
Red String of Lost Love Series

My Dear Future Husband

(Sounds of the camera shutters)


Alright one shot to go before we wrap this photo shoot...1...2...3 (click)


(Crowd Gasp)




These are the only words that I can utter at that time when I first saw him. A man was wearing all black and standing in the center of a field of roses staring blankly at the sky, but when he heard the sound of the camera shutters, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again, for me he literally became a doll that was given life and breathe for the first time. It was really a breathtaking scene and I felt the need to catch my breath cause he just stolen it away. I can't believe it but I know this is what they called, to fell in love at first sight.


This was my memory of you when I was just 16 years old and since then I've been always watching your life as an uprising model and actor from the sideline, which is also why I decided to pursue modern art communication and advertising, in order to be able to support you in the dear future husband.


For the first time in my life I felt happy that I was born from this family, who made it possible for our fate to intertwine. My grandfather who was the CEO of the largest multimedia company in our country today and his mother who was an acquaintance of my grandfather decided for us to get married. I was only 16 years old at that time when my mother told me that after graduation I'll have to get married by somebody whose face and name were never seen by me. I am living a life someone set-up for me. My future, goals, everything has been laid and decided already, that is why for me meeting you were the only right thing that has happened to me. Like a princess in a fairy tale I was waiting for the day that you take me away back to our castle.


But I guess there's a really huge different between dream and reality. I was living on my own fairy tale which you never planned to be part of and find myself unable wake up.

Chapter 1: My First Fairytale

Once upon a time, I wish for my dreams to come true...and then you came true. White wedding gown, white rose and a white silhouette, these are the things that I've been dreaming ever since I've met you. I didn't expect that fate will let me be with you, it was all thanks to my fairy grandfather who made my wish came true.


Ever since I was a child I was living my life in luxury but felt like a princess caged on her own castle. Like any other wealthy family, we are expected to be perfect in all things and obeying our parents will. My grandfather especially was our family pillar and we are all expected to obey him. However for me he was strict but a loving grandfather that is why I am more close to him than my own father.


He would always come over and bring me to his company and tour me around. It was at this time that I saw for the first time how people do photo shoot. I remember being told that the photo shoot that we are going to watch were just for a no name brand and they're doing this for an audition as well, so I wasn't expecting to see much from it. Unknown to me this will be the biggest turnaround point of my life.


“How long do you think this will take?”  Asked the man who holds his camera who seems bored and lack the enthusiasm to take more from the models line-up, waiting for their turn. “We just have on more people left”, answered the guy who was assisting him. The last model entered and stand in the middle of stage which was set-up to look like a garden full of Red Roses. He was in all-black simple clothing which made the photographer quite reluctant to take his photo. But the photographer was eager to wrap immediately the photo shoot and continued in taking the last shot.


Alright one shot to go before we wrap this photo shoot...1...2...3


The last model wearing all black and standing while staring blankly above, upon hearing the sound of the camera shutters, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again, for me he literally became a doll that was given life and breathe for the first time. Beautiful, these are the only words that I can utter at that time when I saw that scene. It was really a breathtaking scene and I felt the need to catch my breath cause he just stolen it away. I guess this is what they called, to fell in love at first sight


“Mister, Can you please tell me what was the name of that last model” asked by me who was very eager to know the name of that man who stole my heart away. “What was his name?” The assistant replied to me. He then brings out his notebook with the list of all people who was included for the audition and look for the name of that last model. “Alright here...his name is Jun Sy”, said by him.


From then I've been watching his life as an upcoming model and actor. At the young age of sixteen I have experience falling in love with someone at first sight and I dreamed of talking to him and even marrying him. However I understand that this dream will never came true, knowing my family they won't let me marry someone whose name and family were not known. I almost give up on him and thought that this will then be end our story especially now that I was told by mother that my grandfather told them that he has someone he wishes for me to get married. I will be engaged by someone whose face and name were unknown by me. But as fate would have it, when I was told about the name of that person that I'm betrothed, my ears cannot believe what I've heard.” I’m sorry mom did you say his name was Jun Sy? “I asked her, “Yes Alice... that's him, that's the name of your future husband”, that's what she replied to me while smiling.


I am living a life someone set-up for me. My future, goals, everything has been laid and decided already, that is why for me meeting you were the only right thing that has happened to me. I've been watching over you ever since I've heard my first fairytale, which is our life together once we got married. Like a princess in a fairy tale I was waiting for the day that you take me away back to our castle.




Fairytale Life Isn't For Me

“How about this one? Why don’t we pick him for our next project?” said the man who is holding a photo with me on it. “Nah...He won’t do for romance theme let’s pick another actor”, this came from the director that all actors have been wishing to work with. “What does he mean by that comment?” Is what I thought when I heard the two talking.


I am not boasting but although I’ve recently switch from being a model to a known actor now; I’ve been receiving several awards in regards with my acting skill. But I guess you can’t deceive the eyes of a known director. For some reason I can’t seem to act well when it comes to movies with a romance theme on it. Although there are seldom people who would notice this but still this is not an excuse.


I struggled my way in order to get here and be successful in this field that I’ve chose to. Honestly speaking it’s not my intention first to stay here for so long when I first started. I was just a student by then and was looking for a job in order to help me and my family since we are financially lacking and my mother who was the only one left in my family was also sick. A woman, who is my manager now approached me and asked me if I want to join an audition and become an upcoming model. At first I was reluctant to take the offer but I guess I don’t have time to choose what I will do to earn a living. The first audition I went was successful and was received well by the others, although there are still people who are until know doesn’t sit well on me. But life as a model and actor is really different. Not only do I lack the right emotions when it comes to love scenes there are now rumors circling around that if it’s not with my face and the influence of my current manager I’m nothing.


Right now I can say that I am on the stage of my career where in everything is about to collapse at one mistake, when suddenly I received a phone call from my mother whom I’ve seldom talk now these years. “Hello Jun, it’s me your mother, how are you doing?”  That’s how she greeted me in a very soft and seemed weak voice. “What made you call me suddenly is there a problem?”   I asked her, confused on what made her call me in the middle of the night, when it’s already past 11:00 pm. “I have something to tell you please come back home, this is important”, is what she replied before she hangs up the phone.


The next day I hurriedly went back to see what my mother would want to talk about, seeing that she has ask me to come home it might be important. “Are you kidding me?” That’s what I said upon hearing what my mother tells me about her plans for me. “No, do I look like someone who will joke about having my son married at this early age for no good reason?”  That’s what she replied to me. “Just trust me on this one, I know you will be happy with Ms. Alice Fay, my son, this is the first and last time that I’ll ask something from you so please I hope you’ll forgive this selfish mother of yours”, she firmly told me with her eyes looking straight at me--unwavering and then gave me a painful smile.


I know that my mother’s condition is getting worst even though she won’t show it to me, but still I can’t just agree with her this time. I don’t care whoever she is, I bet based on what my mother told me that I’ll be married to some business tycoon’s daughter-- she is just some princess who get to dream of living on her own fairytale. I’m happy now on living all by myself and for the sake of my mother, living in this reality that at least I brought upon myself so I have no regret for that. Fairytale life isn’t for me.





Wake Up Princess

22nd of May, 2016 is my most awaited date where in at the age of twenty one I'll be your wife and will look at only you... my dear future husband. I was hoping to have this wedding be blessed by heaven so I decided to go back and visit again the place where I first met you-- hoping that I'll see you as well before our marriage next day. What I didn’t expect is this reality that will be presented to me by you.


“Wake up Princess this is not a fairytale...” These are the words he told me the first time we met.


Ever since I’ve heard the chance that was given on me to be with you; I've been preparing myself like Rapunzel who’s been patiently waiting when will my life with you begins. From the way I’ll smile and the words I’ll tell you for our first meeting; I’ve been imagining and practicing them since then. I’m willing to mold myself into your liking but then for some reason it don’t sit right for me, its meaningless if you’re not going to love the real me. It might take some time and you might be thinking that our life together might be the biggest challenge you’ll have to face, but still I believe that we are bound by the red string of fate.


Five years, I’ve waited five long years and I finally understand what Mr. Rabbit means when he told Alice that sometimes forever feels like a second; my patience is running down as I wait for the clock hands hit midnight – marking my most awaited day.


The sun light rays slips thru my window gently as I open my eyes slowly. I stretched out my arms, rub my eyes and yawn. I was not able to get a good sleep yesterday but for some reason I’m feeling so alight and energetic; I can’t keep myself calm and collected as I get ready to go on the place where I first met you.


Upon arriving in the city I immediately went to my grandfather's company where he would always bring me five years ago and tried to look for the room where they did the photo shoots last time. I was surprised to several pictures of you in a large canvas displayed on our company's hallways


“I might ask grandpa to give me one of these (Giggles)” is what I thought to myself while looking happily at your photos. As I continued to walk I saw this black room that looks familiar to me, it's the same room where I saw you the first time although the room now is being used as storage. 


Finally I found it...


When I was about to enter the room I heard people coming so I hide myself behind. A man and a woman entered the same room and they looked like they are arguing about something that I can barely understand first but then it became clearer as they approach near the area where I am hiding at. 


I almost revealed myself when I saw that the man was Jun but then my eyes won't believe what it's seeing. Jun kissed the woman he is with whose face can't be seen because it's facing opposite. Jun's eyes and mine met each other and I know that he saw me hide back behind.


“Jun stop this!” Said by the woman he kissed, who then slapped him on his face.


“Anne I know you just see me as your handled model but you know how exactly I feel for you!”  He shouted back, like a grown child throwing his tantrums. 


The woman let out a deep sigh “That's Ms. Anne for you...and please you're telling these things to a woman who is already on her thirties, you're going to make your fans cry if they heard this” She replied while touching his face trying to make him calm down, “I will go first...try to calm yourself first before you go to the studio”, she continue then left the room.


“No way...this can't this be happening” is what I thought while trembling behind and trying to hold my tears from falling. Jun on the other hand remained in the room and just stood there for a while. 


He then began to move and walked closer to the place where I am hiding, “I know that someone is hiding there, who you are?” He said while waiting for me to come out from hiding.


I'm sorry I didn't intend to eavesdrop but I panicked when I heard someone came in so I hide behind (Voice trembling)


Who are you? Are you one of my fans?


I...I'm Alice Fay


I you are that princess that they told me I'll be wed to...


He heave a sigh and then walk to the door's exit without looking back -- or asking the reason why I came here, Look princess, I don't know what you are doing here but that's how things really wake up now princess this is not a fairy tale...


First Stage

“Please come in here...Jun”, said by my manager who always call in the middle of the night just to let me drive her home. She keeps on saying that she is older than me but why won't she act on her age?


“, where in the world would you find a manager that let their artist wakes up in the middle of their sleep and have them went into a pub, where someone might get the wrong idea,” I muttered while driving her back and looking at her defenseless sleeping face.


Every time I would ask her what's her problem she always gives me this adult like response that it's nothing and that she was just trying to burn out her stress in work. But I know that's not the real reason, it's because of my movie director who was rumored having a secret affair with her.


She would always trash talk that guy, but at the same time defend him whenever someone says bad things about him. And I hate this part of her that just can't give up on him, even though she's just nothing for him.


“Hey...Jun...Do you still remember the first time we met?” She asked as I carried her back to her apartment, “you're such a cheeky boy who dares to ignore an invitation coming from a beautiful woman like me” she complaint and then pinches my face.


“Ouch! That hurts...stop it you drunkard”, I shouted and then shove her hands away from my face. I then enter her room and place her on the bed for her to rest. “ don't know how happy I am when I find you at that time”, is what she said as she hold my hand stopping me from going back. I know just from one look that you have the charm that makes people love obsess with you. She continued and when I was about to reply, she went dropped dead on me and sleep.


Annoying old woman, that was my first impression of her. I was just a high school student back then when this woman approaches me.


Finally I found you! I want you to come with me, is what she said and grab my hands tightly not letting me to go.” Old woman, have you gone mad?”  I hissed then grab her hand back to release it from holding my hands tightly.


I can sense her growing mad because I called her old woman, “Old...!” Clearing her throat she then introduced herself to me.   “I am sorry if I surprise you... young man but I am not a suspicious person, explained by her, I am working with SNC, a talent agency and I would like to invite you to our office and ask you to be one of our models, she explained to me.


I was so tired at that time to even listen or talk for another minute with her, “I don't have time to deal with you, I need to go now to my part time job and you are making me late”, that's what I said to her and then left her.


I thought that our meeting has ended already that day but to my surprise, like a stalker she keeps on pestering me to accept her proposal and that she's really desperate to have me join her agency. She even followed me to my part time work place and would wait until I'm done just to talk to me. The same routine continued for many days and honestly I can no longer remember when or how she was able to get me on their office to sign their contract.


From a model to an upcoming actor both of us have struggle to be successful in this industry. I didn't expect that I'll choose to stay these long in this industry, but I guess part of it was because of her. Even if she doesn't tell me I know how she bows her head to those shits just to have me on their projects and I know that behind those smile she is giving me are her efforts that who knows what she promised just for them to accept us.


I lost count of how many times I told her to stop doing those things but as usual she'll just shrugged me off and give me an adult smile. I don't understand it myself why I'm making myself involve with her, it's not like I desperately want this career but I just can't let it go. I can't believe it myself but seeing her hard works made me want to do my best as well to succeed. Her optimism towards this is contagious. But is it really all just because of this?


One day she called me to say that I was chosen to be the lead actor on a romance movie produced by Fay Media Corporation, our country's top multimedia company today, that's why she was so excited when she called me to inform this. She keeps on saying that it was like a dream come true for her. Unknown to us, that this will be the starting point of our nightmare.


“Jun, I would like you to meet Mr. Daniel Hill”


I was so surprised when I learned the man who chosen me as the lead actor on the project, it was the same director who I've heard gave his comment that I'm no good and got a really poor acting skill when it comes to romance scenes.


She told me that they are childhood friends and asked him to let me try to take the role and prove myself worth for the project. Although I'm reluctant to take the project, her enthusiasm made me unable to refuse the role.


“I've heard so much about you from Anne, I hope to work with you on several projects...err...Jun right?” He asks me which made me pissed by his attitude and the fact that he doesn't bother to know who I am before this. He made it looks like he just agreed because Anne asks him a favor.


“Yes that's my name, please remember that well Mr. Director!” I replied while gripping his hand strong and refuse to let go of his hurt hand.


“Jun! What are you doing?” She said and then pulled my hand from his hand. “I'm sorry Dan he is just nervous”, she told him and then glared at me.


The schedule when to begin the taping was not yet set but we have been attending several meetings with him before we start, all this time I would notice her different attitude and action towards him which made me so uncomfortable. It was not too long that I realized what this irritating feeling that I am experiencing is. I can't believe it myself but I guess I am already in love with her.


It was not long after as well that I decided to confess this to her and make her mine, considering as well that by tomorrow I will have to marry the princess whom I never saw and met. Today will be my first and last chance to be with her.


“Jun, you are just confuse right now; believe me it's not true that you are in love with me”, said by her who refuse to believe the confession I made to her.


Out of anger, I forcefully gave her a kiss to make her see that I am serious about this. But with all this things happening I didn't fail to notice a girl hiding behind who saw all these.


“Is she someone from the backstage?” Is what I thought first and then after the Anne left the scene I approached the girl hiding behind and asked who she is. A ladylike woman shows and introduces herself.


“I'm Alice Fay”, is what she said her name was.


“So it's the princess”, is what I thought and felt good inside knowing that it will be easier for me if she will be the one who will back out from our wedding that will happen tomorrow. I didn't bother to talk or asked her on why she is here right now, what's important is the princess has now awakened and surely realized that this is not a fairytale.


Please Say "I do"

“Who is it this time?” Jun opened his eyes and yawned, awaken by the continuous ringing of his phone. Still half awake, he reaches out for his phone and answers it.


“Hey Jun... it's me Ren! Where are you now? Have you forgot that it's your wedding day?” said by the other person on the line, who is Jun's best friend that's been working as well as a model.


“Huh? What wedding? I thought that was cancelled already?”  He asked him, surprised and then immediately hang-up the phone to check for his phones unread messages. He saw her mother's message asking him to go out early in order to not make the other party wait. He was expecting that his fiancé would inform them about cancelling the wedding but it looks like that was not the case.


The ceremony will be held in private with simple reception that will be conducted by noon. Only few members of their family and friends are invited to it. He immediately gets dressed and drives his way to the place where the ceremony will be held.


“Jun! there you are...I thought you're taking a while that's why I called you”, said by his friend Ren and then lead him inside telling him that all guests were already inside but his bride was not yet there.


“She won't come here”, Jun confidently told his friend thinking that because of what happened yesterday, there's no woman who would be on their right mind will still marry a guy that was seen kissing another girl.


The guests become restless on when the ceremony will start since they have been waiting for more than an hour already, and then suddenly the door opened and outside was the bride ready to take her march.


“No way, has she gone mad?” Is what he thought, who can't believe what his eyes are seeing.


She wears a simple white dress and her short black hair down, while holding a bouquet of white rose. She walks on the aisle with her steps in sync with the music played by the choir. The people inside watch in still and the clock no longer ticks, it literally seems that the time has stop for that moment.


But what they don't know that inside the bride's mind the sound of the march seems more of the sound of a battlefield which she is ready to face. And by the time she arrived the end of the aisle where his future husband was waiting, she looks at his eyes and then gave him a smile while waiting for him to reach for her arms and lead her to the judge in order to start now exchanging their vows.


“This is ridiculous!” Jun cluck his tongue and glares at his bride waiting for his hand.


He was about to leave the stage but then she holds his hand tight while her eyes were just on the ground, not even blinking. He was about to remove her hands but he saw her mother eyes staring at him and looking painfully. This made him unable to move and just closed his eyes then reaches out for his bride arms and proceeds with the wedding.


“We are now here in order to witness the matrimony of these two people who from now will be bound in marriage”, the judge announced and continued reading the oration of the wedding.


Then came now the time for each exchange of vows that everyone was waiting, the judge ask the groom first if he is willing to take the woman with him and marry her. There was a long silence before he answered the judge that made the people inside watching worry. After closing his eyes once again, Jun then looks at her bride then to his mother smiling while watching him, and then finally answered the judge.


Jun breathe out an audible sigh, “”, is what he replied reluctantly.


Then the judge also asked the bride if she is willing to take the man beside her as her lawful husband, she on the other hand with her soft and trembling voice also said that she do accept him as her husband. They exchange their rings and then she prepared herself for the final step of the ceremony, which is exchanging their first kiss as wife and husband now.


“I now pronounce you husband and wife”, the judge announced and the people inside anticipate now the new wed couple’s first kiss.


The bride can't even look on his eyes because of her nervousness then she just suddenly felt his cold hand touching her face and saw his cold eyes staring at her. This made her face sweat and whole body numb then he strongly pressed his lips against her, which seals now the marriage.


It's cold, that's what she thought while holding her tears from falling because of unexplainable sadness she is feeling right now because of that kiss he gave her-- Which is also her first kiss.




First Night

It will take more than an hour before we can get to my house, you should sleep first, Jun said to me while we are inside the car and driving us back to his house...which will be our home from now on as well.

The wedding ceremony ended sooner than the others expected and for some reason I know that both of us were exhausted, both in body and heart. Both of us were quiet the whole time and would not even talk to each other, until the end.

We are now on the way to his place to spend our first night together as husband and wife, but looking the way we are right now, although both of us are still dressed in suit and gown, we don't look like someone who just got married much less a couple in love.

I was in the middle of sleeping when I woke up from his phone ringing and then suddenly he just stopped the car and told me to wait inside. After a couple of minutes another car came in and then a man came out from that car and talked to Jun.

Hey, I need to go somewhere first, he is my friend and he'll drive you back to my house so go with him, that's what he said to me as he open the door of the car to let me out and then hurriedly drive out of the scene.

What could be more important than our first night together for him to left me to another man? is what I thought to myself and felt this unexplainable pain in my heart. I think I already know who called him but I was hoping that's not the case.

Hi, there Jun's wifey, my name is Ren, like Jun I'm also a model and his friend...I'm sorry for the late introduction, he said while smiling at me.

It's a pleasure to meet a friend of his, My name is Alice...I'm sorry for the late introduction as well Mr. Ren and sorry for the inconvenience, I replied to him and then felt sad again by the thought of my newlywed husband leaving me alone on our first night together.

Jun's friend who's looking through the car's front mirror, just stared on me and then told me that Jun was just caught up in an emergency that's why he asked him to drive me back for him.

Jun is a good man, although there will be times that he's hard to understand and his word might be sometimes sound brutal, at least I as his friend can say that he is a honest and good man, he suddenly told me, I consider him as my rival at first and been with him for a long time and I can say that he really work hard and serious with all the things he's been asked to do, he continued.

I am also aware of that, I said to him while smiling, cause I've been watching him from afar for as long as I can remember since that time that I first saw him.

I was about to fall asleep when he then suddenly stopped the car and gave me a key.

Here we are now princess, you can go ahead and enter that house using the key, that's Jun's house, he said and then open the car's door for me to go out now.

I was so nervous while opening the door's house, I felt like I am letting myself enter as an uninvited guest to his house and was thinking to just go back and stay in somewhere.

I know this might sound like an excuse to you princess, he shouted to me making me stop and look at him, Jun was the type that once he decided on something it's because he chose it himself and he'll make sure to take responsibility for it, he continued and then left for him to go back now to his work.

His words gave me some confidence to open Jun's door to enter his house, which will be our home from now on. When I entered the house the light was still out and I can't see a thing aside from that one corner where the curtains are open and the moon's light was entering the window and reflecting its blue light. I move closer and walk slowly to that corner, I can't help myself to gaze outside and look at the moon's light.

I hope he'll come back soon, that's what my mind and heart was thinking right now as I gaze outside the window.


The Need For An Ending To Start A New...

Jun what are you thinking leaving your newlywed wife all alone on your first night together for another woman? that's what Ren told Jun when he called him back to say that he had his wife dropped on his house now.


I'm sorry Ren, I owe you again this time, He answered and then hung up the phone.


Who was it? asked the woman he is with inside a private room of a bar near the city.


There's no need for you to what is it you want to say that you have to called me again in the middle of the night, Anne? he answered and then noticed the broken glasses laying around.


Jun...I...I don’t know what to do from now on, she answered and then starts crying in front of him. I...I’m sorry to bother you but...I can’t think of anyone but you to tell you these things, she continued.


I decided to break up with him and end this unfruitful relationship that we have, I’m tired of being his second priority, next to his wife...but he confidently say to me that I’m so into him and refused to break up with me so he’ll just gave as a space for now. I hate myself on being happy from the thought that it’s not yet the end for us but I...I really want to erase these feelings I have for please Jun, help me, didn’t you say you are in love with me? she told him while anticipates his reaction towards her words.


Upon hearing her words he clenched his fist and then punched the wall which made his hand bleed. But more than the pain he is feeling right now from his hand, he was more hurt from the selfishness of this woman in front of him. And yet he knows that there's no use for him to be upset from her words, since all things in relation with her has ended the moment he agreed to marry the princess.


 I already know how insensitive and selfish you are when it comes to things like this, but still I hate this part of you who thinks that I will just nod and agree with you, just because I went ahead and confess to you, he told her then turn his back from her.


Stop calling me just to have me take care of you when you go and get yourself drunk because of that man! I already decided as well to end these stupid feelings I had with you, he continued, Just stop making me your scapegoat , that is if you still want to at least continue the manager and artist relationship that we have, he said and when he was about to leave the room he felt her hugging him behind, and not letting him go back.


I...I’m sorry Jun, but please don’t leave me alone this night, she told her and hugged him tighter.


Anne, I just came here to end things with you but you need to escape on your own from the hell you brought upon yourself, don’t expect me to always fix things for you, he told her as he moved her hands away from him and left her for good.


On his way he keeps on thinking if he did the right thing or not. But he strongly believe that it’s too late now to regret the things he said to her and his decision to marry another woman. He knows that he needs to end things with her and forget his feelings for her.


When he arrives at his house, he noticed that the light was still out and thought that his newlywed wife might have left the house and stayed somewhere else. But when he entered and open the lights he saw her sleeping on the couch near a window that is open.


What is she doing? is what he thought, then get her a blanket to warm her and let her continue to sleep. 


He just calmly look at her sleeping face and then walk away to his room in order to get dressed and then sleep as well. He never felt this tired before for as long as he can remember, that he fell asleep immediately upon reaching his bed. The next day Jun wakes up and realized that he needs to go out early to attend the first shoot for his movie. He hurriedly get dressed and was about to leave when someone called out to him.


My dear husband aren’t you going to eat first before you go? a woman voice called out to him, which made him surprised to see another woman on his house.


My dear husband? What the hell are you talking about? He told her and then suddenly remembered that he just got married yesterday to the same woman who is now in front of him. Shoot! I can’t believe I forgot these that just happened yesterday, he shouted.


I’m very sorry to go ahead and sleep early yesterday, I didn’t notice that you already came back...and I would like to thank you for this, she said and then showed him the blanket he gave her last night.


I know that It’s too late for this but, she continued as she moved closer to him and then bow down her head, please take care of me from now on my dear husband. Is what she told him.


This made Jun speechless and was surprised to see such ladylike woman who was so formal and sincere with her words. I don't know if I'm still dreaming inside a nightmare or have I gone and start living now on a fairytale? Is what he thought, thinking that It really did seem that he was married off to a princess who left to see the world outside for the first time.


Please Notice Me

I'll be late tonight, so eat and sleep first, That's what he always tells me before he leaves for work and here I am being left all alone again on this empty house.


It's been a week since we started living together but he's always busy with his work and there are even times that he won't come home for days. Until now, we're still strangers with each other and I hate this part of me that can't do a thing about our current situation.


Sometimes I found myself dreaming of you looking back and smiling at me, but then I woke up in tears knowing that man smiling at me was nowhere near from the real you. You would not even dare to look me in my eyes and notice my longing for your affection.


I want to see him, that's what I thought and so I decided to visit you in your work place just so I can take a glimpse of you.


Our family decided to not disclose our marriage in public aside from our very close relatives and family that's why no one knows yet that fact that he is already wed to me, even the staff and those he work with.


As I enter I can see the people who are doing their own stuff without a care on who came to see or watch the shoot, everyone was so busy that they can hardly notice an outsider who just came in aside from this one person.


May I know who you are looking for? asked by this woman with a long dark brown hair, who was smiling at me.


I'm sorry, I 'm just here to watch the shoot, I answered as I turn my eyes around to see if Jun was anywhere to be found.


Is that so...but this area is restricted for outsiders since we would like to make sure that there will be no interruption that will be made from people like his fans, that's why I might have to ask you to leave if there's no importance that you came here, she said and showed me the way for the exit.


Wait I'm not here to disturb you Miss, is what I said and then felt my arms being pulled by someone.


I know this person, said by the man who pulled my arms and when I look who is it, my heart almost jump out of my chest. It was my beloved husband that I came to see.


You know her, Jun? said by the woman who then looked at me with a curious eyes.


Yes...I know her, Anne. Jun answered her and then he turn his head and glared at me, which made me just bow down my head and apologized for coming without saying a word first.


Anne...gasp, this name keeps on repeating on my head and suddenly I remembered where did I hear this name before. It was the name of the woman that was with Jun at that time, when I saw him kissing some woman who I can't see the face.


My tears just went ahead and flows to my face and when Jun noticed it, he pulled my hand and led me outside to calm me down.


What's with you suddenly coming in and then out of nowhere start crying? he shouted but then gave mehis handkerchief to wipe my tears, Look I'm not that mad at you coming here so you can stop crying, he said thinking that I thought he was angry with me that's why I started crying.


Sniffs...So that was her, I told him and then he gave me a surprised look. this is what it's all about? he said while looking so disappointed with me, If you came here just to see if I'm cheating with you then you can leave first now, I don't have time with these nonsense, he continued then turn his back at me and walk away.



No, it's not like that, I told him as I run and hugged his back, I came here thinking that I atleast wants to see a glimpse of you since we haven't see each other for three days now, I continued and then hugged him tighter. know how busy I am as an artist, so you need to be used with it as my wife, he answered and then remove my arms that was clinging to him.


I'm sorry If I'm being so clingy but I just really wanted to see you, is what I said and can't help myself from crying again, thinking that I'm so useless as his wife who can't understand his work's nature.


Look, please stop crying...I'm not mad at you and I'm sorry if I've been neglecting you, he told me then patts my head like a grown-up man trying to calm a chid brawning, That woman was my manager nothing more than that... since before and from now on, he explained upon noticing that I might be worried because of her.


He then told me to forget what ever I saw before and explained to me that before anything have started he already decided to end things between them aside from work. When I calmed down he pulled my hand and led me back to the set. I was surprised when he called that woman again and introduce me to her.


It's not like I have to make it as a secret so I'm sorry for not informing you earlier, Anne, but this is my newly wed wife, Alice, he told her while holding my hands, I can feel his hand trembling and felt so cold.


I hold his hand back and then introduced myself to that woman as well; My name is Alice Fay, I'm Jun's wife and he told me that you are his manager, thank you for taking care of him Miss Anne, is what I said then reach out my hand to her and shake hands with her.


Suddenly a staff called Jun to start the shoot and left the two of us behind. I can feel the akward air between us which made me hard to relax while waiting for him to come back. I was so surprise to hear that he suddenly got married, his manager told me while looking at him, I hope that this was not because of  what happened before, she whispered to herself and thought that I was not able to hear that. 

A Selfish Heart

This is the first time I've heard this, Jun's manager turned her head to look at her, our family decided to not make this in public, and Alice answered her while trying to hide her nervous voice from speaking to the person she regard as her rival in him.


I've been watching him growing up and been taking care of him, that's why It got me quite sad when I wasn't informed about this, she move closer to her and hold Alice's Hands, Please take care of him for me, Ms. Alice, she added and gave her a gentle smile.


But for some reason her eyes doesn't reflect somebody who's giving her best wishes. Her hands were cold and her eyes looked like tears will start to flow anytime soon.


Take two! Jun! Don't give us that kind of crap acting! The Director shouted, what's with that dead face your showing! He added and then moves closer to the stage, I know that this is the first time you'll be doing a romantic comedy but I have high hopes with you, so don't waste our time!


You can hear the chattering of all people inside the room and their eyes focused on how Jun will react with this. But he just stand still and stayed quite the whole time, ignoring the insults he's been getting from the director who's been on him since the first day of the shoot.


Alice was about to go on her husband side but his manager got there first. Looking at them standing together will make you think that they have their own world that nobody can enter easily. But it's apparent that there's an awkward air between them, Jun remove the hands that's holding him and ignored her which made both of them silent. Jun, Please don't be like this, she softly whisper to him, are you still mad at me...that's why you didn't even tell me such important thing, like you being married? And then she holds his hand again.


Sigh...Anne you don't have to know everything about my life, he sighed and then notice that his wife is watching them. He walks away from the stage and grabs Alice hands, Let's go back now, he wisphered to her and then dragged her out of the room. Alice can feel the hand that's holding him trembling and cold. She wanted to say comforting words but felt she has no right to do so. So instead she just squeeze the hand that's holding her, when Jun felt it and looks at her, she just gave him a gentle smile.


You... Jun was about to say something to her when suddenly someone grabs his arms, We need to talk, Jun! said by his manager who won't let go of his arms and then looks at his wife, Ms. Alice, I'm sorry to say this but can you please go back first?


I...she looks at him hoping for him to go back with her, but Jun let go of her hand and told her to go back first. I'm sorry to disturb you...I'll go first, she told him while trying to hide her trembling voice and then walks away from them.


I don't think that you're in love with her, his manager told him and then stared at his face, If you're doing this because your mad at me, please stop this at once, Jun! she grabbed his hands and then move closer to him. Don't think like my world revolves around you...just because I confess to you once! he suddenly shouted and then push her away from him.


Jun...I...I don't want to loose you as well, please tell me you are not serious about this, she then starts to cry in front of him. Jun was about to say something to her when suddenly a voice call out her name, Anne! he look back and saw that it was Mr. Daniel, the man that she's been in love since the start, who call out to her.


The outsider will leave now, so both of you can talk, Jun told them and leave them behind.


Inside he was hoping for her to stop him but she didn't. It was obvious from her eyes that she's still in love with the director when he called out her name. Tsk! I can't believe how selfish and insensitive woman she is, he muttered and cliked his tounge out of anger.


Kring...ring... the phone rings in the middle of the night and Alice hurridly picks up the phone, hoping it was Jun who's calling. Hello? Jun told me to call this number before he passed out, the man from the other line told her and gave him he address where Jun is and asks her to pick him up.


The Address of the bar she gave him was just around the area, so she hurriedly run and went to him. When she arrives on the place he told him, she immediately saw him on the corner drunk and sleeping. Oh! So you're his little princess he said that's waiting for him, the master of the bar told her and then tried to wake Jun.


What are you doing here? Jun asks her as he sobers up.


I called her here, the master answered him while grinning, I'm just curious to see what kind of woman someone like you will be wed to, he added and then laughs at him.


Alice didn't say anything and then quietly sat beside him. When Jun asks her to leave first, she ignore him and asks the master to gave her a drink as well. She drink one glass after a glass, and then after sometime she finally pass out.


Sigh...What's with me, being surrounded by selfish women? Jun sighed as he carried her on his back while walking them back.

Baby Steps

When I came in, I felt this warm back that is carrying me on his back dearly. I can see his sweat breaking out on his face, hear his groans and feel his heavy steps as he straddle on our way back to our house. It felt like my eyes are dim and my heart was pounding so fast right now as I lean my head and rest on his shoulder. The cold air tonight felt good on my face that's warm--and  I'm sure was bit red now. 


My head was fuzzy and my memories of what happened was hazy. I don't remember how many glasses I took that make me pass out like this for the first time. I'm just so upset with him for making me leave first and then only to find him getting all drunk because of another woman.


My sweet...sweet...husband, I whispered to him while giggling and was clear drunk as hell, I'm sorry for making you carry me like this...but...Urg...Its all you fault...I...Urg, I don't even know if this was just from my drunkenness but I started ranting and crying again in front of him.


Sigh...Why do all woman thinks that crying will solve everything! He sighed.


Put me down! I shouted at him, forgetting my tone and act as a lady because his words irritates me. you do know how to  shout and get mad huh? he smirks and then begin laughing.


What are you laughing for? Do you think me getting upset is funny? I then turn my back from him and was about to leave him when he grabbed my hand.


Sorry, It's just that the face you are making right now is funny so I can help but laugh, he told me while still trying to hold his laugh, Alice do you know how to cook? he suddenly asks me and the grins at me.


Yes, I've been trained before, I answered him while looking all confused why did he suddenly brought that question.


Great, I haven't eaten and even became more hungrier because you made me carry you, his eyes became big and then smiled at me, for someone who looks slim and small like you, you're sure heavy huh? he told me and then laughs again.


I was so embarassed to even repute him. Upon arriving our house I went to the kitchen and cooked something for him since he asked me. All my anger disappear after he asks me to do something for him. This is the first time that we actually talk normally and I was elated by the thought of him making an effort as well to get to know me better.


Here, I just made you a simple chicken soup since you just got drank earlier as well, I told him while averting my eyes because of embarrassment.


He take a sip and then finished the soup without saying a word to me, which made me restless if his taste suit the soup I prepared.


H...How is it? I was not able to control my curiosity and asked him if he liked what I prepared for him.


To my surprise he looked at me and gave me a child like smile,that was the first time I saw him showing that kind of face which is different from that matured face or smile he is giving.


This tastes like my mom's cooking! he told them looking all happy just from that simple chicken soup I made for him.


I...Is that so, I'm honored to hear that, I replied to him and then get him some more to eat.


Hey, are you crying again? He asked me and noticed that tears have started to fall again in my eyes.


I...I'm sorry Its just I'm so happy right now, I told him while holding myself from crying more.


Sigh...Are you all trying to make me the bad guy here, he sighed and then move closer to me, Here wipe your tears with these, he hand me over his handkerchief and then wipe my tears.


 I hate to see most a woman tears, so if you want me to fell for you, learn to control crying in front of me, he told me and then whispered, I find it attractive when you smile like what you did earlier. He smirked.


I can feel my blood rushing in my face and might be even turning red now. I turned my face back from him for him not to noticed my face turning red because of the embarrassing things he told me. I hurriedly clean up the table and told him that I'll go ahead and sleep now. I can see his grinning face while watching me panic because of his words.


It was like I found myself dreaming again in my own fairy tale even though I'm much aware of how reality really is. It is because of these simple things he is showing and a little kindness I felt from him, hiding behind his teasing and sometimes rough words.


I know that for him, I might be someone who just dragged him inside my fairy tale but I promised you, that for our coming days I'll be sure to not take this opportunity to be with him, for granted. I know that in a blink on an eye, I might see the ending of this story but still, I'll make sure to love you with all I had.


 Honestly I often imagine how it will be once you decided to leave me, but here I am, struggling my best to make sure that it will be just a mere nightmare. I'll do anything to prevent that from being part of our fairy tale.


Fated To Love You

 "I wonder how's my grandfather these days" Alice suddenly remembers her grand father whom she haven't seen since her wedding.


The Fay Media Corporation is being considered as of today as the top multimedia company in the country. Its founder, Bernard Fay was a man whose been very secretive when it comes to his private matters.


"Father I've come to give you your medicine" Alice's mother slowly enter her grand father's room and then sit beside him. Her grand father wouldn't even bother looking at her and just take the medicine.


"After my only daughter died I married off my son in law and involve an outsider like you to suffer with our family affairs" Alice's grandfather in a soft low voice suddenly said these to Alice's mother.


"Father, I never thought even once that I suffered from these family" Alice mother told him and then gently hold Alice grandfather's hand.


"They never had a child and I was thankful for giving us Alice into these family" He told her, half smiling."My daughter's fate was the same as your daughter's fate. Their fathers were useless and cowards who can't forget their first love."


There was a long silence between them that was just broken by Alice's grandfather who let out an audible sigh."This might be selfish but I want to be able to reconcile with my past" he told her.


Thirty years ago this man who will be known as one of the most influential person was once a young man who started as a simple director in a small agency with great desire and ambition. He would bow down to anyone and did everything in order to be successful.


But behind him was a woman who has been with him since their college days.


Bernard are you sure your're just fine, is there anything I can help you with? his longtime girlfriend told him while looking into his eyes, passionately.


"Nothing, Its enough that you are always there believing me" He shook his head and then hugged her.


 He find solitude and peace with her whenever he is with her. The only time that he felt that he is still a human was when he was with her.


"You're not trying to be a prince, but a fairy who devours" These are the last words that she told him before he married off to one of his important client's daughter. Without even trying to defend his self, he let her go and disappear completely to his life.


"My late wife and daughter has sure suffered but I can't even seek forgiveness from them" Alice's grandfather said to her. It was just recently that he heard that the woman she treasured once has passed away and left her daughter with her son alone now, suffering.


"Father, I know they have forgiven you already and would like to see you forgive yourself as well" Alice mother explained to him,"Marrying my daughter to that woman's grand son is fine with us and I know that she will be happy with that as well" she then smiled at him.



Jun's mother would often remember her mother eyes looking sad as she stare blankly outside every time it rain. She can't understood her mother's action and the reason behind the lonely face she always makes each time.


She find it weirder at that time when her father died, her mother who just stood still without even shedding a single tear on her decease husband's funeral, is now crying.


"Mother what's wrong are you hurt somewhere?" Jun's mother ask her mom who was trying to wipe her tears with her hands.


Her mother shook her head and then gently pat her head, "I just remembered a sad story, don't worry about me" she told her in a soft voice.


It was only after her death that Jun's mother understood the reason behind her mother's tears.


"My name is Bernard Fay, I know this is sudden but I have something to ask you, Ms. Jun" Suddenly she receive an unexpected visitor and told her his relationship with her late mother. She thought it was weird but she was calm without any remorse even after hearing their story. 


"I hope you'll let me atone and finally forgive myself" Alice grandfather asks her to let her son and his grand daughter to be wed so that he can watch over them as well.


"I understand" Jun's mother without any further question just nod her head and agree with his plan. For some reason she felt that this is the right thing to do for her late mother and his son future as well.

for editing

“Argh…What have I done” I never hated myself more than now after the embarrassing things I’ve said to him last night. I was never the type to act like that and never did I think I’ll be like that in front of him. I literally want to bury my face right now on my pillow.

“Pfft…What a weird sleeping habit you have” Jun, who was standing on my room’s door, snorted.

My eyes blink and I immediately sit up “J-Jun…G-Good morning” I greeted him, stammering.

“Here, I brought you medicine and brewed you tea…you have drank quite a lot yesterday, this will be helpful for morning sickness” He chuckled and then placed them on my table.

“He seems to be in good mood” I muttered. He left and told me that he has to go in the studio; I ask him if I can come with him and to my surprise he easily agreed.

It might sound weird but it seems to me that this is the first time we actually have a normal conversation. I can’t still look straight to his eyes but I was able to talk to him normally.

“Is this good enough?” I muttered as I look myself in the mirror wearing a yellow dress in plain satin. I’ve never been this nervous before, He’ll surely laugh if I he knew that I’m imagining this as our first date.

“We’re leaving” He called out to me.

“I’m coming!” I shouted back.  I nearly stumble as I hurried outside because he is waiting for me. Jun looks like a prince who was impatiently waiting for his princess with his stallion-- I can’t help smiling.

As a little girl, I had always cherished my grandfather’s company and he would always bring me in the studio. I learned to love this castle my grandfather worked hard to build, even more now that this is where I met my dear husband.

“Please go this way” one of the staff was waiting for him at main entrance and guides us to the room where they would take photos of him for his current project. But for some reason I can feel her glaring at me.

“Jun! What took you so long?” It’s not that I’m not expecting it but of course inside the room was his manager waiting for his arrival. As if I ‘m not with him, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer to her.



Just like breathing you caught my heart naturally.


Text: All rights reserve
Publication Date: 12-20-2015

All Rights Reserved

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