If God created everything, then did he also create Evil? Is Evil one of Gods creation? Human beings who do not believe in a creator ask this type of question. Yes, they might be right because we see violence increasing, wars are commonly heard, and the inequality of food dispersed around the world. It is proven that Evil is the cause all of this things from happening. If it wasn’t humans wouldn’t suffer from them. Instead they would be happy but that is not the case. Evil for most humans and scientists is another motive not to believe in a creator or God. They all say that if there was God human being the perfect creation wouldn’t die, obtain illnesses, age, and suffer from unhappiness. Then, they say that the bible is not a holy book inspired form God rather written by men while isolated in a cave. That the stories written in the bible are made up and do not benefit mankind in any form. They say evolution is the reason human beings exist and not creation. Even if God exist they ask, why are there so many religions and polytheism beliefs in the world to worship one God? If God is powerful why is hatred, evil, and woe abundant in the world? Why was mankind created or brought into life by birth and then vanished through death? All these questions are made to keep mankind away from God. I believe the original Greek and Hebrew scriptures also known as the bible teaches truth.
The bible a book written by men inspired from God. To illustrate: A businessman might have a secretary write a letter. That letter contains the businessman’s thoughts and instructions. Hence, it is really his letter, not the secretary’s. I believe in that a similar way, the bible contains God’s message, not that of the men who wrote it down. The bible was written over a 1,600-year period. Its writers lived at different times and came from many walks of life. Some were farmers, fisherman, and shepherds. Others were prophets, judges, and kings. The Gospel writer Luke was a doctor. I believe in that the Roman catholic church and other religion branches bible’s were modified for their own convenience from the original Greek and Hebrew scriptures without God‘s approval. The original scriptures were completed in (Patmos) now Sicily in the year C.E. 96. Despite the varied backgrounds of its writers, the bible is harmonious from beginning to end. I believe in that the bible is scientifically accurate. It even contains information that was far ahead of its time. For example, the book of Leviticus contained laws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters and still unknown in Europe during the “Black Death“. At a time when there were wrong ideas about the shape of the earth, the bible referred to it as a circle, or sphere. (Isaiah 40:22) The bible accurately said that the earth ’hands on nothing’ (Job 26:7). Yes, the bible is not a science textbook but when it touches on scientific matters, it is accurate. I believe in that this what we expect of a book from God.
Also, I believe in that the bible is also historically accurate and reliable. The bible contains historical events and numerous prophecies, many of which have already been fulfilled. Consider an example. Through the prophet Isaiah, who lived in the eighth century B.C.E., God foretold that the ancient city of Babylon would be destroyed. (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, 23) Details were given to show just how this would happen. Invading armies would dry up Babylon’s river and march into the city without a battle. That is not all. Isaiah’s prophecy even named the king who would conquer Babylon. His name was Cyrus. (Isaiah 44:27-45:2) In world history class we learned that some 200 years later, on the night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E., an army encamped near Babylon. Who was the commander? A Persian king named Cyrus. The stage was thus set for the fulfillment of an amazing prophecy. Would the army of Cyrus invade Babylon without a battle, as foretold? The Babylonians were holding a festival that night and felt secure behind their massive city walls. Meanwhile, Cyrus cleverly diverted the water of the river that flowed through the city. Soon the water was shallow enough for his men to cross the riverbed and approach the walls of the city. How would Cyrus’ army get past Babylon’s walls? For some reason, on the night the doors to the city were carelessly left open! Regarding Babylon, it was foretold: “she will never be inhabited, nor will she reside for generation after generation. And there the Arab will not pitch his tent, and no shepherds will let their flocks lie down there” (Isaiah 13:20). This prophecy did more than predict a city’s fall. I believe in that the bible showed that Babylon would be desolated permanently. Today everyone can see evidence of the fulfillment of these words. The uninhabited ruins of ancient Babylon-about 50 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq is proof that what God spoke through Isaiah has been fulfilled: “I will sweep her with the broom of annihilation” (Isaiah 14:22,23). The destruction of Babylon is just one example of fulfilled bible prophecy. Other examples include the destruction of ancient Tyre and Assyrian Nineveh cities. (Ezekiel 26:1-5; Zephaniah 2:13-15) The mound is all that is left of the once mighty city of Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria. This is where there once stood the magnificent palaces of mighty kings like Sennacherib and Esarhaddon. When the Babylonians and the Medes destroyed Assyria in 612 BC., the city of Nineveh was utterly destroyed. I believe in that the discovery of this mound is important in the study of the bible, it reveals the promise of God and the fulfillment of His word. Also, Daniel’s prophecy foretold a succession of world empires that would come into power after Babylon. (Daniel 8:5-7, 20-22) These included Mede Persia and Greece. Again, I believe in that this exactly what we expect of a book from God.
From what we have considered, I believe in that it is clear that the bible is truly a unique book. Yet, its value extends far beyond its internal harmony, scientific, and historical accuracy, practical wisdom, and reliable prophecy. The Christian apostle Paul wrote: “The word from God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pieces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). I believe in that reading God’s “word,” or message, in the bible can change our life. Mankind has asked for thousands of years, why are humans so greedy, desirous, and untrustworthy? I believe in that the bible teaches that God answers mankind through Jeremiah: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and it is desperate” (Jeremiah 17:9). Its practical wisdom can help us examine ourselves as never before. We may claim to love God, but how we react to what His inspired Word, the bible, teaches will reveal our true thoughts, even the very intentions of the heart. I believe in that the bible truly is a gift from God. I believe in that the bible is a book that is to be read, studied, and loved. Mankind should show gratitude for this divine gift by continuing to peer into its contents. I believe in that the bible teaches as we do so, we will gain a deep appreciation of God’s purpose for mankind. Its accounts are specific. They include not only the names but also the ancestry of individuals. In contrast to secular historians, who often do not mention the defeats of their own people, bible writers were honest, even recording their own failings and those of their nation. In the bible book of Numbers, for instance, the writer Moses admits his own serious error for which he was severely reproved. (Numbers 20:2-12) I believe in that the bible teaches that God made Moses white down his mistake because if it was to him the human heart would tell him not to do so. Such honesty is rare in other historical accounts but it is found in the bible. It is found in the bible because it is a gift from God. Now, I believe in that the bible teaches that God really cares about mankind, and has a purpose for life.
Have anybody ever noticed the way children ask questions? Many start asking as soon as they learn to speak. With wide, eager eyes, they look up and ask such things as: Why is the sky blue? What are the stars made of? Who taught the birds to sing? It may be hard to answer, but it is not always easy. Even the best answer may lead to yet another question: Why? Children are not the only ones who ask questions. As we grow up, we keep asking. We do this in order to find our way, to learn of dangers that we need to avoid, or to satisfy our curiosity. I believe in that many people seem to stop asking questions, especially the most important ones. At least, they stop searching for answers. These are the questions mankind has stopped searching the answers for: Why do we suffer? How can we cope with life’s anxieties? How can we make our family life happier? What happens to us when we die? Will we ever see our dead ones again? How can we be sure that God will fulfill his promises for the future? These are some of the most important questions mankind can ask. Yet, many people have given up trying to find the answers. Why? Does the bible have the answers? I believe in that some feel that its answers are too hard to understand. Others worry that asking questions could lead to shame or embarrassment. Some decide that such questions are best left to religious leaders and teachers. Very likely a person is interested in getting answers to life’s big questions. No doubt we sometimes wonder: ’what is the purpose of life? Is this life all there is? What is God really like?’ I believe in that the bible teaches that it is good to ask such questions, and it is important that we do not give up until we find satisfying, reliable answers. The famous teacher Jesus Christ said: “keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). If we “keep on searching” for answers to the most important questions, we will find that the search can be very rewarding. (Proverbs 2:1-5) Despite what other people may have told us or we have read, there are answers. I believe in that the bible teaches that we can find them in the bible. The answers are not too hard to understand. Better yet, they bring hope and joy. Also they can help us live a satisfying life right now. To begin, let us consider a question that has troubled many people.
Is God uncaring and hardhearted? I believe in that the bible teaches that the answer is found in God’s book the bible. Many people think that the answer to that question is yes. People ask: ’If God cared,’ they reason, then ’would not the world be a very different place?’ We look around and see a world full of war, hatred, and misery. As individuals, we get sick, we suffer, and we lose loved ones in death. Thus, many say, ’If God cared about us and our problems, would he not prevent such things from happening?’ Worse yet, religious teachers sometimes lead people to think that God is hardhearted. How so? When tragedy strikes, they say that it is God’s will. I believe in that such religious teachers blame God for the bad things that happen because they do not know the answers. Is that the truth about God? What does the bible really teach? I believe in that the bible teaches the truth and answers in the book of James 1:13: “when under trail, let no one say: ’I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” So God is never the source of the wickedness you see in the world around you. (Job 34:10-12) I believe in that the bible teaches that God does not allow bad things to happen, but there is a big difference between allowing something to happen and causing. For example, think about a wise and loving father with a grown son who is still living at home with his parents. When the son becomes rebellious and decides to leave home, his father does not stop him. The son pursues a bad way of life and gets into trouble. Is the father the cause of his son’s problems? No. Similarly, I believe in that the bible teaches that God has not stopped humans when they have chosen to pursue a bad course, but He is not the cause of the problems that have resulted. Surely, then, I believe in that it would be unfair to blame God for all the troubles of mankind. Furthermore, God is holy. (Isaiah 6:3) This means that he is pure and clean. There is no trace of badness in him. So we can trust him completely. That is more than we can say for humans, who sometimes become corrupt. I believe in that even the most honest human in authority often does not have the power to undo the damage that bad people do. God is all powerful. God can and will undo all the effects that wickedness has had on mankind. When God acts, He will do so in a way that will end evil forever! (Psalm 37:9-11) When is God going to this wonderful thing and how does he feel about today’s injustices? I believe in that the bible teaches that God feels bad for the injustices that occur today in modern days.
How does God feel about injustices we face? In the meantime, how does God feel about what is going in the world and in our life? Well, I believe in that the bible teaches that God is “a lover of justice.” (Psalm 37:28) So He cares deeply about what is right and what is wrong. He hates all kinds of injustice. I believe in that the bible teaches that God “felt hurt at his heart” when badness filled the world in times past. (Genesis 6:5, 6) God has not changed. (Malachi 3:6) He still hates to see the suffering that is taking place worldwide and God hates to see people suffer. The bible says: “He cares for you” (Peter 5:7). How can we be sure that God hates to see us suffering? Here is further proof. I believe in that the bible teaches that mankind was made in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26). We thus have good qualities because God has good qualities. For example, does it bother anyone to see innocent people suffer? If we care about such injustices, I believe in that the bible teaches that we can be assured that God feels even more strongly about them. One of the best things about humans is our abilities to love. That also reflects God. The bible teaches that “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) I believe in that we love because God loves. Would love move anyone to end the suffering and the injustice we see in the world? If someone honest had the power to do that, would that person do it? Of course he would! We can be just as sure that God will end suffering and injustice. I believe in that the bible teaches that there are promises that God will do in the feature: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more” (Revelation 21:4). “The lame one will climb up just as a stag does” (Isaiah 35:6). “The eyes of the blind ones will be opened” (Isaiah 35:5). “All those in the memorial tombs will . . . Come out” (John 5:28, 29). “No resident will say: ‘I am sick’ (Isaiah 33:24). “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth” (Psalm 72:16). I believe in that the bible teaches just like God promised Ancient Babylon would never be inhabited and the ruins of south of Baghdad, Iraq prove it. His promises for the feature are reliable and trustworthy. These promises are not mere dreams or idle hopes because God’s promises are sure to come true! In order to put faith in such promises, though, I believe in the bible teaches that we need to know more about the God who has made them.
Also, I believe in that the bible teaches God wants us to know who He is. If someone wants someone to get to know a person, what might that person do? Would that person not tell the other person his name? Does God have a name? Many religions answer that His name is “God” or “Lord.” Those are not personal names. They are titles, just as “king” and “president” are titles. The bible teaches that God has many tittles. “God” and “Lord” are among them. However, I believe in that the bible also teaches that God has a personal name: Jehovah. The bible book Psalms says: “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the most High over all the earth” (King James Version Psalms 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4; 42:8; Exodus 6:2,3; 1 Corinthians 8:5,6; Mathew 6:9,10; John 17:6,26; 5:43; 12:12,13,28). If any bible translation does not contain that name there seem to be two main reasons. First; I believe in that many claim that the name should not be used because the original way to pronounce it is unknown today. Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels. Therefore, no one today can say for sure exactly how people of bible times pronounced YHWH or YAVE. However, should this prevent us from using God’s name? In Bible times, the name Jesus many may have been pronounced Yeshua or possibly Yehoshua, no one can say for certain. Yet, people in over today use different forms of the name Jesus, pronouncing it in the way that is common in their language. They do not hesitate to use the name just because they do not know its first-century pronunciation. Similarly, if we were to travel to a foreign land, we might well find that our own name sounds quite different in another tongue. Hence, uncertainly about the ancient pronunciation of God’s name is no reason for using it. The truth is that God’s name appears thousands of times in ancient bible manuscripts. So God wants us to know His name and to use it. In a sense, I believe in that Jehovah God is using the bible to introduce himself to his creation mankind.
A second reason often for omitting God’s name from the bible involves a long standing tradition of Jews. Many of them hold that God’s name should never be pronounced. I believe in that this belief is evidently based on a misapplication of a bible law that states: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave the one unpunished who takes up his name in a worthless way” (Exodus 20:7). In replacing God’s name with titles, bible translators make a serious mistake. They make God seem remote and impersonal, whereas I believe in that the bible urges humans to cultivate “intimacy with Jehovah.” (Psalm 25:14). Think of an intimate friend. How close would a person really be if he never learned his friend’s name? Similarly, when people can they become truly close to God? Furthermore, I believe in that when people do not use God’s name, they also lack knowledge of its wonderful meaning. What does the divine name mean? God himself explained the meaning of His name to His faithful servant Moses. When Moses asked about God's name, Jehovah replied: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be" (Exodus 3:14). Rotherham's translation renders those words: "I will become whatsoever I please." I believe in that Jehovah God can become whatever is needed in order to fulfill his purposes.
Suppose that a person could become whatever he wanted to become? What would that person do for his friends? If one of them becomes seriously ill, he could become a skilled doctor and perform a cure. If another suffered a financial loss, he could become a wealthy benefactor and come to his rescue. The truth is, though, everyone is limited in what we can become. All of us are. I believe in that as we study the bible, we will be amazed to see how Jehovah becomes whatever is needed in order to fulfill His promises. It pleases Jehovah to use his power (bible) in behalf of those who love him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) These beautiful facets of Jehovah’s personality are lost to those who do not know His name. Clearly, I believe in that the name Jehovah belongs in the bible. Knowing its meaning and using it freely in our worship are powerful aids in drawing closer to our heavenly Father, Jehovah. Now, if Jehovah is creator of all things, why did He create Evil and why does humans age then die? Despite what other people have wrote and told, I believe the real truth of Satan the Devil and Evil is found in the bible.
The origin of Evil is the enemy of Jehovah. The first book of the bible tells of an opposer of god who showed up in the Garden of Eden. He is described as “the serpent,” but he was not a mere animal. The last book of the bible identifies him as “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” He is also called “the original serpent.” (Genesis 3:1; Revelation 12:9) This Powerful angel or invisible spirit creature used a serpent to speak to Eve. Just a skilled person can make it seem that his voice is coming from a nearby doll or dummy. That spirit person had no doubt been present when God prepared the earth for humans. (Job 38:4, 7) Since all of Jehovah’s creations are perfect, however, who made “Evil,” this “Devil,” this “Satan”? Put simply, one of the powerful spirit sons of God turned himself into Satan the Devil. How was this possible? Well, I believe in that today a person who was once decent and honest may become a thief. How could that happen? The person may allow a wrong desire to develop in his heart. If he keeps thinking about it, that wrong desire may become very strong. Then if the opportunity presents itself, he may act upon the bad desire that he has been thinking about. (James 1:13-15) This could happen to anyone that receives a wrong desire and keeps it in his mind because then it conquers the hart.
I believe in the bible teaches that this happened in the case of Satan the Devil who is the definition of Evil. The bible teaches Satan the Devil was once a loving angel that God created. He apparently heard God tell Adam and Eve to have children and to fill the earth with their offspring. (Genesis 1:27, 28) ‘Why, all these humans could worship me rather than God!’ Satan evidently thought. So a wrong desire built up in his heart. Eventually, he took action to deceive Eve by telling her lies about God. (Genesis 3:1-5) I believe in that he thus became a “Devil,” which means “Slander.” At the same time, he became “Satan,” which means “Opposer.” The bible teaches by using lies and trickery, Satan the Devil caused Adam and Eve to disobey God. (Genesis 2:17; 3:6) As a result, they eventually died, as God had said they would if they disobeyed. (Genesis 3:17-19) Since Adam became imperfect when he sinned, all his offspring inherited sin from him. (Romans 5:12) The situation might be illustrated with a pan used for baking bread. If the pan has a dent in it, what happens to each loaf of bread made in the pan? Each loaf has a dent, or an imperfection, in it. Similarly, each human has inherited a “dent” of imperfection from Adam. That is why all humans grow old then die. (Romans 3:23) I believe in that the bible teaches the real reason humans die.
I believe in that the bible teaches that humans once were perfect and did not age then die. God told Adam: “The day you eat from the tree in the middle you will positively die” (Genesis 2:17). The bible teaches when God told Adam he would positively die, it did not mean right away. He sinned therefore became imperfect so he aged then died. I believe in that the bible teaches the truth and this is the only reason human beings age then dies because humans are the offspring’s of Adam and inherited imperfection. God has no blame for humans to age then die, because God promises he will repair the bad sin Adam committed. I believe the bible teaches this is God’s promise he will do in the near feature: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more” (Revelation 21:4). What happens to humans when they die? I believe in that the bible also has the real answer for this question.
This question is what humans have thought about for thousands of years. It is an important question. No mater who we are or where we live, the answers concern each one of us. We try to live as long as possible. Still, we wonder what will happen to us when we die. When our loved ones die, we mourn. Then we may ask: ’what has happened to them? Are they suffering? Are they watching over us? Can we help them? Will we ever see them again?’ I believe in that the world’s religions offer differing answers to these questions because they don’t know the answer. Some teach that if a person lives a good life, the person will go to heaven but if the person lived a bad life, the person will burn in a place of torment. Other religions teach that at death, people pass on to the spirit realm to be with their ancestors. Still other religions teach that dead go to an underworld to be judged and are then reincarnated, or reborn in another body. Scientist teaches when a person dies the spirits energy travels to a living tree. They teach this because they say energy can not be created nor destroyed. I believe in that such science and religions teachings all share one basic, that some part of us survives the death of the physical body. According to almost every religion, past and present, we somehow live on forever with the ability to see, hear, and think. Yet, how can that be? Our senses, along with our thoughts, are all linked to the workings of our brain. I believe in that the bible teaches at that at death, the brain stops working. Our memories, feelings, and senses do not continue to function independently in some mysterious way. They do not survive the destruction of the brain. What really happens at death? I believe in there is a realistic and true answer found only in the bible.
Also, I believe in that the bible teaches what happens at death is no mystery to Jehovah, the Creator of the brain. He knows the truth, and in His word, the bible, He explains the condition of the dead. Death is the opposite of life. The dead do not see or hear or think. (Ecclesiastes 5, 10; Psalm 146:3, 4) Not even one part of us survives the death of the body. I believe in that the bible teaches mankind like Adam and everyone else was made to be a soul, not given one. (Genesis 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:45) We do not posses an immortal soul or spirit. Now, lets emphasis on these two things. First, let us consider the soul. We recall that the bible was originally written mainly in Hebrew and Greek. When writing about the soul bible use two. The bible writers used the Hebrew word ne’phesh or Greek word psy~khe`. These two words occur well over 800 times in the Scriptures, and the New Word Translation consistently renders them “soul.” I believe in that when we examine the way “soul” or “souls” is used in the bible, it becomes evident this word basically refers to first people, second animals, third the life that a person or an animal enjoys. Let us consider some scriptures that present these three different senses. First people, Exodus 16:16 mention instructions given to the Israelites regarding the gathering of manna. They were told: “Pick up some of it . . . according to the number of the souls that each of you has in his tent” (Exodus 16:16). So the amount of manna that was gathered was based upon the number of people in each family. Some other biblical examples of the application of “soul” or “souls” to a person or to people are found at Genesis 46:18; Joshua 11:11; Acts 27:37; and Romans 13:1. Second animals, in the bible’s creation account, God went on to say: ’Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.’ And it came to be so.” (Genesis 1:20, 24) In this passage, fish, domestic animals, and wild beast are all referred to by the same word “souls.” Birds and other animals are called souls at Genesis 9:10; Leviticus 11:46; and Numbers 31:28. Third life as a person is soul. Sometimes the word “soul” means one’s life as a person. Jehovah told Moses: “All the men who were hunting for your soul are dead. “ (Exodus 4:19) What were Moses’ enemies hunting for? They were seeking to take Moses’ life. In these bible passages, the word “soul” clearly refers to life as a person. You will find more examples of this sense of “soul” at 1 Kings 17:17-23; Mathew 10:39; John 15:13; and Acts 22:10. I believe in that a further study of God’s Word will show that nowhere in the entire bible are the terms “immortal” or “everlasting” linked with the word “soul.” Instead, the Scriptures state that soul is mortal, meaning that it dies. (Ezekiel 18:4, 20) Therefore, the bible calls someone who has died simply a “dead soul.” (Leviticus 21:11) I believe in that the bible teaches the truth about the soul and it is mortal. Let’s consider “spirit” of the human.
Second, lets us now consider the bible’s use of the term “spirit.” I believe in that the bible also teaches the truth about the spirit. Some people think that “spirit” is just another word for “soul.” However, that is not the case. The bible makes clear that “spirit” and “soul” refer to two different things. How do they differ? Bible writers used the Hebrew word ru`ach or the Greek word pneu`ma when writing about the “spirit.” I believe in that the Scriptures themselves indicate the meaning of those words. For instance, Psalms 104:29 states: “If you [Jehovah] take away their spirit [ru`ach], they expire, and back to their dust they go.” James 2:26 notes that “the body without spirit [pneu`ma] is dead.” In these verses, then, “spirit” refers to that which gives life to a body. Without spirit, the body is dead. Therefore, in the bible the word ru`ach is translated not only as “spirit” but also as “force,” or life-force. “Spirit” thus refers to an invisible force (the spark of life) that animates all living creatures. The soul and spirit are not the same. The soul is compared to a person. That poor soul suffers. That poor citizen suffers. The word soul is just like the same word as citizen. The spirit is the source of life. I believe in that the bible teaches that the body needs the spirit in much the same way as radio needs electricity, in order to function. To illustrate this further, think of a portable radio. When we put batteries in a portable radio and turn it on, the electricity stored in the batteries brings the radio life, so to speak. Without batteries, however, the radio is dead. So is another kind of radio when it is unplugged from an electric outlet. Similarly, the spirit is the force that brings our body to life. Also, I believe in that like electricity, the spirit has no feelings and cannot think. It is an impersonal force but, without that spirit or life-force our bodies “expire. Then the body back to their dust they go,” as the Psalmist stated. I believe in that when a person dies its life-force is no more. When a battery runs out of energy the battery cell is what is left then is thrown away. The same occurs with a human being when it dies. The body runs out of “spirit” or life-force and it is left with the body that turns back to dust. (Genesis 3:19) I believe in that the bible teaches the truth. Spirit and soul are not the same. Also, spirit and soul are not immortal. These two stop existing when the human being dies. How can we be sure if our love ones that have past away are not suffering? I believe the answer is found in the bible like every other question that mankind has.
Let’s consider what Jesus said about death. Jehovah says through Solomon when a man dies: “his thoughts do perish” (Psalms 146:4). Mankind is mortal and do not survive the death of our body. The life we enjoy is like the flame of a candle. When the flame is put out, it does not go anywhere. It is simply gone. Jesus Christ spoke about the condition of the dead. He did so with regard to Lazarus, a man whom he knew well and who had died, Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest.” The disciples thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was resting in sleep, recovering from illness. They were wrong. Jesus explained: “Lazarus has died” (John 11:11-14). Notice that Jesus Christ compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in burning Hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human nor was his energy transferred to a living tree. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death. (1 Corinthians 15:6) I believe in that the bible teaches the truth when a human being dies. Death is compared to a deep sleep which only Jehovah can wake up. Jehovah woke up Jesus Christ friend Lazarus from this deep sleep or death. Jesus in his prayer just before calling out to Lazarus, he made it clear that Jehovah was the Source of the resurrection. (John 11:41, 42) I believe in that as the Word of God speaks through the bible. Jehovah is not the blame for humans to suffer and age then die. We learn from the bible that mankind age then die because Adam became imperfect when he sinned, all his offspring inherited sin from him. Jehovah will correct this huge problem humans face today. When? If God did not create evil, then why does he let it occur still today in modern days? I believe in that the bible teaches true answers.
When Satan led Adam and Eve into sinning against God in the first book of the bible, he was really leading a rebellion. He was challenging Jehovah’s way of ruling. In effect, Satan was saying: ’God is a bad ruler. He tells lies and holds back good things from his subjects. Humans do not need to have God ruling his subjects. They can decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. They are better off under my ruler ship.’ How would God handle such an insulting challenge? Some think that God should simply have put the rebels to death. Would that have answered Satan’s challenge? Would it have proved that God’s way of ruling is right? I believe in that the bible teaches Jehovah’s perfect sense of justice would not allow him to put the rebels to death right away. He decided that time was needed to answer Satan’s challenge in a satisfying way and to prove that Satan the Devil is a liar. So God determined that he would permit humans to rule themselves for some time under Satan’s influence. We learned in history class that humans have tried all sorts of governments. Some were monarchy, feudal systems, and tribe leader ship. Today, we see all different kinds of government. Some are democracy, republican, communism, and socialist governments. Why Jehovah did that and why he has allowed so much time to pass before settle the suffering we see today? Now, though, it is good to think about this: Were Adam and Eve right to believe Satan, who had never done anything good for them? Was it right for them to believe that Jehovah, who had given them everything they had, is a cruel lair? What would we have done? It is good to think about these questions because each of us faces similar issues today. Yes, I believe the bible teaches we have the opportunity to support Jehovah’s side in answer to Satan’s challenge. We can accept Jehovah as your ruler and help to show that Satan is a liar. (Psalm 73:28; Proverbs 27:11) Sadly, only a few among the billions of people in this world make such a choice. Most of them do not even know the truth about mankind and the purpose for life. I believe in that the bible teaches the truth about mankind’s history of existence and who is really ruling us. This raises an important question; does the bible really teach that Satan the Devil rules this world?
Who rules this world? Jesus never doubted that Satan the Devil is the ruler of this world. In some miraculous way, Satan once showed Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.” Satan then promised Jesus: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me” (Matthew 4:8, 9; Luke 4:5, 6). Think about this. Would that offer have been a temptation to Jesus if Satan was not the ruler of these kingdoms? Jesus did not deny that all these worldly governments were Satan’s. Surely, Jesus would have done that if Satan was not the power behind them. Of course, Jehovah is the almighty God, the creator of the marvelous universe. (Revelation 4:11) Yet, nowhere does the bible say that either Jehovah God or his son Jesus Christ is ruler of this world. In fact, Jesus specifically referred to Satan as “the ruler of this world.” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) The bible even refers to Evil Satan the Devil as “the god of this system of things.” (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4) Regarding this opposer, or Satan, the Christian apostle John wrote: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). So, I believe in that the bible really does prove the Satan is the true ruler of the world we live today in modern days. Further proof that Satan is the influence is the governments we see today. Haman's lives are in stake when their country declares war. The economy falls and the citizen is the one who suffers and has to pay for the expensive war. Wars are everywhere. Most mankind thinks they are worshiping the true God and are confident He approves or lets the wars to happen. The Devil and his Demons are also Gods. Jehovah God warns mankind through Apostle Paul: “For even though there are those who are called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth . . . there is actually to us one God the Father. . . And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him” (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6). I believe in that the bible teaches in order to reach the only true God it is important to mention His name and ask it after his son. Jesus Christ is the only means for our prayers to reach the true God. Let’s not fall into Satan’s trickery. Then blame the real God for all the bad human ruling and suffering. There is further proof that God Jehovah is not the one that causes suffering and his not the one ruling today in modern days.
People of various religions have gone to their religious leaders and teachers to ask why there is so much suffering. Often, the response is that suffering is God’s will and that he long ago determined everything that would ever happen, including tragic events. Many are told God’s ways are mysterious or that he brings death upon people, even children, so he can have them in heaven with him. As we have learned, though, Jehovah God never causes what is bad. I believe in that the bible teaches: “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” (Job 34:10). Does anybody know why people make the mistake of blaming God for all the suffering in the world? In many cases, I believe they blame Almighty God because they think that He is the real ruler of the world. They do not know a simple but important truth that the bible teaches. We learned that the true ruler is Satan the Devil. The bible clearly states: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). When we think about it, does that not make sense? I believe in that the bible teaches Satan the Devil’s world reflects the personality of the invisible spirit creature who is “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) Satan is hateful, deceptive, and cruel. So the world, under his influence, is full of hatred, deceit, and cruelty. That is one reason why there is so much suffering. A second reason why there is so much suffering is that, as discussed, mankind has been imperfect and sinful ever since the rebellion in the Garden of Eden. Sinful humans tend to struggle for dominance, and this result in wars, oppression, and suffering. (Ecclesiastes 4:1) I believe in that the bible teaches Jehovah God warns mankind for allowing them govern themselves through King Solomon: “All this I have seen. . . During the time that man has dominated man to his injury” (Ecclesiastes 8:9). He is allowing mankind govern to proof Satan the Devil that he is a liar. Remember Satan told Jehovah that mankind is better off ruling themselves and under his rule. Well, that’s what we see today in modern days the reflection of his bad influence in the worlds governments. A third reason for suffering is “time and unforeseen occurrences.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) In a world without Jehovah as a protective Ruler, people may suffer because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I believe it is very comforting to know what the bible really teaches because now we know that God does not cause suffering. He is not responsible for the wars, the crimes, the oppression, or even the natural disasters that cause people to suffer. Still, we need to know, why does Jehovah allow all this suffering? If he is the Almighty, he has the power to stop it. Why, then, does he hold back? The loving God that we have come to know must have a good reason. (1 John 4:8) A vital issue is raised.
I believe in that the answer is found in the first book of the bible. To find out why God allows suffering, we need to think back to the time when suffering began. When Satan led Adam and Eve into disobeying Jehovah, an important question was raised. Satan did not call into question Jehovah’s power. Even Satan the Devil knows that there is no limit to Jehovah’s power. Rather, Satan questioned Jehovah’s right to rule. Then by calling God a liar who withholds good from his subjects, Satan charged that Jehovah is a bad ruler. (Genesis 3:2-5) Satan implied that mankind would be better off without God’s Rulership. This was an attack on Jehovah’s sovereignty, His right to rule. I believe in that the bible teaches Adam and Eve rebelled against Jehovah. In effect, they said “We do not need Jehovah as our Ruler. We can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong.” How could Jehovah settle that issue? How could He teach all intelligent creatures that the rebels were wrong and that His way truly is best? Someone might say that God should simply have destroyed the rebels and made a fresh start. I believe in that the bible teaches Jehovah had started His purpose to fill the earth with the offspring of Adam and Eve, and He wanted them to live in an earthly paradise. (Genesis 1:28) Jehovah always fulfills his purposes. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) Besides that, getting rid of the rebels in Eden would not have answered the question that had been raised regarding Jehovah’s right to rule. Let us consider an illustration. Imagine that a teacher is telling his student how to solve a difficult problem. A clever but rebellious student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong. Implying that the teacher is not capable, this rebel insists that he knows a much better way to solve the problem. Some students think that he is right, and they also become rebellious. What would the teacher do? If he throws the rebels out of the class, what will be the effect on the other students? Will they not believe that their fellow student and those who joined him are right? All the other students in the class might lose respect for the teacher, thinking that he is afraid of being proved wrong. Let’s suppose that the teacher allows the rebel to show the class how he would solve the problem.
I believe in that the bible teaches Jehovah has done something similar to what the teacher does. Remember that the rebels in Eden were not the only ones involved. Millions of angels were watching. (Job 38:7; Daniel 7:10) How Jehovah handled the rebellion would greatly affect all those angels and eventually all intelligent creation. So, what has Jehovah done? He has allowed Satan to show how he would rule mankind. (John 12:31) God has also allowed humans to govern themselves under Satan’s guidance. The teacher in our illustration knows that the rebel and the students on his side are wrong. He also knows that allowing them the opportunity to try to prove their point will benefit the whole class. When the rebels fail, all honest students will see that the teacher is the only one qualified to lead the class. They will understand why the teacher thereafter removes any rebels from the class. Similarly, I believe in the bible teaches that Jehovah knows that all honest hearted humans and angels will benefit from seeing that Satan and his fellow rebels have failed. Also those human beings cannot govern themselves. Like Jeremiah of old, they will learn this vital truth: “I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step” (Jeremiah 10:23). I believe in what the bible teaches is very comforting to know the real truth of why mankind cannot rule on their own under and Satan’s gaudiness. Why so long?
Why, though, has Jehovah allowed suffering to go on for so long? Why does Jehovah not prevent bad things from happening? Well, consider two things that the teacher in our illustration would not do. First, he would not stop the rebel student from presenting his case. Second, the teacher would not help the rebel to make his case. Similarly, consider two things that Jehovah has determined not to do. First, he has not stopped Satan and those who side with him from trying to prove that they are right. Allowing time to pass has thus been necessary. In the thousands of years of human history, mankind has been able to try every form of self-rule, or human government. Mankind has made some advances in science and other fields, but injustice, poverty, crime, and war have grown ever worse. I believe in that the bible teaches human rule has now been shown to be a failure. Second, Jehovah has not helped Satan to rule this world. If God were to prevent horrible crimes, for instance, would he not, in effect, be supporting the case of the rebels? Would God not be making people think that perhaps humans can govern themselves without disastrous results? I believe in that the bible teaches if Jehovah God were to act in that way, he would become party to a lie. However, “it is impossible for God to lie.” (Hebrews 6:18) The earth its self is damaged. The ozone layer is broken and that is the cause of global warming. The earth is not producing its vegetation as it was doing in the past. The world is no longer safe to live and enjoy life. Deserts are expanding more and more into once was good land. Both world wars have destroyed most of Europe and lost in their families. Human beings are the main purpose for all of these bad things that have occurred. I believe in that the bible teaches mankind cannot govern itself and under Satan’s gaudiness. What is going to happen to the harm that has been done to the earth and mankind?
What, though, about all the harm that has been done during the long rebellion against God? We do well to remember that Jehovah is almighty. Therefore, He can and will undo the effects of mankind’s suffering. As we have already learned, the ruining of our planet will be undone by the turning of the earth into paradise. I believe in that the scriptures teaches the promises that God will do in the feature found in His word the bible: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more” (Revelation 21:4). “The lame one will climb up just as a stag does” (Isaiah 35:6). “The eyes of the blind ones will be opened” (Isaiah 35:5). “All those in the memorial tombs will . . . Come out” (John 5:28, 29). “No resident will say: ‘I am sick’ (Isaiah 33:24). “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth” (Psalm 72:16). I believe in that the bible teaches just like Jehovah God promised Ancient Babylon would never be inhabited and the ruins of south of Baghdad, Iraq prove it his promises for the feature are reliable and trustworthy. The effects of sin will be removed through faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, and the effects of death will be reversed by means of the resurrection. That was the reason God send His son Jesus Christ to the earth for his sacrifice. His ransom sacrifice is that means of the resurrection of our loved ones that are dead or in the deep sleep. (1 Corinthians 15:20-22; Acts 17:31) God will be revered by means of the resurrection. (Job 17:3; 1 John 5:20) God will thus use Jesus “to break up the works of the Devil.” (1 John 3:8) Death will be destroyed. (1 Corinthians 15:26; Revelations 21:4; 20:14; Isaiah 28:8) Jehovah God will bring all of this about at the right time. Why is Jehovah God going to fix today’s problems at his right time and not now?
God has a legitimate reason to wait for the right time. I believe in that the bible teaches mankind can be glad that Jehovah God has not acted sooner, for his patience has given us the opportunity to learn the truth and to serve him. (2 Peter 3:9, 10) There are still millions of human beings on earth that do not know the truth purpose for mankind. Jehovah God created mankind with free will. If God wanted He could create mankind like robots and would of force human beings to serve Him. Jehovah God knows that mankind would not be happy at all this way. I believe in that the bible teaches we are glad to have the freedom to make choices about what kind of person to become, what course of life to pursue, what friendships to form, and so on. We love to have a measure of freedom, and that is what God wants us to enjoy. Jehovah is not interested in service performed under compulsion. (2 Corinthians 9:7) To illustrate: What would please a parent more, a child’s saying “I love you” because he is told to say it or his saying it freely from the heart? So the question is how will we use the free will that Jehovah has given us? I believe in that the bible teaches Satan the Devil, Adam, and Eve made the worst possible use of free will. They rejected Jehovah God. What will we do? Like mankind in bible times, also today in modern days, have the opportunity to put the marvelous gift of free will to the best possible use. We can join the millions who have taken a stand on Jehovah’s side. I Jaime Ivan Aguilar the author of this I believe essay, took Jehovah’s side. In taking an active part is proving Satan a liar and a miserable failure as a ruler. I believe that the bible teaches Jehovah pegs mankind chose the correct side and says it through King Solomon: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me (Proverbs 27:11). So we have the choice to decide who to follow and worship. Remember Jehovah does not want anything by force. (2 Corinthians 9:7) Meanwhile, God has been actively seeking sincere worshipers and helping them to endure any suffering that may come upon them in this troubled world. (John 4:23; 1 Corinthians 10:13) If Satan’s influence rules this world’s governments when and how would it be removed? I believe in that the bible teaches the truth in how Satan the Devil rule will be removed.
How Satan’s world will be removed. I believe in that the bible teaches Satan the Devil does not desire to kill any body on earth. He knows that if he does Jehovah God has the power to resurrect those souls from death after Armageddon. Instead Satan the Devil ruler of today in modern days makes mankind doubt that the bible teaches the truth over the purpose of human beings. I believe in that Jehovah God warns mankind through Apostle Paul:”among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, which the illumination of the glorious good news about Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through” (2 Corinthians 4:4). I believe in that the bible teaches Satan the Devil's main goal is for mankind to lose faith in that there is only a true God named Jehovah. Jehovah God talks through the bible and says: “And no wonder, for Satan the Devil keeps transforming himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). That is the main reason that there are so many religions and polytheism believes in the world. (2 Corinthians 11:13, 15) With each passing year, the world is becoming more and more dangerous. It is overrun with warring armies, dishonest politicians, hypocritical religions leaders, and hardened criminals. The world as a whole is beyond reform. I believe in that the bible reveals that the time is near when God will eliminate the wicked world during his war of Armageddon. Yes, most of human beings think Armageddon is the end of the earth and mankind. That a huge asteroid will hit earth and destroy the human race. This belief is positively false because the bible says the truth of Armageddon. I believe in that the bible teaches the truth about Armageddon. First, the bible describes Armageddon as God’s war that will end wickedness. (Revelations 16:14-16) Second, God will use His son Jesus Christ to put an end to Satan’s rule. Satan’s rule is today’s violent, corrupt, and dishonest all kinds of governments. (Revelations 19:11-19) Lastly, human beings who never believed in Jehovah God nor Satan the Devil are also victims of Armageddon. God wishes they were either hot or cold because if they are warm God hates them truly the most. (Revelations 3:15,16) God Jehovah wants mankind to be aware of this war because its in the bible and its very near. This upraises to another question, when is Armageddon God’s war coming and how do we know its very near? I believe in that the bible teaches the truth over Armageddon.
Are we living in the last days? In the past mankind thought the world was going to end in the year 2000. Again, hypocrite religious leaders and scientists were wrong. I believe in that the bible teaches the truth about the purpose for the earth. The wicked humans are the ones that are going to be destroyed not the earth. (Revelations 7:9,14) The earth is never going to be destroyed by neither mankind nor an asteroid. Jehovah God made the earth to be permanent or for ever. (Ecclesiastes 1:4; Psalms 104:5) Have we watched the news on the television and wondered; 'What is this world coming to?' Tragic things happen so suddenly and unexpectedly that no human can predict what tomorrow will bring. (James 4:14) However, Jehovah knows what the future holds. (Isaiah 46:10) I believe in that long ago His word, the bible, foretold not only the bad things happening today in modern days but the wonderful things that will occur in the near future. Jesus Christ spoke about the Kingdom of God, which will bring an end to wickedness and make the earth a paradise. (Luke 4:43) Today we want to know when the Kingdom would come. In fact, Jesus' disciples asked him: “what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of this system of things?” (Matthew 24:3). In reply Jesus told them that only Jehovah God knew exactly when the end of this system of things would come. (Matthew24:36) I believe in that the bible teaches Jesus did foretell things that would take place on earth just before the Kingdom would bring true peace and security to mankind. I believe in that what Jesus foretold is now taking place! Let’s examine the evidence that we are living in “the conclusion of the system of things.” Now, let us consider a war that no human could possibly have observed. It took place in the invisible spirit realm, and its outcome affects us. How does the outcome affect us today in modern days? I believe in that the book of Revelations found in the bible teaches truth of this war in heaven.
Jesus Christ became King in heaven in heaven in the year 1914. (Daniel 7:13, 14) I believe in that the bible teaches on the basis of the books of Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, which speak of “a day for a year,” the “seven times” would cover 2,520 years. The 2,520 years began in October 607 B.B.E., when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and the Davidic King was taken off his throne. The period ended in October 1914. During the 19th century, sincere bible student calculated that the waiting period would end in 1914. I believe in that the bible teaches world events that began in 1914 confirm that the calculation of these sincere bible students was correct. Soon after he received Kingdom power, Jesus took action. “War broke out in heaven,” says the bible. “Michael (another name for Jesus) and his angels battled with the dragon (Satan the Devil), and the dragons angels.” Satan and his wicked angels, the demons, lost that war and were cast out of heaven to the earth. God's faithful spirit sons rejoiced that Satan and his demons were gone. Humans, however, would experience no such joy. Instead, I believe in that the bible teaches: “Woe for the earth . . . because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time” (Revelations 12:7, 9, 12). Please lets notice what would result from the war in heaven. In his fury, Satan the Devil would bring woe, or trouble, upon those on earth. As we can see, I believe in that the bible teaches we are now living in that time of woe. However, it will be relatively brief a “short period of time.” Even Satan realizes that. I believe in that the bible teaches and refers to this period as “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1) How glad we can be that God will soon do away with the Devil's influence over the earth! Let us consider some of the things foretold in the bible that are happening right now in modern days. These prove that we are living in the last days and that God's Kingdom will soon bring everlasting blessings to those who love Jehovah. Now, let us examine four features of the sign that Jesus said would mark the time in which we live.
I believe in that the bible teaches mayor developments of the last days. First, “nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom.” (Matthew 24:7) Millions of people have been killed in wars during the past century. The 20th century was the most murderous in recorded history. It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organized armed conflict somewhere. Three times as many people fell victim to war in the 20th century as in all the wars from the first century AD to 1899. More than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914. Even if we know the sorrow of losing one loved one in warfare, we can only imagine such misery and pain multiplied millions of times over. Second, “there will be food shortages.” (Matthew 24:7) Food production has increased greatly during the past 30 years. Nevertheless, food shortages continue because many people do not have enough money to buy food or land on which to raise crops. In developing countries, well over a billion people have to live on an income of a dollar or less a day. The majority of these suffer from chronic hunger. The malnutrition plays a major role in the deaths of more than five million children each year. I believe in that the bible teaches these four developments would happen in the last days.
Third, “there will be great earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11) According to the U.S. Geological Survey since 1990 alone an average of 17 earthquakes per year has been powerful enough to damage buildings and crack the ground. On an average, earthquakes strong enough to cause total destruction of buildings have occurred yearly. Earthquakes have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the last 100 years and improvements in technology have only slightly reduced the death toll. Tsunami's are caused by underground earthquakes and have killed thousands of people in the last 15 years. Lastly, “there will be . . . pestilence.” (Luke 21:11) Despite medical advances, old and new diseases plague mankind. 20 well known diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera have become more common in resent decades. Some types of disease are increasingly difficult to cure by means of drugs. In fact, at least 30 new diseases have appeared. Some of them have no known cure and are fatal like aids and HIV. This four mayor development that we see today in modern times shows the accuracy the bible has. I believe in that the bible teaches foretold long ago that we are living in the last days.
I believe in that the bible also describes the people of the last days. Aside from identifying certain world developments, the bible foretold that the last days would be marked by a change in human society. I believe in that the bible teaches the apostle Paul described what people in general would be like. Apostle Paul says: “in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). I believe in that the bible teaches that the apostle Paul said that people would be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to parents, disloyal, having no natural affection, without self control, fierce, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, and having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. Have people become like that in our community? No doubt they have. There are people everywhere who have bad traits. I believe in that the bible teaches shows that God will soon act, for the bible says: “when the wicked ones sprout as the vegetation and all the practices of what they may be annihilated forever” (Psalms 92:7) The last days are indeed filled with woe, just as the bible foretold. In this troubled world, however, there are positive developments among the worshipers of Jehovah God.
I believe in that the bible also teaches positive developments. “The true knowledge will become abundant,” the bible book of Daniel foretold. When would that happen? I believe that the bible teaches during “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) Especially since 1914, Jehovah God has helped those who truly desire to serve Him to grow in understanding of the bible. I believe in that the bible thought many to have grown in appreciation of precious truths about God's name and purpose, the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the condition of the dead, and the resurrection. Moreover, worshipers of Jehovah have learned how to live their lives in a way that benefits them and brings praise to God. They have also gained a clearer understanding of the role of God's Kingdom and how it will set matters straight on the earth. What do they do with this knowledge? That question brings us to yet another prophecy that is being fulfilled in these last days. I believe in that the bible has the answer to the question. “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth,” said Jesus Christ in his prophecy about “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 24:3, 14) Throughout the earth, the good news of what the kingdom is, what it will do, and how we can receive its blessings is being preached in over 230 lands and in more than 400 languages. There is a positive growth of the true knowledge of the bible.
I believe in that the bible identifies the true Christians. Jehovah God identifies and says: “You are my witnesses . . . even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and have faith in me . . . before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none” (Isaiah 43:10). Today there are true Christians that exist. There are pure Christians because they use the original Greek and Hebrew scriptures without omitting God’s name. Millions of Jehovah's Witnesses zealously preach the Kingdom good news. They come from “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” (Revelations 7:9) The Witnesses conduct free home bible studies with millions of people who want to know what the bible really teaches. I believe in that the bible teaches it is an impressive fulfillment of prophecy, especially since Jesus foretold that true Christians would be “objects of hatred by all people”! (Luke 21:17) Since so many bible prophecies are being fulfilled to day, I believe in that the bible teaches we are living in the last days. After the good news is preached to God Jehovah's satisfaction, “the end” is certain to come. (Matthew 24:14) “The end” or “Armageddon” means the time when God will get rid of wickedness on earth. To destroy all who willfully oppose Him, Jehovah will use Jesus and powerful angels. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) The human beings who never believed in Jehovah God or Satan the Devil are also victims of Armageddon. God wishes they were either hot or cold because if they are warm God hates them truly the most. (Revelations 3:15, 16) I believe the bible teaches truth and that Satan and his demons will no longer mislead the nations. After that, God's Kingdom will shower blessings upon all who submit to its righteous ruler ship. (Revelations 20:1-3; 21:3-5) In conclusion I believe in that the bible is inspired by God and it teaches the truth about the purpose for mankind.
Works Cited
Greek and Hebrew scriptures B.C
Publication Date: 02-15-2010
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