
You're My First Wish

"Once upon a time a young man called Aladdin found a lamp inside a dungeon and made three wishes to the genie that is inside the lamp. The Genie was able to fulfill his first and second wish but when he asked what Aladdin's third wish...he wished to set the genie free from that lamp".


Why would Alladin do that? Is what I thought, as I close the book I just borrowed from my aunt's daughter. If I were him I will wish for him to stay with me forever...always.


The Christmas celebration has ended and everyone was back to each own business and work. But I'm still here waiting for someone to give my Christmas present that I never had since both of my parents passed away 8 years ago, when I was still a baby. I am now living with my aunt and her family, who were reluctant first in taking me in since they are also poor.


What are you doing there day dreaming? asked by my aunt, Nothing, I replied and then hide the book that I was reading secretly. Here is the list of what you should get for the later night birthday dinner party for my daughter, she said and hand over a paper with a list of the things she wants me to buy for her daughter's birthday...which is also my birthday.


I changed into my red dress, get out of the house and excitedly went shopping acting as if it's for my birthday celebration. On the way I can see other children like me, shopping and eating together with their family while talking about their plans for the coming New Year.


 I can see them happily talking each new year's resolution and their wishes coming true by the coming year. It was because of it that I remember the story I've read earlier about Aladdin's setting free the genie whom he treated as his savior and special friend.


I wonder what's he doing right now? I asked myself thinking what would be the genie's doing right now that he was all alone and separated from his only friend. 


Is he feeling the same way that I am feeling right now? I don't know if this just because it's my birthday but If ever I met him, I have lots of things I want to wish...and one of those is I no longer want to feel so sad and alone again.


The snow has started to fall and the sun has set down already, I know that I should hurry and go back home before my aunt gets angry at me again. But as I walk I noticed that the path and its surrounding has changed into something that I don't remember. 


Suddenly it becomes foggy and I almost can't see what is in front of me because of it. But when the path becomes clear, out of nowhere a man dressed in black coat was standing alone blocking my way appears and starts talking to me.


  A kid? he said with his deep voice echoing the place. This is the first time that I'll be called out because of a kid, whose heart should be free of darkness, said by him who then kneeled down and then asked for my name. 


So what's your name?  he said, My name is Anne...and who are you? I replied back while still confused what is happening and what do he mean that he was called out by my presence. 


I am a Jinni and we don't have a name but I am here to fulfill three wishes for you...but each has price you'll need to pay depending on the wish, he said. I can see that your life expectancy is long so I guess I am lucky to be called out by you, although most of the human I saw are adults so this is the first time I will made a pact with a kid, he continues as he look intensely in my eyes. 


Are you sure I can wish anything? I asked him. can wish for toys, candys anything! Is what the man said nonchalantly. 


Unknown to the little girl the man was thinking that this will be an easy work since she was just a little girl, who's innocent and easy to lead on to wish something easy and by then take her life source or something equivalent to it immediately. 


I, a Jinni will now made a pact to fulfill any of your wish in exchange of the thing you treasured most first, he continues while waiting for the little girl to response. 


 The little girl then shows him a ring which she considered as her most precious thing. It was her mother's wedding ring that was given to her before they died.


You are my first wish...please marry me! Is what the little girl said to the man who was so surprised on the little girl wish. 


Wait..This can't be! shouted by him and then a bright blue light appears that made them close their eyes. And when she open her eyes again to see what happened, she felt something hot in her ring finger.

 She look closely and see a shape like ring with words she don't understand curved on it, was tattooed in her ring finger and the same tattoo was on his ring finger as well. 


I don't understand what's happening but I was so happy to have someone who will be with me from now on and becomes my own family... is what the little girl thought.

A Jinni

It was said that a Jinni was a creature born from hell's smoke and fire who are like humans, have their own free will and known for being good or evil. Some myths said they are supernatural creature that has lower rank than angels and capable of appearing in human and animal forms. Man has been aware of our existence and even made stories about us of which are all nowhere near to the truth on what we really are. I've been watching humans for who knows how many years now but still can't comprehend what they are thinking. I don't really understand what's the difference between good or evil since each has its own interpretation depending on how it affects one.


Humans are weak and powerless compared to us and angels but they were love most by him and honestly I envy them most. Although there are only few of them I saw some humans lived shorter than a hundred years but died with a satisfied look in their face. They gave their best in almost everything and the look in their face once they achieved the things they want most, protects the thing they treasured most and most of all the thing they called "Love", I almost wondered what it feels to experience all of that as well. Maybe I am watching them to much to the point that had these thoughts coming out that should never happened since I'm a Jinni.


 Each has its own face, belief and attitude but there's one thing they are common with, all of them has their own greed and desire. That's where we get our life source as well. By fulfilling their desire in exchange for the life source and the spirit left from something that was treasured most by them we fed to these things and thus continue to exist and gain more power. Man's greed are limitless that sometimes, without them realizing their wish will actually cost them as much as their left days in this world. And since it's their life source also known as souls were the one being eaten, when they died that's the end for them They won't even go to hell or heaven, only emptiness will come to them. Once a pact was made one can never back down or break the contract that was already agreed on. Unlike humans we of the other world consider these as the strongest bond or seal that can never be severed by anyone or anything. That's why even I, made it possible that I'll be able to get to fulfill each wish with conditions that's of my capacity and advantage.


But what I do not expect most was me getting married to a human and it's a little girl to booth! How foolish of me to have a mistake like this. I was trying to look for somebody who's heart was clouded with darkness and desire but I didn't expect it to be a kid who would on her first wish will ask me to marry her. This might be a kind of joke this little girl has sent to me...I've been had with this thing humans called "fate".


Second Wish: A Fate Given To Me

A little girl who looks like around her ten years of age, innocent and stupidly looking while smiling at me, this is my little bride who doesn't know a thing about what her crazy wish will brought both of our lives from now on. Seeing this tatooed like ring on my ring finger, I know that this vow is something that can't be broken by anyone except her.


You stupid brat! do you know what you have done? I shouted after realizing the aftermath of her wish she made to me, for I will have to bring her with me and have both of us to live together. 


I was waiting for her response but all she did was to hold my hand and move it closer to her face and then smiled. 


I am so happy to met you genie and be with you from now on, she said then let go of my hand, My husband my name is Anne, please take care of me from now on, she continued.


Sigh...look here kid I know that you are excited with all of this but I am not even a human, aren't you afraid of me?


No, I am not why should are the first person who said that he will give me a gift and I was so happy by that (Gave him a gentle smile)


The fog has cleared and so the path where she would always walks to, then she realized that her aunt was still waiting for her so she hurriedly told me that she needs to return now. 


I need to go now... my aunt is waiting for these, she said and showed him the basket she is carrying with her, I'll see you later...err...your will I call you? she asked. 


I told you as a Jinni, we don't have names unlike you humans and even angels, I replied. 


That's sad, you mean you were never given a name nor called by anyone by your own name? is what she said and felt pity about what she heard. 


If that's the case can I tell now my second wish, genie? she asked while looking innocently to me.


What is it? Are you going to wish to take back the crazy wish of being wed to me earlier?  I asked thinking that she maybe realized that it's better to asked other things than being married with a monster, Sure go ahead, I a jinni will make sure that your all of your three wishes will come true, I continued.


I wish to give you a name, Gin ( which also known as silver), like the silver light I saw when you appeared and after I made my wish to have you to be with me, I wish to give you this name

She strongly said that to me and again a silver light flashed and then I felt something hot in my ring finger. This time the word "Gin" was also curved on the ring like shape that was tatooed on my finger. 


You! do you realized what have you done to me? I shouted and then knocks her head down in anger. 


Ouch that hurts! she shouted, Hahaha (giggles) from now on your name is Gin, My husband name is Gin! she proclaimed.


She doesn't have any idea that giving me a name, just so that she can have something to call me is that simple. Soon as someone has given a name, their names will be listed on the book of life and fate will be made on that person. 


That is why unlike humans and even angels we are free beings as well in a sense that no one can interfere with what we do, we are literally empty beings exist just to live without any purpose. But now a name was given to me her second wish just gave me something more than something she can call me. A fate was also given to me. From now on everthing I'll do will made an effect to myself and even other's action towards me...a connection now has been made between me and all things made by him that I cannot escape from.


But most of all her wish cost her supposed fate and destiny has been cut-off and her fate now depends on what will be my fate. It means that we now share the same fate which who knows what that will be. 


And you just laugh in all of this, you don't have any idea what the price of this wish, is what I said to her and then told her to make sure and think hard what will be her last wish cause this time that will cost her own life if not, worst case scenario it will cost her afterlife.


But regardless of all my ramblings why do I feel something tingling inside, is this what human called happiness? excitement? I admit for as long as I remember I never felt alive and even felt this envy with humans, who knows what life and death means. 


Unlike humans we are empty. I am starting to think that we are worthless beings made out of nothing and for nothing at all. We were never given a purpose why we are born. Were said to be like humans who have their own free will unlike animals or plants, but unlike humans or even angels, they were created with a purpose, a fate. What about us? Nothing.

The Beginning of Our life together

What took you so long? Anne's aunt said the moment she opened the door for her.


I got lost in the crowd, aunt. She answered and then entered the house.


As she enter she breathe a sigh of relief and then look at her hand with the tatooed ring on it. She had this gentle smile on her face as she looks on it.


What are you still waiting and smiling like an idiot there? Her aunt, with her frown eye brows, asked her.


I'm sorry, I'll go now and prepare our food for dinner, she answered and quickly hide her hand with the tatooed ring on it.


She hurriedly went to the kitchen and bring out the ingredients she bought earlier. She then began preparing the food for dinner which is also to celebrate her aunt's daughter birthday. Although perplexed, Anne thought that compared before she's not feeling sad or jealous with them celebrating her aunt's daughter birthday only.


All night her thoughts were full of him, her new found family that will take her away tomorrow.


Aunt and uncle I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me, she told them after finishing their dinner. I will never forget you all; she continued and then gave them a smile.


What's the problem' with her? That what's they thought of her as she walks away, to clean their plates.


That night she packed her things and prayed that tomorrow's weather is good. And so her most awaited time has come, she hurriedly went outside their house to the place where the jinni instructed her to go and waited there. She then closed her eyes and kissed the ring shaped tattoo on her ring finger while whispering the jinni's name; Gin, that's what she whispered.


I'm here, said by a voice that came from behind. Her happiness and excitement can be reflected on her eyes the moment she saw him. Where are we going now? She asked him. I'll take you to the place I lived since I got here in this world. He answered.


Anne was expecting that they will fly there with his magic carpet, like the one from the book; Aladdin she read but instead without her noticing, he have them teleported on his place. He has taken them somewhere that's actually just near the city, and unexpectedly he was living in a modern single detached house with his own car, veranda and a small garden.


Here we are, don't cause a ruckus here, he warned her knowing that she might be too excited to live together from now on.


Yes! (Giggles) she answered and then run inside the house to see what it looks like.


It was apparent that his lifestyle was like that of the humans. He was able to blend in like a normal person and even build his own house in the city. He explained to her that he only change the place appearance for decades making sure it blended how people of each eras houses looks like.


Hey I just told you not to be too excited! He shouted and then has her sit down on the table. I'll make you something for breakfast what do you wanted? He asked her.


A...Anything... she answered. There was a long silence before she answered him which made him curious at first but then just ignore it and proceed in making her breakfast.


Here, I made you this thing you humans called rice porridge, eat this while it's still hot, he said to her and was thinking that maybe she's not feeling well so he made her something easy to eat. But even before she starts eating, her tears that she seems to be holding for a while, starts falling from her eyes.


H...Hey, what's your problem, he asked her while panicking on what might have gotten to her suddenly. Here, wipe your tears using these and calm down, he said and then hand her the handkerchief. She then wiped her tears and tried to calm down before she begun to speak. I...I'm sorry; it's just that this will be the first time that someone cooks for me. I was just so happy, thank you Gin; she explained him and then starts crying again.


He just stared at her crying face and for some reason upon hearing what she said, he as well begun to have a strange feeling that he can't explained. This was actually the first time for him to do something for someone and was thanked back in such manner.

She's A Mystery

Every day she would pest me by saying that she should be the one doing breakfast for us and sulk if she sees that I’m already up and making it for her. Just how many times do I have to tell her that we Djinns doesn’t eat or sleep, and I’m only doing that for her! Is what I thought each time we talk about this.


These days I would notice her staring at me and restless about something, which she won’t tell even if I asked her. What is it now this time? That’s what I thought and for some reason I can’t believe myself being concerned to her.


And then one time she approach me and asked me if I like eating sweet things, which I immediately answered that of all things human made that’s the only thing I can’t bear to eat. She then makes this disappointed face which made me feel bothered. But when I told her that I might eat one the things human called “chocolate” because I once tried it and the taste didn’t upset me, her eyes got big and smiled happily at me.


You are really a mystery for me, I accidently commented her and then she gave me a surprise look.


What do you mean, Gin? She asked me


Nothing, just forget what I said, I told her and then I walk away to get outside the room.


Hey! She shouted as she sees me walk away from her, dropping off our conversation early.


What is happening to me? This isn’t like me at all to think and observe a human of all things! Maybe I am beginning to be influenced by that little fool…


It’s been almost a month since we started living together. I can’t believe I am getting used in living with a human and a little girl to booth! Every day she would talk to me nonstop that it’s starting to get in my nerves, yet I find myself getting interested to the stories she is telling me. There’s this story about a man who freed a magical creature they called “Genie”, that she keeps on telling me that I am like that “Genie” that she’s been dreaming to meet. She goes on about how long she wanted to have her own family and to never again feel alone.


I just don’t get her, is what I thought every time she would have this happy face when she tell those stories, and suddenly became sad when she talks about and remember her family.


But what I don’t get is myself who is now with her outside walking around like an ordinary human and being seen by many people, which I wanted to avoid most. I, without thinking when I saw her making that irritating sad face asked her if she wants to go outside with me.


Really, you are going to take me outside with you, Gin? (Giggles), she asked while grinning at me.


Yes, I am and don’t make me repeat myself! I shouted irritably because I was surprised with myself for even suggesting these. I can’t believe that I am being pulled around by this little fool…


While outside I’ve noticed that she’s fidgeting about something and then suddenly she grabbed my hand and told me that she like us to hold hands while walking. I was surprised when she suddenly grabbed my hand but seeing what’s around us I think I get what just suddenly got into her. There are annoying couples everywhere making a scene on our way which for some reason made her happy and excited.


Hey…. you, what do you think you are doing? I told her and then lift our hands that are hold together.


Hmmm…yes my husband, what is it? She answered while smiling innocently at me.


Sigh…how nonchalantly you to utter the word “My husband”, do you have any idea what that means? I said thinking that I’ll just waste my breath explaining this to her. But since the night’s wind is cold, I guess this little bit of warm will do for now…

A Child's Own Definition of Love

 This feels nice, is what she thought even if the hand she's holding felt cold, but her warm blood rushing through her face felt good in the cold night's air.


Even if her body was of that a child, her heart and mind knows that what she feels for the man she wished to be with was what the adults called "Love". I'm so glad to met and be with you...Gin, I Love you so much!  she told him and then gave her a gentle smile


What the hell are you blabbering about!? He shouted and then turn away his head from her as he blushed because of her straight forwardness with her feelings of him. 


Anne noticed that even though he was shouting and seems to be mad at something, Yet he still doesn't let go the little hand that's giving him a little bit of warm and nice feeling.


It's getting colder and late now, should we go back? he asked her as he noticed that her hand is getting colder. that so? she answered while looking so disappointed that this moment will have to end soon. But then her eyes got bigger as she notice the flowers that she remembers that has a sweet taste and edible. She hurriedly picks up some and then showed it to him.


I almost forgot what day it is today! she shouted and showed him the flowers she picks up.


What is it now this time? he asked him while looking at the flowers she handed over to him.


I was not able to make you a chocolate but these are sweet too, she answered and told him that it's for valentines day.


Valentines day? You mean those humans called season for lovers? he answered with a dumbfound face, thinking that how can a child like her be thinking of such things.


Oh so you know it? hehehe...I was hoping to give you a chocolate and confess my love again for you but I guess it doesn't matter , she then gave him the flowers and suddenly jumps on him to gave him a hug.


Ouch! Hey be careful! he shouted while lying behind his back holding her.


Gin, today also marked the day my parents died but I've recieved such wonderful gift in exchange...which is my life together with you, she told him and then suddenly tears starts falling in her face.


What are you crying for? Gin asked her as he wipes her tears from her face and then pinched her nose to stop her from crying. Look how ugly you become, how can you make me fall for you with that face, he said and then gave her a laugh. meanie! she shouted and felt his hands touching her head making her lean on his chest.


That's why always smile for me, for some reason I really hate seeing your crying face of all things but your smile calms me down, he told her and felt that Anne's face felt warm and becomes red all of the a sudden.


Anne was hoping for her wish to came true and then this genie became true. One cannot explain this child's own definition of love that she found with him. But deep inside she was so scared that once again this happiness she found will be taken away from her but for now she wish to stay dreaming in her life together with him.

Cursed Fate

Heh...I see that you're enjoying living and pretending to be a human yourself, suddenly an eerie voice spoke to them and seems to stop the time around them, except from the two.


Gin...What's happening? Anne asks him as she notice that the people around them stops moving and his face gone pale.


 Guess I'll have to take a human form as well in order for that young girl to see me, suddenly a dark black smoke appears and a man surfaced from the smoke. He slowly moves closer to them then suddenly hugged Gin. I've been searching for you for a long time now, he whisper to him and then turn his look towards Anne, Is that your new play thing? He told him and then gave Anne a condescending look.


Get away from me, Gin muttered and then release a powerful blow on him. The man was able to catch his hands and avoided the strong impact, Hahaha...You're still strong and hot blooded as usual, he said to him while laughing and suddenly the time starts moving again, the same with people around them.


As if nothing happened, the people around them continued on chatting and didn't even notice what happened a minute ago. Anne was so shocked with what happened earlier, but was more concerned on Gin's trembling back as he covers her from the man, who suddenly showed up in front of them.


I'm not here to fight with you but who would have thought that you're just around the corner, the man suddenly told them and then points his hand to Anne, Is this reason why you won't go with me? He asked and waits for Gin's answer.


Who is this man? That's what Anne thought as she looks on the hand that's pointed to her.


I don't need to explain myself to you, he answered and then grabbed Anne's hand, and didn’t I make myself clear to you all before? I'm not interested with your problem; he shouted and suddenly realized that they are still outside surrounded by many people. He then pulled Anne's hand and told her to run back home but Anne refuses to leave him behind.


Let's talk somewhere without other humans, Gin told the man and then transported them somewhere inside the forest. The cold air that surrounds them becomes dry, making Anne hard to breathe but she still refuses to stay away from them.


 Out of all Djinns, you are the only one who has manifested such intelligence and skills a kin to heaven and the humans, the man starts talking while ignoring the presence of Anne who was just beside Gin, You have my interest ever since the first time I saw you and I believe that your origin was the cause of it, he continued and made Gin reluctant to made me listen any further than this.


Stop your blabbering! He shouted and then moves closer to the man, I didn't know that beings from the underworld were so weak, that you'll keep pestering a being that doesn't give a fuck about hell and heaven! Then Gin turns his head towards his wife who's having a hard time just staying conscious.


Hey! Brats are you alright?  He whisper to her and noticed that she's having hard time breathing because of how thin the air becomes around them. Gin then carried her and glared to the man who's been causing a disturbance to them.


Don't worry I won't do anything to her, the man told him, I'll come back again and this time I won't take " No" for an answer, he said and then disappeared from them.


Tsk! I thought I was able to hide my presence completely from them! he muttered then looks at Anne, to see if she fine now. Cursed this fate that you were entangled with!  he told her thinking that she will be entangled with his cursed fate as well.


Gin, please don't make a sad face like that, Anne whisper to him and reach out her hand on his face, everything will be fine as long as I'm with you, she added then gave him a gentle smile. 


Little fool, you don't know what you have just gotten into, he then flicks her head with his finger, Ouch! That hurts, Gin! She shouted then suddenly felt the cold gaze Gin is giving, while looking at the full moon's light. 


Let's go back for now and please forget what happened today, he told her as he turn his gaze out of the moon and carried her back home.


He's been in a bad mood ever since that man came in, Anne thought to herself as she notice Gin's attitude towards her a week after the incident. She tried asking him on the reason why would such man after him, but as a child Gin knew that it’s pointless to explain things to her.


He doesn't want her to get more involve than what she's already was, and refused to let her know more than what she has heard before. 


I'm not worried about what those demons will do to me...but... Argh!  He muttered to his self while thinking that what he really doesn't understand is his concern towards Anne's reaction once she learned and understand the truth behind his true self, and what will happen if she was caught in his cursed fate.


Gin! Anne called out to her and then stared at his face, like a curious child.


What is it this time? Gin shouted then turns away his head from her.


You've been angry about something but refuses to tell me the reason, she told him and then step back a little while smiling. I might be a child but I at least know if you're worried about me knowing something, she said then turn her back at him, What's important to me is this person who's with me right now...all I care about is the present you, Gin, she told him then run away from him, to hide her blushing face.


Gin was awed by her comment and can't believe to hear such thing from a child, he then realize that as he thought, she was really no ordinary child ever since the first time they met. She didn't even faze upon hearing that the man showed up was a demon, something that a human will actually be scared to see.


I should be the one who's puzzled on what's going on, he thought to himself while thinking that it might be really her fate that actually brought them into this mess together.


Genie's Flower

The first time I came here in the surface what appeared in front of me were this colorful tiny things, they called flowers, blooming freely and scattering its petals on me. I wasn't sure If it’s any better than the other side where I came from. I guess it’s a little bit better than that side which has only darkness and emptiness on it.


 Then one day this little fool made these outrageous wish of becoming my wife and be with me from now on. Life on earth was pretty boring but I thought this will be good way to kill sometime, that's how my uncaring attitude thought the first time I met her.


On the past, I wouldn't concern myself from anyone or anything around me. There are many of them that ask for my presence, specially the demons who find interest on the jinni's power. But I was often told that mine was special since I was the only one who manifested to take a human form immediately when I was born out of the hell's fire and smoke...and they are telling me that out of all djinns my power was in par of that in heaven and above of that demons real.


Why did you avoid me when I tried to touch you? This little fool asks me as I avoided her little hands that want to touch my face.


Anne, where did you go? Didn't I say it’s dangerous for you to go out in your own! I shouted at her, what if that demon came back and saw you alone? I muttered then noticed that she was about to cry in front of me.


I...I just get out to get these, she then showed me the flowers she got for me, it was the same flower she gave me in exchange of the chocolates which I told her I liked.


I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you...just don't go out without telling me, I patted her head and then told her to get back to her room and rest. To my surprise she suddenly collapses before she can even take a step.'re really troublesome, I sighed and then gave her some cold medicine to help her get better. I cannot cure her because it will just drain more of her life source in exchange.


No...I don't want to; she pouted and refused to even look at me.


You! Do you think I enjoy doing this! , I shouted thinking that's she's a real pain in the ass, she collapse because of cold and now wouldn't want to take her medicine. If that's the case then, I put the medicine inside my mouth and then kissed her, in order to make her swallow it. 


Ah...there you go sleep and rest now! I can see her face becomes a little bit red for some reason.


My everyday life experience with her was all first for me. I often find myself thinking that she's a real mystery. Before I went into the surface, the beings that surrounds me would always gave me flattering words and smile, telling me that I'm special and was an important being that could change the three worlds as I wish. 


That's why although I find her stupid, this innocent smile she is giving me was the first time I got something sincere, which I started to treasure most. Her smile was like of the thing human called "flower", small and fragile yet one can't help himself to pluck it. So from being a good thing to kill some time, she turned now to be something scary.


Hey...are you feeling alright now?  I asks her and then touched her forehead to see if her temperature has cooled down, I guess you're fine now, I was about to leave the room when her tiny little hands touched my hand.


I really love this hand, it feels cold yet it feels good when you touch me like this, She told me while smiling stupidly.


I can't believe it myself but I found myself being scared for the first time. I'm scared of breaking and loosing this little flower I found myself. And yet each time, she easily brushed past my concerns and laughed silly.

Silent Prayer

I would always find myself, staring blankly outside my window while watching the surrounding color change as rain falls. It's been a week since that incident and Gin refused to tell me anything about that man who suddenly showed up in front of us.


Although I am still a child, I can feel that Gin is worried and hiding something from me. I don't understand it as well but I know that it has something to do with our lives together. I wish that he'll soon open up with me...


Days become months now, our days together seems passing without the two of us noticing, I almost forgot what happened last Valentine's Day. But Gin on the other hand seems to be wary and restless but won't bother to tell me the reason.


Where did you go! Didn't I tell you not to go outside without telling me first! He shouted at me, looking paler than what he's already was.


I only got these for you; I answered with my voice trembling because of the cold and showed him the flowers I got for him. 


I decided to find and give him again the flower that he told me he liked when I first gave it to him. I wish to see again that happy face he made when I first gave it to him and help him forget the things going around his head.


But again I made him more troubled and even have him take care of me when I collapsed because of the rain. I remember his trembling voice calling my voice repeatedly as I lost my consciousness.


This Genie I found and even became my husband, I can't help myself from smiling each time I call him my husband. Gin was so precious to me and he might always say how he hates me clinging to him, but still he can't leave me alone and be still worried at me. are really troublesome, this is what he often told me as he sighed. But behind his rough words hides his kindness, I just can't help falling more for him. 


When I wake up I saw him sitting beside me while holding my hand. He sighed in relief when he saw that I'm okay now and even gave me a gentle smile. But then again frown on me when I told him that he made me fell in love with him all over again. He said that I should stop saying nonsense that I don't fully understand.


He was the first person who gave me a gift, and the first person who took care of me when I got sick. It almost made me think that all of my firsts will come true by him. And he was actually my first wish that came true. I was happy to have somebody to be with from now on. And never will feel sad on being alone again. I hope that we will be together forever.


I felt that I'm on a dream whenever I am with him. It almost does seem that my time has stopped and revolves around only with him. But none of this was important for I don't care what my future will become as long as I can be with him. I hope that it was the same for him.


However I know that I am still in reality and anytime soon he might be taken away or leave me alone. That's why I made a promise to myself to do my best and be the best wife he can have in order for him to make him stay at my side. I wish to hurry up and grow up soon to be on his equal footing.

I remember myself wishing for someone to give me a gift that I never had, even if Christmas has ended already. The snow is falling like a still light slowly melting in my palm and at that time I thought that pain is better than loneliness. I was hoping for someone to hear this silent prayer of mine.


The angels failed to hear my silent voice but then suddenly across the thin cold called me. I followed your voice that's calling my name in this nightmare and then instead you brought me on this dream...I refuse to wake up from.


I am aware that as I follow your voice, I'll find myself lost inside this dream. And as I go deeper, I now become close to the pain of your memories. It doesn't matter to me, I want to go further inside this dream you gave me.


You take my hand and gave me my very first gift. You don't have any idea how it saves me from my lonesome folly.


I look back in the passing tenderness you gave each day and were hoping for someone to hear this silent prayer of mine...please let me stay with you like this and make more memories.


I know I'm being too comfortable on this vanity lair I found with you, it’s too sweet yet I still felt this chill inside. This uneasiness I felt knowing that this life I have with you is near to crumble as I go deeper and see the real you.


There are times I saw you staring blankly with an eyes of a stranger I don't recognize meeting. Each time I saw this; I'll close my eyes and hold on tightly my hands with this tattooed ring that bind us together. And then I'll call your name I gave to you; Gin!


And to my relief, you would always turn your head with that sour and grumpy face you always. But upon seeing my embarrassed yet still smiling face, you never failed to laugh and smile back to me. And behind your harsh words I can still see your kindness and unconditional concern you have for me.


You are a mystery for me, that’s what you always say to me with such curious eyes. I am a strange child that was lost in this beautiful story you created with our memories. You are also a mystery for me and I don't understand myself as much as I want to go deeper in your memories and know the real you, those eyes I see in you, each time I tried know the real you, scares me and I was unable to move farther.


Now I've come out from this darkness of my old days back when I'm still alone. And now I live for tomorrow with you and pray this silent prayer.


Is it because I'm still a child? How I wish to grow up soon and be at your equal footing. Maybe at that time you'll allow me to see more of you and I might be able to understand more of you as well. Right now with this childish demur of mine, you are reluctant to be honest and show the real you in front of me.


I want to hurry up and be freed from this body of a child that's so weak and innocent. I want you to show me more of the real you and know more about you. I can't make this wish to you since it will be pointless if you'll fall in love with the person I am not. For the days that will soon gone by, I'm now praying for the happiness tomorrow may bring. I hunger for your affection and for me everything is so sweet when I'm with love.


I know even in the near future, each time you'll smile for me I'll still tremble like a child. Because of these piling emotions that soon will pour out of my for now let me live in vanity for a while.




Painful Truth

Man has made different theories and stories of what was life after death or if this is the only world they had. Unknown to all that different worlds do exist and beings as well. I for one thing doesn't give a damn thing on what kind of life I should have and what is it for. That was my belief until I met this little fool. 

I heard that once passed, all memories of man on his life will disappear not even one will remain, no matter how important that that memory was for that person. 

Her life, that was fleeting and will soon die out, what is this feeling of madness I am experiencing right now. These are my thought while looking at this child sleeping and defenseless face.

I wasn't aware that you Djins do feel lust as well, suddenly the same eerie voice who came to us beforesaid this to me. It made me no surprise at all that he'll soon find this place.

It made me sad that you were able to break through the strong barrier I put up without an effort;  I answered back to him; See I'm not that strong as you think,  I stand up and move closer to him, But then again I wasn't thinking the the King of death will be the one who's coming...King of Hades, what is it you really want from me!

Shhh..You'll wake your princess if you shout like that,  he hushed with his seemingly mocking voice.

Let's get out of here, I'll come with you! 

I opened a black vortex in order to bring him to that place, he and I are quite accustomed and can talk freely. He leered at me and walk slowly as he entered the black vortex.

I'll be back soon, I whispered as  I turn my head towards my sleeping wife before I enter the vortex and then both of us disappeared.

I'm surprised that you chose to bring us here of all place, This king of Hades said to me while grinning.

The place was surrounded by mist and crystal like stones. Every where you look was dyed in white and transparent translucent silver white.

There's no other place I can think of than here, I then point my finger upward and look at him, Here even him won't  know  or even hear what we are going to talk now.

You... Djinns out of all beings were free and doesn't have that fate, heaven has set upon all of us, the king Hades begun talking to me, How I envy you for having such freedom! he then slowly move closer at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Don't try to cover your real intention with these words, I shrugged him; You were just like the demons, who were fallen beings from heaven that has been cursed because of your endless greed to have everything above and below, I chuckled. Laughing on his desperate look. 

Hahaha...well that's true, I won't deny it, The king of Hades again leered at me.

You think I won't notice? I clucked my tongue, the king I'm speaking right now is only a reflection of the real you in Hades!  A created a ball like mist figure on my hand that shows an image of a shadow hiding in the realm of Hades.

So what if that's really the case? I just don't want to hassle myself in seeing you personally, the king's tone change into more serious approach.

Back when you all were thrown away from heaven, it is not that you have found hell as your place but it's actually a prison made specially for you all!  I shouted and then laugh at him, Right now all of you had been trying to escape guarding that prison, care for me to tell you the reason why?

Yes...just like what you thought, the king of Hades grins, It was all thanks to my power and the others that we were able to exist even today! 

He grit his teeth and clenched his fist, That place was made to slowly kill us!  We're supposed to be immortal beings! They said we are only to guard that place, but slowly that lake of Fire is slowly sipping through the gates of Hades as well!

Man was able to recognized the three places where one dead soul will go once he died. First will be the "Paradise" where heaven beings currently live now, and the place for those whose name will be written in the Lamb Book of Life. Second will be "Hell" which is divided into two: "The Lake of Fire" which is the final Hell, the place of eternal punishment for all unrepentant rebels, both angelic and human, It is described as a place of burning sulfur, and those in it experience eternal, unspeakable agony. And Lastly the "Hades" which is the realm of the dead.

That's right its a place to slowly have your powers perished and will slowly eat your very soul, I move closer to him and then whispers, and guess what? We Djiins actually was created from that very power and soul that perished first!  the King of Hades then turn his head and look my way. are really an interesting fellow! The king laugh in an eerie voice that can be heard all over the place, What would I expect from the real king of Djiins!

Tsk! Don't remind me of that foolish title, he clucked his tongue and then look around to see if anyone has come near. 

Ever since the start, power,fame, lust or greed, it never interest me at all. That's why when they told me that I was their their king it bore me and even decided to leave this place, I brought King Hades to. But they wouldn't stop pestering me about this and from time to time someone will approach me to insist this issue.

Before I can't find any weakness from you, the king of Hades suddenly stopped and grin; You see, I rather die as well than to be forever stuck in that place much worst than Hell for me!

Suddenly I felt chill, as I remember Anne that I left all alone in my house.

Don't worry its not like I can kill her...directly, He move closer and whispered to my ears, I meant they are the only ones  that I can't touch, humans...

Just try it if you can, Gin smirks at him and then a dark mist surrounds him making the King Hades back away.

 I will with all of my strength and power will protect what is mine now, nobody can touch her...not even those in heavens! he shouted and then disappeared in front of him.

The time difference of the two worlds were different that's why by the time he came back to Anne's room, she was still sleeping soundly, as if nothing happened. He sat down near her bed and then hold her tiny hands to warm them from the cold.

While looking at her, the king of Hades last word to him before he completely vanished kept on repeating on his mind.

Unlike you and heaven, I know a way to make a human like her live forever! Just call my real name whenever you're ready to talk with me! that's what he told him while grinning.

It was unnecessary for him to say that! Gin clucked his tongue, thinking he never  wished that on the first place. But somehow there's a tingling feeling he had felt when he heard that possibility.

At most she'll live for just another 80 years right...he clenched his hands that's holding her, unable to grasp the pain in his chest he is experiencing right now.

Hmmm.. Gin?  Anne wake up and surprise to see Gin who was sitting beside her and holding her hands while looking all sad, What's wrong? she asked him and then move her hands to touch him.

Nothing I just thought of what will happen 100 years from now, he answered her while giving her a painful smile, You'll probably be gone around that time since you humans are so weak that you don't even have more than ten decades to live, he added and then suddenly he grabbed her hands, Hey! Why don't you wish for me to make you an immortal, he suggest her excitedly.

By that time I'm probably an old lady right? She asked him.

Ye..Yes? He answered her while being confused why she asks such obvious question.

I don't want to be forever jealous of the young woman that might be probably around you

She answered him while pouting, But you will never die right? 

Anne remove his hands that's grabbing hers, You'll probably remember me and the memories we will share in my lifetime, forever...that's enough to keep me alive inside my beloved heart.

 Anne chuckled on how silly Gin's face looks right now; Just like how my parents and love ones never dies in my heart, she touch his face and then gave her a smile, I believe one will truly dies if she was forgotten by someone they held dear most, so don't forget me please.

Gin was lost in his words by the words he heard from her. He just ruffled her hair and told her to stop saying weird things and just go back to sleep. Once again she easily brushed off his concern with her silly laugh and innocent smile.



Dream Of Requiem

I see myself standing all alone in this dark night, where everything is dead silent. Suddenly the snow starts flowing and turned everything white. On my hand I hold up the snow and watch it slowly melts in my palm.


What a fragile life, a voice suddenly said that to me.


And then I saw you...Gin, while I'm gathering the snow and then smile at you. How does I look and  my laugh sounds like now?  I asked you. But even if you tried to reply, I suddenly can't hear anything.


Tell me if you're feeling pain, tell me if you're lonely...I'll find and save you, anytime, that's what you must be saying as I try to read your lips movement, Please don't leave me alone, please I beg you! Aren't we share the same fate now! you keep in shouting in a soundless voice.


As the snow piles up, I gradually melts and disappear with the snow. You can't do anything but hold my hands tight. I'm so scared in this white world, where everything seems to stopped aside from the snow that still falling. But then I saw your empty eyes, with a single drop of tears on it.

 You're getting cold, yet I can't even melt with you on this snow, that's what you're lips are probably saying to me, Once again...I want you to smile to me!  your soundless voice shouted at me.


Someone gave this precious person my voice before everything turns white...Please someone let me hear once again his voice, I want to hear him call my name one last time.


When I wake up, I felt tears in my eyes and this unexplainable emptiness which made me cried out loud. Gin hurriedly run to me and asked me if it hurts anywhere. And for some reason my tears won't stop flowing and I can't stop from crying. 


You...Sigh...suddenly crying like that, I thought something happened to you while I'm gone for a while, Gin sighed and then sat beside me.Once again I'm being childish in front of him.


I'm trying to remember what was it I dreamt that cause this much sadness, but nothing comes into my memory. All I can remember was the snow slowly flowing and melting in my palms. Gin just sliently watch me and let me cried out loud. He didn't even once tried to stop me.


It take me a while before I calmed down and then I saw him breathe in a sigh of relief. He then pinched my nose and told me that I look ugly when I cried. I blushed from embarassment and tried to hide my face from him. He then gently pat my head and told me to go down and eat break fast with him.


He's gone back from the Gin I known, Is what I thought while looking at his proud back.


Lately, I noticed that he is not himself and been avoiding eye contact with me. I was worried that he's starting to hate my childishness now and might decide on leaving me alone. I won't be able to take this happiness I found in him be taken away from me. I wish for him to be with me forever.


When I came down, I saw the same grumpy face that I can't believe I'll missed this much. I like this better than the frowned and sad face he's been making lately. I, on the other hand tried my best to erase all of my doubt and childish concerns, then with all of my strenght...I gave him a smile.


To my surprise, Gin gave me a blank, expressionless face, which was a first time for me to see. And then he covers his face with his hands and then turn his back from me. I don't know if it was just my imagination but I saw his face turn red for a moment.


I tried to move closer and see how was his face looks like now, since I want to see all kinds of expression he has. He just shouted at me and told me to sit and start eating now the food he made for us. I can't help but laugh and giggle with this happiness I am enjoying right now.


There's no point of worrying about something I can't even remember, instead I have to make sure to curve this memories I'll have with him each day and treasure them.


Lost Race And Forgotten King

These creature called Jinni were born from "Scorching fire and Wind" several thousand years ago, even before humans were made from clay and mud. They are often describe much more intelligent than any spirit and demon. They are free willed, live close to nature and with strong magical powers.


However there are some of them who is good and some were evil, and even more of them are in between; evil yet sometimes good.They are trickster who live and become more powerful by tricking other beings, specially humans to succumb in their desires.


 It was unknown how long they live since but like other creatures they were also able to build their own society, culture, law and even have a king. 


The race of Djinns are filled with different types of appearance, but among them one stood out and was considered strongest of them all. Suddenly this unique Jinni suddenly appeared with a human form like appearance yet cold and aloof with his own race. He became their first king.



No one even dares to look on his eyes but still serves him unconditionally. It was as if they find a solitude place with him that will keep them from harm and protect their race.


This king that was showered with love and respect by his subjects shows less emotion and has a stone-cold, serious demeanor.No one can come near him and neither did he allow it as well.


His eyes were empty and cold, yet he has a gentle beautiful face that makes him attractive. He was often surrounded by those who felt desire for him. But  he on the other hand doesn't show any interest in any of them.


He would often goes out and just return after a long time, for who knows how long is it on a human's time period. They would frantically look for him everywhere, only to find him in the human world. It was like he found such interest in the humans itself.


However this king suddenly disappeared for good and leave behind his subjects that made the whole race chaotic. It was because of other evil djinn who was just afraid of him and won't surface but since he was gone many of them became anxious and excited  to take his place. They become such sly and ferocious race far from what they were known by humans. 


It was by then the ruler of heaven sees this and became mad, thus decided to end their race and scatter them into the wind. There are even some of them that was imprisoned in the process and was perished for all eternity. Terrified, contorted expessions swept on their faces as they watch their own race became near to extinction.


Our king...please save us! Their soundless voice keeps on repeating these words as they scatter in the wind.


Unknown to them, the real story behind their king sudden disappearance was yet to get unfold.


What was that? These are Gin's thought each time he found himself loosing his conciousness and see scenes, faces and voices he never remembers. 


As he look on the boring sky, he can't help but sigh again, Even memories, be it a lie or truth, I was deprived... sinking his self on this thoughts, time passes cruelly.


But even so he tried to gather the pieces of the scene he saw and understand that he had lost memories of his past that was the key for him to know his true self. But one thing he came to realized, that he was the so called "Djinn First King" and remembers that he did became a king before.


From time to time he met one of his own race and would fall on their knees then tells him that he was their king, even if he changed his appearance they would still recognize him. But since he can't remember the important pieces of his past he ignore them and run away.


However he now consider this place, he found himself  was quite good to live in. He was able to found as well something that's supposed to only ease his boredom for a while, but he then came to realize that this flower he found was now even more important than those memories he lost. 


He decided that if his past will just destroy this vanity lair he found, he might as well forgot remembring things of his past that doesn't matter to him right now.


Genie's First Love

The falling white flakes of snow has stopped falling, even the white powder that covers everything has begun to melt. Staring blankly while leaning on the window, I always watch the time passes like this.

Spring is coming... I turned my head and look outside. A young maiden with a long and straight, black hair was outside singing with the twittering birds of its joyous hum. Her silky hair streaming in the wind was beautiful.

 If my voice no longer sound beautiful would you still listen to it?

Argh!  I cringed my head when suddenly a memory of a woman who utter these words flashes before me.

Of course I would! I smiled back, kindly that it almost eerie.

Slowly I reached out my hand to her face and as if watching a movie of me starring yet the other person with me is still a mystery, I caressed her cheek and felt her cold tears that's falling.

What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Gin? I almost gasp as her face suddenly appears in front of me.

This ignorant little kid that I met five years ago, without me noticing has grown up. It's a mystery that I would be concern of time and days that doesn't matter to me before.

M...My ears are hurting from your singing,  I blurted out, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Don't underestimate someone who has a serious heart for you.

Once again these words a from a woman I don't remember at all, keeps on appearing in my blank memory.

Gin? Are you sure you're not sick? This fool that is causing me endless trouble dare to ask.

Have you forgot what am I for you to bother asking if I am sick? I flicked her head and pinched her cheeks hardly.

There's probably something wrong in me. Watching this brat, a young kid who has grown now but still acts innocently, can reassured me from these chained memories that always hunts me these days.

Ouch!..I know you will never get sick but these days I think you're always out of it, She pouted and then suddenly her eyes grew bigger, Are you perhaps finally in love sick because of me?!

W...What are you an idiot? I am sure a blank face shows in my face right now after hearing such nonsense, And why should a brat like you worried about an adult?

But are you really okay, Gin? I can hear unnecessary worry in her voice as she looks at me, concerned on what am I spacing out these days.

Stop Imagining things...It has nothing to do with you, I sighed, ashamed of myself that is letting her see this weak side of mine.

Should we hold hands? Before I could even react she shamelessly wrap her hands and hold them up together with hers.

Before I held this hand, I didn't know the world I was in was this bright, She told me as she intertwined her fingers in our hands. In that dark eternity, I waited, almost eternally and with your silver light-- like sunshine, you fell down to me.

This child was daydreaming again, I sighed and when I tried to pull our hands apart she move closer and wrap her arms around my head, I can barely breathe.

I wanted to be happy for once but that made you feel burden right? Her voice sounded like she was about to cry and hugged me tighter; Even so all these ordinary days we spent together had made me greedy, Gin.

Too Close; My body feels lethargic and my eyes seems dim, my chest is mysteriously pounding even though I don't have a human heart.  

How could I not foresee such thing? This little flower I found five years ago, a small and fragile thing yet what scared me most now.

I am hopeless...Is this some kind of script play from him?! Unable to explain these irritating feeling, I could only blame the divinity, who has gain power to pull me in an endless string of fate!

Curse this stupid fate I was forcefully given by this brat! I almost blurted out of my frustration.

Gin?! She suddenly called out my name to her surprise when I reach out to her and pulled her close to my chest.

Why are you giving a crest fallen look? I chuckled. Can you feel it? The thumping of my chest without a human heart...this cold yet burning body, I can see her neck and ears turning red, If not can you just listen and hear my voice, making my confession.

  Slowly this little flower's scent start to flows inside my head, not stopping until all of my senses can no longer ignore her presence. For the first time I realize something I never think I'll experience -- My First Love.



Publication Date: 01-10-2016

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