Master-Superior Eric Müller: German, 42, 6’ 02”
Master Andris: 38, 6’ Second-in–command of M.S. Eric’s special division.
Master Steffan Schönberg: 21, 6’ 02” Andris' former apprentice.
Master Gehrig. (Pronounced "Geh"-rhyming with "care" + rikh,) 19, 5’ 09”
Master Alicia Sands: Tall, English, 19, 5’ 09” Steffan's girlfriend.
Master Anita Wells: Australian of Italian parentage, 36, 5’ 06”
Master Carlos Sanchez: 6’ athletic Mexican, 40.
Prologue: The colonized worlds.
It was the end of yet another sunset on the world Master-Superior Eric Müller was assigned. His heavy, two-handed sword, still in its sheath, upon the long conference table so that he could sit back in the chair at one end of it.
Of all the worlds colonized within the past 250 years by means of teleport portal technology Aranatta was one of his favourites. A very warm world with such a stable climate, colonized by a colony with leisure, tourism and entertainment as its primary economy.
Master Anita Wells sat four seats away from Eric's right side, relaxing, thinking about the abandoned settlements they were briefed about during the morning. The thought of taking a look at the 200 to 220-year-old stone buildings the next day excited her since so few others have ever taken such detailed surveys of the place. No indication of her yearning was apparent upon her pale-skinned face as she combed through the ends of her long, dark-brown hair from the left side of her head.
Master Andris, who stood in front of the tall windows, overlooked the general area they and their detachment of Hierarchy troops will be going. Andris didn't know where exactly the abandoned settlement (often mistakenly referred to as The Ruins) lay, but the map he examined upon the table indicated to him the approximate, north-easterly direction through the dense tree tops. The sunset giving the forest a curious colour with their natural green bathed with the fading reddish light.
Master-Superior Eric looked up as he took drink, the dark brownish-red of the final stages of the sunset lighting the conference room in ambient ways. The electric lights were purposely left off until dark for it’s relaxing effect.
He looked over to Master Andris, wondering if he had somehow found the settlements from where they were, although he doubted it.
Anita, no longer fixing her hair, opened her briefcase and checked she had all the notebooks and textbooks to aid tomorrow's research packed into it. Andris returned to his seat,
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: All material copyrighted by me.
Images: John Damocles Smith
Publication Date: 09-16-2011
ISBN: 978-3-86479-436-0
All Rights Reserved