
It happened again. I blanked out. I felt it coming this time and I prayed that it wouldn’t, not here, not now. When I came too I was in a hospital, the machines beeped relentlessly at me, taking away any privacy I might have had when reaching consciousness.
I already knew what had happened, Doctor Fitz had warned me that if I went to long without feeding I would lash out. It was going to be such a good day as well, Bobby was going to ask me out, he’d finally got up the courage after months of me hearing his lustful thoughts towards me. He was a really sweet kid, maybe I could have fed off him and not gone to far, now he’s dead. Him and everyone else in the assembly hall, heck it’d been so long I might have slaughtered the whole school. Of course no one would know it was me, apart from my survival I was about as useful as the rest of them.

I know what you’re thinking, another vampire story. Heck I wish it was that simple, just drinking a little blood every now and then, the vamps have it easy compared to what my family are, to what I am.

I have nothing against vampires, my cousins one most of my friends at summer school are too but that’s just because its so hard to survive if you’re my kind.
Succubus, a lot of people have theories about us, we’re known as the sluts of the underworld but when we broke free from lucifers imprisonment we tried so hard to fit in. I was born on the middle plane, or what you’d personally call ‘reality’, heaven being on top and hell on bottom. We feed on psychic energy, love, passion and the concluder sex. Yes that’s right sex.

I had reached my maturity a couple of years back at 15, it just hit me. The pain spread throughout my body begging for release, my mother had told me about the conversion but my mind went blank and I jumped on the nearest mature man. My maths teacher was surprised at his reaction almost as much as mine.
When a succubus feeds their powers are in full flow, that’s how no one knew I was the killer. Every witness would just freeze, suspended in time allowing us to get our fill, deer in headlights. I remember how my body changed to fit in with Mr Geralds perfect fantasy, I remember how nothing in my face changed- how my clothes got slightly tighter and breasts bigger. I was his perfect fantasy. Virginity was never a pleasure us succubus’s had, we were far from pure and was never in gods good graces. I remember latching on to him and writhing in the pleasure that he was feeling until damn he was gone, finished, spent and dead.

I’d been trying not to feed through sex, just taking a little dip into teenage boys wet dreams to satisfy a little of my lust. Occasionally I’d use toys to sate my throbbing need. None of it was the same as sex. None of it felt so good.

My parents sent me to Doctor Fitz on my 17th birthday last week, saying that I was refusing to feed or even use the new bdsm kit they got me. Doctor Fitz sprung up and alert at the sound of my hello, I couldn’t help it and I knew he couldn’t- the longer we spend without feeding the more attractive we get even our voices can draw out a boner in a monk. He apologized for his reaction and sent my parents out of the room. “Jessica you know you have to feed at some point, people will get hurt if you don’t you’re a much stronger psychic then your parents so it’s only natural that you need to feed more…” He trailed of following the trail of my eyes directly to his hard on, my mouth was practically drooling. “Erm, I personally try to feed at least three times a day- whether it’s self managed…like this…” He began to pull the zipper of his trousers down to release the blood filled member. He pumped it looking at me wantingly… “Or whether I’m helped…” I sunk to my knees taking what he was offering with quivering lips, I barley touched his head when he exploded into my mouth… I rose snapping out of my trance at the same time he did.
“Jessica, I, I’m sorry I didn’t think you’d have such a pull on me, I’m 600 years old for petes sake… I hope my release helped you. Truly I’m sorry…” He put his member away as I began to clean my mouth with my tongue.
I know what happened may seem horribly inappropriate to you, in honesty it was, but Fitz was a succubus too, a very powerful one and apart from embarrassment towards my parents it wasn’t unusual for succubus’s to help each other out every now and then.
I was powerful, I knew it. To charm a 600 year old succubus was like a human giving the pope a blow job, it just didn’t really happen. I knew I should have rang up one of the boys from summer school to help me out but I didn’t, I wanted to be normal.

I pulled the machine out of its socket and announced my leaving to an intern, he was cute and obviously attracted to me…Most people were, usually I’d have gotten his number as a booty call but instead I left, I had killed a lot of people the day before and I was officially full.

Doctor Fitz was waiting for me at home, as were my parents, my brother and the guards.
“I know, don’t worry I’ll come quietly…” I spoke directly to Doctor Fitz. My family hugged me briefly muttering words of compassion and gave me a bag of my things each.
The guards escorted me into the court yard and into our family limo, summer school was about to become permanent boarding school until I was determined to be safe around humans by the board.
“I’m sorry Jessica I did warn you. You enjoy Yama high though, I’m sure you’re more likely to find your mate there then in the human world.” I stayed silent. “Look I’ve got something for you, it’s not a cure because what you are isn’t a disease but it’ll enable you to last longer between feeds, you should last 5 weeks before needing to feed but really you should at least every 3.” I looked at him, then looked at the bottle of pills with my name on and hugged the crap out of Mr Fitz.

This would make Yama so much easier to deal with, it meant I could make friends this year rather then a dorm full of lovers. Luckily most of the student board didn’t know I’d slept with them as I’d zapped it from their memory but it made it really awkward to sit in the lunch hall knowingly comparing who was the best lover in the room. I began to shift into my preferred form, I don’t know why I felt comfortable in this form, it defiantly wasn’t the prettiest face I had it just seemed to draw less attention. I knew the school would be on high alert that I was coming back and would be frantically preparing my room, kicking out whatever poor kid was taking residence in it, but I liked to be slightly incognito as to what my face was.

I was now a brunette, my hair fell in loose curls to my breasts, they were large but in proportion to my wide hips. My lips were small but cherry red and eyes that were as blue as my wallpaper back home. I felt comfortable in the tan shorts and tank top I shifted in and as I hopped out of the limo into the school grounds I felt safe. I kissed Fitz goodbye, yes kissed- it the norm for two succubus that weren’t related- and clapped my hands to summon the magic from the grounds.
Out in the human world I wasn’t allowed to claim my magic, I was a very complicated succubus and had all the powers of several demonic races, part of the reason my feeding was so hard to control. I left my magic at Yama were it was safe to claim on their grounds.
I charmed my bags to fly to my room and un pack themselves and then I went for a run around the outskirts to get a feel of ‘home’.
There were new kids this year, then I realised this was to be assumed all my friends graduated last year. One boy noticed me, I swallowed one of Dr Fizt tablets hurriedly as he headed towards me.
“Hey I’m Darrius, you’re new here aren’t you?” “Sort of yeah.” As I spoke my voice sounded high and melodic, his eyes snapped up to meet mine and I cursed. “Fuck, sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“You’re so beautiful…” he went to touch my face then hesitated shaking his head a little as if conflicted. Then he pulled his hand back, “You’re Jessica” He smiled as he said it, this was unusual, most of the time people said my name with lust not satisfied confidence. “Yeah, but how did you…”
“Control myself? I’m part Pixie, part succubus… It allows me to have this face with the freedom of a pixie. I still have to feed and stuff but I’m not as strong as you.” He smiled once again and I felt my heart do little flips in my chest.
“Oh, well that’s good, I’m trying to avoid the whole adoring fan thing this year.” I laughed at myself knowing he’d understand how it felt to be wanted but not loved.
“Well I’m here if you need a friend to cry on and not fuck.” He laughed too.
Damn I thought, the one guy here I actually like and he can resist me…I must have issues.

He looked at me, one of his eyes a amber brown the other neptune blue and laughed "I reckon we could be great friends Jess, but you don't have to hide from me...You can shift to your natural form, i can take it." I couldn't believe he was asking to see me as i was when the curse hit, the form i revert back to in danger, gaahh. It was so tempting i could feel my roots edge to blonde before the rest of my hair followed. Eyes-stomach-breast-legs-arms- lips, everything shifted place leaving a tingly sensation which sparked my hunger.
Once i had finished my transformation i looked back at Darrius, a friend of his pushing, and being quite prominent at his trouser zipper. "I thought you said you could handle my succubus part?" I looked at him questioningly drinking in his beautiful features.
He blushed, seriously an actual blush, a teenage boy blush. "I'm erm not turned on cos of your powers..." He looked to the ground and murmured under his breath.
I giggled- super hearing allowed me to hear him say "Grandma Grandma Grandma" wishing away his boner. "Well if not my powers then what?" honestly i was clueless boys were never attracted to me they were obsessed. A boner with most of them meant a quicky behind the bike sheds but Darrius once again seemed different.
"I'm attracted to you Jessica, because you're beautiful..." And then i did the most embarrassing thing you could do, i burst out laughing and then fainted.
I woke up in the medical wing, a group of 'friendly' looking strangers peering over me each of their thoughts seriously aroused, staring through my paper thin hospital gown.
I was hungry once again, i needed satisfying i needed to eat. I wept at the thought of the medicine not working and then i heard something. A soft moaning coming from the room next door. I left my visitors confusion etched on their faces and followed the sound.
A boy and a girl were in there humping like rabbits. This girl was practically being impaled it was so vast. The boy turned his head and came face to face with me peering over at them. He pulled out of the girl toward me, grabbing my wrist presumably to ask me to leave i saw him shift.
Recognition poured into his soul and his eyes took in my form, he came all over my gown.... I was sated a little longer but was in desperate need of a shower and Darrius...Preferably at the same time....

I didn't bother going back into the medical wing, instead i went hunting for my room, sending out probes of sexual energy. I crept into my room and began to run the shower. The water ran cool over my body, hardening my nipples and cleansing my skin of perspiration.
I missed home, i missed mum and dad and my brother but this was the only place i could be to make friends that have a hope in staying alive.
A complete piss take of life if you ask me. I mean the only friends i can have are Werewolves, pixies (though usually we didn't get along so well), faries, mermaids (if you can hold your breath), vampires, shifters, witches and certain godly offspring. We can't even had pets... How lame is that? Growing up without so much as a goldfish, supposedly our power seeps from us increasing everyones and everythings sex drive. A few years ago i went to a friends house to be greated by her new pet puppy, the poor thing had such a hard on it severly damaged its blood flow and now walks with a perminant limp.
Urgh i neeeeeed help! My mind keeps on drifting back to images of Darrius, i don't know if its the teenager thing or the whole i'm one of satans whores but i can't help thinking about his... He wants to be friends, urgh! I just want a small taste of him, just a little one. For once i want to taste someones flesh, to soke in their pheromones, i want to take a part of them in my mouth and bring it to life. I want to feel all of him inside of ME...
A knock at the door brought me out of my fantasy with a harsh and brutal thud. I clambered out of the shower clicking my fingers so that my towels would wrap themselves around me. A good thing about being a sucubus is that you can never look bad wet, well you can never look bad generally but y'know. Basically you're body adapts, your hair will only gain the perfect amount of moisture, your lips will plumpen, the heat make your body glow. Its all very cool.
I opened the door to be greated with cum boy...
Oh shit his name is James...The same name that was on the name plack of the door before i came in.
At first he looked embarassed then slightly more angry. "What are you doing in my room!" He almost shouted at me, his skin turning a shade of blue instantly...and great that means he's part demon, sucks.
"errm I'm sorry James but this is my room, i payed for it, created it, and made the freaking universe surrounding it!" I hated it when the school took credit for the fact that my room was on a different plain so that you couldn't be disturbed by the outside world unless you specifically knocked on the door and the room knew you.
"Err I'm sorry but there is no way some horny skank like you, who gets her jollies off of watching other people have sex, could have created this room!" Huh so at least i didn't loose my touch he didn't realize i was a succubus- the dude must have some seriously confused soul. I'll have to establish it before he goes demon on me.
"Alright one, i'm not a horny skank, i just have a large sex drive- i believe it's your race that has the horns! Two Don't assume i'm not as smart as you if not smarter because i'm listed as most powerful of the school, Three I'm JESSICA freaking LOVE who the hell do you think you are?!"
He stood there looking at me for a full 15 minutes, before stutering out...
"Jessica Love, the teenage succubus? The 'powerful one'."
"The powerful one? So thats what kids are calling me now adays, i kinda like it."
"This is my room." Oh okay so the jerk didn't learn his lesson.
"Errm no i believe this is my room."
"You weren't listed on the school building for this term, so i still live here for another three months." What the actual fudgecakes? the school can't really rent out my room, but it might be nice to have a roomy...especially seeing as my earlier mood is comming back into play and James seemed to have an awfully yummy looking 6 pack earlier...
"Fine, you can stay here, but i'm staying to."
"What! There's only one bed, and i'm not sleeping with you queen of the whores you'll eat my dick right off!" Okay so James= not that nicer guy. I clicked my fingers and pressed them against a wall concentrating. A new wall formed, drapes made of green satin, a four poster bed that hung with a canapy, another room joing including bath, shower, sink and toilet. The room gently shifting between wooden floors and carpets as i made my decision. I opened my eyes.
"There you go douche you have your own room attatched, just write down any adjustments and i'll be sure to fix your decour as soon as i've woken up from my nap, you take effort."
He was once again stuned as i dropped my towel ,walking naked for a few seconds as pjs formed around my body, and flooped right on into bed.

First day of isn't all play hard ;)

I woke from other peoples dreams, i took a little tour around the head masters fantasy, apparently it involved a very saucy looking flying teacher who repeatedly flashed her moist pussy in a particually windy day. I stretched out my limbs and shed my clothes admiring my naked body in the mirror. I could feel myself moisten and considered sating myself before first lesson but seeing as a succubus orgasm is felt by everyone with in a 30 mile radius and i now had a roomy i didn't think it was a good idea. I decided to go a little bit natural today, you know encourage a positive body image. I enlarged my hips giving myself a larger bum and thinner waist, my breasts become plumper and my eyes now hazel. A part of my mind drifted, i could feel wild emotions flowing through me but i had no idea where they were coming from. Slowly i let myself go and follow this glorious powerful scent. I shut my eyes and put my arms forward floating towards the source, once i felt it surrond me i opened my eyes to look down upon James. His skin was blue but it was concentrated as it reached down to his... omg he was wanking... i couldn't help myself but watch, shifting into my spirit form i became a translucent beauty taking on the form in his eyes as his mate, if he was to open his eyes he would still think he was in a dream. I needed to see more then the rise and fall of the blanket, waving my hand across the sheet it moved slightly to reveal his large member wrapped inside his hand. Gently i pressed my lips upon his unable to resist feeling his orgasm near. when my lips pressed to his rougher ones his eyes burst open..."Jessica mmm that feels so good" he came once again, his jism shooting through my translucent form. He said my name,how is that even possible? Was i so hungry that i lost concentration and he saw my true form? Confused i evapourated into my bedroom and solid form waiting for him to come in and accuse me of sucking out his soul, trust me it wasn't his soul i wanted to suck.....
But no when he came in he was grining, until he saw me "Morning Suuuucker/ubas thanks for the room but when i awoke there was no chocolate on the pillow...Slightly dissapointed in you love, i thought succubus were supposed to be honouring their guests." There was no change, he was acting like his normal douchish self but i was left with this guilt settling in my stomach.When i didn't answer he spoke "Don't suppose you want to open the door so we can go to lessons together, we have the same schedule of advanced classes..." I swiped my hand through the air and the door opened. Changing my clothes as i left i stole a quick glance and James and gathered a list of class mates. There were only 6 of us in advanced classes, although i already knew all there was to the supernaturals, or so i thought, i was un sure as to whether i'd be able to put up with my teachers. James i knew was in my class, but it just so happend Darrius was to and Eliza a mermaid (god knows how she's getting to class) myself of course and two twin vampires called Marshall and Tina elemental based powers.

First lesson---- power,love,accessment and debates.

As soon as we walked through the door of the classroom people gasped, Darrius came over to me and gave me a hug and then proceeded to do the same to James. What the hell?! These guys were friends! URGH!
They took a bench together and i slumbered to the back of the class completly out of my charector. I ignored the stares from my condensed classmates and drew my attention to the large tank for Eliza who was no bigger then my arm but incredibly cute and powerful all the same. The lesson started with a power test, it was like an assult course of your mind, you'd sort through this challenge and whoever succeded fastest would get the highest ranking in class. I stood infront of a cauldron, the teacher Mr Chan was a 'demigod'and as he pressed his hand to my head i delved into facts and problems. Our minds where battling and i kept him out of my darkest fears eventually pushing and reflecting his until he gave, it happend in all of 2 seconds me having beat my own high score. The rest of the class gaped at my time, well all but James who just shrugged his shoulders and lit up his paper in flames before morphing it into a fire horse and setting it free to the school grounds. I have to say i was impressed, a few years ago i had admired the horses and wondered who'd created them, they were truly beautiful.
As i was admiring the horse galoping James has snuck up behind me. "Her name's Lola. Note how her feet don't touch the ground but glide, she is an element of nature a force not to be tampered with or tamed. She feeds on the oxygen around her before eventually she feeds us with her energy, she's my pet of sorts but wild- always willing to help one in need." His pressed his hand to my back and went to pull me from my chair to my next lesson but before he could i felt a burn where he touched me. I cried out in pain and then blacked out.
The nurses office i reconised though the nurse refused to touch me for fear of revealing her secrets, not that i didn't already know them but still. She simply placed a mirror down and tuted. "Seems you tricked a boy a step to far this time miss love, you've not only stolen his cock but his mind too" not his heart, no i don't pull on that i control the hormones. I looked in the mirror to see a small galloping tatoo of Lola where he touched me. Was this a gift or had i stolen it? I was so confused bonding just doesn't happen with a succubus we're not human so we don't, can't, accept love. James isn't all he's letting me think he is. But then again i'm not exactly what i think i am at this point either.


Publication Date: 10-01-2011

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