Copyright ©2012 by Ayodele Ajileye
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All correspondence to
Ayodele Ajileye
It is interesting to know that whatever happens in the physical is the manifestation of what has happened in the spirit realm. What is even more interesting is to have God explain spiritual issues to human using physical tools. Jesus, the Christ, used parables of seed, sower and seeds to explain the kingdom of God; He used the things that the people of His days were very familiar with to teach them what God wants from them.
It is a great honor to share this message in which God is using our homes on earth as a sample to explain His own home in the heart of man.
We often sing in songs and say in prayer the words, ‘make my heart your home’ or ‘dwell in me’ or ‘live in Your temple in my heart’, but we hardly know what this heart home of God looks like, what it should be and what it is at the moment.
This is a teaching that has affected my idea of God’s home within me and how my life should be. I pray that as you journey with me through these pages, the Lord will open your heart of understanding, to know what He wants from you and live as He wants.
Ayodele Ajileye
It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to this book titled “God’s design turned devil’s paradise.” The author craftily pictured how mankind was created in the image of God. However, the devil subtly entered and illegally took control of the sitting room, bedroom, guest room, bathroom and toilet, store, kitchen, dining and other available spaces in the temple of the living God. This illegal occupation of God’s designed home explains increase of evil in the world.
The author’s allusion to building structure in drawing the fact of the fall of man created in the image of God, his redemption and necessity to return to the creator is succinctly presented in the book.
This book is a must read by every believer who desires to finish well in the Christian race. The challenge to backsliders who have converted God 's dwelling temple into the use of the devil is very apt in this end time when moral decadence has reached a worrisome level in the name of fashion, modernization, scientific breakthrough and social advancement.
I strongly commend this book to the young and old who yearns to navigate their ways back to the Almighty God and truly worship Him in spirit and truth.
Rev’d. Ezekiel O. Adeleye
God wants to be a father to what He created. He desires and it is His divine will today to be a father to those He has chosen out of this world.
Many people believe that from the beginning it was God’s intention and purpose to save mankind. Mankind did not need salvation in the beginning. Redemption is not His intention; it’s not the end, but only a recovery program.
Before redemption became necessary, the Father had an original plan and purpose, which did not necessitate redemption for its realization. To understand anything of the soul of God and His marvelous plan, one must first know that God is eternal and “there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22).
The scriptures show that God moved in love to make man and have a people to be companions to Himself. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah” (Isaiah 1:18)and Proverbs 16:4 reveals that God made all things for His purpose. Perhaps man was made flesh to be molded by experiences and trials, so he might learn to appreciate and love God. The flesh that man possesses is also the temple in which God desires to dwell, walk and work with. It is the place where God so much finds companion with what He did created and made for His glory.
This book seeks to reveal the purpose of everything in the heart of man as God has planned it, to expose the sudden and subtle transformation of this previous temple; how it is being manipulated to fulfill the desire of an illegal occupant called the “Devil” and how to bring it back to how God wants it. Many people have taken a new turn in their lives with unclear hopes that they are still pleasing God – the owner of the temple, when they have sold out the temple of God to the devil.
This book is written with illustrations to help you grasp a true picture of how you have converted your God dwelling place (temple) into the use of the devil – accuser of the brethren.
After you might have finished this book, you will really realize where you stand and examine whether you are still God’s. This book is written in the language that best simplifies the human body, life as an entity that accommodates superior being. Pass it on. Recommend it to the old and young.
God bless you as you read.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth as He had planned. But before He became pleased with what He had created, He had to arrest some unpleasant situations. First, He called out light to arrest darkness. He called out highlands, firmament, plants, animals, and divided waters to arrest the void problem. He made the sun and the moon to settle issues of time and season. And finally, He created man to arrest the problem of governance.
However, in the man He created, He put His breath of life after which He concluded that everything was very good.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7 KJV)
For the question to be answered effectively, some other questions like, was it the breathless man or the one with breath that pleased God? What pleased God in the man He made? And why would it or he please God? A ‘what’ or a ‘who’, which one is the breath of life?
Was it the breathless man or the one with the breath that pleased God?
If the Bible just records that “God formed man from the dust of the ground”, and that at the end of creation God inspected everything He had created and remarked that it was all good, then we would have concluded that what God wanted was the man formed of the dust. We would have believed that the breathless man pleased God. But as it is, the story of man’s creation did not stop at that. The report of man’s creation also states that after the job of molding, forming and building “He (God) breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man (dust) became a living person”. God was obviously not satisfied with the man made from the dust and that was why He breathed the breath of life into man, and the words after are “and the man (dust) became a living person.” Remember that God the Father had said earlier to the other persons of the Godhead – the Trinity – that “Let us make human being in our image to be like us”. To be like us also means to be a living being, to be like us. He wanted a figure that will be like and represent Him on earth. And for that we would say that what interested God in the molded dust (man) was the breath of life and that is what made man to be like God.
To the second question of what pleased God in the man he made? In a Bible study class, the answer would have been chorused –“the breath of life”, and that might have ended the discussion, but it leads to the next question.
Why would the breath of life please God?
If all that God needed to make man live was oxygen, why did not he gather all the air in the atmosphere, call out the oxygen and then invoke into the dust through his nostrils? Since He did not do that, then why His breath of life? God could have used air to make man a living being but He did not need a living dust, KJV says “and man became a living soul.” Not a living body, neither was the living referred to as living soul but a living soul, a complete person. God wanted a soul that would live to be Him and so He breathed the breath of life into man. He gave a fraction of Himself to make man. Let’s consider it this way, man was living biologically but as far as God was concern, he was a living dust. To live by God’s definition of living thing, the breath of life has to bring man to life. Since the God-wise living being is all God wants, the Bible records that the man became a living being, a whole living being with the body, the spirit and the soul functioning as God wanted them to.
The breath of life, being part (a fraction) of God Himself, helped the biological man (the dust) to be what God really wanted and that is to be like Him. And that was why the breath of life actually pleased God.
And God looked over all He had made (including the man with the breath of life), and He saw that it was very good. (Genesis 1:31NLT)
Man was very good, perfect and pleasing to God because of the breath of life that he carried. And it has been established that the breath of life is a fraction (part) of God. But which part of God would actually be man’s drive to please God? God the father dealt with the creation of man and installed the breath of life, man lose the breath of life in Genesis 3 and became dead to God. God the son came and dealt with the recreation and re-installed the same breath of life in man. Paul wrote in Philippians 2:13
For He is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him. (NLT)
From this passage, it is obvious that the breath of life is not ‘a what’ but ‘a who’. So, who is He? He is God the Spirit. But as we go on we shall refer to Him as Mini-Him(that is, a fraction of God) and man as Mini-God. The use of Mini-Him is not to reduce the person of the
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: Ayodele Ajileye
Images: Shakers and Changers
Cover: Shakers and Changers
Editing: Shakers and Changers Editorial Team
Publication Date: 12-29-2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2485-8
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to the Lord God Almighty. The Beginning, the End and all that is in between.