Copyright ©2017 by Ayodele Ajileye
All rights reserved.
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All correspondence to
Ayodele Ajileye
Unless otherwise stated, all scriptural references are taken from the New Living Translation of the bible. Italics in scriptures are for emphasis only.
I have heard sons and daughters of God saying that they want to love God, and many of them also pour out their heartfelt pain at how they have failed woefully no matter how much they tried. Many of them wondered if God is really fair for commanding us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds and strengths. They wondered that, “If it’s not going to be possible to love God, why did He saddle us with such a responsibility?”
I get you friend, I’ve been there too and it was really difficult to love God. And if I can’t love God, then I can’t love myself and I can’t love my neighbor since I have to first love God, then love my neighbor as I have loved myself. I found it difficult and laborious to love God until He told me to stop trying to love Him.
I can almost hear that resounding in your mind – “Stop trying to love God”? That is unbelievable. I agree with you that it is unbelievable. But that is the truth. Well, I stopped trying to love God and allowed Him to show me how to love Him.
My dear, I know that you want to love God and I understand that you might have been finding it difficult.
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: Ayodele Ajileye
Images: Shakers and Changers
Cover: Shakers and Changers Media Crew
Editing: Shakers and Changers Editorial Team
Publication Date: 12-22-2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2425-4
All Rights Reserved
I dedicate this book to every member of Build Up and Youth Spot in Victory Chapel International