, and step around Jake. Her eyes goes from Jake to me and then back to Jake and back to me. They stop on me. Oh shit. "Why you're beautiful." she says wiping her hands on her apron. 


"Thank you." I say, glancing at Jake. Gosh what should I say? "The food smiles amazing." I say, taking a quick sniff. It really does smell great. 


"Well thank you!" She smiles walking towards us. Her eyes taking me in, I think she is trying to see if I'm aprovable. It's making me nervous. What if she hates me? "Gosh you're very pretty." She says whiping her eyes at Jake, and back at me. What was that? 


"Alright, well I'm going finish giving Paige a tour... just call for us when you're ready." Jake says, roling his eyes. 


"It was nice to meet you Mrs. Lincoln." I say giving her a quick nod and wave. 


"You too, darling." She smiles at me, and then Jake gestures for me to follow him.  Then I get shown the dining room,  and living room. Then a library and a study, which aparently aren't the same things. After that we head upstairs, and he points out bedrooms and more odd and end rooms. 


"That's Jayla's room.." He points, and then look at the other side of the hall. "That's my brothers, but he wont be here tonight." I'm guessing he is happy about his brother not being here. "It's nice knowing he can't steal you away the first time you're at me house." He says, wraping an arm around my waste. I let out a slight laugh. 


"He wouldn't have been able to anyways."  I whisper, "Now.. where is your room?" I ask, trying to cheer him up. He looks down at me, and I catch his eyes looking towards a door further down the hall. I walk out of his arms towards his room. He follows behind me slowly. I grab the door opening it. I stand looking inside, wow. "You're room is cleaner then mine." I frown. The room is  white carpeted, with a royal blue and wood wall panelling. Dark oak wood furniture, and a brown leather couch facing a flat screen T.V with what looks like an Xbox under it on the coffee table thing. An apple desktop computer on the desk, and a home phone line in his room as well. 


"Can we play?" I ask, walking toward the couch and T.V. "I'm horrible, but I love playing!"


"You serious? You want to play a video game?" He asks, I and stand with my hands on my hips looking at his games. I pull out Call of Duty World at War, it's one of the older games, but for some reason it's my favorite.  "Okay.." He sighs, I hand him over the game, and plop on the couch. We play for a while on Nazi Zombies, of course he has to revive me couple times, but he doesn't seem to mind. Then we go to multi player, and try killing each other.  After I kill him a couple of times in a row I know something is up, and I peek over at him. He is watching me, not even holding his controler.


"Aw! None of those count!" I pout.


"When you're really consentrating, you stick out your tongue did you know that?" he asks, smiling. He's been watching me a while, I turn looking back at the screen.  Damn, I just thought I was getting better! "It's cute." He  chuckles. 


"I thought I was getting good, you jerk!" I say, trying to not laugh. He just smiles more, shaking his head. "What?" I ask, getting up and turning off the game and putting away the controlers. 


"You." He says, and I turn giving him an un-understanding look. "You like video games, you're smart, and you're funny, and talented." He says, leaning forwards on the couch still. 


"Ah," I stutter unsure how to respond.  


"You have no idea, how attractive you are and how you just fit in with the guys, and you're like one of those girls who chooses to not be popular even though you could be."  He stands now, and is walking towards me. 


"I don't like being the center of attention." I say, "It's why I don't like the part of Megera." 


"You're so good at it though!" He says. I smirk at him.


"You're not so bad yourself Hades." I smirk at him, and he shakes his head. "Seriously though, you're good at it." I say walking away from him, and looking at some of the pictures hanging on the walls. Purposelly moving away from him. I don't want to get to close to him, I want to keep my hair and clothes nice and un ruffled.  The phone on his desk rings, and it makes me jump.  He answers it. 


"We'll be right down." Jake says and hangs up the phone. "Super is ready." He says, I let out breath. Time to sit down with his family, and eat a meal. I hope I'm not one of those anoyying eaters. I've never been told I am, but who knows! Why am I worried about how I eat? I should be worried about what the hell we're all going to talk about. Mostly Jake and the tutoring sessions I'm sure, and I semi hope.


Following Jake back downstairs, and to the dining room, we both get seated. He is as nervous as I am, and that worries me.   I smile at Jayla who is directly across from me at the table, and I see Mr. Lincoln will be at my end of the table, and Mrs. Lincoln at the other end.  There is another open plate, but tonight it is going to be empty, I assume their brother would be sitting there, but he isn't here. Then everyone is sitting down, and the meal begins. things start off quiet and peaceful, then once we all have food on our plates, the questions begins. 


"So, Paige do you tutor other students  as well?" Mr. Lincoln asks, and I'm relieved it is along the lines of tutoring. I was hoping there wouldn't be personal questions, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. 


"No, actually." I say, looking from Mr. Lincoln to his wife. "Mr. Parker and the principle offered tutoring him to me, because I have to the highest history grade." I inform them, then look down at my plate. Jeepers I hope that didn't sound wrong, I'm not trying to rub in that I have a better grade or anything! 


"Good, only the best will do for my son." Mrs. Lincoln says, and I catch the look in her eyes. She isn't just talking abou tutoring. She means way more, and from the looks of it I'm not coming up to parr. Well shit! I mean to them we aren't even together, but we are secretly. 


"You're doing a great job so far." Mr. Lincoln speaks next, and I'm surprised he said that. Jake is alwasy talking about how he is the more difficult one to work with, so far he is the nicest.  I also pick up on the look he sends his wife, and I just look at my plate of food. I don't think this dinner was just about tutoring.  I glance at Jake, and he rubbing his eyes seeing everything as well I assume. "Do you have any plans after high school?" I look back up to Mr. Lincoln. Personal questions, great. 


"Actually I do." I say, not wanting to lie. "I'm unsure exactly what college, but I would like to become a teacher, major in American History actually." I smile, thinking about being a teacher when I'm older. 


"So you like kids then?" Mrs. Lincoln asks, and Jake busts into a coughing fit. "Have some water dear." is all his mother says to him. 


"I.. ah yes, I do like children." I reply, unsure by where she is going with this now. "I hope I'll have some of my own, once I'm out of college and have a nice career started." I add, trying to get the personal questions to stop. 


"Good for you dear." Mrs. Lincoln smiles at me. A real happy smile. She likes my response. I glance at Jake again, and he is looking across the table at Jayla. I look from each of the family members trying to figure out what exactly is going on.  I only confuse myself more, and I give up going back to my food. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln carry out a normal conversation on how their days went, and they talk about plans for tomorrow. 


Once we've all eaten and desert is served it seems, everyone is calmed down. We all talk about different things now, like weather, and the rest of our plans for break. All the awkwardness is gone, and Mrs. Lincoln seems to like me. Jayla brings up the musical, and that starts a long conversation about Jake not telling them about his part. A bunch of congradulations, and plans to come and watch are thrown out on the table. I just smile and go with it, not wanting to upset them. I wonder what they think is going on. Do they think Jake and I are a couple? They must think something around that line, otherwise they wouldn't have asked some of those questions right? Weird thing is though Jake hasn't really talked to me since dinner started. Yeah we've both been in the same conversation, but he hasn't spoken directly to me, let alone even looked at me. Something is wrong or up. 


I try catching his attention a couple of times while, helping with cleaning up but he seems dead set on not communicating with me. So it must be something I said or did. I think back on everything I said and did, I can't think of anything that was to out of line, and his parents seem hay with me... so I wonder what's bugging him. I go over and help help him with the dishes, while his parents are in the room talking for a moment, and I try to talk to with him. 


"What's going on?" I ask, handing him a plate. He takes the plate, looking at me for a moment. Then he slips the plate into the dishwasher. "Jake seriously." I say, unsure if I should be mad or worried. The door bell rings, and we both look in the direction of the front door. 


"I'll get it." He says loud enough for his parents to hear. I watch him with disbelief as he leaves me in the kitchen. What in the hell? Should I follow him or just stay here. I assume stay here since he didn't ask me to come with or speak to me even. So he is mad .. and he is mad at me. I lean against the counter, rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand. I pull my phone out of the pocket in my dress checking to see if I have any messages, which I don't, and I set it on the counter.  I look at the dishes next to me, and I start loading the rest of them. 


"You don't have to do that, Paige." Mrs. Lincoln comes in. 


"Oh I don't mind. I'd feel bad if I did nothing." I respond, smilling shyly at her. She gives me a warm smile, and she helps out with the rest of the dishes. "If you don't mind me asking.." I break the silence, and she looks at me from the sink. "Did I say something.. or do something that upset Jake?" I ask.  Maybe she will know. 


"No, gosh no dear. It's not you he is upset with, it's his father and I." She laughs quietly. I blink a couple times, now more confused then ever.  "He likes you you know." She stops what she is doing, and turns to face me. I hold the plate in my hands still, focusing on her words. "You're the only girl he has ever really introduced us to. I think he cares for you actually, which is very unlike him." 


"I don't.. understand." I say honestly to her. 


"You two aren't together or anything are you?" She asks. 


"I"m just his tutor." I reply, loading the plate into the washer. It's a lie, and I don't want her to be able to figure that out. 


"You mean a lot more to him ten just a tutor, my dear." She says, "Paige I need you to do something for me." She sighs after a moment of silence. 


"Of course." I say lookingover at her again. 


"Please keep doing what ever you're doing." She turns off the sink, and turns to me again. "Since he has been here with break, I've noticed he seems more... open and happier even. I'm guessing it has something to do with you." she gives me a questioning smile. 


"I'll keep tutoring him." I say, and she just keeps smiling. I think she likes me now. I think about what she said, she said he seems more open and happier. That's alost the way I see it as well. He seems to be more like his old self from middle school. Before he had to worry about his reputation, and being top jock at school. If it is me who is changing him then yeah I wont stop, I want to keep helping him get better. We finish with the dishes, and go back to the dinning room with Mr. Lincoln and Jayla.  I smile at Jayla at Jayla who is on her phone... phone. Shoot my phone is in the kitchen.  "I'll be right back!" I say, and head back into the kitchen. I run slowly over to the counter where I left it, and I get there just in time. Robbie is calling. I answer it, and I hear a bunch of noise. Music and yelling. "Robbie?" I ask into the speaker. There isn't a reply. "Hello?" I ask again. Then the line goes dead. He hung up. What the hell? Wondering if I should call him back, I head back towards the dinning room.  I hear a bunch of commotion in the room, everyone saying hello and surprised to see you. I wonder who is here? Then my phone starts buzzing in my hand again. 


"Robbie?" I ask, seeing the caller I.D. It's quieter this time, as if he went outside or something. 


"When are you coming back?" I hear him on the other end, and I hold the phone away from my ear. He is yelling into the phone. 


"Soon. I think." I reply, unsure why it's his business. "We just finished eating... where are you?" I ask. Looking around the kitchen. 


"I dunno for sure. One of Pat's friends places." He replies, and there is a loud popping sound. "That was fucking awesome!" I hear Robbie laugh, and I pull the phone away seeing if it will show me a location. It doesn't.  "Hey.. I just wanted to let you know that we wont be at the house when you get back... I gotta go!" Then he hangs up again. I didn't even say bye. I look at my phone still a little confused. What was Pat thinking bringing Robbie too one of his friends parties!? I should get home.  I head back to the dinning room, seeing another body in the room. A boy, older then Jake it looks. Maybe it's there brother. I great Jake's elbow, and tell him I need to get home. 


"Okay." He replies, seeming a little to happy to get me home. "Let's go." He says, walking towards the entrance. I follow, unsure if I should say goodbye. I should I know that, but Jake seems to be in a rush. 


"Leaving already?" Mrs. Lincoln asks, and Jake stops, as do I.  


"I've got to get her home." Jake turns to his mother. He now holds out his hand to me, and I don't know if I should take it. Wont that send the wrong signals? I take his hand anyways, not wanting to start anything. 


"Not going to introduce me, Jake?" the other boy in the room speaks. I hear a smaller familiarity in his voice. It peeks my interest. 


"At least say goodbye." Mrs. Lincoln scolds him, and Jake tenses up.  I give his hand a quick squeeze and let go of it.  I really should say goodbye, I don't want to seem rude. 


"Bye Paige!" Jayla hugs me, and I smile hugging her back. I wave to his parents, and stop finally on the new guy. My stomach comes up to my throat, and I feel semi faint. Unsure if I'm really seeing who I think I'm seeing.  It's Jason. Patrick's friend from college. My first kiss. 


"So you're Jake's new girl friend." He says to me, holding out his hand. He doesn't recognize me, that's great. 


"Ah.. not his girlfriend." I reply taking his hand. 


"Oh right tutor." He says, and I see a spark in his eyes. He gives my hand a slight squeeze, and a smile that says he does know who I am. "My bad." He adds. 


"Alright I really should be getting her home now." Jake is there next to me out of the blue, and he seems protective.  


"We still haven't introduced each other." Jason send Jake a look with a smirk. "I'm Jason... Jake's older brother." 


"Paige.. Easton." I say, and his smile towards me shines brighter. I just confirmed his thoughts, I am the little fourteen year old girl who kissed him at a college party.  "It was nice to meet you." I say playing it off as if I don't remember him. 


"Same to you." He says, dropping my hand. Then Jake and I leave, I can feel anger radiating off of Jake and I want to just reach down and grab his hand or kiss him on the cheek. He didn't want me to meet his brother because he knows he tends to steal girls from him, but I think this time it's different. If Jake really does care for me, and have the feelings he says he does then he really probably doesn't want me around Jason. Hell I don't want to be around Jason! He was my first kiss, how awkward and is that? What are the odds as well. Gosh, I should tell Jake, but how will he take it? I'm sure he wont be happy, but he can't hold it against me or anything Jake and I had only been in middle school together, and we never talked ever. It wasn't even that year when we had that project together is was the year after that! The first little bit of the car ride is quiet. We're both unsre what to say.


"Are you mad at me?" I finally ask. 


"My parents want us together." He replies, eyes not leaving the road. I look at him, trying to figure out his thoughts. 


"And?" I ask. 


"They like you... a lot. That's why they asked you personal questions." He continues. 


"Jake." I say, and he glances at me. "What's going on?" 


"What do you mean?" He asks, and we pull up to my street already. I look out the windw=ow unsure if I should keep questioning him. 


"You know what. You've been giving me the cold shoulder all night." I sigh as he puts the car in park at my house. All the light are off, and no vehicles are here. "Goodnight Jake." I say getting out of the car. 


"Paige." He gets out too. I stop in my yard, turning and facing him. What else can I say? "I'm sorry, I just... my parents were... and then my brother..." He doesn't know where to begin.


"You're parents were questioning... Your mother asked me if we were together." I sigh scratching my eyebrow. "I told her no, but she is probably still questioning it."


"Yeah, my father talked to me about, pursueing you." He smiles, and so do I. "My mom likes you a lot too."


"Jake, what's going on with us." I ask, "You're parents are wondering, my parents are wondering. Hell I'm wondering exactly whats going on here!" I say. 


"Paige, I want you." He says reaching for me. 


"Yeah, you want me. But do you want to be with me?" I ask, questioning him again. 


"Of course I do." he says.


"Then can't we just tell everyone?" I ask, looking up at him. "Secrecy isn't working out Jake. It's obvious something is going on. You became all protective over me when Jason introduced himself, and you were acting funny all night. You're parents know something is up." 


"I don't want you around Jason. Ever." He warns, and I just nod not wanting to get into that at the moment. 


"I wont be around him, Jake." I say. " I shouldn't be around your family again anyways, since I'm just a tutor." I cross my arms. 


"You're not just a tutor." He sighs, laying his forehead to mine. 


"Then why is that what we're telling people... I think I want to tell people. I'm not good at lying and keeping secrets anyways. People will catch on."


"No." He whispers, and I let out a breath. What is he so worried about happening? "Paige, things will change the moment we do that. For both of us, I don't want to ruin this." 


"You don't want to ruin your reputation? Is that what you mean?" I ask, "I want the truth." I say stepping away from him. 


"No." he says. "I'm just not.. sure it's a good idea yet. Give this more time." He says. I nod. He wants more time, to figure out what ever this is then okay. So do I.


"Alright." I say, "Goodnight." I turn and go towards my house. 


"Paige." He says, "Please don't be mad."


"When you figure out everything Jake, let me know." I reply, "Now goodnight, and see you at drama." I close the door, and lean against it. I think I just broke up with him. If we were ever really together. I shake my head, I'm getting a head ache from all of this. I just need to sleep. Going to my room I slide out of my dress, and into my pj's and under my blanket. 

Chapter 25- Rough

Jake's POV


I'm sitting in my car not wanting to go inside my house. I don't want to do anything other then go talk to Paige, and figure this out. Everything got all jumbled up, and now Paige doesn't want to even be with me! Now Jason is home for his break. He isn't even in school, so I don't understand how he has a break even. But he will be on break for a couple weeks, and knowing him he is going wease his way into all of this and ruin it. I saw the look he gave her, it was a different look then what most of hte girl get. Definately more determind, and almost a look of recognition. How would he recognize her? 


"You gonna sit out here all night?" Jayla pounds on the passenger window. "Mom and Dad wanna  talk to you!" She smirks, and I understand what they want to talk to me about. Paige. I get out of the car and follow her inside, even though I know where they are. They're still in the dinning room, we're they're talking with Jason about how life is going for him. Leaning against the entrance, I listen as Jason explains what he plans on doing in the future. I role my eyes surprised at his choice of work. I know that he went to college to be a teach, but teaching never really seemed to be his thing. It's the girls he is really after. 


"There you are Jake." My mom interupts Jason, and smiles at me. The three of them now look at me, all of them smiling like they know a secret. "How was the ride home?" My mom asks pulling out the chair next to her for me to sit in. Sitting in the chair, I inform them that the ride home was nice. Even though it wasn't. In fact it was the oposite. 


"Paige seems like a nice girl." my dad says, taking a drink from what I'm assuming is his coffee. 


"Yeah, dad she is nice. I told you that." I sigh, leaning back in the chair. I don't want to seem attached to her, if I do that will make Jason try harder for her.  No way in hell is Jason getting this one. 


"She was very pretty, and she had manners." my mom speaks now, and I just nod. She is gorgeous, and very well mannered.  I couldn't agree more, but I just want them to get to the point. I know what their point is already, but I want them to say it with Jason here. That way maybe he'll  know that she is off limits. 


"I think what old mom and pop are trying to say is quit wasting time Jake. A girl like that is hard to find." Jason says, giving mom and dad a smile, but I see through it. This is him warning me, and letting me know he is going after her. 


"Not interested." I lie, standing up. "Now I am tired. I'm going to bed." I leave the room, I know Jayla is following behind me, and I stop giving her a stern look. "Keep your mouth shut!" I warn, and she nods and scurries up the stairs. I let out a breath, wishing things weren't so complicated. I want to talk to Paige, explain to her. What is there to explain though? I'm scared to have a relationship because my brother and family. Because of her family. She has her whole life planned out already, at least she has an idea, but if I come into the mix where does that put me? We both want to go to college, doubtfully the same one. What happens when we're miles away from each other, and we're surrounded by new people. Those types of relationships never work out I've watched plenty of movies where they of course did but that's for play those are fairy tales. This is real life, and it doesn't work out that way. 


"So how long you and Easton been going?" Jason break my train of thought. 


"We haven't 'been going' at all." I say, turning and looking at him. How can I get this across to him. 


"You mean you haven't been with her yet? Oh, Jake are you loosing your touch?" He snickers. Why is it that he is like this? We used to get along just fine until  high school started for me. Now we're always in competitions to prove who is better. 


"No, I didn't want to cross that line with her being my tutor. Also she happens to be a big teachers pet, so I wouldn't want her blurting her mouth to Mr. Parker. That wouldn't help my grade."  I stretch out my arms. "Why so interested anyways?" 


"No reason really...  you just seemed a bit.. over protective that's all." He says, loosing interest in the conversation. He is falling for it. 


"Well she is all yours." I say and turn towards the stairs, knowing I hit home.  I gave him permission to her, he won't want her anymore. Going to my room, I grab my phone wondering if I should call her. I should give her space, but she needs to know that I do want to be with her. I just want her to know what being with me might entail. Rumors will fly, and things will be rough for a while. Changing out of my nicer clothes and into Pj's I lay on my bed, not really tired but unsure what to do. I grab my phone and shoot Wyatt a text asking him how his break is going. I know he was going to be with Carmen and her family for part of it, I wonder how that went or how that is going. At least one of us is in a happy relationship. 




"Yes, goodbye mom!" I sigh for the sixth time, she has been sitting in the car practically in tears about break being over.  "Hey I've really got to get going okay... Wyatt and I were going to go to the field tonight a play baseball with some of the guys." 


"Fine.. fine!" She says pushing me away from her now.  Talk about bipolar. One minute she wont let go of me and the next she is pushing me out of the car.


"Love you mom." I say before I close the door. She wipes a tear, and blows me a kiss. Then another car pulls up, and it's Paige. Of course. Robbie get out with her, along with Patrick her older brother. Thinking about it, him and Jason are probably around the same age. 


"Oh is that Paige!?" My mom says, unbuckling her seat belt. Oh no. 


"Stay in the car mom." I say, but it's to late she is already out. I sigh watching her as she runs to Paige hugging her. Well, I know mom likes her.  I stay by the car, not wanting to interupt or start anything. 


"Oh Paige it's so nice to see you again!" I hear my mother. I lean against the open passenger door, this is just great.  "I hope you had a nice break." 


"Hi, Mrs. Lincoln!" I hear Paige, "This is my brother, Patrick and my friend Robbie." 


"Jake aren't you going to come over and say hi?" My mother scolds me, and I take a deep breath. Great this is just great. 


"Mom aren't you going to be late for your appointment?" I sigh walking towards the group of people. 


"Oh no worries dear!" She says. "Come over and say hello!"


"Well I've actualy got to get going now..." Patrick sighs, then he give Paige a hug real quick. Him and Robbie do a handshake, and then he waves to me and my mom.  "Later." Then he gets back in the car and drives off. 


"Well, Paige it was so nice to see you! You must come over again some time, I know Jayla would love that." My mom says and her eye flash from me to her. 


"We'll see Mrs. Lincoln. I'm pretty busy the next couple weeks..." she replies. 


"Okay well don't be a stranger!" My mom says. "It was nice to meet you...."


"Robbie." Robbie says, offering his hand. My mom shakes it lightly.  "Same to you." he adds. 


"Alright well I guess I should get going. Goodbye!" She smiles, and she pulls me back to the car with her.  "Is that her boyfriend?" She whispers. 


"I don't know." I sigh, I no he isn't but I've got my theories. "Why does it matter?" I ask, and she smacks the back of my head. She doesn't say anything, after that. She gets in the car, waves to me and drives off. I shake my head watching  her drive off. I turn towards my car, that is now parked here. Seeing Wyatt, in the drivers seat. I take my chance and glance at Paige, who is talking to Robbie, Looking away I go to my car, sliding into the drivers side, and taking the wheel from Wyatt. Driving to our dorm, to get our baseball gloves, we talk about break. Or at least he does, about how much fun it was to meet Carmen's family. He doesn't ask about my break really he is just to interesed in talking about his break. 


After playing a couple small innings, we all decide to go to the dinner for super. School starts up again tomorrow, and things will go back to normal. Or at least for everyone else, I'm nt going back to normal. I'm going to talk to Paige, and tell her that I want to be with her. How I will convince her for sure I don't know, but I'm going to try. 


Sitting at the both with the couple of guys, and telling stories about their breaks, and laughing about the girls and parties they went to. I feel  different. I didn't go to any parties, I didn't have any girls accept my family, and Paige the one night, I hung out with my family, and helped out my dad. Thinking about it, I was a completely different person over break with my family. I liked that person too. I didn't have to worry about getting to drunk or into fights with other guys. All of these dumb changes are Paige. She is doing this to me. She is making me better. 


"There my little brother," my body goes rigid. No fucking way. This isn't happening. 


"Jason.. what are you doing here?" I ask, sitting up straight. 


"I'm substituting for Mr. Parker tomorrow." he says, and the rest of the guys say hi and all of that. Great, this is just great.  "I'll be able to see you grade, and help you out now bud." He smirks at me, and flicks his wrist in a goodbye like motion. 


"He is like a legend here!" Zach says, and everyone goes into a huge conversation about stories about Jason they heard, and how awesome it wil be to have him teaching for a day. After everyone has gossiped enough we all head back to our rooms, and I just lay in my bed again, not tired but having nothing else to do.  I'm dreading class tomorrow, and now I'm going to have to be sure to talk to Paige. Just in case.

Chapter 26- History Lesson

Paige's POV


I hate this scene. It is ligit my least favorite out of the whole entire play. Right now Hade (Jake) is explaing to Herecules (Robbie) about how Megera (Myself)  was just following orders, and trying to figure out Herecules's weakness. I don't hate it because of that part in the musical, I hate it because Jake and Robbie play enemies perfectly. I am the only one who realizes that this is them trying to brag to each other about me. Although Jake and I did get into a Thursday night, and haven't talked since... 


Another thing about this scene is Hades gets to hold me in his arms. It's part of how Hades rubs it in Herecules' face that Megera was just following orders, but Megera actually fell in love with Herecules. Once Megera leaves the scene, I leave stage and I run to  getting a drink of water. Then I go back into the auditorium, and watch as the titans begin destroying the place. I have to go back on soon, and get crushed by a boulder, that doesn't actually kill me though. 


"Okay can we please skip to the final scene, with Herecules and his parents?" Mrs. Oliver yells, interupting the titans. Every scurries setting up the set for the final scene in which Herecules turns down to offer to become a god to stya with Megera. This is when Robbie and I have to kiss. We haven't done that in practice, Mrs. Olver hasn't made us yet, but I get the feeling that she is wanting us too now. We all get situated on stage, and we go through the lines. Everyone has their lines memorized now, even Jake.  "Paige and Robbie, make me believe." Mrs. Oliver smiles at us, and I wish I could just run off stage. 


"Sure thing Mrs. Oliver!" Robbie replies, giving her a thumbs up. Then he looks down at me, and winks. What does that mean? He leans down, and ducks his head touching our lips. I jump back, in total shock. Robbie just kissed me! We've never talked about this kissing scene, and we never ever have came close to kissing ever! 


"Not very convincing... Paige." Mrs. Oliver scolds. 


"I'm sorry." I say, stepping away from Robbie again. "I was just.. caught of gaurd." 


"Well, you two have your homework." Mrs. Oliver tsk, and then the bell rings. I leave the auditorium, not happy with Robbie. I try and get into my locker five times before I realize I'm to jumbled to pay attention to wait lock code I'm using. I lay my head against the door, letting out a breath. Jake saw Robbie kiss me. Jake also saw me jump away. That's good. 


"Paige." Jake says next to me. "Are you okay? You seem out of it.." He asks, pulling his locker door and it pops open. He must have it set so that it never locks, I'll have to ask how he did that! 


"I ah yeah. Never better." I say, that's a lie. Giving up on my locker, I walk away not wanting to deal with Jake right now either. 


"Well I'm happy your okay. I have to tell you though, I've been through shit the past couple of days." He whispers keeping pace with me.  "You see I was talking to this girl, she was amazing and gorgeous and sm-"


"Not now Jake." I say, not wanting to get into this before the school day starts. "I'll see you in the library after school?" I say opening the door to the french room.  


"Wouldn't miss it." He replies, and turns around going to his first period class. I take my seat, and go through the day way to fast. 


Already sitting in seventh period study hall with Carmen, I yawn twice in one minute. She hasn't stopped talking about her and Wyatt's break togehter. God I wish she would realize I don't like listening to her talk about her and happy relationship. After about half the period, of me not saying anything to her she seems to pick up slowly changes the subject. 


"So.. I heard Robbie kissed you this morning." I close my eyes, and my free reading book. Well, if she know then everyone knows. "Was he a bad kisser or something.. I mean he isn't horrible looking, and you two are best friends, it's about time something happens with you two..." She goes on. 


"I was caught by surprise... Robbie and I are friends nothing more. I'm not happy about having to kiss him." I reply. 


"But is he a good kisser?" She asks, and I narrow my eyes at her. She does have a boyfriend, and her and Robbie don't get along. Why would she want to know if he was a good kisser. Plus I don't even know if he is a good kisser, it was like a second and it wasn't even a kiss really. 


"I don't know. Find out yourself." I get up from my seat signing out to go to Mr. Parkers room. I go over knocking on the door like usual, but I don't wait for a reply today. I go in, looking at the desk he isn't eating there today.  "Mr. Parker?" I ask, setting my things down on my desk. I check the closet seeing if he is messing with his globes again. He isn't. He must be out actually eating lunch today. 


"If it isn't Ms. Easton." I hear Jason's voice, as the door opens. I turn looking away from the board, seeing him in nice gray work pants, and a maroon red shirt with a black tie. Jason dressed up. I shake my head away from the thoughts. "My my you're even prettier then I at first thought." 


"Where is Mr. Parker." I ask, still trying to play off that I don't remember him. "Are you subbing for him today or something?" I go to my things on my desk. 


"Yeah, Austin wanted another day for break.. so I told him I would come in for him." He leans against Mr. Parker's desk. 


"So you know Mr. Parker?" I sigh, not really wanting the answer because I already know it. 


"Paige, you know who I am dont you?"  He asks, now questioning if I really don't remember him. 


"Jake's older brother..?" I say, "We meet Thursday night." I add for affect. The door opens again, and it's Austin who comes in.  "Mr. Parker!" I say moving away from Jason. 


"Paige! I hope you had a nice break!" we hug real quick. "Patrick and I had a fun morning, we went hiking and all that guy stuff." He sighs. I laugh, and he smiles. 


"So, any papers I need to go over with Jake?"  I ask, Mr. Parker started looking from Jason to me, and I could see the wheels in his head spinning. No way do I need him lecturing me about both the Lincoln boys. Besides nothing even happened with Jason and I, but Austin knows how Jason can be. 


"Oh yes!" he says, and looks through his desk. "I have to go make copies of this. I'll be back. You two play nice, I remember how you used to bicker." 


"We did not!" I say to him, and then I mentally smack myself. So much for playing off as if I forgot him. Once Mr. Parker is gone, I look around the room everywhere, but at Jason. 


"So, you do remember me." he sighs, "by the way yes we used to bicker."


"We did. I remember. You're still very big headed I see."  I say, and he chuckles. "you still even chuckle, like you used to... gosh you haven't changed much."  


"Well I might not have but you... holy shit. All grown up little Easton." He smiles geneuinely at me now. 


"Well that happens over the years..." I sigh. 


"I meant what I said earlier. You're very attractive." He smirks at me now, and I smile at his cockiness. 


"Sorry, Mr. Lincoln. It's gonna take a lot more then your smile to attract my attention again." Then Austin comes back handing over the papers, and a minute later the bell rings. Jason stay for eighth period, and just hangs out in the room, with Austin and the other three of us students in class. It was a good class, telling history jokes, and the two of them telling stories from their college life together. Stories that do include mt brothe, and things I didn't need to know he did. 


"Paige Easton, Robbie Schroeder, and Jake Lincoln please report to the auditorium."  the intercom blasts, and I bite the inside of m cheek. What does Mrs. Oliver want with us? Robbie and I maybe, but Jake there as well?  Leaving my stuff in the room, I head to the auditorium getting there at the same time as Jake. Hi smiles down at me, and I just look ahead. No need to be swooning over Jake right now. We'll have plenty of time to do that in about fifteen minutes, not that that is what is going to happen. I know Jake wants to talk about Thursday, but I do still have to tutor him. 


"There you are darlings!" Mrs. Oliver cheers. "You're costumes came in! I was to excited to wait for tomorow, go try them on!"  I smile happy this isn't about the kiss. I pick up my dress, which is bagged so I can't see it. I have a pretty good idea what it looks like, but I'm not sure if she stuck with the dress she is wearing in the animated movie. I slide right into the dress, and it fits well up until the chest area. I zip it up the best I can,  and I look at myself in the mirrar. The chest area is supposed to be tight. It's supposed to emphasize my bust. I'm not comfortable in this dress at all. Leaving the girls dressing room, I show Mrs. Oliver happy the boys aren't out here. Mrs. Oliver zips it up the rest of the way, and starts twirling her finger. 


"Isn't it a bit showy?" I ask, turning for her. "In the chest area espicially." I add. She stops twirling her finger and I stop turnin for her. 


"It's supposed to emphasize you're curves Paige." She says, still looking at it's fit. "It's perfect!" She claps her hands together. I shake my head, no getting out of this now.  "Robbie come out here again!" She yells, and a second later Robbie comes out, in his Herecules get up. The one he wear when he gains all of his strength. I smile seeing him in a skirt, but man does it actually look good. He looks pretty damn good to be honest.  "Stand next to each other Let me see my lovers together." Robbie and I stand side by side and her eyes scan over us. 


"You look amazing." Robbie whispers. I elbow him figuring that he is probably looking at my chest. "Sorry." He apologizes right away. "You really do look good though." He adds. 


"You don't look to bad yourself... even in a skirt." I reply, smirking at him. He smiles sarcastically, and and crosses his arms spitting his tongue out at me.  We laugh together for a second, waiting for Mrs. Oliver to finish staring at us. 


"Now you two, just need to work on your lip locking and we'll be good!" She finally speaks, narrowing her eyes at us.  "I want your kiss perfected by tomorrow. Shouldn't be to hard for you, you're a couple." The bell rings signalling school is out, and I can hear the rocus outside in the halls. 


"Ah, Mrs. Oliver we aren't.. together.." I step away from Robbie, "Just good friends."


"Could've fooled me." She wiggles her eyebrow at me, "Whether you are or aren't, I want that kiss perfected. You may go change." she shoos us away. I wave to Robbie, and head back towards the girls dressing room. Walking through the hall to the dressing room, I get a bunch of stares. I keep my head down, and move my hair to help cover my chest. The girls changing room is locked, when I finally fight my way through the crowd. I lean against the wall, the track girls must be changing. I wait for a while, wishing I would've just brought my clothes out with me because I could just change in the bathroom. 


"Well if it isn't Megera." Jason says, rounding the corner. I glance up from my black flats, sending him a look. "I was told you were playing the part... but seeing you in the costume really puts it together. You look like her, but can you act like her?"


"She is a great Megera." Robbie says walking down the hall towards us. 


"You're Herecules I assume." Jason holds out his hand. 


"Robbie is the name I prefer." He says. "Mr. Lincoln." He shakes his hand. "Paige, tonight we have some play stuff to practice, so I'll call you?" He asks, Biting the inside of my cheek I nod. It's weird we're sitting up a time for us to practice kissing. That sounds like a blast. "Sounds good, see you both later." Then Robbie walks off down the hall. Just as the track girl come out of the changing room, in their short shorts, and sports bras. They all hover around Jason flirting and shoving the asses at him. I imediately retreat into the room, Jake is probably waiting for me already. Going towards my clothes I reach back and try and get the zipper. Shit. I peek outside the room, seeing only Jason and Austin at the other end. Of course just when I'm about to ask Austin to come over, he walks away. Leaving Jason. 


"Jason." I say his name. He looks down the hall at me. "I need a favor." I add, and I can feel my cheeks heating from embarrassment.  Walking towards him,  he looks at me skeptically. 


"Yes?" He asks, I turn around moving my hair. 


"Can you unzip this a little... I can't reach it." I ask. Hoping no one is around to see. I mean it's not a huge deal, but it's weird with out past, and Jake and I. 


"Yeah.." he sighs, and pulls the zipper down I reach back, seeing if I can reach it now. I can. 


"Thanks." I say without turning and looking at him. Then I go back to the changing room, slipping out of my dress, and back into my clothes, I run the dress back to Mrs. Oliver. Then I run to Mr. Parkers room, meetin him and Jason again.  "Grabbng my things." I say, picking up my stuff from my desk. I wave goodbye, and run to the library. I set my things down on the table, seeing Jake's things here but not Jake himself. I look around, but he isn't in the room at all either. I peek outside, seeing if he is getting a drink or using the rest room. Where in the hell is he? 


Sitting at the table I look at his stuff, he even left his phone here. Getting up again, I look around seeing if I missed him. I peek out of the row of shelves I'm in when I hear the door open and close. It's not even Jake. It's his brother. 


"Where is he?" I mumble, not very happy.


"Dad called... I assume they're having one of those serious conversations. I came to tell you for him, that he probably wont be here for another hour or so, so if you want to go eat or do what ever you do you can."  I look back down at his stuff sitting here. His phone is here even, something is off. 


"Alright fine, I have better thing to do anyways." I grab my bag, and leave. I walk towards the office, just to see if he is in there. Seeing Mr. Lincolns in there I scurry away. Jason wasn't lying. I go to my dorm and grab an apple from the kitchen thenI go to my room, sending Robbie a text about the whole kiss practice thing.  I really don't want to do it, but it needs done.  Five minute later Robbie is over, and we're laughing about Anne who is downstairs freaking out about another guy turning her down. Once we're back in my room though things get quiet. Sitting on my bed the two of us look at the floor unsure exactly what to do now. 


"Paige it's just a kiss.... it doesn't mean anything." He says turning and looking at me. I nod in agreement, it is just a kiss, but it's still weird he is my best friend. I don't want people thinking we're together. I don't want things between us to change! "Paige your thinking to hard." He sighs, leaning towards me real quick. His hand caress's my cheek, tilting my head up and touching our lips again. I don't pull away this time, but that doesn't make it any easier. I feel it out, letting the kiss kind of play on my lips not really taking it in or putting any effort into it. Then Robbie drops his hand, and falls back on my bed letting out a breath. 


"I'm sorry. It's just weird because I've never pictured myself kissing you. Never thought about you like that. Ever." I apologize. 


"Paige, just think about middle school. Back when you did have a crush on me." He sits up and my face turns red. How does he know about that?! I get up from my bed, rubbing my eyes and trying to hide my embarrassment. I guess I probably have thought about kissing him, but god that was way back in middle school! 


"How'd you know that?" I turn, trying to sound angry and not embarrassed. He smirks roling his eyes, and wiggling his eyebrows at me. 


"I've got sources..." he snickers, now I role my eyes. Patrick I'm guessing. "But that's not the point. Would you just get over here and really practice this." He stands up now. Walking towards me. Grabbing my elbows he shakes my slightly. "Okay so real practice okay?" he asks.  Real practice. Really kiss Robbie. I do wonder now if he is a good kisser, Carmen is getting to me now! I nod, I'm gonna find out if he is or isn't a good kisser now. Still holding my elbows he leans down, and I go on the tips of my toes... yes he is taller then me too... now when our lips touch it's not an awkward we have to do this so let just do it, it's actually us both trying to make our kiss seem ligit and couple like.


He is a good kisser.  I have to admit. I haven't kissed many guys, but out of the couple I have he comes in third. Jake, Jason, and then him. I pull away now, shaking my head. I'm comparing guys kisses that isn't good. I move out of his hold, scratching my forehead. 


"Better." He says, and I send him a look. To me that kiss seemed pretty believable. Even though I wasn't actually watching it myself, it felt pretty damned real.  "Paige.. you need to put more into this, I don't know what is so weird about kissing me anyways." 


"I don't want people getting the wrong idea here that what... We're friends nothing more." I say.


"I know you can do better." He shakes his head. Challenging me. He is trying to get me worked up about this. "It's acting anyways.. it's not like it means anything." shrugging his shoulders. I role my shoulders, thinking about this. Do I give into him, or do I make him leave?  "Are you scared? Worried you might start liking me more then a fri-"


I gave into him and his trickery. Grabbing the collar of his shirt in both my hands, I pull him down smashing our lips toghether. His hands go to me waist holding me, it's odd having his hands there in this kind of way. I mean I have no problems hugging Robbie, and he always kisses my forehead and cheek. What is the big difference? Letting go of his shirt, I push him back smirking. Pretty happy with myself,  I cross my arms.


"I knew there was a little fight in you." He jokes. I role my eyes, he is still saying I'm not doing good enough!  "We're supposed to be in love Paige.. not just playing a quick game of seven minute in heaven." He sighs, shruging his shoulders again.


"How do I kiss you like I love you when I don't!" I say frustrated.


"Ouch... you don't love me?" He fake pouts, holding a hand over his heart.


"Not like this." I sigh. Walking towards my bed to sit down. He sits next to me, both of us now looking at the floor again.  I'm supposed to kiss him like I'm in love with him. Megera does love Herecules in the musical though, and it is acting.  "One more go.." I say, sitting up straight. I close my eyes clearing my thoughts. Don't think of it as kissing Robbie. Think of it more like kissing Herecules. Yeah, it's techically not Robbie, it's Herecules.  Clearing my throat, I move in again. Herecules running throug my head. Our lips brush nice and soft. It's Herecules, not Robbie. You're not Paige.. you're Megera and you love Herecules!


"Let me try something." Robbie whispers inching away a second. What does that mean? I'm about to protest, but his lips are back on mine and he is leaning in and over me more. I fall back, and he comes with hovering over me. What is he trying? This isn't part of the script! His tongue slips across my lips, and it sends shivers through my body. Oh hell no this isn't happening. I push him off of me, and get up from my bed away from him. "Paige come one you need to get over this!" He says getting up and grabbing my hand. 


"I think we practiced enough for today." I say taking my hand away. 


"Paige. I'm sorry, but you need to get out of this funk." He says. 


"I'm trying!" I say throwing my hands up in the air. "I don't understand how this is so easy for you!" I say. My phone starts ringing and I answer it, ignoring Robbie's look of disaproval.  "Yes?" I say angerly into the phone. 


"Whoa tiger whats got you in such a sour mood?" Jake's voice echoes from the other side. 


"It's been a long day. Do you need something?" I ask. Leaning against the desk, and ignorig Robbie some more. He is sulking now. Good the jerk, I can't believe what he tried to pull. I still don't understand how this is so easy for him. 


"I still need that session." Jake replies, and I nod. I need to get out for a bit too. Although I don't want to deal with my Jake problems, I don't want to deal with Robbie.  "I'm actually outside your dorm right now... if you want I can come up to your room." 


"No!' I say, and there is a long pause. "I'll come down, and we can figure thing out from there." I say. Then I hang up before he can protest.  "I've got to go."  I say to Robbie. I leave my room, and he follows behind me. I go downstairs and outside I see Jake parked across the street, and I don't look back at Robbie or say anything. I'm very mad at him right now. 


"Can we go anywhere but here?" I say to Jake, keep at least two feet between us. No way do I want Robbie thinking we're together. Although I'm sure he has those thoughts already. 


"Where ever." he says, opening the passenger door for me. I get in and rub my eyes I'm tired already.  "What's wrong?" He asks getting in the drivers side. 


"Nothing... just the whole kiss thing isn't panning out." I sigh. 


"You were practicing?" Jake asks, not sounding happy. 


"Yeah... it didn't go well." I say, "Can we talk about something else?" I say, as he pulls up to his dorm. We're up in his room before anything else is said, and I have all of his papers scattered out, and we're working on them.  After we get through all of them but one, he starts loosing focus. 


"What happened.. in your room?" He asks, and I look down at the pencil in my hand. "Paige?" He asks, pushing the papers up and away from us. 


"Nothing... Robbie just doesn't understand that it is weird for me to be kissing him." I say. 


"Why do I get the feeling you're lying to me?" He says, and I can feel him looking at me.  I glance at him, and our eyes lock. Unable to look away I let out a breath. "Nothing happened... he just was a bit forceful you could say. Nothing I couldn't handle... now we have tutoring to get to."


"I want to talk to you... about the other day." He whispers looking away. "Paige... I want to be with you I do. I just.. I don't wa-"


"You friends knowing... your reputation to get ruined." I stand up, not wanting to get into this either. But it's going to happen sooner or later. Now might as well be the time.  Getting my things all together, I stand looking everywhere but at him. 


"You have no idea how much you drive me crazy!" He mumbles standing up. Lust is radiateing off of him.  "We can talk about this later.." He whispers, inching in closer. Almost touching but not quit yet, we look at each other. He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, then he sweep all of my hair over my left shoulder opening up the right side of my neck. He leans down, and his lips brush across my skin. Lightly, and softly.  "Just tell me when to stop." he whispers.  I don't want him to stop. Reaching up and gripping his hair I pull his lips to mine. 

Chapter 27- Holy Snickerdoodle

Paige's POV


After a couple of minutes, we're on his bed his shirt off already and tongues twisting together. He hands slip under my shirt, and I grab the edge pulling it over my head and tossing it to the floor.  His thumbs moves in circles on my stomach giving my shivers but in a good way. I tug at his hair, wanting more. But if we go any further there wont be any turning back.  Am I ready? Do I want my first time to be with Jake Lincoln? 


"We should stop." Jake pulls back sitting up and away from me. Jake Lincoln is saying no? "I don't want to pressure you."


"I don't want to stop." It slips out, and he turns looking at me. I sit up, pushing my hair over my shoulders so it's out of my face.  He studies me a second longer, and then moves back in. Returning to our heavey make-out session, and peeling away our clothes. ****** I've never been naked in front of a boy before. I'm happy for blankets, and long hair keeping me covered. It's odd as well, I mean Jake is being a real gentleman. I thought he would be different and some what rough even, with all of his expirience and all but he isn't.  I think it's because he knows it's my first time, and he is just taking it easy, which I am thankful for. 


"Are you really sure?" He asks, looking me in the eyes. I nod, leaning up and kissing him. He comes back down from his elbows, laying his forehead to mine. We're both breathing heavily, I bite the inside of my cheek in anticipation.  Is this going to hurt  a lot?  I heard it varies for every girl. Depending on there physic and if whether they were in sports and if they're flexible, and there age. I'm seventeen. I'm very flexible, and I do play sports. Hopefully it wont be to bad. He kisses my jaw bone and creates a trail from there to my shoulder distracting me from what else is going on. I still take a deep inhale as he first slips inside of me. He kisses my lips, and stay still a moment letting me get used to the feeling. He thrusts in further, and my fingers dig into his shoulder blades. The feeling is both pain and pleasure, but more on the latter, I hope my nails don't hurt him! His thrust get faster as time passes, and my hips start moving in a rythm with him as if they know what they're doing. I'm actually pretty quiet letting out a couple quick and quiet moans, letting out most of the feeling with my hands.  I'm really gonna have to apologize for his shoulders after we're done.  Jake also loosing only a couple moments to groans, and boy is him groaning from pleasure some how a sexy sound! 


I take a breath reaching a peek in pleasure, biting my cheek again, My whole body goes through a wave of tension, and then I feel pure pleasure from head to toe. Letting out one last moan as it all begins, I close my eyes tightly letting things happen. Jake stops moving, and he lets out a quiet whimper layng his head next to mine, I can feel his breath against my ear. 


"Holy shit.." I breath, and I can picture his smile. Wrapping his arms around my he holds me to him, and follows his trail he made earlier from my jaw to my shoulder.  He pull himself out of me, but still holds me close. "That was amazing." I say still trying to breath. 


"Yes is was." he whispers, next to me. I smile uneasily. Is he just saying that or does he mean it. "I've wanted to do this for long it feels like centuries!" He informs me. A yawn escapes me, and I realize that I am actually tired. 


"Thank you... for being.. gentle." I say, somewhat embarrassed. 


"I would never rough handle you." He says, as we lay snuggled together. So he can be rough. I'm just making myself more tired with the worry and questions. "Sleep, baby." he whispers in my ear. I smile at him calling me baby, even though I'm sure I'm not the first girl he has said that too. Then it dawns on me. 


I just lost my virginity to Jake Lincoln the schools, manwhore. Oh boy am I in for it. 




I wake up, with Jake's arm holding me tightly. Looking at the clock, I see it's early morning and I'm still naked. School, we have school today. Turning my neck to see his face, I smile so cute when he is sleeping. He looks defenseles and not so uptight and worried. Pulling his arm off of me, I slip away putting my clothes on. I realize that Jake gave me a ride, so I'm going to have to walk back to my dorm. I get to my dorm and upstairs to my room, and I just pace. I don't feel to different. I mean yeah I was deflowered, so I'm apparently a woman now. But I don't feel like I'm floating on water or glowing.  


It keeps hitting me like a lightening bolt though. I did loose my virginity to him. Jake Lincoln. I sit on my bed, I'm so dumb. I'm guessing today at school, he wont say one word to me. Or he will tell everyone! Oh shit, I'm so screwed.  I'm making my stomach and head hurt thinking about all of these things. Sitting on my bed, I start hyperventilating, I'm so stupid. I lay down on my bed, and staring out my closed window. I think I am now going into a state of shock! 


I wake up to someone knocking on my door, and I grown not feeling any better. Slowly getting out of bed, I open the door. It's Mr. Parker and Jason. He looks at me for a minute, taking in that I look like shit. 


"I didn't see you in the auditrium, so I thought I would see if you're okay." He says, giving me a sympathetic smile.  "I'll let every know you're sick for the day okay?" He says, I nod. "I'll stop by later... and bring your work okay." 


"Thanks..." I say and my throat is a bit dry. I haven't cried or anything, and I haven't thrown up either. I just feel like mush knowing I feel for all of Jake's tricks. Now I'm just another girl on his list. Another knotch in the bed post. I close the door, feeling like I am about to throw up. I go the to bathroom and pace back and forth. I start my shower, hoping the hot wattle will help. I spend the day moping around my room, looking out my window. I should go for a walk, but I don't want to see anyone. It's probably already around school! The though makes me even more sick. 


I've cleaned my room five times in the past twenty minutes. I've memorized outside my window like a painting in my head. I've taken two showers and even a bath. I have all of my homework done, at least all the homework I have with me done. I've binged watched the Power Puff Girls on Netflix, and started and finished a three hundred page book. I've ignored the two texts I've gotten from Robbie, scared they're about what happened between Jake and I. I've played a couple games on my computer, and emailed all of my teachers asking for homework. Laying down in my bed for a while I doze in and out of sleep. Once I'm awake enough, I get up and start getting crazy-stir, and I know I need to leave my room. I look around for something for me to do. I spot my ballet slippers, in the corner and for some reason I wish I wished I wouldn't have quit dancing. I grab my shoes, and I grab a leotard and spandex. Shoving them into a bag, I grab my keys and drive to the dance studio that's at the gym.  Changing in the bathroom, I get all ready to dance. I'm happy everyone is at school right now, I get this place to myself. Turning on the record player, yes the record player, I start in position. 


I take a quick potty break, after two hours and get right back to it. It feels nice to dance again. I peform my finaly performance that I still remember, and it reminds of Jake afterwards in my dressing room. I stop dancing, and look at my reflection. Definately got my work out, I haven' done any dancing since my performance and I haven't really done any running either. Spring break took it's toll on me. Including I am actually pushing myself and trying. Going at it again, I switch records to a more faster past with a scarier melody to it. It sounds deadly and toxic. Dancing along to it I restart it over and over liking the tone and beat. It makes me feel powerful and in control. I realize how odd that is since it is a darker track, but Im used to the happy ballets or sad death stories. I never played the bad guy ever, and they were always the funnest to watch for me. More interesting and dangerous. 


"A siren." I get interupted, I stop looking at the door. It's Jason. I take a moment to catch my breath, I didn't even realize I was breathing so heavey.  I just give him a quick confused look, not wanting to know what he is doing here. Taking a look at his get up though he is here for the gym.  "Your dance. It made me think a siren." He explains. 


"It made you think of a water creature  who sang sailors to their watery grave?" I say, wiping my forehead. 


"That or a vixen." He nods. 


"Well, I guess I was going for some kind of villian." I sigh, now unsure what to say and do. I don't want to dance if he is going to be watching me.


"Your brother told me you were a dancer, I didn't realize it was ballet. You're very good." He says coming in the room a little more. 


"Thank you..." I say,  heading towards the record player to turn it off. 


"No wait!" He says, and I turn back. "Show my somthing. Teach me." He says, I narrow my eyes. He is joking right?  "Seriously, something simple and easy... cause I cannot do the splits."  I let out a sigh/giggle, and stand in the middle of the room gesturing for him to stand next to me.  "What am I learning?" 


I show him the five positions, and he roles his eyes, wanting to actually learn something. 


"I don't know... I mean, I'm not a teacher. I just go do stuff I know." I say. 


"Well show me something, I'll watch and catch on." He laughs, and I think of the easiet thing I know other then the five positions. Well for me it's the splits, but he already said he can't do those.  


"Pointe." I say, and he just looks confused. I go up on my toes, and gesture to my feet.  "How about this?" I ask, and he does something that resembles the Micheal Jackson move. "Wow, that was.. that was not even close." I say. 


"Okay, okay... I might not beable to do the actually dancing part, but I bet I can do the lifts." He says, standing up and putting his hands on his hips like a girl. I just laugh, now. "I'm serious!" He laughs with me. 


"We'll see." I say walking towards the other end of the room.  "I swear to god if you drop me!" I warn him and he just smiles. I take off into the run I was taught for doing a lift, and sure enough Jason knows what he is doing when comes to the lift. He holds me at my lower waist and upper hips, fully holding me up, without faltering or shaking. Then he lowers me down the propper way, and I'm back on the ground our faces inches apart. My breath is caught in my throat, I haven't been this close to him since the night we kissed.  "What were you doing here?" I ask, looking at him trying to figure out what he is doing. Why is he here, he isn't subbing for anyone today, and Mr. Parker had classes so he could'n't have been with him. 


"I decided to stay for a little while." He replies, "Keep an eye on my little brother..." He adds. He removes his hands from me, but neither of us moves. Jake, he is here looking out for Jake. I don't think I believe that. 


"You're here for all the highschool girls." I say moving back a step. The record stopped playing and I head over to restart it.  


"Actually.. I was offered a job." He sighs, I look at him some what confused. "Yeah... the school wants me to coach the baseball team. Apparently Mr. Jones got caught with one of the students, and was fired. Since I actually have a teaching and coaching degree they offered me a subbing job and coaching job." 


"Does Jake know?" I ask, he shakes his head. "Does anyone know." 


"My parents.. and you." He says, "I haven't told Jake... I don't know what he'll think." 


"Well, you did go to school for teaching.. and coaching.." I say, although I'm very unsure about him working here. I take a quick minute and realize he hasn't said anything about Jake and I. Hasn't said anything about rumors or anything. Maybe Jake kept his mouth shut. "If you're truly in it for the teaching and coaching and not the girls and the school life again."


"I would love to coach." He says, "Just teaching is where I'm iffy. Jake would be in my class, and I don't know how that would play out." 


"Then there is your descision." I say. "Beside Jake is only gonna be here one more year after this, and we have what a month left." I say. 


"You'll be gone too." He says, unsure by what he meant for sure I just nod. 


"Austin will still be here." I say heading towards the record player again. I restart the record, and head back over to the middle of the room with him. It's nice, being able to talk to him. We used to talk all the time when he and Patrick were in college together. As you can see we were friends, I mean for petes sake he was my first kiss! Although, we lost touch when he and Patrick did. Now all of sudden here he is, and I just lost my viginity to his younger brother! 


Jake. I should've said somethig texted him... I don't know. But he hasn't made any effort to contact me today either, so I'm guessing I was right one night thing. He said and did what he had to to get it. 


"Here." I say, grabbing his hand. "I'll show you something." I say, and I teach him a little movement. It's just a little two minute choreography that is easy to learn, between two dance partners. Once I showed him all the steps, and he says he is ready to actually try it, we both get into place.  Then I count down, and we do the quick movement.  It ends with him holding my ankle that's in the air, and us face to face chests touching. I'm doing the splits, hence why he is holding one ankle.  "That wasn't bad." I congradulate him. I lowers my leg, with a triumphant smile. 


"I had a good teacher." He says, and then the record stops again. "We'll have to do this again some time." He says. 


"Yeah.." I agree, it was nice to talk to him again. Moving away from each other, we smile and say our goodbyes. "Oh, Jason!" I say, before he is completely out the door. He stops and looks at me. "Did you hear anything... funny today..? About me?" I ask, wondering if it got out at all. 


"Only that you were sick for the first time in two years..." He smiles. "You don't look to sick to me though, so you must've skipped school. You rebel!" He winks at me and waves. I let out a breath. He didn't hear anything! That's a plus.  Cleaning up the mess of all the records, I grab my things just slinging my bag over my shoulder I  head out of the studio too. Glancing at the clock I see it's already five. Schools been out for two hours! I go to my car, and  dig through my bag looking for my phone. I should look at those texts from Robbie. But it's not in there. I must've left it in the studio. I go back inside, and Jason is walking towards the door.   "You too?" he asks, holding out my phone to me. 


"Yes... forgot all about it." I say, taking it. I press the button to see if any missed calls or unopened texts show up. I  get taken back slightly when I see two missed calls and a text from Jake. 


"Something wrong?" Jason asks, I forgot he was there for a minute. 


"Oh no." I sigh, "Just.. it's nothing." I say, not wanting to talk about my problems with Jake with Jason.


"Oh Paige Easton having boy trouble again."  he smirks, I role my eyes. The last time the two of us talked about my boy problem I ended up kissing him! We were talking about Robbie, and what I should do to get his attention. Then I told him I'd never really kissed anyone, and long story short, I asked him to see if I was a good kisser. "Is it Robbie again?" He asks narrowing his eyes. 


"Yeah..." I sigh, not telling the complete truth, but not lying either. I am still very mad at Robbie about what happened yesterday. "We have to kiss for the musical and apparently I'm not kissing him correctly." I say roling my eyes. 


"What?" He asks, and I just nod. 


"Yeah, I'm apparently not kissing him like I love him." I sigh. "It's confusing..."


"I'm sure you're kissing him just fine... You're a natural at it." He says, and I feel my cheeks heat up. He said that the night we kissed. "He probably just wants you to actually love him and not just love him for the musical."


"I'm not gonna talk about boys with you." I say, shaking my head with a smile.


"Well," He says, putting his hands on his hips like a girl again. "I thought we were having a brother sister moment!" He throws his arms up. I can't help but laugh, at him trying to pretend to be Patrick. I would always tell Patrick that I didn't want to talk to him about boys and stuff, just like I am now with him. 


"Good where have you been for so long!?" I sober up my laugh. 


"That's a good damn question." He sighs. 


"Probably out with all the young girls." I sneak in.


"You just think I'm some kind of pedofile don't you?" He asks, jokingly. 


"Well... not exactly pedofile." I joke around with him. 


"Ahh I've missed ya Paige." He sighs.


"Same." I says, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks for being my dance partner for a while."


"Next time try and keep up with me okay?" He teases. I just laugh. "Later?" He say. I nod turning to go, and Jake is right there.  "Jake." Jason greets. But Jake doesn't say anything to him.  He is staring at me, and I'm staring at him. I shake my head, and walk around him. I go to my dorm, and shower for the fourth time today. Then I make myself grilled cheese and watch  The X-men marathon on FX. Trying to push Jake out of my head.

Chapter 28- Not Taking No

Jake's POV


I should've known what he was doing here. He is coming after Paige.  He didn't fall for any of the shit I said before. I watch through the glass to the gym, as the two of them talk and then hug. Time to make myself known. I don't know why they are hugging but I'm not okay with it. Paige turns to leave, and she stops seeing me. he is obviously confused, and unsure. She didn't answer my calls or my text, and she wasn't at school today. Mr. Parker came to practice this mornind and said she was sick, but she looks fine to me.  She looks away and walks around me leaving Jason and I. Once the door behind me closes, I glare at him. 


"What are you doing?" I ask. Happy I came to gym alone, I was going to invite Wyatt, but now I'm happy I didn't.. 


"I was gonna work out." He says, I see that he has been doing something but what if he wasn't working out. "Dancing... she showed me a couple ballet moves."  He answers my unspoken question. She danced with him!? What in the hell!?  How did he even know she danced? Why did she dance with him and not me? I don't have any idea how to do ballet but I'm sure I know more then him. 


"No." I say. "What are you doing here... teaching at my school. Dancing with my tutor, and one of the students?"  I say trying to still sound like I'm not into Paige. But I haven't been able to get her off my mind since last night. Then when I woke up this morning and she was gone, that just made everything worse! Then when she didn't come to school that made it three times worse! 


"I'm working out my work schedule, Jake. I'm a new teacher here. I'm also the new baseball coach." He smirks at me. "I'm actually living on campous now."  My world tumbles around me. This isn't happening. It can't be. 


"Really?" I ask, he nods. "Fun... think about all the girls you'll get." I add. "Let me guess, Paige is top on your list."  I shake my head. 


"Nah, she is actually pretty cool. I don't understand how you aren't into her at all."  he questions. "We're just friends... if that even." He says, then walks toward the door. "Later little brother." He smiles, I don't reply. I put in my ear phones, turn the music up all the way, and get to work. Happy I can get anger out here.




I'm official obsessed. I've been pacing around my room for the past three hours, just thinking about Paige. We slept together and haven't talked since... which is normally how I operate... but I want more of her. God, what happened between us was something that I've never felt before ever. I was her first, and that really means something to me. It means she trusted me, which she said would never happen but it did! Looking at the clock, I see it is already past midnight. I make a couple more rounds around my room still trying to figure out what to do. When it's two o'clock, I grab my gym shoes, and leave. 


Before I know it I'm outside Paige's dorm, trying to catch my breath. Why did I come here? She is sleeping, and what would I say anyways? Looking up at her window, yes I know where her room is, I see the light off but the blinds open. Looking around to see if anyone else is out right now, I let out a breath. 


What should I do? I know Jason isn't getting her. I will not let that happen! Thinking about anyone having her but me  pisses me off! Looking back up to her window, I wish the liht would flick on or I would see a shadow. I look at the ground dreading whats to come tomorrow. I want to see Paige and talk to her, but I don't understand where we stand. I don't understand anything anymore. I lean against the tree beside me, wishing a book would just fall from the sky to tell me everything to do. 


I need to sleep. I'm gonna be a grouch if I don't sleep at all. Pushing of the tree, I take one last glance up at her room. The light is still off. There is movement inside her room, it stops me from walking away. The window slides open, and there she is. I stay back under tree unsure if she can see me, but I can see her. She sit in in the sill looking out, even from here I can tell she is just as miserable as I am. After a couple minutes she closes the window half way, and then she disapears. I know she is awake. I know she isn't happy. 


To late to go back I've already knocked on her door. I know she is awake. The door opens slowly, and she is obviously confused at who would be here  this late. Her eyes go wide, and I push through the door no way am I going to have her slaming the door in my face. There is noise behind me, and I turn seeing it's her putting on a shirt. Now actually looking at her, not just her face. I see she is in spandex and a sports bra. She opened the door in that... who did she think it was?


"Who were you expecting?" I ask, I've seen her body, without any clothes, but I do want her comfortable. 


"No one... but since someone knocked this late I thought it might've been Mr. Parker or Robbie." she responds. It enrages me that she is okay with them seeing her barely dressed. 


"Mr. Parker." I say, narrowing my eyes. 


"He's known me since I was like twelve, he has seen me in a swim suit which shoes more then what I was wearing..." She answers standing on the other side of the room from me. We're both confused, and unsure whats going on. 


"I've seen you, really seen you." it's out before I think about it. Thinking about her body, and how perfect it was how perfect for me she is. I cross the room, ignoring her slight cower. "Do you regret what happened?" I ask, moving a strand of hair from her face. 


"No." that's all I needed to here. I grab her hips crushing my mouth to hers, lifting her off the ground instinctively I go to her bed. Her legs wrap around my hips, and she doesn't say no. Just her kiss drives me crazy! Sliding my hands under her shirt, and all over her body.  "Jake." She whispers hoarsly, tugging at my shirt. I pull it over my shoulders and head, and eventually all of our clothes are off. ***** Rolling around with her body to body, taking our time no rush. I could get lost in her, I'm sure I already am lost. Moving my pelvis in a slow yet tantilzing rythym, and she is grinding into me too. It's an amazing feeling, with her being a dancer she can deffinately move. Her flexibility is great thing as well, it's new for her and me, so we're both going slow and exploring. She is fascinated with my abs, and my hair. Which I like because most girls like what's farther down, but she could care less about that. 


"Do you dye your hair?" She whispers between kisses, and it makes me smile. Out of all the questions she could ask right now, it's that. She sits up stradling me, pulling her blanket over her shoulders covering her from my view of her. "What's so funny?" She asks. The girl on top, is another new thing for me. With her I'm okay with it. I sit up, pushing the blanket off her shoulders really being able to see her. 


"You're beautiful." I say, lightly running my thumbs over her breasts.  Her hands grip in my hair, and she tilts me head up lowering her lips.  "No." I spull away real quick, remembering her question. 


"No what?" She asks. 


"I don't dye my hair." I chuckle, and she shakes her head. 


"Not important!" she says, pushing me back down.  Our rythms pick up again, and the two of us get to work. Grinding, groaning, and moaning. She throws her head back, from pleasure, gripping my shoulders. Taking the opportunity, I go to her open neck biting down slightly and getting a gasp from her.  The tension from her hands tell me how close she is to her climax, and I can tell it's coming. I'm not to far either, but I'm don't have a condom and I have no idea if she is on any type of birth control. 


"Oh shit..." I groan, getting closer and closer. 


"Jake!" She says loosing control. We both stop moving, she hide her face in the crook of my neck. Her fingers digging into my shoulders, and her trying to breath.****** "Oh... my ... g... god." She says, moving off of me and laying next to me.  "I need to shower." She gets up in a flash pulling the blanket off with her. She left the sheet though. Then she is in her bathroom, and I here water turn on. I sit up, trying to calm both my heart and my sex drive. I grab my boxers and shorts and shrug back into them, she comes back out wrapped in a towel. I watch as she digs through her dresser, grabbing some things, and she grabs her spandex from ground too. then she goes back into the bathroom. I role my eyes, she wont get dressed in front of me.  She comes back out in her clothes, and she tosses the blanket back on the bed. She sits next to me, but doesn't look at me.


"Why did you come here?" She asks.


"Because I want you." I say, "It's been driving me crazy all damn day. You didn't go to school, or anything and I wanted to know you were okay." 


"Never better." She says. I know I'm loosing her again, she is closing up. 


"What's going on Paige?" I ask, trying to keep her talking. Watching her face as different emotions cross it I worry. Does she have regrets?  "I think you should sleep." I say laying her down, I lay beside her wrapping an arm around her. Even though we're in here room she could still run, like she did the other night. 


"Night." she whispers, and that is all. I say it back, cuddling closer. We'll at least get a couple hours of sleep.




"You need to get up." I get shaken awake. I see Paige leanng over me, she is dressed and ready for the day. "Time for practice."  


"Can't we just stay in bed all day?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes. 


"No." then with that she leaves her room. Shoot I guess I should get up, I need to go back to my dorm though Damn I ran here last night.  "I'll give you a ride." She peeks her head in, then the door closes again. Sliding my shirt on, and socks I head downstairs. She is waiting for me eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. With out a word she exits the building and walks towards her car, I follow behind unsure what to say and if I should say anything. No one is awake yet at least not in her dorm. We have thirty minutes until practice though so people are probably getting up. 


"Thanks for the ride.." I sigh, knowing that is the last thing I should say. 


"Yeah..." She says, I stay in the car looking at her trying to figure out what she is thinking. She glances at me out of the corner of her eyes, I spot a small smile appearing. "See you later." She says.


"Definately." I reply getting out. I go into the dorm, going straight up to my room. I get ready for day, and go down to the kitchen, meeting Wyatt and couple of the other guys. They're laughing about something, but I don't really know what. I go to the pantry wanting a PBJ myself. I haven't had one in a long time. I make myself the sandwich, and I lean against the counter.  "What?" I ask seeing them all staring at me. The room qent quiet even. 


"How was your night?" Wyatt asks, sitting up in interest.  I take a quick bite from my sandwich unsure what he means. 


"Fine..." I say, although it is a hell of a lot better then fine.  I was with Paige all night, but again this morning she seemed closed. "Why?" 


"Well... I just seen you come in this morning... so I was wondering where you were." He says, and I can see smirks on the guys faces. They all think I was with a girl. Well I was, but they think it was a normal thing. That is the last thing it was.  


"Shut up." I say, shrugging off the counter. They all chuckle and let out little laughs at my expence. "I've got to go." I shake my head, leaving the room. With my back pack shrugged over my shoulder I go to my car and drive to the school. Going into the auditorium, I see Paige is here already, and so is Georgia. Paige is working with Mrs. Oliver on choreography for her solo. Taking the oportunity I watch, listenig to her sing through the song and do the moves slowly making sure she is doing everything correctly. Then she starts at the beginning, singing through the whole song and doing all of the moves. Her song "I Wont Say (I'm in Love)" is very up beat and very well put together. I can't help but smile as she goes through all the waves of emotions the song has in it.  Her character Meg, is trying to convince herself she isn't in love with Herecules, and that she has already been heartbroken once and she doesn't want to go through it again. At the end of the song she does admit it to herself that she does love him, she just doesn't admit it to anyone else.


She stands up smiling at Mrs. Olivers applaud, and then she spots me standing in the back. Her cheeks turn pink, and she walks off the stage slowly. I walk down the isle, towards the center stage. Mrs. Oliver stops me a moment and talks to me about working on one of my scenes. Actually one with Paige in it. Not even really the whole scene just a part in the scene where I'm supposed to be a little grabby with her. 


"Let me see that part of the scene." She says, and Paige gets back on stage. We run through the couple lines , before that part. It's the scene where Herecules finds out Meg was just doing what Hades was telling her too. I'm supposed to seem like I have control of her and that she was lying to him the whole time.  "Okay.. now I need you to wrap one arm around her waist." I do as I am told. Not arguing at all. I don't mind. "Then Paige, I need your hands against his chest trying to push him away..." She does as she is told as well. "Now Jake say you line." 


I say my line, and half way through she stops me. 


"Okay, now right there I want you to pause. Look at her, which she is still trying to get out of your grip." She pauses thinking about it more. "Okay.. I want you to move her hair away from her face... which will be easier to do when it's styled she'll have bangs. Now lets go from the beginning." So we run through it twice and she applauds. Once she lets us go, I want to talk to her. Now people are here, and she walks away towards the exit door. I scan the room, seeing Robbie and he is staring after her. They are supposed to have their kiss scene aced. From what I heard though they were having issues. Giving her a minute alone, I follow aftr her. Hoping no one notices. I look down each  hall for her, but I don't see her she must've went to the bathroom. I go back inside, and take a seat. She comes back in a minute later, and we all get told to get in our costumes. We all scurry off getting into our costumes. I actually lik mine, I was scared at first because in the cartoon version he is in a dress, but Mrs. Oliver changed it up. It's now black pants and greek like top, that's black as well. It's not the worst costume either. I have to say Pegasus or Phil would be the worst or most embrassing, but the horse one is pretty cool too. 


When Paige come in she has her hair up and everything, only thing missing is the makeup. Holy shit.  Her dress, is unbelievable. It's gorgeous, even a bit showy. She looks amazing all the time though, it's just seeing her in a dress is nice. She isn't a very dress up like girl. Nice pair of jeans and a nice shirt. That's all she really needs though, she has a natural beauty to her. I notice though as she is walking in, she is holding something in the back of the dress. Zipper. I stand up nonchalantly, and casually walk towards. I want to ask her a question anyways. It even has something to do with the musical. 


"I have a question." I state, and she looks up at me.


"Um, okay." She says, and I can see the struggle in her eyes about zipping the dress. 


"I can zip it if you need me too." I sigh, and her face flushes. I reach around removing her hand and zipping it up the rest of the way. "Now, I was wondering if you okay with the way Mrs. Oliver told us to do the scence?" 


"You aren't?" she raises an eyebrow at me. 


"I'm perfect ly happy with it.. even more then happy with it." I smirk, she shakes her head trying not to smile. "I'm asking about you." I say take a tiny inch step closer. 


"I can't complain." She replies, and then turns on her heels and walks away. I watch as she walks towards the back curtain to go wait behind it. Taking a breath I follow, and practice begins. We run through the whole enitre thing, and then we all sit and listen to the notes Mrs. Oliver took about things we need to work on and fix. 


"Paige and Robbie, your kiss was perfect!" She ends, on a good note. For her at least. I look at Paige, wondering what happened. I wasn't able to see the kiss, I had to be back stage. Her face is expressionless, and she seems to be off in space.  "Alright thats a wrap everyone, change out of your costumes and be sure to hang them up properly. I go and change out of my costume, and come back in. I see Paige is still in here and still in hers. She is talking with Mrs. Oliver, I look away going to my book bag. Trying to not listen. But I do catch couple things here and there, and it seems that Mrs. Oliver wants Paige, do actually dance in her solo instead of just the little choreography they have. 


"A birdie told me you were wonderful, and I want to see it!" Mrs. Oliver says. 


"A birdie?" She asks. 


"I over heard Mr. Parker and Mr. Lincoln talking about it.." she admit and Paige doesn't look pleased. "Chop chop I want it figured out by the end of the week."  Then she lets Paige go, and the bell rings signally first period. I head out the doors, and peek down the hall. I stop seeing Paige and Robbie talking, but it looks heated. They're fighting. I can't hear what they're saying, but from here I can tell neither of them is happy with the other. Robbie shakes his head, and steps away, and without a word to her he walks away. I look away as if I wasn't watching, and once Robbie is far enough away I make my move. I walk towards her, as she stares off after Robbie. 


"Boyfriend mad at you?" I ask, testing the waters. 


"He isn't m boyfriend!" She grits, "Unzip my dress please." She says turning around, and moving her hair. I do as I am told, and she turns back towards me. "Thanks." Then she goes into the locker room. I don't wait for her, I decide that probably wouldn't be a good idea. I go to my first period class, wondering what is was her and Robbie were fighting about.

Chapter 29- Routine

Paige's POV


I go through the whole entire day, moping around. Robbie and I at odds with each other about multiple different things, Carmen and I haven't been the same since her and Wyatt got together, and I'm slowly loosing my mind falling for Jake Lincoln. Even Mr. Parker's class is boring, I'm just not in the mood for anything. He even asks me if I'm still not feeling good, since he was th one who stopped by yesterday  to see if I was okay or not. I tell him I'm just tired which isn't a lie. I am tired. Not sleepy tired, but just tired of all the drama that seems to be around me at the moment. 


Robbie is still complaining about the kiss, even though Mrs. Oliver said it was fine. He thinks, that I'm being childish about it, maybe I am, but for me it's just weird to kiss him. He also hasn't completely gotten over me tutoring Jake, and it's making him jealous. Even though I've told him nothing is going on I'm just tutoring him. That is a total lie, but he doesn't know that for sure. I would prefer he not know anyways. I don't want anyone knowing what's happened between Jake and I until Jake and I figured it out ourselves. I personally don't want anyone knowing anything, but if Jake and I end up a couple... then people will find out. I don't want a secret relationship. I don't know what he thinks though. 


"Paige? Have you heard a word I have said?" Mr. Parker asks, pulling me from my thoughts. 


"No.. I'm sorry." I say, sitting up straight and looking at th board. Get with it Easton, you've got school and that is more important. I pay extra close attention the rest of class, making sure to take thorough notes. Once class is over, I grab things for Jake's session, and I go to the library. He comes in a couple minutes later, and I can see homework is the last thing he wants to be doing. Before he can launch into any long conversations that could make me cry or make me mad, I begin explaining the worksheet.  He sits next to me letting out a sigh. He goes through the work, and it seems we're finished in only thirty minutes. I already have my things all put away and ready to go, that way I can make a clean and quick escape. "Alright... see you tomorrow." I say, going for the door. I don't want to have this conversation. It's gonna break my heart! 


"We need to talk about this!" He says grabbing me, his eyes burning with desire and need. 


"I can't keep doing this." I say, "We both know what happens now that you've gotten what you wanted.. just let it be."


"Paige, I can't just let it be." He says, pulling me in closer. 


"Why not!?" I say looking up at him. "I don't know what you want from me, or if you even want anything from me! I think... we need some space... to figure things out." I finish, he lets go of my arm. I turn and leave, he has nothing to say. Sitting in my car at my dorms parking lot I decide what I should do. I don't have homework, other then drama. I ned to create the dance. Throwing my bag on the floor I change into proper dance attire, and go to the gym. Playing the song on my phone through the speakers, I listen tryingto figure out how to really make a dance for it. I have to be able to sing it while dancing too, so it can't be to difficult. I try a couple little things here and there trying to figure it out, but I come up empty handed. Megera wasn't know for her dancing, she was known for her attitude. Dancing with attitude. Hmmmm....




"Knock knock." I hear Mr. Parker, I stop in the middle of a practice run. "Sorry... I just thought you should eat.." He holds up a to go bag from the diner. 


"How'd you know I was here?"  I ask, turning down the volume. 


"Well, your car has been in the parking lot for the past couple hours..." He smiles, and I nod makes since. "What are you doing here anyways?" he hands over the bag.


"I have to create a dance for the musical..." I sigh, smelling mini tacos. "Thanks to you and Jason by the way." I add. "Mrs. Oliveer over heard you guys talking about my skills, and now she wants me to create a number for my solo. 


"Oh, sorry... Jason was talking about you teaching him something.. this morning." He sighs sitting down next to me.  "So do you have anything figured out yet?" He asks sounding truly interested. I set down the taco, restarting the song. I show him the first little bit I have done, and he applauds. "It's amazing that you came up with that by yourself." He says. "Do you miss dancing?" 


"I love dancing for fun... but when it's homework like this... I don't know." I sit back down, and dig into my food. There is a bunch of comotion in the other room, it's a bunch of guys coming in. Mr. Parker peeks out. 


"It's Wyatt and the gang." He sighs, does that include Jake? I stand up, not wanting to be here any longer. 


"You know who it is?" I hear their conversation while gathering my things. 


"No, but I've got some ideas." Wyatt answers. "He trying to work his way with this one though, must be a special occasion." 


"You think he hooked a virgin?" Another guy asks in a laughing tone, and my world starts cracking. 


"Must be something around those lines." Wyatt laughs back, and they all mumble about how he is lucky.


"Jake always gets the good ones." the first guy speaks again. I glance at Mr. Parker, he is shaking his head in disapontment. I don't think he is thinking it's me they're talking about. I also don't want to be here and listen to this any longer, so I want to hurry out of here.


"I'm gonna go..." I say, and we both leave the room. 


"Paige." Wyatt says, greeting me like he usually does. With him and Carmen being together, he tends to see me more often, and thats all we ever say to each other. 


"Wyatt..." I reply not much enthusiasism. Some of the other guys whistle, and I just role my eyes. I peek back at Mr. Parker, who is right behind me still shaking his head. Once we're out of the gym, we say our goodbye and part ways. I go to my dorm and get ready for night. Even though it's only seven, I just decide to stay in tonight. Going down to the kitchen, I make some ramen noodles. While it's heating up I take care of Fiddle's food and water, and give him a treat because I've been neglecting him a little lately. The dorm door swings open slamming into the wall with a loud thud, it makes me jump spilling some of my noodles. Who in the hell would come racing into here like that? I clean up the mess my noodles made, mumbling about how I should've just went to the diner. 


"There you are! Jeez I ran all the way up to your room, when you've beed down here the whole time!" Carmen says walking into the kitchen. "Oh, good you're already dressed and everything!" She cheers, as I stand up tossing the napkins into the garbage. I look at my clothes, totally confused.  I'm in a pair of Robbie's basketball shorts, and on of my old dance shirts. In other words... pajamas. 


"Dressed?" I ask, digging in the fridge for somethig that wont take long to make. She grabs my arm and pulls me from the kitchen, blabbering about how her dorm is throwing a Pj party, and I how I should've remembered. I only catch here and there things, like it's only girls and fruity drinks.  "Alright... I'm here..." I say as she shoves me into the kitchen offering me a tray of drinks. I grab what looks like a strawberry daquiri, and she sets the tray back down. 


"How'd you get the drinks?" I ask, knowing that most of the time it's Jake and his friends who supply alcohol. So I wonder what she promised them. 


"I've got my ways... with out boys!" She wiggles her eyebrows at me, shaking my head at her I let out a small laugh. Well, I'm here, and I have a drink in my hand. What the hell? Taking a sip, I go off chating with others and playing just dance. Yes, when there isn't boys we actually play board games and dance. No pillow fights in our underwear I'm afraid though. After a what only seems like five minutes, but has really been four hours, the party dwindles down to I think five or six of us. We're sitting in the living room together gossiping, all of us half drunk. 


"Oh my gawd!" One girl squeels, "Have you guys saw Jake's older brother?" she says, with a slight slur to her voice and an emphasis on her S's.


"MMM he is mighty fine! He is the new baseball coach I heard." Another says, my mind laughs giddy about how I've kissed him before. I'm a little tipsy obviously, because I normally wouldn't be happy about kissing him espicially under the circumstances with Jake! "I heard he came for a girl!" the same girl says quietly drawing us all in. "Yeah... no one knows who it is though."


"Just like know one knows what Jake's been doing.. or who." Carmen sighs. All the girls nod in agreement. I take a sip from my drink, I almost blurt out that Jake has been with me the past two nights but I've still got some of my inhibitions.  


"I heard some of the guys talking about how he has some college girl.. aparently he slept with everyone here." another says. 


"Not me..." Carmen sighs, "But I've got Wyatt." Then they all leap into how things are going between them, I role my eyes already knowig all of the information. I get up, grabbing another drink. It's green, and it has a kiwi in it. I have no idea what it is though. Taking a sip I decide it's good enough, and I walk around the dorm not wanting to go back to the gossip circle yet. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I have a missed call. Calling back the number, it rings for what seems like hours. I have my drink half empty by the time they pick up the phone.


"Hello?" I say, picking out a kiwi and nibbling at it. "I seen I missed a call from you...." I pull my phoe away trying to see who it is, it's just a number. No name, so no contact. Oh? "Who is this?" I ask leaning against the counter getting a little light headed.  I hear the vioce on the other line, but it's not making much since to me. I'm pretty sure it's a guy too.  "Okay... umm yeah... I'm gonna have to let you go." I say, why is this person talking gibberish? Or am I just that drunk?! I hang up the phone, and leave the kitchen. I need to get home. I don't even bothr with finding Carmen, I just head straight for the door. I chug the rest of my drink wishing I knew what is was, then I walk out the night air smacking me in the face. I'm happy it's only a two minute walk down the street a little to my dorm! 


I hold my arms out like I'm walking on a tightrope, but I don't know if I'm doing it because I want to or to keep me balanced. I hum songs mixing up beats, and confusing myself more. I focus on the ground making sure to not step on a crack, I don't want to break my moms back that would be bad!  I shake the thought unsure if it's true, and with that I realize I've had way to much to drink. Those drinks were stronger then I thought! I spin around looking behind me, and then I look ahead again. Regretting the fast turning movements. I lean against a tree trying to regain my vision. 


"Miss are you okay?" a guy asks, I see running shoes appear by me. I laugh for some reason, who runs in the middle of the night. "Paige!" He gasps, "God you're drunk!" 


"No!" I stand up a little to fast from the tree, I loose balance and he catches me. "Maybe a smidgon." I smile with a blush. 


"Okay.. well I think we should get you home." He says, holding me up right a moment longer. "Can you walk?" he asks, and I march ou of his grip. "Stubborn even when you're drunk.." I surprisingly hear him mumble behind me, or maybe I imagined it. I take the first step to go up the three stairs into the dorm, and my head ache begins. My stomach gurgles, and I know it's coming a moment to late. I lean of the railing, and throw up.  "Oh seriously?" He comes and stands next to me, pulling my hair back and holding it away from me while I puke. After a couple more, I stand up feeling like I'm done. 


"I'm okay now.." I say, wipping my face. God that was gross. No more drinks with kiwi!


"I'm gonna make sure you get to your room." he says, and I nod. We walk silently now, I have a hard time still walking in a straight line, and getting up the stairs so he keeps an arm around my waist helping me. 


"You're such a gentleman." I laugh, it's not even funny though. 


"Oh I know." He says, and it just makes me laugh more. Now he chuckles, and it sets me off into a horrible laughing fit. "You need some sleep!" 


"I heard something about you tonight!" I say, holding my hand up and pointing. Light bulb! I giggle before I continue. " I heard you came here because you're got a crush on some girl... naughty  naughty you're to old!"  I scold him, then we reach my room. "Sooo is it true?" I knudge him wondering. 


"I'm afraid not.. now I really think you should get to bed." He says, opening the door. 


"Jason how'd you know where my dorm is?" I ask, and he roles his eyes. 


"Sleep Paige.." He says leading me to my bed. He looks around my room for a while and then goes into my bathroom. He comes back out with some pills and water. "Take this." I don't argue, then he pushes down my shoulders and pulls my blanket over me. 


"Gonna tell me a story too?" I ask, and he smiles at my joke. 


"Goodnight, Paige."  he says, and I just nod already half asleep. What a fun night.

Chapter 30 Revelation

Paige's POV


I decided today was a good day to wear my sweat pants and sweatshirt. I also just through my hair up into a messy bun, today needed to be quick and easy. Taking a couple aspirin, and grabbing a rice crispy bar I leave already running late for musical practice. I walk into the back so she doesn't see me show up late, and I change into my dress. I haven't been needed on stage yet, so I'm in the clear. I sit down taking the time to actually eat my food, since I know I puke most of my stomach up last night.


Jeepers last night! I've never been so drunk before... that I remember at least. I normally pay attention to how much I drink, I guess all my stress just got the best of me last night. Thank god Jason found me, I meant to ask him what he was doing but at the time I had more important things to tell him.  I walk out into the hall for a drink wishing I would've grabbed a bottle of gatorade from the fridge, but like I said before I was running late. I turn around though right away, when I see Jake and Jason in a deep conversation right next to the drinking fountain. 


"Paige?" Jason questions, I turn around and wave. Indicating I don't want to interupt. "How are you feeling? Did you get something to eat?" 


"Yeah.." I say, glancing at Jake. He isn't looking at me, he is actually looking the oposite way then me. Looking at him reminded me though about what Wyatt and their friends were talking about. How he 'hooked' a virgin and that he is just having fun while he can. "Thanks, ... for last night." I say to Jason, pushing away thoughts on Jake. 


"Well, I'm glad I ran into you... I don't think you would've made it up the stairs." He says with a small chuckle. 


"Yeah but you didn't tell me a story!" I reply, and he smiles. I wave again, and head back into the auditorium. The rest of practice goes by quick surprisingly. Robbie is avoiding me, and I'm avoiding him. Our fight yesterday wasn't a good one. It's probably one of the worst we have ever had. But, we both know the play comes before our fight, and it doesn't mess with our acting. While avoiding Robbie, I'm also avoiding Jake. I'm done playing games with him, he won. He got what he wanted from me, and he can go find a new girl. 


Once practice is over I change out of the dress, ready to be back into my sweats. I hang up my dress, and go over to talk to Mrs. Oliver about my dance routine. It was a mistake though, because she imediately wants me to show her. Trying to get out of it I tell her I'm in the wrong clothing and that I don't have any dance attire here. Doesn't work. She pulls out a complete freaking ballet outfit from a costume box! Forcing me to change into it and do the dance for her. I come out surprised that the outfit actually fits since costumes tend to run in smaller sizes. I'm not calling myself fat or anything, but for being a balerina I do have curves.  Walking out onto the stage, she claps loving the costume.  I scan the auditorium, spotting everyone. I groan, not wanting to dance in front of everyone. Only Jake and Robbie have seen me dance. Mrs. Oliver knows I can, but she hasn't seen me. 


"Can you sing it too?" She asks, I should tell her no, but I can't lie. "Okay.. just tell me when you're ready!" She sits at the piano, and I get to the spot on stage that I picked out, and I take a deep breath closing my eyes a second. I can do it. I que her and the piano plays, I sing and begin my movement. I finish leaning against the statue still like I orinally did, I let out a breath. Then I move away, and look at th crowd. Jaws are open, and eyes are wide. Oh shit did it lok that bad?


"Paige that was beautiful!"  Mrs. Oliver stands running up on stage next to me. Everyone starts clapping, I ignore the clapping. I don't think it's that good, but what ever.  "Just perfect! Great job!" She cheers, and dismisses me to change. I scurry out of the room, wanting to get out of the short little tutu outfit. The bell rings while I'm changing and it puts me in a rush to make it to first period. But then over the intercom an anouncement for everyone to make there way to the auditorium is made. Going in, I slide into the seat next to Robbie we've always sat in the same seats. I don't know where else I would sit anyways. 


"Your dance was really good Paige." He says, without looking at me. 


"I don't know.. I feel like it doesn't do the song justice." I say, wishing we could just talk everything through. "Robbie... I'm sorry.. okay. I didn't mean to keep it a secret, but it's not like it was my place to tell you anyways. Nothing has happened between us and nothing will. I'm happy you're looking out for me though." 


"What ever.." He shrugs it off, and turns towards me. "I shoudn't have gotten so mad, I know, but I just don't want you getting hurt."


"I'm not a little girl. I can take care of myself." I say, and he nods. "Besides... I heard he has a girlfriend who is in college." I add, and he roles his eyes. "Just some gossip I heard.." I say, and then  we talk about the musical, the tension between us fading away. Then the assembly begins, and we quiet down listening intently. It's about Jason becoming a teacher, a group of girls in front of us giggle with excitement. I role my eyes at them, like seriously keep it together. Then an anouncement about the paly being shown friday for the  everyone is anounced and Robbie and I both sit up straight.


We were never told about that performance! Normally the high schoolers just come and watch on a normal day, but now its mandatory? Mrs. Oliver stands on the stage and claps, and tells the main cast to come up on stage. Obviously main cast includes Robbie, Jake and me. Robbie and make our way up as I does Jake I can see him on the otherside of the room. Lots of gasps erupt seeing him standing and making his way to the stage. Apparently he didn't tell a lot of people. I stand nexto Robbie, and of course Jake gets up here first to be next to me. 


"You've been avoiding me.." He says, so quietly I barely hear him. I nod my head once, not wanting to say anything. "Why?" he asks, then his groups of friends stands up and starts whooping and laughing. I smile hoping this embarasses him. 


"Alright everyone quiet down!" Mrs. Oliver says. "Standing here next to me, I have Herecules played by Robbie Schroeder. Next to him Megera played by Paige Easton, and Hades  played by Jake Lincoln!....." She trails off going through the cast. Then she talks about how proud of us she is, and she talks about how Jake came in late but still learned the part. The crowd of course cheers for him, and he doesn't seem to care much though. Then we all get dismissed to class already in second period! I make my way through the crowd, I lost Robbie through out the mess. But found some one I wasn't looking for. 


"Why are you avoiding me?" Jake demands, and I keep focused on whats a head of me. 


"Would you just leave me alone." I reply, "You got what you wanted from me... now you can move on." once I actually say it, it makes me feel like shit. Wow I was such a dumbass. I really thought he liked me. 


"What are you talking about? Paige, what happened?" He asks, trying to get me to stop and look at him. 


"I heard about you and what you do to girls like me." I snap, but don't stop walking. "I'm done being your little play thing, you can go find another virgin to screw with." I say, and for some reason saying it seems to split me in half. Knowing he will never kiss me again, touch me or hold me. Yet I don't want him to do any of that if he is just using me. "It was fun while it lasted." I admit, and then I go into my class room. Not wanting to be around him any longer. 


The day goes by slow, and between every single class Jake and I seem to run into each other. I''m not liking whats happening and it's driving me insane. Like some weird force pushing us together! We ignore each other everytime, but we still notice it happening. Now bewtween seventh and eight period, I make the horrid trip to my locker. I haven't need to stop there all day, but I know I'll have to now. So far so clear, I'm in and putting away what I don't need and getting what I do. I get to Mr. Parkers room with out incident, and I slide into my seat happy with myself. Then I look down at my things and realize I grabbed my french book and not my history book. Mr. Parker excuses me to go get my history book. Happy about classes being started right now, I know I'll be safe since he is in class. Going back to his room, another door opens. The study hall door. Jake comes out. I almost drop my book, seeing how some one up there really wants us to be by each other. Our eyes lock, and we both stop moving. It's almost like a mini conversation in ways. We're saying so much but still not really saying anything. 


"We need yo talk." He finally says, I just nod. Unsure if my voice will be strong or not. He looks both ways down the hall, and then he reaches for me, pulling me into the bathroom across the hall. Oh god the boys bathroom! It's has a notorious reputation. We both stop for a second trying to figure out what to say. We shouldn't be in here right now, I have class to get back to. I set my book down on the shelf for people things will they use the bathroom. 


"I have class rig-" I get interupted by a moan. A girl moan. We both turn our heads. It sends a shiver down my spine, and I take as tep closer to Jake. We really shouldn't be in here right now. Who ever it is they're in the only stall. "Later?" I ask, him and he nods. We leave the bathroom, and peeking down the hall to be sure no one is coming. 


"Paige wait!" He says grabbing my hand, he pulls me into him. Wraping an arm around me before I can move away. His lips press to mine, and then he lets go of me completely. He turns away, and walks back to study hall. I'm left here totally confused now. I need to go to class. I head back to the other side of the room, and I realize I don't even have my book. I left it in the damn bathroom! Turning around, I go back inside the bathroom. Grabbing the book and then everything freezes at the moment  I hear one name, said by one voice. 


"Robbie!" Carmen moans. After a couple more seconds, she tells him to stop. "Oh shit..." She says. I for some  reason can't breath. Or move. "You and Paige need to fight more often. I love your anger sex." She says and I can picture the smile on her face. 


"Paige and I working through it.." Robbie voice snaps me out of my little weird state. 


"You're such a panzy. Just tell her how you feel already." Carmen groans, not in a sexual way though. 


"No." He says, "Things are already hard enough for us. I don't need this screwing things up more."  He sighs, and I hear pants being zipped. 


"What ever.. until next time you need me." Carmen purrs and that's my que to leave! I zoom ot of the library, and run into Jason. I apologize and grab my book, and his paper work. Handing it to him, he studies me a moment. 


"You look like you saw a ghost." He takes a note. I just shrug, his eyes flick towards the bathroom behind me. "The guys room?" He raises an eyebrow. 


"Nothing happened." I role my eyes, of course the bathroom has the same reputation it did when he was in school.  "I'm so late!" I say going across the hall, even though history is now the last thing on my mind. Holy shit that was Carmen and Robbie! They were doing the dirty! Carmen has a boyfriend. Something about anger sex. Robbie likes me! Like likes me! I just take my seat in the desk, and I'm sure I still look a little white from everything, so Mr. Parker doesn't ask. Once class is over, I zoom out of the school completely not wanting to see anyone. I'm totally lost and disgusted right now! Sitting in my car trying to work through everything I jump when someone knocks on the window. 


"Mr. Parker." I say roling down the window. He looks at me funny for a minute, realizing he scared me. "What's up?" I ask, scratching my eyebrow. 


"Are you okay? You were quiet in class, and it took you fifteen minutes to get your book." He says leaning against the window frame. of course. I look at my book bag in the passenger seat, trying to think of an excuse.


"I couldn't get into my locker... I  had to go to the office." I say, that's never happened to me before. But it has happened in the school. Glancing at him, I see he doesn't believe me. "It's nothing really!" I say, trying to shrug it off. My phone starts ringing, looking at the caller I.D  I see Robbie's name come up. I ignore the call. No way do I want to talk to him, at the moment I don't even want to see him!


"Who was it?" He asks me, obviously he isn't going to drop this.


"Robbie." I say, not wanting to lie to him anymore then I have too. Now he is confused, and I really don't want to explain.  "I'm just not happy with him... that's all." I say wishing he would take a hint. 


"Why?" He asks, standing up and stretching. I realize how weird this must look. Him being a teacher and me a student.  The parking lot has cleared too. 


"He is being dumb... he found out about me tutoring Jake and isn't happy about it. Jealous." I say, realizing why he got so mad about it. If he likes me, then he is worried I'll fall for Jake. Well he was right to be worried. 


"To be honest I'm worried about you tutoring him too. Paige, he isn't a guy you want to get mixd in with." Now I'm getting the talk from Austin too. "We're just looking out for you."


"I know but you both think I can't take care of myself and I can." I say sitting back in my car not wanting to be here.  My phone beeps with a text message, and I look at it expecting it to be Robbie. 


Jake:  My dorm now. 3:53 P.M 


Realizing that Mr. Parker can probably read it, he probably already did, I shove the phone back into the outside pocket.


"Why do you have to go to his dorm?" He asks, not sounding happy. 


"Tutoring. He wants to do it everyday, so his grade will go up faster." I say, which isn't a lie. That was originally the plan. Now though, I think he means we need to talk.  "Kinda why I need to get going..." I add. 


"What ever." He says, "Bye." Then he walks back towards the school. He is mad. He doesn't believe me.  Roling up my window, I go straight to Jake's dorm. Going up to his room, surprised there isn't any guys just hanging out. I knock and I hear him say come in. Taking a deep breath, I go in.  


"Hi." I say quietly. He smiles, at me a real smile not one of his cocky  ones. Like he is actually happy I'm here. I suppose he is though, he probably wants me here to do certain things. I'm not gonna crack though. I stand by the door, not wanting to come into the room a whole lot. "What do you want?"  I ask, trying to not sound mad or scared. Which I am, but not with him. Well actually I am scared of him, I'm scared I'm gonna crack. 


"Are you scared?" He asks, instead. Walking towards me, I can see he is studying me, trying to figure out where my feelings and emotions are. I take a step back, and I feel the door behind me.  Oh boy do I regret coming here. I should've said some where in public, but then people would've been able to see and hear us.  "What are you scared of?" He asks, now directly in front of me. He moves a strand of hair, that was covering my face slightly. I look directly in front of me, which is his chest, but it's easier to look at right now then his face. 


"I just... umm.." I don't have any idea what to say. Being this close to him is making my mind run wild. What's goign to happen? I can't crack, if I crack then he'll no he effects me. "I'm not comfortable... that's all." I say, gaining a little courage. Although I am perfectly comfortable. I like having him this close, I'd prefer him actually touching me, whether holding my hand or kissing, any touch. I can' let him know that. 


"Well, what would make you more comfortable?" He asks in a whisper. I know that voice. I know what comes next. 


"You leaving me alone." I say slowly. That wasn't what he expected to hear. I look up at him through my lashes, and he looks like he is fighting some  internal battle. "I can't keep doing this... I'm not gonna be another girl you use." Even though I already have been. Looking him the eyes, I see him again. A little child, unsure and scared. I look away, a little confused and still scared. 


"I.." he begins, and it makes me feel worse. His pause, he doesn't know what to say. I'm calling him out on the truth. I reach behind me for the doorknob, not wantingto be here any longer. "Paige, don't go." He says, grabbing my hand. 


"I can't sta-" He cuts me off. Pressing him body to mine and joining our lips. Then from there things go downhill on my whole idea of not cracking. 

Chapter 31- Performance

Paige's POV


I lay in his bed, completely naked. Catching my breath. I cracked.  I cracked under pressure, I couldn't say no. Oh god am I in a lot trouble now. Closing my eyes trying to figure out what I should do, he gets up. Neither of us has said anything. It was like wild fire, the moment he did touch me. Uncontrolable and sadly awesome as hell. He goes to the bathroom, I'm up and throwing my clothes on before I even realize it. Then I'm down in my car and driving away. I go to my dorm, and lock the door behind me. Then I lock the bathroom door, and I take a twoo hour shower. 


I keep going back, and thinking, if he hadn't touched me, I would've been okay... I think. It was the damn touch that set me off and made me crack. I get dressed in my fluffiest and warmest pj's and snuggle under my blankets wanting the world to slwoly disapear. God, what's going to happen tomorow? I get up from the nest I made, I go down to the kitchen grabbing a apple juice and acontainer of rasberries. Super for the night. I snuggle in again, and watch what is on the T.V when I turn it on.




I plop into a seat, in the audirotium trying to keep a low profile. I don't want to see Jake. I don't want to see Robbie. I'm gonna end up in both of there arms this morning and during school while we show the school today. Once everyone gets here we're all told we don't need to do costumes today, sense we'll be showig the school in costumes and makeup. Practice begins, and so far so good, apparently Robbie and Jake can tell I don't want to see either of them! After my first scene, with Robbie and he says my favorite line in the whole musical. I go off stage, and Jake is there waiting for me. I swerve around him, not wanting to deal with this. 


"You have a habit of running away don't you?" he asks following behind me. 


"I'm not in the mood. Now, leave me alone... for good this time." I whisper back to him. I see him reach for me, but I pull my hand away before he can touch me. "I mean it Jake. I'm done being your little pet." I turn facing him. 


"My pet?" He says bemused, I glance around the room we're going to draw attention to us soon. 


"Just leave me alone." I walk away, and that's that. He leaves me alone for the rest of practice. Robbie tries talking to me, but I ignore him, or pretend I have to use the bathroom. I don't know what to say to him, I don't want to tell him I know, but I can't pretend I don't. They way they talked made it sound like that wasn't the first time either. Carmen and Robbie have been having sex for a while now! Holy shit, and all this time I've thought they hated each other! What about Wyatt? I thought Carmen loved him? Apparently not. 


I'm just making myself even more mad. I shake myself trying to unclench my muscles, and get on with my day at school. I've been through all of my classes without issue so far, so I'm hoping that keeps up. Keeping track of everything as the day goes by I feel good for some reason. Yet, I can feel a sadness and a anger inside me wanting to bust through. Anger with my friends, and sadness for loosing Jake. I keep it bottled up, and I slowly forget about it.  It's friday, I get the weekend to forget all of this.


Then the musical cast gets called to the auditorium to get ready. I lay my head down on the desk begginf for someone to shoot me. Reluctantly I get up, and make my way there grabbing my dress changing. I get one of the girls to zip it for me, and I do my hair. I find Mrs. Oliver asking her how she wants my makeup, and she ends up doing it herself. Then I'm done. I wait around the last five minutes for the curtains to open in the beginning scene witht the goddess explaining the past with the titans. Then it's Robbie. I sit in the back, going over my dance in my head. I never practiced it in the dress, and I go over it to make sure I can still do it. I can, thank god. I stop leaning against nothing pretending the statue is there, I look ahead of me and see Jake watching. He looks away when I catch him, and I don't need to look in a mirar to know if I'm blushing or not. 


When my first scene comes on I go, and perform like I would any other performance. I never falter, never forget a line. I pretend greatly, that I'm not mad at Robbie. I spot Carmen out in the crowd, and she gives me a thumbs up. I don't go out of character at all, for her. Then in what seems like five minutes, it's already time for my solo and dance. I take my deep breath closing my eyes. Then the piano starts and so do I. Leaning against the statue, as the crowd claps for me I catch my breath. A couple whistles and whoops go through the auditorium, and then it quiets down and the play continues. During my least favorite scene, that has Jake and Robbie arguing I play it off like I'm fine. When I'm not fine at all. The moment Jake's hands wrap around me, I almost hug him back but I can't. I actually push against him, I don't want to be touching him! Touching him is a bad thing for me! After that, scene the only scene I dread next is kissing Robbie. Now it's even worse kissing him knowing he has kissed Carmen! I pace back and forth thinking and wishing I hadn't stumbled into that bathroom with Jake. 


When the scene comes I get through it, then the crowd erupts into clapping and curtain closes. Now it's Curtain call. Jake and I have to walk out together, and we're the second to last people called. We have to walk out holding hands, and we bow together, then we let go and go stand at oposite ends like we're told. Of course while we bow the school goes nuts, it's Jake  Lincoln so I wouldn't expect anything else. Then Robbie goes out with the guy who play Phil, and they bow together and Robbie stands next to me and we all do one big group bow. Then point out the lights, and curtain workers, and Mrs. Oliver.  Then we all wave goodbye as the curtain closes in front of us. 


I try to get out of the room fast, there has been way to much touching Jake for me. Why his touch has this affect on me I don't know, but it is driving me nuts! I get to the bathroom/lockerroom before the other girls, and I  first take off the makeup. I hate how much they have to use, and now I'm going to break out from it as well. Once my face is clear, I look for my clothes, but remember I brought them back into the auditorium. I mentally slap myself making my way back into the room. It's pretty hectic so I shouldn't run into Jake. But when I spot my bag, I see it's in his hands. I look up at his face, and he smiles at me. I just glare, and get ready to turn. But I need those clothes. I'm not gonna where this damn dress all day! I slowly make my way over to him and my bag, I keep a couple feet between us and I hold out my arm for it. 


"Seriously... do you just have an obsession with me?" I ask, "I don't think you've ever bothered with one girl for so long." I try to sound like I don't care and that I'm just mad at him for bugging me. 


"You're so entertaining though." He replies, and that  catches me in the gut. Is he serious? So he is just teasing me?! "I'm happy you wiped your face..." He adds, and I think about my face and how it's probably as red as a tomato from me scrubbing the makeup off. "You look better without it." He hands over my bag. His remark makes me blush somemore. 


"Well... thanks." I say, and I walk away. Changing into my clothes, I'm the last one out.  We're just going to eighth period so I'm not in any big rush. I put my hair into a new ponytail, and I hear the guys lockerroom door behind me squeek open and closed. 


"Hey Paige." Robbie says behind me, and I turn just nodding at him. Then I grab my dress that I had hangin from the door knob and walk back towards the hanging wrack to put it back.  "Okay come on, you've been giving me the cold shoulder all damn day. What the hell did I do now?" he asks, walking next to me. 


"I don't want to talk about it." I say, seriously not wanting to get into it in the hall at school. 


"Well I do dammit!" He stops me, "I thought we were working things out."  I shake my head looking around for other people. There isn't any... we're alone. "What happened between yesterday and today? I can't fix it if I don't know what it is." 


"It's something you wont be able to fix anyways." I say with a slight snap in my voice. My anger I tried to push away coming up like a bullet. "Don't worry about it." I move around him, just wanting the freaking weekend already. 


"Does this have something to do with Jake?" He asks, but he isn't next to me or anything. But him bring Jake into the conversation wasn't smart. 


"No!" I whisper very harshly. "Jake and I are like fucking enemies! We aren't a thing, we never will be, I'm not having sex with him okay!" I completely and flat out with no regrets lie to him. We're enemies... we were at least. Who the hell knows what we are now?!  Enemies with benefits... that's what I'm going with for now. "Maybe you should quit worrying about my sex life and think of your own!" I say what I'm thinking. Which is a bit much. His face looks confused, but slowly it sinks in. 


"You.. know about Car-"


"Yes I know about Carmen." I say, "Now I have class to get too." I say. I walk away. More like run, but it's the same point. I'm so mad. I'm for some reason jealous that he was with her, but I know I don't have any feeling like that for him.  I know I don't, it's all to focused on Jake. I want to get back at him though, and the only way I can really do that is through Jake. I shoot Jake a quick text, telling him I'll meet him in his room right after school. I end up not even going to Mr. Parkers room, I skip class going to my dorm and taking a quick shower to get rid of all the make-up and just the smell of my dress. I go downstairs, once school is out, and I go to Jake's dorm. I go straight up to his room and I go in without knocking. He looks up from his desk surprised. 


"I didn't think you were really com-" I move one leg over his lap and sit, slapping my lips onto his cutting him off. Tangling my fingers into his hair, and taking charge. I took him completely be surprise. He catches on quick though, and his hands slip under my shirt right away. His thumbs move in circles the way they do, and I kick my shoes off getting comfortable. I get up from his lap, and grab his hand leading him to his bed. He picks me up off the ground, and I wrap my legs around his hips. Obviously enjoying myself, even though I'm supposed to be getting back at Robbie. I pull his shirt off, stopping our kiss for the couple seconds. But before I start it again I take my time looking at his stomach and chest. Masculine and toned. Then it's time for my shirt.**** After seconds the both of us are naked for the second time with in at least twelve or thirteen hours. Body to body, grinding and groaning. We role around on his bed. I hold my own this time, taking top. I swivel my hips, and pull his hair. I've figured out that he likes it when a girl plays with his hair. Which I don't mind because I do love his hair. My pleasure meters raises higher and higher the faster we both get, and pretty soon we're both panting from all the tension building. I move faster and grind harder, I lean down against him my lips next to his neck. I smirk getting an idea. Without hesitation, I place my lips on his skin, and get to work. People will know he is getting some kind of action. I can see why people sleep after sex it is a workout, and we're both sweating  but it's a good type of sweat if that makes any sense. 


"Ahh shit!" he groans,  squirming under me slightly. I don't let him move yet, a little longer. Just a little longer. "Paige!" he pleads, and I take my lips from his neck. Oh yes, that's gonna be there a while! "I can't!" he says, and abruptly we're flipped and my back is on the bed. He pulls out of me and falls on the bed next to me, trying to catch his breath.*****


"That was fun." I breath each word, still trying to catch my own breath. 


"Are you on birth control?" He asks, I nod. I have been to keep my periods under control. Although, I guess thinking about it we've been very dumb in doing this. Never once has there been a condom, and this is the first time he has asked about birth control. "Alright... well noted for next time." 


Next time. 


Oh god what have I done? Just thinking about doing this again gets my heart racing! 


"I just came here... because... I.." I was getting back at Robbie, but I think I wanted to be here anyways. I want to stay here and go again and again! I'm so screwed.


"Because?" He asks. 


"Because I'm getting back at Robbie." I say, looking at the cieling. 


"Huh?" He asks not happy, it makes me smile. That's jealousy!


"I caught him and Carmen...yes Wyatt's Carmen having sex... and it just really pissed me off. He hates the idea of us being together, and we got in a fight."  I explain it shortly. 


"You used me." Jake says.


"Just like you used me." I reply. "I should probably get going now though." I say, not wanting to talk to him any longer. I might say something I shouldn't.  I get up and shove on my clothes.


"Well, then I guess we can just keep using each other when ever we want then?" He asks, sitting up and watching me. Now I don't care, he seen me naked four times now. What's the difference?


"Hmmm..." I don't want to never be able to touch him again, and I also don't want to lose his touch. If it's the only way I can get it then... "What ever." I say, and with that I leave his room going back to mine. God, what he does to me. He makes me become a different person! I'm already wanting him again. But I don't just want sex. I want to see his smile, and look into his eyes. I want to hold his hand like we do during role call, and hug him. Hold him and have him hold me. I'm falling in love. That is the one thing everyone knows if off limits. Falling in love with Jake Lincoln. He is uncapable of falling in love or feeling love. Accept his family, as I saw at his house.  


Laying my head against my door as I close it. Me the one girl who said she would never fall for a guy like him, is falling fast and hard for the worst one there is.

Chapter 32- Needs

Jake's POV


Am I using her? I know that is what it probably seems like, but is that really truly what I am doing? If I was I wouldn't keep going back to her, I also wouldn't want her so much. It seems like I can't get enough of her! I know I need her, but before all off this sex stuff started happening it was because she knew who I really was. I just wanted to her to be around so I could be myself. She brings out the best in me. Now though, I need her on a whole new level.  Not only do I need to be around her, I need to be close to her touching her. Feeling that skin to skin contact. It's not your normal fire work, this is more like a huge ass bomb explosion! After I finish showering, I get dressed unsure if I should be upset she left me again. 


What is happening? I already know I'm getting soft for her, but this is more. It has to be. She is different from everyone, and honestly I'm very mad at myself for not noticing her sooner. I wish I would've paid better attention in middle school, then maybe thing between us would be different. Maybe I'd be in Robbie's place... no I wouldn't want that. He is friendzoned, and apparently has some other issues going on with him as well.  Maybe though if I paid just a little bit more attention to her back then, she wouldn't feel the way she does about me. I don't understand how I didn't remember her at all, or how I haven't seen her at all before. I've always had an eye for spotting girls, but she slipped through some how... it makes me wonder how. 


Deciding that I wont dwell on it, even though I know I wont be able to fully push it out of my head, I try and get a group of guys together to go down to the field do play some baseball. I get ahold of a bunch of my friends and we all meet up at the field, I wish that the baseball field wasn't right next to all the animal housing. It always gives it a funny smell. Horse and cows on one side, and the reptile center on the other. Yes, we have reptile area. That' just how 'upper class' this damn school is. It drives me nuts. I wish I went to a normal school everyone in a while, but then again I'm happy to be here as well. I do have good friends, and coaches. Beside, my family is one of the big investers in this school, so of course I should go here. 


After a couple innings we all take a break, and talk about just how school is going. Jason comes into the conversation sense he is the new coach for baseball, and I slowly take myself out of that conversation. 


"Jake, is it true that Jason is here for one of the students?" Peter asks, I toss a by up into the air catching it without thinkng about it. I think about it for a minute. I don't know... it could be I guess. I thought he came here to go after Paige, but I don't think so anymore. He hasn't really mad any moves on her, and he practically told me I should go for it.  


"I don't know... I think he has some kind of motive like that.  I don't think he's after one student though... he is just trying to make sure I don't kill his reputation." I sigh, I could really careless if I pass his reputation or not. That's the last thing I need to worry about. 


"Dude you've got too! This place needs a new legacy man, and second generation Linlcon sounds like a great canadite!" The guys agree giving me pats on the back, and talking about what I can do to surpass my brothers awesomeness. We get back to game, then and we also send Wyatt out to get us something to eat. We mess around waiting for him, and once he is back we all sit by the pitchers mound and munch on the cheeseballs, mini tacos, french fries, and other snacks we got. I glare at the piece of rubber where the pitcher stands, even though I not made at the rubber I'm mad at the pitcher. Robbie, has really been getting on my nerves. All of the drama with Paige is enough to tick me off, but having sex with my friends girl friend I'm not okay with at all. Even though I'm partly sure I've slept with girls who were in relationships. Wyatt really likes Carmen, and I don't want to tell him what I know. If Carmen is cheating on him he should know. Also Carmen isn't a good enough girlfriend for Wyatt if she is cheating one him!I look away from the mound unsure where my thoughts on the whole mess stand. 


"Where is Schroeder?" Daniel, asks. Speaking of the devil. 


"He is probably tired from performing that play." Peter jokes, "By the way that play was actually pretty cool. I didn't know you could act like that!" He compliments me. 


"That girl too!" Manson sit up, he was laying down on his back. "who ever played that Meg girl. You had to come out with her! She was hot."  I lay back now trying to not seem at all interested. I'm not a fan of all the guys hitting on her in anyway, but I don't want to give anything away with what's going on. 


"That's Carmen's friend Pagie." Wyatt speaks up, I glance at him and he wiggles his eyebrows at me. He know about the tutoring thing. He knows to keep his mouth shut. 


"Jake how was she?" Peter asks, assuming we've been together. I shrug my shoulders, and they all stare at me now. "You haven't done her yet?" 


"Nope.." I say, "I've got a long list to get through before I get to a musical geek." I explain.  I know she isn't a musical geek, I'm just trying to keep their attention off of her. 


"Oh, she can't be that bad! She fucking hot man, who cares anyways?" then they all start agreeing with Peter. "Hey man, you get first picks... but if you don't hurry up I'm gonna beat ya to her." I don't want to listen to this anymore. 


"Oh shit.. speaking of the musical.. I have a private rehearsal. I have to go." I get up, as do the others. We all clean up the food, and I wave bye to the guys saying I take care of the gear. I don't have a reahersal, I just didn't want to talk about Paige any longer.


"No! Stop. Jason, put it down!" I hear her voice, I imediately sit up looking in the direction. I see Paige with Jason, and he is holding a snake. "Put it back!" She says, again. Jason hands it back to the student, and he apologizes to her.  They both start laughing about it, and then start walking this way.  "You're such a jerk sometimes." she says, and he stretches his arms out.


"I try my hardest!" He sighs. What are they doing? Why are they together? Something isn't right with this. Why would Paige be with him? It's almost as if they know each other.. more then only seeing each other twice. Once at my house, and the other time at the gym.  


"Alright what did you think of the musical?" she asks him. They turn towards the shed that holds new bases and chalk for the diamond. I stay quiet and still so I can hear them


"Robbie's pretty good. I didn't know he could sing." Jason replies, "My little brothers got some skills too. But you must've taught him everything he knows."


"No... he was actually pretty good at it. Kind of like you and dancing... it just came naturally." She says, it gives me a hint of smile. She complimented my skills. 


"I have to say though... you were probably the star of the show. Not only did you look hot, you sang and danced. Also handled youself between to guys who were obviously trying to pine for your attention. I role my eyes at him. He called her hot, that's pushing limits for what teachers can say to students. Also I wasn't pining over her, he is just trying to put that image into her head.


"Robbie has always kind of been like that." She says, and I can tell Robbie is still a very touchy subject with her. "He has really been pissing my off lately...." 


"What? Robbie Schroeder your middle school crush pissing you off?" Jason asks. 


"I don't like him like that anymore." she says sternly. 


"No, now you like my brother." Jason smiles down at her.


"I do not!" she stops walking, crossing her arms. "He is a huge jerk. A good looking jerk don't get me wrong but..."


"You mean to tell me, that you haven't fallen for the Lincoln charm yet?" He looks back at her, she just shakes her head. With me knowing the truth that she has it makes me smile. "I know you have once."


"No.. not once." she says walking back to get next to him. 


"Ah yeah, once. Although... I guess there wasn't really much charming going on there... just the curious mind of a girl."


"I was wondering when you were going bring that up... can we just forget it.. is was like years ago."


"No way am I forgetting that. I take pleasure knowing in knowing that I was your first." Jason smiles at her, she just roles her eyes. My stomach clenches and I feel like I'm going to be sick. He was her first? They go into the shed and I can't here them anymore. What does that mean? How do they know each other? Years ago? I don't understand. 


I know what I need, and I know what I want. I need Jason gone, out of this damn school. I want Paige. I just want her with me where I know no other guys are trying to get her. Aparently though she has fucking history with my brother! How though? They're years apart, we were in middle school and he was in college. Her brother was in college then too... that must be it. They meet some hoe back then. I go back to my room, totally pissed off. I should've stayed to see what they were doing but I didn't need to see any more of him trying to get with her. I was wrong he is here for a girl. 


He's here for the one girl he knows he can't have. 


He's here for my girl.

Chapter 33- Going up in Flames

Paige's POV


"My first kiss... that's not very special." I sigh leaning against the wall. I went for a walk, and Jason found me, so I decided to hang out with him. Right now we're checking on supplies for the baseball field, earlier we walked through the reptile are and he was messing around with a snake! I hate snakes... he did it on purpose. "You make it sound as if you were my first first."


"Your first kiss is very important, don't underestimate it." He warns. "It can tell you a lot about yourself." 


"Hmmm, well.... obviously mine tells me I'm an idiot.." I sigh, and he just laughs. "You're right though... curious little girls often do wonder.." I say looking the small window at the field. I wonder about Jake all the time now, what he is doing, if he is doing someone else. Yeah...  the wonders jealousy. 


"About?" Jason asks, as he finishes up. We leave the shed and I stop thinking as he locks it back up. 


"The future.... I guess." I say, even though it's more like is Jake in my future. 


"Any certain part of it?" He asks, seeking for more information. 


"I guess everyone wonders who they'll marry, or if they'll ever marry. Or maybe like career, or health..." I say walking next to him. 


"I want to know about you... not everyone else." 


"Well... I'm wondering about who I'll be with. If anyone." I say, still keeping Jake out of the conversation. I wonder if any of this crap that's going on now will be worth it in the end. Once I'm out of highschool, I meet never see Jake or Robbie again. It all depends on where likfe takes us. I could end up across the world, Jake could end up being my neighbor when we're fifty years old... there are just so many options. All this benefits stuff could just be a stupid time passer until the real world hits. I shouldn't have agreed to that either. It's just going to hurt me more in the long run. It'll be fun until he moves on, or until he sees other girls.... he probably already has scene other girls.


"You'll be with some one. It's hard to say you wouldn't be with anyone!" Jason replies, sounding unusually sure. I glance at him, trying to figure out how he figures. "Seriously... you're smart... you're pretty... you're outgoing! You're like the ideal girl for everybody."


"No one is perfect, everyone, even me , has flaws." I say to him. 


"Yeah... one of your flaws is you always underestimate yourself. Think you aren't as good as other people." He agrees.


"I think everyone has a bit of that in them." I sigh, knowing he is right. No use arguing with him.


"I don't." He says next to me, and I nod in agreement. He is even cockier then Jake... but lately Jake hasn't been that cocky boy. He's seemed different. I don't know how to explain it, mellow almost. Also from the couple glances in eyes I've seen that he isn't really the big strong jerk he plays. "What are you thinking about? I can tell when you're thinking hard, you'r eye brow goes like this and your eyes glaze over." 


"Just .. about how you're right. You're way to cocky." I say, not wanting to keep making the subject serious. Most of the conversations I have with him are light and funny, but this one is pretty heavey. 


"Thank you!" He smiles. I just laugh, and the serious conversation is gone. We joke around, as he walks me back to my dorm. It was a nice way to spend the day, and it was a good break from all the stress. I'm happy it's Friday too. I can have the weekend to recooperate myself. Think things through, and get a handle on my life.  "See ya later?" He asks, once we're at my dorm.


"Of course." I smile my goodnight to him. He waves, and I go inside. Anne is right there in my face, and she has the smirk of a life time on her face. "What?"


"You and  Jason." She says, and she doesn't sound mean or jealous. I step back unsure what she is getting at. "I like it... seriously... you two go good together." 


"We aren't together. Just friends." I tell her, still unsure what she is getting at. 


"Does he know that?" She asks, pulling a candy bar out from her purse. I watch her trying to understand what she is getting at. She breaks a piece off giving it to me.  I'm totally taken back at the moment with all of this. She is talking to me and not being snotty or jealous or bitchy. We're having a conversation. 


"You can have him... if that's what you're getting at." I bite into the chocolate. It's one of those exspensive and super hard to pronounce kinds thats from over seas.


"No." She smiles semi warmly. "What I want is Jake... and he has been eyeing you the past couple days... but if you're with his brother then.." She says, still completely normal with me. My jaw still drops. She has noticed Jake and I? How much?


"What do you mean Jake watching me?" I ask, trying to figure out how much she knows.


"The musical. He would never pay attention to someone like you.. but since he has been around the musical and all it's geeks."  She says finishing the chocolate off and checking her nails. She is still calm, but my temper is cooking. Geeks? Jake never interested me? I'm not going to tell her she is wrong, but she is. Shaking it off I shrug my shoulders.


"I'm not with Jason... and as for Jake... I don't know what to tell you.. he hasn't made a move so your still in the clear." I give her a thumbs up and walk away. Jeepers, what is with her? She stayed calm and collected, and she was serious. She also gave me some of her chocolate. That's her trying to butter up, meaning she actually feels threatened by me. A bad note would be she thinks Jason and I have something. If she thinks that others might too, that's not good. 


I stop walking a second, I glacen back to see if she is still standing there... she isn't. Holy crap, Anne Wilson actually feels threatened by me! She is scared that Jake will choose me over her. Well.. he did techincally choose me before her, but now I'm sure he will move to her. Thinking that sends shivers down my spine. When ever I think about Jake being with someone else it pisses me off. Having feelings for him is wrong... especially with the agreement we came up with.


Why couldn't I just still like Robbie? Things would be so much easier that's for sure. Although, now that I know a certain thing about him, I'm happy nothing ever sparked between us. I can't believe him and Carmen  have been doing that either. It's disappointing on bth parts. I actually feel bad for Wyatt cause I know Wyatt really likes Carmen. Back in my room now I sit on my bed, trying to figure out a way to get out of this whole predicament I got myself in. I can obviously no longer see Jake. Accept for telling him that I no longer want to see him. No more tutoring too. The only time I'd see him would be during the musical. Which still goes for another week. I'd hae to avoid him in the hall, and never go to his parties.... I trail off with a list of all the things I would have to do to never see him again. 




I'm walking again. To Jake's dorm this time, I'm going to tell him now, before it gets to involved to stop. Going inside I be as quiet as possible, I don't need or want to draw extra antention to myself. I also have no idea where Robbie is and this is his dorm. He could peek around a corner at any moment. I don't want him seeing me. He'll think I'm here for him when I'm not. Keeping my head down, I go up the stairs to Jake's room, I hope he is in there.... alone. 


I stand outside his door for five minutes to scared to knock. No one has walked by though, so no one has seen me. I lay my fore head against the door, wishing I was brave, and not  afraid to just barge right into his room and tell him. I don't want to say any of this to him, but it needs done. We come from two different worlds and would never work. I finally knock on the door, and on the other side I hear himsay just a minute. I was hoping he wouldn't be here. 


"Paige?" He says surprised to see me, yet happy. For some reason, everything I had planned and practice completely leaves me. I have no idea what I was planning to do here. He stands there a moment with out a shirt, holding open the door, I take in a breath god his abs and chest! My eyes move up to his, and that's the biggest mistake I could've made. A second later, I'm in his room lip locking and body touching. My back is against the door, his hands are trapping me here but it's not like I'm trying to get away. I've got one hand in his hair and another wrapped around his neck.


"Wait..wait..." He pulls away, and take the moment as second to figure out what the hell I'm doing. The plan was to come and tell him off! No way can I do that now. No going back now. Being more forceful then I usually am, I pull him back down. I want to talk to him but not now. After that will be better. That makes me sounds horrible, god I am horrible! 


"What?" I pull away this time, trying to catch my breath. Jeepers, neither of us can get enough of each other. I lean back against the door for support. He inches closer, and doesn't answer me. What ever he was trying to say must not be as important. I'm trapped again, his body against my front and the wall against my back. Hunger and lust are radiating off of him, and it matches my thrist for him.  His hands slip down to my thighs, and he lifts me, I wrap my legs around his hips, and my arms go around his neck. We're moving and then I'm on my back again on his bed. 


"What happened between you and Jason?" He asks, breaking apart an inch. 


"Jason?" I ask, totally confused. What in the hell does Jason have to do with anything. 


"I heard you two talking earlier.." His eyes search mine. he looks lost and confused. He heard us talking ealier? ... the day slowly comes back to me, and I lose the thirst. Oh, he means... oh shit.


"It's in the past...and it's not that important." I say. He gives me a stern look, wanting to know what happened. "It was back in like.. seventh grade." I say, "It was just a kiss. I got in trouble with my parents, and snuck out with Patrick to a party... long story short, at the end of the night I kissed Jason."  I sigh. 


"You have history with my brother." He says, trying to figure it out. 


"No! Jake it was a kiss meaningless. He was making fun of me because I still hadn't kissed anyone... and I was mad and had a bit to drink." I say, sitting up. Jake is already sitting. I sit next to him, grabbing his jaw. I turn him so he is looking at me. "Why?" I ask, wanting to really know how he feels. Not just that he hates his brother, but why it bothers him so much with me and not the other girls. 


"Because it's going to happen eventually." He says, looking me in the eye. "They all always end up with him in the end."  I drop my hand from his face. I back away my chest aching.  His words ringing in my head, they... he grouped me with the other girls. All the other girls. That's what I am to him, another girl who is just a damn slut. 


"I wonder why." I stand up, unsure if I should leave. I want to, but I think we're fighting... it's a bit early for a walk out. 


"What is that supposed to mean?" He stands up. 


"Maybe they all go to him because he is actually a nice guy, and because he treats them better then you do." I say, trying to keep me out of the group of other girls. 


"Nice guy? He's a nice guy? You are just like the others, I thought that just maybe you wouldn't fall for his shit. I thought that maybe for once I wo-.. you know what... nevermind." He says. I take a deep breath wishing he would just speak his mind and not hold back. I want to know what he is feeling and thinking! 


"Are you comparing me to all the other girls you have been with?" I whisper. 


"Am I?" He asks me back. 


"When you actually want to talk to me, just let me know." I role my eyes, not wanting to deal with this. I should've just said what I panned on saying! Instead I came here like a slut and jumped him.  "Goodbye, Jake." I say,  he does't say a thing to me. I close the door, quietly and walk back downstairs. Now I don't care if anyone sees me, oh well. I'll just be another damn rumor for him. 


"Paige?" Wyatt stops me. "What are you doing? You finish a session with Jake?" He asks. 


"Yeah." I say, even thouh I have no school things with me. "Hey I gotta get going.." I sigh, gesturing towards the door. 


"Oh yea me too... Carmen and I are going out." He smiles. 


"She cheated on you." It's out before I even think about the concequences. He is confused, and at first he smiles slightly thinking I joking, but when I don't say anything his smiles fades.  


"What?" He asks, stepping closer. 


"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have said anything.." I begin. Running my hands through my hair I realize I'm just lashing out at him because of the fight with Jake. He grabs my wrists, not in harsh way or a mean way, just so I don't run away. His eyes are pleading with me to tell him.  "I saw her and R- some other guy... in the bathroom this week." I say shaking my head. 


"What other guy?" he asks. 


"I.. I don't know who it was." I lie, not wanting to drag Robbie into this. He lets go of my hands, and he steps away.  "I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry." I say, god I'm a slut and a bitch. I walk away, and go back to my room. Pacing in a circle, I realize I'm not going to get any sleep. I'm going to pace and rant in my head for hours on end.  I ignore my phone that rings three times, and I just go with the flow as I clean my room and re-organize my closet and dresser. 


"Paige!? I know you're in there!" Carmen's high pitched angery voice yells on the other side. then she pounds on the door, and that's what makes me jump not her high pithed yelling. I stop cleaning, and I freeze staring at my door. Oh shit.  "Let me in right this damn second!" 


"You're going to wake up the people in China!" I say opening the door. "What?"


"What did you tell Wyatt?" She demands, getting right up in my face. 


"It was an accident it slipped out... I didn't mean to tell him." I say shaking my head trying to wrap everything in and get it out. 


"What on earth did you see?!" She asks. 


"You and Robbie in the fucking bathroom at school!" I yell, so much for keeping everything quiet. 


"What were you doing in the boys bathroom?" I laugh at her. Out of all the things she could say or ask that's it! Nothing about why I didn't come to her first, or why I told Wyatt.  


"I stumbled in there... no reason, I was hiding from people that's not the point! What were you doing with Robbie? What were you doing with Robbie when you have a boy friend?!" 


"Robbie needed to let off steam.. he always come to me. Especially when it's you he is upset with. What did you do to upset him this time huh? It's what the... ninth time he's came to me this year." She tries to rub it in my face. 


"I don't care how many times you two were fucking each other! I care that you hurt someone you supposedly cared about!" 


"What about Robbie, Paige? Huh? You're been leading him on for years since middle school." 


"I have not!" I say, and my anger doubles. In middle school yeah I flirted with him, but it stopped when he showed no interest in me. I  know I haven't lead him on at all, if anything I've told him off! "What ever.. you two have fun. I'm done with you're shit." I say I can't deal with this anymore. I'm so used to a drama free life, that all of this crap is hard for me to handle. I'm normally calm and good at working out problems, but recently that has changed. 


"What ever." She sneers and then she slams my door.  I grab my pillow and scream into it. I leave my room, wanting air, but not wanting to be on campous. I go to the head house where the night guards are... yes we have night guards that way kids don't sneak off campous.. they never bust parties though.  I ask if I can go out and do some shopping they of course have no problems with it, they know I'm a good kid.  At least some people think I am. 

Chapter 34- Eye Opener

Paige's POV


Sitting in the park at night isn't as bad as some people think. Yeah, it's dark, and some what creepy... but it is also nice and relaxing. Know one else is here, it's quiet, I don't need to worry about being seen or being talked to or yelled at. Although sitting here... without anyone to talk to and no music is some what tiring. I'm just watching as cars drive by or stray animal floats by. I lay back, letting out a yawn. I should've went someone where I could talk to someone. I should've went to Mr. Parker... but then again I don't want him knowing about the whole Jake thing. What would he think of me? I know I wouldn't keep the respect he has for me if he knew... but keeping it bottle up is that any better?....



Jake's POV



I set my pencil down on my desk, and rub my eye. I can't focus on my homework, especially history right now. Paige and I had a fight. I said some pretty cruel things, and she walked out. That's the first time a girl has walked out on me like that. I don't like the feeling it gives me at all. I don't understand what's happening though. Her and Jason or her and me? They have a past. Not really I guess it's just one kiss. But that makes it all worse for me. Jason knows Paige as held an attraction for him, he knows how to bend and work that to his advantage. He is here for her. He is here to ruin my life by taking her. Although... I'm also pushing her away, thus ruining my own life.  


Looking back down at my history that is still untouched, I sigh, I need to fix this. I'm mad at myself for comparing her to the other girls, I never ever would rank them together. Paige is a completly new ball game for me and I don't know how to handle her. She came here wanting something... what I don't know, so I go and talk to her. I get up throwing a shirt on and my shoes. I open my door, and Mr. Parker is there holding up his hand ready to knock.


"Jake." He greets, and his eyes scan the room behind me.


"Mr. Parker?" I ask, moving so he can see inside better. If it's some drug check he ain't gonna find any. "Do you need something?"


"Not from you know... just looking." he sighs, I glance at my clock. It's 2:32 in the morning. Whoa! Damn Paige is probably sleeping... Wait. What is he looking for at this time in the morning?


"For?"  I ask, since he thinks he'd find it in my room.


"Ms. Easton." He says, "I checked with her friends already none of them have seen her." He sighs, my chest tightens. "Well, I didn't mean to  bother you.." he says turning.


"Where is she?" I ask. "I can help look... if you want. I was going to go for a run anyways."


"No it's fine. We've already got half the security team and your brother looking." He says, and then he is going downstairs. Jason's looking for her. Yeah, I'm going. I follow behind him, he didn't tell me I couldn't. I stay with Mr. Parker and we walk around school grounds searching for her.  Apparently Jason went off campous, and the guards are out drving around for her. We haven't ever had a missing student before, and the fact that it's Paige is bad. God I hope she is okay, and that it's not my faul. Even though it is my fault. I said some nastly things, I pushed her to far. 


After two hours of finding nothing, we stop at the dinner. Mr. Parker wants coffee. We sit at the bar, it's now four so it's open so teachers can come in and get coffee and breakfast. Also track runners and people how go to the gym early come in.


"What's Jake Lincoln doing up this early?" Trevor ask,  smirking at me. He is one of the guys in the group.. it's a reall big group. I don't want to tell him that I'm trying to help find a missing person, especially with him being the guy who gets all the shit and spreads it. It's how I stay up to pace.  


"Project." Mr. Parker sighs, " Can I get some coffee to go." He adds, ending he conversation there. Trevor roles his eyes walking away to get coffee.  "Why are you helping?" he asks, looking at me.


"She stopped by room... around seven for a session. We got into a spat you could say, and she stormed out." I say, changing the story slightly. "I feel bad."


"What did you fight about?" He asks his interest peeked.


"Homework." I sigh. He shakes his head. "She a good person... she's been very nice and helpful... I just want to pay her back some how I guess."


"That's awfully gentlemanly of you." He says, "Yeah.. she is a good person though."


"You've known her since she was little... or younger I mean right?" I ask.


"Yeah. Her brother and I are good friends. Why?" He asks paying for his drink.


"Jason... he was too wasn't he?" I ask, he nods trying to figure out where I am going with the questions. I'm unsure myself. "So... he's meet her before... he knows her."


"Yeah... they always had a jokster type relationship. Then he switched colleges or something like that... hadn't seen much of him until recently." He explains. "Why?"


"I just saw them walking together earlier today right after school... and I thought it was weird.. that's all." I say and we leave the building. Just as some guards pull up. 


"Jason got her." He says, and we hop into the car to meet him. He has to bring her to the nurses building. When we pull up I see Jason's car. I get out looking up at the building, and Jason's there carrying her bridal style. Jealously flares inside me. We walk towards him, as the door opens and a nurse comes out.


"She's just sleeping... but she's pretty cold."  Jason says to the nurse.


"Well... would you please bring her to the room three doors down and to the left." she  sighs, writing on a clip board.  We follow Jason in as I can take my eyes off the way he is holding her as if she'll break fragile as a feather. Her head snuggled into the crook in his neck. Once he lays her down, he backs off right away and comes out of the room by us.


"Where'd you find her?" Mr. Parker asks.


"She fall asleep on a park bench." He sighs, scratching his chin. "I woke her up for a minute, she said she wanted to be alone, and then she fell right back asleep. I put her in the car and came here." he tells his story. 


"That's so unlike her... she is more responisble then that." Mr. Parker shakes his head.


"She's a teenage girl Austin... bound to need a break at some time." Jason sighs, then he notices me. "Hey little bro.. what are you doing?"


"I was helping." I say. "Now that she is found though I'm gonna go back." I wave to them and head outside the building. I get back to my room but don't do any sleeping. Tonight  showed me something. I do care, I want her safe and protected. I don't want her hating me, I want her to always be happy with me. 


I don't want to see her in Jason's arm. 

Chapter 35- Business

Paige's POV


I feel like I'm sitting in a hot tub. Opening my eyes, I blink at how heavy they feel. I wipe a hand across my forehead, I'm sweating. Sitting up and pushing away the seven layers of blankets covering me, I get up and tip toe towards the bathroom. I hate the nurses office. I not sure how I got here, I should be..... at the park. I don't remember coming back from the park. No wait... some one woke me up.. Jason. Right? Jason brought me back. I'd assume. Once I finish withwashing my face, there isn't a shower in here so I can't just do that, I leave the bathroom and one of nurse is in the room. 


"How are you feeling Paige?" she asks, smiling at me. God it's like ten in the afternoon! School! No, it's Saturday. 


"Gross and sweaty." I reply, and then a yawn pops out as well. "And tired." I add. 


"Yes, well I assume sleeping on a park bench isn't exactly the best way to rest." She sighs, and I bite my tongue from firing back a nasty remark. I'm irratable when I'm over tired. "Well now that you are awake you're free to go to your room... sign here." She passes over the clipboard, I sign my name and leave without a second thought. I walk back to my dorm, and shower right away getting rid of the hospital like smell. While changing into shorts and a shirt there is a knock at my door. I throw on a tank top, and pull the towel off my head. 


"Hello?"  I open the door, Jason is leaning against the frame my car keys in his hand. "You went and got my car, how nice of you!" I say, grabbing my keys from him. 


"Yeah.. now I wont have to do anything nice for a while.. this filled my quota for the next like three months." He smiles, and I giggle. "So... sleeping on a park bench..." He says not really asking but obviously wondering. 


"I wanted fresh air... off campous. I guess I just fell asleep." I let him in, and toss my keys on my desk. I kick the two towels I just used into the bathroom and close the door. That's the only thing that was dirty in my room, I cleaned it like thirty times yesterday.  "Thanks for finding me though.." I say.


"You remember?" he asks, picking up a picture frame that has a photo of Patrick and I in it. 


"I remember you waking me up... but nothing after that." I admit, sitting at my desk chair. "Anyways... I'm hungry, and since I don't have to go get my car anymore, I'll just eat he-"


"At the dinner." Jason interupts. I look him in confusion. Why would I go to the dinner? I can just styaing here and it powdered donuts all day! "Austin wants to talk to you.. he is downstairs actually. We came to get you." 


"Why?" I sit up, gosh to they think I'm on some bender now? "I'm not trying to kill myself or anything I swear. I'm not depressed." He just laughs, and I stand up walking over to my dresser. Throwing on a sweat shirt, and stretching out my shoulders. 


"Actually about Jake." He says, and he stops there a minute. I look at him, and he is looking at me. He wants to know my reaction. 


"Tutoring?" I ask, turning away and putting on socks and tyig my shoes. Nice lazy day. Most of my days are lazy days. 


"Yeah."  he replies, and then we head out meeting Mr. Parker outside in his car. I slide into the back seat, while the other two sit in the front. I get some weird looks on the short drive. Being in Mr. Parker's car with Jason also in here too. People already have rumors about Mr. Parker and I, I don't need more with Jason in them. Including Jason has a reputation here already. I still can't believe I didn't put two and two together to figure out that Jason was Jake's brother. It's almost depressing how I didn't figure it out. We all go and take a seat at the both in the corner. I tell them I need hot chocolate before we start getting into any serious conversation. Hot chocolate is like my coffee.  


We keep conversation light, nothing about Jake and tutoring is brought up until after we have ordered our food. In which I got a fruit pancake with a half order of biscuits and gravy. It's a lot of food but I'm hungry, and I can save half my pancake for later tonight! I taking another sip from my hot chocolate and swiping my finger through throught the whipped cream on top, I look up at the other two sitting across from me. They're both watching me. 


"What?" I ask, sitting up. "I'm hungry!" I say defending myself. Jason just chuckles and Austin shakes his head. "So.. are we gonna talk about this tutoring thing or not." I swipe my finger through the whipped cream one more time. I grab my spoon then and mix the rest of it into the drink.  When neither of them says anything, I sit up again looking from the two of them. Something is wrong here.  "You didn't bring me here to talk to me about tutoring did you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 


"No, not tutoring." Austin begins. I lean back, crossing my arms. Is this about the park insident? "Now... just hear me out." he adds. 


"I'm fine. I swear... I didn't mean to fall asleep." I begin trying to explain what happened, even though I'm unsure myself. I never would've just fallen asleep there, I know better. I'm not stupid. 


"What happened in Jake's dorm?" He asks, "The little spat?"  I sit up, again all the air is out of my lungs. God he knows Jake and I got into a fight? Does that mean he knows what it was about too? Oh god! 


"Umm... that... I..." What on earth do I say? What does he know? Jason is here too, why? What does he have to do with this!? 


"Has he been listening to you properly? He said you stormed out after arguing over homework." Mr. Parker says. I feel a small smile come to me, and I relax my shoulders. Good, they know nothing. 


"Yeah, he's been alright... it was just last night.. rough night I guess." I lean back, and then our food comes! I stare at my biscuits and gravy they look heavenly and my strawberry pancakes look godly! "Thank you!" I say then she walks away.  Grabbing my fork I eat all the extra gravy around the biscuits first, yes I know gravy is bad for you and very fattening but it's so good! Then I take a couple bites from my pancakes. Jason got an omlet that has bacon, sausage, cheese, mushrooms, and onions in it with hasbrowns. Austin got french toast with sausage patties. 


"Are you sure you want to keep up the tutoring thing... it's not getting to you at all?" Mr. Parker asks. I almost choke on a bite of biscuits with gravy. He's implying that Jake is starting to get to me and I'm cracking under pressure. I wipe my mouth with my napkin, shaking my head. 


"I'm not cracking... don't worry..." I say, "Besides why would he be interested anyways.. I've heard he's got some college girlfriend." I take a drink, of my hot chocolate. "You know anything about that?" I look at Jason. He shakes his head intrigued. 


"Girlfriend even?" He asks, leaning over the table slightly. I remember Jake telling me that Jason like to steal his girlfriends. Maybe this will keep Jason entertained enough to not realize there is anything with Jake and me... although now I don't think there is anything between us. 


"That's what I heard... they meet at a party a while ago." I cut up some more pancake. "Apparently they've been together for a couple months even... but obviously he's cheated on her... I mean it's Jake..." I add. I'll have to let Jake know I said this stuff.  "Don't quote me though... I haven't actually seen her or heard him talk about her though..."  


"Interesting..." Jason leans back, picking at his hashbrowns.


"Yeah... they're probably just benefit buddies." I end the conversation, and take the last bite of biscuits and gravy. I have half of a fruint pancake left as well I'll need a box for that because I'm overly stuffed.   


"Anyways..." Mr. Parker says, after a couple moments of silence. "His grade is already going up, so I do have to say you're doing a good job."  I nod, of course I am. Although the past couple days have kind of slipped by in not doing any work. I pull out my phone, sending him a quick text telling him to work on his homework. We sit and chat awhile finishing our drinks and just catching up. It's been a whlie since the three of us have been able to talk together like this. These two were also my favorites out of Pat's friends, and it's because they're to most fun. Even though Mr. Parker is a teacher he is still a lot of fun.  Jason is still Jason... although he too has a teaching degree. 


"You're giving me a ride back right?" I ask, taking the last sip of my hot chocolate. I really don't want to walk back to my dorm. 


"I can." Mr. Parker replies, as Jason pays. He insisted. We chat a while longer, talking about baseball season and me maybe being a manager. Also about the play performance tomorrow, that I'm not looking forward to. I'm going to have to see and be around both Jake and Robbie. I can already tell that's going to go over great. A phone start ringing, and Mr. Parker pulls his out. He answers it with a sigh not to happy. "Yeah.. no no trouble at all... Of course, I'll get right to that. Bye." He hangs up, his phone and rubs his eyes. "I have to go. There is some meeting I'm needed at." he sighs, and slips out of the booth. 


"Have fun." I wave, now I'm going to have to walk home.


"I'll walk her home.." Jason says stretching his arms. Then Mr. Parker waves and hurries out the door. "Ready?" He asks me. 


"I don't needa babysitter... I'm not gonna just up and disapear again." I get up, but that is all I say about it. No use arguing with him, I know him to good. Him and Jake are both stubborn now that I think about it. In different ways yes, but they are a lot more alike then they think. Even in the looks they strong jaw and sleek cheek bones. Slightly curled blonde hair. Of course Jake's hair is a lighter blonde and his is also longer. I love Jake's hair. I don't know what it is either, I just really really like it. I also really like his stomach.. but what girl wouldn't? Strong and sculpted to perfection like that. I didn't realize people could actually look like that, especially non movie stars. 


"What are you drooling about?" Jason breaks into my day dream of Jake. I clear away my thoughts, and look at the ground feeling heat rushing to my face. "You were thinking about me weren't ya? It's okay... it happens to everyone." He laughs, knudging me gently. I just giggle a little, and smile. I was thinking about Jake. Drooling over him practically. God, I really am gonna have the worst time with this. 


"No." I say after a second, "Thinking about my pancakes." I hold up the to go box. He just chuckles, and we move on to baseball. He really wants me to be the manager for some reason. I could do it, I just don't know if I should. Robbie and I are fighting. Jake and I are... well I have no idea... Wyatt, the only other person on the team I've talked to, probably hates me from telling him about Carmen. I'd be left with Jason. That's not horrible, but it's not great either. 


"Just think about it? I don't want to get stuck with someone wo doesn't know what they're doing. Also yeah, we know each other so it wouldn't be weird." He says, I nod he is right. 


"I'll think about it." I give in to that request, he thanks me and moves on not pushing the subject. I can see my dorm up ahead. Time flies while you have someone to talk to and something to talk about.  "Well... thanks for walking me back." I glance at the parking lot for my car. My mood does a three sixty when I see Robbie's car next to mine, but I don't see him. He is at the wrong dorm if he is looking for Carmen. 


"No problem... hey you still have to show me so more moves by the way. I'm waiting for my next class!" He smiles with a wave, and then keeps walking past my dorm. I stand on the stairs watching him a moment as he walks away. I go inside roling my shoulders trying to relax them. 


"We are talking." Robbie comes around the corner from the rec room. He scared me, and I almost dropped my pancakes.  "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He adds.  I stare sternly at him, but I know I'm not getting out of this. 


"Let me put this in the fridge." I walk around him, so much for relaxing. We're both quiet until we're in my room, and then he launches into a lecture about me falling asleep on a park bench. How did he even find out? Why am I being lectured by him!?  "Oh shut up.. I heard it all already from Austin and Jason." I sit on my bed shoving my hair over my shoulder. 


"Austin and Jason? You mean Mr. Parker and Mr. Lincoln." He says, and I role my eyes.  "What were you thinking? You could've been kidnapped or murdered!" He sits next to me. 


"I don't know... what were you thinking while screwing Carmen in the schol bathroom?" I ask, laying back. That shut him up just like I thought it would. "Including you've done it multiple times before so.. it must be... fun." I add my attitude spiking. 


"Paige don't be like this." He sighs, turning he head to look at me. 


"Be like what?" I sit up.


"Jealous." He replies, and I laugh. Jealous he thinks I'm jealous. No I'm mad for being lied too, and I'll admit I'm more mad at Carmen because she cheated on Wyatt, but Robbie asked her, and Robbie was the one who also did the cheating. 


"You wish I was jealous." I stand up moving away from him. It's true though he probably does wish I was jealous. He does like me.  "I'm disapointed." I turn around crossing my arms and facing him.  He stands up running a hand through his hair, and looking around my room. "Why would you go to Carmen? She has a boyfriend... and it's Carmen I though you two didn't get along." 


"We don't... and that's why it works." He sighs. 


"Ah.. nevermind I don't want to know anything..." I hold up a hand. For some reason what he just said gives me the shiver and I don't want to hear anymore. "I'll see you later." I say, leaving him in my room. I walk downstiars and outside, I left him in my room. I go around back and sit in one of the lounge chairs.  I should've just made him leave... I don't know why I didn't. I run a hand through my hair now. 


"May I join you?" I recognize Jake's voice without actually seeing him. 


"Wont you do it anyways?" I sigh, looking up at him. 


"Maybe." He says, and it makes me smile but looking at him wipes it away.. He looks tired and almost kind of sick. 


"Are you okay?" I ask standing up. He doesn't look good at all, I take a couple steps towards him, just so I can get a better look. "You don't look to good." I say, wipes his left hand across his forehead and shrugs his shoulders. 


"I'm just tired I'm sure." he says. "So... how are you?' He asks, I can tell he doesn't mean hows my day going. He wants to know if I'm mad at him for what he said yesterday. 


"I'm fine." I say, still unsure how I feel about what happened between us. I watch him closely, as he binks taking in a breath he really doesn't look good. "Jake, are you sure you're okay?" I ask, taking another small steps towards him. 


"I'm okay." He sighs, "I want to know about you. I didn't mean any of the things I said... I just... Jason and you have-"


"Jason and I have been friends for awhile. That's it." I asure him. "I'm sorry about the other too... I was a bitch." I take the couple more steps towards him. He looks like he is about to fall over, but I don't think he will. I practically force him to sit, and I pull another chair over and sit next to him. 


"You know I don't think you're like the others right?" He whispers I can hear panic laced in his voice, he eyes searching mine. It's another one of those rare times when I can see the little boy inside him. His shaggy blonde air falling just above his eyes, and his eyes shining. Here looking at him, I see something he does't normally show. He is scared and paniced. I don't know what about for sure, maybe it's about pissing me off again.  


"I don't want to be like them." I reply looking away, I look at the ground, and then glance in the window that leads to the kitchen. I look away and then look back. Oh. Well that's great. Anne is there looking out at us. Watching us. Thank god she can't hear us. By the look on her face though she isn't happy. "I ah... I wont be like them." I look away from Anne and I stand up stepping away from Jake. 


"Paige," He stands, and the panic in his voice is so loud it makes me for some reason wanto to reach other and tell him it's going to be okay. 


"Jake.. I can't do this anymore. I need to stay focused on school, and college." I say not giving him time to say anything else.  "You have baseball coming up... and besides... this wouldn't have lasted much longer for you anyways."  With that I walk away. Hopefully that puts at good terms, but not benefit buddies. I go inside, and Anne is there.


"You did the right thing." She says, and I just walk around her. I go back up to my room, and I see Robbie did leave. I sit on my bed, not tired but also not wanting to see anyone else.  I need to let off some steam, so I'm going to go gym again.

Chapter 36- Draining

Jake's POV


I seriously feel like shit. I'm tired and sweaty and clammy. My heads a little fuzzy feeling, I'm coming down with something. Going and seeing Paige helped at first, she even noticed I'm not doing to hot, but then out of know where she flipped and practically said she never wanted to talk to me again. That is making me feel worse. I think part of my sick probably in fact is all this going on with her, withdrawls almost. It's been two days and we have barely even talked to each other, and when we did talk we were fighting. I wanted to fix things with her, I was there to fix things with her. 


Now I'm laying on the floor in my room, because it's cold compared to my bed. I never get sick, that why this is so foreign to me. It is also why I think it has something to do with what's happening between Paige and I. I swipe the back of my hand across my forehead again, I'm not actually sweating but my body is radiating heat.  I role over onto my stomach, but that's even more uncomfortable I flip back over as my door squeeks open. I pull up my neck, checking to see who it is. I mumble swear words as Jason comes in making himself comfortable. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath I sit up. What does he want? I don't want  to talk to him, I don't want to see him. Although it gives me a semi calmed mind knowing he isn't with Paige.


"You don't look to good." He chuckles, and I just flip him off. "Oh no snarky comment? I guess Paige was right you really aren't feeling good." I look at him, Paige told him I was sick?


"What?" I ask standing up.


"Yeah... she called me about 20 minutes ago..." he says as if it's not a big deal... as if she called him all the time. He is just trying to get to me now. "Wanted to let me know you were sick and probably need some kind of medication."


She called him worried about me. It brings a slight smile to my face, as I lean against the wall looking out my closed window. I move the blinds, so I can see out. It's a nice bright sunny day out. The sun hurt my god damn eyes. Closing the blind I look away. Paige is right I probably will eventually need some thing, but I hate going to the nurse. Hospitals, nurses, doctors, it all kind of freaks me out.


"Well I'm fine its just a little bug, it'll be gone by school on Monday." I say, even though I'm not completely sure on it. I hope it will be gone by Monday.


"Yeah... I think you should stop by the nurse." He sighs.


"Oh now you're looking out for me? Because your little ... toy asked you to." I role my eyes, but I myself know she isn't his toy. He wants her to be, but she isn't. Which I can see on his face for a second, but then he clears it away.


"A girl like her isn't used as a toy." He says in a whisper, and I almost nod in agreement she isn't. She can hold her own, I would know. "You know I do actually care about you... is it really that surprising I want you get better?" He tries convincing me for a second. "Would you rather I say I want you better so I have a first base men for baseball?" He stands up now crossing his arms. That actually makes since. That would be a reason for him to want me to get better. 


"What ever I'll go if it gets worse." I tell him, he just shakes his head and leaves with out anything else. I get up and look out the window again waiting to see him come out. I lay down on my bed once I see him get in his car and drive off. I doze in out for the rest of the day, liking all the sleep. 




I shoot out of bed, and look at my door. It sounds like someone broke in, but no one is there. As my sense come together I hear the pounding music and who ever knocking on my door. I get up glancing at reflection quickly, I still look terrible. I open the door slightly, and see Anne standing there. The music only makes my head even worse, and Anne steps back seeing that I'm obviously sick. 


"You don't look to good." She says, and I just nod. I had a snarky comment, but I don't feel like getting into it now with her especially.  "Need someone to make you feel better?" She asks, stepping closer, even  closer then what she was before. 


"Ah... no." I say, and her facial expression drops. I don't know why she keeps coming back to me, I've told her no like 50 times and it's starting to get on my nerves. But I can't be to mean... her dad is the principle.  "Now... I don't mean to be rude, but I seriously feel like shit." 


"You look it." She says. "Are you sure you don't need anything? Like tylenol even?" She offers.


"I'm good." I say, she gives me a goodbye smiles and turns away. I close the door. I check my phone, and I see Wyatt as been trying to get ahold of me all day. Asking about a party, I toss my phone onto my bed. There is no way I'll be able to get back to sleep with the music. But sleep is what I need. Well I'm sure I need to go to the nurse, because I am only getting worse, and now I'm getting a stuffy nose and my head is getting worse with every second. I throw on sweat pants and and sweat shirt. I'm gonna go stay at Jason's cabin thing. Although if he is there he'll make me go the nurses building. I sneak out of my room with out any one stopping me, everything is in full blast, so no one really paif me any attention. 


Getting into my car, I drive to Jason's place but it's locked. I mumble more swear words, wondering why he locks his door. I get back in my car where can I go that will be quiet. Other then the nurses building. My mind wonders to Paige, but she might be at the party and if she isn't she would probably also send me to the nurse. Where else would I go? Where else could I go?


Going down the stairs at my dorm was pretty easy, but up the three flight to her room actually tired me out. I don't do sick, at all this is giving me hell. I hold my arm out pressing my palm against the wall next to her door to help keep me up God, I feel like I'm drugged. I knock with my other hand, and it only a couple seconds before the door opens. 


"Yeah?" she asks, "Oh. Jake?" She says, "Oh wow... hey you need to go to the nurse." She says right away. I shake my head. She opens the door more letting me inside. 


"I'm sorry, I just wasn't going to get any rest at my place.. I checked to see if I could stay at Jason's but he wasn't there." I say already even losing my voice. Jesus I'm having symptoms for multiple freaking sickneses! 


"I'm taking you to the nurse." She says leaving the door open, she grabs her keys and pushes me out of her room.  I just came up the goddamn stairs too. She keeps a hold of my arm, until she has me sitting in her car. Then she gets in next to me.  "I can't believe you didn't go see the nurse. I told Jason to make you go." She says driving. 


"You told Jason I was sick." I say, and my smie comes back. I look over at her, and her eyes flick towards mine for a second then they're back on the road. 


"Yes." She replies. "You're... and you need to see the nurse." 


"You're worried about me." I add, and she glances at me again. 


"Yes." She sighs. Then the car stops and we're there already. She gets out, and gets me out of the car. 


"Can I just go back to your dorm... let me sleep.. it'll go away." I say. The closer we actually get to the building the faster my heart races. 


"Oh stop it... your being a baby... are scared of hospi- awww Jake you're scared of hospitals?" She pauses a minute. 


"Not the time.." I shake my head. 


"Yeah you're right." Then she started moving again, and we're inside the building.  "Do you need me to stay with you?" She asks. 


"Please." I say grabbing her now before she can get away. I don't want to be here by myself." 


"Okay.." She says, I let go of her. The nurse goes through checking all my vitals and then the appointment gets more into my actually problem, she gives me a strep throat test, already ruling out the common cold. Time passes, and Paige stays, sitting next to me. We chat about the play, not bringing up anything about earlier. Although the awkwardness is in the air, I don't care. She is here, she is worried and wants to know what's wrong just as much as I do.  


"You look tired... are you sure you don't just want to stay here tonight?  It's already eleven anyways." She says, getting up from her chair. She walks over to the painting across the room looking at it. 


"I'd prefer to not stay here." I yawn, but she is right I'm tired as hell. We've been in here about 20 minutes now by ourselves the nurse is still running some tests. 


"You need to sleep, Jake." She scolds, leaning against the wall. She's tired as well, I close my eyes  knowing I should tell her to just go and sleep. I don't want to get her sick too. 


"You can go... I'll be okay. Go sleep." I say, and she glances at me from across the room. 


"No," she moves away from the wall, walking back to her chair. "I told you I would stay, so I will. I feel bad for practically forcing you to come here especially since you don't like it." She laughs at me and my fear. "You can still sleep though, I wont leave."


"Yeah but what would you do then? Cause I mean.. not that I have a problem with you looking at me.. but watching me sleep..?" He lean bak laying my head against the wall, thinking about Paige watching me sleep gives me both good and weird feelings. Mostly weird, but in some ways it's romantic you could say. I flip the roles in my head, if Paige was sleeping and I was in the room, I'm sure I'd be fascinated to watch her. That's creepy, but true. I peek down at her now sitting next to me again, she is looking down at her phone reading something. I close my eyes looking away, it's not my business.


"I wouldn't watch you sleep..." She finally replies, and it makes me chuckle she is couple minutes late on the response.  "What?" 


"Oh come on... you'd probably pull up a chair and watching intently." I joke, and she just shakes her head at me. 


"That sounds more like you." She sighs, and her phone starts ringing. It's Mrs. Oliver's contact. Why on earth is she calling her this late? Paige stands again, but doesn't leave the room. She faces the wall across from us though so I can't see her face. Hmmm...? I listen, to her and so far she hasn't done move talking other then saying hello and yes I got the message.  After a couple more minutes of Paige saying she doesn't know for sure, I finally get a clue to what they're talking about. A college visit, I'm surprised Paige doesn't want to go, but then again if it's something Mrs. Oliver set up it's probably something to do with art which she is good at and likes doing, but for her career I don't think so.


After another couple minutes they say there goodbyes, and Paige sits back down. I can this is stressing her out. 


"I think you should go." I say, and she looks up at me. "Even if it's not what you want to do... you know look at options." I shrug my shoulders. 


"Yeah.. but Juilliard, that is some serious stuff." She looks away and at the phone in her hand. "Mrs. Oliver's aunt teaches there apparently, and Mrs. Oliver sent her a video of all my performances so far. I might get a scholarship." 


"That's awesome Paige." I sit up. That is huge, that isn't something that happens everyday. Juilliard offering a scholarship...  I didn't think that did happen.  "You need to go... you might be surprised and actually like it." I knudge her gently. She lets out a breath and nods. 


"I leave in the morning." She says now looking at me. "The flight is already booked actually. Mrs. Oliver said she would drag me if she had too."  I smile happy she is going, but if she is going to go in the morning she needs sleep. 


"You should go get some sleep then."  I say, she shakes her head. 


"I'll sleep on the pla-" the nurse comes back in. We both sit up ready for some answers. 




"Hey at least you didn't have to stay there all night." Paige says, walking with me back to my dorm. The nurse told her to make sure I get to my room, take my medicine and go to sleep. It's now 12:11, and the party is starting to die out, which is surprising. We get noticed by a couple of the guys, and they just wink at me. I shake my head at them.  Paige ignores them, or maybe she doesn't see them.  "Jeepers, it's a bit early for a party to be ending." She does notice that though. 


Once she has me in my room, she acts like my mother sitting me on my bed. Then she runs to my bathroom getting my water, and offerin it to me for my dumb pill. Apparently, I'm getting mono. Which is highly contagious I'm pretty sure yet Paige is still helping me. She forces me to lay down, and then she grabs a couple things from my desk.  Laying what looks like my phone and a bottle of tylenol on my night stand, she smiles down at me. 


"Are you gonna be okay now?" She asks. 


"Of course." I say.


"Call me if you need anything."  She says, and I nod. "I'm gonna go then." 


"Thank you." I say, as she opens the door. 


"Anytime." Then she is gone, and I let sleep take me.




Having Mono sucks ass. I can't do anything, no school, no hanging out witht the guys, no practicing for baseball, no nothing. Jason and Wyat stop by and check on me frequently, which bugs me more. Wyatt does keep me up to date with every thing going on outside my dorm room though, I guess that is a plus. It's been three days though, and I'm getting stir crazy. I've almost called Paige to see if she would come and just keep me company, she is in fact the only company I actually want, but I don't want to bother her. I do wonder how her Juilliard visit went. I do also wonder why she hasn't gotten ahold of me, I thought she would've even just a text but she hasn't. 


I get up making my way to the kitchen, downstairs. It's Wednesday and school is still in for another hour. I grab food, and go back to my room being sure to not touch to much. I of course washed my hands before I left my room ever and I only touch the fridge door handle, and the container grapes. But I plan on eating them all anyways. Having Mono over a common cold is a somewhat good thing in ways, I'm getting plenty of sleep. I also have been drinking lots of water, compared to the amount I already was drinking, annd eating lots of fruit and vegies.  Gotta make sure I stay healthy for when I'm not sick anymore. I get back up to my room, and I pull some grapes from the vine and open up my compuer, checking my email for homework. When I see all I have is a history assignment, I turn it off and put my lap top back on the desk. It just made me think of Paige. God not knowing where we stand is horrible. I'm sure it's adding stress, and that's bad. 


I flick through channels on my tv for a while, deciding on not going back to sleep. I've slept almost all day yesterday I should do a little bit more today. There is a knock on my door, and Jason comes in.  


"He is alive!" He jokes, and I just nod. Not wanting to get a conversation going. I still don't know for sure what's going on with him either. "Well, I'm happy to see you aren't sleeping. You're eating too that's good." 


"Yeah.. I'm not dead." I say looking away from the Tv and over to him. "Hows life? School?" I sit up, wanting to move on to a different topic other then me. He sits in my desk chair, and spins arond in a circle twice. I role my eyes, he has to think about it. 


"Not much really... Baseball stil hasn't officially started... the play is still postponed... everythings been normal." He sighs stopping when he is facing me. 


"Postponed? Still?" I ask, popping a grape into my mouth. "I thought they had the double for me?" 


"Well... yeah for you... but not for Paige.. or the director." He laughs, and now I'm lost. "Mrs. Oliver took Paige somewhere a couple days ago, they aren't getting back until  like friday night." 


"Oh... she is still at Juilliard." I sigh, and that explains it. Now I feel a bit better. I wonder why they're staying there for a week though. That's a long visit.


"Juilliard?" Jason ars his eyebrow. I nod, happy he didn't know. 


"Apparently they might offer her a scholarship or something." I say. Jason leans back again, thinking about it.  "She told me about it at the hospital."


"She was at the hospital with you?.. Now it makes sense why you went there. Let me guess she dragged you?" He sighs standing up. 


"Practically." I sigh, but I can tell he sense something about all of this. 


"Well it's nice knowing she is looking out for you..." he sighs. "She's a good person." I nod she is. "She's a good looking person."  I nod again. He knows already that I think she is hot, I mean who wouldn't. "Why don't you go for it then?" He asks his interest peeked. 


"Because, she is my tutor, and the musical, and Mr. Parker told me he would fail me if I even tried." 


"Aren't you failing already?" 


"Yes, but I decided to stay on his semi good side." I reply. "Anyways, she's a hard shell to crack, I've tried a little bit." 


"Hmmm... well I guess I'll let you get back to... what ever you were doing." he says, and I say goodbye.  I let out a breath hoping he still thinks Paige and I have no connection at all. Paige and I need to sort things out. I need to talk to her and explain. Once she gets back I'll hopefully be  all better and we can finally work this out  this weekend. "Oh!" He pokes his head back inside. "I almost forgot to tell you... Saturday I'm taking to team on a trip... but you still aren't feeling good I'll leave you here." I just nod, wondering what kind of trip he would be taking to team on.


Laying down, after twenty minutes of nothign being on tv, I go back to sleep, wanting the week to zoom by.

Chapter 37- Abruptness

Paige's POV


I don't think I've ever gotten out of a car so fast in my life. Once the taxi brough Mrs. Oliver and I back to school grounds I took off.  I mean the whole plane ride back from New York she just talked about how much I'd love it there. Which yeah I'm sure I would, the visit was great. Of course my week in New york was clouded by thoughts about Jake and if he was getting better or not. I still know I don't want to go to school for the arts, but I still think I would like it at Juilliard. I of course tottally forgot to grab a phone charger too, so I haven't had my phone for the past couple days to text him either. Now I plug in my phone, and grab my car keys. 


It's a friday night and his dorm is dead, lights off and everything. Either there is a party somewhere else or everyone is already sleeping. It is eleven though, maybe there is something they plan on doing in the morning. Shoot, Jake might be sleeping... I don't want to bother him... maybe I should come back in the morning.


"Hello?"  I freeze oh shit. I better not get in trouble. But that voice isn't a teachers, in fact it's Jakes.


"Jake?" I turn and I can't help but smile. Big and bright, he is up and walking. Although I can't see good enough to see if he is better or not. "How are you feeling? Better I hope... where is everyone?" A light flicks on and I blink adjusting my eyes to the bright light.  


"I'm good." He says, looking around. He look into the kitchen and rec room. "I guess there was some party or something... or maybe they all went on that trip." He shrugs his shoulders. I'm almost ticked off that he isn't happy to see me, I mean I rush over here to see him. I shrug it off, I can tell he still isn't feeling to good, and I'm assuming he is mad because he wasn't a loud to go on this trip he is talking about. 


"I see..." I say, now unsure what to do. "I came here to see how you were doing..." I add, everything is slightly awkward now.  "Ah.. what trip are you talking about?" I make conversation, not wanting to  go back to my dorm. I slept on the plane ride, so I'm not tired. I shouldn't keep him up though. 


"Jason was able to get a trip lined up to go watch some major league game... open to the whole school. The game is in the morning, but they left earlier today." He roles his eyes, and it makes me smile. Jake just isn't a big fan of his brother.  


"Ah.." Now things are awkward. Again we aren't on good terms, things between us are like a rollercoaster. Right now we're in the middle of a ruff patch, and so we are unsure around each other.  "Well, I guess now that I've seen you.. I know you're okay.. I'll let you get back to what ever you were going to do." I finally give up on getting a nice civil conversation going. 


"Thanks for checking in..." He sighs as I turn for the door, "You could've just texted." he adds. The way he said that last sentence make me stop. It gets my brain thinking. He's mad at me for not texting him! I don't know if I should be mad or happy. A giggle leaves me, and I smile turning back towards him.


"My phone died, I haven't had it for most of the trip. I can't believe you're mad because I didn't text you." I say, and it makes me smiles. He is such a little kid!  "Gosh that's so cute!" I laugh. 


"I sent you a couple texts wondering how your visit was... so I thought you were ignoring me." He sighs, and it just makes me laugh more.  "Are you like over tired or something?" He leans against the wall not finding any of this funny. 


"No..." I say,  trying to catch my breath. "I think I just got to much sleep. It's still funny though, you're just like a middle schooler mad at his little girl friend for not waving to him in the wall." I giggle. 


"Well... accept you're not my girlfriend." He grumbles, "Are you hungry?" He asks trying to change the subject. I jut nod trying to stop laughing. "I'll make food." He walks into the kitchen. I follow behind him, sitting at the table watching him as he looks in the pantry.  "What do you want?" he asks. 


"You're the cook.. you choose... I'll eat anything." I say finally calmed down. Then he decides on making alfredo, which is a plus, cause that actually sounds delightful!


We keep up small talk while he makes it, mostly about my visit. I'm dreading what happens when we actually eat though, I'm guessing that's when things will get more serious. What can I say to him? That I'm wildly attracted to him, but Anne has her territory marked? I highly doubt he cares abuot Anne, because I've heard she is the only girl he himself has turned down. But also, what if Robbie or Mr. Parker finds out Jake and I are messing around? They'd hate me! I couldn't deal with that. Well, I guess I could live if Robbie hated me.. I'm sure he is already close to it with the way I've been treating him. But Mr. Parker... he respects me, and messing around with Jake could ruin that. Then we also have the topic of his brother. Jason. I don't want to get in the middle of there fued. Jake thinks I'm why Jason is here, and that Jason is trying to get with me. Which might be true, but it wont happen. He is a teacher, we could both get in heeps of trouble. That's not even the worse reason either. The worst one, is that I don't like him like that... I like Jake like that. Also Jason is oe of Pat's friends, now way would I ever go there with his friends... other then that one god damn kiss with Jason that's now haunting me.


Once I have a plate in front of me, and he is seated across from me, all small talk is gone. Yup, we're both unsure how to communicate now. I grab my fork, but I don't want to take a bite until one of says something. Okay Paige.. think what can you say...?  


"Jake," I begin still not sure where I'm going, but sometihign needs said. "There is... and never will be anything between Jason and me. No matter how hard he tries..."


"You said the same thing about me." He leans back narrowing his eyes at me, I let out breath. He has a point. I take a small bite thinking about how to respond to that. Gosh, I squirm slightly in my chair under his sharp gaze.


"Yeah... well I can personally promise you... that wont happen." I say finally. "First, he is Patricks friend. Second, He is a teacher. Third, I like y-... I uh I've been talking to someone, and things are... intersting between the two of us." I say, looking away from him and down at my plate. 


"Who are you talking too?" He sits up, not sounding happy about it at all. He doesn't get that it's him. I think about it minute, maybe I should keep it that way. Beside if he knew I like liked him what would he do? Just offer to benefit buddies again? I don't want that... I want a relationship. "Do I know him?" 


"Ah... no." I say, what else should I say about this person? "Why so interested?" I take another bite, and he finally takes his first bite. 


"Just wondering... I do want you to be safe... I'm not that heartless." he sighs. "Does he go to school here?" I smile dont at my plate,  this will really bug him. 


"No." I glance at him, he is thinking hard about something. Probably trying to remember any names I've mentioned or something. "Anyways... So, from now on I hope you wont worry about Jason.." 


"Is it someone you meet at Juilliard?" He questions, and it stops me a minute. Why does it bother him so much?  "It is. You just met the guy and you're already thinking about dating him?" He has totally forgotten his food I can tell.  "Long distance and everything... I don't know how that would work." he says. 


"It's none of your business." I say, trying to change the subject. "You should eat." I point at his food. "I can tell you still aren't a hundred percent you yet."


"How would you know?" He inquires, taking a small bite.


"Because you would've went on the trip other wise... met some girl to bring back to your hotel room... or even had a girl here tonight.." I say as if it's common sense. Which it is, but lately that whole common sense line has been cross and blurred a couple times. "You have a reputation to keep up... which is why I don't understnad why you're still talking to me...other then tutoring." 


"What if I didn't want that reputation?" He asks, laying his arms on the table. That stops me. How do I reply? I mean, what should I say?  What if is the hook in that question meaning what if he does want that reputation or what if he doesn't care or what if the god damn earth melts and we all die. Yeah... what if means a lot. 


"Well... you're to far in now.." I say, and by the look on his face he knows that. "So what? It's not like you want to change it anyways.." I lean back twirling my fork through the noodles. 


"My mom thinks I'm just acting out... that it's a phase." He sighs, now leaning back to. 


"Is she right?" I ask, now my interest is peeked. I mean he wasn't like this his freshman year...


"I don't know... she also thinks that I'm soul searching.. my mother is something else." He shakes his head, but smiles slightly. It makes me smile remembering the diner at his house. I remember how he treated his mother, and he said he loved her and hugged her. 


"Soul searching..?" I ask, not sure what that's supposed to mean. 


"Yeah... I don't know... something about finding the my the elusive one for me. She believes in that kind of stuff." He takes another bite of his food. Thsi topic makes my head buzz. The one... like a soul mate. 


"Do you believe in that kind of stuff?" I ask, looking away as if I'm not really listening much. 


"I didn't... until recently." He sighs. 


"What changed your mind?" 


"Hmmmm.... I guess life... they way things have been going lately." 




"Like, you."  I look up at him, what does that mean?! "Are you seriously talking to some one?" He asks, switching the subject. 


"I ... ah..." I say still confused. Was he saying he thinks I'm the elusive one, cause that's funny, and cruel of him to say. He must be playing with me. "Yeah... I'm talking to some one... you." I look away. 


"Oh thank god!" He says and he smiles, no longer frowning. "Don't scare me like that." 


"What?... Jake are you sure you medecations aren't like doping you up or something? Are you tired?" I ask getting up and crossing the table. I place my hand on his forehead checking for a temperature.  His hand grabs mine, and he stands up in a swift motion. His lips are on mine before I have time to even really understand what's happening. Once I got it though I waste no time. Moving my still free hand that he isn't holding, I grip the hair on the back of his neck. I'm gonna get mono now, but at this moment I could really care less. Working in sinc together our bodies form like a puzzle fitting perfectly. 


"Stay with me?" He asks breathlessly, pulling away a second. He doesn't give me a chance to answer. If I stay things are just going to go downhill from here.  What happens after though? Are we just put back to the beginning, and I'm left feeling like a dumb ass because I broke again. He feel superior because he was able to break me, and he knows he for sre has his hook in me. I really want to know if the drugs he is on are affecting him. Well they aren't affecting his kissing, that's just like I remember.  "Please! I can't do this anymore, I need you."  he pleads, pullng back his eyes gazing into me. 


"You may need me now, but what about tomorrow.. and the next day? You'll grow tired of me real fast." I look away. I don't feel tears or anything, but much more of this and more then likely they'll be shedding.


"Of you?" He questiions. He moves in closer again, and I can feel his breath on my ear. "Never! That's impossible, stay with me forever." He pleads, and it sends shivers through me. Forever?  "'Paige... say something." He whispers, moving back he is shaking. His eyes are giving away that he is scared, and his breathing is shallow. He means it. He isn't joking anymore, this is real deal. Jake wants me forever... what the hell does that mean though?! It's not a relationship is it?  Jake Lincoln wants a relationship... with me? 


"Jake... I really think your on something you shouldn't be." I whisper, laying my hands on his chest. 


"Paige, I'm being serious." He mumbles, and from I can see the worry and anxiousness is getting to him. He isn't used to doing this either. Again, he is notorious for never having one girl in his life. That scares me. What is it about me that is different then the other girls he has been with?  I'm not saying I'm ugly or anything because I know I'm pretty good looking, but so are a lot of the other girls he has been with.  "Why aren't you saying anything?" he panics. 


"I... Jake you need to sleep." I say pushing past him, he must be over tired and his medication is obviously affecting him. 


"No. I don't need to sleep. I know what I'm saying to you." he grabs my hand. I turn facing him again. "Go out with me." 


"Go out with you, Jake Lincoln." I say it out loud and it sounds even more funny. "Jake-"


"You can't say no." He says, and his grip on my hand tightens. I let out a breath, and take in another one. 


"I'm not saying no." I begin, "But you really need to think about this. You do know what having a relationship means right? No more messing with girls... and you'll have to meet my family... and also it might hurt your reputation."


"I don't care about any of that. Well I mean meeting you family sounds like fun... and you're the only girl I want so..." He says. 


"Think about it... a couple of days..." I say one more time. He sighs, and nods. "I should go.." I glance at the clock, he sighs again letting go of me. "Good night Jake." I say, and he says it back. I leave it at that and go out to my car. Once I'm back at my dorm, I begin unpacking my things. I take out all of my clothes putting them all away, they were washed before we left so I know they are clean. Then I take car of my tooth brush and tooth paste. Aft er that I put all my hair stuff back, and I run my brush through my hair real quick. Then I shove my suitcase under my bed where it belongs. I sit on my bed now looking around my room. I'm still not very tired. Finally not having anything  to do I think about Jake and what was all said tonight. 


Jake wants a relationship with me. He wants to meet my family, and not have another girl in his life. 


Okay I'm tired I'm going to sleep. I don't want to think about that, because for all I know he was saying that to get me to stay with him for the night.Laying down in my bed, sleep takes over faster and quicker then I thought it would.

Chapter 38- Effort

 Paige's POV


I sit up wondering who would be knocking this early in the morning. Especially since almost everyone is gone, even the girls. The trip must've been open to the whole school. I throwing on a shirt, and decide my spandex will work for pants until I know who it is. I run my hand through my hair, and hope it looks okay. Swinging open the door, I see Jake all dressed and ready for the day. I turn looking at my clock, it's ten time for me to be getting up anyways.  But Jake? What's he doing? 


"Hi." I say opening the door again. 


"Hey." He smiles at me. 


"Didn't I say a couple days..?" I ask, still not sure what's going on. 


"Yeah... I thought about it to make sure I was sure. I know I'm sure." He replies leaning against the door frame.  He couldn't have thought about ti to much, it's only been a couple hours. I give him a look and he nods, walking past me. "Seriously... it took me like two minutes. I know I'm sure... so spend the day with. We can talk... get to know each other.."


"Jake." I say.


"Come on Paige. Give me a real chance." He begs, and I let out a huff of air. 


"What ever." I sigh, and I can see his face brighten. "Give me thirty minutes." I push him out of my room. I lean against the door breathless once he is gone. Oh my god, I'm going on a date like thing with Jake! I scurry off to my bathroom turning on the shower, and as the water heats up I pick out an outift. Ten I go through the shower with my hair up, it doesn't need washed, but I want to run ovre my legs again just in case.  Once I'm done I change into the short and shirt I choose, and I then go brush my teeth and fix up my hair. Then I open the door, and run downstairs where Jake is waiting. 


"You look amazing... like uasual." He greets me. 


"What exactly are we gonna do?" I ask, grabbing a banana off the counter. I set it back down thinking it's probably not the best food to have for breakfast with Jake around. I go to the fridge for an apple. 


"That is a surprise." He smirks at me, and I role my eyes. "You might want to grab your phone, a jacket, and like a blanket." He hints, and I don't know where he would be taking me that needs a blanket.


"I'll be back." I run back up to my room, I grab a blanket, but not a jacket... I'll have the blanket... and my phone. Pulling it from the charger I go through all the messages I have. Which Jake wasn't lying he sent me a couple messages. I feel bad, but my phone seriously died... I never really use my phone much anyways. To talk with family back at home... and my grandparents. We all have iphones for facetime.  "Okay! I'm ready." I hold my blanket and phone. 


"Are you sure? Do you want anything else, it's a long  drive." He informs me, and now I'm even more lost to where we're going. Long drive...what else could I bring? I get an idea, and I run back up to my room. Grabbing my history note cards, and my purse now I think I'm ready for sure this time. "Note cards?" He asks, and now it's my turn to smirk. He leads me out to his car, and I slide into the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers side. 


"So you gonna tell me where we're going?" I ask, it's a long shot but worth trying. He just shakes his head, and I sigh, watching as we leave campous. He checks out and the guard looks in the car at me and then to Jake and then back at me with confusion. I just look away back at the street. I'm guessing Jake doesn't take girls off campous often, and when he does it's not this early in the day. So.. how many times has he taken one of his 'dates' off campous? I really actually wonder how many other 'dates' there was. I shake away the thoughts, if Jake and I ever had the ex's cpversation it woud just be a minute long. I've never been in a relationship before, and I'm guessing Jake hasn't either... all the other girls were just one night flings... I think.


After about twenty minutes of silence in the car, I finally loose it. I sit up, turning and facing Jake. Clearing my throat, I begin, "So, where are we going? How much further is it?"


"Would you relax... It's not like I'm bringing you to some remote part in the forest to kill you." He laughs, and I sit back not happy. For all I know he is taking me to some remote forrest! "Okay... that's a little bit of a lie." He whispers.


"What?!" I sit up, ready to jump and grab the wheel if need to.


"We're going to my families private beach. No forrest with a bunch of trees, but still we'll be alone.." He sighs, glancing at me. 


"It's a bit cold for swimming." I say, wishing he would've told me this before we left the school. 


"We wont be swimming either... it's going through the time period for a lot of the jellyfish to be around." He says, "You'll see when we get there..." He exclaims glancing at me again, then back at the road. I lean back letting out a big breath of air, and he chuckles. "Do you not like being in cars?" He asks.


"I hate sitting for long periods of times." I explain, "I don't know, I guess I just hate being still. I try to keep myself busy." 


"I've noticed... dancing, musical, tutoring, straight A student, and you seem to still have free time for parties and friends." He smiles, I look away out the window. That's when I seet the drive way to his house. I glance at the clock we left the school forty minutes ago! Meaning we're almost there I think, well if we just passed his house I hope that means we're almost there.  "I wouldn't get to excited... we're only about half way there." He says next to me, and I can feel my spirit fall. 


"Flash card time then." I smile at his frown now. I begin going through the cards quizing him. 




"Paige... hey.. we are here." I hear Jake, I open my eyes blinking at the light. I must've fallen asleep. I look at Jake who is waiting with my door open for me to get out. He smiles at me offering his hand, I take it, and stand up stretching out. I look out at the beach, and I can't help but smile. It's beautiful. It's a small little sectioned off part of the ocean and sand bar. Looking closer though I see what he ment be not actually swimming.There are a couple jet skiers and they have something that they're doing to the water I look around spotting a cazeboo in which there is a table set up. Jake planned a romantic date? I glance at him, and he turns pink and looks away. 


"It's beautiful." I say, giving his hand a small squeeze. He leads me over to the shelter, and I see there is a basket and a blanket and flowers.  "So... how'd you get all this done in time? Who'd you have to call?"


"Jayla..." He sighs, "I told her not to go over board... sorry." He sighs, looking at the rose petals sprinkled around. I giggle, looking out at the beach. 


"It's okay." I say taking in the fresh air. We walk along the shore, bare foot for a while before we actually eat. We talk, more about interests and things getting to know each other. It's actually surprizing how much we already new about each other. He talks about his parents to me, and his families business. About how his dad wants him to take  it when he graduates, and that he doesn't want Jason to have it. He talks about how him and Jayla are close, and that she is getting to old. It makes me smile seeing how much he loves his family, even Jason. Jake respects him to a certain extent, I can tell, he wont admit it but he does. 


"How about you?" He asks, looking down at me. I knew it would all flip back to me, what should I say? My life and family aren't as intersting as his. No way close!


"Well... I guess us Easton's are just a normal family." I look away feeling kind of plain. I mean we aren't rich, and neither of my parents owns a company. My dad is a police officer, and my mom is a nurse. It was mostly just Patrick and me growing up. they both have important jobs that often keep them busy. It was patrick who always came to school concerts when I was young and in elementary, even he himself was still in high school. I guess when I was old enough to realize that my parents were gonna be busy, I became more independant. I learned how to cook, and I always made sure I did my homework, and studied. Of course our parents were in our livea s much as they could be, they always made it to my dance recitalsd. They also took one day out of a month off so the whole family could spend it together. All in all a normal family.


After a while we make our way back to the shelter, and we talk a little more. I get him to open up more about Jason, and what happened that changed their relationship. He doesn't go into much detail, but I get a little bit out.  I don't push it further, when he seems to not want to talk about it anymore. I feel bad, it just seems that when Jake started getting attention Jason didn't like it. It seems to me that Jason is scared that Jake will out record him in his reputation. I almost role my eyes at them both, I don't understand the whole reputation thing. But if it's important to him.. I'll live with it. 


Jake digs into the picnick basket pulling out a vine of grapes, and I grab the blanket. and I spread it out on the sand. We talk some more, while trying to toss grapes into each others mouths. We move on to sports, and I tell him about softball and volleyball. He talks about baseball and basketball.


The day was perfect, and we didn't even realize so much time had passed until the un started setting. We'd spent the whole day talking. Once we did notice the sun setting though, we decided we should probably get back to school. It's Saterday night, so we don't have school in the morning or anything, but still we thought it be best if we were back before it got to dark, it is like  a two hour drive anyway so by the time we get there it will probably be dark. He grabs my hand, once we're on the road and he holds on to it the whole ride home. I don't sleep this time, which surprises me, but the car also isn't quiet at all. We still talk, which is amazing because we shouldn't have anymore to talk about but there are millions of more things it seems. We talk about our favorites memories, and our least favorite. Favorite foods, and our most annoying family members like cousins or uncles. The only thing we never mention is the future. Which I am okay with. I mean this is technically the first date, so talking about a future together could jynx it all. The only thing that has anything to do with the future is the musical, which is also another thirty minute conversation we have on our trip back. 


Somehow from the musical we get baseball, and I decide to tell him Jason's offer for me to be the manager. Mentioning that Jason offered it, makes him quiet for a moment. I watch his face as he thinks it through,  but I don't get much. Jake is good at hiding emotions. Which I guess he must be used to doing around Jason... he becomes stiff like this when Jason is around, and when Jason is in the conversation. I wish that Jake really trusted me when I say nothing will happen between Jason and me. But I understand that I'm sure Jake asked all his other girl to not go to him yet they did. I also know that it's hard for Jake when it comes to Jason and me because Jason and I have a small 'history'. It's was just a dumb little kiss to me, but I get the feeling Jason told Jake it was more. I don't push the matter of me actually wanting to do it, I do add in that if I did do it though we would be together more often. That makes him smile slightly, but he also realizes that Jason and I would need to spend more time together. 


"Hey.. Jason told me to think about it." I say, finally not wanting Jake to think about it to much. "Why don't you think about it too? If you really don't want me to I wont." I offer. He squeezes my hand, and pulls it up to his lips giving the back of my hand a quick kiss. 


"If it's something you really want to do I don't want to be the one to stop you." He says looking over at me. I shrug my shoulders. I really hadn't thought about it to much until now. I actually kind of forget I even had the offer. 


"Well I wouldn't mind spending the extra time with you."  I look straight ahead at the road. We drive past a sign saying the school is a mile ahead. 


"Oh yeah huh? Well... I guess bus rides would be pretty fun. We could sit in the way back seat and do-" 


"Jake!" I laugh, and so does he. 


"I wasn't gonna go there but you know if you really wanted to." He chuckles. 


"God... focus on the road." I cover my eyes with my free hand. We pull back onto school grounds and Jake checks in at the gates. He pulls up to his dorm, and runs around letting me out. 


"I am going to walk you back to your dorm." He smiles at me, and I shake my head. He is definately trying to impress me. It's worked all day. He's been sweet and open all day, and he has been a gentle men. He is really trying.


"If only you tried this hard at your history homework." I look up at the stars, he unfolds my blanket and wraps it around my shoulders. I grab it with my left hand, and then he grabs my right hand walking next to me on my right side. 


"I can do that." he whispers. "If that would make you understand how much I want to be with you."  He looks down at me, with a serious look. 


"I had a good time with you today." I admit, "Great time actually."  He smiles, a little boy grin. "Did you have fun though?" I question.


"Most I've had in a long time." his smile broadens, it's contagious. 


"What about with all your guy friends?" I inquire, leaning back against his car. I pull the blanket in around me tighter, it's a chilly night. 


"Hmmmm nope." He says not even really thinking about it. "Now, let me walk you back to your dorm, and be a nice gentlemen."  I look up at him in suspicion. 


"Jake Lincoln ... a gentle man?" I ask jokingly, "Well, I never thought I'd live to see the day." 


"Ah you see new things everyday." He smiles down. "Of course, I don't have to be to gentle if you don't want me too." He smirks. I shake my head at him, and he chuckles. I grab the collar of his shirt, and pull him towards me. Our lips touch, and fireworks go off in my head. It's first time it's happened, out all the times we have kissed. For some reason my mind drifts to when he was talking about the elusive one, and soul mates. I let go of his shirt, but he doesn't move. It's not a rough and heat filled kiss, it's more of a... first shy kiss after a date. Which is what it is. 


"Get a room!" a voice says, and Jake steps away. We both look towards the way it came from. The bus. It came from the bus dropping off students. The ball game! They are just getting back! I look away completely embarassed. How many people saw?! Who is all on that bus?  Jake shakes his head, as the bus stops and a bunch of guys... his friends get off the bus. I take a deep breath, unsure how the rest of this night is gonna play out. Jake could completely revert into a jerk, and the whole would've been a waste!


"Ready to go?" He asks, without saying anything to his friends. I look over his shoulder seeing them watching us. 




"Ah... gentle men remember?" He asks, and a smile comes to me. He offers his hand to me again, this is it. The moment of truth. Holding hands in front of his friends. It's little kiddish, but it's something that shows.  I grasp his hand, and he smiles at me teeth and all. "So.. if I really try on my homework, you'll go on another date with me right?" he asks as we walk away from his dorm. His friends behind us snickering. Which he ignores greatly. He is trying. 


"Hmm, I supose." I look up ahead, trying to seem reluctant. He still gets a giggle out of me though, and he holds my hand tighter. Once we're back at my dorm, he doesn't even go inside the dorm. "I had a wonderful day." I say again. 


"Me too." He says, "I should go.. before I loose this whole gentlemen like attitude." He chuckles. 


"Goodnight, Jake." I say, he steps closer to me kissing my cheek. Then he lets go of my hand and steps down the stairs. 


"Goodnight, Paige." He replies. I go inside, leaning against the door. Like you see in movies when the let out a breath and bite their lips. Accept I don't bite my lip. I let out a breath though. Holy shit, Jake and I spent the day together! I agreed to another date! We held hands, and talked. I get the feeling this is right. Those fireworks were a sure sign. 


Once I'm in my room, I go to my bed. I plop down and sleep comes fast. Today was long and amazing. Jake really put in an effort. If he is trying hard... then he really wants this.. I think. I really do wish he'd try this hard at his homework though!

Chapter 39- Official

Paige's POV


I sit up, running over yesterday in my head. It was perfect. It was real! Jake really took me on a date. I lay back down, remembering every little detail even the guys out on the jet skis doing what ever they were doing! After a couple minutes of remembering I decide I should get up. Showering and doing all the essentails I go downstairs and cook myself some waffles. I feed Fiddle and hang out with him for a while, I think he feels a little neglected.  


"Hey Paige!" a girl from my dorm walks by the kitchen. I don't know who she is... like I've seen her around but we have never talked before. I wave, completely lost. I wonder what that was about? I eat my breakfast, taking my time and going off into space. Once I actually finish I'm pretty sure it took me two hours altogether to eat my waffle. Including I played with fiddle and that I actually made them from scratch. I head back up to my room deciding on what to do for the day, I should go to the gym and dance. Go through my solo in the musical! I can't do that now though, I just ate a syrupy waffle I need to let my stomach settle. I dig through my school bag making sure I had no homework, and then I clean up my room, I grab my cdirty clothes and run them down to the laudry room, each dorm has it's own huge laundry room. I sit down there headphones in my ears, doing my laundry. Then Once it's done I go up to my room folding it and putting it away. 


I hop in my car changed and ready to go. Once I'm at the gym I see I'm the only one here, thank god, I also soee I'm the first one here because I have to turn on all the lights. It snot hard just have to go back into the back room, and turn the two switches. Once I have that done, I open the door to the dance studio area and smile. I get my music all set up an ready to go, I do my stretches, and I begin. Being here and working on my dance reminds me of Juiliard. I can't believe I actually have an offer to go there of all places! I never thought my dancing was that special your average... but I'm not complaining either.  Although... I don't want to go to Juiliard. I was thinking more not in a big city like New York! A state college for sure, but also closer to home. I thought I wanted to be a teacher, but I've also considered  something in law. Not police officer, but like a lawyer.


I pause taking a quick couple breaths, Gosh I'm a junior this year... I'm going to be a senior. I should start thinking about college and my future. I've alway known I was going but I never actually thought about what for and where. I change the song, not wanting to to keep doing the same routine. After about another hour of dancing, I decide I should probably stop. I'm sweating, a gross sweat to. Worry and anxiety are adding to it. Grabbing my things I leave shutting off all of the lights and running to my car. Everyone is probably sleeping, from the game yesterday. Once I'm back inside my dorm I see a couple girls who are up and awake. The three of them all stare at me for a minute... more like glare at me for a minute straight. I wave my hand at them, unsure what I did to them. Once I walk past the kitchen, I pause hearing there whispers. I can't hear exactly what they're saying, but it's gossip... it's about me!?  I almost turn around to ask them, but I decide against it.  I just push it away and go up to my room. Once I'm actually in my room my phone starts ringing, and I answer Jake's call.


"Hi." I answer the phone. Setting down my bag, I look at my reflection. Jeepers did I get a workout. That's probably what they were talking about, the way I look. 


"Hey... I have a favor to ask you." He says, I stand up straight. What could that mean? I mean I told him that I would give him another date. I'm not good at this kind of stuff. I rub my forehead.


"Depends.." I reply.


"It's my mother birthday on Wednesday, and we have a performance that night my family is going to come to." He begins, and I listen closely. "After the performance, the family is going to go out for dinner."


"You need me do to something?" I ask confused.


"Come with me." He says flatly. My eyes go wide. Now he wants me to be at an important family dinner!? I mean I've meet his whole family... well imediate family. His parents are nice, and so are his siblings.


"Jake... I don't know. This sounds important, I don't want to be unwelcome." I walk over to my desk sitting in the chair.


"Paige, come one please. I thought I would actually tell you what we would be doing instead of having it be a surprise." He says, and it makes me smile. He planned on bringing me even if i say no. I can tell. "I'm taking your silence as a yes!" He says.


"Fine." I lean back, then I twirl the chair around. "Is it like right after the performance?"


"I'm going to meet them at the place... so no worries about being rushed." He explains.


"Alright.. it's a date." I look over at my window. The sun is already starting to set, I was at the gym for a lot longer then I thought. How is everyone still sleeping though? Maybe they aren't now, maybe they're all just out enjoying the nice weather and since it's Sunday everyone probably having study groups and finishing up homework.


"It sure is!" I can just picture his smile, and that makes me worry. Jake and I have done everything backwards. But yet here we are... I hope it works out for the best. "See you in the morning?" He asks. 


"Yeah." I smile, then we say goodbye.  I hang up the phone, and toss it on to my desk. Another meal with his family. I wonder if Jason will be there... I'm guessing so.  Gosh I really hope everything works out for the best. I go through my dance bag after a couple minutes taking everything out and cleaning it. Then I get in the shower again, washing my hair. Once I'm out, I brush through it, and braid it so it will be nice and wavy tomorrow. I also check my email, and I face time with Patrick for a while.


When ever the two of us face time the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends always comes up.  Like tonight, even thought we'd just seen each other a week or so ago for spring break. We were both single, and how much could change in that short time? ... A lot. I don't tell hm about Jake. I decide to just not mention it yet. I mean we've only had  one date that doesn't mean anything. Besides... Patrick is practically shoving Robbie down my throat. I told him about how I found out about Robbie and Carmen. He told me I shouldn't be so mad, that it's teenage stuff, and that I need to just give Robbie a chance. I tell him that Robbie and I will never be together like that, in fact right now I don't know if we will work out this fight right now. I guess he has tried to work it out a little bit, but I still am mad at him! Cheating and cheaters. I will never understand them and how they can do what they do. 


Patrick and I leave things a a some what bad note, still not agreeing about the whole Robbie and Carmen thing. We still say goodnight, but there is a ruff edge there now. I toss my phone to the ground from my bed deciding I can sleep now, what the heck. That's when my door just about gets busted down. 


"Hold on I'm coming!" I yell getting up. I swing open the door, and Carmen is there. She is smiling, yet she seems mad.  "What?" I ask, I'm really not in the mood for her right now. 


"Tell me it isn't true!" She just waltz's in. Past me making herself comfy in my desk chair. I watch her not comprehending. 


"What?" I ask again not closing my door. I don't plan on havinga here a a while. "You're making no sense."


"You little fox you!"She smiles more standing up. Shaking her head in disbeleif. Okay has she taken something?  Drunk? I look at her eyes and theey look okay. What in the hell?!


"Fox? Excuse me?" I say, closing my door seeing she isn't going anywhere.  "Are you high?"


"No, but you must be!" she throws her arms in the air. Now I'm for sure lost. Me take drugs? I don't even like joking about that stuff! "Why didn't you tell me! Oh my god, how long has it been going on!?"  She is in my face now. 


"How long what?" I say trying to remain calm. 


"You and Jake!" She  grabs my shoulders and shakes me. I can feel the blood drain from my face, and my jaw is more then likely touching the ground.  "Yeah... how long did you think it would take for people to find out? Apparently a bunch of his friends saw you guys last night... what happened?" 


"He just... walked me home.." I say, leaving out the date. 


"From?" She asks. 


"His dorm.." I say, and then I almost smack myself. That's the wrong answer.It's the true answer, but not the answer she needs to hear. She smiles at me more and shakes me wanting details. How is she not mad at me right now? Has she just compleetely forgotten the past couple days?  "I went for a walk... and he was leaving his dorm just as i was walking by... he walked with me." 


"Yeah sure..." She smiles. 


"What ever...Is that all you wan-"


"I can't believe it.... you, the girl who said never, is the one who broke him." She lets go of me and stares at me in disbeleif again. Broke him?  I don't think so.  "You have no idea?" She says. I rub my forehead still not sure exactly what's going on. "Paige it's already all across school. You two are a couple. Official couple." She crosses her arms happy to be the one to tell me information like this. "Neither of you have denied it... in fact niether of you has said a word..." She eyes me suspiciously now.


"I... what?" I ask, my mind is swirling. It's around school? Official couple! Couple.... COUPLE! I sit down on my bed.


Oh my god.


"Yeah you're going to tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about." Carmen crosses her arms looking down at me. 


"I want to sleep." I shake it off. I'll talk to Jake about it tomorrow, we can sort out everything then. I get up and start ushering her towards my door. "Just keep quiet okay." I add and then close my door so she can't say anything else. I turn the lights off, and snuggle under my blanket. I stare at the ceiling, wondering what's going to happen tomorrow. The whole school apparently thinks Jake and I are a couple! That's huge! One, because Jake isn't ever in realationships. Two, because I'm never in relationships... of course I wasn't  sleeping with any one too. What on earth does everyone think about it? I mean, his friends and mine? Well, I know how Carmen feels... and the only other person that I can think of is Robbie. Oh god Mr. Parker! 


Curling into a ball I go over how tomorrow can go, in my head. 

Chapter 40- Break

Paige's POV


This morning is definately a new expirience for me. Now that the news has all spread that Jake and I are together, everyone is acting strnagely. I'm getting stared at, with dagger eyes  and eyes of girls who are in awe of me ... taming Jake Lincoln. I ignore it. No one even comes up and talks to me, but I catch thirteen different girls just in my dorm staring at me. They all look away as if nothing is wrong, and they start whispering to another girl. I grab a pop tart for the road, and decide to just get to pratice. I park my car, check my reflection in my mirror. Yes, I do want to look nice today. My hair turned out very nice, and I decided to wear my one and only romper I have. It's black with white flying bird outlines as pok-a-dots. Grabbing my things I head inside and go in the back. I set my bag down in the usual spot, and I go over to the costume rack grabbing my dress. There are other people here, already changed and ready to begin. Again stares and whispers.


Once I half my hair up into the ponytail, I leave the locker room.  Priority list at the moment, get dress zipped, talk to Jake. Hopefully I'll be able to kill two birds with stone and just have Jake zip my dress. It's not like he hasn't ever done it before.  I head back to the auditorium looking for him, but he isn't anywhere for me to see. I peek out on to the stage The only people out there are Mrs. Oliver and Robbie. I move away from the the curtain when Robbie sees me, I don't want to talk to him right now. In fact he is the last person I want to talk to right now. 


"Paige wait!" I hear him behind me, and I stop. There is no use trying to get away, he'll follow me. "Hey... we should really talk." He says stopping next to me. 


"About?" I ask facing him, I'm mad at him yes, but I don't need to be mean to him. Actually looking at him now, I notice a couple slight changes. I haven't really talked our been with him for almost a week, and his hair has grown and he has obviously been working out. 


"The whole Carm-" 


"No." I say flatly.  "We don't need to talk about it. I'm working on forgetting about it." I sigh, wishing I never would've found out about them in the first  place. I'm happy that Wyatt knows the truth and all, but for me all it's done is cause trouble! 


"Oh... well that's great!" He says, with a smile. "It wont happen again and Carmen is really sorry too." 


"Yeah... she stopped by last night." I inform him, even though we didn't talk about this at all. She questioned me about Jake and acted like nothing was wrong. With is what I decided I'm going to try doing. "No worries... I'll get over it eventually."  I finish the conversation, ready to stop talking about it. 


"Well that's great! Maybe after school we can hang out or something?" he asks, I look away now unsure what to say exactly. It's not that I don't want to.. I do actually want to. I miss hanging out with him, and all the fun we had. But I still can't look at him the same. Yes, I'm trying to forget about the whole sex thing, but that doesn't mean everything will go right back to the way it was.  "Maybe....?" he asks again. I look around trying to see if an answer pops into my head. When I see Jake come in all dressed in his Hades costume, I get my answer. 


"I don't think today will work." I tell him flatly.  "Maybe... late this week." I shrug my shoulders, and walk away. I walk past Jake back out the door, knowing he will follow me. I stop at the end of the hall where we will have the most privacy. I know he is there, before he actually touches me. It still sends a shiver up my back as he zips my dress.  "We need to have a talk." I say, right away. 


"We sure do." He agrees, wrapping his arms around me and laying his head on my shoulder. 


"We're probably being watched..." I sigh. 


"Oh I know we are." He whispers. I turn my neck to look at him. He smirks at me. "I don't mind the rumors... I'll live."


"Oh will you know?" I laugh, "It means no more other girls and no more one nighters."


"I don't need any of that now that I have you!" He informs me, it makes me blush. "We have practice to get to though... so finish this later?" He asks, letting go of me.  I nod, turning around, and I spot the two girls who are peeking out of the girls locker room at us. I shake my head, and Jake grabs my hand. It makes me smile, and I see the other girls run back into the locker room in rush whispering.  God today is going to be great!


We sit next to each other in the auditorium as Mrs. Oliver goes over everything she wants us to fix for the performance tomorrow night, Wednesday night, and this weekend. Jake doesn't let go of my hand, and I get lots and lots of glares, one from Robbie even. Once Mrs. Oliver finishes talking to us and tell us to get back stage and get ready for the run through, she grabs my hand stopping me. Jake continues, letting go of my hand. 


"So..." She says quietly, and I don't understand. What is that supposed to mean? 


"Yes?" I ask, looking at my costume. Maybe there is something wrong with it. I look at the back of it, but I still don't see anything. My hair is done they way I've always done it... and I'm wearing the right shoes. I don't have of the make-up on, but she hasn't said anythnig about that any other time. 


"Did you and Robbie break up?" She asks, and I step away from her. This is about Jake. I don't know what to reply, I mean I know I just don't know how to say it.


"Robbie and I... we were never together." I inform her, and she looks appalled. "Just friends." I add. Did Robbie and I really seem to be a couple? I mean we never like kisse except for now with the play, and he never liked hugged like a couple or held hands. We went out together a lot but friends do that, and we never said that we were together ever. 


"You and Mr. Lincoln ar-"


"We're together." I say not really wanting to sit here and go over all of this. 


"Mmhhmm." She looks a me for a second, and then looks back at the stage. "Don't let that interfer with my performance." She says, and waves me away. It wont affect the performance. I know it wont. I've acted out my part perfectly fine while I've been mad at both Robbie and Jake, I can act it out now. I go back stage, and find Jake while the gospel goddesses are singing the beggining. I tell him about the conversation, and he just roles his eyes. 


"No cold feet?" He asks. 


"That's a wedding term." I reply back, ".. and no. No cold feet." I add. He smiles at me, and then he has to go on.  

"So it's true." Robbie sighs, walking over. Jake goes on before him. "You and him are a couple now..?" He asks. 


"Giving it a shot, yes." I reply. He shakes his head, and for some reason I starting smiling happy that it pisses him off.  "Well, I guess we both do things the other doesn't aprove of." then with that I walk away. The run through goes by greatly, both Robbie and I are able to put everything behind us and perform our parts, and everything goes by smoothly.


Until the very end where we have to kiss. Jake never sees the kiss because he is like 'dead' or what ever, so it wasn't that. But it was just the way Robbie kissed me. It was needy and lust filled. This wasn't just a kiss for him, this was him trying to tell me something. Which I know what as well, but I'm not listening. After the kiss I looked at him, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. His eyes ached for me, and he held me closer then he usually did. I didn't say anything, but I wasn't happy. This whole Jake and I being together thing is throwing him through a ringer, and we haven't even been together a full day! 


Once we're all out of our costumes and back in the seats, Mrs. Oliver compliments us all on how we fixed the things she asked. She is very proud of the musical it's like her baby. I'm happy she takes such joy in putting these things together, I love doing them too. "Oh and Mr. Schroeder and Ms. Easton very beautiful, you two were lovely together there at the end." She adds at the end, giving me a stern look. Robbie who is leaning against the stage next to her, looks up at me too. I look down at my hands in my lap uncomfortable. She said that on purpose. "Also Paige.. I need a worth with you before you go." Then the bell rings signalling it's time for first period. 


What does she want to talk to me about? More about Jake and I? She can't force us to break up can she? Gosh what if she blackmails me!? She wouldn't. What if she begs me or something? I mean I want to make her happy, but what if that costs my happiness? Then it's not worth it right? 


"Here I have a letter for you, it's from Juilliard. I forgot about it earlier." She hands me an evelope, I stuff into my school things and head to class. I wonder why they'd send me a letter. What could it be about? I already came and visited the college, what else is there? 


I take my seat in french class and forget about it. I haven't really thought about going there much anyways, so I'm not to worried. I try to go through the day normally, but word has definately gotten out. I'm very popular today, and people I've never talked to before are now talking to me every chance they get. Mostly asking about Jake and how we got together, if we are together, but still they're talking to me. Jake seems to make stops at his locker moe often now, actually getting his books for class, but I think it's also so he can see me. We never really say anything to each other, but we say a lot.  We've already got the whole understanding each other part doww. We're both uncomfortable with all the extra attention, and would prefer privacy. Although this morning at practice he was holding my hand...I wonder what that was? Was it because of Robbie? Hmmm I'll have to ask. 


I'm sitting in eighth period, doing nothing... I already finishe the work he gave us to do. Everyone else is either working on it still or doing other homework, which I don't have anything else to do. Mr. Parker is intently reading something on his computer, so I decide it would be best to not bother him. I sit looking out the window, I guess I just got lucky too, because it's Jake gym period. I watch him and his friends, that also happen to be in the class, mess around as the teacher takes role. It makes me smile as they act like a bunch of little boys tackling each other racing around. I almost jump out of my seat when the intercom goes off and everyone is told to report to the auditorium. I'm out of my seat and out of the room before anyone else is. 


I take a seat in the back, not wanting to have a bunch of people to swarm sitting around me. I even keep my head down so people don't realize it's me. One person notices me though and slides into the seat next to me. I peek over, surprised to see Jason. Why is he sitting by me, why not Mr. Parker?


"You lied to me." He whispers, not sounding mad, butnot sounding happy.  I look at him again, trying to figure out what he means. He smirks at me, and for some reason his smirk gives me an idea of what he means. Jake... he is talking about Jake and I. 


"I... didn't lie. I tried..." I look away scratching my eyebrow. 


"I told you the Lincoln charm is to much for any girl, although I thought that you.. maybe you wouldn't fall for it." He sighs leaning back. " So much for that college girlfriend." he chuckles.  "So... how long did he say it would last? I'm guessing two weeks tops before he gets sick of you and moves on." He keeps looking ahead, I stare at him wondering if he is serious. I know he is, but I can't tell if he really means it, like if he knows Jake well enough that that well seriously happen. 


"Ummm.." I say unsure how to reply. 


"Unless you already slept together... then you got about a week." He says, and I can feel my cheeks heat, then I feel all the color leave my face. Holy shit what if what he is saying is true?! 


"Well we haven't. I'm not that easy." I sit up straight, and my voice comes out stronger then I thought it would. "It's none of your business anyways... why do you care if I crack or not?" I ask turning in my seat a little facing him. 


"I'm looking out for you that's all... I like you, I would hate to see my little brother hurt you." something about what he said sends shivers through me. Jake tells me that Jason is alwasy trying to steal his 'girl', and that he'll stop at nothing to make Jake miserable. All of this gets my brain thinking, is this just Jason trying to stir up trouble between Jake and I? "I don't like you like that... I mean, like I feel like I should be looking out for you since I'm your brothers friend. I know how Jake can be sometimes...which is a real dick... and I would hate to see a strong girl like you become heart broken because of him." He looks me in the eyes the whole time he says his little speech. It's touching kind of. If he is really serious. I can never tell. Him and Jake both are good at acting, I'm learning. But which one is acting right now? Jake took me on that lovely date though, to a private beach. He hasn't been pushy at all. Hell, we've barely kissed since we made it 'official', we have slept together... a couple times... but does that really matter?


"He wont break my heart." I say but my voice is unsure now, and he catches it. 


"Has he taken you to the beach yet? That's always the first place he brings his more serious flings." He is digging for information. I keep my face blank, even though my brain is working a mile a minute. He knows about Jake taking me to the beach.... Jake always take the more serious FLINGS to the beach. 


"Beach?" I ask, and I sound sturdy and confused. Believable. 


"Good afternoon everyone!" Mr. Wilson stands on the stage with the curtain closed behind him. I look ahead, and try to fucos on the assembly, but at the moment I can barely breath. Everything that's happened so far, could all be just one big fling of Jake's! I barely hear Mr. Wilson as he says, that the school will be closing after tomorrow so the building can get some updates, for next year. It's almost the end of the year.  Highschoolers and even some teachers start cheering, but I'm not in a very preppy mood. I clap my hands twice, but I'm to distracted.


"What about the musical?" Robbie's voice stands out. Now, my interest is peeked. 


"As for the musical... it's still on. The auditurium and the entrance is not part of the update, and you're still going to have practices." Mr. Wilson answers. "Now, actually Mrs. Oliver wants the musical cast to come up... and the rest of you can stay here." I get up from my seat, and kick Jason lightly in the shin so he can let me out.  Everyone has already started chatting, and it's very very loud. 


"Ouch...  testy now are we?" He smirks at me and he stands up. I just role my eyes, I didn't kick him hard enough to hurt a baby even. It wasn't even a kick! I whisper whimp as I scooch past past him, and I hear his quiet chuckle for a second before everyone elses voices drown him out. I go up, making it there with Robbie and a couple other people. Jake isn't up here though. I scan the crowd from him, he should be easy to spot. Walking towards the stage his long blonde hair  and all. I don't see him  though. I frown a second and focus on Mrs. Oliver. 


"I have a friend here!" She cheers, and I see it's a girl I meet at my Juiliard college visit. "Everyone say hello to Lena."  Everyone says hi, and she greets us all back. What is she doing her? She is in college why would she miss school?  


"I know one of these faces!" she smiles pointing at me, singling me out. "Come here! I want a hug!" She says holding out her arms and walking towards me. I go, smiling. She is the girl who gave me tours and I went to some of her classes with her.  


"What are you doing here?" I ask, giving her a quick hug. 


"Mrs. Oliver wanted me to come down and co-direct the musical with her."  she beams,  "I hope you don't mind if I stay with you..?" she adds in whisper. 


"That's fine." I smile.


"Alright now... has anyone seen Jake? I want to have a run through with Lena here." Mrs. Oliver says, and all eyes turn to me. My cheeks heat, and I shake my head. I haven't seen him either since he was outside. I didn't seen anyone from his class actually, I wonder if they even came inside.  "Oh well I guess... we'll have reader for him."


"I'm right here!" He burst through the curtain, and leans over catching his breath. What has he been doing? "Sorry..." He apologizes. 


"So nice of you to join us Mr. Lincoln." Mrs. Oliver role her eyes at him. "Please meet Lena, she will be co-directing the musical with me for the rest of the time period." She gestures to Lena next to me. He stands up straight clearing his throat. 


"Jake Lincoln." He greets her like a gentileman. I watch as they shake hands, I see his nice little smile. His eyes are bright right now, and he is in a good mood. I wonder what he was doing? Another girl. I shake my head. No need to believe into what Jason said. Looking at Lena though, I get a weird vib. I don't like the way she is looking at him. I wave that away too, no need to start drama where there isn't any.  


"Now everyone go get ready." Mrs. Oliver shoo's us all away. I don't get the chance to talk to Jake, before he is gone already. I sigh, grabbing my dress and going to the locker room. Changing and shoving my hair into another ponytail, I leave the locker room last. My dumb zipper needs zipped! Of course of all the people to be in the hall it's Jason. 


"I really hate you."  I tell him as he walks over towards me. He just smirks, at me and when he gets close enough he pushes against my shoulder turning me. He zips up the dress, and then turns me around again.  "Thanks..."


"No problem... Have I told you how good you look in this dress?" he asks. 


"You shouldn't." I scold, and he shrugs his shoulders. "I gotta go." I sigh, turning towarsd the auditorium doors. 


"Have you thought about my offer?" he asks, walking next to me. I close my eyes. Jake and I talked about it a little, but we never decided. I shrug my shoulers.  "Oh come on!" He opens the door for me, and I shake my head. "what do you have to get Jake's permission?" he stops me. 


"Now isn't the time." I tell him.


"Oh come on, Paige!" He says, "Don't start this. Don't get in to deep." He warns. I shake my head at him again, and I push past his arm.  "I warned you."  He yells after me. 


"Jason, what are you trying to tell me?" I stop, trying to get him to just get to the point. "Because from what I know you're worse then he is. Your reputation is bigger then his." I put my hand on my hips. I'm actually getting pissed off. What else is he trying to say? I mean, he informed me about Jake and how he always brings his flings to the beach. 


"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble. Jake is trouble." 


"And you aren't?... Are you telling me I should be with you?" I snap. 


"No." He breaths. Walking down the isle toward me, he stops wrapping his arms around me in a hug ."I'm telling you that you need to be with someone who deserves you. Jake.. doesn't derserve someone as good as you." His voice is barely audible. 


"It's my choice." I reply. 


"I just wants what is best for you." He lets me go. "You should get going.." He sighs, I nod turning away. Holy shit that was pretty deep  for it being a conversation with Jason. We actually just fought I believe. Moving through the curtain happy they haven't started yet, I see Jake. He is leaning against the wall, looking at me. He doesn't look happy. He must've saw some of what just happened.  Did he hear some of it too? I didn't say anything bad about Jake, infact I some what stud up for him. 


"Jake.." I begin. 


"We'll talk about it later." He shrugs himself off the wall.  I shake my head, this is great. Only our first day technically together and we're already fighting. 


Running through the musical took forever. Jake was a brick wall throughout the whole thing, and couldn't help but notice Lena watching him a little to closely. As my solo approaches I give up trying to talk to Jake, I'm going to have to wait until tonight. I sing my solo and dance my routine,  after that is finished I run off ending the scene. Then once my least favorite scene comes, I'm over it already. I've given up, and I just want today to be over with. There is school tomorrow and I'll be able to sleep the damn day away. 


Once Herecules AKA Robbie saves me from dying, and the day is saved it's time for our kiss again. I don't know what to expect, the last one was good apparently, but there was a message. I wonder what's going to happen now. I stand in his arms like I'm supposed to as he talks to parents, about wanting to stay human to be with me. Then he gets his blessing, and then he turns me. Then we kiss.  It was okay. Nothing out of the blue this time. Although when we pull apart, his eyes are shinning and he is looking directly at me. I almost want to cover up with a blanket or something, it's as if he is seeing me naked. It's really odd. Then the curtain is closed and we have to run off stage and get ready for role call. 


Waiting in line for my turn to go out, I keep peeking a couple people behind me at Jake. He hasn't said a word to me since we started, and he hasn't even looked my way. He is really mad at me. I let out a huff, and look forward. I go out doing my bow and smiling with a wave. Then I take my place, and wait for us all to do the group bow. Once all of that is completed, we get to go change. I, of course can't get the damn zipper. I really hate this dumb dress. I walk off stage looking for anyone who I'd feel comfortable with helping me. Robbie is the only one still in here. 


"I can get it." He smiles at me, and I give him a small little thank you like smile. Placing a hand on my shoulder, and then unzipping the dress with the other. His hands linger for a couple seconds.  "Hey... are you and Jake okay?" he asks, actually sounding a bit concerned. 


"Why do you ask?" I question. 


"Well... you two didn't talk to each other once... throughout the whole thing." He says, I bite the inside of my cheek, so it was obvious. Of course it was. 


"No... we're fine." I tell him, and thank him for my dress then I head to the locker room. I come out dressed in my day clothes and sit in the auditorium, so we can go over notes. I talk with Lena for a while as we wait for everyone to come back, but when Jake comes in I excuse myself. I walk over to him hoping he will at least talk to me.  "Hey..." I say quietly. Should I apologize? What for though? I never said I wouldn't talk to Jason... besides I stuf up for Jake, I said I wanted to be with Jake. him not saying anything isn't helping either. He is looking at me, looking down at me, since he is so much taller. But right now I feel like he is five stories taller then me. He isn't giving me any weird or mean looks, but it looks like he is thinking hard. It makes my breath catch in my throat.


"I'm sorry." he finally says.


"What are you sorry for?" I ask, not sure what he means or where he is going with this. Is he sorry that he is been ignoring me? Is he sorry he's been leading me on... or something like that!? I don't know!


"You told Jason off... you told him you wanted me... and here I am ignoring you and being a douche." he sighs, scratching the back of his neck. I shouldn't smile, but I do. I wrap my arms around him squeezing him tightly. "You're not mad?" He asks. 


"No!" I reply, and then Mrs. Oliver whistles, and Jake and I take a seat. We listen to her notes, which isn't many since we've been running through this now for almost a week, then Lena has a couple comments. She brings up The last scene with Robbie and I, and how believable we made it look. Ithink about the way he was looking at me, and it sends shivers down my spine. My arms have goosebumps even. It was tottally weird.  Once we get dismissed, I give Jake a quick kiss on the cheek explaining that I have to give Lena a tour and show her around. We decide that tomorrow night, we'll do something together, since tomorrow is tuesday. Then Wednesday night I'll be having dinner with his family. With there being no school I'm going to have a lot of free time. What should I do with Lena tomorrow? 

Chapter 41- Stone

 "Lena! Come on we're going to be late!" I yell laying my hands on the bathroom door to get as close as I can without actually opening the door. She has been in there for two hours now, and the damn shower has been running the whole time! Walking over to my desk again, I play my turn... I've played four games of Chess against the computer and lost each of them. I've been ready for the past three hours, it took her a full hour to get out of bed, and now the past two hours have been pounding on my bathroom door and chess.  "I'm eating breakfast without you!" I yell leaving my room.  


Making my way down to the kitchen I grab a package of apple strawberry cream oatmeal. Pouring it into a bowl and adding the water, I click the buttons on the microwave and wait.  I planned on doing a bunch of stuff with her today, but if she takes much longer we wont be able to do much. I really wanted to go swimming and see if we could go riding, but now I don't think we'll have enough time. Maybe just one today, including we have the musical. Once the microwave beeps, I grab my bowl and stir it up. Plopping into one of the chairs, I eat my cereal, while everyone is is busy running around trying to get to where they want to. With school being cancled for the week I'm sure lots people are going out, or throwing parties. Anne and Rachel sweep into the room, and Rachelle makes Anne's breakfast for her. Anne just sits across from me and glares. 


"So... you and Jake are going to go out right?" She roles her eyes, but jealousy is leaking from her voice.  A couple people stop  and look at the two of us, listening in. I take a deep breath, this is practically world war three going on now. "What about Jason?" 


"Just shut up." I get up, putting my bowl in the sink. Now the kitchen is quiet. "Get over yourself." I add leaving the room. No way am I up for that today. I want a nice fun good day, and causing a war with Anne doesn't sound good or apealing.  I meet Lena coming up the stairs, and I drag her out to my car wanting to avoid Anne. She complains about wanting food, but I tell her she should've got ready faster. 


"Well what are we gonna do today?" She asks, leaning against my car. I cross my arms unsure. What should we do?  "We should go see that guy... the tall blonde you're friends with."


"What?" I cough. Tall blonde? That's Jake. 


"Yeah... you can hang out with red head boyfriend.. and I'll just hang out with blondie." She shrugs with a smile. I shake my head, this is unbelievable! 


"Jake ... blondie... is my boyfriend." I say, and she laughs then stops looking at my serious look.  "Seriously." I sigh. 


"I thought you and red head had a thing. I mean your kiss was like  holy shit! And the way you too looked at each other!" She places her hands over her heart, and shrinks her knees.  


"No." I say wanting to clear it all up. "Robbie is just a friend. Jake is my boyfriend.  Now what do you want to do today?" I begin naming of things we could do. She doesn't seems interested in any of it unless it involves seeing boys. Although it's illegal for her to have anything to do with any of the boys here, I'm getting the feeling that isn't going to stop her. 


"Let's throw a dance competition!" She says, pulling out her phone. "You make sure people show up, and I'll do the rest!" she walks away texting a mile a minute. I lean against my car scratching the top of my head. She dances Juiliard, why does she want to do more dancing? I send out a mass text to all my contacts. We walk around the school grounds while she keeps pulling her strings to get a Dj and  drinks. This isn't going to be as fun as I thought it would be having her here.


After another three hours are wasted planning we go back to the dorm for lunch. I make macaroni with hotdogs in it, we play a couple cards games and chat about boys. Mostly about Jake. I grit my teeth unhappily at all her questions. It's almost as if she doesn't care I'm with him, I'm actually assuming she doesn't care because she is trying to get as much information out of me as he can.


"Paige!" Jayla yells running in and squeezing me. I almost choke on my food as she squeezes me. "What are you doing? Why aren't you with Jake?"


"I'm eating.. and I have a ... friend here. I didn't want to be rude. What are you doing here?" I explain sitting up. Lena is looking Jayla up and down, I don't like the look on her face.  "Oh.. Jayla this is Lena. Lena this is Jayla .. Jake's little sister."


"Oh hey! You look just like your brother Jake!" Lena shines, and it automatically turns Jayla off. She doesn't like the way she said Jake's name either.


"No.. I think she looks like me." Jason rounds the corner. I look down at the table, rubbing my eyes. What in the world is going on? Jayla and Jason? No word from Jake...? "Paige.. a word." He says, I get up and leave Jayla alone with Lena. Hopefully they wont kill each other. But what on earth does Jason want from me?  Stoppping outside on the dorm stairs, he looks out at the yard.


"What?" I ask, leaning against the railing.


"About yesterday." He begins. "I didn't mean to piss you off or anything... but Paige Jake is bad news. You know that. What are you doing getting involved with him?"


"It's a long story..." I say, not really wanting to talk about this. "To long to explain to you right now... and frankly it's none of your business." I add. He stands up straight giving me a stirn teacher like look.  "Oh don't even try to pull that you're older and wiser crap right now." I mumble shaking my head.


"Have you guys had sex yet?" He asks, and now I give him a stirn face. 


"No.. but if we had it would really be none of your business!" I scold, walking down the stairs away from him. I'm lying but he doesn't need to know that. "What is Jayla doing here?" I ask, lets change the subject. 


"Turns out she is still out on break... so our parents thought she should come here and spend time with her brothers. I know how much you like each other.. and Jake is missing in action so.. I heard you're having a party."


"I'm not.. Lena is. She just wants me to invite a bunch of guys." I role my eyes.


"Like Jake?" He catches on.


"It doesn't matter."  I shake my head. "What do you want Jason?" I ask.


"I want you to understand Jake is dangerous. You need to drop him, and forget about him Paige. He is just trouble. I'm being serious, I haven't said anything to your brother yet but I will if I have to." He threatens.


"You're threatening me now!" I growl, standing up straight. He just nods. "You wouldn't."


"Oh so you do care if your parents know... so.. you do know Jake is bad news." He says


"Jason.. It's just to early for our families to know..." I try to reason with him.


"My family knows." He raises his eyebrow.


"Yeah.. well I get the feeling that's your fault." I say hotly. He nods, I shake my head again. "What ever. This conversation is over." I turn heading back inside.  


"You know I'm right... Jake has been awol since you two came out officially. You've fought, and hell Paige I'm guessing he hasn't even said a word to you since musical practice yesterday!" I walk inside not replying. He is right. Jake hasn't said a word. I sent him a goodmorning text this morning, and he never replied.  "You're only going to hurt yourself in the end!" He yells as I make my way upstairs, but he doesn't follow me. Why is it that everything he has been saying makes sense?! 




All damn day I've been running around setting up for this dumb party. Now finally getting a slight break, I look at all the work. It looked good the split second before people arrived which was like two minutes after it was completed. I can't believe the teachers were okay with this. Apparently they think it's some fundraiser for the musical, and that we're only drinking fruit punch. I'm guessing some teachers know that isn't true, but they haven't came forward at all. Leaning against the wall, I look at the crowd of dancing teenagers.  


Lena dashes towards me with two drinks in her hand, and she is practically forcing one down my throat before she even says hi. I take the cup away from her promising to have fun, and not mope.  I dump it out when she isn't looking, I convince her to go away only after pointing out Jake's group of friends to her. Jake wasn't with them, but they're all there. Wyatt seems to be leading the pack tonight. I wonder how he is doing. Him and Carmen split, and it seems like he took it okay... but this could just be for show and not what he is really feeling.


  I walk around to all the servers... yes Lena hired drink servers... telling them all about Jayla. No way do I need her to be running around drunk. I'm not sure if she is here, but she was hanging around while we were setting up so just in case.  


Once I'm back in my spot against the wal,l watching the party in full swing,  I realize that Jake and I have some chatting to do. When ever I see him again. Who knows it could be days at this rate. Not even a text, or a word from Wyatt about his whereabouts! He probably took another girl to the private beach... that's a whole day thing easily for him. Kicking off the wall, I head for the door. I've had enough for tonight. 


"Ah-!" a half yelp thing leaves my throat as I get grabbed from behind. A hand covers my mouth, and pulls me back. Once I've stopped moving I'm behind the building where no one can see. I turn ready to fight, my arm already in the swinging motion. My arm comes to a holt seeing a bright smile with puppy eyes and shaggy blonde hair. 


"You instinct is to fight?" He crosses his arms, looking down at me. 


"You should know that." I mumble taking a couple steps away from him. "So.. what do you want Jake?" I ask. I don't know how to act right now. Cold shoulder? Mad as hell? Sad? I'm not good at this feelings and relationship thing. 


"Don't be mad please." He says quietly reaching for me. "Jason... stirred up trouble at home.. I had to go back an-"


"Seriously?" I say. "Jason..? Is he just the root to all of your problems?" I stand up straight, pulling back my shoulders. 


"Most of them... yeah." He nods, and I actually laugh. Definately not a funny good laugh. "Paige, I told you Jason and I don't get along... He is trying to get me kicked out of sch-"


"I don't want to listen to anymore stories Jake." I interupt again. "I just want the truth."


"I'm telling you the truth, Paige!" He whispers, walking over to where I now stand. "Where is this coming from?"  He grabs my shoulders.


"How many girls have you brought to your private beach? Did you have flowers and romantic things planned for all of them.. or was that just me?" I snap. His hands drop from my shoulders. 


"Jason." He mutters in disgust, so quietly I barely hear him. "See what I mean! He got rid of me for the day so he could mess with your head. You're letting him ruin this."


"You didn't answer the question Jake." I stay calm. No tears and no more snapping. 


"One." He holds up his hand with his pointer finger out. 




"One girl." He looks at the ground, and takes a couple deep breaths. "You. You are the only person I've brought up there." He seems to be calming down as well. My head is spinning. One girl? Then how does Jason know? Which one is lying? 


"But... Jas-"


"He is stirring up trouble." He sighs, and now looking at him my nerves go up and my wall starts to shake. His gaze is icy cold, and his eyes are filled with hurt and anger. "You believed him. You let him wiggle his way in. Now we will never work." He shakes his head and now he is the one with the not so funny laugh. He walks away, and doesn't look back.


My heart is thumping so hard in my chest it feels like my it's breaking through my skin. I've got goosebumps from his coldness, and fear trembling through me from his stoney eyes. My breath is caught, I feel like I'm not breathing. I can't move as I watch him just walk away. He doesn't look back.  New fear rises from deep inside of me and it takes me a minute to understand it. Yes, Jake's coldness scared me, but loosing him scares me more. It's strikes fear into my soul. It's not good, to feel like this about him. What can I do though? He is gone, and I don't think anything I do can get him back. 


I've got to try.


I'm chasing after him in a couple seconds. Pushing through the crowd to the parking lot, I spilt a couple of peoples drinks on them, and I mutter apologizes as I go. Breaking through the cloud of people, I burst onto the road, I catch him opening the door to his car. My feet are moving again.  I close his car door, before he gets in. He tilts his head looking down at me, I'm trying to catch my breath from that little burst of adrrenaline, but it's no use. His eyes are wet. I made him cry. Wrappingmy arms around his torso I lay my head on his chest.


"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." I whisper. Ever so slowly he seems to relax with every minute that passes. Even though I'm sure it really was only a couple seconds. His arms cling to me, and I feel his forehead against the top of my head. I feel his shakey breath against my skin, and I hear his one quiet sniffle. "Tell me.." I begin. "Tell me what happened today?" I ask. 


"Stay with me tongiht." He asks, first. I nod, not mentioning that I planned on staying with him even if he didn't want me to. I shift turning my head, and I can see the crowd of people dancing. Through all of the moving bodies, I spot one that isn't moving. Infact it's standing in the back, on the oposite side of the building I was at. Looking directly at me, pissed off. Jason. Closing my eyes I look away, unsure what exactly just happened. I wont mention it to Jake. Right now, I just want to be next to him, and not worry about anyone but us. 

Chapter 42- Intervention

 Jake's POV


Brushing a couple stray strands of hair our of her face, I look at her sleeping face. She is a calm sleeper, and doesn't snore or move around a bunch. I guess setting up the party with Lena was tiring, she mentioned how boring it all was after we finished talking about my day. Rubbing my eyes, I lay back down wrapping an arm around her. I get the best sleep with her as close as she can be. 


My day... was shit. I don't know how Jason did it, but he some how convinced my parents that I was getting out of line. Partying and drinking, if anything I've gotten better. Paige is helping me get better. Jason told my parents that Paige and I were officially a couple. They seemed happy about that, but they weren't happy about my apparent party habits. They almost pulled me from school, to send me to some military school! Worst of all while I was away trying to fix that mess, Jason messed with Paige telling her lies as well. It sucks since Jason and Paige know each other, so Jason knows things about her I might not. He was her first kiss. The fucking possibilities of that blows my mind. 


I come back to my dorm room, as Paige turns in her sleep. Now she is facing me, and gripping my shirt in her hand. It makes me smile, I got lucky. She knows about my past... despite that her she is. From what I understand I'm her first relationship, which I'm happy about because I don't plan on sharing or letting her go. But she is smart and beautiful, sexy... how has she not ever had a boyfriend before? I've never asked her if she'd been asked out before, but it's something I often think about. I know I was her first sexually, I'm going to be her only too.  Again I don't plan on losing her... or sharing.  


Tonight was close. Jason knows that too I'm guessing. He isn't going to stop, it's his damn life goal to split Paige and I up. He normally ruins things with the girls I'm talking to, but this time is different. Not only are Paige and I actually dating, but this time he knows the girl.. and he knew her before I did. He has the connections to her older brother, and I can tell he has a place in her heart as well. Brotherly place... but still he is there. 


"Are you still awake?" She scares the shit out of me, as she props herself up on her elbow. 


"Did I wake you up?" I ask, she shakes her head  letting go of my shirt that she was gripping. 


"You should get some sleep... we perform tomorrow.. and then dinner with you family." She whispers, laying her head down on my chest. "What are you thinking about?"


"How lucky I am." I reply, and tilts her head up looking at me with confusion. I kiss her forehead, "Nothing... go back to sleep." 


"Are you tired even?" She sits up again. She is studying me now, I'm guessing she is trying to figure out what I meant.  "You look wide awake. I'm not gonna sleep if you're gonna lay here awake." She states. She swings her leg over me, laying her hands on my chest. "What's wrong?" She asks, stirnly. That's not where I thought she was going with this, but I am not complaining. 


"I'm just lucky.. that's all." I smirk, grabbing her wrists and sitting up. 


"How so?" She questions, raising an eyebrow.  She knows my intentions. 


"I've got you in my bed with me!" and with that everything blows up. We're lip locked, and throwing   clothes to the ground in a matter of seconds. It all seemed to go very fast, up until we were both completely undressed.*******  Marveling at her body, sculpted perfectly with curves and muscle, I know for sure that I am the luckiest person ever. Her  long brown hair cascades around covering her perfection from me. She likes being covered,  she is uncomfortable with me seeing her still. I pull her hair back, watching her eyes as worry crosses through them. 


"You are beautiful." I say, running my hands up her stomach and over her chest. I feel her shiver, and I peek back up at her face. She's biting her lip, and watching me. Ducking my head, I go for her neck, I grab her sides pulling her closer. Our fronts touching, the skin to skin contact wakes us both up. Her right hand grabs my jaw roughly pulling our lips to each other, her other hand ready to grip my hair. She knows how to control me. No clue why, but my hair is my weak spot. I slowly run my finger tips down her sides, feeling the tingles it sends through her. Her hand lets go of my jaw and slowly falls from my chest to my stomach, but it continues going further then that. Her hand stops reaching it's target, and oh so heavenly she touches me. It stops me from breathing, and forces me to break our kiss. 


I can feel her shakey breath, against my neck. She keeps a nice but torturous rhythym for a  long time, and it drives my through the wall. I've never really had a trouble with staying quiet, up until her.. and this really put me through the ringer. She got a couple groans out of me.  Not being able to hold back anymore, I grab her wrist pulling her hand away. I flip us on my bed so we're laying down, and I'm hovering over her. I slide inside of her, and find her lips again. Her hands move up my arms, and to my shoulders as things got more involved.


"Mmmm.. Jake..." She whispers, what seems like only seconds later. Her finger nails already working there way into my skin but I don't mind it doesn't hurt. Hearing her moan my name sends me over board, but I get out in time.*******


"Holy... fucking... shit..." I breath, trying to catch my breath. I glance at the clock, and I rub my eye that can't be right.  A little of over two hours passed! I look over at her next to me, and it makes me smile. She's out cold, and back to her peaceful sleeping self. That pooped me out too! Over two hours, I lay down beside her, wraping an arm around her again. I drift off to sleep after a couple minutes. 




Sitting up, I know something is wrong right away. Paige isn't here. Her clothes are gone too. I get up getting in the shower. Why did she leave? We worked everything out I thought. Once I'm dressed I grab my phone and keys, I'm going to her dorm. 


"Jake!" Lena greets me. She is leaning against the drivers door to my car. 


"Hi?" I reply, what's going on? 


"Paige called me earlier... she told me to keep you company while she is at some appointment today. So, I'm your girl for the day!" she winks, and now my mood as dropped. Paige has an appointment? Why didn't she tell me that last night? We have the play today... and my parent's dinner. Why would she push Lena on me? She wouldn't. In  fact I'm sure she wouoldn't want me with a girl at all if she isn't around. 


"Well... I'm just going to the diner. To get breakfast." I sigh, changing my plans. Now I just need to figure out where Paige really is. 


"Sweet. I could go for a cinnamon roll!" She walks around to the passenger side of my car, and hops right in. Pulling out my phone I shoot her a quick questioning text, then I get in and drive to the diner. I keep my phone close and on vibrate, waiting for a reply. Something is off about all of this. There is secrecy coming from Lena, Paige has for all I know gone missing and doesn't seem to have her phone. I order a coffee feeling like today is going to be a long day. I'm not even hungry, I just didn't want to stay at my dorm with Lena. I don't need to give Paige any reason to question me. 


After she is finished with her juice and cinnamon roll, and my coffee was gone she hooked onto me like a bug to sugar. There is no way I'm getting out of her sight. 


"Well... what is it you want to do?" I finally ask. This is all to fishy, and I'm getting the idea that she is just here to distract me. But from what? 


"Well... I have to go to the auditorium early to help set up and get things ready for the performance tonight...I'm sure we could use the help." She offers. 


"What time is that?" I ask, maybe Paige will be there. She gives me the details, as I drive around school grounds. I keep the windows up, not wanting people to look in and see I'm with another girl. I don't need to rumors flying about us. Jason would like that though, rumors of me being with another girl. I pause looking over at Lena out of the corner of my eye. I wonder....


"Okay so... what do you want to do until two?" she asks looking up at me. She is older and in college, but she is shorter the Paige even. 


"I was going to go down to the field maybe hit a couple in the cage.." I sigh, scratching the back of my neck. 


"Cool! Lets do it!" She buckles her seat belt. I look ahead and keep my anger to minimum, what in the hell is going on? Lena keeps up the small talk all day, and I go throught three buckets of balls. She compliments me hitting skills, and I get the feeling she isn't talking to about batting. Once we picked up all of the balls I hit, she wants to try. I have to turn the speed down, and show her how to swing. She has no idea. 


"You didn't play sports when you were younger?" I ask. 


"The only thing my parents let me do was dance and practice my viollin. They never even let me near a field or a court. I don't even know how to bounce a basketball correctly. I have to use both hands." She admits, look at the bat in her hands. "Okay so like this right?" 


I go over turning her hands, and lining  up her knuckles. She shows me her swing, and I know I have to help her out a little more. I take a deep breath, and just for it. I stand behind her and put my hands on top of hers.  I go through the motion with her, giving her a nice level swing. 


"Awesome!" She whispers, and I imediately remove my hands and back away. She knows what she is doing now. She goes through to buckets, but probably only actually hit one bucket all together, she did pretty good. Gathering up the balls and taking care of the batting cage, we chat some more. We talk about the musical, sports, and school. We chill out on the bleahcers by the field for a while, it's already noon and I don't know what to do now for two hours before she has to go set up. It's sounding like she is practically forcing me to do it with her though. I just hopping I'll see Paige there. She hasn't replied to me text yet, and I haven't been given the chance to call her either. Lena isn't so bad though. She keeps things pretty interesting, and she is always saying funny things. 


Making our way up to my car, we talk about what to do for lunch. She offers to cook, and I don't argue. I didnt' have breakfast so anything sounds good. She keeps up the chatter even while she cooks, talking about how cooking is another one of her hobbies, and since she was home schooled, it's something she is actually good at. It's when a plate of sweet and sour chicken is place in front me that I believe heer cooking skills. It smells delicious. It looks good. 


"So what else can you do?" I ask as she sits down with a plate herself. she starts telling me a little bit more about herself, as we eat. Although I barely listen, I keep looking at my phone in my lap waiting for Paige's response. I send her another text, asking her to reply. Still nothing. 


"I have to go to Paige's room before we go to the auditorium." Lena sits p abruptly. "I forgot about the books I have that need to be brought back." The two of us do the dishes together real quick, and I drive to girls dorm. She flies out of the car telling me she will only be a minute, and then she is running into the dorm. I sit back pulling out my phone I dial Paige's number and press the call button. It rings three times and the disconnects ending the call. She has her phone. She just ingore my call. What is going on? Now I'm getting pissed off. She must be getting my texts... so she realling is just ignoreing me. Once Lena slides back into her seat, I head to the school. It's going to be a long night.




Everything is all set up. And within the next half hour everyone is supposed to be here to start getting ready for the musical performance. Paige isn't here. In fact she has been missing according to everyone who is here. Mrs. Oliver, Robbie, Lena, and Georgia. Lena has no idea where she is at now. Her appointment wasn't a long one, if she even really had an appointment. I sit in the back at a table, barely hearing a word that Georgia is telling me. She was telling me stories about her and Paige. How they've been in every production together with Robbie and Mark. I did notice the way she says Robbie's name, she has a thing for him. 


"I guess it's just the way things are besides... I heard Robbie and Paige have a thing on the side going on." she sighs, and I turn my head towards her. Why wasn't I listening? "Oh...I mean... oh you didn't hear?"


"Hear what?" I ask, turning and facing her. 


"Yeah... I thought you would've known... I thought you two had like a deal thing or something." she looks away. 


"What are you talking about?" I ask, "Go back to the begginning please!" 


"I heard from Anne that you and Paige are just like benefit buddies. Really her and Robbie are together." She scratches the back of her neck. "Is that wrong?"


"Completely." I mumble rubbing my eyes. Where in the hell is Paige? How far has this rumor gotten? Robbie. I look around for him. I excuse myself from the table, and head towards the front of the stage. I need to have a word with him. I peek around the curtain, and my eyes go straight to the long brown hair and nice legs. Paige. It's who is next to her that gives me uneasiness. Jason. The door to auditorium opens again, and it's Mr. Parker, and her brother Patrick. I watch as they make their way towards Paige and Jason and Mrs. Oliver. What's going on? Robbie is standing next to Paige too, but he looks lost. 


"Oh? What going on?" Georgia asks, peeking like I am. I close the curtain, I don't know if I should be mad or happy. I know she is okay at least now. But what the fuck is she doing with Jason and Mr. Parker? What's her brother doing here? I take a seat in the back again, next to Lena this time. 


"Paige is out there if you want to go say hi." I sigh, she lets out a breath and stands up. 


"I have something to tell you." She spits out really fast. "Paige didn't have an appointment." I look up at her narrowing my eyes. "Your brother told me to keep you occupied all day.. that way you wouldn't interu-"


"Jason?" I stand up. 


"Austin and him took her somewhere today... and they didn't want you finding out... they took her phone... I couldn't even get a hold of her, they didn't tell me what they were doing either. I'm sorry. But I've seen how bummed out you are.. I see that you really care for her... I'm sorry." she explains. I'm running back to the curtain, and pulling it aside just as they seem to have everything all sorted out. Paige looks up the stage and sees me. She smiles turning towards me, then her brother says something I can't hear. They speak for a minute, and it almost looks like a fight. She walks away from him, and now Jason and Austin and Robbie are watching. She makes her way to the stage, towards me, she stops in front of me. 


"Boy do I have a story to tell you.." She whispers.  I glance up at the people watching us. "Don't let what happened today get you mad. That's what they want." she turns looking at them too. She walks past me, behind the curtain, I follow unsure on whats going on exactly. 


"Jason and Austin took me out to minuature golf today, and to see a movie.. and just wasted my day. The whole time they were giving me the talk. They even called Patrick. They don't want us together. I told them that nothing they said would change my mind... I want to be with you Jake. I know that I can be stubborn, and I have a mini history with brother, and that I'm not expirienced... and we haven't known each other long.. a little over two months... but I.. I ju-"


"Paige." I interupt her, she stops pacing and looks at me finally. "Come here." I hold out my hand, and she slowly grasps my hand. I pull her to me, just hugging her and holding her tight.  "Well hey at least you had fun." I sigh.


"Jason said you were busy today... that you had you hands full." she pulls back a second looking up at me, questioning me. I look over at Lena and her eyes follow. Her grip on my weakens. 


"Nothing happened... even though I think something was supposed to.. Jason payued her off." I inform her, and I can feel the tension leave her body. 


"Alrigjht darlings time to get ready!" Mrs. Oliver's voice rings backstage. I kiss her forhead, and we head different ways so we can get ready for our performance.

Chapter 43- Finale

Paige's POV


Grabbing Jake's hand, I smile at him. We walk out from behind the curtain, and the auditorium errupts louder then it was before. We both bow, and then let go of each other going to our spots. It's role call, and after this we have a family dinner to go to. Then we do the rest of bows and after Robbie and Dave come out, Running back behind stage, I go to the girls dressing room AKA the locker room, I take off my dress and change into my clothes for Jake's famiy dinner. Then I work on taking off the make-up. It takes me a while since I don't make my face red from scrubbing. Once I get it off I re-do it a little bit with a little mascara and eyeliner.I put my dress back on the hanger, and I look around for Jake. I peek back out into the hal unsre where he is. I check my phone, that I just got back before the performance, he didn't text me or anything. I look over at his hook, and notice his costume isn't hung up yet so he must still be changing. Jeepers what's taking him so long. I wait for him, and when he walks into the room I stand up. 


"What took you so long?" I ask.


"Jason.. he stopped me in the hall and talked to me about you for about  thirty minutes." He sighs, and I look up wondering what exactly was talked about. He smiles at me, but I don't know if I should smile back... what did Jason tell him? "Jason told me... that if we really are going to be together then I need to treat you right. Because you're to good for me, and that if I ever break your heart he'll be there to pick up the pieces." 


"Jason!?" I say my eye brows going up.


"Oh yeah.. he is tottally crushing on you. along with almost every other guy here." He shrugs. "But you're mine. No if's and's or but's about it. I don't plan on breaking you heart anytime soon... or anytime ever." He wraps an arm around my shoulder.


"Those are some big words... that's a big promise.. sure you want to make it?" I ask, biting the inside of my check. Holy crap, is he saying he plans on being with me for the rest of his life? Jake Lincoln? It gives me butterflies in both my stomach and head.  


"Positive." He whispers, looking down at me.. "Now... shall we?" he holds out his arm like a gentle would. He is such a clown. It makes my laugh.


"We shall." I reply, and he leads me out to his car. Opening and closing my door for me, I buckle up loving how happy he seems.  Once we get to the restuarunt, he lets me out as well.  "Ready for this?" I ask, when we walk in there. There will be questions. His family is going to know. No going back. 


"More then ready." He smiles, placing his hand on my waist, as we walk in. "Next it's your family... you know my family likes you already." He sighs, as one of the servers leads us back to where his parents table is. 


"I don't know if mine will be so understanding." I admit, and his grip on my tightens. "We'll worry about that when the time comes." I add, lets just have a nice night tonight. The waiter pulls the curtain back, apparently they really like there privacy, and all the blood drains from my face. My family is here.  "Oh shit." I whisper. Jake's hand slips away, and he takes a tiny step away from me. 


Patrick and Jason, are sitting down in front of us and they both turn giving the two of us big smiles. I take a deep breath. I look at my mom and she doesn't look mad. My dad doesn't look to happy, but he doesn't look mad either.  Jake and I take our seats keeping up with the little small talk about the musical. Then Mr. Lincoln explains that they meet my parents outside the school and thought it would be nice to invite them to dinner too. Patrick and Jason, who are sitting directly across from Jake and I, and loving what's going on. They don't want Jake and I together, and so far this dinner has kept us appart. Well, we're sitting next to each other, but we are both uncomfortable and unsure. They can tell.


"Paige, Jason was telling us about your Juiliard trip and your scholarship they're offering you." Mrs. Lincoln chirps.


"Yeah," I put my glass of lemonade down. "It was very nice there, but I don't know if that's the career I want to pursue." I say.


"Your dance tonight was beautiful darling. I heard you did the choreogrophy yourself. You have the talent." my mom cuts in. 


"What about teaching?" Mr. Lincoln asks. "If I remember correctly you said something about teaching?" He asks, taking asip of his wine.


"Yes, that's correct." I nod, where is this going what are they trying to figure out? 


"Jake is planing on taking the company once heis old enough." Mrs. Lincoln gushes, and Jake looks over at her. That's something Jake and I haven't really talked about. I knew that he had the chance, but I didn't know if he was going to do it or not. 


"Are you? That's nice." I say looking at him. 


"I... ah.. yeah.. It's what I planned on." He says, glancing at his father. "what you Jason though?" he asks, turning the conversation. "I'm sure you want some of it too."


"Nah... I'm with Paige on this one.. teaching is where it's at." He sends me a quick smile. It gives me shivers, thinking about what Jake said earlier about him having a crush on me. Conversations about me and Jake's future  keep getting tossed around as if we aren't even there. Jake grabs my hand under the table, as things start getting a little bit more serious. It is really as if we aren't here, our parents are talking about getting together on holidays, and what would happen if I did decide to goto Juiliard. Or if Jake out of the blue decided to go to college. 


"Of course the wedding can be at the beach!" Mrs. Lincoln smiles, and her and my mom go into detail about what our wedding will be like. Our dads are talking about Company stuff. Jason and Patrick look miserable. Jake and I keep quiet, they're already talking about marriage! Where both still in highschool!


"I'm going to use the restroom." I get up, unsure if I want to keep listening. I'm not mad, but I think it's still a bit soon to be talking marriage!


"Me too." Jake follows, and I lead him outside for some air. "Well... that's not something you see .. or hear everyday." He sighs, scratching his forhead.


"At least they get along." I sigh looking up at the sky. It's a clear stary night.


"Oh don't worry about it... Everything will play out for the best." He wraps an arm around me. Pulling us together front to front.


"You know that how?" I ask.


"Well first of all your dad hasn't killed me yet, and neither has your brother." He begins, and I smile at him. "Second of all... I didn't plan on ever letting you go... so I guess I don't mind the marriage talk."


"Jake Lincoln is thinkign about getting married." I raise an eyebrow at him.


"Well... when you want to be with someone for ever what else are you supposed to do?" He asks looking down at me.


"I think I love you." I whisper, and his smile is contagious.


"I know I love you." He replies, I go up on my tippy toes, touching our lips. There is a bright flash on my right side, and I pull away from him, wondering what in the hell it was. Looking over at the building I see an a window with a bunch of faces peeking and watching us. Our parents! My mom is holding her camera. 


"Oh god." I look away from them. 


"Well... that's one way to let them know we're together." He chuckles, grabbing my hand. "we better get back inside. my head is spinning as we make our way back to our table. God this is like a fairytale! Happy endings  don't usually happen in the real world. Thank god this is one did. I give Jake another quick kiss before he moves the curtain.  "Are you ready for this?" he asks. 


"As long as we're together I'm ready for anything." 




Hope you enjoyed my book!

Check out my updated character book to see how I pictured some of your favorite characters to look. 


Publication Date: 05-10-2013

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