
Copyright@ Joe Parente

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage without permission from the author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
The contents may be read by means of electronic means but not sold for monetary purposes unless the author has been contacted for advanced approval.

Wind Torn

Wind and storm,
Makes newly born.
Once devastation,
Brings new forestation.
Nature’s fate,
Clears the way.
With undergrowth out,
Found new sprouts
Are reaching out.
Trees survive
To touch the sky.

Wind Grown

Nothing is more ferocious than wind.
I’ve seen it tear off a roof of tin.
I’ve witnessed its power much more than that.
I’m not counting when it blew off my hat.
If you’ve looked around right after a storm,
That will give you some insight of what really goes on.
Trees and branches are everywhere you look.
They are on or across the old Mountain Brook.
The woods are in trouble, looking like rubble.
Most that you see is a whole bunch of stubble.
As far as you see, is a great devastation.
I guess it’s to make room for Mom’s re-forestation.


First your money, Then your clothes,
Then the bare gets you

Sea Sons

Just last year I almost lost her.
I was so close to Davey Jones Locker.
Just as your Grandpa went down in the stern,
I’ll get rid of this boat, you boys got to learn!

Go back to school and become a doctor.
I want to be proud; after all I’m your father.
People should respect you making a living.
I certainly forbid you doin’ by fishing!

The oceans are tough and this is the reason,
The money’s sporadic, depends on the season.
Some years are bad others are poorer.
You’d be much better off to do something purer.

Your mother and I have struggled raising both of you.
You and your brother should never do what I do.

Now that he’s gone ma, we have to say,
“We’ll be taking her out and fishing by day.
You’ve wanted something else for me and Bud,
However, working the ocean is in our blood.
Don’t worry Ma we’ve learned from the best.
Nothing will happen, keep your heart at rest.

Two weeks later a great storm did appear.
The boys did what was learned and saved it I hear.
Several times out there, they knew what to do.

Fisherman’s sons will stop fishing when they are through.


Sand Wind

I got in a fight one time with a kite, my arm went from here to heaven.
The wind kicked up, I landed on my butt, my arm still pointing to Saturn.
I then felt the pain that made me insane hanging on to that silly old rope.
The people about were starting to shout, "let go man, don't be a dope".
I lost my footing as the blow kept on pulling me higher and more to the sky.
I tried to let go but wouldn't you know my fingers were all entangled.
My wrist was caught in the grip, others were screaming and giving me lip,
I was beginning to sail away.
I yelled out "goodbye" as I traveled up high loosing my precious footing.
My feet were off the ground until at last some guy with my sass grabbed
onto one of my ankles.
The gust was so strong that we landed on firm, about forty or fifty feet from
the ocean.

You'll never know the strength of that blow that caused the lift to happen.
I'll swear to you this, that guy I could kiss, for saving my underwear.

Ocean Changes

Calm or storming.
Cold or warming.
Day bright, or midnight.
More sand showing.
Less sand blowing.
Now or,
Next hour.
Always constant,
Our changing seas.

Night Drives

Rain drives
Poor sight.
Rain pours
Sore eyes.
Wiper swipes
Better sight.
Oily film
From passers by
Spraying window
Smearing my view.
Soaping washer
Helps here too.
Wipers on high
Helps clearing the way.

On coming bright
The worst of sight.
I get up tight
Driving at night!

Boorish Baths

When taking a bath, what do you do?
Laying in hot water, cooking like stew.
All the water you washed in
Still surrounds you.
Showers are better; you’ll get just as wet.
Soap scum and dirt won’t stick to you yet.
You’re not sitting in sludge; Water usage’s’ the same.
It won’t leave a film and it goes down the drain.
You can get clean just from the steam.

Switch back to showers.
Very happy, you’ll be.
It’ll take much less time.
Why sit in your own tea

Bubble Buster

One time I met a beautiful women her curves and looks were certainly bloomin’.
Clothing, hair and shoes very incredible, truly, I thought quite bedable.
The looks that were given me were moist and red I’d thought I’d get lucky for going to bed.
Many things were certainly noticed her ankles, her wrists, her fantastic bosom.
My thoughts were a rage and I felt with compaction quite determined to meet to see if we’d function.
A surprise to happened when she met me halfway. She was staring at me as she started to say: “Haven’t I met you before”?
I felt if my jaw just hit the floor!
She had this movable facial expression, but she got closer as to reveal her deception.

Her chin was still moving without saying a word, looking like a cow chewing her curd.

Once I was thinking of a great loving stint, until I discovered her chewing Doublemint.
I can almost forgive coughin and hackin’, but not when they start the snappin’ and crackin’, especially the trouble when they blow Double Bubble.
“No” said I: ” we’ve not met before”.

Busy Diner

How many cooks are in that kitchen?
Each, I think, has their own mission.
Baking, frying, and boiling soup.
Their all designed to fill you on up.
Those food orders come through the gate.
Timings important, they can not serve late.
All that happens, the patrons can’t see.
If they could, they would not eat.
Grease and lettuce is on the floor.
This is why they have closed the door.
Let’s not worry these cooks are a team.
Every night they will polish things clean.
Lots of cooks, and a great menu is set.
I’ll bet they put out the best food yet.

Eating Off Order

First, desert then your dinner.
In this order, you won’t get thinner.
Eating meals are always a pleasure.
So entree’s first leaves out the treasure.
Several times going out to eat,
I’ve had to turn down that final treat.
Eating the sweet before the meat,
Makes one think you’ll overeat.
Try this next time as I’ve said so.
You’ll probably leave out the potato.
We all know you’ll just eat so much.
You can even try this out at lunch.
When dining out, it’s best enjoyment,
Is something more than just a wrapped mint.

Fish Food

Fast fish feed,
Food fish.
Flash fish,
Fish feed.
Fish famish,
Fry fish,
Finish fish.


Thick low cloud
I can’t see through its shroud.
Stronger beam can’t be seen.
Cloud refracts light attacks.
Dimmer sheen will be seen.
Going slow helps things show,
When lighted right,
Especially at night.

Foot Looks

I can tell you don’t feel good by the color of your shoes.
It may not be what’s on them; it may be what’s in them.

Sandals that are brown can make you frown.
A sore heel will control how you can feel.

Slippers that are blue can bring on symptoms of the flu.
The look of your face can be changed by the shoe lace.

Mukluks that are green, at certain times make one mean.
One time wrinkled up socks gave a case of chicken pox.

Tan or black boots can make you feel good, if they fit as they should.
If you step on a nail, you’ll definitely turn pale.

Poor looking footwear can impress others; you don’t care.
It’s for sure; that whatever surrounds your feet has a tendency to make you feel like sheet.

Learn this lesson and please learn it well.
It’s what’s in them or on them.
You will be able to tell.

Friends and Acquaintances

Where will they be today?
Acquaintances are always that way.

You meet them once, or more often.
Then that friendship seems to soften.

You’d swear this time; it would be everlasting,
The thought of permanence is not withstanding.

All that talks of magical grandeur
Soon turns out as tropical fanfare.

Whether he or she, or as if you knew her
It usually turns out to be verbal manure.

This quick meeting of that new fellow
Can never replace a true friend, I’ll tell you.

We’re lucky to have two or three in our lives.
Close friends, as these are hard to find.

It’s that one you trust and is truly pure.
It is uncorrupted when it comes to you.

This true friendship must go both directions.
The true test from acquaintances to companions

Meet as many as you can see.
It may turn out to be that one of three.

Outward Tint

Is there any green any good?
I’ve seen it, I’ve held it, I’ve compared it with food.
It just doesn’t work I’m liable to bork, it just isn’t any good.

What the hell is blue?
I’ll tell you the truth I’m through with blue.
I’m telling you blue is better than goo, except when it’s seen.
The only real problem is green.

Now lets talk of chalk.
Chalk does the walk.
It’s whiteness is lightness so much lighter than air.
The hue is so true, much better than blue.
Only one thing that irks me is that it tends to get dirty.

Yellows, not bad as purple unless your names’ Lyle Nerple.

I can’t go to bed with anything red, best in the sack when all is black.
Going through the whole range including orange could tell the tale, but even the meaning would begin to pale.

The only thing mean is the sight of green.
Moldy and spoiled with rot and mildew can only be described by the essence of green.

Phone Sales

Take advantage of this new offer if you act now you will proffer.
Use the cell phone try, the web, you’ll be receiving it fast just like we said.
Don’t delay or put it aside, you’ve only got one time to abide.
If you do it today we’ll double your order, this is the best, forget the rest.
Come on, what do you say?

Just in case you miss this deal, it’ll be offered again during your next meal.
If after four times of hearing this tale, don’t worry, you’ll find it cheap at the next garage sale.


Go on now put bait on your hook cast it out as far as you look.
Be patient as you have ever been because one of these days you’ll haul a big one in.
It could be a bass a trout or a crappie, I’m proud of you son you’ve made me so happy.
Now that the first one is now in the net, let’s get another on the hook you can set.

[Twenty, thirty, ninety minutes away, not a bite in sight and it starts to rain.]

Well now boy here’s what I say, where not going to catch any more this day
I brought my line in, turning the lever, and it came down now, faster then ever.
Now it was pouring down the back of my neck, soaking me faster than all heck.
Son, come on now we’ve got to go, can’t get any wetter let’s go.
He waited and waited and he stood his ground, staying still, refusing to budge or move around.
Stomping my feet I was getting so bored; I wanted to go it was well past four.
I was getting wetter and colder, totally soppier.
My boy started to point Hey, Look at my bobber!
He was fighting it hard and soft when needed, making sure he landed it fully defeated!

I looked at him.
I then looked down.
That’s the biggest fish that’s come out of this pond!

I don’t know how I felt, I was both jealous and proud, his eyes were so big, and His whooping was loud.

I had taken him out there to teach him that day, but I learned the lesson that’s here to stay.

Dinner that night was really delish, especially when your son can teach you to fish! jfp

Nurture to develop

Be nice in front of your Ma!
She didn’t raise you to give her no jaw!
She's been through a lot, even wiping your snot.
Therefore, you best be good to your Ma.

There’s more than one reason for being real good.
And I’m not counting all that good food.
She’s sacrificed time, money, and youth.
She scrubbed, and washed to keep you clean too.
Not only being the very best cook, she hugged you
And, loved you, as no other one could.
Remember the time when tying your shoes? I’ll tell you now,
She taught you that too.
How many times did you raise up your feet? As she ran the
Vacuum underneath.
She’s done so many things during your schooling.
“Grow up now and stop that fooling”
Now that I’ve opened you eyes a little wider, I am sure your
Memory expanded much higher.
The moment that I am sure you cannot recall, while a baby
You were deeply inside her.
Your Mother can recall so very much more,
Even the time before you were born.

Now that your older with your own fear and questions.
Mom is still there to guide your directions.

Have some respect not like a baboon, or Mom will get out that big Wooden spoon!



Sow seed,
So, grow.
Grow seed.
More grow.
I seed sow.

Too Dumb To Plumb

Did you ever wonder why
Plumbers’ prices are sky high?
If you’ve attempted to do the task,
Questions of price you’d never ask.
Fixing just a leaking faucet,
Will make you wonder what caused it.
By the time, you get the proper tool,
You will know the reason for plumbers school.
Now you get into the learned art,
Of finding where to buy the right part.
You explain your problem at the hardware store.
You find they don’t make that part anymore.
Four more trips to a different store.
The pieces you need? Ten visits or more.
Now it’s time to fix this leak.
A one-hour job feels like a week!
When the true test is closest to done.
It’s time to turn the water back on.
Surprise; surprise every pipe you had to touch.
Feelings of proudness for doing it yourself
De-flatted quickly when pipes leaked just as much.
Cussing, slamming and banging the wall,
You now are in trouble with no water at all.

The money and time you spent made you miffed.
Not using a plumber was only a myth.
Grabbing the phone book and making that call,
The plumber fixes your problem in one hour that’s all.
It’s times like this that make you scream.
Just do not succumb to that old pipe dream.


Whiskey’s a lot darker than scotch for those that are on the watch.
Some people think that if the stuff were lighter a darker drink would be mightier.
I wish I could enjoy a vodka, but to me the sensation doesn’t sock ya.
I really don’t care for brandy, just tasting too much like candy.
For a drink I could take or leave I could say it’s an aperitif.
Most hated are gimlets with gin.Someone left those little onions in.
The starter could be a Manhattan. That’s the one with the cherry.
One that makes me sweaty with fear is someone handing me a warm beer.
No matter which one is your choice, raise your glass so you may rejoice.

Salute` and happy holiday!

Sales Creed

Take the highway
Drive all night
Client there, price it fair.
Move on down to next town.
When in sight, price it right.
Follow through, until you do,
You’re not through.
Repeat this action, give satisfaction.
Someday you’ll lunch,
With the same bunch.
They’ll buy you pie.
If you never lie.

One Head is Better Than You

Here you go changing the rules almost when I’ve finished the project.
We worked well into the night, are you sure it’s not right? Can’t we use some logic?
Look, I’ll do as I’m told but if I may be so bold, I’d like to make this suggestion.
If we lower this one side and turn this one inside I think that should put an end to this session.
The changes I’m planning won’t require extra manning. I know that we’ll finish on time.
Well? What shall we do? Two heads are better than two, besides you’ll get all the credit.

This is taking longer, but I’ll be back I’ve got to go to the shack to look at the plan to edit.

I’ll drive up the dozer as you think it over I’ll need to see Mr. B.

Yes sir now you say, we can do it that way? And now you want to get started?
Now don’t you get lost when you talk to your boss because they just gave your job to me

Plush Mush

Accumulating plush animals is not a favorite pursuit of mine.
Can you explain the true objective?
Could fantasy be the soft and cuddly pastime?
Do the colors you collect have any effect?
Why does this minor obsession make such a major impression?

All this fuzz is quite a distraction.
This confusing pile is a total abstraction.
Egrets, moose, piranha, and a goose,
Stack them neat! They’re all loose.
I can’t tell what you’re collecting, lots of plush or lots of dust?

Hey! Look at that one there!
I’ve never seen that kind of bear!
It’s ears, it’s fur, why you giant lug!
Can I give him a gigantic hug?
Oh gee! Oh wow! What a beautiful cow!

I can see now; I’ve changed my mind.
I’d like to know where you got that kind.
By the way, what would you take for that snake?
You know, to my recollection,
I’ve never seen a better collection!

Hate To Wait

The arrival was as expected at ten A.M. as predicted.
I moved on to the room, all persons hopeful to be called soon.
No activity, I spot just magazine readers but no bleeders.
One hour later sitting about, then I hear the old nurse shout.
Here we are! [She’s coming over], no not another form to cover.
No! “Insurance is the same, Yes, “I am here again”.

Now I’m ushered to a room “Take off your shirt he’ll be here soon”.
Oh! My god it’s cold in here! I should have come back next year.
The rustling out the door I hear, many people walking near.
He’s now an hour late or more, wondering when he’ll open the door.
Soon a clipboard starts to rattle; still more voices start to prattle.
I now hear the “two tap” knock when in he walks, wearing a pure white smock.
With a nod and half a smile, he just sits there a short while.
Then he asks, “How are we doing” at this moment I think of suing.
He does a rapid blood pressure exam saying now I need a scan.
Now I’m speaking “Hey! What for, I just came in for this sore”.
You know it’s all this dance and song. He says, “I must do this, I can’t be wrong”
All this took was ten minutes as I chewed my nails to little nibbets.

By the time I went through this ordeal, the wound I came in for starts to heal.
As I said “Thank you” and began to walk, I could hear him next door with that doctor talk.

I guess I really needed this visit, because my Mom wasn’t here to kiss it!

Jfp 09


That tingle, that feeling of a parade going by, thrills!
That rush, that emotional sense of understanding, fills!

That shiver, that vibration reaction of sound, inflates!

That excitement, that quiver of arousal, awakes!
That beat, that tempo of rhythm, overtakes!

That music that harmony of song, goose bumps on skin!
That melody, that beautiful artistry of the mandolin!


Feathers falling from the sky.
Landing so gently nearby.
Tenderly and very quiet,
Purest color of pure white.
Lightly flakes devoid of sound,
Goose down blanket covers ground.
Dry bright white surrounds your feet,
Until gray plowed, cold hems the street.


Publication Date: 12-02-2009

All Rights Reserved

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