
Alex and Sam

“A cheerful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit saps a persons’ strength” –Prov. 17:22

Chapter 1 Alex’s Memories

“Hey Alex!! Wow, it has been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Hi Georges, yea, it has been a while, but what are you doing here? Weren’t you in England?”

“Yea, we came back a few weeks ago”


“Yea, Samuel and me... actually, I’m waiting for him”

In that instant, that very instant, I felt my whole world shattered. Samuel was back and he didn’t call at all, He didn’t sent mails or text messages about it. I didn’t understood what was going on, and didn’t either listened what Georges was saying because I was staring at Samuel, walking towards us. His face was different, didn’t radiant happiness and his eyes were empty. His hair was a little long and messy and looked like he didn’t shave in a week and his cloths were a little messy too. This was not my Samuel!

“Oh, hey bro, remember Alex right?”

“Hello Samuel! Welcome back?” <I could not move! I could not give him a hug, or a Kiss, nothing. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t make myself to move.>

“Hi Alex, thanks. Umm... Georges, it’s late, let’s go. Nice to see you Alex.”

“Ok, see you around Alex! Take care! Say Hi to Alice from me!”

“Bye Georges, Bye Samuel, see you around.”

And that was how my dreams and hopes of my prince charming went down to hell, crashing in a million tiny pieces. I could still not believe that Samuel was back, and not in my life, not the way I was dreaming to. Why didn’t he look for me? Why didn’t he call? Why looks like he didn’t even care?
I was rooted at the bank entrance. Tears were forming in my eyes and when finally, my brain started to work, I called my first-aid-BBF number: Yamilet.

“What’s up babe?”


“OooKeey! Tell me everything! What’s going on?” <I hear a little alarm in her voice. She knows me so well!>

“Um... is Samuel Yami” <My voice was breaking a little.> “He is... well... I’m in a shock because ... he has come back Yami!!” < By now the tears were falling down. >


“Two weeks ago, a just met them Yami.”

“And? What did he tell you?’

“Nothing Yami! He said Nothing! Just hi and good bye.” <I couldn’t even breathe properly. 10 min ago I was normal, happy, and now I was such a mess, so sad, so... heartbroken!!>

“Ok Alex, calm dawn, just breath in, come on, breath!!” <I did.>

“Ok honey, my break is finishing, but I will pass by your house and we’ll talk ok? Just calm dawn –“

“Noo! Yami, not at my house... can I go to yours? I don’t want my mom see me crying, please!”

“Deal! I’ll be at the station at 4:00pm. Meet me there and will talk while walking.”

“ok... Thank you Yami”

“Don’t worry babe, see you at four.”


I stood there 10 more minutes just trying to breathe normally. Then, lake a zombie, went to the bank, Pay my cell phone’s bill and walked out of it. It was 1:30pm. I planned to do some spring shopping before my unexpected encounter with the Campbell brothers, but now, I was in zombie mode ON. I started to walk to the station. Usually, takes 15min to get there, but it took me 15min to get there today. I look around for a place to wait for Yami, and find some empty chairs closed to the mechanical stairs. I sit there like a potato bulk and the memories of the last summer started to flash back to me like if they were yesterday’s memories and not almost a year ago memories.

10 Months Ago.

“ALEXANDRA JONES!!! Will you pleaseee hurry up?” < My sister was desperate to get out of the house before mom came back, because then, the good bye with mom will take like 20 more minutes. “Coming! Coming!” <I was running down the stairs with my bag on the right hand and my sandals on the left. I was wearing a gray summer dress and my hair in a nice pony tail. We were going to the Eric’s Summer House in Santa Monica with my sister’s boyfriend Georges Campbell. >

“You don’t even have your shoes on Alex!”

“Will you calm down Alice?! Georges is not even here!”
<Now that I was at the door I started to tie my sandals on. >

“Yea but I don’t want to be inside the house, mom will be here any minute now and I don’t want to give her any reason to back down!”

My sister Alice turned 18 years on last February, and I was going to be 17 on December. There were only 10 months of different between us because I was premature. We were like twin sisters, we both were a little short, with dark brown hair and eyes, fear skin and normal weight, not fat, not skinny either. But the main different was that her hair was short and straight and mine was long and curly. She was finishing her senior year of high school and I was going to begin mine on September. We share almost everything. She was very worry because mom didn’t approve Georges. He was in his first year of college and mom was sure He wasn’t taking Alice serious. So, I was supposed to take care of Alice in this trip, as well she was supposed to take care of me.

“Don’t Worry Alice, She won’t do that, she already say yes you know, have a little faith.”

“Not taking chances! Did you call Yami?”

“Yes, she is ready and waiting.” <We were getting out of the house to wait at the door for Georges.>

“Oh great, mom is here. Here we go!”

My mom was returning for work first, and my dad will be at home a couple of hours later. She was the General of the house, every day decision she made it, and only the financial decisions were made by Dad. My Mom, Amelia Cortez, was a Colombian immigrant that fell in Love with Anthony Jones at the tender age of 18. My dad was 24 back then, and they got married after only a year. He was an account and was working for a very important law office. My Mom didn’t went to college, instead she chose to be a housewife and by the time we stared school she made a secretary training curse and started to work part time for a business company. After we stared high school, she decided to work full time.

“Hello, girls!” < Mom said with a little worry in her voice.>

“Hi Mom!!” <Alice and I said at the same time like in chorus.>

“Did you plan to leave without having supper?”

“Mom, it will take 4 hours by car to get there, and we want to be early. I don’t want George to drive at night”. <Alice made the perfect excuse, trying to look mature and responsible. HA!! >

“And who else confirm, apart from Yami?” <Yami was her adopted daughter, because since I was 8years old, we were the best friends. Inseparables on Vacations, Holydays and, of course, school. >

“Um... Well, Erika and Kate are going with Erick. Mmm I think Johnny is going with Gabriel, Mark and Lily, and George, his brother, Yami, Alex... “

“Georges has a Brother?”

Mom made out loud the question that I made in my mind. I didn’t know he has one, and that was rear because Alice tormented me talking about Georges here, George there, so annoying. She told us that his Father was from England and came like 30 year ago to California. His wife didn’t like it and after a few years they broke up, singed the divorce and she went back to England. Georges chose to stay with his father here, end of the story. Now he has a Brother?!

“Yes, I think is Sam... Um... not sure now, anyway, He is just visiting for the summer vacation.” <So, Alice didn’t know him either?!>

When the X5 BMW parked in front of the house, Alice was blushing. I chuckle a little. When people are in love, they are so funny. Georges got out of the car, said Hi to my Mom and me and started to pick my sister’s bag when another person got out of the car.

I think the three of us, Alice, Mom and me, stare at the boy walking toward us. I was almost drooling. Georges was a very handsome tall guy, but he wasn’t the athletic type. He was more the skinny type. Blond hair, blue eyes, Californian tan and very conceited. But the guy walking toward us was tall, athletic like an Olympic gladiator, dark blond hair, eyes like honey color, Fair skin and an amazing smile that flashed across the neighbourhood. But it was the way he looked at me what made me blush instantly.

“Oh, Mrs. Amelia, Girls, This is my brother Samuel, he is visiting me for a couple of weeks so we are taking him to meet Mr. Sun, and also celebrate his birthday, which was two days ago!!”

“Oh! Congratulations! Nice to meet you Samuel, I’m Alice, this is my Mom Amelia and this is my sister Alexandra”.

“Alex. Nice to meet you Samuel!” <I cut Alice right away. Alexandra was too long for me, and I really didn’t like people calling me for the long name. Only teachers and my mom when she is in the bad mood called me that way, I like Alex instead. The nick name was warm.>

“Sam. Nice to meet you too Alex. Alice, Mrs. Amelia.” < My mom didn’t say anything, just gave him her hand like a greeting. Samuel said “Sam” looking at me so intense that I felt like sweating. Was I dreaming?! Gorgeous people don’t really look at me! He was such a handsome guy with a funny accent!>

My Mom gave us kisses and hugs, say bye to the boys and went to the house’s entrance to wait for us to leave. Georges took Alice bags, and Sam took mine. When he picking up my bag got really close to me and I could smell his fragrance... and OMG!! Did he smell nice?! I was intoxicated already with the smell coming from him. Very macho-men but still sweat fragrance. And I was about to be four hours in the same car with him! No wait... It will be a whole week with him!!! I couldn’t be happier!

We all got in the car and wave bye to my mom. Georges was driven and Alice was next to him. I was behind Alice and Sam behind Georges. When we pick Yami up 5min later, she bomb me to the meddle seat, next to Sam. Yami was talking about her knew swimming suit but I wasn’t really listening because Sam’s arm keep touching mine and I was Feeling mini electric shocks. His fragrance was getting into my core. I was sure that for the first time in my life I was falling in love at first sight.

The first two hours of our trip, we were listening the whole discography of Bon Jovy. Alice was a fan of him too, so we couldn’t it help it. They were in total control of the radio. Instead, Yami and I were looking at the magazine of the beach and activities-to-do in the Santa Monica Beaches. Samuel was interested in what we were talking about and started to ask us questions about it. Yami took the control of the conversation, I was trying to distract myself talking to Yami, but now that he was part of the conversation, I was getting quiet and quiet. Yami was questioning him better than a police officer!! She asks him his full name [Samuel Campbell], his date of birth [July 6], his age [18]. He then, started to interrogate us! And Yami was answer for both of us. Finally, Georges pull the car to a stop in a service station for gas. Yami and I run to the washroom, she was running because the urgent to use the toilet and I for the urgent to get away from Sam.

“Yami! You didn’t stop talking. Do you like Sam?”

“Are you crazy? YOU like him!”

“Shhhhhhh!!! If he is around, he going to hear you!!”

“Ha ha ha, Oh Alex. He already knows! I know you, and I’m very sure you like him. Beside, you have been in permanent bush mode since I got in the car.”

“aahhh!! It’s so embarrassing! I can’t help it!!! I felt like I have a fever, my heart was racing like crazy.”< I was praying the hours to pass by really quickly so I could breath! I just wanted to be a little away from him. I was so nerves.>

“Alex, are you serious? You have known the guy for about 2 hours?’

“And that is making me crazy! I barely know him and he already affect me that badly!!”

“Honey, I have an advice... Enjoy as much as you can. Remember what my grandma use to say “Present is a gift”, so enjoy the feeling, try to have fun, relax!”

“HA! You talk like that because Johnny isn’t in the same car as you are!! Otherwise I would be the one saying “calm dawn”, you know!”

“Girls!” <Alice called us from the door>. “Are you guys done? There are two more hours to go!”

“Coming!” <Yami said walking out of the washroom. I stood there for a few seconds breathing in and out... trying to prepare myself for two more hours of torture. We all got in the car, and Georges stared to drive again. After like 20 min Sam extended his hand to me with three kiss chocolates. I look at him without moving any other muscle. “It’s for you Alex”. <He said my name with such warming voice, that a felt like melting.>

“Umm... Thanks ... Sam” <I started to took the chocolates very careful to not touch him, but he close his hand to touch me anyway. I froze for a few second and turn to look at him. He stared at me a few more seconds and then let go my hand still looking at me. I couldn’t eat the chocolates, and Alice was watching the whole thing. So yea, I was in blush mode for the rest of the Trip! Jus great! Now, not only Yami and Alice knew that I liked Sam... He knows that too!>

When we finally got to Erick’s house in Santa Monica the sun was fading. Erick and everyone else were there and the party was on!. Georges parked the car in the back of the house and we all got off. Georges took Alice’s bags and Sam took Yami’s bag and mine too. Erika, Erick’s twin, welcomes us and then she gave us the tour’s house. Alice, Yami and I were going to share one bedroom; Georges and Samuel were going to sleep in the bedroom next to ours. They put our bags in the bedroom and disappeared. Erika and Alice also went down to the back of the house where the barbeque was. Yami and I took turns to have a shower and refresh ourselves.

The first night in Erick’s house was a party until the next morning. We danced, ate, talked, played cards and domino, we even played twister! That was the first time I enjoy myself so much. Sam and I talked from time to time, and he was a gentleman, getting the drinks for us and always watching out for us. Yami was trying to make Johnny notice her. Johnny was a player, but Yami was crazy for him and didn’t listen when it comes to Johnny. I was just thankful that Johnny didn’t saw Yami in the same way she saw him. I really love my friend and didn’t want to see her heartbroken because of him.

Of course, the day after everybody was with a huge hangover. Yami and I didn’t drink beer o any other alcohol drink, but just spending the whole night awake was enough to drain all your energies. I awake at 11am. I was still tire but eager to go to the beach. I took a shower and got ready, when I got out of the bathroom Yami was waiting her turn. Alice was still sleeping and knowing her, she will sleep until 2 or 3pm. But I didn’t come to Santa Monica to sleep, did I?

Yami and I got to the kitchen and Erica was there making sandwiches for everybody... not that they were awake though.
“Hey Girls! Nice party ha?” <Erica was as fresh as a lettuce. Nobody will think that she was awake all night. How she did it? Big Mystery to me!>

“Oh yea! I think I have never danced so much in just one night! And the food was A+” <Said Yami speaking of the barbeque. I think it was good too, but the best of the party was flirting with Sam!>

“yes, it was!... Erika, is the beach to far if we walk to?”

“Not at all!, you can take the main road and in 10min you will be there. But you better use a lot of sun protection if you are going to walk. Is almost midday and the sun here is really strong!!”

“Okidoky!!, nice sandwich by the way!” <I said. We were almost finished when Sam and Johnny appear and Yami choke with her sandwich. I let out a chuckle and soon after everybody was laughing.>

“So, you are going to the beach?” “Sam asked us, but he was looking at me. I suddenly got nervous. I like to stay near him, but not that near! My body’s reaction towards him was very hard to hide. >

“Um hum... want to go with me? ...I mean, with us... us?” <It was Yami’s turn to laugh!! And of course, everybody else too!!>

“Oh! How can I say not to you Alex... I mean, you girls!! Ha ha!” <He was mocking me... very funny!>

We all four finished and went to the beach. Like Erica said, it was a short walk of 10min and yes, the sun was so strong that you could fry an egg in the street. We find a good spot to put the towels and the umbrella, close to the washrooms and close to the “Cantina” too. The guys left us there and went to buy drinks. Meanwhile, we were putting some more sun block. I particularly didn’t want to get sun burn the first day in the beach. We still have 6 more days and I really wanted to enjoy it. The guys were back and they put the drinks on the side. I notice that Johnny was staring at Yami and when she finally realise this he was already invited her to make a walk.

“See you later honey.”

Yami said to me her good bye and wink an eye... I was pleading with my eyes to her so I would be not alone with Sam, but she ignores me. Suddenly, Sam took off his sleeveless shirt and I was having a heart attack. He was wearing one of those surfers’ shorts, but when I saw him... I was blushing and I think, drooling too.... again. He defiantly was an athlete because his chest, abdomen, arms, shoulders and legs were very well defined. He was a Greek God.

“Would you help me put some sun block cream on my back?” OMG!!! I was about to touch his amazing Back!! My hands were shaking so badly that I didn’t how to hide them.
“Sure... Sam”

“Are you Ok Alex? Have you already been exposing to the sun to much?”

“No, I’m fine, just fine... why?” <Why? Did I put the knife on my own neck!? I was as red as a lobster and not because of the sun!>

“Oh, is just that you are... ehem... never mind. Will you?”< He gave me the sun block cream and I was just wishing for the earth to swallows me.>

I started to spread the cream on his back and OMG! His skin was so soft. The muscles of his back under my hand felt so good that I wanted to put some more cream, more and more and more!!!

I finished putting on him the sun block and then we stay there quiet for a moment. Then he started to ask me what kind of music a liked, and soon after we were talking like if knew each other long time ago. He was talking about the first time he came to visit his father and the first time he went to the Disneyland. He also asked me about school and the rest of my friends. Time with Samuel pass quickly and when Yami and Johnny got back we were laughing out loud with Sam’s funnies stories. We all enjoy the whole afternoon talking and drinking pinacolada, the guys were drinking beer. Then Sam invited me to play tennis and we were playing and having fun.

After the sun finally faded, we decide to get back to the house. Everybody else in the house was ready to go out to some famous bar on the down town. But Yami and I couldn’t get in that kind of place so we decide to stay home. After all of them went out, Yami and I took turns in the shower. We ate some leftovers and went to watch the huge TV to relax some more. Neither of us notice when did we fell asleep, nor either felt when somebody turn off the TV and Lights. We wake up next day with the full body’s energy.
Everybody else was sleeping, so we got ready to go out and enjoy the day by ourselves. I left a note for Alice letting her knows that we were going out so she didn’t have to be worry.

“Ahh it’s a nice day... too bad Johnny pass out last night. They’re going to sleep the whole day, and by the time we’re back, tire!, they will be ready for another night party.”

“Nothing to do Yami, we’re 16, so let’s enjoy what we can... besides, parties are everywhere, but this” <I said pointing at the beach with the water as blue as a pool.> “This, you don’t see it everywhere! So, like your grandma always said-“
“Enjoy the present!” < Yami said smiling.>

We walk all morning, we were in middle of July and the sun was heavy! We ate ice-creams a couple of times, enter in all the little shops near the beach and even bought some necklaces. I bought a nice bracelet with a silver S pending. Not sure if I would be able to give it to Sam, but got it anyway. For lunch we made a stop for a hot dog and then we went back to the beach. We bought some drinks first and started to walk to find that spot close to the “Cantina” when a couple of guys call us.

“I knew a will find some angels in this paradise!” <Said one of the guys, which was wearing a cap, a surfer’s short and was what I thought, Hispanic, Maybe from Mexico o nearby. The other was a hot, tall, blonde with green eyes and was wearing a jeans’ short>.

“Hey, hello, did we know each other?” <Of course NOT! Yami was flirting with a perfect estranger! Even if they were hot, I was always suspicious of guys hitting on Girls. So I didn’t said nothing.>

“Oh no baby, I would not let you walk alone here if I knew you... but we can fix that! I’m Roger, by the way.”

“I’m Peter.” <Said the Blondie... I had to admit that the guy was nice.>

“And I’m Samuel! And these two angels are with me!” < Yami and I froze... when we turn around Sam was there and was piss off... And OMG! He looked so good in the bad mood!>

“Oh, sorry man, we didn’t know... well to bad, good bye girls! It was a pleasure to meet you!”

“Where were you? I have been looking for you!” <He was mad at me! And worried too… nice!>

“I left a note for Alice, we were going to walk along the beach and spend the day here. Why?”

“Well... you weren’t at the house when I wake up, and got a little worry... everybody else is still sleeping. Umm... do you have cell phone?” <He really was he worried about us!>

“No, sorry... I broke it a month ago... and my punishment is that I will have to buy another one with my own money.”

“Anyway” <Said Yami a little disappointed.> “Let’s look for some chairs and rest a bit... walking all morning under the sun sure make you tired”.

After a while of hearing the waves and the wind blowing softly in the beach Yami felt sound sleep, and Sam and I were talking. Well, He was talking about the bar that they visited last night. Apparently, Johnny and Sam were the only ones without partners, so they decided to drink a couple of beers, and then went back to Erick’s house. They find us dead sleep and then went to sleep too.

“So, you turn off the light and the TV?”

“Yea, it was me. It was hot so I didn’t put any blanket... not that you would need it. You looked really tired.”

“Thanks. I was really tired... so.” <I didn’t know how to give him the bracelet... But then, I just did it.>

“What is it?”

“It’s a birthday present for you, and also to remember this trip.” <Or even better, to remember me. But I could not said those words.>

He opened the little bag, and took out the bracelet, look it like he was looking the best gift ever and then put it in his left hand.

“Thank you very much Alex. I’m never going to forget this vacation!” <He leaned toward me and gave me a soft little kiss in my chick. I was shock! How, in the world will I get over this?>

“You’re welcome”. <My hands were shaking again and he was looking at me… waiting for something. I just decide to stand up and ran to the beach. I need it to drown the nerves and the insecurities, to cool down. I fell in love with Sam after only 3 days of knowing him. That was just crazy!>

“How’s the water?”< I jumped a mile; I was running away from him, and again, he was next to me!!>

“You scare me!!” <he was laughing out loud of my reaction!!>

“Why are you so jumpy!!? Yami is awake, so I tough I could make you some company.” <Oh he was staring at me with those sparkling eyes... I make a mental note to say thank to my best friend.>

“Yea... jumpy... that’... that’s me!”

“Tell me something Alex, I don’t know you but ... Um ... I’m getting the feeling that … there’s something in the air... between us, so... Is it just me?” <How do you respond to that? I wasn’t sure if that was really happening or was just in my imagination...>

“Ummm ....Well ...” <I couldn’t talk... I was blushing seeing the guy in front of me, wet, with the sun shining on him, he was so out of my liege.>

“Hum... I thought so…”

“No, wait” <I was just reacting on instinct... He was telling me that he has feeling and I was like a statue!> “it’s just... ha ha ha ... it’s not only you... it is not.” <It was nerves’ laugh, but as soon as I speak those clumsy words, he was laughing too. >

“I like you, but I can’t promise anything Alex.” <He was serious now.> “I have a girlfriend. This trip was a little break for me but I will be leaving to England at the end of next week... but, if it is possibly, I would like to be your friend.”

“I would like to be your friend too Sam.” <Better friends than nothing... But I didn’t understand. He first tell me that he has feeling, and then, he just want to be my friend. Oh well! Asi es la vida like my Mon would said. >

“Come on, let’s go. Georges told me that today everybody is going to eat in a fancy restaurant. We better go with them... I’m craving for some decent food!”

He took my hand and led the way. We pick us our stuff and went back to the house. Yami was telling to Sam all the pretty things that she saw in some stores along the way, and he was listening to her, but he never let go of my hand. I was like a balloon full of Helium. I was floating in the air... Happy!

That night the whole group went to the Brazilian Brasa show to celebrated Sam 18’s birthday. Sam was always at my side, and Johnny was glued to Yami. Everybody have a wonderful time eating and drinking. Alice was also living the time of her life, you could see in her eyes how much in love she was.

The next two days all of us went to visit different beaches a little far from Santa Monica, and we returned very tired. The last day of our trip, Erick made us stay in the house all day resting because in the night we were all going to a pool party. Yami, Alice and me started to pack our stuff and leave out only the cloth for the party and for the next day. We then got ready and we arrived to the pool party at 10pm. The house was a mansion, and it had Christmas lights in every tree, making it look even more beautiful. When we got to the pool, the party was wild ON! The DJ was playing P!nk, and everybody was dancing, drinking and having fun.

“Alex, enjoy all you can, because tomorrow you will forget about this party and NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN! Do you understand?” <Ha! So this was a wild party after all! And Alice didn’t want my mom to know.>

“I will Alice, but promise me you will take care of yourself... Don’t get too wild here, because I won’t”

“Deal... be careful you too. Call me if you need something.” < She then started to leave with Georges. >

“Let’s get in the pool!!!” <Yami pull me with her, and I pull Sam with me. The three of us splash everywhere laughing, and Johnny was the last one getting in. Johnny soon took Yami with him and let us alone. We swim slowly for a while, laughing of the people already drunk, and watching out for Yami. I was admitting to Sam that I didn’t like Johnny as a boyfriend. He was a player and I was sure he was going to hurt Yami. >

“But I think she knows who he is Alex, and for the same reason, I think Johnny likes Yami. They just having fun and for the future, well... Who knows?”

“Yea... you are right. Umm... would you like to drink something? I need a coke!”

“Yea, let’s get out of the pool”.

We got out of the pool. I went to sit in an extension bed, waiting for Sam. He went to look for the drinks, a coke for me and a beer for him. I was reserving the extension bed next to mine, but when Sam came back, one drink in each hand and a towel in his shoulder, he made his way and set himself behind me. He gave me the coke and put the beer in the floor, and then he wrapped me with the towel and hugged me supporting his head in my shoulder. We didn’t speak for a while. I was watching to Yami and Johnny in the distant, they looked like a real couple, kissing and laughing, having fun.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” < Sam asked me with sadness in his voice.>

“No, I don’t. . . Do you love you girlfriend?” <If we were going to talk about this topic I better made the questions I had! Because he was acting like I was his, but that wasn’t really the case.>

“I use to. . . This trip was to have a break from her, to try to start over with her. But …”

Suddenly, Sam took my coke away and put his right hand very gently on the left side of my face, making me turn around to face him, He was looking at me with such intense eyes, that for a moment I forgot to think and the instinct in me made me kiss him. And he was kissing mi back, so gentle, so sweat, so wonderful. It wasn’t my first kiss, but I would forget about my first kiss and remember this first kiss with Samuel instead. I ran my hand for his hair and face, memorizing it with my sense of touch. Hugging him tight and wishing never let him go.

“Oh Alex, haven you torture me enough?” He said giving me little kisses on the chick, and neck, and then back to my mouth. I was just as drunk from his kisses as any other person in the party for the alcohol. He then gave me another kiss, but this time was a passionate one, he was hugging me so hard, that there were no free space between us. It didn’t matter all the people around us, or even the music. I was hugging him too and my heart was biting like a humming bird. He slowly and gently pushes me back to catch our breath. He hugged me again gently and I could felt his heart hammering his chest, just like mine was doing it.

“I’m sorry Alex... I told you I could not promise you anything. Now, I just don’t know what to do. I really like you and … I will be flying to England soon”.

“Don’t be sorry. I would only ask you to stay with me until you have to go. Then you are free. I like you too Samuel and I want to kiss you as much as I can, hug you as much as I want. Then I will remember this summer for the rest of my life”.

“Will you Alex? Because I’m sure I will.”

“I will Sam, I always will.”

That was a magical night. The kisses and the hugs were endless. Around three in the morning Erick told us to get ready to return. We got to the house an hour later and everybody went to sleep. Sam gave me the best good night kiss I have ever had and then I dreamed of Samuel staying in California with me.

Next day the house was very busy. Everybody was packing and putting everything in its place and Mark and Gabriel were washing the cars. Around lunch time, everything was ready, so we all begin our trip returning home. Four hour later, Alice, Yami and I said good bye to Georges and Samuel and got Home.

Our parents were glad to see us again save and sound, and we have dinner with them. Yami sleep that night in my house and went home the next Day. The next four days before Samuel returned to England, we went to the movies, to the mall to buy some souvenirs for his mom and friends. We had dinner in my house and even make a good bye party.

The day of the party was the last time I saw him. His flight was the next day in the morning, but I didn’t want to see him in the airport. So that last night we celebrate. At the end, he gave me as a present a new cell phone. We exchange numbers and mails. Before he got in the car he kissed me for the last time. It was a light sweet little kiss, full of love and kindness.

“I will make you just one promise Alexandra Jones... I will always remember you!”

“And I will always remember you Samuel Campbell”.

After that, he called me for the airport to say good bye again. From time to time we send each other text message and mails. We talk a couple of times by phone, like good friends. But I was in love, with hopes and dreams, I secretly was waiting for him, to see him again and see his beautiful smile, and shiny eyes. So ten months had pass and the last three of them have gone without a text, or mail or call, or any news.

And now he is here, and is like nothing ever have happen between us. Nothing.

Chapter 2 The Truth

“A friend id always loyal, and a brother is born to help on time of need”

“Alex! ... Alex! ... Alexandra!!!”

“eh? ... Yami!”

I promised myself that I would move on. So when David invited me to be his date for Johnny birthday’s party, I said yes. Maybe I could use him to get over the “Sam matter” thing. Is was middle of May already. The day of the party, in the morning, a group of friend were setting up the place for the night. Yami ask me to help her and I went to help her.

“YOU DID WHAT!!” <Yami was mad at me for some reason that obviously I didn’t know!>

“Why are you yelling at me?

“Alex... some times... aahhrrr!! I want to kill you!!”

“What are you talking about!! Yami, I don’t want to be the fifth weal all the time. So I thought I could use some company tonight...” <She was bright red!! She really was angry!>

“I didn’t want to tell you but... Sam will be HERE.”

“WHAT?” < I asked with horror in my voice!> “WHY!?”

“He contacted Johnny to say hi last week and Johnny invited him to the party. He sent a text message to confirm that he’ll be here tonight.”<I was shock!! Now that I decide to move on he appears!! To confuse me again! To ruin my weak determination! >

“Why did Johnny invited him? Didn’t he know? Yami, didn’t you tell him?”

“Of course I did!! But Johnny said that it was his party and he will invite whoever he wanted!”

“Ohhh Yami!! And why didn’t you tell me BEFORE!!”

“Because this is your chance to ask him Alex, Sam knows you will be here, so maybe he is planning something, but if I said so to you, then you will find an excuse to not come to the party! ”

“Well, you got that right! I’m not coming!! <No way... I’m not ready yet!!>

“Oh no, no no no! You’re going to be here! You decide, come to the party or I will drag you to, but you are not backing down!” <Sometimes my best friend was so pushy...>

“... <sigh> ... ok... But I’m coming with David.” <If Sam knows I will be here why didn’t he invite me? This is no good...>

“You can come with the president if you want, but come to the party!”

“Ok” <I better get over it anyway. And I won’t be alone... That my help me” “Promise me that!” “I promise to come to the party.” “Tonight Alex, the party is tonight! So promise you will come TONIGHT!” <She really did know me well>

“Ok, Ok. Geez! I promise to come to the party tonight. There! Are you happy now?!”

“I’m not, not really, but whatever. See you later Alex.”

Johnny’s 18 birthday party was going to be the event of the year. His Parents rented a place that people normally use for big wedding and such. The DJ was going to be AJ, one of the best and famous DJ in California. And the invitation said semi-formal! So, no jeans!! I borrowed a dress from Alice closet. She wasn’t going to the party, anyway. The dress was indigo and with only one shoulder strap. It was short, above the knee and a little tight. I was going to wear silver killer high hills sandals and a silver mini handbag. I decide to wear my hair natural and only put a couple of pins to avoid the hair falling in my face all the time. My hair was longer now, only 3in above the waist. Light make up and French manicure and pedicure. Well... not every day the opportunity to go to a fancy party appears, so I better be pretty! But I was doing it to show Samuel what he was missing too.

David came to pick me up around 8pm. He was a nice guy and a good friend too. His hair was black and it made a nice combination with his blue eyes. He was tall and athletic; he was the captain of the softball team in school. He was wearing black pants and long sleeves shirt. On top of that was wearing a jacket. His tie was white with some patters. He was very handsome dress like that.

“Not fear Alex... You are stunning tonight.”

“Why, thanks David... you look very nice too! Every girl is going to envy me tonight” <I couldn’t help it, it was true and that was making fell more secure about this party.> “But I’m wearing high hills so maybe the look will break down a little later though.”

“Well, to be honest, I’m not very good dancer so maybe we put some balance there!” <He was chuckling and he really had a nice smile too.>

“It sounds good to me.”

We arrive to the party ant 8:30pm. Yami was waiting for me and only when she saw me stopped to pestering me with text messages. She was wearing a very tight red dress and shoes, and it was clear why Johnny didn’t let her go too far from his sight. She was beautiful. She didn’t look like a teen anymore; she was a young woman now. Johnny was wearing a black suit and shirt, his tie was red, matching Yami’s dress. They looked lovely together.

At 10pm almost the whole school was there and the party was ON. I was trying to have fun and forget about everything for just one night. Even when David told me that he wasn’t a good dancer, he wasn’t bad either. The music was nice, and around 11pm started a Brazilian show for Johnny, a gift from his eldest brother. The Brazilian girls came dancing samba in the rio-carnival outfit. Of course, the men in the party were drooling and the girls were just laughing at them for the dummy-face they all were wearing. At that moment my feet were killing me and I decide to sit in one of the chairs of the bar. I was watching the show from there alone, Yami was stick to Johnny and David was with his fans watching the show very close to the Brazilian girls. I asked a beer to the bartender and was about to sipped a little when I saw him in front of me and I froze. I couldn’t avoid checking him out from head to toes. He was wearing a white suit, jacket open, a black shirt without tie and at least 3 buttons undone. His hair was with that messy stile, and his face clean shaved. He was gorgeous, all except his eyes. There was no light in his eyes. Again his eyes reflected nothing but sadness.

“Umm... hey!” <I didn’t know what else to say! ... I was blushing and nervous!>

“Hello Alex… How are you?”

“Good. Thanks. And you?” <The conversation was awkward. Was this supposed to be the way people talk to each other after 4 month, with no happy feelings around?>

“Good... good. Mmm where is your Date?” <Of all the things he could has asked, he was asking for my date. I was a little disappointed.>

“I don’t know... he is somewhere in that craw watching the show.”

He stood there watching me. Staring at me and I began to feel even more nervous, like if that was possible. What was his problem anyway! Why appear in from to not really say anything?

“Are you really alright Sam?” <I asked him because it was obvious He was there for a reason, right?>

“Not really... I’ve been better.”

“Didn’t ... Didn’t you bring a date with you? I mean...”

“She is in the lady’s room.” <OH! So he did bring a girl. I felt hurt. So it was going to be like that, any other girl but me. I didn’t say anymore after that.>

“I wanted... I. I wanted to say sorry. And ... Well...” < he was trying to say something, but it didn’t make any sense to me. He didn’t finish either because HIS DATE, came back for the washroom. I was angrily hurt.>

“Hey baby... did you miss me?!” <He looked disappointed too. He was trying to say something and couldn’t finish. He looked me in the eyes and I saw the sadness hidden behind the bright less eyes. He was hurt too, but why?>

“Let’s go. Bye Alex.”

I didn’t say anything. I just watch him leave with the beautiful blond in the mini black dress. I was so hurt, a felt like wanting to run away and never come back. I was holding back tears and my hands were shaking so bad. Just then David came to look for me.

“Hey, those girls really know how to shake their ...” < when he saw me he stopped talking. Worry was showing in his face.>

“What’s going on Alex, are you ok?” < I shake my head unable to speak.>

“OK... do you want to talk about it?” < I shake my head again.>

“Do you want to leave?” <I nodded... I didn’t want to be in the same place that Sam anymore.>

“Ok... let’s go. I will take you home.”

We didn’t say good bye to the other people in the party. When we got to the parking lot, David was about to open the door when, an impulse to do something to forget about Sam invaded me and, I pull David’s arm. When he turned to look at me, I pull him closer to me ... close until we were nose to nose, and he was looking at me like trying to decipher a code or something. Then he heritage no more and kiss me. Hi pull me even closer hugging me and kissing me very sweet at first, but getting hungrier every minute. He put one hand in my back above my waist and the other in my neck. I forgot about myself and instead of think, I was just feeling. David was a very good kisser and was making me breath fast! He then put his back on the car and kept kissing and hugging me. Our breathing became a little hard. I was feeling lost in his kisses but he began to stop gently and push me back and just hug me.

“Are you feeling better?” <He gently whispered in my ear.>

At that moment I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore. I started to cry and David was hogging me tighter, comforting me like and old brother, stroking my hair with care. I was hugging him back with desperate need.

“Tell me who broke your hart Alex, and I will break his face!” <He said that whispering too, but he means it. He was a little angry. I couldn’t speak; I was making an effort to breath. We stood there until I calmed down.>

I didn’t tell a word. David took me home and told me during the ride that if I wanted, he would be there for me for whatever I wanted, a friend or boyfriend. And whichever I choose, his feeling weren’t going to change. At the front door of my house he gave me a light kiss on the lips and said good bye. I went to my room, change into my PJs and sent a text to Yami to let her know that I left the party and was at home, also to asked her to tell sorry from me to Johnny. Then I went to bed and felt sleep crying.

The next day, when I opened my eyes Yami was in the armchair with her head on her shoulders. She was dress in jeans and pink top. She looked tired. I sit down on the bed and felt a humongous headache, one I have never had before. My eyes were swollen and I looked like a frog! I called Yami with my husky voice, she wake up and in an instant she was next to me on the bed, hugging me.

“Honey! I was so worry… Alice was the one who let me in. She told me to wake you up but I couldn’t and …”

“I’m fine. I mean, I feel terrible but, I fine.”

“So what happen last night?”

“I saw him… he was with blonde and … I don’t know. The conversation was awkward and he was trying to say something that didn’t make any sense and… I don’t know Yami… He was somebody else. He isn’t the Samuel that we met, now I’m sure about it.”

“I saw him too… and…” <Why was Yami blushing?>

“What? Tell me!”

“I saw you… you and David… in the parking lot.” <And then I remember what David and I did in the parking lot and I felt like fever! I felt hot and surely I was blushing too!>

“OMG! Yami… That was… I just… I was so hurt because of Sam and … David was there. <sigh> What a mess”

“Did you… umm … you know…” <Yami and her little dirty mind!>

“NOOO! We were just kissing, nothing more… He realized that I was sad and he comforts me but he knew that I was… umm… using him. And he let me do it anyway.”

“What a nice guy. Why didn’t you fall for him instead?”

“Well that’s a good question! Can you give me the answer?” <I was chuckling, we do think alike.>

“I’m afraid I can’t! But it’s nice to see you do feel better” <She was laughing softly.>

“With BBF like you, it’s easier you know.”

“Alex. I have to tell you something. Sam told me to not to but, I believe is important.”

“What is it?”

“He was there too. He saw you kissing David, and he was about to go to where you were but I didn’t let him.”

“OMG Yami… Did he-“

“He was mad… no, he was jealous. Alex, something happen. He now thinks he is not good enough for you. He thinks you don’t deserve him.”

“He what!? Who he think he is to decide that for me!! <Soddenly I was angry at him! Why didn’t he just tell me what was going on! Coward!>

“I told him the exact same thing. But, I wanted to let you know because; I saw that he cares about you. He, in his own way, is protecting you from something. So don’t hate him… Let him be and wait a bit more. I know he will come around.”

“I don’t know… I think I should move on. I can’t keep pretending he is my long distant boyfriend anymore. He is not even a friend anymore!”

“So, you plan to move on using David?”

“Mmm … Maybe. I don’t know.”

“Was David that good? From where I saw, and I saw the whole show, he was letting you use him and he was having a great time too!” <She was laughing at me and I was bright red. Some BBF!>

“I’m not going to answer THAT!!” <I stick out my tongue like a little child.>

“Oh but you don’t need honey, is written all over your face!”

“Stop it!!” <She was having fun teasing me>

“Oh boy… Well… get up already and have a shower. I’m going to prepare some camomile.”

“Camomile? What for?”

“To put some in your eyes! You are not going out looking like the little rain forest frog you know!”

Yamilet was really the best friend that anybody could have. She was always there for me and I didn’t have to even call her. She knew me and will come, whatever happens to me. I was the same with her too, but lately, it was always me the one needing help.

I took a shower and then dress up. Jeans and a shirt will do. I was getting to the kitchen when I heard Alice speaking with Yami and couldn’t move. I ended it eavesdropping. Alice was telling to Yami about the Sam’s ex-girlfriend who in front of him, she jumped in from of the train after they broke up! I was frozen in the hall, assimilating what I just heard. Minutes pass and all was silence. I enter the Kitchen and saw Yami in shock too…

“Who told you that?” <I asked Alice, almost whispering. Tears were falling down of my face and Yami’s as well. Alice was sad.>



“Mmm… last week.”

“No… When that it happen?”

“It was On Christmas Eve.”

Chapter 3 Sam’s Memories

“Worry weight a person down; and encroaching words
Cheers a person up” Prov-12:25

“Yes Mr. Samuel, your bank account has been updated and the money is available for you any time now. Only I will have to ask you to wait a little more for a provisional debit card”

“OK.” <Where is Georges? He was going to buy just cigarettes, not to fabricate them! I don’t feel like wandering in the mall... Girls like malls... Alex likes the mall. This Mall brings so many memories. I want to forget... I wish I could forget.>

“OK Mr Samuel, here you go. Please sing here and ... Here.”

“Ok. Thank You”

“Have a nice Day Mr. Samuel” <Why did she call me “Mr Samuel”, I’m not fifty! >

“Yea... You too” <Oh there is Georges. He is with a girl. Typical!>

OMG!! He is with Alex! So much to avoid her... I should have known... I didn’t want to see her so soon. I’m not ready for this. I promised myself to not let another girl fall for me. How can I do that to my sweet little Alex? I have already hurt her, and I’m about to do it again. I hate you Georges!

“Yea, Samuel and me... actually, I’m waiting for him” <Georges, please! Don’t open your big fat mouth!>

“Oh, hey bro, remember Alex right?”

The hell I remember her... every day, every hour, every minute. I remember everything like if were yesterday.”! I Remember her beautiful long and dark brown hair, and eyes brawn looking at me with so love, soft fear skin, the kisses, the hugs. I will always remember Alexandra Jones. Thanks “Bro”!

“Hello Samuel! Welcome back”.

“Hi Alex, thanks. Umm... Georges, it’s late, let’s go. Nice to see you Alex”. < She was so beautiful, she was looking more womanly and her hair was longer. Forgive me Alex! I have hurt you but I won’t be the rock in your shoe. I will not let you keep waiting for me. I must set you free. I will remember you always.>

“Ok, see you around Alex! Take care! Say Hi to Alice from me!”

“Bye Georges, Bye Samuel, see you around.”

Don’t look back... Don’t look back. Samuel, you made a promise so don’t you dare to look back at her.

“What the hell was that Sam!?”

“Shut up Georges!! What did you tell her?”

“Nothing! Just that we came back a few weeks ago”.

“Only that!! That’s enough Georges! Now she must been thinking....<sigh> Crap... I’m so not ready for this right now. Give me the cigarettes”. < I opened the package of cigarettes and started to smoke.>

“Well, sooner o later you will have to face it. How much longer will you be avoiding everybody? Scarlet is driven me crazy asking about you. You better caller every day so she can be relieve that her younger son is still alive”.

“I know... I will call her tonight”.

“What about Alex?” <That was a pretty good question! I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to be close to her and was afraid of her at the same time.>

“Don’t talk to me about her... I just want to forget. Take me home please; I don’t want to be around”.
“Suit yourself. I will be late tonight, call delivery pizza o whatever”.

“Umm hum”.

Now that I’m in California, I think I made another mistake... Maybe I should have gone to Australia with Mom. But I didn’t want to live with her after what happen with Katy. Besides, she is finally married to Barry, they deserve their privacy. I’m 18 anyway... adult with the right to vote.

“We’re here”.

“Ok, bye Georges... See you tomorrow”.

“Don’t do anything stupid bro. Remember that!”

“Umm hum”.

Everybody keeps saying that to me. I wasn’t me back there. Now I’m better. I have accepted that Katy made her own choices. But I could have made the difference. Is not what you said, is how you said it what make the difference. I hurt her so much. Of course I’m responsible; at least I have to share the guilty. The person who said “It’s my life and I will do whatever I want with” Was so wrong. Your life is not your own. You share your life with so many people, your life is so important to everybody, how can you be such a coward and kill yourself. Oh Katherine... Katy… we ruined each other’s lives. Alex... I want to remember you always, my own ray of light in the darkness. What am I going to do now?

I called my mom and let her know I was fine. Then I turn ON the TV to avoid the silence. I couldn’t help it; I started to remember everything all over again. Sometimes life sucks!

10 Months Ago.


“Hey, it’s me, Sam. I’m in the airport and well... I’m about to leave. I wanted to say good bye again.”

“I’m glad to hear you Sam. I already miss you...”

“I miss you too Alex.”

“Umm, Sam?”


“Can I call you some time?”

“Yes... I... I would try to call you too Alex.” <Oh, I shouldn’t have said that!>

“Ok... Well, I wish for you to have a nice trip back home.”

“Thanks Alex. Take care! Bye now.” <Say it Sam; tell her that you love her!>

“Bye bye, Sam”.

I couldn’t do it in the end. She was already waiting for something. I need to take care of things here first, then I can call her and tell her how a feel for her.

I got early to England that night. I purposely lie about the time I’ll arrive just to avoid Katherine.


“OMG, Katy, you are here!” < OMG... I think that not even lying about the day will have fooled her. >

“You got the hour wrong you dummy! I called for confirmation and they gave me the information. I missed you so much Samuel. Don’t leave me again please!!”

“Let’s go home Katy. I’m tire”. <I’m really tire of this.>

“How is Georges? I thought he was coming with you?”

“He changes his mind at the last moment”.

“So tell me, how was California? You look very hot with that tan!”

“Yea, we went to the beach in Santa Monica with George’s girlfriend and some other friend”

“And? Tell me more!! Tell my everything!”


I didn’t have any option so I tell her about every detail for the trip. Of course, I didn’t even mention Alex at all. For Katy, That information will be treated like life or dead. She was so emotional dependant on me, that I was already in my limit. I try to break up with her before, and she even try to threaten me that time with her mom’s depression pills. That was a year ago... I have been stock with her almost year and a haft. If I don’t end this sooner, I will be force to be married to her.

Katy drove me home that night and promised me to visit the next day. My Mom received me with a big kiss and a warm hug, almost as warm as Alex hugs... I miss her.

“Honey! This house feels so empty without you! I missed you!”

“I missed you too Mom!” <And it was true!>

There has been always the two of us. When she was Young she met my Father and he was crazy about her. He proposed to her and she thought he would be a good man to start a family. She believed that love will come sooner, he was a good man and for the moment that was enough. So she got Georges first, and two years later she got me. When I was six, my mom discovers him cheating on her, and after a big fight they decided to call it off. Georges was eight years old and choose to stay with my father. I was Always crying for my mom, so I reaming by her side. That was a low blow for her because Georges didn’t cry for her not even once. A Year later, after the divorce, she decided to come back to England. Since then it has been the two of us.

Georges and I take turns to visit our parents every summer. This summer was his turn, but he met a Girl... So, just like my Father, he chose another woman instead of Mom. I decided to go to California for different reasons. First was to get away from Katy. I’m started to get sick of her. She is a nice Girl, but emotional dependant, and honestly, I think she needs help. And Second, Barry finally proposes matrimony to my Mom, so she is not going to be alone anymore and California is less expense than London. So maybe I could study in the same university as Georges. Besides, Barry is planning to work for a couple of years in Australia and he doesn’t want to leave my Mom. Barry has proved beyond reasonable doubt that he loves mom. And that’s the third reason. So the hard part will be the first reason... Katy.

“How is Georges?”

“He is fine mom. He is the same. The only different about him every summer is the girl!”

“Oh my, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? I’m glad he is fine.”

“Don’t be sad mom. You know, this time was different”.

“But you just said he was same!”

“No, I mean the girl. He is with Alice Jones. She is eighteen, and is going to study medicine. She is a really nice girl... too good for him, though”.

“hum... looks like you like Alice too!”

“Ha ha ha, no Mom... Actually, I liked her sister Alex, Alexandra Jones”

“Wow! That‘s a great name. I can tell she will be important in your life!”

“How can you say that mom? How can you know?”

“hum, let’s said Mother intuition”.

“Well, I hope you are right mom. She really was something”.

“Hey! Wait a minute! Did you cheat on Katy?!”

“Emm... not exactly...” <Holy crap... she got me!>

“Samuel Campbell!! That’s not what I –“

“I know mom, I know... it was just a summer break you know. Katy has been too intense and I don’t know what else to do with her. She doesn’t accept no for answer and I’m really afraid that she may try something to hurt herself”.

“Well honey I understand... but if she ever discover anything, you will hurt her even more. So look for a solution. I will allow only one year Samuel, after that you have to go to college!”

“Yes Mom!”

After a light supper, mom helped me unpack. She kept asking about Georges and the trip to Santa Monica. I didn’t hide what happen with Alex this time. Mom was eager for me to break up with Katy. She knew from beginning that Katy wasn’t the girl for me but I was in love, or so I though. When my mom saw the handbag that Alex helped me pick for her, she was smiling like the cat in Alice in Wonderland. I will never understand the love women feel for handbags or shoes. But made me happy see her happy too.

The following weeks I was looking for a job, a summer job. Mom gave me one year to work and think better what I wanted to study in college. I wasn’t near sure to know. I like swimming, but wasn’t good enough to make a career of that. 8 years of swimming gave me good body structure so I was incline to do something like teaching PE or something. But the idea of work with children o teens ... didn’t sound attractive. My father has a little company of construction; I was also studying the possible options related to that, nothing attractive so far either. So, summer job was my first task to accomplish.

I went to the LM Sport Center and fill out and application form, appointing my 8 years of experiences y Swimming. Then I went to some restaurants with the “HELP WANTED” sign and fill out their forms too. I was planning to make my time as busy as possible. The mission to avoid Katy and started to put distance was the first step to make a break up less messy. But with her, you never know. Katy was preparing for college; she got accepted in the National Art School. But she was planning to change that as soon I decide which college to go. She was always talking about that we should be together and the good couple everybody thought we were or how mucho she loves me. It was more like an obsess. I was freak out; I didn’t really know what to do or how to do it. She made sure every day to see me at least a couple of hours, and the text messages were nonstop. My mailbox was full of mail from her but I didn’t read them anymore. My world was full of her and that wasn’t a choice of mine. In contrast, Alex was not that kind of girl. Almost three weeks have pas and there weren’t signals of her. Maybe she was waiting for me to make the first step.

By the end of the week I received a call for the sport center for an interview. They hire me to work for two months only and it was a part time job. I was going to work 6 days per week, six hours each day from 8 to 12 at noon. To celebrate a small progress, I send my first text message to Alex:

Hi Alex! Everything good here, I’ll work in a public pool for 2 months. My mom loves the hand bag, so thank for that. Take care! XOXO Sam

She didn’t answer tight away. The same day I went to try some other places to find a job. I was supposed to wait for Katy at the train station but I received a last minute call for another interview and was on my way. I call Katy to let her know that I wasn’t going to make it. She didn’t take it very well but whatever!

The place was a Bar – Restaurant and they need a waiter to fill the schedule between 4pm and 9pm. I accepted and started to work the next day. That night I was staring at the cell phone screen thinking about Alex when a text message alerts sound.

<<Hi Sam! Everything good here too. I’ll help my cousin with the children’s summer camp in his neighbourhood. Yami and Alice send Hello to you. Take care! XOXO Alex >>

I didn’t know what I was expecting... she only write back the same thing I wrote to her, but then I realise that the message continued. I keep clicking the down arrow and find what I was expecting from the beginning.

<<I miss you a lot.>>

I was so happy to see that she felt the same way I felt. I was about to write back to her and tell her how I felt but the phone started to ring and the message was save in the draft file. It was Katy calling.

“Hey” < I don’t use sweet words for her anymore, I need to make it clear that thing weren’t working!”>

“where are you?” < ohh... she is mad>


“Since when? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Can I pass by?”

“Katy, I‘ll start working tomorrow morning and really need to sleep.”

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow after school then.”

“I don’t think so Katy. Umm .. Maybe on Sunday.”

“MAYBE ON SUNDAY!! Are you kidding me?”

“No, I will work at the LM sport center from 8am until lunch time, and then I’ll work in Luscious’ bar-restaurant from 4pm to 9pm. Sunday is my free day for both jobs”

“Samuel... aahhrrrr! Why do you this to me!!! I’m going to be in the school the whole afternoon! We won’t have time to see each other.” <And that’s exactly the plan.>

“Can’t help it Katy, that was what I found, and my mom made it clear, if I want the free one year I have to work, the sooner, the better.”

“I know what you are doing, and it’s not going to work!”

“What are you talking about Katy!”

“Don’t do this to me Samuel... please... please... don’t leave me.” < She was crying, but I was so tired of this. Over and over she was pleading, didn’t she have some self respect?>

“Katy. I already explained it to you. We are no more in high school. We need to move on! I have 18 years and I need to start to take care of myself. You are too demanding, I’m getting tire of this.”

“Samuel please... can I go now to your house to talk about it?”

“No Katy. My mom is here and is preparing something for her work. And I told you, I need to sleep, I have to work tomorrow morning.”

“Can ... Can I pass by tomorrow to Luscious’ bar-restaurant to see you?” <She still was crying>

“You can pass by, you can see me, but I will be working Katy. Working! I can’t sit down and chat with you at work!” < Why didn’t she understand?>


She cut the call. Aahhh... She drains my energy so fast. She was like an energy-vampire. And she was never satisfied. When did it go wrong? The first six months were so nice next to her... When did it go wrong?

I worked nonstop, sleeping a little in de morning and the whole afternoon. Katy was making a great effort to stay calm during the week, but in exchange, every Sunday I had to take her out and spend the whole day with her, doing whatever she wanted to do. She will fight with me because I looked sleepy or too tire, I just went with the flow.

On September my Mom and Barry finish with the wedding’s arrangements. That was the month when I receive the first mail from Alex. She wrote about the funny stories of the summer camp, the new school year and how Alice and Georges Broke up but still were friends. She also informs me about a little present she will send me with Georges. She didn’t write about her feelings, but that was OK. My life with Katy was a tormented one, and I couldn’t afford to involve my Alex... She was mine in my mind. I was always remembering, always looking at her pictures in my laptop or in Facebook, reading over and over the text message and the mail. Was I the same as Katy? Obsess with somebody... who knows...

Fortunate, The wedding of Scarlet Vannoy (Mom) and Barry Schultz was on Sunday! And I was the one giving away Mon since my grandpa died 10 years ago. Of course Katy was there too, but I was busy. I really wanted to enjoy the ceremony and the reception. It was going to be a very private ceremony and reception. Only for family members and close friends. We were no more than 35 people there, and everything went as Planned. Katy was wearing a nice beige dress. She was beautiful to be honest. She was tall and thin, her hair and eyes were black and her skin fear. She had that something in her eyes that could capture any man, and she has a nice body with good curves... but her personality didn’t match at all. She was very shy, and something like depressive and emotional dependent. A single mortal like me couldn’t handle that much.

“Hey bro, it’s a nice party! I thought it will be boring you know!”

“Why would you think that Georges? This in Mom we’re talking about. She planned this very carefully and I think everything is just great.”

“Yea well... I don’t know her very mucho so...”

“Yea, I know. Hey, I heard that Alice broke up with you. What did you do to her?” <Because for sure, you did something!>

“What did I do!? I did nothing! Actually, I was thinking on keeping her for a long time because she really is a nice girl. But she didn’t want to be “distracted”. She was beginning medicine school and wanted to stay focus on her studies. She told me that she knew I will be still going to parties and having fun and she didn’t want blow off the party so... She broke up with me.”

“Oh Georges... did you really try to keep her or you just agree and let her go?

“I agree... Why? I wasn’t going to beg her to stay with me!”

“ahh! You just don’t deserve her Georges.” < He just didn’t... if Alex would have said that to me, I for sure will have begged her to not break up.>

“Ha ha, don’t talk to me like that, what about you and Alex?”

“Who is Alex?” <Katy came to us without me noticing her, and when she asked who Alex was Georges and I froze. Georges met Katy a few days ago and immediately told me what I already know, that she was nuts!>

“Alex is the “Brother” of Georges’ ex-girlfriend.” < I had to lie... She was about to make a scene I will not allow that in my mother’s wedding.>

“mmm... so, what about you and him? < Katy asked again, obviously not buying the “brother” lie.>

“He wanted to come to visit England and told me that he will contact me but in the end, he didn’t.” <Now I was a skilful liar... God, forgive me please... no, better yet, help me God, save me from Katy!>

“Well, if you excuse me.” < Coward, Georges was running away from Katy and living me with the problem.>

Georges excuse himself and went to the other girls in the party. He really didn’t get along with Katy, but well... Nobody did for the last 8 months. The only other person in her life besides me, were her parents. The rest of the night went normal, and everything ended as planned. Later that night, finally alone in my room, I took the picture that Alex sent with Georges. It was a picture with its frame. I didn’t have that picture from the trip to California. In the picture were Johnny, Yami, Alex and me. We all were smiling and the friendship’s feeling was written in our faces. Everybody wrote a little note for me in the picture. Alex only wrote “Remember us”. I knew that with the “US” she means her and me, not everybody in the picture. She really knew how to send messages without exposing her true feeling. I miss her so badly. She was always on my mind, just like the song.

October was another madly month. After the wedding Mon and her husband were leaving to Australia. My mom was getting nuts with so many bags; Barry was very busy with papers and visas, permits and their living arrangements in Australia. Mom also was getting depress with the date of leaving because she was going to be away from me for a very long time for the first time. She was already missing me. I made arrangements for visiting her after a week they were there. I was determined to see how Barry was treating my Mon, but didn’t let her know until the last day.

Katy was Mad at me because I didn’t let her know either about my trip to Australia. I told her one day before and she couldn’t make arrangements to go with me. She was in school and couldn’t lose two weeks of classes either. Even when I wasn’t working in the public pool anymore, I manage to work for Luscious’ Bar-Restaurant full time from 3pm to 12pm. Katy was upset about the schedule, but accepted anyway. The distant was working, at least for me.

The day I was going to Australia, After Katy wave her tearful good bye, I passed security and started to look the gate #34. After I found it I went to buy a coffee when I saw a public phone and instantly remember the time I called Alex from the California airport. I decide then and there to call her.

“Hello?” <Listening her sweet voice made my body ached for her.>

“Hey Alex, is me, Sam!”

“Sam? Sam!!! How are you! It’s ... wow... it’s so nice to hear you!” < She said the last sentence a little shy.>

“Ha Ha Ha, it’s nice to hear you too. I’m fine, how about you?” < She was happy to hear me, and that made my day! I was grinning from ear to ear.>

“I’m fine. Studding a lot and also applying for college, and, now that Alice in not at home, I have to do all the chores to help mom, so it has been very busy! What about you?”

“Well, I’m not working in the public pool anymore but as a bartender full time in some bar-restaurant. The rest of the day I sleep!”

“That’s grate Sam... Umm did you like the present?”

“I love it; sorry I didn’t tell you before. With my mom’s wedding and the trip to Australia it has been crazy around here.”

“You are going to Australia?”

“Yes, but just for a couple of weeks, then I’ll come back. It is just to make sure that my mom is fine, she is going to live there for three years.”

“Oh that’s nice... I will travel around the world someday too! Ha ha ha!”

“ I’m sure will have fun... well Alex I have to go now...”

“Thank you Sam. For calling and for keep being you. Once again, have a nice trip!”

“Thanks... Umm... Alex?”


“I remember everything! ... so don’t forget to remember...”

“I will never forget Sam... Never!”

“Me neither, Alex. Good bye now.” <I love you!! But again, I couldn’t tell her that.>

“Good Bye Sam.”

Two weeks in Australia went flying. I left my mom crying but with the feeling that she was going to be fine. Barry was a little worry, but I let him know that I will call with frequency. I returned to England and started to work again the very next day. Katy was very depressed and now that I was living alone she was trying to convince me to live together. I explained to her thousands of reason for not let her live with me, but she was so persistent. Every time she talked about it we ended fighting. Every fight was worse than the one before. Our relationship was getting harder and harder to handle but she didn’t wanted to understand that it was over... she was the one pushing, demanding, invading...She was crazy and she was taking me with her.

By the end of November I was exhausted. Working like if my life depended on it, fighting almost all the time with Katy, Afraid because Alex didn’t gave signals of being alive and Katy giving all the signals that she wanted to starve to dead. Mom was fine and we talked by phone and see each other on Skype. When December began, the weather was getting the best of me. I didn’t stop to work and was very tired because I wasn’t sleeping too much. I sent Alex a text messages for her 17’s birthday, but she replay with a short message saying thank you and hopping for me to be ok. I secretly was making valid my high school diploma for other countries and was also in contact with the university in California, filling forms and applications and doing everything that need it to be done for me to study in the USA. The only thing pending in my life was Katy. In a couple of times I tried to break up with her, but she wouldn’t listen, instead she will hold back a few days and then came back like nothing had happen. She wasn’t eating properly and her parents would call me from time to time to ask me to convince Katy to accept medical help. She kept telling me that she didn’t need it, that she only need it me. Me, I did feel like looking for help and talk with somebody, but then, it was Katy the one needing the help, not me.

Everything was really bad with Katy until the Christmas Eve. After that day everything changes to worse.
On Christmas Eve I worked until 10:30pm. Betty, my co-worker was closing with me and she was a little reckless. She was rubber last week after work and became very afraid of walking alone to the train station. That night she was waiting for his boyfriend and ask me to make her some company while waiting for him. We were laughing of the drunken customers and the ones that try to hit on her. She was a pretty girl, and very easy going too. Paul, her boyfriend was a lucky guy!

“What are you doing?” < When I heard the voice of Katy... I just got a bad feeling. She was mad.>

“Hey, Katy, what are you doing here?” <She was supposed to wait for me in the train station near her house! But she never listen.>

“You were Late, so I decided to come to look for you... And you are with that b***H!! <Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!>

“I’m sorry Betty... Katy she is Betty and please, apologizes to her! We are waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up.”

“So she is cheating on her boyfriend too!!! < Katy was screaming now, and I was so embarrassed. In that moment Betty’s boyfriend came.>

“What’s going on Betty?” <He asks her with concern, but pick up the situation very quickly.>

“It’s just a misunderstanding Paul. Sam and I were waiting for you but-“

“She’s cheating on you with MY BOYFRIEND!!! <I was looking at Katy amaze... She really was nuts and out of control and this was just the last thing I need it to lose my control too.>

“I’m so sorry Paul, Betty. Have a Merry Christmas” < I took Kate by the arm and held it very tight. And grabbing her I started to walk to the train station.

“Are you out of your mind? We were waiting for Paul Katy!! I wasn’t cheating!! I don’t cheat!! You are driven me crazy!” < I was loosening my control… I was screaming at her too.>

“But I saw you!! You were laughing and having fun!! You work with her and she is very “friendly” with you!! She likes you!! And you like her!”

“Why are you assuming that? Katy I’m tire... I’m going home.” < Enough is enough. We were almost at the train station.>

“You don’t laugh with me anymore!!” <She was crying like a baby, in front of everybody in the platform.> “You just work and work! We don’t even have sex because you are tired ALL TE TIME!”

“Katy, please, calm down. We are not alone here.” < I was trying to calm myself and her at the same time. We were waiting the train and she was screaming our private matter out loud.>

“I DON’T CARE!!! I DON’T CARE IF EVERYBODY ELSE HEARS!” <Sobs.> “You don’t love me anymore, do you?

I couldn’t answer her. I wasn’t going to. For me this was my limit. I couldn’t keep trying for someone that didn’t really love. She didn’t know what love was. She was obsessed, she was sick. She was pulling me and her parents in this madness.

“DO YOU SAMUEL!? DO YOU LOVE ME?” < She was screaming. I was glad to see in the distant the police officers and to hear the train coming. For just one second, I thought everything was going to be fine.>


“No, Katy... I don’t love you anymore.” < I was honest finally, sad, tired and frustrated, but honest.>

“BUT I LOVE YOU!” <She screamed at me with all the air in her longs, with everything she had. She had her hand in her hair, and with that, she suddenly ran and jumped in front of the train... And the worse Christmas of my life began.>

Everything became a chaos. Everybody was screaming in panic and running in the exit direction, one of the police officer hold me on and the other was calling 911. I was in Shock! I didn’t understood what was going on. She just disappeared. We were fighting on second, and the next second she vanished. I felt like if cold water was falling on my head and through my body. The realisation of Katy jumping in front of the train and killing herself hit me so hard that my legs started to shake and nauseas were invading me. I throw up whatever was in my stomach. My head was spinning and I was so dizzy that I lose conscience.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital and my aunt was next to me. She was holding my hand and was crying in silence. When she saw me awake she hugged me so hard that I was starting feel suffocated. We didn’t speak. I just started to cry like a lost child. I cried my heart out, until no more tear were left. I cried like I never had in my entire life, until I fell asleep again.

The memories of December, January and February were blurred. The time passes by visiting the psychologies, the court, and the post trauma therapy. I quit my job, and avoid contact with people. My aunt took over me and my mom came to stay with me until the end of February. I started to smoke, and never took the train again. Georges came too to distract me and to finish the preparation to come back to USA with him. The only thing that kept me sane and avoiding the suicide thought that keep popping to my mind was the text message.

Hi Sam! I wanted to call you but the call never went through. So, I wish you a Merry Christmas! I hope God blessed you with love in everything in your life. I wish for your Dreams to come true and hope my love can reach you some day. Merry Christmas! I love you!
Alex J.

Now I’m here in California... And I can’t stop thinking when did it go wrong?

Chapter 4: After Party

“God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them.”
Matthew 5:4-5

“Hey! … Hey! Are you going to sleep the whole day! It’s three in the afternoon already. The old man wants to talk to you … Hey!”

“Get out!”

“Sam, get up! It’s Late! Get up”

Georges wasn’t going to stop bothering until he saw me getting up, so I got up and flash him daggers with my eyes. The headache was annoying and my throat was dry and my voice husky.

“I’m up, so get out. I‘ll take a shower. What time does He want to see me?”

“You have two hours.”

The last night party kept replaying in my head. My date didn’t want to leave the party and she decides to stay there with a new guy. After I saw Alex and her date making up in the parking lot, I just didn’t have the strength to stay. I was tired, and most of all, hurt. Watching Alex in the arms of another guy was corroding my soul. And to make it complete, her best friend saw me watching them and stopped me for coming after them. In that moment I wanted to take Alex away from him and kidnaping her, I wanted to keep her with me all night and love her until morning. I was sure Yami wouldn’t keep the secret from Alex. But at least I tried. Everything was my fault anyway. I was the one pushing Alex out of my life, but I didn’t know it was going to hurt so much. I thought it was going to take a while but, she is starting to move on. I never expected she was that kind of girl. But again, you never know. One day they said they love you and the next you know is that they are suicidal. Not that all the girls were the same… Katy really marked me. I was afraid of love, afraid of Alex, afraid of her feeling for me and afraid of my feelings for her. Last night I was jealous like crazy. Maybe Katy didn’t restrain herself from sending text messages or mails, or even calling or popping everywhere I was. But I was no different. I was always thinking those things, only I didn’t do it.
I need it to be clear with Alex. I knew that somehow she was waiting for an explanation. But I wasn’t ready yet to face her and talk about it. Last night was clear, I was babbling instead of telling her what I wanted to tell her. She was watching me with desire in her eyes, but I couldn’t fell the same way. I love her, but I didn’t want to make the same mistakes again. I needed more time and I didn’t have the right to ask her to wait for me indefinitely. It wasn’t fear for her. But watching her kissing another guy with such passion sure hurt me badly.

When I was ready I went to the studio to the old man. My Father was never a really paternal man but he did the best he knew he could do. As a result of that, neither Georges nor I could call him dad or father. We call him “George” or “old man”. George was waiting in his desk and when he saw me he pointed out the chair in front of him.

“I have the application forms and the letters from the university. You weren’t paying attention back then but you are going to star college in September. You are in the basic year of engineering. You will have to hold there for a year if you want to change your mind. Also, you have to keep up you grades.”

“OK. I got that.” < Engineering!!!>

“I don’t want you to be here doing nothing Samuel. Rest today, from tomorrow on you will come with me to the office until you start college.”

“Ok, George. Anything else?”

“Call your mom. She is worry.”

“Go it”

Pretty much, all the conversations with the old man were like that. I know he loves us, he just doesn’t know how to showed. I we do the same with him.

I went to the living room and called my mom. We talk like for 15 min and she was better by the time we said good bye. Then I went to the kitchen and prepare some sandwiches. This house need it a woman to cook for everybody, but George wasn’t going to let any female in this house. And all the girls of my brother were good in just one thing, and it wasn’t the kitchen. I missed mom home cooking so bad.

I finish eating and went to my room to check out my mails. When I saw a mail from Alex I felt the food in my stomach getting heavy. I click in it to read:

I want to be your friend.

Hello Sam. I’m sorry for not calling you or text you but I didn’t want to bother you. You know, all this time I was waiting for you. All the time you were in England I was always thinking of you, and dreaming with you coming back to me. I didn’t contact you often because; well… you had a girlfriend and I didn’t want Couse you trouble. It was clear to me that you didn’t wanted to be bothered. So instead I decide to wait until someday I will see you again. “Someday” came before I expected. At first I didn’t understand why you change so much. But it’s ok. I don’t need to understand Sam. Whatever are your reasons, I trust you. You can take your time. You know that I love you, but I won’t push you Sam. I told you before and will repeat it, you are free.

Don’t push me away. If there is any possibility to be friends, please, think about it.
You know I love you. But you are free. You can choose!
I will always remember you the way I use to. Remember who you are and don’t give up!

Take care.

I read the mail, and read it over and over until I almost memorize it. She knew something was wrong with me. Or maybe she already knew about Katy. But she was trying to make it easy for me. She loves me so much that she was giving up on me. She was setting me free. I didn’t need to talk to her, or explain anything if I didn’t really wanted. May be loving her wasn’t a mistake after all… but I wasn’t ready yet. Not yet. So I decide to let her know at least that!

RE: I want to be your friend.

Thank you Alex! I’m not ready yet to talk. But I will look for you to talk whenever I feel ready.

Until then, you are free too.

Take care.
Sam C.

After I sent the mail, I went to bed again. Depressed and tired. Do men really wanted to cry so much? Because lately, the tears always threating me come out! I went back to sleep. But this time, I didn’t have memories mixed with my nightmares, for the first time in a long time, I slept without dreaming. The next day, I started to work with my father at the office.

The old man didn’t give breaks or chance to rest or relax. I was working with him almost the seven days of the week, and was working 10 to 12 hours per day. He was giving me the therapy that always worked for him, work until you die of exhaustion. But it was working on me too. I was so tired that didn’t think too much. Alex would appear in my drams sometimes, and Katy would in my nightmares. I was a zombie working. I didn’t go to parties with Georges or the friends at the office; in part to avoid any encounter with Alex or her friends and in part because I was really tired. The months pass by and it was the last week of August. The old man told me that if I were a new employee on trial I would have pass and will be accepted. That made me feels better. My live in some areas was improving, so know was time to rest for a week before starting collage in the first week of September. I decide to give my best with the career that the old man chooses for me because, so far, he was right. So I better keep learning for him as much as could.

The first three days I just rest like a lazy sloth! Barely eating and using the shower. After I rested, I decide to go out with Georges. We went to some stores to buy things for his new car, and some outfits for him too. I pick some for me; after all I was going to begin collage. Georges was excited because Alice called him and invited him for a drink, and he was hoping to get her back. I felt tempted to ask about Alex but didn’t do it. All this months without news about her made me feel a little better. Katy wasn’t coming to my mind that often either, so I was getting better. But still, I need it more time. Then, Georges and his big mouth hit me again!

“So, do you want to come too?”

“I don’t want to be the fifth weal.”

“You are not going to be the fifth weal Sam, Erick, Gabriel and Mark are going to be there too. Aldo I think Lily and Kate and maybe Alex.”

“Better reason for me to not go.”

“Why not? She doesn’t have boyfriend anymore and I think she still likes you!”

“She had a boyfriend?”

“Apparently, but the guy is going to college out of the country, so they broke up and are friends.”

“How much longer Sam?”

“How much longer what Georges?” <I was getting annoying with Georges always reminding me about Alex and Katy and everything.>

“ ahh <sigh> You are going to lose her Sam. And you will regret it. You told me once that Alice didn’t deserve me, well; Alex doesn’t deserve you either!

“I know… that’s why I don’t want to keep interfering with her life.”

“Haven you thought that maybe is destiny that she is still waiting for you? Aren’t you afraid of losing her?”

“I can’t lose something that is not mine.”

“You know Sam ... Whatever! Keep doing it and you will regret it. You didn’t want to be with Katy, but with Alex is different! You want to be with her and she wants to be with you. Alex is a strong girl with a loving family and beautiful personality. Everybody loves her… She will begin collage too, and she will find …”

“Would you just shut the F**K UP!!!!” <Now I was piss off! But he made a point there. Alex was beautiful and soon somebody else will snatch her from me. She won’t wait forever.>

The conversation with Georges left me tormented! After a couple of month without worried about anything else besides work, now I was getting a headache all over again. I kept thinking in Alex and that maybe, ready or not, I should make my move. She might be better without me; but definitely, I wasn’t better without her. I need her in my life, and I was running out of time. This was my time, now! I had to regret so much about Katy, I wasn’t going to make the same mistake with Alex! I couldn’t afford it.

“Where are you going to be?” < I asked Georges after a while. I decided to go with them and see Alex.>

“Ander’s… in the 99st and San Johns’ avenue… are you coming?”

“Maybe… “

“you better Sam. You better!”

Later that night, I dress up to go to the bar and meet with the guys. I was wearing black jeans, a white V neck shirt with the Armani logo on the chest and black shoes. I took the keys of my car and went out of the house. I got to the bar one hour after Georges told me because I was still a little unsure. But when I got there and meet with everybody I felt disappointed. Alex wasn’t there with Alice and the rest of the group. I said hi to everybody and order a beer. I relaxed a little and started to have fun catching up with everybody’s life. But then Alice spoke to me:

“So, Sam… What are you doing here?” <She asked me when everybody else was distracted in other conversation. But I knew what she was asking about”>

“Umm… I’m having fun with you and the guys.” <She stared at me>

“You know Sam, I told Alex to come, but when she knew that Georges was going to be here, she changes her mind. She is now with Yami and Johnny in a bar called Mambo. . . So, I will ask you again, what are you doing here?” < She was smiling at me like an older sister will do. She loves her sister and was doing what she thought was right. It was for me that she invited Georges I realized.>

“<I chuckle> … Well… apparently to know where to find her… I’ll better go… Alice?”

“Yes Samuel?”

“Thank you… I know you are doing it for her, but thanks anyway and “ <I said pointing a Georges> “He will never admits how much he loves you.” <Her eyes sparkle at that moment and she was smiling>

“I know… thank you Sam, now get out of here.”

I drove around 30min until I found the Mambo bar. It was a Latin bar because the music was, what I though was salsa. I made my way to the bar and started look around to find Alex. After about 20 min finally I spotted Yami and Johnny in the dance floor. So they were here! Maybe Alex was here too. I spend a while looking around but didn’t find her, I was asking to the bar tender for another beer and was about to drink when I saw a guy pulling out a girl to the dance floor, but she didn’t look like she wanted. I couldn’t see her face because of people but the guy was insisting too much and nobody else notice. I got the beer and went to her rescue.

“The Girls doesn’t want to man… Can’t you see?”

“Samuel?” <When I heard her voice I turn at once to see who she was, but I already knew!>

“Alex!?” <She was blushing and looked relieved. She was wearing a black summer dress with the straps around her neck. Her bare shoulders exposing her moles were very sexy.>

The pushy guy looked at us and turns around to avoid the embarrassment. We completely ignore him.

“What? … What are you doing here? <She didn’t believe her eyes, and I could tell she was amaze to see me in the bar. She was the light lacking in my life.>

“I was just… having a drink. Do you want to have a drink with me?”

“Sure! Let’s go.” <She was nervous and happy. She was smiling! So she was really still waiting for me.>

We asked a beer for her and went to sit in the balcony, a little far from the music. She was in front of me holding her beer like if her life depended on it and I was starting to feel excited about what the night will bring to us. There was just a feeling that if I let her go tonight it was over, and I wasn’t going to let it end. Not without explaining everything because she deserved and explanation.

“So, what have you been doing Sam?”

“Working with the old man… I was working almost every day the whole day. But now I’m and taking a brake because soon I’ll go to college.”

“What college are you going?”

“Santa Clara University. It’s the closest to home, so I can come home whenever I want. What about you?”

“Yea, I chose the same university for the same reason!” “She was smiling and she looked so beautiful!>

“Great, we can see each other frequently! … I ... I will like to talk about what happen …”

“Only if you want to Sam… don’t feel obligated. I … I’m happy to talk to you normally. I can see you are better now.”

“I feel better. But more important is that … well…” <The words didn’t come out and she understood. She knew me so well; even when the time together was so short, she made connection with my soul.”

“Don’t worry! Finish the beer so we can go to the dance floor. Yami will be happy to see you!”

After we drank the beers we went to the dance floor and as soon Yami saw me next to Alex se was smiling. She said hi and hugged me, Johnny too said hi, and we started to dance in group. Around mid-night Yami and Johnny said they were going home and I jump and tell Yami that I will take Alex home. Both girls saw me and Yami was smiling from ear to ear, Alex was smiling but obviously a little nervous. They left and we stayed in the dance floor for a little but Latin music wasn’t my forte! So I ask her to go to another club and she accepted. In the other club the music was intoxicating. We went straight to the dance and started to dance. The song “Let’s play” started and we were dancing close to each other, and my heart was hammering in my chest! I was feeling more alive than ever, and it was because of Alex.

The next song the DJ played was like sent from heaven, because it describes a little what I felt for her, we dance and I was singing the song to her:

“Everybody’s looking for love. Oh. Oh.
Ain’t that the reason you’re at this club. Oh. Oh.
You ain’t gonna find it dancing with him. No. Oh.
I got a better solution for you girl. Oh. Oh.”

<<She was dancing close and with every touch of her hips, her shoulders, her hands on my chest…she sent electricity through my body.>>

“Just leave with me now. Say the word and we’ll go.
I’ll be your teacher. I’ll show you the ropes.
You’ll see a side of love you’ve never known.
I can see it going down, going down.”

<< She was dancing for me… so close until her arms were around my next and we were close to kiss, but kept the distant inciting me, so I just kept singing to her, holding her tight to my body, feeling her all over me.>>

“In my head, I see you all over me.
In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.
You’ll be screaming out.
In my head, it’s going down.
In my head, it’s going down.
In my head. Yeah. In my head. Oh yeah.“

The song kept playing until the end and others started but we were in a cloud. We were kissing each other with hungry, craving each other. My body could take it anymore.

“Do you want to go to my place Alex?” < I was falling down with desire for Alex, the girl of my drams.>

“With you, until the end of the world Sam… I just want to be close to you!” <Her voice was like honey in my ears.>>

I kissed her again, and then we went out of the club. I drove to my house, and sneak in to my bedroom. There, the magic continued. We were on the bed kissing and striping all the cloth with lovely passion.

“This will be my first time… so take it! Take everything I have and make me yours!” She whispered and she didn’t hold back, She was kissing me and touching me and driven me crazy.>

“It’s going to hurt a little!”

“Hurt me Samuel!” <Tears were falling dawn from her eyes> “at least for tonight be mine, and let me be yours, only yours!”

That’s what all I need it. I kiss her and after a long moment of suspense she drew away smiling as if she’d conquered the world. I press my body against her seeking the warm of the lost love. We started to kiss again, getting hungrier for her as never in my life. She started to touch me and explore… touching my face, my hair… sinking her fingers in my shoulders, kneaded them like a cat and moaned into my mouth. At that moment something inside me broke free. The restrain that hold me back was gone and I deepened the kiss and started to unclothe her. I started to trace kisses first in her ear, next, shoulders, and then trace circles with my tongue in her breast. Her nipple contracted and her body reactions made my body arouse even worst that before. But it was her first time and I need it to take slow. I then, keep going down with the kisses until I got to the center of the universe. She gasps at the contact of my tongue and when I started to play with the tender flesh of her intimacies her body started to move and her hips were rocking matching my strokes and then I felt how her body convulse under the pleasure I was giving her. I hope the old man didn’t listen, but I didn’t care either. I grab the rubber for the night table and put it on place. She grabbed me by the neck and kiss me passionately and whispered to me sweet words of love and desire. When at last I slid inside her, I felt the barrier of her virginity and the flinch of her body, but as I started to press inside her and rocking her with care and ecstasies. We play and enjoy ourselves for a wile until she stared to make those noises that drove me wild and felt her climax again and then, not after too long, my own.

I made love to Alex, and then we stayed in bed hugging each other and catching our breath. After a little I went to the bath to clean myself, and then she made the same. When got out of the bathroom, I was only wearing my boxers and was waiting s for her sitting in the bed.

“Aren’t you going to dress up?”

“No… tonight you are mine and you will stay with me”

“I can’t Sam, what am I going to say at home?”

“Call Yami” <<and she did it, without thinking it twice.>

“So … now that I can stay tonight, will you lend me a shirt?”

“You won’t need it” <she started to chuckle, a little embarrassed.>

She sat on my lap and gave me a sweet kiss, caressing my face, my head and hair. She was so soft, and smelled so nice. Her body was small but with everything a man could ask for. We hugged each other for a while and then I started to talk. My mouth started to move on its own and my brain was like a waterfall, remembering everything until the day before. I speak for long time, taking about Katy and my mom and my father. I also cried telling her about the time with Katy and what happen that Christmas Eve. I explained to her why I didn’t get close to her before, and in all that time she only listened to me without saying a word. Only sharing tears and loughs depending of what I was talking about.

“Forgive me Alex… I never intended to hurt you. But I will try my best to not do it again.”

“I have nothing to forgive, because you are here with me. But Sam…”

“Umm? What is it?”

“If you decide to leave me, I will suffer, I will cry, but I will always live. I will move on always remember the best time of my life with you.” <She was talking like a grown up woman and not like the teen she was.>

“Why didn’t I meet you 3 years ago?”

“Oh I was only 14 you perverted young man!!” <She was chuckling and I couldn’t not avoid to laugh out loud.>

“Yea, you got a point there… But sometimes... I just wish that things would have been different. Maybe there was someone special for Katy too. Someone who would love her the way I love you.”

“Asi es la vida Sam. That’s the life’s way. Every day we took decisions, and we have to live with the consequences of our choices. I don’t regret anything. You are here with me and I will treasure for all the time you want to be with me”.

“Oh I can guarantee you that that will be a long time! Because I feel I don’t want to be apart for you ever.” <I don’t know if that’s the way men declare love the woman of his life, but I didn’t want to be apart from her ever.>

“I love you Samuel. Since the first time I sow you I feel in love with you. I love you so much!

“I love you too Alexandra Jones! My mom told me that you will be important in my life, and she was right…. She was dam right! <She kissed me in the forehead and we went to rest in the bed until we felt sleep in each other arms.>


After 6 years, Alex and Sam married in a small church. With only family and very close friends. They move to the house of old Georges and finally the kitchen stared to be use by a female. A very good one at cooking. Old Georges was happy to see the house fill with young people and was enchanted with the food of his daughter in law. Alice graduated in medical school and after Georges plead her for a couple of years she finally said yes and they too got married. Yamilet was dating a naval officer and Johnny got married with a girl in Las Vegas. He didn’t keep in touch after moving to Virginia with his new wife. More years past by and children and grandchildren keep coming to the Campbell – Jones Families. In average a happy life for Sam and Alex, but Samuel never forgot to not take for granted the people around him and always told to his family how much he love them. Alexandra made her way to heal Sam’s hart and mark it with her love. She too knew the important of loves ones, and told them too about the love she felt for them. The love is what matters.

“I love you Alex, like the first time I saw you and even more.”
“I love you too my sweet heart. And I will always do.”


Publication Date: 07-25-2011

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