

School starts tomorrow the first day of school in Kansas the first and only time that I have ever been here even though my older sister lives here; my parents decided they should move some place silent where they can raise my sister and I, not my older sister, but my younger sister Alana Kristin Castovis and Me. I'm nervous I don't usually fit in some might call me the outsider. “Honey!”  My mother shouted distracting me from my train of thought it took me a while to answer, but when I was about to she walked in my room "hey, I know you’re not ecstatic about the whole let's move away from New York idea, but I promise it will be fun". She waited knowing I was in train of thought "I’m going to buy a ticket back to New York and live on my own" I laughed while turning around and unpacking my bags before adding "Kansas to New York its 1,191.9 miles away mom, I’ll never fit in here, in a town" she turned me around and sat on the bed "yes you will, now get packing and explore our new woods" she stopped while giving me a kiss on my forehead and headed for the door.  


When I finished unpacking I looked around the house surprisingly it’s a nice house with, a large kitchen, dining, and living room area, and four big rooms, with three bathrooms and a half bathroom. The most exciting thing about the house is that it has woods close by it, very secluded woods, and we own it and by we I mean my parents. When I got to the kitchen Alana looked at me and went for the refrigerator door while saying “This house it's a house" she laughed while grabbing a bottle of water "yeah a nice house" I said looking out at the window into the woods. "Explore" my mother said smiling at me "explore what?" I turned around and headed for the living room when she stopped me "The town" she laughed "With what car?" Reminding her I was not going to walk by myself in this town "with your car". 

I almost screamed, finally my car I waited till forever I'm 17 and I finally have my own car, I hope they got my car the one I been begging to have. I gave my mother a hug and walked outside into the garage and there it was my car, a white 2016 jeep Wrangler. I had to stop and look to make sure I wasn't dreaming I gave my father a hug when he got to the garage and I took the keys and went exploring. 

I had some extra money from my birthday so I decided to get a gift to give to my father and mother for the best car that they gave me. As I headed to a jewelry store, and bought a gold watch for my dad and a nice silver necklaces for my mom. When I was heading back I decided to go for a run in the woods after I gave mom and dad their gift. "Alright I'm out" I said while putting on my second pair of shoes “be safe" my mother said cooking the chili.  

When I started running it felt like the world was in slow motion I was the only one, I am the only one I could see everything and hear everyone my mind drifted off while my legs kept running. "Hey!" I heard someone called while I stopped and looked to see who it was. "Hello?" I turned around to see anything a sign of movement, a shadow, anything "I'm right here, you run fast" a man’s voice said while he came out of the bush. He was gorgeous and mysterious, a guy with grey eyes, dark brown undercut curly hair, who looked about six foot five with a evenly tan. Wearing dark grey sweats with a black v neck shirt that hugged his muscles. “You can't keep up?" I said while I raised my eyes "isn't that funny, I can't keep up" he laughed before adding "I'm surprised you can keep up with me" he winked before turning around and started running the opposite direction.  

When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about that man, the way he answered me, I could feel he was different but I didn't know why he was or even how. When I was about to drift off to sleep I heard a knock on my door. "How was the run?" She asked before plopping herself on the bed “why would my dearest youngest sister want to know?" She looked at me squinting her eyes "I'm a year younger than you I'm a Junior, I can handle the truth" we both laughed and looked up at the ceiling "I meet a guy" she looked up at me confused "a guy" she said while laying back on the bed before adding “you Lavender Sky Castovis, meet a guy?" She laughed while hitting me with my pillow " is it that hard to believe, that I meet a guy" I smiled while looking at her "no your pretty with blue and green almond eyes, black hair, and a body of a goddess, it's just you never seem interested in talking about a guy you meet". She was right; I never paid attention to that, a guy. She stood up told me goodnight and closed my door, tomorrow is going to be hell.

Richwood High


Girls, wake up, you don’t want to be late on your first day, do you?” that’s what I heard my first morning is my mother screaming to get us to wake up. Well it worked, as I gotten up and starred at the mirror my sister came running in “I don’t know what to wear” she said while rushing to my closet and looking at my clothes. “My closet remember, I didn’t know you are the one who owns these clothes” I said laughing, while grabbing my towel and headed towards my bathroom. “Well I just need this dress that you never wear!” she yelled “I thought about it you may have it but get out of my room!” I yelled back and turned on the shower.

When I got out the shower all I can think about is that boy, still thinking, dreaming, and wondering, about that same boy. When I decided I should hurry up it was fifteen minutes past seven and I have to be in school at seven thirty. I put my blue ripped jeans and my black t-shirt on, put my hair in a ponytail and headed out my bedroom door. When I reached the kitchen my mother set aside my plate. “Hungry?” she said while handing my plate to me then kissing me on my forehead. “Just a bit” while I grabbed my toast and some eggs and drank my orange juice and before I headed for the door my mom stopped me. “A ride, you need to give your sister a ride” she turned around knowing I will be mad but instead I agreed and said yes while telling Alana that she should hurry before I leave her.

We arrived at the school in silent listening to music, before my sister got off the car I told her to meet me here by 2:30 or I’ll leave her. We both got out the car I hugged her and said good luck before heading towards Richwood high. When I headed towards my locker all I can think about is me hurrying up and finishing this school year, and having one more year so I can get out of this town, when I heard a group of boys yelling at the top of their lungs. “Make way the seniors are here we are here!” after a boy said that all I can here is people cheering “he’s right we are finally here!” as I heard the man that said that, his voice sounded similar to that guy that I saw at the woods. I was right it was him, when I turned back to face my locker I could feel him staring into my soul, it was weird but It seems like I felt safe. 

“The runner” I heard someone say, I turned around from my locker to see who it was. It was him the guy from the woods “you” I said looking at him In the eyes while he smiled “it’s me” he said while laughing “so you go to my school” he turned to look at his friends “last time I checked this wasn’t your school” I was scared to say it but I closed my locker and headed to my first class while I heard his friends laughing.

I was lost my first day but lucky me, I found a teacher to show me my class, when I walked in it was silent, all eyes on me, the new girl. “Good morning, I’m Mr. Caton, you must be Lavender” the teacher said while looking back at the class to add “Class this is Lavender, fresh from New York, the big apple, now treat her with respect like your former class mates” I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there looking down at the floor. “Lavender, your seat is next to Mr. Lion” he paused looked at the board then told him to raise his hands. All I can see is Lion hands, when I finally got close to the boys hands I was shocked it was the boy from the woods. He must have been happy to see me because when I looked up he was smiling. “For your information, I do own this school” he said while facing the board “with what money?” I smiled back and took my seat when he added “nice to meet you, Lavender” he looked at me for a second or so then turned back to the board “nice to meet you too, Mr. Lion”. He laughed before adding “Henry King Lion”.

The class was scary every girl, was looking at me, it’s like he was the main attraction the girls was mad, angry even, a tad bit jealous, I kept my focus most of the time, then the other half was me trying not to stare at Hennery, it was hard but I made it. “Lavender” the teacher said, with a look of disappointment “it’s your first day; do not make me give you detention on your first day”. With that he was my main focus the whole class period once the bell ring.

The lunch bell ringed and it was time for lunch my sister texted me that she would be siting with her new friends, and not to wait up for her. I have 3 more classes to go; I hope I don’t see Henry. On my way to lunch I decided to help a girl named, Sandra that dropped her things which help me make a new friend, and a person to sit at lunch with.  Lunch was going great Sandra and I had similar traits, we loved the same food, and both had a passion for Jeeps. We talked the whole lunch until Henry decided to sit at our table, which wasn’t a problem for me, but a problem to most of the girls at the school

“Hey” Henry said while all his friends joined him “what are you doing here?” I asked staring at Sandra “oh, wow, last time I checked it was a free world” he laughed, and so did his friends. I laughed back and replied making sure he heard every word “and last time I checked I didn’t invite you here” Sandra laughed, so did his friends he also laughed “what did I ever do to you” while biting another piece of his pizza. “Everything” he smiled and continued eating, by the time he was done I learned most of his friends names, Noah his best friend, Aiden his other close friend, Caden his brother. We all talked and got to know each other, I tried not to make eye contact with Henry. When the group of boys was done they looked at us and looked at Henry. Before they left I learned Sandra was Henry, and Cadens younger sister. “There is a party, you should come, and my sister knows where it is, it’ll be tomorrow” Henry said while walking towards the hall.

A party! I have never been to a party all these years staying in New York I have never been to a party. I remember my very best friend, Lisa she was always there for me, even when I used to get bullied in school, she stood tall around me, just as if she was my protector, my only savior, as I thought of her and our memories I shed a tear without knowing, before anyone knew I wiped it away. On my way back to class all I could think about was her. When I reached class I soon found out that I was just about a minute late, but my teacher let it past since it was my first day. 

All eyes on me as I walked to an empty seat next to this surprisingly beautiful girl, she wasn't rude like all the other girls that looked at me, instead she seemed kind, as she smiled at me while paying attention to the teacher. "You're new here?" She said while turning her head gentile towards my direction, "what made me give it away?" I laughed a little in my head, it was obvious I didn't dress like everyone else with my blue ripped jeans, and black t-shirt while ever other girl had on a skirt, dress, or what looks like a very expensive jeans. As I was about to turn away she told me about how she was me in her junior year, when she first moved here, no one liked her, she said maybe because she took most of the girls boyfriend attention away from them and on to her. "Sophia and Lavender would you like to share to the class" Mrs. Carson said while turning back to the board, when I was about to answer Sophia spoke up "actually yes I would love to share with the class" when she got up no doubt about it that every boy in that classroom looked at her while she got in front of the room. 

" I wanted to say that, the arteries are major blood vessels connected to your heart. The pulmonary artery carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs to pick up a fresh supply of oxygen. The aorta is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from the left side of the heart to the body". As she said that she walked quickly to her desk while smiling back at me. The teacher looked like she was in shock still standing there with her mouth open, when she finally realized that the class was staring she told Sophia and I not to talk in class again and began her assignment.  

It felt like forever but the bell finally ringed, when I got out of class I heard Sophia shouting my name, "Hey Lavender!" I turned around waiting for her to catch up "me and my friend Sandra are heading towards a coffee shop, I need caffeine to get me threw this day, wanna come?" I was confused for a second but snap back to reality "Sandra" I cleared my throat "you know Sandra?" She looked at me surprised "yes I know her glad to see you guys meet, so are you coming?" She stood there waiting for an answer, I told her" I'll check with my mom to see If she needs me, but where is this coffee shop?" She shook her head gave me her number and told me she will text me the address before a boy came towards her hugged her around the waist before turning around and seeing me, It was Henry. 

I felt mad and pissed off he was totally flirting with me and he had a girlfriend the worst part of it all was I like Sophia she was nice, and reminded me of my best friend. I almost ran to my car embarrassed that I thought he could actually have feelings for me. When I have gotten in the car ready to leave Henry came over with an amused look. I couldn’t believe he thought this was funny, treating girls like this, like they have a chance then boom! I’m taken. “Jealous” he laughed “she is a very best friend, nothing more” I look up in disgust “that hug seamed more” I looked down at my steering wheel. “She asked me to make her boyfriend jealous; it also worked out for me, because you are also jealous.” He turned around and walked towards Sandy while I screamed out “I so am not!”     

While I was in the car I decided to text mom to see if I still can go to the coffee shop, when she replied yes, my sister opened the car door and started laughing. I looked at her confused while she finally told me what was funny. “Sometimes” she said in-between breaths “I can’t believe you’re my sister” I laughed knowing what she was talking about “he said I was jealous so I had to say I wasn’t when I was about to he walked away so I had to yell. She kept on laughing then finally told me “you like him”. I looked at her confused, do I like him? That’s all I thought about till I drop her off, and headed towards the coffee shop. 

Coffee shop

I walked in looked around, and decided that they was running late, 5 minutes past by, so I decided to order a croissant and a smoothie instead of coffee. I am done with my food it has been an hour that I have waited here. "hey", I looked up it was Sandy, she grabbed a chair faced it towards me and sat down with a bagel. Why would she do that, I thought I was just starting to get to know her, and she kept me here waiting, like a lost loser. "Hey" I put on a fake smile, and looked down at my phone "she is jealous of you, and Henry" she paused looked around the room took a piece of her bagel before adding "she told me not to come, but I felt to bad, plus we had much more things in common" I was mad, but didn't feel like making such a big deal out of it, "so you do everything she tells you to do" she laughed, got up paced around before sitting next to me, it felt as if she was wondering if what I had said was actually true or not "no not anymore, I'm done being her friend" I stared at her thinking if I should be mad, for letting me stay here all alone, and thinking I have friends in Kansas. "okay" was all I could say, "I came here by a taxi, would you mind giving me a ride" she said giving me a smile, I was right about to say no, but I wasn't that kind of person, and agreed to give Sandy a ride home. 


Text: L.P
Editing: L.P
Translation: L.P
Publication Date: 07-20-2016

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